Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, September 16, 1873, Image 2

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    tty Aeittittor.
nonou or sorninr - CounT,
ISAAC (1. (1011.110N; - ,of Jenlnron County
Rgri .W. MACKEY. 'of Allegheny County
JOBS I. 2.IITCIiF.L.L, of Wellsbol o
• You sirEntEp,
STEWIEN BOWEN, of Non*, Ban.
'1 , 611 COMMISSIO NEll,' -
LEVI B. EH EWE; of Jackson
TOlC . Keurron,
cIIARLF.S F. VEIL, of Liberty,
EDWARD A. FISH, of Wellsbai
FOR conomm,
F 7 0 I TIM COL IYT ecennurrEv
• Ire ltbere, Sept. 12, 1973.
A. F. B titsrs, Esc.. Editor of the Agitator.
Brea Stn: By n overairlit no nomination for Colo.
tier has been uale by the R:mublican party. The of
fice is one which may become quite important, and
is desirable that a:candidate be presented.
A majority of the Republican County Committee
.hero agreed to recommtml Giles Roberts, Esq., of
Eno:critic, ns a fit Candidate for the office td Coroner.
Respet Unity yours, BORT. C. SIEIPSON,
Homer, N. IP:September 10, ISIS.
To tny
if friends Toga County:
I r spectfully decline the_ nomination for Auditor
tendefred me by the Republicans at thcii - late Conven
tion, as unexpectedly I have left the co a mty, and ex
opect for the nresea Honer, N. Y., will e my home.
The pnblishers will pay the postage on all
copier. qf the
t) 227 61: taken within the county
of Tiogr te subscription is paid tip to
the first day of Jamul ry,1.871, 1 1 or &wend that
date. The printed address-label on the paper
will hoto eaeii mibscriber the Arad date to which
his l irltNerirlion ii pa idl;
The Triassacliiigetts Convention.
• The struggle for the Governor's chair of
the old Bay State has been one of concern
to thoughtful men of all patties in widely
separated portions of the country. The
contest posseSsed no little personal interest,
for it was between men of national
tion—between men who may lig justly re :
garded as the best exemplars of two antago
nistic schools of polities. IVhile both can
didates Were of one party, the one repre•
sented that large class of politicians who be
lieve in nothing so much as success—who
arc without sincere convictions, without
faith in public virtue or private integrity,
and without principles Which they do no
hold at less value than the breath of popu
far fayor; while the other stood for tha
smaller class of Men whose political belief
i 4 held unfalteringly twill° end because it is
groumled in their moral convictions. }Yo
believe Ven. Butler to he the best living
specimen of the mere politician—a man of
infinite inefitnl resources, ot" unblushing n
dacity,,ofi Unlimited political ambition and
personal selfishness, and of untiring tenacity
in pushing his own political fortunes. That
he is Personally dishonest in the common
acceptation of the tern' we do not believe,
but that he is without a particle of, political
morality is only too evident. When, a few
years ago, he proposed the repudiation of
he public debt, lie proclaimed at once his
low estimate of the honesty, of the Ameri
can people and his own moral nakedness.—
Happily for the national honor that tempta-,
thin was spurned, Aid unfortunately the'
tempter was not eghttled from all pabliC
office. He was returned Co Congress, where
he fittingly distinguished himself as the
thief advocate and apologist for the Credit
Mobilier ring and the efficient manager of
the back-pay grab.,
That this man, with these political istains
flesh upon his bands, should seek to grasp
the Governorship of IlhissaChuseits e*cites
no special wonder only because lie is known
to be without shame, as he is without politi
cal morality. That he has been ticketed in
that{ attempt is as creditable to the old Conti
monwealth as it is advantageous to the coun
try at large. And the Republicans of Mas
sachusetts are entitled to credit not only for
the defeat of this brilliant bad man, but for
the manner in which they have admlnister
ed their rebuke to men of his dud., Re
publicans everywhere may be justly proud
of the thousand and more delegates 'ho
sembled at Worcester last Wednesday, for
their action was a strong proof of the power
of the party to correct its Own evils and to
drive ?Yom places of trust and honor the
demagogues who naturally flock to the
strongest battalions. Those who believe,
as multitudes of Republicans do, that the
purification of our Polities is to be attained
leithin the Rept►blican party rather than by
trading coalitions with hungry and despd-
rate Democrats will find their faith greatly,
confirmed by the action of tb:it•Convention.l
spirit of the Republicans of Massa-,
lt4tsetts . and of true Republicans every,
where Was admirably reflected by the sneer
of the presiding oftleer, ex-Governor Bid.
' lock. At a time when niew silly sensation
dal journals are pratin g of " eivsarism,"
thoughtful men reali4 that it is indeed true
that the fears of-the - early founders Svere
spent in the wrong direction; the peril to
the purity of the Government lies not in
high - ;ambition, but in low, dishonesties; it
comes not from men who think of doing
great things.foiVory, Nit from men who
think of doing mean things for profit." And
not . less true is it that 4 : l thelife of a republican
government is in i ts adm inist ration according
to virtue," and that we initir iilaugurate an
era of "persistent insistence for official sin-
gleness and purity of m j ery inns eOIIIMCICd
with the Government, high orlon•." These
words will round strange to the average pol
itician; but they are words of the highest
political wisdom, as they arc of the sound
est political morality.
That they were not "glittering generali
ties". to the Republicans 'of Massachusetts
is evident from the signal overthrow of the
chief of the demagogues as well as from
, the ilgorous and well-considered platform
which thp Convention put forth
the verVirst resolution of the series
"Raplayy/, That the Republicans of ,Alas•
sachusetts emphatically disapprove of and
uondenin. the action of those members of
the last Congress Republicans and Demo.
crate, who•availed themselves of the occa•
Won of an increase of the salary ot the
President, and of the Judges of the Su
preme Court, and of the members of the
Cabinet, supposed to be just and necessary
for the future, to secure to themselves a dis
proportionate and extravagant compensa
tion for past as well as future services."
=This is admirable, and the next is not less
so. Here it is:
'"Resohid, That while we recognize the
full ,right of every citizen to express and act
upon his convictions upon all questions of
public interest, no person holding public of
fice bas the right to seek to influence the
action of his subordinates by exciting their
fear of loss of place if their opinions and
actions shall differ from his own; and we
call upon'the President to remove all public
officers who have improperly interfered
with the independence of the Republicans
of Massachusetts In the management of
their local concerns, whenever 'the fact is
proved to his Satisfaction."
