11 A lesson in lit4tory. 'A. D. 1901 INIE It was a summer evening, 0141 Mr. Smith bad coma rrom Bat► Francisco, balloon, To hill suburban home— ,Where. by the shorn of Klamath lake, Bla plea;uro be was wont to take. Ile aawhie grandchild, Coltdslna, While playing at crogriet. Roll itOlnething large and smooth and round, To O r brothil, iieury , jelay, And k the young apoo OJr he knew , Whe that queer pelmet° greW, The old man Smith stappod up end took Tho'relloiu his hand, And shook it till it : rattled out • A ball or two ofj Baud. 71n El , Lae squat./ :llcsloc'n quoth he, ..'Who irll in tho groat victory." “Nou tell us what 'twos oil about,” Young Henry Oily implied; While on her mallet: Coltexine withlook inspired, me tell ho the warriors were, And why they kitteo coat ether hero. ..rt , was the Yaid.ceg," said ohl Smith, ..Who made the Alotlocs ruti; Became cos (+tett the lauds 1114 tad WM/ ) . )1))1ted en. _ sonit what mixed, bnt all acre° That %was a foutoni victory. ••Men, liabel3 and women, fifty-three, eollowecl the Indian thief; One hnneired nines ha many whites IhnugUt Mr. to grief; Atv I every red v.,as Lilted," said he, ''.lll the t;t e.tt Modes; iettlry." 'But what grew:ramp of it at last ?" AtcaLect ge.tle Cull x iPe; • ? Ly, we got their land, you bet,. home• ou're living in; • Au,lflati , y a heathen ee.,lp won we In tlfat brave Chnatiau victory.. "Omit priaine cur olor.l Killem-gatnod, Ant r e ioir flag wcen." fhey marl the D:hle then?" F5~ pm fug Colfaxtne. ••Why. that I eanunt eay," qunth h e , .T.ut 't!vego a glorioas victory." JOKER'S BUDGET. Spiritualist paper---(w)rapping paper. It is the second cutlet that re-veals a man. To readers of fietion.—About the most thrilling tale known is-the rattlesnakes. A boy defines salt' "as the stuff that makes potatoes taste bad when you don't put on any." 'Pilot, you needn't wait any longer; it is stanighti overhead." ' "Yes, but we ain't goin' that way." A young man's friends object to his being loose, but somehow they have an equal ob jection to his being tight. A "dastiird rival" of the West, states that the editor of this ----, was kicked last Satur, day and nlw stands up to do his scissoring. •'Wti . () 'Made you V' was asked of a small girl. he replied, "God made me that length,' iindicating with her hands the length of a new-horn t infant, "and I growed the rest myself." Doctor--" Look here, 3frs. MacCawdie, don't give him any more physic. A sound sleep will do him more good than anything." Doethor, if we could only get him tae the kirk - ." ''A Judge at Montgomery, Ala., recently ,interrupted a very flowery young orator With—" Hold on, hold on my dear sirl Don't jo_any higher You are already out of the urisdictiond of this court!" "-An Ohio boy - who insisted that the lark was the lust bird to soar in the morning was an innocent ethild who had gleaned his knowredgelrom seeing how late his father slept after being out on a lark. It was n Portland fellow who, after coming to a railroad crossing the other day, and 'reading the sign—" Look out for thelocomo tive," climbed to the top, and on gazing up the track, wanted to know "wher'u thunder the old thing ) was?'4 "ifVlint's y6 t tir buiiness ?" asked a judge of a prisOne,f at 'the bar:- "Well I s' !pose you Might call inc a locksmith." "When did you hist , work - at your trader' "Last night; Nylon I heard a call for the portico, 1 made a bolt fur the front dour." The Boston Traveler is responsible for the following report of an argument in a heated etreet dsz , eussion : "I don't believe in spiritualism. I think this: If a man goes to h-1, lie can't come back here; and it he goes