Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, September 09, 1873, Image 4
WHIM MEE Th6L : Vihi a tl e : ; ' " tithe '44 *4°o 'WhO'StOodp = • , - - . 'While he eat on ascarektheat:at 'dailight a' deolll4o s —_, b eat i l a ot_ttierpsnalhisorayettiatie of Nsots4- , that that Danish taSPA whistle NWrit*hSe•!-`, - yoti do with It 7-441 Also, a es End AV/Wean awls smile pivot:force hoe beautifol. : (4oo.! • !tl.would blow it,"" hoansytere3l; "and` thou _ear ine whirl fly to 1S ?0P:5.44111 Uouldhow - tato plves.„ tb,afall - yOU,vrilitilt - fort'Ttiat:thay be your# Witftout 047 tnelgie,'Ttlie fair made favor-so alight one's good nature aworea.. :`/1111184Orlaytapy,ite'tstatkhrrae, , , if , by his tik.wonld. _blow, it,"sgain,'!...sald the 'Math; ".end tie work 86. that not even 7dodesty's check Would be night° keep.frota MY neck your fine :ctlui" " Shit stelleti;*,ohil she laid tier line ontx rouud beck. -1; "Yet,' Mich more Would ,T. blow, and the Music divine: , Would bring me the third time an exquisite bliss; 4 You.WOulil lay your fatr_ cheek - to _this brown ono h :And-your lips stealing ,piat it,,Wimbiglvci men kWh , 3:Tbfl Maiden langtuA•out in Jior inuncent - glee,— "What a -fool of youreelt with_, your wldstlo you'd - For'only consider; how ellti.!tweuld be,' To Olt tN.,ra And whistle for you might fate' - II• - • • - --Robert Story. - ' - ''--- •-.--. -GRAINS OF. Gelb; ~ • . . These who, do not. recognize ' God- in the 1 • -pages of Scripture, will seldom -acknowledge • godliness'in the, persons of men: •-•-, .: If there hilt - past in whichi'men have, done ' - 'Mil lot themliave hope, for hero is a "!!store in which they may do well.' , , , ''- : - Man in:misery is•more apt to fret and chafe lic , inst the Lord than against his-'sin that b th - ,brouglit him into sufferings. - , . ' c v • ,' hoever sees so i much , excellency in •- -- 4 ,c,. rist that thereby ho is drawn to embrace' 2 _ Him as thd only rock of salvation, that mew trdly believes. • - 7 There is folly in being-disheartened at de-i , :.lay. Odd, sometimes takes natural methods of ; , ' removin,Obstacles oven when they would • appear most dilatory. -•— : • - It is the dawn of grace in the soul` when ' " • the heart perceives that there is a holy ,God, _ and that such a God cannot be on terms -of •- • amity with an unholy thin(' b like itself.\ • , . , •: * 'The Christian life should never; canever • - be a solitary ono; a life of service Must be a -Wept love. And no path can be bars n. if - _the fountain of living-watt:i 1 s flows by its side. ~- ' - "Virtue is a life,- not merely one of life's re sults. '-- - It animates tho heart and inspires the --. soul with the - love of 'goodness, as . well as - controls the words_pf.tho lips ant the attions •of the hands. , ,•- , - - - ,* - . Be always frank and - true; spurn every • sort of affectation and' disguise. Have the courage to confess your ignorance and awk wardness. Confide your faults and follies-to _ but few. Whenever I see ii, child oft God becoming - . less holy than ho iicia,*l know the secret of it—ho is clinging less firmly to Christthan he did. Our root must be right, if our fruit 'is to abound. - ' •• .- • . In God's great plan there is nothing' small or trivial. The humblest life Cost the death of the Son of God. Does it not throw a Vail of sanctity around tho poorest and most un ' worthy when we think of the must:u ,paid • for such a life. - • -'- • A disinterested regard to. truth' should bo what it very- seldom is, the most striking - • character in a Christian minister. • His pur ' pose should be to make proselytes to truth, land not to anything which may be particu lar in his - viows of it. .. Ho who' is unregenerate has refused to be illuminated by the most brilliant of all lights, or melted by the most softening of allinflu ences, or healed-by tho most sovoreign'of all medicines, or redeemed by the most precious of all prices. * No faithful shepherd "who feeds tho flock of God" with the truth will endanger his ministry by making it subsidiary to the pub lic platf6rm. No argument is needed to . . prove th , fact. , The popularity of the lect urer-is th bane of the pulpit.