Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, November 25, 1873, Image 6

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    Seers, -•nd to make report to the court -as
may ,y • required; such appointments to be
made for any district in a city or County,
upon petition of five citizens, lawful voters
of such election district, setting forth that
such appointment is a ri'asonable precaution
to secnre the purity and fairness of elec.,
floras. Overseers shall be two in number
foran election district, shall be residents
therein, and shall be pennons qualified to
serve upon election boardi, and in each case
luembers of different political parties.—
Whenever the members of an election board
. shall differ in opinion, the overseers, if they
shall be agreed thereon, s'hall decide the
question of difference. !-In appointing over
seers-of election, all the law judges of the
proper court, able to act at the time, shall
concur in the appointments Made. •
SEc. 17. The trial and determination of
' contested elections of elect ts of President
- and Vice President, memorS of the Gene
ral' Assembly, and of al public officers,
whether State, judicial, municipal, or local,
shall be by the courts of law, 'r by one or
- mote of the law judges there f. The Gen
- eral Assembly Shall. by genes t I law, desig
nate the courts and judges by whom the
several classes of election contests shall be
- tried, and regulate the nianner of trial and
• all matters incident thereto; but no such
law assimting jurisdiction, or regulating its
exercise, shall, apply to any contest Busing
out of an el?etion held betore it.; passage.
' , , ki ARTICLE IX.
r.crrioN 1. All tax i es shall he uniform up
on the same class of poocis within the let
• ritorial limits of the authority levying the
lax, and shall he levied and collected under
genlfral laws; but the General Arsembly
may, by general laws, exempt, from !taxa
. tion public property used for public. Pima)
se s , actual places of t elidous worship, rilaces
of burial not held or Usedlor privattno" ow
Sporate profit, and inbtitutions of purel pub
lic charity. .
SEC. 2. All laws exempting property from
taxhair, other than he property above eno
mural shill la; void.
SEC. 3. The po‘‘ or to lati Corporations mot
.Corporate property shall not he surrendered
.Or suspotolud by any contract Or grant to
Mitch the State :UM be a party.
SEc. 4. No debt shall•he created by or on
behalt of the Stale, except to suprily casual
detlciencieS of r ertfliue, tepid invasion, spp
press itrurrection, defend the State in war,
or to pay existing debt, and the debt - crea
ted to supply deficiencies in reptnue shall
'never exceptt in the tip:regale ht any' one
time one taillion of donar.,
, Sec. 5. All laws atrillorizinz the borow•
ingot money by and on hehalf ot the State
shall specify the purpose for \+ hich the mon ,
ey { J s to be used, and the money SO burrowed
shall be used fur the purpose bpeciL,ed and
210 011 5 let.
Sto. G. The credit of the Commonwealth
shall pot be ph:Liget) or loaned to any indi
vidual, company; corporation, or associa
tion. or shall Wei Commonwealth become
a johit owner or stockholder in .rt,y compa
ny, association, or corpnyaliun-
SEC. 7. The general Asiembly shall not
authorize any county, city, borough, town-
ship, or incorporated disttict to become a
stockholder in any,com patty, association, or
corporation, ov to obtain or appropriate
money for or ft) loan its credit to any corpo
ilition, assoe'• lion, institution, or individ
ual. ,
;,F.c. 8. T e debt of anyi , onnty,, city:bor
ough, tout ship, School district, or (Atoll
municipalit.., or incorporated district, ex
cept as hertin provided, shall nol'er exceed
seven par (nnum upon the rt , , , sessi , d value /a
th e taxawe, plop , .ro therein, nor shall any
such municipality 1 , 1. di , : rEet it cur any ne ,•,'
(lan, or inere t-0 i:s iinlohlet ner, , s to an
aIIIOUW. CS.c.,•t diti..• 1(00 I,Cr 't 'MIMI Ilpoll
Sr 'II tiSif•t , Wl.l V.ihrl'ion of pr o p er ty w itt i „ u t
the assent of the electors ihru l• of, at ;0 put,
lic clef Lion, in sneh nuomer es shall he pro
vided by late; but ally c;ly, tile debt, of
Nvlikh now exceed .3 ,uVell per Centlllll of
such assessed valtiation, may be authorized
by law to increase the same three per cent
um in the aggregate at any one. time upon
such valuation.
SEC. 9. The Commonw,caltb - Sliail not as
sume the debt, or any part thereof, of any
,city, county, borough, or township, unless
such debt shall have been contracted to en
able thn State to repel invasion, suppress
domestic insurrection, defend itself in time
of war, or to assist the State in the dis
moo.,p, of any portion of its present indebt
edness. _
..r.c, it. Any county, township, school
district, or mbar municipality incurring any
indebtedness, shall, at or More the time of
so doing, provide for the collection of a:
rnnual- tax sufficient to pay the l interest at
also the principal thereof within thirty years.
SEC. 11. To provide for the payment of
the.present State debt and ony additilnal
debt contracted as aforesaid, the General
Assembly shall continne and maintain the
sinking fund sufficient to p•iy the accruing
interest on such debt, mid hnnu al y to re
„duce the ! principal thereof by a stun not less
than twoO - loindred and Ilfty thousand dol
lars. 'The said sinking fund shall consisy
the ptioeeedslof the sales of the public wor s
or an part thereof, and of the income br
proceeds of the sale of any stocks owned
by the Commonwealth, together with other
funds and resources that May be designated.
by law, and shall be increased from time to
time by assigning to it any-part of -the taxes
or other revenues of the state not required
for the ordinary and current expenses of
government; and unless,in case of war, inn
vasion, or insurrection, no part of the said
sinking fund shall be usf;..d or applied other
wise than in the extinguishment of the pub
lic debt. '
SEC. 12. - The moneys of the State,_ over
and above the necessary reserve, shall he
used in the payment of the debt of the
State, either directly or through the sinking
fund,and the moneysof the sinking fuhd shall
!llrbever be invested in or loaned upon the se
e yof anything except the bonds of the
nited States or of this State.
SEC 13. The moneys held as necessary re
cerve shall be limited by law to the amount
required for current expenses, and shall he
secured and kept, as may be provided by
law. Monthly s.tatelnemls sh a ll be published
Hhilwing the amount of sneh moneys, where
the same are deposited, and Low secured.
SEC. 14. The inaltinl; of profit out of the
public moneys, or tv-ing the s one for any
purpose not authorized by law, by' any odi.
Cer of tine Slate or member or officer of the
General As•embly, shall be a misdemeanor.
and i haill be punklied as may be provided by
law, but part of such puniNtonent shall In•
a disqualification to hold allies for a period
of not less than live Years.
E 14 II C ..1 T 1 0 N .
