u tti Never Emi" el Agai' train that brelnge tit Ilia - nife b t dbre Axel then vett sweeping on. _ Ent. Ira to bine. trlfd hod t • zatkir..la,w 'gong • • - 8a lived. for Ufa Inv long be borne ltre narrow breaks Re cram s IRA We last tetras Pat nettled Wm— , newirearen** - niftin- -• •-,-• *men were briglit wound hit twat.,. The obildra i s r•-3,lanpthia lttt val ranee; Sbeattilea that. Inga see. , liatens tarn segtaad bin former awns, Ze vlianureen laicism _train, Ifect Want anlon wad UP anti' • ever inntbed spin. , • He sat what Aairing bowls went retina, And scrip and jokes were passed; Its thought he'd raise a laugh ouoe more— That effort was his last— A honow murmur of dispalt Was blended with the strain • The old girl ' s sru.ge held him back— He easel' srotled,agaia. - . • i In other hOmes. where sorrow csme, It passed sod left no trace, And other brows were eetred of gloom And joyretoimed her plyeet But not for lain: hie gorse wsS cooed. He enraea his fate in vain, llia boots _were dead for coral g year!— Ea awned again. SALAD FOR THE SERIOUS. The year of Jubilee for the frogs—Leap year. 'When is a house like a bard? 'When it has wings. Music is the food'i of love—beef and mut ten thai of mritriiiiony. . Wliat is sauce Or the goose—is generally composed of applet What is is the Kop . r age for a parson? The parson-age, of cPu e. What is..the champion conundrum? Life, because everybody has to give it up. It is very well to say, " Take things as they come," but suppose they don't 'come 1 ciomo poor: but pretty girls attract lovers by the face, some plain rich ones by the fig ure.. ure.• , A New York chemist says he ean reduce boot legs to beefsteak. Some landlords have bad ten years the start of hi 1. "Lore," says an morons writer, "is an ititernal transport." An exchange remarks, The same might be said of a, canal boat." If a man is ui3able to express his feelings, he should apply to the nearest express com pany, 1 . . --7 A Chicago druggist asked a .woman what she wanted of arsenic, and she replied, "I want it for rats and my old man." Her frank ness stopped the sale. A. Green Bo.y_man called a young lady his "precious darling little honey-dew of a rosebud," and then stood a breach of prom ite suit before he could marry her. A man haying a bill against a distant mer- V 'chant sent a letter inquiry to a banker of c that locality. The reply was, "Ho is dead, but ho pays u just as •ell now as lie ever did." The woman who said the latest thing - nut was her husband was answered by her neigh bor,•who remarked that her husband always carne home early—before any one was up. "Would you believe the witness under oath?" asked a lawyer. " No, sir," was the reply. "If you should ask him the time of day he would lie about it." . - - :What a contrast, there is sometime l be tween the adjective and its adverb. Poi ex ample,-the ono who is constant in love, and the ono who is constantly in love. Ven s,ome man slaps me on der shoulder unit say, " I vas glad to hear (you vas so well," and den stick pehind niy - back his lingers tO his nose, I haf my opinion of dot feller." The new bonnet again. " Wife, do you know th I have' got the pneumonia?"