Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, November 11, 1873, Image 3

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FAR neatorie-horAe iumber ivnt.
- 00 , Oleo for cash nt IQ. 31.61 4 tap.unies.
I ,, NE Nortem.--7AII peraone indebted to
GLAssNititle. WiU. EglVe epStV by etaing
tad .4ettling THIS.
A v e „ill p ay t:it811 - for fresh tub ariti:li
batter. 0. 31.•Btingt.ri.
c , c i n grw),l. l )l4 - OY. 41,18737:,3_t:
Vde Dulies' Aid.Yeiqty of SL: Paul's
6urch will went ut 'the iosiOinco ofl.M.j
B,xlintl nest Thursday afte'rnoon tit 2 o'clock.,
,ka persons indebted . to John Pisehler are
re ve4eil to call and settle inkr . nedithely,' , "•
- - • - 0 4,111$ Fiscal:Ea.
llsboro, Nov, 11, 1.1 . 8-Bt. - • , ,
There be a Literary S49ieble at the
church this (Tuesqlay)'evening. - Ex
erclses novel AU: are invi
ted to attend. -
y r . John Fischler will, be found "at
home" in his new ;tore in the Bunnel - Ileum)
Block, uhere ho will be happy to see all his
old c uito:ners and lots of new _
ImPoitTANT NoncE —On necotintof greit
nt the late tire at peNozis indebted to E.
IlAsris4.l.t tire rt , qtteted to:call and set
tle ilntneiliately. Pritee at S. B. Wiipin or'
Jev.elry Store. E. 11, IlAsTiNos,
Well,,,boro, Nov. 4, 1873-tf.
for the cheapest atia tinest lvt of Clothing,
Cloth. and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods
over brought to Wellsboro. Having just re-'
turned from New York, my stock ja corn ;
pkte. I buy for cash and sell 'at bottoin
p:•ites„, Suits malt to order on short-notice
an d warranted in every respect as represent.,
_ed.—Please call and look lily stock over be
fore purchasing elsewhere.
• Weiliboro, Nov. 11-4 w.
Almost everybody in this region knows
lir. C. C. llear.tEits, - and everybody who
Mows him is aware that he keeps_ the best
I nd most complete stock of dry goods to be
found anywhere hereabouts. It is, there
fore, only necessary to say that he hits' just
r eturned from New York,- and that his store
i r now filled up with one of the best assort:
write of goods for the winter trade ever of
fered to .his hosts of' customers; You can
Intl there all you want at prices suited to the
aft,. Don't fail to look at his ziew styles
before purchasing.
Home Affairs.
Yen ardverftsements this week.
New York Times.
adnilv!strator's Salo—Eatato of ltiob*rd
Administrator's Notice—'•state of Loattatx Culver
,I„piaultnral Inalfrance Cotopanr.
Hardaarc—Win. Roberta.
State Normal S.^hool, Manpfletel P.
Adjlarafet SAla of Real Estate—Estat/* or A, P. Cone
TrIAI lAst Nov. Term-11. C. Cox, Protiry.
—ln another cohlmn will be found the tri
ll liEi for the next term of court.
—Wage; have hedn cut down fifteen per
tent. by the Fall Brook dompanY.
—Hon. Thomas Fitch - is to lecture at;Tiog,k
nut raelc Thursday, the 2001 in,tant,
—A. Hunt, - Eg., of Mansfield, has been
stricken with paralysis, his entire right side
being affected.
—Mr. IL T. Graves, of- Blossburg, had two
fingers of his right hand badly bruised in a
job press n for days ago. „
—Mrs. S. .11.-Clopo is to give a pnblic rend
ing at Lawrens.teville to=morrow evening for
the benefit of a,church society.
--Among otherA annonnced for the lecture
course at Tiog.a this winter aro Thomas Nast,
Atm Livermore and Rev, Dr. Chapin.
—W understand that there nre several
wedding; on tho lapis in this village. Mrs.
Grundy will tell you all,about ; just ask
—Fa•Governor Curtin bat° lecture in this
in thig village on Tuesday evening, the 25th
instant, end not on the 27th, as announced
by another paper.
—A few days ago some person placed rails
across the track of the Cowanesquo `:alley
R. R. between Tortipkins arid Nelson sta
tions, but happily no injury resulted to the
—Mr. Stephen Bowen:, the Sheriff-eleet,
iris in town last Tuesda making arrange
netts to enter upon the duties of his office
vs the tlrst of December, the second week of
—The Troy Gazehie says that a vein of
coal four feet thick has recently been opened
An the west side of Pine Creek, a_ short dis
tance'above the mouth of Babb's Creek, and
slso a bed of iron ore, said to contain seven
b'-five per cent. • of iron
-Our readers will notice, by an announce
ment in our advertising .columns, that Mr.
William Roberts has returned to his old
borne and proposes hereafter to follow his old
business. He will be heartily welcomed
back to hie'honored position among our bus
iness men. •
—By referring to a notice in another col
umn it will be observed that one of our young
lituinpss men has "went and gone and done
IL" The happy couple are at present absent
on their wedding trip, and all their numer
sua friends wish them a happy journey and
`safe return, as we do. LI
—Leuvitt's Troape of bell-ringers exhib
ited at the Academy of Music last :Tuesday
evening. The house was a good -one:.--es
pecially for th4se. days when money is quo
ted as close, but not close eno/gli to reach—
and the largatiudience Was thoroughly de
lighted with the evening's entertainment.
--A Lew days . since we were shOWn a spec
imen of Iron ore picked up on the line of - the
railroad within about .five miles of this vil
lage. It appeared that the vein cropped out
at that point , 11 tit of course it is impossible to
tell - how valim le it may be until further ex
plorations are, made. The lump shown us
seemed to be rich in iron..
—We understand that an. old -men resid
ing near Harrison Valley, whose" name we
did. not learn, hanged himself " - early last
Thursday morning with a log-chain. It
seems that the old than, who bad been par
tially deranged at times,, went out before
breakfast, and when his pedple went to - call
bits they found be had put hnend to his life
as above stated, I`
—lt is hardly necessary to call-attention to
the id vertisement of the State Normal Schdol
at Alansfleld; belfound elsewhere
in this sheet. The institution is so. widely
known that any words of commendation
would seem superfluous. All persons desir
ous of attending a flrst•clas.sschool:Will find
all needed information as to terms, &c., set
tvrth in the announcement referred to.
—A. story is going the rounds of the local
press to the effectthat a vein of anthracite
oat over four feet thielt•bas been
!ti Eazt Charleston: We are afraid the yarn
is something of the nature of that of "The
Three Black Crow." Certain it is that up
last Saturday some, of Otos° tupet interest
knew uothing.of any inch discovery. .A
le ,for rola An
n, vein has been
get believe the
probably don't
• • - • •
itclf We had Only -knownw the - Writ-OS- name--
A. 1' "
s an et darn, responku
,t e _contents.
- of his paper
_it - that.:.; phiwia ., ,
have sotne, goarnaty op r i,,
plat - of .his oorreSponde - *?,_ . _ areiglad
'get'ne'w'a frou
ive ask Our section -to St f ad--
us" a ptompt
,statement efiallipteresting fa - ets
that .may_tranpire . ;'::•-tiut" - - in, , ,Atiine_ a0 - they
should rentember give theirliarnes, not for
puhlication.:hitt •.41,..i,"0,aSsure'nee ',oCa'ood'
Then their'-lettef.4 - ivill;:heo...K.,'”,
and -wilt be: used as promptly gassibljl
next Conference for-Troy,District is
to 15e held' nt. d.next •f3tOn day -and
...Mr. Joe esiof -IC/See*, preaches an
Dfonday evening. •Tlit(;Con:ferepee . assetnt
bloc on-Tuaidtik at 9ti zit A din c ussionvill
tak 'pia ec - bn'tlie iiiiesticin of 'ministerinl
axles ; their' 'amount ;- Methods -of
thgen - ; times: of payment s :etc. The disc l Us.%
Mol. will- be infrodticed -an eseay . from
John A'. Codling, Esq. - ,Ret! . . - - Mr.' Lowell;-
uf will 'introdude the discussion
bi collectitipS in the Methodist church; what
they Bra ;- timir'relative amount; •methodi of
securing thein; In the' evening tltei.-
Themes Stacy,- of -Welishoref,_toreaches.l The
District Stewards meet - on Tuesday, Xov:
18; at'lo ;89: - • - -
- —One way-to cure hardtimes - is for every-
hody to,buy such articles as they- need at
home, thus keeping tits money in circulation
in our midst. 31anY'people urn the habit
of buying their clothes in tiro city, and many
ladies think their dress gds must all be or=
dered from Stewart's, h d their hats. and
gloves' from lome este ishment in - New
York. This practice, ways Pernicious, is
doubly ?0, at this time, hen citziency. is
I l w
scarce. Our.dry-good3 merchants, milliners,
and merchant tailors, can furnish 'goods as
cheap,-and just as good as can be purchased
elsewhere, and are entitled to thepatronage
of our citizens. Besides, in purchasing:from
them you are conferrinp. real benefit upon
the whole community.
