CONKITUTION .iit'EW CO-2 7 'STITVTIO.N . PRO. POSED TO THE CITIZENSOP THIS COMMONWEALTH PO.R THEIR APPROVAL OR RE. , JECTION, BY THE CONSTI TUTIONAL CON PENT.I9x, . • Published by order of the Secretary or tae Contrisonsveaith; - in pursuance of the 4th 'medal' of au act of the General Ad.. sembly, 401 titled "An net to provide far militia a nveation ito.ansend'the Con- Ottutan." Approved the n t hday or APrilt A. D., 1872.. • ‘- PREAMBLE. ff We, the people of the Conemott wealth of p ent igNivania-;, , grateful to Almighty tiod for the blesqings of civil and relig ions liberty, and humbly invoking His guidance, do ordain and establish this constitution. ARTICLE ucealt st TiO OF RIGII4 Th a t the gen rat, great, and essential principles of liberty ,and free govern inevf mar be recognized and unaltera hly established, we declare that. 1:31.:crlo;; 1. All men are born equally free And itidepetident, and have certain inherent and indefeasible rights, among which are those of enjoying and tlefeiid‘ lug life and libiety. , of Ortsing, and p Meeting property and repultatiqn, and of Pursuing their own happiness SEc. 2.A1l power Is inherent in tbe people,: and all free governments are - rounded Oir their authorityand institu ted for their peace, .safety, and happil, Deis. For the ,- adttatieetnent of these Orals they!have at all times au inalien able and indefeasible _right to alter, re• form, or 'LA:RAM "their govern m ent in such wanner as they may think proper. Sao. g. All men have a natural and indefetteibleetight to worship Almighty (Ind itecerdi'ng — to the dictates of•their ‘,0;,,n consefences-; no man can of right compelled to attend, erect or support any place of - worship, or to roalutain' say ministry against his, consent ;- no 1r wan authority can, in any case what-. aver, control or interfere with the rights fiverconscience, and no preference shall dyer be given' by law to. any religious establishments or modes of worship. SEC. 4. No person who acknowledges the being Of, a Qod and a future - state of rewards and punishments shall, on aecouut of his`rtiligious• sentiments, be disqualified to hold any office or place of trust or profit user this Common wealth. \I tem- Elections\shall be free and equal; and no pow - er \civil or military-, shall at any time interfere to prevent the free exercise of the right of, suffrage. ISEC. 0. Trial by jury shall be as here• Wore, and the right therehf remain in- Opiate. \ SEC. 7. The printing prei s 4s shall be I free to every person who, may under take to examine the proceedings of the Legislature or au,Y.- branCh of government, and no law shall esker be made to restrain the right thereof. \The free communication of thoughts Anti opinions is one of the invaluable rights of man, and every citizen. may freely eak, write, and print on any subject,' g responsible for the abuse of that liberty. No conviction shall be had in say pit seoution for the publication of papers 'elating to the Official conduct ut officers or men- in public capacity, or to any other matter proper for public Investigation or information, where the fact that such publication was not ma liciously or negligently Made shall be established to the satisfaction of the jury ; and in all indictments for libels the jury shall have a right to- deter ' mine the law and the facts, under the direction of the coure[4 , In other cases. ISEC. 8. The people stall he secure in their persons, houses, papers, anti pos• sessietts,, from unreasonable isearche4 and Seizures, and Do warrant to spirch ail placeor to seize any person or things, shall issue without, describing them as nearly as may be, nor without probable cauee,supported by oath or af firmation, subscribed to by tire anima. eSEe. Q. In all criiiiinel prosecutions, the accused bath a right to be heard by himself and his counSel, to demand the nature and cause of the occo,ation against him, to meet the witness face to face to have compulsory process for ob taluing witnesses in his favor, and iu prosecutions by intlictineut or informa tion, a speedy public trial by an impar tial jury of the vicinage; he cannot be compelled to give evidence against h i self;.nor can he be deprived of his life, libertyvor property, unless by the judg mentoehlopeers or the law of the land. ilE0•411. 2,N. 0• person shall for any in • dictable - offense be proceeded against orlentually, by informeNeu, except 'fu Oases arising in the lanZ" or naval forces or in the, militia, when in actual. ser - vice, in pine of war or public danger, or by leave of the oourt, for _oppression Or wisdetuesnor iu office. No person shall for the same offence be twice put In jeopardy of life or limb; eor shall private property be taken or applied to public use without authority of law,and without just compensation being first made or secured. BEO. 11. All courts shall be Ippon ; and every - man 'for an Injury dode him in his lends, goods, person, or reputation; shall haveremedy by due course of law, and right and justice administered with out sale,,denial, or delay, Suits may be brought against the Commonwealth in such manner, In such courts, and in such cases as tbe Legislature may by law direct. SEC. 12. No power of suspending laws shall be exercised tinless by the :Legis lature or byAts authority. Sec. lii. 'Excessive bail shall not be required, , nori excessive fines imposed,. nor crnAtl punishment Inflicted. Sac. a All prisoners shall be baila ble by-,ifuflicient sureties, unless for cap ital offenses, when the proof is evident or presumption great; and the privil ege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in case, of rebellion or Invasion the public safe ty may require It. Sac. le. No commission of oyer and terrniuer or jail delivery shall be issued. SEC. Ilit The person of a debtor,w here there is not strong presumption of fraud, shall not be continued in prison after delivering up his estate for the benefit •of hiscreditors, In such thehuer 'as shall be prescribed by law. Sac. 17. No ex post. facto law, nor any. law impairing the obligation of con• -tracts, or making irrevocable any grant of special privileges or immuuities,sball be passed. OEO. lg. No perion shall be attalnted of treason or felony by the Legislature. BEG: lg. No attainder shall work cor ruption of blixxl, nor,•exCept during the Me of the offender, forfeiture of es tate to the Conitnonalealtii ; the estate of Stich persona as shall destroy their own livels - Shall descend or vest as In eases of natural death, and if any per-' son shall be killed by casualty, there shall be no forfeiture by reason thereof. SEC. ge). The citizens have a right in a peaceable manner to assemble togethe -er for their common good, and to apply to those invested with the powers of government for redress of grlevances'or ether proper purposes, by petition, ad diess, or remonstrance. SEC. 2/. The right of citizens to bear arms in -defense of thernaelvesrapd'the State shall questioned".". - SEC. 22. No istandltig army shall -in tlm e of . ps . tapts, he:leepy - up6without ► the: consent Ile' the arid the military shall in all cases, and at all times,. be In strict 'subordination to tbp clvtl poWer. • , O EQ- Ye. No soldier shall in time me peace be quartered in any house with the consent of theaaWnisi;.nor 11 : 1 ,t1 i. , .f War but in a triauner to be Preen by law. Sac: '!t¢.; ii lief : Ltigialaturp shaU igrAnt• 'Mn! , title - ‘Ot nobility debeic: distlijUen, afar sante limy alai* , ) • , ' ~ • 'J ' ' I, : ' ! I L ' 0 1°4 # ' -'• - ~ . h • . .• - , 1 1: . ' ' 2 l • i j '''' ' ' '. ' i . direiv ai r k ,4. ‘• ‘ {-; ?.,-, v ^- 4 ,,, • r :-• . • .: , 4 , - ' -41' -j. ..- 4, C., • • fi . • . ki t e .. , -)• ' . . . • f i g• -- ii o - , 4, - -- . • .:-/ri..41. ----- " , -• ~ ' -. ..i„ ,b 4I, SA,-,, , -.. • . t .. -3. •1. , . ,•,.,, ~, !? = I t • :, 1 -'• - -,-, ...,.. t i t i,„. ...1 4 .-. 1 ,.._ _..,.. 4 , ..,. ~„;; 4:„.. : , f :::, 4 , ' .!.'.; it.l. iii 11. 7 ,. - 1-,1- N; ~,,. ':, -,. • ,r 1 ~.... , ' ' ' -- ' - , •_ : ‘. :'- "„ , k _ : - - -- , 7 :-,4 41. 4)41~ 7 ,4. . ' ..... _ , • .. t -,. ', , ' -;,, i „ . 1.. ..,.. 1 .. . • , . 