— New monik; indeed You're the most ex travagant man I ever did see—to golind lay out money for such trash when I nee lt a oew bonnet so much!" I Dean Ramsay 'says that the Earl of Lau derdale suffered fromiinso+nia, and . baffled the doctors. They could hot got the Earl to sleep. gis son, who was "simple," said, " Son' fur that preaching man frea Living stone, for fayther aye sleeps in the kirk."— "It was done," says the den, "acid with the best result." 7 , An Ohio - clerOrnan relates' hat as hwlwas once about to marry a couple the man said, "Be short 1 be short I" I said, " Yes, I can do'it in three minutes.!' "That's right,":he said. I saw that there was some little dis satisfaction on the part of the woman, and said, ."You don't want to have it too short?" "No," she said; "a body don't want to get herslf up so for nothing." • Returning late ono night to ,ono of those vast mazes of jnismanagement known as a gland hotel, uddle demanded a glass of it stout. "Too ate, sir," was the answer; "bar clodes a eleven." " Can't I have a glass of stout ?" " No, sir—impossiblel"-- " Then pray, tell me, my good friend, said Buddlo with ludicrous solemnity of tone, " what do you keep the night.porteriup for ?" A West-End Tailor, while at Scarborough for his holiday last season, one morning, on 'emerging from the water into which he had just talcen a " header" from his machine, found himself close to a customer who had long 1:10..n in his debt. Seizing the opPiirtu `,,l-se-§, sir," he cried, "when are yqu loing ,to settle my little account?" "Oh, you shell •have it at once," was the ready_re ply, "if you have got my bill with'you." A distinguished officer was lately president of a court martial. Ile had sworn a witness, raw Irish recruit, and hell out his hand for the Bible. i judge of his astonishment at finding it—the ;tend, not the book—grasped ind heartily shaken by Pat, who in the very broadesit brogue said, " It's meself who is proud and plased to bould the hand (Sf ye. sir; and may Saint Pathriek and all the saints of ould Ireland bless yer honor For months I have been in the possssion of facts concerning tho alarming mental con ditton of n young lady residing upon Ipros p cot street, in —, who, wfs once the !pride of her parents and the deliglft of her friends, yet who has recently become 'so changed as to cause great anxiety to her relatives and gossips Oon); the neighbors; end the 'case being on'of great singularity, now demands publicity. Her father says he first noticed her icliosynerney last January, one morning at the brvak Cast table, when sho not only act ed us If iu a state of great bappiness, but said, "If you please" and " Thank you," us she asked for food and was served. A da3 or two later her mother found her in her room darning stook;ngi instead of reading noiels, and she ir - appeared in the kitchen a day or two Lite. and insis,ted upon helping her parent in the ialior 'of baking and mak ing pastry and bread, A physician Wits at once called in, who, unknown to the patient, Watched her through the keyhole for an hour while she was engaged in repairing her little brother's torn trowsers raid sewing buttons on • her father's shirts.. The doctor said he bad practiced twenty-five years, and never during his entire medical practice bad he seen any young unmarried female manifest such symptorrisiis these witnessed.. Her ap petite, however, seemed to increase