These' men. of MaNinebusetta evidently
have a mind of -their own,nnl
express' Their' -sentiments cominentl
themselves to honest men everywherej
it - is to be' hoped - they will be imrefulty
weighed by'the Other claktC:
WASHINGTON' Sept..lo,- 1813. ' 1
The thermometer indicates the:: mercury
doWn'to 55 degredi aboVO zero; - the nights
are Sufficiently cool to need a thin covering,
and once again the poor people who fire un
able to spare the Utile-Mkt expense of -visit-,
ing watering plices and' other fashionable
summer resorts in,the hot seasen t may have
the consolation. of feeling that\ under •na
ture's law - they now enjoy at t eir homes
the invigorating atmosphere o 1 Saratoga
'and New Port in the North., e
Every one here interested in national pol
itics is an - slobs to know-the import of -every,
telegram of a political nature from l'ilassii
chusetts. The triumph of Ben Butler Would
be hailed with joy by timmajority, because
they like him for his indomitable will and
courage, waiving,the_cOurse he took in the
extra salary grab. It has, however, become
reasonably-certain that the untiring Ben will
not be the regtilar nominee of the Masda
chusetts Republican Convention.
Since the first of this month, with one . or
.two exceptions, the heads of the different
bureaus of the several Departments 'have
" been at their posts -of duty and hard at ,
Work. Their desks, of necessity, are groan
jug under the weight of unanswered coin
, munications, and from'this time until Con
. gross meets more Work will be done by at
• least one-half than - during the months of
summer. . ,
The improvements in the 'city are : still go
! ing'on, , The Board of Public Works, seem
ingly, is still undaunted by the cry of some
about its extravagance. There is.no city in
the Union now, and probably never has
, been, in such a Mid space of 'time, witness
to such improvements as
i l is Washington.—
' Streets have been ,excavated six and eight
feet for grading„ in front of whole biocks.
Property owners, of course, %vill h made
to suffer, unless Congress comes to their res
cue, 'and makes aaropriations sntiliient, to
indemnify them. Last - ession Congress, in
• MI its appropriations, gave the District near
ly four millions of dollars. This year it
will be necessary to appropriate double that
amount, and next year_as malt more. With
these appropriations, it is 'consoling to be
lieve that the streets of Washington will
compare favorably vith the streets of any_
city in the,. world. Properly is exchanging
hands and buildings are going up rapidly.
The wealthier portion of the country are
well represented here. Many have become
' owners of real estate, and claim residence
through the cooler season.
Already several representative Southern
• men are tarrying here on their Way soot:
from summer resorts north, laying pipe for
a vigorous fight in Congress next sepsiejt in
the interest of internal improvemenis in the
South. They plaint that the industries of ,
the whale country are suffering for want of
adequate legislation to encourage the build-,
ing of necessary railroads; - canals, bridges,
&e., in the South. . -
The Smithsonian Institute is in receipt of
specimen soundings of the Pacific ocean.—
It will be interesting to your readers to know
that some of the specimens indicate that the
depth of water is more than nineteen hun
dred fathoms, nearly two and a ;quarter
miles. It is safe to say that rro wrecks have
been robbed of their jewels at that depth.
Mr. Bangs, the Superintendent of Postal
Routes for the Post Office Department ; has
:just returned to Washington :diet several
, weefis' travel through the Middle and South
ern 'States in the interest of his division..-L
Mr. 13.'s labors - are immense - and very re,
sponsuote. His reforms to the postai ser
vice are satibfactorily realized by every
mak Woman and child. Never before since
the inauguration of the postal service has
there b en one-third
. of the accession to that
service n a given time thathere has been
during the last two years.
There now- seeing bUt littl doubt that the
Republ'cans of Virginia wit carry the State
by ah. misorne majority: hose wham I
meet f om that State, whether they be lei
or agni st the triumph of the Republicans;
talk in hat direction. The masses of the
voting opulation of the State, it is said,
are fully committed to the r pelicy of encour
aging Northern emigratiOn, asking aid of
Congress in building herl pet - canal . ; and are
in favor of making general improvements in
the' agricultural and mechanical -industries
of the State. This being the policy ••of .the
State, it means the indorsement of the Re
publican party of the State.
Gen. Eaton, Commissioner of the Bureau
of Education, who sailed foi-Europe about,
the' Ist of August, lias al4ady examined
many of the educational institutions of Lon
don and other cities in England, and is now
on his way to Italy. Among the institu
tions of London which he visited was a
Foundling Hospital, founded in 179 by a
benevolent 'gentleman of that 'time, whose
pity was aroused by observing, as he passed
the field now occupied by the institution,
'baskets with living babies in them wbich-,
had been abandoned by their parents. - Five
hundred to seven hundred infants are'c"H
tinnally suppOrted by the hospital.
Time evidences of progress and improve- 1
meet - in Oriental Asia are being extended.—
Chinese navigators are now running steam
launches upon the interior waters of that
great Empire. - The improvements in inter
nal communication in Japan are daily be
coming, mere effective and important. The
printing press is increasing in influence in
India. Even heathenism is now issuing:its
counter-hlast to Christianity in the form of
tracts. It is shill that a copyrightlor a na
tive work is a great fortune, as ,many of
them reach a - circulation. of 100,000. The'
expansion of eivilization'is very little real
ized by those who do not keep themselves
weirposted. The English language is fast
becoming the language of the southern
blinisphere., . -
News from the Polaris
The Secretary of the Navy received the
following dispatch last Wednesday,:
" U. S. Ship JUNIATA, ?.
Sr. JOHN'S, (N. F.,) Sept. 10, 1873.
" The Hon. George M. Robeson, Secreta
ry of the Navy, Washington :—The Juniata
arrived to-day. Met the Tigress at Upper.
navik and coaled her. She sailed August
11th for Littleton Island. The Tigress met
the Juniata's steam-launch, Lieut. I.)e Long,
oft Tessuisak, who had been to Cape Yoik
in the launch and returned. At Disco met
the Tigress again and coaled her August
25th: Commander. Greer reports the camp
of the Polaris found August 14th off Little
ton Island, latitude iTh23 north, longitude
73:40 west. The crew of the Polaris were
all well. Had. gong south two months be
fore in two boats made from the ship. Po
laris sank one month after. -Kept a careful
lookout going north and coming south.—
There were no signs. Stopped at all - the
settlements for news. The crew of the Po-.
laris probably on board of - a whalei' from
Cape York. The Tigress left Disco August
25th for Labrador coast to Continue the
smelt so long as coal and season permit:
"D. L. BRAINE, Com. U..S. N."
The abeve dispatch was received froth
Commander Braine, of the Juniata. Lit
tleton Island referred to is about sixty miles
north of Northumberland Island, where the
party rescued from the Polaris supposed
they had left her. It is a little south of the
Life Boat Depot of Dr. Kane in 1853. The
probability is that the Tyson party were
mistaken as to the locality.of their—separa
tion from the Polaris, - and that it was really,
Littleton Island instead of Nortliomberland
Hero is
IS hardlyJ*olPa tle.it after_ The
seliaratieitr the Polaris; ln lierAisabletreon
dition,sueeceded iwany way in' reliebiok_o,
pointsixty mileS farther
.riorth. -- "iar..urt-_ - ,
derstood thatorders'werd sent to Conimend4'.
