[ I IP 64,0i' OCSiSi l itifititig - • 11?Y'.5.9h09*;PE9PP:ORTMIPVPIlteti, i'ike'etWaliti6h'ilrii4ll66 - in 1 minute} 6 . phlding's (Au k % wfio would bo wittiOut it ? We want Firkins,, Tubs, and Pails ,of Butter, for which wo will pay the'highest m arket price in cash. tT Cash paid for eggs. Aug. 10-4 t, J.. C. & BE NETT, • . Covington, Pu Culie—curedby ROy's Cholera Drops TANE . A Loox.—The first in ,the market, of CncicciTpotted Coatiiiis,Sititings, and Fancy Cast4imeros„canao •seen at 22 East Market street, Corning.: IL C: PERRY, August 111, 1873. bistrltcea---eniedz , bk Ely's Vhblern•Drpps Ttig ONLY REWEDY.—Those , who suffer from foul breath are open.to, the charge of carelessness. . It is an offense that can be speedily abated, as a single bottle of the fra grant SOZODONT will unmistakably, accom plish tho work: No toiyiti.' table should be without it. It will preserve and keep the and the•brenth pure and sweet.• teeth white, Itoy's Cholera Drops should 1M 'kept in ev ery house nt this season, whop Atz ad on at : tacks of bowel complaint are so Common: MAN LOST.—On the 25th of March Mr lame Sylvia, of Wellsboro, left his home, and ha, never returned. He was five fept live inches high, thick set, lightcomploxiA, full face and very red cheeks, brown hair, in his twenty-ninth year. When he left he had on a suit of brown clothes, and wore a motis thaw and full beard. He was supliosed to be insane at the time he left. Any informa tion concerning him will be thankfully re ceived by his wife. • All communication may ho Jill:A:led to the AGITATOR, Wellsbo- ro, Our exchanges, especially those of the State of New York, will confer a favor on an afflicted women by copying the above no tice. Cholera Morbua—cured by boy's Cholera Drape. If there is anybody who will have what is good and comfortable in the way of surgical implements, _apparatus or instruments for the sake of those who have been unfortunate, that person is Dr. T. S. TJpdeGraff. We don't know that it is anything new to many of our rerders that plaster of paris is used fur broken limbs. The Doctor took us to visit one of his patients -who ;had a broken l eg . It was done up in plaster of paris and cannel, the flannel next the skin and then alternate layers of the substances. When pouter " sets" itfholds the limb so firmly that - - the bones must unite without disturbance. There is no get away from this splint. Sup ported in somb way the patient can get about in a week, where tho old-fashioned arrange ment helds him helpless for six weeks. It is certainly an improvement.—Elmira Ad rertis .1 SIN 0 NEILSON Cabinet Warerooms, over Campbell Bross. store, In Nelson, Ps. ' - All kinds of 11:1$1 Ilr R constantly on Land. A choico and extensive stock Of Parlor amZ Chamber iS.M°3I" Just received. Now is your chance to select from a large fresh stock of a variety of styles and at prices as cheap as the cheapest. Special attention paid to UNDER• TARING. Caskets and Coffins of every size, style and description:constantly on bar i. GIVE US A O ALL• E. T. CONGDON July 15, 1873-3 Y WYOMING SEMINARY AYD COMMERCIAL COLLE4, One of the largest Boarding Schools for both sexes in. the United States. Six courses of study. Military tactics, Commercial College Course and Telegraphing. Terms low. term opens September 3d Sendfor a Catalogue to Rev. D. COPELAND; A. or L. L. SPRAGUE, Kingston, Pa. Columbia Classic: _nstitute, , A Boarding' School for Young Men and Boys. For Circulars, address REV. H. S. ALEXANDER, Colum bia, Pa. I VtiPMI 3 . I‘i VDi 0 atOsSi y tiDao Diy. ;Isjo):4 - EPIDEMIC AND CONTAGIOUS DISEASES with the newest and beat treatment for all cases. Trio only thorough work of the kind in the world.— Embraces Small-Pox Yellow Fever, Cholera and all analogous diseases. Family Safe Without It, and all buy it. Has 24 chromatic illustrations. The big gest elituxce of the season- for agents. Address H. S. GOODSPEED & CO_, 37 Park Row. Now York. $b _ __ , gle , to $75. Revolvers, 4 ;5 to $25. - Pistols, $1 to $B. Gun Slaterial, Fishing Mehl - e t &c. Large discounts to deal ers or clubs. Army Guns, Revolvers, etc.. bought or traded for, Goods sent by express C. 0. D. to be ex amined before paid for. , MONEYMade Rapidly with 'Stencil .Key Chec . Outfits. Catalogues and full particulars FREE. S. M. SPENCER, 117_11anover St., Boston. .. • V2O. MO. ' RIAD •• T '" 110 • lly all who will work for us, If upon.writing you d 6 not find us all square, wo will give you one collar for your 'trouble. 'Semi stamp for circulars to o.lEt.Buckley&Co.,Tekimsha,rtlich. $5 to $2O per days Agent - wan t . / classes of working people, ofeither sex, young or old, make more money at work for na in their spare moments, or all,the time, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address 0. STINSON, & CO4 .I.,N,rtlinitl, La Croix Medical Dispensary. EIiTAIILI.SYIED IN 1837. Is 11.ThOdeat and most successful institution hu this colmtry for the treatment of Chronic and Sexual Dia. eases. Poi' t. rine of treatment, call, or address by mail, with atatement of ease, H. H. HUNSDON, July 29 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N.Y., • .1. , 4.. 1N DIVORCE.—To Ikfiatin Frise: Yon are? reby notified that Mary FriSC, by her next Ilion 4 , has. Kenney, has applied to the Courtsof Common are? of Tioga county fora divorce from the bonds of , matri many, and that the hearing of said applicant n the premises will he had on Monday, Aoguat , 24,lBw, when unit where you are requirnd to appear and make answer to said complaint, if any you have, if you think proper. E. A. FISH, Sheriff. July 29, 7872.-4 w. El To the People - of the logy. and 9invanesque Valleys, Jackson, Rutland, Farm, iegton, Cha Arn, Middle'frury, Dr. 'IL L' VA OR , D I.IINT A L SUIIEOT. Lattfreteeevilte and Ti oga) . lIAS all the improved fa= ditties for perfecting work in all branches of the • pi oft.ssion. As to reliabdi .:-"f" ' , v,experience and skill he has , , nutuerutts certificates of . reconimendation from all '..t.1147111.111' L '' l 7, classes of his patrons—clop gymen, merahants,mechan. ics. physicians, 1;11j - tiers. and working people. - Preservation oil the natural teeth always irecora mended. If thosa organs are too much wastetl by ds eay artificial t'•lies can be Fubstitnted at prices rang ing from to C.:30. It 11;11 1;1 0 4 O -804ig .., teeth ace closely that none whicht resemble the natMini but a l prologf,h)ext eye can di.,.:•ri gld Rii the d ifference. All he different kinuts used for .reducingng insenal bility to pmts li lo u /11'etited aclviisatite. „h°r TM Doctor gill he pie:is:id to give any .ma_ llo / 1 or nitvive,/c. - e to any whoioay ask it, either by.. 45 -u al? others ice. Otilee to Ltodrenteville at his residet...Wt next not th of the Presbyttrian church. At Tioga ev ery week Monday and Tuesday. Please call. Ang. 19. It_is3-11. _ . , Trial List f, 1. Levi Bender vs. T Term, 1886. 2.‘ B. G, Wiwi&lin vs Sul Bennet et al, No. 44„ Jan uary Term, J 3. Bingham Trustees Elijah T. hinuer, No. GO, May Term, 1870. 4. Jerome 11. Dotter vs. Henry M. Math] et al, No. 1312, May Term. 18711. 5. Robert Hammond et al vs. Win. T.4ltzgerald, No. 173, January Tem), 1870, C. Dan Osborne, AtitiVr vs. Mozart M. Converse, No. 103, August-Term, 1870, 7. Same S. Same. No. 104, August Term, 1870. 8. C. L. Wilebx ),s. A. Bruner & Bro.. 56. 418, Au gust Term, 1870. 0. Walker & Lathrop yEI. Hiram Nacho et al, No. 1, November Term, 1870. 10. Samilel Morgan vs.'W. &L. Rail Road Co., No. SO, November Term, 1870. 11. James 31oEvoy tr. Janici; MeVoy et al, No. 181, November Term, 1370. 12. Geo. Bennett vs. David Colegrgve, No. :320,1No vember Term, 1870. 13. M. M. Converse et al vs. .10M3 Doualdsor4 No. 3`25, November - Term, 1870. 14. Wm. C. Bronson et al vs. effeliben ()Nutt, INo. 351. November Term. 1870. 16, Orrin Day vB, p. Shave, No. 422. NoVember Term, 1870, 10. Alex. Jones vansome Keeney, No. 195, Jan uary Term, lei. 17. Alex. Jones cs. Eli No. 103, January Term, 1871. 18. Ileien B. Oansevoorto vs. Eliza DoPut, 0 58, January Term, 1871. 10, BOrter D. Parlibunt vs. Daniel 11. Doud, N0.'300, January Tenn. 1871. 20. Oleaseri & Ooodrean 1 , 5.• Perry Smith; No. ,834, 'ay Term, 1871. 'ROBERT C. -- Prothonotary. July 20, 1873-4 w FuLT Line of Table Cutlery and plated 'Kato 1/ at Kelly's. rrABLE LINEN% Tawelan Narkizu3, at SAl4'B China HAI V 4 3 a. ME P August Term, 8113. J. Caldwell, lin. 149. January