rathsr than diminish, and ai i rosy flush was obseiva ble on her checks which had not lwan seen Wore— But the most singular symptom was developed a' few days since, when her father, hoping to dia'w her from her new ideas,. placed two , hundred dollars in her hands, with the remark, "There, Minnie, rig yotir self. out in a nice new dress." She immedi , ately ropliei i "I do not need a new dress 4: , now, and. if ou will lot me keep twenty-five dollars . oft . ? I s to pay old Mrs. Mactlannt ganety's re —her husband bas just died, . you know— had much rather you tscorild take the rest of the 'money and apply' It to t that now pr polyp,' 'have purcbased." Thebld ma look° at her for - h -few mitt. ~Mos, and then foil upon the floor in anguish, I ;Autying between,his sobs, " Her mind is peel • I her mind gene I". I ca.llici to zee her yes torday, and found her building a nice pud ' ding anqutting a. mansard roof of frost 70Vrork onja fruit cake; but there was a look in her eye4' t h at told too plainly she was not lonisa i laasoon'in her elegant home. ' I A' sol !fairs shg on her forefinger told the near ap proach of the winged and youth t ful destroy er , who shoots his victims with arrows ; l and is ', I loft the premises a young man in spring bottom pants and a white but bounded - 0 • tiro steps with the air of ono who. knows the. MO will soon Ini'avoi, "She will pass away . , .R/slo witalax is ;-, • tio„ Iro Cipla., - SAW-3 LATii.)llols4'.l NVelisboro. AnavitiniJ oley , who has long been established in aeleweiribnsbinia ralleboro, tws shays for rya Wirilicis kinds end prices of • - • Mattlys, (MCI ow Sliver. , • - - Clock 1771,90ki ChainSi - . - ..Keysi-fßiitgsi. Pin's., Pen,- Ccises,‘,Go - d, .and Steell,Pelts, Th,1,74- .. -- ikt,zors • - -- Plated' Ware, SEWING MACHINES ;be.. With almost all other articles usual's! kept in such establishments, which are sold low for 1-1. Repairing done neatly and promptly, and on abort notice. A. FOLEY. Aug 12, 1873. , . WOOL! WON T ina unflaralgada aro propo t. od to pay tile Market 'Trice in Highest CASH! for , WOOL, at Bair BOOT AND SNOB STOBB, la Sears's BritJit Block. We wilr . be pleasett te have otti trkpailta *WWI EXAISTITE 0131 t BTOO 0/P Boots ) Shoes, which we proposo to sell as low u can bo purchased iu aus market west of Nov, York. We Defy Competition on our Custom-Made OALL A SEE BS O. W. SEARS, 1 BEAUS & BODINE I. 31. BODINE. I , Wellaboro, Pa., luny, 1873.-tf. Victor Carriage Shop. rirllE undersigned wish to call the attention of the public to the fact that they are manufacturing from the choicest selected materials, the latent and most approved styles of LIGHT & HEAVY CARRIAGES, FL&TFOR3I•SPRINO WAGONS, and also the lino CRT-TINDER PLATFORM OAS.,, RIAGE, so conrenient for turning about in a narrow apace. We shall keep camp on hand a good assortment of Buggies and Platform Wagons, and' customers from abroad may rely on finding here pit what they WlMt end at se low a price as la conaistent with FIRST-GLASS WORK • •-,*,< Orders promptly filled. Our place le et the old stand of Bradford .t Compton, near the Troy Donee. DANIEL COMPTON, Troy. Pe., May 6, 1673-Iy. E. F. Irr.T.Elt, Ayer's _Cathartic Pills, For all Pie purposes of a Fami'y Physic, SIG Bilionsness, Liver 00m plaint,' Dropsy . , Terror, Tumors