•er 'Brain° to 'eentintte the search -for the;
;crew' of the Polaris.
The Tribuile, prints the fidlowing,ilispatehl
froM' the steamer Tigress, dated Ilisen,.AW
-grist 250; , , „
_ . •
• • ,
. We have atlast poSitive.jand. Very= Into
news of the missing Arctic; -voyagers: The,
Tigress sailed from tipperna6k on the 111.11,!
of August, and examined the shores Of Nor -:1
thentherlatittlWhere - TYStaf and,ll - 14 party;'
reported that they left the' 'Polaris. .No race ; '
of the party was -found - here,: 'and - no:sign
of life ; and it is supposed ithat the rescued
men were-mistaken in the jecality'- of - their
separation from the vessel:, Near Littleton
Island,. however,. in: Int - ionic). 784141. north,
longitude:lt:4o - wcst„ aye disiovered the.
Camp,' A.Ugust 14th;'in.Whtch the
ton' party bad wintered.- .Sik 'Esiaimaux
were living in it,
_And front them and the
manuscript records' left behind by . Captain
-Thuldington we nseertained the Instery' of
the expeditiOn - up - to a - period only six weeks
previous. -After the sc-paration from Tyson
the Polaris party constructed a house--of
ship timber and canvas in which they spent
the winter.- The ship being wo badly qatn
akeiLto risk a voyage honie, though she 81111
floated, they used sonic cif the material in'
her for the construction 'of two whale boats
with which they ; mfrpOsed going south. at
the first open watg. On July Ist. they were
enabled to'carry out their intention, and put
to sea, probably making; for Cape York,-on
the coast of , Greenland,about 250 milesto,the
soothe*, where they could hope to catch a
whaler bound for Labrador. We - kept rt
sharp lookout all along the coast both going
and returning, but saw no signals and no'
human beings. - . . .
"We obtained - from the camp all the
manuscripts of the expedition and all the
journals: These' records arelvery long, and
contain a great deal of valuable informa
tion. - BuddingtOn's party were all well
when they took to their boats on the Ist of
July. The Polaris remained afloat till three
weeks ago, when she ,parted her moorings
in a gale, drifted two miles ,Southivest, and
sunk in' the ice. Two icebergs now cover
the wreck. We Sail to-day for Labrador in
search of whalers which may have picked
up the missing men. NhiP steam-whaler!
have gone north, and are now on the west
side. The :Juniata leaves at once for St.
John's, and we shall follow her immediate
ly if we accomplish the object of out voy-
age. MI on board the Tigress are well and
full of confidence."
_; , - -•
.Another news dispatch from the Juniata,
dated St. John's, N. F., Sept. 10th, says:
' " The Tigress, which we left on the 25th
of August at Disco, brings important intel
ligence respecting the missing_Polaris... On
the lltli of August Conmiander Greer start
ed With his little vessel for the locality in
which the Polaris was reported to have been
last seen by Tyson's party, between Nor
thumberland Island and the coast of Green
land. No, trace of her was found there, but
at Littleton Island the Tigress came upon,
the remains of a camp, and learned that in
June Capt. Buddington and his companions
had abandoned the ship and
,gone south
ward with two boats which they had con
structed. The Polaris afterward sank. The
men were all well at - the time of their de
parture. The Tigress made a careful search
for the boats, and has been ordered by Com
mander Braine to continue the search to the
westward and southward. She sailed again
from Kisco on the 25th, and nothing further
has been heard from her."
h l-
Paying the Piper.
The $15,500,000 awarded the United States
GoVernment by 'the arbitrators at tieneva
was paid into the Treasury last Tuesday by
Secretary Fish in one certifiCate of deposit,
reading as follows:
-Act of March .3d, 1873. It is hereby
certified that fifteen millions five hundred
thousand dollars have been deposited with
the Treasurer of the United States,Lpayable
in gold at hisi office to Drexel, ?organ &
Co., Morton, Bliss & Co., and Jay Cooke &
Co., or their order.
" Washington, Sept. 0, 1873.
JOHN ALLISON, Iteg'r of Trea'y.
"F. E. SPINNER, Treas'r of U. S.
" WM. A. RICITARDSON, Sec. Tre'y."
The certificate had the figures $15,500,-
000 in the upper right and left , band cor
ners, and was numbered about the center
on each side with the figure 1. The back
of the certificate was indorsed as follows:
..:Pay to the • joint order or H. P. M. Minister as
Chrged'AiTairs at Washington and acting Consul
" PnExEL, Mona.lN do Co.
MOnTozi. BLISS & CO.
‘k Pay to the order of Hamilton Mob, Secretary of
State.- EnwArtn THORNTON, H. B. Id. Milliliter.
.4 E. B. Ancitrnerm, 11. 13. M. 0. General."
" Pay to the order of Ron. W. A. Richardson, Sec
retary of the Treastiry.
" ItAmivrox Frou,i Secretary of State."
Upon receiving frond Minister Thornton
and Consul General .Archibald the fifteen
million and a half certificate of deposit and
receipting to them therefor, Secretary Fish,
in company with Assistant Secretary .Davis;
called upon Secretary Richardson, who is
sued a single five per cent. registered, bond
for- the 'whole amount in the Usual form,
with the additional clause: " The United
States of America are indebted to , Hon.
Hamilton Fish, Segretary of State, in trust,
to bo held subject to future disposition of
Congress, as provided by act approVed 3d
March, 1873," etc.
The bond was skillfully printed with a
pen, being--a fij'c-thnik of the printed form,
and is the work , of Mr. E. B. Magroty,
clerk in the loan branch of the Treasury.—
Upon being duly executed' it' was photo
graphed, and then sent to Secretary Fish,
.who is its-present custodian. The certifi
'cote of deposit was of course retained by
the Secretary of the Treasury. when the
bond was issued. It will be framed and
preserved among the archives of the Gov
ernment as a memorial of an amicable set
tlement of difficulties between two coun
tries without a resort to arms.
, In the whole of this important transac
tion with regard to the payment of money
the Secretary of State declined to have any
thhig whateve to do with the bankers em
ployed by thdritish Government, his com
munication ing alone with Sir Edward
Thornton, th' British Minister, and the only
transactions t 43 Sedretary of he Treasury
had with the bankers was to receive their
certificates of 'deposit and issue in lieu there
of one for the whole amount, the bankers
receiving nothing from the Treasury as a
compensation for the negotiation, the ex
pense having been paid by the British Gov
Democratic "hinciples."