—ln another columni will bo found an ad-
Nertisernent of the NO? York Time. 9. We
.speak what we do 7 knovir when we say that the
Times is one of the best of the New York
journals. While - it is the only Republican
daily in that city it is at the same time inde
pendent and outspoken in' its political opine
ions. Its steady opposition fornis of
corruption, from Tammany all down,'
should commend it to tho favor o all- good
citizens. Besides this, it is perfec y clean
and upright in its business rnanagentent. lt
never advertises lotteries or other-dirty and
illegal schemes as-cle some of the "metropo
litan dailies" that vii — read abgut. Its col
umns from the first to the liiit - are_ pure and
well written, and it has earned a wide-spread
-reputation as a: first-class newspaper. We
take pleasure in calling attention to its merits.
--Last - Saturday three men who gave their
names as Frederick Hudson, James Hayden
and Joseph Black were committed Co jail_ in
this village on the very - serious charge of
highway robbery. The three robo4rs claim
to hail from New York city, where they say
they were - recently thrown - out of employ
ment by the present business contraction.
They o:tine to Elmira, where they „fell in
with a peddler of dry goods and-notions,
whose name is Joseph Solomon, Marking
the unsuspecting Hebrew for their-prey, they
followed him from Elniira to Canton, and
from that place to a point in Union town
ship, where they pounced upon their victim
last Thursday • and robbed him, of $5O in
money and ge r tilla amounting to about the
same sum. One of the scamps•choked. Solo-.
Mon - while the other twb "went through
him?' The villains were soon' caught, how
ever, and taken before Justice Cleveland,
and were by him committed to jail to await
the action of the grand jury. • .
of. the Agitatorr Ever since my first .ac
quaintance with the A.OITATOR its custom
has been to publish accounts es "big , pie',
as the season fot i slaughterilig ativances, • but
if-my memory serval. mc i tnot'a wor ns to
the cost of said pig's. consequently such
i eports are of Hale 4no 1 enefit to an body,
AO no credit to the then -who rears a d fat
tens the pig. Now, let us this year h ye the'
figures to show if there is ~.. profit
, or loss. I
herewith give an account of a pig which I
killed October 28:
Cost at four weeks old
75 lb meal ® 2c .
3 burl: ears of corn E.,i. 40c
Dressed weight at 6 months old 180 lbs.
Ile also had the milk from one cow; Breed
unknown; but judging from his appearance
was of some of the smaller breeds that ma
ture early. This probably can be beaten; if
so, let ua know how.. Respectfully yours,
ers are aware that Mr. J. B. Hall, the genial
editor of the Catskill Recorder,, has been
spending the summer. in CUlorado with a
view to the improvement orhis health.. We
regret to say that he has derived little benc-
Alt from his trip, and that he is forced to con
template a journey to'South America to es
cape the rigor of our northern winter.-- In a
late letter from Col6.rado he sums up bis
opinion as to . the effect of that climate upon
invalids. The subject is of so general an in
terest that we quote l his conclusion below :
-As this will, problibli, bo my - last letter from Colo
rado, I propose to devote it, mainly2o fellow-inealida,
to whom cheerfully give tho benefit of 1233 , experteuce
I left Catskill, last April. weighing 1114 pounds, and
upon my arrival here, although with knowledge of the
fact that, owing to the rarefaction of the atmosphere,
I would weigh less hero, was greatly astonished that I
could only turn the Beale at 122 1.2, and involuntarily
excialmcd: "Thunder! I'm jight(e)ning I" As soon
agi the fatigue of the tedious journey passed off. I be
gan the enjoyment of long.needed absolute rest, to
which I found the aumtnor climate peculiarly condu
dye. Although fancying, at times, *4 atmospheric
influences Here working a change in my disease, I am
now - satisfied that my slight increase of strength end
elasticity is mostly due to enjoyable rest. laming Sep
tember, with its crisp delicious air, I gained 3 1.2 lbs.
But °ember opened• with high winds, Mist, and the
ate charged with an impalpable alkaline powder, (which
irribdes tho a s passages), followed, a week ado. by
snow and hyperborean winds; and I now realize the
fact that I have lost two pounds in weight, suffer
from frequent catarrhal fevers.and my disease is as fu
rious in its demonstrations as at any time withih the
past two years. ,
A short time ago, the annual meeting of the Terri
torial Medical Convention was held here, at nbich
time the-subject of catarrh was thorotiglaly fliaeuesed
and all the physicians agreed in the opinion. that not
only are the frequent local eases ofcalarrh positively
incurab:e ivro, but, that they bad never known of a
ease irqm abroad that bad been even GenOtted by ibis
climate. And my observation indorses their conolu
elm. •
Asthmatics and consumptives will find this climate
peculiarly adapted to their necessities. Asthma Is
quickly relieved. A convention of grateful relieved
ones was held here last night, and the recitals of that I
experionce.(Whiehwill probably be published "to ad
vertise Colorado") Was eatiefaotory to the Doubter
family. Consumptives who come here before the
baud of death is upon them are pretti certain to ob.
fain permanent benefit. But too many wait until past
remedy, and might better stay where they can enjoy
the comforts of home and the ministrations of laud
But, what l le very slnguTar, and. unaCcountable. it 'le
a well.estautiatied fact that that class of Invalids who
receive the most ready relief; and who are more sub.
.staurially bonefitted, are those Who havo bad hemorh,
ages of the lungs.
There Is in this aftriospitere some, potent and heal
ing charm for this claes of inyalide, for 'certain It Is
that not one (howecer severely effected) ties tilled (as
far as I can lean:t)'t° obtain immediate and laeting re?
But, foiretsrrhai cars. it Ls a firdd fact that there
is no such "Llano in lead." I have Viet and ._oorci.,
pared notes with several—a nue of whom have so:
jonrned in lltiinegont, Florida, Aiken, Rea Southern
Calirornia vilthOut 11111er—but not one of them is liet,
ter off here.
Townuaa Argue paints this picture of a Bradford
enmity fsmlly
Those of our readers who hsvo taken Harper's' Afsg
arise for trio past two or three years hayd, no doubt,
been much numatil at the odd portraits and sketches
of "Porte Crayon" in his ranthles among tire moun
tains of Virginia. They will perhaps smile with ere•
aunty at the ignorance displayed by the 41#0/a,ted"o',
habitiuts Of the valesand env; and think , the pletr
ure overdrawn. We Can assure such readers that let
quaint; queer Mid ignorant creattires'are to be found
in Bradford comity. We have often visited a family
whose reaidenee fur more than twenty yeitrihaa,beeit_
in it piny.° seldom yblitett by: any except lint:kis - re
other* in 'search - id' adVenture. 'They:bay* but - eye
neighbor - within three inliee. The fetidly tit - priegot
meads ef,the old man, his wife, onit mar led gtin; i
4 13 4 14 4 ( B ef, lo l IT4- 0 ) 1 # 14 0 94 1. i s Ata 10*
well` known .eit-
Tuesday morn
z. During the
1 on
danger was ap.
He was about
his hand began
e grew rapidig
ling,. when h&
.stand -the doc.
Abdo cause - of
between luck.