- I Every no is imperatively urged to enter some fief_ duty. Allis for the force which • is simply -listed in trying to find one's work I If hle is n t good at sowing let him break up fallow gr and ; if ho cannot plow let him go - and reap. Do something somewhere Jaime , 'diately. . In Henry Ward Beecher's "Lectures on Preaching" is to be found the following com prehensive statement of the necessary quali ties for an effective preacher: "Imagination, emotion, enthusiasm, and conviction are the four foundation-stones of an effective and successful ministry." The gentle mind is like a calm and peace ful stream that reflects every object in its just proportion. The violent spirit, like troubled waters, renders back the images of things distorted and broken, and communicates to them that disordered motion which arises front its own agitation. I must confesd to you that the majority of • the Scriptures astonishme. The holiness of ..the evangelists speaks to my heart, and has such strong and striking characters of truth, and is, moreover, so' inimitable that if it had been the invention of men, the inventors \ would - be greater than the greatest heroes. If you` walk with Christ keep out of all evil emppliny and evil association ; keep t from all evil places- 2 -from every place where you . cannot go in the spirit of Christ, and that, if on earth, you might not expect to meet Him there. If you go out of the terri tory where ho would go, you need not expect to find him. ' Knowledge indeed is a thing far more ex cellent than riches, outward pleasures, world- , ly dignities, or anything else in the world be - sides holiness and the. conformity of o ut : - wills to the will of God.; but yet our happi 'ft- ness consisteth not in it, but in a certain di vine - temper imd constitution of soul, which is far above it. ' .:If faith be the main-spring, devotion winds up the machinery, ,and keeps it in continual Motion. It is as impossible for the soul to re main strong in faith and active in obedience without continued communion with God the fountain of all grace, as it is for a _clock to perform its revolutions without being regu larly wound up. Good manners are the blossoms of good Sense, and, it may be added, of good feeling, too, for if the law of kindness is written in the heart, it will lead td that disinterested ness in little things as well as great things— that desire to oblige, and attention to the gratification of others, which is the founda tion of good manners. . If we would bless the world, 'we must oc cupy a higher platform in life than that of a Merely negative character; it is not enough simply to refrain fromevil. Wemust go be yond that feebleness which is full of hesita tion,and> take; our stand unequivocally on the side of truth, ever ready to lend an aria of strength to those that are not able to walk by themselves. ' The largest and most comprehensive na tures are generally the most cheerful, the most loving the mast hopeful, the most trustful. It is the wise man of large vision who is the quickest to discern the moral sun shine gleaming through the darkest cloud: In trials he finds correction and discipline, and in sorrow and suffering he gains courage and the best practical wisdom. Goodness, like the river Nile, overflows its banks to enrich tha soil, and to, throw plenty into the country. Goodness is generous and diffusive;it is largeness of mind and sweet ness of to per—balsam in the bleed. and jus tice sublimated to a richer spirit. Goodness 2 is justice, and somewhat more. Goodness is modest and sincere, inoffensive and obliging; it ruffles and disturbs nobody, nor puts any thing to pain without necessity. It is a good nnd safe rule to sojourn in ev ery place as if you meant to spend your life there, never omitting an opportunity of do ing• a kindness _or speaking a true word, or making a friend, Seeds thus sown by tt t e. Wayside often bring forth an abundant 'mar_ vest. You might so spend your sulomer among the people that they and their de scendant:A, should be better and' happier through time and eternity, for ~ x . works and your example. ` , You may move the kinds ea, thedint-plate ' this way and the other, an finger as you please the machinery within, but if there .is ' no mainspring there your labor will. be in vain. - So the `hands" of men's lives will not move in holy obedience at the. tough of the law, tin t less the, mainspring. ' be. vrpplied by God throughllio Gospel ; then only - will the who? life revolve on the pivots' of the laws of hrist as:uppn an ,imperishable die mond. . , • Eastern' ' travelers carry their provisions with them. The antiquity of the custom is. shown in the „,case .of Jacob,• who, though. traveling with his . staff Only, yet - took oil With him, since Se annointed the stone he used'for a pillow.