r: LOCAL - NO*ES.-i-:.:'= .-.---7- ;': , • • .1 • " ' Job work executed at ttielAi.syra.rox of gie receives the highest cominenclation from the bilst Judges. , • D r , UpDeGraff,. of 'Elmira; has been, ap pointed surgeon of the .Northern Central Railway Corrtpa.n., All persons Indebted to N.:11. GLAi's...Ntutr. ate requested -to. payment. Wellabor(); The Ladies' ' St. Pall's, church Will Etouse par in, lore next' Thur.; sre will pay ita pail batter. - • .3 . : &A. M. Buzi:i. : Err. C o vingtop,.Pa., TE.;3-Bt,, The annual renting of df:=Wel I s .toro Church, will- tAke j a y, November Bth, at . 2 crolock 4 p. . - DONATION: —A donation for the benetltlof Bev. O. P. Alderman, will tie held at tlie house of Mr. Thos. Robinson, Qn ev ening, Nov. 7th. All are invited. Teachers applying for permanent Certifi cates, will please acidress.W. W. Baldwin, Tioga, Pc. Committee, W. W. BALDurtx, T. H. EDWARDS, B. W. BASER, Fa - Azottz R. WyLIE, S Dr. IJODI rgical Insti tute is fa , ,t twin - 711der hie tasty eye, it will assume an appearance that will make it a credit to therifthilWard and our eity.—Elmira Advertiser. Igronvan• .N,tiTlcE.—:On account of girt legs at the bite fire ell persons indebted to(E. H.ll.ssmas ere requesthd to call and set tle immediately. Office at S. 13. Warriner's Jewelry Store. E. H. HASTINGS. Mllsboro, Nov. 4, 1873-tf. Mr. W. ll.'Dickson proposes to sell 20tOni of hay, a quantity of live stock, farming utensils and household furniture at - kietion at his residence in. Charleston, Wear thellitr dy School House, on Wednesday, No f'. 12, 1813. It will bo a good time tb buy an thing in that line cheaply. The AGITATOR Oflice has just receiv a hogs invoice of printer's stock of the Blest qua lity, and is now .prepared .to .turn out firit-clusspb work on the shortest notice nd 'treasonable mien. Persons desiring. b bing of any kind are invited t o evil and x firnine our sii - cicimens. Ordiis by mail will be promptly and carefully The Catholics of this place have rented a 'hall over Converse & Osgood's store, and have flttted it up as a temporary place of worship. On next Sunday a German priest —Father Kier, of Dmhore, accompanied-by Father Wynne, of BlossbUrg, will visit this place and oeleksrate mass in the, new The German pbr . tion ?f the trongregition are aarnestly_kequested to be present.. ' Leavitt's troupe of Swiss Bell Binders will give a classical and comical concert .at the Academy of Music in this village:thia; even- tag. This will be the third appearance of this troupe in Welisboro, we believe, and our people well know that Leavitt's- enter tainments are flrsb-class and highly enjoya ble. The performances of Fitzpatrick alone ats-worth twice the price of admission. I A new novel by Christia i n Reid, author of 'alerie Aylrner'! and "3lorton House," s commenced in Appletons' 'journal 0 , the date of October 25th. The title is ".A. DAUGHTER OF BOHEMIA." It .dopicts life in a Southern city, and exhibits all that 'dra matic power and constructive talent. which bare marked the previous noverp of this nu ttier, and given - 'her a high place among A.inerican novel isle. - Tartu Fon Sairt, in Delmar township, eithin g. mile of Wellsboro ; 115 acres,i7o rotes cleared, the rest in good timber. Or chard of grafted fruit, a gd 1r story frame dwelling 26132 feet, well inside and outside and a good cepaif • / 1 liarn 30x40 feet. The barn is well 'watered, ley springs; soil szcePent. Terms $5O an iacre, $2,000 down —the balance to suit . purclhascr. Inquire of FIRTSORD BUTLER OR the premises, or of Oct. 14-41. As before stated; the elegant glass ware (to supply the President's State Dinner Ser vice) made at the Corning Glass Works, and cut and engraved in the Cutting Pepartment by Mr..lloaro, will be on exhibition at the Wa d s Works, during each day and evening, nest Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. There will bo a charge of two shillings for admix= sine, which will be given to the ladies of the Episcopal ottirch of Corning, to apply on the parish dt.bi. Many will, doubtless to ej the occasion to see this beautiful ware; bet •d it is eent to Washington,.an'd thus gratify i their cure,, and at the atne time elm tribute toWyrorthy object. for which it is placed on exhibition. PETERSON'S Ilizozznct for November is CID our table, ahead of all others. The prin cipal steel engraving, "Crossing the Brook," is very beautiful. So, also, is *he mammoth colored steel fashion -elute. IA prominent feature of this Magazine is its copyright now; elates, tolof v?:hich appear in this number, "Theo,w6 trodeson, and "The Lost Inheritance," by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, both very farsupeilor to the continued stories to be found in magazines generally. But, as a satsinsiorary says, the stories, the fashions, thepatterns, in short, 1 - vtrything in "Peter.; son," is the best of its kind. The price of this Magazine, too, is another thing in its fa-: vor. Zt is but TWAIOLLARS A Yzin; three soplea for $4 60, with a superb Mezzotint (16 Inches by 24,) "Nor Lost, BUT GoNg, BE-, TORE," to the person getting up the club; or six copies for $9.00, and a copy of the Mag azine for 1874 as a premium to the' person ratting up the club ; or eight eopies for $l2 and both an extra copy of the Magazine for 1574 And the premium engraving to the per son getting up the club. For large clubs the prices, are even lower. Address CnARLEs J. Pirrzasois,Boll Chestnut Street ; Philadelphia, t4e Agitator. _TUESDAY, NOVEMBIJR 4, 1873 Home Affairs. Moto ..ifdriertisseur this arse/0. Dlssolutlon—llerkbam & 11 cd. ?Matto' Notice—Chatham Sc oat District. Notice to Tax Collectors—lL Rowland. Tress. Application for Dicorce—E. A Fish, Sheriff; Situ:Roes Notice—W. A. Stone. Auditor. Application* for Charter—lt. C. Cox, Proth'y. 31E1 R 1 IC 73" S . —November came in with a slight sprink ling of snow on the ground. , -”They are having it hot and heavy at the polls over in "York Stale" to-day. ...-There is to be a total eclipso, of the moon to-day, but ncibody will 'see it in this region. —The new Baptist church at Roseville is nearly completed. It is said to boa fine• building. • • - Don't forget tbat ex-Governor Curtin is to twee° in this village on the evening of the 26th instant. -- 7 5tettbovio t Smith. .of the Block louse, was•killgtt by ihq . fall of a tree•top while at work on plumber job a few.days ago.• —Mr. John Fischler wishes. us to say to those unfOrtiinate people ivho'have odd boots qr Shois of his that if. they will bring them to.his shbp they can obtain the mat..'. —The Westfield Index has -been enlarged to about the sip of the Mansfield Adveriiser: We judge from the last number that it wants tis to notieetho fact, and we therefore dole. —TIi - corning Tourna/ of last — wWel?, in noticing . the result of our election, "Tioga 13 a glorious Republican county, and it is largely owing to the intelligence - and morality of the people, who know what is right and strive to do it," ' rlgn the 18th of this month the qualilled faitoters Ilia tOWilships'of 'Morris sOad thOsia SM4# ReirplK 4044 .40,1q1*- itrq t 9, HIJOH YOUNG, Real tetate Agent yete, - *.the house or ris tkri‘imshlp,„on'tho,queSUf - aq pf flie"i3rb - eiloh of the Piiipbseti tovinehip'jot DtiOcini i : The polls open nth, close et 7 p.*- .z: • . • •••. , • • - - --We are informed that the miners tit Fall Brodk tire working on toie.third time. 