Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, November 25, 1873, Image 3

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    /LUZ Va1.t:r..4 1 / 1 .• '
CoItICINCI,' . I3OIV3,I4E -t7ql - •
VOISa :NORTH.nren4o:lo. - aoVcci sourn.
05 tNirn Svc, . 7 59 8 16
2 ell 863 .I.tttrr.itteevllli, , 906 7.15
•.•u v Is t 914 7 24:
,•5 s it) , 9 18. 7
8 :it . Tttua .• 927 737
0: 8 viltunta-ttl. • f.'t 37 7,-47.
i 815 ottilf'4l treek, -943 • 7'63
sz, V. 11 11\183w, 9 47 7 67
14' gB3 • Ittaitlcfary, 951 8 09 1
lit 7 u . vliegYallas, 1u 80 8 10
1 'O6 7IS 20 01 -3 19
7 40 Ivi•ltebt,ri, 10 IS• B 29
511i.118.1 Top, JO 29
11 I'l Z*l "Sullino 10 ,33
COWANESQVE 111141Xeli.
p fit. A. 31.
ft SO 11105
1.10 . 845
;:t 617
13.1 • 603
1 7 -15
- I.T4TIOI:U. A, Lt. P.m..
IP,'.ralp r t, - -.. 758 .815 I
1-iteaelleC7lllo, -9 19 ' .1 9.5.)
' , rum:Ain°, .. -9 85 -- -7, 45
Eihtfinci, 101 U . 818 I
750 - 015
3iU?ilvllU 1. . 8 95 8 29
Erwip eentre, 820 544
8 30 II 55
1.Ils•.11eY, t 3 55 .1 00
3 rivrknees;Lle, 900 ' 7-35
13.0nel Ef• Unto, 912 787
--' 9 '29 731
Old 'Station, 9 23' 7 38
'I icf4l.4, 9 93 7,44
Devry's TSIS4e, 928 7 19
Mill , 'reels, 9.40 7 57"
Lraulf,icrepk, 950 \ l B 07
:41 - n41380,i, - 10 10 -8 10
Csmoo Can,p, 10 18 8 - 2 5 5
Covington. - 30 20 8,28
10 89 8 55
Soranrvillo 11 10
nal Brook - , tl7O 'l ,
R 31.
ty of 41 53
4151 110
o r 9
v-:Ir 453
J 12 4 43
9 438
11 424
n Si 1 11
;4 31 4 19
n 23 4G 4
819 :1 ra
nII 349
.7 to I'^_s
7-11 1 11 15
3si II 05
1 10 2 45
00111 G wErir.
1:0. 1, 7 '27 p. m.
". 3, 6 37 a. m.
" 5, 1 25 a. M.
%la 30 a. m.
Monitor, 6 55 p. 111.
ROCHEST= DrV1810:1!
i,,)( 11 T'itT
10 22 a. In
.. a.
o 12 . p. In
.Voultor, .9 2u a. in
NJ 2,10 05 n.m.
••12. i4gp.m.
e, 2 02 p. m.
YSF. Ti WA\TEA. Apply to JosErti
11 TtOiLE, Wellsborn, Pa.. Nov. 18-20
2oplyr .1Vo7;1s; of,rsu)Tellor quality and
low vrices, nt Mrs. Soma:Ws..
Dr. T. S. UpDi.:Graff, of Elmira,. has just
porAirmerl a tueeesaful operation cm the eye
at \Villiansport.
All perione indebted to John Fischler ore
reque>tcd to call and settle ithmedintely.
JOHN PrscEtrEit.
WeUsher(); Nov. 11, 1873"-st.
Lade ' Beaver Okaks, at surprisingly lots
pricts, Can be. had at Mrs. Sorn:Lt's.
All persons indebted to, J. 3 . CLAnit are
raque , tc,d to call and settle their accounts on
or before Dec. 1•;t, 1878, without further no
tice. All accounts not settled at the' above
d ite will be left for collection.l"
Notice is hereby given that the 1) f l ooks and
Recounts of , B. Austin deceased a d H. W.
Ilowland l are in the bands of H. W. How
land for collection. All persons indebted to
said firm are requested to pay up.
Nov. 25-2 t.
For SALP:.—One pair' roan horses, eight
yen' old; 'one pait, - oxen, :seven years old,
and one two year oil colt. 'Will sell for cash
or on six months time with approved secnri
ty Por torm - aTIPL; 01 A. M. KNAPP,
Nov. t.15-2t. Lawrenceville, Pa.
14, ,, at the late fire
, all persons indebted to E.
li. li.isTiNos are requested to call and set
tle immediately. i'.:llßee at S. B. Atiarriner's
Jorelry Store. HASTINGS
We11.0) , ,r0, Nov. 4, 187ttf„---,--
R,AtLito.tn NOTICE.—Tho subscribers to
,t,hrk right of wiLY lima aro noti!ed that the
be.r ince their suli:rEfiritions unizt be puid
on or 11(,( , )10 the 14 of vi wiry ttoxt. Pay
molt to br !nada to J. N. 133che, 1?,q., or in
1„ to tho Pirat NatiOnal Bank. -
No\ . 10, 13; -3t.
patients tiLtendea Dr. UnDe-
On,ir, yesterdity. The ?Jew ill-titu
tion i c"nvenicritly iirriinited, with rPeep
niternting rooms on the gri,tind
Evt•ry rootn will be 11114 when the
plea , is rt•vuliirly opened. on the Ist of De
coin bor.—E.bnira Advertiser, .117dp. 20.
, IMPORTANT. -- Mrs. SOFTER)) offers her
l ock of Millinery, Shawls, Suits,'tiful Furs,
N. or below cost for the next sixty days.—
This is ao hunibug, and Indies will find it a
rare opportunity to purchase this lino (If
goods. A large assortment, of infants' cloaks
just received, which will be sold at very loin
rides. •
Dr. DpDeGraff holds ft regular clinic at
his new' establishment, the "Surgical Insti
tute," on Hudson street, this morning at 10
o'clock, and this afternoon at 4. His pa
tients are notified to call at the hours indica
ted. The institution will not be regularly
opened, for boarding patients, until Decem
ber lst—Elmira Advertiser, Nov. 19.
PANIC Patcr.s.—Go to GEO. W.nuyEn's
for the cheapest and finest lot of Clothing,
Clothe and Gentlemen's Furnishing Good.;
ever brought to Wellsboro.. Having just re
turned from Now York, my stock is com
plete. I. buy for cash and sell at bottom
prices. Sults made to order on short notice
and warranted in every respect as represent
ed. Please call and look my stock over be
fore ptircliasing elsewhere.
Wellsboro, Nov, 11-4 w.
Home .Affairs.
Jew advrilisenunta this iXtek.
Fstrays taken up—S. P. Owen.
Betrays taken up—Lewis Brill.
Insurance Agency-111)mb Young.
Prospectus of the Aldioe.
thirpoer's 'Magazine
kijourned Sale—Estate of A. P. Cone, decoalod
Bradt. Booze and k. "lowland.
tietles to butldera—Wellaboro School Board.
1381 Eii
—Wo ttro under obligations to Hon. J. 13.
IQilea fqr valuable and intorgting, public
—Don't forget the lecture at _ tho Court
House, next Tue!Rltty evening, by Hon. J. B.
on the proposed new Constitution.
Every Peat will be free, ana every voter
should attend, ,
—Our village authorities htt9e resolved to
let their light,shino. They propose to 'erect
street-lamps drt our prinCiPal thoroughfares.
This is a gaud resolution, and we hope it svill
be effectually carried Out. "
—The first Quarterly meeting of the Tiolza
Baptist At.sociation will be .hold with the
eaurch at Roseville, en SVerine,d•sy, Dc
cember 10th, 1873. tcv. N. L. Itrynolds.
witl preach the opening sermon.
—The Prnirs papers say th.tt nr. C. 0.
Thenipson, artist', has received the appoint-
meat to a lucrative Fituation ,in Sandi'' , lzy.
Ohio, and is about to remove thitltur. Any
hotly who has a• "Ittc:ative situation" , in these
times is in luck,
—Capt. Thomas Willoughby, of the Cov
ington Veterans,. 13th Die. National Guard
of l'enn'a, has boon comutistionoti by Gov.
Ilactranft, Assistant Adj. General on the
-Staff of Maj. Gen. R. C. Co; with rank of
Lieut. Col. in place of Col. W. A-. Stone, re
.-The Nursery, is maftazino for S-ounszcist
readrs has been .rceived' for December. It
is a great favorite N ith the children and they I
i t
s're always the best judges of such literature.
The pri co i s reasonable, anti we recommend(
the work to parents who havo youni - readen ,
on. hand.
--Our agent, Mr. D. FL ,Curtis, dins
ready started on his annual collecting tour.
