Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, September 27, 1856, Image 1

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    , t _
Presbyterian Banner, Vol. V. No. I.
Presbyterian Advocate, Vol. XV1.11,110. 48.
DAVID McKINNEY, Editor and ProprietO
Original iota rp'.
Summer Song.
[This was furnished in Season. It is not yet
"From brightening fields of ether fair disclosed,
Child of the Sun, refulgent Summer comes."
• Thompson's Seasons.
How sweet is the clime
Of the Summer time,
Where the Winter never•_ comes;
Whore the beauties ne'er fade
In which Nature's arrayed,
Nor the frost nor the bleak - wind numbs.
0, fair is the scene,
Where the groves all green,
Wave ever beneath a bright sky;
Where the gay bird calls
Through her airy hails,
And the zephyrs mild whisper by.
Where the fig entwines
.Lurid clustering vines,
Where flourish the olive and palm ;
Where the orange tree blooms,
And the spice-perfumes.
Are shed out o'er the : fields like balm.
Where mansions peep out
From espaliers about,
In beautiful splendor and pride;
And chariots grand
Roll over the land,
And float gondolas float on the tide.
0, pleasantly tbere,
And with little of care,
Life passes all joyous and , bright;
Ever genial and warm,
Through sunshine and storm,
This clime is the clime of delight.
Pittsburih, 1856.
For the Presbyterian Banner and Adrocate.
Baptism.--No. 1.
We propose to offer a few plain thoughts
on baptism, designed especially for the
youthful readers of the .7340,n,ir ond Advo
cate, This work is the wore necessary at the
present time, as the advocates of immersion
are making very great efforts to propagate
their peculiar views of the subject: First,
I shall consider
It is well known that there is quite a di
versity of opinion and practice among Chris
tians in this respect. The far greater part,
amounting to full nine tenths, of Evangelical
Christians, content themselves with a simple
application of water by pouringor sprinkling,
as the most Scriptural and significant mode. A
large and respectable body, however, styling
,themselves Baptists, insist upon a dipping of
',the whole body under water, as essential to
;:valid baptism. Another body of. Christians,
',not inconsiderable in numbers, strenuously
i maintaba that unless the dipping be three
times repeated, it is no baptism at-all.
I . P. As to the mode,,we regard it as in, itself
` l d very little importance. We cannot for ,a
, moment suppose that the quantity Of water,
lor the action of baptism, can in any wise
:'-effeettb,o state .of. our hearts, or decide our
condition before .God. Very • little evil
i woulii i therefore result from the diversity •of
practice existing, provided that none would
lay any particular stress upon their peculiar
mode. Just so, in the celebration of the
Sacramental Supper ;,different . modes. ofj ad
ministration may be practiced Without
aeriuus detriment tri the interests of religion.
We believe, indeed, that the , usages of our
own Church, in this respect, are truly Scrip
tural and edifying ; and that the participation 1
of a very •small p ation of the elements of
read and wine, at any convenient hour of
the day, if done in the exercise - of faith and
love, is a sufficient compliance with the
`aviour's dying command; Yet, if some
,tber Christian denomination should believe
t their duty to assemble after night, and
t k much larger quantity of the bread, and•
, ink a greater quantity of wine, in reniem
,rance of Christ, than is customary with- us,
t might be said of them that they were in
.rror, indeed, but that their error was com
.aratively harmless, so long as they attached
Sao importance to it. But if, on the con
rary, they should begin to lay great stress
pt-n their peculiarity, making it the prin
cipal and favorite theme of public and pri
ate discussion ; if they should claim to be
he only Christians on earth who render
bedience to Christ's dying injunction ; if
hey shoold ridicule-the idea that the eat
ng of a small crumb of bread and a taste
f wino at noon-day should be deemed a
upper in any sense of the word, and should'
- onsequently affirm that all who follow that
oractiee are without one of the Sacraments,
.nd living in a state of disobedience to
ihrist, dangerous to their souls; if they
.hould, moreover, pronounce all such un
orthy of the fellowship and commun
on of saints ; what would we say
such. Christians? We would say that
eir error, though unimportant; in itself,
d become a mischievous and dangerous
, against which every faithful watchman
°nil r.ound the- alarm. In this we are sus
, ined by the
s expreS§N in a similar case. He regard
.o eireumciaion, under the New Di.pensa- ,
Con, as of no consequence in itself, one way
'.r another, " Neither circumcision availeth
nything, •nor uncireumeieion, but faith,
hien worketh by lea s ~f, Gal. v t 6. Yet,
' hen the Galatians were persanded by false
to attach great importance to that
-rite, as binding upon the Christian Church,
and as necessary to their acceptation with
.God, the Apostle denounced their
.error as
sin eseeediegly dengerous One. he declared
'. bat if they were circumcised with such
views as these. " Christ would profit them
, °all ri LC ;" Gal. v: 2.
i. Let us now apply the foregoing illustra:
tons to the ease in hand. Our Baptist
brethren think it their duty to be baptized
by a total immersion in water. If they
could be content to practice in accordance
with this opinion, attaching no great im
portance to it, and allowing to all others the
;undisturbed enjoyment of their own views
e of duty, little harm would be done. But
.they are not willing to pursue a. course so
oharitable and peaceful. They lay pro
' digioua stress upon immersion. They seek
o magnify its importance on all OCCSSIOPS.
~, . .
Thelie it the most prominent topic in
.stratiens. They value themselves
for ha submitted to immersion, and boast
that th ,re the only baptized believers iu
the lap Al the same time they declaim
against rs as guilty of disbhedience to
Uhristr . herefere in danger of coming
short of .al life. They debar from the
table of t ord all persons, however emi
nent for P C whose baptism 'has not teen
by immersioccounting them unworthy of
their Corn lyn and `fellowship. Thus,
they Place t nof excommunication upon
nine-tenths , Christianmorld ! .