1111= the I a lo vio I, ppolatoent to"ivbich shall be for ger term than during gncal beha.- • x. 25: Emigration from. the State i not be prohibited. - - - 'c. 26. To guard against transgres• is of• the high powers which we e delegated, we declare that every ig in this article' is - excepted out of general powers of government, and 1,1 forever remain inviolate. ARTICLE IL Tlin LEGISLATURE. ' SECTION 1. The, legislative power of tills Cummonwealth shall be vested in a general Ausembly, which shall con Sin 'of a Beuate and a House of Repre sentatives. -' . rriff! Mon hay thin the WA - ISEU. 2. Members of the General As sentdy shall be chosen .at the, general election every second year. Tgeir ter tn of E rvice shall begin.,-on the first day L of 'December next after their ,election. Whenever al vacancy shall occur -in either house the presiding officer, there of shall issue a writ of election to till such vacancy for the remainder of the .term. igc , 3. Senators shalt he elected for ,the terni:of Efour years and Representa tiVi*ee' for the term of two years. SEG. 4: The General Absembly shall • inegt at . 12 o'clock . tvoii,-on the - first rrtieday 'of Jaituairy'every second year, ittid !at other times When convened by ili`e GiiveFinor;:but Bil A i I•hold no adjourn ed annual session after the year 1878. In c se of a vacancy, lit the office of Unl ed Statestienator from this Com mowealth, iri - ,a recess. between .sess ions the Governor shell _convene the two houses _by proclamation on notice kit exceeding sixty days to fill the . earn - • C. 6. Senators shall .be at least ty-five years of age, and Represen es twenty-one years of tige: They have been citizens and inhabitants e State four years,.and inhabitants beil>rerpective districts one. year .ti t DI wo latish slial of ti of t, next before their election (unless abeent on the public business of. the United States or of this State), and shall reside in their respective districts during their terms of service. O. No Senator or Representative shell, during the time for • which he shalt) have been elected, be appointed to any Civil office under this Common wealth, and no member of Congress or other person holding any Office (except of attorney-at-law or in the militia) un der the United States or this Cominop-. wealth shall 'be a member of „either house during his continuance In l efilee. SEC. •7. No person hereafter convict ed of embezzlement of public moneys, bribery, perjury, or other infamous crime, shall beieligible hi the „General Assembly, or capable of holding any • Mike of trust or profit in this Coalition wealth. Six - 8. The members of the General Assembly shall receive such salary and mileage tor-regular and special sessions as shall be fixed by and no other, compensation whatever, whether for service upon committee or otherwise.— ..NO member of either . house shall, dur ing the term for which he may have bene elected, receive any increase of salary, or mileage, under any law pass e during such term. \SEC. 9. The Senate shall, at the be ginning and close of each regular ses sioii\ and at such other times as may be neceskary, elect (me of Its members presideot pro' e.n pore,w ho shall perform the duties of the Lieutenant Governor, in any cake of absence or disability or that ofilcerami whenever the said of fice of Lieutenant. Governor shall be vacant. The 'House of Representatives shall elect one Of its members as Speak er. Each house sliali choose its other officers. and slialLjudge of the electiou anti qualitications nt , ' its members. • Ss:c ---- 141-------A ... nriajortey of each house hail uotistitutiotiorutu, but a small er 'lumber may adjourn from day to day, and compel the attientiance of absent-- members. SEC 11. Eleli hots-e shall\htive pow er to determine the rules of it' proceed- Inge amid punish its members ire other persons Tor cootempt or disorderly be havioriu its presence, to enforce •obe diencelto its process, to protect its mem bers aglainSt violence, or oilers of Miles, or titivate solicitation, and with 1.14 coneureittlg of two thirds, to expe l a membeiqbut not a second time for le , same cause, and - shall have all other powers neqessary for the legislature of a free Suite. A. member expelled for corruption shall trot thereafter lie eligi ble to either house, and punishment }or contempt or disorderly behavior shall not bar_au indictment for the same of fense.. SEc. 12. Each house shall keep a jour nal of its proceedings and from time to time publish the zsatue, except such parts ''as require secrecy, and the yeas and nays of-the members on any question shall, at the desire of oily two of them, be entered on the journal. • SEC. 13. The sessions of each house and of committees of the whole shall be open, lit/ less when the busines Is such as ought to he kept secret. SEC. 14. Neither house shall, without the eousent of the other, adjourn for wore than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two houses shall be sitting. SEC. 15. The members of the General Assembly obeli in all cases, excepttrea sou, lelouy, Violation of their oath of office, and breach or surety of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their ettendanee at the - Sesslmis of their res pective houses, and in going to and re turning from- Pie same • and for any speech or debate in either house, they shell not he questioned at any other 'dare. talc,_ll3. The State shall be divided inWillty Senatorial districts of com paut,and contiguous territory, as near ly equal iii population as may be, and each district shall be entitled to elect one Senator. Each county containing s ome br more ratios of population shall be entitled tootle Senator for each ratio, and to an additional Senator for a sur plus of population exceeding three flat*, of a ratio; but no county shall flints a separate,district unlesp it shall cola , tour-Italia of a ratio, except whc.),et the adjoining counties are eac entit d to one or more Rgfiatore, whet such county may ~be assigned a Senator on less than four-tifths, and , exceeding one-half of a ratio, and no county shall be divided unless entitled to two or more Senators. No city or 1 county shall be entitled to separate rep resentation exceeding one-sixth of the whole number of Senators. No ward, borough, or township shall be divided 1 in the formation of a district. The Senatorial ratio shall he-ascertained by dividing the whole population of the State by the number fifty. - • , Sbo. 17. The-members ot the Souse of Representatives shall be apportioned among the several ebuntlem,'OU'Ll ratio obtained by ,tilviding the population ef the State as to certithied by the most re- ceut United States census by two him dred. Every county containing less than five ratios shell have one-represen wive for_every full ratio, -and au ad ditintial representative when the sur plusexceeds half a ratio; but each coun ty el all have at least on e represetitati ye. Eve y county containing live ratios or mor shall have one representative for ever fall ratio. Every city containing . a po tdatioc equal to &ratio shall elect ---its sepa ately proportion of the repre sent tives allotted_ to• the county in whiiti - it is lotated., entitle'd to oldie than four representatives, and ever county having over one hundred thosaud inhabitants, shall be divided' t.l into districts of compact and contigu ouscrritory,,each district to elect Its pro onion otrepresentatiVes according, i l l -tolti potiuraiton,lbut no 'district - shall elee more than lour representatives. 13 .18. 'he General Assembly at Its 4 IliSkaeaStotrafter the adoption of this ' . :4toiitltullkirt, and immediately after pick United Sista; decennial Winne, • i *hall apportion Wand Represp My to the pmvi, preeeedingpeet Aft. SECTION' 1.- . . . the State 'into Senator. 