and Bait Rheum, Worms, Gent, 'Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, and Puri fying the Blood, are the most congenial purgative yet perfected. Their effects abundantly show how much they excel all other Pills Theyare safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to cure. They purge out the fon!rmore of the blood; they, stimulate the slug- Web r disordered organ into aettou; and they impart health and tone,to the whole being. They cure not only the every day complaints of everybody, but fottoldable and dangerous diseases: gloat skillftll physician, most eminent. clergymen, and our best oiiitsns, send certificates of cures, performed and of great benefits they have derived from these Nile. They are the safest and beat physic for children, be muse mild as well as effectual. Doing sugar coated, :hey are easy to take; and being purely vegetable, they are entirely harmless. PIMPATED DT Di. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Itlass.,, 'Phu:float and..inalvtioal Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS ft tt.ea. ror Sole by Taylor & Spalding, Drugglits, Wellshorp Aug. 12. 187818 t. Tioga Marble Works. 'll3rgundevtived - is now prepared to eremite all Cot. tiers for Taft 'atones and Monuments of either Da/44 or Rutland Marble, of the latest style sal approved workmatushipand With dispatch. lie keep■ constantly on hand both kinds of •Marble cud will be able to suit all who may favor him with their orders, on se reasonable terms as oan be obtained in the coentry. A Zin..1,1879. 41$ Cyrus D. I 4rifouBuBDEALl 7 tlN, Foreign and Domestic Liquors WINES, kc., &o. Agent for *Pine Old 'Whiskies, Jan. L iet2. ; 00.131,111,713. 4,000 Cords of Hemlock Bark "1217.496.27TZ17:1. CNTamns will be made for the purobase of Per peeled and delivered the ensuing season, at 8440 per cord of 2,1,00_1ba; cob ondelivery. Hark peeled at year ,recelved-fOr•tho next ninety Ave at per fiord of 2,1100 Tha t east on livery. 'Wig nuke contracts for peeling 4.000 cords of bark , on- lands of the Pennsylvania Joint Land and Lum b er 00 . BAILEE LOW= A 4 :op tralibem 19, irsitt. • • • ' Work. Costiveness, hundice,Dys- Inds, Indigestion, Dye ttery, Foul Stomach and nth, Erysipelas, Head. te,', Piles, Rheumatism, tptions and Skin Mess- IC E. =ant ADAMS. ' '•-• -• , ' • • • THE 44 . Izzior--!rtri aoi atiti Wintrer Goalist pikaaO`ttnit defy. efinilooll ,eonvitwtioa part of . . 7 Merinos, 'Nov to• .ish.xr , caLIIRfIE t Capital Alpacas, one VELVETEENS,- DR CORDEROY for Lad BEAVER CLOTH, BRO MUSLIN, PIINTs; 1` -9: BOOTS GroOwlets, Croc Seeing isiDelleving—you wi , Corning, Oot. 81,1873. W__kAMM . J gad all )I:Lot:hors 'Raid of poi; tlot Dres4 0004. I Moore Bar, , _ Sranslz Diagozudo, I GIVE US :A LOOK BEFO American Mike, Beaver Mohalrai CHEAPER Wgti, /12#0zags".4 i t At the, 1.4'1 White rierultle, gisl.)Elennels, Blue NE WILL N 2road Cloths, Suits auat to Or FE CARPETS Of NI obeaßaei can be 111101:61r 3B3EiLT2SS orAdromstr TINY We sell GOOD GOODS and will cowrie, Ir.. Oat% 7,1873. TEEM 3, ME • - • , , ~.• • *•,; ; • • Sattins tf the beat 6randimizde. 