We trust, all our friends will be prepared to
settle up their "little bills'!'promPtlY OP,Pr I T'
tentation by him. The Address-taiiolOix the
Paper will .show each subscriber flit date to
Which ho has paid;
—A German barber named Adam Schoff,
1 Blois - burg, attempted t') cOmmit suicide ti
days since, by throwing himself in,fop t
44 aktisNuta. engine. Ile wag resouvA „
.ever, -on y4,e,repettt elm yta tig
big dese 6 - 1
wns , iecou4l,,pliiir4,"ii l idS.till
fr ugh Yelm&l surance gent be
anew ad.tertlieitdlit - anetiOr - P4 - 51%thie s
-paper;,?.vhi will''6li acionnt of ifs liiists _) to:,in=
r*SY Jetern - -.-ilfot
every los% by his-ipmfianieS,by-the
in Wellsbore",wiisOrninptlY-,..adjusted
iho c objeot -- of, insurance
is indemtqy i - nothing more need be said.
---There is ibiti on of the Bab--
, cook Self-A.eting Fire - Engine at Fall Orook,'
text Thorsday; the 7th' instant; at 11 'ja' eloCk
a.' to, 'This comes at :tattier or' bad
,time for
out eiders. for it willdriterfer'e.serimisly".With
the Thatilts.giving ti tliey:and pntnpkin pie.
\S'e suggest that ottr:Cottnty Detird of Uri.;
clorWritc., , rs arrange for an exhibition in this
'regif.iti at aotne barite - ennvenient 'season—
that is' if they, luiVe any faith in the machine.
young' girls, dAtighters of some ; of
our lbst' citizens,' came near groning in
nickiiisoit's pond nelr this villoge' last, Sat-.
urday. , They broke through the ice while
skating, but were soVed by - the"protopt exer
-tions of Edward Fole,v.•wbo showed admira
tilt bravery and presence of mind fir one so
. young. "When the girls got out they felt
tont^ like the solicit. who was shipwrecked—
quite wit and eery cold. - The ',frail- might
hittie been aerious,.but'"oll's well that ends-.
—A letter received last week froin ex-Gov
ernor Curtin - after, our paper 'appeared, an:
nonnced his inability to deliver leis lecture
here to-night on "Lite in•llusaia" as he
had been advertis.ed . to do. - He is.engaged to
speak this evening at a meeting in Bellefonte
in fAvor of the now flonstitutiOn, and until
the election, three weeks from to-day, he is
to be horsily engaged in stumping the State
for the same good cause. The committee re
gret exceedingly this postponement of the
leeture; but it is only a postp6nement. The
date of its:delivery will be announced here- .
a ft er.
No. 1„ 7 37 p. in
•, 2, 643 p.
••17, 2 CO p.
TIT 4 NIC.OIII.NG THon'onTs.—We suppose
it may I e regarded ns a good sign of the
times Oa our principal festivals arey year
by year emote:inciting a more thorough na
tional oNervanee. The Puritan -"Thanks
giving," inaugurated by a handfid of devout
men in one corner of New England and long
emit els. disregarded by large portions of the
country, gradually spread, with other "Yan
kee imtions," I) the whole NOrth and, final
ly, during the war, achieved - a national rec
ognition at the'hands of President Lincoln.
It is no dqui.t true that in many parts of
the Southern States the day is Mill unrecog
nized as a religiOus or social festival; but ev
ery added year sees its sway of good feeling
and good cheer more widely extended oven
there, and we may :3nfely-say that it has- be
come an immutable though unwritten law
of the land that the last Thursday in Novem
ber shall beset apart by the proclamation of
the President and by the hearty concurrence
of the whole people as a day of national
Thanksgiving and Praise for the fruits of
the earth, for the public health,„ and—for na
tional peace and prosperity. • . . '-)
We are asked by the President' to assem
ble in our respectlVe places of public Nv or" - -
ship to return thanks to the Giver - of - alt these
blessings, and it is meet, right,and our bound
en duty Fel() ilo,; but with' most peciple cr# 4
northern' birth_the day implies more that\
thi;, I It is eminently a home festival,' when
the wandering children are gathered once
more under the old roof-tree to look again
into the eyes that grow dearer as they wax
dimmer and to listen to voices whose every
tone recalls the dear delights of childhood.-
That man who does not love Thanksgiving
as a festival of the heart may be sure be has
no New England blood in his veins.
. But he who is of the true New Erigland
strain hold.; the clal only---n little less dear
for it, grosser delights. It is, to htm, the day
when thr true national bird appears in all
his stuffed and roazte , l glory, surrounded by
tho choicest sp Ais -of uJid, garden, and or.
chord. It is the day at' turkey and cranber
ry s.auce ; it is abov,! ail the day of rumr-
Rix rtE. We print that name in small caps,
t;,c ho who knows not pumpkin pie knows
not Thanksgiving. We their i efore hope that
ev A.
ery true trican, whatever he may ack
next. Thursday, will not lack a taste of the
golden globe dear to the Yankee heart. , nd
"May good digestion wait on appetite.
Mut ht-altli, ou both I"
But, alas! the happy festival this year
will find -many Jt_table spread with but a
scant feast. With What forebodings must
many men look forward to the hard winter
before us.' Many strong and willing. hands
in this broad land of ours are idle; many
manly cheeks must pale beneath the eyes of
wif and children at the thought of the fast
slirihking purse. If there is httle of this en
forced idleness and pinching want in or im
mediate neighborhood, so much the more
thankful should we be and so much the Moro
ready to reach out a full hand to those in
need. Thanksgiving is a day especially lie
voted to strengthening fraternal'ties--let us
remember threw° are all brothers and the
children of one Father. to whom we owe
whatever blessings we enjoy. Listen to the
words of a wise clergymen written on this
very theme :
"Truelt is a time of financial change and
perplexity. This perhaps has resulted from
the folly of man in making haste to be .
rich ; certainly not from any stint or scanti
ness in the' gifts of God. The mountains
have yielded their ores, and the fields their
fruits in unsurpassed profusion. Labor has
found its full reward, and no prevailingsick
ness has hindered its constant exertion. If
the diminution of your resources' requires
that you curtail your expenses, make the re
duction not first, but last, in what you call
your charities. Bob not God of His offer
ings because man has - been thriftless. From
the plenty and ladne.is of the feast set apart
a portion for • d .titute and sorrowful.
f iv..stf
Acknowledge the i
~_ •ing of health by . pro
viding” for the cop and care . of the sick."
And on the Rbe* eject a friend sends us
these verses, in 4/te'llopo •lhat they may
touch a heart or, 'letter still, open a pocket."
Ever before my Vision,
I Morning and noon and night,
Stands a weary throng of idle mon
'With faces word and white;
Sadly they turn them homeward _
From mine, and-loom, and mill,
Nothing to do; nothing to earn;
And hungry mouths to fall
Just on the verge of winter, -
Nothing to do but to think
Bow to keep wives and - children
Back from starvation's brit&l
up from city and hamlet
Ewes the wild cry, " Give!
Aye, and give more than ever before,
Or whit shall we do to live?"
Give! Ye Who have always given!
Noble, and generous, and good!
Give, with it lavish hand again,
"Shelter, anf Rre, and food!
Give! Oh ye of the grasping hand,
Of your plenteous store a part,
Give! The cries of starving men
Must open the miser's heart!
Give! Oh ye thoughtless women!
Think that one pleasure lest
Om carry Comfort to one 601.11,
Or corer one'a nakedness.
Give! little children, Your hoardings;
Lat Christmas toys go by,
k that your pennies can save a life,
And " Christ's little ones" may die!
Give! Olt ye rich! from your plenty!
GiFe Oh ye'peori from your all!
A penny or ol ust, is hater than nought .
To those who have nothing at all!
Up from eity and hquilek
Iti* . 4s the wild cry, "Owe!
whqt, snail we 'do to live?"