1 tative districts agrees ions of_ the two next ons. MEILATION. o,law shalt be passed nd no bill shall be so •nded on its passage • smelts to• change Its except by bill; t altered or am through eithei. original Purpos f3E(I. 2. So b unless referred 11 shall he considered oa eommtttee, returned Aimed for the use of t here fro m,mill i the members.' . Sac- 3. No liill, except general ap propriation biil4, shall be passed con taining more than one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in its title. SEC. 4, Every' bill shall . be read at length on three different days in each rouse; all ainepdments made thereto shall be printedlfor the use of the metn brs before the Anal Note Is taken -on t ie bill, and no ibill shall become a law unless on its final passage the vote shall be taken by yeas and nays, the names of the persons Voting - for and againSt the same be entered on the journal, and a majority of the members elected to each House be recorded thereon as vot ing in itafavor. i, SEC. 5.- No amendment to bills by one 1-douse shall be dosicurred in by the oth , er, except by the vote of a majority of the menibers'thec - ted tliereto, taken by yeas and nays; aid the names of those voting for atidj . gainst recorded upon the journal Ili reof; and reports of committees of conference shall be adopted in eltii r House only by the vote of arnajoil y of the members elect ed thereto, takei by yeas. and nays, and the names ofsth se voting recorded up on tne journal. • Sac. 6. No '•1 w shall be revived,,. amended, or tit provisions thereof ex- i tended or confer ed by reference to• its title only, but 6 much thereof as is re v i ved r uiner' ded, extended, or conferred shall be re-enn ted and published at length. . I • . SEC. 7. The G, neral Assembly shall not passe any An ail or special law : au thorizing the lc eating, extension, or impairing of lie a;. regulating the af t w af fairs of counts e; cities, tonships, wards, borough , or school districts ; changing the na es of persons or places; changing the ve ue in civil or criminal cases; authoriiit i g the laying out, open ing, altering, lor maintaining roads, highways, streeta, or alleys ; relating to ferries or bridges, or incorporating ferry or bridge ompanies, except for the erection of b idges crossing streams which form hot ndaries between this and any other tate; vacating roads,. town plats, streets, or alleys; relating -to cemeteries, I grave yards, or public grounds not of the State; authorizing the adoption o legitimation of chil dren; locating or chang'ug county seats, erecting n w csuntiLss or cling-_ ing county lines; incorporating cities, towns or villages, or changing their charters; for the opening and conduct ing -of elections, l or fixing or changing the place of yoting ; granting divorces; erecting new toWnships., or boroughs, changing township lines, borough lim its or -shoot districts; creating oices, or prescribing the powers andffi sties , t of officers in counties, cities, born ghs, townships, election or school distri cts; changing the law of descent or succes sion ; regulating the practice or juris diction of or changing the-rules of evi dence in any judicial proceeding or in quiry before worts, alderman, justices of the peace, sneritrs, commissioners, arbitrators, auditors, masters in chan cery, or other tribunals,or providing or changing inettiods for the collection of debts, or the enforcing of judgments, or prescribing the effect of judicial sales of real estate; regulating' the fees, or extending the paters rind duties of al dermen, justices, of the peace, magis-_ trates or constables; regulating the management Of . public schools, the builditig or minoring of school-houses and the riiislog Of money air such pur posts ; fixing the rate of hot-rest; af fecting the estati-s of niinors or pet soils under disabititY, except after due no tice to all partiles i in interest, to be re cited in the special enactment ; remit ting lines, penalties aud forfeitures, or refunding moneys legally paid into the Treasury; 1 exempting property films taxation; regulatiug labor, trade, ininhos or manufacturing, - creating corporations or amending, renewing, or extending the charters thereof ; granting. to any corporation, associa tion or iiiiii ‘ vidnal any special or each/ sive privilegeair immunity,or teeny cor poration, atton or individual the right to lay do#n a railroad track. Nor shall the bleneraiNAssernbly indirectly enact such speCial Or local law by the partial repeal Of a general law, but laws repealing local or special acts may be passed: Nor shall any 'law be passed._ graisting.powera or privileges in any case where the granting of 'euch pow ers and privileges shall have been pro vided for by general law, nor where the courts have jurisdiction to grant the same or give thoi relief asked for. \ SEC. 8. No Meal or special bill shall be, passed unless'no i tice of the intention to apply therefore all have been publish ed in the locality; where. the matter or the thing to be efreeted may be situat ed, which neffee Shall be r atleast thirty days prior to the, introduction into the General Assembly of such bill,' and in the manner tobe'provided by law ; the evidence of such notice having been published shalt to exhibited in the Gen eral Assemblyylb l efore such act shall be passed. SEC. 9. The iir ) e House shall, ul House over win. ealding officer of each L the presence of the eli he presides, sign all olutions passed by the ly, after their titles \iciy read immediately. od the fact,of signing n the. Journal. leuerai Assembly shall the number, duties and the officers and em rouse, and no payment Oni the State Treasury, bills anti joint r' General Azsein have been piot: before signing; shall be entered 4 SEC. 10. The I ' prescribe by law eona pensation - pioyes of each, fa haii be made ft authorized to any per -1 acting officer or em ppoiuted in pursuauee 'or be In anyway sou, except tola ploye elected or of lavi. Sic. 11. No hi 1 shall he passed .giv lug any extra Co • pensatton to any pub lic otlicer,-serVa it, employe, agent, or contractor, afte services shall have been rendered or contract made, nor providing` for the piiyrnen t of any claim against the couittonwealth, without previous authorityt Of law. SEC. 12. All stationery, printing, pa per and fuel used in the legislative and other departments of government shall be furnished, and the printing, binding and distributing of the laws, journals, department repOrts, and.all other print ing and binding; and the repairing and furnishing 010 halls and rooms used for the meetings of the General Assembly t and hi , • conatuitt es, shall be performed under contract', o be given to the low est respansibie, bidder below such MlX itmurn price, and under such regulations as shall be prescribed by law ; no mem ber oz-officer of, any department of the governinent sha, I be in any way inter ested in such contracts, and all such eontracts shell be subject to the appro= Iv al of the Governor, Auditor-General and State Treasurer. SEp.,lB. No 124 shall extend the term of any. public tinker, or increase or 'di minish his salary or emolument kr his election or aiopointment. • SEc. 14. All bills for raising revenue shall orlginateliti the House - ef Re,e.! sentatives, but' the Senate may propose amendments as in other hills: ,- f SEC. 16. The( general appropriation will shall embrace nothing but apPro 'priations for the ordinary .expenses of 1 the executive , legislative and judicial 1 departments of the'Com mon wealth, in terest on the public debt, and for puni. lie school's; •alt7_6ther - appropriations shall be made by separate bill, wadi, etubraelog but! . us mojeat. 1 SEC. 40, No money shall be paid out of the Treasury except upotr appropria tions made by Jaw ant on warrant drawn by.the proper , er Jo pursu-. ance thereof. Sao. 17. No , appropriation shall :be made to any charitable 'or educational. institution not under the absolute me. trol of the Comtuonwealth, other than normal schools established by Mr the professional training- of -teachers for the public scboots,or the State, ex cept by a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each Holf.2e. • SEC. 18. No appropriations except for pensions or gratnitiee for military services shall be made for charitable, educational or. benevolent purposes, to any person or , community t tier to arlY denominational or sectarian lustittiqon, corporation or association. : • - SEC. 19. 