, - ' I VOI J • XIX 4, -NO • 47 . • , . Aottnor, tqll3Ll9ttßO - liVinly Txtg3D4,4 h 4 V M4I.3EILIVIM v..14' A . ' ' /01111 ,1 :3, •••••• .1, Sr. DOT .54-ruct.:6:—.s49o triniaiVit advanoo. yea VAT i..'S OP AIJr.E.I2T-1.5.1.N 0 . ....------------ (1.11.1 P. I lit 2 iu. 3 in. 410. 5 in. 101 a. 2018 1, Week $ 1 0014 . 3 00 443 00 SIOU . 4;5 90 ;8 60$1p pp 1 1 \\*oohs 150 300 400 500 GOO ii Of) 16 00 3 Weeks 200 3 C , U 500 006 7" OU 10 00 10 00 1 310,,t1) 2 50, 100 600, 700 aOOl5 00 20 op 2 goutla INI 604 8 00'10 00 12 00 20 IS) 28 00 3 ,a,„„ t h i i r, oi l 13 00 12 00 1.1 50 15 (30 25 U 0 05 00 110iille41 8 00 12 000 18 00 20 00 22.00 35 0 60 00 1 y eA r, tl2 10) IS 24 00 23 OU 33 UO :10 00 100 00 - 1114 Ire • alordated hy the inch in length of gluon. ,1..1 any leas space is rated as a full inch. host lie paid for before. llrtion, i.t en p•arly contracts, when half-yearly psyme,d.i 11l ill be required. \el ICI • LI Ce ,t 1 par line each insertion. NOt11111,; 1101 1 thou it. Bus ,„, the Kititorial columns, ou the 8340n d p a ge, weuis per line each insertion. Neth , • lug inserted for lens that .51. hoo.tt, Sorren. au Lueal 10. - mits per line it more than live lines ; and 50 couts for a noticeof five lines or less. dxsou:l,:g. , ar-Nxs a NIA itiasor.s end Unsamisinserted /ta d ; but all obituary notices will be charged 10, cents per line. BeEmst , NOTICES 50 per cent ahoy e regulai'rates. BUSINESS CATIDS 5 lines or lees, ".. 4 :5,00 per Fear. Business Cards. 1. a. BATQUELDHIt , P. A. JOHNSON. I Batehe f t. lor .St Johnson, B.laotactarera of oommabte, Tonabatonea, Table Topa, COuaters, „ &o. 0311 and sue. Shop, Wall it., opposite T 4),ll,ll r9Mellibur o , Pa.--duly 8,1872. ' . Redfield, ITIVI3'27EY AND COIIIiSELLOIY AT LAV7.—Colleot tuns promptly attotyledto.—Lawrimoimlll4, lloga omay, Panu'a.. Apr. 1, 1872-4ru. C. ii. Seymour, arI'ORNEY AT LAW, Vogel. Ye. All - bustrices en. trautua to Ws care walt.recelve prompt atteutiort.— Jun. 1,1872. , r , Geo. NVillerrick, iS ATEJIiNI.:I IT 1.A.—wc:13.41).,0, PA. ofrige sin 1.1,,a'a anci: 1510.6 c, aLctiti &Croat; se c o 4.17. t /War, autos. tual lawn sLe KAIVII °MCC>. , ,llitcllell S:" Cameron, , k ifoßNEys AriLAW, 1111(1 11.101.1taltee Ageutii. COLlVerkitl L it/1/110113 brwl Ulock, user COU'Rrta o S. Uaguoil'a fiture, Wvllsbyro, Pa.—Jun. 1, 11112. A.. Stone, ATIUItNEY AT LAW, over J. G. Kelley's Dry Good BWre, Irrit;lit Moot ou Mimi street. WviLbero, Jail. 1, 1312. B. B. SIBASO Stralig's) Law Oilice, WEPIFILLL , , IluvA t,t) , attvrict ail the COa.t. t,t I'QLuuil rOtici cuuLth 18, 1673. C. .N. Dartt, /natl.., v. 11.14 tlte 111.1.UOV.E111:NT. t o‘c at*. i,alg alnC 111 li,e %la WilZlll. s ,J,i.Licy t t iJ. J. B. Niles, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 7 -Wlll uittuut ptotuptly to bus tuts% Lt.truAtd to lits,,:ure tu toe t:uuout.* Attu OUtozo On Liao Avouuo.-IYultaboro,l - 11., JAIL 1, duo. W. Adams, ATTORSEY AT LAW, Slaiisnelit, Tivga county, Fa ccitecucas pr.ugoty atteilaeil Lo.—Jau. 1, /till:. C. L. Peek; ATTORNEY :IT 1.4.1 W. MlGlALuoi);omptly collee,ted Odlee With W. B. owttu, lUIQ the, c:o., Pa. C. B. li.elly. -- - Doter In Crockery. Cbtus and tilaass ware. Table Cut- Late mid Aim) lauto and House Fur n)atuu.i tioods,—'Wellsboro, Ya., Sept. 17. 1t372. Armstrong 4; A rruit.si:vs A.c LAW, Willituusport, Tat.tl#lllUtia. 9.k.MU1:1, LINN. in. ,B; Smith, PENBIoN ATloftlik.l7, Downy and luaurnuctAgtaxt. 43,avaauuitatfous aout to the itboi•o address will re otive pi rapt utty,otiOn. Teruo) Diode:ate.— "ooi. Jau. 1, 1h72. Barnes & Roy; 108 PR.CiTERS.-111 kinds of Job Printing do ~ short notice, and in the best manner. Oftcein an k Cone's 13lock, 2cl floor.—Jan. 1,1872.. ) Sabinsvilie House. • lahrsirrtax, Tioga Co., Pa.—Berm Eros. Proprietary 'lntl house has bean thoroughly renovated and is nate in good condition to oeeomidato the 'traveling lAihlic in a superior manner.—JEui. . : . D. Bacon, M. D'., PinglatAli AND SURGEON-1(8y be found at Ida Wile lit d4ur Elrt of Mice street. Will attend Itryoroptly to all J t 1,1872. Petroleum House, Wiarn - FL. I), PA., Ciao,. Clomp, Proprietor.—Good 30. eonunalatlou for both matt and beast. Charges rea , *enable, and good attention given to guests. Jen. l 1212. • W. ,W. Burley, ILS,NIIFACITUREB I OF all styles of and heavy Carriago-s. Carriages kept etr:•trattly on band. All Ilturk warranted. Corner Casts and Itutialo Streels. R•irnellsville, N. T. Orders left with U. B. Kelley: Walliboro, or X. It. Barley, Cb.attisra, will receive proraytattaation.—Jaus 3, 1873*-4 mos. AI. L. Stick.lin, ritiLtla to ilsblnet. Ware et all kuuls which will be 11.31.3 fowar than the lowest. lie invites all to take a look at btu goods before purchasing eLsewhere liatueusber the place—opposite liartt'a Wagou Bhup, West Itain itreet, IVellaboro. Feb. 26, 1117S—Iy. .9. ItLary E. Lamb. VILLTNEu.Y.—Mcies to inform 11.4 r friends and the publio gunerall) tivit 311 , 1 itai a largt stock of A{1,11112, try wad. Pa...ie.y 1...q‘ toe ue.3.,..012. 111111 he Gold at ru.0it)14.17: price;. .Ifra E. E. liio.n• bail hae c.vr i cv et t;l‘.: aint triniimag de partment, tiud tvip gyve ucr otie,tioa exeluaively to it. :Yint door to tut Co:net - au J Waliams e. 1675. -tr ' ----• Yale W. Ira oviunrturing spiorat brauda of choice Cigar! Whichsell at , 'prices that cannot but plvaso our eustowers. Wu tutu uotw but too beet Cdttueet tout, Hureu l And Pars 1'014:cos. Wuinuke ourowu °sears, rut 'for that Ve.1.301.1 Can warcaut them lira , tiara a getters!. Oseurtment of good Übe lug awl .4:ookang roboCeo3, kipee trunt clay to the, Ansel Alea Tobazzo Pouches, whole sale and ro • 11. , -/MC. da, 7612. JOhn ft ..A.atlersou, 'WHOLESALE itO. t'Axt r 4 RI - AU nE, Stoves, iron, Straio NaEa, linuaa Tritnautigs, CII3MCD . TOWS, .141ealtitral 1/111b:Lnelit.5, (.140 la, ales, Sprilyo. Itanq. roc!ad OtitierY; Plated Wa,:o, tittas .to,t Aio.itianition, Whip*, Pumps—wood and iron—the beat in Use. Matrufac tire: and dealiiq in Tin, Copper, and siteet.iron Ware. linollutin Tin And All work wan:nut ted.—Jatt. 1, 1 3. IZAiKWALTON HOUSE, Gaines,..lPri. Merrick, Proprietor, Formerly kept by H.C. Term;Vett. A First Class Hotel 12 3 per*.t 'audition for tbep neonzaitioditiva at the pu blta tiablee. Pe., Oct. ISM • P. Ti j ut return tram \w l'utk with the larfieit anortrueut of - MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS .76r brought into Wellstsiro, &yawl!' eve her ensfons. ore reduced prices. bhe hsi a splendid asses - lineal of ladles Ears, Gloves, Worsted, Toys, real and hal &Won Lair goods. and a full lino of ready mad* white gam. Prices to mutt all. Mrs. co.G -Campbell :urned to Weßeborn, and having finish ade to the manufacturo of RTIFICIAL HAIR WORK; fully say to her old friends that alto to ace all who would favor her with le can be fouud at the house of J. M. tarber. Fob. 25,157143. - )8r Laild for Sate. lived offers fur sale two hundred end It acres of timber /awl about eight tulles keellaboro. 'iairo la a largo quautity of en/adorable alms:tat upon it Apm eon ie tins farmbv /ands. - /t will .ho sold uiro of IV.II. A. STONE, t§lamit, ' , - -Wellibuto, I. C. Sixu.uo Jan. 1, 1812 Oa on I S OW' Van Horn. , . . ,„ .. ... -i - -„- -;.' -T.: ;, ~ . , ~.. • -- '.,.•- '.' __ -,..',,_ .' i . ‘,-,..