LOCAL-Ittgick: I 'll l lntitl'i:ie - s pa iding , " Gluo , ry trig. tooLlinclio o ys t ers Iv 11i4 qallrot. tit At; tir.iisasnuesi Old Pictures cnptei and :,erilared,%l6. nay doirable Size at ICtuAllifit:v.t6. . • A girl waisted to tarn: . dressmaking. Apply qt Knee ie. Pay = 7 LINE SMITU,"ret her Store lir OW villa e. , Peachoz, CantelopocE4tet, ;PotattiCtc ti nges., and Lemons, - N. 11..01LASOirgee. Oval and square frames all *es, and stileS v ery cheap st,Tei.s.neutoulfs.. - A nice assortment of children's and- in fads' Cnps, Hats and Hoode, at Mrs. So- FIELD'S. . , New Fell Styles of and Fancy Goods direct from Now. York, At ".• 'Mrs. C. P. SMITH'S: The person who took. from N. lit: GLASS_ nTut's store a sack of meal for-4. Kennedy viii save cash by delivering the sumo to him. New Fall Millinery and Panay, Goods just ITCCIVed at Mrs. SOFIELD'S, find are offered at very low prices. - . _ . All Madam Demorest's new,Fall Stylesna:n be found at Miss PAULINE &MITI!' S ' lin= ory Establishment, in this village. Call and ook at them. , - . - , People attenaing the Fair, having, Chro mos or other pictures they .wish, framed, will find it to their advantage to eitll 'at. NARA, MORE'S Art Gallery Tho place to buy little, Boys' Hats And Caps is at Mrs. SOVIELD,'S.' ~New 'styled hive just been received which cannot fail to suit: Elder E. C. Cowles, of the Advent Christ inn Church, of Cortland conntyi It:, will preach Christian chnrch in Charles ton, on the Stittc Road 14- miles from this borough, next - Thinsday,, evening, Sept. rah. A full under sot of falSe teeth was found yesterday 'morning in the • rond'-near Marsh creek bridge. The Owner can get them by calling at this office and paying for this ad- Tertisement• LUMBER FOR SALL—I. have a lot of sea soned hemlock boards at my mill in East Charleston, Pa., which I will sell at $6 per thousand. SPENCEP. cRIITTENDEN. East Charleston, Sept. 9. , ' 4t* Children's Collaretts, - Gloves, Caps, Cloaks, • Hoods, Sacks, Apr Ons, ,te,, at Mrs. SoFTELD's. We want Firkins, Tubs, aid Pails of Butter, for which we Will pay tho , bigbest market price in cash. . . . ,- , A- Cash paid for eggs. Aug. 19-4 t. J. C. & . A. M. BENNETT; Covington, Pa. - 77 11.169 PAUIINE SMITH-Ie now receiving a large and moll-selected stock •of Tali and Winter Goods. Ladies attending the, Fair_ will do well to examine her goods bqoro pur- Owing elsewhere - . Sho believes that•both as to quality and prie s © she can satisfy this dos-. est buyers. LIMBER. - I have 58,000 feet of lumber to sell, well seasoned. About 15,000 feet of oak sawed into two , inch plank, the balance is pine, from an inch to two inches in thick ! ness; ten or twelve thousand of Norway sawed an inch and three-eights thick,—all sawed an eighth over. W. A. STONE..- . Washer°, August 26-tf. Anew tot of Fall patterns from "Butteri iast, received at Mrs. SoFIELD%-com pfising nll tho new styles of Basques, Red ingotes, Capes, Cloaks. &c., &.;e. To saw a singular deformity in - a little 'yes!. old child from Ilornellsville, yesterddy,, st Dr. UpDeGraff's office. The child's eye lids were so contracted find grown 'together that his oyes could scarcely bo-seen, render ing the child nearly blind. Dr. UpDeGraff performed a neat plastic operation by means or which the eyes were opened and the de formity removed. It sees and looks as well now as anybody's eh Id.—E/mira Advertiser./ The finest and best Handkerchief perfumes ever sold in Wellsboro can be had at 'Mrs. &WIELD'S. Something new and very def.sir able in this lino has just been received. Ladies are requested to call and test simples for themselves that they may be satisfied be fore buyingthat the article is superir to any= thing ever , before offered in this 4 aection.of country.. THE WORD "SOZODONT," Wlileh is fast be , coming a household word„ is/ derived from the Greek, and composed ortwo words, Sozo end Odontes. "Sozo," traslated, means to preserve,. and "Odontes,P the teeth--Sozo- DONT, a preserver: of the teeth. And it is true to As name. For*cautifying and pre-, serving the teeth, hardening and invigorat ing the gum; and correcting all impurities of the breath,-it is' without a peer in the world: / • - • The Tioga Sunday School' Teaebers' Asso ciation will meet in Wellsboro, Tuesday and. Wednesday, the 16 and 17 of September, at , 10 o'clock a: m. All friends of Sunday Seliools are' earnestly requested to attend. These meetings are doing . great good to the . cause. / Etiort4 aro' being made to secure bltlf fare on the various railroads N.L. RN - mom:ls, Secretary Mr. - Iternhoff, of the firm offlurritsnuno, llosEsnixat & Co., bpi just returned' from New York, where he has ptirchasec a large clock of new • good.int hottorn.prices. These goods have been well soletted for this ptirtic ular market, and the Stock comprises a very large variety of the most desirable styles. They will be shown With pleasure to all com ers, and'will be sold at the loviest possible figures. Call in and seu for yourselves, and you will be convinced that .the 'goods are their own best recommend. ARAI FOR SALE.—In Charleston town ship, known as the Mcl - nnoy Farm, consist ing of 106 acres of which 80 are cleared. The far is well watered by springs, contains a geoid two story frame dwelling with addition, aria a barn 80x40 feet with granary:l2xlo feet—all in good condition. Terms $ 4 ,50 0 . One third in hand and the balance to suit the purchaser. For particulars apply to S. F. Ball on the premises, or to , Hvoii r • OTTI{G, ' Real Estate Agent, No. 1, Bowen's Block, Wellsboro, Pa Sept. 2-3 t. • • NitatoF. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1878 Horne ...Affairs. Mao -ideertisemenfs this ' wee*. _Dry cioods. J. Horton Tiro. Liaralnation of Teactiem."E: Horton, Supt B lrtr taken up--W. 0. Rnesell.. Ltet of ' Letters--047. Merrick, P,153. 13 EL 1. IC if'_ S . -430 iag to the picnic t .. . . --The com i tyj r begins tomorrow, ;Wednesday. —The glass Works at Oovlagton mre agatti opera Um. -11/ e Pre*beets of a taiga attetidaece at the liirrna gaol at llanaftela are said to be excellent. , —The fall term of tlirischools at lifansficia—Stato .. ftal end Soldiers' Orptratia'—tni[St[ aid OeeL . - . , — The Elmira Aderettsci. says tine ColvartOsqcie i t , Railroad ['completed to ElktAti;--vehbrovic thid 10. Albert 'Woodruff is "earcbiDS for co a l' on his wi ll in Chaileston township, He to smagulao of alit ens, —Prot minters was in town last week. Ile begins itue its at Bavaria, N. Y., about tho middle of , tho tenth . • . . . , ~. .. , A. 7 lo ms:ober that Ron. Alexander IC. McClave is to, 4- ""' the address on tho Fah'. grounds ne xt Paturday toni ng.. , trur .