04 4.^-di that this position of our
BaPtiit bret4 must be, attended with
much mleeh i e ' Among the many thou
sands wholistm...l, their instructions, may
there not be mu des who receive the inl.
pression that i ion is the great essen
tial to salvationi„,s. surest passport to
heaven ? Are - under a necessity to
combat positions Ight with so much
danger to souls i
Since, then, ti
upon us, let us in
fairly understood.
insist that the Lord
mended us to be it
ly that •those who
living in open disobei
and as such are not
the table of the Lord
falling short of heavi
join, issue with these 1
Christ has really comml
the duty is so important
is attended with such serf
then there ought to be the
plieit proofs of it in the
' , produce such proofs, if
burden rests upon them,, ,
put us off with . traditions of
the opinions of men. Let
the most positive evidence ft
of God. I care not what the
the Baptist Bible Union may
says the old. Bible?
After all, our Baptist brethren
hat immersion . is not very clew.
Bated in the Scriptures_ This,
indirectly admitted by the great boi
. .
most zealous iminrsionists in our
They are now expending tens of thou:
dollars in getting up, a-new version of 1
We, with such alterations from the old am
make it teach Baptist opinions, clearly, a'
plicitly. What does this mean ? It is
tainly an important;admission on their. in
It proves that in their own opinion the di
of immersion is not plainly taught in
present Scriptures. For if, it be alrem.
'plain there, •why wish to make alterations
But, say our Baptist brethren; " The very
word baptize signifies to immerse, so that
the command to baptize is ,a command to-im
meile." But let them prove this position.
Let them show that baptiie means immerse,
and nothing but immerse. Let them estab
lish it not by their own empty assertion, or
by mere human opinions, bat by the Bible
itself. This it will be easy for them to do,
if their assertion is correct For, happily,
the sense of the word baptize, as used by
the sacred writers, may be tested by any
'reader of the Bible, whether learned or un
For example, let us take. the words of
John the ;Baptist, recorded in Mat. iii : 11,
" I indeed baptize you with , water, but he
(Christ) shall baptize you with the Holy
Ghost and with fire." What did John here
wean by the term baptize? Did he mean
dip or plunge.? Did he intend to say, "he
shall dip or plunge you into the Holy Ghost
and into the fire ?" Common sense answers,
no. Again, let me ask how and when was
this remarkable. prophecy of the Forerunner
fulfilled ? Our _Saviour referred to it just
before the day of Pentecost, when he was
about to ascend to heaven, saying to his
Disciples "that they should not depart from
Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the
Father, which; saith he, ye have heard of
me. For Johntruly baptized with water,
but .ye shall be baptized with the Holy
Ghost not many days hence ;" Acts i : 4, 5.
Accordingly, only a few.days after, at the
Pentecostal feasts this premise of the Father
was literally fulfilled. But how ? Were
the ApostfOs 'dipped or plunged into the
Holy 'Ghost and into k the fire ? Read
whole account 'of th 3 6, transaction in" the
second abnter. of the Acts of the Apos
tles, ari7llll4 verses sixteen and seven
teen, you' will find Peter affirming that
therein was fulfilled the word of the
Lord by the, Prophet Joel, saying, " I will
pour out of my Spirit." Again, I ask, how
were the 'disciples baptized with fire ?
Were they immersed in fire ? No ; but
cloven tongues , like as of fire, sat upon each
of teem. ",
True, some Baptist writers contend that
the disciples were immersed on this occa
sion. And in what ? Why, in wind ! I
am sorry to say that too many of their argu
ments are rather windy than solid; and this
is not more so than some others. But let
us look at the record, Acts ii : 2, "And
suddenly there came a sound from heaven
as of a mighty, rushing wind, and it filled
all the ..mouse where they were sitting."
Here a perceive that there was no wind in
the case, but only a sound ; and the sound
was like ; that of a mighty, rushing wind, and
•the sound filled the house. Thus it appears
• that the argunientof our brethren is nothing
but sound. It ignot even as substantial as
wind. We mayag9rat the Apostle Peter,
on a subsegneWoceitsion .'makes striking
reference to this bliptiicin of the Holy Ghost.
He says, "As I began to speak; the Holy
Ghost fell on them, as it did on at the
beginning. Then remembered I the word
of the Lord; how be said, John indeed b.p
tized with water, but ye shall be baptized
with the Holy Ghost; Acts xi : 15, 16.
Here, then, is an instance of a baptism
without an immersion ; for, according to the
Apostle Peter, the Spirit was pouted Out, or
fell upon the disciples. And it proves, ht.
yontka doubt, that the word baptize, in the
New Testament, does not signify immerse ;
and, of course, the command to baptize is
not a comm an d to immerse.
The idea of immersion in the Holy Ghost
is repugnant to all Scriptural notions of the
subject. The sacred writers every where
`speak of the Holy Spirit as poured out, shed
do*nror feltin g upon the subjects of his
gracious influences. Thus, Paul speaks of
the, "washirk of regeneration, and the're
neiliting of the Holy Ghost," as "Shed on
[we are not immersed in them,] abundantly,
through Jesus Christ."—Tit. iii : 5.. Some
assert that by the washing of regeneration,
is meant, being "born of water ;" and by the
renewing of the 'Holy Ghost, being "._born
of the
,Spirit;" as Christ says, " born of
water and of the Spirit." lt this be true,
it proves conclustvely, that in the Apostolic
age, the water of baptism was shed upon the
subjects. L. N. D.
