Der . Baby: - .B 0 halt me iractone,eteis day I laugh me veld tottaw der ray ottmall rotuit baby.trtas to Way— , 3)ot t!uotty kayo baby.. irhott T 104'4 dhew foit t a 'Mt um dot Many loetto pole, - .Ttitt board - der vay dot rooater-crows, - , • - .1.110110 litto I Tao gutsy. . Trod viten I heard der real Moe , Dbem boobies to my vito - dbey say— ; . f•ltore like Ws fader* every day. • ,„ - • -x vas so brood biro lblasea. ;•, • •. , " tt soh (tall 4c16141m4s c°°lll l l ti a d i • e tt e lt :trittl. q • ';':'"l°°*l4.llll l l 3 3 oTl i ttfo tildil bad ?;;lf.'rnae for d k ek s b b a n ey. 4. `" Doti mikoe him a(tig it night 80 U g barrio bo tuttl (At, - • - tT n n a d °DirY in {anal chtunb ahbry on my feet. To bolt) dot teetto . baby. Rio bulla my none, and Meta toy .I.ln el yawls inc ofer.tyncywhere, tjnd attle4)bern tue—tint vat x care!, - .4)ot vas my qunall young baby • Ai ound my brad dot lodic aitre - • •Ths'aebelninin ma 80 nio3 tudi cam On{ may dhoti) nater coon scam harm To doVednrodllutla baby. • •Dot ens Into birneOlf. QUIPS AND QIIIIIIIB. 'A leading Ariiele—A. lOcoinotive. Labor in vein—Working in, coal mine. - An Ounee of wisdom is worth a pound of , , A girl ha.q a ringing !ankh when she is a I • How never to ket tight—Novor go:on the loose*. .How to keep oven with the world—Don't ha odd, Light employment--Building castles in the air. The torah of hymen—The Domestic, match. " Song of the fittvn-LJ.lttll me early, moth er dear. Necessity knows no law but wiped many lawyers. - • - Intellectual faiming—Harrowing a maned feelingr, Never inslidOin a schism unless it he a '. witticism. • r , • The cleanest of persons don't mind hand ling "filthy"- -- Ittere.' The druggist isnot inappropriately termed the piller of society: To-morrow is the day on :which idle men work and fools reform. Now does the hair-dressor end his 'days? He curls up and dyes. What is the' most becoming dress for the earth ?---The skirt of a wood. Je'sh Billings says that codfish will keep a man dry better than an umbrella. Why are clergymen like breakmen? Be , eiiiiso they do n good deal of coupling. • When is a billiard-marker like a prompt : er"? When ho gives the player his coo. The hitter cop.--Haw annoying it must . he to a teetotaler to -have a bottle-nose. ,Not all the girls are in for woman's rights, but the majority are in for.married - rites. "Hewers of wood"—Engravbre ; "Draw era of water"—Marine landscape painters. A genius is popularly supposed to be one who can do anything except make a living. A young man who keeps a cella:Aron of locks of hair of his lady friends calls them his hair-breadth escapes. The old maxim that "man proposes" is . • flatly contradicted by Massachusetts spin sters, who only wish ho did. A clergyman lately said that the modern ' young ladies wore not the daughters ofShena end Ham, but of hem and sham." There is a young ehapin aDanbury school, who, upon'being asked who was called "the father of .his country," shrilly shouted : ---"" "Brigham Young." Of a miserly man who died of softening gf the brain, a local paper said, "His head. ave way, but his hand never did; his brain softened, but his heart couldn't." A Cincinnati editor, who has indulged in a heavy life insurance is said to bo followed whenever ho goes fishing by several insur ance agents, affectionately homing life pre servers and sun umbrellas. Wilson, the Celebrated vocalist, wits upset in his carriage near Edinburg. A Scot hi paper, after recording the incident, said ; "We are happy to state that he was able to • appear on the following evening in three pieces." A Superintendent of Police made once an 'miry in his register from which