- •-le ou r 11 d,, g columns tall be found Abe . ~4P- L °stll ik. im et , te aby the Minty Superbitendelairfm7 '""bartioatle of teachers, , -,' - - ', • ' ' - ' '-• • —Atato Suposiotelf,textOlic tatted; liel4i t,oopip, to poiiitiktitiiits - .o.l.lrolr,sl*.itlrecal endta , ray e,p4lp tared away rrion 'VO°iusq•t4iii* • --Don't hi! to come :snit tawny. Theie tble rlioir an think prop loca C: , _ die Fttle eCotkll complete, and tike we'Otrei is et of SbtQ lilti _ aella= ItOio .wlll,be- erectted',iiittli*Olgo'zikk 2:eiiVO!' the • , too . • — TrilogAii do the,c, So ins .of -droon-ROgelpi;• yort ; l6 but nobody else does, Tloga gallroad Cempany?olfors, toigiver-$6OO t ` cniardSootiqnia,hojee. for- Biro.' dor/404; 1 66 4 o'6 ' was recently killetl on that road provideCOthcre,iirill Contribute $174 fer.the seine prieperre:- • —Mr+ , Tohn, n. Anderion,' this ,:village, a :tim ber of the Democratic, State Central Committee; far 'the 16th Eienateriiil District, corn Prising too counties', of firciKeon; taineien, Potter and tlogit. —*entidera 4 ft.d that Lorenzo Forgetn. LL D, has been engaged to preach the Episcops.l . church at Dlossburz and- 8 0 04 eater' - up9ii lily labors; We areinformitt: that lle ' 'reside' -dtdecidt4 improvement been the ap pearanc,c, of the Nerrs.ron.;, - by Setting the lecid page-in nonpareil typo, find the publishers are alio enable/f i le furnish more • *ading.lnatierin the same space edea before.—//tosaburp Re . giifer. '-" ' • - , -,The MinetreliiiWill.glye an, entertainment -at, the Academy Of linsie next Thniiiday neyerdnit,the s !Pm boja proniiserm ”lots of • flint 't nU they are always Capable of f informing ell they premier. The programme is,a rich one. „ ", • , . Mies O'Cinnor; will knOwn as , the popular landlord ot the old Penneylrunia - House; has recently become proprietor of the liallriad Hoiise to this vl.l-' logo, 'where he will, no doubt, lie'elad to;Weleorue hie old friends atO make lots otrierr ,tho Jadles,-inarried and shigle;lotuig and any'of them, aro .oltl 7 -wiliho interested to hear itiont 616 Neryi peculiar institution 'of the. 1'1166, ' 9 f course, they, will all gb to hear lifr: Clure's lactate at tho cadepay of Blualc next Friday tivening. Dramatic . Tronne will hold loth at the Academy of• Music to.inorroti :evening. The - pleces selected are “Tile Chimney•Corner'l and the side splitting negrofarce "This Virginia Mummy.", Jacob will Mahe a right lively mummy ; just go and See if be doesn't. - ' • ' Biehop O'Hara of the Boman Catholic dioceso of Scranton held services in- the Academy of Music, in this village; last Tuesday morning. 'The Bishop made a few,remarks and confirmed about a,dozen persons. A citircii edifice for that dehominalion is' needed in this village. - • —The Cowaniiiiiiie Valley lialiroad.Was Opened last Saturday with a grand „excursion from - Y . :11{111nd to Antrini. The titan, consisting of five coaches,tanto south during the forenoon and' returned about o'clock p. m. We sincerely congratulate ofir friends of the Cowanesque Valley on this anspicions event: -On Stliiday afternoon of last, week. tho' corner stone of a new Roman Catholic chnrch . :at ha I:Brook was laid by Bishop O'Hara, of this diocese, ,assisted by Roy. Mr. Ito Dermot and fey. Mr. Wynne. 'A largo number of ,people were in attendance, and the - terc 7 monien pasied off, in a very solemn and IMpressiye t manner. • —Somebody has given the Mansfield Advertiser half a barrel of flour, witermtpon the editor bubbles over after this fashion: "We Shall never forget his kW:I nc:3a, and our little ones shall he taught to respect him who so liberally provided unto them the 'staff of life.'" Good enough 1 If there is, any ono thing wo do like more than another, it is a grrpful heart. —The following charters were granted at the recent term of Court: Trinity P. E. Church, 4ntrlm; Odd Fel lows Building Association, Mansfield; Union Cone; tory Company, Farmington: The Farmers' Insurance Company of Middlebury watt changed to the Agricul tural Insnranco Company of ,Pennsylvanie, and the place of doing business was changed to Wellsboro. —The job of flagging the side-walk in front of the county buildings was completed last week, and is a credit to all concerned, There is now a continuous Stretch of atone pavement from the Prothonotary's Office to Dr. Shearer's corner, excepting the cross -walks, and it is hoped tin) borough authorities will, at no distant day, follow/the good e ample set them and lay those in stone also. —The AdverliseO / nys a little son of Harrison John son, of Covington/ township, came near being killed recently while itra neighbor's barn. He was standing on the barn Rotor watching the movements of several children on the scaffold, when a heavy piece of tim ber fell from' Its place above and struck him on the head. For/some time he was - considered dead, but animation returned again. —Hon/A. K. McClure, of Philadelphia, has consent ed to deliver a lecture on Friday evening' next under the auspices of the Hermalo ffociety. The. subject chosen is "Mormonism; and Life in the Rocky_ Morav taths,"—a topic which is of special interest at the present time. • The lecture wil i lbe - given at the Acade li rnY of Music. , No doubt pa hall will be crowded, se it will bo well to secure you reserved seats early. —Mr. IL C. Vermilyea is 'ant to retire from the Break Walton House—an °ste t lishment well known to alt knights of the od and reel on Pine Creek and dear to the hearts of all lovers of good living in this region. The old landlord bids the public good-bye at a Farewell Dance, on Friday evening, the 26th instant. Everybody will be welcomed at the hospitable old house on that occasion in the,genial,splrit of the gen tle angler whose name it bears. —The Aarre'ron boasts that it contains more , read ing matter than any - other paper published in the county, which we think is true.. It don't make us feel envious, not a bit, it only %stimulates us to work harder to build up our little joker, and judging by the present indications the Index will be as large as, the Aorfaxon in about 4—hundred years, then we'll brag along with you AorrAmon. fellers. - Just keep cool until that time, will you ?—lafckl Index. --A terrible accident happened at the dwelling of Frank Wingate, about two miles out of this village, on the Antrim road, last Wednesday night: Mrs. Win- gate. was mixing some alcohol and camphor by the liglit of a lamp, when, from some unknown cause, the' mixture suddenly took fire and exploded, throwing the burning liquid over her clothes. The unfortunate woman's clothing was literally burned from her body, and ehe was so fearfully injured that she died before morning. •'The eastern gable of the T. B. It. Co's new'round house, in this pine., the brick work of which was just completed, fell to the ground yesterday (rridwY) nom with a crash which quickly drew a.crowd oil people to the spot. Luckily the workmen were all absent eat ing dinner, snd no oue was injured. •The accident is attributed to the fact that the wall wasnot sufficient ly braced or propped up. The loss to the company is no small sum." E. F. BRAricu, Pr6lident Jug story. We don't know whetherlt is intended as a slur on Crooked Creek or Tiogi,—perbaps on both: "A woman living up Crooked - Creek sent her husband to Tioga recently to buy a Jug of molasses. Ho got drunk, and brought home the jug filled with whisky. She took it rip,. smelled it, set it back, and then squar ing herself, arms akimbo and eyes flashing, she ex claimed, 'Where's them molasses ?' The old man smiled and winked pleasantly, and wivinghislefthand propitiatingly exclaimed, 'Them's they?' Ho is now convalescent, bnt the jug ls.hopelessly deranged." COURT PROCEEUINGS.