.....1 50
1 40
.or claildrew. - . - Tbey cams ' oilFitiplly,44,44,..Tirii7 -and
•settledlit this.place t out-of te-,y.m .o _am op s._ . ~
' ' - ' •„P' f . h
1 huill''
lona and tolleollecters,- - -Alf.tti wi th in fore 'YestriC,,they'
oecettled Ita old - tumble, 49vTlios , <mum. scarcely' et
'tae t. bit ti.' . 411•thfti Wire litir and reseed -the children
l i e
Opolt4lii,q, _7:1,0it0.0 Oldiar„O it ~ a iii. - trOight; -1 - u ,reu4 ,
~ it,P-tir parents who "rictptir d seentiAineviledge"be-'
fore emigrating , but the nth are guiltless of /earn- -
ing their irl3=es 'and are. di' to .reinstn•so. : ", pin:
:plat= and pride of the lam If is Betseir ,
_;fano, - „or, gig
fflit3.l6 calied,thrshort'"litets, ' ; :Ol'" Atli' him*: 7- fillic!, e , .
Chest and form' well devel — di I •l3its'f'lvonld tut-
Weigh Awe Towanda bellesef ti er age _ _ Her 'elite or
nament is her hair; which is 'lightish color , i-Oni.i•d
-ht he frizzlyand itlehe cotta _ all' directions 'from the
headtoits distance of live i elms,
,giving - ter' nth&
the apPrarance of stone plot reit we have "
seen' oft, Ole`:.
catudarr girls .' NAP doubt if I h oe ever made the tic.'
quell - dance of tecomb.' 'Of eteoloref- her cormilex
low but few can't - Meek vrith'c rtatit* ELS iiii portion Ili
inch a etrangerto.water Ura l neiwho rem her lititbs
a short timeitance as she, wattl' pasplug up ilia 419=
!dein remarked that "It wool
- 41cm:dation to buy all the, dir
4:1143 wears short dresses. I
- - Iler father ,- bite his confreri
','ecrate enulf-taker. No ono'
fifteen minutes without seeing
box, more orle.ss filled with a
lupus pinch to either nostril.'
`wlytt - aN'Yei The niieletlt Aim , 47
1.4t111. nu be carries a - sued rat
tiles a quarter of a pound pei Limit .
In superstition he Is also o a parwith. his Southern
brother. A few years ago ono of tbe children hall .a
succession of MS, whim ha p ..oeur , d a black cat.'killed
and administered a few dr ps or its blood' to 'his
• hut, who, ho avers, was e;rod and bad no morn
M whin e until recently, wh th y asaln occurred. 'We
hare not healclot his rereating the medicine. Per,
haps he can't thud a black cat to inunolate. "
boring his twenty years 'residence upon the spot
-where-he squatted, he him parthlly subdued sheet
1 t on f o re of med. TtAte is - 1, 'rtlyin meadow, to afford
hay durlug the winter for a' .rati and two or three
' caws. , A small portion lase etbed over by the horse
aforesaid and a plow, where tit raises a - little Mills'
corn, and a few potatoes., 'Ptl'elbo out a smuts' sub
sistence. ho employ, hie lvis3 * ?t
t e in Hurting a dozen o r
pick-handles, during a M, than with the horse I -
and-a wagon , nearlyas olden salt, they are toted
six miles to eivilization and store, and exchanged
for snuff and ingsr, and if a ything remains; a lttthS,
bacon. Thus year after year puttee away with no in-
Orease of comforts or wealth. but perhaps another is
added to the pOpulation to giliy up in Ignorance and
grois darkness. '
.-, •
derer was hanged at Williams
Mad° an address from the sca
Tim elcsing Hoene waa simply
reports it as follows
When the minister had ,concluded , the hit of the
doomed man was removed and at hie request was pre
sented to officer Bubb. He then said solemnly: " 0
Lord, I know that I have violated thy commandments,
0 Lord, forgive me for all my l i bloody guiltiness.'
The rope was then adjusted„the cap pulleeover his
face and fastened.
prayer was offered by Rev. Mrns, and the response
, Dr. Relies. The condemned-stood stiff. Chief .
Coder keeping the rope in proper Peeition.' Officer:
,Stryker bad held the lever, uplto this time. •
Sheriff Vanlinakirk then grasped it, and at the -sig
nal pulled it: The body fell heavily, the feet reaching
the ground and striking squaely.
In this position he remained, shouting, "0 Lord,
have mercy." The rope then came off his neck and
his body fell over heavily on the ground.
_His body was carried up on the.seaffold and after a
longdelarin arranging the rope, the drop was again
palled. - He roll this time less than three feet. His
frame was violently contorted and he seemed to be
struggling with the dread measenger.,
The pulse \ eontinned to heat for six hundred and
forty second's. His heart ceased to beat thirty see*
onds later, and he was pronoUnced dead. At 3:66 he
was taken down, placed In the coffin, add taken charge
of by hh friends, and sant to pewart for burial.
Many pieces of tbo ropo wore cut of and carried
away se relies by spectators.
—Hay is worth a cent a you
—Elmira raised $157 79 for,
election day..
41olack bear was killedin l l
port, ra., n few days ago. .
—The whole Democratic co
u Steuben county last ThUrs
—Bon. H. Boardman smi'
home from Europe on the 3d I
—Gregory, tha Republican
in Schuyler county, N. Y., is II
—The Democrats have electt
cattareugua. AllnanY, fOtoubc
county a.
—George B. Bradley, PCMA
of the Sitenban, Chomung at
B.o2o.majoritz. ' - •
—There is one oasis in Stenl
ed to the Assembly in the See
jority. All the rest le Democx
—The To Naiads Reporter of ]
numerous frienda.of B. 0. Clot
to learn that kte health b Imy
—Prof. 'Wilder. of the COlll4
mitten against secret societical.
his eternal welfare upon the 1
that secret societies are unitn
—A stranger occupied one
on a recent Sunday. After
the pastor of tho congregatf.
"This is not asked as ncomp
—The three-feet gauge rant , '
to Montrose is nearly compli
that trains will run to the Ist;
first of December. A small
importance to Moutroise.
—lt is a hard place foil wives over at Tuck Haven.
The Republican of last week Bays "Aldertrian Ditche- . ,
for has had thrae,atgravated !canes of wife-whipping
before him since Saturday. In each case the tail was
fixed at $5OO, and two of the belligerent benadieta
went to jail. It looks as thOugh this trouble was be
coming epidemic, and it Might be well for such wives
as arivyetunwhipped to go a visiting for a short thus."
—The Waverly Advocate en : " The first salt in
this country under the "civi damage law" was tried
at Owego last week before .L. Bean, Esq.. and -a
jury of six men. The actin was brought by Mrs.
Amanda Perry, of Smithbor , against W. B. Gibbs,
hotel keeper of that place. f r selling liquor to her
husband whereby he became intoxicated and neglect
ed his business much to tb damage of himself and
family. The jury rendered verdict In favor of the
plaintiff for $5O damages and $5 cost."
—The last "order" of the p.'le management makes
a radical change in the "rune" of conductors. Here
tofore oondUitors have hidflair regular trains to inn,
going on thuDelaware Division from Port Jervis to
Elmira. Under new arrange ent the run will be to
the end of the division only, here the conductor first
in rune thqnexttrain back. Thus, in time, be makes
a trip on every train over t e division, and passen-,
germ need no longer count With certainty on riding
anywhere on the train of a favorite conductor.
—Lyooming county has another firaf.claria murder
case on hand. The murderer Is James McLaughlin,
and the victim his cousin., Jana McLaughlin, both re!
siditig in Cascade township. 1 John, Who Wes a large
and powerful man, gave James a severe whipping
about twcryeara ago, and the injured man swore to
have revenge. A few daysi,since, While. John was
drawing Blabs up the bill near the Cascade' Lumbar
Companyl's mill; James tired:mon him frorri • covert
in the woods, killing him Isstantly. The
fled, and has not yet been arrested. , Moth man had
- "
-Trains leave station u , foirows by tbs.
bleat timetable: 1 .
- - Y.
lan. ' i ' 1
3 " J WATS I. 1131:.
~ .
*o. 9. 10-22 a. m. ' No. 1. 7:27 p. m.
6, 3:60 p. m. " S. 6:37 a. tn.
8. 2:60 a. in. 1 " 6, 1:258. m.
12, 8:0314.m.
Monitor, 8:20 a. In. Monitor, 6:56 p. M
No: 2, 10:06 a. m. i ' No. 1, 7:37 p. m.
