II IQ U II , lie .General Assembly,. - and perform kixeh other duties as may be i,njoined up tin him by law. '7'8E0.19. The Secretary of InTernal M.; fairs shall exercise all the powers and :perform all the duties of the Surveyor General, subject to'such changes as shall be made bylaw. Ells department shall embrace a burea of industrial statistics, and ho shall dise urge such duties relat ing 4 7 3 to corporal as. to the charitable in.- stitptions, the agricultural, In anufaetur . ing; mining, mlnerali timber and Other - material f . ,or, business - interests , of the State as may% be prescribed by law.- - 4. e ' shatlattntuilly, and at such other times tis may be - required by law, make report, to the General Assembly. l 1 0 „,, l e ; 2 8 t O r . u T e t h i o e n Superintendent o n f l P l t u l b l e - Ti 0,,e._ rs and performitll the duties of the 67 Strintendent of Common Schools, Oa tosuch changes as shall be made by eve. See. 21. The term of the Secretary of Intetrnal Affairs shall ho four years, of the Auditor General, three years, and of the State Treasurer two years..' These officers.shilltbe chosen by the qualified electors of the State at general elections. lio person elected to the office of Audi tor-General or State Treasurer shall be capable of holding the same office for two consecutive terms. Sae. 2.2. The , present Great Seal of Pennsylvania shall be the seal of the State.. -_,.. All commissions shall be lathe name and tif-ths authority of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, and be sealed with the State seal and signed by the Governor. . ARTICLE V. • THE JUDICIART . . SECTIois 1 1 . The judicial power of this Commonwealth shalt be vested in a Supreme Court, in Courts of Common Pleas, Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail De livery, Courts of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Courts, Magistrates'-Courts, and in such other Courts as the General As sembly may from time to time establish. - - '''~SEC. 2. The Supreme Court shall consist of seven Judges,, who shall lid elected by the mialified electors of the State at large. They shall hold their offices for the term of tweuty,one, years, if they so long behave themselves well s but shall not be again ell sgibres-s-The Judge whose commission shall ','' first expire Shall tie Chief Justice, and there after .. each Judge whose commission shall first expire shall in turn ho Chief Justice. '' Ste: 3. The jurisdiction of the Supreme Court shall extend over the , State, and the 'Judges thereof shall, by virtue of their offi ces, be justices of oyer and terminer and general jail delivery In the several counties; they shall have of igmal jurisdiction in cases of injunction, and; where r i corporation is a party.defendlint; of habeas eofpus, of -man damus, and tocourts of inferior jurisdic tion; - and in ease ease' of quo warranto, as to all Officers of the Commonwealth whose jurisdiction extends over the State, but shall ziot exercise any other original jurisdiction. They shall have appellate jurisdiction by appeal,. certiorari or writ of error in'all ca l scs, as is now or . may hereafter be provided by law. - Sim' 4. Until otherwise directed by law, the Courts of Common Pleas shall continue its, at present established, except as herein changed. ' Not more than four counties shall at any time be included in. otie judicial dis trict organized for said Courts. SEC. G. Whenever a COWAN shall'cantain forty thousand inhabitants it shall consti tute a separate judicial district, and shall - , elect one Judge learned lathe-law; and the - Igt;ltertil Assembly shall Provide for addition al-l Judges es the business of the said districts may require. Counties containing a popu latioieless than is sufficient to constitute sep arate districts shall be formed into conve nient single districts,- or, if necessary, may be attached to contiguous districts, as the General Assembly may provide. The office of Associate Judie, not learned in the law, is abolished i L li counties forming separate districts; but the several Associate Judges - in office when this Constitution shall be adopted shall serve for their unexpired terms. Ste. 6:' In the counties of Philadelphia and Allegheny all the jurisdiction and pow ers now vested in the District Courts and Courts of Common Pleas, subject to such changes as may be' inside by this Constitu tion or by law, shall he in Philadelphia vest-, ed in four, and in Allegheny in two distinct and separate cpurts of equal and co.ordi , nate jurisdiction, composed of three Judges each. The said courts in Philadelohiashall _. . _tes,AcksitileAlr,ssimtely the Court of s er one, number two, number three, and number four, and in Al legheny as the Court of Common;P l eas num. her one andnumber two; but the number of said courts may be