O 44 . ely Alltilot, ' rifEstasort.46 Trunm,l OT 041:PLINT-711.413 ts hitSr.So 0--0.40:-6.400 per M 111124111 liAltaVatio.)o. 'll4 it.i r ii: s (ILA' 411 rk:RTIS. I-V A . - ' ----''''------ - tom 1 il° Sin. Jo Su. 9.01:2, .. r ...-- —n ;,s, .. 113.. 810.. tin. I litil sllslls4l Igi $. 4 00 10 5 01 1 .53 1812 u 0 IRS 153 3*l 4 ./.7 .5 VU t Ott 11 uU id U 0 0; 3 ot) 3 .s' , 5„00 G 0.2 7uu 1.3 uo is 00 I U ~c 3. ...0 2Su 100 tl'OO 7Uu 8 Lot 10 uU 30 tut li g x,A, 2l, 335 U , x) Ito 00.12 00 20 OD 26 00 1 01 3 .,3,11 5 30i $ 01;13 G11:1 5115 Ott 95 UJI 35 Ott 11batlia; d 112 ,ioi 1$ 03 10 00 12 00 :$ DO 00 Ut.l 1 10 ,. 112 Jo 15.N194 ,( Je 1$ Ud 33 4.8) .3:k Uu WU U 0 1 ,.............. _______.___{.. Orartmrceutb3re:al.Luhitcd b the ih iu teugth itelatun, and auy It'SS I pas:c torted thug a uc full inch . toecap e4verthietueuts ututt be au ~, 0.111 fur before 111-• .orlloo,os,:ept on youly :out:acts, eirivi.yearly pilae.do Madrona wt.). be roqulrcd. - • aLtra ,i, so l o.* 'IJ CO f 4 Ovg . 'Lao sant' insertion. Xtxiblui 104101 tor teta Stolll „1 . : 1. tiCAVAITS 30T/CVAII 1114 Lillorial Oblitrune, ou th e 6.000 page, 15-tunvi per Imo aneit 111lierUvu, Noty. , ag luaerlo4 for toss than 41. 0111111 U, JO 0011411 per a l e if LOCAL NOTICLI ill L:' Al 112•4 than droll:tea; stud 61toeuts tor a uutlce of awe Vol Orissa, 10/3 .10017201L41404.0e.a andlltallitsMOOrted nutlet.% will bit oluorged lU3outs til ; butt/1101)20.w -w tine. , j 'orIAL liM0811111.) per cunt above regular [etas wr ip,441440s 5 I.futil 01.1ele, $5,00 pPr yBAr. . BuSiness Cards. • La's - tuna. B. A. Joaibmoo. Batchelder & ‘,„wtareal of .}l.ouameuts, Toutbaiouua, Table lis,Collutetl, &O. Call ,sud sea. sbup. Waif/ aL. 4 .*,te fouadry, Walbiburo, Pa.—July :3, 11172. A. itedfleld', oasis &ND o.PIDIVI.LOCt 1T LAW.-4untot. 0.41/10i4 titieutlo74 t3.—Laurrearavillik, sw a n Pgazfa,, 2,p,T, 1, Ib7l-Wm. 11..SOYWOUri 00E 1 AN LAW, AL tinniness en• pwwlle tz.h.ase Win prunApt 41.teutlue.- 1461, 1i74. lieu. NV. Diegric oasts o@,„ 14 Ni•J • wlllbj 4C414d4kal t om .7,414 Ag 44.441•4 Mitchell 42 Cameron, gottstx3 LE Law, Odom and illilialLuce domain. a.,4 5;‘ , ..1.41 tltl 1Y riIIUOWr 1.1110: Ui%/elk. OYL , 4 “firp dAjd:Ad's atom Wanalp.au. William A. Stout), i goors AT LAW, over C. helny's Ury tiaod pry, v,r4.:ut a bailey's Blucl. Ul.l UAW IStil4Ct. • TyLlikoUro, 4% , .. 1. 1, 1812. j. C. kit - rung, DIST diuT ATTORNEY.- 4 64 J. A.teg, Erg., ‘b r./.BlJuro, Pet.--Jaw. 1, • 7i C. N. Dartt, Alnit axle With 11111i.OVElriVST. YysLL 6VV: 44:Lia tasti.lnctiuu th,u au) tai.uY ‘nair. 4..141.1x ,r. /Lulu.? li. It. %i b„,* Da. 15, 101 l J. B. Niles, ITTOBNEY AT LA L.tl.taitl p:ot.uptly to bus zto %). 4 traBted w lun ,tav tL We .uU..U•_r ul Tioia, Link.; on the M. euue.— Weilsburt., FL, Jxu, I, ttl7L J au. W. A.ditlllS, trl'otrzila LT LOS', Stuusoftat, Tioga county, Pe. I)44 , Nnua yr,nlity ttutuuk.a C. L. Peek, 47011.X.CY AT LAW. All of uiu t promptlit collected lAace with w. b, lame, taLsa ;ha, rloge Ju., Po. • C. D. Lielly. NittjA OrvOtery, Lluu, ;care, Tabl. Cut ILA ektini Mee.' Aisu rit;Jit, and thni Fux Arula trona; a Lion, gut:it:l73 Ar Witiialaspv.i, u. O A . 