—Court, convened last we Monday afternoon, with Judge Williams and 'Associate Jildges Smith and Mclialigh ton ,on the bench. In the case of Hopert yr. Covington • township the Court orderedplat a special cash tax Deform mills on th 6 dollar belevled to pay debts of the township. The case of gammoncl vs. Fitzgorald was tried by a „Pally who found for the plaintiff $152. , • , • It was ordered that an adjourned terra of Court be held at -the office of M . o. H. W. Willlatin3, President JiidgO, on the 20th tiny of September, 1872. - The case of Day vs. Shaw was tried' by a jury who found for the plaintiff $59 20. —The 13lossburg Register of last Saturday says —The lifansfield Advertiser of last week prints this The other cases disposed of will be found in another part of this paper. Court adjourned on Saturday. TRIALS AT THE LAST TERM OF COVItT.— Not many cases wen:flirted at the term of Couit just closed, but seine of them *ere of sufficient interest to justify the publication of something more than the usual official minutes. That of the Commonwealth rt. Stain was one of de -chledly more Interest than iniportanee. It appeared from the testimony that the cemplainant, ayoung man named Whecler r and the delei)dant were inn - barber's shop at Mansfield one datinday'evening, when Wheel er was exhibiting a common boxwood carnet/teen rule. After others bad examined it, the defendant asked to be allowed to look at it, and finally put it in bis pock 'et, apparently to i !annor' Wheeler. On a demand by Wheeler for the return of-the rule r Rolm offered-him An old one, saying that was good enough for him. Wheeler at last went MT without - 11kt rule, and the nett Monday Morning obtained a , warrant and bad Kohn arrested for larceny, when the ride was return tolls rightful owner. The jury, on meter° delibera tion, found the defendant not guilty of larceny, but undated the coats upon the county, so that whoever got the best of this practical joke tholaugh in the end , is against the taxpayers who have to foot the pin. The ease of the Commonitrealth rt. Bowman had to do with moro respectable figures. at least, The defend• ant was charged in the indictment With removing and accreting his pr'opertyWith intent to defraud his cred itors. Mr. - A, 33. Graveal was the . prosecutor. '; It mine that in 1871 Mr, Graltes --obtained a judgment against Bowman , for $2,890: leinteiiintion -was after , wards leaned, and the Sheriff went over to Westfield,' where Bowman was keeping -a betel, ' to levy on' the defendant's property, ;when •it was run off into the State_ of New York., ,But It appeared on the part Of the, defendant that the owner of the hotel had lirovii.r . crusty distrained part, of "the property, when one bad loaned BoWnian menny,add taken jiidginent secure liimindf. On This judgment the - property , was. anliseguentlY bold before it was : taken Into NOW andat the threi,,of the alleged running riff the litlit.; it weitstillin lt,eactt.' , The jury ;decided thet:.the fendant Waitiet guilty, and directed that the iirox,ooO.: ter And defendant should each pay ono - hilt theodis* S ' -_ .:tit -. %i'~~~`41:, ~' ~-,- , , , , ,, ..',:,- , ...,-,,;t1,-,, . -,,v.,;.,. :5i .,•,,:g..-.0.:A5....?:"t,,,:-•,.. 1 ,, " ' , •: i'' ', • ' '-': ' ::, --. A1 10 ,er.i1y .0 4544, 1 4 0 0 9.0 PAVlla l 4 l ratoilr. • flit .9f . ..*: ' P014 - 0410,i,ViAliik:., - ;:iNiiliallOi;:Apoir.. i " : 06 4 lr ilii-- 141 Y 401 4 ( 4)04i - 3: 6 615 0 k: 0 14 0 1 4. 4 : lir_ i Vr '44 4E. 41 0 1 . 1111- 4Prifig . 4oiiiliieW 41 1 405Sdittlit . ** fleil :*cv to . lo 4,4oi: , o 3 44o4 - pcni ',-;iftilliirtiiiiiiti Asf-til9Outt9*!;‘):ll-°:*111131'41* 4i-uikOliiiitlY" / - W4dirt99k i699Uv1njin:41.4914r.6f:', ilil**-14..t44': ndin h Y -ide: a* uf -4 ' c!o,dl ' , y W, i , t6 4**041 12 k. 1 4 1 fir 1 4,:iSisnEerailun : 10 21.-iiiat*Tcid:Mtinths ‘oo-.4040,-;v4iittz was t 1..?, *,l - chiii4 41e.;,_:ttansnoW *l4.iivirg iiiiho ot • ' y Ofldr,";alierOttotioti,' it Initb4ot,thitAiiiie;;;' iiotbfi,wiekvi:liiid'mrii. P4tureun Sotinina klisP'..odpti,oomt liio xickin ,- ,.. , :na'11;, - zei/ g riaictittuiforiieriiii ' Urigiluttliran'toliiiikelb; While,: . hlalandtaditvea Of e*opiniiiii,that -It ,renly',Watit -le ',O - .43:Ati: '. - liili±.' ti . .iraiiito iirM ' W .lll a...r.‘.4vfotiary;Viafr; :tie' ftriallY'go.f.. ' 4 aid ' - stiede,tiee. of same - IMigtnitlP wliich - tio MO "'Lied are. Peter-Son itrt,'-slid sent :the , 4 'dant' file ' ' - - - ace - ,- • 4en „ 7 130/6e :- .T4llll LV'FtlgeSc4 l 4. r, :hers 'hlndeticd.' ,•Whenbilited aiidiaiittied:Whathiidbrii en pia, , lipoo6,,beetimeaeiry..iindtisedsniali,violerit larignage thailitieiiie - *telly' aent - liiiii'beeir -to - his. shpV . A ft er' tiro husband : half `left; Abe"- defendant tipoirge[Wirettz, went out doors; where iMrs.:L'eterdori 7tatit atidagela eeinuaauced giutireling with , her.. -to avoid him she Went into the - garden; but tlie - derand= ant chisettherup closely and struck her pit . the 'head with a ail* . knoclibig 'll4,,dOWri: Mil: ,retereorttli -, cries of ~ m urder7,oalled a neighbor to the spot wbO f9und bur libig'enTtliii ' 'groniid, insensible' from MP inhirlea oho tied received -,flpon ~ g oing ,to the place this neighbor saw ' - ii• inan; whOrd he supposed to tp the defendant, rimillig nwity.;- Whoitz .went ,done town and made inquiries tor Mr. Peterson, eayin4 he was wanted, at home. eTheecamp then' took- 'nil. Pal!. and wee neat "heard of in ; Salt/worn: -nu '. ' didn't, etay there, liosiliter; but came back last ,May.:Whed lie' was. nabbed by the officers of the le*: ' Ile was indicted at the present term of ptart and " on his trial by the bray, crap:J;(l6 , mile , foend ignilty'of an , , aggravated assault: IlMwes`dentenced' by the - . Court 'to pay's duo of 440 and the costs and to pass one year of solitary cimline =ant in the Eastern Penitentiary of the State. It is to bo hoped that in that time. if, he doesn't learn ex actly where the .Tjogaftailroad -rrins.,lte will at least, maim up hid iiiird•not to beat out the brains of those who, know more than himself.. It Was remarked by All wbb heard the' rial' that the proiecntorwas a per sonof unusual intelllgeime and of modest and 'edit ahlyi demeturor. It is the general opinion that her brutal assailant richly deserved the , puthaktnent m , .. ,tell'out