Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, September 23, 1873, Image 3

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witb,loush, - .lllWitya
Foracs Cotexivr - tit tho DL. ri.lObtitote
rednoidity evening; Septembeii,-'24tiii=
. ..
Lust nKit ronSALR.---I i 1111 , 10 a t o f 0 Sea
-1 ..;.'
4 „, 0 1 ,I,4•liiloc* lin t ira,3 . -,lt, my , milt,.
'ir .IC4it,
chAr i o :fm), t",!., wltielt ,1 will 40f i t. 4s
1,,00 er , ,
t howniscl. S.rircieu Outmritifir*,- ..-
il , ot Charleatem;Spl,. 'i!. • :„.ittr,
Th rt• W heeler Si % Wyhto o Sim hilt
d wat4g.iin di prOton.,ttC•thil tionfili'
Fo r . These - ronchines iu'& tinitirpagied,
coolly we: W. V.llAttatx, - of 'Eftnttlliarlo'n-'
to n. i, sgent for the notehino for Tiogn coon-
. . .
. . .. . . . .
'Pie Acitrl.Tint` o ff ice; tOok a pi einiunt l' or
fin e joh printing at the bite County Fair. But
Unit WRi nothing strange, for that omen' has
been winning golden opinitins for fine work
in that line from all good ludges_for the pitit
, .. .. ,
spar. ' ' 4
. . . ,
CIDERMILL—Mr. (.1.- Rottitreuoll. has re=
moved his cider mill to the factory - of - Beni,
Austin and will be ready to . r ommenee' ope:,
TA tionA next week. The co , it of inhimfactui
leg will ho eighty cents per Wit. 'ho kigh
e-t. market price paid for npples.-_.:
The. property recently purchaSed:l4 Dr..;
upDeGraff in the 6th ward, is being exie n =
idvely altered and improved. A largo force'
of men are engaged upoti,it,'und when com
pleted it will be one of tho - banasoiriest
tices in the city. It is calculated to stecoi -
nindateone hundred patients, and will . 0
known ns the "Elmira Suigical Institute.'
Elmira Advertiser.
.. , • ,
er even anticipated so divine' a pveparati6d
for the toilet, as that.delightful preparation
"Sozonowr." So cool and
. refreshingly
agreeable to the tooth and teeth ,hardens
find invigorates the unls, giVes a
. ptiro. and
toalthy tone
- to the 1 breath,'eleanses, beauti
itH and preserves the teeth, and arrests de 7 ,
voy, . . .
MeiNrs. COMPTON' & LILLEY, of Troy, Pa.,
took the fiis premium at -Our late _County
Fai.r for a R i ne light top-buggy. This is fin
indorsement of the general opinion held -in
re gard to the work-turned out by Oat llrni
Their wagons are certainly unsuipassed iri
beauty of finish - and_ good workmanship.
3ttF,irs. KETCHAM tt COLES ,are agenti in
thiaivillage for the_ firm, and
_anybod in
want of handsome and substantial workt' in
that line will - do well - to Call thole.
~1~~ ~ ~i t~#~►r~. - o
Y, SEPTEMBER 23, 287,3
Horne' Affairs..
New advertisements th s week. '
New Goods—Wm. Wilson, _
Cletteral F.leellon proclamation./
LW of 'Altos—fi t : IV. Meng* rant.
opo. P. Row en S Co's New Advertisements.
—Get rcglatered
--tilecthin this year Is Tuesday, petotler . l.4t .
The travel on the new Cowanesque Valley Railroad
is (pito brisk at present.
—lteinember the Farewell Dance at the !mit Wal
ton House nett Friday evening.
—A number et people went to Elmira last Wednes
day from this region to see Barnum's Show.
—N. G Ray. of Knoxville, beau fine colt, half broth
er to -Kelborn Jim." Ile is supposed to ho Worth
several thousand dolkire
_-Several young mtn of our village have gone to
Havana... Y., / to salmi the school in which Prof.
Wiutcrs to teatber. •
—An expreda office has been established at Elkland,
and express pods now leave that station at 1:30 p. m.
e t d with New York the next morning.
le teen hundred tinders is - a pretty gond price to
but that !a what Mr. L. C. Bennet, of
fins village re:eV:cid too -Luther" the other day.
—Ti ept ;a Consider - 7'We stir among the temperance
people of Delmar at plesent. A society for the pro
motion of that good cans. baa receilly boon organ
—William halation Imo been transferred from being
Conductor on a Fall Brook coal train to Watkins, to
be conductor on the l'assengOr-train l m We ()octanes
gra Valley liailroml.
—Mrs Rebecca Flesmane, widow ef the late Jena
then Seamus, died In Westfield a few days ago: She
Fu In berserenty.iirst year, and had lived in that
section for sixty-five years.
—The (all trade promises to ho brisk - for those busi
ness then who let teivh light shine. Advertisersshould
bear In mind that the Aorrsion has a much larger
circulation than any other paper itkihis - part of the
—About one o'clock last Tuesday morning the in
mates of the Wellsboro Hotel discovered the kitchen
of the honse to be on fire. By the prompt and judi
cious application of a few pails of water the , flames
were promptly extinguished. The • damage to the
building was slight, and no general alarm wall given. '
Maitre was undoubtedly the Work of an incendiary;
tut the guilty person has not yet been discovered:
—A Knoxville correspondent of the Westfield Index
says• "Frank Freeman, an irrepressible young man
an) the Chatham hills, caused no little sensation Imre
last seek. He had thrashedps father and -after his
arrest by the Deerfield constable, tried his muscle on
him with such effect as to bring the Constable to grief,
cod then made good his esceine to the woods. 'Moil'
At length before the Justice, einboldoned by his previ.
out success, he tried to run the court to suit his no
tion of matters, and would not behave himself with
the least decorum, until floored and severely choked.
lie has twice before taken quarters with the sheriff,
Once for whipping his Mother, (I think) and since
then for . whipping his wife to make her dance for his
Amusement. Perhaps a short time in 'solitary con
finement at hard labor' would learn him something.%
—We are indebted to Mr. H. B. Young for a fac-aire.
tie copy of tho Nert York "Morning flerald,VoLL,
No. 1." That sheet . bears 'date Wednesday, May C, •
1915, and "tdthongh but 14x22 inches it exhibited
much of the editorial spirit of the Herald of these
Ula. Here to a spicy paragraph which winds up an
article pitching into the "Pollee Reports" of the Sun
and other papers: ,
"As one of the'esterers for the public taste, we felt
it to be, ..ur duty to say thus much on the subject of
pulled repot Wig. As we are generous and gentio,witb
tins we shall atop, deeming it also somewhat ,irrover.
eut towahla a beneficent Providence to inquire too nar
rowly what are those motives, inscrutablo to mortal
ken, which dispose Him in 'his Infinite , frisdoto, to
drop down blockheads hero and there to edit news.
papers, like weeds in a garden, ore the robe has put
loath Its bud, or the hyacinth opened itblosslni to
the morning."
In the advertutlng columns Is an announeetnept that
under the title' of The :Veto l'iwker a new literary jour
nal was - Issued on Saturday, - the 22d day of &Arch.—
This Is sigrad Oreely & Co." Advertisenionts to
the Herald then e( i )st GO cents a square for one inseri
lion and s3o a year. But that WWI the day of moo'
thheo fur both "IL. Greely fi Co." and "Jamel Gor
don lkunett 4: Co."
--This is the Ono of year when the Summer, be
ginning . to sadden, •
FaU•mooneil and ailver•misted, glides from the beast
of September,
Mourned by dlscvnitolate crickets and iterant grass
hoppers, cring '
All th° still nights Wog, from the ripened abundance
of gardens;
Then. ere the botighs of insides are mantled with, ear
heat autumn, t
,But the wind of Autumn breaths frttnJthe orchard at
fell of wing perfurao and mystical yearning and lan-
ImM' . ,
Oft in the noonctiy Wood 'son bear the foraging snub.
And the long, crashing of the halt-eaten nit Iron
the tree-top;
%len the whim, are mute. Witt the Ye/1"-birdl
haunting the thistles;
therp and twitter, and lid through titedustylines ant
the toppings.
Inieh the pheasant boons from ;mar at oalthy taot in
the cornfield, ' . ' • - 1 ' '
tad the wild pigeonitryed,few.anil shy. In the setae
berry bushea; -.- • •
hen the weary land lied hustled, like wiser In a ll
elan, " * 'l,
1114 Your life seems bn kilt° dream . , of ft ataitun which
YOU cannot reniter,nher, •- = ,' ' ' ' - '+'•
Bolen, Bewildering, vague, an echo that answers to
nothing!" •-' i ' . - .