1 tAill;1.1. LISS. 411.4. 1, 17i12 1V111: - .43. Suilth, bulatit> auu hosuratice Ageut ce-lalaufki6 4 4tio , i. tLe. n 4uVEx,lw.dr N% plvnipt - . l.llLierale.—hitAX ea,h. jtua. 1, 11372. 13strues & nos, iUi Phrs - rkp..—Aii JuLiai Jul, .'riming done 01' twriccuct, run to tuc best =mutter. taluct iu /low la Couc's Udtour.--4ltn. I,r /b 72. Sliblasville Rouse. 4111RILLY. Two 1.1 C.)., Pa.—Hama tat V's. Proprietors , Lis ha at ties beets ttwronglily row-wasted and iloir to good conditiou to (Werhuld.ite ale cravaliue' lA:Main a ciparlor Mutter.—tan. 1, 1873. D. Bacon, 31. D., 111110 IAN AND 801itiliON-110,y be found it hi, sty Ist dour Ensy. of Airs Coad'e—llaut Btreet. 'di gnu ud prying ay/o All calls.— VI en* uoru. ha. I, 1871. Petroleum 'louse, Itifirnb, (1•o. iPruprictor.--.01:4f1 an anamodatlori fur both ruse and boast. Charges rea. 'Rib* and good-attention given to Afuestr. h 4.1.141 W. W.Bulley, 4,11 rr 1 / 4 1Z Bait OF all stile* f.l light and. bean Lcrukit (*nage* JEW. uu stAntly.iu /WO, Al. . 11 1 w.ter.sused. Oui•Lkior atta Y. Urdef.l 103 with C. 13. fielle). arc ChAthatu, Will re.. 311 VAUptiitlautiou.—Juue :4, 1d7.3*-.0 tour. M. L. Stieklin, In Cabthat Ware ur which will b. sra Lae toWthit. laVltet ail 10 US/. 11 1 , 1 t 4t Lt. t pUttS befuxv paruals , tuy. cinowloer• 1 1 4/ . .fuluar thott • vidg.Li .3/114. ~trt .tiara Stowit, blellith.)lo. illary E. Lamb. KlLLsEtiy.—vr:s.a.. to u-r zrissitde and flit PW-I.4wutulia) tutii ilnt. umn a otietts alUct.ttl U1111,t• t t ttfy illtutts iii: tut, i rt iCJiU aOU.O ttrtard. Mars E. g t 4 •l:lseoktiK uX gin maxtuk; anti L1%111111 , 11_, tie. Fur4llltat *Wt. 4 , 111 girth uvr 4tivo t 1 tt ,, u+,'t it. Atat S tur w 11N ~ .4.u.tvora 41 , 14.:A. JsllyB i /813.-U. Yale & Van Horn. Go are tusunieettuiug raverut br.tu Cigar. ILL Bell et pris:VlD tout k.,,suutrl ULtt plenea %Mr Oletuilldni. Wit, 114 e 11.14 c Lut lua lot fait. iblVa2:l4 .A.la Vitra /o,niceo. 1.1(.3 filaitt! Oue own Jre ULU reus9u eau triti•ealit ta , at. Estee gni:writ us2JilLueut uf yuuai ei, ,wSug 9c.03 aliaokiuti Tobauetht. Suutrs, Vivo* truut l.ty tv tu , liudre,A , 4l,lll, Toint , xx, s'ouci,..s. a:0 t whok ttl'i ell,l rct,',ll.-Dec.2i4 I 72 Joh.' iL. Anelersol%, Agt. Di:ALLIS. IN IiAttI3WAIIII. Irv,,, awe% o ..s&rlnnitural ItuplemootA, carriarr :ipr.nket, Illuta. wc., Puebet and ren.,t. Ounsand Atnoitutmoo, h'n., l s—woo.l and Iron—tna neat lu use. Slinialsc. twt: eu,l ionter lu Tin, t;oprer, ttrvl tu Tin and Iron. iu work wurraut -Jau. 1, Ibid. IZAAK WALTON HOUSE, Gra.ilies s JP:A. J, Q, Herrick, Proprietor, remedy kept by li. C. emit!) ea. Pirst, Clfl ss Elot tifi t, re4tut &titdit:o4a tor the accesantedAt-eu et kuusa. " Ya., Oct. 14. 3478. JUST .1tECEI11:11, Vcint 1,21114 E ST.IOB. DEAVEIi. ROAD Lura, (Assl3l4ltE, VDsTlNtizi, AND 1.141.. U. vetuuti I will su.l vory quedi. FUR CASti. la nt4, butt assurtummt ur tioudo uvvr brvught ."thlro., of yulutus bt,yl.os. Jeleato call awl tuuh 41aortr. Overcuats, and Ropafrivir duuu With 4 •Alzia sud at; 41444, 04 1.14,, eboap,ml. folElAtt.a. Vat iNEE. Oraftuu stceet. 