'flow long this state of *alias will 'continue; s,utt-' certain! At • Ifforrls - Bun the ,men are still Making full time, ;and aspect io do so indeC: finitely': But ,both, Companies are ably behind in 04 Pityment of wages; Owing to the - difficulty of procuring currency New York. , ':-• • - • ---A-yonng: son of hester Fenton, .of Richmond township was 'drowned last:VA- . daylaY falling into,Dikerimill-porld,neartis, father'S. residence.. The boy was only:. foui or "ilye years old. It.wag t : ,suppoaedt,il at Ins , had, been inthis - wate'rirbotit an h,oUr - before the liecidenkbecaru4- known, and when the hodywas recovered- all hopesof :resuscita-, tion *ere past: • - - —We understand' there was something of a run on the bariliTinglmuse ut Blossburgbist week, It was,beilevid - ,--44koweve t , that the concern yotibl.,successfuDY'weather " the squall without damage. The firm is a strong one,,and its soundness ,is. !undoubted. The business men or_Blossbu„r g are under . strong obligations to do what they can to strength en the handk - of the house, and their own self-interest should prompt them to that course, as it undoubtedly, - —The steam saw-mill situated about five miles south of this village on the railroad, belonging to Mr. W. Williams, was burned last Sunday morning about two o'clock.— We understand the mill was shut ,dovin about four o'clock Sattirday afternoon and that there was no fire - about it after that time, so far as known. -. -- The mill Was a good one, and was built within the past two years. It - was well supplied with apparatus for extin cuishing fire. The loss .is estimated at $B,- 000, on which there ryas ari.insurance of $5,- 500 by. an agent - Waunder stand there was'alsO some other insurance,. but the amount is not known: - In addition to the mill, about 500 cords Of wood -- belonging; to Charles Herrington was burned. - - -A funny but not uncommon incident took place at Blassburg during the financial flurry of last Week. It seems that one - Marr had $2,000 on deposit there, and 'at the ginning of the panic be rushed .to.the bank and drew out his money. But what to do' with it he didn't •know. Having. lost - eon& dence in all the werld;'he couldn't trust that iiiurn in the custody of anybody or any. cor poration. And' so our:hero turned himself into a sort-or miniature "Safe Deposit boni pan:),',"!•and.stood guard over bis"treasure in; ces.lantly, as it were. His thoughts by day were mainly upon accidents arid sneak -thieves; and' at night his eye-lids could not close upon the visions of burglars and mur derers that thronged around his uneasy pil low. The man of, greenbacks stood all this for two days and nights, when the Wife of his bosom informed him emphatically that "something had:got - to be done," fOr he would die 'if by was going on in that way much longer. We have excellent authority for believing a man will give all he hath— even $2,000--for his life;' and so it is not to be wondered at that our distressed capitalist finally followed his wise wife's advice, took his money back to the bank,and wen(to bed and slept the sleep of l peace. This was a laughable affair, and reared - in little harm to anybody ; but there i a serious side to all such stories upo'n wbichl it may be well to reflect a little. It is evident that every man Who money from tho'channels of bus iness for the purpose of hoarding it 'is not only taking a personal risk .which, is a much greater one and much more •harrassing than the. risk of trade even in these days of panics, but is doing all he can to make "hard times" still harder. Such an act is mat only intense ly selfish, but it is stupid anti, short-sighted its well. • , -A Sorrow., GY:OOIt,APITY.—ToI very any pupils in our public schools Geography vo ere Convinced, the branch ,of knowledge which iS followed with the least amount •of interestl and profit. The _vast majority of men whci have reached middle age have a few vague and misty notions about the rela tive situatlez 4 and proportions of states, seas, river's and mountains. Most -of'themre member that-they once learned that earth is fennAll.,and like a ball Hangs ssingiug Wine sky;" • but beyond that very metrical and verfde ceptive piece of misinforthation their recollec lection of the tiresome geographical research es of the days of tops and marbles does not much extend. Tho greater part of accurate, useful knowledge of the earth's surface pos sessed by most men is in fact acquired after they leave the common school—picked up --unconsciously frOm, the news of the day, or constrietAly as the ;exigencies" of practical ,life have prompted: 'Our late civil war has, no doubt, done More to spread art exact knowledge of the physical conformation and natural resources of-the country among the present generation of Americans than all the schools pf the land. Most people study thoroughly only those subjects in which they are deeply interested; and there are multi tudes of men who owe little to the schools, so far us gedgraphy is concerned; who have very clear end correct ideas as to the topog raphy, climate andsoil of most parts of the Union. To very - many mind, a the study of this branch of knoweledge, as commonly taught, is the most tiresome and fruitless of labors simply becauseit consist* of the memoriz ing of a mass of - dry- details and statistics, having, so far as the yaini student can see, not the slightest connection with each other. The scholar who delights to thread the arti ficial labyrinth of English grammar, or rev els in she, pure logic of the higher mathemat ics may well be excused if he finds little in tellectuill nourishment in the fact that Bos ton contains 260,000 inhabitants more or less, or the further fact that North Carolina is "noted for pitch, tar and turpentine." And yet children are expected to commit to mem ory such facts - as these under the supposition that they are studying physical geography. It would be almost as sensible to teach them the price of potatoes under the same false pretense, It is true; in a certain sense, that all knowledge is valuable; but there are facts ;which it hardly pays to cram into a child's head, especially when the very next census will render them fictions. Better leave them. where they belong, and where they can always be fotind when needed,--in the pages of the gazetteer. But we didn't set out to write an article upon-the study of geography, but to express our opinion of an elementary work upon that science, which has recently been laid upon our table. "Colton's common School Geography"' is certainly an improvement upon many of its preciecessors,altheugh it is Open to some of .the objections indicated above. The book is of an elementary char acter, and much of Pie minute information which is studied with reluctance and forgot ten with alacrity 'has been omitted for its pages. This a good feature- of the work. .The Statei of the Uuion are treated in groups and net singly; oh in many previous manuals. But the strong point of Abe work-- is the series ,of admirable maps drawn ei pre:ifly for it. The name of the compiler is' almost, a sufllcicat.guarantee for the excel lence of tliis feature of the book, and the se ries.of.railroad and reference maps of the United States at the close of the volunps sill be found of value to many •who have ,not a good atlas at hand. For the benef4 ,of the young scholar a .valuable chapter pit map, .drawing,ia appenided to the work... For sale by E. B. Young,'of this village.,. 1 LETTER FROM. CORNING.- To the Editor of the Agitator Weary with travel and half sick, I stopped at this bustling little town for refreshments and medicine, ..It - wasmy first visit and ISollowed my guide to the Dickin son House, ivherte ) l. - was . soon made to . feel that I was not a . stranger. Everything around , was bright, :yam. and cheerful.