don by a .. '01 . 014 ai - rikiiiiitimnii 4 YrP ; ti l ''lll l n Pa su a if it shall . turn out tlfat, the rights of e l American , eitivrtt hsve :: ,bianjahiptgefi by the officer's - it 'bandage . , 'that; - odors most be duly punlibed; -- -,'''. ',- -t-: 'll-Vv:! . .:' , That the present Government' of SPain will be willing to aillbai - jetiticeMay re quire to make emends for , these, outrages is probable. ' SPain ii tordtryi frictiOn atherne; bet new Government is engage ( /' in a grog. gle for existence, and else isle' on condition' .._. tS brave the iii-t iIF of , thia - country, 13e, sides this, it is no doubt txue : that. her pres eut rulers are naturally inClinedte deal just ty by us, and so secure our frientiihip:'. But we doubt the power of those rulein' to en- . MVO their order% in Cuba. , .The true_Tae. . Ut9 • Cif Cuba tiPatty are the Spanish volun teers. the rule . of The 'home Government in that island has long been - reduced to the merest shadow -of _rintbiority. - ,- .' , ~.., :` - This being the case; .it will probably - ,be, impossible for Spain tb punish the offenders in this affair, andlit may becothe :I:fence - lE6y for our Government to, avenge - the ,4rsult to our flag and the injuries inflicted upon those, under our protection by. resort 'to - force:in' d i ba, We judge that there will be no war with Spain, but, that there may, bi,, some" very lively fighting at Santiago.; ' Mt . 'ever' this will not occur until Congress has 'met .and taken action in the matter; for our laws prohibit the President from' entering upon any war without the sanction of - that body.' Within two weeks Congre s will be in ses 4, afoo t and -then the policy ' be adapted . by opr Government will be fu ly developed. That the attitude of our authorities will . worthy of a great and powerful n nation, bl d will be promptly and effectually carried out, there can be no &Mut. - What that stet mdecWill be is foreshadoWed by the active Am 4'! preparation -at all our navy yardo.- 7 . The, act that si'ven hundred men were kept et wink last Sunday at they League Island Da vy yard in preparing 'our monitors for s cdie service gives some idea of the feel lugi,of our authorities On this subject. We believe that no measures of retaliation can po too prompt or too vigorous to command be hearty indorsement of.-the whole coun try. NEWS OP THE WEEK. Gold closed in New York on Saturday at , A dispatch from Pottsville, P. says that J a mes Brown has been found guilty_of mur der in the first degree for - killing Mrs. Ora , vier. wil.o attempted to murder his wife stElizabeth, N. J. on. Wednesday night, ailed from Philadelphia for Liverpool' in the steamer Pennsylvania on Friday. A dispatch from Washington on Saturday to the New,'York Evening Pose siva that the &tier: of the Chief Justiceship is regarded as virtually settled in favor of Senator Conk- • ling. Srnall pox, to an alarming extent, prevails in Bin Janeiro, and business is consequently us complete stand-still. • A korNier's inquest into the death of Mi chel Doherty, in Woburn, Mass., .has re sulted iri the holding of _Michael Doherty, a an of ' L ille deceased, and his wife on the charge of murder. Settlers on the island of Anioosti, Cana da, aro represented to be in a 'starving con dition, and a Dominion government steamer baleen dispatched with large- supplies of proci;ions for their relief. • A Chnastota, N. Y., dispatch says that Win. Stone. concoetor of the plot to burn that place, k a lawyer of more than ordina ry ability, but has of late borne a bad repu tation. Woodford, who was caught firing the Parker House, was ton years ago one of the most promising young men of the place, residing in one of the finest residences. The plot was one of the most fiendish ever brought to light, and the authorities experienced great difficulty in preventing the conspira tors from being lynched by the excited pop ulace. Adrices from St. Thomas to the sth inst. tare been received. News had reached that lead that Gen. Luperon, who, retired from the leadership of the revolutionary, forces in San Domingo two months ago, has been re . tilled by the insurgent chiefs, and will re alize his old command: It Is supposed - that under his leadership the reVolutionista will nuke a supreme effort and either- triumph or be annihilated. Sumner is rapidly regaining his wont ed health ; but it is believed it will be many years before he will again consider himself strong enough even to assist in the burial of the Republican party. For the fist day since .the 2d of Septem ber there was not a single dentb.from yellow bier at Memphis last Wedne.pday. A. dispatch from California, Missouri, nyk that Henry Rae shot and killed Miss nollie Wallin°, near Bellaire, Cooper Coun ty, end then blew his own brains out. Bee and Ries Wallin° were engage& but her plants iefused their consent, whereupon Bee attempted suicide, but was prevented. Felt day he went to the residence of the la and committed the deed above stated.— &loft a note saying he could mot live with .rot the girl, and resolved to kill her and hiuneif, so that they might be together in th next world. The fifty-fifth annual meeting of the Gen esi 3lissioriary Committee of the M. E. rhombi was held last Wednesday. There sere present Bishop. Janes, (presiding) finipeon_,_ Scott, Bowman,, Ames, Merrill, Noy, ilaven, Andrews and Peck. There to aiso a full attendance fr&m the mission Cutlets, The meeting opened with devo tional exercises, after which the• treasurer's report for the past year was read Showing hat the receipts during thaE period /were P 8 7 1233 49, and thaexpenditures $725,169 69, having a balance of $42,063 80 which amount will be entirely absorbed by, the outstanding litters of credit to the foreign missionaries. A dispatch from Victoria, Vancouver's Island, says the steamer California has ar= tired there from Sitka, with news of a recent dlicovery Of new mines in Cession county. he brought doriii• twelve miners who have $16,000 in gold dust: The news , causes the roatest x excitament.• - One party took out 1197 in geld dust in eight hours with a little rocker. The miners who tame down oh th California', ;intended to return to th early in the wring. The widow of the late Capta" the Tigress al the Brooklyn lc °lasi i if possible_ any relic/ voyage. mrs.__Hall_34. l 3l, when shpwn ti band. all visited !wry Yard to of the Arctic greatly affected e prayer book of hor bus- judge J. 0. Underwood, of the' United States - Districthurt, was assaulted at Rich mond, last Tuday, by W. N. MCVeigh, the former own rof tho property in Alex andria, Va. which was purchased by Judge Underwood under the-conflscation act. A boiler exploded last_ Tuesday,'. at the corner of Fourth Avenue and 128th street, New York, used by Coyne,& - Beenier, con. tractors on. the Fourth Avenue improve ments,. Seven persons were instantly killed and Beyeral wounded.. All the killed had either the whole or a portion of their heads blown off.l The stetim=hip Atlas, which sailed from llo'ton last Tuesday for Liverpool, had two lundred and thirty', steerage passengers, a proportion of whom were operatives and 4rtizans, - who are returning 'to- the old world for lack of employnient hero.. Some forty factory operatives came 'on l'om Fall River to embark in the Atlas. Col. Shepard, United: S tea demist nt TokohTioraiwas - nvitesenger v the steamer Japan, which arrived at San rancisco - on Wedhesday. He cotnes on lenv of .absence for six months, The New York Assembly sten s seventy tow Republicans (including one who was elected independently but will ac With us)• and fifty-four Democrats.. The epublioan majority on joint ballot will be from twenty-- two upward. Both parties in Lycoming county, are in' nor of the adoption of the new constitu tion, and the chairmen- of the Republican IQ Democratic Executive Committees have united in a'call for a meeting for its-indorse met. The twelfth juror in the Tweed case was °ltaleed last Thursday, - fternoon, and-the we was opened by litr. Peckham for the, Petecation. Vice President Wilson expects to occupy old quarters at the Washington -House, the National Capital, in a few days. _ It is proposed to have the editors of the toiletry meet at' SB Louis some time this total' to organize the National Press ABSO• dation, The Albany ,journal of last- Thursdayitf tezileon claims the election of Hopliins, - Re- P4llesn, for Comptroller, by-bet*een four tad five thousand mejority, and of Platt, ;publican, for State Prison 'lnspector by .1 1 irlY the same major*. The Argus of the city nlsq admits the election of Hop twil/Irriali 4,647 majority.