Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, August 19, 1873, Image 4
MI M Ns PiV 1: 4 s :4 I 'l, • t$ El II tor aollWii! trAXE. saw her last nigh, at a party, ' (The elegant party a Mead's.l And looking remarkably hearty • For a widow who woo in her Wee.,l4 ; Yet I know she was suffering eitifrilW Too deep for the tongue to.eapreas. - Or why had she chosen to borrow go much frum the language of dress! }ter shawl was as sable as night, ' And her gloves were as dark as her shawl, And her jewels that flashed in the light,. Were as black as a funeral pall. rler robe had the hue of the rest, (How nicely it fitted her shape!) And the grief that was heaving her breast, Dolled over In billows of crape. What teary of ‘iCAriollift woe, That el e might have solliefl her face, Were laptity permitted to flow - In ribbons of ebony lace; 'Mille oven her fan in tta play Mid quite a lugubrious scope, And seemed to be waving away Tbo ghost of the An l gell of Ilope. Yet as rich as the robed of a queen Was the sombre apparel she wore. I'm contain I never bad seen - • suehismuptuous sorrow before; And Lc uldn't help thinking the beauty. In mourning the-loved and the lost, Was ding her conjugal duty. EUtitely regardless of colst. Ono wOtild say Bitch deVetton Performed at Eo vast fill expense, Betrayed au excess of emoUdu - That really was something immense; Anil yet wi I viewed, at my leisure, Those tokens of tender regard, I thought, it was scarce without measure,— The sorrow that goes by the yard. Ab, grief is a curious passion; And yours,-.li am sorely afraid, The very next phase of tho fashion, • Will find it beginning to fade Though dark ere the shadows of gri..f, • The morning will follow the night, lialf tints will betoken relief. Till Joy shall be symboled in white! Alt, well I—it were idle to quarrel With fashion, or aught it may do; And so I conCludo with a moral • And a metaphor—warranted now: When measles come handsomely out, The patient is safest they say, Ana the sorrow is mildest, no uneht, That' works in a similar way. RELIGIOUS NATTERS. Success Is the world's criterion of merit; fidelity is Clod's. Forgiveness is the way by which every saved soul enters heaven. He is wise who mixes reflective and med itative piety with eflorts to do good and to communicate. All ideas of heaven in which forgiveness has not a place, are castles in the air and vain fancies. Blessed are they who sec the day of glo ry; hut more blessed are they who contrib ute to its apploneb. Severe discipline, if the heart lie right, tends to' develop ripeness, richness, and symmetry of 'Christian character. • . Rev. Dr. Lyman, rector of Trinity church iii San Francisco, has accepted the assist. ant Bishopric of the Diocese of North Car • Mimi, to which he was elected last June: Dhe departure of Dr. Lyman from this iocese will be a severe loss. ' This is the way the Congregational• min- 1 isters are paid in Vermont. Only about one third of the churches pay their ministers promptly; sixty-five pay from $4OO to $050; thirty-eight pay $l,OOO or more; thirteen not-more than $500; twenty-five $OOO or lessr; forty-three less than SSOO. But - there is really so little reason why bodies having the same faith and the same form dr church order and discipline should continue= to be separate and even rivals, that we cannot doubt that union will tri umph over all the obstacles that now post pone it. The grounds of attraction are so much mote weighty than anything that can be urged in opposition, but one result is possible.—Examiner and Chronicle. 