— There is plenty 'of ready help around this .hotel, and Yet a close obsetver can "'easily discern the fingers of 'the Fuller Brothers in every thing. There are -nir reStructions ttp- On the guests, and'Yet yoir are ever remind ed that while therwitis your interest to be a gentleman. This house Is cert,q4ll7.ft isrfat blessing tolraieletV • -- - I was introduced Nvliiie*Jtae hotel to Prof tio rOttiL„IIR,II new and:,beautiful::Aodetny, whicli-J .takentiiai;l - o = it',t6 'visit at , Bbtile`:fQtitre tune, Vl4 l Bool,.)l3.l*:.6?rtilizajp - * - :great': honor to ',Gin!nin f oL-Q 'the - 7rusreei,•naY - : iv 11 ; fear Bettianjtiio . Voi - ,SuntinY•l'attetided it the :fine'•:BrilSporial - chureb,- - ef which 'the his - imp-, irion - ,Verymuch". -- Re is not what called `" 4. yrcirdpainter".but,ratber of robust thought.. traveled as •far.it's:Cerning with B.' I.;&trq, him lecture at Cryital s Siiiings last siiinmer; ile itt‘s fine taienhi.for itbitplatforni,,"and our. I:nature :Comniittees would ' doeireM to look .aftertbiin,,iinitead. Of' sending - tip -'lCaintehat ka for smite *agnate to lii 9 k at. .er:earry.:',with, - . - trie 'the 'reni:ernbrajiCe of his .thirning • words AnielatiOn- IO the dw'fitt ApOnslbllitiOrour - 'Meri .of;:lii-fitienOt‘; : the . DlCkin - so&itehie; the n tithe Of:your. Piinfie,ctitni.np..for - remark: "Sla very one, "what do YOU - want to agitate - now ?" . Oh, my dear sir," I re-' plied, "America is not ye(italf free." There are shackles yet to brehk which will iequirc all 'the brains. and persistent :fighting of a thousand "Agitators:" - Society :and the church needs a perfent overturning. Money rifles initead:.of virtue and - intelligence, and the wild hoar of the forest is rooting up God's het itage. God bless all reformers I Go on then and agitate-unto your life's end t Byer, standup-for God and - humanity Against bp- Pression of every form! Thr.oput vas. - A SAWING . ..MA:TM—TO Me Editor of the 'Agitator As you have never heard of such it,p/aceas Glen SavageMlll, - I thought a few lines' from here would be acceptable to your valdahle paper. Our mill is sheeted- about fuur miles' from Fair Hope, a small station on P. di E. R. R. 'We -had a little exekte ment hero on Friday, Oct. 1001,1873. On that day a sawing match came dfr, fur wager of $l5O, between our 'sawyer, - I. P. Holmes, formerly a resident of your vicinity, and some lumbermen from : South Ham d The bet was he could not saw- 25,000 feet of one inch pine boards from sixteen foot logs In ten hours'run. The mill was started th-7 o'clock a. ra., with Mr._:Holmes at the lever, _and ho had every body in his right place and was coXitident of success. We had quite a -numbett s of spectators on hand to witness the 'match. On a signal from the luriiber coun ter, he made his first cut,.running till 11:30, and sewing, in'four hours and - twenty-four minuteiJ9,2oo feet. The last two hours we .ran he averaged 4,700 . feet per hour, and I am sure no circular saw mill in this ,State - hes done so well. At half*past eleven an ac cident occurred that would make the stout est heart quake. In running in a log the, dog slipped, letting the lag - turn on the saw, knocking out thirty-five teeth and scattering them in all directions. — Only, imagine a cir cular saw running 8001 revolutions a minute, and the teeth. tearing dut. But lam happy to say no body was hurt, Hitt a good many frightened. It was an Emerson saw. Mr. Holmes wanted to put on an, extra saw and cut the balance, but the parties agreed to let it drop. .They were satisfied .he could saw 45,000 feet in ten hours! run if nothing oc curred. They left the mill in the best of spirits,tand finished the evening with music and dancing. They had quite a nice time, and 'took their' defeat very easy. Mr. I. F. Holmes is a sawyer of wide reputation ; but this iiqthe best" he lies done. He is at home in a saw mill, and never out of place 'with his hand on the lever and his quick eye tak ing in every thing at a glance... I suppose some of his old friends will be glad to hear of his success. LUMBERSIAN. A CURE roll DIPHTHERIA.—We publish the following letter by request. Those who have followed its directions for the treatment of diphtheria pronounce them excellent. It is from the St. Louis Democrat : Please publish the following treatment of diphtheria. It has been used by myself, and others to whom I have given it; in over one thousand cases, without a failure. It will atioap cure, if the treatment is commenced before the diphtheria membrane extends in to the air tube, which is known by the great difficulty of breathing and restlessness.- In such cases no remedy yet discovered will al ways effect.a - cure; but if the patient. is watched, and this treatment used in time,. there is no danger. I sent this treatment to a friend of mine in Wisconsin, mut tie used It on himself and family and neighbors with such wonderful success, that lie requested me to send it to you fur publication, as this horrible disease is prevailing extensively imparts of Missou ri: DIPHTHERIA WASH. Golden seal, pulverized, 1 drachm. Borax, Black popper, " 1 " Alum, !Nitrate potash, " 14 " Salt 2 " Put all into a common size! teacup Or ves sel which holds about four ounces, and pour half full of boiling water, stir well, and then fill full ofod vinegar. - Fit for use when it settles. Make a swab, 'by getting a little stick about the size of a pipe stem, notch one end and wrap a strip of cotton cloth around it, letting the cloth project about. half an inch beyond the end of the Stick, so as not to jag the mouth and throat, and fasten with a thread. Swab the mouth and throat well every half hour if the case is gad, every hour if not bad. When the patient gets bettor. every two hours; then- when better, every four hours; and when still better, two or three times a day, till well ; which will be ,from two to seven days.' Fouch every affected spot, the uvula, tonsils and-fauces; the whole of the back part of the mouth, and top of the throat; and let the patient swallow a lit tle of the wash 01101111 mo you swab. Swab bingg causes no pain, though the patient will a a, a and sometimes vem; but swab wel nd feeling of relief will it follow every swab l Ding. • Let every ' patient have a separate swab and wash, as the disease is undoubtedly in fectious. Keep the wash pure, by pouring Vthat„you can use, each time, into •another vessel, and also wipe off any matter or slime that may be on the swab, every time you take itirom the month. Put the following linimentot)ri the throat, outside, once every three or four hours, and keep a flannel cloth round the neck till well': Take spirits turpentine, one ounce: "- sweet oil, (or linseed oil,) one ounce. " aqua ammonia, one ounce. filix. Shake before using each time. Keep the bowels regular with castor oil. Keep the patient, in the house, but venti late well. The diphtheria wash and liniment will be found sufficient for all cases, if taken in time; and should you mistake any other "sore throat" for diphtheria, you will effect' a cure almost invariably, as I use this for all common sore throats. I have never lost a ease; antimany have told me that no Money would induce them, in these "diphtheria times," to be without the wash and liniment ; and when a soreness in the throat is felt it is used, and a cure is always effected. Your friend, DR. W. A. SCOTT, Palmyra, Warren county, lowa. AN ATTEMPTED MATRDILE AT AVOCA.e•-• Last ihuraday morning about three o'clock eomo per son at the time unknown, entered the house of sir. Lyman Arnold, 'at Avoca, 'Reuben county, and shot Mrs. Arnold who was lying asleep in bed. Throe shots were fired at her, two of them taking effect. One ball entered her mouth and passed out through her neck. Another struck her in the breast, and the doctors are unable to find it by probing. The t h ird shot was found in the bedding. Mr. Arnold had been away from home for some time; but his eon, eighteen years old, and a hired man slept in a fropt room, next Uri. Arnold's. On the alarm being given by the wounded woman, the two . men went tolls:rest:mil and attempted to secure her assailant, but were not successful, and the assassin escaped. BUt net for long, for many circumstances pointed directly to Arnold alt the perpetrator of the dreadful deed, and the officers overtook hint the next day at Niagara Falls and broright him badk tp Haft). There seems. to have been no trouble hetween Mr. ind Meal Arnold, so far as the neighbors knew. She is his ascend wife and has throe children by him, all boys... Arnold does not 'Mid* a veligohil, record, hie recent movernente are_ somewhat ouspieleue and are :vtliatled to ht.karreet, Ise is charged with _having ut tared twirl fergia SOL° time since, a young woman came.tiklitA house to live, but the relations between them: became aPe pareutly of such a netare that Mrs. Arnold emit her away. 411 the indications are that the connection be. tweeze them Lai continued, and that he was making preparations to rid himself of his wife and run stay with the young woman. He recently bought a trunk full of goods ae 'Batts, and ordered it shipped tore . troit, Mich. He had two revolters in his house, Pie views to the shooting, both of which have disappeared, and he had recently bought another of a hardware merohant In Avoca, Wednesday night Arnold bought tkticket for New York, but for what purpose but bean shown as he sethitegnattily Went west. Wednesday afternoon, • the young woman; who is mixed up In the affair left Wallaoe's at three o!ciock She wanted's ticket to Detroit by pf Hotheater.