'The General Assembly may make appropriations of money tolusti tenons wherein the widows . of soldiers are en pported or assisted, or the orphans of soldiers are maintained and educated; but such appropriation shall be applied exclusively to the support of such wid ows arid orphans. • SEC. 20. The General Assembly shall not delegate to any special cominiesion., private corporation or association, any power to make, supervise, or interfere with any municipal improve'ment; money, property or effects, whether held in trust or otherw se, or to levy taxes or perform any municipal fuuc tion whatever. Sao. 21. No act of the General 'As set].) oly shall limit the amount to be re covered for injuries resulting _in death, or for injuries to: persons or property, and in case of death &oaf such Injuries. the right of action shall' survive, and the General Assembly shall prescribe for whose benefit such actions shall be prosecuted; no act shall !prescribe any limitations of time within which suits may be brought - agatust, corporations for injuries to persons or. - --p . o • erty, or for other causes different from .0 se fixed by general laws regulating actions against natural persons, and such ac tions now existing are avoided. Sro. 22. No act of the General As.' sembly shall authorize the investment of trust funds by executors, adminis trators, guardians, or other trustees, in the bonds 'Cr stock of any private ; cor poration, and such acts now existing are avoided, saving investments here tofore made. SEC. 23. The power to change venue in civil and criminal cases shall be vested in the courts to be exercised in such manner as shall be provided by, law, Se.o. 24. No obligation or liability of any railroad or other corporation, held or owned by the Commonwealth, shall ever be exchanged, transferred, remit; ted, postponed, or in any way dimin ished by the General Assembly, nor shall such liability or obligation be re• leased, except by payment thereof into the State-) Treasury. Sic. 25. When the General Assembly shall be convened in special session, there shall be no legislation upon sub jects other than those designated in the proclamation of the Governor, calling such session. sac. 26. Every order, resolution or vote, to which the concurrence of both Houses may he necessary (except on the question of adjournment) shall be pre sented to the Governor', and before -it shall take effect be approved by him, or being disapproved, shall be repassed by two-chi/Ps of both Houses,according to the rules and limitations prescribed in case of a bill. 8E0.27. No State office shall be emi tinued or created for the . inspection or measuring of any merchandise, manti facture, or commodity, but any county or Municipality may appoint such offi cers when authorized by Jaw. SEC. 28. No law changing the loca tion of the capital of the Suite shall be valid until the sarneshall have been sub- miiteti to the qualified electors of the Commonwealth at a genes al election, and twilled and approved by them. SEC. 29, A member of the General Assembly who shall solicit, demand or receive, or consent to receive, directly orjudhiectly, for himself or for another, fi mu a t ly company, corporal job or per-- eon, any money, office, appointment, employ meat, testimonial, reward, things Of value or enjoyment, or of -per sonal advantage or promise thereof, for . his vote or official influence, or for with holding, the same, or With an under standing expressed or implied, that his vote or official action shall be In any way influenced tbereby,or who shall so. licit or demand any such money or other advantage, mutter or thing afore said for another, as the,consideration of his vote or official Influence or for with?, holding the same, or shall give or With-. hold his vote or influence in considera tion of the payment or promise of such nioney, advantage, matter, or thing to another, shall be held guilty of bribery within the meaning of this Constitti tion, and shall incur the disabilities pro vided thereby for said offense, and such additional punishment as is or' shall be provided by law. , SEC. 80. Any person whoshall,direCt 'lyor indirectly, offer, give or promise, anynoney, or thing 'of value, teetinao- Olaf, ivilege, or personal advantage, to any exreutive - or judicial officer or menthe". orthe General Assembly, to In fluence bimn the performance of any of his pubilc o official dutles,Bhall be guilty of bribery;aud be punished In such manner as be provided by law. . -N BEO.BI. The offense ,ckf'-corrupt sol Ration of members of the General As sembly or of public officers °Nile State, or of any municipal division thereof, and any occupation or practice of , soilc , itation of such mernbe or officers,,to influence their official action, shal be defined by law, and shall be punished' by line and imprisonment. Sac. 82: Any person may be com pelled to testify Many lawful investi gation or judicial proceeding, against any person who may be charged with having committed the offense of bribery or corrupt solicitation, or practices .of solicitation, and shall not be permitted to withhold his testimony upon the ground that it, may criminate himself or subject him to public infamy • but such testimony shall not afterWit:ils be used against him in any judicial pro ' ceeding, except for perjury in giving such testituony,and any person convict, ed of either of the offenses aforesaid, shrill, as part of the, punishment there ! for; be disqualified from holding any of : flee or position of honor, trust, or profit, In this Commonwealth. SEC. 83. A member who has a perso- nal or private Interest in any measure or bill, proposed or pending before the General Assembly shall disclose the fact to the House of it iiv hich he is o member, and shall nut vo e . thereon . • ARTICLE IV. THE EXECUTIVE, SECTION 1. The Executive Depart meta of this Commoilwealth , shail cop,. stet of a Governor, Lteutetiant 4 Gover- - inor, Secretary of the Commonwealth, `Attortiey-General, Auditor-Gen e r a I, State Treaiiiirer, Secretary of Internal, Atlairs, and a' Superintendent of Pub lic Itiptruetion. Sun. 2. The supreme executive power shall be vested in the Governor, who shall take care that the. laws •be •ftitth;; fully executed ;. he shall be chosen on the day of the general election ,by the ! qualified electors Of the COmmon wetilth, at. the places where they shall vote for _Representatives. The returns of every election for Governor aball , be .scaled up and transmitted to the seat 'or -gov ernment, directed to tee - Psesidient' of' the Senate, who shall open and publish them in 'the presence of the memberi of both houses of r tbeGeneral Assembly, The pe-.4 haVing the highest number of votes shall' tie' LinVertiof, but or mole be equal - and highest - In =.voteii e one of them shall be chosen Governor by gas plot vote of the members of -'both Houses. ClonteSted elections shall be deterthihed by a . conimittee, to be se. , lected: from-both Rouses of the General, Assembly, and fprmed and regulate in such manner as 4hull be directedby law. - SEC. 3. The Governor shall hold his office during four years from• the third. Tuetitlay of January next -ensuing itis: election, and shall not be eligible to the . , ottie:efor - the next succeeding terto- • Stic 4: A Lieutenant-Governor Shall be ehosen at the same time, in the same' mat4er, for the same term, and subject to tl'i . same provisions as the Governor; 116811111 be President of the Senate, but have no vote unless they be equal -IYrtliVided.•‘" , • ; Er. No person shall be eligible Ito the office of Governor or Lieutenant- Governor eiteept ti citizen of the United States, Alt? ho shall • have attained the age of • thirty years, and have been seven years next preceeding his election an' inhabitant of the State; unless he shall have been absent on the public business of the United States orof. this State. Sic. 6. No member of Congress or perton. holding any office under , the United States or this Stale shall exercise the office of Governor or Lieutenant- Governor. SEC.'