4 A San Francisco correspondent of the Christian. Intelligence? writes: "I frequently visit the Chinese chapel under the care of the faithful missionaries, Rev. Messrs. Loo mis and Condit, and this evening I witness ed the baptism of eleven Chinese young men. Both sacraments were administered, the hou4o was crowded, and the meeting was one of thrilling interest. It is remarkable i that after a trial of — inoic than twenty years 1 an accession like this should have blessed --,, the little mission, coming as if the work of la few weeksi" The Foreign Committee of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States an nouncetbrit since the day of prayer for an increased supply of missionaries, in Decem. ber last, a missionary physician luta lmen raised up and appointed for Japan, five young men in the Theological Seminary in Wisconsin have expressed an earnest desire to be sent to the foreign field; two presby ters and four deacons in Hayti, colored Men, also, in seminaries and elsewhere, - the re sponse comes, "Here am I, send me." In regard to the Baptist, missions in Eu rope, the chapel in Paris, France, it is hop ed will be completed this year. The pres ent number of members in Paris is 81; bap tized during the year, 7. Total number of members in France, so fur as reported, 41:;. In Germany the work has gone forward, as in former years. In Sweden there are 221 churches; baptized last year 877; members 9,412. Only 49 churches have meeting houses. The work in Sprain and Greece has been hindered by various obstaeles I and makes little progress. The total of bap tisms in all the missions of the Union last year was 4,310. Total of members, allow ing 1,200 for Africa, not less than 57,512. • On the first Sunday after Trinity the ex periment was tried of making a collection in all the churches of London for the hos pitals of that city. It developed a unity of action by different religious bodies upon a specifically religious matter, which was quite remarkable. All sorts and conditions of nten,—Christians, Jews, and poSsibly heathens emulated each other in their con tributions to the hospital fund. Time Queen Lent two princes to represent her at St. Paul's, in London; the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminister issued a com mendatory circular letter upon the subject, which was read before all the Roman Cath olic congregations; and the jews pledged limp contributions on the day before, at their services. Making all due allowance-for the anxiety of affection to pay its most delicate offer ings to the memory of the beloved dead, and remembering , too, that from large circles of relatives and friends there may naturally be a very great aggregate of these- memori als, common-sense dictates that there is a point at which reverence involuntarily - pauses; where grief tenderly protests against gm very appearance of pompoms parade, Ind religion shrinks from ostuffatious lash ( on. We do not object to approprihte and modest floral emblems, but this excessive display in public religious services, and es pecially over the dead, is against good test - , and refined religious principle. In 0:, . i ' l sl— in many other matters of Christlo- •—' -- a Libeity -the word of Ood furnishes ti... ~;,,,.‘ in ~,4 ' "Let your moderation 1 , - '' '''"'F — -"T. , known unto .11 men."—Christull. hp- - At:genet I. The CI tliViP -- J esu it s o f r• eO?4 S :1Y A that the expelled lids er-- ,ermany are rapidly an iving in . D ., ...entry. The llovre steamer the oth ..r day brought a 'party of ten, and the Bre men packet is said to have brought twenty the or til;lly. ,The writer of the article says that "but few of them are to be per manently located here; their ultimate des tination being the Far West, along the line of the Pacitio Railroads. With her custo- mary worldly foresight, Rome has. discov ered there a new empire, worth an effort to conquer,,if only to counterbalance the ter ) Able fa] Mg away which confronts her pas im ,inl to Eastern hemisphere. These ex wiled esuits, who are now wandering through the streets of New York, with all the familiarty of people who are to the man- Or born, are but the pioneers, or the sap. pers and miners, of the cohorts who are to follow from time to time." The following sensible