--, Th.erft were none iu the office "except by the way of htle bad with hei thirty:five or rutty dollare, and her friends are nimble to account for her laving, so Much, as *he had - no inttault that they -knew of in' Ortit, 10.0, 4;?*•fiti.4 • , tbatibe was tseou ttozei . eir the vizi; at: Aion t .ps cbgpekf l'tt.'Buttifig: 'f - -. ..', .. ' -;.: 1• : -- ,:- - ., •: - I.le. P.Juitra, "Ativcit4ter (.31 - , C.:ow:clay' asps Coroner. siianilk(bassire.o taking - ; iiit3 pliii-mt , ..rli.eul - '.ict!rutalitiop of ltre, - Acidold.- 8146 is ilpiiisi:•iolis' 'nail lit' pctss'esilt* of her jiequis ibqt iu utiabifi tAI Ulm li uu y light tipOit tya ; p i etin illatter,thital4r. , :iPile 1le:$ it' s'siiiikti ditlgn i exa4 'dm eiarulnatiazi 1* to be calitl,l4l,itt.l t!ibr cOndi,lik: EIZZEI Arnoid,:wits taken by the sherlif Sethi to see his wife. The interview wile very soon as he went into the Kann' Islbere hi i lay she zinflier arms around Ins neck an., !illhat 'have I done:Mit latit:to be I interned touch moved. but said•uothing. edged. that it wiasiais intention to go -to ': the girl Imeline Toivuer. - and said but sheriff tookIIM • back •to Itth:jail !Le Deptitrillberlif litigates alerted for De afternoon after.the girl... it is septa:Peed ilxid her at the: Oats House; Detroit, moil arilval, as that fitiWatkilp`usedineCting ed by the eunina. _ • •• - Upon being asked whether *hooting. he answered ".to." Ali he sal. that his wife was shot, was ..Who do the' And when told that was the men shag I dumb. Sire. Arnold is i'coproving eiorrly, Thel she will recover Unless something new N of the balls they cannot get Si: Tliey tla der the shoulder, but not dangerouts. I W ADE'S FISZANOIAS OPERATI son E.Vade, who his been sentenced next Thursday, jigs made a revelation reference to the money which he obtain Dfoßride Mimaion alter the perpetration ieh (lonian assassination which has her recorded in these columns. In a recent says the Williamsport !Julie UN Wade re • arkod -that' everything was tell right now,usindividu: Is in the 'city were in possession of all 'the gold he h i secreted, and that those persona had visited him in prison.— Upon being questioned as to who those p-rsons were, he replied that that was his turn bizslises and he in tended'that'it should remain a secret. lip s said that tio"rich Man *mild ever get h•ld of it, and-. he had lulfilled his promise. It will be 'membered that during the session of court at whl .h Wade was tried, he confessed that be had secreted a arse amount of gold near the aqueduct in -Lycoming c eek; thi , tt he had several page, one containing twenty *lifllinti.l4e', cee,*another Ave dollar pieces, a third ten dollar cuintbl and a fourth twenty, dollar pieces: 411 of these he poured into a large bag, stalked into th. water VIA' sunk the money, placing upon it three 1. rge stones. Upon search being wade the atones v. ere tuund in the very pled° described by Wade, but no ba: of gold: It' is now alit ged or auspicioned that a boa .an has be come the possessor of it; that Wade of • r secreting thomoney, repaired to a canal boat lying not far from the Aqueduct; and leaped upon the dec , the water dripping* from his clothes: that he did not develop anything at that time; that after his capt he twice sent word, for a certain - man to come a. d visit .bIM. The man complied with the reiangst,as he sdbeentnti mately acquainted with the prisoner, and .m this aid other facts it is conjectured that the in& idual refer red to was told by Wade 'where he con! obtain the money. This part of the prisoner's prti. return" car ried out,lie was free to confess where he had secured the gold, knowing full welt that. it had b en removed, and that he had made good bli+word that no rich man sheuld possess it. And now . he boasts I. • t it is in good bands, and even goes so far as to s• y that some of this gold has been exchanged for gre • nbacks, and that he haii been supplied with, paper me • ey obtained by the erchange . To what extent his st..ry is correct is for the reader to determine, but it is • enerally be lieved that be secreted money near the a i adduct, end. it is certain that if he did so some One wi the spot. or it would have remained the] I known that searches wore made of Wade' peraon,iind the cell in which he was confined at t at time ex-. amlned in every nook and corner for mo ey, but aims' could be found. The othcars , after retir g, were sur prised to see the'prlsoner present bills, tad ask ilitit Certain articles be purchatied for him. e now stare that Le had in his cell a bar of soap; wi h a spoon he dug a hole to the center. deposited Che r in the mon ey, replaced the soap, and with his and made a smooth surface so that it, would not be o served. He takes vast plenums in 'elating how he holed the of ficers, who thought they wore smart. 'arious esti mates have been made as to the amount f money the Mcßrides possessed, souls placing it as Ugh as $66,• 000 basing' their belief upon the fact flint the old roan, a short time before he was murdered, e Peavored to persuade a gentleman living in this lees ty to take the I farm, work it and live upon it; that be li &about EC, 000 secreted irk the house, and that he c uld stand in the door anal look ont upon. the spot wher hailed $15.- 000 more. lie was old, and would like have a nine upon the farm in whom he could plac confidence, and who could assist him in case he tt oulti ever be attacked. . This gentleman urged Melia , his money in ono of the Wlltiumsport ()Liman did not favor the idea, and rdpli himself or his wkle :Always kept guard, guns ho kopt loaded he could ghe au warm reception. But the Fennel shows doted man was too:confident of his own test his boarded treasure. A board was hour upon which appeared a Column . ded up, and presenting a total of over it is urged coin ides with the statement blue; ana dettionstraVe that 'tnere - -w the premisel $50,000, the largest por. Wade succeeded iu bringing away on th tornoon oud ntgLt of July 22r A FUNNY FESTIVAL..:—The El tiger gives the following account festival held at the ancient villa, ed Post ;. Painted Post is a queer old town. ?Id name. It has queer people lu it, a queer festival there in the lecture room church. The way of it was thus: The ladies of the Baptist society hav ng exhausted all other mes iti t I promoting social goo feeling and extorting hod eDrued coppers from t e pockets of Painted Posters, r sorted to a novel ex edient which they advertised in the columns of the nip. in . man , net' like unto this: That they would ave a Festive , on Friday evening of last week at whic the only re - % freolaments would be that glorious old soul-stirring.. stomach-bracing, health-giving, down- eat luxury o,+ pumpkin pie. Purtherrnore,:that a dip] ma would be awarded for the best pie which should b presented oi. that occasion, and that all the ladies in he village in& vicinity wore invited to compete. Sue an exciting and interesting event raised quite.a co motion itrAlle: staid old town. The demand for pumpkins isakk ao: great that a corner in,gut market 'wad created.