?. The Governor Ethan be com mandei-in-chief of the Arniy and na vy of the Commonwealth, and of the ilitia, except when they Atoll be calleo into ,the actual service of the United b'tati.m. • • !Fist% 'B. He shall nominate, and, by and with the ad vice and consent of two thirds of all the . members (ff thei Senate, appoint a Seoretary of the Cbmnion wealth:and an : Attorney General dur ing pleasure; a Superintendent ot Pu b liclastruction for four years, and such other ollicers of the Commonwealth as he is or. ruay be authorized by the Con stittithin or by law to, appoint; he shall have power to till all vacancies that may litippeu in °tikes to which .he may ap point during the recess of the Senate by granting Atommissions which shall ex at the end of their next session ; r he lower to till any vacaticy uring the recess of utli tor Gen- tam . that, may happ thelSenate, in the office oral, Stale Treasurer; Secretar terual Affairs orSuperinterident of Pub lic Instruction , - In a Judicial office, or In any other elective office which he is or May' be authorized to till': • • If the vacancy shall happen during e-session at the Senate, the Governor *brill Dominate to the Senate, before their final'adjoidinent, a proper per sou: to fill said vacancy. But in any:such case of vacancy, In an elective office, a person shall he chos en to said office at the next general elec tion, unless the vacancy shall happen within three -calendar months immedi ately preceding such election, In which ease the election fur said otlice shall be held at the second suceeding general election. In acting on Executive'nomintitions, the Brtiateshall,sit with open doors,and in confirMing or rejecting the nomina' tiOris of the Governor, the vote shall be taken by . yeas and nays, and shall be entered on the journal. fit e. 9. He shall have power to remit tines and forfeitures, to grant reprieves, commutations of sentence and par dons, except in eases of impeachment, but no pardon shall be granteq, nor sen tence commuted, except upon the rec• commendation in writing of the Lieu tenant Governor, Secretary of the'Com- Monwealth, Attorney-General and Sec retary of Internal affairs, or any three of them, after full hearing, upon due public notice and in open session, and such recommendation, with the reasons erefOr at length, shall be recorded and filed in the oflice of the Secretary of the Vonituon wealth. Six. 10. He may require information ip writing from the otileers of the Exe- OutiveDePartment, upon any subject re to the duties If their respective olfi ces. - • Sic 11: He shall, from time to time, give to the General Assembly Inforinh tion or the state or the Corn woOvealtil, mid recoiii mend to their consideration such measures as he may judge expedi• ent. SEC. 12, He may, on extraordinary occasions, convene the General Assem bly, and in case of disagreenvmt be tweett. the two Houses, with respect to the time of adjournment, adjourn them to= sucli time as he shall think proper, hot exceeding four .mouths. He shall have power to cduvene the Senate in ex traordinary session, by proclamation, for the transaction of executive bust oess. Sec. 13. In ease of the death, convic tion or impeachment, failure to qualify, resignation, or other disability of the rgkevernor„the'poweN, duties and eittol laments of the olllee for the remainder of the term, , or until the disability be re- Moved, shall devolve upon the Lieuten antAlovernOr. 8E0.14. eaaq of a vacancy in the ofilee of Lleutenan t- Governor, or when the Lieutenant-Governor shall be im peached by the House of Represetita tiqs, or shall be unable to exercise the duties of his °Mee, the powers, duties and emoluments therefor for the remain dth' of the term, or until the disability be:removed, shall devolve upon thePres idpnt - Pro tern pre of the Senate; and shall in like manner become Governor Ma vacancy or disability shall occur in the office of Governor ; his seat us Sena ter shall become vacant whenever be shall become Governor, and shall be fill ed by *orlon as,auy other vacancy In the 6010(e. - SEC. 15. Every' bill which shall have passed Abet h Houses shall be presented to the Oovernori.l I he approve, he shall Sign It but if he shall not approve, he _shallireturn it with his objections to the Howe in which it shall have originate, which House shall enter the objections . t large upon their journal, and proceed treconsider• it. If, after such recon sidt4ation, two-thirds of all the mem- tier§ elected to that HOllBB Ethan agree to pass tho' , bill, it shall be sent with the ob jections to the other House, by which, likewise, it shall be reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds of all the mem bers elected to that House., it shall be a law ; but in such - Oases the votes of both House's shall be determined by yeas :Mid nays, and the names of the -mem gees voting for and against the bill shall be ;entered on' the journals, of each House respectively. If any 'bill shall not, be returned by the Governor within .ten days after it shall have been present ed to him,the same shall be a law in like manner as If lie had signed It,' unless the General Aasemhly,by their adjourn ment, prevent its return, in which case Italia!l be a law, unless be shall 131 w -the Wile, with his objections, in the office .of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and give notice thereof by public proc.:' Ination within thirty days. after such adjeurument. BEO. - 16; The Governor shall have power to disapprove jot' any Rein or items of auy hilt making appropriations of money, embracing distinct items, And the part or parts of, the bill approv 'ed shaftz•be the and the item or Items of appropriation, - disapproved shall be void, unless repassed according to the rules and limitations prescribed for the passage : of other, bills, over the executive veto. • • - • _•• • • SEc.l7. The Chief Justice of the Su preme Court shall . preside upon the trial .of any contested election of Governor or peutenatit-UoVernor ' and shall decide sues ions retarding the atimissability of, evidence, and shall; upon request 'of the committee; 'pronounce his Opinion Upon other qnestlontof la w Involved in the trial. - The Governor and- Lieuten -Oat-Governor shall exercise - the duties of their respective'offtces until their su e t ()swift - shall he duly, qualified - . : . Svc. 18 ; The Secretary of the Com monwealth shah keep a record of all of cial acts and_preceed i rigs_ of the Gover nor, and , . when - tequired lay the same, with all papers, minutes and vouchers relating thereto, before either branoh of the General Assembly, - and perform such other duties as may be enjoined 'up on him by lave. : , SEC. 19; TheSeeretary of Internal Af fairs shall exercise all the powers and ti.erform aft the duties of the Surveyor eneral, subject to such changes as shall be made by law.. His department shall embrace a bitreawof industrial statistics, and he shall discharge such duties relat ing to corporations, to_the charitable in stitutions, the Agricultural. manufactur ing, mining, mineral, timber and other material or business Interests of ll , e State as may be prescribed by law. He shall annually, and at such other times as may be required by law, make report to the General Assembly. SEC. 20. The Superintendent of Pub lic - Instrtiction shall exercise all the powers and perform all the duties of the Superintendent' - of Common Schools, subject to such changes teilshall be made by law. SEc. 21. The term of the Secretary of Internal Affairs shall be four years of the Auditor General, three years, and of •the State Treasurer two years. These 'officers shall be chosen by the qualified electors of the State at general elections. No person. elected to the office of Audi tor-General or State Treasurer shall . be capable of holding the same office for two consecutive terms. SEC. 22. Vile preeent Great Seal of Pennsylvania shall be the seal of the State. All eomrniSSions , shall he in the name the authority of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, and be sealed with the State seal and signed by the Governor. ARTICLE V. TILL JUDICIARY. SECTION 1. The judicial power of this Commonwealth shah be vested in a Stfpieme Court, in Courts of Common Pleas, Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail De livery, Courts of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Courts, Magistrates' Courts, and in such other Courts as the General As sembly may from time to time establish. SEC. 2. The Supreme Court shall consist of seven Judges, who shall be elected by the qualified' electors of the State at large. 