0I) DeETA, WHITE es & Cb-Ildrens Sacqwee. D CLOTH, CASHMERES, sREETING tylla Unrinled. ID STOOK OF A SPLEN ery, Table Cutlery, lass Wars. and ovuttomens In'Bpsit salary wax say to th ay ere oti bang Nolth a larger di* ttifia 'yin; , Idikh se Brlllintin, , Qadasitio, . Poulos, Stooge Mika, reneh Poplins, Japanese 4.lapacas THAN EVER. Goods, . Mow* Talll, Wiislll, Nezictu, Towallap, west Prices. ad Gray Plannela. Strips Sheeting, T BE EDERSOLD, 021 er by the best Tailors ! CARPETS! ought in any town or °lip In country. EtTrussEr...o • A.-N-D .truunii Pi„ -tr Qum cuoirEld, make It pay for patsple to obtaa; acid leo s. Wei Eztipispi*is -,.,..:0Xv,y0f1i Lt ectiret. ib6a,t, tli 161' ) r , • SHOES, save money by giving me a call. 1 3. S. NEWELL. WATTE, 1:1'llaiiliCTOli;11:04;)>L*0:43:4 %MtM'.XMZt. CM MU - READY iY ISE = , IMIZI En 11l _ • Homo INiii W 4 Ag L EVEI ~oA =I CO Staple ;awl Faney it r :.:':, , riitr,ss?Goops.,T.lTE . _-Gpo*, T:, M =MEI READT4ADE CL0TH114,0;1iA1' . .,.04P..4,,.: L t?,)091% Shoe&,-&o., Suitable for the winter Trade. - My stock has Leen procured fromthe best wid:irkats in the 'country . 'arid therefore you .wilt be satisfied with prices. F • 1 Cornirag 'Foundry eg: ril4phine Shop. - EStrAI3I4IS E-TI,T) 1840. "W".. I=oetzraiaes cfc Manufacturers of Stationary and-PM/able 'Engines and Boilers. Clearing, Shafting and Machinery required for Saw Mills, Grist dills atid tanneries, Ovens and Grates, for burning Tau.. Screws for moving nialrached and leached bark, (7 astings, Bolts, 'Railroad 'Frogs, Chairs, and Repairing done at short liotlee. We have fa cilities for shipping by Canal or Railroads to all points, and eatipmniali Machinery cheaper than Thatern or Western builders of - tho beat quality. Jan. 1; 1872—1 y. firm, Fork City eilitsde CLOTHING Al' TIE 66.firEaD%k yfia rj E 7 S " Yri the Opera house Block. WITHOUT DOUBT WE Sell the best made, trimmed, and the best fitting garments for Men Boyi and Children in Northern Pennsylvania. plain that they never bad a good fitting suit. we guarantee a perfect fit every time, and our prices are always lower than goods of the same quality can be purchased elsewhere. We'labor*. Op t , 21, 2873-11: Prestpn &Ileei-anans, MANUFACTURERS' OF STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, CIitCULAR, GANG, AND MITLA SAW MILLS, MACHINERY FOR GRIST MILLS, TANNERIES, &C.. GEARING, SHAFTING, BOLTS, AND CASTINGS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS IN IRON & BRASS. Machinery of all kinds re Our 41 - r. G. W. IP'reston'is well known as mac or the best mechanics in Western d'Veav Work, and he Alves las personal -. attention to the; details or our ousitikess. Owning, N. T.. September 1973.-IY. PAINTED POST IRON WORKS, ESTAI3LI HED IN 1349., PALINTIFAID VCitiArr, N. 'Y. AN vvmsirom & 004 PORTAI4JE AND STATIONARY STEAM -INqINES & BOILERS. - . - •PAILTIOTIAti,A*NI7ON.F.4O TO: ,-; _ • 0,.kN6 S t l`V MILLS ENGLISH, . EUgNailit MIZLB AND MiOunia ALWAYS ' ' • -Water Wheels suited to l all liettda of NVatm,'Tannary - Itorke„lirldge• Troika, 4ty - exPirienee our - OE" W. - itoOty -- meant as irsmachintst and Foreman, enables us,- bY bis - personal skpereision4 to Maks, strictly lir*trelass floods; • 1514187.-Iy. NEM THE : : g ~ ,r ; , EMI ME cMNIH_ .