Aye, and give m that ore tn ever before,
M =nom. P nue4i, afftozis Ltdos Liz TO
STAMP TAX.—The Commissioner of Inter
nal Revenue, in a letter to {supervisor- Tut-
' ton, of Philadelphia, dated kleptember 9th,
p. 873; decides a utatter in which many busi.
ess men arc interested as follows:
Medicines and medicinal preparations,
"otlicinal" ,or ` - nen-offteinal,"-by whatever
rule or-authority or_ formula compounded,
put up in such a style, _in retail packages,
and aceompanicd - with a label, a circular, or
a Wrapper giving the disease, diseases, or af
fections for which Such Medicines have been
and are to be used, - arid also specific direc
tions as to.the,dOso to te,taken, or how the
medicine is to - he used, are in the opinion of
this ofliere Liable 4 to stamp tax under '
ule C,_• -
I Again, the same class of medicines become
Jiahle to the stamp tax, if the mimur corx i_
1 pounder, or the person'oaerik , - -
a m ne wspapers dvertises the Ir' " •a• tnem tor sale
wspapers or by public
hu nd"l' ll t as baying any special proprietary
cialin to merit. ;31teikproprietary,claira may
be.'impljad t t INVAI 901;c3 'posifigave 910 e
. _Mt , 7!.
in `43o,* . ribing the.firtiole. its for tostanie,
-`',T lit
' pills: Or."'s" tincture, or ."C' Pew-
Oers" ete. i P itift ,tnerit becultse;
sitCl4ll44, tint 4418.6.-. powders ; 'were,
or'eonipeu tided , by,:A I), or ns the
Casa may be c- tlr.neitinsueh..inedieines -te -
coma - trable whim , tha,-: - .rnither; 'corn poundety
olvender.tidlrertises'theni; tk; atiOv its bitv--
'log , any peculiar ltdreittaim medolorprep
Amnon; gurilityi tise,:or,eirect,'Whet!av
claim - be rol,orLpretetided,' •
fixie, , `lnedlnes- or •tnedipinnl 'prepara-.
tuns,be;exe pt,Tront the Storni) to must,
Trot oepatent or - proprietary,- They,: Must -
-neetipput up in any, style (n. manner striileVr,
,to that of patent- or - proprietary medicines.
Thor Must not,be advertised as ;haring any
specialropriitarY claim to merit, etc. They
must not be'solcl or offered for sale, or ad ver.
tiled under any other name, fornt, or ouise,
than that deanniinated and laid down in' the
authorised pulTslied medical works or jour;Hats:
',lVlmeter departs from' theseplain and
simple rules my Malting, preparing, recom
mending to the nibtle, and vending, or of
fering or expos' g. his InediChies, ete, l for
sale, has no clai under. tine, law to exemp
tion from the stamp
04VEOL.A. kr - r t is. 7 -2te the \ E4ifor of, the
Agitatoi. This' OtOe town is't present -un
der therinfluense Of local much
so that our landlord, had a - k4,01 Whisky
stolen from his c6 liar a few evenings since,
white his nurser us admiring - friend i were
enjoying a soeiandance - in the halt abiie. A
search warrant 111115 immediately issued, but
no clue could be obtained to the stolen prek'-
erty. 4
Mr. Julius Scott, an old re - iident of this
place, had a stroke of paralysis a short time
ago, but is fast recovering.
-Martin & Bossiorth have dissolved partner
shiP, but the business is continued at tho old
stand by 'Edwin. B. Bosworth, one of the"
old firm. 0. K.
COINCIDENCES—" Topics Uppermost", in
the - Elmira Advertiser, l column ostensibly
devotedlo witty - original comments on pass
ing events, now and then contains 'coinci
dences' of quitea remarkable nature (for ac
curacy), samples ';f which may be fou,• •
a comparison of he columns of the Got ii
Age of last week nd the Advertiser of last
Saturday : Here re a few striking instances:
Golden Age. Zlndra dltivertiser.
The lloosac tonnel lacks The ktem.fin tunnel only
little of being it co piste tacks a little Of a complete
bore. - bore. • ,
Gail Hamilton t links Gall ilainlltma Interprets.
that Joseph was the g ntle- that Joseph %vas the gentle
man of Genesis. "- man of Genesis.,;
The duty of noete y to
thepoor in hard ibises—
employment first, that be
The Christman etoLy of
the London Graphic wl.ll bed
written this year b An
thony Trollop°.
Itev. Or. Chapin, e
ing of yew England t
_pay. says, in the Chri
iLcader. The truth 1
while anybody caul
what Orthodoxy wal
body can tell what 0
dozy is,"
' There are more
for to-day. Th
ashamed of itsel
will come to be c
Ati EPISODE AT OSCEOLA.- To the Editor
of the Agitator: Our town is quiet , at the
present time. Rev. Mr: Hayward, from
Now York, -- gave a lecture on temperance in
the,Presbyterian Church on Sunday even
ing.k Quite a large audience were present.
His Aubject was "Wrecks," '
After; the close 4 / ?f the lecture a collection
was taken up to pay the traveling expenses'
of the brother. 'While they were taking up
the collection, one man who had been asleep
woke up, and rising tipon his feet asked one
good, quiet brothe'r it' he wanted to
I gt. a
hunting. Hakoo 1 quite a deep interest iu
he lecturo. •
Osceola, Pa,, N
—Trains now
- Ettenvilltc.
lature for a city cl
—Mr. David Ou
Pok i celebrate Lb
—John Arnot, t
died•at hi
the 17th instant, i
his age_
--Mr. Clinton E Stickele, of Corning, lost
an arm last Sunda. morning by falling be
tween two freight ars' while the train was in
motion.. He was brakeman on the train.
--The Bath Courier says that the horse •of
John J. Smith, of' 13.1 th, stolen recently, was
found tied toa tree, ' dead from starvation,
!war Bre sport. The buggy was, near by.
—Dr. 'harks D. Robinson of Hornells
vale, die in thatvillago last week at the
ago of si ty-five .. ears.. He had been, dur
ing hir lie time, very prominent in that por
tion of the State.
• —William S. 119
week Sunday, ages
a member oY asses
of Congress in ISt;
tive of the town of'
ning) being a son
pioneer, •whose far
Corning village.
—Speaking of G
pay gift to the Ori
Beecher, of . Elms
"We do not cart. to argue the back-pay
question. If ama tell a witty story and
the hearers do lat laugh, there's nothing
more to be said. rie cannot-explain ajoke
or prove a story f p anT L by a process of rea
soning. So as to he - action of conscience.
If upon statement of the back-pay . transac- 1
tion, a man do no flush with indignation,
and resent the suggestion that he could] by
nny - possibility ben party telt or profit by it,
there's nothing more to be said. Some men
have no.sense of vrit. Some men have no
sense of honor. Such are to be pitied. They
should not be thrust into - temptation. Mr.
Smith wisely declines re-election."
—The Elmira Advertiser of last 'Friday
says :. One of the rost terrible occurrences
took Place at tlie It fling Mill yesterday,' that
we have - ever bee called upon io record,
A lad about thireen years of age, named
Joseph Leary, son of Cornelius Leary, liv
-Mg ti,t, the - upper p rt of Baldwin street, be
iiirli the neighboilhood of the mills onWeci.
Tie:4day night, and not liking to go home,
crept into one of tie furnaces of the INd
'Ming mill to sleep. 'The place wEis warm
and the ashes were soft and conifortable.- - .
The furnace was oile that had been under
going repairs, it bnd not been used for some
days, and a fire ha been built in it only
Wednesday that .1 as to be used yesterday,
About twelve o'clock Wednesday night the
doors were closed and the blast put on. The
boy must have beCn almost instantly suffo
cated. Yesterday, Frit noon, the doors were
opened for the purpose of shaking the grate
and the dead body of the boy was discov
"ered. It *as net very much d r is c fl ,, g ii n n r i e ze d d h b i )yr
burned, as it was immediately e
ono of the workmen. „
A. MA Woms.N.—Down in Northumber
land county, there is a remarkablo woman
of whoin a correspOndent .of the- Episcopal
Register writes asthllows: Some sew, tads
frutn Shamokin lives a character that those
maply people, the '4'wom en's rights women'
should certainly k 'ow l us she Is decidedly
the champion. Th s singular being is some
seventy-two years f age, and is altogethii
the most manly wo an I ever met with.
tenant at will, she has occupied for many
years the farm she ultivates with, her own
1 .1
hands and the assisltance Of hired laborers.
She owns about torty-ttvo head •of cattle,
some of which I saw and tire really Rae stock.
She lives alone in her log-_ cabin, her only_
companions being t wo shepherd dogs and
her chickens, many of the latter sleeping
under the same roof with, her, she eallit?g
thew her children and training them up 'in'
the was they should go so- as to clads° the
least-inconvenleneoo her in - her- habits of
life. She is utterly fearless and with her
dogs and gun, which she can use with uner
ring aim, Liza Schi,tier is a ehdaeter that
few would care to trifle with. Imagine if
you can a woman el-medium hike; dressed
in men's 'clothes, with a -soft hat s vatiousty
indented, upon her head, no coat, bare-footed.;
and you have this Champion' , q'- ,`-'women's
rigets" before you. Wrinkled ,though her
face is by the storins rand_ of many I
years, the strength of. this - Man - - - wo.Mor. of
seventy-two is soineWhat wondat , '' u l Vora
a term l y - s - iliiejos - for ibe ** .exPF 6B *
blo is hardly
siun of kV . ' no7.Ztr'S of talk,' and few men,
l i. t o_weve" a isp - osed Or such perfection, may
themselves SuperioC.to her.orf the 0.0. PT":,
,of profanity.; llnekand•variect h..sz . 3 :. !ecykuiv
travel, and-strange ightOia 'ohjette-laMji .
seen and 'met with; ut :the Hermitof - Shaz.
molun, with : her., siapernntuial power:6f
tongue and limb, surpass arkstid.4 0; my; ;,
pNylota lw ortieri ,- - ; - 1 -
To the poor, theSo hard
times, employuteo_ Seat—
benevolence -second.