'hey shall hold their offices for,the term of twenty-one years, if they so long behave themselves well, but shall not bei again eli gible. The Judge whose commission shall first expire shalltie Chief Justice, and there after each Judge whose commission. shall first expire. shall in turn be Chief Justice. SEC. 3. The jurigdiction of the Supreme Court shall extend. over the State, and the. Judges thereof shall, by virtue of their offi ces, be justices, of over and terminer and general jail delivery in the several counties; they shall have original jurisdiction in cases of injunction, and, where a corporation is a pally defendant, of habeas corpus, of man damus, cud to courts of inferior -jurisdic tion; and in case of quo waryanto, as to all officers of the Commonwealth whose jurisdiction extends over the State, but shall not exercise any other original jurisdiction. They shall have appellate jurisdiction by appeal, certiorari or writ of error in all ca ses, as is now or may hereafter be provided by law. SEC. 4. Until otherwise directed by law, the Courts of Common Pleas shall continue as at present established, except as herein changed. Not more than four counties shall at any time be included in one judicial dis trict organized for said Courts. SEC. v. Whenever a county pall contain forty thousand inhabitants it shall consti tute a separate judicial district, and shall elect one Judge learned in the law; and the General Assembly shall provide for addition al Judges as the businiss of the said districts may require. Counties containing a popu lation less than is sufficient to constitute sep arate districts shall be formed into conve nient single districts, or, if necessary, may he attached to contiguous districts, as the General Assembly may provide. The otlice of Associate Judge; not learned in the law, is abolished in ;counties forming separate districts; but thei.several Associate Judges in office when ibis Constitution shall be adopted shall serte fur their unexpired terms: • Sue. 6. In the counties of Philadelphia and Allegheny al the jut isdict ion and pow ers now vested in the District Courts and Courts of Common ,Pleas, subject to such changes as may be made by this Constitu- Om_ or by law, sit 11 be in Philadelphia vest ed m four, and in Allegheny in two distinct and separate courts of equal and co--ordi nate jurisdiction, composed of three Judges each. The said courts in Philadelphia shall be designated respectiVely as the Court of Common Pleas number one, number two, number three, and number four, and in Al legheny as the Court of Common Pleas num ber one arld.number two; but. the 'lumber of said courts may be by law increased from time to time,land shall beim like manner des ignated by sticeessive numbers. The number of Judges in any of •suid courts, or in any county where the establishment of an addi tional cotiminay be authorized bylaw, may be tuereasedtfrum time to time; and when ever such increase shall amount in the Whole to three, such three Judges shall compose a distinct and separate court as aforesaid, which shall be numbered as aforesaid. In Philadelphia all suits shall be instituted in the said Courts. Of Common Pleas, without designating the number of said court; and the several courts shall distribute and ap portion the business among them in such a manlier as shall be provided by rules of court; and each court to which any suit shall thus be assigned shall have exclusive jurisdiction thereof, subject to change of venue, as shall be provided by law. In Al legheny each court shall have exclusive ju risdiction of all proceedings at law and In equity commenced therein, subject to change of venue as may be provided by law. Sxe. 7. For "Philadelphia there shall be one Prothonotary's ofileb and one Prothon otary for all said, courts, to be appointed by the Judges of said courts, and to hold of fice for thre'e years, subject to removal by a majority' of the said Judges. The said Pro• thunotary shall appoint such assistants as may be necessary, and authorized by said courts; and he and his assistants shall re ceive flXed salaries, to be determined by law, and paid by said county. All fees col lected in said (Alice, except such Eta may be by law due to the Commonwealth, shall he paid by the Prothonotary into the county treasury. Each court shall have its sepa rate dockets, except the. judgment docket, which shall contain the judgments and liens of all the said, courts, us is or may be directed by - law. • SEc. 8. The said courts la the counties of !Philadelphia and Allegheny respectively shall, front time to time, in turn, detail one or more of their Judges to hold the courts of Oyer and Termiuer and the Courts of Quarter Sessions of the Peace of said coun ties in such manner as may be directed by • SEC. 9. Judges of the Court's of Common Pleas learned in the law Aull be Judges of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, Quarter Sessions of the Peace,,and General Jail De livery, and of the Orphans' Court, and with- in their respective districts shall bi 3 Justices of the.Pettee as to criminal matters. • . SEC. 10. The Judges of' the Courts of Corn mon Pleas, within their rekiective counties,• shall have power to issue writs of certiorkiti - , to , Justices .of the Peace and other infe riors courts,not of record, and to cause their proceeding ' to be brought before them and right and ji sties to be done. SEc. 11. 4xcept as otherwise provided in i this Constiti tion, Justices of the Peace or Aldermen \ stall. be elected' in the several . the me of the election 'of constables by i ward l , 51 istr cts,. boroughs, ,rind townships at the q alified'electors thereof, in such man ner a hall be directed by law, and shall be comin Ssioned by the Govelnor for a term of fivyears. No township, ward, district, or bor ugh shalirelect mit'than two. Jus tices o the Peace or Aldernibn without the consent of a majority of the qualified elec tors within such township, ward, or bor ongh; no person shall be elected to such of fice unless be shrill hatre resided within the township, -borough, ward, or district for one year next preceding his election. In cities containing over ' fifty thou Sand. inhabitants not more than one Alderman\shall be elect ed in each ward or district. ), SEc. 12. In Philadelphia there shall be established, for each 30,000 inhabitants, one Court 'not of . record" - of atide/vil causes, with jurisdiction not exceeding; one hundred dollars. Such-Courts shall be held by nmestratea wbose term of ornos shall be liVe yesis, and they shall he • elected on gen• eral ticket by l the qualified voters at large; and in the election of the said magistrates no voter shall-vote for more than tw•o-thirds of the numhtfr of persons to he elected when more than one areto be chosen. They Shall be compensated only by fixed salaries, to be paid by the said county; and shall exercise such jurisdiction, civil and criminal, except as herein Provided, as is now exercised by Aldermen.; eubje.ct to such changes, not in volving at, increase of civil jurisdiction or conferring politict.l duties, as may he made by/aw. In Philadelphia the (ace. of Al ilerman is ribtAiSiled. SEC. 13. All fee 4, fines, and penalties in said Courts shall be paid into the county treasury. SEC. 14. In all cases of summary convic tion in this ComMonwealth, or of judgment in suit for a penalty before a magistrate or court not of record either party may ap peal to such court cif record as may be pre scribed by law, upon allowance of the ap pellate court or judge thereof, upon cause shown. SEC. ITi. All Judges required to boearned in the law, except the Judies of the Su preme Court, shall be elected by the quali