- The oil was taken for th-e purpose of annointing; the limbs; sinee 4 in the not countries of- the East, it is fourutpar- , f ticularly cothfortable and refreshing; and ' oil and wine, beaten together, appearto have been used formerly . , as ft, common 'medicine for fresh wounds. . , . . . , . Let us not envy the rich who use their riches for selfish ends, inasmuch as they lose . liftes grand opportunity, and have a fear= ful 'account to-render; but how distinguish ed, how 'favored, how truly enviable the condition of those who, having Wealth, can resist its - blandishments; who possessing in abundance, realize their constant depend-. once on the Great Giver . .; who are rich ' idt, good workit, ready to distribute and willitsg, ' to tominunicate; who"pavo with their geld.; the,streets of the New Jerusalem, garnet _up, for thernselves stores of immortal riches, - by trinstrifiting their itiarishable• into irnperiSlia-1 tile - and (Moles» • possesions; -and who 'lax held angled's great gift of eternal life' prima_, leg and justifying the grace of that/Stiviou; whoilvAS rich, finsflot l'Qr our sakes became bat we,thr9uglt MA poverty e fright rich t • -- ' . ' 'l , • .-- . -- , _ ~. 111 A - II TIDY - POSIT .111:01t - ilutli!K - S': .2, ''PriAliUlTAOTttliEtt'S , oßs:i 2 :: , ' ,',:,',.::';:-.•: :'':-, -.-- ' - : : 1 T • ' '-.*:'-' POitTAlii4 AND.StATT9N • A4.Y 'S',Ept,*.i4Gthg,s-&--10.4;01-to ID! PARTIOTTAII, ATTENTION PAID TO GANG SAW MILLS, ENGLISH, MAILAIr oIRCULAIt MILLS I szruov MIMS END ENGINES ALWAYS oN rt,s,Nu. Water Wheels suited to beads of water; i kaimery Irons, Rridge Irons,. • , 4.in experience , by, our air. W. IL - Calkins of over overtweuttj years as a alirachinist‘ and .Foremau l ' enables use - _ by leis personal sispervisitniv - tor strictly' 110c -class goodk; Feb. 18, 1871-Iy. Closing out Sale SUMMER DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, MEN'S, EMI READY-MADE CLOTHING FOR CASH, TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE FALL STOCK; ItE e l'. Queaß TB This will be found a rare opportunity for Bargains. • The public sire Invited to call And Bee for themselves Wellabor°. Aug, 26;1673-tf. • New Spring Goods. THE SPRING CAMPAIGN IS OPEN WITH THE LARGEST, AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF Staple & raney Dry Goods Itihas got to be pretty generally known that we keep the largest stock, the best goods and sell them as law as any house in the trado in this section; and wie keep very many articles not kept at any other store in town. In addition to our general stook, , , • • _ . . . ur ati,petgvtacit tamprises boat an rolls, and every variety. Our Cl loth Stock exceeds any within flity miles, in quantity and vallety. DRESS GOODS,SRAWLS AND DOMESTIC GOODS . . • nuough for a Lobbing trade. The citizens of Tioga county aro respectfully invited to gall and examine our stock and prices. i • , . - • April 1.1 . 873. SMITII & WRITE. ' 141114144(.15j0101 . 11t414#141*.;1ffrA141_if-lpir,ilVist i l 4riLsodr alas _gone to .71Pozo York tobuy a stocle of Sprinj and Sain, _ prier Goods. Hein/tends to buy from the best markets at bottom prices, and he trill have some splendid bargains to offer h4-sou,stainreizol4:o3lo.re,tur,its. ire has :VOW' on han,d, quantity of i Clothing , and .13ress Cho* which he warts out of the ii4d he ta,kes, this method of infornandyou con,fideittially that hewi, 86 011B4P—if you don'tbelieveit 'Oall and see .ii M IN ' - -- YOUTHS', AND-BOYS' AT THE AND THE PEOPLE'S STORE is TEE FIRST fl THE FIELD, EVER. OFFERED IN OORNIN'G. ENE ; • 'if. 4 2,1' , ='! • -1 1 1 , 0 e t. , ^ 41.; , - • z F -e „ - • , . . EIMI OF , _ -,- - - ."-A*- , -,5 ,, ,, - . -, ~,,,,,„_,a-----,,,440.;#111M,...-P: . . ~i,.i.7, iir15..i:it,:::.7.1..il ,:,,,,,,, , , , ,,,17:7.:,,,i , , v , ::i.;.;..,. ,:::;.i5_4.,,,ri.,;:f,if:;i.rc.:..:c:,.,,.1rt,;::,::f;:r:...,tirr,::.;;..71,!,,: i.:,,,,..,,,,,,;.,,,..,!t„:1,i"4:1;,;!:iiii.1.::!;:!