For the Presbyterian pelaner and Advocate.
Prater and Prejudice.
"Does Mr. MaSon attend the prayer-meet
ing ?" said a visitor from the city to her
friend 7 with whom she was spending a few
weeks in the country.
" No; he does not; and I am, on the
whole, well pleased to have him stay away,"
was the reply.
" On what account?
"Oh, he is such .a pompous man. Every
thing he does seems to be an act of conde
scension to those who axe present. He
would think he put the whole church under
obligations to him, if he were to 'attend the
" Yon are too severe."
" Did you ever see him in company ?"
What impression did he 'make upon
you .
" Well, he seemed a little formal self=
complacent; but what he said
,was very prop
"That Miss GOrdon who called here yes
terday about the Sewing Society, seemed to
be a very good woman."
"Yes. she is a good woman; but she has
some unpleasant • ways about her. I took
a prejudice against her, the first time I saw
her, which I shall bever get over."
"Is she not pleasant in her 'temper?"
"Her temper is pleasant enough, for any
thing I know; hut she is so particular.
Every thing must be done in just such a way;
and if it be not done to suit her, she will, if
possible, do it over again herself."
"I should judge, from her appearance,
that she is very neat and orderly in_her hab
its. But, let me ask you, is it right to have
prejudices against the mernbers of the
church understotid you to say that you
took s prejudice against her the first' time
you saw her. New, Ido not remember any
passage that commands or authorises us to
entertain prejudice against any, much less
iinstthe members of the'body of Christ"
The actions of those with whom we meet,
le some impression upon us, favorable or
Imerable. The character of the in3pres.
depends upon the actions. If a preju
is created, it is by the conduct of the
m concerned. Ido not see that one-is
me for receiving an unfavorable im
'on from actions adapted to' produce
a impression."
Is not the impressiou delihrie'partir
state of mind`of the one receiving
;lion?'OhjS•org add actions make
gut impressions according to the
'we are in. When the heart is
love, an act adapted 'to awa
no effect at all. When the
Mimed with grief, the land
adapted to awaken the hie
of beauty, has no effect up-•
May it not then,
; were in a proper atate, if
with that charity which
which hopeth all things,
take up prejudices, espe
who are members of the
11 I must think that such
would-make:, an-unfa
muld fact in el, rieces,sa.-
against him."
we - have no right'to
is, and f our o . r b ;ev t e for hren
"ee is of the nature
he opposit of .love,
; which' - weought
our being."..,
or less: , subject .
howp we -
1:t •• it ; is, chide
Ln:be .rerni7vecr
retrains un-
•ovcrsy is forced
1 - oints in dispute
Aptist brethren
Christ has corn
and consequent
immersed are
the Saviour,
, to approach
in danger of
then, we
and say, if
'nersion, .if
lent of it
and ex
rs or
- ,ord
Hest ,
on us
that if
they •
we shot
chilly ag;
" Pert
a manner .
vorable imp
rially great
"I must .
entertain prt
:We may see
Christ's sake;
of dislike, and`
which is the AL
" think we al
to prejudice. I
to avoid it altogo
formed, Lion't
so long as 'the persol
" I was much sti
ous man, who said b,
prejudices. I sup)
formed, cannot be
It is to be feared that
ouliarties, slight prejudi
mon , among professing:'
to be feared thaCtimy do .
ly inconsistent such feelit
spirit of love. The carnet,
Christian should be, to keep
state unadapted to the forma
dices, and to pray, them away,
ithey ;.eitu t riatitoanti in the
- .
Fes the Presbyterian Banner and Al
Ashmun Institute.
BRO. McKINNEY :—More than
I was assured by some of the gc
of Pittsburgh, that they felt dec k
ested in the work to which this In;
devoted, and that they would give
aid and comfort to those engaged in
ing it. Let me say to such, and t:o
erslike them, please, read and consider
fully Ecclesiastes ix : 10. We have
forward with the buildings, by the
iof one whose , heart is in
work, until they are now nearly ready
occupancy. We hope to open the first si
sion about,the first of November next.
will soon issue a circular, giving all necessa,
ry information on the subject. In the mean-'
time we kieatly need the prayers and con
tributions of all Wholong for the best inter
ests of the African rabe. One gentleman in
Kentucky, recently sent me $5O for this
school; would that there were many more such. ,
The influence of this race, upon this coun
try, seems , likely to be - most momentous
What shall the Church do in' this crisis r
What shall she do for the - uneducated col
ored man at home? What for the millions
in Africa? What can be done, without au
educated ministry, for the elevation and sal
vation of the et ; ;-es of men any where ?
Without supl i i , fi:9. ;4 ."!. ministry, how can
the Gospel he FP/ -, lia ? how can it be
given to the thousand; Of.
?AA . ..colored people in
this country? Without stidli'a ministry in
Liberia, what will thaeiifiiit Republic do?
The first missionary , , ort:TOr that Repub
lic, so far as the Aiiii Church is con-
corned, origineted. in Pi
was made the central
mission, by the Wester
Society. ' What efforts
for Africa since that de
fallen .
Shall we raise' up nolo *,., " men, who can
endure that climate, to . l . there and`do the
work which the white m. '', = has either failed
to - do, or is attempting ly to do under'
disheartening, if not a ling difficulties ?
We will try ; our plans ' „ laid.; our lines
have been formed; ou irranzeffients are
running to completion `.rapidly,.as our
means and strength will imit. Who will
unite with us in this ent rise!: here are
Christian men and worn n Pittsburgh, to
whom God has given we ; will they com
bine wiih us in this wor ',There are many
such in Western Pennsyl
..,*,will-t,lieren -
courage us ? will they r mit their checks,
or will they give to me , *f I, make them a
hurried visit, or to fifv, J. k. Dickey,
D. D.? YOurseery - truly,
From our London (*respondent.