by law increased from time to time, and shall ba,in like mannertes igniited by successive uti m i .ss...4sssr - 111 rosy cdu fl ft W - fiefe - the establishment of an Addl ., tional court may, be authorized by law, may be bun -eased from time to time; and when: ever such ineifease shall amount in the Ivliole to three,-such three Judges shall compose a distinct; and separate court mum aforesaid, which shall be numbered as aforesaid. In Philadelphia all suits shall "be instituted in the said 'Courts of Common Pleas,, without. designating the number of sldd 4eurt; and the several courts shall distribute and up portion the busineSs among them in such a manner as shall be provided by rules of - court; and each colia-to' which any suit .Shall thus be assigned shall have exclusive jurisdiction thereof, subject to change of venue, as shall be provided by law. In Al legheny each courtsehall have exclusive ju: risdiction of all proceedings at law and .in ' equity commencedthereinssubject to change of yenue as may be rovided by law. SEC. 7. For Pltili delphia there shall be i one Prothonotary's; thee and one Prothon otary for all said ;e l o rts, to baappointed by the Judges of said courts, and to hold of fice for three yeers; subject to removal by a majority ofthe iiiii Judges. Thesaid Pro thonotary shall appoint - such assistants as may be -necessary land" authorized by said courts; and he tsiid his assistants shall re ceive fixed salaries, to be determined by law, and 'paid by said county. All fees col lected in said offlee'except such as may be, by law due to the ( Commonwealth s shall be paid by the Prothonotary into the county treasury. Each court shall have its sepa rate dockets, except the judgment docket, which shale , contain the judgments mid liens of all the said courts, as is or may be directed by law. SEC. 8. The said courts in the "counties of Philadelphia and Allegheny rspectively t shall, from time to time, in turn, detail one or more of their Judges to hold l he courts of Oyer and Terminer and the Courts of, Quarter Sessions of the Peace of said coup ties in such manner as may be directed by law, .. ' Ste. 9. Judges of the Courtsi off Common / Pleas learned in the law shall be LlTudif,es of the Courts of 'Oyer and Terminer, Qearter Sessions - of the Peace, and General Jail De • livery l and of the Orphans' Court, and'wi th in their respective districts shall be Justices of the Peace as to criminal matters. ' SEC. 10.. The Judges of the Courts:of Coin. mon Pleas, within - their ressective counties, shall have power to issue writs of esrtiorari to Justices of the Peace and other info.", . riot's courts not of record, and to cause their' proceedings to be brought before theta and t right and justice to be done. SEC. 11. - Except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, ;Justices of the Peace or Aldermen shall be elected in the several wards, districts, boroughs}hod townships at the -time- of the electi s trfi of constables by the qualified electors thereof, ins Such man.' nor as shall be directed by law, and sledl be, commissioned by the Governor for a term' of five years. No township, ward, district,' or borough 'shall elect more 016 two Jus tices of the Peace or Aldermen without the consentssf a mejority of the (piddled elec tors within such township, ward, or bor ough; np person shall be elected to such of. lice unl,sti he shall have resided 'within the tewnshiP,_borough, ward, or district for one' year next preceding his election. In cities containlig over fifty thousand inhabitants not more than one.Aidermau shall be elect . ed in each-ward or distri,v. • . Site. lz, In 'Philadelphia There „shall be - established, for_ elicit 45;(000 inhabitants, ono • k 'Court nett" Of _ record, , of. police nud civil causes, with jurisdiction not exceeding ono hundred dollars. Suckamitts shall be held by magistrates whose tern" of 'office shall be . live years; and they shall be elected_on gen eral ticket by the qualified voters at -large; and in the election of the said 'magistrates no voter shall vote fisti more titan two-thirds of the number of persons to be elected when ;bore than one are to be chosen.. They shall be compensated only by fixed salaries, to be: slid by the said county; and shall exercise ch jurisdiction, civil and criminal, except as herein provided, as is 'now exercised _by Aldermen, subject to such Cheugen, not in - - solving au 'increase of civil jurisdiction ,CIP - conferring politie:sl 'duties, as may be made by Jaw; in Philadelphia the office of Al . clerman Is abolished, ' . , t3gc, n, Ali too, goo,. owl mollies -111 said'Coqts shall be pnid , into the county treasury . .. -.