-:::;.14t71Elsi!:, ..lisk : -'-' ' '''' " ",, - '''`-'),', '''-- et. '-'•'N- . .,. V, , _;. ~ ..,..- ,-, ~ ,,r. ''' W3'..-V-,, i-'‘'-r4- ..; " , ;, , , - ;'1 ti -1-, ''f - a ''''. .-+ 4 .. ' '; ''-• 4 : '.". r ' ... '''.• ' , '';,, 7:;:l.•'''lJ-..;:=",V7,'. I,er ;,- ,7!;;. : , , , ';‘„ - C,- -;'" , '4 l- " , S , 1 , ', ' - l''V - .."*--` ' '`==.- ' ''-r--''11111011111410114410,--.&-:-!,,,',LAir:,‘,.--74-t: ',., . ,''. 1.1 ,t-,,,' ~' c.,,l.;'VY;' 4 ' ' ;',",' -?'' ....,r'' 3'..jr',74.1-':.-"iji. Vill.llollllllllllllllllllllll i, ~ '. ,- T , 3'-' t ,' i ' 4'' k -'W.IAIE' ~ _ 0 ,•,,,,,-.-_,-..,,..,- ---,!'.-4--t, .....,..' ~-.:,,,,- J.;;:;"11.1;‘,.:.,,4'47.,.7,'14,r.'1_4-.54,. ~,,-,,,---- , ~,,t ~, - _ , t: 4 ,-,,, , $ ~ , ~... 2 ..7.....vi.''''''::, .., - ''., 6-,e,i,-....fVP-V,t,, 8 =_....,,.e..,.....:,,....:„:„...,•.,,,,,,..„,,„.....,...,....,..„.„ k;, , ~,A-.`-a5O-.:4 '.,k.,,,`',71 -;',,t .;','l'L ~,,—,,,,,,,+i51.3.,,,,,,<1.4.,,1.,,, .' - /At-, ," , "4? -- ±.• "4 ',.,;-. " , - , 41,-at- , 1.2..it_' "-. ''','--,-,- - -„,...,-.,,,,5.., ,-,y, , ~.,-;,"-,_ -,; . 1 ,4 ., ,,, 1, 11, -,... f ..5 . , .. , ~,,,, ; rts %i,Hl.r, ' . a . S.r j ','-' ' ' , f • ' - *, ~. ;,:. ' . 10 ` .: ;4 - , --' ' • n'ti ~', • 7.-, ;'.-,?,.,,.,,-,t,'-16?.4;•',:';‘;;`;,--'-', ‘, - ..,,,,,.,_, ~,.,1, , -!. ..; •,_ , --,1-.._,-k,'....J-N.,1--T''., -',,',`: fr ,'l,i"-,',,,,t.,..-4.7=,:`,'lri,'-‘='-',.""l' '' r.", , :t.-'•:, e• - ,S:•:, ' 1,-_-,A '--'-',,,. ..'',. ':,,.1,;..“if‘,•:'', I. ~.:: ':. ~,...--'‘.., -^ ''... , '', - 7' '',' „. ,`, . ...;;"'—_'-,,, jt.,::', 1 ' '..'' -4 :': - " 4. ` ' -'''j -`., '-' ,.-,"'" 1 -,- - '''.:, `...` C .--`" ""r :-' --:',`: ' " '':'..., • _ , it' ..,, ~ received • - 'l_l- , e' s itoa;•ol l , - ,- :7, ~ i = . ' •- .., iff - ' T s ,Has just O ~g'i'' • ,-, ~ I ;, - •>, ,-. !••• -=.,..:-.-:- , -.'''-'-3`-',-2-,,.,,,;--: • -='• '-'-)-=:r4'-,""-'• ' '- ;":= 1<.!,1,;',. ..--I:=,',:':;:i,,:;'''''':4.:',',",-,'-- ' • • ," - „ - fArlik:Ont4V, . , , tr • • _ .1;•';_••‘ - • 7': • -i;- READYMADUCLOTHINSIHATS-'ICAPS''BOOTS MN ' 1 Tirmami HARDEN = Ef2l BM NM NNW ••=j;t4c: 1 ,7 , 7 , : , , = •-..'::f ,-, :•; ; :.3? - : - •: '*::,,,, 111 itE2 RES MEIRE DRESS GOQDS, WHITE GOODS,: ONE Shoes tic' Suitable for the spring Trade. _. _' • „ , _' mot as, been - pro,otrect froWthe keel :mOkets the .eozl7itry, - nttfibei ifor' e. 'l/00 wilt be satisfied with • . . - ,„ - ' , ., - .1: - t:Ai': - '.* - -":.rw'X'',: . =;.0i41.i `::::,', Corning 'Foundry dk Machine Shop. ET.4.1-AS.P ! ,' - ,'.:43,4:,Q . :, 23. W. blGearing,Shaft' hin Manufacturers of Stationary and Porta e es and Boilers..ng and idle or/ required for Saw Mills, Grist Mills and Tanneries, Ovens and Grates, for burning Tan. Scram for moving unleached and leached bark, Caatings, Bolts, Railroad Frogs, Chairs, and Re airing done at short notice. , ZPe have fa cilities' for shipping by Canal or Railroads to all points, and can furnish Machinery cheaper than Iluitern or Western builders of tho best quality. • Jan. 1, 1812-17. • - _ CORNING, NUMBER COUNTY, No Ye Preston. & lieermans, MANUFACTI7RER OF STEAK ENGINES, BOILERS, GANG, AND, FOR - GRIST MILLS, TANNERIES, &C.. GEARING, SHAFTING, BOLTS, AND. CASTINGS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS IN4RON &BRASS. Machinery of all kinds repaired promptly and at reasonable rates Our 1.711 r. G. TIM Preston is welt known as one of the best mechanics in Westeam, Mew York, and lee giv,es his personal attention to the *tails, of our ?msiness. Cornb?g, Y septembor z 1873.-ly. • SOO KEGS OF NAILS W. C. IMESS Sr, CO.. A FULL STOOK OP fat)entir's tools; AO i . glairlinot',s *te4.4ls ON SPecial Attention Paid. ,to Roofink 4;00,0 ;Ciltd - s : of - Jiamliio: Bark "CAT.A.Nsii33I4:I. nONTRAcrrs sthi be made foi thi Pnrchage of Dirk kj peeled and deliviwed the ensiling eelwon. at $4.60 per cord of 2,200 Ms; card( on delivery. Bark peeled last year will be received for the next ninety days - at $4 per cord of 2,200 The; cash on de- W will make contrac ts -for peeling 4,000 cords of bark on lands- of the Pegnsylvania .Toint Land 'and Lumber (to. - BAILEY, LOWELL k CO. WeOsborn, May 13, 1873-tt - • - , POMEROY BRO'S er. SMITH/ BANKERS, sLosszarß,G,-Moga Pennia• BITSINWig PAPER istEGOVIATgii MEV Poinmor lbw% lbaluzne, Troy; FY. I'l7 eb. =Of. - ME =I =I 'f , f '-y ..;,''';';li'--:.'l:' ME FES = MEI imPlaymiescteica3.oo CUIANIN - 413 - , Y. MULE Y 'SAW MILLS, MACHINERY - JTJST RECEIVED Kr • -- i - SPRINGTHE ADJUSTABLE - ; - Eartiet - Vs Patent; atulp 21, , 1870. SpiraliSpnitii 6.111511 r Slat, - • A LUXUROUS EIEDt, - - With'only a dingle rearrest!. For. durability. coulfort. 