.. 12, 7:48 p. m. ',, , - .• 8, 8:45 6, ln. -. ~
18, 2:02 p. in. " 17, 2:00 p. ul. -
—A Tager thing happened at' Bradfoid, i'fitelaben
county, a Sew Clays ago. That 'village lief on Muff
Creak, one of the head waters of the _Susquehanna
n ii.
river. Mare Is a famous W ter, power, hexing new.
flourishing mills, all actlvel working under a high
pressure of water and stea . And, yet, there was a
sudden and strange stoppe d I TwO days after the
rain stort the 20th islet. with a full head of wider.
the wheel iiimiked,and. ev•rirealsted the cteltra Pair=
er I In this iiii: theremas qi its a' tumult among;the
roillo is, which ended in a `i i ow thingundor the num."-
ASter much searching forth , obstruction, it was found
In the hirge Tub Wheel. 11 on lifting the coven the
Wheel was found Gemmed 'full of oeia. so :much OP
Wall -10 ; 1168i counted marl one thouaand full sized
Gandereport Journ lof last Wednesday says:
• Ozt SaturOPY Morning last F. W. Plagernan, of 'Rib
.arese and built a tIF - • alter wltiohhe returned
to hha' tied while' his wlf , ", prepared:the breakfast;
When breakthet Was ,:teady , Plagrn i au sent one
of-the children to calf he when lie Nae,
found lying on the floor n front of,the hed 7 dead.
He had apparently arisen to dress hit:used and fallen
dead to the floor. Mr. kiAg !man wa4 . a tanner and ,
well anoan in. all this sec inn of tionntry. Renben
Card, Br...ime'of; the oldes ;settler's, of thli county.
died in Roulet, oLtyrids4o
Din hoald iliCaSaot particul
he worked until three u'c
and died that night or the
smother: On Friday, Oct 3
Charles IC Woods, aged N.
to Bettlw,iaßingbaratoscru3.
, .
".—The Netkloyite - Ripubr
Snow Shoe - men eared
enough to send to the old
children. The - vitro, being
alone, sent,to her husband
age of a neighbor who wan
had no moans ' The 'kind
money s and tha3nalajgot
ly acreee : the Atlantic. ati
the esetantion or Lis . Den
ust volOqrsmmitroMi
1 010 144 4(1444 . mt. Bi 4
d bo a good 'real eatata
t she canted" around:"
, .
There is no , pat» which the Cett,
• k
Lluitcienta will not relieve, no
;melting they will not subdue, and
• 'no tameness which - .410' wilt nit,
J., Pure. - This is• strong language,. but
"' ;t is Artie: • They Atie - prodneed'
• mtiltrpor, More L.cures'of rtieuinattem, 4tebrat r - -
gip, cou..... j aw. palsy. sprains, swellings, caked breasts,
scalds, burns, selt.riteum.
„earache, ikc., upon the . hu
man frame, sue of strains, . galls; open
animals in one yedr than :have other pretended
teniedietf stub° the •Wtoild'begini; They are 'counter
irritant, all-healing -pain relievers. Cripples ',throw
away their erutehes, the lame, walk , polsonotte. bites
are rendered ham - Mesa and the wounded are healed
Without a scar. The recipe is published around each
bottle. They sell as no articles ever before sold, and
they sell because they cio just what they pretend to
do. , Those - who now - ender front rheumatism. pain or
iivielllng deserve to suffer if they will net nee Oenteiir,
Liniment, white wrapper. More gosh loot certified*
of remarable eines, including. frozen limbs, chronio
rheumatism. gout, running tutu(); e. de., have . been
',received. We.vrill, send a• circular - containing certif•
nates, the recipe: &c., gratis 'to any one requesting it.
One of the yellow wrapper Centaur Liniment le
worth one, hundred dollars for:spavined, or swelezded,,
horses and maim'', or for eerew-lraiM tuitherP-'
owners—these liniments are worth your attention.—
Ito family should be without them. " White wrapper
for family use;" Yellow . wrapper for qpimals. Sold
by all Druggista. - 150 cents • per 'bottle; large 'bottles.
$ l . OO - 3 - 11 - 1 / 08 r. & Co. , IS prOaclWaY:,lllew York.
a in VJtgisia,, is
ICall Us in his prisence
r, him taul.out a tohaOco
fluff and apply an 'snor-
It is coviste of time to
npnix hiS
tic Mom conttintly,,fie.
.?.—'rhia brutal naur
pcirt hot Thursday. Re
Iffold admitting his guilt.
horrible,. The
d In the Willinmeport
the Monphle goiters on
a corn field near Smith.
nty ticket, was electod
th, of Elmira, arrived
naliflats for Miserably
tlectsa by 19 majority;
til sheriffs in (Thatatiqtut,
Cliemung and Yates
, crit, is elected Senator
Schuyler district by
ben., Houghton la elect-
Dtstrint by 200 ma.
lne 4 week says: '•7`ho
, udrloh• will bo gratified
, ~ell University, takes
liu colleges, and bazar&
I .
truth of the proyoltitiou
.wu in heaven.
>f the Town:lds, pulpits
avoktug bleaaings upon
fl, he modestly added:
i i intent, 0 Lord."
'clad from itukhabno l ok
.ted, and it is expec4d
tier Wrought before the
isilroad Will be of law
Satert.lo)ast, hew..
arm, but 11 11 ieporti . 4l that
Loci on rrhlay afternoon
ext teen:deg. And
1873, at Binghtue, died
.of the first
z 7.-• '
n funflaheatho following;'
earnings until be bad
c ountry for bia wife, and
afraid to tuaka t)te trip
or ' To pay lb* giair
to moo to America but
I ,eartiml . husband sent tha
to Soo* . Eihcity, tybotq. by
tor t ';te lid 'tfor4i
tTFIPO Nrkta . to iePO tier
il9 1t 1 41,i 4; 4 1r4,4
1)1 re,torkpi oieniog• b#, PA* 11 ,..4/ 6 t-
. 14tif iftrd hu4 _otmo-nif;- ; li
0 - ther'Atiati, girl heti ,tit*en ail ine
- azt4; vileintesalseet the hoes. rith heti ": .ther
14111*4 4144 storm Sadler* like
thr iint*axatti6l2:
,found s seitible home for his two'citildrew, Se4.lnide ' , • O " tr
• ralcosaiiritiCPciaita. •
up Me gain, pelt hare% , • • • •
.brainbaltrii from eines, awl he' 4, tot - sorry. Was ' ORA. kTgit
b...4..in g ratitaie • . .
This CoMPlWkinsbxes 'against' lose or duzolgo by'
• fire or lighten* inepiclieg Uve t atoek of farm. •
Thts,Comiriey is ceii4u4tai eiletriati,i• mutt prie
,ciples.' -Erel ypei iositsbg 'wail ComPasY be t,
comes it member, b oa aright to vote at -elections
' for Pliectori. - by pkoir or Otherwise. The books of
the Compeer are aubject-to the Inspection or the mem*:
beta et eu remixed:lle hots. • '- •
- •• ntouvi ALLES, - Preablent; -. •
JOB BEXrOltD,,Vice Prfaident.
L G. PR l llll4,44e'aretary„'-•- - .
134/4:1414 Tresatirer.,' ,
au.sti.• Joe• Barrel:b. B.Wier ) , -Peres
VasNr4ii Daratte,":EL 43..1410 e. T.•
,14.41iri . .X. rem%
nos. thunty stniziNoi, wollaboro; P*.;
Wallete9to lier,,Al k 1879.44
- ITIOROLG-LNI ; EV.F.N4.—At •Youie of the bridn
Nov, 6th, by Rev.-. 1. F. Calking, Mr. "noft G. Nichols
and'Atins btoveue:both of Wellabolb, .
ROGERS- , -IIRM10 1 1,02".-..fit reildsiace Mr.
Goo, it,. Muffin - Nov. lit, by Itev. W. Tforinur,
Theadorc H. lingers, of. Melton and Min" 'mita
VeMellWay. of Ifurilogton,
,Put ; • ;_-
Cse ntaur .Lhaillneffits.
CAST ORIA is more than a substitute for Castor
014 It is the only safe article in existence which is
certain to awaniiiate the food, regulate the bowels,
cure wind•colic and produce natural sleep. It con.
tains neither minerals, moiphine or alcohol, and is
ildaaintitO nani::: Children need not cry and mothers
may rest.. . o.A. 28 -1873-Iy.
Boofland7s - German Bitters.