fied eleetors of the respective districts over which they are to preside, and shall hold their offices for the periOd of ten years; if they shtdr so long behave themselves well; - brut-for any reasonable cause, which shall not be sufficient ground for impeachment,, the Governor may remove any of them on the addiess of two-thirds of each house of the General Assembly. - SEC. 16. Whenever. two Judges of the So p eme Court are to be chosen for the same term of service, each voter shall vote for one only; and when three are to be chosen, lie shall -vote for no more than two. The candidate highest in vote shall be de . clared elected. SEC. 17. Should any two or more Judges of the Supreme Court, or any two or more Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for the same district ; he elected at the same time, they shall, soon after the election as - convenient, cast dots for priority of com mission, and certifY the result, to the Gov ernor, who shall i•osue their commissions in accordance therewith. SEc. 18. The Judges of the 'Supreme Court and the .Judges of the several Courts of Cointnon4lens, and all other Judges re• qtiired to b learned in the law, shall, at stated times, receive for their services an adequate copensation, which shall be fixed by law and I aid by the .811te. They shall 't receive uo of ter compensation, fees, or per quisites of office for their services from any source, nor bold any other office of profit under the United States, this. State, dii any other State. l SEC. 19. The Judges ,cif the Supgetue Court, during their continuance in office. shall reside within this Commonyi'eulth; and the other Judges, during their continuance in otlitc, - shall reside within the district for which they shall be respectively elected. SEc. 20. The several Courts of Common (e Pleas, besides the powers herein conferr ( shall have and exercit•e \%itiiin their respect) lye districts, subject to such changes as on; be ukule by law, such qbancery powers as are now vested by law in the Several Courts of Common Pleas of this CommonweaVh, or as may lii!retifter be conferred upon them by law. SEC. 2,1. No duties shall be imposed - by law upon the Supreme Court or anf - Of the Judges thereof .except such as are judicial, nor shall any ol) the Judges thereof exer ek•e any power 'of appointment except as herein provided. The CoOt of Nisi Prids is hereby abolished, and no court of origi• nal jurisdiction to be presided over by any i one or more of the Judges of the Supreme Court sliall be established. SEC. 22. In every county wherein the population shall exceed one hundred and fifty thousand the General Assembly shall, and in any oilier county May, establish a separate Orphans' Court, to consist of one or more Judges, who shall be learrieo in the law, mhich court shall eiercis,e all the kirk.- diction and powers now vested in, or which may hereafter be conferred upon, ithe Or phans' Courts, and thereupon the jurisdic tion of the Judges of the Court of Common, Pleas, ithin strcii county in Orphans' Corm proceedihgs shall cease and determine. In any county in \vhieh a separate, Orphans' Cowl shall be C:thiblisbed, the Register 01 Wills shall'he clerk of such court, anti sub ject to its direction in all matters pertaining to his office. Re may - appoint assistant clerks, but only with the consent and ap proval of said court. All accounts filed with him as register ,or as clerk of 'the said separate Orphans' Court shallLbe audited -t.y the court without expense to parties, except where all partics'in- interest in a pending proceeding shall nominate an auditor whom the court may, in its discretion, appoint.— In every county Orphans' Courts shall pos sess all the powers and jurisdiction of a Register's Court, and separate Registers' tcourts are hereby abolished. Sec. 23. The style of all process shill be "The Com m onw colt h of Pen nsy All prosecutions shall-be carried on in the name and by the authority of the Commbn wealth of Pennsylvania, and conclude against the peace and dignity of the same. S.M. 24. In till ,cases .of felomods homi cide, and in such (per criminal cases as may be pihvided fat by. law, the accused, after conviction and sentence, may remove the indictment, record, and all pioceedings to the Supreme Court for review. . SEC. 25. Any,ivireancy happening by death, resignation,, or otherwise in a ny court - of rec ord shall be filled by appointment' by the Governor, to continue till the first Monday of January next succeeding the first general election which shall occur three or more months after, the happening of such vacan cy.. SEC. 20. All-laws relating to courts shall he general and of uniform operation, and the organizatidu, jurisdiction and powers of all courts of thp same class or grade, so far as regulated by=law, and the .force and ef fect of the process and judgments of such courts shall be uniform; and the General Assembly is hereby prohibited from crea ting other courts to exercise the powers vest ed by this Constitution in'the :fudges of the Courts of Common Pleas and Orpheus' Courts. aeo. 27. The parties, by agreement filed; may, in ,any civil case, - dispense with trial by jury and submit the decision of such case toll court .having jurisdiction there of, and sh court shall hear and determine rn the sae; and the judgment rthereon shall be subject, to writ of error as in other cases. ARTICLE VI. 1 , ThIPRACHMENT AND REMOVAL FROM, OFFICE. SECTION 1. The House of Representatives shell have the sole power of impeachment. SEc.'2. All impeachments shall be tried by the Senate, When sitting for that or poseolte Senators shall be upon oath or af firmation:- No person shall be convicted without ,the ebncurtence of two-thirds of the members present-. Sac. 3: The Governor and all other civil of ficers shall he liable to impeniffiment for any misdetneanoQ in office, but judgment in such eases shall nit extend further than to-remo val from offfiie and disqualification to hold any office of 'trust or profit under this Com monwealth; , the person accused, whether convicted or, aequ died, . sh all nevertheless be liable to indictment, trial, judgment, and punishment according to law. SEC. 4. All-officers shall bold their offices on the condition that they behave themselves well while in office, and shall be removed ou conviction of misbehavior in office or pf any infamous crime: , , Appointed officers other than Judges of the courts of record and the'Superintendent of Public Instruction may be removed at' - the pleasure. Of the • power- by Which they shall. have been appointed 4 All officers •elected by the people, except ,Govi3rni3r, Lieutenant Governor; - members of the Gen -1 eral Assembly, and Judges of the coarto of record learned in the law, - shalt be removed by the:Governor for reasonahl‘ cause, after dite•notice and full. hearing, on the address of two=thirda Of , the Senate., , , ARTICLE VII. oATa OF OFFICE. SZCT/ON 1." ;SenatOrs Arid 1 Flepresentht t yea and all 'Judicial, State, and vounty_officera shall, -before entering,-on the duties ot/thvir resgective offices. take and sehsPibe he Sol lowing oath, muffin:nation: . i "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will - sum - rt., obey, and defend the Consti tutiou of the United StateS'aud flied Consti tution of this Commonwealth, sud that I will discharge the duties of my office with fidelity; that I have . .p44 -paid ,or ted, or promised to pay or contribute,_ either directly or indirectly, any money or otter valuable thing, to procure' my :nominat orclectidn. (or appointmentjexcep.t forneo essary and proper expenses expressly:lnt thorized by law; that I have not knowinAly violated any election law. of this. Common wealth, or procured it to be done by °there in imy.behall; that I will not knowingly.