Anthony Trollops writes
the Christmas story of the
Loudon Graphic this year.
• tbat
Rev, Dr. Chapin asaerta
in the Chris' Han Ladle'',
that whereas anybody can
tell what'-Orthodoxy was,
no one can tell What it is.
of them, but these will do
Golden Age should be
If it don't take care, it
lied theArazen Age.
a K
from Horseheads to Van
elks of asking th© Legis
finer. •
i•tis and wifo of Painted
•ir golden wedding next
well-kno;vn banker •of
residence in that city on
the eighty-first year of
bbell, of Bath, died last
seventy-three. He was
bly in 1841, and member
and 1844. He was a na-
Painted Post, (now Cor-,
of Nehemiah Hubbell a
( was opposite the site of
I .ngressman Smith's bank
bans' Rome, Rev. T. K.
ra, makes the following
mpakLbv; 34 1873 k
LiviuKgr:orlki.E4,r4 'ituirlo9l.4Aapi”y. vet ! ,
by ItoV.T.ltoyuolile; Mr. Jvhiiir, Vi r uthht!@it
awl-Mire Maggie Morris. of AhtljW.,
0ec0610114 . 6r. - -16.'187ai
Jhbri Catnip. Ur. 'itirhtaridA:lo4 Mfaikdos, - ,
,pui-dto both of Weatticidi •
1038-Tgo7/".—JOIIE8. n Nci4:9tb.41872. Ravi
Jobtk Calrne;-111r. Aiwa 141 win Nvostwu,,lir Add1e011;:'
and Mee Emma 76netto of Vecau/s"
•,, , r. , .
IVeltrbiird.• on ,the . 2d
instant. by A.:B - ...lirewsittor; Req., Jr.a Rolla' Robinson ,
and AIM Dowel; both of Weßaboro,,:: _
litratrza—cannsinicis,—ott the 11th inet.. at . the;
parsonage of the Third Presbyterian chtutalf. WRlbitn'
sport„.by Rev. John Burrows, Mr. John F. Rushee, ofi
Willtaxneport o and Alia* amide B.Onmmtnge or yobs.' 1
PIARR—SIIIIII.—At the Conatteisque Wel. Deer
field; Not 2. /874, by J, R. White, Eaq.. Afr. 'Devaßie
Plan,U and Was .Ip= tkuith,- both of Weetneid; Pa,-
RAYNEB.—In Eivartanabnag. Crivaftrig county. ra.,
Nov. 16th, Nellie Victual% youngeat daughter of gam
nel and Jane W. Haynes,' aged one year and iltz
months. • ' - -
He bath gathered one more gent for . Etta •kingdom
Wr.s.Lseono. No VrAMS.B 34, 1S T 3
Whitt %Ilea, hour, per bbl '-. ' $lO5O
Amber ~, w —• 10 LO
Bpring " '." ', ... . -9 00
Rkui,:wheat door, par o': ' ' • 326 " • • 4 Off
what., white, per 44;0 189 '
whek, red, "
Wheatwring, I.
Corn, slAcilled, ~ -
Oats. " \ . 4 4 -
Barley, \ ,',
Rye, \ ...
Mover seed, \.. '
Timothy seed, -\l'
Corn meal, per cwt \ • 2 00-
Feed, per cwt \ 1 76
potatoes. per lush—. \ 50 • -- £0
Apples, green, per bush., ' 00 80
Onions, per bush \ 1 50 1 75.
=sips, per bush
\ 25 80
g, per lb c 6 20
per lb \. 12 ' 15
Should ors, per lb • .‘:
It): ' 1234
Butter,per lb ' \ 80 85
Cheese, per lb \ 12 .•' 10
Lard, par lb s t\Ill: 15
Tallow, per lb 8 10 •
Honey, per lb 0 20-
Beeswax, pe; lb 26\ --
Vinegar, per gal 40
Eggs, per dozen 28 \ 80
Dried aPples per lb a 8 •
Dried peacbk , per lb ` \ 12g
Dried cherries, per lb \4lO
Dried blackberries, par lb ' 15 29
Dried raspberries, black, par 1b.... 25, 'BO \ •
Dried raspberries, red, per lb ' , 20 25
Cranberries per qt - lg
Hay, per ton - " • "
Wood, 18 inches, per cord "
Wood, 3 feet; per cord
Coal, hard,•per ton -
Coal, soft
Ground plaster, per. ton
Sugar, "A" coffee, per lb
Sugar, yellow, per lb
Sugar, brown, per lb —. 101g11
Teas, green, per lb • - —.. 60051 50
Teas, black, per lb ' 80c(41 25
Kerosene, per gsl2s
Wool; .por lb
Peas, Canada field . _ -
• •Itlack-eyed Marowfat •
70 ' 90 .
...... 86 60
7 60
13."..n1z , zFqc31,13...1.1rri EMT its 00"
No. 829'WelocoroamiSut887. New Yo ur
Dairy Pails, choice 36 • ®
" ordinary. .... 33 ® 2.6
Penn's, Choice 28 @ 30,
'. ordinary 20 i?; 2tl
Stg.te Firkins, selected 32 CO Si
State 'Fobs. 28 4 28
State ructory, fancy..
,-, o medium
Fart Dairy, prime. ' 12,4601 133. i
lair to good. - 9 @ 1234
Dried Apples, quartered per lb ' IX@ 8%
4 , .. sliced 10 @
Potatoes, per bbl. ....... :. .. , ~.... 1 09 ria 2 26
Apples, flue. 2 78 9scg a 00
'Maple ,2pgar ' (i)
Ashton Salt , 260'
Egg% fiesb
IVOTICE TO BUILDIMS..--Ilotice is hereby
.j given that the School Board of Wencher° School
Diatrict will receive proposals until December 10th,
1873, for erecting a three story brick school building,
to be completed before October Ist, 1874, Plans ; speci
fications, and bill of quantities can seen at D ILA
Ar, Isosarcre oface, Wellaboro.
By order of the D ant
Wellaboro, Nov. 25.1878.-2 t. Secretary.
nd the bes
the t s
d 0 ustained work , of the
'ki hi Wori •
Harps 's Magazine.
Notices of the Press
The ever-incressieg- circulation of this excellent
monthly pores its continued adaptation to popular
d,.stres and needs. Indeed, when we think into how
ninny homes it penetrates every month, we must con.
eider it as one of tho educators as wilt as entertainers
of the public mind, for its vast popularity tins been
won by no appeal to stupid prejudiceit er 'depraved
tastes.—Boston Globe.
Thu character which this . 11 foguatina Ploaleteea for.
variety, enterprise. artistic wealth, and literary cut-.
lure that has kept pace with, if it has - not lead the
times, should cause its conductors to regard it with
justifiable complseency. It also' entitles them to a
great claim upon the publics gratitude. The Mc:gam:us
has done good and not evil all the days of its lilo. Broolapt Eapte.
Terms :
nARPER'S nusAnms, one year $4 00
$4 00 Mclnnes prepayment of U. S. postage by the
SubscriptioUs to HARPED% ItAGAzius, IVEssms, and
13.taci, to one address for one year, $lO 00; or, two of
liarper's Periodicals, to one address for one year $7 00 :
postagepayable by the subscriber at the office where re
do Extra Copy of either Me ltfeessZrus. WESELT, or
BAvat, wait be supplied grata for every Club of Ittrg
Stmscrimuns at $4 00' each, in ORE reilliteande; or, Biz
Copies for $2O 00, loithout extra copy: postage payable
ay the subscribers at the offices where received.
Back Numbers can be supplied at any time.
A Complete Set of Ifearan's 'Afairiazissz, now corn•
prising 47 Volumes, in ueat cloth - binding, will be sent
by express, (Might at expense of purchaser, for $2 211
per voluble. Sinyte volumes, by mail, postpaid. $3 00.
Cloth cases, for binding, 58 cents, by mail, postpaid.
The postage - on E3AtcPEleB - MAGAZ.bIE• is 24 cents a
year, which must be paid at the subscriber's post•ofdoe.
Address HARPER & BROTEIHRS. New York.
Daily, Semi- Weekly, and Teddy.