bit of writing we take from the Baptist heimiiner and Chrom; de, apropos of a late occurrence in ChicagO': "Is it bigotry ? Rev. Arthur Brooks had a visitation from his Bishop. ,At the Com- inunion service, instead of- following the ;Rubric, and inviting to the table all such as . be religiously' and devoutly disposed, he gave a general invitation to all Christians. The Bishop shook his head, mildly rebuked the rector for his departure from the ordi naryirule, and received from the rector the assurance that he would not sin again in that direction when the Bishop was present. The Bishop has received from the Union Press the usual measure of condemnation for enforcing the rules of the Church. Es pecially, it is said, as the invitation given by Mr. Brooks was in substance the sante as that in the Rubric, If nothing was to be gained by a' departure front theltiles of the church, why not keep them ? 'When Mr.' Brooks was Ordained hie held atThe chancel rails and received in the most solemn form the Bible, the Prayer Book, the Rubrics, and the Canons of the Church. If he haul changed his opinion on discipline, doctrine; or service, the honest way would have been • to give back his adhesion and pledge, in , stead of violatifig the laws of his church." NENT ESTABLISHED IN 1849. VAIN' r rE•I 3 VOS I IE I ,'N -Sr. , i'=-z,-,-. '*.:,t A. 'WEST, 0 N aOf MANUFACTUWORS OF PORTABLE AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS PARTIOTLAR ATTENTION PAID TO GANCi SAW MILLS, ENGLISH, lIIULAY & CIRCULAR MILLS, 'Water Wheels-suited to all heads of water, Tannery Irons; Bridge Irons, &a. .In experience by our Mr. U' 11. Calkins of over twenty years as a 'Machinist and s Foreman, enables us, by ,his personal supevision, to make - 7 - strictly first-class Goods. . Fop. 18. 1.873.-17 OEO. HREIBIAIS G. PRESTON. - • .PRESTON & HE - ERMANS IRON ' FOUNDERS a .,_ mAciliNismc , Coinaltigg, [ • 111Alkiln4OTUEEIt9 OF , STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, Circular, Gang and Afikley Saw Mills, Machinery for Tanneries, Shafting, Gearing and Castings of every description in Iron and Brass. ins-Afaebinory of all kinds repaired promptly awl at reasonable rates.- 13 • \ Corning, August ES, 187/.-ly 24051 vent =CM 2' ►T► M I,4Min Yarn triLsoa• Has gone to Arezv York tolncy a stock of Spring and Sam- titer Goods. He intends to buy from the best markets at t bi l 4toi L In d 'ices, and he will have some splendid bailgains to offer his customers when he returns. He has NOW on hand , a quantity of .Clothin4 and Dress Goods which he wants out of the Way, and he takes this meth l od of informing yoa,confl,dentially - ,that he will sell them C.IIE4P---if you, don't believe it, call and see. :MINGLE MILLS AND ENOINk.'S ALWAYS ON BAND EIWM • 11 , v.. , . 4 - • t .P"1 94-5 7. 1r • 14.1 Al Aft" Al% Pi - .• el ri BPRING-GUUD6.:' -ArtING. '41w.;~ ~vz~; C. -C's-11ATHERS 4 r _ ~, Maple and Fahey PRP iNolliPS, DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HAT'S, CAPS, BOOT% Shoes, &0.,. Suitable for the spring Trade , . /Lf . y stock has been procured frOm the best Markets in the country, duel therefore you wilt be satisfied lnith prices. .13.1%.71:10 SOME. Corning 36 4 ouriary & Macbins Shop,. ESTABLISHED 1840. . 33. W. imsagrri.e• cfc Mamie, Manufacturemof Stationary and Portable Engines and Boilers. Gearing, Shafting and Machinery required for Saw Mills, Goat Mills and Tanneries, Ovens and Grates, for burning Tau. Screws for moving unleachod and leached barbs (Jastings, Bole, Railroad Frogs, Chairs, and Repairing done at short notice. We have fa cilities for shipping by Canal or Railroads to all points, and can furnish Machinery cheaper than Eastern or Western builders of the best quality. Jan. 1, 1872-Iy. 800 KEGS OF NAILS 4,000 Cords of Hemlock Bark IZAT.E/LNTMITI. CONTRACTS will be made for the purchase of Bark peeled and delivered the ensuing season, at $4.00 