the follow ing' is an extract : "The prisoner sot upon me, called me an ass, a precious dolt, a scare crow, ragamuffin and idiot—all of which I certify to bo true." Conclusion of a Long Branch letter: "Long Branch, as a place to leave, is the most charming in America. Five dollars a day for a stall to sleep in is but a small por tion of the dreariness that you miss when you are once away from it." A lawyer once said to a man in a smock frock, who was undergoing his examination in tho witness box : "You in the smock-frock, how much aro you paid for lying?" "Less than you are, unfortunately", was the reply, "or yon would be in astnock-frock, too.' "Y ought to let me pass free of charge, considering the benevolent nature of my profession," said a physician to n toll-gate keeper. "Not so," was the reply, "you send too many 'dead heads' through hero now." The doctor didn't stop to argue the point, An unimaginative individual-on visiting the falls of Niagra was perplexed at the as tonishment expressed by his companions, and on ono of them exclaiming to him "Is . it not a tnoetwon aerial fall ?" replied," Won derful I' no, I see nothing wonderful in it. What's Co hinder the water from falling?" Punch has a pathetic picture of a young married couple on a calling trip. As they wait at, the door where they have rung tho bell, Augustus is thus cautioned: Augustus, love, lot me beg of you! do no give way to any insane demonstrations of delight before the servant if she says they are not at home. The "local" of the Johnstown Tribune received from a young lady a daintily, gilt edged, cream laid, perfumed note, propound ing the inquiry, "Do you think it wrong in me to allow-a good-looking young man to kiss me good night at the gate after spend ing the evening at our house ?" and the gal lant local, putting himself in that young man's Once, thinks negatively. A horse dealer is a double dealer, for be dealeth more in double meanings than your punster. 'When hogiveth his word it swni ileth little howbeit it standoth for two signi lications. tie Over his mouth, Truth, like the turnpike man, writoth up No Trust. -IWhen ever he spenketh , his spoke bath mole turns than the forewheel. He telleth lies, not white only or black, but likewise gray, bay, 1 chestnut, 'brown and roan, —pi amid and skowbald. Ile swoareth as many oaths out of court as tiny man, and more in; tor hewill swear two wa about a horso's dam. If, by God's grace, ho be something honest, it is on • ly a dappl for he can bo fair and unfair at e, once. He bath mush imagination, for ho selleth'a 'complete set of harness of which there be no traces. He advertiseth a coach, warranted on its first wheels, and truly the hind pair are wanting to the bargain. , A carriage that bath traveled twenty summers and winters he doseriboth well-seasoned. Ho knocketit down machine-horses that• have been knocked up on the road, butis so Veini er of heart .to his aniinala that he parteth with none for a fault'; "for," as ho saveth, "blindness or lameness be misfortunes." .A nag proper only for dog's meat, ho svriteth • down, but Crieth, "fit to go to any hands;" or, as may . be, "would suit a timid gentle man." String halt he ealleth "grand Action," and kicking, "lifting the feet well up." US, mare have a farcial disease, he nameth her , "out of Comedy," and solleth Blackbird for 1 a racer, because he bath a running thrush. Horses that,drink only water aro justly war ranted to "be temperate," and if dead lame, deelareth them "good in ail their p ," aces seeing that they can go but one. . Bearing ' be ealleth "sound," and a steed that high bloweth in running, he comparoth to