- . • SEC. 14. In all cases Of 431111kMart ticin in this Couunbni - ealth; or of -pitlgtuent in suiffor a penalty before a: niatiptra,t&or court not of record; either Party , :puty, ap peal to such court of record 4-5 may be.pre scrihed by law,2up.on.alloivnttee t.sf the np pollute court or judge thereof,' Opon' , 6 - ause - - - All Judges required cf.bel earned in the law, except_ the Judges. ot the., Sti-_ preniheourt; shall be-elected - by the tied eleetors of thaespective districts over - which they are to preStile, and shall hold their offices for the period, of ten years; theYsball :so long behave themselves - well; but for any reasonable cause, - which ,shall sufficient ground for : impeachment, the Governor may retrieve any Of them on the address of two-thirds of each .house of the General "Asiernbly. Sue. •10. Whenever, two_Jmiggs_of the Su. preme Court arelo 'be chosen for the Same , term of service, each voter shall votelfor one only; and when three are to be chbsen, he shalt vote for no more than two. The candidate highest,in vote shall" be ,declared. elected. - • SEC. 17. Should buy two or more Judges Of the Supreme Court, or any 'two or more Judges, of the Court of Compton Pleas for the -same district be elected at the same time, they shall, as. soon after the electien as convenient, cast lots for priority of com mission, and certify the,reSult to the Gov ernor, issuelheir commission* in aebordance therewith. - Sue. IS. The Judges' of the Supreme Court and the Judges of the several Courts ' CommOn Pleas.-andhall other Judges re quired to be learned 'in the laW, shall, at stated times, receive for their services an adequate'compensation, which shall be fixed by law and paid by the State. ' They shall receive no Other compensation, fees, or per quisites of office for their services from tiny source, nor, bold any other °filed of profit under the United States, this State, or any other State. SEO. 19. :The Judgei of the Supreme Court, during their continuance in office, shall reside within this Commonwealth; and the other Judges, during their continuance in office, shall reside within the district for which they shall be respectively elected. litr.o. 20. The several Courts of Common Pleas, besides the powers. herein conferred, shall have and exercise within their respect, ive diltricts, subject to such changes as may be made by law, such chancery powers as are now vested by law in the several Courts of Common Pleas of this Commonwealth, or as may hereafter be conferred upon them by law. SEC. 21. No duties shall be imposed by law upon the Supreme Court or any -of the' JUdges thereof except such as , are judicial, nbr shall any of the Judges thereof exer cise any power of appointment except as herein provided. The Court of Nisi Prias is hereby abolished, and rid court of origi nal jurisdiction to be presided over by any one or more of the Judges of the Supreme Court shall be established. Sue. 22. In every county wherein the population shall exceed one hundred and fifty thousand the General 'Assembly shall, and in any other county May, establish a separate Orphans' Court, to , consist of one or more Judges; who shall be learned in the law, which court shall exercise aU the kills t diction: and powers now vested in, or which May hereafter be conferred upon, the Or- ' phinas' Courts, and thereupon the jurisdic tion of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas within such county in Orphans' Court'. proceedings shall cease and determine. In any county in which a separate Orphans' Court shall be established, the Register of Wills shall be clerk of such court, and sub ject to its direction in all matters pertaining to his office. Ile may appoint, assistant clerks, but only with the consent and up-. proval of said court. All accounts filed with him as register or as clerk of the said separate Orphans' Court shall be audited by the court without expense to parties, except where all parties in interest in a pending proceeditig shall nominate an auditor whom the court may, in its discretion, appoint:— In every county Orphans' Courts shall -pos sess all the powers and jurisdiction of a Register's Court, and separate liegistere Courts are hereby abolished. SEC. 23. The style of all process shall be' "`Tie Commonwealth of Pennsylvania."