„ ■ Has fiat reesive4 ini•go• owl: of I= ES 03R, MEN Cr, N. Ir. aired promptly and at reasonable rates. IIitiNIIPAOTIJAERS OF iSM w.....,.:•:,;:e,.: N 1„, 1,...... , • ir:._n l * BEE w l I'+-rfi,.o.,a/'iM:l' ditt " h'~.: E ,e(tfiNINO, STEMIVN 0 0 UNIT. N. V. Very many people cow We say to all such, tha MERE EMII THOMAS 11ABDE,V. =I ST Is PirKEEN' A VDGETATILP, PREPARATION, composed nimply of well-known ROOTS, tirrt 88i Oikd ray:Ts. combined ether propettiest, n•hich tW thtte natlfro ore Cr:Mari-le, Aperient, 'Nutritious, Diuzetic. Liter:lasi) mid Anti vnolele preo—v , :d in t, cull:iota:at qinintity Of spirit from tlio i•st.,4.;Alb CAN.& tr 4 keep thew La taly climate. wbleh makea tho f : : : 4. LANTano 47.1 N 7-. 4.. r .v_l72 :V , -d: 64 en i 1 c...../1 ea es ... ._0 eee of the most desirable Toirstes anti Cathttr tics in the veal. They are iritaridod strictly IA Pi, j elly DOMOSMICom; only to be used as a medicine., and eicr ai:reecattling to directions. They are the sheet-and= az the f:‘ , 131.1 and de bilitated. They net upon a di‘earefi livar, and stimulate to such a degree, that a heathy action is I at once 11T013ght. 1311(111t. Asa terr,2tty AVorntan egPectialiy carp every ether stammant. Aa a Spl Isi tner frar.le, they have 730 er:aal. .ry era 7. mild An i goatle.Thvgatv . a nil Tc.:10:. 'They Drr n' . 7lent7it TEty is ,ke v:pair ttron. Pry p•rri ".• ..f:107 V Cllff: A ;, , ct a: s-,,b,1.11A)1,"•:1,.. 1.1 , ( • )1 , •.• • '.i~ , .c:...•. ; or rt. , :ai c. Tue laver lee:llra. pp; ulf..:•:ty it hoe ohhtiuc:l, is itr.; (1. and inetethele. It in. ere?seA the - of the limn. It is a deLightt,ll dand:aff. It prcvatita tho t t keeps the licadsool, ;a-A :it'll. colt, a r , C;,•; QUALI 1 .GS ILveia over , n „ 6 cam l al; ! - CULLtr. IRV IPPgf'' , 'l•,/. ,!, ri .!- c; .:. tr4,-4 - A .4 r ':',‘ lj tn n II LI ' O :, ‘..e.:.....,/ ,1 -. 1:;'••;"ir;.)).1 3 0 Mx', •. Ir. \'',...;' D • : 1 :1:•:1 E 5 -.. ;) ni,l 1 -1 - vii -,-, .f ,: : , ri - t - l '- ''. ', ":e. tZ-- : ' 1 I ''. i I'. ; May 13, 1a73.-11ot.—Iy. WEL Lsilofto I: l laaalzie.,; & EEO NVLAIID ore prepared to furnish drat 11 class work from the best lumber, at their new Ise tors •whfoh Is now In full operation. SaSh, Doors, 31211= 0 VIMMIEt.t e ) AND MOULDINGS, eozionatly on band, or ninnulsotured to order Planing and Matehing done promptly,- and in the beat manner. The best workmen "employed, and none but the best seasoned lumber usocl. Encourage home industry. Paotex7 near the foot of Hain . Street. JAIL 1. 1.872-tt. WALKER & LATHAOP. DI , •., r•F,ItS IN ' ILLUDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, STOVES, TIN-WARE, BELTING, SAWS. CUTLERY, WATER TIME, AGRIcumTURAL L'upL9IENTS, Carriage and Harness Trimmings, HARNESSES, SADDLES, A-o ectuting, N. 'sr., Jan.. 1, 1872 THE ADJUSTADIE-SPD~DG BED, Bartlett's Patent June 91, 1870. , . . -Spirat - Spting eflttirlat . , . —• A LUXURIO_US Btrif With only a 'tingle nrstroas. .Por, durability, comfort, cle~W awl adjustment it has no equal. ;.Ik an 'partor bkla for tho aick-roozn, as Anil as for po cone in health. Orders sacited by the proprietor fo Tioga county. r J. S. PAL, April 1, 1870.