•.' ,7, ,_ , - i - -' ' '.: '' - ' , •- '':-:-• • - - "' '?:' - 'n' ' '-'' '. ''‘' '' , ':' , :r:_ - '- -__''':: -:: '• - . :,,,,-;.,:,_]_„_-:,,.„:. ',,, „: • , .-. ~.- -_,.. • . . ~.,,,.!,.. -..'„ -:- ~, ' ~:,.: ~ •, •i .. • ', ~ -•- --,, - ~' • '--,_. - .--,-, '-, - ;,-- ' -._.,-••_!-:.:' ' , -, - - - 14 - , - - tir• - ‘• ', - r• ,-. 1 •:,` • ' 2 : --- -• .. --, .. ,•• - „ -. . , . ,:. :..,•• b-. 1 lir - ,-,:•,.- .- ~... ... ,:-..., •...... ,•.--,..,.... •,••-...,,,,,,,,,,•_-,,, .._.•:;,.:......A..e1iati;01*.iv.k..- - t.c•,_...:.1_,;:.•:,2......,....,.•_•..• 1, --•. ~-.; ~ ,-, 2.,::- „, ,J . `-. ~ ',.q , .-, : 4-,"7-....' ,5r-t"7.".* r - t"7.". * - , s - ft,r. 3 * '': f; , ',- - .,. . , . ' -''S l %.-;,.; '''. -', :, .., 0 1 - ?I' Mr.','',' , _ rf r - . 3__:: cf: ' !:•,—., , -.' A „.. , ~ „..... ~ „ , ~.....: .4._;,.,.... ...,... i t ;,... _. r tr• .'•,, • . ,i- 0. -.-, - ,c2f. .' , - --,- • .. , ~„-... -.,', I - --i , ''',- ',-- ••••• ' --- ,• :•' '.. , '", - f z .. -, - €i- - - r,r. I.' • ^, • "•-•• .4, '',-,, , i' &, , f,,is‘- * ; ,`-- ---,-,•.. '-f . _ .:. -- '' „ At s, .... t ...- r : :, ._....: :- . ~ ,f_. 4, , , - ,-y ; ~ , „.... ,—.... ~ ~- :,, .5.r,,‘„,,. ._ -,, ~ . • . „... , ~ -z.._ :_-- -.i4 , A -i--, , --, ,-, - =4% :.. ._ - , , . -.1-7--..,. .- .". .... i 4 _ 1b,..w.i-A-,:,--,-, - _,.--. --, ~-:. , _ ,-, . -, ~ ~., , ..~ _ _ ____ -- ••••••1.16.--=- -----. z . - •---- .....„......... General Imuranee Agency, FCgCIIVITZE. O CIA al , P4' Life, Pire, (me AmMental. Asslas OVER $5 7 ;000.000. - AfIM7I3 077 COXFANIES. Alt-mania, of Cleveland. Oblo 430,03144 Neer York - Life and Vire Ins. Co -21,000,000 Royal Ins. Co., of Liverpool 10,513,501 Lancashire, of Mancliestnr, Capital, . 10,000.000 Ills. CO.. Of North Nwernn, . $3,0 0 ,505 00 Franklin Fire Ina. Co.' of Phila. Pa .2,087,452 25 Republic In 9. Co. of N. Y., Capital, $75 0 .000 Niai, , ars Fire Ins. Co. of N. Y 1,000,000 Farmers Mut. Fire Ms. Co. York Pa . . 009,889 15 Pheenix. Mut Life Ina. Co. of Hartford e 6-5,081,070 se Penn'a Cattle ins. Co. of Pottsville .. WOO DC Total t 50,431,451 04 Insurance promptly effects l by mail or \othersviae, on all kinds of Property.. All losses promptly adipasted and paid at my office, • All communications promptly attended to—Office on Mill Street 2(1 door from Main it., Knoxville Pa. MIL 8.-SMITH Agent. Jari. 1. 1873-tf. General Instmce Agency,i TIOG.S. CO., Pd. - D. CAMPBELL : ARE issuing petioles in the following Ccenpanlea against tire and lightning in, Tiog, and Potter counties : QUEEN, ... Assets, $10,000,000.00 CONTINENTAL of New York . .....2,609,626.27 HA OVER, of Now York • 083,381.00 ' GERMAN AIIE.RIOAN, New Y0rk..... —1,272,000.00 WYOMING, of Wilkesbarro, Pa 219,698.42 WILLIAM SPORT, of Wm'sport 113,0613.00 All business prom.* attended to by mall or other wise. Losses adjusted and paid at our office. Nelson, Dec. 10, 1872-Iy. • • Mtithers Bodine Have bought out the business 'of Mathers, HolidaY & Co: and Pro pose henceforth, to do businesi for CASH or its equivalent, which is farmers' produce of all kinds, such as Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Lard, Pork, Grain. Rags, Beeswax, &c. We shall keep a full line of Dry" Goods, Gro ceries, Ready-made. Clothing, Boots and Shoes,'Hats and Caps, Yankee Notions, &c. We will pay a fair pried foriliroduea, and sell our goods at reaso,4ble rates in exchange. We ndve also connected with our business -a LII7MRER - 31 7 411 D. We can furnish builders and others with Flooring, Siding, all kinds of Hemlock and Pine Lumber, Timber, &c., ready for use. COME AND SEE US.' N. We will., deliver goods, for our customers in any part of town. AT lIERS &. BODINE. Wellsboro, Oct. 21, 1873-tf __ ROLL UP BIG CALLS NVBO saya Billy lean is' putting Meiling goods at auoh reduced prices? Great "Inducements ffg purobaigni sof ..19)E. Yerect. ot \ ro s , \ , waq ANA CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS iairD BUOEB, Gents' Furnishing Goods, au:. &c.. kc. Haring purchased s compleja, stock of goods allita , blo for the FsR trvdQ, I am prepared to dispose of Won at pasts that must wit sisrsona. The fouomug a a briof summary of my prices; Good Prints, desirable patterns, at 10c, " Sheeting, yard - wide, 10 to 12io. " • " " bleached, lAc. " Domeitto Ginghancr," at 12i to 150. DONT FORGET THE PLACE ,f 1 No. 9, Union Block. ircilow, ow. 94 is* W1IL§BC)11,0, TOGA CO., PA., TUESDAY, 7,4 _ VIIIENDrir you ere ticted with DANCER, come iturnediately- to theSiineer Intlizitarg of Dr. 1L - Crane, Addleou,,li. 1".; ,witord yon 'will be promptly treated and cured, if You cenle in (lino. Whellreiteb• ing the B. It Depot at this_ place. auk for the Ameri can Hotel ornnibus;-Itlnill tnkd you direct toll'', In firmary. if you wish; for references, send for Circa tar without delay. Cherges ultra ykreucmahle. June 21, 187.7.—1 y. " Survey ltbEN as a Surveyor. rt , ly to all calla. , lie ma 11. Sher ood, & non, donee on mat Avelino Wollsbo o, Pa., 'may - JUST' - A vntlY LA tail: s nt, atom, a Iss MINOS, which I win • fact; the best •essortm Wencher°, of various hem over. . Atakiug Suits, Overt, dispatch and as cheap A Jan. 1 18124 7 JOHN J AS the largest and fit . Boor ever brough Ladies' Kid 9 Ladies, ijliss 'Bab 'Gents' Cloth Prince Alb Boys'. Cal Fact In that, all kinds et fu a Brut-class Slice Sto Shoes ever offered Jul t If you don't believe ft, stock, and have as goo hire, auvattoct done ne Leather otallkinda constantly o. CASII PAID FOR Baying Just- filed. ul stock, personally Beileett. rlllty Ht+heit a fair shiame i quick returns," I I)6llt , ‘', illl ; and I hod the best i keep no shoddy. My ass 1.. all sizes and tastes. I i public generally to call trouble to show goods, Cone itonsa blo c k, nil Feb. 4. 1142.-tf: Fl' I TAYLOR Wholesale DRUGS. C PAIN P ..AfEYT ,D rill ~. s2lzpr Hating matte epeeist . 1 burg Glass Company, w rates to parties wsithin • shipped direct from the -Xilriciarte PreserViion* iba • 40 - Mr. Spading ban its the drug bssittese, Sts branches. Weltsboro, Juno LOON. I HASTIN DRUGS, Paints, Oils, Arushes, Trusses?, 1 - ca/ in I HORSE & CA ,tiquorm, Watch Ales, C PUTS/O=M PitT.SCILIPTIO,I Groceries , Sligars7 Teas , .11... Y t:' DB" CANNED lilD FR VT, Shot. Load. Powder an Caps, Lamps, Chltan6ys, Whips, Lashes, dra. i BUNK & ra SCELLANEOUS '-- 20 Zap .' I ~ i . Envelopes. Station . ery,fEill izpar, Memorandums, largo :gal paper. - School Cards and aid. Chess and Elsokgaminon cords and Tassels; Mirrors, land Cuffs. Croquets, Etas° tolcs'ale and ratan. All Seltool Books in na , and Cap Paper, Initial and small Dictionaries. Primers, Ink, I t t:ritlax.Pl Boards, Picture ,Prames, Albums, Paper Callas l Balla, parlor games, at tr. Wallets, port Monti:lt scissors, shears, knives, A great variety of pipe Fishing Tackle ; beet Special attention 'paid . , TOILET AND ACir=4"l . 2 lILLAGE LOTS for sale IS-V. ~~ r's Notice. Offer his aerolca to tho public will s be reatly.to attena promp ubl t- - be found at the jaw - °glee of nahoro, or at' Ida real- RECEIVE% OK OF BEAVER, BROAD. 1.311!:. YESTINGS, AND TIII2I. MI very cheap FOE OAStI. In - .nt of Goods over brought to styles. Please call and look :bite, and Repairtng Ilona with Lia the cheapest. GEORGE WAGNER, - Grafton street ' Wellaboro, pa. FISCHLER best ueleoted Btu* of AND SHOES nto Wellabor°, consisting of nd Cloth Barnar d Gaiters, ala 8, 'Children and 's Shoes. 