The high character which Tim DAny Truss bile'
borne in the past Jo a sufficient guarantee for its con
dad in the future. It will continue to advocate / the
cause of the public, without reference to the loteresta
of individuals: hypon se will be spared in the
maintenance of its position as the foremost of Amer!.
can journsiti.. It is the bost daily family newspaper iii
the country. It has Om latest news, the beat forolt e
coriespOndonce;and the lirtlest Staff of -413° ‘ . e correo•
poznients.objectionable ;leis end la rertiseineet ,
are rigidly excluded
TERMS 1.). MIS IL stmsontßcns.
Tim DAILY TralT.P er annum, including the Sun.
day Daltl,-.41 $l2
TEA T ...' , Atta Trams, per annum, exclusive of the
Sunday Vition ............. . 10
The Ehoday Edition, per annum.
The Semi- Weekly Times.
Trtt timotAVEzsys TIMM contains a very careful
epitome of our foreign and home correspondence; art
interesting selection of current literature from the
best foreign and domestiO magazitses; a choice variety
of agricultural matter, and the very latest news up to
the hour of going to press. Tens is.--$3 per annum,
Club rates—Two cooks, one year. $6; Ten copies, one
year, $25, and one extra copy free. Now mums may
lie added to clubs at any time during the year, at club
`\\ The' Weekly 212224. '
Tea Wx.Ortx Trams is undoubtedly the beat paper
for the farmer. for the znechanie, and for AU who live
in localities tyhich are eetved only . by Weekly mails.
It contains, In addition to editorial comments on cur
rent topics, an excellent condensation of the news of
the Week; the meat, hiportent events, bdtb homed
forelgti, are reviewed st` teriAtn,tind a large quantity
'el matter ia given especially interesting to the tanner
And m 04121314. \ its market reports are the fullest and
most accurate I . the country , Txnats--$2 perm:mum.
Club rams of HE Wszazac—ail to one Post Mice
adkcss—Lirive copies, par annum, $7 60; Ten copies,
.perannem, $l2 AO; Twenty copies, per annum; s22;'
Thirty copies, lie annum, pi), and one extra copy to
each club, For cry . , dab of Any, tine copy Of Us
Satz-WWI:La Trims to thnietter.up of the chab;
When the names of itthseitbere ere requireA to be,
riftien epon each paper tit the ilia) at one yeet. , :,116
- edarelis,:itil taut*-fctr tech izsgt ati.:i t te h et. - t o the
above tette. • , . . , ... , . • . ,
2172 3 E 2611 ', g* . :*arl Wt.s.s.ra. railed one year r:11
le ' r igg-tl li ' at ttiO_lsTmst rates.- , , -,. _•• : -2:,; - 1-; ": .-,
-- -'riaeae prices ars luvr.rlablo. getrgt tfl &Oil_ ials:
eietr-toric• - or" post °Moe lifirge.f °idea. itpossible,
„ilia ;,o - hiroitelttiat of #ioao *au bo proooridaona the
In 4,re'gitterti) ;otter. : •
Teiriztor-Istili itiadvincer„ ' • • : , .
::- ' '',
, , •• •: * • ' *rarlytAlt OW_
_ .
-- , 660
2 00
2 00
8 00 „
- 7 6007 73
.860' .9 50
•••••.. 40
- 9 00
Nov. 21, 1878
raYA 14
12.5i0 19
I 0 13'
674® l
as G - ' 28
SPECIAL torTME . S::- •
, ,1 •
:}..,Ciiitiiiiiie_Liki 00, ntgO!
1--_ - „-: , ~,,. There, to no-jaan ,
~, c yhic,l the .en
;-;',.:•,., ', ~, v V:,,,.;,.6.1.4;'.41ninientrk will
_nok:,ll3,lletie t 'n?
. . -- 7'C''' ';',;:' `in . Clitnitiio'.lllll,,#9c ii lll 4a4 o ;;!ui4
1:---* it
-, i- ' . ." Itn4ciilnii!iille ivtitlh'-itinii , 'ifill•:%iiot
7 .....7 - . ' ill . di, IWsiii,rig lapaidge; but
`- - : ti,' : - L:".l r '!`''' , - • -
tf' I: ',. -- ',llis - ,ttue. ' ' They bitve- - 00clual4
tasn'e im*lsia; rbOitnatitnn. tnrintt ,
''''''"' "'
' ' Illniti asiited briaits,'
gii, Juaic,jiiii;.'palii*Lion'ais. !vo ,
~ . ,
-' '' ' '- ' ii ibeint 'eaiiltilio; epiLi tipon ibis bti
liculatii btnlitti:t±a -
Mart, !fame, strains, aptivititi rfidlitg"tici. upon
a/4/ I '4 yeir than ,baVe -all 'tittier . , Preteudeod
retietlies eitiee - the began:: They are counter
Jeritard.-all-henknl; pain -7111i0VCSD. , ' Cripples throw.
eras tl}elr . ttiiactiei PIO lame .Walit;Paistitwini bitee
ttre tendered hart:Weil and' the wounded ere 'healed
Without a smr.. The recipe re puhltabed around vial
bottle. They sell us no articles et'or before sold, and
they sell becariso they'd° Jimt; what .Al 4 pretend to
do. Those who noir suffer froitt I.lteittrilitistu, pain or
swelling deserve' to suffer it they Wilrnot Use Content'
Liniment.,whlie wrapper. Wit, than 100 certiticatee
of remarable elates; inciading trdicti chronic
rhetimatiam, gout, running tunio.s, ie., have been
roeelved. We will mend a cirealsT coLtatnlng certrff
citar the re , :dpe, .to grafts to suy ono reqUestlug it.
One bottle of the yaw wrapper t:ent.ter Liultarnt to
worth one hundred dame for Spavined or se e6nied
• horses and mules. or for screw-Wenn in skeeP. Stock
owners—theca liniments are worth your attention.—
,Ne.tareily should be without them. '2 , White wrapper
tor.famlly *0;" Yellow wrapper for animate. Bold
by all Drnggtbts. tiO cents' per bottle; large IMttles,
$1,06. J. It. - Itosit's,, Co., 53 Broadway, New York.
CAST OBI& is more than asubatitute for Castor
VI — lt is the only sofa article in existence - which is
certain to assimilate the food, regulate the bowels,
cure wind-colic and produce, natural sleep. 1t con.
talus neither minersla g inorphine or alcohol, and Is
pleasant to take; Children teed.not cry and mothers
may reek - , oat. 254873.44:.,
XI - SriEOI ,I 3EMPIPXOIO ehehld het tri
fle with iticir health by reaortuag to new and untried
remedies, often drastic , and injurious, while the great
cure, Weiland's German Bitters, can be had. The
,feet cony in favor of this .staudard:, remedy is Iw.
manse, and each day adding to it from the' most res.
pectable classes of society,. • , • .‘. _
Rend the /alimony of the Supreme Cotirf :
'Former Chief Justice George W. Woodward : I find
"Ilooffand's German Loth rs" is a good tonic. useful
in the diseases of the digestive organs, and of great
benefit in cases of debility and want or nervous action
in the system. Hon. Chief Justice James Thompson :
'I consider "Iloofiand's Gorman Bitters,' a- valuable
medicine in case of attacks .of indigestion or ilYePel 3 -
ids. I can eartify.this_frinn my experience of it.' Lion.
'Justice George Sharswood have found by experi
ence that llooiland'e German Bitten," is every good
itontc, relieving dyspeptic symptoms S'inost directly.
They are not alcoholic. They are sohl.by all Drug.
24-7 m, Mot.
likthe beat regtedi in the world for the following corn-
Plaints: Viz::' Ciatnps in the/Ain:Ms rid - Stomach. Pain
in the Stomach, Bowels, or Side, Ithetunatism in an
its forme, Billions Collo, lqouralgia. Coolers, Dyson.
tory, Obids, Fresh Wounds, Burns, Bore Throat, SDI.
nal Comp)aints; Sprains and Braises, Chills and F'e
'ver. Forluternal and Ex , cruel use.
Its operation is not only to relieve ,the patient, but
entirely remol(es the cause of , the" complaint. It pezt;
etrates andpFll Nilee the whole system, restoring
healthy action as parts, and quickening the
die and All Health.
Papered by
No. 215 Fulton Street; New Rork.
For sale by all druggists. July 29, 1873-Iy.
Thirty Years' Experience of an Old Nurse:
'PRESCRIPTION or one of the
.hest Female Physi
cians and Nurses in the United Mates, and has been
ustAl for thirty years with never falling safety and
success by millions of mothers and children, from the
feeble Want of one -week old to the adult. It cor
rects acidity of the'storoach, relieves wind colic; reg
ulates, the bowels, and gives rest, health and comfort
to mother - and child. We believe it to be the Best and
Surest Remedy in the World in all cases of DYSEN
arises front Teething or from any other cause. Full
directions for using will accompany each bottle.—
None Genuine unless' the fee simile of CURTIS &
PERKINS is on the outside wrapper. Sold by, all
.Ifedicine Dealers. July 29, 1878-Iy.