- lout - • Every kitchen was alive With preparittione 4ton:the. great event. Each. Inlay housewife-rolled up 114 sleeves and consulted her mother•in-law about: tht beat way to make the "oleefashioned pumpkin plea" whiCh her Misband had talked so much about. The evening came, the room was filled with a linn. gry, curious crowd; seventy-two pies more er_less were handed in for competition; a venerable . gentle- - man who commenced eating Pumkin pies more than years ago in Connecticut was selbcted for Judo and font hungry looking citizens Whir had fist.' pd twenty•four hours in anticipation of a square meal and whose internal capaCity was undoubted, ,were chosen ai Associate Judges. These five 'brave men were seated WM° table on 'Which was loaded the gold en colored pies and unififully,ettick to their task till it' I was finished. At the close of t eir gastronomic Is 7 'bore an interchange of °pinto s resulted in their, awarding the drat premium to 'la :No. 19, made by, airs. h. B. Howell, and the seeon to Pie No. al, made' by Mrs. James Wilder. No* w know who is the 'champion pie maker of Pielirted Poet. She can well be happy hereafter. Earth has no greater honors to give than this. She can be satisfied now without the right to vote. Let others boast of honors and prizes in her precok° hereafter and alio can daunt her pump kin colored diploma in their faces and exultingly ex' Malin, Look at this! Woe be to her husband, if in any ungarded moment horeafteilhe speaks slightingly of her cookery. She can point to her certificate hang. Lug on the dining room wall, signed by five good mid true judges, and the poor man must hold hie peace. Thu luxury of finding fault with his food le "denied him Millie future. Let him never hereafter, on peril of his keaco, reier to the pies which hie mother need to make. Bp unanimous consent the premium for making the worst pie was awarded to airs. 11. A. McGrath. The worthy Cashier, who fiat at the bead of the table, re marked, as be pat.:hod baek hie plata after devouring a. segment of her pie, that he never did Jibe hot pies, and the editor of the Times. with tears streaming down his cheeks, said that perhaps that pie was "some punkins," but it was more Cayenne. .A distinguished medical man from abroad was detailed to wait on the. committee, after their labor's, but we understand that no harm resulted to them, either from the pies or the doctor. The station agent, however, why was one or" the committee, ea ; a that he dreamed all night shut LIS. stomach was a freight -house and that ten dozen car loads of pumpkins had ban unloaded into ,it. How the worthy chairman of the committee, lietvi , en each dozen pica, Conactentionsly traveled semis' times around the room to ehake himself and his stemaok in to proper order for the reception of more;. how the printer distributed "p 1" "form," faster than ho Over did it before; how. Anxious spectators, who wanted a taste of the. premium, pie, wore treated to a taste of .the pie which took the wrong premium; bow; the supervisor took his mouthful and immediately called for coldwafer; how an eloquent and - appfoprl- . ate presentation speech was made,.arul hoiv gracefully the recipient of the diploma replied; hereon° mem. bet of . the cotamittes.gotA mutual lecture thid.zlghit which will make 114; emit tingle for a month f2l hitt stupidity in zaot recognizing the - merit 4, of: the,, vle which his wife =de; bow the unsuccessfOl lidies of the aociety were angry and made faaes et lira. 1;(owell_ eudthe committee!—all toreand manymo;e,elinilat locl4enta can be more •alfely trusted to the ,iniagiria-* tion of the ..b.tatrtiser's ruiden , tbau to the pen of Ito reporter. • - • OLTU Jr.BI6IIBOBS. —The Scranton daily Restalrat 2ulS suspended, ..:-Towsudii has placed a piano in )ier sohoo building. - . —The Towanda Diportir map& that plei . ee is hateated with incendiaries. Vocuip, Eeq:Azed thirtf•sti,pf pollefPnte. 80., WLilo hatiting t leooldatitally shot Wineolt. Gott died the peat day. T. L. Langley of the firm of Oaf. Langley, Cont. 4ag. died qt ;estdenan to Coaster), Tuesday -stilts'. 441 `1 1. • / 01 11 11 t clot o '9 l 9°lrg Ittirf„ --„Near liodinea; on the railroad between Elmira 'end Williamenoit. Mo sousing, iarmera,,tunned Atc. ailikaltf. - qn - iirreled about Stanek wood; !when .iobn fieudtimpurs .fonruef4Ys% • '‘?Zefirs,ore !Yen" IploUtr In the woods atouud the county - this fail. Soy- Fel have been seen near here. and in 1301138 instances they have indulged their taste for mutton." . . --,= Therinajoilties to Gusquebanna county for the dif• fvrette,ltepublfeeta enudidetes are smaller then uenat: owing to the very light vote, . For ;oda° 'of Atte •So- Inticue Court, ;Bean G, Gordon bad 187 tnajorjty7, for Bta.. tu Tratuntrar. - Hilbert r*. )fitaekey 41; for Gripreeen. tabus, /I- ',Ar.:4ol4ae 68R and /VD, Walker OIL' _ y esteruiwn ;geetiug. - Am [poor edfi ezelaidied, for r• w tuaknOvl ornie with' le else. Tito asne, Satuiday - : ~t he wall ng Arnoldlr ace appoliit.: - •• - , vThemaddestingin in. Towanda was the.-one who Ungruinitee jewelry titore.., Another: fellow, set stout a dozen *Tann clocks so that , 'went off" 9 1 : 13 5''a kw minutes, apart : the other night.", Just' Step audlihink of annlarm almpst every flue minutes, in Jim *gilt; and tell lit; Whe wouldn't get mid all over I iduce .Abraham )itinier, .6 welt -knoWn, : citiesncof . Elmira was selNl:ely, injured Meing , erneited,between two freight cars.- He was in •trieirreTniti , of the 'depot: and undertook to cross Olikithat Was standing upon the track: , It started up Mind threW btm between the oars, the . brimpers catch inglis right tea-below the knee and jaym»ing it An terrible Manner. • few days since, In Titusville, a lad named 'John' Martin pielpid upn gnu belonging to his father and - pointed it at pis sister, who Was dressing in the room where they wkis: She said he was a Grout boy to try aid scare 'her, and turned away from hiin. As she did so, he pulled the trigger, having 'rio idea the piece was loaded. The gun. was discharged, and a large load of shot entered the girl's - head, killing her almost instantly. ha did the when told !del be iris" doctAire set • to in.. Ana it 'ls int-% I ire.—Nel. be•'hanged •certily with d from the f the -fiend.. tofore been •nversatioi). • —Rev.llr. Bush, retiring chaplain of the Bingham. tontisylurn for inebriates; has written a letter to one of ;the Raw York papers in which he asserts that prat tieally id a faliure. ( Cease of reform, he rays, are few. , Only,three of the nighty-two patients übder the 'that administration' have continued - hid' courea of total abstinence, and all •thess nigh . ty..tird belonged io , lhe higher niass - Ofitociety, and are intel ligent, well-educated men. • . —The Troy Gotatic'of last week says that Mr, Ben. beia:Woodruff, residing in the western part of Spring thild township, dot his throat with a butcher knife ou Thursday night the 231 uttimo. Ho bas been addict ea to drink for a numbe'r of years, and it is supposed that tinder the influence of delirum ho committed the deed. He got up about 12 o'clock and went into the lahntry_ t it was supposed to get? a drink, and while there eeize4 the knifs-and cht his throat. ..*--The Troy Casette says that on Sunday,, evening, Oct. 11/th, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Russel, of East" Troy, were returning to their home; it was dark and rainy; theMothar, in her great anxiety to protect her. little one; bundled it up and held it close in her arms. The babe wee Iwo mouths of age. It was felt to be active when ooly about. one half mile from home.