to heaven, he don't want to." The prospective brother-in-law of a young Terre Hautentot sat down on a bent pin the other evening. His smile as he hastily Unite Mill Stlid, "1.. think it is cooler nea the window love," waw sweet but sad. The' boy puts a pillow in his chair this week. military officer, one day while reiew iii4 ids company, happened to be thrown Irom his horse, and as he lay Sprawling on the ground, said "to the friend! who' ran to his assistance: "I thought I had izeproved In h9r,wnialthip, but I mid I have fallen off." hip wife the other day, that he would not drink a drop as long as he had a hair on his head. That very night he had his head s h ave d smooth, and then got drunk with at proud consciousness of having fitithfully kept ins promise. A Goorgia man being iv.ked if he thought tt certain Politician in the State would steal. replied: "Steal! Why, by Jove, if he was paralyzed and hamstrung I wouldn't trust hint in the De , ert of Sahara, with the bigge , t anchor of the Great Eastern. Stott' should thiiik he would." Two Titusville, Pa., 11iwyers entered into n solemn compact not to drink intoxicating liquors for a year except when out duck Olooting, under forfeit of $lOO. One allay his thir-t without losing his ducats by keep ing a duck in the back yard to lire at whin he is dry, and the other has invested in olie also. Some persons gain ft wonderful control over their fea(ures. A newly married Terre Haute man rcA!eived a letter from his wife's mother recently, declining an invitation to make her home with them, and not even his most intimate friend detected a look of grief in his eye. :lie oven smiled occasionally during the day. Some can smile with a brok en heart. Henry Clay had a standing joke, which he never failed to perpetrate at John Quincy Adams's expense, when he caught hiSMassa chu:etts colleague in a congenial crowd. Adams was afflicted during his whole life with a discaAi of the lachrymal duct, which caused his optics to be constantly watery. The two occupied the same apartment, and. a rosy and buxom Swiss damsel attended the room. Clay's story was that, upon his at tempting to snatch a kiss from his handsome chambermaid, he was bluffed oil' with, "Oh, Mr. Clay, you must not, for Mr. Adams a few minutes ago, bogged me with tears in his ev es, for a similar favor, and I refused him l" • The Bev. Moneure D. Conway, in a recent letter from London to the Cincinnati Com mercial, says: "Mx. Spurgeon is credited with the following which if not trub is ben trovato. He is said to have been taken to task by some Sabbatarian since ho has found it necessary to employ a, brougham to take him to church. 'But,' ho urged, 1. only sit in the carriage—l don't work."Ah, yes, sir,' said the other, •but your coachman— think of him I"Oh, ho is a Jew, and keeps the seventh dasiSabbath.' • 'Butyour horse?' 'Oh,' said Spurgeon getting a little impatient 'ho is a Jew too!' This reminds me of an other little story going the rounds concern ing ollno of our broad Church clergymen. who being recently on an excursion in Scot land, was vehemently rebuked by his land lady for taking a walk on Sunday afternoon. Thu clergyman said that he could not see the harm, and replied, 'You know thatour Lord nimself walked with Bisdiseiples in the field on the Sabbath day.' •Ay,' said the old lady,, 'ay, I ken it, an' 1 ne'er thocht any the bet ter o' him fur it neither I' The following amusing scene occurred. in a police court: The priboner in this case, whose name was Dickey Swivel, alias "Stove ripe Pete," was placed et the bar, and ques tioned by the judge to the followingAtrect: Judge.