Children often look' Pale' ttud Sick
from no other cause than baying worms in the 4 toma pb.
' BROWN'S VERMIFUGE 0 035 7.7.1. TS
will deatroy Weems witim,ut loillry to the child, being
perfectly' WRIT% and free from all Coloring or other
Irderious ingredients uattally need in worm 'prepare.
Roue. CURTIS dr. UItQWN, Froprietore,
No. 215 'Fulton I:itreet, New York.
&id by Druggists and Nemeses, and dealers in Medi.
tines at TM:NTT-FM CENTR A Box. July 89,'73-19.
attOntion is specially invited to the fact trt th e Na
tional Banks are now prepared to receive s bscriptions
to the Capital Stock of the Centennial hoard of F 1•
Dance. Tee funds realized from this source are to he
employed in the erection of the burdings; for the In
ternatidual Xshlbition, and the expensele connected
with the same. It is confidently believed that the Hey
stone State will be represented by the name of every
citizen alive to patriotic commemoration of the one
hundredth birthday of the nation. The shares ofatock
arc .offered for $lO each, and subscribers will receive
a handsomely steel-engraved Certificate. of Stock, suit
able foe framing and preservation as a national memo
, •
Interest at the rate of six per Cent. per annum will
be paid on all payments of Centennial Stock fr s om date
Of payment to January I, /876.
Subscribers who are not near s National • Bank can
remit a check or post-office ordor to the undersigned
• • 11 - MBE. FRALEY, Treasurer,
• , 804 Walnut St.. Philadelphia.
- VISTIf-ANS TAN EN VP.-.Own head of cattle—
Xi one a red Cow, and the other a two-year old heif
er—came upon my premises, in Vharieston,Pa.. - about
the I,6th of November, 11373. - The owner is requested
to pay charges and take them away. 8. D. OWEN.
Obarlestun. Nov. 26, 1873-3t*
ESTRAT TANEN ILlP. , ..oaine into the Males
: ure.of the subscribes, on the farm of E. P. Deane,
in Delruar township, Oct. 28, 873, a dark bay mare,
With swan wkits spot in face,•tinti a small - white Spot
on breast caused by a collar ealL Weighs about 1,100
lbs. and bile shoes on all around. The owner is hare
by notified to prove property. pay oharges, and take
the mare away, otherwise she will be disposed of as
the law directs, LEW.IS Efil/11.
Delmar, Pa., Nov. 26,1673.4 t.
kNINISTRATOES , SALElo.pliotice is here
.L .
by given that by a virtue of an order issued out
of th ICl orphans' Court of Tioga county, the under
signed Administrators- of the 'estate which was of
Richard Childs. late of Morris in said- county, de
ceased, will expose to sale by public outcry, at the
Court Rouso in Wellshoro, on Thursday the fourth
day of December next, at a o'clock p. m., the. follow
bag described real estate, late the, property of said. de-,
AU thatabitairi, .lot of laid in' hiorris -township in
asidoonnty of Tlogs; bounded on the nbrth by Henry
Miner, east by Henry Miller, south / byfFrederick Bo
ger and John Lhsek, and on the west by A. G. Seaman
and W. W. Seaman, oontaint,tittoilt 165 acres more
or less.
Terms:--One-thira st confirmation of We; one
'third In one year thereafter; one-third in two years
_thereafter, with intarerit:
J. IL OfULDS. t„„,
/. . A. G. SLAIIAN. j "'"'”"
Vov, 1673-4 t/
at& Woiadrulf: You are hereby notified that Afar ;
tha.‘ Voodruff hag -applied to the Court of Common
,Pleas Ofl'loga county for divorce from the bonds of
uuttitrahny; and that tho said court has appointed
9folidny the 2tth day of November next, for a heariug
in the promises, when' and where. you can attorid,
yen think proper. , ' E.
Wellsboro. Pa., 'Nov., 6, 1873—it.
- -
MOX- 1 ."- ,0 1-64Ceold04.2L s
American Institute,
TO J. W. 11101EE,
r ,
Embroidering and Fluting Machines.
It is ingenious and willmeet the Wants of (Every
matron in the land."
, Exhibition or 187%
Soto E. Rea. Seciy. , F, A. Barnard, Pros.
Samuel D. Tillmap, Corresponding 6ecy. _
New York - ; Novelier m id, 1812.
t simple and ingenious Machine is as useful as
the Sewing Alacbine, and is. fast becoming popular
with ladies, lu the place of expensive Needlework, its
Work being numb more handsome, requiring less
time and not one tenth part the expense. No lady's
toilet is now complete without it. A Atachine with 11.
Ingrate(' circular end full instructions sent on receipt
of '1.2„ ortinished in silver f 0152,16. I -
' Address, Thti koKoe Man.ufacituring
• • . • - 509.firoadway, New York..
fele-commended by regular praetitioners and a tiPeedi
cure guaranteed for Colds, Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma,
Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, Consumption, and all Pul
monary complaints. Scrofula, Eryalpelas. Dyspepsia
and Gout. Dysentery, Choleraquorbus, Cholera and
all liver and bowel complaints.lllam...diseases and
all affections of the Urinal Orgeni—perfectly harmless
—free from Mineral or Alcoholic properties—pleasant
to take and never known to fail—Price $1 per Bottle.
Full particulars with medical -testimony , and certifi
cates sent on application. Address, L. P..IIYDE CO.•
A - DoclriuSt issued; exposing the ii Pziaoristii" that
have appeared in the New York Newspapers: their
history and lesson. Stylish, Yillebts Many ex..
posed.. Adverth,emente train desperate men to beau-
Ulnl women; clandestine meetings; how frustrated;
The History of the. Qoadsielt Tl•agstly the result
‘'personal.” Description of Living Broadway
Woes.. Expose s suthil- corruption. . Rent an
receipt Of eft ate; Address, Unique Yriniing /louse,
fine Ileawlth 820 Portable Fezally Sew-,
In McKee, - oft' L Ttl a i
,tnsny advaidelps.overidla'-batlaftedOner,anteed,"ar
AgOlciondesi„; - tient don:Tide, with f' airectioas..—
idl FFbWltig Af." 1 00 Broadway. I. Y..
7SIT ur.lt=7) - 74 , . von
- 4 4v.,..„ ll 4o7,tithifinveiition: Bold by Thoi Elastic 'Truss
00 .i.i 53 ' , -.4 . eudwaY, N. Y. City. It retains Rapture MP!
eese and comfort, night, aril diy, at all
times, andj Wader - all oircumatences, without any ax.
cePti, cLuNkis„ toyer IA tin sling never.be
1. 10410 W during the short time mulatto to effects 'per;
hisaatedure, Sent!,liyi ,Circulars freeL .6. 11 9
ceV4liCiati .51;der gill -new leiAtt
. ri g ‘ l,ll 90 1 s t ' • „ 21 . 01 1 - ti!"4l47k
Insutance Co.-
- •
, • -: : •
•:, scittnty,
.:!11144 1 • -
This i'aialiany,inettres - :analesi. or fluntlite . Pr
Are or tight? Including live stock otaarrrn- ,
NO BEI ENE 54.106:1CS T. N.
This Companticontluoteel On ‘striCtly Mutual prin
ciples; 'Ewer, on insuring hi seta Company, be
:1001e-1* mel 3 4 , „!!rt hss tt right to- ote at- decline
Icr-illreclorg , ProxfOr.fotherwise: The books of
the tkeripsbyar• subject to the inspection of the Inca?.
bent at all reasonable hours. _ _ ;
• - • - THOMAS AMEN. Presltient.
JOB uraroxtv, Tice Prisident; ,
I. o. PSIO:A,. Secretary,
yr.,* 11AXTEIt t 'manures, - r ,
-TsOiaa .A.tyr.n... Jos% lossoun,' Ham, Parse
V.A.Nrirs, W.lXectma, H. II N/OKEII4.ONr T. 0.
Hotusarrtnipt HAlrr, L G. Partm. 'W. H. Barran.
Hos...IIEkRY.SI;:w•7WA, Wtilabora, PA..Coulpanya .
Attorury. - - „
Weltabora -11ov. 11, 1618.-Iy.
'. Vitilliara Rs:tibia:ll' rifizi
TrAviNG r‘ft urntid to.Wellshoro proponee hereafter
ill to devote Is time to the general hardware trade;
.at hie neat ate in the Opera Souse Bleak, will be
tuun4 a full assortmbut of goodi in his line. Including
Iron and Steele,
Roused Carriage Trimmings
- -
Mill Saws of allltindoi
IfdILS,..I4.4OILPUTEPS Avrocz,
and everything elsoiueually kepi In a flrstelasa Hard-
ware tit Ore.