'cleanliness; and adhistment'it hail no coatEi s en. pirlor bed for the etel4room, as well as for pere it, health. Orderseolleired by the, proprietor ' for ofia pmts. - -.. ! -' . ..-;. 8. PAL . . Ap'rli .1,,1578.-.4f. •.,, . ' . • - Marieftel .I.a. . . • . _ s.- fteo. 4P AAyniii rotUr eA to -*lbstieie, aria fet*bagi*eli - ed ber trade plltii3 manettetnie of' . ME - ARM: litartAVOltto•: - • • ivonbi _reapaeltullyAily_to her - old Mirada: that ,she . Would be glad to ace all 'who would favorher, -with. their *IP. • no, cap found ,at 'era house of .1; M. Johnson, the Berber. Feb, 26,1815 W. if Bumf - '131,c49.111-zt ; - : , x - fi'' , l.l, , _B 7 ;YX.Ff _ , • ~,, ~ .-:—, t.- , a-!.' *,- - -- - -.•z_. F::;,,.5.:;'1".,-:,5;,;:5.-*:': MEI MEE ME =MN EOM BliE _ _ . IN A H A LL. -..4—.„w„., z _ i tr.? ,,t,, loirso .. „ r-,..z4 , ,,- , N. tii ~--ci734 4 P4., - . 0 P O , MW ''.; , 41 5 ;4 4- H .4,•; I !:• , • 404- 4 , 7 ' - , i•4= ti .H . .:*0 . X,.1,, , i,, , , 4 -, t ! ;..±. AiantrietumAtef,494l,R, r„..„ , ,,.*410,-„,*,,ver.c....vm..wf,,;„1...4.„...„,,,,,„ 3 .,:„.., ° --41,, il-40, , ,03f.0w5 , .40544.7.F....,,,,,,„-N. ,310,,e,;,. ... : , -1,4..-,,,,,,, n i „.w.,,,-,14:, 1 / 4 4 olkolcvull„.zaiitt c *,4 t r - H"::;:lar:h.:i 4 ,4/,:tj,,.,,4, * :":i* ~1 .;itti r :4, ll L;4 o ;%;lll . , ~., ......... -`11.1.,,,,,,k,i;t& ,i• e d • v i gr i tiyhtiptya 401911k*Ir . ''' ; 4 14 1113 14 91i i•-"*", >1- " . '"t ..'''-,.. •4. ' '" c''T.•-:, I , t- V' "";fi' ' -•`' '•, ' ipri.,..••:4-` 41. 4.1.1... '4 '•: - "li ‘ l '4f.'`e rai e , "' •iliV IV ..1 ;',14 - ,:q4, e,....i.'4;i4.,M , 7•14 , * • r't ''Z' L': I ,:,,,,,,...!•;01Catf iiitlfZ4• l 4osM4r. - '4 . f Fn., • - •-•`. kt>.f I 4• . ‘ 1..' ~, 4 A 7 , -- •: - . - t'' , 7 - F:',-, ',JO, ! 11 37M -. ,;;.-.--,:._ ::74 ,, ,•3 - -1 01 , 1 , a-, ;.,•;77.,m'x1. , ,5W- 4 ,- ~, ~ ~,,,, ~0 ~ A r:i..,-.* -.., 'ryo firvaritteolotletioild at prlceloAbap , Iftesb Atocko . - odyllotat to'upm- Igo t h eAc i lw at, l 3 o. 4a t, u . „ -, : -, !r,-..T.-vzl: 1:4A444414'-' :- :'' V r %,;; - i r: f 4- 4fq:: ' 4 taskett''and-comns-,-. ~,, „ ....._ -ii , :•-•'; r aviiiriilx4, 8 0/01ad 0 401 10 4 9 1 / ,P*lf i Vr l 9 ll, " - ~.. -,.: • ..,,I.;.- - ,:',---,1 - ' , , ,,- 4•.,k ~,,,,,,, (-=• -,. ~•_. - ;-,..:.;, y.;,..J.67,,. --: , -1" ,'—, • '-- 4e. 614 ODI ,• .• -* N -,- /uli leVittrs4mq --, - ', '• ;•,'.e,`', ,-. 4 ' 'l., , -- :1 , , ,, ': -. --- - .:„., i --• ..... -.., -• , , • eyruS,'D,,Sill9 illOtEigyeE DEALER ' 'EN , Foreign and ~ D othegtie Li qu° rB WWI% &°';'' 1614 Agent - fbr Pine Old • Wi iskf43 y 41011N1N41. N. Y. MESE EN = ME ENE =EN PlEir DRUG FIRM I MEE NEW Ooopsi :A f~•. .. R SE MEE Baal OEM Me= Tikyk..o,o,4',SP,ALMria , _, MI MEM Vt:_ho'!”100 pad 110,11,11 .1:lors: in = DUGS; CHEMICALS, PAINTS, PIES, P ATENT MED. KEROSENE, LAMPS, DrE - sruFFS,,PERFUME#Y, FANCY ARTIOLFS, !tc. Having matte special arrangements with the Bless burg Glass Company, we can furnish ftlass at lowest rates to parties wishing to buy s ,arge quantities, Shipped direct, from the factory .. „ I • - Fkit(dame rracriptfonp and Family Recipe's Accurate- ty Compounded, bas bad several years experience in the drat/ business, and la AboroullidY posted in all its branches. TAYLOR do SPALDING. Wellaboro, Pa., June 24, 1873-tf. • _ . WALKER & LATHROP. DEALERS HARBWARE, IRON * ST.tailL, NAILS, STOVES, TIN WARE, BELTING. SAWS, CUTLERY, WATER ra - ArE, AGRICULTIIBAL DLIPLENENTS, Carriage and Harness Trimmings, HARNESSES, SADDLES, &o. Corning. N. Y., Jan. 1, 1872. Tioga Marble Works,, TitEtindJrsigned is now prepared to execute all or .dereoror Tomb Stones and Monuments of either , Ita,l4an or Ezitland .• •. It arb le, of the latest style and approved workmanship and with dispatch. He keeps constantly on band both kinds of Marble and will be able to suit all who may favor ,him with their orders; onus reasonable terms as can e obtained In the country. FRIINX; ADAM& 5an.1.1572... TRUMAN & BOWEN'S SAWMILL e now • i e u r full y I:1 0 a sli alland orders with promptness and dispatch.