—; All prosecutions shall be carried on in the name and by the authority of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, and conclude against the peace and dignity of the same. SEC. 24. In all cases of felonious homi cide, and in such other criminal cases as may be provided for - by law,- the accused, utter conviction and sentence, may remove the indictment, record, and all proceedings to the Supreme Court for review. SEC. 25. AnAvacaucy happening by death, resignation, or otherwise in any court of rec ord shall be filled by appointment bsr the Governor, to..contiaa...Arn„,-1--.. , tellist - gentral erection whien snail occur three or more mouths after the happening of such vacan cy. -Sue. 20. All laws relating to courts shall be general and of uniform operation, and the organization, jurisdiction and powers of all courts of the same class or grade, so far as regulated by i law, and I the force and cf feet of the prom's and judgments of such courts shall be uniform; and the General Assembly is hereby prohibited from crea ting other courts to exercise the powers vest ed by this Constitution in the Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas and Orpheus' Courts. SEC. 27. The parties, by agreement filed, may, in any civil case, dispense with trial j b jury and submit the decision' of such case to the court having jurisdiction there of, and such court shall hear and determine the same; and- the judgment thereon shall be subject to writ of error as in other cases. ARTICLE VI. IMPEACEMEET AND REMOVAL FECAL OFFICE. &arum 1. The House of Representatives shall have the sole power of impeachment. SEc. 2. All impeachments shall be tried by the senate. When sitting for that pur pose, the Senators shall be upon oath or af firmation. No person • shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. SEC. 3. The Governorand all other civil of ficers shall be liable to impeachment for any misdemeanor in office, but judgment in Such cases shall not extend further than to remo val from effiee and disqualification to hold any office of trust or profit under this Com monwealth; the person , accused, whether convicted or acquitted, shall nevertheless be liable to indictment, trial, judgment, and punishment according to law. Snr. 4. All officers shall hold their offices on the condition that they behave themselves well while in office, and shall be removed on conviction of misbehavior tn office or of any infamous crime. Appointed officers other than Judges of the courts of record and the Superintendent of Public Instruction may be removed at the pleasure of the power by which they shall have been appointed. All officers, "elected by the people', except Governor,' Liig , t'ttennnt Governor, members of the Gen er;il Assembly, and Judges of the courts of record learned in the law, shall be removed by the Governor for reasonable cause, after due notice and full hearing, ou the address of two-thirds of the Senate. ARTICLE VII. • o-iTri OF orricE. SEcerrox 1. Senators and Representatives and all judicial, State, and county officers shall, before entering on the duties of their respective offices, take and subscribe the fol lowing oath or of e, " I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will 'support, obey, and defend. the Consti tution of the United States and the Consti tution of this Commonwealtlf,,:and that, I will di. - icharge the duties of my office with fidelity; that I have not paid - orcontribu ted, oil promised to pay or contribute, either directly or indirectly, any money, or other valuable thing, to pro Cure my _nomination or election, (or appointment,) except for nec essary and proper expenses expressly au- Iliiirized by law; that I have net knowtngly violated any election laW of this Common wealth, or procured it to' be dons by 'others in my behalf; that I will not knowingly're. ceive, directly or indirectly, any money or other valuable thing for the perforniance or nonperformance of any aet or duty pertain ing to my office, other than the compensa tion allowed by law." - ' - - The foregoing oath shall be, adminiStered by • some person• authorized to- administer• oaths, and in the case of State officers and Judges of the Supreme Court, shall-be - filed In-the office of the Secretary of the • Com-, - rnonWeal tb, and-in the case of other judicial and county officers in the office of the Pro , thonotary of the county in which the same is taken.- Any person refusing to take said oath or affirmation .shall;-forfeit .his office, and any person who :aball be convicted, of 'having sworn or affirmed falselyor.Of hay ing violated said oath _or' offirmittioti ; shalt be guilty-of perjt ry, 'and be forever lfa from bolgrog sox ; office' of trust or, profit'wituin'this Vommotivigalth. - , • The oath - to the members= of : the Senate tittd LOcill 4 P of RePrekelltfinYgl. Ail: fie ad= Pleteterell one Of the ,Tridgesi' of tite . :Sti• prone 'Court or • ofra,"Cohrt of .Counnon Plead lea ; neti ,the 1 . 4 n. in. the liall;af the house to , Wilde i tliefagmliertishall eleCted. 41,11.1 1 1,CLE e SIIFOP - A. ot , , 4:1 1 71) Ziti!*,461i01 4 16, , . S.r.ovrow ILl:llvery,„tuttle`citizen twentiOne rats of age; possessing the -follosilnglitial ifications, lie entitle ti tit vote at all elections: • , Ife-sliall have been , citizen ofs, the United,States atleast one , asofitlessss.s„, Second: Itnsliallluive resided .in the State, one year (or; • if haiing PreViotisly `.been'•it qualiaisd elector - or -riatlVe lien _citizen 'of = the Stato, s he shall linve renioved therefrem `and fettirned;',theri Six Months) ititmcdiately, preeeding the election:' • , Thirds- Me-Shall have resided , iti the, klec tion,distriet- wherehe shall Offer to Vote 'at least two months huniediatelypreceding the, election, , • , • r Fourth. If twenty-two Years of 'age or up ward, he Shall have ; nild within two years al State or county, tax, .which, shall ba•ve been assessed at least two ;:months And paid - at least one niontli before the, ,election . See. 2. The general election filial! he-beld annually on the Tuesday,next ] foilowleg the first Monday of November, but-the General Assembly may. by law fix. a 'different two-thirds of all the menibersiof each house - consenting thereto': _ , SEC: •8. All eleCtiol39 . for city, Witra,-Nor ough, and township officers, for, regular' terms of service, shall be held on the third_ Tuesday of - Febritary. SEc. 4. All elections by the citizens shall, Ibe by ballot. Every ballot voted' shall' be numbered in the order in •which,it-sliall be ' received; and the number se:corded by the election• officers on thelist of voters; oppo site the name of the elector who presents the ballot. - Any elector may Write his name" upon his ticket, or cause the _Brune --to' be written thereon and attested by a citizen of 1 , the district. The election 'officers' Alan be sworn or affirmed not to disclose how 'any elector shall have voted - unless required to do so as witnesses in ajudicial -proceeding. SEC. 5. Electors shall in all: cases' except , treason, felony, and breach of surety of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendanee on elections and in going to and returning therefrom. SEC. 0. Whenever any -of the qualified electors of this Commonwealth shall be in actual military service, under a requisition from the President of the United States or by the authority of this Cominonwealth, such electors may exercise the right of suf frage in all elections by the citizens,' under such regulations as are or shall be prescribed by law, as fully as if they were present at their usual places of election. • • • SEC. 7. All laws regulating the holding of elections by the citizens or for the registra tion of electors shall be uniform through out the State; but no elector shall be de prived of the privilege of voting by reason of his name not being registered.- SEC. 8. Any' person- who shall give, or promise or oiler to give to an elector, any money, reward, or othersvaluable consider ation for his vote at an election, or for with holding the same, or who shall give or prom ise to give such consideration to any other person or party for such elector's vote, or for the withholding thereof, and any elector who shall receive or. agree to receive, for himself or for another, any money, reward, or other valuable consideration for his vote at an eleetion, or for withholding the same, shall thereby forfeit the right to vote at such election; 'and any elector whose right to: vote shall be challenged for such 'cause be fore the election officers shall be required to swear or'affirm that the matter of thechal- Aenge is Untrue before his vote. ball be, re ceived. SEC. O. Any person who shall, while a candidate for ofliee, be guilty' of bribery, fraud, or willful violation of, any election ' law, shall - be forever disqUalified from hold ing an office of trust or profit in this Com monwealth; and any person convicted of willful violation of the election laws shall, in addition to any penalties provided by law, be deprived of the right of suffrage eh-. solutely 'for a term of four years: .SEC. 10. In trials of contested 'elections, and in, proceedings for the investigation of elections, no person shall be permitted to Withhold his testimony upon the ground that it may criminate himself or subject him to public infamy; but such testimony shall' not afterwards be used against him in any judicial proceeding, except for perjury- in giving such testimony. SEC. 11. Townships and wards of cities or boroughs shall form or be divided into election districts of compact and contiguous territory, in such manner as the Court of Quarter Sessions of the city or county in which the same are located may direct; but districts in Cities of over one hundredthou sand inhabitants shall be divided b, - ) - the Courts of Quarter Sessions havin_g_ jerisdie„s' tion therein whenesies-e*--Reourett and' fifty _..l.Ncoti - ISOM/ have been polled therein; and other election districts whenever the court of the proper county shall be of opinion that the convenience of the electcirs and the public interestsbvill be promoted thereby. SEC. 12. All elections by persons in a rep resentative capacity shall be vrvA VOCE. SEC. 18. For the purpose of voting, no person shall be deemed ,to have gained, a residence by reason of his presence, or lost it by reason of his absence while employed in the service, either civil •or military, of this State or of the United States, nor while engaged in- the nasjgation of the waters' of the State or of the United States, or on the high seas, nor while a student of any insti tution of learning, nor while kept in any poor house or other asylum .at public ex pense,' nor while confined in public prison. SEC. 14. District election boards shall consist of a judge and two inspectors, who shall be chosen annually by the citizens.— Each elector shall have the right to vote for the judge and one inspector, and each-in spector shall appoint one clerk. The first election board - for any new distaict shall be selected and vacancies in election Winds filled as shall be provided bylaw. , Election officers shall be privileged from arkest upon days of election and while engaged in mak ing uptitransmitting returns, except up on wary of a court of record' or judge thereof for an election fraud, fer felony, or lorzyanton breach of the peace. In cities they - May s elaim exemption fro" jury duty during their terms' of service. SEC. 15. No person shall be qualified - to serve as an election officer who ;shall hold, or shall within two months have held any office, appointment, or employment in or under the Government of the United States, or of this State, or of any city or county, or of any municipal, board, commission, or trust in any city, save only justices of the peace and. .aldermen, notaries public, and persons in the militia service of the State; nor shall any election officer be' eligible to any civil office to be filled at an election at which he shall serve, save only to such sub ordinate municipal or local offices below the grade of city or county offices as shall be designated by general law. SEC. 1,0. The Courts of Common Pleas of the several counties of the Commonwealth shall have power within their respective ju risdictions to appoint overseers of eleetion to supervise the proceedings of election of ficers, and to make report to the court as may be required; suck appointments to be made for any district in a city or county, upon petition of five citizens, lawful voters of such election district, setting forth that such appointment ,is a reasonable precaution to secure the purity and fairness of elec tions. Overseers shall -he two in number for an election district, shall be residents therein, and shakl - ,l' be persons qualified to serve upon ,election boards, and in each case members of different political parties.— Whenever the members of an election board• shall differ -in opiuien, the overseers, if they' shall be agreed 'thereon, shall decide the question of difference. 1n appointing over seers of election, all the law judges og the proper court, able to act at the time, Shall concur in the appointments made. . . Sac. The trial and determination of contested elections of electors of 'President and. Vice President, members Of the Gene ral Assembly, and of all public ()Mugs,' whether State, judicial, municipal, or local, shall be by the courts of law, or by one or more of the law judges thereof. The Gen- , eral Assembly shall, by general laW, desig nate the - courts and judges by 'whom the several classes of election contests -shall be tried, and regulate the manner of Iritch and all matters incident thereto; but no such I law assigning jurisdiction, or regulating its exercise, shall apply to any, contest- arising out:of an election held before its paSsage. ARTICLE IX. TAXATION AND FINANCE. I • • SECTION 1. All tat - ea shall be'unifortit up -on the same class of subjects within%the ter; ritorial limits of the tt'llthority. levying the tax, and shall_ be levied and collected under general , laws; but thC General • Assembly may, by general Wyk exempt front taxa• Lion public property.uscd for public pnrpoz Emi t actuZttl•pi aces of religious Avoiship, plac'es' of. burial not held or. used for pitvate or Cur. panne profit, :and institutions of purely puli." lie charity: , 7 • 5Ec..2. - ,411 laws exempting property from taxation; ,othel than the property above enti• *rated, sbalilhe, void.; • • Sec -,it , The power to Mx cerirciratliitiiiiint coikente - Propertxalfall - not ho,Ont*deied nthuspenlied ,bynny. ciiiiti . r4 - ;',Or '' grant Tfe- WitieltAire - Stete shrill be a ,tittity;, '±,-,:,. . • s ~,.. ~„ _ i •Sirv,',4. No debt,shall'irO Created- iiio:6ii• bebalf-'of the State, 'exceptic , atipply ; coral deficiencies of 'reaedue,',repel;inv_nalbk suP - : p`reasinsurecctiOn t • defend-I he. Stat&in-War,- or to pity exiating debt, rotd?ittCdobt--.:6reai , tedloeupply deticiencies , jnYeirentre shell never exceed in the :Coggregiitc - -at ',an one lithe'One'e n rillioof doilera:/ '- ',;'! -. i