- The same paper at 6,176 majority for Willers, Dens tete. t j ! for Secretary of State. rumored that' George Hai rills, now a member of Parliamentrfor Ox.- „VIA city, will be appointed Solicitor 'General Treat Britain. -e Yellow fever hafbreken out - again at aeintrA ge 81x deaths are . ,reitofttd 4 410 4 , ..11 also the doith 4.11v45; : •s• Ata iMblic meeting in'tondoralsat Thure:: - daY night, of which ; Edward:4lW', was eitair an;,Ofirrele •Williatas;v/ bo . reeently, return front ,AMerie:l4 .`•noodont,V: • Vs.` Xlif4riiried' , _"•the.:riblinitar't , 46ljoinui systiloin",latid`•esneeisdly commencledlhe • pOkt; `He schools •theiTnned States. A Paiseritfir train on.-thb ;Louisville ' Bsi'i~;• road was thrown from the track: twen ty west of Memphis last : edneeditY, some mis creant having tied. anilionfbar _across ; the' Tlio ellenei'telfaefi'l4gagO'csie;,iind one passenger ear. ere• - denionshed,,, .:,Agnes bad, who okh - tist arrived:froni-Ane,t hind, 'ivits fatalipinjured, ';. in the -1 07gtver,.0yer, ,- and - New Yorklettliursday, four little boysi . ef, -from - t6ll:4lo4welve y ears ,Of 'age, were 41'4, maigned.:fOlholOint 'homielde of a Private , ' watchman, They, came to the bar laughing. and eVidentlioniMpressel•With, the'grailty of the 'Charge of matislaughter, - ;nnd,tbeir counsel,t)leaded: not _guilty; District Attorney Fisher, his report as to the 1)4=14- of, the steamer WawaSset last summer,, says there : is not siiflicirinf eVidenee of inisconduct:or inattention - --tedutY to con vict any, officer or:employe of.the - crime of manslaughter, and - he will not •institute any criminal proceedings. - 'As it is clear from the evidence that -the captain ' , mate and elle neer violated the - law by notcbeing-liccinsed, , he will;:-=unless - instructed - other Wise, bring suits to recover - the amount of; the , penalty, a 'One' hundria dollars in each . antelligeneelas been received - .lfi'LeindOh that 4 famine' prevails in Greenland i caused 4V n failiire of 'tho.fisheries. •• In :one village alone, one - hundred: encl.:fifty persons were starved to deatb,.'- - - - _G The death of General -Flallerriam is fin. nouneed : , fts,haidng occurred it 'his boine in Locust Grove, - town or - Leyden, Lewis coun ty, N. Y., on Tuesday. • ellen. Merriam w as one of the pioneers'in 'the • stage business in Central New York- • Mr. Bischoffsheire',' the eminent Paris banker, died hi..that pity ; last Friday. ••• - The German government - Infs'nfade a Ali. - ther payment of $8,000,000 for bonds of the United States funded loan.. •1 • Ju4ge , A. 'O. Miiler; " - of -the trnited Statei District Court . ' of,Wisconain. - .has tendered, his resignation. • •• = • :103CAti.:NOTICES:, TANNER WA.NTED. Apply to_ J 'o9 Erlt BisnoLLE,.Wellaboro, Pa, L Nov. 18-2t* We will pay cash - fef freali tub . inct Mail liutter. J: 0.. & A. M. BiziaraTT. go.4ingtoe,.Pe„ .Ney.:4,1878-at. • Gen. LOuiti Wagner, of Fhiladellibia, will lecture in title village on -Friday- evening, Nev. 21. f" For particultiraste bUIB, - The Ladies Aid' Society - of- - St. Paul's church will meet next Thursday afternoon At the rooms of Mr. Thomas it, Dryden, at Toad's boarding house." '" All persons indebted . to John ilschler and requested to call, and settle immediately.l .- - .;: , joux Pisani:Eß. Wellshoro, Nov.ll', ist - s-st. •'• ": . 411 those 'wishing to take thiC. - 7noral Yorker - . or Amp:lean Agricl4tur,iq ,v?iP have a ehanoe to get the . re ot. clot> rates by leaving ,their names with a H. BeleherA Co. , , . IMPORTANT NOTICE.—On account ' of great loss'at the late fire all persons indebted . to H. H.:IIA.STINOS are requested to call and 'set tle immediately. Office at S. B. Warriner's Jewelry Store. E. H. laliPrittos. Wellsboro, Nov. 4, 1878-U. - RAXI.TI.O4.D NOTICE.-The aunscriners to the right of way fund are notified that the balance of their ,subscriptions must be paid on or before the Ist of January next. Pay ment to be made to J. N. Baebe, - Esq., or in his absence to the First .Nati nal Bank: Nov. 18, 1878-St. THOMAS HARDEN at "The Headquarters" offers his entire stock or merchandise at prices far below any''-ever offered in this plaCe. He wants "to clean out", all his old stock to make room fora new one: He leaves town to-day for New York to make pur chases at the Great Special Sale of IT. B. Clatlin 3c Co„ and will 1111 up with the.larg est, best and cheapest stock of goods -ever brought to this place. Be on the, lookout for the new stook. Palm Pfacus.—Go to GEo;liyioxisn's for Cloths and Gentlemen's Purnishhig. Goods 'ever brought to Welisborh. flavjogjust re turned frornNew York, my stoc4 is com• plete. I buy for cash and sell' At bottom &ices. Suite - made to4irder on short notice and warranted in every respect as represent ed. Please call and look my stools over be , - fore purchasing elsewhere. ' 4,Welleboro, Nov. 11-4 w. eke Aeitator. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1873 Dome ' Affairs. Mew \idverpfstmehts this . week. ' - Eiltray taken up—O. E. Gee. Geo. P. Bowel" it Cips List pf Lettore—G. W. Merrick, P. M. 131t1ICVN. --Some snow —Court begins next Monday. —Blossburg has a circulating library. —A revival is in progresSiu the Methodist church at• Lawrenceville. —Don't fail to attend ex-Governor Cur tin's lecture next Tuesday evening, the 2f4h instant. —Next week, being Co urt . week , will be a good time to send in•your "back'pay" to the AGITATOR. t.. fail —Don't fail t read that pretty little story headed "Const' ution" 'on the flat and see ' • . .. BPS of s paper. I •-•- ve. ote on the new Constitution Is to take place just four weeks from to-day— Tuesday, Deoember 10th. 1 —Five dollars bought a genuine horse' at Mansfield 'the other day. The "shrinkage in values" has been awful lately. il , —Hon. Thomas Fitch opens the lecture course at Tioga next Thursday I evening. Subject: "From Cork to Venice." --The eovington Glass Works have shut down for an indefinite period, thus throwing over thirty men out oremployment. --Tice man who committed suicide by hanging himself with a chain, near Hrrison ,cc i Valley, as reported in our last issue, t ee Mr. Charles Gil). --A. new time-table went into effect on the railroads of this county yesterday merning, but.up to the time of going to - press we have not received a copy of it. . - 4-Prof. Fradenhurgh, of the State ( Norl -11341 School ht Mansfield, has issued n r:ireu• hiercquesting gifts of geological specimens. for•the benefit. of that institution. —Leo Afiller, 2 an oratorical light-weight who will biS remembered by some of ou'r vil lage !Team's, has been talking up woman's rights recehtly over in' Bradford county. —The dwelling of Dr. Wm. M. DardeV, at Mansfield, was destroyed by tire a few days age. Very little furniture was saved. The loss was about $2,500; insurance $l,lOO. The origin of the Ore was unknown. • ; —Last week Sunday, the 9th instant, a Congregatienalchurch was orgaui*ed et" c Antrim, the officiatlrig -- miniSters being Bev. J. W-Ptigh, of Philadelphia, and Rev. P..T., Evans, of Blosaburg. ' 0. Strang, Esq., has removed to West field\ and entered into a partnership for the practice of the law with Bon. B. B. Strang, the. Senator from 'this distriet.' The new firm will make a strong team. —Our - correspondents are reminded that if they expect their letters to appear in print they must send-41 \ the names of. the - writers —not for publicat on,• \ but as an evidence of good faith. We gO.. -through publishing, anrymous ematannitations some time-ago. • —Au accident happened - at the new Epis copal rectory in this village last Saturday af terneon, resulting inini uries more painful than dangerous. While Mr: H. D. Deming and his son were engaged in painting"the outside o rthe building the Portable scaffold on which they were Standing,gave away, and the two • were thrown to the Aground from' a, height of twelve or - fifteen feet. 'the young man escaped almost unharmed, but the fath *Om quite severely • smiths Mood it0w4414•444 1 whlle. tait'th - • eit 4. 4( -- " • , Tr Allpf tc.,tl at Coming It :'kit a! ' csti`.iloviii d= rai' fiver : ; hOe.Y4nt- -- a ilitirothlkOttl)6tlV-.tates'nnd - - jv lict • . - .,•aiin:i, - .:, , ThOir,lintottunatO7 - •inan..,*,i', a'hotnt `*hoio'avii - tY• 7 ';' thing possibleoritl,ei: - vg.snf.,.: • ferings until he died . .0..44#4 - „rtiorning about toui t o click the:449riaidas 3 ",rinitit),STl:ovi'4 fthiteOftnii.-.