14 4 . .114u-1 y. - I.V.,llmburo, Pa. - Mrs. Geo. (ampbelL RAVINCi returned to Wolliburo,pid hastily Hulett •t too tout* to the tottouracturo AurrFICIAL LIAM 1 44 1 ratpely to - old that ha til l ;i 4 b. glad vtt to ol fibd say BO Wllo her 51N131(1 frletoia - * 1 4 0. " 114 - ahe opu tuttud at thehotos , :of M. 014,4 m, the ltarbar. Feh.7b. Timber Land for Sale. gue4 ottins for sate two. Intudred and LArt " itus soros of tanner laud About elett miler 10 t~.xilt ur 6 hoOs4vro. fibre m A ute,.4 iFoolt.ty of Aiwa9(l ,3 • ll :94 , 49l49)l9oisestatit upon will Yu ,nu* tarnuni duals, It t3ll soul ;:!: 41r uf iird. A. oll):Cti. ' .411°41 41a1t.44, Vir04404M146, ,Cieneroltisurance Agency, IMOZVILLZ, _TIOQA CO.. P.A. ..,Ife,,,„l . 9. 'ire c a24o,4tepigttatat, (1 • • A8,5ET13 OVER stss.ookow A. IS. DWI . . _ Alernsnta..Of Cleveland. Ohto 4' 635.41 New Vforit LIN and Fire Ote. Co 21.000.000 ItoyaYins. Co c i: of f.iverpoot • 10,616,601 L m amm;hi 0 3tatiehest , r, Capital... ' 10.0K000 1,„.. co., of North A:nark*, Pa - . $.3.1/50.65.5 co Flankliu Fire lUD. Co. of Phila. Pa. 2.0 . 31,439 95 Itemilllie Inn. Co. of N. Y., Capital rs').o(}ll Niagara Fire Pnt.,Co. of N. Y ' 1000,000 Farinera Mut. Tire Ina. CO. York Pa 909.889 11 Plimnix Mut. CM, Ins. Co. of Hartford ct..6xp0,970 an Pena% Cart tug. Co. of Pottsville 000.000 Or i -- Total—. 1 . ..$55,491,451 94 lusfirait'es promptly - effected by mall or otherwise. on all,ki tote ol,Property. All losses promptly adjusted end po 4 et my ofilite. • 1111 'colon/auk-at:lons promptly attended to—Ofilatt or 'ill street 2d door Irom Blau at., Anoxvllle WM. U. SMITH ;lan. 1. 11372 .t!. /kart- -, General Insurance Agency, J. EL 4 - J. D. CALIIIPDIELL A RE 'issuing policiesin the tallowing Campania' agittuat bre and lightuLug iu _3log end Potter eyttot:es Q't EMS --- $ ':et)N t'LNENt.it of New York . ii ‘NOVEIt, cd New York 988.381.0[ ASIERICAN. New York... ..,1.972,(100.01/ WYOMING. of Wilkeaburre. Pa. 919.668.42 W.11.1.1. 3 .MuY0RT. of Wm sport ' 113,088 Ili Ail buainet4 woutptly auktutod,to by Wail or lattarire vyfao. L.V.tati• adjusted and pald at Our art9H. Nalitml. Dew. in, 1874-Iy. LAO Olt LOON t EIAS'TINGS •& COLS DRUGS, MEDICINES, PATENT MtarCLYES, Paints', Oils, Glass, Putty, Brushes, Tnissee, Swortero, and Igurgi- . HORSE & 9.4TTLE Porrbzus,. eatint's Goods in Giest Variety. Liquors, Scotch Ales, cigars, Tobsot,ro, Sour, &a.. &I', PUYSICIANIV PuilimLzm:zors - eantruz4.r Conmom= Groceries Sugars,Teas, CANNED AND DRIED FR UPI', Shot. Lend Powder and Caps. Lampo, Chitnuniti, V. hip), Lush( s. Sta. BLANK & IYHSCELLANEOUS All Fllll6l ilnolia in iuse. Envelope., Stationery. and Cap rip, r, Initial paper, "ilrmorrintltune, large and tn , :tioinirice Leto. p3prr. seln,ul Cards and 1., muffs ink. %% !qui' F1ui...9r4614 linekaiunainou .. r ,j9, pirotre P,aint-I.oltaal aid TetaselS. Mirrors, %Wm:rm. Collars ,and tittnititatk Dario naps, par...lr gliu.Leb., at wholthiale hind rutinl. Tralleta, port mordrig, combo, WWI and flandlea, acia4oi alie;ua, knives. violin strinits, bird insgos. gre4t variety of Inlioa, ilikinainda, measure rule, Fishing Tackle, bast troy,flies, lid, Itookr, baskets and rods. Spectre attention paid to thin Imo In tha sarcoma.. TOILE I AND FANCY ARTICLES. 