The Dembcratic leaders of Ohio early in
the season concocted "a platform" which
has since been adopted, With no material al
teration or addition, in Pennsylvania, Mas
csachusetts; and Maine. It is, on the whole,
a shrewd production. *•
Yet, to a candid man, who fairly under
takes to balance in his mind the - advantages
•iind the disadvantages of allowing the pres
ent Democratic leaders to. gain control of
the Government, the platform is not likely
to amount to much. It is very barren. The
Absence of the usual glitter and .bombast,
creditable as it is; brine out more'clearly
the cynical indifference l to principle and the
cool, dispassionate 'political , selfishness of
the men who at present'guidb the Democra
cy. "The Democratic party" - sags the
platform maker, bowing blandly to his au
(Bence and adjusting his mask, "seeks to
, revive »o . dead issues,;' it "stands by its
principles, which are suited to anilines and
circumstances;" it "supports the Pederal
Government in all constitutional authority."
How polished and smooth these words are:
'But they are fatal, if the hearer stops - to
Why does the Democratic party, seek to
:revive no settled issues? Because its atti
tude on those the people have recently set
at rest was' inexpressibly odious. It not
only would not revive, it. would,gladly bury
forever the memory of its cruel warfare in
defense of the slave power, of its Syrimathy
with the rebel, of its obstimite struggle to
prevent the- enfranchisetnefit Of the freed
men, of its heartless comiEtting with the re
actionary and discontented feeling of the
South; and of - its shameful part in the coa
lition of '72. What does the
' party mean
by supporting " constitutional authority?"
That is What it professed to do when it was
protesting against the war, seeking in break
down Mr. Lincoln's administration, and try
ing to divide the army by means of, the sla
very question. The " principles' it is prat
tling about itwould gladly have forgotten;
-it does not dare to define them; it equally
does not dare to ignore them; it can only
cover them, up with vague generalities and
betake itself to accusations against the Re
publiean party. •
- Avid - even here the deSpenite strait of the
party s seen. There is nothing the Demo- .
crate -e n use with lasting effect against= tire
icons. When their platform' points
to the Credit Mobilier frauds it only recalsl
the fact that the saddest and most hernias.
Case-in. :that Connection! was • thitt:•or-Alio'
-Democratic !nailer :Ili thollottte:' - Whdii • it
directs attention to theiaaliiry gro,lointe-o*
,bOttornembOr That if - as large 41.4i;pkoviirtibff‘
Of the' : Democrats - h tid-yrotetUright . on-„that.
110e4ino.,top`t.of tbe ~ R eenbliearig.-„itt, 4 o- 4 .
never have got .beyond cien." - - . Butleeizi Coati:
inittee: 'When iVdetiOnnteatini - Aiterapthill,
:of: bonds frOin natation Wdnly `suggests re 7 '
Ipudiation, • And -set:on. :through:the
theyctin, but it is
A PiiblicC6
Vie cal( att,(intiori to the ketiller_ndearF,
tegeS of the registered-letter- *dein; and.
-we note the singular ,fact_ that' -a large ma ,
jority of people_hare not tbe slightest
tient knowledge - of its' eiisierice. In , the'
first. - plaee, it is in operation' , in 'every 'pest ,
office; rind -it is::not,, like te incinerorder ,
system confined-to theSewhielt do:, a. coat;
siderable amount of mail business.- So far,
as - the seuder.is concerned, - the c - ostisArivt
ial, (15 cents;) and there - is -net • the double
operation of sending to.,thepost office for a
money order and then inclosinglit- In a let;
ter. On the contrary, he can - inclese his
money in his letter as he - writes it; affix 'six
stamps instead of one, and sendingiittO the
post office by any messenger receive pack
the postmaster's receipt.' On:the - part- - of
the receiver there is also , the same advan
tage of a single operation, - for he finds the
money in the letter when he opens it, and is
not obliged to pr - e Sent his money order at
'the post office for payment. But there is
also this peculiar advantage—although 'the
registered letter be sent front New York - to
the remotest prairie post office - in-Texas,'
there comes back to the sender, in'eourse of
time, the receipt -orthe party to whom-it is
addreSSed, and this the post offiee'brings'to
him without an additional charge. ' Thua it,
saves the receiver the trouble - and cost - of
acknowledging its -receipt; and assures the'
sender that his remittance was actually de- .
livered. So far as_ safety is involved - the
system is subject to the usual casua lties,,
such as-tire and shipwreck,: but apart from
those may' be said to ' - la3 nearly perfect.—
Every mail agent; from the first postmaster
to the last, receipts for the package wbett
he receives' it, so
_if tt" loss occurs: the:De
partment can put its hand upen.ithe respon
sible party: 'As a matter of 'fact;_we_ be:
lieve that -no less hag occurred under.he
present revised system except such as would
come under the-head of - actual casualties.
The Nation..
Lynch Law in ,Nissonri.
• The St. Louis Democrat seems discouraged
by the outrages committed by vigilante in,
Missouri. It says: "In every, county,,q,
our State we have secret police organize-
Lions controlled by Judge Lynch. We have
been sadly made aware of late that these.
organizations do not at all - fulfill the purpo
ses for which they were instituted.' They
are utterly insufficient to preVent the terri
ble crimes committed in our, vast agricultu
ral districts, and exhibit hdrrible injustice
where they assume to punish crimes. They
hang horse thieves sentenced to the Peni
tentiary, and kill officers of the law taking
these thieves to the Penitentiary . , and at the
same time they permit murderers to' strut
about in public places unmolested, and.rob
hers and thieves to carry out their vocation
in open daylight. - In one word, Judge
Lynch is a failure in every respect, and, a
coward and 'cruel scoundrel besides. -Un
der these circumstances, would it , not be
well for the State to organize.a public State.
police in every township and county of the
State? Such a police would make the mob
organizations, now so shamefully usurping
the functions of justice, useless and impos
sible, and would at the same time not only
punish but also prevent the:crimes that have
called these mob organizations" into exist
Senator Ramsey has returned his back
pay into the Treasury.' ."
The Democratic State Convention at Port
land, Oregon, on Tuesday night nominated
4. W. Nesmith for Congress.
A private dispatch from Shreveport, La.,
last Tuesday reported 2GI cases of yellow
fever there.
It riS reported that Queen Victoria will
soon' go to Hombnrg, a celebrated watering
place near Frankfort.
The American Institute Fair opened at
New York last Wednesday, and will con
tinue open until November 15th.
The third trial of Stokes for the murder,
of Fisk is set for the first Monday in Octo
on the night•of the 9th instant with a large
amount of money stolen from the Adams
Express Company.
Senator Wright, of lowa, has signified
his intention of covering bis back pay into
the Treasury.,
M. Ariscarehi, the newly appointed Turk
ish Minister to Washington, sails on the 20th
instant foriNew York.
The municipality of London propose to
give a dinner in honor of Mr. Watson, Pres
ident of the Erie Railway, on his arrivol in
that city.
