iiOC~lL► a ~tOTI 5.3, spelling's Glue mends Furniture, Toys, • I ' Germantown Wools iu every shed° nt Finvizte's We here - received a Aim lidvertibe l meni from "The Regulator:), at _burning too Into for . insertion this!w.ookt 4,Alyillttproltr in our next ii:sue. . Tits PorrAten took"ntiretniftni for fi n e j,,b printing , atthe Inte,County Fitir. But that WaS" nothing tittiang t for'thnt - office has been winning golden opinions for, fine work ill thatline from all good lodges for the pest vpBr. :s e w Pall Shawls at cer i low prices at Mrs. SOFILLVS. . This Aorre.ToaOffice lies just 'received a large invoice of'printOr's stock of the finos4 , q u l lity, and is now, prepared to turn out; flit-classjokwork on the shortestnotice and at reasonable- rates. Persons desiring job 7 ,_ bing of any kind tire invited' to call and ex-. „eth ic • our specimens. Orders by mail 'will' 1) e promptly and carefully filled. in thonew shades of fall rnate tial st Mrs. SoFiELD'd. ^ . 'lies Pauline Smith- has . just returned from, N ew York, with a largo .Stodk.. for the and Ir o t er Trade. The Assortment of mit iii„ry ; aid Fancy Goods. th'ii largest .in; wpu s tboro, and her customers will find the, prices very rea4onalle. The: Weis-making' department i 4 complete. Dresses cut and toad. - ! on F.liort notice hy eiPerieneed _hands, at low pricec. - , s onEL p has received anew and very do-irable assortment q Latlies'Voaks, Dol which .are offered at mans and Redihgotca, v ery low prices t A FINK TutNu TEETti.-=The fragrant SozoticiN'T;liits takeik.a•Nery promi nent place amorig the most ripproe,! l l deuti frice.s of the day. It . is a very pope arti de-for the toilet, highly recommeiadati by a n who have usedit, , ,as robeautiller alut pre server of the teeth, refreshing .ho . InOUth, sweetening the breath, and arresting the Pro grea, of iteesi. ,`• • , \VAN'rED.-A man and his Wife, of raid die age preferred, , tod9,thelvprk •of, a fami ly of two in a Railrnad , country village. The man must bo teMperatd and willing, and must understand the 'care (sf . hoTses and cows. The woman must be a good plain coo k, washer and;irorier;'good tempered and industrious, and r both Must give good refer ences. Good wages, paid promptly. Address U. L. PA.vrisoT, Messrs. Cearrolf& of . Trgy, Pa., took the first premium at ,our late . ,7 County Fair for a fine light Pith is an indorsement of the geticial'hpinion,held in regard to the Worlrlurried put by ;that :firm. Their wagons are derfainiy wasu f tlifilagd in beauty of finish diud iecia: - Nr,erkrtaaniship. Mews. KrrcirAm are: .- aiefits in this village for the firm, and anybody in want of handsome and substantial work' in t h a t line will do well to call on them. F l a.NI Foa SALE, in Delmar township, within a mile of Welhboro ; 115 acres, 70 aerei cleared, the rest in I t er. Or eharl of grafted fruit, a good story frame dwelling 26x32 feet, well finished inside and oulaide rind a good cellar; barn 31:iit40 'feet. The barn is well watered by .spriigs ; soil excellent. Terms S5O an acre, $2,000 down —the balance to suit purchaser. Inquire Of 11Atyriorty BUTLER on the premises, or of Hun ia You o, • Real Estate Agent. The elegant glassware designed to grneo die table of the Presidential mansion is rap idly approsehing completion. .It numbers forty-sic dozen pieces, consisting of 'goblets, ehatnpagne;, clarets, -madeiras, sherrys,=cor diab,-&c, &c., all ent and engraved in the !loco! and most artistic manner. Many.have already voitcil the Glassworks to see it, and ptObabi, hundreds yet will avail themselves of the opportunity before. the ware i 4 for l‘arded to its de,tination• By the kindness a Mr. John Iloare, the: ladies of Christ church, Corning, are enabled to announce public exhibition of this set, at the office of the t,laos_n•orks, on Wednesday, Thurs day, and Friday, Nov. sth, 6th, and 7th, during all hours of the day. .and. evening. An adinatam+fee of 25 cents will he charg ed, IN hien` applied toward the pay ment or the mirish debt. Parties from abroad who de-ire to see these goods, will d o acid to remember the date, as they will only be on exhibition at that time. An hour spent with the President's dinner, service and in looking over• the Glassworki cannot till to be both pleasant and instructive. Pickets may be procured at the following P[acel Wm, Walker's, Walker & Lath rop ;,t Todd 4.t Smith's, Dickinson House, and K. Newell's. ' • tlle gteitator. UESDAY, gOTOBEII 14, 1873 Home ----Affaijs. Mew ailverifieriinapßi p o Tregf:. w awe. - 3 ~ Goal_ Qt —}r. P. Iligonp AfigeT: . - G 00.....„, C 1086. - • Farm for Eale—Snrali - hank Walton rionsp , ;-J. Q. lierriCk-f coittluiviionerte V °. I?. 1 ni V. •,4 " :• • ' --Tlip - ft,?.stivo.Py begins to Amp. —lf idu JitiVori't voted;, do so at-once Sapervi - Sors,-shodld .put- their roads in mutter trim --The first snow Of thdseason put in an ap pturance -last, week.._ - • —The nut crop is bountiful, and tho Smal Boy rejoices accordingly, the carnii.latcs for public office wil hddisgusted with politics after to-day. —The pupil, in itttendttnee ttt the public FM/0 , , 1 in this village ;umber ot'qr fem. lie 11- drol —Mr. N. P. Close has purchased the gro cery told prpvieion Vlore infely belonging to L. A. Gardner•. —RerPetit - 113er that oue'of the first duties of ft Citizen of ft republic is to Eustain principles by his vote, tl- ' - - - --Itenben Short, of Westfield town hip, 'NA , considerably hurt by being thrown from wrtgon nne dayiast went, ow the tipne to advertise., Every! ulethant . lktiows that the bestrthing 1, 0 csri do now is to get ri4l of his go(Cds' ras thplell,y possible. • — l Where - are (hose, "droquet Concerts" we 14e.a1l to listen to after the hew ihstru i hie.hts ame? It seems there is seine' difference be. 