It is over thirty years since thiinelebrated remedy
was introduced to the American Public. During this
time it has performed hundreds end thousands of the
most statonielaug cures, and Ha reputation and sale
have now reached a point that tar surpasses any rem
edy of the pr'seut or past ages. It has acquired this
great reputation, not by a sy stem. o f p u tfw g .t,
but by
the actual merit of the article itself.. If Avie are af
flicted with say of the diseases for which it is recom
mended, such as Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous
Debility, or disorder of the Digestive Organs, it will
not fail to sustain its reputation in your case. It is
not an airobolic drink, but a pure Medicinal Bitters
'that wli do you good.', For sale,hy all Druggists. Be
sure yo get Hootiapull m
Geran:Bitters." 'John
ston, Holloway 4 Co., proprietors. 602 Arelt.B4, Phila
delphia.- 4-June 24, 7m-liot. ,
- and
, ,
is the boot remedy in the world for the followingeom
plaints, viz.: Cramps in the and Stomach, Pain
in the Stomach, towels, or Sider Rheumatism in all
its ilmlne, Billions Colic, lieuraigia,-Cuulem, Dysen
tery, Colds. Fresh Wounds, Barns, Sore Throat, Spi
nal Complaints, fiprailis and' Bruises, Chills tld' re
vor. yoil Internal and External nee. '
Its 'operation is not only to relieve the patient,.
entirely removes the cause a the complaint. It pon•
etrates and pervades the whole system, restoring
healthy action to all Its- parts, and quickening the
blood. ------„,..
ale and All Healing.
Pepared by
No. 215 Fulton Street, New Fork.
For este by all druggists. July 29, , 1673-2y.-
Thirty Years' Experience of lIIL OM Nurse.
PRESOR[PTtON OF one of the beet Female Physi
cians and Noreen in the-Bruited btatea, and has been
.used for thirty years with never tailing safety and
success 6y milliOna of mothers and children, from the
feeble anent of one week old to the adult. It cor
rects acidity of' the stomach, relieves wind colic, reg.
ulates the bowels, and gives rent, health and comfort
to mother and child. We believe it to be the Best and
Soma Remedy In the World in all cases of DITSEN
VERY and - IN' CHILDREN, whether it
.arises from Teething or from any other cause Fall
directions for
will accompany each bottle.—
None Genuine unless the faa airulle of 01311T/13 &
PERKINS le on the outside - wrapper, „Sold by all
Medicine Dealers. , July 29, 1812-ty. I s
' ' 'Children often look Pale and Sick
from ho other cause than having worms in the stomach.
will destroy Worms without injury to the child, being
perfectly warm, told free from all coloring or other
injurious ingredients usually need in worm prepara•
%Awls. eu itTpB & BROWN, Proprietors.
No. 21e Fulton Street, New York.
Sold by Druotets and Chemists, and, dealers in 'Medi
cines at l'ismiTs•Frvs CENTS A, Box. July 29,134 y,
Trial List ,, Nov. Term, 1873
Elizabeth Baker vs. Erie Hiker.
- P.O. Leifelaud vs. A. B. Coats and Timothy Costs.
B.C. Etcheiffelin vs. Sol Bennett et ea. '
Elvrell Tkorn vs. John Prntsman:
J. B. Potter.v.. Henry M. Lattin et a/.
C. L. Micox vi. A. Bruner & Bro.
James"3loVoy vs. Israel MoVoy.
Gso..D. Keeneibs, B, B. Holiday.
Geo. Bennett use of E. Pomeroy vs. David Colegrove.
Converse & aigood vs. John F. PonCdson. •
Phebe A. Wells vs. EL W. Reynolds.
W. 0. Bronson it a/ vs. Stephen Olcbtt: -
B. R. bailey vs. Albert Clark.
-Asa A. Bullock vs. Audrew Scoutcm. -•
Alexander Jones vs. Ell Jellify.
Seth H. Wetmore vs: Jeff Harrisoii. Adm's. '
William Champlin vs. Samuel Tubbs et at. '
Denton ()crow vs. Francis Kohler.'
Ceo. W. imikley vs. William Wood.
S B. Bailey el a/ vs, Miner Field et al. '
• H. A. Thornton vs.-John Snyder.
dr. Co.wi. Fordyce A. Allen.
Geo. W. Hazlett vs. Ward & Menardie.
Socrates Cornell vs. A. B. A. Briggs.
John Robinson vs. John McMahon.
James Rowley use of L. H. Smith vs. Ruth Alford.
Ell - Ames vs. Cowanesque Valley R. R. Co.
Mrs. Brant vs. Cowanesque Valley R. R. Co.
Aarmi Cole vs. Cowanesque Valley R. R. 00.
A. H. Elan vs. CowanesqueValley H.R. Co. -
B, C. CM • '
Nov. 11, 1873-3 t
Daily, Semi- Weekly, and Weekly
The high elutracter which Tits .13Attar Twits Imui
borne in the past le a sufficient guarantee for its con•
duct In the future. It will ,continue to advocate the
ea .:.f the public, without reference to the interests
of indivf • - No Mcnonao wilt - be - spared In the
maintenance of i •• ' Mon as the foremost of Amery
can journals. It is the boa ly faintly newspaper in
the country. It has the latest ne . • best foreign
correspondence, and the largest staff of ho .. • res
pondents.' All objectionable news and adiertisemen •
are rigidly excluded
Tut DAILY Tana, per =rum including the Sun
day Edition - r sl2
Tux Dates TIMMS, per annum, exClualve` of the
Sunday ..... ... ..... 10.
The Sunday Edition, Ow ... 2'
TiThe - Semi;-Weekly Times.
Ssur-WEEELT Truro contains a very careful
epitome of our foreign and home corresporideacm en.
, interesting solection7of current literaturlrem
• beet foreign and domestic Magazines; s choice variety
agrtemilural hatter; arill,-tbiixterlY latest raw! up to
the'hour of going to press.
,:.Turess-;-s3_per annum..
Club rates—Two copies, one year, $5; Ten copies, one
year, $25, and one extra copy free. New names: may
'be added to'clubs at any time during-Me year, at club,
. ,
The Weekly Timee.
Tat Wrskty Truss is undoubtedly the beat paper
for the farmer. for the'ruechanici, and, for all .who
which'are 'served .. .Only - bi , weekly.*dis.,
It containi.-itt addition to edit:alai: notion** mq
rant toßicil7anVicelleut cenansittiffirtf tre new - of
the week; the most - important event". both..how and
foreign, are reviewed at length, and a largo qtity_
of matter is given , especially interesting to the farmer
and mechanic,
,Its. market, reports_ eta, the fullest and
Most accurate ih ilte could*: , r _,S2 per annum.
Clubwalea oue Post Office
addrees—Five copies, P'er antrum, $7 a; Ten copies,
per annum; $12.50; Twenty coplea„ . • per annum, $22;
Thirty copies, per annum, $3O, and one.extra copy tO
each club. For every club •of fifty, ono copy of 'tux
Skatt-IVEnti.tx Tnansle the Getter-up of the Club.
.When the names of effisicithokli are-Xclutie&•totiP .
written Upon'efich papei•oi.thaelub at-OneTgetlOffice
address; ten cents. for each copy additional, to the
above rides., " •
TirEtiami- r )vzsitLY and Watifixtmalled one year to
cieiks , niouat_t.tioloafOat rates‘ • - ' •
Intro prleea Rent t in drafts on'
New-York or l'oet :Mike. Money era, if pownifte,
voinxt , -..kAnalttier - of t4kfit4 cliFt _ eared rend - tin)
- - -
-- or? rtmaria:ANlA. 4 -
iii*_4 l : - .,ovvAlit : El
• ,
TTAVISer Marna to Wellatkoro protioses. hitreafter
IX to IJovote No time to the general hardware trails,
At bts'new store, in the Opera Souse Mock.- will be
found a lull assortment St gootte:tat his line; including
Mill Saws of all kilndi!,
C AltE l EN.rERS! ,WOOtic
and everyadng else upually kept in fkitralaas - Mud'
ware Store. - -
. .
fo also has on bane a large variety , of Stoves for
woodanil,coaLtonong wllickl le the well Intowti •
bc;wldes namerone other cook atoiei; the "OONSTEL.
LaTioN!'-antivAIITIMNi-"-hard•kooal 'bowers, and a
variety of soft coal burneie.