LiarTTERY ADVERTplpizafTi.:—M7 hen we
'Pare in condemnation lottery tu s t I/dill - temente. a
ae 4 of ado, wejtlldn't knew that we ware treading
al the iota of the brimaiield zrldecrtiscr. • But it ' I -6 CMIS
4411 "*. That paper prints a'warni:tiefense of that
ti td of Munness. We are a little 'anprieed at this In
Journal Which lectures its couterePotariall; f fer. I n;
flallis to the `'mercenary spirit" - of, the public. It
I ,r tittle queer to bear an 6Ni:or of tills - lofty Inorall:
ininkly Confess that those filthy dollars tiro What
after, even at the expense of a violation of the
ftest law of the land. liowever, this is a world of
l lo sh teades, and we should be surprised at nom-
owane, wo have no Fahi, as wa certaluly have
nth, to cdit the columns of say ether paper; and
6°4 r as oar own interests are eeitcentecl we 46°1314
I " err eetii Waling to se* the 4therfisir :andL onrY
. °ll ktr J.:Nola in this eegtou flilled,wttli , lottery adtier.
1444 ' to m ;nom/ to December; That woultb'
14 tale the 4 tensxos to ttt4 /eat; nor clump ihit
leniik*lntnihtta , '-Oridircittni,- the:, fhilim,
flublisb eu fi'ilii!i*etooi;vl4 , *Fiiiii the Y the,
liftitre Adipertirei AVe driat'Ornow'of & twee' 'whst
paper the edttoi c ieteltangeti - with; hilt we' de' Ig4Ow
-thit not one4iittfi of 'our oWn or e engaged
In that dkti 4 blistnerst.' aqult,:ttlitt Atte'NoW , Yorlt
firhiftsariniejiunitll" 0 - rtjf,tisemonts.,
but hiriats'illMttle :"1" indi-,ritlonte
,14s• 40,444*t. hetitate
ot the ?Aire - Hirer. °latent alleged
l tv gi*C4#4 l -ti=ths 4 i.
titilaiii)Y4l4; 'Afgreattinniyz,:littOrtrtOrtiOni-lettert;
": 161 t.,ntoheYllit4edelMadvert!qhtg, lii4tAiett't there •
It tir*filittOlid.vertiintlette,rieli:s4o4l4.-401.0ii4”it:'
it'onine. - thetilt Would he'einiiiiiiikattridAtaili,i:WMTat
-11.21itCY49, etc set' hiinif.l,itietieY4s - int* hiSeillng
nor:. theratoreot; i1t,t4ht,.40 'sell' Winer:. Anybody
ripkireeriite lint ,it is trio Mare'
latvfu . „
011 ligtiett,#ian to advertise lotteries.
- As.w.e,,lnti*ate‘ahove:_ty4ttn w 6 penned , our former
article, yo that the difvertiscr,iintingaged
'111'44 tottet7bnainesti.'aila - viO - don't care ho w ; Imitt
eontiriees ltr" that'. Ent. it does seem . to ,us
that itrorild peaket'-tW‘dlthi dollars" it earns_ -
ihut.-w y in'speiree, and - not iindeitak4
trande,rs . by,-
,trying make ; them - Ikeve itieq_ are
earned .4*.ti trialthnsto. *ones! . That's all.
'. A B l BA 1 .-- y t C h -gittne of Buseßall Was played Bator/Hy, - September' 13th, between,
the MetCor B. H. C`,. of Addition Itilf,l and Po
14,-B. B. 45„' of 0-sccOla. 'the ` gionticli of the
former, rcenltlng kit btlfrillotting gooier?
Airrions.. 0. U. otincor,44. O. B.
irsin tioi•den,c." -8' ' Suil&an; ' 3 1
Mitchell, p. 2 2 Derby, p. 4 8
k. Pifxtoli; Ib. 3. S. McPhee, 1 b.: 4 1
Fokey, 2b. • 4-; 2, Bosard; 2 b;:: • 2 0
Clark; a 1 ayon, s b.: 0
H..Paztoni e. - a. 4 1? Q. Duley, e. a.' '3 2
Horgan, I,!t . 2 •3• A. Dnley, 1. 1. i 1 4
Benedict, o, f. • ' - "1 - Hannitopd;.C.'f. • t 2 8
Diniuny. r. f. • 8,0 Morten, r. l l. :3 -
• •:.•-• ;
_'• , 124•04 aliToirtztOs. - :
-Ina ;- I_' 2"; 8 4 5 •.,03- 9. , Total.
Moteore." 4 2, 2 . 0 - 1' ; '0 2 0 14
Oeceolas. 1 3' • o , ` 1' 0 6 2 1 '0 =35
Flys eaught—Mateme. Oseepiall• 2o . nYa• niag
ed-,llfeteore. 2: Oseeo/55:0., ' '
U;npire;, W. kl•Cralg,-;-gt the lJnknewn „13; Bi e„,of
Jasper, 11. Y. , - • ,
9ec,EbL ;to the att
ualincement In your
_columns, Prof. D. C. Jewett, of
Idemitcniit'r_Seentty opened a, Mini Mal Ooeireetion in
thlalphice. • It began with an attendance of less than
ten pupils, and as thO numbers did not mach increase
an idfournident sine dic"was effected - on Wedniaday.
Nd lack of taste and cultaretn tilattira meetc,al among
our neoplyiliould he inferred from the: above facts.
Our ligßna institution fqr insfinetion In Vocal and in
strumental...Musio maintains a high- standard of ex
cellence and is liberally potrenized 1)y all lovers of the
tuneful art in this vicinity.
Tho 4:y4 cdo 1 a Base Ball C 101) 'won thef t; ilfFennd victo
ry' overthe Addison 11. B. 0., Saturday, the lath lust.,
on the grounds of tbo Addison club L ida t i.. Craig, of
Jasper. Y., - actliag as Umpire. The - game excited
ranch local Interest, was. 'sharply ceintestod, and re
sulted to a score of 1 tallies for Osceola to 14 for Ad
dison. • •
The COwanesque Valley R. R. began to run regular
bales on the 15th instant. We are to have Vito trains
•dailyAlehyay. ; _l'his arrangement seiti !imply accom- ;
ruodatoult r inicresis and be a, vast improve.nent on
our old system of staging and lauling of freight from
Addison: Wo congratulate ourselves. Fran.
LIBERTY - I,Tit5lS.-4.t is a very difficult task
indeed to gather items of news in our toviuship that
will interest the readers of the AOITATOtt. The inbab.
itauts of our section of the county seem to be very
fortunate in escaping all manner of serious accidents
and exciting occorrences. So, consequently, lam un
able to contribute any news of a Mottling character
from our region. The only things that I have to write
about are the state of .the weather, crepe, and the va
rious improvereenta that are being made from time to
time in our locality.
The weather for the past few weeks has been very
changeable, and the nights very cool, so molt so that
we have bad several frosts, and the last one, on 16/On
day night,was very severe, injuring the corn and buck
wheat very rauth indeed.. IL is feared by the farmers
that they will fall short very much of having a full
crop. ,The potato crop, from what have already been
taken out, prondees an abundant yield notwitlo,tand
tog the ravages of the Colorado potato bug.
The improvements that are being made in Liberty
on the farms, and in,the erection of fine farm build
ings, will in a very short time make the township one
of the first In the county. '!he two dwelling 'houses
erected by Messrs. 0. M. Moore and B. F. Werirtio,
mentioned by me insfermer communication are/ap
proaching completion very rapidly, and In avery ehnht
timo will receive their finishing stroke. no two flue
private residences will add very,much to the appear
ance-of that quarter of our village when completed.
The Stage Route I _mentioned several.weeks ago,
from Antrim eta Liberty to Roaring Branch, was in
augurated last Monday, the lath testae/. Mesons. W.
J. Allen & Co., Proprietors, intend to make it a com
fortable route: for . travelers. They have put on the
road a first-class platform spring stage coach and a
fine span of horses, and mean to carry all pastengers
in a comfortable and pleasant manner. Their sched
ule for running the route la as_ follows: Stage will
lea r ve Antrim,—Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays,
and wilt return Tuesdays, Thursdays, and' Saturdays.
The tame table is to be as FollOwa: Leave Antrim at 8
o'clock a.m. Arrive at Liberty at 11:90 a.m. Leave Llber- .
ty at 12:30 p.m. Arrive at Roaring Branch at 3:30 p.m.
in time for passengers to take the Niagara Express
Train for Williamsport. Will leave Roaring Branch in
the morning after the arrival of the Soups Passen
ger Train, and arrive at Antrim in the evi. g. The
foregoing time table. may be changed somewhat from
time to time as the necessity of the case requires.
Our old, estimable friend, Oen. R. C;Cox, made his
appearance among us last Saturday. We were glad to
in , him and shake a friendly hand with him. It sl
ays does us a great deal of good to,meet an esteemed
townsman. OCCASIONAL.