•:iind. , !Wont: . t;tyaatY 7 ono Yeoa Qf . age is raportegAhiti' thO' Aet at an, if, blaster In Avyi• h l 4 .litl loft laat - 'B,atUrda l yniOrning indor,ord eis -to join• - the'eciyatament -it.on.alnd Manhattan new 9tt rig. ont;at;tli na' y' yard near deiliihitt "'for it - ctiye•eaicv,r6a in 'tiro Cuban rivixtr'j 'ors: has-been inalang ajong friends' in ::this village ,during, -tiha zsum flier - ; but . , the *it *awl' bf, ' , ilk) "dogs Of. *ray" Calls :hint to bit "post j piiadict that the, young Master will - aequit . trigisalt ccrith,lionor, hattv'er,,,inity. befall ; it he should not h'ee'wOilidn't.:l - .44' OhiprOt" Oa old blciels.q . : , I' I _ . . . .-;--Thellerinain S,oo f iety have arranged a free course of nine lectures to- be,. delivered at the Court Haus° in 'thii village during the :coming winter. • . Although these lectures will cost the society V l ery little Ind the gen-,, eial public nothing, we believe they will, as its a.whcde, prove quite interesting and in structiye,as any cours we have ever bad.' The folloWing gentlemen have been engaged : JI - N:FI6!DENITURGH A. M., Ph, D.,'Hon.J. 4,l%tivas, Hon, M. PI .ftracirr,..Hon. H. W. l'iruirksts, Hon. Joisrl.lMiTufixtr.,, Rev. ;J. F.' CALEms, Bev. IN. L. itha'iiiiti:lB, RSV.' Tnoi. SiAcnr; P. H. Binog,, A. B. Tie' ,datecand subjects of all these lectures Will be announced.; hereafter: ' '-.• • ' ' . —The Elmira Ativer l tiger says that last Saturday, miming, titl about half-past . five, Mr. "O. Hamilton, -esiding at ' Hamilton Mills, in Jacitson tow;lship, went to the barn for the purpose of hitching up his team. One 'of.the animals became frightened while be ing harnessed; and knocked down a lamp from where it was banging, which set fire to the straw bedding. Mr.Hamilttin succeeded in subduing the flames-by threwingblankets On, the burning straw, and supposed the fire was all out. As he passed out of the door to get some air, he discoered his barn on fire in the roof, and was powerless to stay the -flames. He succeeded • in saving his wagons .and horses, but lost about twenty tons of hay. , Damage about • $8,900. Insured for $4OO. —Hon. J. B. Niles will denier a lecture :on the' proposed new Constitution at the -Court:House, on Tuesday evening, -Decem ber 2d, and Hon. M. Elliott will speak on the same subject, Tuesday evening, Deitem ber eth, at the same place. ,As these gentle men were members of he_Ciinvention which -framed the new instrument, , of coarse they ate thoroughly postedion Several provis ions and the reasons which led to their adop tion: Both lectures will be delivered before the vote is taken upon the Constitution, and the subject Will, ther4ore, be of the most lively interest to everyithoughtful voter and in fact to every citizen of tbe Common weal th. No admission 'fee will be " - charged, as the lectures are the first of !the free course to be given - by the Hermitic) (Society this winter. We trust our people—and especially the vot ers—will crowd the h °use both nights to hear this most itnporiant question candidly and dispassionately discusse!d. —Ex-Governor Curtin's lecture on "Life Initussia" is to ,tie delivered at the Opera House next Tuesday evening. It, is hardly necessary to say that any address prepared by the distinguished and eloquent "War .Governor of Pennsylvania" would . be well, worth listening to. But, tiii46 - froth the high character of the speaker, his long residence -in-Russia as our Minist r at the Court of St. Petersburg will give -t . his thoughts upon Russian life peculiar in crest and authority. Of the social life of the great empire of the North we knoW practically very little, and. the subject will possess II the charm of nov eltyt and, could hardly f it to prove interest ing in the handi of any man of ability. In this case -the !weaker an the theme are each ot speoia - rfriterest - fo olpeoliTra, and - we - var. - pest to see a overfiowi g li g house next Tues day evenin . • The tickets . have been put down to suit the times, nd can be obtained at the Post Office for 86 cents foi any part of -the house. 6 —Last Saturday Mori ing while Mr. Hen ry Schell, of Middleb ry, • was hunting in the woods about 21 rail -0 north of this vil= lage' he came across thci ienutins of a human body? which had evide tly lain where found for a considerable leng hof time. Thehead and feet were gone e tirely, they having probably been eaten o by some animal, and the flesh had all disap eared from the re mainder of the skeleto . The remains were evidently those of a m n, and the appear: , antes indicated that 6 unfortunate was the victim of self-destructien. ' A large navy re volver laid across the breast of the skeleton; three chambers of wbioh were still loaded.- The' wood work of th s weapon bad been' considerably eaten, apparentlfby some ai - qt. mal. ArOund the remains were found pop , , tions of two shirts—one of red flannel' ante the other a common woolen one. 'Portions of 3 4..„ the st pkings were also found, and a hat was picks up near by eon aining a quantity of hums hair. On Bunc ay a number .of our citizens visited the place, and removed the remains - to this village, where they were ful ly idePtifled as those o Mr. Louis Margraff. That young man inaldenly disappeared from his borne - here - last 31: rch, and since that time no trace -bad bee found of him. He bad been slightly_dera family feared that he h fear which time has s well founded, It is be of his death.he had ab on his person ; but no', wallet was found with great length of time d lain' a prey to the eleml renders the disappears suspieioui, There is li mains are those of Lo belied by his own ha OUB .:41110.11110115. —On Nov. 9, John ranee drowned, while going fro.. Landing on Lake 'Ewalt, veiling. —The extract works at shut down for tile present. by the accumulation of stn present lattily any market. —Hiram - Woodward, of Penfield, one of the largest in Elk co' ray. was stabbed-by one ;1 lumber operatorsof his warkmen - :itt a quarr 1 a few evenings since.— Mr. W's death ' 'vras first reported, but afterwards hopetrof his recovery wer entertained. The asses. au came up behind him an stabbed him in the tilde. —The Leek ilaen Repub ican says: t. Exciting re. porta of silver mine) come, from Sugar Valley. The Mine is in Green's Gap, seine ten miles beyond Lo - , gamsville, upon the lands of the Lebanon Lumber company. Some of the p coleus metal was sent to Philadelphia, and found in be gtnnine silver, and rings and other 'articles !bade from it. Since then eight hundred weight of tht ore have 'been sent to the city to be again tested. Tb anal' is /taken trona the, solid rock." , —The Demociata of Oil,'lty, ate,' facetious act of fellovre. At the lett municipal etc+ ion they under. , Mirk to perpetrate a first cieias joke on the Republicans by voting for a colored map for one of ,the council. men. The Republieaus took the edge off the joke by voting for the same man, and' this is whatcormis of it: In Oil City; when the oflice of mayor becomes vacant;the councilriien that receive the highest vote steps in to that high position. The mayor was elected county, treasurer and a negro Is Mayor Of Oil City' by Denita 4, critic, votes f • ---The WilliamspOrt,Alut f last week says: " litthia' city, the Catholic controveroey,is again resumed. and. although it hie been two years in.,progress, very few except those concerned seem . to itriOW anytblngpf its rill - Merits. It Is generally understood to betua effort on the part of the Mica:tht:al to break down the pres ent power of the-bishops b' enforcing the canon law of the church. Father tit 4 ck and his counsel have 'been ocouiried for some Ulna past- In biking testimony berate the examiner aPPOlnted by the Court. On Wednesday Bishop O'Hare's counsel were ruled to close their testimony within 30 days. The case. there fore. will soon be In shape for the Anal hearing anti decree of the Court. Fat er Static has already ob tained two opinions in his avor in the Court of Com nion Pleas:' —lest Wednesday there lwas a homicide in the al oha/ of UOl , cltrof.WllltaMsport, :TM:SBM* it: pas. the body of a (lerrosti by _ e name of 1417110:1111.1,,;Whil 'gas found dead In the Ma , where , lived his ,itori-In-.. law; by the name Of blebs, and vbexanStitekiVii. wire ..,. liattticiMit for protection- pant 4er- hisbind: l . l "itehiv 1414;09 33 / 41 PIA A. 4 a tlekt in tote hams aid. I n the , . 404 . 04A011)0 go,l2i*lcs Att,p l tqpret, 26 - *O.l :4 1, it'fo*4110,atlikk,ot 1,14a0. 