'oota and aces, •rt Calf Boots, & Kip Boots, 8' Boots. ' ens' and Women's wear kept • . The best sewed Woman's Is market. I.dety the world Casio V WORK. try rue. I buy only the best Cordwalners a 9 money WA_ r ely, and with diiipatoh. nd Findings hand IDES, DEACONSKINS, PELTS AND FURS. my shelves with a choice for this market, I respect of trade. '•Stnall profits and to he a good business 1171.1K 4 goods to be the cheapest. I sortment N sufficient to moot turtle our patrons and the Ind exatutne my stock. No always to be found In the staect, lireliaboro, Pa. 40F11 , 1 FISCU.LIi;R I UG FIRM I GOODS I, NEW SPALDING, .11 Ratall Dealer' in EMICALS, B, OILS, ED IC INE,S, NE, LA'S PS, IX.EROS PERFUJIZERY, lITIOLES, lko r.tatcY rrangetnents with the Masa i can furnish Glass at lowest to buy, 1.11 large quantities, If actory. land family Rioipts Aoourate •inpotaultd. Q several years expsrler.e.e ,L 1 is thoroughly poEttv.l TAYLOR 4: SPALDING '. S & COLES EDICINES, MEDICLYES, Wass, Putty, upporters, and Surgi. truments, 7 7 L.E POWDERS, In Great Variety. PAT.EN listist's Good 'arc, Tobacco, Snuff, Zre., .to g CArtzg - mix Coupousasu. MI NOT combs, pins &D 4 needles, cicala ittrings, bird cages. inlatanilja, measure trout flies, lines, hoots, and ;tocfs, baskets ()WA line to theeettgon CY ARTICLEf3. CIAN STZAM SAFES the oeittutitart:Of the Elm, kiAiTl7:lOll (mat - „. The Ind Patito ' .IA ititktite-ftebloned ecati and wig: Along 1116 road the aged rweaeber . , does slowly Jogging in hla - A hothesp,un s4ltet to gimbeud 'Nature. Be lame, etude or kindly snveelt ' Alike for rich and p"A)r, and each Will youth no met mon y..t, could each; "For all are b&tt , ..r than their deed& And Ifearen la kinder than ourereedfh” Thought the old pargon. Not now the'acboplbay, Latin hand, And pi natoreirand pretty lasses, In rows upon the vs - mtl4lde stand Awl wake their manners when ho pasties. As the good Custom used to be -' In days when Le Wl6B young; butte Likes bettor, simple soul, to see. - The mettle that lights each reggish eye .• - 'And rosy rage se he rides by— =, ' The dear old parson i Though many a atop be Instill, you% find llis tvelcoms presence longest lingers In yonder cottage-room, behind 'lnc honeyinektes al,d eyritutss, Where all the lovely.monmer lies • Tim crippled girl with yearbilig eyes Turned outward to the flower* and aides. row come to south her lonelineps, Jima so goat cause lies She to bless ' kind vld parson:* _ When blends fall out, before the gate The gig turns out. he hitches sorrel—, Love enters in this house of Hate. 4He takes the hands of them that quarrel, And says, t.forgivel forgive! and Wok If need there im, forgive again, And sWI forgive nod love! ror men Ave always better than their deeds." Huth seeds he sows. heaven bless theisopdo Sown by the parson! HIR mission fn to help and bless; And the hard doctrine that be preaches In words of joy end gentleness Aro hidden like the stones fn peaches. hearers' hearts arc warmed and stirred; " And yet he does net preach the 'Word! Ilia words aro wan 1" as - lato I heard, • With finger-shake and hapierit air, The pert young miutetore declare. And bimrte the Parliaa. Ouo said, likes a hand at whist;" And ono, " lie likes a ulnae at dinner, And loves to counsel and asalet Better than to convert the sinner." "Grave faults!" said both. But this I know; The parson's life. as PargOilis go, Is such that those who Judge him so Are hardly worthy to unloose The buckles or Ins dusty aborit— A rare old parson/ , "Ile likes a joke too well bilitilf;" ' And so he meta some hearts e-guaking, 1 - ' is if, because his deacons laugh,, .. The pillars of the church wore sintidngi 1‘ I never yet could learn," he care, .i ' 4 " Why rooted faith should flourish less In broad, sunshiny cheerfulness -/ ' Then In the shadows of the tomb; E 'Tic fear, not faith that hugs the gloom." 7. A.rgues the parson. 1 - If squares We thoughts by right good sense, 'And does not Oresd the light of acienCe. 311 a finest flowers of elontunce Are just the common dandelions And buttercups of daily speech: And yet they say who hoar him preach, That none so well as he call teach The Iwps that Jives, the hope that burns, Till even the careless skeptic turns To heed the parson: I3ut, though he be not deeply 'fettled In modern oratoric gruel), The studied pause, the fervent burst. Thn flowor.embroidered common-places, Ile treads no changeless, narrow rounds Of old belief, but far from bounds Hie new Jerusalem he founds; "For newer life brings Ismer needs, And truth outgrows our threadbare orcostds," Says the old parson. Loco's labors aro his rest, and 4111 His friends will look in pleasant weather To see him jogging by, until Ilia gig awl he break down to - gather. Our friend is gr:Aving -very old, And rich in nli the hoaroed 'gold Which hearts alone can have and hold; riches that men 'pave behind Are not the riches to my mind," • Quoth the old parson. He still will bare the good lie gave, When, all lila earthly errands ended, He *be has st,ed by many a grave Shall be by its in tutu attended To the las• resting,-t,tee of clay, Then. ns we lay his term away, strew the ...cal with flowers and gay, The num wan better than bin deeds, lileheart wee larger than our creeds; Peace to the verso'. -- 011.033VM:WII1Z: The rest of 'the brothers ,— stalwart Jem and sturdy Jack and the young, grave Ed ward—were out in the simitner cornfields,, hard at work. Isaac,_the third of the old farmer's sons, - tat on a bench in porch, making shoes. It was no common-place bead nor prosaic face over xeihich the trembling shadows of the vines fell, and no trade or calling could have made it so. Being a genius, this man should have repined over his fate, but he did not. The last and wax-ends gave him independence; and_ in that 'he rejoiced.— Perhaps some hope beckoned him onward— perhaps some dreams were dreamed upon that cobbler's bench which might be real ized in time. Now, as be bent over his last, Miss Lillie Wharton, drawing reinat the gate beyond, thought to herself that any ono with black eyes and.golden hair and a dimple in the chin must be beautiful; wondering why, looking fur this ideal face in the saloons at Belgravia, at Brighton, and Scarborough, and in her own well-bred country circle, she had never met it Until; a year before, she came to this porch to be measured for a pair of- slippers, heard the thud of a crutch, (always n-ifying thing to her nerves, because it spoke of pain and distortion and other disagreeable things,) and saw the face t she had dreamed of until she was three-and twenty, but had'never before set eyes-upon save in a picture in the Louvre.' She herself was a bright brunette,. with carmine cheeks, and eyes in each of .which a diamond seemed imprisoned. She looked "a creature not too fair and good for hu man nature's daily food," but certainly one who knew nothing of human nature's toil and pain, of poverty, or grief. She - was an orphan, it is true, but her parents died be fore she was old enough - to know them, and she had been. petted and flattered all her life, as heiresses in particular are wont to be when they are as beautiful as Lillie Wharton. She took her unseen survey of her