per cord of 2,200 lbs; cash on delivery. Bark peeled last year will be received for the next ninety days at $4 per cord of 2,200 lbs; cash on de - livery. Wo will make contracts for peeling 1,000 cords of bark on lands of the Pennsylvania Joint Land and Lumber Co. BAILEY, I,OWELL k CO. Wellsboro, May 13, 18711-tf. POMEROY BRO'S 8 SMITH, BANNERS, BLOSSBURG, Tioga County, Penn'a. BUSINESS PAPER NEGOTIATED, POMEROY Ifso's BANKERS, W. H. Bmrru, Troy, Ps. Feb. 4, 1873-tf. "' Nos pat veceived large stock of GREAT EXCITEMENT ! INNII MOM ROUTED! LAVA BEBS VACATEB TY. BUY WHERE YOU CAN BUY TUE CHEAPEST : : IS our advice, because we know that after you havu examined our Stock you will be convinced that & Bro's STORE 1s the place to purchase Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Hats and Gaps, Clotbiug Boots and Shoes, White Goods, Groceries, Gent's Furnishing Goode, Sic., a varied stock suitable for the Spring and Summer Trade. Wo cordially invite you ail to examine our stock. Blosaburg, pa, CORNING, NTF.UBEN COUNTY, N. T. E BY & CO. OP men t s nellsils Tin Roofing TEI DJLISTABLE.SPE6O BED! artiett's Patent June 21, 1870. pring, elastic Siat. :A L With only a single ma rens. For durability, comfort, cleanliness, and adjust ent it has no equal. A su perior bed for the sick-r m, as well as for Persons in health. Orders solicited the proprietor for Tioga county. J. S. PALMER, April 1, 1873.-tf. Mansfield, Pa. XURIOUS BED! EcreVAVatCHIN a HALL. Mrs. co.G C, HAVING returned to WeHON,. ed her trade in the mannhtel ARTIFICIAL HAIR would respectfully say to her would be glad to see all who their calls. She can be found Johnson, the Barber, goons: 1111 NH IL W. 'WWI 6nrt remo‘i-d li r Moak Store to 1111 tho Into tvaltleope or Lutior opponile Vol) ttorWit 11010. 'Stitinway and other Lur l•p111.. I ft 7111, •rp, .81...111 .•1 pla••tl' t.. 11k4.f4 IF) so - talc, A. at Prtt „ Vl'reign anti uo►westic Liti ttors NEW DRUG FIRM TAYLOR & SPALDING Pilluleliale and Dahill Dealers la DRUGS, CHEMiCALS,. PAINTS, OILS, P A TENT 31. ED ICI NES DYE -STUFFS, PERF,UMERY, Haying made special arrangements vita the liioBl3- burg Glass Company. we can furnish Glees at lowest rates to - parties wishing to buy, in large quantities, shipped direct trout the factory. Physicians' Prescriptions and Family I? . lyCompounacd. girMr. Spalding bus bad sevoial y in the drug business, and Is tberougl its branches.. TAYLOR Wsßeber?, Pu., June 24, Itna-tr. Tioga Marble W. IIE undersigned. Is now proparod t. T dors for 'lota Stones and Monuml Italian, or Ruticfhid of the West style and approved workm dispatch. He keeps constantly on hand both lc' and will bo ablo to NUR all who may their orders. on as reasonable terms as in the country. TRUMAN & BO SW ML'anrthfultlandALthe...reaAy fill all orders with promptness and dispatch. Fencing Boards, Bill Timber, Shingles, Lath, Wood, &c., constantly on hand, April 2k.-t. f, = MILLINERY'. MRS. SOFIELD announces to the public that sh has a very large and desirable stock of Millinery and Ladles' Furnishing and Fancy Goods, which are offered at very low rates. LADIES' SUITS, PARASOLS, sit Aims, GLOVES,CORSETS,HOOP-SKIRTS, HOSIERY, LACES, and - Notions; also ready-tuade white goods in every variety The public are cordially invited to inspect and purchase. Wellaboro, May 13, 1873-6 m. ¶ool,Roou Highest Market Price in CASH I tor WOOL. ayheir BOOT AND SHOE STORE, in Boils which we propose to soli as Row as can be purchased in any market west of Now York. We Defy Competition on our Cuetom•Made Oil per day! Agents wanted I All class -85 TO 8 4,11 J es of working people, of either sex, young or old, make more money at work for us in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address G. Stinson & Co. Portland, Maine. Sept. 24,1872-Iy. G LASSWARE in endless variety at CHINA. HALL. , . CANCER! F , RIEND I if you are afflicted with CANCfl.la,s.ome immediately to the Cancer Infirmary of Dr. J. H. Crane, Addison, N. Y., where you will be -promptly treated and.cured, If you omeiutime. When reach ing the It. R. Depot at thi place, ask for the Amer'. can Hotel omnibus; it will take you direct to the In firmary. If you wish ibr references, send for Circu lar without delay. Charges always reasonable. June 2C /578-27. - 4,, • MV44Ati . ,l> • - , • • .v-IL-41;- t, _4' 70'ilintant.czoiw, . for *alio wary OR(ANS. N 1 . - c; • t t NEA it.....0.1q1 i'4l 4P, -4aftd.,. A:11,A.1.5-1.N.1 h 1 , E.A1 Ell IN WINES, &c., 4:,0 Agent for Fine Old Whiskies, Jai.. I. 1H72. CORNINO. N. Y NEW 4400111-S KEROSENE, LAMPS, FANCY ARTICLES, tic. WALKER & LAT DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, STOVES, TIN-WARE, DELI SAWS, CUTLERY, WAT • LIME, AGRICULTUR. IMPLEMENTS, Carriage and Ramos T. HARNESSES, SADDLER, Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1872. Jra11.1.1A74 ed itl'e prepared to pay the T HE tinders( Sears's Brick Block. We will be ple%eed to have our Mende call and EXAMINE OUR STOCK OF AND hoes, Work: CALL A'AID SEE US C. W. Bailie, I. M. Bourns. J Welleboro, Pa., Juno!), 1873.4 f. N g • •' At> 'eciees d atiirale '-are experience ply posted In all SPALDING. ROP. IN.ULB, lINCI, lir=lugs MI execute all or .nta of either Jlfarble, aushipand with nds of Marble avor him with can bo obtained NE' ADAMS g MICI TRUMAN & BOWEN done promptly, and In the best manner: The beat workmen employed, and Two but the best seasoned lumber used. Encourage home tndnstry. Factory near the foot of Main Street. Jan. I, 1872-tf. BENJ AUSTIN. H AS the largest and beat selected stack of niBOUTS - AND SIIOES ever brought into Wellsbore., eonsiatiug of • Ladies' Kid- and Cloth . Bahnor- Ladies, Misses, Children and Baby's Shoes. Gents' Cloth 'Boots and Shoes, Prince Albert Calf IBoots, Boys' Calf & Boots, Youths' Boots. In feet, all kinds of Mena' and Women's wear kept in a first-class Shoe Store. The best sewed l'i'otnau's Shoes ever offered In this market. rdefy tho world SEARS dc BODINE If you don't believe it, try me. I buy only the best stock, and have as good Cordwainers as money can hire. of all kinds constantly on hand CASH PAID FOR HIDES, DEACON' SKINS, Having Just lined up my shelves with a choice stock, personally selected fur this market, I, respect fully solicit a fair share of trade. "Small profits and quick returns," I believe to be a good business max im ; and 1 he'd the best goods to be the cheapest. I keep no shoddy. My assortment is sufficient to meet all sizes and tastes. I invite our patrons 'and the public generally to call and examine my stock. No trouble to show goods. Always to be found, one door north of 0.• B. Kelley's store, Main street, Wellsboro, Pa. JOHN FIKILEB. Fob, 1,18754 f. IS PURELY ft VEGETABLE PREPARATION; COB/Meek 6 1 3: 11 PlY of weltknotm ROUTS, HERBS. and FRUITS, (-cull:Med w:th other ifroperties, which to their nature aro a.thertic. Aperient, Nutritious, Diuretic, Alterative ud Anti- Bilious. The whole la preserved in a sufficient quantity of Spirit from the St UGAR. CANDI to keep them in any climate. whichinakee tho pLANTATIQN. --i-., ~ :-.-ITTERS 3ne of the Moat deairablo Ton lea land efi r tiefl in Vie world. They aro Ix:tended atrietly aa a ■ as , domestic OniC, / only to bo used as a modleine;and alw;lyerordiog' to directions. They are the shoetyinehor of the fc.Ll • end de bilitated. They act l pen a di ..eapc.,l t.:43 stimulate to such a d groe, that a Ilea shy a a , n as at once brought about. As a r. nerdy to v...:och Warners carts especially subject, it 1.4 every other stimulant. .An a Sp, toga.. at:i nter l'anic, they have no equal. '4 4y a1t...4 rend and gentle l'arcutive so well es Toile. 'lacy Purity the )3iood. They are iv splendid Appetizat. Tney make the weak strong. Thry an in. viceratel. They cure ityyps 141:a. Const.pstrt, end lieudaclie. They Last pa in ail s,p-cie.44 - ot dmordors which 11113e1 tame the Loatly etre , . 