4oENT3 roa :LITER IC AN STEAM SATES VILLAO E LOTS for sale in the central part of the Dora. Mar,1125. It S. C. P. SMgTti. ETAS just return from Nevi 'Rot k with the largest a65,..i ttLett of MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS ever brouqbt into Wellsbero, sod will give her custom• ere rodu , otl tart es. r She has a spleudlo assorttueut of ladle., Fw s, Gloves, Worsted. Toss. real sod init. catioa hair god and a tontine of ready midst white lauds. Prices to suit all; Surveyor Notice. L . % mv.N. itr) I.IIIYUEN offers., bib anrvtoe to tbn L'A Ilb , iirveyor. Ile will be ready to attkidprompt• y eAbs, lie may be tumid wt the lag MAee d. :Maywood & Son, to Wnllnbar° + or at Ws /int- Jen •f• 011 Eust • Wdllstmr..). Pa, 3lmy /3, 1873,-t f. • , LIVERY STABLE. KETCH' 1M & 00LT...13-proprietor,. Strstwissr.rigs furnitawu fl, rt rah*. :Pena ttlifilt. tap• .)1111x 11 - L1 giSUIL A PUBLIC HACK , tl\ be tut the street et eU reasounbli , hoUrs. Fat• •ugermit4, and (rola %no d•-put to my part of the town t.o v.k.say,ed twent}•llve douts. .For rumbles or wail vart.es for inassure. Owe duller per hour. • Well.tturo, Julyl3. 149. zwreit&Sj & cous. NEW DRUG FIRM NEW GOODS TAYL i pR & SPALDING ' k • - 175Glesdo arid Itotal/ DagloTs is DR TGS. CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, P ATENT ,411 En MINES, zl - rztosr,sz, LAltrs, DYE - STUFFS, .P:.E.TIETJAMIirs Awing made special arraugementa with • the Mona tyorg 641,..11;auqu0y. wo can ta - ruiah Glass at lowest rut's to partie4 a•ii,htng in buy. WO clunclutlese Cupp:a uiru t irotu iLe trxtury. • - , . 4 ) /Vysictane Posarrisdinns and Family Restra Aosetrele. ly Compounded. ' di-lir, Podding hn bad savers; pais szpseeste* lu t,,. , &NIL; luisillerd, and is thitrouxbis 'Jotted iu all .4ta I); auet.. . TA ii,id. lit a SPALI3IIS(.I. W. i3aig4-0. Pa... 11211624. Vra-tf• - . , OA NCRRI IENICIENP I It you ere allticted.wilh ()ANCI:II., come X' lot to;=tliately to tlto Catumr Intirmary of Dr. J.: ate (Auto . , '4 4 diatat,'Zi. Y.. wine you' will be prompt)" , treated awl mired, If you come in time.- -Wne,nreneb" lugjne , B. Depot at [las place, aak lot ..tUtt_Atuar.t., can tiara omuilma; it Will take , pru dirmt to the 111- Arrow y.. If you wish for retl.l.o 4 e,l"„d•r n r w elt• IJtr t43ilitolt delay. 4.:lturbef time til‘u X.4./.614- 0 44. • . , _ . . • - '' i -. ...7‘,.. f:. , ;:;: - t- •-", :,- -e; • - ..‘e ~. - . te a • . -i:, . if, fik. - -1 i„., Ai _.,1,..4 4 3 .4...fip 1 . To .. , • • , .:. ~- "`.. ry g.. 1 --:. - '',... ' i .' ' 4 r-k• ' - 7 . 4 ,- ; - 2:-.;k, , : , p ~.... . ~4 .. .., ~ 1-.„ • •-". - - • ''.: ' -- ~; .ii: • 11' , ..,V, • : ".`j "lIP ° ~A ''Q.., '".t.*:i ;. ',-. -..-;.. ri 'tt - -it ,- 1 : 4 -- ' .;;-, •'• '; , C, '' • -;, ' ; V. vf'" . • :):,-,... - • ' J-: --'-` , - :,•;-' . - f '-" '.*- '-, '.. '':: ../TtN.-.7.5-.:;;-2..,. •.,, V ' .. ',I k ' '.' - • - . -. -' ' .' ' ' - , , I' ..: ' -' .I 4 Y 4 4 440 -Vl Alitiiiiii 1 Vry , 14,..v .. fis ' . 71 ' -. -' ' .1. - 'l' . '" , • ~• - " *wale or CompAinis. 