SEcrrimi I..:lite 0 oral 21.c:sett - My shall
provide forte main, 4mnee and support ur
u thorough i ad; eflleifint. system of public
schools, wh I reht ail , the children ot this
Commonwealth. aboveta I
e age 0 six year -1,
may bo om ed tented, and shall appropriate at
lett..A 011i!traliOn dullar each year for that
SEC. 2. No money raked for the support
of the public seliou,s of the Commonwealth
shall be approprilted to or in-ed for the sup
port of ativ sectallau school.
SEC. 1). 'Women of t.werisy-ono years of
Ago and upwards shall be eligible to any of
fice of control or im.negezneet under the
school laws of this State.
Przerrox 1. The freemen of thin Common
wealth shall be armed, organized, and disci
plined for its defense - When and in such
manner as may be directed by law. The
General Assembly shall provide for main
taining the militia by ftppropriations from
the Treasury of the CtOinnionwealtb, and
may exempt from „military service perpllS
having conscientiohs scruples against bear
ing arms.
PIIIILIC orrlcies.
Sloriou 1. All hfficers w ose selection is
not proFided for in this Constitution shall
be electled or appointed as may be directed
by law.
SEC. 2. No member of Congress from this
State, nor any person holding or exercising
any office or appointment of trust or profit
tinder the United States, shall at the same
• time hold or exercise any office in this State
to which a salary, fees, or perquisites shall
be attached. The General Assembly may
by law declare what offices are incompati
Sm. 8. Any person whoishall fight a duel
or send a challenge for tha purpose r or be
aider_or abettor in fighting a duel, shall NI
deprived of the right of holding any office
of honor or profit ire this State, and may be
olUrwise punished as shall be prescribed
by 4cs.,
&Mott 1. No now county shall
,be estab
-31110 which shall reduce any county to less
Win low hundred squaro miles, or to less
than twenty thousand inhabitants; nor shall
any cofinty be formed of less area, or con
taining a-less population, nor shall any lino
thereof, paSs within ten miles of tho county
pat of tßy . gotutty proposteci bo
COUNTY Orl l lOE'llB.
SECTION 1. 'COO uty }nee ts C.(11
sheriffs, coroners, prothoubttnies, rt
of wille,#corders of deeds, commis,
treasurers ' surveyors, auditors, or 1
lers, clerks of the courts, district atl
and such others :13 may from' time
he establislrd by law; and no:L.]
treasurer sh 01 be eligible,for the te:
sueeeeding,the one for wldelf he
SEC. 2. County officers shall be efected - at
the general elections, and shall ho d their
offices for the term of three yeart l . -, begin
ping ,on She first Monday! of January next
after their election, and until their/ success
ors shall be duly qualified. All ;vacancies
not otherwiseprovided for shall he'filled in
such manner as may be provided/b. law.'
61, - .,c. 3. No person shall be dap *uteri to
any office 'within any county Who .. hall not
have been a citizen and an inhabitant there
in one year next before his appointnlent, if
the county shall have been so long ;erected;
but if itshall hot have been so long erect
ed, then within the limits of the county .1'
counties out of which- it shall hitve been
tacten. -
. S.fo. 4. Prothonotaries, eleiks l , of the
courts, reemders of deeds, register. Of will ,
county mu veyors, and shetiffi sliall k,ee )
their olllees in the county town of She camm
ty in which they respectively shalt' be offi
EEC. sk,The compensation i of co inty offi.
cers shall he regulated by law, and all CORD.
ty (avers who are or may he salatied shall
pay all fees which they may be. a 'ithorized
to receive into the tteasury of th county
or State, as may be directed by law. In
counties containing over one 'bun lred and
fifty thousand inhabitants all coun y officers
shall lie pant by salary, and the - .llary of
any such officer and his clerks, 1 eretofote
paid by tees, shall not exceed the iggregate
at,iunt of fees euriwci during his
etilleeted Iry or for him.
c. O. The Generul Assembly
vidk by law f.lr the su ic6 aceoun
ill Lounty, mhip, and bornug
to %%ell for the fees which nifty to
by theta as for all }Addle or mind/
e)s which may be paid to them.
Sc.L 7. Three county commissi ners and
three county anditors shaft he lected in
each county where such officer a 0 ch,,,.. 1 ,,
in the year one thousand eight iiu dyed and
seventy five, and every third jya . thereaf
ter; and in the election of said ucers each
qualified elector shall vote for DO 'tore than
ruin persons, and the three perso s hat i2g
:he highest number of votes shah be eleet•
ctt. Any casual vacancy in th . 1.: of
county commissioner or county au liter shall
be filled by the Court of Commot Pb .t,.1 Of
the county in which such vacane 511,111 oc•
cur, by the appointment of an ele, for of the
proper county who shall have v,oted fur the
commissioner or auditor whose place is to
be filled..
. • I .
SECTION 1. Cities may be chart
ever a majority of the electors of
or borough having, a population
ten thousand shall vote at any ge l
tion iu favor of the'same.
Sic. 2. No debt shalt heicontra
'Willy incurred by any m
(shin, except in pursuance of an
tion previou,ly made therefor by
eipal guvernment.
- SEC. 3. Every city shall ovate
fund, which sh,lll he inviolably
the pqytnent of its funded debt.
• rr.l.v.vrE co:troit.vrios
Six rttlx 1. .:1!1 exi-ting
f :pocial or ext-Itt-ire Brij ilt•
which a bona 11d organizatio
have token I,ltee and I)tlstut , : t4
in good tail at t limo :
Ids Constitution, Ethall neuft I
SEC. 2. The General Assembl
retnit the forfeiture of the chat
corporation now existing, or alte
the same, or pass any other gene
eial,law for the benefit' of such c,
except upon the condition' that
ration shall thereafter hold its c'
ject to the provisions of-this
SEc. 0. The exe.icise of the lit
nent domain shall never be abri
construed :ac ti - ) I.revent the Gem
blv from takihg the property and
of incorporated companies, land
them to public use, the saute as tl
of individuals; and the eNercise
lice power of the ( State shall
aluidged or so construed as to
porationi to conduct their busira
manner as to infringe the cull i
dtviduals or the general v. ell-hi
State. ,
SEc. 4. In all elections for (.1
managers of a corporation each
shateholdcr illy cast the whole
his votes for ,lone candidate, o
them upon two or more candit
may prefer.
SEc. a l l No f.ireign corpuratlo
any business in MS State with
one or me re known places of bu
an authorized agent or agents in
upon whom process ma` be sery
SEc. 6. No corporation shat
any business othdr than that e
thorized in its charter, nor shall
hold any real estate, except sue
necessary and propbr for its legi
ness. z
Sac. 7. No corporation hall Isue stocks
or bonds except• for money, labor done, or
money or property actually retleived; and
all fictitious increase of stock or indebted
ne=s shall be voip. The stock and, indebt
ednei.s of corporations shall not ,be increazed
except in pursuance of general law, nor
‘‘ithout consent of the persons holding the
larger amount in value of the stck first ob
tained at a meeting to be Veld after sixty
i .)
days' notice given in pursuance f law.