-ke cexre, directly or indirectly, any money, or other valuable thing for the performance or noh performance of any act or duty pertain i to my office, other than the compensa tion allowed by law." The foregoing oath shall be administered by some !Jerson authorized to administer oaths, and in the rase State qfficers and .wines of the Stiprente Court, shall bellied in the office of the Se etary of the Com monwealth, end•in the tise of otherjudioial and county officers in tie office of 'the thonotary of the count in which the santn is taken. Any person efusing to take said. oath or affirmation shat forfeit his dam and any person who shall be tonvioted having sworn or affirmed falsely, or of har ing violated said oath or affirmation, shall he guilty of perjury, and be forever disqual-_ ified from holding. any office of trust or profit within this Commonwealth'. The oath to the members of the Senate and House of Representatives shall be ad• ministered by one of the Judges of the Sti preme Court or of a Court of Comma Pleas learned in the law, in the hall of this. house to which the members shall be elected. ARTICLE VIII. ISUFFIIAGE AND mamma. SECTION 1. very male eitizeti twenty-ono years of age, possessing the following qual itications, shall be entitled to vote at all elections: First. IHe sh 6 have been's citizen of the united States at least one month. i Second. He shall have resided in the Mato one year (or, , having previously, beeti:a qualified elector or native born citizen of the State, he shall have retnoved therein:SA and returned, then six months) immediately .preceding the election. Third. He shall have resided in etio lion district where he shall offer to v oteat least two months immediately preceding the election. Fourth. If twenty-two years of age or ii* ward, he 81101 have paid within two years.* State or county tax, which shalljhave been assessed at least two months a . paid sit least Wile month before the electi . SEC. 2. The general election sh i t be held. t annually on the Tuesday next 101 l wing thb fir s t Monday of November, but the Genetid Assembly may by law fix a different day, ' two-thirds of all the members of each hot, consenting thereto. Sac. 3. All 'elections for city, ward, bor ough, and township officers, for reguiltr terms of service, shall be held on the third Tuesday of February. . Sec. 4. All elections by the citizens shrill be by ballot. Every ballot voted shall be numbered in the order in which it shall be received, and the nufhber recorded by the election officers on the list of voters, oppo site the name of the elet-tor who presents the ballot. Any ele ct or may vvrite his name i upon' his ticket, or Ruse the same tiobe written thereon andattested by a citizen of the distiiet. 'The el clime officers shall be t sworn or affirmed mit to disclose bow any elector shall have voted unless required to - do so as'eitnesses in ajudieial proceeding. Si C. 5. Electors shall in all cases except trees, n, felony, and ,breach or surety of the. pence, be privileved from arrest during their attendance on elections and In going to and returning therefrom. SEC. i. 'Whenever any of the qualified electors of this Commonwealth shall be in actual military service, under a requisition .- from the President of the United States or by the authority of this Commonwealth, such electors may exercise the right of :suf frage id all elections, by the citizens, under such regulations as tire or shaillie prescribed by law, as fully as if they were present at their usual places of,election. • SEc. 7. All jaws regulating the bolding of elections by the citizens or for the registra tion of electors shall be uniform throUgh out the State, but no elector shall he de leaved of the privilege of voting- by reason, of his name not being registefttd.° • SEC. 8. An person who shall give, or promise or offer to give to an. elector, any money, reward, or other valuable consider ation 'for his vote at an election, or for with holding the same; or who shall give or prome ise to give such consideration to any other person or part-c for such elector's vote, or for the withholding thereof, and any elector who shall receive or agree to receive, for himself or'for another, any money reward, or other valuable consideration fir lila. vote _ at au election, or for withholding thersame o - shall thereby forfeit the right to votekit such election: and any elector whose right to _ vote shall be challenged for such cause bee fore the election officers shall be require - 411o' , swear or aflin - rt that the matter of the chat , : lenge is unfree beforebis vote shall be re:- ! ceived. SEC. 0. Any person who shall, while a candidate for office, .be guilty of bribery, - Y fraud, or willful violation et any election ,I law, shall be forever disqualified from. hold, It ing an 'Oleo of trust or profit in this Com , if monweithb; and any person convicted of -.-` willful violation ofl the election laws shall, - in addition 'to any 'penalties provided by - - luxe, he deprixed of the right of, suffrage ab-. sulittely far eterm of four years. . _. Sec. 10. In trials. of contested elteetione, and in proceedings for the investigation of elections, no person . shall be permitted to ‘vithhold his testimony upon the groutet that it may ctiminete himself orsubjectiffre to public infamy; but such testimony shall net elite' NI lade ho used against him in any judicial proceeding, except for perjury In giving such testimony, SEC. 11. Townships and wards of cities or boroughs shall form or be divided into election districts of compact and contiguous territory, in such manner as the Court of Quarter Sessions W the city ',or county in Ni hlOl the same are located. Way direct; but districts in cities of over one hundred thou sand inbableents shall be divided by the Courts of Quarter Sessions having jurisdic tion therein whenever at the next preceding election more than two hundred and fifty 1 votes shall have been polled therein; and other election districts vhenever the court lof the proper county shall be of opinion that the convenience of the electors andthe public interests will be promoted thereby. Smd, 12. Allt elections by persona in a rep ! rese6t at i,ve capacity shall , be vrv&vbcz. Svc. 13. For the purpose of voting, no put ;on shall be deemed to have gained `e residence by reason of his presence, or lost it by reason of hie absence while employed in the service, either civil or military, of thi4 State or of the United States, not while ,eti - , , zaged in tlie navigation of the waters of the State or of the United States, or on the high seasi nor while a student of tiny Ansti anion of learning, nor while kept In any poor (muse or other asylum: at public ex petite, nor while eonfined in public prison. Si o. Nl_ District election boards shall consist of a judge and two Inspectors, who shall he chosen annually by the citizens.— Each elector shall bade the right to vote for the judge and one inspector, and each in spector shall appoint one clerk. The -first election board for any new diatalet shall be selected and viicencies in election boards tilled as A/MU he provided bylaw. Election oiliCers shall be privileged from ariest pon days of election and while engaged in- ak in big up and transmitting returns, 'wen up on .warrant of a-court of record or Judge thereof fur nu election fraud, for felony, or for wanton breach .of the peep. ItCcitiest t hey may claim exeinption trod' jury : duty during their terms of service. , r '640. 15. No 'person- aheil_bie qualified- to' serve as an electign.Offfeer.w.ho,, shill -;hold, or shall etilltinto months: have.. heldi any office, appoluttnent; or 'employment in. et' under the Government of 4heNnited BMW), or of this State, or of any city_ or . county; or of - any municipal board, commission, or trust• in any city, save only, litstices of the peace and aldermen, notaries.-public, and persdns in the militia service of the State,;_, .new shall any election oilleer .6e eligible' to . any civil offiee to be filled-'et iiikelection at, Which he shall serve, stive:CitilV tOlitieWsub ordinate tilunicrpal or ItiCal'oftetiebelciii the grade of city or countroffieee 4i3 Shill -be designated by geperal law-. , • o'' , - - ' - ' . Sec. 15. Thu Courts of t2oninioii Phis or the several Counties it ilin.ComMotiviettlth.' hall have power within their respective ju,_ riudict ions to aPpotat Overseers of election L to supervise the:proceedings oteleetton of