2421,1505 t, Tzow. Co., PA. VO/1 cal Inairumants. ... maam;;), NOTIuNS. 11 %STINGS & COLES .11 'ANCI' dtcs. . -12TIGH attli'd ": Insuranceilleal EstaletSteam — ship sold Ws - able In any city or town In Europe, Atireatgrt, Second Cabin, or litterage.Vaasagetickett , to or from any Watt in Europe from or to' Wettaboro, by the Anchor Lino, or the White Star Line of ocuan Eitesanera. Sairneal Estate bought and sold on Coturniesion. 4-1 desire to yell particular attention to the !flour non factittiessfrorded by the old and well knodoz • • Welisboro Insurance 'Ageney, --Enebilpilira, - FIRE, LIFE 4t ACCIDENT. - Capital Riptesente4 - $10,090,000. (ETNA, of Hartford, Conn: HOPE. of New York. t - FRANKLIN, of Philadelphia. INS. CO OF NORTH AMERICA, of Phi Pa. PENNSYLVANIA. of Philadelphia. WiLLIAIWSPORY FIRE.- ALEMANNIA, of Cleveland . , Ohlo.-' - PHENIX, of Brooklyn, N Y. • LYCOMING litlS, CO.. Money. Po, TRAVELERS LIFE &. ACCIDENT, Hartford/ ,Pollcies written In any Of. the above leadlng curti patties at standard lids& tonere, promptly pod at my Office, No, r ktoweive lltootc, UOR YOXINCi. Aar. 19. 2872. We have S4ed . the Shanty !I L.L.BA.LDWIX&C,'„ 211304 A. Be Aug maw hats but tiutek ta *4 a par Wends alql mamma that we have good BARGAINS • . port TIIVAL Own* Elegant New_Siore h assail tun at DESIRIBLt '6U0.11 et et lomat pilau to t* tetur4 On 113 a isk lain bum haw U is Faimiskum Osil 14.1872. JOH. FISCIILER Erb the lorgeet ilia boot Wonted stock of *BOOTS ANO S . IIOES over bxollght into Wellsboro, ociusloting of Ladies' - Kid _and Cloth - Balmor, . ale and Gaiters,- Ladies, Misses, ' Children and Baby's Shoes. Gents' Cloth Boots and Shoes, Prince Albert Calf Boots, Bp' Calf & Kip Boots, Youths' Boots. In fact, au kinds of /face' and Worneree wear kept in a dret-elase Shoe Store. 'The best pawed Wornau's Shoos aver offered in ibis market. I defy the world CUSTOM WORK. It lost don't Mier& tt, try me. I Any only too boat mock. and have u good Corthrainers at money can biro. IMPAITM(Gi dons ttaatly, and with dispatch Leather and Pinding,t noturtantly cal band. CABti PAW FOR RIDES, Dy,AOICSRINS„ PELTS AZTD Having Ault filled up my shelves alth a choice stock, persouslly . seleeted tor this market , I respect. fully solicit a fair share of trade. Troths and quick rettums," I believe to be a good huniut sa'ress.- ; and I hod the-best gqods to be the cheapest! I keep no Shoddy. kly assortnient is tufticieutto meet all sizes mud tastes. I invite our, patrons sud the public generally to call and exsmine my stock. tiu troob:e to show goods. - Alweys be- found, one door north of 0. B. /tailors store. Main street, Vielleboro. Ps. Feb. 4. 187:.t-tf. POMEROY BRO'S & SMITH ' BA.NNERS. 8L0881317103, Tioga, County, Petunia BUSINESS PAPER EGOTIA.TED. Peastot Bad* Elinamis, Tvoy. 014 4 4.1 P-4 )VELLSBO/19,. , T100, - A , ,-.CO. :. - T-4.- .TUgSDAY;: - ''. - NoYEATBEIt.;_ 4',11873: I= T. L. I!=M:t d; 00. EMI w. n. ilkaaftnirg, Pel trauma and the Mad. Iniata* btd array, an 4 44rappalt la 'trail: " • tug tnat,tfe• .