SEC. 8. Municipal and other c rporations
and Milk iduals invested with the privilege
of taking private property furl public use
shall make just compensation f - tr property
taken, ininted, or destroyed by tl c construc
tion or enlargmlent of their w 1 ks, high
ways, or improvements, whicl compensa
tion shall be paid or secured efure such
taking, injury,, or destruction. The Gene
ral Assetialy is hereby prohibit d from de l
priving any person of azt, apnea front any
Preliminary assessmene of datualges against
any such corporations ur individuals, made
Iby viewers or otherwise; and Ili t amount f
such damages, in all, cases of appeal, shat ,
on the demand of either part , be dew..
mined by a jury according to th course of
the commOn law.
Site. 9 Every banking law 61111 provide
/ 0
fur the regi..try and cuuntersig ring liy an
ollicer;of the Stnte, of - all notes r bills de
signed for cirenlation, and that unple secu
rity to Me fall amount thereof s tall be de
posited with the Auditor (letter& 1 for the lie
demption of such notes or bilk.:
SEC. 10. The 6 encr,il r ‘s-eudd'y shall have
the power to alter, ievolie, or annul any
charter of incorpoiatiod now exi4ting and
!evocable at the adoption of this Cuostitn
tion, cr any that may hereafter pe,creatcd,
whenever in tl - ,cir cpthion it may be hilari
ous to the citizens of this CompOnwealth,
in such manner, however, that no injuvice
shall be done to the corporator?. :No law
hereafter enacted shall create, renew, or ex
tend thw charter of more than 0 .13 corpora.
Lion. •
SEC. 11. No' corporate bod to possess
banking and discounting privileges shall be
created or organized in pupsu: rice of any
law without three month's' pre ious public
notice at the place of the inten led location
of the intention to apply for sue privileges,
in such manner as shall' be pr scribed by
law, nor shall a charier for such pri‘ilege
be granted for a longer period t au twenty
SEC. 12. Any association or
oreanized for the purpose, or •
ual, shall have the right to co
maintain lines of telegraph
State, and to connect the sane
lines; and the General Assemb
general law of uniform operati
reasonable regulations to give f
this section. No telegraph cot
consolidate with or hold a cent
rest in the stock or bonds of an
gra? company owping \ri con
or .t cquire, by purchase di' oth
oth .r competing line of telegrapi
SEC. 13. The term • " corpo
used in this article, shall be con
4ludo all joint stock companies
tions laving any of the powers
of corporations not possessed by
or rartnerships.' .
nandioans asncant.s.
Ei E cnos f. .1). railroads and canals
highways, and all railroad and canal coral'
common carriers. Any association or ci
genital tor the purpose shall have the
squat and operate a railroad betwee
tn, this State and to connect at the St,
roads of other States. Every rattrap
barn the right with its road to inters ,
or cross any other railroad, and
transport ea T the others ' passenv
cars, leaded° empty, without delay
SZCI. 2., gye y railroad and canal t
iced in this state shall maintain
where transfers of its stook shall In
its hooks shall be kept for inspectivi
Cr or creditor of such corporation.
recorded the amount of capital eV.
paid ,p, t i 4 bl WEaStal• MINIX Of
stock and the amount owned by them;respeetdvely,
the transfers of said atc , c)r, and the names cud pianos
of realdemat or its utdcers. - , •
- lire-. 3 all inuividtfals, Sattoclationa, and eornorth
Huns shall have equal right to have pervous and prof,-
erty transported over raiirestd , and canals. and no un
duo or unreasonable disernignatloh altall he - roaPe in
cliorgeS for or in facilities for tr-in-pultation of frelato
or passongera within the,Blate, or ototung horn or geili , g,
to any. other 8(4 te, rers•itir and :pi overly Vaunt,. mt.
ed titer any railroad Slain be deita - sred at any ameba,
at charges rug - exceeding the charges for ininapKirtm
tun of persons and property or the same class lit the
same direction to any merit distant- and:tali, but ex
cursion end commutation title:TA may be issued at
special rates.' -
18r..e, 4. No railroad, =nal, or other corporaten, or
tho hawse, piarcluiseitia or managers of any railroad
or eatial corlaaration, shall tauteolletite the attack. pro ) ,- _
erty, or franchises or such eorpolatiott with, or leans.
or purchase the worka or franchises of, or in any way,
control anti titer railroad or canal cm-potation uwaring
or having under its control a parallel or competing
Ilue,, ,or shalt any ofileer of such railroad or curial:
curl) ration act as an officer of auy other 'AMOR(' tar
Catla corporation 'owning or having the control of a
pond, el or competing line, and the question Whether
railroads or canals are parallel or reinitiating lirmet
slitf.fihon demanded by the party complainant, be
dealt ed by a jury as to other civil issues.
rol:.1. O. No incorporated company doing the busi
ness of a-common carrier shall, directly or indirectly,
' prosecute or engage in mining or manufacturing ar
ticles for transportation over its works, Our *hail i.uch
.company, * cilrectly ur indirectly, engage in any other
husinese thuti that of common carriers, or bold or tic
quire lands. freehold or leasehold, directly or inati-
rectly, except such as shall be necesaary for carrying
on its business; but any mining or manula• timing
company mac carry tho products of its Lanes uucl
inanatactmics on its railroad or canal nut eat:oath:lig
fifty miles in length.
rice. G. No president, director, officer, agent, er em
ployea tat any railroad or email company shall be M
um-esti:ft, directly or indirectly. in too furnishing of
material or supplies to hitch company, or an the bust
nest. of transp rtatlon as a common carrier of It en.ht
or paasengeis over the ii omit owned, leased, controlled
or it orhed by Buell company.
iir.c. '7. No .11in:6min:ohm in charges or facilitios for
traitapurMtiou shalt be ni-de between tiansportation
companies and inclividuala, or in favor ol either, by
abatement, drawback, or otherwise, and no null °ad
or canal company. or • any 1. asee s manager, or em
ployee then of. shall inithe any in cfet alga a In furniah
mg ems Or lititive power.
, tire. 8. No milt-mid, 1 uilway or other transportation
company shall giant ace metier; or passes at a data
count, to any persona except °dicers or employees 01
the company.
:vac. it. No street passenger railway ahull he con
"mimed within the limits of any city, borough or
township without the consent ot its local finnan ires.