The Evangelical Alliance al iGlasbrow—A Scottish
Welcome—Glasgow and its Christil:silty—The
Alliance-Platform—.Krum ached and his , Speech
—Past History of, the. Al ante; and its Serrices
L.-The, .Protestant .French iChuiche.3—The Abbe
and the Irreligion of Pran4e---lifr. Arthur's Ad
dress—The General' Aspeet and Results of the
Ccmference--New College . l at , Derry—Rev. Dr.
ilf Crie and the Englisk Presbyterian , College—
Political Summary— Austrian Cruelty—New
Translation of the Bible---IFree Chtirch College
at Glasgow--Continnecl To it in Scotland-4-Ilos
lira, Melrose and Abbotsfor ~
LONDON,' ugust 25, 1856.
I shall commence tbi 'letter' by a refer
ence to the Annual illerence of the
Evangelical Alliance which has just been
bold at Glasgow, arid at which I bad the
pleasure of being present. I arrived, in
deed from the Ililalancli too late to hear
the stirring address of I rummacher, with
whose name and writings-Ainerican Chris
tians ate familiar. I hadlthepleasure, how
ever of hearing and of being introduced to
him last year at Paris; and it, is truly de
lightful to find the author , of," Elijah, the
Tishbite," halo and vigor iis as he was then,
itand to know that be is sti l' a burniqg and a
t '
shinier , light, as one of `t. e Court preachers
in the Capital of Prussial To him, as well
as to English, Irish, Prenph and American
"Christians, the Rev. Norman 31 1 1.,c0d, of the
hstablished Church of Scotland, gave " a
Scottish, and what was better still, a High•
land welcome and what:: was, better than
either, a Cliristiart Welcomp."
Glasgow is indeed a noble •city for its
commerce, but nobler still Yfor its Christian
ity. Men more liberal tot devise and exc.
cute than are many of ito m • rchant princes, I
have. never known. Alt ,:a gh most families
are away, at " the coax," .4 w : ; , , 4., : .::,..,s.ri,„„yet.,
sicillrdaSTVreid'ay,-and. Mgt t a ter milt;
large and deeplpinterested audiences have
listened to the addresses and discussions
arising out of thetusiness of .the Alliance:
Upon the platforrn i aud in the body of the
City Hail, there was azi3pdlY representation
of the various section 7 of the Church of
Christ. Besides Dr. Krurunmeher, was Mr.
Euntze, from Berlin; from Paris came Mr.
W. Monod; from Ireland came Drs. Edgar,
Brown,'Barnett, Urwick," and others; 'from
Loudon and England generally, came! the
Honorable and Rev. Baptist Noel, Rev.
W. Arthur, (Wesleyan,) Rev. J. Jor
dan, .. (Episcopal,) and others; Glasgow,
furnished Drs. Smith,' Ileriderson,'Craik,
and 'Robertson; 'irthile Scotland generally
sent some of ber. ablest amtbest Ministers.
Amongstthese last was, he Rev. John Catrns,
of Berwick-on-Tweed, who is an eminent
German scholar.i -and hi
who .rendered.` -
poreatif service by translating, paragraph by
paragraph, the, noble speech of :Krill:llWe
cher,'of which the following : is a specimen':'
Dn. KRUDINACHER. on beiug 'called upon ; was
received with loud cheering, and,said:—l always
feel ivlaen I am in Scotland, liken, man in a dream.
We think much of you, we speak much of yon,
- we eiMouragelincl excite; and stimulate outselies
,by your example. • When We are'esked, where is
the SPirit of God yet at work upon earth ?we
point to Scotland. 'When thenesertiodheset forth
'that there exist no such communities- air `in'' the
days of the Apostels, we point 't'd 'Scotland,
When the complaint is made, that the seff-sacri
fusing of the early Church 'has expired, we repel
the assertion by pointing to Scotland ; we make
mention of 800 churches erected in a few years on
the grouud of free Christian love. (C,heere.)
When it is maintained to be dangerous for ley
men to take part in ecclesiastical duties, we repel
the aspersions by pointing to Scotland; we point
to your elders, to your deacons ; and this argu
ment constrains our antagonists to hold their
peace. lam not aware but we have held up be
fore our own minds too ideal a piotuee of your
spiritual condition. But it is unquestionable that
it has moved the King' of Prussia chiefly to call
an assembly of your Alliance in his capital, so Its
thereby to- diffuse the same spirit through Ger
many. I said last night, great, difficulties and
anxieties rise up, before us when we entle'pate
the coming meeting-in Berlin; but jet hope pre
vails over anxietY. The opponents of-the-Alliance
are composed of different classes and categories:
There is &party in every respect honorable, but
distinguished, by an extrer addiction to, the
Church. They are to, be,co pared to the Posey
. .
ites in England: A Jesuit, :who mute ' from Bel
giumto Seotland, when be approached the Scot
tish coast, was surrounded by pirates. At this
moment the Jesuit took some papers from his
pocketand tore them into a. thouetied pieces and
thre e w them into the sea, Unfortunately, the
-incl. brought them back again upon the quarter
-ek. Every single piece of paper upon the deck
tsinziocent; but the beLmsman collected the pieces
tether and sent them to the Secretary of Queen
labeth. Re put the pieces artistically
iceording- to their nate al context, and he
' a conspiracy of Sp in' and the Duke of
against Scotland. I like manner, when
nets together the differ nt• pieces of this par
Tarding the minister al, office—the sacra
,..s a continued sacrific —when we put theee
together, s we find by he combination there
spiracy against Pr testantism. The in.
doctrines seem tolerably innocent con
hy themselves ; bu when put together,
Ifttrenaly dangerous. This, party disa-
Nvangelical Alliane ; for it knows the ten
`ie Evangelical Al lance against the Bo
mdencies. Ano her party can 'never
in their own nds the Scotch from
7 their reforme , John Knox.. They
olitical princi , les of Knox, according
, ant was not o be apemantett wor
ds throne; fr m political conserve
therefore, ese shrink from the
forget th in England, , as' well
% the word i received with rever
-Ikt to autho i ties. TI2 ere is anoth
, of exce eat men, in-Germany,
that it is the mission, of the
ever to e broken up into fie - T.
tain a .erpetnal unity. ' This
e Eva geliCal Alliance -bring
ong t em. They are so
eencor of the Dutcla; they
'the Englisb, but they. are
Sc tch. (Great laughter.)
on , sir minds the fact that
Lrk of a pi
y away hie
udice once
Ixcept by
,es of pe
*te corn-
Id it is
v otter
1 the :
in a
1 y
d k
to I
as in .•
aloe, 1
er par
who ai.
German. •
ments, b
party, is .. t
in g in div. .
much airs , o
are tolerab
They mine •
• I
AY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1556.
t of the African
oreign Missionary
•e - not been made
;;.:How many have
the majestic and terrible vigour of Knox will cross
over in every Scotchman.
Professor Martin, of Aberdeen, read an
admirable paper on " CoMmen Objects of
British and Continental Co-operition." Re
ferring to the past history of the Alliance,
he inditated that it had taken important ac
tion on .three matters of, primary interest.
Ist. Popery. Here let me remark, that be
sides bringing out Dr. Wylie's noble Prize
Essay on Popery, the Alliance vas undoubt
edly the, grand instrument- Of the liberation
of the Ma.diat 2d. Infidelity. Pearson's
Prize Essay is one., of tbe evidences of the
services of the Allianee here. This 'book, I
_may add, is now among the standard Pub
licatioes:a 'our London Religions Tract and
Book Society': 3dly. Sabbath Profanation.
The,_,Alliance, asserted*, ite,„‘f the
authority and Rez.Wnal:Obligittionst;f4
the Christian Sabbath, and 'originated - the
publication of several prize essays, foremost of
which was the beadtifal 44 Pearl of. Days," the
production of one of the peasant daughters
of 'Caledonia.
But in addition to these objects, Professor
Martin indicated that a great work was to be
done on the Continent of Europe, where
civil and religious liberty is trampled under
,foot, and where , "public conscience," he
;said, " must be educated in chlinexion with
'faith in him who is the fountain of law.".
In connexion with this stiggestfon,
`Alliance afterwards adopteita series , of resO
.lutions, embodying recommendations
der pecuniary aid to struggling Protestant
churches on, the Continent, which. are as.
lamps kindled in the midst of. ,, Midnight
darkness. Referring to :thiSlOust,'l May
allude to a bobk lately 'published by-a French
Abbe, in which he throws out hints and
suggestions the Pbomish clergy. In his
ingenious and clever volume he represents,
or rather takes for granted, that the lower
classes of the/Freneh people hate the Priest
hood, and that the upper classes are sensual,
selfish and demoraliied. In truth, the moral
and, spiritual condition of France is fright
ful. .
v.Besules religious tracts which are of
course the Abbe's abhorrence, he inentilms
millions of immoral`bOoks, which are in Uni
versal circulation. And thus it comes to
pass, that unless c' the Lord had. left very
small remnant" in the revived French Pro
testant churches and in the resuscitated
Church of tire Waldenses, as well as in some
genuine diseiples and converts whom the
written Word has quickened and enlightened
in the Iberian Peninsula, France, Italy and
Spain would be ripe for destruction and Di
vine judgMent, swift and overwhelming, as.
were Sodom and Gomorrah I
But of all the addresses at' the Alliance,
excepting that of Krummacher, which last
arose out of the propesed aleumenical
Christian Assembly at Berlin, that of the
Rev. W. Arthur, one of the Secretaries of
lions, and and who reeently visited the United
States, was perhaps' the most interesting.
Its subject was the Connexion between an,
Earnest Prosecution of Foreign Missions,
and the Spiritual _Prosperity of Churches
at Home. It was marked by great elo
quence and power, and was highly sugges
tive both of duty and danger in connexion
with the present low state of „religion in_ther
-professing-Church r of, Christ.
Besides points already alluded to, - the
question of the Sabbath; Exeter Hall
Services, (sermons to the masses Of London
there, last Winter and Spring); Interchange
of finistrations between England and
Scotland. (hitherto a rare thing) ; die/aims
of Ireland; the prospects of Christianity
in the .E'ast, (presented by Dr. Blackwood,
late Chaplain at Scutari;) all came under
consideration. Communications also were
read from Dr. Baird, of New York, and Dr.
D'Aubigne, of Geneva. The Rev. James
Sherman, of London, I should have men- '
tinned before, opened the Conference with
. I
an "Annual Address." He was long the
minister of Surrey Chapel, and the sue
cessor of Rowland -Hill, and is • a man of
the genuine catholic,spirit. On the whole,
the Conference was marked by tokens of the
Divine presence, and cannot but have exer
cised a hallowing' and blessed influence in
the cherishing and diffusion ,of the spirit
of fraternallove among the children, of the
one Father and the . one Family.