'tweet' talking awl —The leettira ex , tiovernor Curtin, which ia to be delivered in this riliagc ; Ties- day evening, .nv - ein her 2fith; for 'the -benefit of the liermaie Scicitt• will be upen,",Lite inIRUSSja." • --Tile store of A. .T. Fisk, situitte4 . about three miles from' lon; was totally - Oeitroy ° by lire last Tupsdiiy ,night; • The stock of gOdS was entirely constimed.,l'he* fire is hel icy ed to . hriVe be:eti neeidentftle• • ,;. Me , ..srs. J. B. Nllo3 and M. F., lip:tubers of the Constitiatioind .A 5 iii:ention, returned home last Saturday night,-''the Con vention having adjourned,oyer election -day. They return toPhiladellihia to-day. •r-One of the '-piettiest i n : Of 'Ornaments for room is nuido ?fluituinri- leaves dis posed upon the walls with - due regard har mony of color and ,taste their arrange ment, and withal'' tey Are very- fashionable. —Mr. and Mr's. L. C:Benneti, : eelebt : itted their Crystal Wedding ; at'their residence in this village last evening : Avery large cqtrr-:' "AY of ladies aid gentlerninWeivixt'ateerid noce, many of them be - ing friends from anotkoi Effie I) buptica announemnetst.of the chAripin the Flor. inumoliFFPAT! d47.!OOMMeikliel liroliiietutWp .o,f- - 410. old popular .iviak Welton FlOusiOVisit l ors to that, establish mentwill fln4 ,, ,,this - good reputation of the house- fully suathiund bi=thn new landlord. -. --- ,Z-11‘-' §11,Ra;,.1): ffetbll: iphiave+ tty , nyert .,.. , oh , I..'4ivre.rotvillo, 0u.41.(.10....1 1. 14i) otAnt The 4:C.Vitt, .I .. r;it.:ko: V. - 33t4inch, .;,F.-Itolt.Vin the. Methodist ctilavh-ws*..Stintlily of last week. Mrs. Mary Pfuidiiipwßesided at the organ, and the youphili4.43:lo- theinselves great credit. P , '." ,- ;::''' * "Y;i,' , .. . --The Tea4iflia'fitititiikiconvened in this village yesteid_ay„riffailfoon. It %via con tinue until FOilay• - eyinio . g. Corning as they do during elAtiOn•yeelii,.:the exercises will [ be likely ty'attructlesaitt§l - 41, , 0n than they 0) cal d...4V.ift• eh ail - 0,%:e - 4.. - i!flipart . ,_ of the p re ceedingifAexp - . l4 , ,:sielc;' ,'-:. - .*;::.; . .'fri7,, ,,, Mi.:'..0,t0.-Attithjers l/asjot:elqnlbleted An ad)cltlioi . i . l6.bli store tbaltitk,o)4AtElhun f d :4 . -fee:,i - tlilii. '.l.l4S,..gbliirgetollaii.O'fabder !'e ;. necessary by. the .steady iiiiwiliPf-t;he 'ls.!lsiUe ‘ Sa-;--a . kroyth yi4ch-is.the: - xiatOsil re st 1k.0.c-.esnterprisei:faqt and itnflaggiukippli"- -Catidu. - "‘Ve suspect tact, most be 'one.of these men *he' are said lb - gro*, rich by stript atteution,io their;owre_busineas. . , . .. 1 Ate . . AV 'I A. AWiLLTI ELM APy.tAt„—Aa TAO:6f the, political hieti),ii of tho_egtll4,7: We print tho fol 'entitle aPpent for ,1V ,Whleh WEIS • - k pa. in eifeulation,lest Weo : • ' • TO Tnertizont.r4na or TniaA • connsi,:. , tt'Oe tfili t nrideralgriett fteikublicang of Tioga county, call the bttentlon of the voters of the county_ to the _importance of electibralnith to 1111 the office of Sher. ia of teinperatelaabltai gootl tuoral4.:ltint ability; and. we_recoromend W. Wiltrellte, of hittnalleld r eassuch wan: We are opposed to au,,y set of-inpn, orznYßing, contralti's, fhb - pleolton of Ohne ran for their ;awn nrivil purpeeee raga we' Memo:Lea& goon eillzena should hot be eentrolte4 hyselitahPOlttitelaha. Denextiet; - - - John Lowia,, , D.'S:Dewey, ; H.. H. Nickerson; 'S. Sweet; i ;'A.airdn De4T, AaalA:l3fillock, A. E. Roalei f r% , Oren'Shaw, Lamkte,t, 'Sanford Detvey, P. V. Clark, - • 4..D..Wehtitgi; ' AA. Halt,- D. Wetater,t F. M. Spencer, W. U. Colony,' 'Lynam Beach, Jr, M. L. Clark., • • "Ai If; Ave'r3-41,113) Charribtirlant; W. Dewitt, - Harry Ellie- ' P. XJ: Miller, ' A. oa3 lard, ,• • S..FS. " •Wat.P.ollbelt, B. F, RingeleY, • ' A.*-Davis;- - - • Ira Paller,-- • . 1 1% R l,L o i geleY, J.-0. Ireton, W. Yennle, ' J. W ' N. H. Backer, .E. Muter.' Orrnel Newell, P. W. Dona,' • • PI: 11,-01ffera, ' O. V. Elliott, • • - W. Austin, VP: B. Hall." view gib :Tiieklimit t. 13 e./ 1 00,41 11 .ican eaildhlate'vtas riominated::4 ih e e,?gii , ept rote of the Republicans of- _the count;#:T4iridOr .Crnwford.Countk§ystem, and that:the:Dem otratie candidao'wciii _nained by tullitioy co taro of ‘ peliticianS, who represented, nobody bUt themselVes'and who didn't even claim one tittle of delegated authority, the utter ladk of sense in,tlus appeal .will be Apparent to every voter. • The only , "set -of er that has controlled the Republican nomina tion for Sheriff is made up of the pebple themselves, and the "selfish politicians" who will control to-day's election compose the whole Republican party of Tloga county.=-- And yet this silly gabble about "rings" and "selfish politicians" is quite as sensible as such talk ever can be under our present system of making nominations. Those Republicans who oppose Republican candidates - must re member that the only "ring" they can injure by such action is the whole Republican par ty. We have full faith that that "ring" will thoroughly indorse its own nominations by tr'Aumphantly electing all its own candidates. We believe the whole--of the above appeal is as ba§oleizs and. deceptive in its. insinua tions as every man in the county knows the latter part cif - it to be; and we - here put it on 'record not because we think it of any import ance, but as a curious scrap of local political rhietorv. 000 r; TB:IIPLATi CONVEZITION.—The delei gates of the respective lodges of the I. 0. of G. T. of Tioga county met in quarterly con vention at Knoxville, Oct. 7,th, 1873. The meeting was called to - order af;p. m. by W. C. T., :Jib. Brown, of Well , Alioro. After the usual preliminary exercises, Btos.C. L. Peck, Sidney Hall and R. R. Austin, the commit,. tee on eredentials,reported the following:per sons entitled to a Voice in the convention : frestkid—Bro. James Tubbs, Eiste-es Cora Bliss and Maria close. Norris Run—Bros. Oliver Strong and T. 11. I d wards. Fan Proc , ':—Pres. Joseph MetsTeasb end Dennis O'Counpll. Wellaboro —Slaters Mrs. J. hifiler,Nisses Susie Park er and Stella Bark(-r, Enos. P.: Austin - and It. Mon roe. , Seczrille—Slstara Shove and L. Case, Bro W. U. Staston. , Coringtosi—Bro.,T. PAtclipn. Reports as to the condition and workings of the respective lodges Were then received': :4fost.of the reports were very favorable and gave much encouragement s o those present. The state of the county 'under the Local Option System was reviewed and various suggestions made for' . deVising plans for the more stringent enforcement. of the laws against the traffic in intoxicating., liquors.