SE.. lU., No taiir..ad, I . inat or other tz ansportabon
company. in existence at the time of the acloptain of
this at Le.lo, slain bate the benefit of any future. lt•gis
,atiou by g, nerm or special law-, ex. *l. on condition
of complete tua. epitome o: all the provisions of this
i nsist of
;urn( .18,
1 10 i
.hall pro-
Wilily (A
pal 111011
JEC. 11. The existing powers and tint es of the An
a..r tleoerai ra:h nod other
nospoitation coinpanies, tscel.t. ante their • itel.ol/1/18,
traiislerrest to the Seereiary of Inteinal
Antis, who 141411 have a genoi al supervision over
them, subleet to sib regulationa and alterations as
shah be prodded by law; and in addition to the an
nual repornittow required to he made, said Secretary
mar requirelspecial repot ta.ut auv time. upon any sub.
'eel relutinis to the bualneas of said companies from
any olDcer-or °dicers thereof.
tiEc. 12. The General Assembly shall enforce by ap.
propriate legislation the provisions of this article.
i3l-.CTION 1. Any amendment or amcndmenta to 'his
cenatuntion may be proposed in the Senate or House
of' Itearesentatives and the same shall be agreed to
by a majority' of the members elected to each house.
such proposed amendment Or-' amendments shall I o
entered on their journalti, with, i tha yeas and bays
taken-thereon, and the Secretaty of the Common
wealth shall cause the same to be published three
mouths before the net general election in at loast two
nett spapers iu every cou..ty in svbiala such newspapers
shall inn pohlishca; and it', in the General Assembly
next atolls liras clew n, such proposed amendment or
amendments shall be agteed to a majority of the
members elected to ouch house ; the Secretary of the
Commonwealth shall cause the same again to be tailt
balled In the mariner aforesaid, and such propovil
amendment or amendments shah bo submitted to the
gnnitlied electors of the State in such manner, and at
:inch tune. at least three months alter being so ayYeed
to by the two houses. as 11.10 (if-fleet/I Assembly shall
ptesetibei mod if such amendment or umenduieuts
shah be emirs); ed by a majatity of ribme voting thei
on. aura amendment or 1111.101.1111110:1IS shall bessinlo
pai 1 of the CollStIllIti.P11; LI/I 110 V.lllollthuCilt or amend
%Lehi4 allali Ln bilb intact tqteut..t. ttt.ln Once All ti
hen t.,:0 or mans amendments shad he aab
mltte.l they shall bo voted upon separateiy.
Ted when
any town
•f at least
neral elee-
cted or Ha
1 comptis
the mum
a sinking
let.igtld Jut
That 116 inConroMenon r.,:.}• from the otian,toq iu
Ilan 1'0.14116a:011 ol 1110 C. , :iIM.)IIM. La:ill, nud in 0
t ry too b rmm• into coinpkto oia,ratnoi, it is
3, oigynnt
ph ill no
r 11:tve uc
her, I , yd-c at , a th•t:
this I. ThIS c(,:1-4,01tinn shall ta'Ne effe..,t on I
t1:1% .lil./.11 , 11y. in the y,•ar one tli ,, ubaNd p
httu.tu•d 80(l SeVvnif-S„•Ir, 1, 1 all pUrvose.i nut 0114.
p 0%1 .1 for thi., in.
r"cc.. i All law-, 1r) User Lt th:s - connnouwealtl,
the tune of the a Copt on 4sl
tee„sita elit Oleo ew d il. Seed .L.l i i,Mt s, act+ e diet, prOSr ell -
twres and cemtrects. shall continue ss 11 - this cum.ti
tution 'rid , of been .adopt d.
bt.c. :1 At the gem, at election In the 5 - tars one
thousand eight Intintred and see, nty-tour and eme
tlion,:uhl eight lon:red and SEA oLity-tiva 8 ,ate,,,,t .,
shall be elected in ail elislre, la where there shall lit—
vaeaucies. Those elected in the year one thqustucl
eight hunt-cd and seventy-tints shall serve for tao
years. and tho e elected in toe year ono thousand
eight hutment, ' and sect:llo-15%e 81101 serve lor . cnt,
year. :.-enator. now eleettd, and thawwit .se t-tins
'LI , iiiteXPireil. hail V.preseht tho di-tricts in witicit
Mey teAul.• until tee end of the ternas fur which they
were elect:d. -
g shall not
ter of any
or amend
.81 or Spe
inch corpo- ,
tatter sub
,ht of end
iged or so
,itil -'sem
i franchises
1 subjecting
lic property
of the po
never be
lama CM'
.s in such
iglus or in
! .
i ang, of the
81:c. •4. At the general election in the year one thou
sand eig , d. Inuntrod and seventv-six, Seuatols ahall be
elected from the oven numbertid dish lets to nerve for
two years, and trim odd muntic,rod diatticts to ner ve
tor tour years.
zinc. 5. the first election of Governor under this
constitution shall be at the general election in the
year one theusandplght hundred and seveuty-tive:
hon a Governor stfall be eleeted for three years; ail
the term of the tiovernur e:octed in the year one thou,
stud eight hundred /11111 su.enty-eight and of those
thereafter elected shall be fiir four years, 'lwo' ding to
the provisions of this t lenostittition.
SEC .At the gone eleotion in the year one thou
sand eight hundred seventy-four a 41oUteunnt
Governor shall be ele ted according to the provisions
of this constitution. .
'irectors oY
nember or
all inber, of
• distribpte
ates, mi l l lie
shall do
ut having
•ihess, and
the same,
7. The secretary of Internal Affairs shall bo
elected at the first general election after the adoption
of this constitution; and when the said officer shall
be duly elected and qualified, tho office or Surveyor
ueneraf shalt pp abolished. and the surveyor General•
to office afthe time of the adoption of this meal tu.
Lion shun &mantle iu office until the expiration of the'
term for which he was elected.
SF.o. 8. Wh• , n the Sup.•iiut94n4ent of Public to
strueil .0 shall be duly quflitlell, the taco of super
lutendent of orrualoa ocuout. shall cease.
engage in
prtsly [M
it take or
as may be
'Mate busi-
HEC. O. Nothin4 e:oniained in this conhtitution shall
bo construed to rquder any pergon now holding tiny
Stilt; vflive for u terra inolliible for re
election tit the t•nti of such term,
SEC. 10. The judges of the- supremo Court in °Mee
when this constitution shall take effect shall continue
until their commissinna sevetally expire. Two judg•
es iu addition to the milliner now composingDae said
court shall be elected et the first general eletition uf
ter the adoption of this constitution.
Sec. IL Ail coin to of record and all existing courts
which are not specified lu this constitutbin shall Con
t 11111.• iu existence until the first day et' Deccmbar. in
the year one thousand eight nundred and seg.-My-Bre,
without abridgment of their present jurisdiction, but
to longer. Tee Cow tof First Criminal Jurisdiction
fur the counties of Schuylkill, Lebanon and Dauphin
is hereby abolished; unit all causes and proceedings
pending therein in the county of Schuylkill shall be
tried and disposed of in the Courts of Oyer. and Ter
miner and Quarter Sessions of the iteace_of said county.