11k. 4 z i 1 1 42 'zi 61 .15-4 11 P'rlian ' .:Wagili/itij cii: 4l6 ! t iAnPll , iiioneit • itkt:iritiriest iltatl 44 ,1 OtA - . Aittman.o9ita,to Ms! ileatii fr. a wqoudtrit!iltetk:d, by pciOwe th:4410 bY::01 1 / 1 =lll4tlCMl . .telit:Oefentko, tysi4 Atreete/f 4°*l o ll v - 7 11 0 .010 tor 0001 ). ana.waeitotkiivt?...kik. ~ ! i!, , , , ttioyolll*.fre, the! ),051111•:,. There is no_'pain which the Oen. taur Liniments Will not relieve, no swelling they will 'not subdue. and mw Ito loneness which they: will not t• ' cure, This is strong language, but _ ie true. They haVe produced " 444troci cdres of rheminatientiftieural iiiii: lolta-Javrt,lials;. sprains, swellings, caked ineaetPr scalds, burns. salt-rheum,, earache, to., upon the hu- man frame, imil,of strains, _epavin, galls, ;re., upon animals in one - year than have all other pretended remedies since the world began. They are counter. irritant, • ell-healing' pain - relievers. - ' Cripples throw „ away their crutches, the lame walk, poisonous . are tendered harmless slid the .wounded era, healed without a sear. The recipe is published around each bottle. They self as no articles ever before sold, and they sell because -they do just what they pretend to Co. Those who Wow suffer from riteurnatiem,"pain or swelling deserve to finger if they will not use:Centaid Liniment, white Wrapper, Moro than 1000 certificates of remarable cures, including frozen limbs, chronic rheumatism, gout, running tumors, &c.. have been received. We will send a circular containing certiii• eatcs, the recipe, &c., gratis to any one requesting it. One bottle of th e yellow wrapper Centaur Liniment is worth one hundred dollars fur spavined or aweehled horses and mules, or for screw-worm In sheep. 13teek owners—these liniments are worth your attention.— No family should be without them. White. wrapper ,for family use;" Yellow wrapper for animals.' 'Bold by all Druggists.. an cents -per bottle; large -bottles. t,OO. J . B. ROSE AL (M., 53 Broadway, New York. CAST ORIA Is more than a substlints for Castor 09., It is the only We article in existence whiel is certain to assiinhato the food, regnlate the bowels, cure wind-colic and'; produce natural sleep. It con tains neither minerals, morphine or alcohol. and is pleasant to take. Children need not .cry and mothers may rest. oct. 28-18734 y. - WHY! WHY! WHY ! P 3 HOOPIANu's GERMAN BITTERS rwritorrwr BY OUR BEST CITIZENS / BECAUSE IT re RELIABLE IN ALL OASES. IT IS NOT A. REM Lamm _ Ft - t r et t RANCAIMW.--TATA/M4-ArgA/M- I _, r IS REcommENDED BY CLERGYMEN. IT IS RECOMMENDED BY LAWYERS, IT IS RECOMmENDED BY ALL WHO lsp IT. - IT WILL CUBE LIVER COMPLAINT. IT WILL CURE DYSPEPSIA.. IT WILL CUBE JAUNDICE. IT WILL CURE MARASMUS. IT WILL CURE HABITUAL CONSTIPATION. IT WILL CURE SICE. HEADACHE. . • IT WILL STRENGTHEN THE DEBILITATED. IT WILL TONE UP THE NERVES. IT WILL GIVE A GOOD APPETITE. IT WILL ASSIST DIGESTION. IT WILL CURE ALL DISEASES ARISING moat •DISEASED OR DEBILITATED DIGESTIVE ORGANS. De sure you get " irloofiand'n German Bitten." Bold by all Druggista. Principle office, 802 Arch St., Phila deiphia.—..l-.7ruae 24, 1873-7 m, Rot, 'gea at times, and his :d killed himself—a own to - be only too 1. laved that at the time ut $9O in currency ' raco of the money or he remains. But the ring which they have nts and wild beasts cc of the money less i tle doubt that the re is, Alaigraff, and that 0 d. in a fit of insanity. t and Mary Stewart ,trere Bluff Point to Oibson's 1 i . li., a violent wind pre- Painted Post, N. Y., have This stoppage was caused ck, for which there Is at WEBBMWME€MiII ,MARRIAGES: , . . . , , . 'GARLiMiIt--;LEWI2.= . -In - Ididdlebuiy:- Nay: ,11tb, 1873, t,w_Tberiina Reeepy, yaq,.; 1dr. , .. Maid Gardner endgra,;Aun Londe:4l4h et Middlebury : : , .... ::',-,t . iENV YORK' CiTY:MARKEt onior4 aim /3V ' 4( .*P'.. - . 1 1- 4. *:,* : kiti*T co COMM/201/CM NO. 825 A9asiliscaos.B;niii";-Nasiv''Youx.' BVTTXR, Difry Vais;'crboi,:e . - Itnies„'elsolve 4 tz - , Stge - Firkiiis.; selected * .;, State nib's: - state factory, fancy ." 4 . • . triedlutu. „. Vann niqy; good, I=E;l7=l - MISCELLIMEOFB. Dried Apples, quartered per lb .- 4 4 Potatoes, per bbl - Applee. fine.. ....... Aeb map t le Sugar. ipi . . loud Salt - ,Ta to , * ' - .. Ent). treeb... , OrmeNo. • Strang's Law Otlice, WESTFIELD, TIOOA 00.,-PA:.—WIII attend-all -the Courts In Tina Potter cbunties.--Nov. /S. 1873. . „ IfiT OF LETTEOS reinaining in the Post 01 ilea at Vi'ellsboro. Pa ,;Nov. 15, UV. William - Abbott, Geo.' Axnott; Nelson Bennett, Thomas Barber, Emma C. Huel, Cone & Stonchotute, Geo. Christie; Mrs. A. Christie. Wtn. W. Close, Ly• man Cowles, William Dartt, Mrs. Charlotte- Decker, 2, - Unice Davis. TeDard Drummond, 2, Oliver Durhaeo,/, Mrs Davey, Janmes Bendy, Mrs. W. W. Johnson. Obas, Jackson, Mra. orpba Johnson, Fred Norick, 2, Minnie Scheller, Alfred Stephenson, Frank Trivet:ter, M. Williams, Mate E. B. Wheeler, Morris Walker. In calling for any of the above, please give name, and date or advertisement. G. W. IifERBICK. P. Jr!. SPECIAL NOTICES. Centaur tinirlients:' THE HOUSEHOLD PANACEAf and FAMILY LINIMENT Is the best remedy in the world for the following com plaints, viz.: Cramps in the'Llmbis and Stomach, Pain in the Stomach, Dowels, or side, Rheumatism in. all its forms, Billions Colic, Neuralgia, Ouolera, Dysen tery, Colds, Fresh Wounds, Burns, Sore Throat, spi nal Complaints, Sprains and -Bruises, Chills and Fe ver. For Internal and tkifernal use, Its operation is not only to relieve the patient, but entirely removes the cause bf the complaint. It pen etrates and pervades the whole system, restoring healthy action to all its parts, and quickening the blood. THE HOUSEHOLD PANACEA IS PURELY Vegeta lle and All Healing. Pspared by CURTIS & BROWN,. r No. 213 Fulton Street, New York. For gale by all druggists. July 29, 1873-Iy. Thirty . Thirty Years' 'Experience of an Old Nurse. MRS. \WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP IS THE PRESCRIPT!. N OF one of the best Female Physi-, r l r clans and Nu es in the United States, and has been' used for thirt years with never failing safety and success by Millions of mothers and children, from the feeble 'infant of one weekt old to the adult.. It cor recta acidity of the stomach, relieves wind 'colic, reg ulates the bowels, and gives rest, health and comfort to mother, and child."We believe it to be tbeßest and "Si - treat Remedy in th 'World In all cases of DYSEN TERY and DIARRHEA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from Teething or from any other cause. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle.— None Genuine unless the fee simile of CURT IS & PERKINS is on the outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. July 29, 1873-47. Children often look Pale and Sick from no other cause than having worms in the stomach. - r BROWN'S VERMIETIOE COIIfFITR will destroy Worms without injury to the child, being perfectly wart's, and free from all coloring or other injurious.ingredients flimsily used in worm prepare. tious. ' CURTIS & BROWN, Proprietors, _ No. 216 Fulton. Btreet, New York. . _ Sold by Drageits ant Chet/lists, and dealers in Med cinec at TwErcry-Fxvx OEFIA A Box. July 29,'73-Iy. To preserve your health, cleanse your blood when it becomes vitiated and foul. Many are the, gym'', toms which sound the-note of alarm. Tail not to heed them. Indigestion, Ifimaea, Lassitude, Head ache, Wandering Pains, Bilious and Eruptive /area Hone, many signals to tell you Of disease in the' blood. Remove it, and they disappear. How? Take' AYER% COMPOUND EXTRACT or SARSAPARTLL.S. it is effectual for its purpose; purifies the blood, expels dis ease and restores the deranged functions of the body to their healthy action.,-Corydon Mid.) Argus. IIaTRAT TAK EN VP ..- Came to the Molos- Niro or - the trobttmiberiou or about the &at of September, a BED YEARDINOITEIFES. The owner to requested tv prove property, ray cbarges, and take bar away. , . C. F. (+DE. Oatlln I - follow. Pa., Nov. 18-BE* - AYE'R'S HAIR VIGOR For Restoring Gray Hair 2d, its Natural ritalits, and Color. vancing years, sick• care, disappoint . a»d baraditomy ;edievotAtion, all turn e h air grey , and either them incline it to shed amaturely. tvxa's Ham Vtaos. by g and extensive use, proven that it stops falling of the 'hair iniliately; often re r the growth, and al - surely restores Its • ir,when faded or grey; ttraulates_ the nutri. Idirreseives both the _Jy,tvealt r or sickly heir becomes gloisy, pliable and strengthened; lag hitr regrews with lively expression; falling hair is check ed and steiblislied; thin Lair thicketisy and Weil or gray hairs rennin their ,ongirsel color. Its operation is sure and tient:doss. It omen dandruff, heals all humors, and keept the scalp cool, clean and soft.