loldia..":: _.,' •:. - - , ~‘, '-:- i-, - ; , TM caste tried' during the last Wadi 61 Court Were all civil actions. - ho ease of Walker & Lathrop ii. Innen fascia was an action of ejectment for a piece of land pi . Deerilela, iii which" the plaintiffs obtained ii, verdict -' ' ,if ~ ,- . The caso of Samuel hforiati vs. The,W..f.c L. Tt. Company occupied the Coutt from viriiitlesday Wutil Friday afternoon, and - exelird,consideistile Interest: It was an action to recover damage's far the_ land ap propriated far the' defendant's road-bad through the plaintiff's than in the township Of Offarleaton., — ne amount claimed by plaintiff was $1,200. A. cloud of witrivssetrilppeared in the case on each filth); and after a patient hearing otthe testimony and a personal in-. spection of the'prembies, the Jury found a verdict of $6OO for the plaintiff. ,To this sum was added about three' years' interest, in eking : the whole, judgnient $70,2 besides tho costs. PlBll. IN THE TIOGA RLyzd,,—To the Ed itor ,of itSe Agitatot: A few Years ago this river :stir plentifully supplied with fish. It was only a matter of amusement to catch a nice mess; the fish were in the river, and all it was necessary for the fisherman to do was ,to bait his hook and watch for a pii.,, and he was not generally kept waiting• long. 'Why is it not o now? :Where are all the beautiful fish gone that utt d to dart about in thOpoga river: Have they all be caught on the fisherman's hook? No; an the explit. nation 'that is neededls just to say, ','Tanneries," Those Institutions have driven the fish from among us. Not driven them away either, but murdered thein as foully and oven more cruelly than Wade killed his victims. Wade expected to make money by his butch: erg - , but the tanners do not derive the least benefit from their wholeiale slaughter. Is this just? , Ought such a course 'to be tolerated? Have they the right to open their vats and allow the poisonouttliquid to flow into the river, carrying death and destruction to every fish that comes in contact with the poleohous water? livery little while the people at Covington know, that some vats hairsbeen opened at the illossburg tannery by, obServing the color of the water.' It is generally very dark after flowing Ave miles from the placewhere the liquid ran in. And even if We didn't care any. thing about the fish; we ought to object to having the river filled with such foul stuff Where cattle and hors; es drink every day. This subject ought to be thought carefully of by ev. pry man. If ho Is the owner . of Ilve,stoelt, he ought to look at the matter With self Interest if with no oth er motive. If he has no horses nor - cattle, let hie opinion be on the aide of humanity. Yours truly, Covington, Sept. GUI, ems. G. GRAY. OUB JVIIIGEROWL • ' ' - —Tho Hornelisvillci Evening Triinme is out.. " —There is much - iiicliness at Big Plata and Ivicinity. —The, Towanda anti Company have put u'!) thfrty-. one street lamps.. —Ono hundred teachers were at the recent Teachers' Institute at Canistoo; ° • —P. T. 13aintim'S show holds forth in Ely:tire; on! Wednesday, Sept. 17th. —A Board of Trade haft been organized at, Corning 'to beat the "dead beats." —The Presbytery of 'Reuben begins its semi-annual meeting at Addison tc.day. —Workmen have been tearing out the dam- across the Ohemung river at Athens. —The war between the local optionlsts and liquor dealers, has begun in Lycoming county. -Miss Holbrook. an elocutionist of Baltimore, has been giving ptiblio readings in Eastern Biadford.- -DaVid Castor, whose -wife and child were drowned. , in the recent flood in Catort, N. Y., died last Sunday week., „ - —Victoria Woodhull has bedtt ventilating free-loye- IBM in Scranton and neighborhood. Elho la fouler than over. —Dr. J. B. graves has been appointed Surgeon of the Erie Railway for Corning and' vicinity, a selection well triad°. ' —Prof. 0; W. Ryan has accepted the principalship of the Public School of Towanda, at a salary of $l4O . • per month. —The Potter county Jail is empty. Potter has for a score of years been a "local option" county. Put this . and that together. —Scranton has three School Boards, all asserting their legality. Education moat prosper under so Much extra supervision. —The Bath Davenporta will give $lO,OOO towards - a now Presbyterian. ehureb, ,if the rest of the people will raise $20,000. —The Bath District Conference of the M. E. church commenced ita semi-annual session in Hornellsville, N. Y., last Wednesday. - - -The Olen at Harnmondsport has just been -pur chased With a view to fitting It up as a public; resort,' with modern hotel and Other, attractions. ' i - , -I —There wore over three thousand people at an Odd Fellew's picnic, at Minnequa Springs) fast Wednesday. A large delegation went froni Einiirai " —Wade, the young man who murdered Mr. and Mrs. Mcßride, near Williamsport, for their money, has been- convicted of murder in the first degree. - -The Post Office Department has ordered , that El mira be made a free delivery office, and authorizes four carriers at a salary of six hundred dollars each. —The highway repairs, in' consequence of the re cent freshet on Whisky Creek, and Castor's Creek; will 'cost the bilkifof Corning about 'three thouriand dol lars. —The farmers of the Claomung valley are harvest ing their tobacco. It is, one of the. best crops grown in the valley, the late hail storm only injuring a small portion of it. i —The physicians of Potter, McKean, _,Camoron and Elk counties am organizing a Medical Society: They have held a preliminary meeting and :adjoutned to meet in Emporium some time this rnoilth;, when the organizalion will be completed. ' - —On Sunday weok two Crisplias and *young knight of Vulcan were out boiling with too Much local op- tion on board at Towanda. They capsized find would have been drowned had it not been for . the bystand ers. As one of the Crlspins said, their “soles",Wero not lost.- —The Advertiser says J. Newton • Perry, of I)sceola, states that he arrived at Elmira, from Milton, Pa., in the evening, and went to the Union Hots). He thought be was followed. He went to bediand soon after some ono Bred at him through the blind and glass, the bail entering the bed. = , . • - —The tannery of A E. Bump, situated on ?annoy creek, Sullivan county, was burned Tuesday morning about three o'clock. It is supposed to have been het on Are by.an 1130011iiiirY. Loss on building andatock•about $23,006; insurance in New York corn - Renick about $15,050. ; rs_ •- , 2—There is to be a now time table on • the Erie road on the 15th; but-as the poor old . Erie can't afford to advertise much 'the people tenet And out when the, • trains run by watching the track:- And, Oa all, per halls that is the beet way, for they don't run on time to Aural-art:deg:extent. • • - —We wonder when it will be generally known that there IS no stet; word as speciality.—Bath_ Courier.