41 , !..wn the unlit - 44a Ai +iet t ± rt. ~epot, 63 l'alk 1'I.• •, '. r ' - 1 Li 1011 1 56 •:- ..-:.,, 1 Only 50 Cents per Bottle. It prornntee the GROWTH, PRESER VE.; Ole COLOR, and increases the ti Vtgar .:nd BEA UT Vo f the HAIR. OVFR TATIVIT YEAP,S3 A GO I YON'B TCATTPI2SO7.7 FOE a wee firstptired in the market by Professor E. Thonnis Lyon tigiuduate ofrPriu. eton college. The name is derived from the--44eek - Earifite," signifying to cleanstf. piirtfiy, rvemnafr, O, reVtire. The favor it has reeerved. and filo po,".ularity it has obtained, is imp efji and Incredible. It in areasee. the Clinic, ry of s the HAUL- Itiß a delightinl dreF•Aing, It . • )cotes dandruff. It prevents the Hair from t. r:., .g (nay. It keeps the head cool, sod gil",tll tin hail a rich, soft, glossy al - • pow atico. It 18 ti•e (PIANTrrY and QUAL.I 4 / I as it was over a c rosy AGO, and in sold by all I._try :-torLs at G.2i Centu pur . Cf? , I A , , ,, . ; • I W P R 4f °man s gl ory is & r Hair, 4oi '... LYON'S `s;:• i ., sa• t q k : : g -_, ~4 6 , -, r i'; h 4. i i i‘ 1:4 May 1 , 187a.-Rot ~y WELL SBORO Boor, Sash Blind Factory' BENJAMIN ArSTIN, is prepared to furnish first clams work front the best limber, at his now fac tory which is nor' in full operation. Sui4h, Doors , ~ i , 110111X15Z D ,, 21/01E1HI D AND MOULONGS, 11 constantly on hand, or manufactured to - order . i Planing - and Matching , JOHN FISHLER als and Gaiters, CUSTOM WORK. REPAIRING done neatly, and with cliepateh. Leather and Findings PELTS AND FLTIZS. 'ti'3• l 4 l , 2 t ' 0•1 4 1 4 1 k. • rr 4i : • 3 % "` i vtilt 'to ce fiti - e t y, ; LIO per dozeu , and ucc - rAtv: faanlis equally Atop ut MaX4.I.X\TC73EPiE{ 11.1 - 'll 'JP I T : 9 14 ip Wl..k if sill "Jr 1 Furniture I I'AVE bus , / ou frihiblitou and snt, I . „M the largest and ittoßtlgni,oet, , tt „- L Waro FINE ANP COMIION FURNITUIth Lr, It ronini lu N4wtherti Vithmisylvauiti, courtHiag 1%1A1ti31..1•; ANL) C.VNTEJI HAT RACER, FANCY .CHAT H, 011 AL ANi).SQUARE FRAIIII,B, BILWA. ETS, PURR No. I HAIR ER, Funiß TR/VISES, and aLult stuck of the conimon 1101 Cly a first-dna - a eldablishnieut. Thu al "yie g0.,0x are larg, ly of their 01‘11 manufacture, and al% ctlan la gnu. ailtetd b o th 4 , 3 W quality and price f TI :y sell tbe Wovon, Wire .4 attrass tll funk poptilar apriiig alar ILe Tarkg Spring ttint dauntn on trial t". - +r 17 yeas aria 0, oil 1/ ill VOrckal mati trial lloolit to aupt,lied with all sties of the tin elsior utel, t and I,atitifill style of belgal east- tog, titer with t.,14 hittds of lott:Ltit ntruitafttettot., v 22 2 22 10 Matt It. fliey tr‘ ill mute initlerl2ll ti.t; iallty tit their irtlfline3tt, nod any Deeding llfrir will be att,litled to promptly, and at fiatlgWr ( qty star. t(1.14. Odd 1/1 , AP71 Of Furnitore mado, 22 , 22 d Turi,thi all kinds done with neatnet, and tiler:M-1, To wrion -a MAY CONC.EI , I I . - -11t31114; fOrullt I , q. (, 1 lam entitled to a little rest. after rilarly 40 yeses 0 . application to business , 1 hate pan , ied over tne ire, : Lure bunions to •-the lloyn" ea per above edema,.. went, and take this metbtio of asthic for tn.iiii rte name liberal patronage ao ha 9 been extended t, i .,,._ My books may be found at the old place ror aettli.lo,l Jan. 10. 1812. 11. T. YANI liCiliN, 'ifictor Carriage Shop. undersigned «isL to call the all Ninon pnblic to the fact that they are r0uunt.n.,1111:1411.41 the choicest selected materials, the latc-,t and r..it approved styles. of LIGHT & HEAVY CA RIAM: PLATFORM.SPRING WAGONS and also the fine C(IT-tTND}IL PL 11F(ifim ItlAt3E, so convenient for turning abetit in a hamar space. Wo.altall. keep always an lon•I a gond w.uortairil ct Buggies and Platform Wagone, and hustma t abroad may rely on finding bete just n hat they Rita and at as low a priro as t NI It h Ordrrs promptly fllthd. Our Pth, a is at the (LI stand of Bradford &: Coniutuo, ut ar the 110 y M. Off D %NMI.. COMPTON, Troy, Pa.. May 6,'1237;1-13. E. F. !ALMA, Doors, Blinds,Ceiling, tiith:' , at the Ellchthd nietr y and lirap et 11101 LESA LE A: RETAIL. Partite wlll find it for their intaroit In,all or iftita before purolusing e, A price list will be forwarded FREE un smillestiou to W. 11. dihalk, April 8, 1873.-61wo. ' D10(1114,1 'up Co , TNOTIAM BILOTHEttS. Proprietors of the abov,llllll, 1, will Manufacture a l s usual to order, to snit in - Women. OUR ICASSIMERES are warranted. Particular attention gi% en to Roll Carding & Cloth Dressing We manufacture to order, and do all kinds of 11.)11 Carding and Cloth Dreaatug, and defy competition. We have as amid an nasortment of Full Cloths, Cassimeres, (Se., and give more for Wool in exchange than any other establishment. Try them and satisfy yourselves. We wholesale and retail at the Cowanesque Mina, / miles below Knoxville. Jan. 1, 1872. LIGHAM BROTHERS. J. H. Griswold's Water Wheet fralii undersigned, are agents for the above Wahr I Wheel, and can cheerfully recohiruend It as 6nr, rlor to all others in use. rereads wishing, to per. abase should see this wheel ill opeistion before buy ing other wheels.BßOS. • Deerfield, May 15, 1872: Wo the undersigned, purchased one of J. IL - 01i3 hold's SO inch Water Wheels uaing 68 inches of wafer to run three run Of stone under a 10 foot head, endue well pleased with the wheel. We have ground mil bustle% per hour with the tb,ree run and can average (hat amount per hour all dak. E. D. PHILLIPS. • (MARLTON P11 . 1 5 T IPS pf Chronic and .Vats itheuniatil Nt archon, Lisa. Lego, Sciatieu, libitot., all.(1 liervo Hi Diet ahl". ;our jean; of allirvihug, by taints lln. VIJA.LICS VI9.I;IAGLI: , iIttIMIATIC Si tiur--the sat mine di -, eve: is J.l' Filler, IL D., a regular gm intimate play at. WI, a 911 MI ,lii wo are personally acquainted, who has tor 39 yt als treated these diseases exclusotely Will astontslitha ie. sults. We believe it our christianduty, after deli! , oration, to conscieutionsly request utirrers to use ,1, eSPecifillY persons in moderate efectinistknees I‘l,l minuet afford tO w este money and time on wen till, ss miatures. As clergymen we seriously feel the db cp responsibility resting on us In publicly endorsing th.s medicine. But our knowledge and experience-of its remarkable merit fully justifies our action. 11tev. C. 11. Ewing, lifedia, Penn's, suffered sixtien years, I`, , came hopeless. Rev. Thomas Aimpliy, B D., Fraul, ford, Philad'a. Rev. J. D. Davis, llightstow it, 11i a Joilsey. Rev. J. 8. Buchanan, Clarence, lowa. 1 c'.. G. G. Smith, Pittsford, New York. Rev. Joseph lit g..:z, Fails Church, Philadelphia. Other testimenisli. ft , 1.1 Senators, Governors, Judges, Congrcksmeu, I bj. , .. C1(1118, &C,..,. -fOr NN nrded watts Ai ith pamphlet rq,l, • ing thesis diseases. One thousand dollars a 11, b, pre sented to any medicine for same ditienel'il stoning equal merit under teat, or that can produce on e -lisstii as many living cures. Any person sending 1.3 hit, r description of affliction will receive gratis a Muhl'} signed guarantee, naming the umber of bottles I. cure, agreeing to refund money Ton mein stab irtd 1 of Its failure to cure. Afflicted united to write to he Fitler,Philadelphin. Iris vainabl advice coats nothing - WOOD & ti pviLLE. A ge l . o, RimicNille, pa. March 11,"78-1y Wall Paper TILE AssonrminsiT, Is fHE IfFST THE VARTETY*F NEW STIT.F.S; TUF. GREATEST, • .1 of • any stork wat' brought lnioyioga county 13. 'YOUNG'S _Ts() :1-k-srivortval, FRUIT JARS, &e., A apviality at C:l32.lxLet I3tall. Van (Successor* to D. T. Val, /141 LIAMELIt SUITS Ft PARLOR AND SOFAS. CODDIIKR, 'TEI'E-A.IIA EH, VAN IJOHN Jun. M. Irl7l FIRST-CLASS WORK, FLOORING.,&C., Deerfield Woolen Ming! DF:ERFIELD, •PA Read the following WESTFIELII, APRIL 2L I i 2. AND atinboty THE PRICES THE CHEAPEST, WELLSBORO, P 4 i.tsa►:c:►er, ►EI