• _ -- • - Poor- autonti hat to arearatitbalif; ' • d wtappottlap lir • a aullfa Vovn, • : NVAI.4a a maiden ant to por&L • • „ Copps little letivca of varied hue, dttiicio totho wtstd's • ' .quultit;touudelo," . . Thus Antuisiu thought the maid to please; ' Dafteal i(et w.ttt vertt d beat, to e mus luw mur tau Itat'e fitful 'Way, The nada et 11 sullen, ill et ease. • .1 "Cottle, blustering wind, owns whirl and tv , l4 to tteesk off weenie boy's ••traw.bat," - Thus A.utuunt thouidit Ite'et tf.rAgelar•:'` Yet breatlad she out soul/ heavy' f4lis, duterefirift not to etUile at flirt; • To pleseu the uluitleu alt auelued vela. /11 Slack the leaves to golden hue, and kiss h.ar lab ikep Jzidoe-psve," Said Autumn's' sun so warm and brig ; Slut looked 1bogo&d tl a go tiro Soul. %Lets rose a Ulou4 et steeped in min: So ultat Riau Qut the cheer) Light. Rind Autumn bado t' o wind to sing, and hid tlls iitils uutid not wt.' p; • Tht• sun tricion'.4 ••11vory batinor And aliiplaa the maihen's froitul Wait, thou veils Inc ryes iu mystic 6104111),, To 41114 a her &ea by sv,., as at drozus— Of Talint and Ufa la while arraY. Aiid robin rittl-lneuibt'e cheerful lab CI: merry Ilene awl vote • Welt a epttleas .13a1:a to wee; , Of spriviptide s'l :Wow 'anti ft-serf, And birdse's sung iu Icaty b Ave s. f be:do, bud, faht +4.41413u. Till Albaltlias raved the , air: Of suitimilit bltioin eta eft:adieu ski, ASO tdslatulgule'S soft in zi.tre:ey, 01 ' , oar ei chimes in clear unlsou nelemit U.. 1:1;oest41 in one; Of antutnn•e caarseug titts of add, Men swallows warn of wilitar'N cold,' and ebureh.bell• bid ua Ot.u.e hthi pray To Kilo, our Judge, Olathe dread Day. rtinielen woke; on bended knee She said her rIAM-liku Litens; Then pre!red tho Lord for season* Wyse. - Thee breAthe of Ii atth ena live in Hvaven —Monthly Podia. The Emperor and Ms Prisoner. It is curious to reflect how umny of our great discoveries have been the result of ac- eident or of misfortune. Misfortune WAS the mother \of the stacking loom; Our readers tire aware that. in MO William Lee, 4 fellow of St., John's College, Cambridge, was expelled from the University for ert eretly.. marrying. • He and his young wife were reduced to ,extrente pow erly and dis. tress, and the latter Was compelled to knit stockings as a' means of procuring subsist• rice. Lee, in despair, was one day watch• ing the action of her fingers, when the idea of imitating the movements by a machine suddenly occurred to him. How the art of making Dresden china' was discovered is scarcely less remarkable: When Augustus, Elector of Saxony. cov eted the throne of Poland be was sadly in want—as monarchs frequently are--of that valuable commodity called money. Anti at qua time a German I'rofe-sir of Mends- try, an•old man named Brattier. presented himbelf at Dresden, and having made known the object of his visit, demanded an audience, - %1 hid' was granted. He as sured Aligns us that if a suitable laboratory was erected and certain materials provided for lam be could make gold in any quanti ties. " Are you sure, Old man?" said Augustus. "Quite sure, your highness," was the .re ply; "BO sure lbat I %%001(1 Staku my very existence en tuy btlece,.s." " Within what tinter "'Three. months, sire." "Be it so. You shall have n trial," The three months pasted away, and .the day arrived for the old professor to-make known to the Elector Nrbet her he had RUC, ceeded. The Elector was alone in ids'cleon. her. He had previously given orders that no one save the Countess of Koeniistnark or Buttgcr should on that morning have an tes to his private apartments. 11.'6 very seconds seemed like years to Augustus, and tits - tut pat write - .... t w a-4, , vccrfcr ,- nitir-p. If 13tottger could but give him gold, ne could cru.b the MI6 - gut-3' by which he wit.; suriounded; he could humble, the pre. sumptuous Loris XIV. of France, who %canted Poland for his cousin, the Prince of Come! At such tt dote gold to Augustus was power and majesty, and therefore. he :Misted for it. The Countess of Koenigsmark, entered the chamber, and 41.uglistua thus addressed her: "Aurora; - they talk of my empty coffers; but this day—tins very (Iv—whatever I touch ehull turn to gold." "Are .you sure of that?" inguired Me. partner. "Is it already sparkling before your eves? ; Suppuae Longer should not Aleceed?" . " Ile must—he shall succeed: Aurora.— Yes! this 114 Bo;tger will bring me lumps ,of gold." c At This moment n chamberlain announced Proieswr The - Elko for sprang toward the old man, and seizing him by the hands, he exclaimer) , "Bottger, yon bring me gold! 1,1 it ituL so? You bring me gold!" "Sire," -replied the old man, " r bring you my gray bead, N% rich I have forfeited. I deemed seienee infallible. 1 wus iu error, and I linweonrers iL " ' "Whin Idu 3on not bring me gold?" cried' AUgreans vehemently. Know ynu n hat you toi ve i•ousumed in smoke and y not unit' your mixturesi Hod atualgto matbini., but a kingly'crow a! You pledged in your head—hut IA liHI is your head Iu me? :It Has OW stuke in a high game which yoU bove lust" Then calling loudly for the captain of the guard, he thus instructed that officer: " This old mist' is your prist tner. Convey him to the lofty prison of Nocningstein.— *floe let_ him, for the remainder of his days, feel the penalty of making- promises to a minee w•hiela he could nut fultill." " Sire," said Ihe old professor, " allow me one word. If I have faded in penetra ting one mystery of maitre, my attempts have levealed to the a mystery of art for w•ltit••lt Saxony shall ever he. famous," "No more of your deltßioos, Eirralit" said Augustus. " Away with hint to pris on!" The old mu was removed; but, at the nt.tance of the (..,outites.% the keeper of the prison extended_ to. him every' species of kindness consisten!.. \dill Ids duly. The professor's dat4 bier and one or two of niends were permitted to visit him oecit sionally, and the light of day suffered 'to lesson the gloom or his dungeon. Days, weeks, and months passed away, ' and the Elettor had ceased l to think of the protestor's default.. In an apartment of the palace of the Countess Aurora stood two Chinese vases which some potentate had presented to the Elector. 