—; Never, until the English language is poorer thaatt is now, There' is such. a word, and it ,is a good one in its proper place. - The only trouble is that many pea. ple use it in the' wrong place. - ' Turne'r, aged, ten th# daughter of Jos eph Turner, was instantly killed at Perkinte.tariery, Factoryville,H. It., a few. days ago.. She and a couple of. younger children were playing about some logs, whenehe fell and a log , rolled upon her, 'dislecating her neck, *Ong instant 'death: „ „ —The Republicans of Centrieemity have made the followinenoinivations - : For Senator, John IrWin, jr. ; 'Aar - Amenably, Levi A. ; or Treasure, Cob George'*.,Bayard; for CoMmissioiier; &Miter Gram.: iey;*for Jury'Cemmissioner,2lleniamin Ligget; for Auditors, Dr.-. 1. 1.1. -Blair 2, years, - Andrew Gregg S_ - • - ; ;;- 7 -Thii Brelliord COutityßinicitiO,CouVentiori met it Towandkon the Ist inst.with flol.N. E. piollet in the chair, 40- nominated the ;following Rhpisentatlyes,ll. - Terry and Associ ate Judge; 07.11.•Rassell; Treasurer;, 4;;Bmiley;' Commissionerr'Jobn 844w#14 , , - 4*lr„ cobinilisioitbr; ,- -ThißnidfirtctuklS ar B clrrtnA l i I*tta '•pi'-«es;<;.i%a.;- 4r”V,:lirev , r4oPimerAta,6 , o37•Auo&lrei 9 0 4 , !Y #4 , ' , o , el.*:**tuoiistru* , o l .o4.4?,o4 o l'ilv, 1154 , ` 4 4 1 40 -, _#kuurl!:,Wesiit*Amksaiixooo3 l 2-31f - t!! ItthiM 4l . l o 3 4* l o t l 4,' "41*A* *lO, pa at. '4 4 44 abi,6 l ,te. 'o6:tif'br\ i'*4 l ,oo :Hielehe r ," tiPE'Ol - the 4 eats ittreeher Out Wehiett - ei - Wiltir — OktoOlpg ollttsl Mitdge ices ?bat place a A4 , 1 . .1448 shiie thetiriftge broke; lied the eillithlo. Whkti aits.holog droW4 bi)ox• Onjilkito P r e et P t Ate 4 V.tete . theeeheii - th.W e rl 9 4 : al lr thtteg te the htefth r eteeteit,V4 n ,o vipter.' , ,116";41ainage of ,threineiiee *as trebir.l. •exeept Mtye engine."-' ;"'r —4174 nuns , * aceWnt' tapT4ned on the I. Cen. teal Thlllroaamiat %Mole anew dare ago. At *Street . crossing strut , a wagon in mibtoit 'Worn, two Men; MA- theyr were hotb, TlMoneneer stNi peil the trainee soon Ili pessibio;'aintoti seeing the tot Or h 1 engine Outoored. with ~the. , L b loodind brains of a man, he minted Inst : been ttt poor t.tealth for the past few• Weeks., , tiaie that ib to'a of it it erlhairig o - fikineite,thist; , _Oftf4 feir'ditya shicn_and 'infect , about - ,eight el there,- thirty - ,empt7 'coal' Care were thiewn - trout , the track, . "minty , of them CoMpletely_ wrecked ',The dro .fere Mopped the drove to watt 'for the train fa pass, bitesonialiow they iihuni.ededandian ttr-r9 ! titilte track ittAs ail the elliftee - tie Otago - E. : r-Paltrieaf - ,11. Abiurione, the 'leading Inierehent, of Wellaillie; laid out :a :villein' plet;- two jeers ago; mile and a half went of, that place.;' Manama hoatoi .have be bitilt,,eaveral being arfittaliffi; and au 'tic:S ande building and boarding house iutire by Mr. tillternhne, Fat the - Actidernyiand the Olienhig exarriees were madettitraatitO by an address from - Bev.' Dr. Icnox.of - -Mere- la lometWng-,that Imilcs promising: Ids. /3. .D.,Pratt, of Penn-lf*i,, has ilivunted 4 car:9ololn* by whirl cars will couple therMielvesby ritririing • to.. tether;'iviu uncouple Ina of accident ; and can be uncoupled vbelidealred ba Chain or lever on the. Plittforin. The work will . sdon be rendi for testing; pnd promises tribe sureessfol. It willeertanly be of great benellt to rallroad emploYties and companies. and to the community generally.' ' 2 -The. Mundy _Luminary of last SatUrday soya,: *'Alexander Harbor, of -Pluziketes'Preek foi-nably, was fpund dead in hie saw mill onFrlday of list week, having redeived a terrible out in- the head froni a saw. It is supposed be 'was working at the edger and fell' upon the saw.• The saw was running when he Was found. No, other peracm wain tha,ndll'whemthe ae eident occurred. was' abont'Or years of ege, and leavesU wife and Seven chlidren." —The Permian, N. DePt.evrai this pod doh storywhich is indorsed by- cithei 'papers inthat re gion:' ‘• Mrs. Morse, wife of the late Myron Morse of WS village, and her sister, daughters of llenben Cory. :and Mrs. M.'s little son, 7 years old, were. stillitabing on imke 'Sentra on Wednesday, and 'the little'boy loan ed over the side of the boat, when a large trout iumP• ed fronk the Water and attempted:o swallow the lad's nose. 'Be sprang back witiafright, and idled the fish into the boat.' His nose was badly scarred by the bite. The trout .weighed 8 pounds. ' We Promme the story of Jonahfend the whale win no longer be doubted by unbelievers., We aro ready , to forfeit $lO,OOO if we cannot prove this flab story. Since' this remarkable occurrence every fisherman's nose closely -scrutin,- !zed. to see if be has adopted the new -Made of ang ling." ---The Bradford conutg Goo 4 leMplare held a Con vention at Columbia X Roads recently and resolved, among other things, "That we" urge -upon our Mem bers and senators in the Legislature to use their ut most endeavors -to pass stringent lairs against the manufacture of intoxicating liquors, and' More severe penalties against sollipg liquor with Out license; that our Legislature be urged to pass a lair Minder to the Mississippi law which provides, that any person found holding office in the Kate, who, shall" be {hunk, shall Upon conviction be deemed gnfltyof a misdemeanor, and shall be pamoved from office; that the'vations al coholic preparations kneviii end sold by Ouggista tin der the name- of bitters," are deserving of - ihe strongest condemnation as humbugs and swindles; thakalcohol, no 'Matter how disguised; is a polson,,and When taken into the stomach, eneroy." MANN—SMITH.—On Tuesday, Sept, 2. at the resi dence of the bride's parents, in Rutland, by Wm. J. Mann, Raq., of Tioga, Mr. Wm, J. Mann, Jr., and MISS Florence ti. -• COMSECTION.—Wo are informed by a friend In Rut land that the notices of marriages purporting tolhave taken place at thd ht. li.•church in Roseville, on• the 10th ult., publitthed in this column two weeks ago were false, and that no such marriages were ever,cele brated.' Tho notices came to.tis by mail;auftwere pub lished in good faith; and we regret exceedingly that we have thus been deceived into inflicting pain on sev eral Very worthy people. We also regret that wo are not able to hold up to public scorn the person who perpetrated this fraud. ' The signatnre,by which the notices were attested was undoubtedly forged, and it is consoling to reflect that the cunning penmanship of the forger will probably some day qualify him for pro motion to one of our public institutions where be will haves chance to do the State considerable, gratuitous service. ' ~• : We shall hereafter publish no notices Hof inerriages or deaths received by mail, unless they are attested by some person known to ue, Or by the dont - tire and stamp of the Postmaster of the place from which they purport to come. , • PL'OMLEY.