ideal face for a moment, and then, in a cheerful, sweet voice, coiled hel'OSS the fence; " Are you too deep in your study to think of ehoes, Mr. Harlowe, or, may r come in and be measured? Sit still; you see I am off Dame Darden already; she is as gentle as a pet lamb, What a day this is to run wild in! Were it always such weather, I think we should never have Lo tees built— only, perhaps, a vine-covered pittreh or so, like this we're under. Put a 'Tie in your next verses, will you? They arc so beauti ful, and poets always neglect ,fliem." " All vines aro beautiful, I t.liink," staid Isaac, drawing a chair forward' for the lady. " I never see one but I think of a woinan. It's a hackneyed comparison, I know, but a good ono none the less, The vine, a grace ful, gentle. woman; the oak, a great slid wart man to which she clings, See, our vines are doing it since they have, climbed to the top of the trellis. They hang upon the long oak brunch there as a bride hangs upon her husband's arm. Were I a tree, I should like to be that oak with the vines about my branches. Do such fancies come into your head, Miss Wharton?" He wasnot a " stalwart fellow," not an oak among men. The thought came into his mind that a vine might never twine about him. _ I NVe cannot, however, tell you what thought was in her eyes that she veiled from him, lest be should read it, with her lathes. ' - "They were taking their dinner in the field yonder," she said, "as I came past.-- Pattie and Jane were serving it out to them —as fresh and bright as roses. How do they, manage RO witch cooking? I envy the 'farmers' wives their strength and energy,— Yet lam no frail creature. I can • ride all 'day and dance all night, I assure you." • • You know nothing of Work.a.day. life, Miss Wharton," said, Num respectfully."` The back is - altrays.fitted to' bear the bur den, 1 believe, as the heart is." • Just a little sigh caught his breath then, as though his heart might have a burden on it. And then be turned to her with a bright, pleasant look, - and _she_ answered with a smile, such' as, had the truth been known, sheave to no one else. ,And the two fell a-talking—as they always - did when they were together, though only the matter of' shoes led to those meeilugsof poetry,,'and music, and new books, and of the thoughts. ,that grew front them - , -ITo gentleman of all Miss {Merton's acquaintances pleaSed; her in such talk as this shoemaker At last Miss Wharton rode off on her pony., She smiled till•she was', out of sight,, and then grew very grave. " Poor fellow!" she said; " Po - or: felloiv! But then he is only a shoemaker," • - Meanwhile`the gentleman who haPPetlect: UT' 'tag% 16011 - hid 'to btfOselt rauoirtlto Wi i !TsroArg4 t p.F,:, -25-::.15,73,tiviT0..-',,,.s:uppt4:giN:T: itame,thingl bade iimself remember it care. litliy,, and remember the:cratch'et Ids 'side, On which. as the setting in fell aslant over the cornfields, he sv:ting himself clown to a .shady bit .r-of woodlitud, beside the river's 'hank; whine he lay Waist deep ,in the Jong 'grass and watched the shadows lengthen., , -" "A tick. woman - Shotild_ ,never - be Wooed f i by a poor Irian," he said, not. bitterly, but a . little sadly. . ". he heart should neverover rule common me. Young . beauties are hot apt to glvet eir love to crippled fellows who make shoes for them. Smiles are nat ural to her. lam not an' idiot, nor . will I become so. If I could Ncin , her, - I should be mad to do so; and among ail -the things fate has left out of my_fortuue love is one I doubt not." • . And just then a voice behind him—seem ' inglyto echo his thoughts—cried out: Won't you have your fortune told, sir? Give a poor Old woman anything you like, - tied she'll tell your:fortune true." . lit was a tmer, high-pitched . voice, with -a false ring to it like, the voice of the " first iold woman' in a play; and the tigttre he hooked upon,. wrapped in a great cloak,' with la handkerchief about its chin and a broad hat on 'its head, was a mere bundle of clothes in the twilight; btit from the shad ow bright black eyes peered at him—gipsy eyes to a certainly. " Here are the pennies," said Isaac, "but sty fortune is told ,already." • - don't believe it,nsaid the gipsy, corn ing closer; " or, if it.l4, you can tell' me, whether I tell the truth or not. Ehl this hand holds a last and an awl sometimes, and draws wax-ends through leather." " In other words, you mean that I am a shoemaker," said Isaac. "Well, of course you know'you are right_ Go on." But every shoemaPer is not like you," said the gipsy, "You read a great deal in books, and you know the languages they speak in far countries; and what. do you af ter the - lamps are lit?—write, write, write the things they put in books. rate never meant you for it - shoemaker." .-Isaac laughed. -"Ton are a shrewd woman," be said; "you knoW how to flatter." -t` It's a hand that has a good many things in it," said the gipsy; " love among the rest. You like the girl—don't deny it, for it's of no use. You like a girl very well." "I like all &la," said Isaac. " But you - love one," said the gipsy.-4 "D i di you ever have your fortune told by a gentilne -gipsy? If, you have, you know that she will have the truth out of you some.- bow, laugh at her pretenses as you may." Perhaps this was why Isaac, paling a lit tle, said nothing, and so made confession. " You saw her to-day," continued the gipsy; positively. "Why didn't you say what - was in your heart?" said the gipsy. ".To love a girl and never tell her so! Is that the way you seek ,your luck?"' "'ion have seen me talking to a young . lady, Mistress Gipsy," said Isaac. "The stars saw it," said the gipsy. "Lis ten! she likes you; but she'll-never marry a shoemaker." , "The shoemaker well knowi that," mut tered Isaac. "Other men work hard to win their loves. You eact be agreat man," said the " As'for the money, she has enough of that. Throw the last and .awl away; go to the grehl. - eity yonder; come back to claim her when something is written after your name besides ` shoemaker.' Your lucky stars bade me,tell you that=-the stars that told me that ypu,loved her." . -Ana thit" said Isaac, touching the crutch beneath his arm; " must I throw this away also? Have the stars looked deep en , ough into hearts to know that?" " If she is a true [woman she will lo* you better for:pitying ou a little," said the gipsy; and the voice 6.11 and altered as she said it; and then both Were still. • Isaac spoke first. -•• jean "niy heart, why should I eudeavor to deceive you? I do love the lady of whom you speak. Sometimes Iliave fancied that were I Iwhat I alit in other things—just what I am, no more, but 'with a rumba which she might be proud—that I could jwin her. But I will never seek to do it. She is rich; I am poor. There sets a barrier between us forevermore. She is a dainty Italy; I am a .shoemaker. She is beautiful. There is no beauty in a man, that I could over see, but strength; that left me long ago. lam too ,proud to ask all and give nothing; and tho' Mt : ether woman may ever touch my heart, only:these changes could make me ask for hers—that she shcalld-becoine as poor as I; that she should.haveitOiSharne in my hum hie calling; that between us two should be only pure love, no pride on either side.— And this eau never be between a beautiful heiress, to whom social position is every thing, and a lame shoemaker, who will nev-- erhe other himself. And if he climbs - at all—he is very proud, gipsy, but "that lie cannot help—he would not do it for the sake , of a girl who could not love him just as he stands - now, or would - blush to own that love: Read the stars again, gipsy, and find a richer, fairer, and more worthy lover for her, and leave me, as life will, the unknown cobbler, who will keep the,:memorrof the loVeliest Woman lie has ever met in his in- Most heart forever, but will never Woo or win her, unless such changes come tit him as only come in fairy -tales. What do the stars sO, gipsy?" " That man's will cannot alter tam," said the gipsy, and ins moment more bad flitted away into the shadows of the trees. -Isaac did not go home to supper that night, nor did ho see any one 'to Speak to until morning. He made his way to the ' top of a green hill that basked in the moon light that evening, and sat there all alone. - The lights in the village shone out like stitil come to - arth awhile and grown gross er. Overhead the real stars shone with their_ pure diamond light. But the radiance that caught his eye the oftenest was tat which fell through the white curtained indow of an'upper room_in .Miss Wharton's house— het awn room, where, as he knew, she sat on'-solitary evenings; not many, for the heiress had hosts of friends, as Nvhat heiress has not? And the dwelling was often full of guests, and-resonant of music and laugh ter and the sound of merry voices and of 1 dancing feet. 1" The light burned long that nigbt, and a shadow passed between it and the curtain— a graceful f girlish shadow,; with its head bent [limn upon its bosoui as it was not used to bend. Yet Isaac Marlowe, as be arose to go homeward when at last the light was out and the shadow went to and fro no more, said to himseW "It is well. There Gan be no true happi ness in love while the .shadow of , pride or shame hangs athwart its pathway.' The next day Isaac worked at his bench in the.old spot under the vines on the porch, and '-Miss Wharton's shoes- were made as daintily as shoes could be. But she did not ride past on Dame Dur den' nor stop at the garden gate that day or for litany days after.. A. servant came for the little boots at last, and paid their price with - a littlq air' of condescension peculiar to aervantsi in rich people's houses when they tire away front home, And Miss Whar ton seemed to have as from the gaze of the shoemaker aa though she had never sat'with hint in the : porch,. talite'd-of poetry, and Music, and romance,,andi thought that without black eyes and ,golden hair and a dimple in the chin no man 'could - be hand . , some. Summer Went and winter aline, With winter the holm in 'which Miss ,Wharton dwelt While the "shies were blue ,and the' breeges 'warm was always empty-;-the vil /age' lost sight l of het,. as it usually - did; but with the early spring there• came no open ing of the closed shutters, no preparation for much good company. Instead, there came one day to the place a dry, dusty-look - - legman in rusty black; who pasted a legal notice otsonte kind on the wall,of .the gar den,-and. who atopped'atthe tavern to • dine, and-told . the Wonderitig landlerdthat the proptlrty was "in chancery," and that in all probability Miss Wharton was u beggar. Why, the landlerd , could not tell, but some thing was said about a &W in the old gen- , tleman's That of course meant• Lit lle's.graudfather. The story spread like wildfire bane of course heard it with the rest. One day a ve; hide stopped before the-gate, and from it stepped, a young lady in a very, plain gray dress and ef plainer •gray hat--Iliss Whar ton,-Aed ao others • , lastaa:tvaa at (Ire gate la a moment. He - turned Drag se he ;ask, hex hand; she Musk; 44 frOrri Olga to. crow . Theo aka said to IFTre. ,flerlovi , e; Whose -motherly . figure Lad followed that of her lion: Will , you taken tufarder? I htivis come to ask You. ' Z Want to bodid-with people .I know, until I can look about me fot means by which to . earn my livelihood." ".If our plain way could snit you,?' began the farmer's Wife; inferrupted her. have no way now, you know. lam a poor girl,. who must learn to work. May I comof" ' . . . . , - So it Came to pass that Miss Wharton re toained at the farmhouse. . , , She dressed no more in silk attire, nor were there diamonds in her ears. She - went about with the !daughters of the house, and I learned of then to Milk the cows, and churn the gold u butter, , and cook -dinner for sturdy troops of farm hands. - 'k.-. Her hands were not as white, -but her step was just es light and her latigh as merry.— In the evening she sang: to them ballads that had filled the halls of fashion - with their sweetness oftentimes, and site told the lis• teriikrr 'girls of things that she had seen and Beard, of scenes amidst which she had dwelt as a sister just returned to them Might. And sometimes she sat with Isaac in the shadow of the vines, and the two were wondrously happy. . And summer passed, and autumn came, and winter was at - hand ; when slie said to him i " Isaac, I must learn , a trade, you know. Teach me to do what a woman may in yours." He looked at her quietly a moment and then said: "Do you really mean it?" "I really inean it," she answered. " Why not?" So he taught her. And the next evening he laid in her lap a book, riew and yet un cut, which be had brought with him from the nearest town in the ,afternoon. She looked at the title and sallied. "It is the story the papers praise so," she said, - "the book"by the unknown author.— I -- have wanted to read it very 'much. Is it really so good?" "'fell me," he said, and left her. 1 And at her work, the next day she ? kept the book beside her, and read it bits at a time; wept over - it ; laughed over it, and thought to herself: " Oh, h woman's heart, what a strange thing it lit How one could love the man who wrote it." The book lay open upon her knees when Isaac came to her side in the twilight. They were alone in the great sitting•l•oom. All was very still and peaceful. Within, the firelight lay red upon the walls; without, the pearly gray of the sky and landscape mingled. Isaac bent over her and looked into her eyes. They met his quietly and sweetly. He sat down upon the footstool at her side, and took her hand and held it.— No word was spoken for awhile. They heard lite crisp crackle of the fire, the whis tle of some farm hand in the road without —all within wti's still. At last Isaac said: " I wish I was a king, Lillie, to offe you my kingdom; but as it is, "nay dear, will you take me with the nothing that I have be sides?" - She answered:. "If - you love me, Isartc" • " I have always loved you," he. said.— "You know that. There was a time when I never thought that I should ask , kou to be my wife. But now Ido not think. you will be ashamed of the shoemaker, or' wince at the sound of the crutch - ; else I should hope that even now—just now—you would feel sure of..it, and tell me so." "Did I ever wince?" - " Yes, Lime." She put her arms gently about his neck, and kissed him. "It does not matter to me whether you are king or shoemaker now," she said; "and auystep would be the dearest in the world ; W- i l Wal l inl.9. l lPA URI VSe . -mot ier e t ."• Lil lie Wharton would be his witeinWne.— And when the June roses were id bloom they were married—simply and quietly, as poor folks should be. But after the wed ding was over Isaac gave his wife a gift. "The book I liked so," she said; smiling. "Only the author's name is in this vol tune," and she looked and read, " Isaac Harlowe." " I would not win you by telling you so," he Si " 1 shall, they tell me, be rich end famous some time. I hope so most 'of all because you bear my name." I think she shed a tear or two. She was in a tremor of glad pride. "It is you, then, that all the • world bas been praising, and you never told me.", • " Aro yoU angry?' , he asked. "DlO,""she said, "for I have my own se cret. lam a. aich woman still; I have never been poor. Only, that one house yonder was ever taken from me. A codicil in my grandpa's will, found only lately, left it to another persop. I made the; most of it, and had my pecuniary ruin published in the vil lage; and I came here to learn the very truth about myself—to learn why I could not forget you—why, when great men talked to me, and others flattered and. made love to me, I beard only,your Nolee as you spoke to me through the vines; why, through the sound or - music and dancing feet; I beard your steps and saw you beyond them all, above them all—better than them all to me. I know—l have knosVu h long while—that it was because I loved you. But if you must hate me for being rich, I will'gtve the money away and bind 'shoes forever, Are you so proud?" • "There is neither pride nor shame be tween us anymore, darling," said Isaac-- "only love. Ahl the gipsy told the truth. "What is written in-the -stars - cannot be set aside. You never merit to marry a shoe maker, nor I that youshould. when she told ' my fortune by the waterside." ` The gipsy I" she said, and looked at \ her husband slyly. In a moment she saw he needed no cen t fession—and she made none. "All Lillie," he said, "a woman cannot disguise herself so that a man who loves her will not knoW her," and be kissed her very tenderly. Need it be told that .he is very 'famous now, and that she is very proud of him?— Shall we inform the readers.that, despite all this, they would be as happy were he still making shoes under the vines on the porch? Perhaps we had better say nothing more about it, Ikut bid adieu to them on their wed ding day, and leave all married lovers to fin ish the story to suit themselves. Filthy Lucre. "There's no such thing vs money 173 this country!" was the exclamation of an En glishman.a few years ago after a brief so journ in New York. It happened - in this way; The English man in the course of his business found it necessary to obtain an advance on some merchandise. -He made the usual arrange ment with a large commercial house to ac commodate him. On going to consummate it and receive the cash, he was a good deal I surprised when, i lieu of it, ther senior member tendered t him the acceptance of the firm, pavrible t ninety days' date.— i " What am rto d - with this?" he in4ttired. "Take. it to Bi . & C 0.," (naming some well known banke s,) was the reply; "they will give you the money at the legal rate. The Englishman did as directed. Ho met with no difficulty. The paper was accepta ble, and although our hero did not touch the cash, he received a . check for the proper amount on a neighboring bank. Thither he repaired in the full conildence of having something tangible. He •was mistaken.— The individual at the bank, to whom he pre sented the check for payment. tidied it ner vously, and in a rapid, incoherent manner scrawled some hieroglyphics on its face and thrust it back into the hands of its aston ished owner, motioning him -at the same' time to stund aside for the next comer.— The check had been duly "certified." That was what the scrawl acros.sits - face meant. In n state of 'suspense and - anxiety the-En= glightuanbetook himself to , the person to whom-he was indebted,.and timidly exhib lted what he had to oder , . To his surprise hit friend's countenance brightened:',; ' ' " Many thanks!" eXclaimed his,iiienti,—, "By the way, this amount is too large; there will bwsomething over a hUndred dol lars coming to you," and he proceeded to fill a check for it. The Englishmangroan ed in spirit; it was only unother" piece of paper' 'And then' it was he exclaimed,. .."Theto'is no such thing is motioy in this. ' *mum remasbalf. Wanted One t but Rot the Other. 4 blushing maiden in _Vermont sues et man for breach of contract under the following curious circumstances: - She bad a farm which he wished to - purc - liase, and she rof fered the property 'and herself for twenty thousand dollars,t refusing to sell one with out the other. Ile accepted, mid the mon ey, got the title deeds of the land, and felt so welt satisfied •with his bargain tiu4 he re stored one halt of it to her. As that half was herself, she declined the generous gilt with thanks, and insiiteil he should marry her., lie refused,- and she sues hint for breach of coutracl, and there is every indication that she will win the snit. Now if a matt Cannot do what he likes with his own, it is bard indeed. If. we are to be Isued and made - to suffer the penalties - of the law every time we see fit to indulge in a piece of thoughtless gen erosity, some of the kindliest I feelings of our common nature will receive a shock that will prove-fatal to them. .If we buy a piece of wooded land and determine to make the former owner a present of all. the wood, shall he sue- us for breach of con tract? If we buy a well-stocked farm, and con clude to give a pie„a cow, ;or horse away, shall we be plunged into a lawsuit? It is unnecessary to cite further instances as proof of the absurdity of the whole affair. If we were that man we would marry our persecutor, join hair a dozen clubs, a Ma sonic lodge,,a military company, and a sporting ,club, and tryto make her as com fortable as possible--under the circumsten cest—.l4l:\Y. Era. Cultivate a Taste for Reading. Young men with excellent purposes some times make a great Mistake in thinking they ought to give every moment 'of their time to business, and tt neglect everything else. This is a sad error Every young man en. - teringlife ought AO give some portion of ,3 his time regulatl3—l don't care if it is only half an hour - a d , , —to the development of his wind,. to the gaining of useful informa tion; to the cultivation of some innocent and ennobling-taste. Why, a, man who has no soul exceptifor his busineiis is a "poor stick," a mere machine. A taste for read ing is worth more than a hundred thousand dollars to him who has it—nay, worth more than any sum I could name. A rich man, without that or some similar taste, does not know how to enjoy his money. His only resource is to lieeji on making money, un less he prefers to spend it; and a mind that is not well developed (Vies not knots - how to spend it - wisely. A. man worth his two mill ions used to tell me he would gladly give it nil if he could only have the education which his lazy and stupid bor refuted,to acquire. If lion will pardon the advice, I would say: brake it a rule—never t be, broken—to devote at least half an hour a day to the reading of some useful book— not stories chiefly, neither. Stories are good in their places , ' but every man needs a knowledge of history, the elements of siel enee and other useftil subjects, 'and Wile has only half an hour to give to reading he will he very foolish to give it all to novels. lie hungry and thirsty aftW - knewledge .of all kinds, and be sure you atill be none the worse but all the better as business men.- 11. E. - Abbot. . A Throne in th'o Courts. A. sensation of the Tiebborne order is possibly in store for Frantc; and the stakes this time are not a mere manor, but a king dom. While the Count of Chambord and the Count of Paris are fusing their adhe rents and harmonizing their rival titles to the crown, tl third competitor appears on the scene in the person of Naundoir, the clock maker's son—or, list he, would style himself, the grandson of Louis XVI. Ele has summoned the Count of Chambord be t revocation of lit judgment pronounced many years ago by the Civil Tribunal of the Seine against his father, the clockma ker, who during hts lifetime had claimed-to fie no less a person than Louis XVI 4., Dau phin of France and Duke of Normandy. This suit Jules Favre has been retained to advocate. If, in addition, the heirs of this aspiring Aorloger make good then' Maim to royal parentage, Chambord may( as well fold up and put aliay his emblematic white flag, 10 an elder Bourbon will then mani festly be in existence to challenge, the loyal support of all legitimists and the homage of all believers in the divine right to reign.— Galaxy. An Eeeentrio Peruvian Plant. In speaking of the wonderful, fertility of the sail in Peru, I have never spoken of a little plant or leaf they haVe here, which I never met with in any other place or coun try. Ido not know the botanical name, and I hope that some botanist or savant can vivo me the name and species. The natives take a, simple pale-green leaf, something like a fern, and pin -it to the wall with a common pm l stuck through -it-tpst pin. it on to the plain adobe wall; sometimes they fasten it up with a tack. The leaf itself is not so large as - a geranium leaf. Irredible as it may seem, from this leaf twi I spread out tiny tendrils . and 'shoots, had delicate leaves will form, and will spread and run and cover the whole wall. I bad one in my oNvn side-yard, or corral, that covered the entire side of the wall, and it grew from one small leaf pinned on to the adobe to hold it in plwee. It became a , thrifty run ning vine. I Would not believe it possible, Mit that I have seen it repeatedly and suc cessfully tried.—Cor. of Chicago Tribune, " Nanly Boron" • --- Lothario—as in Mrs. Marsh's story of Ti Admzrars Daughter-iu the absence of his friend, or in despite of his friend's pres ence, "ensnares the affections" of his friend's wife. Itlrs.:Grundy;saYS, "Oh!" and "}lave you heard?" and shrugs -her shoulders, I and rolls her virtuous eyes to heaven. Suppose, that' is all true. If the- friend loved his wife it is a tragedy, and it is easy to fancy him, in a paroxysm of passion, shooting his rival, as men have often done, or blowing -out his own brains. But2vhat could be more comical than his going out in a melan choly manner to let his friend shoot at him? And, again, does anybody believe, whatever be may say, that men would be constantly " ensnaring the affections" of their friends' wives if they were not conscious that they would be called to account at the pistol's mouth? As forinanly honor, whatever it be, is it Something nt - the mercy of rakes, bullie:2, and vagabozills?' Can the conduct of an other affect your hondr? It may give you pain, shame, endless rearetl; it may break your heart and ruin your life; but it cannot touch your honor., Of that you alone are the guardian; that you only can stain.- Is the honor of 'Richard Turpin, junior, in jured because his father swung at Tyburn? Is the granddaughter of Dr. Dodd nishon• wed because thesloctor forged and suffered? Or—except in M'rs.- Grundy's judgtneut= is the honor of Menelaus soiled by the pref erence of Helen for; Paris? That prefer ence may dishonor he}, may utterly desolate her home, and wreck;his life; but how can it dishonor him? Oaly upon' the theory that she is not. an equal human being; that she is merged in lulu; a theory which rea son and common serve repudiate.—Otorre WM. Oarfis in Harper's. , The Poet of Nature Wordsworth shows us, as no - otljer man has done, the glory, the beauty, the holiness of nature; he spiritualizes for us the ,out• ward world, and that with no weak, and" sentimental, but - with a thoroughly manly feeling. •He always insists, it has been well said, that nature gives gladness to' the glad -and comfort to the sogrowfal.-- St. is not only. that his .tor af. nature ; are so true Mid Sofresh - , that reading - him' after -hard' day's :work is like walking out among -the fields and hills, bits that he steep§ them rt,au ideal light; thathe . shedsrupon theM . • . • The gleam— Ths light that payer was on ace,or land; The Consecration and the dreare; " . , and that be makes us feat that wonderful connection between-Datum find the soul of man.whieh is indeed „inysterious, -but w filch those who have felt it cannot deny, And those.whO believe that the -sante. Alcnizbry God'orbaticl both - will not be Inclined to 4oubt,...NotsWan'i, Atom*, El PABZ MTh novenciitt, ___ . . -.- -- gilking,Com, ' • - What a difference there is in 'cow 'mapiage. went I There across the fields, three fourths of a mile away is Janes, a wide-awake d driving fellow. .In fact, -he is too width awake! lie keeps everybody-and eeerye thingabout him stirred up. I am awakes ed in the tnorning by bearing him yellin_gat his cows, find by the barking of his yellow cur of a deg that he sends after them. You. should see the cows start, the moment they hear'him yell:-- From their peaceful, k pastor al rumination, or from their cool-of breakfast off the dewy brass, they are galvanized by the yell of the farmer and the yelping o' the yellow cur into a race for tb mlillting yard. Half of them' come up throughtla - lane on the run„ panting like high-res.sure stramboats. They - gouge and gore ch other with desperate abandon.— 'Oey switch their tails about with a, relent lap ietns that, suggests perpetual motion.— Tilere are, say, twenty of these kind, and by the time they have swept . through and tumbleil over the half-drawn bars into the yatd, '.l im, the hired man, Susan, the hired girl, Betty, the farmer's daughter, 'and Sam, the fourteen year old son of the farmer, are clambering- over the fence into the yard, with'inilking stools and wooden or tin pails _ in their hands, ready to make these heated cows "Stand Still IHist I" and submit to have the lacteal fluid squeezed out of their udders. Jones told me yesterday that his cows were "beginning. to shrink their milk bad." He did not see 'why it s ould be; - feed is o uncommonly good', for ho time 'year.