- .0n get tihg into the house and removing the wrappings, it, was noticed to be very pale. A moment's observation shiiwed it was deed,—dead from suffocation and strang -neg. —The Tif,Staler Union says that on a recent osiglit the family of Mr. P. Thomas, Port•" Jervis, were' !taped by a terrific explosion in their residence. Mr. jifintas was not in, and his family had all retired earlier than nine!, and no one was in the room when ,thiiaxplosion occurred. By' sotne means, a flask of poWder had got into the coal s:ld then into the• stove, base burner, which caused the explosion. The stove was torn all io pieces Lvery chriir cludr in the rem •had a piece of the broken stove on it, the nails. In the walls for hanging pictures were•ail loosened, the piano was covered with dust and ashes from the stove, and it was a lorry looking room. directed to ;0. It le well ARDERSON—ANDERSON.—kt Morris Run, Pa., October 27, 1873, by Woo. L. Richards, Fan., at the beide's residence, August Anderson and ClaTistina Anderson. A - HILSLANDEB—CORBIN.—At.;tony Fork, Oct. 48, lI:Att.N, P. lipynolcbs, Mr. J. S liwslander, of Coving• 'tont and. Mrs. Sarah 11. Corbin, of Stouy Fork. TEED—BLA.CKWELLAt the 'Evangelical Parson. 'age in Liberty, by liev. J. IL King, Mr. Henry Teed, vt Pino township. Lycondug county, and Miss Addle Blackwell, oe ?dorm toy:11,414). Ttoga county, Pa. - - - .CHRIBTIE—GIii9.ON.—At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Garvey Gibson, Oct. 92, by Rev. J. H. Blades, Mr. J. M. Christie, of Knoxville, Pa., and Miss Jt)liiti E. Gibson, of Addison, N. Y. 7 1 4IIRDOCK—WAT.ItINS.—At the residence of the bride's parents, Oct 23, by hey. W. U. Itunney. Mr. Robert Murdock, M. D., of Meter, and MAOAtutia Wutkine, of Sticebeguin. DETTRY—EASTABROOEC.—At the residenee of the bride's parents. 0 t. 23, by Rev, W. H. liumsoy, Mr. roveph paltry and 1.11t , a Achaah Esstabroolr, both of Ulster, Pa. SPECIAL NOTICES. le to deposit ink% but the, •d that either i nd with the plunderer a bat, the niur. power to pro , amid in the r t figures ad. Centaur Liniments. There is no pain which the Cen. It ' , taur Liniments will not relieve, no IC - fi swelling they will not subdue, and 4 eltno lameness which they will not A m cure. Tills is strong language, but _ . t - 43.6. it is true. They have produced 41.000. This h.lOlO by 111 - • sf3ritearuil don of which t ev.nttnl si• KCITAfpoy, more cures of rheumatism. !mural epraitas, swoll:+aqa dr.4.traVl to,paata. scalds, burns, salt•rhourn, earache, &c., upon tho hu. man frame, and of strams, spevin, ge.lls, &c.. upon animals in one yrar than have all other pretended remeclleS since the world began. They are counter. Irritant, all-healing pain relievers. Cripples throw away their crutches, the lame .walk, poisonous bites are reimeri d harmless and the wounded are healed without a sear. The recipe is published cu J ound each oottie„ They sell as no articles ever before sold, and :hey sell because they dci just what they pretend to de. Those who now suffer from rheumatism, pain or 'elling deserve to suffer if they will not use Centaur Liniment, white wrapper. More than 1000 certificates of remarable miles, including frozen limbs, chronio ...traumatism, gout, running tumors; - &c., have been received. We will send a circular containing. certific cetce, the recipe, &c., gratii to any one requesting it. One bottle Of the yellow wrapper Centaur Liniment is ortli one hundred dollars'for spavined or so eenied horses and reales, or for screw-worm in sheep. Stock owners—the-se liniments are worth your attention.— Sojanatly should be without them. " White wrapper ,* family use;" Yellow wrapper for animals. Sold by au Druggists. Be cents per bottle; large bottles, 41;00. .1. It. 11032 & C0.,13 BroclNiay. New York. 1 ira Adver of a recent ,o of Paint- t has a queer I i d they Lad a 1.1 the Baptist .-CASTOIttit is more than a substlute for Castor all. It la the only safe article in existence. which is .- .. dertsba to assimilate the food, regulate 'the bowels, - . wind,,o ... and. producO, ' sleep. It :con -741.;) .i ii , natural 'talus neither minerals, morphine or alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children used not cry and mothers iriay rest. . ok-t._2B -1873-Iy. Livor Complaint, Dyspepsia. Jatindice, Nervous Debility, and all disease, arising from a diqordered Liver or Stomach, such as Coned- Pation, Niles, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart- Burp,'Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eruc tations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit Of the Stom ach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering of the Heart, Choking Sense. lion when lying down, Dimness of Vislon,,Dots or Webs before the sight, Yellowness of the Skid and Eyes, Sudden Flushes of Heat, and Gicht Denreseion of Spirits, are speedily,-end permanently cured by "'llooffantl's German Bitters." The old standard remedy of thirty years experience, whose virtues aro „testified:to by hundreds or our most respectable citi xthnt who have used it and been cared. /Ink fur ...Hoof lauti's German Bitters," and talte no other. It is not alcokkolic. They are sold by ell Druggists. Proprie tors, Johnston, Holloway & Co., 602 Arch street Phil, allellitila.-$-June 24, 1&t8. Tro-Itot. THE HOUSEHOLD PANACEA, FAMILY LINIMEZIT to the twat remedy in the world for the following corn. plaints, viz.: Cramps iu tho - Limbs and Stomach, Pain in the Stomach, Bowels, or Slde, , Rheumation in all Its forms, Billions Colic, Neuralgia, Cuolera, Bysen. tery, Colds, Presh Wounds, Burns, Sore Throat, Complaints, Sprains and Bruises. Chllls and Fe ver. For Internal and Ez ernal use. 'lts oporatlon is not Only to relieve the patient, but entirely re - moveirthe effuse of the complaint. It pen. etretee and pervades the whole system, restoring healthy action to a❑ its karts. anti quickening the Mood. THE HOUSEHOLD PANACEA IS PURELY Yegota• die and All Healing, Pepareil by 'fl gale by odt:up/tote, July UV, 1873-Iy. Thirty Years , Experience of an Old Nurse MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP IR THE PRF.,SCRIPTiON OF , one of the best Female Phytii- Clans and Nurses in the United Mates, and has been tilted for thirty year* with never tailing safety and success by mlllions df mothers and children, from the - feeble infant of one week old to the adult. It cor rects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, reg ulates the bowels, and give 4 rest, health and' comfort to mother and child. We believe it to be the Best and .lurest Remedy in the Wm Id in all cases of DYsEN- Tußy and 1./liilltklCEM IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from Teething or from any other cause Full directions for using` will accompany each bottle.— None Uenulue unless the lac elmile of CURTieI dt PERKINS is on the outside wrapper. Sold by 41 Medicine Dealers. July 23, 1873-Iy. Children often look Pale aid Sick 'from AO othercause thin having wOrausln the etomaoh. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS - • will destr4 Worms without injury to the child, being 'perfectly WHITE; and free from all coloring or other tujutious ipgradienta usually used in worm prepara• tious. CORTIS it BROWN, Proprietors, • - No. 216 Fulton street, New York. • . Sold by Druggists and Chemists, and dealers in Medi cines at, Tula:Tr-Z - 17F CENTp A. 130 T. July ztqle (Vitiation bas often been asked by those Inter ' —can; have mrginy hair restored to Hi, Lau ril color, without coloring the akin? and can' my t_in locks be thickened up?" We etaweer ' "It can ;" and would advise you to read a treatise on the hairi. which is-published by'R. Halt & Co.. Nashua, N. If., who send it, free, upon application. They are the proprie tortrof gall% Vegetable. Sicilian Hair Renewer. We learn from it, the heir, hr a perfect state of health, is Constantly failing out, and new hairs grow trout the stuns tnbesi but in time of any disease of the scalp, 'ir by the use of alcoholic poeperaHone, the lialf.tube beedmes contracted at its mouth, and prevents thit new follicle ilbra reaching the surface. Their PrePA kation sill create a perfectly Wealthy condition of the scalp, t0g1,, - by its tonic properties, will preserve and istrenßkitell thO roots - of_ the hair, —.Stritsrman, lDes Moines, .( 0164, '" - - KOVEOI4SI VOA SAI,EI.-The sub Scriber A, otters for sale two,good divediug houses on the piorWintleOf Past' Avenue; in WeTibboro. '(hey are well ,built and convenient in every respect. They are withiti'a row minutes milk of . the teisinege part 0,1 the and will be sold cheap end' n easy fermi. %Inquire of • • 4A.8.0 SEE K. • A4111{54.9. 0911 * 4O ; • MARRIAGES. CURTIS ..k. BROWN, No. 115 Fulton Street, New York ~. ;.. ~~ . , ,:vvEi.LsOno-, IIAJIK-0, , -- , coalmen:3a Aturxxve_ist , ; E. , et4l. W. ,7 8 , unsoUkliovimigut $, 1873 • , -1 ~-• DRALEES. , . White obeattlour, per bbl... .Aiuber:' -.- ' i•,- - -' ..-• -..-- Spring - .• - " • ''. ' " . . ' ... -....... Buckwheat dour, per•owt_ ' ' 825 Wheat, white, per, bushel 1 80 ' Wheat, red, ~_ " ",-..•,.:,__-- Wheat, spriug,.., - Buckwheat, - Cern, libelled,' ' - ... Outs. - - ' ~ . • - ":' Barley; i : i --' -Bye,' Clover 4 043 0, - Timothy seed, .! " , Beaus _ . , ,•• " 200 -=- Corn l );eal, per owt . 4, , .200- Feed, per ewtr - - -:,,, ' - I 76 i Potatoes, per ,buistr.'... - " • 150 --- '-60 . Alves, green. per titiali; .:- .... . ,„, •', - . BU . . ' . CO. Onions, per bash ' " • 150 - ' 175 • Turnips, per hush ..... :.. '...-....:: 25 --• " 180 Pork, per ib ' ' •1 . - 12 - Hams, perlb- -- - ' , ' - -f.t. ' 18 should ere, per lb f, ' 10 ' - 12); Butter,por. lb - - 80 55 - Cheese, per lb-,. 12 16 - bard, per lb 1 - 12% • -15 Tallow, per lb - - 8 , 10 IEIO/ley, per lb -t 20 - 20 . Beeswax,' per lb 25 Vinegar, per. gal - , Pggo: pordo'zen - - ' Dried apples, per lb' Dried peaches, per lb Dried - cherries, per lb - - Dried blackberries, per lb Dried raspberries, block, per 1b.,. Dried raspberries, red; --per 1b... Cranberries per cit. Ray, per ton • 'l5 , Wood, 18 inches, Per cord Wood, a feet, per cord Coal, hard, per ton • Coal, soft Ground plaster, per ton, Sugar, "A" coffee. per lb • I. Sugar, yellow, per lb Sugar, brown, per lb: Teas, green, per lb.:. Teas, black, per 1b... Kerosene, per ~ gal . Wool, per'lb., 1 1 * • • •, 2 49 Peas, Canada field ..... .: ••' Black-eyed Blarowfat 44 •• ; •a.• • • - 00 . 10-• 1r 90 40, , , • 300 d 18Q7 25 8 60 8 60 ~ 860, - - ' 11@l2 - '6041 60 -800 V. 25 NEW YORK CITY MARKET. CORRECTED WISETar BY zr.evszrznwci, x-x.A. - srmazrz• (10513110510 N MERCHANTS, - Z. 70. $25 WAIiILILVGTOTT STREET, NSW Tom, I, Nov. 1. 1873.8VTT " l. 85 87 • ' 80 @ 33 28 31, ..... 20 44 28 83 ® 84 44 SO cams!, ..... 14 ® 1434 ...... 11HQ 18 13 153{ 10 0) 1 Dairy- Pails, choice.... 4 , .4 ordinary.. Penn's, Choice - ordinary State Firkins, selected State Tub 5............ State FacTory, fancy.. medium Farm Dairy, prime ' , fair to good. raserazarreons. Dried Apples, quartered per lb *. sliced Potatoes, per bbl Apples, fine. .......... • . • • r• • • 'Maple Sugar - Ashton. Salt • Laid . • • Tallow .. .......... Eggs, fresh. NOTlCE...ereas, my wife Phebe L. Ms left my bed and board without just cause or provoca tion. All persona are warned not to harbor her, or give her credit, as I shall pay no debts of her con trading after, this date, Oot. 18, 1872. Charleston, Oct. 21, 1878-3t* T. T. SIITLEF. APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE.=To Roy. 01 S Woodruff: You are hereby notilledthuityar. the Woodruff has applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga county for a divorce from the bonds of niatrtmony, and that the said court has appointed Monday the 24th day of November next, for u hearing in the premises, when'and where you can attend, If you think prbper N. A. FISH. Wellsboro, Pa., Nov.. 4,1873-4 t. • Sheriff. eirese — or, City 0214 ade r- CLOTHING THE 66 11E•I'D E RS" WITHOUT DOU TWE • Sell the best milde,:trimmed, and the best fitting garments for Men Boys and Children it Northern Pennsylvania. Very many people. com plain that they never - had a good fitting suit. We say to all such, that we guarantee a perfect fit every time: and our prices are always lower than goods of the'sancie quality can be purchased elsewhere, Wallaboro, Oot, 21.1873-tf. Co Guttenberg, Rosenba m NM GOODS F:_i Ll', FALL TiAll] Our stock of DRY GOODS' is unusually large and attractive DRESS GOODS, BLACK Black Cashmeres, Black Silks. SHAWLS 1` Striped Ottoman, _ " Single an,d-Dortble Paisleys, , Thibet and newly 'Double Shawl , • lIALMORAL, FELT AND HOOP SKIRTS, Waterproofs, and Cashmeres, Flannel; Domestic and gousekeeping Goods, Prints, Muslin; Tiekings, Denims, kihirting, , s, Napkins, Linen Table Cloths, Towels. Lacs Curtains, White Goode,Ladies' Bts, Rustles and Ties, !` . .4 tine stook of Fanoy Goods, , Kid Celovea, Laoes, EMbroiderles, &c. . - I. 'i . • CIL T IN t New and stylish Fall Suits, for Alen, Youths, awl\ Boys. Spring, Fall, and Winter Overcoats. Remiember that we manufacture our own geode and can therefeire save buy} ere considerable. We call especial attention to our Custom Tailoring We keep a large stook of Fine impor t ed Cassimeres, Coatings, and Beavers. We do Custom wctrkon short notice. , We guarantee all work done by us as regards fit and style. New - Hats, Caps, and n large stook Of' dents' Furnishing Goods, Don't fail to call on us before u purchase, as we can offer 11 - 0:3 - ainikaliK3-1 ;Jib :I; OE t-74 - 11 SA' PA than You can possibly get elSevehore. I • • TtUTTEIGERG, ItOSENBAIJM &CO Wholesale'Stom _ 105 DUANE ST., NEW YORk.. - . ERNICO.F!Fp :Managing Partner, 16- Branch stores-158 'water street, 2 Union, Bloek, Elgtirs, Stasuebatina Dopq, bpd Montrose, Pe. - • • - VA,FIN,94 74#0 , it • • . T)itoiwricivs ritoTlCE.—Notice is hereby JUL viven that OM'Executers and Administrator* MM. ied Mow have Zell their accounts in the Itegister onic:, for Tiogu -county, Pa., .and- that said accounts Will Oe Trresiented to the Orphan.' Court for said cann ot., at u said Conti to'be held at WellisborM , imeald counts , . on BlOnday, the 2lth day of Iklevember„ 1870, at O'clock, alloWituce and confirm& PAY PQ/i SELL - $lO 50 V 2 El 23 4O • Final aooount a lobo Rowland and- Hannah Beefy, executors of dm' !mat will and testament of beefy, Late of Deerde)d, Tioga county. Pa., deceased. i' .r Final account of 0. A. firotth and W. W. Tate, execu tors of the last will and testament of Cohred Batman or, lute of Oaluei;Tlega county, Pa.; decegaisid.. , ' Final account of M. K. Ratan and Edgar Unser, ad ministrators, cum testament° antlelO, of the estate of J. 13.. Ratan,. late of ,lacktiny' , 'Dogs, county, Pa., de. 0441140. 5- Account of: Angeline Shepherd and FL W. Harrison. adrhiaistratora of the estate of .If,. D. Shepherd, late of JaChaon; Tidga county. Ya , deceased. . ' , hut) account. of Loitzta' Gee, idministrattis of the estato of Joceplt Gee, Istoo: Bliddlebury,,Tioga ty, PA:. deceased, Finaraccoutit of Orren VICO, adtt;lntstrator of the estate of - Wch. - Archer, Icts of Middlebury %lois ty, Pfi4 daaiLliCa. fiecorid pettial account of teal D. - Shelve, adtaltds trator of Cie. estate of 'Waterman AloDatyre, late of aackion, Tides county, Pa., deceased.' Wellsboro. Pa.; Oct. 28, 1873.-4 t. D. L. DEANE, IN/later: PECIAL - COT/I'M—The following wastes lave 0 been certified to special Term of CoorVou the itla siondiy of December, - 873: John W. Guruvey va Collins W. Soper. et til.. *o. l in, Nov. Term, 1888..-- 25 40 _ 25 8 8 12 40 A. Westbrook va W t .2 L. H. B. Co., No. 14, Jan. 1870. ,lames Stevens vs . . 4 ~ 17, 41 •I H. -W, Calkins vii 44 ' 4 18 . .• •0 Dean Patton is.. /I 19, 44 ft Of W. ilualett TS " 41 20. " " ~ R. J, macho va 10 41 Si . d 4 11 Tern bpalcung vs 40 ~, 997, ~, 41 ' Edward Sayer vs " 44 935, 11 11 Albert Aldrich va ;." 998 . ... /1 fEliZa DiPUL et el. vs.!! .. Is,. ~ .. Sallg Dutton vs 41 11 19, ~ 4, , John Ali:onm va Pairingtoti Barcalow, No. 200,1N0v. Tea m 1874 B. 0. cox, Oct. 2d, 1871-91. prothonotary.,. 1 - - is ,so 25 80 .. 