- Fencing Boards, Bill Timber, Shingles, Lath, Wood; &0., constantly on hand. ' 'April 22.-tf. • , - Tic V14.1:N & BOWEN. MILLINERY. IUrR9. SOFIELD announces to tho public that eh , iNI has a very fargo and desirahlo stock of ldillinery and Lixdies' Furnishing and Fancy 'Goods, which are offered at very low rates. LADIES , SUITS, PARASOLS, SHAWLS, GLOVES, CORSETS,HOOP-SKIRTS, HOSIERY, LACES, and Noticing; also ready-made white goods in every variety The public are'' cordially invited ~to • inspect and purchase. Wellsboro, May 13, 113.73—:-Gns. WOOL! WOOL! T HE undersigned are prepared to pay the Highest Market Price in CASH I for WOOD, et their BOOT AND .SHOB f3TORE. in Sears's Brick 810ck.1,, Wei - villi be pleased to have oer frieedi call and 4. EXAMINE OUR STOOK OT Roots END Which wo propose to soll u low is caw be purchasePt in any market west of-Now York. - - • : / We Defy Competition on our Custom-Made Work. " • 82Ans .. • BEA. Ha' _. , • Wellsiioroii'a,, Mane; )873•=ti:7 ;. • W ',oi-$2O per day! Agents wanted! All class _ _ es of work4ng people, of either sov, young or old, make more money at Work fors Ip their spare moments, or all the - time, thannt anything else. ' , Particulars treSi. Address ott.. Stinson Co. PortlAiik Mine; • / Sept. - 24.1872-Iy. •, • / • • • GLILSSIVOE In . y : tit' o , llls ,_ RA"; CA_NCER! h TM' tii hrp afflicted with A (YER, , comil. rx immediately-toCahepr Udmurt of DR,: 1. Crane. Addigon f lii 1t., , ' • *hore'youriiiitt be - promptly -treated:end aired; if-you'eonie intime. Whenreach= ,Ink the R. R. at MIA plltOo, aph forithei .Ameri can Rotel citonibusi . itldit' hike - you ittrect- to the Ito, AtulAtf.:-Xf 3 , 454. WaTi 'tor rofet . OhoesitttOd for.OhrL Ur without delay, Chan, 41wq pireaso!Able - . , - Junt. 24, 12"12-4-,L, - • - US ME Shoes, BM MEM :e fter' . - 30Tears oi triillne proved :. to b e Iwbffilt l6 al il g ad la uz re t l P - 1- lat o 4g4gl 2 4: 4. ' 4 #lo ri, :'±s it it iiXtenxiiiiended .with , totboonaed -118a/OlPle •.. Joan mot -of (jute, Drolede.-iturne,StlokatiiTmen_.• " Bites ',Ohilbhdoe. W.- n**lli 114.415we1ii424 'nTeet; Tar& 80, - ..&0:;‘ .. r .itells' of the,Jointe, - reef's , . s , . Pounders, smonLaliz 'reoneo=o c r ig " ind.siaioiswes ' - '' ', : t3 l4l3g rovioss, "wne irpt4 l.4"l4 balt. ‘Stadlo:.- Caar and \ Ho , alaa„ . thiur Op cliseaises of the . Eri' rot la- , Torso - ' es--: :or Cattle._ ..: i ,.... . .. ."....:.. .. . iem iiitos,_, ~.,iih,ennict t. ' TAM iikill'i Sat-TlieUrai +ois noun'bites.' Exterral Bone ;In% ' 'Muscle ' Affeletione; Bore 'Nippleo**o.; tood . may ha , :illotlytermed tho reauma for all , .. •- _ :. - .., ... EXTERNAL fil - WOUND'',' fia , ..lleizi wittier. thin Lim entdtd noel ~spring up in so; daynr a: year, producing 1 Tag JIM ABBIIIID AND U 27 int:WM.cl:ll . IMITALIF , OOS2I; Ann • Muturnoom: Linfusrro ct the tuna the, experience of. over thirty years .of sviththo moat Bubuiniithil iVig.4 l 44,Pud , 1 7 I t t a o d Lillit e 14Wi t keege tii Lt agl . i0C:0141 ' — 43 . d .' 014 ' th:l 2.. onof Wittilleftlitdd ~... • Do.not be '.imposed upon by using any °thew Liniment claiming the , same propertlee orreaulta. area The y client 104 a &tied. 8e Imre mid get nothing bnt '— - - - , • , 2 :loan luatant. tar SOLD Thipacqatt CotraneX MOUES ST - • ' 4 25m; e3l6c. anal]: pie Elettle;. liario . litzs'or Bans% Sim% &o. LYON MFG. -CO. :4AC.74' 7 ,Maoic4,,i3t A PEW APPLICATIONS MANE A Pure Blooming Comp'l exion ' . It is Purely Vegetable, and Ito operation to seen and felt at once. It does amiy with the Flushed Appearance caused by Heat, Fatigue, aterlixeite. meat. Beale and removes all/notches an Pimples. dispelling dark and unsightly spots. Drives away Tan,' Freckles, and Sunburn, and by its gentle but 3;inwerful influence snaillike the itidett cheek with _ • TeatEFTi. r Imo* AND marsr. Sold by ell ce Druggieta k and Piney Stores, Depot, CM Park Pla, New Yor. May 13, 1878.-114:-1y. WELLSBOR4r, g?lr+giiiig Ap[ill. • • • A ' lISTIN & HOWLAND are prepared to furnish drat clams work from the boat lumber, at their new taw tory tibleli is now in full operation. Sash, Doors, ! mimes„namurri. AtiD MOULDINGS;. constantly on hand, or manufactnred to order, !