Eclipse, for he outstrippeth the wind. Another might bo entered as a steeple chaser,_ for why—he is as fast as a church. Thorough;pin with him is syrionomous with "perfect leg." ICA nag coughoth, 'tis "a clever hack"' If his r kneels be fractured ho is "well broke for the gig or saddler:" If he reareth he is "above sixteen hands- high." If he bath drawn a tierce in a cart he is a good fencer. If he bitoth he, shows good courage; and he is playful. merely, though ho should play the devil. it ho runnoth away, he calleth him ' "off the Gretna Road, and hes been used to carry a lady." If a cob sturubleth, ho eon sidera• him a i true - wirer, and addeth, "The Rroprietor parteth fromhips to go abroad." Thei Without' much 'profession of religion, yet he is truly christian.liko in }practice, for he dealoth not in 'defiriotien, and would not , , disparage the character oven of a brute; Like I unto love, he is blind unto all blemishes, and saoth only a virtue ; meanwhile ho - gaxetli at H a vice. a takoth a kick of ana , 540.0 f as a love tokon,saying only before s ders-by, , "Poor fellow,—he knosveth me i" tt A is con tent rather to pass as a bad rider ` then,tbat 1 the horn should be held restleo - ot &nor root tiekomn; Which discharges limn fromhisinibk. If be bath bitten him beside, and moreover - bruised his limb' against the coaik • wheel, Ali en colistantlyieturning good fo evil s ho giveth It but the better character, auld_reo onimendisth it before all the 'tad in his eta :WC , In short, ttte worse a horse may be, the MO* b° On intetit his praise, Me a crow that crowd!' over . Old Ball, • whose - lot' is on a *clamors to toed with th. Oorramon' Lot.-.- 2bta 'Eget and Whims U 011tritifi, ' . ; , JEWELRY - STORE I .'.. ?;,..'", - 1: ---' ,••,,:, • „ ,:-. i 7 ,• ~ , •,z -; .•,-_ii:Alivilia-oin: riiiiik _ . 11131 who au long been established in the Jewelry business in Wellaboro, has always for sale - carious kinds _ _ And pr,iene , . I ATOC44I 0.740,4*,. 1.: Clooks,Jewelry,Golel.Ohatiis,, cols ; Cases, Gold and Steel Fens, Thim bles, . Spoons, • Kazors., -Plate.d Ware, —IV. Y. Co7,pper ISEIAfINd MACHINES, Ti'ith almost another caticlea nanally kept in such l eailiblishinanta, wbWh are ablil low far / Repairing done neatly and promptly, and on gum notice. A. FOLEY. Aug 12, 18111. • WON WON T ES nudeisigiii a era prepared to pay the Highest Afarket Pric,t fir WOOL, at; Their BOOT AND SIIOB STORE Wo will be, plenet4 to hove our ftlende call and Boots which we propose lo soU u low as can bo purchas Itt any market trvittpt New Rork. We Defy Competition on our Custom-Made C. CV. Saista, / I.M. BODnira. J Wellsbarei, Fa., Jdn• 8, 1813.-ti. NELSON. Cabinet Wareroom s ' over Campbell Bros. Store, in Nelson, Pa. , All kinds of FURNITURE sonata tly on band. A tholee and extensive stock of color caul Chambo. J.' received. Now is your c4ance 10 solectfrons a large 1451541 1e 5:2 of trariety of =ir p a a tArigs es cheap VNDSII TAKING. Caskets and Coffins of every alai. glee and dolioripUtiii:oolurlantly on hind. GIVE US A C7ALL.• July 15, 1891-3 m. ' N. T. CONGDON. WALEERet LATHROP. DRUMS RR • HARDWARE, IKON, STEEL. HAILS, STOVES, TIN-WARE; BELTING. SAWS, OUTLEBY, WATER, LIME, AGBIOGLTUBAL IMPLEMENTS, Carriage and Harness Trimmings, HARNEssE3, SADDLES, &o. OorzilaS, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1872. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For all the 'imposes of a Family Physic, OVUM Musk Jiandjoe, Dp• to, ladtgestion, Pont Stoma and nth, Stypipelts, Head ; Pllea, Rheumatism, Mons and Skin Dinette- Slimness, Liver Com ma and • Salt 'Rheum, Dinner Pill, and Puri• congeniti purgative yet .