20 25 2 00 aOO sOO Nave Just received a very large assortment of Cook end Parlor Stoves, for wood and coal, which they offer ior sale at reasonable prices. ' Every stove fully war 4anted.. IVire have the celebrated . MODERN VULCAN 001( STOVE, for wood and coal, which we offer for pile as the best cook stove is this market. Also the Base Burner, for hard coal, and the "EINTFTBE," for ' soft coal, both of which are wairtutted• to give good batltfaalon. 7 , 340 8 9 0) 93 160 spy 2 v 6 2.60 (& 3 50 8 60 13a8 8' 7,;( 1 ® 8 . 25 27 Hardware; Nails, HOUSE TIAI2.ISIINGS, • . , Tin- W are, Sheet-Iro Ware, . Sheet- I Copper, ,ko. All for sale atpdire and let live pricee." All kinds of JOB WORK primptly don. sad satisfac tion guaranteed. _: A share of the publieptronage soliolted. D. If. BELortan. C. E. Ititztvarkm, I D. 11. DDLCEIER .1; CO Wellaboro, Cot. 28.-amo4 ARE DAILY RECEIVING OF EVERY. DESCRIPTION In •all till new shades, ALPACAS, a Specialty. A full assortment of John Vicher sod John Randall vs Mra. E. Dodge, , auielJalues and James Stokes. No. 484', May Timm. 870. srrOv lAI s V • D, IL BELCHER & CO. LIGHT-HOUSE, = - We are agents for thetterselfea - da Plows, !Welt way 7 need a trial to Insure A sale. , We keep a general eaeortnent of 12E3 It consists of SHAWLS! of l ivini l l Department. Dertietd„l4 l ,:o - olin - ,m 1114! pEractaxs..l), PA. , , TNORAt IlliMiggji, , ,,Prwritt6rm of the above Nall& will msaufactura as usual toursler;to sulfaustoulszt. = OUR - are warriinto4 -111. - sttention idianty 1011 Cart;ling*OlothDOssing We manufacture to order,' and do all kinds - of DM; Calling and Cloth Dressing, and defy competition., Wo have as good an assortment of _ • ' - ' Pail Cloths,. and give more for 'Weal, exchange. than any, 92102 establishment Tr y theta and'aatiarp yontaelves. . ' We wholesale and retail at the Cowarkegirui. mills, 2_ miles below Knoxville. - Ati. 1, 1972. J. H. Griswold's Wa,terlArheel rpm undersigned, are 'agents for the -above Wats 1 Wheel, and can cheerfully recommend Use sups. rlor to aU others in .use. Peraons wishing.. to: pntw &sae should see this wheel in operation before burs Ina other wheels. Deerfield, May 16, 1872; , • _ head the following: Amn nt, 24;4872, We the lndersigned. purchased one of Qeti. ivold'a 80 inch Water Wheels using 68 inches of water to run three run of stone under a 20 foot head, ander* well pleased with the wheel. We have ground slab bushel's per hour with the three run And can aftrais that amount per hour aU day. . Important to Farmers , - nes just returned from New York with a larg• sites , fresh stock go ods, , vrhicb will be sold at ' • prides that cam , 4. - fall to 1514 dastnmers. The stock con. - sista Feed, FLOUR, Salt, "POIIIZ. Fish, Soaps, Starch, Spices, BALERATIIS, &a. HE ALSO HAS THE AGENOY tituil4 514tes Eta,ittomptg, XEA COEFEES.O SPICES? ape. Coma and bny mica and you Will KAM emeniber. the. pla,geti Ws hibero, Pa,, Oct. 14, /WM. W. P. BIGO 'anvogsing Books Sent Free For Prof. Fowler's Great- Work On Manhood, -Womanhood and their Mutual Inter-relations . ; Love, Its Laws, Phwer, etc. et.ts aro gelling, from 15 to 25 coptea a day, and lea sona a canvassing book tree to any book agent. Ad. dress, I.tating.experience, etc., NATION'S+ 1' WM/SU LNG. CO., Philadelphia, Pa. 31,11.N.Y. th , : d gr o Z e l , lu li s u tra r t l d N l , a w m -Y ou o t r f or. uaAL and Pa=my WF-EILLT, is the Stan dard Authority upon. Practical Subjects and a Literaiy Journal. Only $2,50 a gear.— le: , s to Clubs. great Premiums or Cash Commissions to Agents:- ThiVeet Nmnbers (Oct. to Jan.) On Triti, for Only Fifty Cents 1 Premium List, dm.. sent free to, all Trial Snbscribers. Address D. D. T. .11 - 001tE, New York. City. vtr 13 U 0K k.gerellidy 1310 1'g /i n itia l , ° V DANIEL INLialca, D. D., author of "Night Scenes in the Bib te" and " Our Father's noose," of which nottr ly,loo,oUo copies of each were cold. Bend for Oircit ha% ZIEGLER & IN.CCURDY, 518 Arch St Shiladel• phis, Pa. - OL.IItIB 11.111.'STS.,RIES solsed: disaster' and e, , capes vividly portrayed. .tise FROZIiN ZONE and its EXPLORERS . A'splendid ootave of 800 pryes, most protnaely illustrated with elegant stietttott wood engravings. A ftstittating history of Arlie adventure. The most saleable book out. AGENTS WANTS D. send for term . : and sample pages to Hutu, al Publishing Hartfo A, Conn. WhyHeiisekee a er's Manual" Belli. A ancce.di.l Etna Unlike all °thee bo.ks has a claim on woman's attention. A House-TO4WW CANVA6S PAT& I" $70,00 in one week was tcwolo, by a agent. AGENTS WANTED. For terms• and territory apply to S. B. NORD & New Yorls, Boatoo, Chicago. or San Friancis.r.o. THOMAS HARDEN DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO. THE o . l.7vpie urownWrniger, The cheapest and best in the market.' 'Warranted tan. Iv self—clunsting. Special Zadueements tp Washing Machine Agents and the Cannel try Tratie. Liberal terms. agents wanted. Send for Circular. AMERICAN DLS.CRINE Manufacturers and Vatentees, odlco, 430 Walnut Philadelphia, Pa. FIRESIDE ur"E'"nNEE CHDINEYS.made.by PLUME - ATWOOD, produces thelargost light. Can be use on any coal oil lamp. For sale by all lamp dealers. GOOD CIDER AT,AL - TFEEII+IC4.R.F.WInini. The Neutral -,alphite of Lime, as preParad by 13th LLNGS, CLAPP s CO., Poston, formerly J. R. Ina Az Co., keeps CIDER SWEEP ALL TICS RaTIND. New York office, D - Cellegei Plata. ClTirAltritEn.nrcio-Dit. WHITE'S U. S. Salt. MERING INSTITUTE 417 Fourth avanuji. N. Best references. No - payu ntil oared. Sena tbr culnr. 500 r\ wanted for one popular t' k .and religious and historical CHARTS. Splendid assortmentl Large sales I Large profitst Addrees MAASIS & TAISR.F.GHT. -.renPtre Map and Chart Establishment; 107 Liberty St..Nesr York. \VW/ EN'r' . air:uet \ e t° .oi.urPrnh lf; Jewelry, book., t.l.,.tnee, in their own ioealitlel, tic Calmat noo,ted. Cet-tlogne, Terre, hro. 4 %out rang, P. VICKERY S Cfl., Augusts, , $5 to S2O per (lays Amiute elagses of working people,ofelthis , sex, young or old, make more money at work fordst2 their spare momouta, or all the time, than at anytarinig else. Particulars free, A:ddress 0. hatilligaa DO, Portland, Maine, ' Oat. kkia. i 1 I ii PPLICATIbtiS FOR CHARTER.-.No tice Is hereby given that the following applications for charters of incorporation have been filed in , Thror. noa, and will be preo-nted• to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga 0 "-HintY. Monday, November 21. 1873:, Application of liev. Dr, firecit. Jolla Hinman. David Cooper, and others, for the Trinity Church, Antrim, 'flogs county, Pa." • E. D. PHILLIPS. - CHARLTON PHILEDES. AND OTHER.. w. P. BIGONEY,Art p .* TEE OF mriaw YC AND WILL MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Second door below the We'labor° Hotel. :NIOM E ST/Co • I-4 1 0 • G 2at Ist IZICTEt, za.t et CI. fO,ll, CATALOGUE. A-pplication of R. XL Smith, John F. FichanbaCAcer. 'John Maynard, and others, for tho " second 3f. X. Church in Gaines, Tipp, county, Pa." . Application of Charles jtV. Brown, L. R. Decker, W: 0. Lutz, end others, for the" Odd pellowe Budding Association of Menstield, Tioge county, Pd; J Application of Andrew Vandusen, Edgar H. Stevens, James E. Peters, end ciboria, for the "Union Ceme tery Coturany." D. C. COX. Wellshoro, Prothonotary. Blathers & Bodine Have bought out the business of Mathera c ,' Holiday & Co. - and. pro pose henceforth to do business-for CASH or its equivalent, which is farmers'---produce of all- kinds, such as Butter, Eggs; Cheese,44ard, Pak, grain, Rags, Beeswax, &c. We shall keep a full line of. Dry Goods, Gro, ceries, Ready-made clothlng,-800ti5 ,. . , and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Yankee, _Notions, &c. We I pay a fair price for produce . , and_sell our geed* at- reasonable rates in exchange, W e have also connected with-our business a 11410113 . E14: YARD. We can furnish. buildersnnd ()thud with FloOring, Siding, all kinds of 'Hemlock and Pine-Lumber, Timber, &0., ready for Ilse.: „ COME AND SEE US. N. 13. We will deliver g oods for Our customers in ,nnipirt of town. gATaEliSrfir BOVINE, Vellattpro, Oct. 21,. 11148-11 ■~ N. Y.