Liberty, Pa., September 15, 1873.
following is a list of the premiums warded at Mt late
,Fair. The several sums awarded4)eing the same as
ihose advertised by the Secretary), are omitted - crncia
this list, except in the lists of discretionary premiums,
which were fixed by the Committees: -
Morses—Asa Moore best stallion, E. 'A. Flab 2d best;
F. E. Woodcock best three year old stallin, R. Toles
'lintel.; N. AMAMI best two year old sta lion, 0. IL
Jackson 2d best; John Van Osten best pair matched_
geldings, Sol Bonnet 2d best; R. Campbell best pair
matched mares, L. 0. Bennet 2d best; Sol Bnnnel
best single gelding, A. M. Marvel 2d best; Asa Moore
best single mare; L. C. Bennet 2d best; L. 0. Bennet
best three year old gelding. N. J. Wheeler 2d best; W.
0. k J. Wood beat three year old mare, John Eberentz
2,1 best; L. C. Bennet best two year old colt, Lloyd
Henry 2d best; Ephraim Francis best yearling colt, to.
E. Woodcock 2d best; F..D. Bonnet best !sucking colt;
E. M. Bodine best broodmare and colt, N. A. Elliott
2d best; George Christenot best matched two year old
,!fairs.—J. E. Henry best pair mules, C. T. Kelley.
2d best; Willie S. Bliss beet. yearling mule.
Cattle. J. C. Bartle best Alderney bull, Geo. Eng
lish best xearltu g Alderney bull, George English best
yearlinirderney heifer, Andrew Klock beet Ayre.
shire ce iv, F. D. Bunnel 2d best; F. D. Bunnel best
Ayreshire heifer; Georgetimlish best Durham cow,
Andrew Klock 2(1 best; tither Shumway best two
year old bull, George Ferris best Durham bull, F. D.
Simnel best two year old heifer, Jatob liorapatigh
best yearling bull and best bull calf; F. D. Dunne!
best Devon biill,2d best yearling Devon bull, best Dev
on cow, best yard of cattle, and 2d best two year old
heifer; George English beet yearling Devon hull; U.
G. Fisher best two year old heifer and 2d beat year
ling heifer; R. Jenkins best yearling heifer'; U. G.
Fisher 2d beet Devon cow; J. Itorapaugh 2d best Dur
ham bull; Jeremiah Klock best native bull, Nathan
Austin 2d best:- D. G. Edwards best native cow, R.
Jenkins 2d best; J. Hiltbold best pair three-year old
steers; A. M. Native! `best pair two year old steers.
Orville Dortt 2d best; .EpbrAini. Francis beat pair year.
ling steers, Joshua Atherton 2d best; Thomas Moore
beat yearling native ; Epbralm Francis best two
year old native bull and 2d best; J. Atherton best
yoke working oxen, and Avery Gleason 2d best ; E.
J. Brown beatipair fat cattle; A. M. Hanvel best year
ling native heifer, A. Frost 2d best; D. K. Cooledge
beat cight De4Ou yearlings; J. Rnrapaugb best ten
Norapaugh best coarse nail buck, - best
coarse wool ewe, best three lambs, and best yard of
sheep; J. A. Roy best Cotswold buck; N. Ashton best
Combwool buck.
//no . A.—George English best boar, best sow, best
boar ply; F. D. Butinel best sow and pigs.
Itarri.son best display of cldebens,
F. Smith 2d best; , Willie Bodine best rstrioty of fowls,
Hiel Peaks 2el best.
Dair'y Pro<luds.—Jerentialt Klock best hand made
cheese, Hiram F,lork 2(1 beet; Wm. Francis beSt shed
der cheese, Charles Close 2(1 best; Wm. Francis best
factory cheese, Andrew Klock 2(1 best; ElihraiPu Fran
cis best tub of butter, Mrs. Win. Francis 2(1 thest; .7-
Retapaugh best firkin of Matter.
Garden regefables.—.Tobn Eberentz best six cabbages
,tclam Avery 2d best; Hiram Brooke best six beets, C.
F. Butler 2(1 best; Fulton Smith beat half bushel po
tatoes, S. P. Wheeler 2.1 best; F. Butler beet half
bushel ruts bagas, Hiram Brooks second best: C. F.
Butler best half buebel carrots; Willie S. Biles best
half bushel turnips, Cl' F. Butler 2(1 beat; David Cos. ,
pie best half bushel onions. Illram Klock 2d best; It.
3. Moore beet variety tomatoes, 'Hiram Brooks 2d best;
Franklin Hayes best winter squash, Harvey Young 2(1
beet; L. H. Potter best watermelon: E. M., Bodine
best muskmelon, Harvey Young. 2(1 best; A. 'Wilkin
son beat pumpkin, Adam Avery 2d beat; S. P. Whee
ler best Hubbard squash; Willie Shearer best parcel
Monmouth peppers.
,Grain.—lliel Peake best half bushel timothy seed,
Samuel Milts second best; L. H. Potter best; bushel
winter wheat, A. M. Ilanvel 2(1 beat; Samuel Mills
best bushel spring wheat. Hiram Brooks 2(1. best; C.
Chriatenot-best btishel Oats, A. M. Ibureell24 best; S.
Mills best bushel buckwheat, Hiram BrOlict2d best:
.1. C. Bartle best half bushel • peas. Hiram Brooks 2,1
best; Andrew Meek best bushel corn in tho,*ar. Ira
Hotchkiss 2rl best; Mel Peaks best half Isishebeans.
Fruit.—J. C. Battle best variety apples, J. E. Smith
2d beat; W. D. Reese and 11101 Peake for varieties of
apples; AT. V. Bai l ey beat variety pears, A. Wilkinson
. 2.1 best; A. Wilkinson best variety grapes; Henry
Griffin best &nevi] display of fruit, A. Wilkinson 2(1
, 'Agricultural Implements.—AttranTorpoy4cat tbreab.
er and cleaner; U. D. Mather best mower; Wm. 0.
Kress k Co, for combined mower an a !caper, dein roll
er. cultivator, medium - Improved plough, 2d Dundee
plough, sideld/1 plough. and straw cutter; J. IL Ala.
Cher for fanning nail]; C. B. Mather for horse rake arid
single reaper.
Mechanical Department —Robert Campbell best farm
wagon, L, 0. Bonnet 2ct best ; • S. Coles best single
buggy V
, George . Ilsrrla 2rl best; L. 0. Bennet best
fdmlly carriage; George E.liarrjabestpletformspring
democrat, li. O. Bennet 2d beat; W. A. Newccimb best
- double heavy harness; -George Hula best double car.
stage harness; P. G. Lyon best specimen blacksmith.%
ing; Vanhoru k Chandler for parlor arid chamber
:suits of furniture; B. F. Potter beat specimen sawed ,
shingles, .Hiram 'Webalx 2d beat;. E. Wetmore best
pressed clay brick. and ,bestunpressed; F. B. Wright
finished sololcather; J. E. Boaltlit beet torn-,bah
I ket,llierreake 2d best. -
Household Ond Droactffe.—Mrs. Q. W.- Hutt:win hest
o#l carketi AY: itanyel 24 best; Mrs.
'l % l , •
Ortretigildt Hioclibeatir Made lintml.tablee_nletla and
Nolt, ar ; bin:wariest tralituio
f-atWP,o l fril.4ltritti) 1 1.24 , beet;', )2todino ,
:beitWbeet Iladirki 'id bast; Mls
Latina VetinbralseatOradiam
Arne beet cord lireadiMrs: . P.Yan Mortiltd defMrs;ll.,
,T. , Meere beet *Polo bitib*, Mitt. • lit.'lladmo 2d beet::
Mr's; ii . j.. Moore best jar, pieties. Mix. Atiritin Brooke
2d best; Mrs. Hiram Brooke beat catnip', Mrs. .-1, M.
Bodine 2d beet: - Mrs. H . J. Moore-best- maids syrup.'
Mrs. Elram nr cos ; 2 4 :0 ftiti , 'Idroaetatid alt ßlock best.
retatiliMbolen lobby:A:m*3d best:
dte LPTy beat HOlrt',24: best; Mrs. :L1. , f,;
Johnson best Uinta inadeloimterpsnoadia; vt4icrinit
2d best;:ltre4. Ylf,; Marsh bait lttr:weelen*tOcilitigs; -
Mrs; Hiram Hirdimit 2d bent: Mrs: k.M. Bodine best'.
pair, woolen Editions Mrs ,Cloorge English •2d`. beat;
best hire; H. Young
2d best; PrankilaYes-best maple sugar. Smith
2.1 best; Aire; A. U. Eiturreek, pair -woolen - stockings;.
Addison Dewey best. specimen honey. H. 'Young !2d.,
beet; Mrs. Viti - Seett.' bed quilt girl seven years
old, Mrs.',Olive Smith do ile.,Mre.'Jendin tleA)r:
a girl eight years - eld,;.„Mre. Elijah 4%0;i home:made -
coverlet. Mrs. Jciebus'atherten do; Mrs. - Cluirititi Aus.-
tin Machine Made 'fled ipitlt.-
Flowers, eatotingr, and - .Moult. Werk.—Mar. Potter,
feather Wreath; Mist Addle archer,twativeidmen tzni
Robinnon ,, 24 be'ntt,:ldiso Mary
Dickinson, specimen worsted; Mrs. Loren Sears, flow
er bouquet; Mrs. Wm, 14111 Horn:feather wreath; Mitt.
,lobo auhr,,display of bead work; Miss Clara Parker,
wall basket; Mrs. N. P. Close; beet display hair Work,
Mrs. A. Crovl lat bent; Miss Hannah Kelley. - -feather
wreath; Übe Mari Dicktrison. two Worsted tidies,and
lamp tidy: Lucy di blcrtabkisa best :sofa-Wow, Moll
Wm. eicettld boat; Mitr. "Ira' Hotchkiss; cotton tidy.
and worsted tidy; Mrs. Wm. vcott b6st oil painting;
Miss M. Wylie best pin cushion; Mill.' J. - H. Shearer
best display of Bowers; Miss Clara Parker; sofa tidy;
Miss Anna Bodine, child's ,thly; Mrs. Ira. ttachkiso,
crayon drawing; Mrs, A. L. , Bodine, display of house., hrre.ll.X. paccin; snit of under platidnia Co—
ra Prirode,,cetton- t, IL :Shearer. bend b e .
Mrs. .1. Brodhead. parlor
_boquet and hand bo
quet;:Miss NingsloY, wax mile: Mrs. A. B. Eastman.
was timers; Mrs. A. 'F. Rubinson, afghan; Mrs. P.
Van Horn, embroidered slippers; Wai f Henry . dozen
- • • -
Ladies' Discretioliary.-;-Mlas Sophia Eberents, 2 pair
knit cotton stockings; $1; Mrs. •A. Wilkinson, beano'
made rug, $1; Mrs: 1,. J. Peblo, Woolen. blanket, 50c..•
and melodcpn spread, $1; Mee. W. B. Van Horn; agri
cultural wreath, $1; Mrs. 8, Driven, infantlt braided
dress. 75e.; Mrs. 'Hiram Kimball, table spread .750.,
woolen aocks,2sc., table cloth 50c.; Lucy J. Hotebkisa,
crab apple jelly, 250.; Mrs. Ira Hotchkiss, apple Jelly,
,25e;; Mrs. J. H. Shearer. grape jelly. 250, currant jelly
250.; Mrs. Ira Hotchkiss, velvet tidy, 50c.; Mrs. Wm.
Scott, under garment by a.girl 11 years old, 50c..;' Mrai
Biel Peake, home made linen thread, 50e. ; Mrs. :I. M.
Bodine,' best 'display 'of canned $2; Mrii. Kit
Truman, 2.1 . best do, $1; Mrs. I. M. Bodine, specimen
of blackberry wine.- 50c • Miss Lovisa ',Oche,. elder
wine, 5110.; Mrs. Lucy J.
fug, 50c.; Carrie Hotchkiss, specitnetitif darning, 25e.;
Maggie Cowden, hanging basket, 25c.; Kit Roberti,
worsted toilet 5et,4300.; Rita Vitorriaer.7MOOPO kojlik
lug basket, .50e.; J.' Robinson; card board cross, -
$1 50; Martha J. Bellinger, scarf, $1; Airs. J. Miler
ton, scarf, 50c.; Fanny Taylor, worsted wreath, 50c.:
Lucy Butler, hair switch, 50c... Mrs. Carey; specimen
of stamping, .:$1; NMIIO Bache, ,variety 'of pantiles:
25C.: Mrs. M. L. Bacon, haunt's afghan, 75c.; Mrs. J.
H. Shearer, worsted work, $150; Mrs. H. Peak, woolen
socks,2sc.; Mrs. G. W. Eastman. home made rug, 50c.;
Mrs. T4D. Marsh, specimen vinegar. 50e.
Gent's Discretionary.--011ver 'Bacon, driving Mare
and stallion, $2; R. Lorenzo, ironing board, 50c.: W.
0. Kress dc Co.,
stoves, $2; John Schoonover, speci
men of corn, 2,5 c- Joseph Milliken, specimen Of coop
ering. $2; - B;idwin, rifle and shot gun, 50c.; Hi
ram Welsh, rifle, Sue.; Mrs. Wm. Francis, roll butter,
SOc.; J. E. Smith, rico c0rn..25c.; 'S. S. Palmer, spring
bed. $1; r. Shnmway, specimen tomatoes, 25c.; Yale
di Van Horn, specimen cigars, $2; E. Holcomb, hones
in a bottle!. $1; O. Bacon. specluien of strawberry ap
pies. 25e. • ltoy's Salutifer, $1; Boy's cholera' drops,
diploma; ' Roy's cure for colds, diploma; Boy's artier
powders, diploma; T. L. Spencer, picture A•ame, $1;
B. li.Naramoro, large photographs, $1;13: H. Nara
more, photography in water colors , 50c.; L. Shinn
way, violin, $l, six pumpkins 25c.; 0. S. White, six
pumpkins, 50c ; L. IL Reynolds, hammock, $1; a. N.
Packer. wheelbarrow, $1; D.. Gerrie, specimen hope,
soc.; Barnes & Roy, samples job printing, $2; Syl
vester Kelly, coon skin robe, $1; Barnes & Roy, print
ing press, $ 3 A. E. Eastman. specimen dentistry, $1:
C. B. Kelley, display of chinaware. $2; 'Wheeler 5;
Wilson sewin machine Ifit diploma, Singer do 24 di.
pions; M. ki; eucer, trio - of, Hamburg fowls, 75c.; L.
Harrison, Crib of Houdon fowls, 75c.; 0. P. Butler,
pair of turkeys, $1; P. G. Lyon, single cutter, sl' 50;
Ira Hotchkiss, .coup of ducks, $1; Win, Harrison,
specimen winter radish, 250.; W. R. Reese, seed cu•
cumbers, 25c.; O. 'E; Kelly, sample tobacco, 25c.• M.
Griffin, sample of fruit of 1872, 50c.; Collins Culver,
specimen citron, 250 ; I. 0. Wilson, matched three
year old steers, $2.
Tile committee appointed to decide upon the merits
of the competing bands of music, (Wellaboro and
Knoxville,) being - unable to say which was best, rec
ommended an equal division of the premium:
OVIt MRlolll2ofts.
—Thom aro four murderer/1 awaiting trial'at Will cn.
barn.. - - • " - •
—A horse railroad la talked of between Elornella
vine and Almond.
—The business places of Towanda will close, after
Oct. let, at 7 p.
—The last and only hotel In Monroe boro, Bradford
county,has been burned.
—Dr. Cameron Patchen.' of Wayland, N. has
been stricken with paralysis.
—lron ore has been discovered in the mountains on
the south side of the river at Williamsport.
—S. S. Ellsworth, Esq., of Penn Yen, has given $l,-
000 to the alumni fund of Hamilton College,
—Williamsport has done well. tine hail =feed eight
thousand dollars for the centennial celebration.
—A Williamsport Man took a Turkish bath the oth
er day,' and now his clothes are too large for him.
—The amen at the Watktnaand Havana Glens does
tot close this year until about the first of November.
Boman Catholic church at Canton,
was dedicated last week by Bishop O'Hara, of Scram
—Ames Roberts, late of the Addison Advertiser, has
purchased a one-half interest in the Cortland Demo
—A young man named Townsend Jones was instant.
ly killed at 'tenons, a few days ago, iiy being kicked
by a horse.
—in Leidy township, Clinton county, the other days
a Mrs. Arnold shot and killed a deer which weighed
140 pounds.
—John Stroud, of Woodhull, N. Y., was so severely
kicked by a colt a few days since that he died last Sat
urday week.
—P. P. Wintermute, of Yankton, Dakota, who killed
Gen. McCook, is a son of Isaac Wintermute of Horse.
.-. • •
=The Athens Gleanir, after a sthipensiori of several
months, has been revived by its publisher, Charles T.
Huetson, Esq.
—The Bath Library Assoclation has added 866 vol.
umes to the Library within the year, and • now owns
2,606 volumes.
—Abcsit two hundred and fifty tickets yeas told at
the Corning office of the Erie Railway
account of Barnum.
—The Addison Advertiser sale that "Brick" Boma
roy,is to deliver an address at the Addison Agrieultnr
al Fah:, next Saturday.
—The Bath Advocate says the Bath and Hammonds
port railroad will soon be completed to Hammonds
port and the cars running.