„ perfToted. Theleeffeobs abundantly ahow how much they excel all tither Pills Thayer° safe ind pleallant to lake. but powerful toinre. They purge dal the foul hoMore of the blood; they elimulita the Slug. gist} or disordered l prgan into Action; and they impart health it,nd tone to`lho whole being. They cure not only the every day complaints of everybody, but formidable and dangerous diseases. - Moat' Ward physicians. most eminent clergymen. and our best citizens, scud earl:ideates of onrea performed and of great benefits they have derived from these They are the safest and beat physic; fik - thildren, be cause mild as well as effectual. Being enga - r - toair.d, they are easy to %tot aid being rattly vegetable, they are entirely harmless. Dr. J. C. AYSIL & CO., Praadoesi and Ataaryneal Oheratste. BOLD BY ALL DRIIO43IBTf3 ADD DEMOBS IN IltBD • ,1" i llror Salo by Taylor & Bpaldigq, Druggists, WeSabato Aug. 12, 1878-196. Tioga Marble Works , rite ' for ' ll kretn i ts w eV Monu m ents to exe cu te of t e e lger or6 Italian or Rd/act/77,d dlirarble, of the /Mod style and &M OW worknnulabliiindnith diepetch. - 1 Up keeps conatentls oaband both kinds ' of M arble eud will be ebbs to snit fwho may favor hini with their °Mere or ' u raw ble tenet ea can be obtained in the county. inn. t SUNK ADAM. 141372. , • CAWCERI , it yon ass afflicted with CANOIIII, Gorse I lait immediately to the Cancer Infirmary or Dr.:. M. Crane. Addison, 2i. X., -where you will Do PromPuY treated end etireti i - II you come MMus: Witeureaoh. , fug the Depot at this ;boo, tek thethe Ataorf can Hotel cexunbusi it will - take you Attest" to the In nrmasy. It you wish tor rothrenoes send - for Circa- Ur without delay. Charges *law yisfiasonable, r 24. •• - ; WELLS R 0 WOOLVARDDIR WORE. IWWI to Worm' the publto that am zuntroady tg. I. do all work try toy IJ9 at inaionable :Vas, and XI Mt beat manner. - anare WAllibirdi *eV 17, 1878: B. A.BILTBoia Wallisb n o, I'a,._ °Dm or Silver. kc., tte .A.. sa; CASH! Sears's Brick Block, NUM MI Ot IiOOR OW AIM Shoem, Work. CALL AIID SEE ye. SPARS & 110D1Itn nalristsr, DT PAINTE P.O S T WKS, =NI PORT/1131.1E AND fiTAIONAtii ST.AII'ENOINESe 80arigi;ts PART/OTLATt ATTENTICOIIPAID TO , " GANG SAW MILLS, MGLISII, MULAY itc CIRpULAII. ennoiLii "kis AND.intGIINES. ALwera ON I2AHA: Water Wheels suited to all tieroti of water, -Tannery 41rOna, ace, 'experience by -our alk. , lit IL - Calkins of over tiventli years as a allachiniseL •and Forersatt, enableN by kis personal supervision, to. wake • strictly first-elass Goods. • - - lidb. 111, 1873.-ty =I StT MMERIDRESS,GOODS , SHAWLS, MEN'S, READY-MADE CLOTUING FORICASHOO EMI HEaIIiQueaRTERS. This will be fo'und a rare 4portunity for Bargains. • , The pubilo aro invilad to call and sae for tholusalyea. Woltelvoro, Aug, 26, 18184 f. New Spring Goods. THE SPRING AIIIPAIGN IS WITH THE LAIWEST,:AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK 0-1' It has got to botorettY generally kneiwn that we keep tho largest - stOck, the beet goods end sell them as low as any horse In Ote trade in this section; and we keep very many articles not kept at any other store 112 town. In addition to our general ON% - qll. ur Ottott s*itoft anyrivs abtuf and arary rartety. Our Cloth Stock cozened" any within nity milea, in quantity and variety. DRESS GOODS,SIIAWLS AND DOMESTIC GOODS it • .. enough for a jobbing trade. The citizens of Tloga county aro respectfully Invited to call and 'enrolls° our Stook and price*.- April I.lBls. . . . ' IlifITH & worm . W. J. liorton Sr, Bro., EMI DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, GENTS . • . BEE NOTIONS, HATS, OAPS, BOOTS, Moliis, GROORRIES, OIL COME AND SBE FOR YOURSELVES. ~Pts9i '~ 1433114 D `X1:1 . ',X'Aglitc:!'ffEti") A`• = Ji,;' , -,TKI Earg,o, N,A,- -, JC! 0.4 Closing out Sale YOUTHS', AND BOYS' MAKE ROOM FOR THE I:AI / 11 STOOK, AND THE PEOPLES STORE IS THE StaphidE f 4 snoy Dry Goods Sate jdat raeolved tbo largest stook of FURNISHING GOODS, WHITE GOODS, YAN- EMI ever brought Into WTILLEIBORO! MIN NAN UFAO,TURERB - OF ME OF ~, AT THE FIRST IN TN VIRLD. NVEII. OIGGGIED IN CONNING CLOTHS, &O.; EME ME MAIM RUE =ll THOMAS HAMM. OPEN k. 11628 121111 > Vii' NEM W. a: NOVO & 888. .. , .... ''''i.' ,'' 1 .. ::.-, ', .:.'• '0'.;!1 ...:. . .... _ ,-;,,:,=.);,,-;,':.,,-,:,':-.-., ~.-:'''..,"'-',,,-: .--,E;: ~ • , , ..'• ..-....„ . ''.-' .l ' 't., ', ' ; .r', ',-1'.:'..,..r''',,"' ''''''.:'-':,%•'::,:, 'l.--L'''''''''''' '''. ' : '-' l , - .. y - ` 1 : : a,. -'-':. ,-: '..'' 11'' .'-.: ,"-' .ii,'. l • --''. .- ' , ' , l !-.2 '..7 ;'''' {': " • ,''-'•:,),•',.-A,11:%- - -'-' Ai NOW Offal INE EV Staple ait4 =ME ;4. ~, DRESS READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, ' • . &c. ; Snitibte for the spring Trade. _ - My - - - . ~ y s t o c k has proettilulfrouz Ile best t .. tarktql in, cou»h •y, mu? IhtnilblYs you , wilt be soli:I/lea tnithi)ricas. ~ . . . . . . . , '.'- - ' " ' ''' '' . - C:i 131i.7 • J' i -'. - ' , .2 1 L1V 1:0 .: - Eirili i ii= - . •.: , - - - , • Corning Pau ESTA.I3II:II-.I:ETJ 1849. - ~ - , ,• , .- ~! - • , .:_ .. . . 1 EL ':'.'7loo".- -3PiA;3711:10 .ce , - EiCorkiiii, .Ii Mannfacitsrelief - Statkonliry and Portable 'Engines and Boilers. , Chwring, Shafting and 3faohinery required for Saw Ifilla. Mist Mills and Tanneries, Ovens and Grates, for burning Tin, Screws for moving uniesched and leached twat Samilnitil, Bolt.,ltailroad*Frogs, Chairs, and Repairing done at abort notice. We have fa cilities for shipping by panel or Railroads to all points,and can furnish Machinery cheaper than Pastern or Western Wl:Olden of the best quality. - . , Jag. 1, 1872-4. Preston. & lieerma-ns, MANUFACTURERS - OF STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, CIRCiTLAR, GANG, AND MI SY: SAW MILLS, IeII?.CIIINERY FOR GRIST MILLS, TANNERIES, &C.. GEARING, ' SIIAFTING, BOLTS, AND CASTINGS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS IN IRON &BRASS. Machinery of all kinds repaired promptly and at reasonable rates. Our Mr. G. W. _Preston is well known, as one of the best mechanics -in Western drew Ifibrk . , mitt he gives his personal ' - I arttention to the details.of row business. . Corning, N. Y.,7Bap . ternber 2, 1873.-1* SOO KEGS OF NAILS W. C. I..itE'S CO. A PULL STOCK MO divider's gOlll5, pub gliliq,nleil's ittellsits Special Attent 4,000 Cods of Hemlock !ark , V17.496NT1E1171:2 - _ CONTIIAOII3 will be made for the pn limo of bait peelOd and delivered th e ongoing a on; at $1.60 per oord of 2,200 lin; cash on delivery. Bark peeled last ',oar will bo racer for the next ninety daya at =f per cord of 2,2Q0 lbe , cask on do ;is We ; will snake contracts for ite'eling4,ooo tor & of bark on lands of the Pennsylvania Joint Land and Lantbet CO. BAILEY, LOWELL itc CO. WellaberA. May 18, 1878-t& -, . - . - , POIETRoy BRO'S & BANKER' BLOSSIIMiGi ga:Colu4, 'P41114- BUSINR4S PAPER NEGOTIATED. .1 4 43m40rliwzre Raxiiints, • 1 4% • "Troy, PL rob. ing-tf. • , .-,,,,,, -; :' ''-'. ': ".'i , t , '" ' , c,' '.- T ' 7, . : . 7,.:: ~:' : !.i'.'l. 7:- '2.' ;'', '., • , 7 - ' .. , ,,- ;': • ;7- ..i--: . , '') " ' F li 1 ,,, .... „ . „ ..,,,,.........,„,...;,..„....,._,,,...4,,,....,....._. ~ ,;,,,,,,,,_,,,, ,' .7 4 ' - - --...- , , . . .. . , - {~'?,Sri;..+ , MS ME EEO Vita 11 - itie.C4ivedw. ifirfie MOO lit j'''' . 1 '-: ' • .'.-".• '. -'.., • • '';', '_-:,; , r'.' ~.-/_,,,-,„..-....,,-„,,.::::::..„:_,,,,, .4.. .. ~..„:„,,..„:,....,-„,,,..._.„... " ~:.E ......„_.,.......-.. -,,._. :. izney- win-Nw Auotp-1. - •, =I (PDS, ,WHITE ;GOODS, ME 111 *miry at Machine Shop. COR,N'TIV4SI-, N. Y. JUST RECEIVED BIY • W ion paid to Tin MEE fi~`l_ . - .; r 7, :7 • '‘, ' • • . EMI MS ME IN MEM E =ME CORNING, BTRIIRRN COUNTY, N. Y. THE ADJUSTABLE SPRING BED, Barttett:lt Patent Juno 21. 1970. Spiral Spring, elastic Slat. A LUXURIOUS BED! With only a mingle Atatisds. For dnrebility, comfort leaullness, and adjustment it has no equal. A FM- Actior bed for the sick-room, as well as for persons in health. -. Orders solicited by the proprietor for Tioga - c o nnty ;,.- 1 „ J. S. PALSIES, - April I, 1813.-tf. rtrunafield, Fa. - - - •Ethinglzi i v 2k4 Mil,tYlatoHANA Mrs. Geo. Campbell , - 'in; AV/N . 0 returned to Wellebofo. and having iltittai ‘ ed heeli'ade in the luatiuteettwe of, •—• ' '* AatTLEgileiL HAM WOIIK ' • *Odd respeothillyzei:teherpld triends,tlU4 she would betted' ta see" ell'Who would favor, bet with the's' pale. She can be ,ftrand the briefer:a .7.1 d: Adquiop, tlie Bator. rob. 187S-tt • MEESE '''o,.`'i. ',':"4 : : 3 .5 . : . , - -,::. I, MEE ENE tiSil ME BB MS EVE ISSIBI ,~. MIMI I= !to* 3o Years or triisOiaii praired to be. taw.. host_ healing and polo oullohis. Ism Z•114illoOdl.14 010 . II la I.66onlinectite4 with unbaanded tolerance Wall alum °MAL Bruises. llama. Bonin'. Ilhon , malts= Hard ilwolUngs. MOW Chindalna, tqatt. floss alba Jolla% Frozen Yent, We, da. - among SlLlmams, and ''lnr !Vedas , Voandere, Blng-bono,Pollevil.llonOolataMiad.foaratoof4le•• overlay; Aping-hi% Riddle . Collar and Onynesi Willi 00 didaases Of the gio.tinii,ges in • , . -liiiis:,-,Lle - g-.01 -- Cattle moToc, inn=rf' - WM /480 ' illienmitMeas, Gout. Tams pirjt; aura Ni ..... Aaltahenm. Ammons Bitea, External Bona *O WN% Arraetlons, Eon ltivolea. I=l lad narbal justly tertnikt thapanscos for all' ` • „EXTERNAL 'WOUNDS. Air remember' this Liniment cibll not' Spring up in a 'day or a year, producing Tau non ABITOND A9D trAINATtIitAL CMOS MAIM= in Nam-Doan AND 3i it Lrancricra But we have the experience of etrer thirty .years of trial, with the moat atibatanibil rennin, and by a multitude algal:maw • s it tilo LtI4MII4IO i►ot tut likeninended. thti 4 'Money will be Refunded. Do not be inspoaed aeon by TANI any ethelo Liniment chinning the Home properties arressulta. They are a cheat and A 11111101. Bo we and get nothing but Nozican Xusta Ljurtono BOLD AZT., Dal7olaral AND COUNTZI4 litroant - • of 2594 500. and $1 per Bottle. Itwou ems or Barn , Ems, &c., LYON MFG. CO: !1 IVlapolie, Balm A FEW APPLICATIONS MAKE A Pure Blooming Complexion. !I hi Purely Vegetable, and its operation is seen and felt at once. It does away with tho Flashed Appearance canted by seat, Fatigue, and Faelte. meat. "teals and removes all Blotches au - I Pimples, dispelling dark and unsigi n tly spate . Drives away Tan. Freckles. and Bunb , and by Its gentle but powerful influence mantl the faded cheek with r : YOIMINIIL Atli AND DEMITY.. • i Bold by all Druggists d Fancy Mores, Depot, ,4511 Bart[ Zs*, New Usk, .7ga)- 13, lin:l.-Rol-Iy. W 11 4 SllOllO - IPlsmixia• 3MEIII. - WON & HOWLAND ern prepared to furuhaiflra A 008E1 work hem the be-t lumber, of their new to tory which iR now hi 101 l nportition. sash, Doors, ~ 1 ~~~~~ ~.~~t~T~,~~~~ -..- AND MOULDINGS, constantly on band, or rnannfantv ro.l to ardor Planing and Riairhing done promptly, and in ltie Wet manner. The hest wortnnon employed, and nono but the beet Agnaoned lumber need. Encourage home Indoatry. Factory near the foOt of Main Street. An.1,1872-tt JOHN FISHLER HAS the largest! ant bostselected stack of - BOUTS OM SHOES o;•ot. brought-Into •Wo!tabor°, consisting of Ladies' Kid and Cloth Bat/nor als and Gaiters, Ladies, 3fisses,ldren and - Baby's Shoeq. Gents' Cloth Boats.' and Shogs, Prince -Albert Calf. 80011, Calf & Kip I Youths' Boots. - .. : , '\ In fact, all lauds of Ifenl' sod' Wonzoo's crest kept in a first-class Shoo Store. The nest sewed Wonutn's Shoos ot•er offeiod In this market. I dofy the world in . CUSTOM WORK. If you don't believe 11 . , try me. '.I buy °Wyllie boat utoek, and have es good l'ordwainers is money can biro, , . Iti4PU M ll42l . 4Oll e ueally, and with diapsteb. : _ Leather gs- of All on ilt!uit- C;Agti ANi) E 110: , • - Raving Just filled up my shelves 'with' a . chotee stock, pexsonally selected kir this nisilret, I respoet fully solicit a - fair otter° of trado, • profits - ,no quick rettiros,'!l believe to Tie n good - business wax; ha Laud I ha d thenbrat • goods' to be tlie - cheapest. - . -- I keep no shoddy.- 'lily ass ortmeakis euhietesit to meet all sizes anti tastes; V Invite - Our pstrops rand the public generally to tall -and • eseteine'rny - Stock.' -- No bauble to, show goods.AAtlwayS' found, one door Ils north: of . 41. - •R. ICelley's'otore. Main street, ,Weboto• Pa. ;- JOEN, MIZE% • FOOL WM", - 2'hoPeruvian Syrup, a Protect ed Solution of the P rotoxide of Iron, is so combined as to haw the character of an aliment, as easily digested and assimilated ' with the blood as the simplest food. It increases theguantity of.. Nature's Own vitalizing' Agent, Iron in, the 'blood, and cures "a thousand ills," simpiy by Toning up,/tivigorating and Vitalizing tho System. The en riched and titan:zed blood per meates. every part of the body. repatiiity daMages and waste, searching out - morbid -secre tions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed 'upon. This is the secret 'of the won derful success of this remedy in caring Dyspepsia,' Liver Com- plaint, Dropsy, Chronic ifliar• rhoea,Bolls,isTervousAffections, Chilhf and Fevers, . , Humors, ' LOSS of COnstitotional Vigor, DiseaseS of the Kidneys and Bladder, ..Tretaide Coinplaints• and all diseases or_iginating in a bad state Of the blood, or ac companied by debility or a low state of the system. , Being fifes, -- .- - from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing elfecto . are not 101 l lowed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infu sing sttren_gth, vigor, and new life into al I parts of the system, and building up an .fron Con- , siltation. - - Thoitsands have been changed 14/ the use of this remedy, front. Weak, sickly, Inclrering cree, • tares, to , 'strong, 'healthy, and fgaPPII - Men and women; and • . , invalids cannotreasonablyhes- Atte to give it 4 trial: : .- • . ~ See that each bottle has PERU' Illb%N SYRUP blown in the glass. 1 . ..1'i3,121 - i; bleia wee. AUSTIN & nowLAaN-D. - WOOL - CARDING WORKS, '.. EAST (I. I 4I(LESTIPN, P.l. • . _ .. . I ALopzo . WHITIVEY s , PropriQtor. • Cutting dono on ebOrt sotlee at reassotukbp ratcL ,5,42t,0hnt/titott, PA!, - , Juli , 22 267344 . . . _-....., :.tittlitllte,:itocillnderikng, NBI Sorli Chandler v.. 11 AZ i t t t rg isi o v s 7Its s ' v a i lt i lb o. ft v at' aupttaaelet 51i: : 144 1 A 4 54.4, FINI4;=" ANT,. COMMON ECR,NI'4III Peutietylvnuht, rO l*lttlu k , VINK rliaLoll AND FanTs stipAg, t101.7011P-a, TET A-Tl:Tkii, _ • - . . _ . . .. , , ~... . 5 1..ri1ik1Lt'A.".4.1.,'W(30.D Tar etCsaLt.: TABLI. 4. '.,_ . -- ,liitlzAtAkate, 'IrANCI! CH&llits, 111111t0118: • i- OVA! ANI)"SQUAIty. FliAli.E.B, BHA( X. :fir., 3 , 1.1;11r No. t ' ' '" '14.4.-'11(z8li A: excitzmuit )4 AT. TitA • ,-, . - -•--, K1.1:23, r , . a ta i a {1111141:A1 if r tho , cowman poroj a ta nia , t3 , r , , , , a Ittat-ilasa e s at!tbliatatiott. The alawe goo. a , ,- 1 ,4 1316 f tlifir owu'inanidact urit. ritvl g+lrejuii,, n ii ,6*- 4 11 4,k 4 iti butfroi pp 41oility told prive. 71 IE7 K , 311 tr " 4 .a- • J.fattm m 11)0 • tie tr;,pubir sibing bed ,b 1: en liprl To IVenNt DO l Satisfact b ion. that has een Oon trial for 17 )care ii,d ur qdtp?, _Boom .. . -. , . Is gutpued 14 i th e t filze i , lir flit. Vou 08;or c ; c,,. t. i lulu beautiful etyle et bereal maa, t t r„,,, ut.:, i. f . E• lautti of' torel4tl itvEl linwo `innuiffnonr, ,t, t 4 i .- 1 Tutzsgs to „ n ail . , _Tfifty VIII make ULid ertakitig g r 4 boity la their bushwee. stet ant eattliug th, ir sar ii'" ,, will be alti.wded to prOmpfly. au,' at matialkinay qtr. 'Reis. 1),1,1 piece" ef Yeabltlire twirlq, am buts N ulltriuds eletio with stiottnettx and d!spateh, n 4 4n: 1.0: VAN rlonN • IV Irlloll IT ILLY CONcaaa.—llaviitg coaellat dd o lim entitled to a little reat We nillfly 4a yt t ,,, el . , apocittion k, businen, l Its We yant,ed 0 `nn O w ,;„, 'tore - bus:nano to ethe Boya" Li V•or aliM , p.4,,i t - imatitAtud take Ma niettira. oritpli,4l t a I!•'mge Hanle liberal patronage as him twee A %(.14rtil (,) , u ; ... lily I,olrli MUT IT Frltt net ' at thr oisi illft..t, for liptg, i , ,* . , I:, Jan. 10. 1872. , . b. T. VAN MAI, aoors, FLO C) T spv,lo ; 1 114 1_ tkiftycl Facto; zr and s Id cla WHOLESAide& Parties will End it Jro their intetolt (MI kr ' , kill) beforo pircirrosing 0. ' 'A price Mt; will be forwartlul Fll Ei:. Sp',l,4tAl tO 9,1873.-Omo. Elkland. 3 SI&D, uf,il,'hrunic and Acute 'Sidney, and klervoos hmana. sit 4 y Oar ti of sufferin, by taking pit. Flits lc. vms rogi Srsue.—the scientific (Hi...4,11370t J. Filler. Id. D., a regular ginduate pli3 shun. ash stet we are personally acquainted, whe hee 1,,r b n ma treated these cliseason eas luPiSely %%lib aelo.....ehitgas Butts. Wu believe it our chtlatiau duty , after de4i, oration, to cousciealously request sidlerera teases, especially persons in moderate cionstances ate cannot afford to waste money and time on wouldta mixtures. As clergymen we merlin - 41)j feel the deep responsibility resting on us in publicly endeinagth4 Medicine. lint our knowledge and experience remarkable merit fully Justifies our action. ller.E, R. Ewing, Media, Penn's, suffered eirtten )eirs,ta came hopeless. Rev. Thomas Mtn idly, 11 , Li., lad., ford, Philtra. Rev. J. Davis,' Nei Jersey. Rev. J, El. Buchaipan, Clarence, lowa, Eti, G. G. Smith, PlttsfOrd, New'Yorli. Rec. heiph tea Faris Church, Philadelphia. Other testimonials km Senators, Governors, Judges, Congressmen, kto,r, clank &c., forwarded gratis with pamphlet cxpim,, lag these diseases. One thousand dollars 'Mil belie scatted to any medicine for same diseases elluirag equal merit muter test, or that can produce ontqaorts as many living cures. Any person bending Into description of affliction will receive yratia a frc.i'y signed guarantee, naming the needier of betti.l cure, agreeing to refund looney 1/p.1)1411111T! etato....e..t of Its failure to cure. Af.licicil •Fitier,Pitlittchdpitia. itisViillztibit - miTierl,f I.f . :LV, WOOD NI lirmxr)Je, Pe, March ll,' 73-1, W 9* 1 / Paper Minh tt) *l2abri. TuE Assoirrmi NT fg OIL 4 TILE VARTIEIY OP CU' STYLLI4 Ti . THE PR I( I'J{E of arty silk.i: PV.I. Tiogu ,•44:0". E. B. V 01111 'S 3EI 91." I:111 Elk WELOBORO, l'A Iron, in the Blood MAKES THE WEAK STRONG. SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Proprietors, ZofiAlinon Piave, noston. - 5 4. 111(i>11113 got Ivo riE n*Lr.r. 11