-tfi hfaitallild, Pa. LIVERY STABLE • IT ETcuAIe k COLE proprhatora._ First-clitaa . rigs I.l6..".furnitiliedta rcaporablil 'ratesj Pearl stroot, op posite Wheeler's wave, slioph: _ . A PUBLIC HACK • trill be on the street at all reasonable }room. Pass engers to and frym the depot to any part,of the town wlli be chate4'ti . enty-fice cents. Por families or small parties fOrplosatire, Otia hoar. Wei/SbOr).. JUIY:I4, piTe. Krlo3l-01 keO.I.E.S. . j . AZ:kit; .1 :1 ''.1:1...7 . /VW X - Z'e• . -11 of any desdiattouoio4ted With acclicti; *7ll 14 oaro the -••'a ' -- . - • . _ 40,1 Ma O= EN f i ' ~, MI : 41 , -With.l 4— ' 44 6 p. 1 14, Fil-ztst f-f 4) cu =S", =NEE ISE .1 1 : 1 . Z. • is GEM FT ' Mrrl FornittOe and Undertalithg, Van Horn et Fhandler, T. Von Horn) at riNpAND COII.IIOIS, UtiItINITURE . - - , ..: It) 13 , t) loner in ',NlirUzeni ikuniilvaitia .001,5404 (d _ . . ' ~ r 1„ F., IF.:.111/).P. AND c'itA'M:l-',kit burrs, r.;()F.A.S. CA)rouE,s. TET-1.',..4-Tcll!3. .2.1' .., • • 1 -. . . ...a. • , MALISLX A:kfi WOOD TOP 0.E.1:11..P. I.,VPM •- \ riAT. I:Aeltg, fyi.S.CY , eltAth:s, itflivev.,L4: . . - o4`Al, AND BQII.IItE l'it,l:%lt'S, IMA.e'li.,' h1: - 1. A'll liF; Ni-N. i lIAIR. al2. S. I - ' k;'3, Irt:B.K .4: EXcEI.4IOIL MAI- - TitAii.'.iES, . . *u4:. fu3l9tnelL UCiL i eoTtuilon rigtlll:l3. pow, \ tit:A-clay:l c s t‘tal,q)nistuf , ilt. 'The al 4,ve geu.(lg ll of tlit.ir t)vtli trta'atefact:trt , , nro witted b.)th 3 , 3 tp quallt.v al,tl Thy seit ' Woijeti, Wire afa,ttrass ‘ the 41014. 1,01.(1141` 81 , 1 ile.; bNI h *,111 ; ale ,, 1 -1 ,, , T 4. ker Spring Berl triAt liill - ,l.Tea on trail fvr 17 yeArd aLtil k Y. "Oa it akift.Vell /311tiNthOt.‘9/1. Our C 0 72' 11.00771, fu eteplmlied With nil sizes Or the ti'alTla'.Ar amity and helintitut style of totrial raec, to;,,cnow otati kiwis of foreign: and home Titalinfactarn, in ten a. iningA to match. Tio'y will Inalto aloha taloi.g a lu - titOr nto,inet and any naedio 4 ti p 64 tYiiijle attended i 0 prottipti;s,and at qatoo*a•tary ges: odd pi t( nt rzirmture !natio. al :d Turthsg ell hhals dtiue with Iltztue:sa aril ,Tan. 10, 1.87 f VAN 1.101*.: t CILINDLE-rt , SDI WIICA T r r ISAT CO-$Cr.llll.--)it1V1W.7C614141.e.13,31 lathcolAktl to a bale Iva after / 2 P.:t: - VI yk,, 0, 6 upplb'atiori tt 15115i . 1.10.2.:: 1 ha It- phssi , I ON (.: tl Lure. i • f ,TT,I. il I,l:te due's to -the, loyE. - a, 1 ... ; . : .,b,„, , 1 „ ,,e. I ZlClL null Wilt I: tdbot, of tisLic ra or for 1 , - , the same liberal ptitroriage as lett beet, exie.i.trd to ffle.-... My books may be found at tba old rla.-,, , r, 5 e tit,,,,,,, ,t. :Tan. 10. 187::. ft. 'f VAN 1 , 619 . . .. . rn.litketia'4Whii•ip:Pif-ar . ...,tri - :-,..e .......,---_. --". ." 4 * „ 4.4 of Citronie,tnil Acute I.4eun.,ttlAti, Xeut:tligs, ; ;;n• bago, :sciatica, Fa.lllllf.y, Utlil .NLTVM.!* flirt:Etat-4, afar years iti buttering, by tali-We LE. rill-L:l'i VEC,ZIIBI4 8E1L1:13(4.T.1C Syn.r,p—the se/entitle di& of ery of J. 1' Fitler, lkf. Lt., a regular graduate physician, Fitt, sliom,, We are personally acquainted, who has for Kr yey- s treated these diseases ex.citsirely with worashing rt. sults. We believe it our chtlinan rimy, ith e r d e !jb . e lion, tosouseie,4ll6usly request suttee:a tu tail lt, e pecially persons in mud , rate riteumstnuees trbo nuot afford to waste money awl time on truthk u 1 xtures. as clergymen we t,erkoslt 1,11 tl, dEep r sponsibilitiy resting on us in . I.o,he;y emic,,,,i : t t h h etlicine: But our ltnowled; i e and ty.p.!rti...t. Li . lit r mark:A.ld me) it fully JustilAes our u.ni.u. 1 , ,y.c,. . 4., I 1 Ening. `tiedia. I'olll'2l, Eulli , :•ed uildtqm y 0,,., b e . carne Lo{ •ss. Eer. 'll,on‘,.t. Aim pi.y, 1. 