—un• der whir& oonattli;na, of are ina. posasiblo. [ - As a dressing for Mulles' hair, the •Vtoon is praised for its grateful and agreeable perfume, and valued for the son lustre and richness of tone It { imparts. • PAZPIJI.EZ! DT Dr. J. it-AYER di CO" Lowell, Masi., Practical and Anazis cal 07lc/00Sr. SOLD BY ALL DBIAIRIEVISAND DiIALEItBIN MEP lOINS got' stile" bryikilve 4 814,141n5; Drualste. Welk lexic, 1in,..41:414yr - ; • ,„. . ItiSittatiool6 l AtAei eip e r42tEAV 002 d ciu,e(j - ' -- - r This cidnimany hisx: iroarigatkist losa or damagn:V Arn Or 11g/itrilfiel iilOtlt on NO IR,TBINOI g• - !RISLIES K.E.M.: , ) . , ,nt , CoulPi -. conitnetoct on *lcily. tantual,, _ tpu 7 . c 1 1, 1 7 1 . - 'Ryer" 'Orion Inill'aittit said Coinkany-bn. conien a lumbar * and 11 n rlght.koVptorpst , election's Tor Dlrocic.kri,b7 proxy, or, otherwlqu. Tl3O boolorot• tho'efaubjel tothe IrtarinctlOnortlio num bers at all reasonable .• • - •—.. - TROMAS ALLNll,'Preiittloot. • , Jon •REIFOIt.I), Vico ' C.• PItIOE, Secretary. , ' ILALAXTElt,..Troatrarer.,, ; r •:; '' • 4 • T1102.1,ur Atinn. lon Itgxroun,'Rß*, ;Porn, VANNEnsi W„W,- .11.. - mrearmoos, - p, 8UL1.14, AlrinhAur Halm, L Pnran; .114XTRE, M. 11.: rimbrz. " - - • Hoy. )Ir..nax t3BFfitVOODi . Well49berv, ra'.; Companion Att.trukky. •-• , . ••• - W41 , 1/itboro Nor . 11- 1878.4.1 y. ' „ .240 y. 15,' H 73 .. 35 0 31 .. • -0;) 0_ .. 0 30 55 , 1 i) 28 :Pt, Q.3* 2 . 4 gs '4B 1,1, - *14:ow : 41;:lg,,1 111 '13,1; 12m0 is ',112N, 12)60 i "1s.1; . .. _., liftillitiin Itobert , s .- i 1 ,A,14141 Voturtted to Welist4ro prcrgoiei hereafter - - .t° devote his, thne to the general admire trade. at We new store, in the Opera' Souse Moot, win be found a fall assotAteattt goodsot tn Waite°, tngludtpe MO by, 10 @ 2 130 @ 226 2 76 @ 8 00 SOBLFT HARD WAI?B, llousiatar,fiageTrimmings SO 7 ' a TV& 8A(0 7 28 0) 28 I 0. Brtgf RETING,CiVii;Ni AND ROPE, NAILS, BLAOBSMITII'B STOOX. git.RP ENTERS' TOOLS, ITN-WARE, - and avez7rbrog also usually kept in et-elase Herd• were Mere::: Ito also has on band a large .vartoty, of, Etoves for wood and coal, among which is the well known besides numerous other cook stores; the "CONSTEL. LATION" and "ARTISAN," bard coal burners, and a variety of soft coal burners.' Jobbing done to order by the beet of• workmen at reasonable retie CALL AND SEE. Welleboro, Nov: It, 7873 t*fi1kg.0.i7. 4 14,r.,.tt,(01; J. N. FRADENBURGH, N., Ph. D., . I S PER - YE A R _ Pays for tuition in all branches, in , , , t F e u n d w inz r p l cio pi; L: cial 4( d er ng f r o ing, llk ri ut ir c li t i t t n ila "Wel. all. and washing. Students intending to- teach ireceive,, Stoic apppropriation.— Rooms• for salftboarding can be procured. . Tuition. Without board ,PG per year. A full family of experienced and succqssful teachers, nstruction thorough, discipline Arm and preventive. k WINT4'R TERif,9PENg DECO I ,VaER For further imttlenlare addretei the Vrlneapal. 2 Mensflol(l, Nov, 11, 1873.-61. DISSOLUTION.—Notioe i 9 hereby given that the firm of Markham & Hood. of Kuoxvitto, was dissolved Ootobor 20113, 1878: WILLIAM MARE IiA,M; J. D. HOOD. Knoxville, ra.. Nov. 4, 1873-84* REGISTEWS NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that the Executors and Administrators nam ed below have Mod their accounts in the Register's office for Tioga county, Pa., and . that said accounts will be presented to the Orphans' Court for said court. ty, at a session of said Court to be held at Wellsboro, in said county. on Monday. the 21tit day of November, 1878, at 2 o'cleek, lt, ni., for allotraike and confirms. Hon. Final account of John Howland and Hannah Seely, executors of the lust will and testament of E. S. Seely, late of Deerfield, Tlogas.ounty, Pa., deceased. Final account of 0. A. Smith and W. W. Tate, exectl tors of the lust will and testament of Conrad 33ernatt er, latenf tiainre, Ttoga county, Pa., deceased. Final account of 3f, K. Retan and Edgar Kinner, ad. mtnistrators. cum testament() annexo, of the estate of J. 13. Eaten, late ,af ceased: - ----- • .7 Account of Angeline Shepherd ands=rodirroaltsoonof, inimtntatrano eu. Final account of Loving Gee; administratra of the estato of Joseph Goe. late of AftddJebury, Tioga coun ty, Pa., deceased. Final account of Orreu West, administrator of the estate of Wm. Archer, late of Middlebury, Tioga coon ty. Pa., deceased. tit-Gond partial account of Levi D. Melva, adminis trator of the ,estate of Waterman rlfolntyro, late of Jackiion, Tioga county, Pa., deceased. Wellaboro, Pa., Oct: 28.18T.3.4t. D. V. DEA.),IF, , 1 Degister. AIUDITOR e *SiII/0T1C12..-The undersigned ap pointed an Anditor to d'istrintte the money Su the ands of D. 1.. Deane, clerk, in the matter of Alfred Seely. late of Jaelesen, deceased, will attend to the du ties of the appointment at his Mike in WeUshoro. Tioga county, Pa., on Saturday, the 29th day of No vember, 1613, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, when and where all parties having any claim on the said fund must present and substantiate - the same or be for oT• er debarred from coming in for any part thereat W. A. EITOND, Auditor. Wo!labor°, Nov. 4, 1873-4 t PPLICAMION. FOIL DIVORCE.--To Roy• _a al S• Woodruff: Yon are hereby notified that Mar tha Woodruff has; applied ,to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga county fortd divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and that the said court has appointed Monday Oa 24th day of November next, for a hearing In the premieei, when and where you can attend, if you thiult:proper,: .'E. A. FISH. Sip Ceatit,- Conrkilouse in Wellsboro, on Thu,aday the fourth day of December next, at 1 o'clock p. m., the follow ing describedreal estate, late the property of said de cedent: All that certain lot of land in Morris township in said county of Tioga, bounded on the north by Henry Miller, east by Henry Miller, south by Frederick Bo ger and Jolla' Linok, and on the west by K. G. Seaman and W. W. Seaman. containing about 185 acree or less. , Terms:—One-third at confirmation of sale; one one year thereafter; one-third in two years thereafter, with interest. Nov, 11, 187 X-it, ,s. DIIIINISTEATOWS NOTICE.... Whereas / - 1 letters of Adminletration de bones non to the )es tate of Leander Out er, late of the Borough of Elklaud, Tioga county, dece 'id, have been granted bathe sub scriber. all person indebted to the said estate are re quested to make 1 mediate payment, and those hav ing claims or de nds against the said estate of the decedent, will pr sent the same without delay for pay ment. THOS. ALLEN. • Administrator de boots - non. Welleboro, Nov. 11, 108-6 t... .. A PPLICATIONS FOR CHART. Ro-2i0,11 ,11 tics le hereby given that the following:teasons for charters of incorporation havo been filedin my of fice. and will be presented to the Court o Common piens of Tiogs county, Monday, November 24, I=3: Applicatfon of .Rev. Dr. 13reck, John Hinman. David Cooper, and Others, fur the " Trinity ohurch..Antrim, Tinge county, Ps." - Application of IL' M. Smith. John F. Rehanbacker, JOhti - Maynard. and others, for the " Second M. E. Church in Gaines, Tinge county, Pa." - Application of Charles W. Brown, L. B. Decker, W. G. Lutz, and others, for the " Odd Fellows i ( Building Association cif.Mansfleld. Tioga county, P. Application of - Andrew Van uses, Edgar . Stevens, James E. Peters. and others, for the " Union Ceme tery Comvany.'' , ' B.C. COT, Wellsbiro, Nov. 4. 1813-. st. Prothonotary. 'DIY VIRTUE ,OF sundry writs of Flax! Facies, Leva- I .1.) ri raela.s,zand Vouttioni Espouse, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga county, and to too ' directed, I ' will expose to public sale, to the highest and best bidder, at- the Court Mange in Wellsborn, on Monday the 24th day of Novomber,lB73, at one o'ohtolr p.m., the following described property, viz : A lot of land in the borough of Wellsboro, bounded On the north by Sears street, east by Nichols street, and on the south and west by lands conveyed-to Fred crick Margrair; being 128 feet on 'Nichols street, and extending back 2E17 'feet ;- all improved. TO be sold as the property of Hiram Willard, suit of E. It:Elinhall. ALSO—A lot of land its - the borough of Wellsboro, bounded on the north by Sears street, east by Nichols street, and Smith-and west by lands conveyed-to Fred. erick Margrair; being'l2s feet on Nicholsstreet, anti extending back 247 feet; all improved: To be sold as the property or-it. N. Smith, suit of E. It. Kimball. ALSO—A. lot of laud, in Chatham township, being lortio. 77 of the lliti(min allotments in said town ship; beginning at the southeast corner of lot No. 63 of - said allotment, thettee along the east line of-eald lot and lot ,NO. -81 ninth, 15 degrees east, 88.8 rods; thence ale g the seals line of let No, Cl east 15.4 rods; thence al g lines of lot No. 62 south, 40 degrees east. 47 rods, a d south, 89) degrees oast, 104.9 - rods; thence ale the treattino of-lot No. 76 South, halt a degree wes 48.1 rodd; thence along the north line of lots NOS. 05, 109, 111, and 94 north, 89% degrees! west, 172.3 rods_to the place of beginning; containing 48.8 acres.,. , - ,- -..--. . facto - ' ,l -ot No. 76 of Hingham allotment in Chatham township, beginning at the _southwest corner of lot No. 64 of said allotment; tlieneb along lines of lot No. 75 and lot No: 98 south, half a degree west, 48.1 rods, and north, 89% degrees treat, 48.1 rods; thencesiong the south line of lot Mo. 62 south, 89% degrees east, 94.8 rods' to the place of beginning; containing 25.9 Acres; all in one farm of about 71 acres; 63 acres lm 'proved, with a- good frame barn, frame house, out 'buildings, an apple orchard and' ther fruit trees there on. To be sold as the property of John Wass suit of Preston & lawman for use of Joseph Vaulkricr. - ALSO -A lot of - land in'Olifithany township, bound: eft en the north by lands 'Zintilki Beytiolds, vrest by lauds of Victor Close and by ;Meads creek,- south by E. M. Tucker, and'essi - by publiq highway; being '75 feetby SO feet with one two story.. frame hone, one framabarit,,and other otittrOlidlngs thereon. -. ALsO—ThCuridistded -one half of the following de. : lioribed lotii "Of lend'iti-clifftltran toWitehip; , 'tot 1442. Saws of all kinds, MANBSTELD, TrooA, ,PA z•nzrsox.r.,a.r... 3.11. (MILD'. 1 Adnere A. G. SEAMA . ) Sheriirs Sales. . _ : :li e ' gi n , n" ic ;', tit. i , s : Esnit stir e;t ', he, i ori th e ' ar itOb finer •of Miltation L. Visor; and' 'N. E. .W , limon 4 .,.Atoiliettn; 'the .tuhillicast coinet:liertief,'and etandinS Wee vteatont. boundary Into of. Itausataer Tolca's lattat;" thence along said line south; SX - Sogrookwrist, 22 torches and one' ..foottcra ifitke and'stones; thenceb'y landirbetonging • 'to Ilk f.etimto of, Alvin Mice, 'deceased, tree,, C$Y de arees i-, cal. 37.4ipoteheatcos Make ,Stit'.oltatieti; thence. long the eastern lontindary,line at 1110;Xessetiug tionse, . ‘lot'nortit.-05M degree% ettab./,.a, stake end EiNnarthcalee,bylandtrotEraquo litceisonth..6l cle. 'grees eihin'l9.l perchels .to a stake .imn .mytene4n.tha 'tiougun u boundary Una Of,tfartoms L',- it 'it'll. 'T/2 - Wll-; .aceeslatudithettoo along the, said line houtiaol7. de. gives -via, La, perehes _to lb S place of .bcgthithagy•elan .. ttaining 3; 3 4 tic reit,' with a-steaualmolier And' engine !Bud ' ' mill tiearing thereon. •-:, -.: '.. -.•.-• ', -:,..- ; -•:-...._.:‘, ..--- -• .,,V0l 2 in - said townshpl. , begimining cit_the southvies,t, corner. 'of th e ' schnol Let on - the !Veneer. road: thence along the south, iine.:of. the.asiti sehool hOuse lot (134.Iods;,theneo, along , the -tenth line of Erastua Eke's:land six rods to a Make and ~atones in - the lio.thwest bonndarrof A. and I. Wass's mill lot; thence along the mill let' rive . it= ds - ovmd, nine feet. O the northeast corner of the M. E.. church lot; thence along the north line of the-A..ld oh eh lot 13. rods to the oebter• of the Sialneer road; the cd'along theeen -1 ter of said Spencer road titre rods a d - twelve feet to the place of-be ,rinningt. containing bout Milt 'macre, :more or less.'. - To be kohl rum the rope rty of John Wain, suit of DeVid Wass. . , ALSO—A , hit of laud, in glkland borough ; bounded on time north by the oowanesque river road, and west, south;and east by liable in'the posseision of John W. Shoff, being live rode on the road and fine rods deep, with a flaws two story tavern house, - a frame barn, ontbUildings; and fruit trees thereciu. 'sold - as the property of E. S. Wagner and E. 0. Wagner, snit Of Pnilo 'Baxter for use of C. J. Spencer, and others. • ALSD—a. lokof land in Tioga township; bounded on the north by 'llili creek, wept b.; the Blossbyargrind Tloga Railroad, south'by lands of A. S. Turner, and east. by. the Williamson highway; containing. about one acre, with is frable honee, frame barb; and a few _ fruit trees thereon. To be sold as - the prOperty of, A. L. :Rhodes and F. IL Rhodes, suit of W. 0. Afann for use of Wm.l. 'Mann: , - ALSO—A lot of lend in the borough' of Covington; ou the north by a public alley and leas* Bee rYi et cat by lands of Charles Howland, south bylands ref-Clark Thomas, and east by the public highway; potitaining about- half an aeree - More or' less, with a frame two *dory house, a neMeebarn, outbuildings,. arid a few !edit trees thereon. To be - sold:as the prepe. orty-of Giles S. Martin, snit of Jeremiah - Mock. — ALSO—AIot of land In Ohateam township; bathed edent the north by lands of William Wass and Sally Burr, west by the public highway, south by Wails for merly owned by Franklin Spencer and Allen Strawn, and east by lands of Orange onnelley; containing 01 ; acres, all improyed, with a frai 0 house, frame barn. acorn house, entbuildinge, an an apple'oreintrd and other fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Jesse Spencer, suit of John Benson.-• ek ALSO—A lot of land in-the borough Of Knoxville; beginning at a post in the center of Main street where Mill; street intersects said Main street, and running easterly along the center of Main streetlol feet; thence southerly, at right angles with Main street, 102 feet to a stake; thence southerly, on a line parallel with Mill a treet a . lsl)i foot to alitake; thence westerly, on e line parallel with Main street, 86 feet to the center of Mill street; thence along the-center of Mill street 210 feet to the place, Of beginning; containing a little more than five-tweiftbe of an acre, with a two story brick hotel with a basement story, a flame barn, outhuild. inga, and a few fruit trees thereon. ,To be sold as the property of Jeremiah Stoddard, suit of Seeley, Coates Sr Co. and 0 hare.. . , , - ALSO—A lot of land - hi Union township; bounded on the north by lands of Chauncey, Bacon, west by lands ot Jeeeph• Bastian, south by the Lycoming creek, and east by lands of G. I. Olaellain; containing about 17 acres, 10 acres Improved, with a frame house. outbutieluge, and a few fruit trees thereon. To be' sold as the property of E. M. Wadi, suit of Charles 13. Great. .. , , • - ALSO—A lot of land in Liberty township; bounded on the north by lands of J. Anderson, west by said .7.. Anderson, south by lands of John Shefferran — d 'fast by the public road; containing six aores, aßimproved, with a Prairie two story hotel house, outbuildings; aga, an apple orotund and other 'fruit trees thereon.). To be sold as the property e Abraham Pieldhonse and Jaime Rancher, suit of J. Wesley Childs,. • e - . ALSO—The following described lots-of land in Mid diebetry township; Lot No, 1 beginning st e n beech; thence by lands formerly of M.' Stevens north, 81 dee grees east, 179.2 perches to a post. thence by lands formerly of A. C. Crandall and- James Wilson lands south 307 perches to a post; thence by William Bing ham lands north 278.7 perches to the place of begin ning; containing 300 acres and allowance, all unim proved. • . .- , 1 mac—Another lot of land in saldktownship of Mid. dlebury; beginning at the northeast cotter of war rant in the name of A. 0. Rush for 600 acres; thence westerly along the original line of said warrant tq the uorthweat corner thereof; thence southward along . the line of safe warrant to a poet, and being a line es tablished by consent of said parties of the first part and - John Magee and James O. Mersereau; thence. .eastwardly Meng said division line to the east liue of said warrant; theame northerly along the said warrant line to the place of beginning; containing 1.0 acres, more or less, all unimproved; excepting and reserv ing the south half of the foregoing described lots of land eonslaered as one entire lot, as they were only divided in the deseriptlen for convenience, the Bald 'much - half or part reserved belonging Cr, other parties, and is not owned by, the parties of the first part to this conveyance.' Atso—One other lot of land in said township of Middlebury; hounded On the south by the Stephen House Linn road, cast by the Welisboro and Law renceville •Itailroad, and north and west by Crooked creek; 'containing three acres, more or less; except tng and reserving a piece of land where the black smith shop stands, and extending 76 feet on said Ste. Olen House Run road easterly from vale creek, end the same width down hale creel?. parallel with the cast - bank of the same,loo feet from the north side of said road running dOwu said creek; and also excepting and reserving ail the right Calvin Hammond has to raise the wafer_ In said creek and flow a portion of said Surd. All improved, with a few fruit trees thefeon. To ho sold as the property of H. O. Bailey and Cephas Bailey, suit of A. C. Cole. • - ALSO—A let of land in the borough of Wellsboro; beginning at thd northeast corner hereof, it being at the southeast corner of tenth; owned by U. G. Fisher and on .--- street; thence along said street -in a Southerly dtOection 7,6 reds to a corner on lands of .I)...P.....HubertsoitionceeeheineeleMhfirtL ' "" - "" L of mid Roberts In re sme lt ie i "along .ands lauds ot said U. G Fisher; c.r. con 7 .5 rods to 10.6 rods to the platte of beginning; containing. ~._ an acre, inure or less, with a frame dwelling house 61........ e... - , 4`. 1 ., Oran .as the property of George Pier son, snit of A. Wivel for use of Seem & ;Bodine. ALSO—A lot of land in Lawrence township; begin ning at a post, the northwest pottier thereof; thence south, 89ee degrees ea5t,,200.5 rode to a poet; thence south 12 Areas to a post; thence east 92.2 rods to a post; thence south, one-half degree west, 68.7 rods to a post; thence east 32.1 rods to a p"ost; thence south 181.2 ps toe poet; thence west 10 ps. to a post; the - nee South 100 perches to a post; thence-west 60 perches Ma post; thence north 50 perches to a post; thence south. 88,te, degrees west, 49.9 perches to a post; thence south 67.4 perches to; a post; thence south, 89 - ee degrees west, 219.2 perches to a post; thence north, ono degree east, 385.9 perches to the place of beginning; containing 700 acres, and being a lot conveyed by James W. Tubbs and wife to W. W. Aldrich by deed bearing date March 0, 1872; 100 acres improved, with a frame barn, a log house, outbuild ings, and an apple orchard and other fruit trees there on. - - Atso—Another lot of land in Lawrence township; beginning at a stake in the middle 'of Tipp river in the line between Linde late of Adam Hart and P. and J.qteep; thence north, se degrees west, 33 perches to 1 spent; thence north, 20 degrees west, 454 perches o 1 a post; thenee north, 60 degrees east, 34 perches 1.0 the middle of Tioga rivr; thence south, 20 degrees east, to the place of tie inning; containing nine acres, more or less, the privilege of keeping up a mill clam across said Tioga river and securing and keeping up the name on the eastern bank of said river, with leave at ail times to go'to rind ,from said dam for the purpose of repairing the same, together with the water privilege belonging to said property; excepting and reserving out of the same a lot sold to Delos Reitz, and now in possession of E. IL Tremolo; all improved, with a frame steam saw mill. a grist mill attached, one frame water power saw mill attached to same, five frame houses, two frame barns, one frame granary, one frame ottice.Outbuildings. and fruit trees thereon, To be sold as the property of W. W. Aldrich, snit of Samuel Wyman, Jr. AL9O—A. lot of laud in the borough of Wellsboro; beginning at a post on the northeast side of Sheridan street; thence along the same north, 42i degrees west, 7 9-84 perches to a poet; thence along lands of -C. S. Moore north, 47% degrees east, 13% perches to a post; thence along lands of-M. Blather south, 4238 degrees vita, 7 9.83 'Perches to a post; thence by lands of GeorgelW. Daskam south, 47% degrees west, 18% perches td the place of beginning; being 120 feet on Sheridan tatreet, and extending back 219 feet, with a board hoilee and outbuildings thereon. To be sold as ' the priperty of Geroge Christie, suit of .1. C. IVY! color & Co. ALSO—A lot of land in the borough of Wells:bora; beginning at a post on the south aide of Bunne4Arce nue at corner of lots Nos. 2 and 3of block 0. 4; thence along said Bennet Avenue south, 22 deees east, 187% feet to a post at the intersection of her. ^e man street with the prolongation of Bunnel .A enne ; on the west side of Sherman street; thence along said street south, 45 degrees west, 180 teat to a post on the east side of Shumway road ithence, along said road by true course 208 feet to a post; thence north,4s degrees east. 100 feet ;to the place of - beginning. containing \18,197 square feet, more or less. AtsoL-Another lot of land In the borough of Wells. boro; beginning at a post on the southeast side of Pearl street, the north corner hereof; thence along lauds of C. L. Willeox south: 45 degrees east, 250 feet to a post on Walnut street; thence along Walnut greet south, 45 degrees west, CO feet to a post, the corner of R. L. Van Horn's lot; thence along said R. L. Van Horn's lot and lot of 11: T. Van Horn north, 45 de. gre eat, 250 feet to Pearl street; thence along said Pearl root north, 45 degrees east. 60 feet to the place o )egitining; containing one-third of au acre, more r less. Ameo—An other lot of land In the borough of Wells boro; beginning et north-oast corner of lands of G. P.. dloberts; thence south 45 degrees west, 108)4 feet to a street; thence along said street south 45 deg. east, 120 feet to a post; thence north.4s degrees east, 125 feet to a post; thence Muth, 45 degrees west, 92%. feet to n post; thencenorth, 75;:i degrees least, 82% feet to the place of beginning; containing snore or less leas. kr-so—A lot of land in Delmer township; beginning' at a hemlock. the southwest corner of Horton Matti son:llone° by said Mattison east 150 perches to a post; thence by the Enaley Simmons lot 70 perches te the corner of Bean & Ellsworth: thence west by 'said Bean & Ensworth and lands surveyed for 0., A; J. L. Robinson 150 porches to a hemlock, the corner of Bel -km B. Dimmick; thence by said Dimmick lot north "70 perches to the place of beginning; containing 65 . 1 i - acres, it being part of warrant 1541, James Wilson warrantee, 20 acres improved, with a log house, log 'barn, arid an apple orchard and other fruit trees there on. To be sold as the property of MAL O'Connor, salt of Fox & Williams, and others. ALSO—A lot of land in Middlebury township; beeinded on the north by lands of 'Menai Houghta ling, on the east by lands of Isaac Losey, south by lands of Solomon Day and It. N. React", and on the west by lands of R. N. _Keeney; containing about 25 acres, all Improved, with a frame hobse, log barn, end an apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon.— To be SOW, as the property of George Loney and Jfillo Loney, suit of Watkins and KEtchant, now for _uss of Charles Tole. . ALSO—A lot of land in the township and borough of Westfield; bounded on the north by the south line of Broc,kfield township, on the east by land of R. 'fru• son twed.Willitun Simmons, south by laud et William Simmons, and west by Gilbert Seeord and Anguetite Tubbs; containing 100 acres nearly all improved, with" ~.ti frame house, frame barn, outbuildings, and an apple orchard and other fruit treestheron. To he sold as. the property of.B. Malloroy, Suit of Thomas Atone. ALSO—A. lot of hand in Westfield borough; bound id on the north by lands of D. l'ileNanglaien, east by the public highway, south by lands of S. 0. Murdock, and west by lands of T. U, Sanders and Alfred Tanner; containing half SO acre, snore Or less, all improved, with a frame house; frame barn, and fruit trees there. on: To bo sold as.ths property of S. D. Phillips, milt of Richard Reiman. ALSOL—klot of land in Sullivan townithip; bounded Maine north by the State road, east by the countfitne between Tioga and Bradford counties, on the south running to a point, and west' by the Howe ll Hollow road; emataining about 40 acres. 1 c -- Mao—A. lot,of laud in . Bradford county; adjoining the above described lot, and bounded north by Adel. ,hart Dillard, east by land of John Van Valconer, Nel. son ?dodder and Adelbort Ballard, south by laud of Samuel Jacklin and lands of the estate of Joseph BfIX• ter, and west by the line between Tioga and Bradford countietie .containing about 00 acres. 71 acres ins - proved on the whole, with. two frame barna, ob.thntid• Wile. and lut apple orShard and other Wilt trees there on. To be sold es the props orliorace Taylor, - lull of , llterntte Q. led for use o rty t .Toel mhhurst,. ( • VW; 4;4670. ,_ X. A rain.taprie_ ME :,.,,:„.::-..-.,......, ,„ $2 - -500 AITEAR _ , .. .-, Wadi Willi enti - splendid' o , 01118 i*Att ON ii Ft - CI - 8 P Etll 'IV 8; It r4rodet,ta rumple priwn inii atYle of binding Of 50 _inkwell fn,...1 eding ti Litt utiPttit limit ri c that stain even family. ' NA iftetareer : fr. - til Niativrasplys,- AGENTS 117A.N 7 111.32!,t0m0ke a ono sanraor'aliginfit4 On tiieoe ;work's in every County,- Prnapeekus nent post-1445. on receipt of price. 5 1.5 0.. For circulars and sberatierme, i "nddre a - . 1 ant E. - POTTpS fx,C)0..00:40 1 5 • 1141.504;Pii: ;$42, 80 - I,tture..llNk*.pr'aft°ol"i iii it . . Librarsi j oi-poef4, and Song; ino ;in olio - week on The . etv Housekeeper's Manuel, by. Iltaa Beadier tini3 , o, - ..Stawe. Any active man o r woman• cou lisvo an ,agentoy. .J. 11; FOUD & CO., New '4in, Boston, Chicago end San Frantbtoo, , ,: ~ • • , . ,YOUTH'S - I - i'yOMPANI I N MEEKLY - PAPER FOR. [YOU 110 f*EO Pkej AN C Friar, COMPANION aims to be a favorite, • every family—tookell ior•eagerly by the ye 'OAR,' and read with Interest by the older. I tsp ose is to'' interest_ while it antussa; to be Sudiclons, pr sensible; and tehave really perhaanentworth,Wil It attracts for the hour.:- • _ . It its handsomely illuitrated, and has, for its contrib. labere some of the most attractive writers in the - - country.. Among these are : Edward Eggleston; Dr. I. I. napes, •, I "Prot. James DeMille, Louise C. Moulton, Louisa M. Alcott, “Sophie Nay? RebeccaH.l:llaV , C; A. Stephens, i k ..... C. W. Flanders, • Math Chesterfield; 8. S. Robbins, , ' _ et Al. A. Denison. , .. Its reading Is actitedr , io the did and young, Is very varied in its eliarAter; sprightly and entertaining,— it gives - ~,, -.- , I StOrley of Adventure, Stories of Home and 1 Letters of Travel, . School Life._ Editorials upon Car. Tales, Poetry, rent Topics, Selections for Den-1 Historical Articles, - lamation. Biogr4thicalSkotches,Aneedotes,Prizzles, Religions Articles, _ Pacts and Incidents SUBSCRIPTION Flu ez, $1 SO. Specimen copies sent tree. ,At tress, " - . . PERRY SON & CO., 41 Temple Place, Boston, Hass. i CUSHING'S MANUAL OF PARLIAMENTARY PRACTICE Wes of proceeding and debate in deliberative as eemblies. An indirpensable hand-book for every member a deliberative body,and the authority to all the States. "The most authoritative expounder of American parliamentary law."—Chas, Sumner. Price, 65 cents. Sent by mail on receipt of price. Address TEIO.IIPSON,BROWN k Co., Boston, Brass. RICH FARMING', LANDS I- ♦ p . FOR BALE VERY 011EAY TH,p - BEST INVESTMENT No Flu ations t 'Always Improving in Value t . The W Ith of the Country is made try the Atelvanee in Real Estate. N WIS THE TIME. 11Wion's of sores of the finest lands on the Conti nent, iu EisserEns lizonseue, now for sale—many o them never-before in the market—at prices that DEFY coltPwrrioN. five and Ten kears Credal civen, with Intereet at Sixper Cent. The Land Grant Bonds of the Company taken at par for lands. They earl now bo pu'rchased at a large dis count. partfeulara given, new Guide with new Maps mailed free, by addreofing 0. F. DAVIS. • Land Commissioner U. P. R. R., oAtaita. NEB t;.4 i 4 1C1,C)INI E, sr/ „ RA e 0,5 7 . 171 , 42.tctc1. DOMESTIC 5E'141 1. 14 IVA L C4 ' IIIE CO., N. Y S2O S A 7- E D To meet the vivent demand of the times the FLORENCE SEWIN G .111 A CHINE CO hare determined to :REDIJIDE PRICES, 'and will beiverfter.sell their SOG Machine for $45, and other styles in proportion. TIFF PLOR,ENCE I; f aiß oNLy Sewing Machine that feeds the work PROVED .571.1-2 - LkiewNdwd,,,,Zef4...attqe than any other MaChine in the market IT IS NOW THE CHEAPEST. Florence, Nov. 1, "73. dfrollots 171 'Verrill% EON , II; 8 11 3 —UaLLILA (.I.III3,INEVS, made by PLI ADA C4l At. WOOD, produces the largest light: Cab ten•cd on any coal oil lamp. For alle by nil 1 , ,,yr (N, ere. 07SIEN finl Jewelry, )Souks, (James, iu their own 3rca neat No capital needed. vahllogue, Terms, !LEE P. O. VICKERY & CO., A.ll:rri,ta. 1118 D it d L a ilv g :;; . g. 'e :, 3 / B t S ') t.truM,Ba u ;ilui' a o s rN : d . : MONEYMadeßapidly Sop Check Outfit's, Catalogue awl full particulars FREE. 8. Sr sore, 11rnatiover•8LI Boston. •. Gultenbera t i Vag T -1 4 -1 4 Al 1 T - 1 hfip N.2.,W u,...1,..i]t) 1. .: U a f \ li ~ ~, n LID n 1 ' lnv ri .. - ---: OttzeC c Stook, of, D 1, .GOODS is unimay large and attractive. , It consltts of DRESS 000DS, BLACK ALPACAS, 4 a Specialq. Black Cashmeres; Black Silks. SHAWLS! StripecZ Ottoman, , Single and Dincble Paisleys, Thibet and ileavy Double Shawls. BALMOR.AI, FELT AND HOOP SKIRTS, ,Waterproiirm, and Cat-shmereti, Flannels, . . Domestic au& Housekeeping, Goods, - : • Pyintm, Milofins, Tiekingm, . . --- pennum, Shillings, Napkins, •- • 5 ,Linen Table Cloths, Tow.elm,,l 1 . • . Lace Ctirtasnm, White Geniim; _ . . • Ladies' Belts, Rushes and Ties, . • . ° A- fine stork et Fanny Goods, CLOTHING L nrwr„, wail" AL tufa k i 3,7 New and styliall Fall Suits, for Men; Youths, and Boys. Spring, Fall, and Winter Overcoats. Remember that we manufacture our own goods and can therefore save buy-_ ers considerable. We call especial attention toiipur Custom, We .ke:p a laiggstoek of Fine impor„ed Cassimeres, coatings , and Beavers. L i . 1 . zi:. We do Custom work on short notice. • We guarantee all work done by, `us as regards fit and style. - NeW Bats, Caps, aid a large stock c ot.Gents' Furnishing Goods. • • Don't fail i- fail to call on s before u purchase, :as we can offer ° 'BET En BARGAINS than you an,l::.>sislibly got -oltiiiewhei-e.. GUTTENBERG; ROSENBAUM 86 CO. Wholeigate'atore, 105 puAlin ST., NE* YOBS. i•_ . - • - 1 'M. Bilt2l l lCOP:Et, Managing Palrtn4r., _tkr.liranoh ateies-158 Water etreet4.2 1141ozi Block, Eirairas,le t tpAgielaaatiiii i Depot, and Montrose, ilia, - wviaexcas Get t levi4t. -, 46 1008 Y itoniANcy, ;bit rGOti - 421.4117airii,1, , ,: .IL#lhw either ittex. may fsasinatOffand gain -4 th* love at,4 affections of any person they choose. truttaitt;, iyr • Thle simple mental - acgafrement ail can possess, tree, by mall' for '2B conts;nat togetber. aritli - ra Marrisge: : : Egyptian - Oracle; Drea.:'ltinta n queer book. -300,000 soid. - Adam, ,1$71.118,11.1; CO,; Pdbtishera.Thpadelphis. • nor.LEf4C. Trial.Liet-,Not. "Term - 1878-- "Elizabeth Itakftss...ErioaDaker. - . P . 0,.1..0vnia t rt .. 4 atia - Tire:dilly : Oats."-_ E. G. Sall'elt::1113 vs. tiol Donned:et lit. ‘2 . Pater ?It tient:3i 31,..LattLP el at. , _ : ' L; _ Jones BleVey es. James Geo. 1) Feeney D. Geo. Bennett nee of E. Domeioy vs. David Colefiroie.. Converse A 04gond ts. lohn F.. Doilaldedla.: • A. tY4lle ' • - - W. (3. Dronvon et at u. Stepti'en Mott, it. IL Palley vs Albert Mark,. _ . . •• Joot A. Sullock oaten.-* Airaauder Jon• s vs, 14 It Jelriff. 551 lI Wtstrtiore Jvt? filtreigon. Ada:Vt. . _ Char:(3.ll3, e,. Eifignitel Tubbs el at.. _ Deloon CJef(p., ,/,..Prancis Kohler. - tieo.Al7. r.r.Nyaiiiiin we ' • --.- S B. D.iiiek e: a! vs. iilner Field et as._ - , H. . , ho Snyder.,- , A: Ku. vs. FordSaßA._ /ales- - Geo. W. Nails it CS, Witra & 3lettartlie, Seerinee CoLell es: A. B. A. Briggs. - - John Sobineon vs. John Nch.tahon, Janice Roselciiiiio of L. 181. Smith TS. /loth Alford. Ell Anies vs: _Covaneaque Valley_B.D. Co. _ Bfre..Ersnties. Colvaneeque Valley It, ft, Co. Aaron Coleus. Covvineaque Valley 11.-B. Co. • ' A. IL Evanit cs. CS.marieque Valley B. R. co, R. O. cox, - _ - • Prottyy. Nor. 11, 18'13,41 S L7OV - FIST Li. DELQIItER. & CO. Have just received a very Isle saaortment of and Far Tor Stoves, fox wood au coal, which tined* for sate at reasoDable prices., Every stave far rate ranted. We have the.celebrated MODERN VULCAN COOK STOVE, for wood and coal, which we offer kir **lo as tII6 bed cook dove in this market. Also the - Base Burner. for hard coal, and the O t3P/TFLIM," b soft coal, both of which are warranted to *TO good battsfaction. We are silents Or the Horseheads Plows, whlati Map ly need a trial to insure a sale. 1 We keeps general aisoFtgneut, of 11,,rdurare, Wails, HOUSE TIUM3I/2;013'; ellinl T Ware, Sheet-Iren Ware, Qopper, &o. All for sale at "live and let dire prices." Alt kinds of JOB WOBIE. promptly done and' atisEw• don guaranteed. L A share of the public patronage solicited. .r • . R. Duo:arr.% • 0. E. BitEwormt, l D. H. BELCHES & CO WeUsher°, Oct. - TAKE NOTICE. Wallebolo; Oct. 14. 1873.-tf. ARE DAILY RECEIVING OF EVERY DESORIpTION In all the new shades, A full assortment of Kid Gloves, Laces, Eltni3roideries, tico. Tailoring Department. UM LIGHT-HOUSE, A I N. P. CLOSE, HAVING PURCHASED\ TUE LARGE STOCK OF GROCERIES OF L. A. GARDNER, AND_ NOT, WANTING THEM ALL FOR MY I ' SHALL dONITIETE -- - AV WILL NOT , - RUBY h 1 CUSTOMERS. l ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN- EXCH ANGE FOR GOODS.- A .1 =I SHAWLS! I I , I I