-• Planing and atching . _ done ptbmptly, and 11 the best manner. The" best -workmen employed, and none tint the best seasoned lumber used. "Encourage Lome Industry. Factory . near the foot of Main Sreet, ' Jan. 1, 1872=t ' AUSTIIiR.IIO\iL-ND. N FISHLER: H A, the largest and best \ selected stack of , -• • / *BOOTS , -; N - IiOES , . ever brort yth Wellsboro„ cad 1 1 ! Ladies' I.Cid/ and' Cloth Bch / aIS and Oaiters, . .- / „.. . . . Ladies/ Misses; .C'hildreit•- , - , . Baby's Shoes. • .. _ • - .. Gents' ', ,Cloth -, Bois and ~S, ! Prince'. Albert 'Calf ' Boot / 'Boils' Calf'ize Kip' Boots,. - - Youths' .Hoote. - - ' -- - In fact, all klude - or Afewe nal ,Wommes - wetkept in _a first-clash Shoe Store.' The best sewed "%Vacates ,Sboes evernffered In . this, market._ 4 defy the world , tut - ~ , ' ,c._.5..01 ...Ir.VOI-TeK, If you don3-bolieyo It; tiy ino. '1)14 only the- bciat stook, and havo : 4 good cordwaluets da money_ can - dopo and with dispatch., . of all kliz(46nstauily - on bumf. " . • • - CASH= I'AIDF R HIDES, 'DEACON SKINS, LTS AND: FURS. • xraying . • Jost - filled' tip my' shelves with • a citolcti stock; personally , selected for' this rilarket,'l. reipeet. "Idly solicit a hire share of trades . fißtnall; profits. and quick returns," I• 1)010.9 tojni a good businces,max, ins ; and I hod the - beat;goods to beifie•Obespost: 'lteini no shoddy; Mi!atitortnient fergeiflicient to meet arid , tastes: , : - 1-.:lnvittr: par.:patrons Inlit.ibe. publlo generally to call , end' Cotandnei stock.: No trouble to goods.'. Always ; sl-'be found, -Ono door , : north ; of 'storm,;; Main - Streak, Igellsbore, -‘ 1 - JOAN ERA I{'w *Sa F if`?+,`~ } ' . # y am"(H ~. ~'h•y -- ,i. ,... ,, . ,„,.- '.-':,:', „ ;j ..7 .1.-.:- ~77, ?..,r''3i'.l"`'-.!".,.-r.,% f, - .- .-,:i!,.,„, rl`-4tra?intellU,AlHiF,444iUS',. ~ .' ls'- "."''''.. - ' - ': -, -', ' • ''' • !:-':'J::;f,,,,:•_-,,',.;1'-:1-',.1-i•,:ir'iii".''77''',':--:'':'r.:1;.'::',,:--.-111',,-, i ri . ;" - ~- ;_:. • ' •P•,„';':,%/''':7-.,:. --',:"..!,-',..'''',::',F';:h, 'i•''N-j " -. ' ''' ' '' ': ~,,;,Al_ ~...,- . il--- ' ,- - , v ,6 " - ...:.7-,-;....--'....t..,A - ..- 1 1 , , , ...: - .. i'd 'mi t , iii.the old piano kt" 11,,ertiArols,eiti/1i419„4.!4! ..- ,i t • ' . .tx- -- ' - di' 'l,:TfuOisteOlOriletO itix 0 .i, - tft#.kti. -fi!if .T--..,-;:-"; -..,...-:-...,--',:' -'-' .: ' • .4',.';:,f ~•;,;:v-i:::7V--',.-„,:',..- -: ';' - . ii i i t t *l i tti 'c' eol4llONT i 'l e tlENlTtilti: ~- .. I •F:: _ , -•,'"•,- ' . -.,, ''•-t''-=' .!, • :,: -,•-;;;,•;-',-.::::7:P.:•';!-i-,';',;'•;', '--- .• ,--; =- - -- ' , 111 ,.;. : ' •, •,,.-; ,;- tr'-' ii;iiviiiWeitiiiiiiupc.'congeting of I.iskitllll4:'''l"l-;..;,'-•••„-•,:- .-,,...-..- ';z' '''"-'' 'ili ::: :.,i ; l4 ':-: ,ii .'. is r ' „...,',;;;;;,,:7---.1"1.,'2,-V.,.f..-.,....-_,..,;,_,„ _ ,„„ ' , Oar '4l" `; • itt • A 41 -'1 'lk .Tsl.llll.lC‘ " ILltflit3i • -'. ell lit1111i0118, ; =frri , j,; Leung, , Wl;'ll:ll,lllt ' • 7' ‘,‘ Pi.' , ,, 111,131i - t' , EXCELSIOLt MAT. aial. it , fug *toot ut tni,taaionoir,goollll 11..taiX'ay (fitful s;i trat , alaiai,eistaiolialitnent:'',ThealaSve_gixala are large. ly.tirtheir ,03.1 , , tnailufactukec-aud 'eatiaritclkib la guar. tauta44l.4 - 4b:/04',6; 4 - 19A"11VU110 ',eta; : They set) th e iifotert , TY ' it i e &Wass auk; sail/ the 'ravioli Skiing Wit that liar been, oil trial fur 17 y'eara alit idv oultuivutaal patisfactioti: Out. , . le sulkyheil ittllolll,alses iof Ihu Est:stator Cunt t. u tutu and ig.antifurstlief -ivt , burial visa. topther hill, (Art kinds ciffotetjut nunatifacture, with trim mings- I.:t %Then:still make undertaking thnir bitilueak arid any uSetlina their Berri, e s Will beittitided to protuDtrY. /Ma 44. satisfactory char. ges„ - 0.14 ptemsfit Vginiturir. and Twang all 'lkluds.:4onsitttb neattmss rtn4 thsputpl. , Jq *.1874:. Ta avatoar-rr MAY CON6ZRIC--Having concluded that I ant entitled tb A little rest- tad. nearly 4' years chum 'a trare li ti ca rlen t : - rl ii `th ell o n .- 0 1 3 , )a h ! l ' , „ ina 'e j 13 . pe t" r ett al o u ' i . t e li t t a d i l e c t urn ize i * anent; end take thin' nacitto6, or nuking for thew The uttneliberal patronige 9ks bag eareivle4 t o me. _ ifr hoolna may found at, the 9 k t placofor settlement • "e R. T. VAI4 1101 IN =NM Doors Bllnds Ceiling iFt)OR ING eco iundi 'sold atop at MT OLtiC ' 4.1. E dlr. 