He also has on hand a largo variety of Ettemes for
wood and coal, among nthicli is the well known
besides zarserons other cook stoves; the' ..CNiTET.,
1, 4 1 1 0 /4" and ' , 41.11GA111),"' bard coal burners. and a
variety of soft coal bnraers. •
Jobbing do h , to order
by the best of workman at reasonable rates.
Welleboyo; Nov. 11, 1873.
Idevenraw, now. 00., Pa.•
Pays for tuition In all branches, In
cludiug Book-Kesulng, 'Drawing,
~Penmanship, and Vocallfusiciand
board, including furnished room,
fuel. MI, and washing. Students
Intending •to teach receive State apppropriatlon.
Rooms for seif-boardibg can be procured.
• Tuition-without board $3O per year.
A full faculty Ofexperiiinced and successful teaohor;, •
instruction thorough.'diticlpline Min and prev,:attve
For further partieularfi address „ t h e p rittatp w
Mansfield. 'Nev. 11,1873..-c+
tisltaarice, Beal Estate'Steamship
If you havo, read it and see whether you are ptsPr.-
s.u. Satisfy yqurself
FIART—That the Company Isaninff the policy Ina a
Cash Capital, and can pay you prqmptly in case of
Szcptua--Thet the Company has license to do busi
ness undor the laws orthis Commontred/th.
MlMl—That your policy to properly and carefuljy
written by a competent agent.
If you have no Policy,
Remember that "delays ara dangerous," and that
you ought not tn. postpone Cho performance of this
duty of Insurance—a duty' which every man ,wes to
his family, (and to his creditors, if ho is iu debt). It
will die too late after you suffer a /098 to eit down and
wish you had been insured. ror a raft and ratio/J/0
policy come, or write to the
WelLsboro Insurance Agency.
Capital Represented $30,040,000.
/ETNA, of Hartford, Conn.
HOPE, of New York.
FRANKLIN, of Philadelphia.
PENNSYLVANIA, of Philadelphia.
LYCOMING INS. CO.. Munoy. Pa. •
FIRE ASSOCIATION, of Philadelphiao
PHENIX, of Brooklyn, N Y.
ALEMANNIA; of Cleveland, Ohio.
ear All policies written at National Board Rates, and
all loses adjusted and paid at this office.
,Cr Information furnished FREE by mail or other
wise, as to the chatacter and standing of anycompany
authorised to do business in Pennsylvania.
arDrafts sold payable in any city or town in Enropo.
/kw-Cabin, Second Cabin, or Steerage Passage tielrets
to or from any town in Europe 'from or to WeilsbOro,
by the Anchor Line, f or the White Star Line of Ocean
-Real Estate bought and sold on Commission.
&V' Bente collected and taxes paid for nongesident
pr9perty 'fielders.
, l'iov. 25, 1879. EII7GH YOUNG.
NAUDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned ap.
pointed an Auditor to distribute - 92e money in the
is of D. L. Deane, clerk, in the matter of Alfred
Seely, Tate of Jackson, deceased, will attend to the du
ties of the appointment at his office in Wencher°,
Tioga county, pa., on Saturday, the 29th day of No
vember. 1575, at 1 o'clock:U:l,th°' afternoon, when and
ivii4to all parties halUg any claim on the said "fund
must present and substantiate - the same or be for art
er debarred from coming inlVr any part thereof.
Wencher°, Nov. 4. 1873-4 t. Auditor.
letters of Administration de horns non' to the es
tate of Leander Culver, late of the Borough of Elkland.
Tioga.cotutty, aeceasect, havobeen granted tb tho P"...0-scriber.
scriber. all persons indebted to the said est+Ag J ere re.
queeted to mate immediate payment, and ~:tztio bar
ing claims or demands against tlnt tvZl estate of - the
decedent, will prevent the same go •
- `....10nt delay for pay
ment. THOS. ALLEN.
• .
, Administrator de bonta non.
Wellshoro, No 7. . -
E 8 18 47: TAIE.E.I4"--llP....Canie to the j Anelos
„_ "-., of the eubscriber, on or ati s
. out. the -first of
-' - 7.otember, a RED PEARLING EIELPt. The owner
is requeotod to prove property, psi , oh gee, and take
her away. _ - C. F. GEE.
Oahu Hollow. Pa., Nov. 18-3tv ,
The Board of Directors of the Wellsboro Graded
,Bohool take plessupe in announcing that they have se
aired the services of the following teachers for the en
suing year:
P. H. MICR, A. 8., Principal.
SUSAN R. HART, Proceptrasa.,
R. 11. KINGSLEY, ,
laptThem e term ,
will begird on - Afotlai, the Litth day of
ber 1879.
For further particulars aibtrasa .1. H. EIOSA.RD„
Millsboro, Aug. 111, 1878.-tf. Secretary
bre 25rAZIK
wThie etAndard article Is compriundedwith tiro grept
eat care.
Its effects ara is wonderful and satlsfacta.ry as ever,
It reatores'gray or faded halt to its yothhful color.
• It:removes all eruptions, itching, sad dandruff;
And the scalp by its use becomes white and Chian.
By its tonic properties it restores .the
glands to their normal vigor. prarentit ghaldness,
making the hair grow thtek. and strong. "
' At irdressing tiotlktig 114 been puadio
or desirable,
Dr. A. A: trove, Ststo r :AissySz of Masetcbtleatt& .
gen oT it: I coiislai it as bestrprepantit% Pro Its
intended purposes." .
Bucking hEt7 i i! El Dye,
T.P IO eielian/: preparation raay he relied on to ohangtt
theibcklozoi the beard 'from gray or any other ands.
11 4 1) :t: abader tqtretru, or black at"dieeretlon. It to
irisrly applied, beit,giff one preprii:alion, and tinlehly
sail effectually` prat:lll°ea a venial:teat color Natio*
ivitt iielitier rub nor volt. oft . •
a...kt*PACTURED 1:11"
ILA!, 'HAUL & CO., ?is shaft, N. H.
ger eels by 1 , 41,4 4 `f3t,alditigvirruggfits. Walleb
41.11 , 1,1.4041.401‘440t, - ••
No 1. Bowen* a Block.
filig e Mb4l, A YIVAAR
, 4 7 TA. in4d,tetthourr i llendo
ft - reisowfente earoplepages sud style of binding of 60
infeeletypit restingand tuteful books, that sea in over 7
family. //est thing4rorfrted Canroftscra. ACIENTIP
WANTED, to inake Palm/um-a Imams on these
Igor in every county. ProsyoottostOnt postrid on
rOolpt of prioo.sl.oo. Fordronlare and Orme.
address MIN & 00.,Puttliah'is,PhiLs,Pa.
Sour traits
441126110:•virallha'on4 nieui; : s ryaiatrit
= , • -T4brary
.??! .7 4 14/71- a ri d &Mk swo
In one ivei -Tita ' hear rift eprr's ,Manuat,
by 2 Mon Itopotte
_And ATM. Stowe. Any retire man
VOTlllti - itaVe 22.^-neY. J. n. YOU)
Ziavr - .i.stt». Chicago end san
•-- • •
' it 6
AND THE. ~:.„
TtOMPANION atug be kfavorite avail
- tsmily t —looked for eaiterly by the ,young folks,
and read with interest by the older. 'lts purpose hi to
interest whil e tt arusSe; to be judicious, practical,
sensible: and to have really permanent viro4th o wbile It
attracts for the hour. ' _ -
It is handsomely illustrated; and hag for its contrib•
ntors seine of the moat attractive 'maim in the
country. Amcing these are : •
Edward Eggleston, Dr. I. I. Hayes,
Prof. James Deanne, Louise C. Mahon,
Louisa 11.1, Alcott, "Sophie _May,”
Rebecca 11, Davis, V. A. Step/16 /If •
C. W. Flanders; Ruth Chest eld,
S. S. Robbins, • N. A. Denim . •
Its reading is adapted to the old anti yo ,is very
varied in its character; sprightly and ente
It gives
Stories of Adventure, Stories of Home and
Letters of Travel, School Lite. ' '
Eattorials upOn Sur. Tales, Poetry, -
rent Topics, - SclectiOns for Dec- I ,
Historical Articles, lataation. •
Biographical liketeitesAneedotes,/hitift -
Religious Artiolos; Facts and Incidents
EdnisCRIPTION PItICE, $1 '5O. Specimen copies
sent fres. ,tiddress,
• PERRY , MASON , 8z co.,
•.Temple Place, Boston; Masa.
Bales of proceeding and debate in deliberative as.
sembiles. An indispentabie hand-bookfor every member
of a deliberative. body,and the authority in all the States.
..The . most uthoritative expounder of American
parliamentary law."--Chas. Sumner. _
Price, 65 cents. Sent by mail on receipt of price.
Address TE(O.IIPBOI , I,I3.ItOWN Sr CO., Boston, brass.
No Fluctuations, I Always Improving in Valuo I
The WeaWf of the Country is made by the Advance
in Beat Estate,
Millions of acres of the fluent ist:ais on the Conti
nent. in EA B T E " l'iren ite. toot tor r .salo—veany o
them never Were in dip Fr.drkst—at prices that DEFY
II"foi rears Creche Given, wW interest at
Six per Cent.
The Laud Grant:Donde of the Company taken at par
for lands. They cab now be purchaeed at a large (Us ,
AGT.FuII particulars given, new Guide with new
Idape mailed free, by addregsing O. F. DAVIS,
Land Commationcr U. P. R. R.,
• ' 4 - .3:1
4k. ix ca:Lit "Zlirtstrat io cl.
$2 0 SAV ED
To meet the urgent demand of the times the
- -hare determined to
and wif hereafTer welt their. $O5 MacAinefor elfr, and
other sfyles in proportion.
is the 011,1.1 , Sewing Machine that feeds the work
backward and forward, or' to right and JO, as the
purchaser may prefer. /t has been greatly IM.
PROVED AND SIMPLIFIED, and es far better
than any other machine,in the market:
Florence,,,Mass.. Now 1, '73. Agents Wanted.
ATWOOD, produces the largest light. Can be used
on any coal oil lump. For sale by all lamp dealers.
W OATEN MEN. Girls and. Boys wanted to
sell our ',Preach and American
Jewelry, .utiolos, Limnos, Sze., in their own localities,
No capital needed. catalogue, Terms, &e., sent FREE:
P. 0. VICKERY t CO., Augusta, Maine.
18 ;.1.7,,g,,,14"L-a2(l'g.ed,st,,.triiti'..E'Ytlmeaogreo.2l
Made Rapidly virtth Stencil & Key Check
Outfits. Catalogue and - full' pattioulate
FBEg; 8. 31.,SPrgens, 117 Hanover-St.. Boston.
Guttenberg, laoseikbaum t't 0.,
NSW GOOIIB FOR if '4. 1 1 1 Ffiii TRADE.
Oxus Stook of DRIle GOODS
is unusually largo and attraotive. It consists of
ACK ALPAVAS, s Specialty.,
Black Cashmo*4, Black Silks. \
„Striped Otto.man, ,
SvniPis and Double Paisleys,- • = -
Thibet and _Heavy .Double Shawls.
Waterproof, and Cashmeres, Flannels,
PDoruebtie and-lionsekeeptig Roods, • ,• -2 •
' k P lute, MUSIII39, Tiekings, •-
, , Denims, Startings; Napkins,
. .
Linen Table Cloths, Towels.
Lace Qurtalna, Whi e Goods, .
Ladies' Beira, Rushee and Veit,
A fine stook of Fancy blonds,
Kid Glovee, Laces, Embroideries, fie. , .
- 014 THING I
. . , .
. .. .
New and stylish' Fall Suits; for *len, Yete...bs, - and Boys. . Spring, Fal.l, a ii d
Winter Overcoats.. , ' . ,
- Reniew her that we manufacture Oat- own goods and Can therefore save bap
ers considerable. We call especial attentionto our
Custom rirailorin Department.
We keep lam stook of Pine favor t ed eesitneres, Coatings, and Beavers.
We do Gusto work work on short notioe:
We ,guarautee,all work dque by us as regards fit and itylcL
! New Hata, Caps, and a largystoOk of Getlts'''ttrilishinj Goode:
- _ -
Don't fail to call ou us before u purchase, as we : oan offer
.than you can pose!bi s y get elsawitioi4)'4,
GUTT.FICBEIId s . ROSiNßAttifi, €O,
__ w eholesal "filtort s
A. - BERS.KORP, ll44aging-;Portner;
/ler II midi iltore-464 Witter irlreet, 2 I.Titon Block; Eituirtit.Stteciuo4o,l)4k
Devit t ikucl. ZNIC4/064e4 Pets '
ItiNVIONCOct 14 4 141 ‘ '
In all tbe, new +h tee,
A full assortment of
4 iihrisircitomexor.. on kart cluesarm.”—.
- -Bear Sahel' sim'imey esseinsie an iii#l,_4l
lore end sireetioni eta person tlmpelioese
Thls simple meets' secroftemeaSmesa
tom; by mallarir '2s:esats; SossibsiAritlus
Etoptisis'Cirecte, Zolossao. lituto to Logos.'
gliefr bet*. 100,000 gold: '.14424m0 11` , WZGLIAU
C. 0• 4 luiTo24 " •
Tiiii tiat -Nov .-Term- 1 18731- -..... ii :-. :
- ilittabetit isuiv. - iiiiiiiiiilT' , - , .,;5" , , - ..: ... .
0, G. Levelamt vs. A; B: Cot :11 lla .Trai° ol / 0 ° 1114 ;!
E: o..Bebolffelln si. , llol,ltensiell'efak. :,:-. --: _
J. • . - ,
ElwellTl :sii•i3.l4,..,:•folin'Pritataitiki:c..:• l :.
.B. rostktt. Renzi lif• xituji d 0. -,. .'-?•• - _. - '• -
-n. x.,. wwcoi %1...A.11111nel- As Era; - `7 , ;- ; : .l '` , -'--- --:, 1 : '
James illoVoy ,vs.:Tainint.TiteVoY..-' 4.' , :;:.' : -
Geo...P.Zstme*v : IL At: #9l4fire "',_. _-- _-‘
Ges. llennel.t nes et E.-Poraysostsi. iNsrlAvesswers.. i.... - ,.
Converse &'Cligoo4 is. antin I'. DoistAseit.; " - •
[ Intend s. Wells. vs:S. W. Eillioltist.'. ' ' '- *--
ty. 0. Drosen et al,vikiitepimpt;tleetk , "'- :-• ,- -
.1i: it. ' bailey rt. Albert Clark. ~- *" , -•-- ,
Aka A. Bullock., ri. Aildr(ts , Scot:ago; . " . - ' '
A lexuuder Jo tr. E.llll.lltr. ' .",
Seib IL "Ift.ilmore, rt. -Tea' Itarrloott, AAtu'r.
v )vitllatu Chtutplla vr. s . Aruuel Tubbs it il• 1 - ,
Dentou, Ctilioit "vs. rrancis nobiti. , -
.. v tiee_ IV. Buacley re. n'illisittz - 11*. t .
,6 B: Itslley it att.,: Ilini - e11814441,.. •.! ;-- :
_ . _ ,
EL A.. Thorutrtos.. Sart Stdder. „ : -
, Bliley. Pitta ,t Co. vs. Fordyce A.-Allui,
- Geo. "t,4 ~ Hazlett vs. Wird a: 4l,els4;ille.
SoerateS Cornell vs. A., B. .8.: Briggs. - V
John Robinson es. John iifoXibon. -- • -
Janice lltiw.ley tuts of L. If, }UMW vs, 'UM Alexi
Adm'r. i, 1 V_
a l
Ell Ames v Cowanesitte Va ll ey B. R. Co.
Airs. Brant r. Cowanesquo Valley 8 .1 1. Oe.
Aaron Cole s. Cowanesqlie Va ll i* R. 11,"lle.
A, U. Es' vs. Cowaneaqns Valley B. LPN
. .
Nov. 11, 1143.-9 t.
Sr - FOY - FAS Y.
H, BELCH= 81, CO.
Have Just received a very Large assortment of that
and Parlor Stovya, for wood and *coal, which they deur
for sale at rcasdnable prices. "Every store fully Irate
ranted. We have the celebrated
for wood and coal, which we offer for sale as Um bolt
cook stove In this market. Also the =,
Base Burner, for hard coal, and the .1111bentiV
soft coal; both of which are warranted 'Se give good
satisfaction. •
• •
IVa aro agents for the rforadiesda Piolis. rata izto
ly need a trial to insure a sale.
We keep a general aseintresmi ot
Hardware, Nang,
, 1101713 E TIMIMINGS,
Tin•Ware,.4eet-Iron Ware,
Copper, &c. All for sale at "live and let live prim."
vdt Mods of JOB WOEtli promptly done and aattattia*
idon guaranteed.
it A shiie x>f" the public vatranal• Eaknot t
ID. 1 . DELCH=3, 1 1 '''.-
0. El BILEWSZISV, 1 i D. 11. BELClfillit co.&
wellaboro, Opt. 29.4m0. .
i .
ALE No.rric/z •
! Wellsbciro, Oot, 14, 113794-47.