—The Watkins Express says that the locomotive that
jumped into Seneca Lake is there yet, the forward
end being fifteen feet deep in quicksand.
—The Watkins Glen property is said to afford the
present pioprlet . oi, who paid $lOO,OOO for it, an income
of $l,Oll per day s A good investment.
George Parcel, of Orcutt Creek, had hie pocket pick
ed at Barnum's Show in Elmira, on Wednesday last,
of notes and certificates of deposit to the value of
—Last Wednesday morning the carriage factory of
L. C. Kingsbury & Co.. at Corning; N. Y., _wog corn.
pletely destroyed by lire. The loss was about $lO,-
000; insurance $B,OOO.
—Prof, King's balloon, after his second ascension,
landed at Preston, a little village in Chenango county,
about four miles northeast of Oxford, whence it was
towed with ropes to that place..
—At 2 o'clock Thursday morning a tobacco shed, the
property of Robert Patterson, was destroyed by fire
at Lindley. Loss, MO; insured for $576. trndozbt
edly it was the work of au 4reendiary.
—David Bartle, of Woodhull, has in pickle one
million eggs, valued atmrivards of twenty-Ave thon.
sand dollars. Ife has also Itipped half a million fresh
egm to the Now York mark t this season.
—The Corning Arsenal hi t° be converted Into a shoe
shop. The millennium is eiddently near "at hand, for
don't the Bible say something about turning swords
Into plow-sharps, and arsenals into shoe shops ?
• --4 The very observing editor of the Canandaigua
Messenger blurts out the following: Owing to the large
number of picnics held last week, the display of pet
ticoats on the clothes-line last Monday was immense.
The berme of Ira Wilhelm, two and one-half miles
u'est. of Woodhull. N. Y., was burned, together with
all his furniture, while himself-and family were at
tending a funeral Sunday afternoon'. Sept. 14th. , No
—Mrs. Duncan S. Magee was robbed of abont'elttilio
- of diamonds, at Watkins on Thursday. e'rening:
The thief entered her zoom in GO residenpe of Gen.
Geo. Magee; by climbing up the lattice, work at the side
of. the houte.
—The liepublicans of Chemung county, N. Y., have
nominated Hon. H. N. Friable for State Senator by a
vote of 112, to 28 for his opponent. if Moonier count ,
ties in the district concur in hie nomination, Mr. F,
will be elected by a large majority. ,
—Tion - lires been found In' itidgbury tdwnihip,
ford county, on tl,to Alare - allne farm, about four miles
from Wellsburg. A vein Was struck within about eight
teen inches of the sittlase, and was dug luta twelv,e
feet and was there fonnd to be a foot thick.
—Chester --courd,rhas a '• Ifousekeepers*_Seclable."
Tbe 'Members ho'id ntedliftga, and instead of biking
about their neighbors, diScuss such matters as ',how
can grass efahm ,bo removed from liven?" "hovr to
make good Jelly'," hew to cook a beefsteak," Ac,"
—The banking firm of Powell 4: Coo-Lof
sport, found it necessary on Friday, to suapend:
polarity, I Tho BaSeliu says that be solvency Of the
firm le not doubted by the beet financial Men of WU
liemaport, and that they will be able to resume In
few days., .
—The Penerre rtliftfl Eree preen pplished by C. M.
Ileecher, Wellsville, Allegany county, 24. Y.. bap sue
pended PublicOlon. This' was omi t of ttM most blatant
•of tivi Greeley papers In that State, and was founded
by A. N. Colo who claims to be the -.founder of the
—Tile Nth mutual Convention of the Diocese of
,Western New York net at Bath,` Stenbert ccorityi Ida!
Tuesday and- clesed‘ CM' Thursday.., xefkiptist
dress by 31shop Cosa mil yel- able and interrititig.
Okfs ll :tL l 4lau4 ca - •
:..,..040Aultenit'shootist" in Sgrtoiteoli , (tre3t: •Sif , bis
pistol at 'the side of s 14 hogs% Wit hilisted it, and
nUtialiett t o i 14 1 X - VrelL Behr in ,ths emu. The
I 1.r4
# 6,4l dii!'oo4o: l ittt 4. 4 da#F , t9' l- Pa" 1 ".
0414;140 *kn . ' fnfin tir*Ati
offi aattlkeWek Whet , 'artne)it - the,tt* -
1 4 4.40 C youth calve to the; Betiotoit 0it.00109.
andAmliked , g. ll olt4r. 'belog .= ,l4forttied golf
,ttiero pens. lie wiato , ; know,
Wallin another , post *MO t'in' tort'. putt
• "Ite
forTio'd to the eautrery, eatd that , fit ine4. 0/1 e,et-=d.
oot , lierito Ultra - Oat can't enyport butone peed Otltoe;'`
The gays: !‘ At it *rand BOO:.
daYeetkool rlento to 4.lteda - emiuty Iptt week OW
edgeeBlble was 'tilrfosed as a prize. to ,ate Olio who ,
repest the . Itoros Prayer, ierttatiei. as pond in
the Gth',ohapter or :Matthew.- Not one to 403004
could do it. , 'lllactentleineo who offered the prize wO
!coked to rei.iat it, and _ ..
fled afternoon Prof. King made a, taideoft
ieeeneloa front Etatralo; hteoppany whit Igor , tepo#,
ent:sad abantl o'otoett tha;tettne *ming Alio 1409
leaded on the kost CreelOoad; about als sae, Ititoet
0011414 The diattuce traireaid wai one littudiut ADC
thirty-a:Wee 16 air beam and the litfiliestyKlAt reach; I
' ;341 - wail aght tliottiond eight littniQd' feet ahoy° tho
lard of Val i ses. . • '
" At nornellaville, N.'11'...a few days,ego.iiiiiteigin#
ned Andrew Johnson, got upon the platform of tie
rces as ft Started, and teltbetweenthe ear and. de:
Pin lattorm: ire Was caught by the , Finitebitan and
h-1 till thetinin Passed, or hewouldb****lbeendrawri
~ As it was, one toot. waS4plit 'Alien lad ,hie:
body . much bruieed.—A. night Ortwiasttarinildie dell
iiions,'be broke kapoon in two: end With oui jagg ed
edge,hre hie- throat ?e that theANiiri i.nit hi t
1f34. 44
„[,= ,5H ) .1 ;T : •,, s. - ii: ,;" ~',, ,:-: ".---., e 'k. :, ... - •
" eernnfon Rtpuillean °fleet 7'4** seyei ' #!Tnelk
day morning about ludf-past eieViii o'Olook, • We.,Ar--
thur ],Morgan; of Taylorville, , was walking ni l . tiard*.
roma 'avenue carrying a amlll child inlier . arena:. I.li
frorkot.A." O; Olilrosire & Co's store she fell over on
thii:stoop'dn'ioP et thiichild, and expired thjido ,In
stantly. kliii. *organ Was a finillooking wolnktii aged
thirty-seven years, and the mother of three _Children.
She had been troubled for some menthe "with heart
disease." ' '". ' ' ' ' '
—The Towhilda Argue of last week says: o.lire learn:
that Valentine Smith, of Shestisquin, while ;fOriug,
the river at Ulster, on horseback,, on Tneadar 131 4Iiht
last, was drowned.• 'lt itsupposed that he got, out of
the regular course into deep water; • He Was going fdr
a physician: The horse - was found on' ViedneadaY
monUngsiOn end alone.. The body_ of the . unfortu
nate man was recovered the same morning. , He re
sided D. shatdiatance atkve the Valley House; and
Was well•kao*n in' that township. He leaves a wife
and ftunily." •-
- -Speaking. of the tperstion. pf „the Lopal, Option
laWin Athens. Bradford CotintY, the aniettisays: ".in
s place our former whisky drinkers use their vil
e. for clothing and feeding their own flindites. in.
1 tead of the, rumeellees: We alsp know of one or
two thtit are about' pirchasing lots, for the purpose of
building upon them. They can get the' lots on easy
! terms, and they only have to keep their .tops cool' and
In a few years they will have pleasant little homes of
their own. Bow pleasant! Gail bless them and keep
them ever to the front." .
Corning Journal of last week say. ' , Thomas
Clark, of this village, one of the moat faithful and re
spettell Conductors on the itocheater Division, for ma
ny years, has been In poor health . for some weeks,
with symptoms of typbold fever. On Monday fore
noon he became suddenly deranged and went to his
barn, and was soon found banging by the neck. Are
was taken down, and soon came to consciousness, and
had no knowledge of the affair. lie became delirious,
and so continues, and there is gteat fear that the brain
difficulty will prove tate)."