'RETAIL. Parties willfinit it for their interest, to eau or write before purelewing elsewhere,. ' 41. - prico,llot. forwarded FILER on application to: ' - NV. 73. M.EAD, April $,;1873: Inn. Ell nnd. l'ioga Co., Pa. • RH CU 41,14 1 0 ;kitig _‘‘M \k\W 0 of Chronic, and Acute liltemnat.isre. Neuraligs, Lam. bago, Selatteti,Alidtti4y. and Nervous Disetans,'aiter years of suffering, 'by taking Dn. Frri.r.a's Vs:Garnets I .C.HETIMATICI SYlcUr—the scientific die. entry of J. P. Fitter, M. D., a rel,ntlar graduate physician, n ith whom we are personally acquainted, who has .for 89 yens treated these Meleeties-exclusively with astonishing re sults.- Wo believe it our ebrislian duts,.after ddib eration, .cotiscie..tionsly request sufferers to use it, 'espetially persons in mod, rate circumstances who cannot afford to waste money and time on worthless mixtures. As clergymen we seriously feel the deep responsibility resting on us in publicly endorsing this medicine. -Put our knowledge and experience of its remarkable merit folly justifies our notion. -11er. IL-Rwing„ Media, Penn's; suffered sixteen years, be./ came, hopeless: Rec. Thomas Murphy, D. D., Frank ford, Philad'a. .11ev. J. 13. Davis, ilightstown, tieW Jeraiey.' Rev. J. S. Buchanan, Clarencejowa.. Bev. .G. G. Smith, Pittsford, New York. Rev. Joseph Beggs, Pails Church, Philadelphia. Other testimonials from Senators; - Governors, - Judges', Congressmen, nye. clans, &c., forwarded gratis with pamphlet explain. ipg these diseases. One thousand dollars will be pre. simated to any medicine for same diseases showing equal merit under test, or that can produce one.fourth as many living cures. -Any person sending by letter description of affliction will reedy° gratis a legally signed guarantee, naming - the number of bottles" to cure, agreeing to refund money Upon swoon statement of its failure to cure. Afflicted Invited to write to Dr Fitler,Philadelphia. liis valuable advice costs nothing. WOOD St SCOVILLE, Agents, Knoxville, Pa. i~ EU March . , y . WallPapor e AND • . 1 - 1 • - t. 'THE ASSORTMENT IS PRE BEST, !THE VARIETY 'OF NEW b . .t LES THE GREATEST, 1 - THE. PRICES THE CHEAPEST, of any stock over brought Into 'nags comity - - 13.-VOUNG I S. .13433> TOR • v"), WELLSDOP.O, Iron in the Blood IN The Peruvian Syrnp, a Protect ed- Solution of the'Protoxide ,of Iron; isso combined 'iris to have the character of an aliment, as easily digested and assimilated with the blood as the, simplest food. It increases the .quantity 'of, Nature's- Own Vitalizing - 41. gent, Iron in the blood, and ' cures "athousand ills," simply by Toning up,lnvigeratinaand Tqtatizing the System,. _The en riched and vitalized blood per 2neates every part'of the body; repairing damages- and - waste, searching: out- _morbid, seere : Lions, and leaving ;nothing for disease to feed - upon::,. This is the secret of the won derful success - of this remedy in curing ; Dyspepsia, ,Giver Com plaint, - Dropsy, - , Chronic Disu rtaea,Boils,NervOusAlreetions, p!ips_ and Fevers, Humors, T.3Osiy 01 Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of, the- Kidneys' and Blac r, - Female Complaints, and 'all diseases originating, in . a bad state Orilla:blood, - or ac- companied- by debility - or a low state of the \ system. -Being free froM.4lleolabliin any - form, its energizing - effects are not fol lowed -by corresponding reac tion,' Ina' ,arePerinanent, infu sing , strength,-,Vigor, and new life into itlt parts - of the systelth - and - building up alt Iron Con- I\ .' • . - 27ionaantia - hmee beeisehanged 1, by the use of this remedy, frovt Weak; sickly, suffering crea tares,_ta_4trong, healthy; and IsaPPY. men- . - and , women;. , and invalids cannot reasonably hes litate,tO yivS it a trial.. • See that has PERU -WAN SYRUP:bioivit'i:n the glass. IPainp,hieta 'Fame- - elating of 'Z \ O? - and Des, t - SETH W. FOWLE-8t SONS, - Proprietors, 'Pi/c.: 1 Minors Plnet, Boston. 'EfOLD DT ElDtiaaisTs onxtnAr.r.r. .AU(.26,lttr= y-r t „. _ _,-- , , WOOL CARDING' WORKS, ~, „.,,:„:,.”. FAST, Cy/i4LESTON, PA. , .A.tiON,ZO ; _WHITNEY I REpprie, , t I or. - 41ii . diri g ,,iionti on it . art. '' riot:least reasonable rates. 'FAtht,Olatleskin; I" . ,AO 72, 187.144- - . Sal OE :EVAN flofllt & OITANDIO =I QED ER= Mt, U I