—In Delmar, on the sth instant, Dirs. Hannah Plumley, aged 84 years. PAOHARD.—In -Covington, Pa, August 81, 1878, Adelbert Willie ' Packard: , son- of A. lc and Mary R. Packard, aged 8 years, 5 months and 19 days. L. iST OP LEITERS remaining ill the Post Office at '' Wellaboro, Pa., Sept. - , 1873. L. Bates, John Brown/2, , Jacob Gothard; Vira lf,ina ble, Geo. Loof, W. H. Newell, Gob. Putman, -W.,Re coach. RIM" Riley. Julia Rosencrance, Mathew Rifile, Miss E. t3kuly. Herman Taylor 4, Chas. Vars, Andrew 'Vandowson, llf. R. VarzamP , . In calling for any of the above please give name and date of whereto.. ment. GEO. W. MERRICK, P. M. Examination' , of .Teetchers. . • , , - 171, X...411 - INATiONB for those desiring to teach during _Cj the year, will be held at the following places: ' Libeity, (Block Rouse), Monday, Sept. 22, 1873. Union, (Ogdensburg), Tuesday.. " 23, " Blossburg, Wednesday, " 24, Covington, ' . Thursday, ". 25, '' ' ' Mansfield, (BChou' House), Friday, " 20, " Tioga, - . . - , Saturday, . 1 27, 0 . Mainsburg, Monday, " 29, " Rutland, -r._ „ _ Tuesday, " 80, " ........ Jackson; (11111ertown), . Wedneeday, Oct, 1, ~ Lawrenceville.. , - Thursday,' a.. 2, .• Farmington, (O. C. S. H.,) Friday, . , •3, .. Nelson,. Saturday ".. 4 ._ . . ... . , Olymer, (Sabinsville), Monday, " 0, " Gaines, (Vermillyea'a). Tuesday, .. IL .. Delmar, (Stony Fork), Wednesday, " 8, " Wellaboro, . Thursday, " 9, " Charleston, (Whitneyville), Friday, " 10, " Chatham, (Shorteville), Saturday, " 11, Brookfield, Monday, " 20, " Westfield, Tuesday, - " 21; " Knoxville, . r - - Wednesday, " 22, " And at Knoxville the two following Saturdays. Examinations to commence at 9a. in. ' Teachers will provide_ themselves with foolscap paper. pen and ink. School-Directors and others are eartmetly invited to attend. One - AnoneVlnstittito will be held in Wellaboro upon the weal co encing Oct. 13. y 3. lIORTON, Sept. 9,1873-6 t. County Superintendent. STRAY TAREN UP.—Drolso Into tha-enclee me of the subscriber, on the 27th of Angnet last ono two-year old bull ; color. dark red. The owner will please prove property, pay charges, and tt.le2, him away. W. U. RIIS ELL. Delmar, Sept. 9, i87341.*. , . Wood and Willow Ware gKelley's. jOs ...,.............. G of any description executed with accurst- cy and care st the TATOIt OFFIOE. . . . . ~.. ., , _ . , - • . . ' . Was ' . liorton ar, Bro., DRY GOODS, DRESS. GIOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, GENTS' , '1". KEE --NOTIONS, HATE:3; CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES;: OIL- comt:-,::Afi:::.StE..f.Ofi'l'yourist_Lvg&. 111E1213113 MS MARRIAGES. DEATHS. Rave just received the limiest stock of FURNISIIING 'GOODS,' GOODS,' irAN-• 11111 lEEE! MEE ' = =I • . . BM ' „ . • • WELLSBAROMARKreu. , y , ,---? 0 4.! 14 ,7 • 0 1"/( 441 . oracer.. , ~, `v. ....T r Vigt.404461042 1411 ; • 4 •• is g..A.Litag - • ; PAY FOT4 • "Or I phi; ~ .. • $ t 0 0 -SUOLW tiejAt 364 r. ler . .. 26, 3 46 Niguel, elute, per •• • -/ I * 4l cat,xed, Wheat, awing, - ihickwhealt,- ” • 00 . oruj singled, •• "-70 )148 ..;• 411 Marley, Eye, • ' TOP ,:lover ' " illuothy 4. Bealla, • • • . • . `ura n3Hal: per, cut. . .. ;0 , knoll pet . petatoes,„lier , bosh, •4O • 4 : APPlea,istinan;per nueu „;.• 75 - ; ,!. ;Anions, Per- ... .• . . :1.50 • 175 eurAips.„ per busb . 2530 Pork, per 11/...p 4 /0 .il l flennb•Per lb • 1.2 era, perlb:• . .... .. ' 12.54 ihatter.per lb . Dituese, per lb,:, , 101 Lard, :pier lb 32}4 16 , Tallow. per lb, - Honey, per lb •. • . 20 20 'Vinegar; per• - L . " - Eggs, per dozen ' "18 Dried apples, Per lb Dried peaches, per lb Dried cherries, per lb Dried blackberries, per lb 15 Dried. raepberries, black, per . 4 26 Dried raspberries, red, per jib,: • 2O. Orrinberrieii per 0... • . `•'• .• • • Ran per ton jg Wood, 18 inches, per cord r 200 Wood, 3 feet, per cord' 8 00. Coal, hard, per-ton - 6 4 404 26 Coal; soft 3 OU 8 .50 Ground plaster, per ton. ...... coffee, per lit 123 i Sugar, yellow, per 1b.... ..... . .. 11 Sugar, brown, per lb 11 @ 22 Teas, green, per lb 60o®1 60' Teas, bhick, per lb WO/ 20 lierosene, per gal Wool, per lb 40 Pens; Canada field. . • " Black-eyed hiaroweit. • • ---- SP*CIAL NOTICE S ; _ 312101ir' EMPIEUPPICC/Etebotild not tri fle with their health' by resorting , to, new and untried remedies, often drastioand:injurictts,whilethe, great cure, Poralland's German Bitters,'clut' be had. The testimony in favor •of this standard remed,tir is' imr. ilium, and each day adding to it from 'the' most Mt-- gettable Classes of aociety._ • ~ lkad.the feifirsosy the:SofireitiC Court :; ' 'termer Chit,' Justice George W. Woodward : -I find 'Tfoolland'a German 'WWl's" ie a good tonic, 'useful in the diseases of tbo digestive organs, and of great benefit ititcttises of debility and want of nervous action In the systeriti. Hon. OW Jae fee-Jaws Thompson : I consider "Bootiatid'iti German Bitters" a valuable• medicine in case of attacks of indigestion or 'dyspep sia. I can certify this from my experience of it. Hon, Justice George Ghariwoc4 : I have found by.experi. ence , tbat rrlloolland's German Bitters" is a very good tonic, relloving'dyspeptlo symptoms ii'most directly. They, are not alcoholic. They are sold by all Drug. gists.-2-June 24-7ra, /tot. ' TEE 110E8E110ED PANACEA, and _ FAMILY LINIMENT is the best remedy-in the world for the following com plaints, viz.: Cramps in the:Limbs and Stomach, rain in the Stornach;Bowels, or Side, Rheumatism in all tts forms, Billions Collo, Neuralgia, Cholera, Dy-sen tery, Colds, Fresh - Wounds; Burns, Sore Throat, Spi nal Complaints', Sprains-,and Bruises, °bilis and Fe ver. • For Internal and Paternal use: - • - - Its, operation is not only to relieve - - the patient, but entirely, removes the cause of complaint. It pen etrates and ' pervades the whole system, restoring healthy action. to all its parts, and quickening the blood. >hTEIE BOBSBROLD PANACEA IS PURELY Vegeta die and All Healing. Peparedby -CURTIS BROWN, -No. 215 Fulton Istreet, New York. For saki by all druggists. July. 211, 1873-1 - . nifty YOare - pcperience , of an Old Nurse. Milli." WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP- I 8 THE PRESCRIPTION OF one of the, best. Female 'Physi cians and Nurses in the United litotes:and has been used for thirty years with never ;failing' safety and success by millions of mothers and children, from the' feeble infant of one. week old to the. adult.. It cor rects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, reg ulates the /Jewels, and gives rest, health and comfort to mother and Child. We believe it to bo the Best and Surest Remedy in the World In' allz cases of DYSEN TERY and .LIAILIGUEA •IN ,o.un..Drivakr, whether it arises from Teething or from any other cause, Fit!l directions for Using ,will accompany each bottle.