—A rase-al by the name of Miller persuaded a young
man in 'Williamsport that Wade, the murderer of the
Manides, hall told him Where the gold of this unfor
tunate couple was aecretod. To rind it, they went out
op, the Susquehanna in a small - boat, dupe,
Laving stripped himself for the , purpose of filiing for
the treasure. When in deep Water the dupo wee
ed overboard by Miller, who hastily rowed the' boat
ashore, and went through the clothes of the man he
had left in the river. Some 'two hundred dollars, a
Watch and chain and other valuables were secured.—
Miller disappeared, and the young man swam ashore,
but has not yet recovered his property. '
EMERY—LEAK.—On the 10th Mat., at Ehlrloyaburg,
Pa., by Rev. D. Porter Lean, Mr. Emery. of
Williamsport, Pa., and. Miss Emma J., daughter of
Hon. \V. B. Leas, of Bhirloysburg,
REENEY—CADY.—In Hollidaysburg, Sant.
0. D. Hconon Eng., Ira Keeney, of Afiddlebury, and
Maryotio tuly, of Farmington.
E. B. KIMBALL, Retail Grocer. --
. Ws=Buono, EiseysztßEn 22„1878 - ; •
Flour, per bid - - —lO (di $ll 00
Buckwheat flour, per cwt 325 • 375
Wheat, white, per bi:3het 1 80
Wheat, red, de
Wheat, spring, "
Buckwheat, if
Corn, shelled, "
Oats, . ...
Clover seed, '
Timothy seed, "
Beaus, g•
Corn meal, per cwt
Feed, Per cwi
Potatoes, per bush
Apples, green, per bush
Onions, per' bush
Turnips, per bush
Pork, per lb
Hams, per lb
Should era, per lb
Butter,per lb
Cheese, per lb
Lard, per lb
Tallow, per lb
Honey, per lb
Beeswax, per lb
Vinegar, per gal
Eggs, per dozen' '
Dried apples, per lb
Dried peaches, per lb
Dried cherries, per lb
Dried blackberries, per lb
Dried raspberries, black, per lb_ - _ _
Dried raspberries, red, per lb _
Cranberries per qt
Hay, per ton
Wood;18 inches, per cord.
Wood, .3 feet, per cord
Coal, hard; per ton
Coal, soft
Ground plaster, per ton...
Sugar, "A" coffee, per lb..
Sugar, yellow, per lb _ .
Sugar, brown, per lb
Teas, green, per lb
TWIN black, per lb
Kerosene, per gal
Wool, per lb
Peas, Canada field
. " Black-eyed Marowtal
It is over thirty years since this celebrated remedy
was introduced to the Muerte= Public. During this
time it has performed hundreds and thousands of the
most astoulehing cures, and its reputation - and sale
hater non' reached n point that far surpasses any rem.
edy of the present'or past ages. It has acquired this
great reputation, not by a system of mining; but by
the actual merit of the article itself. If yen are af
flicted with any of the diseases for which it is recom
ineeded,.such as Dyspepsia, Liver CoMplaint, Nervous
Debtlity, or disorder, of the Digestive Organs, it will
not fall to sustain its reputation in your case. It is
not au alcoholic drink, but a pure Medicinal Ilitteta
that will do you good. For sale by all Druggists. De
sure you get Itootland's German Bitters." John
ston, Holloway & Co., Proprietors, 602 Arch St , Phila.
delpida - .• 4.-June 21,
Is the best reined) , in the world for the following.com
plaints, viz'. Cramps hi the:Limbs and Stomach, Pain
in the Stomach, Rowels, or Side, litheuniatisin in all
lts forma, Billions Colic, Neuralgia, Choler*, Dysen
tery, Colds, Fresh Wounds, Burns; Sore Throat, Spi
nal Complaints, Sprains and Bruises, Chills and Fe
ver. Forlnternal and External use. I j ,
Its operation Is not onlyfoyolieve the:patient, but
entirely removes the causo of the complaint. It pen
etrates and pervades the . whole syliton, restoring
healthy action to all its parts. and quickening the
the and Ali Healing.
Pepared by
215 Fulton Street, New York.
For_ sale 143 , all druggists. July 29, 1875-Iy.
Thirty Years' Experience of an Ohl Nurse.
PRESERtPIION OP ono of the best Female Physi
cians and Nurses in the United biates, and has beim
used for thirty years with never tailing safety and
success by millions of mothers and children, from the
feeble infant of ono week old to the adult. It cor
rects acidity of ibe,stotnach, rellevesAvlnd - 000. -reg
idsten tho'hoWels, and gitres rest, health andcomfort
to mother and child. We believe it to be the Best and
Surest Remedy in the World in - all eases of DYSEN
TERY - and DIARRIREA OJEGLDREN, , sliethcr it
arises from Teething or froba any other cane Full
directions for using will accompany each bottle: 7 —
IOW) Genuine: unless the fag almito Of. - 911RTIS
PEREGIS•t3; Cil; , the outside "VGaPPer• , Htild by' all
Medicine Beale's. ' .ifttly'29,ll4lll-ty.
Children often look' Pale An& Slat ; :
troiti Lei other cauao than haptnovoiwe In the etomach
, , BlZOVriki VEUMLETTEIE comma
will distroy Worme without Injury - to, tho ohiYA, being
perfectly WHITE, and (roe from all coloring or Ober
Injurious ingredienth nsitsliy used In worm prepara
tions:. DROWN., Proprietors,
• 140:11,1 Enlton iltreet,"New York.'
Sold by Di'Unigtir and CAariists, and dectlits in' Medi
cino gt Twiorrs..Frvn Onion AlN:a t July
atterideills specially invited to the fact - Salt the Na
tional Banks are now prepared to receive subscriptioes
to the Capitslateck ,tbe Centennial Board of st,
H Ttabinds realized from this aottrce are, to ba .
employed in,thoortiation 91 the hullo:tinge Jcfp
terindlonalTillihittou; knit the ChiPOWS connected
with the 1141:11e. It is ootadantlybelikirecithat the Key
stone State tta rapiiess.eted by the name Of misty
cairn sql to. petrioth! commemoratitin - -at the one
tintlAredth birth•day of the nation- The shares of stock
are offered for $l6 eack ankaabseribora willreccfre
a han.tlaomely qaoleavavl Cortlemaki of. Stock, suit
able ler - fkimitig anti preservation as a national memo
Interest at the rate of six per cent. per autism Will
be paid on all payments of Centetan.4l Stock from date
of payment to January
• - 2 00
• - 1 7 6 5
. 60 o {'
. 60 60
; 160 1 75
. 26
. 10 12
. 12 .
• 10 123
. 28
. 12 . 16:
12ji 16
. • 8 10
. 20 - 20
. 25
' 40
6 8
iloolland's German Bitters.
anttitnitifiri'vraci 110 i nei:ti a
Te i n t **‘#sl:rrit-'3 l . l lca (Ti'iisOrruf' , rid
lam:A - FDA •. Troia . *Wei
%%Ilia ,Plidadetphis:
. . .
• -
41.4 t Director. Or
liticilileanuto lit stmohneing','fihiit We, ,have
Pu ls albeefitVirotA of 414 following TQrWe Otte
114$ 04 It: HART. Preoep#,c , -
`024,4.10.'011.1.411% , -
APl4ll„i ,(441 *;liti A* , 44
13114kki. , • I
.I`Artiiither'iar4ufitiiii/itt I
• .N! , 6,41iw0 i tug!
OP - I.4TTEBS rontalulog it s the Poet 91110 ; St
4u - Woithoro, pa.; September SOW
- a*ust ilesturediXannerltioom, I.llen - Elarlly.
cerM. Bown, John *
,_sr, Obas. Blakslt-W#Usto Lot:‘,
gler, William Dewey. EdSartl. L. Fenton; noel.' Good.
Wiri;osear Luce. Enna Leer)* Jas. 1102003 r; Ma ie
Policies, Warn' Mdrrow: infiePh Person, AbteadSter)W
enrstn:4olla Maw; Mrs. Et•Tieverelohn 21,15Anss.
Watkings.lohn P.:Watlnegs. , -
' yn calling for any of the &here. please give haute and ,
MA of stlyertlaelnent; tiV3. W. ZdEltaleg, 'P. ltt.
T?.i , ISTA;T.E ( X4 . T
Of the iitectipts and iairpeniiiiiires W Delmar &Ala Diel
Mot frot /use 64;1872; fo.tiono 04,18 , 73; '
Clykao.,tptm*r SclmgDlatrict,
TO'Ontatartdlng tax of 1871— $371
" 'cash received of'11: • ' - 25 06.
school tax on limited Lands, p!raottal -
Rr oP•
.- y, erM per implti tar for ' 67
'Wq unaeatad tax for 1870) — 879 96
870 68
r , '4' • `; 481 78
I , 4 lltalo,4lra,tt, tor ~ 1 872,. .... .. . .. , •818,10_
_ ,
• - Told 77
Traashrer, • • 0114
g7-PsitOonntY Treasurer's commission for
- Meeting unseated taxes for '7O and '71..' $37 28
By abatement on seated laud duplicate for '72 46 69
By his commission on $2,888 98 67.87
By abatements on unseated taxes for 1870
and 1871. .