— This took considerable time, the abestien be ing a general one,)iffecting zi large communi ty the different sections of which present fo r cal advantages and disadvantages in every variety of phase and meaning. Attempts were made to view the subject in all its beer.: ings, and the general conclusion - was that Local Option, in spirit and in isstie, has been conducive to the elevation of the social stand ing of our county ; that where certain sec tions—(reference. was made to the mining dil-tricts in particular)—have not been ma terially bcinefited they are exceptions rather than 'the rule, and the general temperance tone of the county has been strengthened. In the , eyening A 'public Sessimi was held in the Congregational church. A large audi ence assembled, and during the evening much enthusiasm was manifeSted. The ad dress of welcome by Rev. W. 11. Sigston, of Wide Aivak6.Ledg6, KnesVille,' Was replete With cordial feeling and noble Sentiment.— It was ably responded to by Bro. Denni s O'Connell, of Fall Brook. Rev. 19'. „L. Reyn olds, of Wellsboro, then spoke in his usual ly. interesting waY, said that fear, fault finders, and aWant - of fUnds are the greatest obstacles to the temperance reform. Fear on the part of the indiVidual lest personal inter_ ests should suffer, seconded by the recog nized did - opening influence of habitual fault finders., to which "In nst be s4ded a want of the necessary funds, are great obstructions to temperance ardor and. obstacles in the way of successful made Von. Improratu ches Were Made i),y Bros: Pecir, Close, Alba, Short, Edwrq•ds and others.' The Chairman of the meeting, Bro. Brainard, of Spring Green, "Xis„ read a very interesting account of the system of adulterating liquors, elect ing much laughter at_the ingredients employ- These various-exercises of the evening xvve interspersed by some very fine musk by the Knoxville Bracs Band and temper , nnee choir. The meeting of the following morning was occupied in soinewhat the same manner as the preceding day. Bros. W. li. Sigster, N. L. Reynold's and - Denhis O'Connell,- the com mittee on resolutions, presented the follow ing which were unanimously adopted: Ti!..fat&q.i, First, That we regard the traffic in intoxica• tiro drint:s as the greatest hindsrsnee to the rollgi- CV% a;c•la I , and financial pr i osperity of the American vecipli!.• • &COO, That total nhatinenco oil the pert of the in dividual end total prohibition on the part of the State 'are Dalippensable principles of the reform. Thied; That the vote of thin county against Morose has beet, productiveof-great godd by diminishing the rlahk, by rendering the!sale Secret and diegraceful, by removing the temptation from the uni4tiatcd and ice formed, and by cultivating a more correct public sou. tlinelit. Fourth, That for the more effective execution of the law we need additional legislation to provide us with a State 'coustabalary„ and we also need temperance men in all of the offices of the Commonwealth. Frtf:h, That in the present state of the country we cannot es temperance' Turn, under any ordinary cir cumstances, knowlug'ty vote for any but temperance men; espeelany do we affirm this In reference to all township, borough and county officers. - ,S.'izth, That in order to prevent, if possible, the for mation of a temperance political party, we will use and follow existing partiis, 59 long as they, can be made subservent to temperance interests; that if all patties offer us temperatice-men ; nd principles, we will vete with either, as otheriiit. _may dictate; that if ,only one 'shall thus offer, we will vote for tem perance men and temperance principles irrespective orrigirti; that if neither party shah give us lids portunity, theft we will strive to organize an indepen dent temperance party. •- ' Sprcnth, That this convention appoint soma Dora° whose duty shall ho to act es prosecutor in all co manlike where It may be found difficult to Lind real-e dents to assume the responsibility, and that the community in ,v,epieb: tho prosecution is undertab en shall furnish the necessary evidence and funds for carrying i n the prose-cation.. • - Eight, That it is the duty of all Members of citurci. es to render their add: and influence in the furtherance el temperunce.principice. • • Ninth, That w# tender our sincere thinks 'to the' memblird of Wide /Wake, Vidge, No. (kV, and to the peopbi of An'oxiiiie for.their hteanese,ata basPitda , ty in entertaining the members of the - COn'ention;ta the shots and baud' for *di afttoieut 'Eartieaa arid . „ „- - - ' to the truehsee in the Congrefiettentil church for the *use of their hottse of worship, ..,'• . , , -, „ - tittitA'proieed ,niii or ~to irinprotoik bi, , s theta Or resp(ktive ripetit of tge i , equaly .I'4 p . .foil .1' 1 1.. - ~F k 1.1 '; it 11 1 1 it- deCordlanch: ?Aral; TesultitiSn' leVentli . Bro. Warriner, of Wellsboro, was appointed, prosecutor, and his salary fixed at fire dol lars per day and expenses during services.— A committee was instituted to consist of one member from each lodge in the coußtF,elect ed by theitokpkvihoi aut; .4ii ft. to de vise mean 4 to, !risk funds ,_fOr.rltheprotifeCti tions heretofo l te'inimed.-.= Bin: tt. It Atistfn, Of Wellsboro, was elected Chairman of the, committee. • • The Convention adjourned to meet nt Mor ris stun at the notificatio4 tittite, AV.' 0. T. • • T. H. EDWARDS, METUODISM IN. TROY -Drimticr.—At the recent C,eritrtil 4e,w;Vork pkilicrt:6'i of the, AietliedisCriiishopul Church, held at tc'eed-'' port, N. Y., Reit. D. W.O. tintington, bite Presiding Elder orth is District, presented the following paper which is of some local interest; - "Troy District is'thfieVik of the 'Bl . ftie 4 . New!York Which is situated in Pennsylva nia. Its northern boundary is nothing but n "State lino" which, ignoring natural and so cial relations, runs across and over no mat ,t•gr. what... And It.irf-thesame c ; onseqUenee iii thelnujicaf, Wbrk ings of eh iirch : rit at ttifti as are pariMHs of latitudb in agriculture. — rho southern line of the District no man will ever be troubled to find, whose eyes or legs have been called to survey it. It is one of the grand fences by which the God of nature has divided ll id A is ; lips, tanddparated his flocks, A long' line of scalloped hills, 'rising into the proportions of a mountain range, gashed anti gorged to suit the wildest freaks of the earthquake, parading its illim itable forests of hemlock againsi the sky, serves as•etfectually to debar Social and busi ness intercourse with what lies to "'the south of it as would a confusion of tongues.' • L"East'and-west also the , Distriet is similai-' ly 4fined, for it extends from the great river SusqUehanna over and up to the head waters of all streams—Potter county. So far as a Community of life with that which surrounds it is 'oncerned,,,three of itsl,lo , 3_,,ltto practi-, cally shut. On 'the - north - its hapepy* gateft 1 stam open night and day. "Per a goodly number of years therefore, ,the,„tefritery enabrareetrin„Troyl;Distriet. has. iupPlied its northern - dependencies With wit ter, lumber, coal and Methodist preachers. The Chemung would be like the Nile in the days of Moses bpt tier: its southerro tributa ries. Its richest flats have been shipped in to New York on the hoods of_the Timm and the'Cowanesque. Eighteen hundred thous and tons of coal are annually brought from this territory into Corning, Illinirli. and Wav erly. In two years morei.thiti 'am mnt will be increased by fifty per. cent„ ' and even at this rate the coal beds Will' scarcely be ex hausted in six hundred:years. 4,- ' - t ' ' 4 "Thb statistical:report - rpm tlni, several charges will show that God lab-been-with:us and that souls have been saved. ' , Vito king dom of God comes . with A nd - ..Witheut chser vation on - Troy District. --, -, • ~. - "The sue_ ass of our MethodisthinlthiS sec tion has, by the blessing of God; been ' quite I marked. I began with the "settlerS,-endured hardshiph, si. d performed ; labors, which' if Written up, ould do honor to Methodist fhis tory. Its p r cent. of progress' for a Aeries of years has been 'higher,. than the 'average 01:..th0 Conf rence of whachAt has - been a piti,t. it now numbers - mord members than all tlther churches combined within the Same district." The following are the appointment. mad (3 for the r TROY DISTRICT-R. J. RER3fIIR4, P. R. Lomon, M. 0. Dean: W. 11. Rumsey. C. F. nowo. U.:,. Transuo.. Tracy. I. V. Lowell. Troy, Towanda . ... Ulster Burlington.. East Canton Canton Monrueton. Li bert,y Corners Albany. Forksvi I le Mainsburg Ytutland Columbia Wilmot Jackson Barclay • Tioga LitwriMeeville' Ridgebuk•S• 3fanslit..bl Blossbnrg • Charleston AVelliboro Delmar N. Gaines .. Westflekl Knoxville _Springfield Osceola Chatham Harrison • Rev. D.:W. C. Ifuntirigteu gcies to Tfnivei sity Avenue E. Church, Syracuse. Rey. D.:D.',Buc!s; to - Seaccia street, Ithaca. Re4,-. J. P. Crau;forr i l; Agent of Con forenee Temperance Satiety, • , - • Con JrPramions. —Wilkie Collins reads nt Williamsport to-tnor row —Wilkie Collins reads at the Opera House, Elmira, 0-night. ~ 1 —The Teachers' instita te, of Potter county meets at Lewisville to day. —John Shuey died at Lamont, Centre county, a few days since, from Injuries received by a fall from a barn ten years ago. A li - eivtloafoniielattitieen eslablighed at ebiSrYy Springg,P.otter countsSt!rliag•Dertng Post.rafts! er at a salary or $ll —From the gialiti'r'egfthill lels',reb.irtea tL it `tl early fronts have done plea they are chipping at the fat'e of fifteen tons Per (lay. ":3`, —Abram &miller, a Frenchman and a shoemaker committed suicide by shooting, last week Sunday, at the Ward House, in Towanda. He was undoubtedly insane, —The Central New York Methodist Conference, at reedspelt,' adjairifed sine itai..lasf, Tuesday night a4lO p. The '1111C') of meeting.n'fit year, vidli be fit Ittiaea, N.Y. Liberals" of the Drk &cube/2 district hare nominated N. B.:sccift, of Cameron, for Umber of ./CaSeinbiy. - But that candid - ate won't be very swift in his progress towards Albany. —There was a fire at Corning last Saturday morn ing, resulting in the ciestrtiation ,of a ate3m, laundry, and a dwelling house on Market street' The lbsi was about $1,060, and the insurance $3,000. —The Democrats nominated George B. 'Bradley, of Corning, N. Y., for Stitt; Senator, last Thursday. This is a go6d Democratic nothination;:but the 11:endure doesn't stand inneli chance of an election. . —The Spiritualists of Chemung county, N. Y., met at Big Vats the otner day and resolved that they had no connection with Victoria C. Woodhull or with "that class of persons." That was a good thing to. resolve. —At Wellsville, Potter county, a few days since, two performers in the McAllister & Polley MinstrelTronpo quarreled at the depot, when ono plntiged a knife in to the other's neck. The wounded man lies ill a criti cal condition at the DoA;iiii-eirtuit;,V.' —Tim Towanda Reporter says the mountains lii the vicinity of'that place, were covered with snow on Tuesday morning last. One of the oldest citizens In. forms us that such a sight tins not bef'_.r., witnessed he_ comet this season for-thirty-five years. • • TheitntyrikXntion's saw . 111111 it Lea 'haven, hnoWP as the Star Will was totally destroyed •by fire' on the Olt instant. The loss was about .$4.0,000, on whtrh there was an insurance of V. 0,000. The mill had n c opacity of 12,000,000 feet. It will be rebuilt at once. —The Sophomores and Freshmen at Rochester Uni versity had their annual "rush" last Tuesday, Ono of the Sophomorea, by name "Ererett A. Brown, was nearly crushed to death. his spine'was seriously in.. „hired and three or four of his ribs were. brOken.-:- 'Wasn't it fun though! - —Rev. Father O'Riley, a Catholic ' . .elergymen;•sta... Honed at Susquehanna, N. Y., was rnu over by the cars and instptly killed at Susquehanna DePot, on Satur day week. lie had Just left a train of cars at the De - - potuud was crossing, the track, When an engine nntlo-,: tired by iliMatrreck and threw him on the track, cut ting him to pieces. —The Elmira Advertiser says: "doorge W. lireck, of Bath, is the Republican candidate; fdri Eiherier,Of Stertben count}:- ' Mr. Brock - is a 1460011011 y npright had trite indri; Well knoWn and Milsvicinity respected by the people of the county. We aro gratided to learn that perfect harmony rules in the whole county, and that the 'nomination. •of Mr. Brock will rpecirf.the itett-an d can party."- This is correct, as far as it goe'kil; but wetere. ante Mr. Bred,: will receive truieli More than his party support; although that alone would be sufficient to insure his election. We predict that, on the 4.th of November the ballot-box willprove the fact that he is the most popu lar candidate for sheriff of that county who has run . , for; maniyears. BIARRIAGES. W THE RD E = 3PEItbIL ^ R. In Wpitabofb. -Sept. Lfteybotdsllfr. - Volter Welbeibi.o and Miss Louiso Sterroor, both of DelmatY, _ DEATHS. YELSON.- , -At the ' residence - of • hor daughter,' In CoVington, on .the 20th of September; Airs. Martha Wilson; aged 97 yonrs • " Wilson WaS 'ono of ,the old 'settler — e l of this county, removing from fklassnetritsetts 'wilt her bus. band; SttinnerVileonr in the ospriripi of 1810. , They pprebesettrt farm in Richtinond township, near Cow. ington;:Where they eonttnnod ,to reside until_ tiltart time previous to • , • ~...., NEW YORK CITY MARKE'ti., 1 _1 Ai ii. 644 z4e • ii 4;..' ' ' 1 • • it 0. -1 - O, •"T.P*I: -2. : 1, 414'. . 1 t i l e Vrt r fq? . l 4 4 En 0. 14. • No, 1335 Vi r MIHINCILON SITIEtT. WV * TOB.• • Vet. oth. lai. . 1 larinTSl- - f Dairy Palle, choice .4. 4. orlinary..... ..... ...... 3.5 4o; ~ Perin's, Choice ' Lis 0: 4t r • ordinary .. ... 35 091 Ilf , r., . ..... , State Firkl4, ae1i0cted...4....k. 0; 3E' stikto Tuba. 5 . " 4...... bb 0, 36' 0,. , 0 , OrEart. State Factory . fancy, - 11 44 medium.. Farm Dairy. Prime...... " ,lair to good Drie.AAPplps, quartered per lb Piked Potatoes, per bbl . Apples, tape.... Ata.ple Sugar,:, , Asbtou Salt • ..... ... ...... . Eggs, fres)l4 Sce y Pritfein DEALERS Flour, per bbl ,Buckwi•icat flour, Per qwt• ••*, .1. • Wheat, wlfith4ier hpsani I.'heat - ', rod." ," '• Wheat, spring, •• Buckwheat, Corn, shelled, " gate, Harley, ii• Y et Chfnoerf teed, Timothy seed, Beans, Corn meal, per cwt Peed, per cwt Potatoes, per bush.... ....... Apples, green, per bush thiluuS, per bush Turnips, per bush - Pork, per lb •Hanis, per /h; ....... , 4 ~. • 4 . • t • Should era, per lb llutter,per lb Cheese, per lb Lard, per lb Tallow, per lb D•niey, per lb ' ' Vinegar, per gal Eggs, per dozen Dried apples, per ....... J3r fed peaches, per lb ...... Dried cherries, per 1b...10 Dried blackberries, per lb. J... Dried raspberries, black, per lb Dried raspberries, red, par Bo Cranberries P ay, per ton Wood, IS I aches, per etird. Wend, 3 feet, per '4) d coal, hard, per ton, Coal, son (Around plaster, per Sugar, "A" coffee, per lb.. Sugar, yellow, per lb Sugar, brown, per lb Teti% green, - Dsr lb Teas, black, par lb Kerosene, per - gal Wnol, per lb. , Pens, Canada flehli.: , • • •,-.:••-• Black-eyed Altrewfat 1 It ianver thirty,yeara Since . this celebrated remedy was introdneed to the American' , Barite, During this , timer,it haa performed hundreds and thousands of the most astonishing cures, and' its , reptitation and sale have now reached a point that far surpasses any rem edy of-the present or past ages. •It has acquired this great reputation, not by a system of priding, but by the actualinerit of the article Itself. If yon are af• dioted with any of We diseases fox 4 Which It is recom mended, such as Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility, or, disorder of the Digestive Organs, it wilf not' fail to sustain its reputation in your case. It is nut an alcoholic drink, but a pure Medicinal Bitters that will de you good. For Sale by All Druggists. Be sure you got Iloofiand's• Gernian Bitters.',' John ston, Holloway & Co., Broprietork, 60'.1 . 4%.re St 4-June 24, 7m-Rot. IBIBENES J. It. trurton ..J. - .nerving ..Paul Smith is the hest remedy in tho world fur the following plaints, viz.: Cramps in the:Limbs and Stomach, Pain in the Stomach, Dowels, or Side, Rheumatism in its form', Biliiuus Colic, Neuralgia, cmlera, 13:1401- , tery, CA' AttS,F.g.llh , , Wolllll.l£l. BUM?, Sur . ° Throat. Spi -11,11 Complaints, Sprains awl Enlists, Chills and Fe n% FOr internal rind External use. I - Van Kirk. Briggii.. - 0. Hinman.- 0. N. Clark. ..A.l. Blanchard.. ......J. D. Blain. ....S. G. Rineynult. 11. Lamkin. 0. W.• Gibson., .:E. G. McConnell.' ...A. J. •Parkhurst. :...,..C. G: Ilowell. U: C. Mo i S , er. Stp.ey. .....,...J. D. Requa. . • A. D. Braise. Itritte Everitt: Chas. Weeks.' I E. - William., • ,G. C. Jones.• - 4. Ensign. . J. N. Sackett. Its oprratiOn is not °My to relieve the patient, hut! etalroly removes the cause of the complaint. It pen etrates aniL pervades the whole system, restoring healthy action to all IM parts, and quickening the Tidal 10 Crill.llIOLD , PAN In and Al! Het li 4CEX IS'l'Ve.4ll!N't` ta- t ng. • go I'vpareti by CITRTIS k BROWN, -• ' • No, 21/3 F u t-L T • For Faie by all (fril i r 4 hOPPC, Nevarotitt . 1111 .1 15., JAY '29' 1.r3-1 . -Thirty Tears' Exiierlence of an OM NurFR. Mn:s wfxstrOWl4 SOCiaurrrei (yr of the best Female Physt 3 eittltil gad Nurses In the United Mates. and has been need for thirty years with never failing salty and '.- ese ce se by ndlltens of 'mothers and children, from the feeble Infant Of oni3 iweek old to the adult. It eor- 1 recta acidity of'tho stomach, relieves rt ind colic, reg-i ulates the bowels, and gives real, health and comforti G to mother and-child: We believe it to be the Ilest and i 2itirest Re n znedy in the World fit cases of DYSK.N.T. TEM: and DlAlatilt.F.l CHILDRES, whether HI arises front Teething or, from any other ,C.3IM: ,direellons for using will stemnfitny each' bottle,—; None °ermine unless the tee simile of CURTIS. S 5 PERKINS in on the outside wrapper. Sold by tills Medic:log Dealers", • 'July , • Children often look Pale and Sick from no ocher( acme than baying worms in the et omacih DROWN'S VER3IITUGE COMFITS will.destioy Worms without itkhiry to the child,Amilj perfectly iyukru, , aryi free frora 411 eolorthg or. 611ier tahnicnts ingreilthhta ugually.eeed ,ta n wOrta!`pfeinsta-1,. CITRUS & BROWN, Proprietors, No. 216 Fulton Street, New York, ..7o1(1 by D 11401.513 and Chemists, and ceale.rs im ..1141i einets TwE.NIY-FIFE CENTS 4 }lox; July 29,"11-ly. - . TRAYP:D Obi STOLEN.-,Prom the premises 0 / 17_bf tliecahUgcitibef 'MI abdiut qbe (A" Sept., ono tver,year old grey cow,. - three red yearling steers. two led yeariliit heifers: Any person returning there orgifing eny lufortpation of them will be liberally ,i'ewat•EW(t. 3 • • 2 -- I JOHN I'HARSON. ti , Delmar. Oot. 7, 187340 EExamination• of 'Teachers . - I ,IX,VxMCATIONS for those desiring to teach dorbag I i the year, will ho held at the following places: • 1 Liberty. (Block House), Monday, Sept. 22, 1873.?' Union, (Ogdensborg)r:: . Tuesday. r - ii 231 - " llioisburgl, : - •- ' Wed4o4idaf, i' •24, : . •. Cilivingtem ,-. :-• - Thurpttrty, ! , f 25, , ~. lianstield,'-(ScE0O1 Hou)s(?), Fridityii -, " 2d;" . "• Tloga, -. • }, : s atu i,, day, . ~_ d 7 ,„ :vtithi9tairgi i : :. :.: , ' Moriday, -, tf, 29, -”, , Ilptlanit, ! ~ ~ ; l . Tuesday, ' I'titi,;.'": JackSon,lMille:rtown), - - Werine:rdity, det. f," ii' 1 Lawiencovilp,i, Thursday, i• 2, '' Farmington. (O. C. S. 11.,) Friday, " 2, ii Nelson, Saturday, " 4, " 1 C,l,yinor, isabinivrillol, Monday, " 0, i 1 ) •-ilaincii, (Veiruillyeall), Tuesday, '• 7, . 1 I 'Dolnia l r, (Stony Folk), Wednesday, ' ii, ii. 'Wellshoro, Thursday, " 9, " Charleston, (Whiturlyville), Friday, " 10, i• , Chatharn, (Shortqville), Sat urd,(ll'.- -.." ..11, " i BriOok(lebt;•- . i "-Monday, •i' "•• 21), ii 1 Wext1101,.,.. •; • - Tuesday; .".' 21, " Ktfexville, - - Weettesday, " 22, And at Knoxville the two following Saturdays. Examinations to commence at 9 a, m. , Teachers will provide themselves with foolscap: paper. pen and ink. School' Directors and others are earnestly invited to attend. Our Annual Institute m ill' be held in Wellsboro upon the week commencingi Oct. 13. E. HORTON, : Sept: 9,1872-13 t. County Superintendent. =I BW4+ ' • t 0, 9 1 59 ®,z2 p 5 975 0 , 4i^5 04)( • !3 ......... „ tlX@, 9 ' WELLSBORO MARKET. COELEtErrEI.) WEEILLIC LY 1 " .; - NWPALL, Mail Grocer 1VM12130110, OCTOBER PATVOR SW. AT . :4-10 Q $l.l 00 tu• "- SPE,t,IA:L NOTiCES. IloollanWs kiernian Hitters. THE HOUSEHOLD PANACEA, . and FAMILir:LINEWENT Closing SUMMER DRESS GOO BM READY7MAPE -, CLOT ;‘ MAKE ROOM FOR itEaD Q This will be found a rare! The puhlto ore thvitoci to Wellaboro, Aug, 20.1873,14 . _ ;: , , . , is 47,1442 41 A ityj-- mi tin 641 ti r plibliia'alc,. ft 01l liikpfeitißks, in of . Te. coif,. • o nii TUESDAY, the 21st day of 00TODEll, Dri:i. • e folleWillif described property : ..,- A. lot, Of -Land -in - •id township, bounded es follows: Beginning at -a oar iirthe Stony Volt rend in the .xrcate-rn:PulwelltrYll • tin of - banal; of henjahlin Alf heelerl; Wein% 'nuitls,'77 ' egre,, west,ll 5 perches to a post on the east side al tic ritony no* creek; thenw by lands of M. 8. Coles. orib, 4111 degrees east. 4 - .8 perelies to a birch tree eti!Le•i thenee south, fig degrees east, 5 P perches f$ t..e, - 4 tee Airy Vork read; thenek along the ipatate orlt road solitti),;lsi, degrees west, 47 perches tai.3h-ii bee.,, of - theitrildinet outlining two acres and 67 mnire t'renevtuere Ot lestclvith privilege of ludtino,tho titer la the cfeekitt Idgh water into a dertaltbe'crve cm I- 11(16 OZ . M. 8 1 ,0,0:lek s bilt 11,0 t so high as Al:Cate:know ny oilier landL4 said Coles. upon which,ltittlialtuat , .rt a hicaksmittcsilop and a wagort shop, With dAmtor ater-power. -;liihown as the wagon facto.ry,af Hough: lu, Orr & Co,. .- ,": I -- ' 1 Atso. - _, - - 1 hatineof landin Delmar towuslitiraf4reanid. i aundetiandfddetaribed as , follows: Beginning at a. 'got mu the center, of, Ititonyrork road, thenee , along ' I -Q dine of,-Edgar TlOtiglialea lands 'north, -76yi deg. eat 4 .7 perrhes,to - a pobt,e - orrierl ,thenee' south .18 ettreaS _West 7 porches to .eptostedrner,L t hence South 7 X dept..etuat - -ll L'Oprehes,„tcY'llitV-Steny Pork • road 4 , i encb alerignaldroadl per. tO the,place,ol-4egittning c•ntainiog-20 squisre'perattes,.,Wlttt It 'thiuble 13 , story i awe house thereon, known as the prOperty of Chas. • ouniltOn. : - 1 ~ _''',- • L - ~ - , , • . : .tt-.-- Also --A tract -of land Irr-Delniar--_te*nshiP Afore -, a id; bounded and described stalbl l 4WAL . ''Crlegi4 3ll2 n a a post in the Stony Fork road'; thence along the:. ,ad Leading to Jaeob Bartles' nail north; eftl 'Owes hat IS .6 perches to a post in the centre ot tbeiast o entioned road ; thence by lands bfal. S. Coleitiorth 2 degrees east 12,perOws to a peat ; thence - SOUth V 7 ,7 egrees east'2o rierches to the centre of the St'oniTork 1 r ad; thence,along the cenirenf said road south 38 deg. [ est 16.4 perches to 'the place of beginning, cen t • ug Is acre's of land more or less, with 114 story I g house and a few fruit trees thereon, known as th e p °party of Charles:turd Sylvester 'Houghton. ~,---, Ar-se---A lot of land', itt Delmar towns:lßlS afdrisala.- b unded and described as follows i Beginning at a pat the northAvest corner cf lot Q. 12, being, also t e south-west corner hereof ; thence by lands of 'W. - , Coles north 18 - deg. east 6 perches ; thence north A .6 'degrees east . 13 '.B perches : to , the mertit-WeSt c rner hereof near the bridge Over the Shiny Fork c eek ; thence along the road leading from the Stony rk road to the Sehoold House, south.„64K deg. east '8 .1 perches to a point in the Stony Fork road ;• 6101 .-along the ,Steny Vork road south 29}g Aegraeo I a • st;l7 .0 porches, to kt post in the centre of the last 'i , et/Boned road, thence, Along ,the last mentioned r ad north 76;1 degrees west '4',.7' to 'tliti'plit.ce of b •giuninglcontaining 102 square perches, with a one 'a, . - otte.half ettirydiame , house and frame barn there o ~ known as the property of Sylvester Houghton. -.. Anao-st-A guso4, 417- Oak t ittchkßastwoneltand-Pine .tuber, wi th ogler property-uiedin their . business o cartisge natilotvg,•_, %lan altpiatttitrof Hiiiniticin 'ash a-6 Hickory hogs ,„iii ~,- ' • ViD CAtitittiii; klatiflik ' Wellsboro, Sept. SO, /873-. 0 3t, , ,•,.., ', 'l , , ! ~, t , ,:• ~: ~ • I }9git'• 14 3o(U1 12 12 eo ; 10 3 ,(,@ 12 I= Bliiiii 70 4)0 40 ;45 - . 7 ,00 55Q 2 Oo 2 50 1,75 GO GO GO ' 1 So 1'75 ,80 o 12 1 /25 18 , 12y, air au 12S 14 Mg 12S ' 40 16 20 ... 95 4 30 - 2 00 3 110 - 6 75@T '25 350 3 50 - 8 50 - 12 11612 500.@1 60 80e@I 25 2 00 3 00 YOUTHS', BM EN AT ROLL UP , 1 'TELE IGBALLS 1111111E3 HO says Billy Wilson is putting on airs, selling goods at such minced prices? Great Inducements To purchasers of ' '4 S 4 S HATS D OAPS , EAIiIY-MAI3E CLOTHING, Ell BOOTS hi.IID 8110 ES, eats' Furnishing Goods, .ic., hc., &c c ,_, , EN aving purchased a complete stock of goods suite for the Fall trade. I am prepared to dispose of at prices that must suit everyone. die following La a brief qpntnary•_ot tpy;014.61:. , ott Prints, desirable patterns, at 10c ' ..Sneeting,.yard wide, 10 to 120 - it " " bleached, 12,c ' nornestio Gingham, at 12;.. to The .gut yQ-RGE T . TIAK'P L ti:O,E No. e, Vnion •dock. ATE -*•• ellsboro, Sept. 23, 2873 ut Sale _SI, ~s,li AW LS, lsqN:S,. ND BOYS'il LNG -FOR CA,SH, TO HE PAirli STOCK; EMII RTERS. EMI pportilnity . t Baigrii6 and weetArthempelv es. -•. . „. ~-,--,,_, , -,.", , , , , ":': -f:'.; ",f, ': tip -* .". ',.,' 4ll' 11 ' :7 R 7- - - ---,--.' is,.- --, ,ii f. . i IT't -=•- .it - 1 4 . .; ` ---. .i i ~.v 1 t t i g i ... c i , ? r_ 't -,: .- -: '• ~ 0 • . - - --- -- ,- --__ z_2. L. :- - - -- ' . . cz. .., . . • , Goods, "Camera Hidr, ' 9oti Diaepuals, . ; 4 Ttirkish Brilliantlnes, Aiiierigari silks, Embroidered L'dgeE, Aire- White Flannels, • led Flannels,- , . Blue and Grey Ft Broad Cloths, Suits made to Order by the best Tailors CARPETS! 13 ODIC 13]Er S - 133EtIUSsicir,s, rxwop A.INTJD rrl-311;nalE 0 IL. CI.. o_'llBl . S ER GES E I=l `1 31. WILSON ME THOMAS HARDEN - _ =M=rl and oil Whoa vittut of goose thatllls,' are on Imuti with iklarger stook than over. ME GIVE USA LOOK BEFORE PUR . OHASBIO ELSEWHERE, , Beaver MoliaiN L 'CHEAPER THAN tVER ..'__ Embroidered Insertions, White Goodd • _ Shawl*, KJ,' WILL NOT 83, UNIERSOLD Qt all kinds as c4a,p as can be nought in Any town or city in the country We sell GOOD GOODS and will make-it pay ior people to . come and see us Corning, N. Y., Oct. 7,1873 - _ ), Ro bCo,, b - Thr aum C Gut en Our Stock of DRY GOODS is uniienally large and attractive. It cQt)siSts or DRESS GOODS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION .~ z,` =1 BLACK Black SFEA T WLSI' Striped Ottoman , . _ - PaiSley Thibet and .heavy 'Doable. Shawls BALMORAL, FELT AND HOOP 'SKIRTS,- Waterproofs, and Cashmeres, Flannels, - • Domestic and Housekeeping Goods, . 1 Prints, Mt 1811129, Tickings ' Denims, Skirtings, Napkins, Linen Vabio- To‘welis.. Lane Curtatus, Whitelaoods, Ladles' Belts, Rushes and Ties, A fine stock of Fanc3 Goods, RIM inOTRING ` ~ New and stylish Fall Suits;-for yen, Youths, and Boys. iipring,Tall, and . . . Winter. Overcoats. I' . • . - Remember that we manufacture our own goods and can therefore save buy ers considerable. 'We call especial attention to our • Justom Tailoring Departmen,t. . . 7- WC,kep a large stock of Finelmported CasslUiercs, Coati: igs, and "Wavers We 10 Custom workou:short notice. 'We guarantee all work done by us as regards fit and style. ' New Hats caps and a large stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods, Don't fail to call on us'before y u purchase, as we can offer 13 PT,Trin BARGAINS than yOll can possibly get - elsewhere- .-- GUTTENBERG ROSENBAUM & CO. :WhOlesaie'tore, TOS DtrANE ST., NEW YORK. • 211 BWRN.IIOPIi I O . Maiaggin# Pairtneicl • , Oa' Branch esti:fres-158 Water street, 2 UnionEltnira,:Basquehattila Depot, - and IVlontrosq,. l a. Oct.WeH 111;Iii4 RE `~='u .~ Would nay to their eristiarteriirilioit minty, 4,7 r,:;;.. French Poplins, Japanese Poplins, Alapaeas Lowest Prices. Doe t:kins, CHEAP-ER TARN EVER. CARPETS ARE DAILY FO:TI In all the new shades ALPACAS;*__S#Odalti; CashmeresMfiack ,Silks. A full assortment of Kid Gloves, Laces, Embroideries, &c. EMI =Mil CasUueres, Pon&eee,• Imported 1311131, OM TOlo 1,1,41:43, oinels t : Stripe Sheeting, • 'Repel'tants, C:assiniqres, EQETVING PALL 'NE SHAWLS! , uLoint Of. It I,?4,l**o4{NE, DENTAL STJIIO-E'4N • Laiereamerilk fold ". Tioga 7 .13 AS all the traprored ta li ditties. for perfecting .:: : • 4 ", ...igegZst. fi , workin all branches of the , -, -- -r,, . ~profession. Aa to rettabili. Tt'Zsk - 7-, - ---. -- e,---. 11 m14. - 4-Yi- tv.experttnes and ski ll ho halt ' 7- - -- rp, - --‘v- numerous. cert/tleatea of A , reconssnerulatlein from all. It p -. i, # IV , ' classes of his PaiTonal—olor _" omen. Inerohantirtraschan tea, ph/Idol/ins. armors, and working people. Preservation the natural teeth always recom mended. If those mans aro too mph wasted by ds• eay artitloial ones an be substituted at prices rang teit) fug from t2S 10 to $BO, - _ which resemble the natural teeth BO closely that none but a professional eye, can distinguish the difference. All the different agents used for produeing imams!. bility to pain when deemed advisable. The Doctor will be pleased to give any information Or advteoftee to any who may ask It, either by mail or otherwlso. Office In Lawrenceville at _his residence. next north of, the Presbyterian church. At Vega ev. ery week Monday and Tuesday. Pleasti call. Aug. 12, 187 a-tr. WELLSOON GRADED SCHOOL. The Board of Director of the Wellsboro Graded School take pleasure In a flouncing that they have s cured the sorvicse of the allowing teacher; for the -siting year: P. Er. Epics, A. 8., Principal. SUSAN R. DART, Preceptreas. 1- SARAH L LEWIS. ANNA C.ITILLETT. liir'DITNCAlt. R. 0. KINGSLEY. I.I.A.ERIET D. CLOSE, PRANK WYLIE, 'The term will begin on Monday, the 15th dey of ScptenibeT, 187 S. TUITION $5. ,Flr further particulate address J. IL - BOSARA, NV Tabor°, Aug.. 19, 1813.-tr. Scrotm7. - Napkins, Towelling, TIZGRANI 11110ITIERS, Proprietors of tho above J. will manufacturo as usual to order, to suit etisThrs. 01JR: OASSINgRES are 'warranted. Partienlar attention given to 801 l Carding & Cloth Dressing We manufacture to order, and do all kinds of Eton Cardinf, and Cloth Dressing, and defy conspetitipn, • We ha . vo as good an assortment of Be'avers • Full Cloths, Cassimeies, 4 3 a, and give more for Wool in exchange than any; other establishment. Try them and satisfy yoursolveli. `We wholesale and retail at the Cowanenno mills, 2 %Iles below Knoxville. I `Jan. 1, 1872. INGHAM BROTI7B. J. H. Griswold's Water Wh i eel , Tundersigned, are agents for the above Water j. Wheel, and can cheerfully recommend it as wipe rior to all others in use. Parsons wishing to pur chase Should see this Wheel in operation before buy ing other wheela. /1. ,, 70.11.421 131/09. Deerdeld, May 18, 1872. WesynELD, APRIL 21, 1872. We the uhdersigned. purchased one of J. El, Gris wold's 30 Inch Water 'Wheels using - G8 inches of water to run_three run of stone under a 20 foot head, and are well pleased with the wheel. We. have ground sixty bushel's per hour with the three run and can ayerago that amount per hour all day. PHILIAPS. CHARLTON PLULLIIIII. " - E D f 100 Finmers and Farmers' Sons (raring the Fall and Winter months to do business in their own and adjoining townships. Business respectable, easy and pays well. For particulars, address S. S. , ' sop.ANToN S. co.; Hartford, Conn. Columbia Classical Institute , A Boarding School for Young Men and Boys. For Circulars, address liEV. H. S. ALEXANDER, Colum. ATWHOLESALE AND I RETAIL. Double Guns, $6 ' and upwards; Breech:Loadera, • $OO to saso, Rides, Revolvers. - - • • " - ReVO L di a sentir allVarrt i gi a i;;; ;:-• • country by express 0. 0. D.. to be examined before paid for. WZ? send a genuine W. & 0. Scott & Sons' MazZie Load er, with Fles'k, Bonelland,olcaning, Rod. nicely boxed. lorl t !:"*. Send stomp for Bkice List. switri SQ i 723 Broadway lid CO Chatham St., N. Y. 4 I .' , BMITI & WAITE t,, ' \ , ' • Peopte of the Tioga an4VowanesQue Valleys, fack<3on,,,'Eutliiia, • Pai-m -iviiton- Chatham, - .ll:lo4libury, ."- • Deerfield Woolen DEERFIELD, PA. Read kilo following (3. sat 1717ciact ei - - FEND ron cArALootrE. DOMESTIC . SEWING MACHINE CO., N. 'Y p ApER TRY IT The Sc lent jilt American is the cheapest and best illustrated weekly paper published: Every number. contain; fI'OUL 10 to 16 original engravings of new ma, chluery, Novel 'lnventions, Bridges, Engineering Works, .Ireldtoeture, Improved Farm, implernents.. and every new discovery in Chemistry... A, fear's _ otouLcrs contain 832 pages and szveral hundred en=`' reference. gravings. Thousands of volumes are preserved for bindingand Tho practical receipts are well worth ten _times the subscription price. Terms, $3 a t year, by mail. Specimens sent free.l,lMay bo had of all Is.;ews.lealers. PATENTS obtained on the best terms, Models of now inventions and sketches exam ined. and advice free. All patents aro published in the scn:Nrirrc A3IERIC-tH the week they issue. Send - for pamphlet, 110 pages, containing laws and full di rections for obtaining PateLps. Address for the Be-, per, oh concerning Patents/ AITY.N.N S CO, 37 Park Row,N. T. Branch Office. corner F and 7tll Sts., Washington, D. C. _ ; 8 1 I. ;Atk.Ve.'A ' • • 'S , Having strAglbct twenty years betweeli life and death with Asti:pun orPlutlals le I orperi nentrd myself bpi compound. ing, roots ‘net herbs. and inhaling the Medicine ;hue obtained. I fortunately discovered a most wonderful remedy and sure cure for Asthma and its kindred Ws nses. Warranted to relieve the severest ....4paroxysm instantly, so the patient can lie down t.) res and sleep comfortably. E TRIAL PACKAGE SENT BY MAIL FREE OF CHABOE. Ad dress D. IANGELL. Apple-Crock, Wayne Co., Ct. , ; B DTIN G FEL ( No Tar ua , d), fur outside work, and' ins.tead of , plaster._ Felt Carpelings, Sze. Send 2 stamps for enlar and Samples: C. 3. TAY, Carrigan, ' FlREsmv HINGE CCM: BURNER FOR SUN CHIMNEYS, mado by PLUME 67, ATWOOD, producea the largest )fight. Can be used, on any coal oil lamp. For salir by all lamp dealers )sycifONLINeY, OR SOUL OHAIISLINO." How, j either sex may fascinate and gain the loco rink 01,c - firms of any Person they choose, instantly. Till% simple mental acquirement all - eau .poisess, free, by mail, for 2.3 cents; together 'with a Marrhigo Guido. Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to, Ladies. At queer book. 100,000, sold. Address T. WILLIAM' Sc CO., Publiihers, Philadelphia. ~- . .5.. ABM, ' 41.9 P ,000. By all who will work for us. It upon writing you do not And us rat s‘luaro, we will give you ono dollar for your trouble, Fiend stamp for circulars to o.H.Buckley&Co.,Tckonsha,lttich. WONIEN v, MEN, 0 rls and 13oys wanted to Een our FrenelVatul. American Jewelry, Books. (James. &e.. in their own localities, No capital needed.. Catalogue, Terms, &c., sent FP4/1., p. 0. VICKERY & CO., Augusta, Maine. PIIONtY ygii,uhiegtek E S. r..spENcErt i UT IlanOvor 'at., Boston. per 'du Agents 'wanted ! $5 to $2O I;.5Z:”.1 of warking people,of eiths , SOX. 'Yr1111112; or oil, make more money at work for us in their Ryan: raoment.s . , or all the time, than at anything I'.‘vtivol.tr3 free. Addi,m.4 G. STINSON, k CO., , Sept. 23-41. • Victor Cieriarge - Shoji: DIA rpm ituderAigned IN lett to call the attention of the Iniblic to the Vet that they are manufacturing from tho choicest selecte4 material% tho latest anti wait approved style' rt CARRIAGES. VLATFOR •SPRINO leN AQ,4N15141 mut nice the fine CUT-UN - Alt PLATFORM 'CAIN E ItTAC, so convenient for turui , J, about tu a narfOW space. 1 -We shall keep aiaktys owl . na h good assortment of M W Doggies and Platforag 114, mud eustoraers from ~ ahroaq nay rely on Uniting ero just what they want amt at as low a price as is c 'nets:tent with • FIRST , CLASSWORK. 'Orders ptomptly falai. Our place is at tho ola ptaua 0 Bradford a: compton - , near the Troy TIOUPO. DANIEL COMPTON., . ITroy, Pa.. May G. 3573-iy. E. F...ULLEY. 0.8 I' ra.x.N•ix , xxv - G . or any description execute; With =aura- • - cy and care at the AGMTOR MTH= il II WAVa