It may be interesting to some of your
American readers, who look back to Ulster
as their birth-place, to-be informed, that last
week the foundation stone , of a•new Presby
terian College, at Londonderry, was laid by
the Rev. Doctor Brown, in 'presence of a
body of London Aldermen, and other mem
bers of the Irish Society of London, (which
is likely to endow, two Professorships) and,
offive thousand enthusiastic spectators.:
Therels a sum of about £28,000 in bands,
from the, legacy (with accretions) of the late
Mrs Magee; and, with private benefactions,
and the' establishment, by wealtbrlaymen,
of bursaries, there is reason to hope "that
this new College *ill, under the Divine
blessing, increase the power of Evangelical
Presbyterial:dam, not in Ulster alone, bit
also throughout our colonies and the world.
Dr. Brown, (who attended - the Alliance Con
ference) also informs me that intermediate
sphools, the 'Want of which,, as preparatory
Seminaries for students, for College and can
didates for the Presbyterian ministry, is
greatly felt, are' likely to be established ere
long A beginning has been made in his
,own neighborhood'; and he is now engaged
in Scotland in seeking for trained and qual
ified teachers:
Turning to our. English Presbyterian
Chure,h, 1 have the great gratification of
stating, that the- Rev. Doctor Meerie, of
Edinburgh, has definitively accepted the
invitation to the vacant" - Chair of Dogmatic.
Theology in our London College. We trust
that a long career of usefulness is before
him, in this new sphere of labor. He will
commence his course of lectures in Novein
ber next. .
The Isleof Serpents has been evacuated
by the Russians, and liars has been given
up to tbe Turks. The. correspondents of
the London papers are 4 74 '.
y at ' ,‘),,,As
burg, on their „way to '( l4 i , 'r , ,,, , i i
6 10
itself, in preparation ,' '' 9 i ' C 'l l 11g
coronation of'The 'Eiriper r. It ` t % ‘ it:
most brilliant and costly affair. W ; 'el
sent Earl Granville as our Special Anibal
dor, with splendid carriages and, retinue.
Count Morny goes on behalf of France ,with
a eredie, it is said, in the money , sense,
illitnidee; while Prince ESterhazy,isto figure
in his celebrated. diamond=studded and be
jeweled robes—nay; with • the housings of
his horses and carriages glittering with
diamonds! Time will prove whether Alex
ander IL will swerve from the old Muscovite
policy of cunning and aggression, or .not.
Certainly, recent manifestations have shaken
the faith of Europe in the lidribet designs of
Russian diplomatists. Sir Charles Napier,
the old Admiral, has been visiting Cronstadt
and St. Petersburg,; and has been received
with honor. When the warlike Prince
Constantine showed him' over . the fortifica
tions of Crotistadt he asked with ari air 'of
subdued triumph, Why °did' you not come
in ?" the old Admiral -retorted, 44 Why. did
you not come out ?" Suelif collision of wit
and repartee is better any ; day, than the;
broadsides of a fleet, and the*thendering
response of the mighty lortress. ' "We:Pie for the'present; "but who giallSayliew
.-eleng 7 The, king,,-ef Naples.. rushes on' his
doetin; and Austeiau;soldiersVOOther dey,
commanded' by a. Prirrce of the IMperial
House of Ilapsburg,, Shot down an Italian
patriot, llist two sons, and several others, in
cold blood'!They .were ,the, followers 'of
Garibaldi in 1848: The leader was once
the adviser of the Pope ; and now.the
diers of his " Most pious son," Francis
Joseph, have basely murdered innocent
men !, The 'Y'inies• raises a loud cep of in
dignation, and Austria is assured of an awful
day of reckoning
Dr. Cumming has been writing letters in I
the Titnes Strenuously deprecating a new
translation of the Bible. Replies have been
'published; several of them hY , elergYm en of
the Chuech of -England, .who deny Dr.
cm :am b l e s .p.:lalifi A aelens es a critic atika;
inhOlar, to decide on such a subject; and !lip:
ecinsider that a revision, at least, Of the„trans
laiticn~ is'
most necessary and desirable. The
Rev. Francis Barham, of. Bath, in-an inter- ;
eating ; etter, writes as follows :
That. question is, not the relative superiority, of,
our authorized version over any of its subsisting
rivals, but the exPedinoy of a new and jud'ic'ious:
revision of that version, .so as to bring it as near;
the standard of Divine truth ifs -possible. Whilel
I agree with Dr. Cumming, that King Jaime's's'
Bible is, on the whole, admirably executed, he
must, like every, Biblical scholar imthe country,
admit that it contains (especially in the Old Tes
tament) 'a very considerable Dumber of 'acknowl
edged errors , and defects. This fact has been
tamest universally conceded, by those who aro
iompetent to the critical examination of the prig ,
laal Hebrew and Greek. It, is a fact, confirmed
by a multitude of bisfibps 'and leading clergy of
the Church of England, as well as Nonconformist.
Ilivines, who have themselves published amended
versions of many of the, books of the Bible. The
Dames of South, Newoothe, BlayneY, Horsley, and
,Inany other first rate critics, are sufficient to con
?it= my words; and it is notorious Abet half . the,
!abors of the best English expositors of the Bi
ide are spent in attempts to explain texts which
I , ,re lucid enough in the criginal, but which are'
.: , bscure or erroneous in the authorized transla-
I believe, Sir,' the majority of your, best in :
; mined readers will agree with the opinion of the.
lite Dr: Kitto, which is thus expressed in his
Riblical Cyclepo din
IWAyAttioupAtim authorized eversion -is, now
17:inted, 'or rather anew translation from tlie - Her,
`Drew and Greek, based upon it. Since. it 'was
wide, criticism has.brought to light a great mass
f materials, and elevated itself in the esteem of
:he fundamental theologian as an important sci
rs. ace. _Hermeneutics, too, have been cultivated
or as to assume a systematic scientific form.