It has been decided to bring Irving to
New York from San Erancisco, to see if he
really knows anything of the Nathan mur
Dispatches received in London from Brit
ish Consuls in 'various sections of France,
Russia, Italy, and Germany report that the
cholera is on the increase in those countries.
The Liberal Republican State Committee,
at a recent meeting in New York, agreed
upon calling a State Convention of the party.
in Elmira on Wednesday, October Bth,
A. serious riot broke out several days 'ego
in the Presidency of Madras, India.' Tfdops
were sent to the scene of the disturbance
and restored order, though not before they
had fired upon the rioters and killed eight
of them.
Senor Salmeron has been chosen President
of the Cortes of Spain. In his speech on
taking the chair he urged the Deputies to,
give their undivided support to the admin
istration of Senor Castelar.
The mill owners of Charleston, S. G.,
held a meeting last ThUrsday and deter
mined to keep their mills closed until the
colored laborers, now on a general strike,
returned to work at the usual wages.
The vault containing the remains of Chan
cellor Livingston, at Red Hook, N. Y., was
broken open a few nights ago. Two coffins
were destroyed and the bones of the dead
scattered about the floor. The silver plates
and handles of the coffins were stolen. The,
Perpetrators of the crime are unknown,
The officers in pursuit of a.gang of my-,
derers in California overhauled them at
Rock Canon, in San Bernardino county,
and a skirmish - ensued. ' The party fled,
leaving twenty-one horses and part of their
booty. obtained' in robbery at Hollister's,—
One of the-gang was captured. ..„
It is stated that the official investigation
of the books of Collector - John P. limper,
of the Eighth Illinois district, shows that his
cash account is (short about $lOO,OOO. •
A dispatch frOm Pleisant Hill,. Missouri,
says the jail at that place was burned early
on Tuesday morning, and all its inmates,.
four in number, \ perished in the flames. I
is supposed the building was fired by one of
th e. prisoners iA order to effect his escape,
but thp flames spread so rapidly that he was
Henry White, one of .Boston's oldest phy
sieians and - apothecaries, was killed last
Thursday night by falling down his office
George Byas, on trial at Hackensack, N.
J., for the murder of Delia Corcoran, was
-last Tuesday convicted of murder in the
third degree.
It is reported that a number of suits, in
spired by Jay Gould, -will soon - be brought
against the Erie Railway Company and Di
rectors personally for alleged illegal acts
done in connection with the - recent declara
tion of dividends.
Last week Monday while a number of•lier
sons were seated on a balcony in Williams
burg witnessing the parade of the Williams-
burg and New York militia reginients, the
balcony gave way and precipitated all a dis
tance of fifteen feet to the pavement.' The
military halted, and a guard was detailed to
look out for the injured. Sarah Van Dyke
was fatally injured and'fifteen others more
or less wounded. Thirty persons were on,
the balcony at the time of the crash.
The United States steamer Tusearora,,de
tailed to make a preliminary survey for a
cable between the United States and Japan,
has arrived at Seattle. The Initial - point of
survey will he Cape- Flatterk, Washington
Territory. ;
• The resources of, the xtortbern provinces
of Spain havibeen exhausted by the war
and the exactions of the Carlists. The nec
essaries of life even have become scarce,
and thousands of families,are reduced to in 7
digence. The Carlists keep to the Moun
tains. Being without cavalry,. they dck not
dare to descend to the plains in_any consid
erable, number,
• " ' - - „
Prinee Clairleii-Esterbazy; tlinetilitiOdet
die latit'Pritied Esterlitizy,= the'etuinentAtia=i
itepatiliced State,'-ConYe' n,
tlon,lnetilimi Thais:day: Henry lb
hOrtt:"Wakiintiiittined for C4nitttroller `';'artib'
'Jnlitt:-H . ;;± , pi_fo'.fga7.oltirk lit lite-COI:04 - Atizr
ii9t9C%' , A ";=:;
,rt.peived Aispiitelt last'
-Vriday,f ruin Burbank-. of DitltOte Tei."•;
ritory; saying" that ",(4411. E:11Vie18. McCook
*ea assassinated at a public' meeting : by' P.:
p,',Winterinute, a hanker of - Yankton. No
partieulars . were
judge T. S.. Crawfcirtland DistriaAttor
ticyAirtlitte .11:: , 11arris;• of 'tlie:TiVelftli,ju'di-I
Cial district, Louisiana, were assassinated in
Franklin.parishWhile.on t rr- way . to - hold :
court there. The_ bearer 'of this- nformii;•
lion states that they were ahot seven ,tiitied
and their brains Won't) out. The niurderers,
arnitot known, but it' is thought-that per-,
-sonal . and not political ditibreficesleil , to the
assassination,' as Crawford- was a Radical
and Harris a Deftweritt; ;Bulk leave fittni 7
• -
- Charleston; 5: C.," was excited last Tues.'.
_day by it r - biltid of negro strikers ! - who visit-,
eit the principal mills in. the city, and:by
threats of, violence forced the hands to strike
for $2 50 per day. The employers declined
'to 'accede, 'and closed - the mills, throwing
nearly,2,ooo laborers out of employment.
A mass meeting of- coliired‘ citizens was
held last Tuesday night arthe Cooper Insta-
tate, New York; to hear, the views of the
delegation of colored Senators from Louis- ,
lane with regard to. the political , grievances
in that State. ,The meeting was purely at
tended by colored people. The burdqn of
the 9eoches was a denunciation of Govern- ,
or \Yarmouth, praise of Governor - Kellogg,
and an exhortation to. the blacks ta pin their
faith-to the Republican party. • Resolutions
complimentary to Gen. Grant; GoV.Atellogg,
and Judge Darell, ..dfilte United ' States
Court of Louisiana; were adopted.
A party of liormen - emigrants. who have
arrived hi Paris on
way to' Amerletk
have been' notified by the Prefect of Pollee
that if they attempt to hold their-religious
exercises in public'. they will be- expelled
from the city. , ,
'The fire in -Havana, Cuba;- on the Rh in
stant, by which Plaza Vapor was destroyed,
was a very disastrous one. The total . loss is
variously estimated at from $2,000,000 to
$8,000,000.. The insurance only amounts to
$524,000, nearly akin English companies. ,
Owing to th rapidity with which the tiaines
spread very little - property was saved: In
less than three hours from the time the' fire
broke out - the entire square was a mass of
ruins: Upwards of 2,500 people, who oc
cupied the buildings, are hinneless, and
nearly all have lost everything: Great dis
tress prevails among them; and numerous
ilubscriptions have been started for their re
lief. A large amount has already been
Ex-Mayor Gaston, of Boston, has accepted
the Democratic nomination for the Govern
orship of Massachusetts.
The Maine election is again all one way.