By unseated tax for 1872...
By amount duo from Beal Wheeler, (as Iper,
,Clase's statement)., 420 91
By emouut 4°B frolnoTp . lusitarr. late Colleer 192 /2
By 'school orders itileorned ' • 9 , 6 99 9,8,
, pTotal $4,890 89
For fences "round school houses sal 05
" • printing ' •-- -- ........ ' -17 00
" Secretary's salary' 50 00
" - summer ;schools— - 486 00
" • .fuel " ...: 869 00
" repairs on sChool h6usee.. . 87 48
- A' winter a4looltii to female '!webers, : 1,047, 00
" ' .'i : A. :!? mile teachers ....1.., .. '6Bl. 86
"-; tiro,od house - 70 00
- ...t l rAgigil. v3llO. &0..- • , - 21 52
, f "Total. •
The• undersigned, Auditors _of Delmar township.
haying examined the accounts' Of WM. Chase, School
TrClAltrer , do Sod theth as above a w e d, _ -
• - ' , DAym HELM '
Rec„Ots and Exiietutiturca V_ Delmar Towuship foil;
Feb. '44,102, to March 3, 1843.
*influx; Chios% TreOuror of Delmar •Towu9Lip,
.. . ,
To special duplicate of 1870, (7. Harr Coll'r)... $273 25
TO.' , .. of 1871, " " —1,776 85
To untreated road, 1870 455 61
TO . ... 1811.. 454 60
To special road tax. 1871 ' .. 626 60
To i ttuisisted tax. 1872. - - - - 603 55
To - roadtax; 1872 ' 379 49
TO 'special duplicate, 1872, (B. Wheeler Col'r). 1,334 59
To flue township at settlement 09 72
WlMate Chase, Treasurer,
By Outstanding -on special r..ad duplicate of
1871;(J61m Harr Collector) -. $653 47
By,outetauding on special road duplicate of
1679, (B. Wbueler Collector) 1 211 OG
By' lidstanding on - el Octal read (moneY).4upli
:**ltaßfilB72 (B,Wheeler Collector)..'.-.
13,y,mitistandbig emeltecial road of 1672..
By abatement on diiplicato of 1871
By ablitemeut on notated tax of 1811..
By County Trcam •er's comnilasion, 1871....
liy abatements ou luplicate of 1871,
By orders redeem /I
By commission au orders redeemed'
By bill of work
Deducting total above
Le : ao9 n balance duo Treasurer • $l5 44
Amount of Supervisor J. D. Willcox's bin from Feb.
24, 1472, to March 5, 1873, including plank and road
scraper found, was 4604 40,
Amount:of Supervisor E. deffer's bin for same pe
riod, f,5tr2,52, not including plank bill, which amount
ed t 0 .4114 s
The undersigned having examined the accounts of
selnute, Township Treasurer. find -them as
above stated, us also the bills of the Empervisors.
- .7 7 50
9 00
, Botanic VOlitsi.
William Oliase, Treasdurer, DR.
To outstanding tax on duplicate of 1870 $317 20
To of 1811 1 016 66
To outstanding unseated tax of 1870. 262 78
To, - '• .. of 1871 . - 455 61
By : ante/coding on duplicate of 1871,, (J: Farr
. ,
Collector) - ' ' , 09217
By abatements made March 3; 1873, on dupll
- cate Of 1871... 1
By balauch due Treasurer at last settlement.. .
By error in receipt of W. 8. - Tallbridge and
0011111111381011 Oil Bartle. , ... : . ... ;.. ......... .., .. 12 07
By percentage on Bodine noteDO
ByNtaternent on unseated Mater '7O Mid '7l. 111 19
By gounty Treasurer's commission ' . ... - 12 20
By spaelal bounty order, No. 69, J. 13. C01e5.... 217 37
Byre'pts of H. W. Williams, (per Rob't On').. 652 00
By.recelpt of John Bf. Butler, in full ... 23 80
By commission on $893 17 at 4 per cent 35 72
By abatement Feb. 24, '72. ou duplicate of '7l. 135 34
By Collector's commission on duplicate of '7O 104 38
16 20
25 30
20 . 25
7., total
Amount or debit brought down
2 00
Balance due Treasurer
Balance duet Treasurer in acct of road funds
- 6 75®7 25
860 360
8 50
12 S‘
- 11
IVV!!Ilo amount Oue Treithurer
Baying also examined tbo bounty fund, account of
the Tresaurer, we And it as above.'
- 11012
- 50001 50
- 800®125
ElOpt. 29, 18111-2*
2 00
3 00
Ti V • /4_\•,tlll/4`V
°fac f veisb ev e a a Tn p Z eP l7 e t:
EwewoNeryng for
min . a wedding card to a sheet poster. Any kind or
style of work done, as follows:
Law Books,
{ Baud-Bills,
Bill Heads,
Business Cards,
Visiting Cards,
Wedding Cards,
n vitation Cardß,
. . •
and B.ll)other blanks constantly on hand and for %Tile
!Peetls, Warrantee and Quit-claim,
Statenient and Confession,
,• Amicable Action,
• Daudet Constable's Sales,
Collector's Sales,
Marriage Certificates,
School Contracts,
, Summons,.
Subricenas, • • " ' •
- Executions,
Indemnifying Bonds, - •
Attachments, - - ' •
/audguient Notes,
P,ittitiopdind bond for
App'ment of Guardian,
Auf 'ether blanks not enumerated above will .be
printed toi'order on abort notice.
.I:R>Pereoris !eluding orders for JOB WORE will get
their' work promptly done and returned." We shall
apare.nh pains to please our customers lu this depart
ment ntose seating work. please state the size of
job, kind of ink and paper desired.
QS 1 5 ' .IFIL X ZIT ar X Mil
of any description executed with aeons!
ay and CATO 14 the
1.."/";: 7 0):7 :,„ AGITATOR 0FR1074.1.31
~'.~ ~. ,
Tinted Plate Printing,
I Shipping Taga,&e
Justice Blanks,
,11k13NIC8k R 01: ProFtletcits.
8. Uinta, Napkins,
- - - . COlisti! &AL
p i s
S '
'•"1. •
„., ,_,,, ..,„:.,,,,,,,;_._
4 1_ ,::. t.,_.
_-..,.-,.„.,::,_:::„.._:,,,_ ,: 4
xciu,Wrti4,,ribitt.iiptiS - B - ±$\‘FAV ill)
*•`',.. • , . • :
_ • :
folka--,SpotoPrin elamsan Aipacas.
eizOitairr,d—of inperic;X qualikro ' ind tts 01LEAPii iltu be l'outid . weet oi - NeW i'ari City.
. .
. ,
. . .. . ,
, . .
. •
C.A.I%IOI3WEEICS for Spring . and : Summer,
305 38
861 '7B
MARSALES for Ladfes'i and Cll4.ldren's
$2,880 Si
uttror Aimazzymmißwiala,l wan avavniv 07
$5,665 26
303 55
319 49
306 98
- 76 16
26 24
~.2,654 82
102 19
29 03
CROCKERY of the best Ironstone China.
$5,680 70
5,60 26
A large aesortment—Men's, Woman's, tut ahilaren's—et prices as cheap as the cheapest
Corning, April 22, 1813.-tf.
$2,052 34
Ais Enti,,re Stook pf NEW GOODS
$2,122 4.4
2 052 24
$7O 10
15 44
Wholesale Clothiers and Mere4nt Tailorii!
$B5 54
Dry GoodspNotions, Fttney; Goodsi
Hats, Caps * Gents Ptiinishing Goods,
WE respectfully announce to the people of Wellsboro' and/ vicinity. that we have opened a store in this
town, aind are now offering to the public a flue and well selected stock of Spring Goods, consisting of
Napkins, 'rowels, Lace Curtains, Jaconet,
i i
in large quantities,Hid Gloves, Ladies Ties; ;aces and Embroideries, Velours, Velvets and cringe, Hoop
Skirts and Corsets in. great variety, in fact everything belonging to a flrat•elses Dry Geode store.
We have a cholera lot of HATS, CAPS, TIES, COLLARS, CUFFS, GLOVES
SHIRTS, &c., all of the 'taut styles.
An Immense stock. of Men% Youth's, 'and Boy's Suits. We manufacture
our own goOds, and can easily save buyers from ten to fifteen per cent. ,We
would call especial attention to our -
Custont Tailoring Department.
We keep the best of Atnerlean 435 Imported CUM mores, Broadcl Abs, Doeskins,
Tricots Diagonids, Pique Cloth, and Scbtoh Sultings, and do Custom Work on
short notice.
We guarantee all work done by us as regards fit and style.
'Are invite the people to call and inspect Our goods before =purchasing
where, as we mean to do a strict
CA_SIT - 13TTT.N:S, -
_ . a
, 1 have market : 'ooi . goods such c•Nv,figi4rea as to be temptation ttieiTrY
CASgheyer; ,;:
Wholesale Stor_,e
M. Bizarix Monaging Partner.
ser Branch stores-158 Water etreet l t Union Block, Elmira, Satiquehanna
Depot, and Montrose, Par
" ASA ea /e/e4re .
; x. t~;,:
Dresses in large quantities.
that the ladies cannot do without, in abundance.
In fact all kinds grYGoods can be found at the_ Regulator
MUMS, 3211111212w60L1Z1M1D13 111M11113.
Groceries of all kinds.
BOOTS AND piicons
;. '
.„ ‘,l
t~`. '
unrivaled bi quality and price.
To' the - People' ol the
Teo' ga - and co tOanesque Tra Iteys,
Jackson, 2?zgland, Farm-
vfitolt; O'l!rohlaro;,
H. ,11:
Lawrenceville _ and - Tiega l
AS all the iniPrOrlict -
salitles for peasoting
, inati breaches of the
tendon.-` As to reliobilf;
,erftrience and akflf he
memo.' •sertidostss
:ommendatiou from. Slit
kiss of his patrons-7.4a
men. ruerohants.imeohl2ll`
working people. -
al teeth [ always reodtle ,
too mu tt wasted by ,
Wituted at- prices tramg- !
A"- t
etsv .
96104 11 161001,. I
which Teeerable file natural teeth to closely that none !
but a professional eye can distinguish the flifferenoe.
Alf tffe different agents used for protlucimg inserud.
Linty ti pain when deemed advisable.
The Doctor will be pleased to give any information
or advice td any who may ask it, either by malt or
otberwise. Office In Lawrenceville at his realdeneer,
next north of the Preebyterhui church. At 'Dogs ev
ory week. Monday and Tuesday. Please tell.
Aug. 12. 187.9-tf.
Deerfield Woolen Mills:
I"'" . '"'Faatt,goer.,ll,l l2 .ll"" 31°4 -
aro warranted. 'Particular attention Mien to
Roll Carding & Cloth Dresiing
We manufacture to order, and do all Wills of 801 l
Carding and Cloth Dreasini and defy ecaripetttion.
We hare as good an assortment of . •
Full Clothq,,Cassitneres, 4'0.;
and give more for Cloth
in exchange than any other
estahllslunent. Try them and satiety yourselves.
Wa wholesale and retail at the llowanosqiin mills, 2
miles below Knoxville.
Jan. 1, 1872. mum BIIOTIRAS.
J. H. Griswold's Water Wheel.
/111111 undersigned, pre agents for tho above Water
i Wheel, and can heerfully recommend it u supe
rior to all others in use. Persons wishing to pur
chase should ace this wheel in operation before buy.
lug other wheels. I INGHAM DBOS.
_ Deerfield, May 15, 1872.
!lead the following , :
, Wissriffsmo, Aram U. 1872.
We the undersigned, purchased one of 3. tr.,- Gas
weld's 80 inch Water Wheels us g6B inches of water
to run three rim of atone under a i 0 foot head, and are'
pleased with the wheel. e have ground sixty
bushels per hour with the three run and sea average
that amount per hour all day.
100 FarmerS and Farmers' Sons during tho Fall
and Winter months to do business in their
own and adjoining townships. Business repectable,
easy and pays well. For particulars, addres 8. 8 .
SCRANTON CO., Hartford, Conn.
Columbia • Classical. Institute,
A Boarding School for Young nen and Dom For
Cl cnbun, address EBY. A. S. ALEXANDIII3: (Mum'
bi , Pa. •
RETAIL. Double Onns, $O .
and upwards; Breeoh-Loaders.
_ .., •
$3O tos3s: .Riiarers. rt ai.d t pi r es
sent to all parts, of the
country by express Q. 0: D., to
be examined beforo paid for.
We send p genuine W. & 0, Scott & Sons' Muzzle Load.
er, with Flask, Punch andßleaningDod. nicely boxed,.
for $35. Rend stomp for Price List. SMITH - it
SQUIRES, 523 Broadway and 50 Chatham St., N. Y.
. -
NI 0 14 E.S
436.geamitii3 . 1 047_43013.ti0ta.
The Scientific American is the cheapest and beat
illustrated weekly paper published. Every number .
contains from 10 to 16 original engravings of new ma
chinery, Novel Inventions, Bridges, Engineering
Works, Architeeture, Improved Farm Implements,
and every new discovery in Chemistryl A year's
numbers contain 832 pages and several hundred en
gravings. Thousands of volumes are preserved for
binding and reference. The practical receipts are well
worth ten times the subscription price.. Terms, $3 a
year, by mail; Specimens sent free. May be had 0!
all Newsdealer& PATENTS obtained on the best
terms, Models of new Inventions and sketches exam
:Cued, and advice free. All -patents are published in
the SCIENTIFIC Atronucen the week they isone. Bend
for pamphlet 110 pages, containing laws and full di
rectiond for obtaining Patents. Address for the Pa.
per, or-concerning Patents, - MUNK & CO., 97 Park
Bow, N. Y. Branch rce, corner P- *l4 7th Sta.,
Washington, D. C. • •
r_ . Raving a :glect twenty years between
-.. r- - ' .. .--,,, life and de tit with Asthma orPtithis.
5..-t-: (1 In - I exper melded myself by compound
- i,tp ing roots and - herbs. and inhaling the
.4.....' Medicine thus obtained.. I fortunately
discovered a most wouderfal remedy and
i: , - • sure cure for Asthma and its kindred dis
. 4,,„ _ • eases. Warranted to relieve the severest
' b ' *. ."
. paroxysm instal:MY. so the patient can lie
- down to•rest and sleep comfortably. ONE TRIAL
dress U. LANGELL, Apple Creek, Wayne Co., 0.
(No Tar ecl), for outside work 'and inside, instead of
plaster: eft Carpettugs, &c: Bend 2 stamps for Cir
cular and Samples. 0. J. FAY, Camden, N. J.
ATWOOD, prodhees the largest light. Can be used
on any coal oil lan*. For sale by all ;amp dealers.
4 a OSYOIIo2tIANCY, OR SOUL cuArtismici." Sow
j: either BOX may fascinate and gain the love and
attentions of any person they choose, Instantly. This
simple mental; acquirement ; can possess, free, by.
mail, for 25 cents; together with a Matita,ge Guide,
Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hintsl to Ladles. A queer
book. 100,000 sold. Address T. WILLIAM & CO.,
Publishers, Philadelphia.
. •
py,all who %Oil work for us. If upon Writing you do
not Sind us all square, we will give you ono dollar for
your trouble. Send stamp forcircnlarstto•'
- ikT I. , r - mid toys wen n% to
- MOM, 1.11 sell _ Mr
French ;and American'
Jewelry, ltoohs, Games. &c.. in their own localitiea.
No capital uenCioa• . Alteligup, Terms; &e., sent Fans.
P. 0. VICH.I?.ItY & t ,,Augusta, Maino.
MONEY ' gt a ils l . ai g i al u oAt. B l:n e r gilt Key
FREE. S. H. SPENCER, 117 Hanover St., Boston.
$5 to $2O per ,'days Agents wanted in
elassOs of working people, of either
sex. young or old, make more ruondy at work for ns in
their spare nioments, or all the titan. than at anything
else. Particulars free.' • Address IL 6TINSON, ai CO..
Portland, Blaine.
T AE undersigned wish to call tho - attention - of the
public selectedfa that they are manufacturing from
the cholees materials, ,the latest and moat
approved atles of . l ' ~-
. -
• -
smutlso the flue CIIIT-lINDP,R. PLATFORM. lakit
MA E . , so convenient (Or turriftig about in a narrow
!Mae . • ' ~'_. -
We shall keep show on hand a ixd, assortment of
Buggies and Platform NVagenajind sastomera from
abroad May rely onAndltig hero lust - what they' want
and at as low a pries as is eOnalatentidth ,
, • .
' Orders promptly . filled. , ..onr place. Is et the old
stand of Bradford & Compton; near the Troy Meuse.
• • - r)AlilLt. COMPTON*
Trey* Pa., !tray 8.1879-1 .' E. F. LILIBIy -
~ • •
OTELANJ.TAILEN - 1 :/?.-:-BrOte into the °triton.
)0 Ore of the aubsorilier. oft the Tith'of Angukt Lent,
on' i two-year r . old , bull ; col dark red. -The .owner
will please prove opeity; chases, and take tolzo
titer L• •W. 0. RUSSELL.
Ramer. BeiA•l4.lBlE-3tow. • • - • -
Woodand Willow Ware atKelle