— None Genuine ,unless the fie simile of CURTIS tt PERKINS is' on the outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers: July 211,1873--Iy. . Children often look PAle and .Slek from no other cause than having worms in the stomach BROWN'S VERISIIFIJOR COMFITS will deitroy Worms without injury to the child, being porftotly WRITE, and free from all coloring or other injundas ingredients usually used in worm propara. Boni. CURTIS k, BROWN, Proprietors, No. 2lb Fulton Street, Now York. - ,s'4Zei by Disegisti and chemYsts,'and4ea/ers in Medi cinet at Twnwri - -Ftvn CZNTIVA Box.' ;July 29,13-Iy. • tO THE - CITIZENS OF PENNSYLVANIA.—your attention is specially invited to the fact that the No- Ronal Banks are now prepared to receive subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the Centennial Boao of Ft tumor. The funds realized from this source are to be employed in the erection of the buildings for the ,111.• lernational Ezhibitton, and the ()Menses connected with the same. It is confldcutlybolieved that the Key stone BtatU will be represented by the - name of every citizen alive to patriotic commemoration of the one hundredth birthday of the nation., The shares of stock arolidered for $lO each, anti subscribers Willrcceive a h ndebmely steel-ongraved Certificate of Stock, suit able for framing an& preservatin \ iv Asti onal memo rial, ' Interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum will I be paid - on all payments of Centennial Stock from date of payment to January 1, 1876. Subscribers who are not near , a National Bank can remit itAeclx or post-office order to the'imileigigned. 1.- • • • • mimic. FRALEY; sieainirer, • 001 Walnut St.. Philadelphia. DI.SSOLIPPION.—Notice is hereby given that the .parinership heretofore existing between the un dersigned was dissolved b mutual consent on the 20th day of August, 1873. The books of the into firm of Shoff Sz Wilson are left with Mr. R. 3. Shoff, of kliddleburyviyho alpne has 'authority to collect the Claims duo said firm, and who will pay the Sabin , ties of, thp game. • - R. F. 'WILSON. _ H. J. SWF. Aiiddlobu r 7, Pa., August 20, 1873-St* ' member Landfor Sale. yt.Fl undersigned offers for sale two hundred and T thirty-eight acres of timber land about eight miles south...west of Wellaboro. There is a large quantity of hemlock and considerable eheatnutupOn it. A portion of it will make line farming lauds. It will be sold on time. Inquire of . WM. A. STONE, August 20, 1873-tf. Wellaboro, Pa. - ,- - • , • :I -..4utflitorls Notice. • I'IIEIE undersigned having been apiointed an Auditor .1 - -by the Court of Common Pleas of Tio , va county to' Mac the funds (now in the bands of E. A. Fish. Short , lug from the sale of the real estate of Giles • Mervin snit of Elizabeth Mentor and others, will meet the par forested, for the pur poses of his appointment, Wean : • Sept. 10. 1870, at 10 o'clock a. rn ,at his ofileo In Wellsbor., . , . ich time and place all persons interested are required produce and substantiate their claims, before the Au. ditor, or be debarred from corning in for any portion of said funds.- - - OF ,O. W. MEREICA, Auditor. August 19, 1878,-4w. I ESTAA.YS TAKEN VP.—OnSunday,. Atignst 17, 1873, the undersigned took up two dry tows, one a black and the other a brindle now. One has a tar mark on the tight hip.' Too owner -Is hereby re quested to prove property, pay charges, and take them away. ' DARTT. Charleston, August 26, 1873-Bt. i =MI MEM 1111 E =I CLOTHS, AC:,- "±' ...- ." 'lt! 011. - ;';' , !: - ' ' • Ili 1111 E{® w r, ~oaxo* &B • . , - ~.: f. , , 1 ., -.:. '1,:,•,,,7-,,,q-_.;1::::::Z,'.:.,,,,,---.:':;',f7,,,...-,,,' ik'. • ,-'-','-'::fe , ';','_:: : t.," , l-:!,------,.'i.;:..;-;_.,:,,,..i. ! , li ,; - •:::-.,:, : 4, -- 4;?',..: 1 -'., f 4F:::',.;.:-,1 : i .' Ir?i .S .- e .: i-, ' '';` c: :: ; ; ; Iss."'::_ '"i';- :._ . 17 . .:,:,' s:: : ~. _ .. ,,, ..! ,,,- r:,- ,., :-.. , - - ,-,...:-,::.-.-,.,,, : , : j_T": 7 !:,, ~--:_,:: _:., ::-, _; ~. ,--,.;.:. ~.,,:..:-.-.,,,:: ;,,,:, _:=: ,-,:, - : , JLA T - „ --- -„ - V- I - 4 TT EERIE = I= 64 1 =EC POIX*' - ;j_,;. ,7 ,500(,-.:P:rfiti:t: : -::: - : , 'Delliiii§:',i:' - i - atiit:AliiataS- - ' BE =I MEI black anQeolorcd=of etTer/o1; quality; and us CHEAP as C4;11 be found west of Rein yak City yilp§ ,- ,A . :,.:E:: ,- 4,A4q(),T.T-,,p'-.4 , NARS! 2 00 8 00 C-Ikm - patnicsi for. .spring and Sulmaner, MARSALES for Ladles' and gilidren's THOSE RUFELIN GS, TIJOKINGS & TRIMMINGS 8117P2 1- 2 2 021.14 111 twomik MOVN,g7 1122 Z PEUTZgagaill7l2M it num CROCKERY of the beitironstone China. A largiii assortment—tietes, Woman's, and prices as cheap as the she-alma. • ' Corning, April 22,1373,-tr. An Entire Stook itittitittt f t UltStillt Wholesale Clothiers and Mere Dry Goods p Nations p Paiey. Goods* Hats, 1011.psy Furnisiiing Goo4sy 'UTE respects illy announce to the people of `Velisboro and vicinity, that 'We have bponed a Blare In this y r ~torki and are now offeringtothe pnblie a flee and well selected steak' of Spring' Goods, conflicting of DRESS •GO.ODS, SHAWLS OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS, Napkins, ; 'r4o!Nc. in large quantities, Sid Gloves, Ladles ales, Laces and Eiabrolderles. V Skirts and Mraete in great variety, in faet everyth'ing belonging to a drat-, We have a choice lot of HATS, CAPS, TIES, COLLARS, CUFFS, GLOVES, SHIRTS, &c., all of the latest stsdes. ' , CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. Au irrimenstock of Men's, Youth's, and Boy's Suits. We manufacture our own goods., and can easily save buyers from ten to fifteen per cent. We ;would call especial attention to our' Custom - Tailoring Department,: We keep the beat of American & Iniported.Cassimerel, Broadcl3ths,Does'hins, Tricots, Diagonals, Pique Cloth, and Scotch Sultings, and do Custom Workon short notice.: We guarantee all work done by us as regards fit and style, __ Welinidte the ,people to Call and inspect our- goods before .Purchasing else where ' - v ,as we mean to do a strict ~Q,A...TT- , E,j3.,V.1.-N.,::ki.,, „.-• • „ . liVff :have -inarked our goods at such JO*. iliartlffts tp be S tepiiitit - ttoixiiifivexy CASH buyer] i „Gu r r i tENBER.%:ROSENBAtiNt.& -- 00 , ;:' • ,ST' - • •-- - -IC-13EANEo'Pk- Matittging- _flirt:nen • jAir' Manbh itre,eti Depot' atid.M.Ontroso .; .44 1 . 8 $ . El • - - NES -- • M Eal ME ME , - ` ~ , ~,.. .. li . ` ei — u:'''-'''‘,'V :l l,ta,i'n - 'l4:P' ' *. ,} 04 .-- iiik. , . ), V.-_'''''.4..*o"-Aigil. I QtsTAglig, •" '~`~. ESE 111111 =I • 1, smuts I THAT. ALL THE LADIES WEAR. unrivaled inAnallty andpriee. Dresses.in large quantities.' , that the ladles cannot do-valiant . , in abundance In fact all kinds of Goods can be found at the Regidator. • t Groceries of ailtkinds* lao.crrs ANAD SITOES t' NEW Fin AdE * • i - -ELT' .Ir-aCONAT I= DEALERS IN , PERCALES, ARJSLINS, TICKING% PERMS, LINEN TABLE CLOTML MULLS, NANSOOES, AND 351ARSEMIY, ME =I EEO :_~-~ . _ ME MU 1r of NEW GOODS 1 3 '.7a.X3015;. ace Curtains, sca,conet, 7, 1 _ OEM ME= =OEM s~ _ ~ ,' _ ~-~ I i ,~ J.K., NEWELL - 7 ton 414 to. ant Tailors. lonre, Velvota and nil:Vs 1 / 00 P dela Dry Goods store. MEI =I ^l,: , , WlllSnottocwoljudumwo.rißim, T, ' , Milothe fitildio (hat ilitrittoirreadi to I do Alf won - my ./h/e atloWnsib! e nOlf 17 4 17 / ..