Jobbing done to oider
by the boll of workgien it reasonable rate'
WelLsboro, Nov. 11, 1873
*l4c :: gq,pit,*kci.el;
3UialorLe,t.o, Tzoo.t Co..
t , ,_ ,-• . . . .
P E It . Y.E A R
Pa. • . , , •
~ . r iAnfcg7 d 3 d ' ottoi'cll d e 4 7 a 1
,1 2 ;3 1 ,it n ' - .
board. Including furnished room,
fuel, oil, and 'washing. Students
intertchug to- teach receive State apppropriatlon.
Iteelnia tore IteMboarding can be procured. ..2, •
. I ruition without board s3o.por Tear.
A full.facnity of exparkinced and aucomiful teachers
instructirm thorough, discipline firm and praventiya
For further particulars address the Principal.
Milusfield, Nov. 11, 1873.-et.
TilWO_ HOUSES FOIL SALE. — The - subscriber
offers for sale two good dwelling houses on the
north aids of East Avenue, in We'labor°. I They are
first-class, well builtsnd convenient in every respect.
They are within a tew minutes walk of the business
part of the village, and:will be sold cheap and on easy
terms. Yngnire of • - 1d5403,8,EA88.
We'labor°, Oct. 2R. 12..
SCHOOL NOTICE.—Tim Directors of Chatham
School District will; meet at the Stark's Colmar
School house, on Saturday, the tirteenth day of Nc.
'ember, at ton o'clock . a. m., for the purpose of hire
trig teachi:re for the winter term. Teachers are re.
quested.to present their certifiratecf _and make cum
tract with the Board; By, order of the Board. •
- L. C. SUITS,
Chatham,"Noir. 4, 187x.-2t. 734orotitrp
PI DRS.=9II Collector of State unl County taxes
for 'nosh minty are requested to settle their dupli
cates at - the nit* session of court.
ollaboro, soy. 4-'2.t.
A lIDTOR'II NOTXCE..eurfhe undersigned ap
-11; po ted an Auditor to distrthute the money in the
hands o D. L. - Deano, - clerk.'in the matter or,Alfred
Beaty, 1 to of Jactaon, deviased, stilt attend to the du
ties of be -appointnisot at.hie pines In Wellaboro,
Tioga c ilulty, ra., on 'Saturday , the 99th day of No
gembe ,1870, at 1 o'elfFit in the afternoon, when and
where 11 parties having any claim on the said fund
must p ant and auhutautlate the same or be for ev
er debarred !TOM eoniing In for any part thereof.
W. A, tv.fONE.
Wedlehoro, 'Nov. 4,470-4 t; -- . Auditor.
1 4 d07VICIr. '
) - „, . • .
c" , ;' , F,ItODUPE -TALK:RW:IN,
Wellaboro; Oct. 14, 1879.-tf.
American. Institute,
134_1,F4 , 030ring and Ilutinklaolunes.
t r one and will meet the wants of every
, a
•It is
• Exhibit. it 11.872.
John E. davit, Bee: S. -- E; -- a,....Ei sseei smitt Pres.
Samuel D. Tillman, Corresponding
New York,, November 20,
Tele abnple and ingenious Machine.% as useful as
,the Sewing
~Machime, and is fast becoming popular
with ladies, th the place of expensive. Needle-work. its
work being ninth more handsome, requiring less
thin) and nut one tenth part the expense. No lady's
toilet is now complete without it. A Machine with U.
instrated_oirBular and full instructions sent on reqeint
of $2. or linished in silver plate
ladriso. The BleKee Manufaeliring . Co
- Zi 9 Broadway, New Fork.
• •
recommended-by:,regnhir practltioheA attd sPearly
cure guaranteed for Colds, Coughs`` Catarrh, -Asthma.
Bronchitis, Spitting Blood; Consumiptiou, and all Pul
monartcomplidats.Scrofula, Erysipelas,l/y/peps's
al4 - Goat. Bysenteiy, Cholera.morbus, Cholera and
all liver and bowel complaints. Kidney diseasea and
all affectiohatketirinal Organs-..perfectly harmless
—free from or Alonholto Properties—:pleaaatit
to take and net hi known to fail—Price 81 . per Bottle.
Full particulizarclith medical testimony and certill r
-ate. scup otilipillcatiOn. Address, L. F. HYDE CO.;
195 EleventliKvelfuer,'Newt Tory. — . .
A Book gar re V; extthelnd 4 ttlfilkatik - ta" that
have appeared :,le the heir York Nowapapers: their
histdry und.lesaos.l Stylish Villains fUlly ex
posed. Adveitite tents from desperate men to bean
tilul women; Ciand stine meetings; how frustrated;
,f;iatory.of the r oodrieh Tragedy the _zeault,
of a` slp'etabail."' leyieription of Broadway
Statues. HapOsa social corruption. Sent on
receipt ef-.50 eta.ddress,,Bulgpi *luting tiolise,-
136 1 7e80 • - • ' s •
log- Machine ' ,
many adviuitadtte •
$24 refautted. Set
itixE7rikyo_ - • tE - V-ott -EvErruv.p,
siostliniaisriantin f . i . old ny The Risotto Truss
~ BrOad\biy, Y: City. It retains Rupture st)
solutely in ease.a. Cetnifidtt", night and 4.y. at all
- tiosee. end Under ell circumstances, Without sny ex
rll4o4'looo.o tuJ y case l and should. never batik'
hen tre4rarglnr thel • W4:fine reitialeickto ofha per
„ a
.y ; mail. Circulars Init. - Any
.I r 4l4 llftion will ',order Ude'
' - • -7.T.101!,P1':
TAN-;f~g7t.~,-; ;=
Ti. itONYLKiM,
$2O Portable Family kaew
u-„Thirty.. Daya—Th 1
411,411atuftetton`guarant063. or.
Ixynglati t with' full 41"tions.—
• " eVeN:
.< , '''.IO.'ELLSBORki MARKEL' , '
'‘vii44'llli)lik:NOYMlSlEß 10 , 187 $ 2 t,
Wiiits wheat flour. per bill, . -
Aniner " " 10 00
Spring - I it 00 I
Buckwheat Ibur, per oWt.'i. : ter -326 4 I
Wheat. ythlte, per lBO -
Wheat, apriug, ,
-; .!•
Coro: shelled. '
Clovek seed,- --•
'Zlitiotky need,
Beaus. " * * r - 202
4 :k 01 ver,ewt.: r .
Peed, per '
cwt I.
Potatoes, per bush. . . 1 %50
Appies, green, per bna . ti.; ' , ; 60
Onions, per
Turuips,,per bush:: . 26
Pork; per - . . ,
Darns, per lb -- • "
Should ars, per • - ' „,. • J'
Butter,Per. lb..
.;,.. .J •
Clietie; - per.lb ' - -
per lb.. . 0" •
_Tallow. per lb' ' '
a0403 , ..-Per
Beeswax, per lb:
Vinegar, per .. , I-
Eggs, per dozen
Dried apples, per lb" ' •-" -
Dried peaches, .per lb..
Dried cherries, per lb • -
Dried blackberries, per lb - 16
Dried raspberries. black, per lb.. ~ 25
Dried raspberries, red,
- - per lb 20
Cranberries • per- • '
Say, - per ton • -
,Woo4,lolpc.hesr,l4r cord - •
.Wood, S feet4"er cord
Coal, hard, per On
Coal,' soft -
Ground plaster, per ton
SPgaiA "A" coffee, per lb
Sugar, yellow, per lb:— =
Sugar, brown, per lb
'Tess, green, per. lb , -
Tess, black, Per lb
Kerosene;per gal .
Wool, per lb .
Nes, Canada field, - .
}315431i4yed '
lU;clTlClEl...i4Vltereas,my wife? Phebe has left
11 my bed'and board without just OM* or provoca
tion. All persons are ' warned not ,to harbor her. or
give her credit. as I shall pay no debts of her con
tracting after this date, 4 oct. 18. 1872.•
Charleston, Oct. 21.1878-Bt* T. J. BUTLER.
-21 a 18• Woodruff; You are hereby notified that Mar
tha Woodruff has applied- to the Court of Common
Pleas , of Tioga &aunty for a divorce frolicthe bonib3 of
matrimony, and 'that the said court has appointed
liondafthe 24th darof November next, for vale:wing
in the premises, when and where you can attend, if
you think proper. • . - A', Y/SEL
Wollsboro, Pa.; Nov., 4,1873-4 t, Sheriff.
ADMINISTRA.T9RIP SALE..."Niiticei is here.
.. by given that by a virtue of an order issued out
of the orphans' Uourt of Tioga county, the under.
signed Administrators of the estate which ' was of
Richard late of , Morris in - sald county. de.
ceased, will expose to sale by nubile outcry, at the
Court House. in, W4liaboro t o on %btu sday the" fourth
day of December next, at o'clock p. m., the I follow
ing described real estate, litte the property of said de.
All that certain IE4 of land in Morris town*hip in
saidroonnly ot TWO, bounded on the north by Henry
Miller. east Henry Wref,.souta - by Frederick
ger and Bohn Linck, and on the Weist - by AC G. Bear:min
and W. W. Beaman, containing about. 185 acne more
' .
or less.
Terms:—One-third at confirmation of sale; one
third in one year thereafter; one-third in tire years
thereafter, with interest.
e. 4dm, 'ts•
Nov.ll, 1813:4t.
letters of Administration de &mit non to !the es.
tate of Leander Ouiver,late of the Borough of Elklate..
Tioga county, deceased, have been granted to the sub:
scriber, all persons fifttekted to the said estate are re.
quested to make immediate payment; and thodb hay.
hag claims or demands against the said estate of the
decedent, "will preieut the same without delay fox pay.
ment. THOS. ALLEN.
Administrator de bonis non.
Wellsboro, Nev. 11, 1878-ot.
Oren, Pork City Mat&
46H.E.a.D4 \ reinrirvERs7
Soll,th hest "Made, trimmed, and the beet fitting garments for Men
Boys ard:Children in Northern, Pennitylvania.. Very many people eom-
plain that they never had a good fitting suit
we guarantee a perfect fit every time, and our pries are .
alWays 'sewer
than , goods:of-the same quality eau - be purchased 'ewhere..
• .
Wtlleboro, Oct, 21,1873-tf. THOMAS HABEGN.
l_6 . t'ut . telt! g: Prgy Bohan (I- •- - P
Our Stock of DRY GOCIODS
la enueually large and attractive. It eopelka or
BLACK ALPILOAS, a Spoolaity.
Black. Cashmeres, Black Silks.
. ,
',StripedOttomari,,,• •7" . ' • •
Binglo and . .DoubleTaiSleys;
Thibetiznd Reavy _Double Shetrols
Waterproofs, and Cashtneres, Flannels, . _
Domestic and Housekeeping Goods'
__ • •
Priuts, Mullins, Tickings,
I. Den!put., Shillings, Napkins,
Linen Table Cloths, Tol'vels: - 'l - ` --
Lace Curtains,; White Goods ,
—_______ . _ . . . •_ .
Ladies' Bel ts, hushes and Ties, .
. .? -, - • - • A line stock . of Fancy Goods,
' 1 .
Kt Gloves, Larl, EmbroW -
eries, &e. . . '
- - ~• • .. .
. ,
. '
• „ _ ..., -_ ,
. — Wit -I ( \r ic•
. „..1
"l ii s ertitiN ( 6l ..
.- ' .CLIT Lla `(3-.
, .
1 . .
New and stylish Full Suits, for Men, Youths, and Boye.; Spring, Fall, and
Winter Overcoats.
Benfinriber that we tnanufactu
ers considertible. We call espec
We keep a' large stock of Fin 11
We, guarantee allmork i dolle by - us as regards fit and style,'
New Hats. Cap s , a larg e fat:TA of dents' Fur9icling (*lode,
Don't fail to. call on us . before u purchase, as; - we can offer l
i-ycix can' 1y
gre - t
-1 • •
4 ' . GUTTENBERG - ItOSENBAUM 8/: co ,
wholesale kltore.
105 DUANE ST., NEW YORK. - -
• • _
„ Ms lig.f itNKOrff., Managing Partner
ser Bradeb atoies—VB *iter Uziipn - 131bick Ebnirei' ' b
Dettok tind.Uoitt63' ,/ r USElT;t...tkpjAk
s •.• • '"
1 60
I ao
5 00
- 7 6007 76
• 850 ' • .B 60 -
-12 K,
. . . 7.0011
_ .80034 60
- 800581 25'
In 41 the new shades,
A. - full assortment of
re our own goods and can therefore gave bui
, al attention to our
impor t ed Cassimeres, Coatings, and Beavers
otn work - on . short notice.
We do Cue
, .
in FGlliTgri , 9 - , - NO'fit.44--Notics:. Is ''lliettiby
In f ravuu tiAitik o Executers - and tidndnistriters nista.:
ed bshottr La: 4 1: 1 / 1 41MAX' lkecOliritei an the ilegister's
°fade for 2 wza ceunty„ Pa., 'end. . tlud Reid amounts
will 60 praseii tod JO the Orphans' Court fot said WWI.
ty, at a session of said Court to be bold at WelLaboro,
In said county, oil 31 - onday, the 24th dayottiowerabst,
1873, at 2 o'clock, p. In., tur allquanc,o and oonflranet
_ •
Final acconut of Jehu Howland aart ,Hannah
exeCutors of the had will ofat testament of E. S. SeelY.
late of Dectreeld, Tioga a/minty, Pa.. deceased._ ,
Thud acfltruut of 0.4. , Smith suet W, W.Tate, ex u•.
tors of the lasi - ivjll ana•testimeist of Coura4, Beragol-•
er, late of °sines, Tioga county,-,Pa.,‘deceased.
Flusl account of M. IL Beta) and Edgar Ebner, att.
mtntstratore, cum testament.) etmeso, of the estate of
J. B. Ratan, late 'of Jsekeott, Tie& , der.
AdCaunt'of - ingeline :Shepherd and 2i. W . Garrison;
administratOra of the estate' of E. D. Shepherd, late of
jackson. ,Tioga county, Pa , deceamed. • • .
Final iceottet of Losing gee. adniittistratriz of the
fatato of JoßePtt Oee, lute of'.3lllllslntry; Ttosa'corin
ty, Pa., -deceased,
Final account. of Orren W eat. allmlnlstrator of the
,'estate of 'Win. Archer; into Of 1114tIlebury, Tiota oonn.
th Pa:, deceased,. '
r -
Second paittal'aceollnof Lori IL oheite, adnalnla
trator of the estate of Waterman Malntyre,late of
Jackson, Tioga county, Pa., deceased. • . •'.
WellaPorc, Pa;, Oct. 28, /873.r4t. - P. L. DE.LNE - ;
- Resister.
ctPir.CLAL COVE/J/t.=-Tlie follovllng 'attusee have
0 been certified to tipeolal Term of Court ou the £th
Monday of December, itrldi - .
John W Ourneey vii Collins W. iloper,let al., Ito.
19ft, Nov. Term, 1868.
John Vichar and Joh nTtandill vs D. Dodge,
Daniel Jaluels and Tunas Stokes.lio,' 484,'May Torn,
1870, • I 1
A. Westbrook vs W. L. It.R. Co., No. 14, Jan. 1870.
JAMS* Stevens vs " ' " • 17, "
DL-W. Calkins vs, "
Dean,Dutton va ~ ".. •• lb, ~, "
O.W. Hazlett va .. 20. .. 44
IL J. Inset.° va . 24 4 6% 411
Tent bpalding'va i , 797... ..
Edward bayerrve.. es 292, .. 414
Albert Aldrich va " .. 296. as as
Eliza toelkti, et al. va" - ••
,18, ~ , . 4*
Bally Dutton Ire 44 -
19... ..
,Tebn McGraw va Farrington Baraelow, No. 300:E . wv•
Tarn 1877. R. O. COX.
Oat. 214 1879.4 t. Prothonotary.
Have Just received a very large assortment of Otkok
and Parlor Moved, for wood and eoal, whir& they offer
for sato at reasonable prices. Every stove fully war•
ranted. We bavei the celebrated
for wood and coal, which we offer for sale as the beat
cook staretri this market. Also the
Base Warner, for hard coal, and the , 13PITIPIRX," tor
soft coal, both of which are warranted to give good
Ws are agents for the ne.rseheints Plows, which on
ly need a trial to insure a sale.