With a small aggregate vote and three. can
didates in the field, the Republicans have
carried the day by about 12,000 majority.
The Texas Democratic Convention adopt
ed the Ohio platform, favored granting land
subsidies, but not money, to railroads, and
denounced State repudiation of just indebt
The new Spanish Cabinet was announced
last week, President ;Castelar has deter
mined to make asupreme effort to crush the
insurrections. ',He has determined to call
.into active setdce against the insurgents
150,000 men of'the army reserve and 500,-
000 of the militia. Ile believes that with
this force it will be possible to establish or
der in the country before spring.
A special dispatch from Washington says
that the action of Postthaster Filley, of St.
Louis, in assessing the clerks in the office
for political
. or other purposes is not ap
proved of by Postmaster General Creswell,
and that the latter will order Mr. Filley to
refund the assessments to his employees.
The San Francisco - By/le/in / gives the fol
lowing summary of the co position of the
next Legislature: Republicans, 44; Demo
crats, 40; Independents, 86; total, 126; nec
essary to elect a - United States Senator, 61.
A bold but unsuccessful attempt was
made at River Bend, Colorado, last Wednes
day morning at daybreak , to rob U. S. Army
Paymaster Major Brooks as he was going
from the train to the camp of the Sixth
cavalry to pay the troops.
The fourteenth session and quarter-cen t
ennittl celebration of the American Porno,
u g& Societ ll "Un
Ct i nC i*l m eetinga
]cyan Hall, an exhibition of fruit in the itpl
per and lower Agricultural Halls, and a flo
ral exhibition in Music Hall. The attend
ance is large, all sections of the country be
ing represented. Marshall P. Wilder, Pres-.
!dent of the Society, deliVered the annual
The entire herd of short-horned cattle
owned by Samuel tiainpbell, of New York
Mills, was sold at auction last Wednesday.
Buyers were present from England, Cana
da, and all parts of the United States. One
hundred and fifteen cattle were disposed of,
the total receipts being about $380,000.
The highest figure was $40,600. This bid
was made by Mr. P. Davis, of Gloucester
shire, England. Thirty-five thousand, twen
ty-five thousand, and twenty thousand dol
lars were bid for single cows. One seven
months old calf sold for $27,000, and an
other for $lO,OOO. This sale is probably
the largest on record.
• J. Ruth and three others of the men who
were supposed to have been smothered in
Lincoln mine in California have been taken
out alive. They were shut up in the mine
thirty-six hours. Two of the men in - the
:nine were drowned while trying to reach
'the shaft before the water had lowered. •
The Holliday Street Theater, in Balti
more, one of the oldest theaters in the Uni
ted States, was burned last Wednesday
morning. Loss, $60,000. The St. Nicho
las Hotel and the High School building ad
joining Aver° also burned. Loss about $40,-
Lewis Howell, a planter living near Pleas
ant Hill, in De Soto county, Mississippi, in
a quarrel with a white man working for
him, on the oth instant, fired both barrels
of a shot gun into him and then cut his
throat from ear to ear. Howell then fled.
The injured man was alive at last reports,
but there is no hope of his recovery.
Socialistic troubles of a serious nature
have broken out in Andalusia, Spain. In
the neighborhood of the, town of Jimena
the farm laborers have banded together -for
the purpose of demanding and endeavoring
to enforce a division of, property. They
have burned forty farm houses of those who
opposed them and committed other excess ;
es. - Some of the rioters have been arrested:
The Carlists'claim that the Spaniards/of
the island of Cuba are contribUting liberally
for the support of the cause of Don Carlos.
The yellow fever prevails at Shreveport,
La.,. as an epidemic, and businepe of all
kinds is prostrated. Much suffering exists
froth Want of, the attention of tnurses and
doctors. There are at least feu hundred
sick, though net all with the fever.
a The 'steamships arriving on Tuesday and
Wednesday at British ports-from New York
report having experienced' a terrific hurri
cane during the passaged / Theylwere tossed
about so violently that much of their glass
ware and crockery were broken.
It is estimated that the New York market
will receive during the urrent year 3,500,-
000 packages of .butter nd cheese, of the
aggregate value,of fifty millions of dollars,
while the value [of tli wheat, corn, flour,
cut meats, and petroleu received there is
ninety-two railliond. _
Judge Advocate General Holt publishes a
full denial of the statement that ho with
held from President Johnson that part of
the court martial papers containing a rec
ommendation to mercy for Mrs. Surratt.—
He _asserts that the President had the full
proceedings in the case, and that his action
was taken on his own responsibility.
/ Peruvian advices confirm the previously
reported land slide which dammed up the
river -Rimac. Nine lives, were lost. ' The
fears of its breaking. away and inundating
.the city of Lima and its surroundings have
been partially dissipated, the water having
risehto the top of the dam, and flowing
steadily over it.
,By a decree of the Emperor, the names of
' the distinguished Geneials of the German
army have been -bestowed on the forts at
Strasburg, Metz, and other places in the ter
ritory .acquired from France. ' -
A letter from a' Prominent physician of
Millersburg, Ey., dated September Ist, says: -,
"The cholera is fearful here:. There were
fifteen deaths in town this morning, and sev
eral other persona will be dead, presently.—
Most or the victims are negroes. There
have been nearly thirty deaths here since
Thursday last. " , .
. . _
Twenty thousand nine hundred and eighty
seven children - have taken part in the -four.
teen Nett/ York .limes excursions. - The cost
luei:been About $1.0,000,' •: , -.'
. . -.. .
!TIM LAW- AS TO ;11EititfiPAT .- 3813.—A11• etc.
cluingeprintnthe low -e to tionspaimia entaeritt.'
- Cll 3 . a*rt,al o l4l , l • .• •
1. .Biftmerltiens yaw no) 'Ore elprotgvnotionto
tem contiury., are considered wishing to tiontitinntheir
qutiit:riptibhi. • =,;.- , ;
thiiiintinninioncif their
pnbiliiiiimosnity.noutliitio to Gond them
uutit il l arrfiaragoe ari3 pitta, • A A- - •
-A 4. Atli' stiltsOrWra neglect nr refuse to take - tbele
hum the:Oilion to which they are (Unwind.