, ire require, in consequence, a new English ver
'on suited to the present state 'of sacred litera
are. It need scarcely be stated that-King-James's
'Translators have failed to apprehend ,the true
aeanine' in many passagas.
-' In the meantime much may be done with ad
4,antage by-way of farthef preparation for an im
leroved national version.. For instance, an edi
-4 ion of Boothroyd's translation, according to the
rder of Townsend's and Geneste's chronological
rraugement, will be a most acceptable work; for
lloothroyd's version, with' all its detects, is as
• , -reat an improvement on the authorized as that
lias on its predecessiirs.
But yetmore accurate translations of the Scrip
:urns would speedily appear, if Biblical criticism
.could find any just encouragement in England,
yen to the amount necessary to defraY the cost
printing. For want of such encouragement,
Many admirable translations of the books of
V,;eripture (like those of Dr. Mason GOod)'remain
manuscript for many years before they are
'published, and perhaps never, see the light. Yet
cacti versions are of inestimable vaineV if they
ive even a few texts a truer rendering than they
ad heretofore received, and rescue, them from
titre obscurity or error in which 'translations
i ad plunged them. Every such sterling emenda
tion in Biblical criticism remains as a Divine,ora
ale and a precious boon to the Church and the
world . ; and it is by this process' that the way to a
perfect version,is most facilitated, aad the num
lter of mistakes is gradually reduced to a mini
- There is considerable weight in ' these
views.; but the questions artse, Who are to
fae :the re-visors ? Is Parliament to 'appoint
them ? or, Queen Victoria, after the example
of Kingdnmes 1., 'to nominate them,? Are
they te'Poesist Of Cilurchmen only ? or of
Nonconformists, also'? Are they to be Evan
e:elicals only?`'lf of Trinitarians oily, will
not the Unitarians complain ? The practi
cal difficulties in the way, even-of revision,
seem almost insuperable.
The foundatien stone ,of the new Free
Church was laid at. Glasgow, last
week. This Institution originated in the
princely liberality of Dr. Clarke, a physician,
who has already . •given £20,000 toward the
erection, and offers £lO,OOO more on condi
tion that an equal sum is made up by anb
scriptions. Immediately adjoinieg thesite,
there is in-course of erection, a new church
for the congregation of the Rev. doctor;
Buchanan. formerly, of the Tron Charch.
Parish, and the author of -the ” TereYearsi
Conflict," - a work so celebrated-as a-history'
of the struggles which preceded, thedisrop.
tion. This College, and this church,, like
most of the new buildings in' Glasgow,.
-are in the West End district Of the
City, 'and not far from the, beautiful and
spacious . park, which has recently 'been
opened. Although not to, be compered,' in
architectural beauty, to Edinburgh, yet its
public buildirige, and its elegant suburban
villas with its solid stone Mansions make`it.
a' very fine city. The:smoke from its facto
ries and foundries'is the great 'draw-back to
a stranger; but what is black dust to him,
is GOLD dud In, its busy and enterprising
inhabitants. .
And now, Before passing from Scotland,
let me conclude by brief resume of that
portion of my recent tour which weir not!
noticed in 'my last week's_ letter. A. visit to . ,
Roslin Chapel andeastle„ about 'six miles i ter
the South, of . Edinburgh, and to thi? pre
nincts of Haithoroden • Castle, ; , ()bee the')
abode of Dratinend, the poet ane,ilib!
Patriot, who said, "Give me 'the malkillgrof;
a nation's sings; andl shall leave . it 'to others'
toezi . its laws," occupied theigreaterpor
_gen pf-,a ,delightful.Betumer
The carving of .the killaxt3,and roof of:
Paislin Chripel, is :exquisite'and' in 'fine
firekOvaiion, while its tombs, enshrining
Philadelphia, 27 South Tenth Street, below Chestnut.
By Mail, or at the Office, $1.50 per t BEE zßospEcTrfs ,
Delivered in the City, 1.75
[ But Melrose Abbey and Abbotsford, (vis
ited the next day,) were invested with even
t ' greater charm. The Abbey is the finest
and most Completely preserved of any of the
old dwellings of the Monks. Walter Scott
"If thou would'st view fair Melrose right,
• Go visit it by soft moonlight."
But - this was not my good fortune;_ and - the
matter of fact old man who acted as our
guide, boldly asserted that " Sir . Walter had
never been there by
,moonlight himself"
As it was, the lights and shadows of the
hoe:building, viewed from various points,
were most,striking ; while,the long perspec
tiie of, the pointed arches carved pillars,
and the noble windolis, all Conspired, with
the' 'ancient - tondos' , amid the Aerie:marked
spot where the heart bf Robert:'Pe•Bruee
was buried, vividly to recatt a tbe-iteidents of
medieaval superstition , and :the days of mil
itary glory.
Viewing ' the empty niches where once,
stood statues of the , Virgin and the Saints,
we saw how the storm of popular indigna
tion had in a measure here swept away some
of the relies of Romish worship. A carved
motto on, one stone, over which was a figure
of Christ, bore tile words, in Latin, " When
he Came, the shadows passed away." " That
figure,remaining, shows;" says the old guide,
"that had there heed - rib idolatry here, the
Abbey would not have been injured';" but
he added, with true Presbyteriakzeal, " the
Monks were mistaken in thinking-that their
religion ::hail chased away all the darkness."