- the Vest nitdorr. - „ „ . _WONG 'lollabord.-11.11141,11iT3...: BE / To 'MO -Pvopiel Or the Doge and Coweitespe •Valleys,, Jackson, Blatant!, = Farm:" ivg [On' C7tath'eini Dr, 11, E. 'VAN NIUMI, - . DENTAL spnanON,: • 'Lawrenceville and , Tiega l - • • T • rAB all the improved fa &lidos for erfecting Work in all, brans es of the w. profession. As to reliabilt• f i q f' e4eria ti " and cer s l ab s: h all of 4.= -^ recoFtendation • from all of atxors--clex •• gym n, Merchants, Inecluut-, ica, physicians; farmers, and working people. Preservation ofr the natural teotlt always mom. mended. If those organs aro too much wasted by ds cay artificial ones can bo substituted at Priem rang. lug from 10 1 - - ' 80: k • • - which resemble the natural teeth so closely that none . but a professional eye can , distlawdsh the difference. All tho different agents used for producing insensi. htlity to pain when deemed advisable. The Doctor will be pleased ,to give L any informal= or adviceiree to any ; who may Ask it, either by wall or othertvise. Delco in Lawrenceville at his residence, next north o; the Presbyterian church. - - At Tioga *V ery week Monday and Tuesday.' Please _ Aug. 12, 1873-tf. , Deerfield Woolen " Mills NGILUI PROTIUM, Proprietors of the above Mille,l will manufacture as usual to order, to suit customers, W.- OUR CASSIMERES . `nig - warranted. Particular attention given to Roll Carding & Cloth Dressing Wo Manufacture to order, ',and do all kinds of hon. Carding and Cloth Dressing, and defy "SoZoPelltiozu - Woiliate as good an assortment of 1 1 ( u:11 Obths, Cassimeres, and givermoro for Wool in' exchange than any alter establishment. Try them and satisfy yourselves. We wholesale and retail at the Cowanesque mills, 2 miles below Knatvillo. • Jan. 1, 1872. • t - J. R . Griswold's_Water - Wheel. !firm undersigned, ore ridonts for the above 'Water 1. Wheel, and can cheerfully recommend it as supe rior to all otheril in rise. Persons wishing to pur. cameo should see this wheel in operation before buy. lug other wheels. - INGHAM BROS. Deerfield, May 18,18}12. head the following VEsrantrD, Amur, 24, 1872. Wo tho unaersignedrpurchused one of J. , H. Orb wold'a 30 Inch Water Whoela using 68 inches of water to run three run of atone under a, 20 foot head, =dare well pleased with the wheel. We have ground Baty bushels per hour with the three run and can 'average that amount per hoer all day. $3,000 FOR 20 CTS,' Before you starta jeUrnoy, Puy nn Accident In: , surance Tieket the Railway rnsgozmers As. mercerise co ,;f Hartford, Couu. -31c.liets for sale at railroad:sta os. Ask for - an Torin*Ce Ticket. ' Commercial. Institute Hew k_ i n w een, coriu.--, Preparatory to ctillega` or - business. Circulars Bout on application. WM. H. Russzrz, Columbia Classical-. -Institute, A Boarding Eckel for Young Men aid. Hopi. - For Circidara, addro s REV. H. fd. LLFZIANDESi Colum bia, Pa: AgENTS WANTED FOE THE NEW BOON., EPIDEMIC AND CONTAGIOUS DISEASES With the newest and best treatment for all eases. The only thorough work of the kind in the world..— .Embraces Sznall•Pos, Yellow Fever, Cholera and all Talialogons discuses. No Family Safe Without It, and alibuY it. Ilas 21 chromatic iilustrations. The big g (lest chance of the season for agents. Address 11, 8. - OODSPEED & CO., 37 Park Row, New York. 211 y speculating fn stocks J and geild. Capital $lO to $100; will pay $lOO to $l,OOO a month. Full explanation sent free, W. F. HUBBELL & CO., Bankers and Brokers; 39 Wall St. New York: Box 2252. - $5 to $2O per day! Agents • wanted ! MI classes of working people,Of either sex, young or old, make more money at work for Ul/ in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address G. STINSON. & CO.‘ Portland, Maine. ' • The •Ln Croix Medical Dispensary; - EbTABLISEMD IN 1837. Is tho oldest and most auccessful institution in this country for the treatment of Chronic and sexual Dis eases. For terms of treatment, call, or address, bp_ mail, with statement of case, S. H. sunny, 31 Malden Lane, Albany, N. Y. $5. OIS TDL ,0 By all who will work for us. If upon you do ;lot find us all squareovo.villl glvo you no dollar for your trouble.. Bend ,to o.ll.Buckloy&Co.,Tpkonslia,Atich. paroxysm instantly, so tho patient can lie down ti rest and sloop comfortably. ONE TEIAIi PAcEAGE EMU BY MAIL EItEE OE CHARGE. Ad. dregs D. LANOELL, Applo Creek, 'Wayne 00., 0. rfele,4_,kaph Institute., lOtING MEN AND LADIES qualified for inaction operators, at the Buffalo Telegraph lustituto and City Lino Telegraph. Every graduate ,seertres 4'140- BH:ion. The largest and most completed!' America.— Address, for Circular 'aud Catalogue, C. L. BRYANT, Superiutent, Made, N. Y.—AUg. 26.-4 t, TABLE LINENS, Towels, Napkins, at - , Kelly's China , • NANO GRADED SCIIOOI, , . The Beard of Dliectbre of the Wellaboro draded School take pleasure in'announeing• that they have sp. cured the services of the following teachers for the ery suing year: , .. • P. 11. EDICIK, A.D., Principal. SUSAN 11: HART, Preceptressa. " . . SARAH A. =vie, . ANNA, O. GELLLTT. , - H. N. DIINOAH.- R. H. Kim • try, HARRIET D. CLOSE, . . - " pIIANIC WYLIE; - - • - Wile term- will begin on 7ffonlay, the 13th day of Eioplouber, 1873.- , . $5, • For fartiteeliarticularsikdelress. J. IL .13t1SARD, Wellattoto, Aug. 19, 1873.—tt =- , - Secretary Victor ii---cri1490,-Shcip. ... , ~ , clal, the attention l ot ,t he , T 4 Erinbufd'Othigfrf.(47thitth;ttithey are manufacturing fr o m• the pholeest aolected materials, the latest and. moat aPlV9vcil Styles of_' ' •1 " ,-: " ,2• . . LIGHT & HEAVY _ I'LATFORM.SPRING AC ONS - • nail also ,the fine CUT-UNDER .PIATFORit ItlitOtt, 'so convenient for turning aborlt, tn,p rorroNt apace.' • • ;•-• , Allan litep,oliveya es head a good assortment og lautgleSan4 Platform - Walions, , and customers from abroad may rely annulling tete just what they, want and at as lows price as is consistent - • - c • Orders , promptly= filleft.i 'Dui plies' in' at. ttici Old stand of Bradford it Compton; near, the Troy 'flowane• . • r - • ' •DANIP.L co:OMIVlb 1"roy, pa NarO;T.lB73-17: - .'" .• BIBLBY.I Fb) , ,s 1 - • r_ _ • MUM villa's is aiolkitpdiceitpdth ko., 1114 halo vorx,ivivantKca,rot., .:,~. DEZRFLELD, PA. INGHAit BRO=i:JUi. E. D. PHILLIPS. • CHARLTON PHEW:O3. Having gg • en • years a eon life and death with ma orPhthig. to I experimented raYAlf 'hy cbmpound• lag rooM and horbs4,ar4 johetiye the Medicine thus obtatiletLl fortunately discovered a most wonderfld remedy and mire cure for Asthma and its kindred eases. Warranted to relieve , the severest U lEEE 0 ES E
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers