Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, August 26, 1873, Image 1

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    VOL. 'XX.---NO. 34.
ci ) c Aettator.
/1% A. M. 11017.
dirD:ltYs :—52.00 per atm= lu advance. -E4
2 in. 310. 410. ',14C01.34C61 1 Cal.
--- - --L- - -- --,
$2OO $3Oll $4OO $OOO $9OO $l4 00 -
' 300 4 00 5 00 700 11 00 1600
300 500 000 0 00 13 00 13 00
4 00 GOO 700 9 00 15 00 20 00.
0 110 9 00 10 00'12 00 20 00 20 00
3 - 00 12 00 13 00 15 00 35 00
[ 1
12 00 10 00 20 00 22 00 35 00 60 00
14 00 25 00 23 00 45 00 e. 0 .00 100 00
$1 Oil'
1 50
2 00
2 5J
1 ;Seek
2 goiali
3 Moittlo
t rtlr.
b 110
Ativertiseutentsarnnalettlated bye the inch In length
of column, and any less space us a roll Inch.
_ Foreign advertisements must. Unpaid for befOroin
organ, except on yearly contracts, when half-yearly
plyinelltB 111 allrallte Will be regOirett. 7
of,cro at. N. , i 20 poelluo each insertion.
N hr.n.•rh,.l for than $O,
BUsinesS :colic' 41 the Editarnl columns, on thB
suoutl rage, 15,1111, Per 11110:4c11 insertion._ Noth.
rag inserted for test than
Loo.tt, NOTICES ill Lo, al enhiehn, 10 cents per Hue if
more than Btelines,and Z,O cents for notice of five
lines or less.
AOES anti brwrsainserthd
(re, ; Litt all otntual) tinhces will bit charged 10 cents
SPEct ‘r• NoTrcr , :r l p , r eataboveregularrated.
5 iint,4 or toys, $5 - ,00 per year.!
- • - - ---____
it. evreakl.4ol.lll. r. A. .tvtiNG4l.
Batchelder Johnsbn,
t, , r ,dalar:rn of MontunclatA, Tombstones,' Tabu :
ry.,, C011'113 . 0, Su. Cull and see. 8110 p, Wain N c l ,
ci yout, Foundry, Wellaboro, I'n,—Jipy 3, 1372,
Bicsines. Cards.
A. Itedlichl 1
- ;.: 1
itiktlLNEl ANDt.:OOI4.IELLOrt . T .- t1W.....-Cullect
t):,i rrontut ly at tended to.—Blus . burg, '1 toga clout/.
t), ertin • 1.. A yr. I, I ti;tl-01.n. ,
C. 11. Seymolinr,
11iLli.N LA Al' LAW, 'flog:lPu. All business en•
t.a,t—l his .at ks u prou,pt attention.—
Geo. W. Illerviek,
AI. LAW. - laboi p j , ° L ik e it ,
sLa met; ae..ania 11th - Jr,
t rA tun
Mitchell & Catiterutl,
Iui.NLYS Al' LAW. Cianu uutl lusuialmu Agelats.
ilinuuu brick block, over
Wellsbuto, P4.—Jan. 1,
VVilliton A. Stone,
41,v:«: & Bath. 111,.ch 014 MUM street.
,Ixt. 1, 181.%
J. C. Strang,
,0, 01 I. IS Wullsboi u , N I . _j au . 1 . •72
I C. N. Dartt,
-1.01 InAde.- .Allll the NEW Lai ruovEm
LitAl goo, twttur 444st:tam' than auy LILILg OlSe
0t112.‘ iu ISrlgld S. it Illt•r4 Block. Wel bs•
1,) ,i,t I 1;1;2.
J. B. Niles,
LI .1r LA W.—Will attend pt omptly to bus.
t 121.3 are to the counties of Tioga
.L.. 1 tb2r. u i nOw etwo.—Wellahoro, Pa.,
'hit 1 t
Jun. \IV. Adams,
AtioRNLY xf I.IW, Tioga county, Pa
atto,(lv,l to.--Jan. 1, 11'172.
C, L, Peek,
Al ~}..At ChlilllB prOuiptly 4:011eCtell
I ttilh a I; snalh, 1.11 , )v 1 . 1
. :pd C...,
C. It.
J 1101 111 L. .11.11.1 :ilia
:wet 11.A.1,1 ,
ti - IVeli :1..14. 1 r,
J 110. W. Guernsey,
1-1 A I LAW. - buswees to two
At o,kil lluur soutL
.1 II t. I.,at s shut% Tiogct, I . IIIIIItY,
1.01 I, 1571.
• Armstrong S Linu,
kirvio, LI'S AT LAW, 'iVilliatiipport, ra
1!1! II All
%Vin. B. Smith,
ft!iSluN tORNIN, Bounty and Insurance Agent
to the above address will ri
t , pp,laiot Sttctdiuu. T1..11113 K110"1
11i1P, l'a a.m. I, 1872
Barnes 6►; Roy,
ALI landx of Jul) l'riuting 11011 E
rtr,n Inn! in tLe beat uniuner. Of iu Lum
rti ,t Cone's Moel:, 2d floor.--Jan. I, 1872. .
Tioga Qo., Pi:-13enti pyo'o. Proprietors
i;a.4 butew hag been thorongtily reAovated and 14
I:1 :100,1 condition to aceontaito tho traveling
public in a nnyertor manner.—Jan. 1; ]873.
D. Bacon, M. D.,
ri'rqUlNN AND SURGEON—May ha found nt hi 9
S..t; 1,,t door Last of Miss ToSd'9—Maitt street.
, a,cet,tt , l promptly to alt calls.—Wellsboro, ra.,
/II 18N.
Seeley, Coats At . Co.,
riKELLA,Kno.cine,TiNIPO:, PA.—Receive Copley
d Pratt, disennnt notes, and sell drafts on Now
Irk City. Culle..tions promptly made.
hn. 1, 072. DAyin Coxn3;littoxvill..
Petroleum House,
PA., Gen. Closn, Proprietor.—good ac
-neswintem ter hoth man and beast. Charges rea
c , aahle, and good attention given to gueat.9.
Jm d 1572.
W. W. Burley,
i I'in'ICTURER OF all styles of light and hest
cart !WI,. varringes kept co.,stantlyon„liancl. Al
I‘arrAnted. Cornor Ca and Buffalo tit,reets,
11,t Me, N. 'Y. Orders lett with C. 13. Keller,
+IVO. or E. IL Burley, Chatham, Hill rdeeive
~ .l, t •lllm,tion.—Jutie 3, 11313 1 -6 mos. . -
M. L. Stielain, il
/11.1. U. w Cap uet Ware of all kizula will he
k 4.11,ra er than the lowest. lie invites all to take
1../ / at his gootla before •pareha•iing elaewbere.-
1:-ale tither the plaee—opposi Dartt'a Wagon Shop,
4t Main 1 1..keet, Wellsboro. Feb. 15, 1813-Iy.
Mrs. Mary E. Lamb.
ILLlNEltl".—Waslks LI inform her friends and the
;dsne generally that she i 1,14 a large stork of attain
". rafies (ho)d3 suitable for the season. whieh
tw Auld at reasonable priers. Mrs. E. E. Klin
'..lllll,l chat go of tlw matiog and trimming de
-1 ur,. Ht. nutl tvdt giva her atteution exelintivoly to
N. 0 door 10 the Conveys , & Williams rdueh.—
I.C; 3.- tr.
Yale 86 Van Horn.
6 noir it:taring sz.veral brands of choice Cigars
•m. l, tall erll ut prices that. cannot-but pleabe
We use 11011 V but the best Connect-
ILO dna and Vara Tobaccos. We make our own
and for that reason can warrant them. Wo
Lllt t gcueral assortment tf good Chewing and
‘'• , A , 11.! Tobaccos, Snuffs, I ipcs from clay to the
"`t Meccichainn, Tobacc Pouches. 47c ,
Ina retail. Dee. 21, 1
John R. An
Sled, NM's, Trinin ings, Me
Tools, Agricultural Implements, Carriage
Springs, Mils, Packet and Table
' ale ry, Plated Warr, lulls and A IIIII)11 , 1100/).
"I" --svoA suit iron—the heat in use. Mannikin
aail dealer iu Tin, tledmier, and Sheet-iron
4 •••!. Roofing in Tin and Iron. All work/warrant
-I.—Jan. 1, Isla,
11 7 E111,8110R0 110 T 141,
8.8. •
HOLIDAY, Proprietor.
hnti.l ij Well located, and Is lit good. condition
the traveling public!. The prOprietor
Lo,',"""" puns 1. - ) wake it a Ills t...cla::a house.. All
arrile and depart trout this house. Free
Irmo tr.iins. Sober and indwitrions host-
In attendance.
1,73 -tr,
'4 1 ,,, 5 , - . 1 ,'" 1.11 . VErcI'INGS, AN!) TRIM.
tk ; Ahab I will soli v,ry chnap FOR OABII.
t st alsortm ent namitt ever brought. to
varions styles. - 'Please. Call :Ind 100 k
` - 'll OTr,r
04111,4 Suits. Uve recats, and Itypairing done with
and as cheap as the cheapest.
Crafton Street,
n• I 1871-1 0
LainPa, Chandeliers & Brackets
General Insurance Agency, ,
Life, tre : anti Accidenfal.l
Alemllale, of Cleveland, Ohio - 495 033.44
New York Life and riro Ins. Cq 21,000,000
Royal Ins. Co., of Liverpool 10,515,501
Lancashire, of Manchester, Capital,., 10,000 , 00 0 •
Ins. Co., of North America, Pa .$3,050,535'50
Pranklin Fir° Ms. Co. of Phila. Pa ' 2,087,452 25
Republic Ins. Co. of N.Y., Capital, $750,000
Niagara Firo Ins. CO. of N. Y 1 000,000
Farmers Mut. Piro Ins. Co. York Pa—, . .. —909,889 it
Eggert's Atut. Life Ins. Co. of tfailfora CL.5,081,970 50.
Pean'a Cattle his. Co. of Pottsville..... • 500,009 Otl,
. Total •
.. —55.5,431,451 94
Inottrance momptly effected by matt or °Morals°,
on all kinds of Property. AU losses promptly adjusted
arid' paid at my (ace.
All communicationa promptly attended to-0111es or.
Mill Street 2ci door from Blain 'at., Knoxville pa.
WM. 11. shnut
Jan. 1. 1573-tf.
General Insurance Agency,
ARR issuing policies in the following Companies
against lire and lightning •in Tiog and Potter
counties_ :
QuEE,N ~ assets, $ t 0,000,000.00
00NPINENTAI, of New York , -2,009,026.27
HANOVER, of Now York '083,381.00
GERMAN AMERIDAN, New York .. -1,272,000.00
WYOMING, of Wilken'barre, Pa 219,008.49.
WILLIAMRPORT,of Win'sport 7 113,066.60
All brininess promptly attended to by mail or other
wise; Lonsen adjusted and paid at, our Mile o.
Nelson, Dee. 10, 1872-ly
Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty,
Bru3lles, Trusses, Supporters, anq Stiryi-
, cccl heqtrultents,
0 T7'l, 11 f' 011' _DE 7? 5
Arti.4t's litrs in Great Variety. 'l
Dor., Scotch Aloe, 1g l'oLueex., Snuff. &c., S.!e•,
Groceries, Sugars, Teas,
Shot, Lead, Powder and Capa, Lamp's, Chimneys,
Whip?, Lashes,
All School Books In lase, Envelopes, Stationery, Dill
and Cap Paper, Initial paper, llemorandums, large
and small Dictionaries, Legal paper, School Cards and
Primers, Inh, \Whin ; Fluid. Chess and Bachknimmon
Boards, Picture Frames, Cords and Tassels, Mirrors,
Albums, ,Paper collars and Cuffs. Crognetts, Base
Balls, parlor games, nt wholesale and retail.
ll'allets, port ninnies, combs, pins and needles,
scissors, shears, knives, violin strings, bird cages.
.1 great variety 01
• (Jclls, inkstands, MCIISIIIO
tapes, rules,
Fishing Me liesUrowiflics, lines. boob:,
t4r,grit uttt-tition paid to ititt Into to the sparol).
prwav Levnienrffirovi triTNIZT.TITI!=r
March2s. '734f.
TA - As 'Just return from New A t 'utt with the largest
11 assortment of la
ever bro ll iiht into WeUsher°, and will give her custom
ers reduced mites. She has a splendid assortment
of ladies suits. Parasols, Gloves, Fans, real and imi
tation hair goods, and a full line of ready made white
goods. Pricca to suit all.
vit u
etka- •
Jan. 1 , 0 1872
Surveyor's - Notice.
„,AWARD BRYDEN offers his service to,the public
..U.i as a Surveyor. Ile will be ready to attend prompt
-1- I) all e4lle. 110 may be found at the, law ofke of
IL Sherwood. & Son, in Wellaboro, or at his resi
dence on East Avenue.
Wollslioro,ra., May 13, 1573—U.
CHINA HALL,Wellsboro.
illactipcm iv. DOLES proprietors. First-class rigs
furnished at reasonalee rates. Pearl sliest, op
poAto Wheeler's wagon 131101,,
will be on the street al all rAouable hours. Miff
engers to and from the depot t ) any part . ot the town
will be charged twenty - five c e nts. For families ' - or
small parties for pleasure, one dollar per hour.
Welinboro, July 15, 11173. KET4 7 inn & COLES-
andlyekt atitson
Sewing achine 1
'/7w (heal Family 'elm(' Maclane of t 1
700,000 Wheeler&
ruin: improvements lat
_I Machine have made I
Family Machine in the m.
Petits to the sale of it, I
history ofiiiewing Machin
}:%anillio for yourself;
In buying a Sowing Mimi
by tlint too common 111
Sowing Machines Aro go
chino will answer your
stitch alike on both sides
and not pay your - money for a lieavy•runuing, slow
motioned, noisy, complicated plachine, thrown to
gclbr•r in such a manner as to last just long enough
to wear out both year body and patience.
There is a great distinctive differeiu•e between the
Wheoler X: Wilson and all other Machines that make
the I. , :wk-Stiteh. And it is to this difference that we
n•ish to especially caOlyour attention,
ft Makes the Lock, (or Shuttle Stitch,) bits
does it without a Shuttle
Thereby dispensing with t he shuttle and all machinery
lei - pitted to ritu a shuttle; also doing away with the
laite-up that is to ho found in all shuttle Machines;
and uwint; to the peculiarity of Its cottetructiou,
while all other loeitAttitch Machines require two.
garch 25. '73-t;u). ° WELLSDORO. PA.
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Assms'oyEn $56,10,030.
Gaskets cold rods
1 1 Vorl 1,
lIIIon VARAIy Sew ine
Ow In Use.
131rulded to this Celebrated
b •
far the most desirable
ili A and have given an int
ev f before equaled in the
.s. 1
con ' Ult your own interests
e, and
. 11t ,
talon, that all
d 'enough, or that any Ma
purpose .it it makes tho
I the f.thrle.
A speciality at
New Firm, New Goods,
I, ) libitS t rtss j.Sl)obs,
• • PEQUAS, VER- -"
Beitutiful SummerSliawls,
Ready-Made olothing,
I •
at tidy luw prices. \We keep thu bcf,t
A large stock or Cro?kery.
Opera. 1110111 SC Block.
May 6. 1873
We have Shed the Shanty I
,TR,g_l l 4A'N A.-00.'',-.
A large stock of
Couslatlng of
All atyllett: Lulora . autl patterns.
BOOTS 8.2101'5,
and plenty. of cloth to mat. more
.~~ ...~ 1
Best White A Sugar, 1t cents.
A large and choke stock of
Cain aiikil Nee us.
And now have but time to say 6 our friends and
inntoinerts tied we have geed
Our, Clegant Alcw ,Store
le fllloti full of
11111,1fti8LE GOODS
at the loweat prices, to be i unud
Call and you will know how it is yourselves
Oot 15,187?:
3, W. vAm vaixattiuna
A sad and gloomy winter was before the
simple peasants . of the little Alpine village
of Hildenbehri,' fin low* rains and several
too early frosts had blighted the crops, and
the scarlet fever, that for months had deso
lated the surrounding valleys, seemed to' be
approaching their own door:3. The pastor,
Wolbert, was the son of a noble hotise, anti
had been brtiught up amidst all the luxury
and indulgences of wealth; but he had sac
rificed all to go forth as the messenger of
salvation, and a sad task he found it to look
upon the troubles of the peOple to whom
be bad become so strongly attached and
feel that he bad no earthly help to give.—
But patiently he went from door to door
drid told of A Heavenly Helper who had
conic: (.O seek and to save, and who is "so
powerful to help in time of need."
• His gentle tones, his winning smiles, and
above alibis - words of peace and comfort,
made his presence welcome everywhere, and
nowhere was' his coining more like a ray of
Heaven's own light than in the home of
Franz Ililzmann, the shoemaker. The
kindly pastor indeed never himself knew
all he had done there, but the broken spir
ited wife and the timid, trembling " child
of the house," Barbara, knew, and in re
turn would gladly have devoted their whole
lives to his service.
The winter more than redeemed its prom
ises of privation and suffering.. There was
want in
: homes that had never known want
before, and the scarlet pestilen9e had left
sear& a household without n the bitter traces
of its passage; nor was the hoMe of the
pastor exempted from trial. His' scanty in
eotne, scarcely equal at any time to meet his
simple wants, was now stretched, only by
the most painful parsimony and self-denial,
to supply the nece4Sities of the poor and
famishing who thriinged his door and to
send comforts to the sick who watched for
his daily coming as for a daily blessing.
The fever, too, came under his roof; one
after another his children were prostrated
by it, and when finally a merciful Provi
dence again restored them to health), the
privations, the anNietics, the watchings of
all those wearying days and nights began to
do their work upon his own sliaht frame,.
and weeks of helpless illness Alai) pen
alty. But 'Aroma) Wt Barbara 1111.2. -
mason was the. faithful, devoted attendant of
his children, and though but little older
than they, proved herself the efficient, un,
tiring nurse to whom all felt that, under
(lod, they owed their lives.
But thei winter was over, and a bright and
glorious spring had covered the earth with
beauty. The pastor and his wife sat togeth
er in a sweet, retired spot of their garden
which they called their ", council chamber"
and talked of the past' and the future. Pa
tient and uncomplaining amid snffering, it
was almost in a tone . 0 bitterness that she
now recounted their trials,. while he, with
eyes and heart raised lb Heaven, reminded
her how.much heavier had been the burdens
of others around them, and how much less
wei•e,their means to meet them. .
, The -Mill-Stream.-
sit hest& thfie, mill-stream; • • •
The wheel goes whirring round;_
The bairnies play among the bay,
'Thar . yellow ringlets float away
• On light Mee air that seems to say,
Ho merry, skip and bound
And dance beside the mill-stream; ,
There's motile in the Round."
I sit hesido thee. inill.streani; •
A-knitting stockings brown.
So spic-and-span for my old man
{liars iu tho mill among the bran);
And show a leg and foot be emu
For one that's growing down,
• As shapely to thee, nall-strediu,
As any Jo in town.
4 love thy brawling, mill stream, •
As dearly-as thy splash, -
When its foatu-kiss, on days like this,
' lights'irp the wheel with sunny bliss; •
Orif I hear thy wrathful hiss
Below the tempest's crash,
I know the wheel turns,
to faster for the clash.
I've lived beside thee, mill-stream,
-Full forty years ibis lima; -
My slip-coat. cheese, and Itoney•tees,
My cherries, and my apple-trees,—
I thank kind Providence for these,
His gifts around me strewn;
I well may think our mill-Stream
Is never out of limo. •
This homestead nigh thee, mill strewn,
Held once two homy boys;
My little Joe is lying low.
lint Willie has a farm to show,
Fine crops of wheat and barley mow,
And wife, and household joys:
Ills bairns stand -
And listen to thy MAIM
. `I WOW(' IftUt leave thee, mill-stream, •
Before those limbs are drest
For my last bed, that shall be spread I
Close by my darling's buried head;
There, turf lies softly on the dead;
There I shall be at rest,
NO bear thy clatter, mill-stream,
• • Above the old wife's breast.
—Cassell's IMO:1;e
A Good Deed is Never Lost.
Ag ye measure unto others it shall be measured t
you again." ,
" True, dear Carl !" replied the good Elise,-
" but after so, much you do need recre-t
ation. Our income has diminished while
our children have become more expensive,
and now there is such a host of beggars at
the door that scarce a gulden can be saved.
I do wish you would accept the, invitation
of your noble friend and go with hint for a
time to his home, then you would have a
change pithout expense.'
"1 cannot 'be spared just now, Elise,"
was the reply.. " And I have my master's
unfailing promise that `as my day so shall
my strength be.' When change is needed
lie will call."
"I think He calls now, only _you , Will no
istenr replied the wife with a smile.
"Ali! EliSe, you are a true Nartha. Too
much cumbered!" said thepastor.
"And you too little!" answered Elise.—
And much pleasant talk followed, as well
,as some that was painful, for they were un
der some concern about little Barbara. For
some days she had not come for the daily
supply of food, and that morning the good
Elise had been to look after her. She had
found her in bed, prostrated, as her mother
said, by too much watching and care,- tho'
getting better now that she was quiet.
It was some weeks before the girl-was
able to resume her place as the daily guest
.of the "piistor's children, and then she wore
the air of one oppressed by care and anxi ,
ely, though no one knew the reason. ,
One morning the pastor stood by his win:
dow and saw -the shoemaker approaching.
the house with a sad and troubled face.--.'
Greatly was the good man perplexed to im
agine a cause, for the shoemaker seemed to
be a prosperous tnan, but as he knocked he
himself opened the door and demanded the,
object of so, early a visit, while be extended
a hand in welcome, for he was Barbara's
fat her.
"I have come to seek help," said 1111 z
mann; ",and where so likely a plaee,to
it,as here?"
" Help for what?" asked the pastor.
" If 1 cannot within four days," replied
the shoemaker, "raise the sum of two bun-
dyed gulden I am a ruined m
isan. My land
lord dead, arid his heir demands immedi
ate paymett of a note he holds, or threatens
imprisonment. You see I can but scantily
provide my family with food as it is. What
will become of them then? I have on my
books more than twice that sum due me, but
in these times I cannot collect it, and. to re
sort to other means would ruin my credit.
'lf you will not help me we must all suffer.
Have you any. pity, Herr Pastoil If you
have, show it to me now, and your ,thoney
shall be promptly and honorably repaid."
"How can I help you, mY friend? The
sum you ask is more than the fourth of my
whole income, while thy children are grow
ing, and therefore cost more every day, and
my door is thronged from morning to night
with beggars. It grieves me to say so, but
indeed I cannot!"
The shoemaker stood like a man stunned,
-and the big tears rolled down his cheeks,
while the pastor in an agony of distress
walked up and down, thinking, and praying
for help to do right. Again and again Ililz
mann renewed his entreaties, and again and
again the pastor said he-had it not. But at
last a new idea struck him: in the savings
bank his children had two hundred gulden,
the painful savings of 'himself - and wife for
them ever since their birth. This money'
he could lend for a time, and ivith delight
he communicated the thought to the shoe
maker, saying: " Come in tour weeks from
to-day atut you shall have it
Then it will be useless," replied the man
sadly; "I have but four days in which to
avoid ruin."
Again the pastor_walked , the room in per
plexity, and then another thought came—
the merchant Frohmaiiniwould advance the
money; so telling Inm to return in an hour,
he took up his hat and went out. The busi
ness was soon settled; Frohniann took the
bank book and gave bilk the money, and
-the pastor returned to find the shoemaker
there, too anxious to wait. With broken
words of gratitude he assured the good pas ,
tor that in tWi) years from that day ,he
'A/mild have it all again,' Principal and lute
-rest—gave' his note to that effect, and went,
The next morning family worship at UM
parsonage was interrupted by the ancere•
monious entrance of one of the village 'nag ,
istrates. The man stood by the stove with,
uncovered ; head, mid'then demanded:
"Have j.ou heard the news?"
"No," replied till pastor, " what is it?— ,
No good, I should judge by your face."
"No gold, sure enough! ' 'Who would be
lieve that people could, be such rascals?—.
Shoemaker Ullmann has gone off, bag and
baggage, toA.Merica! Isis family - Are left
to/shin for themselves."
The pastor dared not trust bis'ears. The
blood rushed to his face. "Shoemaker
Idilzinann! Are you sure?" he asked
" Sure enough!" replied the officer; " the
wife'sent this morning to the police
to see if he was there; but atlust they found
a note lie had left on the table to say that
he had sailed for America, and for his cred
itors to await his return would be loss of
" Carl!" said the pastor's wife, `.` how oft
en have I told you that you were too good
and unsuspecting! Now who is right?"—
The pastor made no answer, and she, her
feelings finis vented, went up to him like an
affectionate wife, and said. what she.could
to ,console him. After some little talk, she
proposed that, he . and the officer should go
at once to the delinquent's house and see
how fa' s were, and whether there was any
thing tiey could take compensation for
:his money.
They found the poor wife in bed, ill from
trouble, weeping and wringing her hands,
while little Barbara knelt beside her with.
her tearful face buried in the clothes. At
sight of the pasfor the poor woman's grief
broke out afresh, but Barbara sprang up
and caught hiS hand: " What is this, Frau
Ifilzmann?" said he kindly. " Who would
have believed ads?"
" Ah, dear Herr Pastor!", sobbed tha poor
wife, "I have long seen that he was plan
ning somethinm b in secret, but I never imag
ined he thought of 'such wickedness!"
" You absolutely: knew nothing of his in
tention?" asked the pastor.
"Nothing!" said,she solemnly.
"Poor woman! !I And 'nothing.of the two
hundred gulden that he.borrowed from me
to pay off; he said, his landlord?" •
A loud city of despair answered his clues.
Bon, and again she,wrung her hands; and
Barbara, her face burning with shame, slunk
into , a corner, " Has he taken all?" asked
te pastor.
" All! all!" sobbed the wife. "I am a
The pastor tried to cOnsole her, and tid
yised her to arouse herself and• try to get
work.' But that would be a bard thing, he
knew, for the people of German villages
show but little kindness to those ( who come
from elsewhere to live/ among them. He
promised, however, 'that he would see to
that; and taking little Barbara's hand, he
claimed her as his own, from henceforth to
be always with him. The poor mother was
more than half comforted, for the child had
been her greatest anxiety; and witlylmore
words of kindness, the 'pastor took the lit
tle girl 'Kane with him. •
As Elise saw her husband return leading
the child, she started up with delight, ex
" Then it was not true, after all!"
Barbara's eyes fell, and her pale cheek
fluSlied as the pastor replied,
•" Even worse
than we thought!"
" And Barbara?" asked the wife, per
"Barbarh belong to us now,- dear Elise.
She goes nowhere else," said the pastor..
Elise' laughed. " Well, that is a good
thing!" said she. "You go to !get some
thing in return for your two huhdred gol
d-en, and bring a fifth child into the' house,
whetiore rau.scarcely feed. unit
Pow WO' ittlYtl) , lint in nnoilmr 111011=E 11(1'
better feelings returned, and folding the
timid, troubled child to her heart, she wel
comed her as another daughter, and affec
tionately caressed her husband, while she
playfully pretended to scold him for his
want of prudence. ,
Years passed on, and never had th l e pas
tor lir his wife cause to regret their adop
tion of the little outcast. Prudent and in
telligent far beyond her years, she was help,
companion, and friend, and grow up a hap
py and useful girl. Again the scarlet plague
swept through the Alpine valleys, and raged
to such a degree that it was deemed neces
sary to form an association of experienced
and capable persons to go as nurses wher
ever nurses were needed. It is hardly 'lee ,
ess.ary to. say that among the first selected
for this purpose was &tribal, now a grown
up woman; and she soon took the foremost
place in the society.
She had been some three years or more in
this employment when the pastor Wolbert
breathed his last, leaving his family only
his unspotted fame and the blessing he, had
implored for them from his Master. Bar
bara's duties had carried her to - a secluded
valley at the extremity of Switzerland,
where she heard little from the outer world
and nothing from her friends; so she knew
nothing of his death.
The widow with her four - children re
moved to the little town of B—, where
she struggled earnestly; aided a little by the
elder ones, to.support.them in decency and
comfort, though it was only by the greatest
economy and self-denial that she succeeded.
She had been there little more than a year,
when one cold, rainy afternoon she sat be
side her window: looking through blinding
tears at the gathering darkness and think
ing of her children. She had supported
herself by such feminine work as she could
get; but , without friends or relatives that
was sometimes but little.., .
Her children now sat id.ound her. Wil
helmine, the youngest ,biTtWelveirears Old,
was at school, but helped her mother greatly
by knitting, which she did admirably. Ad-•
(=nick' was fourteen, and had left school,
but she still read and studied with her moth
er in the evenings, while during the dayshe
was her most active and efficient assistant:
Gustave was the baby; he was but ten, and
was in the Latin school—for one of, these
days, if it pleased God, • he was to be a cler
gyman, as his father had .been. But Hugo
was the mainstay i - tf the family, yet at this
moment the cause of [heir trouble. Ile had
been taken as eterk by one of the leading
merchants of the town, who praised his in
dustry and capacity and promised him a
high place in his establishment when his
time was out; but for the instructions of
that time he was to pay two hundred gul
den, the quarter of it every six months, and
to-morrow was the day for the first pay
ment.' The most pinching economy and
rigid self-denial had enabled her to save
'only twenty; where, then, could she get the
whole? She had hoped and prayed that the
'merchant would be generous and—knowing
her poverty—wait a little for the money;
but the - ion" of a wealthy man was waiting
for a I'dacV, and lingo had come home with
the messail that if payment was not punc
tually made he must give up the'place.
Tendert* attached to their mother and to
each other, her children all sat around her,
sweeping silently—even Hugo, eighteen
years old though he was—and prayed earn
estly to thb•God of the widow and orphan
for help in this their tune of need. At last
the widow took her resolution, humiliating
as it was—she would hire the money and
trust to God for means of repaying it. She
arose silently, put on - her shawl, and was
going out of the door when she discovered
a mum about to knock. " Are you," he
asked, "the widow of the Herr Pastor of
Hildenbehn?" l 'Yos," was the reply; "what
is yosn'linsiness?" trembling lest some new
Mashie was coming.
" I am a letter-ciirrier, „Madame," said be,
" and have one here for you with money in
it; so I must have a receipt."
"Money! money for me!" exclaimed' Elise,
scarcely able to speak. " Quick! Hugo,
quick! a light! a light !"
The man entered, the candle was lighted,
and the paper and ink produced to give him
Ilk receipt and let him 00 before the letter
was opened. As the door closed upon him
she tore open the envelope, and, two hun
dred bright goldeti gulden rolled into her
lap. A few brief lines explained all Bar
bara had never beard front her father, but
the generow; pay she now received had ena
bled her to accomPli- If tile ohjedt for which
she had toiled and striven ever since that
day when the generous pastor took her to
his home, and to pay the money of which
be had been go wrongfully robbed. , Now.it
waft done. With folded bands, the widow
and her children gaVe,thanks to •the 'merci
ful God for the timely •and when they
arose from their knees-the mother saidy .
" The silver and the,gold are 'Mine; 1. will
repay, Baith the Lord."---16,Modist.
_ •
A. Remarkable. Courtship.
A correspondent of the Indianapolis lkr,
l 'l roster, the
who li cf ti fol lo w i ng th e I 4 ? i :i e wi t h
u i :
y i ( IT 1: I
•41 1 it
the ( abi lity 'f
e fj c. f i t' g n e e ss c c i i ) i l i
li nON VIII l', TOM eBSCP :
Professor Foster was educated in the sci
ences usually taught in collep s , but hi s kg
110r:thee of the common affairs - of life reii
&red hint a reinarkable man, fnridahhpr a
rare Subject for the 'study of human riattire
ill one of its multiform 'phases. Being ad-
ViSed by some of his, friends to get married,
he, with childlike faith and simplicity, ac
cepted their adVices, and promised to do so
if lie could find a - young lady willing to
have MM. 'They referred him to a number
of the best young ladies'in the city, anyone
of whom they had no doubt would be will
ing to accept his hand and make him hap
py. Ile %%as one of the most kind hearted
of men, as void of guile as of offense,
an entire stranger to the forms and ceremo,
nies of modern courtship. ~ lie couldn't see
the necessity of consuming a year or two in
popping the question—" Sally, will you
have me?" So he went that very day to the
residence of the nearest young lady who had
been commended, and being welcomed and
seated in the family circle, as he always was
wherever known, he at once made known
the object of his visit by saying in a clear
and distinct voice:.
' " Well, Miss 'arali, my friends have ad•
'vised me to get married,, recommended you
and a number of other young ladies to me
us suitable persons, and I have now called
to see if you are willing to marry Inc."
Had an earthquake violently shaken - the'
premises, the household could not have
been mom astonished, Like a frightened
roe, Sarah started to run, when her mother
caught bar, anil said:
" Why, child, don't he frightened, the
Professor won't hurt you."
Being seated again, a deep blush succeed
ed the paleness whiehliad been caused by
the startling announcement, and she rallied
enough to_be able to say to the Professor
that as his proposition was entirely unex
pected, she 'must have sonic time to consider
the matter. This he granted, but said:
" As I am anxious in case of your refusal
to' see the other young ladies to-day, I can
wait only one hour for your answer."
Knowing the worthiness, sincerity, and
simplicity of the Professor, the matron took
her blushing daughter upstairs for consulta
tion, while the father was left to entertain
his proposed son-in-low as best he could un
der the novel circumstanes. Of course
the discussion of the sudden proposition be
tween Sarah and her mother was private '
and cannot be given in full. The most es
sential points of it, however, were told af- 1
terward. It was readily admitted thak he
was .entirely worthy of Sarah's band 'and
heart. ,
t" But, mamma," said Sarah, " how would
it look to other people for me to have to
give an answer in one shorehour—only sixty
minutes—jump at a hasty chance! And to
think how my young friends would jeer and
laugh at me! Wouldn't they teaseme to
death? No, inn, I can never face that mu
" But stop, my child, and listen to me.—
There is pot a young lady in the city that
would not jump at the oir6r l made you. Let
them laugh; girls must halt something to
laugh at, but it won't hurt you. Tell him
yes, emphatically. If he was a Stranger,
whose antecedents were'"unknown to us,
however prepossessing in person and man
ners, or profuse hi his professions of love, I
would withhold my consent. But we have
long known him, his moral character is
without repremli, he is amiable, Must-heart
ed, and sificerat . .A. fine scholar, 'with itfibon
oratne position in the eollege,.and he makes
no fake pretenses. Yon know just what he
is. What more do yon want?" -
" But, mamma, I don't know that he loves
me; he hasn't even said so."
" Oh, well, daughter, never mind that.—
Generally, those who are loudest in 'their
professions pf love _have least of the pure
article. ) You can teach him by example to
love you i ; it is - far better than precept,'
Leaning her head upon her mother's bo
som, Satiali said, in a submissive tone
" Will, ma, just as you say—l'll to him
yes; but, although the hour isn't half out,
we'll nOt, go down until the last minute of
the hour:"
At the expirati?n of tlii fifty-ninth min
ute they ran meal to the Professor and papa,
Sarah still blushi g, but more calm than be
fore. Then, wit i a firmness that astonished
herself as well a. her parents, she extended
her hand to the Professor, and said: ,
" Yes, sir,,if papa Consents."
He gave his consent without hesitancy,
and it was readily agreed by all that the
wedding should take place a week from
tine. Then Professor roster, with his
seal calmness, . conscious of having done
is duty, withdrew to report progress to his
Well, in due time the• Professoi went to
the clerk for his license. The clerk inform
ed, him that the law required a bond and se
curity in the sum of $1,250, to be void on.
condition that there was no legal objection.
to the proposed union of the twc) persons
named. The Professor very pr mptly re
plied: "Oh, .never mind the Mond, Mr.
Clerk; I• will pay $l,lOO dowt and will
hand you the balance in a day o two." Af
tel.' further explanation by tb - clerk, the
Professor soon complied with the law and
obtained his license.
At the appointed time the wedding came
off in the best style of the city, and the
company enjoyed the occasion with great
zest. The hours flew like bumming birds.
As the clock struck twelve the Professor
picked up his hat and started for his board
ing house. His principal attendant surmis
ing: bis intention, followed to the - front door
and informed him that matrimonial etiquette
required him to stay and board and lodge at
the house of his Wher-in-law until he and
his wife wished to live - by themselves.
F . !inally the happy couple went to house,
keeiling, and never were man and wife more
heartily 'congratulated or more highly es
teemed than they were. They were the fa
-141-ites in theicity. Never was wife more
'lively, or husband snore kind or devoted,
but he didn't know anything about provid
ing for the larder, only •as - Sarah taught
him. One little incident may suffice to il
lustrate. She told him one day to get some
rice. ' He went immediately to the store and
told the clerk he wanted to get some rice.—
" How much?" inquired the clerk. "Oh,
not much," said the Professor, " I reckon
three or four bushels will do for the pres
ent." The clerk was very sorry to say they
had not so much on hand, hut that they
would soon have more. The clerk persuad
ed him to try to make out for a few days
with some fifteen or twenty pounds. Sarah
and the clerk were nut the only ones who
laughed over the incident. Ile never called
for three orlfour bushels afterward.
A Remarkable Blinding.
On an eminence overlooking the lake in
Central Park, and a couple of hundred
feet from the Seventy-second street entrance,
the Commissioneis have - recently erected a
wooden structure known-from its shape as
the Octagon. It would stand in a square 61
about fourteen feet. Nun`erous funnels jut
out from the sides, straight or L shaped,
with the orifice downward These are for
ventilation. There are two doors, but no
windows., The Octagon stands on a plat
foisn, and is approached by steps. As you_
enter the room you see before you a round
white table alaint the size of an ordinary
card fable. In the center overhead is a cyl
inder that resembles a piece of stove pipe.
A metal rod like an elongate car hook hangs
from this within reach of a man's hand.—
This Octagon is the home of the camera
obscure, the only one of its kind in this
country. It has been operation some
time, although the fact is known to com
paratively few.
A reporter recently visited the Octagon.
The courteousgentleman in charge - invited
him to enter. He did so, and. the door was
shut. Upon the lathe was teen a most beauti
ful Loidsvapc, with m en and women walk
abont, children and dogs frisking, and
horses trotting along at a brisk gait. The
scenes were at once recognized.
A perfect plant eof the Park to the south
of the lake was spread out upon the table.
A moVetmint of the rod brought another
sectiou r inte vim*, and by and by New York
city as far down- as Dr. Bellows's•church
was distinctly.fhing in Miniature upon the
another movement, anti Mho
lten and•thc Palisades were presented. The
Eighth.: aVtlllie ears roll along on one (side
and. the steam pars rattle past on the other.
.The spoke of every wheel and the face of
evely Dastzenger were clearly marked. 'Each
color anti tint of the foliage was there, and
the slightest waving of a leaf was faithfully
represented. / Every portion of the Park
not shut olr by some physical obstruction
was in 'Om reflected, and the motion and
attitude of each person walking or seated
was distinctly seen. The camera produced
upon the table a series of pictures most
beautiful and startling, the moving figures—
approaching, receding, crossing—making it
fieeni like a glimpse of fairy land:
Spanish Horrors.--liassacre at Ahoy.
Alcoy is a town in the Province of Ali
cante, devoted chimiy to manufacturing iiri
dust ries, and in variouss trades tile workmerki
demanded a large rise in their wages—rsomet
say as much as litty per cent.--and when it
was refused left their work. Their number
is estimated at 8,000, and there being, no
force in the town sufficient to overawe them,
they, assumed a very threatening attitude,
intei fering everywhere with the work and
spreading alarm among the peaceful inhab
itants, espeeiadty 'those belonging to well
to-do elas , es. At. last they ventured to in
sist upon the resignation of the Town Coun
cil and the suhStitution of a council of their
own nomination. This demand the Mayor I
of Aleoy, Senor Augustin Albors, had the
courage to refuse. Ile seems to lire be-
hayed with great gallantry, and, 'idle so
ninny victims of popular, excesses, Nvifs not
one of those enemies of freedom ipid re
levet whom the people have some reitsdn to.
dislike and dial rust, but a stanch au eliberal
ltepu'ilielin. For nearly thirty years he had
fought the ardnites, well nigh hopeless, bat
tle of the Spanish Ik-public, and now, in
the hour of its bard-won tritimph,-`his re
ward is to be butchered, with revolting cru
elty, in its name. When he refused the de
mand of the insurgents, they gave him three
hours to change his mind. Ile took posses
sion of the town hail, and witha few Civil
and National Guards and some friends who
offered their help tried to hold it against the
mob. The little garrison was soon over
powered, the assailants burst in, and then
followed a scene impossible to describe, but
which'has been reported, with little varia
tion, in most of the Madrid journals, so
that I see no sufficient prison fur withhold
ing-my account of it; eatuestly as one may
hope that it may : prove exaggerated.
It is said that the (defenders of the town
hall, after being stlbjeeted to other horrible
insults and injuries, ~w ere stripped naked
and held up from th4taleony in full view
of the howling
,mob below. Their names
were called out., one ;by one, and the mob
was asked whether it would "have them
dead or alive." According to the answer,
either their heads were cut oil' and the muti
lated undies thrown
. down from the balco
ny, or' i lhey were thrown down still alive,
the mob below trying to catch hem as they
fekl ou bayonet§ and pikes, and everybody
then rushing to assist in dispatching'what
remnants of life: were left; or, if too late
for this, to further mangle and disfigure the
breathless bodies. The women are said to
have played a Conspicuous part in the mas
sacre, as they did in .Paris during the Com
tnune. ' Nothing, ,however, which occurred
in Paris at all approaches this brutal massa
cre, almost in cold blued, find with so slight
a Pretext, at Aleoy, and one can only believe
in its possibility ou account of its being at
tributed to a Spanish mob. It is said that
one of the principal and most respectable
inhabitants was seized by the insurgents,
and after his: clothes had been sprinkled
with petroleunt, he was set on tire anatomic
to.rsin. Vol lila ai is weme taken nt him:—.lra
i-drid-Correßpondenee of London Timis.
The Irish Car King.
Mr. Chalks Ilianconi is one Of the most
useful men that ever brenthea the 1111. of
Ireland. A native of Italy, he emigrated
to Ireland in consequence of• the troubled
political condition of his own country. The
step in his case laid the foundation', of his
fortunes. - commenced to earn hying
as an itinerant . picture frame mender .wit
Traveling froin one country house
to another, he became aware by personal in-
convenience of the' absence of cross-conn
try coilvelkanees. Having, therefore, saved
a few bounds, ho resolved to start a ear to
run from 'Thuile:: to a neighboring town, at
a very low rate. At tii•st he met with but
little support, but by *degrees the thing took
so well that he started another, and horses'
and fodder and labor being. all cheap, he
was able. rapidly to extend his operations,
and with increasing custom still- maintains
low rates. Before long he got contracts for
carrying cross road mails, and at length be
came the .greatest public•conveyance pro•
prietor in the world, probably, running his
cars through the length and breadth of the
Mr. Bianconi is a man of rare tact, meth
od and ludgMent. He treats all his work
men with great consideration, but rigidly
exacts from then the performance of their
duty.. A regular system WI promotion has
long prevailed in his establishment. Driv
ers begin on ;lonely, out-of-the-way roads,
and are then iransferred to more cheerf a
and agreeable routes. Ultimately, those
who have passed many years satisfactorily
in his service receive pensfons. All Mr. Bi
anconi's cars are made at his own factory.
Beiiig a prudent man, he has accumulated
a large fortune.
Beside the regular passenger cars, he es
tablished for the market people near large
towns a rougher conveyance, . which allbrd
ed ample room for their baskets, and ran
such ears at even lower rates. Thousands
in remote villages who up... to the time be
commenced his operations bad scarcely had
a glimpse civilized life thus becamccom
paratively familiar with its manners and
customs, and consequently ashamed of liv
ing like pigs, and to Mr. Biaxiconi, as much
as to any man, may be attributed that im
provement in the appearance, and mode of
life of tbe lower class of Ireland which has
been so •eniarkable in the past quarter of a
century.—N. Ereniny
Tinging to the Old jea-Pot.
311 r. Groesbeck ,
Groesbeck, though he thinks tilt
Demo ratio organization is " spoiled," and
that a new one must take its place, still says:
"After all, I like them and I like the old
mlitical homestead. I confess it is some
what dilapidated. There are no banners on,
its oilier wrdls, and victorious shoutings
arc no longer heard within; but it is a home
still, and 1 shall not leave it until it is pulled
The Argun, as is usually the case when
weakling undertakes to - copy and expand
the utterance of a strong man, dilutes this
into feebleness, and Writes what reads very
much like an appeal to apply disinfectants
to a dirty hole in apprehension of a visita
tion of the cholera:
" Let us, then, clear out the rubbish, re
burnish the furniture, scour the walls, re
gild the banners, throw wide open the doors,
and invite onr friends yti to a primitive po-,
litical feast."
All of which reminds us of the story of
the old lady who had a tea-pot which had
come down to her from her grandmother
and mother, and she wouldn't drink out of
any other tea pot. One daishe left, it on 'the
stove and the 'handle melted off. The old
lady took it tip' and exclaimed,' " Well, al
though the handle is melted oil', t,'s ',hemline
old tea-pot; my grandmother L . %ink nut of
Chip tea-pot, toy mother :drank 'tit of it, and
I Won't drink out of any other." By and
by what site called the " snozv.lc" was melt
ed off, and still site went through the same
reflections about lier grandmother and moth
er, and detgrtnined to cling tc} the old tea
pot. After awhile the . boys got to playing
lt , ith it and hoof:I:ell a hole in the bottom,
but the faithful old lady took it up tenderly
and sighing said, "The handle Is genie, and
the snozzle is melted oli, and here's a We
in the bottom, hut it's the same old tea-p , A,
still; my grandmother drank out of it,,lnv
fitother drank mit of it, and I. won't think.
out of any o(lier teapot."
When ) Mr. Mroebheek sayslic likes the old
politicAl homestead though it is dilapidated,
and whenithe Argus wants to "scour the
walls"—What, a dirty place it must bef—,and
have - a "feast"—race place for a' feast!—
' they reason very much like the old lady with
1 her ten-pot,—Albanyjournal. .
Milk Poisons.
The importance of providing good, clean
Water for tack cows to drink, has thews
very clearly shown from repeated =Minn
tions of specimens of bad milk under the'
microscope. - :Some two years ago we gave
in these columns an account of a somewhat
noted cheese which had come under the
observittion of Professor Sawes. The milk,
from a certain milkman, soon-after received
was foUnd to be defective. Under the mi- •
croscope vegetable' organisms were found
growing in it. A drop of this bad milk
when added to milk perfectly sound i ,intro-;
dueed , the same class of organiains, which/
increased and multiplied with great rapidi- ,
ty in the sound milk, causing it soon to be
bad. On examining the blood of the cows
under the microscope, the same class of or- .
ganisms were found and their course was
traced to the water from which the cows
obtained their supply for quenching thirst.
For a lon g time it has been observed that
the milk of cows, drinking from stagnant;
pools and mud holes, soon becomes bad, and!
is the fruitful source of floating curds du.;
ring hot weather. In St. Lawrence county
a noted dairyman stated to us that during a
certain dry ; season 4e was unable to make
good butter from the milk of his cows, yet
his neighbors had no difficulty. His pas
tures were not well 'provided with water,
and the cows were forced to drink from
sloughs and, frog ponds. He .tried for a .
long time, o discover the cause of the
trouble in his butter, and at last suspected ,
it came from the water the cows were drink
ing. Then he sunk a well and obtained an
abundant supply of good, clean water for
his herd, and he had no difficulty in, mak
ing sweet butter and as good as could be
produced by his neighbors.
There is abundant evidence to show that
certain living organisms found in unwhole
some water; when taken into the system, re
tain their vitality, enter into the 'blood and
are carried into the milk. Doubtless; in
many instances, disease and blood-poison
ing results , from the use of bad ,milk; the
cause of which, if properly traced, would
be found in the unwholesome water which
',31!),41-i -- '
the cows drink. Nearly a year ago the
Canada Lancet gave an account of a serious
case of poisoning produced from using
freshly-churned • buttermilk, the substance
of which is thus given in the Mz Journal:
A medical Man was summoned to a house
where hefound four men apparently suffering
from the eflects of a narcotic-irritant poi
son. The symptoms were vomiting, purg
ing, burning pains in the bowels, cramps
and contractions of the lower extremities,
stupor, constant thirst, small pulse and
clammy surface. On inquiry, it was found
that each patient had some time previously
(front an hour to an hour and a half) drank
a tutohlerful or more of freshly-churned
buttermilk, and was shortly after Ward
seized with giddiness. SeVen other persons,
relatives of the family,,had drank of the
some buttermilk, and were seized with sim
ilar symptoms, athough not quite so severe.
'The milk was palatable to the taste, and all
asserted that it was impossible that any poi
son could have been put into it. Carbolic
acid in ten-drop doses was administered,
subsequently followed by opium, under
which treatment all recovered. The milk
was then tested. No trace of vegetable or
miner. i l r ; mison was - found; but on examin
ing it Microscopically, numerous animalcu
he were )erceived, of- about 1-5000th to
1-7000th (f an inch in diameter. A sample
of the injurious milk' and ,a like quantity of.
good milk ,freshly-churned (in which, how
ever, it. ii stated 'a few animalcule; were
visible on examination) were then set aside
for a week, when the latter divided into
curds and whey, but the former retained its
Consistency, and looked as fresh as when
churned and was literally swarming with
aniinalculte, while the latter was nearly free
Trein'tliem:! The -theory advarOed by the
_medical attendant who contributes thcvar
- -
.elc, regarding, the animalcuite, was dthat
the germs which produced them had existed _
in, the water supplied to the cow from which
the milk was obtained.
This theory 'was, without doubt, correct,
and It is not improbable that the cases of
poison front eating cheese, which not un
frequently occur, may be laid to the same
source. Dairymtn are not generally aware
of the serious consequences that are liable •
to result front neglect in supplying 'their
herds with good, clean water. The impres
sion scents to prevail that the cow has won
derful powers of separating all the poisons
in. her food and water in some mysteripus
way, so that they shall not be secrete& in
her milk. Filthy water, alive with plan;
isms, which no one would think it sae e to
drink, is not unfrequently considered good
enough for the dumb beast that supplies the
famil - y with milk. The milk is Used with- -
out question us to its wholesomeness, and
if t,6ltoitl fever, or some malignant disease
attacks and carries oil some of the inmates
of a hnsehohl, tke cause is laid to an in
scrutable source, t.titut epidemic, or conta
gion which' is wafted by the winds from
afar. There ate poisons other than those
found in the minerals' and drugs of .the
apothecary., They are in, the cesspool, the!
drain, and in the heaps of accumulated filth
often permitted to diffuse their noxious in- -
fluence about our living apartments; and,
then there are• those other poisons comity
,front the milk and the flesh of maim
which have been iMproperly fed and care
for.—RuatilVi;:o York.er.
Large and Small Farms.
The census shows that the average size of
fiu•tihs in the United States was reduced 23
per cent. froth 18G0 to 1870, yet in Illinois
and Indiana they increased in size from 191$
to 302 in 1870-or 108 per cent. The prop
el,' management of these great estates re
quires lust they shotild do nearly all the
work by inachinery, employing as few, men
and horses as possible. The small farmer,
sear by, prositiccis his crol,at greater pro
portionssi east, fails to compete, and Oooner
or later sells' out to his rich neighbor. This
gives rii,e to-what is there very properly de
nominated "land monopoly," and in the
fame's' granges this has already created
two patties or factions —pm composed of
those owning a thousand acres and over,
the_ other of average sized farmersi. They
are divided in interest, and the sthall far-
user has the : , yntpathy of the community,
inasmuch as he directly aidsi busine4s ail
about him, by employing help, patronizing
stores, and in effect exchanging products for
,goods. The larger producers occasionally
hold their products for a ise, make corners
in wheat, corn, ;etc., and ontrol the market
so far as their foreign cu touters permit
them. The mOre demobratic, poorer but •
more nuinerM4'element, are already sug
gesting nitwit.cis in their respective orgam
nations, as to the effect 9f immense farms
()I1 the market - 'and whether the Western
tendency to, h nd monopoly is beneficial to
i i .
the general t ricultural interest. The in
vestigmi(m ,Niil doubtless show that one
monopt.ply is n& materially different from
another in its efiect upon the Masses of the
people, mid the business and political in
tere:ls of the country; and that the natural
result N ill be a weeding of the granges.—
lln the 1 , 1:e.,i, owing not alone to our thickly
settled population, but to our varied indus
tries,' 1, , manufactories, workshops,. and
coinaless individual enterprises, the gener
al tonieney is toward small farms—such as
can be 11),ed (sipleniently and profitably to
supply exisling'horne markets. In this way
our farmers create and control their own
markets, no fiir as the law of supply and de
niand,will permit them; and their position ,
is better. more useful, more permanently.
ProaPeroa 4 all round than if each and all
of them mid the control of thousands of,
acre , ;. T tie la, , re land OWller.4 of Great Brit
ain prod lelsi a sv;leul of tenantry which
has entaip,s Illi))1.tV Auld poverty , for genera
tions. 'lsht.melt farms of New England
and the AI i die States have given incentive
to growl II . id („mterpriie, and social and po
litical bvi ittesA, never before equaled in
m t . burnt ,•R tr any land. —Berk.; awl Sclinyl
kal ,bm ru•el.
A golt , i main to imitate mahogany can be
nettle u u tomtit sienna and wafer, to darlc
en win , , tnid VAsitlytte. brown: - Carefully
Si7e •. .IZla , varnish; or 0 hot decoction
of logWeoay-toi 10il - tv two or thre
Texas contains now forty agric Itural so
cieties, nearly all of, which were organized
during the last two years, and every one of
them since the downfall of slavery.