they arm, h -°ei; --slumuitt9o - omit - thalf have '
hills, and eidored them dlecontintued. ,
4. -ir simacribera move to Miler pieces without in
forming the publishoes._and the papers tire omit to the
I former direetion, the enlist:rib..? are respsmat-
The courts havo deohled that AArefuning to take
periodicals . from the onto°, or removing and leaving
Ilierdrincallod for is prima facie ev idence of inttintion.:
A frand.“ • •
. -6._ Any person who receives is newapaper midi:Woe
nao of it, whether - ho boa ordered it or not, fa hold to
law to boa anhaeriher. . ,
BOARD ABM 11,00111a1The aubecriber baa
eoveral well furnished rivulet which will bo let to
ainglo gentlemenor ladies at reasonable rates; board'
will also he furnished, a good„table being sot- - Apply
at ray - residence on Pearl atreet; a rev' doors from the
school heneeAn tido village. - :'; VIM BUSIL,,
WpPabore, Sept. 20,1878.44., ; „ , -
MagiC._4l. - ,55..,_ Ctitter,
lIIHIS is a wonderful little invention, and for the
J. trilling expense of FIFTY CENTS every , person
can have ono iu his house and shop and be his own
glazier. This instiument will cut glass better than
any diamond which will cost Fifty Dollars. ' Any per
son can nee it. It is simply a nice putty knife with a
emit steel wheel that makes twentyfivo hundred
revolutions in a ininute—tompered in,a peculiar man
ner. It requires no skill or practice to use it. Any
body con cut glass with it—oven a child. •It will laet
a lifetime. /or Agents wanted. , Sent prepaid to any
address, safely packed, upon receipt of 00 cents and a
letter stamp by H. U. WADE & CO., 803 East Capitol
street, Washington, D. C.—Sept. - 10, 1873.-13t.* '
Cyrus D. Sill,'
Foreign and—Domestic Liquors
WINES, &0., &e.
Agent for - Fine, old
Jim. i,1872. CORNING. N. T.
umber Land for gale.
/IS undersigned offers for sale two hundred and
thirty-night eons of timber land about eight miles
south:west of Wellaboro, Thero la a jargo quiddity of
hemloch and 'eansidiimble chestnut upon it.. A portion
of it will . Make fine farming lands. ,It will be sold
on time. Inquire of • ~ • ' Ai STONE,
August 26, 1873-tf. Wellsboro. Pa.
Examination - of Teachers.
EXAIifINA.TIONS for those desiring to teach during
the year, will be held at the following places:
Liberty, (Block House), Monday. Sept. 22, 1873.
Union, (Ogdensburg), - Tuesday, " 23, "
Blossburg, • Wednesday, " 24, "
Covington, Thursday, " 25, "
Mansfield. (School House), Friday, " 20, "
Tioga, - Saturday, " 27,- "
Mainsburg,l Monday, - 4 " 29, "
Rutland; • ' • • Tuesday, " 30, "
Jackson„ (MillertoWn), . ;Wednesday. Oct. 1, 4 4
Lawrenceville, Thursday, " 2, "
Farmington, (0. C. S. H.,) Friday, " 3. "
Nelson, Saturday, " 4, "
Clymer, (13abinsville). Monday, " 6, '
Gaines, (Vermillyea's). Tuesday, " 7, '
Delmar, (Stony Fork), ' Wednesday, " 8,
Wellsboro, Thursday, " 9,
Charleston, (WhltneYvillo). Friday, " 10,
Chatham, (Bbortsville), Saturday, " 11, '
Brookfield, Monday, ' • " 20, "
Westfield, Tuesday, ." 21, '
Knoxville, Wednesday, ." 22, '
And at Knoxville the two following Saturdays
Examinations to commence at 9 . a. in
Teachers will provide themselves with foolscap
paper, pen and ink. School Directors and others are
earnestly invited to attend. Our Annual Institute will
bo held in Hellebore npou the week commencing
Oct. 19. E. HORTON.
• Sept. 9,19734 t. County Superintendent.
T HE ndereigned are prepared to pay the
Highest Market Price in
for WOOL, ail their BOOT AND SHOE . STORE, in
Sears's Brick Block.
Wo will bo pleased to Wife our Mende call and
which wo propose to Roll as low as can ha purchased
in any market west of New York.
We Defy Competition on our Custom-Made
Wellsboro, Pa.; Juno 3, 1873.-tf.
Cabinet Warerdoms,
over Campbell Bros. Store, in Nelson, Pe.
All kinds of •
constantly on-hand. A choice and extensive stock of
Parlor and Chamber
SLIM 11 1" tiii
just received. Now is your chance to seleot from a large
fresh stock of a variety of styles and at prices as cheap
as the cheapest., Special attention paid to UNDER
Caskets and Coffins
of every size, style and description:constantly on band.
July 15, 1873-3 m. E. T.,CONGDON.
person old or young, of either sex, can reakefrom
$lO to $5O per week, at home or in connection with
other business. Wanted by all. Suitable to either
City or Country, and any,season of the year. This is
a rare opportunity for those who are out of work, and
out of money, to mak° an independent living. No
capital being required. Our paniphli , t, "HOW TO
MAKE A LIVING." giving full instructions, sent on
receipt of lOcerits. Address A. BURTON Si CO., Nor
risaids, Westchester Co , N. Y.
AGENT S everywhere to sell onr new and nov
el Embroidering Machine, send for
WANTE D Illustrated Circular, to the McKee
Manufacturing Company,3D9 Broad:
way, Now York
The Pai for Companion.
EvOry Lady wants one!
Every Mao ought to have one !
Sent on reeelpt - of Ton Cents. Address, L. P. HYDE
& CO., 195 Seventh Avenue, Now York.
Sent on receipt of 25 cta. Unique Minting and Pub
Sailing House, 3G Yosey Street, Now York.
The Beckwith $2O Portable Family Sew
ing Machine, on Thirty Days Prial
many advantages over all. Satisfaction guaranteed, or
$2O refunded. Sent complete, with full , directions.—
Beckwith Sewing Machine Co., 862 Broadway, N. Y.
. THE NEW ELASTIC TRUSS. An Important Inven
tion. It retains the Rupture at all times, and under
the hardest exercise or severest strain. It is worn
with comfort, and if kept on night and day, effects a
psrmanent eine in a few weeks. Sold cheap, and sent
by Mail when requested, circulars free, when ordered
by letter sent to Tho Elastic Truss Co., No., 683 Broad
way, N. Y. city. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses;
too painful; pey slip off too frequently,
, May 0, 1873-eowlyi
4,000 Cords of Hemlock Bark
will be made for the purchase of Bark'
C (3 p i e lli eled and delivered the ensuing season, at $4.60
per cord of 2,200 lint ;.cash on delivery.
Bark peeled last year will be received for the next
ninety days at $4 per cord of 2,200 the; malt on de..
We will mate contracts for peeling 4,000 cords of
bark on , lands of the Pennsylvania Joint Land and
Wenoboro, Diall9 t lB73-tf. -
Irv .
_ . ,
.4111iininndardiiryan la'nornponuded wi th .tiso gr oa t- I
_ •
• IN - etrepta nra tr.:lt',lorfal and ttitlarnetmyna over.
It rentares gray nr hair 'to 114 SonthhtY color.