01 their kind they were die most costly weeks of art then in Europe. One day art, Italian artiest, employed by the Coun tess to copy a picture, had the misfortune to stumble against the pedettal on which one of these vases stood. The vase foil, and was broken into innumerable pieces.— The territie4artist fled the kingdom, and was seen no More, for ha atoiviprited what would he the wrath of the Elector, Who not only reviled the unlucky artist in his absence for Iris awkwardness, but attacked artists of all kinds. , . You overrate these painters and inns'. ittni , ," said he to the Countess; "you make them, by your patronage, proud, Insolent, and artogant. And what are they, after all? A parcel or useless idlers." "Do not disparage my artists, sire," re plied the Countess. Is the flowerruseWss whose fragrance refreslos our seibtes? Is the sunbeam useless which Warms our souls? . Artists and composers; sire , Int use intolhis tuonotimous extstence or ours the 1-B..enee find spirit of poesy, and light it up wiih the, bright lamps of imagination. Sire, if you, dispar/ige toy- artists and composers, you di:Telugu yourself—at least in any e) es." life destruction of the vase, the flight of the artist, 'and the anger of AugustuS were filets KUUII known throughout. Dresden, and ere long, found their way inio the •prisuu_ , -where the old professor was - "Think you,!! bend Hot iger ttpt he govern:" or of - the prison, -"that - you- could procure for me the vase- which t t tinlitukenT - The Cotilliesa 1, ever kind to the aidottuutue.,,-- Let rue hut have that vase,- mid I will_ not may -he liberated and reitoted to my family, but the Eleetur, in person, Shull do uM _hon or." „ - there in a glimmer—it noun! lrynian o f yours—a ho also.hakes---11 Very W' istere,st. Su 4; im,", • of the prism. ft Itelieghently sends to in-. _retireabout - .tottr liciittit' and :your. state .of j,le is in greittftithr with the Von* eits, nittl it is possitplethitt - thrOugh.ltim roue c'T 1 will speak to kini on the The comptiser furry the Conniess and- peti tinned fur the vast., winelisince the_accidenr had been irtuoved. inasmuch am the sight of it-had become offensive to' the Elector, re minding hitn, as it did, of the artist's awk; wardhrss: -1 Count besitisted, and - inquired: 'Fon what-purpoge du ypti wtsl,l fur tlio vase?" •• For - a gcul ri•ptied the ooiiipoSer: `•but'&n• a inicf while it rust remain a ke el et The Countee.s pioidtd, nod that tfight the precious work of urt was ,in the pris(tt of XoePingstein and in thO hinds ,qt the Cler• 'loin professor•. , _ - .By day itud,by nightlltd the old Man and an at•it.sh,taht, who wit:4 now permitted to rte• main . Willi . lam. apply themselves' to the work.. Tia , y hi.td hitt -lit I:Parthe object was;,anOornplisltedi. and In ruck %ire 1101 t the ollr 11-061 not distingui4l the copy from. the jokiginal. Both vases Yere !hen intrnsied to ter "cnite poser, who'eaused them to be conveyed se. (welly to the apartments Of the Cintess n d placed it r their pedettats; and the do wouics wkro -enjoined not -to mention the ter.toratioa of the vases, hut sutler the Countess to make the dimeoyeiv herself. - And this the Cuuntess very satin- did, PiMitp'