We keep a general assortment, oft
Ha s sidllerare p Nails,
110178 E T> GS,
Tin-Ware, Sheet-Ironi Ware ,
CoPl4 3 r, All for este at "Ilya and let live pricey."
All klude of JOB WORK promptly done and sAtitsfan•
Bon guaranteed.
A share of tho pnhlSc patronage solicited
D'. H. DELenxi, t
C. E. Borms2l4,
WoDebar°, 23.-3 tao.
We say
,to all- such, that
oring Pepartmfni,
- -
rwartuaig uiu &s, 440ici
.L via mu usug to luta. to-sait 4tuitfiminik,
' sr, Witrranted,'_parttenla*ter)ttai,..gtyazky!
. .
Roll Ciftling - etOloth Dregilig
Wo n3samfaettirit to order, isn't 6 ali-klritts'of StNi
Carding and Cloth Draftily, sail 'Seri saarrpatittorri •
Wo I:Lava ss gocAkori asiortmat4 ot. .
- Full 4101,T, Ca ssi 4.6.1
and givet:hota for Woca In azahatica than ear other
eatabltalgaant. Ti 3 them =I sehayy yonratiremt .
-We wholesale and retail at the Cotranessiue .milts. 3
miles below Knoxville),
Jan. 1. IFra.
J. H. Griswold's Water Wheel -
E uuderiigned, aro agents for !ha abOra Nate!
I 'Wheel, and can cheerfully recomwend It *a aIzPV .
nor to aU lothero In nab. Peraona wlahtng to vs:
chase ahozld see this Wheel In operation before buy-
Log other wheels. - INGIIA.I4 EROB-.
I -
- Deerfield, 'Slay 15. 187 . .
Bead the following: . - T
• • Warrrtai.n, A.rnm 21, 1872.,
- thexindaratgned. purchaneo ono of I. H . Gris.
wold'a no Inch Water Wheels ualit o g 68 inches of Water
rim three run of steno under loot head. and are
to r
well ploaaed with the wheel. W hails ground - aiSt7
baahola per hour with the three run and can average
that amount per hour all day. I , • .
K. D. Priimars.
Important to Farmers
P. 1111GONEY,114%
Has just returned trolu New -York with a large sail
fresh - stock of goods, which v7111;4 sold at
"prices that cannot fall to In
cruttomore. The
Feed, FI4OUR, Salt,
Fish; Soaps, Starch, Spices,
attiKt Statts .gea eCompang,
OF NZ:VT Y 02233"
_ L
age. Come and.' buy, ONCE and will apish
Itenielmber the p4s.oeil
• Scoond - foor below the WeVeber° Hotel.
Wellaboro,_B., Oct. 14, 1873. W. P. BI9OHEY
Canvassing Books Sent:Free For' '
Prof. 'Fowler's Great Work
On Manhood, Womanhood and their-
Mutual Inter-relations ; Love, Its Laws,
Power, etc.
Agents are Selling from 15 to '25 copied a day, aid we
send a canvassing book tree to any book agent. ' Ad- -
dress. staziog experience, etc., NATIONAL PUDLISLI
INC* CO.) Philadelphia, Pa.
JRN.Y. —
ther iiuEai2o,,ouL
and FdldILT Wszar.t, is the St&
dard Authority upoii Practical Subjects mutt A
llieh-Toned Literary Jodrual. only $2,60 a year—.
lees to clubs. Great Premiums ortlaattGommissiotis
to Agents. Thirtten Numbers (Oct. to Jam) On - Trial.
icyr Only Fitly Cents! Premium List, &0., sent
free to all Trial Subscribers. Address D. D. T.
MOORE, New York City.
N FIAT BO ()K Now ready for agents; Rome
Life in the Bible. By
DA-NIEL 31.tacn. D. D., author of "'Night Scenes in
the Bible•• and •• Onr Father's House." of which near-,
ly 140.000 copies of each were sold. Send for mica
14tr. ZIEGLER $. M'CURDL 618 Arch St . Philadel
phia, Pa. •
OLARICirgSTEIAIES solved: disasters sud
escapes vividly portrayed. Bee FROZEN
ONE and its EXPLORERS. A splendid octavo
of 800 pages. moat profusely illustrated with elegant
steel and wood engravings. A fascinating history er,
drlic adrenture. The most saleable book out. AGESIA
WANTED. Send for terms and sample pages to Atutn.
al Publishing Cu., Hartford, Conn.
Why" Blousekeeper's Manual" Sella.
A succraful +gent says: ', Unlike all other books, it I
has a claim oh woman's attention. A 1101nr, , T0.2101Flig
CATIVASS P.ll - 64" S7O , 00 . in one week was made by a
For terms and territory apply to J. B. roma .t• co.,
New York, Boston, Chicago, or San Francisco.
- •
..4s.arzamt sew 'QWaxa:tocl ■
141111 Mini
' ,7 r
The cheape.st and best in the market. Warranted Un
ly self-adjusting. Special Inducements to
Washing Machine Agents and the Cows..
try Trade. Liberal terms.' Agents wanted. Send
Manufacturers and Patentees, office, 480 Walnut St..
Philadelphia,Pa. ,
ATWOOD, produces the largest light. Oar, be used
on any coal on lamp. For sale by all lamp dealers. .
The Neutral Sulphite of Lime. as prepared by BIG
LINOS,- CLAPP & CO., Ika l ton, formerly Z. R. Winn
ROUND. New York ale°, i) College Pla •• -
MIMING INSTITIITE. 417 Fourth avenue. N. Y.
at reference,. 2io pay until cured. Feud itre utrl
GENTS. ---1114
wanted for our popu
and religions and historical
CHARTS. Splendid assortment 1 Large Wes (L}rite
profits! . Address vrJusis At Li:MR=IIT, Empire
Map and Chart Establishment, 107 Liberty. Bt.; New
, MIEN, Olds Lind Bo wanted to
sail our French an d
d American
Jewelry, .tioolie, dames, itc.; in their own ioaitliticeti
No (ands] needed. Cattlogue. Terms, Ice., ilea Elam.
o. VICKERY & CO., Augusta, Maine.
$5 to $2O pe r'llaYl-A trg i g ta peop lk . l itt t
sex, young or make more money at work tom( a
their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything
else. , Particulars free. I Address STINSON, & CO..
Portland, Maine. ' • Oct. Stait.
11. tice is hereby given that the following applicatioha
fur charters of incorporation have been sled in my cif.
flee, and will be presented • to the Court of Common
Pleas or Tiogs county, Monday, Novetsber 24, 1873:
Application of Rev. Dr. Breck. John Hinman. DaTLQ
Cooper, and others, for the ". Trinity Church. Antrim.
'flogs county, Pa." ' •
Application of R. M Smith, John F. Schanbaclese,
John Sfayhard, and dthers,-for ' the " Second ar...x.
Church in Gaines, Tioga county, Pa."
Application of Charles W. Brown, L. IL Decier, W.
G. Lutz, and others, for the " Odd Fellows Building
Association of Mansfield, nosh county. Pa.. .• -
Application of Andrew Vandusen; Edga r U./Raven*,
James L. Peters, and others, for. the " Urdon Ceme
tery Company."
Wellshoro, Nov. 4, 18 •t. Prothonotary:
- _ , Mathers & Bodine
Have bought out the busineSs of
blathers, Holiday & Co: anti pro
pose henceforth -to do ‘buSiness for
CASH or its. equiki which: is
far hers' produce lof - all ki n siich
as Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Lard; Pprk,
Grain, Rags ; Beess i vax, &c.. We shoji
keep a full line )ry GoodS, :Gro
ceries,' Read,y;.inacle Clothing, .Btiotis
and Shoes, - - Hatsind Caps, Yankee
Notions, tke. I'Ve will pay_ . a fair
price for produce, and .sell our goods
- -
1 - ak - reasonable rates in .exchange.,:-
We nave also; connected_ with- our
business a
We can. furnish blinders and odiers
with 'flooring, Siding, all: kinds of
Heinlock and - Pine Luniber, Vaiber,
4,c; , ready . for use,: i, :7
pqrti - EIANpE,NE - :.,us
N doller.gobjdsl4*
otirrptuOiii'etp . fil :ailY'imrt-'OI 4644.
Weliabom 11 . 1. /M4l
-~_. ,