Abbotsford 'is about three miles from
Melrose.. It is a kind of baronial mansion'
erected, by Sir' Walter Scott, after his own
,plana,,On the Vanks'cif the beantiful Tweed;
and its entrance filled with ancient armor,
and. the flags of old 'border chiefs pendant
from the roof, with a glass casceontaining
Sir Water's suit of clothes , such as he
wore every day at home, with his shoes and
staff, is full of melancholy - interest. And
then to enter that dark study, with its select
bookcases, and the little gallery above, by
which ,the novelist and poet could come and
go from his , own, apartments without inter
ruption from the household—and to Sit in
the chair ivhere "thoughts that breathed,
and words that burned," wore committed to'
'writing, during the long period• of a quarter
of a century's literary labors at least-=this,
with the spacious, library, with, its folios,
its heautiful articles of ;vertu, not forgetting
the little hall, where are to be seen the
swords of a Cla4eilfnime and a Montrose
(both too favorably painted by Scott) and
many other milli:ice of famous men ' • and,
last of all, the drawing room,.with. Sir
..Waltefs portrait, and else : his bust, (by
Ohantrey,) and - fine family pictures of wife
and son, and daughters, al/ dead and gone;
and his race now all but eitinet,--filled me
"with ,rnin&led and "sardness.
That portrait fixed my attention. Bluff
honesty, great penetration, a culminating
head, an eye half quizzical in its expression,
are there. I thought, too, there :was some
sternness in it, and I said so to the venerable
old family follower, (thewife of the aged game
keeper) who showed,us the rooms. :"Well,
sir," she said, ‘" Sir. Walter had too looks;
he cou,ld look cross, but oh, he was kindly,
and was well liked,by everybody I"
What sorrow (not unmingled with a feel
ing of displeasure) fills one's 'mind in such
a seene—in,.remembering that Sir Walter
had little,er no sympathy with Religion and
Liberty—that even in the most brilliant
days of his literary career, be sought not so
much for fame, as to build up an aristocrat
ic fame and house (a project utterly blasted,)
and ,that while he scoffed and, sneered at
Covenanting piety and principle, noir his
only grandchild (the daughter of Mrs.
Lockhart,) a papist; .and her hus
band (Mr Airp,ei. Who' has taren the sur
narn e' cif Scott)dir f a'pervert of 'Popery too
There seemed to` - me something .like
righteons retribution in all this, and I left
the ,place with a depressed spirit. A
shadow was on Abbotsford, `on: its sunny
lawn, ' and on the glittering waters of the
Tweed as Iturned away.- J. W.
P. S. 1 - shall resume these remin
iscences. of my Scottish'tour, next week.
For the Presbyterian BapnerApdAdyrite.
Presbytery of Zanesxpe'•, : ,:
The. Presbytery; of Zanekville nit in Sharon on
the 9th haat., and, was . opened with sysermon by
Rev. James M. Platt,Wont 1: Cot. iii 15:
There mere thirtY members present;, sixteen
ministers and fourteen eiders. ,
The report ' of the 'motors of thelliller Acath
emy 'shows the -Instittition tot be in ailourishing
,Porty:eight .students have been en
rolled the' present term, sixteen of whom -are
studying:for the ministry.
The following resolution was adopted- by the
Resolved, That we have beard; with gratifica
tion, of the prosperity of the Institution ;
of the
increased number of students dtteulg. the 'at: "
year ; and of their diligence' and :pro,grese i'. c,:
various studies of the
,Beminary pur s ued. int i'
'lnstitutiOni and',' we recommend to the fiiends 'of
the Academy throughout our bound et they
make special, effort to secure a.sedlilarißlput
' 'anon of students. ''' ' '',..!;`; 1 ''''4•1,.:.,,.r
' Mr. James Y. McKee, A. 8., of AllegliAllyCo.;.
Pa.,, was elected assistant teacher, in thi:roora of
Mr. E. L. Belden, A. 8., whose engagement e: ,R
-* •
pyres with`the present term. - - , ....:':-i.'-# • x• le.
0 ,,
!....t.. . t -•=,
The-pastoral relation was dissolved:A ; ,„,,, 3t.:',
Rev. John P. Caldwell and. the churches . ''',. ~. "44
tot 4,
and Olive. ' ' , A l lY
Calls from the churches of Salt Creek-" ' ir
Mount Zion were accepted, by Rev., John Reify,
and the necessary arrangements were made for
his initallation. ' f - ' " ,
Rev: 3. P. - Caldwell-was dismissed to the Pres
bytery of Richland ;- and „Rev. Robt. McCulloch
to the Presbytery: of Stockton Cal.
Rev. Win., M. Robinson was elected Stated
Clerk, in place of Rev. J. Caldwell, resigned.
"The Rev. SimuelPhiley, a member Of the Sec
ond Associate Rhformed Presbytery, of Ohich
Rev. Washington Maynard, a.-member of the
'Muskingum Conference of the Methodist Prott f•t
ant Churph,,baying presented the proper teitimo'-
nials x wore duty ieceived, and their names eniollia
as members . of the Presbytery. • These brethi'eli.'
leave , to travel without our bounds till
AhoXext stated meeting, of_ Presbytery.
° ; 1138 ReTilE°l te eh . o; Sabbath at Marietta, - s •
The next stated meeting of PresbYtery 'will be
held at Netiark, en 'the' second Friday of April,
at -2 o'clock- P. M.
Presbyte4 , adjouined, to" meet in , . the Leeture
-Itoom of lke,pirst preebyterian church pfZanes-,
on 'the hird Thursday of _ October,; at 2
ii r olbek War! M. RoilmSon, S. C. ‘.
PoTanizr.—lt is imponailde to diminish ..:`
poverty by the multiplication of goods; for
manage,: ..we.may, misery and. tntgeting`;
will always cleave to the; eVaiiper ,
WHOLE NO. 209•
the ashes of "Earls and belted knights" of
the,, olden time, awaken interest.