11., I -.Di. ford, Pints 'a. Bev. J. It. Eavis i Lie21.t. , 1 , .. , 12 . ,eie Jersey. ,ltr.v. J. S. litiolgotan, Claren‘e, kt , ,„ p,0 . " C. G. Smith. 1'10;4010, :si - ..wV07r1:. .I. et ..1“.• I . 1 41, Fails Clitr, it, Plitiadtdpisia. iithrd t.:iirlic , ..,.;• :ta• , enatf•rtt. cinv,.., nor:, Jui:pcs, C.rds_ 1,-; -r nyti. ptamt ' „).-e., ft,r , tard,d t4t.::tt,A wills ).- 711 , !..!•T Co ,;y, r ing tliqe disupsi..A. inie tlit.r.n_itt at:.:,,,,,t,,,, . in , Rented to any 'medicine f...r Patonn's. oi. s f. , thi eqoal inert unrh,r t , -.t, or putt {of, fi . ..f;t.,,., i.", s “rds at many hi:llN ,curs •. A It:.' I , r , C4+ '1 ~ //,' I; , qet descrip• hu t I r .11trit_ I ir4l ..,L i ii.._4•: , .1- I.- -i• - '.F.tily 31 1;it , i4: 1 1 . 41:‘ , I , :c,v, niuniitu ilir 0 °ILIA.: , 1 1 t' • . to cure. ugretriog In refund I: ionc-!,• ni , 3 t,t , .. l. ~...• tau of it., fafinte In :use. Afflicted ii.llti 11 1,. wttii i..ts Dr fitler..PlAlAtielphin. His valnitlll. uil I .4A,, sis I,4Uag WOOD & SCON'II_I.I: :tuft 1,, 4 Enortah. l'a. Iftirch 11.'13-1) all Paper katinboti) *labts, TILE ASSORTMENT IS TUE. REST, THE VARIETY or NEW STYLES THE GRFATEST, TUE PILICES THE CEVEAPEBT of any atoct; ever brought into Tidga county E. B. YOUNG'S 13 0 oi - 5C Srr Jai SIIME POMEROY BRO!S . & STIJITH, B 13LOSSIIIIRG, ,Tioga County, jEann'a. BUSINESS PAPER- NEGOTIATED, Posrcnoy I:no's BANKEng Troy, Pa Fr.b. 4, IR7I-tf. gREAT REMEDT FOR c:anfulniVlß- C , which can be cured by a timely resort to this] stan(l - preparation, as has been proved by the hundreds of - testimonialsi received by the proprietors. 4 - . t is acknowl edged by .mahy prominent physicians to be the most . tellable preparation ever in troduced for the relief, and sure of all Lung,complainti;, and is '.tiered to the public, sanctioned by the experience !of over forty years: When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy ewe in the most Severe. 1 cases 9f ConghS, Browhiti ,s Croup, Whooping , Gough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore-Throat, Pains or Sore ness in the Chest'. and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding, at the, Lungs &c: Wistar's Balsam does,-no t dry Up Cough, and leave the cause I behind, as is the case with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus - removing the cause of - the complaint. • - IMEPARM BETII.N7, FO TILE 6 EONS ' Bostm 1110 P And sold by Dn.:nista acid Dego= gralairdli• Aps. -- .... •IVlagic Glass Cuttler. 11 1 171 4 Is n titnnierful Milo larpLW - n, sn.l for the '.1. , Wain?, exrebse eg FIFTY CENTS every Port, 9ll can bare vitt) in hill bonnit witl sholinad b?,IIIM ° ""....4 glazier. Phis instrument wilt cut glass 1 / rier tbmt any dionlotictul.i.:ll wilt coat Fifty licllare,..: 01: 44 . 11. alp can :;sr. it. 1: is *haply a.nioo putty sniall St!lßt n - I , LEI, that makes tcrilAy•LivB',hond ted rovi.frittonti “. a Irralto—tezep-rt ri '..n a i-ectil:sr son. nor. St 1 Nut rea no “Lili or pi:taloa td nee, I. Ml' 1:04 VOU cut glass with It —at on. a 001. It still lAA inip with a a lifetime: Lc irA;,:vad ve2i:ted. Sent prepaid to 07 addro, sit. aafoly packed, upon teeeipt, or rrh cents and iiiitt4o *tamp by IS. 11. CIAItIOt CO.. 8021 EMI , COP,II;4I+ OVOte WlSAthgtGas O. Cre4411,014,11101149 , ~.., giA DM IT, ii. SYITIC P.l.sslibrg, Pi.