'reino*os Alt:e.tPl. ll6, ini; and Alnadrutr;
rind.t.fte tritta,untiyrotauca'itdilte and clean.
fly 'its• tonic prolicriks it !a the Capillary
glanda to their ivirniai vigor. preventing baldness, and
niatirig the hair grow tblg.kilind strong.
Are:dressing notiiinghini 'been fdtiiid so effeetnal,
.or,desitable. ,
' Dr:. A: 11. Ttnyoa, State AfiPtlei of Maiikaehuisetts,
Of, " i considOr it the (test iniparation for Ha
li:dotard tirisiae n s/,! -; • _ -
Buckingham's Dye,
..- - •
~Thin elegant preparation may tai relied on to change
the color of the heard from gray or any other mid
afraid° shade, to brown, or-black -it clianretlmi. it la
easily applied, being in 'oar preparation, and" quickly
and effectually produces a permanent color 'which
will neither rub' nor cash MT.
11. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. H.
MEDI(.1111E. •
N - •
‘, 3
Eor sale by Taylor & Spalding, thrugglata; ro.
Aug. 12, 1873-13r-eow,:-Rot
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
'Having made special arrangements with the Blass
Unrg Gioia Company, impact furnish Glees at lowest
rates to parties wishing to buy, tu large' quantities.
shipped direct from the factory.
Physicians' Prescriptions and Family Recipes Accurate
ly Compounded .
SerMr. Spalding has had several years experience
in the drug business, and le thoroughly posted in all
ite branches. I TAYLOR & SPALDING.
Welisboro, Pa., Juno 24, 1873-if. . ,
MROFIELD announces to the public !bat ah
had a very large and desirable stock of Millinery
and Ladies' kurnishing and Fancy Goods, which are
offered at very low ratea.
Notions; also retuicrnade white goods In every vartetv
The • public aro cordially Invited to Inspect and
Wellsboro, May 13, 1813. Om.
Wellsborco, IPia..
Andrew Foley
who has twig been established in - the Jewelry brininess
In Wefisher°, has ula•ayl for sale various Elias
and prices of
American ettlattljts,
Gold or Silver,
Clocks,Jewelry,Gold Chains,
Keys,- Rings,
• Pins, Pen
,Cases, Gold and
Steel Pens, Thim-
. bles, Spoons,
Razors, -
,Plated 'Friary,
&c., &c., kc
With almost all other articles usually kept .In suet
establishments, Which are sold low for"
C .11. El 11.
Rep tiring done neatly and promptly, and on al,ort
notice. A. FOLEY.
Ang 12, 1873.
W. J. I - Torfon Sr, Bro.,
Sept. 9,1 M,
p e da yi A IS *anted! AilJ.lals.
410-1"0 Zok, ett workl_ tt people, °reinter soy
young old; Make . more intrney at work for its IP
weirspare moments, or all the thee, than at anyttio s
else. Particulars-free. Adtirmiti 0. Stinson k
Portland. MAi110: • apt. 24,1379_ it
G LASEINViIitit rtiless variety at
SAW NI 11,1,
le now In full bhud, tad
they we reedy to.llll 111
orders with Trrouiptneffs and 41Np:itch.
rowing Boards, 11111 Thnber, 841nglea, Lath, w ood,
onnetantly on handl
April 22.41"., & . 110 V014. I
At West Cheater. 80. A beautiful and olovakd Wks,
don, 22 mites west of kidispelphirt.f , Bpacious Puy.
grounds, with - Gymnasium. *Students prepared for
College, Polytorlinto Schools or Business, g ped4
provision made -for very young bona. Many atndent i
remain, as Ltueidw e, during the summer vacation_
iession begins .Sept. li). Address / 1 01311iT
Aug. 26-41.
Groceries and Provisions,
lrff AVING purchased the stock of Mend k
„LI drethv would say to his friends and the riebik
generally that be will endeavor to sacra their pano i :
age by keeping constantly ondiaud a large and Ifni
selected stock of
which Will be sold Lt fair prices
• I
L 2 l,en - t - en•ber_the place,
Insurance,lleal Estate?,Steamship
No 1. nowth Brock
korDrafts egad payable In any city or town %Europe,
Jiro-Cabin, Second Cabin, or SteeragelPaesageticketa
to dr from any town in Europe from or t i o We(labor%
by the Anchor Line, or the White Star Line of Ocean
, *iritoal Estate bought and sold on Commission.
garl &etre to call particular attention to the hum
ante facilities afforded by the old and well known
Wellsboro Insurance Agency,
agrGo torn. It. Dekker k Co's for your Tiu Root•
tng and Spouiic•g.
ta"Cio to D- Leher A: Co'. for your Repairing
of all I;:ntin, alllti we do ..ou short Lotieo and
We are nit, nte for the D. Rawson lifoiviteg Machines,
to Whiel , aro tall your apecint ntl,-htion. ferr Nverl
machine natuddeit tor two yvate., rit , fin of all kinds
ror tido tept hand , otribru,sh. dto order.
Any . pere , t, uiehing to , buy the-tient Machine In this
inerket de null to give tis a call.
ht ,, hhhhhilo
MARRlEl o •o l linT l' l i e e t 9 e
outfit for tpuaekeepinit at Hells's
Have just received the largest stock of
ever brought into WEL LSBO.IIO t.
W. PP. 13.1GrONY 1
r pp.owsrolis,
• ,
CIGARS,•dcc ,
Come and buy ONCE and you will again
Second door below the We'labor° Hotel
Wellehoro, July 22, 1873 -tf. W. P. 'BIGONY.
'Capital Represented $40,000,000.
/ETNA, of Hartford, Conn.
HOME, of New York.
FRANKLIN, of Philadelphia.
PENNSYLVANIA, of Philadelphia.
ALEMANNIA, of Cleveland, Ohio.
PHENIX, of Brooklyn, N Y.
Policies written in any of the above leading com
panies at standard rates. Losses •prompily paid At
my office, No, 1 Fiowou's Stock.
FULL Line of
able Cutlery and phusa Vara
rOim: 99 N 9
Stoves, Tin and Ilardware!
Am-no to It. H. DELCHEII B:Co's for your Mora,
Du end Sheet Iron.
....W..' Go to D. 11. Belcher k'Co'a for pm Timis And
Goner al Hardware.
infOcito I). H. Fletcher •00'13 for_your lluyhig eta
Harvesting Toole.
Xirtlo to D. U. Belcher dr Co's for your T.ble and
Pocket Cutlery. '
irirClo to D. B. Belcher & Qo's for your Rope
l iled
Horse Forte.
LAGo to D. Belcher & Cos for the bent fifetsillc-
Wood Pumps.
6ar4o to H. H. 80/ober & CO . B for the beet Plow in
/btu country.
First door below the Postoffice, Wellsboro, Pa.
Jane 24, 1873•-3 m.
w. J, itoigvia a; no,