— Reckon the flies and the elderberry bushes have something to do wit 'it." I didn't tell him that I thought his e rand him Self were most to blame, but I the ght so. '. Right across the street from him is "hit neighbor Gibson—one of your quiet, systeln atic, careful, sensible farmers. He, too, gets up betimes in the morning, takes his long staff, quietly walks into the pasture and gent ly says, "Came boss I Come boss!" The cows know his voice and heed itns surely as Jones' cows do his. Re walks slowly.around them, scarcely speaking to them, quietly gathers them tbgetbor, and they crop the sweet herbage as they slowly travel toward the stable, which they enter-without, goring each other or violence from any one.l They take their places in-the stanchions, are quiet ly fastened, the milkers are at - hand • no noise is made;,_ the milking is quickly do' ne, the cows salted and turned, loose. Gibson's do not "shrink, their milk." They are not 'allowed to'slo so. When the pastures do not yield herbage enough, or "fly time" prevents foraging., there is soil ing material for them. As is the Man, so is the brute beneath him. Thenature and hab its of the ohe are reflected by the other.— Jones hasn't got ,a cow that will not jump a staked and riderkd-fence to escape him or his cur. Gibson hasn't a cow that knows bow to jump! Jones hasn't a cpw hitt expects a stoning- or mauling wills a milk stool, or a kick on ocwions. - Gibson hasn't a cow that has received a blow or a kick since he owned her. Jones hasn't a cow that will not run from him at sight if there is a possible chance of-getting away. - Gibson hasn't a cow that will not - come to him-at his call.--.Rurai-New Yorker, Influence of the Dam.° - Touching this subject, I would say, to start kb, that the influence of the daut is much more considerable in the majority of cases, in shaping the chatacter of thti future colt, than many imagine. To me itteerns natural - that it shottld be so. Without, reiterating what I hale already said in a previous see title of this work, I would ask the reader to • ' observe how intimately the foal is connected with tie dam, not only previous to birth, __ but lo a long period afterward. From the very 'eginning of its life it is fed by the moth Or's blood, and affected by her moods. Before ever it has seen light,- she has had .. the tithe lied the power tolste mil it with her vices or her virtues, impart to it her weak-. ness'or her -strenglh.. Not only the bon& 1 1 structure, OA muscular tissues, the arterial_ I and venous zest enLagittpie,rray-mother's constitutional powers and condition, but the very - nerve-structure and brain-force receive from her tone and quality. The foal may be pictured as lying at her mercy, domina ted by the sweet tyranny of nature. When thinking of these, things, I cease to wonder that many of the most famous horses, both ut the past and present time, closely resew.. We their dams.- Dexter takes his look' from his mother, the daughter of American Star, who was sired by the thorougliibred run ning-horse, Henry. Neither in body, limbs, head, nor temperament, dues he bear any likeness to his sire, Ryttlyk's Hambletoniatt. The same may be said of Goldsmith's llaid, Lady Thorne, Major Winfield, and others or - almost equal celebrity.' They aro all moth er's childeen, as we should, say in respect to members of the human family. Evety_breed i er has obAirved this peculiarity. I have a; filly iii My stable, sired by a horse of highl breeding and great vitality,.to whom, never theless, she does not bear the least- resent blatice, but is a - fee-simile of-the dam. -Co!. or, size, shape, stylp of going, expression of the countenance, ever= the way in whiehshe _ i eats her oats, br neighs before they are given - her—in all these things she is the dam over - 41gain—From Mr. Mw array's Book an "The Perfect Horse.". • ~ How TO PREPARE Ponr.ms FOE{' Tfl - Nnw YORX MAREl:t—Secure plump, well-, fatted birds. /Bleed them in the throat.-- Scald enoukh to,make the feathers come Off easily pick - both feathers and pin -feathers all off nicely,. taking great care not to bruise or break the skin in any way. If (Moor two in the lot should accidentally get bruised or have the skin broken, sell or use at home, as they'would • hurt the sale of the -whole lot.: LeaVe all the entrails in, and - heads and feet on. After they are dressed, hang, thorn in a cool place, where they will dry off and • get stiff before packing. Pack in boxes or bar rels in nice, clean, rye straw ; if this cannot be obtained, dry oat straw may bo used. Be sure and pack solid, so they will not bruise in transit. Pack with breasts down. 'Poul try prepared in this way always finds a ready market, while poor, 110 f-drafted, =sweaty (eauAea .packing while warm)and bruised lots, will not tell well at any time. -Many farmers make a practice of feeding their half-starved fowls all they will eat just before killing, and then send them tamarket with full crops, in order to-get the price of poultry fur corn. In this thoy make a mis take; the crop being swollen to an unusual ,size turns black after being packed, awhile, and not only shows clearly the dishonest in tentions of the packer, but injures the sale of the fowls a great deal more than is gained in weight. Teed meal only for at least twol days before killing. ljartift - i 4 f ftU e WHOLE NO. 1,145; . POULiItY DIET.—CN, - enno pepper, mus tard or ginger, can, with great benefit, bn added to the foodof fowls; to increase their vigor, and tostimnlate egg apperently artificial . diet will be seen to be natural if we remember that wild birds of the gnllinneeous species get - E1CC04.4 td very many highly-spiced borne.) and buds. arti cles that give the "genie flavor" to their flesh. The ordinary food of the domestic fowl is not, 'indeed, entirely ,without some such addition, since there is wore or leas of an aromatic principle in wheat, Indian - corn and alt other grams, Nevertheless, it is not sufficient in quantity to supply 'the place of stronger spices. a taste for which is a part of the fowl's inherited constitution. A. mod erate quantity of cayenne, etc., added to the ground grain, is al ways'productive of health and thrift'in poultry.—/As Pau/try World. Small Horoes, The S'osaikora Farms. says: The argu ments- may all be iu favor of great size, but the facts are all the other way. Largo horses are more liable to stumble and be lametitan thole of the waddle size. They aro clumsy and cannot help thems - elvea so quick. There is nothing more surprising-than to visit 'Mon- - treal, and see the small built Canadian hories, hauling large two-seated =ridges,' toll of people, ! ,with apparent ease., A.'itorsa weigiting 900 lbs., in takes or Concord wagon, with two men in it, - and makes 50 or 00 miles a, day, over hills that might have terrified Hannibal. Ihit their weight is where it ought to be. It iS com pact, and not lying around loose. -Lis mus cle, not pulp, that wo want in a horse:- 1 - tusx.—:Ono egg, ono •and a half of sugar, Indrcceup of butter, Imre a teaspoon ful of. soda; dissolve in a Mite milk and" one pint of 11 - 14 ed dough.- -; Ai ix '.lll well.together add a littio 'cinnamon; .ftutrueg. ,or cloves if you like, Mold and raise'onee or. Video, as you' please, and bakciAlke biscuit' 'When nearly done, wash theist over' - wittra mill: and sugar,- A. set ofonaper car-wheels Owe Cif the P inan eats running t 1 ~, Tersey, • tlity, ,brive rue ovur 1e,0,C90 ' miles, ot'tra.r.k, worn" - out :entirely one det *steel tires, whichhitve been replaced. The ordinary wheels, It is said, will only rue EACKX) Mil