—Bring the prisoner into court. Pete—Here I am, bound to blazes, as the spirits of, tu r pentine bald, when he was all {viiiWe lake a littL of the fire out of you. now tto you live? ' I ain't'Orticular, as the oyster said, when they asked him if ho would be roasted or fried. 'e don't want to hear what the oyster Enid, or the spirits of turpentine either. "What do you, Anything that &It/ma in my way, as the locomotive Enid, when ho ran over a little iii ger. on't care anything about the locomotive. What is your business? That's various,. as the cat said when she stole the'chileken off the-table. If I hear any more absurd comparisons, I will give you twelve months. I'm done us the lieefstake said to the cook. Now, sir, your punibinnent shall depend On the shortness and correctness of.your an- Fwers. 1 suppose you live by going around the docks? No, sir • I can't go around dock/ without n bout, and I ain't got none. Ani - wor e•ir 'How dO you get your bread ' Some titne. at the bakers and sometimes I eat tItt,AN. tnore of your FtuDid nonsense! How do 4 you iiiiport yourself? Sometimes on my legs, and sometimes on a cheer, (chair.) How do you keep yourself alive? By breathing, sir. order- vou to ansWer this question eor re.t.iy t slow do youi.do, Pretty well, 1 tliankyou, Judge. How do you do? • f I shall have to commit you. Well, you hayo c inailtted yourself first, that's some consoluti a. JEWELRY STORE Wellsborc.. Andrew Foley who has long Mem sainbilahed to the Jaweirj , business In Wollsboro, has rdways for eato various kinds and pricing of lAmerican Maidlts, 0014 or Silver. Clocks,Jewelry,Gold Chains, - Eeys, tßinffs, Pins, Pen- , cils Cases, Gold and - Steel Pens, Thim bles, Spoons, Razors, Plated Vrare SEWING MAPHINES, &c.; With alroaAt al/ oilier articles usually 'kept In such evalialanieuta-, which aro sold low for A SI JET. Repairing done neatly and promptly, and on short I A. FOLLY.:` Aug 12. 1873. WOOL! WOOL! ti Efftcoroderelgued aro prapared to pay the Highest Market PrieP, iu CASH ! for WOOL, at their BOOT ASIA SHOE STORE, •Las Sears's Brick Block Wo will be pleased to bare our Meads ceill and KXAMINE OUR STOCK OF Boots which we propose to sell as low as can be purobasea 10 au7 market west of New York. We Defy Competition on our Custom-Made Work. CALL 4,31 - D )3BE U C. W. Azusa, 1 L bl. BODVIN. f - Wellabor°, Pa., June 3, 1873.4t.t. NELSON Cabinet ,Warernnms, over CatonbeJl Eroa. Store, to Nelson, Pe. AN kinds of • , • FURNITURE constantly on hand. A choice and extensive stook of Parlor and Chainber tiEf.MM: Just received. Now In your chance to select from a large fresh stook of a variety of styles and at prices as cheap as the cheapest. Special attention paid to UNDER TAKING. Caskets and Coffins of every size, style and deseriptionconatantly on hand. GIVE US A CALL. July 15, 1873--3 m. ' E. T. CONGDON. WALKER & LATHROP. DEALERS U HARDWARE. IRON, STEEL, NAIL% STOVES, TIN-WARE,BIMTEVO, SAWS, CUTLERY,I,WATER LIME, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Carriage and Harness Trimmings, HARNESSES, SADDLES, Aro, Corning, N. Y., Jan. i. i 872. Ayer's Cathartic Pills For all the purposes of a Family Physic, CUBING Biliousness, Liver Com plaint, Dropsy, Totter, Tumors and Balt Rhetpa, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, and Puri fying the Blood, are - the zoost congenial purgative yet perfected. Their effects abundantly show how much they excel all other Plila. I.:l.le;(rare safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to pure. 'They purge out the foul humors of the blood; they stimulate the slug gish or disordered organ into action; and they impart health and touo to the whole being. They cure not only the every day"complainta of everybody, but formidable and dangerous diseases. Most Skillful physicians, moat eminent clergymen, and our best citizens, send certificates of cures performed and of gr,ot benefitA they have derived from these Pills.— TLey aro the safest and best physic for children, in,- cause mild as well as'effeetual. Being sugar ooatod, they are easy to take; and being purely vegetable, they are entirely harmless. =3 Dr. J. C. AYER £ CO., Lowell, Mods., Praefical and AnaTyCipal Chondias. SOLD BY A:I.I. DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN PIED For Sale by Taylor & Spalding, Druggists, We'labor° Aug. 12, leas-let Tioga riCarble Works. 'it HE undersigned in now prepared to execute all or. 1. tiers for Tomb Stones and Monumeata of either Italian or Rutland Marble, of the latest style and approved vrorkinaushipand with dispatch. lie keeps constantly on hand both kinds of garble arid will be able to stiff all who may favor him with t belt. orders, on as reasonable terms as 0413 be obtained tbc; country. Jan. 1.1872 Cyrus D. WHOLESALE 11FALER 1:4 Foreign and DoMestic Liquors' WLNES,ha., he. Agent for Fine Old 'Whiskies, CORNING, N. Y. JIM. 1, 1872. Timber Land for Sale. 'T 11E undersigned offers for sale two hundied and I thirty-eight acres of timber land about eight miles south-west of Wellsboro. Thera is a largo quantity of hemlock and considerable chestnut upon it. A portion of it will mske fine 'fuming lands. It will bo sold on time. Inquire of WU. A. STONE, Atuflist 28, 1878-tf. Wellstioro,Ps. IBM AND Shoes, SEARS & BODINE &venoms, Jaundice, Dye via, Indigestion ' Dym tory, Foul Stomach and )ath, Erysipelas ' Head- Le, riles, Rheumatism ' iptions and Skln Dismal- FRANK ADAMB. PAINTED POST IRON WORKS, SIM; 8 L 114 CD /N 1840 A..rrrr.u.p vcps , r,,Tit. Y. AsIVITEITON'it CO., PO.RTABLE AND STATIONA.RY STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS. PARTICTLAR. ATTINTION PAID TO • GANG SAW MILLS, ENGLISH, DIULAY k cIRCULAIt MILLS SHINGLE DULLS AND ENGINES ALWAYS ON HAND Water Wheels suited to all heads of water, Tannery 'lrons, Bridge Irons, &e. sin experience by our Jilr. JP. IL Calkins'of over twenty years as a Machinist and Foreman, enables us, by his personal supervision,. to make strictly firsf-class Goods. - Feb. 18. 1873.-Iy. W. J. Horton 8z Bro., DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, READY-MADE CLONING, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, WHITE GOODS, YAIT=I KEE NOTIONS, HATS, CAM BOOTS, SHOES, GROOERXES, OIL ME COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES,. EriepL 9, 1873 AT THE 'REGULATOR' TOII WILL FIND:11,11W NEW ANDIFASHIONABLE polka Spot-Prints, Detains and Alpacas. . . • . • , 0 , 1 ' • • " • W THOSE LA.RENE MARGOTT PANNIERS CA.Mant3EtICS ro r spring and Sumin er, MARSALES for Ladies' 'and Childre n' s Dreigses in large quantities. .9irr‘ir THOSE RTJFFEIN GS, TUOKINGS & TRIMMINGS 5, Inaot all kinds of Gods can be found at the Regalatar. 21 11;1.03 11 V 3 190g9QL 242 (6-3 CII7IPIPZIT, 71133031, IfIiatItUmakILLIVEMID citi num Gz; l ocerles of all kinds. CROCKERY of the best Ironstone China. tl3o,o'l'S A..I%7L)IiCO3ES I A large assartreent—Men'e. Walnut's, and Obildren'e—at prices as cheap as the cheapest. Corning. April 23../873.41. I= MANUFAOTURERa OF Hare just rewired the largest stook of CLOTIJA, &C•, ever brought into WELLti[BORO I XIST G4C2O3ELINTIIV4pir, 'SILKS I SILKS ! THAT ALL THE LADIES WEAR. unrivaled in quality and prim. that the ladies cannot do without, is abuultuoa. W. 3. HORTON & BUO. Ell J. S. NEWELL. NOW REA C. Staple and El] ITfTU7EiI Shoos, My Stock has been tall be satisfied with price Corning F'W B. Manufacturers of Stationeryl for Saw Mills, Grist Mills and and leached bark, Castings, ; ditties for shipping by Canal Western builders of the best • Jan. 1,1872.4 y. Pre s-t MANUFAC • BOILii TANN SHAFTING, DESC ' Machinery of all Our .711 fr. G. off' the be. For a Conning, N. Y., deptember 500 I NEI W. C• arp enter's Special At 4,000 Cords of C ONTRACTS will be made peeled and delivered the per cord of 2,200 lbs ; cash.on Bark peeled last year will t ninety days at $4 per cord 01 livery. We will make contracts fo bark on lands of the Penns), Lumber Co. 134 weliaboro. May 18, 1973-tf. MILLIN Rs. SOFLELD announces! has a very large and dust and Ladies' rumlslaing and of f ered at very 101 , rates. LADIES' SUITS, SHAWL' G LOVES, CORSETS) LIOSIEIIY4,I.II Notions; also reatly•utade whit l The public are cordially purchase. Wiallabor% May 13, 187' ; .., Y FOR THE FALL TRADE . MOTHERS Has just received a /urge stock of `Fancy DM' GOODS', SS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS,4I3OOTS, Suitable for the spring Trade. oenredfrorn the best markets in the country; and therefore you TOFolllrNizNil •7F- - z - il 0-M oundry & Machine Shop. ABLISIIED 1840. • .."=" 3 7 11:3-e. CfC 153 COMLE37 and Portable Engines and Boilers. Gearing. Shafting and Machinery required Tanneries, Ovens and Grates. for burning Tan. Screws for moving unleached Railroad Frogs, Chairs, and Repairing,done at short notice. We have fa. Railroads to all points, and can furnish Machinery cheaper t an Eastern or r malty. CORNINO, STEUBEN NUN N. I. sn ST, I-ieerma-ns, N. Y. lITRERS OF STEAM YN - GINES, 5, CIRCITLAR, , GANG; , IAND Tail . SAW MILLS, MACHINERY OR `p-RIST TMILLS, RIES, & - C.. GEARING, BOLTS, AND CASTINGS OF ALL PTIONS IN IRON & BRASS. - inds repaired promptly and at reasonable rates •W. Preston is well known as one t mechanics in Western .7rew and he gives his personal genii:onto the details or ' ' our business. EMEI EGS OF NAILS UST RECEIVED BY IcItESS tSz CO. FULL STOCK OF Dols, an pair v nen's itteuils „opc,:w ention. paid to Tin Roofing THE ADJUSTABLE SPRING BED 'Hemlock Bark - 1 3M3a. 1•• r the purchase) of Bark • nsuirig season. at $4.50 elivery. • received for the next 2,200 lbs; cash on de- Bartlett . * Patent June 21. 1870. *kat Spring, elastit slat. peeling 4.000 coil's of ivonia Joint Land and EY, LONVEL. & CO. • With only a singfc matress. For durability, comfort, cleanliness, and adjugtmeut It lino no equal. A su perior bed for thhsick-room, as well as for persons in [ health. Orders ercite,thby the proprietor for Tioga county. J. S. PALMER, April 1, 1873.4 • 3fahsfield,•Pa. I RY. to the public that air , blo stock of Millinery 'Arley Goods; Which are riIHLS is a'wontlerful little invention, and for the trifling expense of FIFTY CENTS every person can have one in his house and shop and be his own glazier. This instrument will cut glass better than luny diamond which will coat Filly Dot.ats. Any per- San eau use it. It Is elniply a nice putty knife with a small stet:l wheel that makes twenty-live hundred revolutions in a minute—tempered in a peculiar man ner. It requires Ao skill or practice to use it. Any body con cut gloss with it—even a child. It will last a lifetime. gar Agents wanted. Sent prepaid to any address, safely packed , upon receipt of 50 cents and a letter stamp by H. H.,OLARIC & CO., 803 East Capitol street, Washington, P. 0.--Sept. 10,1873.'48t.+ PARASOLS, HOOP-SKIRTS, I ES, and goods in everylrartaty, nvitail to inspect and I MI A LUXURIOUS BEOf Magic Glass Cutter. STI Ta - - A VEGETABLE PREPARATION, A. composed simply of well-known ROOTS, HERBS, and FRUITS, combined with otber, , groperties, which in their nature era Cathartic, Aperient, Nutritious. Diuretic, Alterative and Anti- Bilious. The whole is preserved in a sufficient quantity of spirit from Um stIGAR CAA F. to keep teem in any aliment, which makes the . • LANTATI®N N . . 'INTERS one of the most desirable Tonics and Cathnt tlOSl in the world. They are intended stketly onl to be need as a medicine, and always according todirections. They are the sheet-anchor of the fe, blo and de. bilitated. They act upon a 'lli-east-3 ard stimulainti to Such a degree, that a Iteo,!th,y at once brought about. As a 1 , -mu.:y a re especially enbjca, it i • r_ t . ; every other stimulant. As a Sp .1. ur 'g'ult le. they have no equal. '2 •ey aze a mild an I gentle Pureattve as wtul 'I hey Purly 11:00d. They rreasptendt.i APpetAzcl:. Trey mrko tho weak strong. and fa vigoro'u They cure Headache. "I'uey ant Se a `,1`,..t . It: Z.l n.l cp. file,. 4 tliconic efi rodertonw ht a 6 do.vu the aultual spit:, 1 - 'll ..000t 63 Pars c _ _ _ °VP 7/ 7 117RTY TrA.itS AGO T.70.N . 8 'NA TITAIRON FOR VI 7' st 1.11T4 p!4,e,1 a. the inerkot by Piofeseor E. Thonme Lyon. cc",j;raduate of I rru, eton college. 'rho name le derived Irma Cie (.•i Lek ••Eveccno, emill eying to clett4se, purefik. h ofo Tim. favor it /ma t , 0.1 tha populeity is hits eibtaMe,t, nnn••, ;,• -1 incn /t ere,.6ea • a.••. , the iiArn. Itie a tl, , :;:!.11,. , •1 ...•tes dna:chuff. It yer.vent ., , t':e o••. • _ g ay. It keeps the bend cool.: 77 e ,•,• . a t• 130 ft, glat":4 ar I; : •.• - •'• usittiato:.- , ',too, and la MMIE == ca . Z . Si,- rts.;'. V't c.. - I,laii' 3 Csk. Ty i 1314 gai.r. K,:..„ %.,r. ~ rY ' 7. N'S i*,;,-,ft..k ?N _ . . sr.- .., ~. A-.', c' - '," T 1 mia 1m0.,,, , r ~. _,.....,, rts . , ~.7: r-- 2 -• l er_ Ni PA - .;) th 7 '-.44;r..; ,1- iit•: . 7 ..v . „ ~,,,,.... . -. • 7- .. 2 V. , - •i.. 1 ^. - -:.;F:' .6 . 4 May 13, 1373,-Rot-ly. I: 2 l.l9tark.llig - Mill. A USTI'S & HOWLAND are prepared to furnish Brat A class work from the best lumber, at their new fee tory which is now in full operation. 311ININ g ) 11'20X.411P00 dove pro4ptly, and In the best manner. The beat workmen employed, and none but the best seasoned lumber lazed. Encourage homeindgetry, Factory near the foot of Main T do not say government, I do say idolatry has ni l. ceived protection, do net allow the one of a better belief to live, I did advertieri in the Wellaboro paper, handed the latter and the tracts round. I did receive two letters from Horace Greeley at the time he was nominated for the house, banded to me by hand and not by post. I cannot receive a letter by poet office, no mattet how many of those in the post office done the oath, rob the money in that way. Idolatry re ceives protection inAhatnintends to live. • • I(1 word all UM word of the world Up. I do - wi 1 ail the power above. Cdo beg all the pi otection of all the revenue In the world. I ant the cross owner of all the wild In the world, all those who will be married will be married by the Cross _Elder Giver Jelin Beam- Isla, height home Peltier• Clear, Union township, Bogs county, Pennsylvania. Oh, I ata exposer heir mine owner. I claim all the son in the roads. all the mines, minerals in the world. Ido claim ali --- tbe dues, rights of Saviour in the same like manner, that it Is mine, it is mine, it is no ono else. Ido declare by his mighty the God abet e. Ido declare, please play, do help it. Ido bog, pr ay thee to woe-you. I am•those who be lieve in the Saviour will do the word - the work. John Beamish. r Ido claim all the minerals. mines in the vicinity of Itiossburg, by ail the power of the Almighty God above. 1 do declare, Johu ticamish. Ido beg all the word of all wire over. lum the Cross owner of an the wire over on this Lord's day, and every oilier cross thing in the same way. lam the etenB owner of all the revenue of ail the United States. I am Lord, I live as the Lord before me did live with the - wild in the woods with a bit of a cabin to lie down in. make the tire, clean the ground, third I work bard and chip the wood for the widows, my living is du:•t and corn meal: Ido beg unto Almighty God above, may the pledge, help it I beg ,autl pray thee, do help it, eight Lome. Musenin'allowed in the bar room by John Eleatuish. No }anise have I to dear them round, no bed have I to lay me down, the three logged stool is the chieLuf my store, and the,iteg little cottage has ground flTr the door., No ehalr have I to seat ni3 sell downn, no cow hare I to t»i ihuyseif down, but a thr. - 0 legged stool is the chief,, f my store, and the neat little cottage has ground for t to floor, no pig have I to laid myself good. no sheep have I to clothe myself warm, but the duce legged stool is the obit? of my store and the neat little cottage has ground on the door, no horse have 'I to ride the country road, nu eat have I to elates the mice roinni, but the three legged stool is the chief of my store, and the neat Haw cottage Las ground on the floor. No dog hive I. the father of them all, no des have Ito follow me round, the three lepgeti stool at the chief of my store, anti the neat little cuttit, 2 ,e Las grol.llld no the floor. Telegraph over all the witeln the world, the sea tu:- quaint the tale the neighbor too. There Is no one equal none eau compere'. he does this day this day &elate. John Beatulaii; Union township, Tioga county, Pa. heir owner. Ann= tam, damn then]. brand thew All witohea and wizardi; limy °ins far sag Aelior. Du. Domestic Tonic,g. 1.4 % L I VO Pe: s S •%-• A : k rt*-11 '4 , ATHAIIIN Only 50 Cents per Bottle. It promotes the (311.016VT/I, PRESIER VE3 the COLOR, and increases the Vigor ;Ind UL MVP) of the WELf,SROIIO Sash; Doors, AND MOULDINGS, ooruitantly on band, or manntootured to order Planing and Matching Jan. 2, 1872-tf. John Beandsh, the Entire:Empire. Offl A '2ll r o u w e, o t t u eri nl ib os i ti t u c t z ti v i et s o al a u atite t old j 4 a. FINE AND COMMON = FURNITURR . . obe found Nortbein Pottuey;tranta, conslinu e w and a tun stock of the common goods uftattlly fourir!lo a firstrclass establishment. The above geed. s an. ta., ly of their own manufacture. and sahimultott 6. Indeed both as to quality and price. Tiwy - Woven Wire Mattrass the most popular spring bed sold; also the T.b Spring 13Gd that has been on trial for 17 years aad htL on tunvo*J satisfaction. - Our is supplieid wit 4 an sizes of the Excelsior aisket, a Iltql and beautiful style Of burial case, together ' , oil, ctn. ( kinds of foreign and home manufacture, with triaa. miugs to match. They will any nee a iality in their buainas, and any needing their atri, will be attended to Promptly, and at wattsfactory ,h a ea r , gee. Odd pieces of Furniture made, and Turulag all kinds done with neatness and dispatch. To! WHO MIT MY CONCERN.—Haring COncluS t il tho. lamtentitled to a little rest after nearly 40 ycatii . 4 „ aPplheation to business, I hive passed ON er the krill. re business to "the Boys" as Or sho‘e alt It ... neat, and take this methon of a fug for Of in the Same liberal patronage as has been extended to I,, e _ Ely books may be found at the old px_qur scition,Ent Jan. 10, 1872. B. T. VAN liOlili. . tut. Nat lo y ..4 A.17817N SzrHOWI.A3TD Furniture and ;Undertaking. Van Horn --& Chandler, isuu.r. to B. T. Vail Hurt) FINE PARLOR ANp CHAMBER Stirti, SOFAS, COROgEI3, TWIS.A.TY.TI4 HAR,ELF. AND WOOD TOP CENTER HAS RACKS, FANCY CHAIRS, 1111.1t1 oES, OVAL AND SQUARE FRAMEB; DRACR IETS, PURE: No. 1 HAIR SIXITRASB - HUSK & EXCELSIOR MAT - TRAiBBES, Coffin Room Jan. 10, 1872 VAN HORN & CE&,NDLEIt • - I e i ITE BUT WO RK. \\` \ ..,.\ \ tTlir Best Material. \ lt re f , "THE!' BOOT MAKE 11,1* 1 FIRST BOOR BELOW THE POST OFFIC / y ) . Ap particular attention paid eo t i t/ `itt> i. ,. "STYLE." 4/ '...,- -5,.',4F./: %\imwa AV. 1 WE t it% of Chronic and Acute Rlieumutisiii - , Neurplvi, Loin. bago, Sciatica,Aidney, and Nervous Dibr kteki, alter years of suffering, by taking Dn. FITLEII . 4' VI:GETABLE, MIEVINIAT/C Smut—the is4letitilic die. mei3 of J. P.' Fitter, IL D., a regular graduate phy eiclan, w ith ulnas we are peraonally acquainted, who has for 19 years treated these diseases exclusively with astemshing re. sults. We believe it our christian duty, after delib. eration, to conscientiously request sufferers to ass it, especially persons in moderate circumstances who cannot afford to waste money and time on worthiest Mixtures. As clergymen we' seriously feel the deep responsibility resting on us in publicly endorsing this medicine. But our knowledge and experience oi,itt remarkable merit fully Justifies our action. Rev. C. 11. Ewing, Media, Penn's, suffered sixteen years, came hopeless. 'Rev. Thbmas Murphy, D. P., Flank ford, Philad'a. Rev. J. B. Davis, Bightstown, Nov Jersey. Rev. J. 8, Buchanan, Clarence, lowa. Rev. G. G. Smith, Pittsford, New York. Rev. Joseph Beggs, Falls Church, Philadelphia. Other testimonials iron Senatots. Governors, Judges, Congressmen, 011013, irc., forwarded gratis with pamphlet trig these disca4s. One thousand dollars wilt lit jie Bente& to any medicine' Rik. same diseases showing equal merit under teat, or that can produce 'one-fourth as many living elites. Any person sending letter description of affliction will receive t'gratis legally signed guarantoolinaming the nunibtir of bettloa to cure, agreeing to refund money upon I diworn stAtemetit of its failure to cure. Afflicted invited to write to Dr Fitler,Philadelphia. His valuable advice coins nothing WOOD 1 SCOVILLE, Agerjts, March 11,'79—1y. Enoxvill. Pa, • Wall Pape' -r AND . atiOoiD *101,5. THE ASSORTMENT 13 113:E . , BEST, THE VARIETY OF NEW STYLES THE GREATEST, THE PRICES THE CHEAPEST of any stook 'Ter brought intoLTioga county. yoluNG9s 33.4p0i-k-srroxt,xa WELLSBORO, PA. THE GREAT REMEDY' FOR CONSUMPTI [,fil which 'can be cured by a timely resort to this stand!: and preparatiop,.aS has . been proved by the\ hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. Iris acknOWl - by map prominent physicians to be the most yeliable preparation ever in troduced for the relief Ad cure of all Lung complaints, and is offered to - the; public, I Fanetioned by the experience of over forty years. 'When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy cure in the. most severe cases of Coughs; Bronchit is, Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or S ‘ ore- Dcss in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. IVistar's Balsam does not dry up a Cough, ad leave the cause behind ) as.!- is the case with Mpst , preparations, but it, loosens and Cleanses lungs,i and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint. PREPARED WE • BETE W. TOWLE & SONS. Boston, Ana sold by Druggists hnaDealer,s&uersily. Aug. t WOOL CARPING WORKS, E 0 ITABLESTON, PA: ALONZO WHITNEY, Prcprietor. Carding done on short notice at reasonable Tatty Nut CiN►rloatotk fag 4114 V% a