Sac. 11 The rimistefie courts now in existence shall
be abolished on the brat day of Jaunary next succeed
ing the adoption of this constitution.
Sr.u.l3. The General ,k , sembty sleilhat the nextaea
siou after the adoption 01 this constitotimi, designate
the syrentljudicial districts as required by this consti
tution. The jitclges in commission omen such desig-
nation shall be made shall continue durum their tin- -
expired toms jud2es of the, new districts in which
they reside. But when there shall be two judges re
siding in the came district, the president judge shall
el-ct to which district he shall be assigned; and the
additional law judge shall be assigned to the other
district. '
SEC. it. Tho General ,assembly shall,at the next sue-•
curling session aftsiqesch deceuni4l crnuua, and lint
eiteher, design rte the several judicial alstticts as re
quired by
tiq.c. 15.
reourd uc
this ems+
til the t.
(lout Judi
for the 001
as u jade, .omen Pieae of Schny
kill count t. - irm of his office.
nc. 16. _ 101 l of the term of any
president Piens in com
mis-tun at the adoption of thlisconstitutou. the jnilite
of such court learaethin late:tart tildeqtin con/Mis
sion be the preitident judge thereof and when tuo
or morn jucl.tes ate a erred at toe barite time in any ju
dicial district, they :shah decide by I , t Which shah be
prt enleut juilke; when the lac sident judge of
cow t shall tie ri-elected he small i ontinue to be pres
ident judge of th. 4 conit. Assoe.ate judges. net
learned in the elected after the adoption of
eon/fit/to atm, shad bocommissu:onect to bold their oat
ces for the term of five year. Loin. the fuldt clay' of
Jumicry next atter their elecalun.
Sr.c. 17. 'the Genera' Assembly at the first sesalet.
aft.r the adopaon of th-econittitution shall fix and de
turraiLie the compensation of the judges of the Su
preme Court and of the jinlgrs of the several judicial
districts of the OlOttlolllVeli 1/1. 8.1111 the pr-'visions
the aiteenth s,ation otone article on Ltgislation shall
net be deem. inconsistent herewith. Nothing con
tained in this constitution shall be h• Id to reduce t
compensation now paid to any late judge of this Com
monwealth now in commiss.on.
arc. IS, 'I he CuU. toot Conatoon Pleas in the counties
of Phtladelhia end Allegheny shall he composed of
the preside t judges of tue District Court and Court
of Common i•tess of said counties until their °faces
shall tcverally end, and of such other Judges as way
from time to time be n•lectad. • •
For the purpose Of drat organization - in Philadelphia
the judges of the Court 'Emm/2r one shall be Judges
Allison, Pierce and Paxson; or the Court numbfir two,
Judges Hare, Mitchell and one other judge to be elec.
ted; of the Monet number three, Judges Ludldw, Fin
letter and Lind. and of the Court number four, Judges
Thayer. Briggs and one other judge to be elected.
The judge IVA named shall be the president judge.
of sold courts rcapectiviAy, and thereafter the presi
dent judge shag be the judge oldest in commission;•
but any prei,i&lit judge re-elettedin the same court
or disniot dll2ll to be president judge theret. f.
The additional judges for Courts numbers two and
four shall be voted fur and elected at the first genet al
election after the adoption of this constitution in the
same manner as the two addithmal judges of the Eiu-
Kerne Court, and they shall deckle by lot to which
court they shall belong. Their term of - office shall
commence on the first Monday of January, in the
year ono thousand eight hundred and seventy-five.
iinc. 19. In the county of Allegheny, fertile purpose
of first organization wider this constitution, thojUdges
of the Court of Common Picas at the time of the adop
tion of this Constitution shall be the judges of the
Court number one, and the judges of -the District
Court at the same date shall be the jut gee of the
Common Pleas number two,
The president judge of the Common PI as and Dis•
triet Courts shalt be president judges of "said Courts
number one and two respoellrely until their Mikes
shall end; and thereafter the judge oldest in commis
ston.shall be president judge ; but may preeident judge
rh.elected in the saute court oz district shall continue
to be president judge thereof. '
Qxo, $O. The organization of the Courts of Common
Pleaii, under this constitution. for the counties of plait.
aftelphia and silleghony, shall take effect on the Ifiret
Monday el January, one thousand eight hundre4 and
seventy-Ace; and existing courts in said counties shell
continue with.their present powers and jurlsdictton
until that date; but no new suits shall be bastihatetfir;
the Courts of Nisi k'rlus after the adoption of this Chri
sti tution. •
! ny
strunt and
within bi this
with othei•
, y shall, by
In; provide
11 effect to
pany shall
oiling into
other tele
teting line,
rwtse, any
. -
'talons," as
trued to in
lox assoela
,r privileges
11 be pub/10
anleu stoat be
rpuidion or.
right to con.
' b.o
or. 1 1
SEC. 21. The onuses and proceedings pending in the
Court of NMI Prins, Corot of Common Pleas, and Dla
trict Coutt in Philadelphia shall be tried and disposed
of in the Court of Common Pleas. The records and
dockets of said courts shall Irti tratilifetred to the pro•
A 44914011 441201021 MX*
tho Law of any conrt of
force a I Ile, neloptiOn of
Leirycapeetive oftfeCet i
a for uhich th.-y were
oliccessiirs 8111,11 be Clay
eennyt -awn the vrtat
at Crinatual Jurhvliction
Lebauuu aval Dauphln
• Bx.. M. This causes and•protteedluga psnding int .-
Cent • of Common i'leas lu the county ,of Allegim! -
shell Je tried slid, disr,on‘d of iti the .court taunt
oat:: and the t'iluti , s Lod pt•txierklings tiettUing ia-
Taste et t,onit shall be tried and claseastd of'.ia-0.4,.
. .
alit:ohm TWO.
i 'er C ‘
. .B'o, 01. Tim protheriaery of to t.. artof . a cat,tne
Plea of Philadelphia sintil bd litst , oppoil , ted,..hy ti ,
indgt s of said wait on the ffilst AtOndity of Deeemb,
in tit year one thousand eight Mit:tired end tieveriti.
aye; a „,l t h,„ 'T o. to. p,,,thcuotary urine said pitnil.,t
Cour in euid county shall Le , the Piothottofary Of it,
said 'Ourt of Curanon Piens ntittl said date, 'whet V.
coin lesion Shull ezpire. and the present Clerk t:f
Coat of Oyer and 'ecrintuer and Qnarter . ke;asiOns
the eace in Vhilatielidita. ehral he the choir. ot, sue ,
own until tho expiration of his present conunik,M4.. I
on Ht e first :11miday of IVannber in the year Mii .
tilde and eight hundted anti seventy' five., ~ (.., - ; i.,
itiF. 2t. In cities containing °ter Buy t4ovsa t o i l t. ,
beta unto (except Philadelphia, nil aide:triers its caste..
attire - time of the adoption ot this.constilittion , shail,
coat nue iu office until the expiration of their cousins:
alone', and at the.election. for city and . award Ofticers Ili
the :,earpne thousand eight hundred and seVetlY-ftve
- one
derman shall be elected in each' Ward, by provi
ded n this constitution. , - ...,zl, ~
• 8 .2r lu Philittl9lpltia magistrates in lieu of alder ,
'MID Siltlii be chosen as It qnired ./1 tills 11)11Ft11.11t1 , '11 it;
the leeti..tk in said city for city and ward officers to
theear one thousand eight hunched and seventy-nye;
them term of oftl .e shall commence on the first Monday
of April succeeding their election.
The term of office of aldermen in said city, holding
or'e ititled to comissions at the time of the adoption
of It tis constitution shall not be a ff ected thereby.
8 a. 26. All pet cons in office in this Commonwealth
tittl iti s tine of the adoption of this constitution, and at
the t election under it. shall hold their resin:entre
htil i Ts until thelterm for which the have been elected
orl- pp fined shall earbee. and until their auccessots
aka be duly qualified, unlesa otherwise provided in
this constitution. - .
I •c. 27. Thu ...event% article of this constitUtion,pre
dug an oath of oth.'e, shall take effret ou and after
int day of January, out thousand eight litinclreli
0. 28. Tin terms of office of county commissioners
county authtui a chosen prior to the year one thou.
1 eight hundred and seventy-live,. which shall nol
expired before the first Monday.of January, in
year one thousand eight hundred and stveut)-six
I expire On that day.
•c. •. , 11. All Slate, county, city, ward, borough, and
Iship officers iu office at the time of the adoption
his cuusiitutton, whceso compensation is not provi•
I tor by gantries alone. shall continue to reeehe the
',moition allowed then. by law until the expire
ut their respertiNe le.tur, 111 ofll, e.
:c. 30. All state and judicial officers heretofcre
t , d, aw.rn, attillned. or In office when this Cole
lion shall take effect, shall mo.erally, within of e
ith alter such ad.ption. take and subscribe an
. (or atilt mutton) to support this constitution.
-c 31. The to seta; Assembly, st its first kosition,
s soon as may be after the adoption of this 'Numb
on, shall pa's aw.t, taus is they be nceessauy 14,
..y the same into full lore.. and tliect.
'so. 3,i. 1 he ortiii.atie, panted by tli.a conventl-n
I dled ..An ordmahce for salunitliug the amended
Istdidain 01 Pou..sylvaliiii to a vote of Um electoit
reef." shall be hold to be valid for all the parpos. a
:.13. The words ~C ounty CummisaT"nere
(Never used in Una constitution, and in any ordi
ce uccuutpanying the same, khan beheld to include,
Comunseiet eis lin the city of Philadelphia. t
dopted at Phillidelphia on the third day or xoto;o
-, in the year of our Loed one thousand eight huu
ed and seveut3•threo.
OrricE or
EAILII.T.S.E.I7LIO, Nov. 13, 13'13.
certify that the foregoing is a correct copy of the
w Constitution, proposed to the people 01 the Com
•nwealth.f Pelawykania, for their approNtil or re
tiou, ae the mune appears of record in thisoffico . .
Secretary of Cormuouwealth.
te it ordained by the Constitutional Cunrention of the
Cummonio.alth of l'ennsyluonia.asfollows : - • '
1. That the amended Constitutlon prepared' by this
onventiou, be submitted to the qualified electors 01
e coulmonweatth for their Adoption or rejection, st
election to be liohl on the third Tuesday of De.
c .mber next; except as hereinafter oidereth'and. Ca
r cted, the said election shall be held and conducted
by the regular election olilceis in the several election
d'atricts thiutighont the eientuonwealth, under all the
r .gul..atunti sod provt,h•hil o 1 existing laws relating to
g •uera1.....1. (lanai; and the shcr.tls ul the several coun
ties shell n,i‘ e at least tr. enty clays 'wilco of said dee
trn by Invehanat ipu,
2. The Seeretary of the Ouninetovralth elodl, s.t
1.-ast tw, nty thlys before the amil eleeten, turnitilt to
tie Commissioners of e.:cli Lotinty. a -tattle:it 1.1.1T/1-
her of properly prepni...ci vii,[l::d a t 1 Inrtr.tetion6.
he conumbsione, a ..t the si viral email i, 6 shall • hllf.t
be p! lilted at le,,st than Laws as mai*. baßuts
1114:1% V , / , •8 hre SUtt'l'a ill tqAch coubty
A tlu NMI.° MID/6,T id ne.:4ll2ve v0t , ,,; and Int ea:
silda. at lelt4 n%e (Jaye be tcre A z, ,
ea.ke to Lio Cully EI.Eto lbo Lea to the .everal tic
01. dirt& it to in lb it rd..cctirr Colala:t ~ two rtald 10:*
d till zelm: roctitmB,
ich ociwr p tpor.su. in,y be m
ilia Mfflots small br prm:,(.l ur wr:tt.m
1g form: un tile .mts•.ie tl• W 4.. s New coomm.
;" uvi eo:.F4 5t..114.; ula.tuatts
des the NV01..6 • l (.)/. OA! New Count nthozi," .Thd to
'1 prEsont, tovit,g iwpave totes the worun ••.:1 . 1,01131.
3. It it kih.ll.iri , el thAt a ine.;olity of the votea 111,1
arc icr the He., Cu. thee it 61,1111 h. it
idititituttei. (.1 Lie Coniti.tiiiwewili 111 roct,s)ll6,l o
1111(1 bite( lust ,ay ~1 iu ILu ; ear u
Iv Lord one tauus.l,l4i eight litti(clretl awl
.ur; but it abaft appeal that a majority of tlir votc,
oiled w. 1.3 aqatont Ole new ct , ia,titur..ou, thou Lt Mattl
i firejected am! bo nut and g old.
4 .I.l‘e 01111111.6•1011CIS Lil,dloll. viz: LAIWIII
Wag . , lAlwm LnoNu.iig. John P. Veirce, Dotty f.
1 sgett, end John u..lntires ate keicby tip,,uibteit b.
t is Contention, Who shall have direction of the elec
t on upon this amended Constitution hi the city of
Ihiladelphia. The said Commissioners shall be duly
a corn oraffirmed to perform their duties with impar
t May and fidelity. They shall also have power to
fill vacancies in their own number. It shall be the
duty Ut ssid Commissionefs, or a majority of them,
RIM they shall have authority to make a registration
Or wile: a fur the severai eleftion divisions of said city,
and to furnish the MO 8•J made to the election officers
of each precinct or division; to distribute tier tickets
14r said city provided Inc by this ortiinauee to be used
athe election: to appoint it judge and two inspectors
fur each electiOn division, by whom the election there
iii shalt be held end co n ducted, and to site all neces
s try instructions to the election officers regarding their
duties iu holding the election and in making returns
1 1
t ~ rent. No pffi
oison shill serve as en election ocer
t ho would be disqualified under Section 111, Arttcloild,
of the new Constitution. The general return or the
e‘ ection in the said city shall be opened, computed anti
certified benne the sad Commissioners, anti with
their,approtal —which approval shall be indomed up
on the return They shall make report, tlti sided - to
the President of this convention, of their effililial ac
tion under this ordinahen and concerning the Mimi
i. the said 01 , •ctiou within His said city.
The Judges and inspectoi it atoresald shall conduct
t ie v elvetiou in all respects cool...nubbly to the gtuer
sl. election taus of thid C.JMUlOnneann, and with like
purvcis and dub( 5 to these of ottlimil y election ciii
csrs. Each Inspector shall appoint one clerk to ussict
tie Board in the performance of its duties, and all
t le election °films shall be duly sworn or affirmed
according to law, and shall possess all the flualillea
tioua required by law of election officers in this Corn•
monwealth At said election any duly qualified ele.el
o'F who shall be unregistered, shall be permitted to
toe upon making proof of his right to the election
officers, according to the general election laws of this
Commonwealth. Return Inspretois and their clerks
and ep hourly contt of the 11108 t 111331 he dispen s ed
with, but overseers of olectiuu may he selected fot
any precinct by said Election Commissioners, whose
iluties and powers shall be the same as those of over
seers of elution in said city under existing election
lbws applicable thereto. Returns of the election shall
n made iu said city as in the ease of an election• fo:
overnor, Out a triplicate general return for said city .
lall be made out and iorwarded to the .President el
this Convention at Harrisburg, as is heriinafter pro
tried iu cass of county ieturns. ' -
e. In each of the Counties of the Comnioterealth..
xcept Philadelphia ) the retnrns of the election Shalt
o made as in the l ease of an election for Governer,
lof the return Judges in each county shall make Pet
triplicate comity] return and tranamtt the saine,wlll.-
five daya atlartbo election, (armed to the Prt.ol
- ent 01 this ConVention, at Harrisburg.
Done in Convention this,lhird day of November, in
•e year of our Lor4, one thoueand eight hundred anti
. - rso. li. WALKER, Par:dent,
D. L. ISOMIE, C:erk.
A true copy of ordinance of attbuda.lon.
M. B. QUAY, -
Sernitary d' the Commons:tat/fr.
a•T-I•••acyr.-T—..lr-mezr,•t.y•eaoia.arr...y. r ysas...nn....r:--s!: -...4r.•• • •••....... r
, F..!,i.we.m.il
$lO 0 0 it. BIVAR EL "
lIIIIGOS' ALLEVASToIt is composcd of Ammonia
Ohloroforna, Spirits of Camphor, Tini..thro of Lopt.•
lin, 011 of Jumper, and Alcohol. This compound P
Unequalled in the annals of medicine for the cure th
ikervoos or Sick /feted Ache, Nemalgia,,Tretublizezt
or Twitching of the 'Serve's, and till Nervort liisestert;
It will comae; set all poisons, banish pi uplt it, knit ,
scale* , eruptions, itching, inure:.., eio. ; it °quells-
Ow circulation, itoogi ii toes the system: inert 111306 th ,
ction of the heart, without exciting the brain, cun
eartburn, Palpitation and Finite/tug of the lieatt
yspepsin. Zre. Briggs' ithicrunteir absolutelypos SUSS
es mote curative prop ,, rtu a than auy other pr. - pant
tiou ' Physicians, clo mints, and others are requests t
to exa mine aitil test the remedy, and sll'oo will lit.
''aid II found different front representation.
mu te
ch hits been said nd r!
11240 ti ;„1: . h fef a ti u, and litany remedies hats
cam offered foz . the relief and cure of tinuat and Inez
incases; but nothing hits been so eminently suecess
al, or obtained such a wide celebrity, as Briggs
'hroat and-Lung ilealer.
Let them ache, out ur boot s
()opals. curse them and make up ye,
mind that you can endure tour torments as ti.lig il
illey can torment you, lint take the advice of an oh
thap who has tried it. but got worsted by the corns. -
- hey are worse than a coon in a barrel ; now r em.
tleuder. but tight it out on that line Bummer ant
-inter, Bunions, imp owing nails. and other steel
pleasant little pets, are gathered Into the relief kitelti
• me, by using ilitlOGS' Cutu and Bunion .Itenn. , slies.
lleviator and Curative, I
. have been a telor to mankind for cell.
desA turiea, and atm at every attempt to cure
t em has been battled. By u study and ex
!orinfenting, Dr. Briggs has discovered an absolute
.ure (or internal, bleeding. external,' and ltehliv oi cto
•rlgga' Pile Remedies are mild, safe and sure.
- .
Sold by the following Druggiata :—Hastings &Coles,
• ellaboro: BeuJ. Dorrance, Elklandre. P. Leonard,
awronceville; D. Orcutt &
§ on, Painted Post; Ver.
ilyoa & 'Warren, 'Westfield; H. H. Bor , lon & Son,
toga, and 0. Thayer & Co., Nelson.
Sold by the following General Dealers:- P. .L Prosho
nd Wm, S. Gregory, Erwin Centre; Seely A , Crandall,
lelsou; J.G. Parkhurst, Elkland; Crandall litu'a k
0., Cleric Kilauea% N. Straight A: Co., and lt..k 1 , . M.
=dell, Osceqta: Wood & Scovell, Knoxville; D. W.
.eynolds, CoWane , sque Valley; E. H. Slebbina & floe,
Libinaville; E. W. Decker, Little Marsh.; N. C. Potter,
oxville; A. W. Potter. Middlebury dentre;„ Joseph
t nile, Lawrenceville; Dodge, James .t - Stokes, Stokes
ale; Dodge, .Tames & Stokes, Wollahoro; Jesse Locke,
cornsßrirdons. Bad Nuns, gad oltulr die•
of feet. and
rancorous H.imont .eases
.Piles etc., Bkillibily Scrofu
treated at
e great central Clairopod the
cal 6nd Beating Institute,
0.691 Broadway, New York. DR. J. BRIOGB /fr Co.
Feb. 11.7.873-1 y.. .
I [LLsooRo . GRADto . SCHO OL
Tho Board of Directors of the Wellabare Graded
hoot tnko pleaaurei in announFing that they have so•
ired the services of the following teacheia for the en
. .7 year:
P. A. EMI/. A. 8., Principe). . -- '
SUSAN R. HART, Preceptreas. • .
/I. N. DUNCAN,. . , ' .
R. H. R.II 4 4SLEY„
RAUH= D. CLORE. • . - '
FRANK WYLIE, • . _ _ •
The term will be in ell Blontlikr. the iZth day .of
pterober, 157 a.
. - •
TUZTIO2 , 7 SIS. * .
- -
For farther pertiqulare liddreiß 1..11; ligp kap. ' •
1 80111101*44t ..1b 1101.* •, - - MVO. .-
r ET 11 ill if: [ills
1.1 al 12.1 *
This 'fur excellent 'medicine
Clough, lloarteuess,.Croup, Asthma,
BronchitiS, Whooping (lough; -nnd
all - Similar disorders - of the, Threat
. and - rungs. If ig:pleasant to the
taste ) so that children are'fond of it,
and it really has no equal as a med
icine for the recent colds so common
among children: ColaAl 0 .N
COLDS are' the cause of three
fourths of the disorders that afflict
us in daily life. - Neglecting a cold
then becomes a serious Matter, for
by so doing we often lay the foun
dation for incurable disease. ROY'S
CURE FOR COLDS should al
ways 'be 'kept among the domestic
remedies and, used promptly when
the first symptoms appear. Diffi
culty in breathing, soreness and
tightness of the chest, sore throat,
etc., will qnerally be removed by a
few doses. It is a most valuable
sweating medicine, always safe and
effectual, ; acting proMptly .lif given
in sufficient quantities to product
Ai kuoss at the stomach, which
often' desirable in such cases. The
healing vegetable oils Which cntei
into its composition have made this
a'rticle so soothing in its effects upon
the lungs and air passages that it
soon allays the irritation of a bad
cough. A few doses of it are suffi
cient to subdue the , violence of
whooping cough, and a continuance
-of its use will soon effect a cure.—
As a general cough remedy it can
not be surpassed.
Sold by dealers in Medicines
for 25 cents.
1-5- :''''''Ns\
„iz , Tho superioi ex
cellence of this
- .-: - TA powder as a horse
-' .• ~,' medicine has long
..,,, Za'r 6• been known; awl
tea` - :\--.Y. 1-- 47 ,44 3 - lumbetmen as well
..;,..; ..----"
as arm ers a I agree
in pronouncing it the ' best article
hey have ever found for their tennis,
In cases of loss of appetite,Scratch
:;s, Cough, and all disorders that re
quire a purifying and condition
medicine. A single package is suffl
!lent to stimulate the action of the
- ;lands and give to the coat a sleek
Ind shining appearance.
Dairymen have
found this pow
' ' -1 1 1n_ der excellent fo ,
4'o cows ; because.
`k= l =-"=" it promotes the
action of th e
glands, and will increase the quanti
ty of milk. For Horn Distemper it
has no equal. -If the animals move
languid, look gaunt, appetite fails,
hair lays back from the, horns, eyes
look dull and soinetimes glassy,then
look out for Horn Distemper, and
lose no tiniein giving them Fai-rier's
Powder in large closes twice a da
The benefit
";• ' derived from
- , „
rue use ofpr
' rier's Po ;der
and beef, is
now freely ac
knowledged by fanners generally.—
The careful and.observing ones ad
mit that they save almoCti. quarter
of the feed by the use of this great
Blood Purifier. It should be given
three times a week to Hogs and
-Beef Cattle for the first throe weeks
after you begin to fatten them.
tr . Those who keep poul
• .
• •;•,1!" ;1•-:!';'44 try should not fail to
_...;4t4.4; notice. the effect of
Farrier's 'Powder on
hens. By mixing a
spoonful with each quart of her-seed
'fox' a week or two, and observing the
increase in the number of Eggs, , the
doubtful ones will be convinced that
it is the best poultry powder ever
invented. Farmers are using it quite
generally for all kinds of LITE.STOCK,
and find an advantage in doing so.
This- powder is made of the
best materials, and put up in large
packages for the same price 'as other
kinds that are packed in small
papers. Being used in doses of the
same size it will last twice as long,
and is now acknowledged to be the
cheapest and best in the markot.
Every) Family
ri U IF
The best outside Medicine' for Men
and Animals. r
BAs a family Medicine it cures
Neuralgia, • Rheumatism,
1 1 Stiff Joints, ',. Chilblains,
1. Croup, Sore Throat,
Diphtheria, Quinsy,
Sprains, . Bee Stings,
Felons, - • Bruises, etc.
lAir.W-hfrn . es,ed for Animals it
Siveeney, Ring
„ Bone,
Poll -Evil, , Swell•n gs,
Scratches," , Wounds,
Spavius, Lameness,
Founder, Callous,
Wind Puffs, Galls, etc.
50 POOR arED_rei.Y.Es
cannot fill the place of o,ue
good one ; so do not forget
to tell your Mends about the good
qnalities of Salutifer, because they
'may neglect to give it a trial.
Ardnitfaetatied only by Jr. 4.
R0,1 7 f f
Wellsboro Pa.
.• '
461114014 11Peoutui eawalllmati
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[Er Family Tibies, ??4111141_, tlbies 9 and
Prayer Books, in plain and fan,cy bindings; Album s ,
and one bound books Writing D
:esks, Pocket Books '
Backgammon Boards, Parcheesi,Checkers
of all grade and styles. Cap Papei.,. Letter Paper,
Commercial Note,Legal Cap, broad
_and itarrow Bill,
Oet4ve Note, 'Brillet, Bil!et Doux. Everithing new
and novel in Ladies' Stationery.
Envelopes of every grade white,
light - and dark
,huff, canary, e4n-wove, manilla, etc.
The largest stock of lin)tiall Stationery ever
brought into this market. All 6tyles and grades
tp - faglt k
4 1 3 : 0 r. r 4
• •
' ^
PaFs imoks, nerstoranditun_ boolti l lialf anti full bound:
Led gel's, Da y books, THecord ;books, Scrap'
books, Time hooks, Tuck Memorandunis,Blank notes,
Drafts, and Receipts.
An empir I new'
40. , „.
c • 441•Alz a
Az. ; , •;;J• es•-• ,
Mouldings, Picture-Cord, Nails, etc., ....Sterooscopes, Sterooscopic Views in large . quantities.
All the landing publications of :Miscellaneous Books, in stuck, and for sale at PUBLl.tillat'S, PRICES., at
"1. 7- 0113.1Ner'S 'look &fore, Wellsboro, - Pct.
No. 2 Bon en's Block.
ti A l • •
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gard to cost, for the next GO days, at
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IttrThis is the best opporttunity ever
offer &L to the people of liVflisboro and, vicinity to se
cure rare bargains.
We,,llsiboxico f
A new and complete stock of
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