Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, August 19, 1873, Image 2

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the ittor.
Th e e puNkthers will pay du; po,qage on all
copies of the AGITATOR WW2 within the count!/
of Tioga, where the subscriptbn is paid 'up to
the firsttlay, of January, 1874, orbeyond that
alto. The printed address-label •Qn the pap, r
1611 show each subscriber the exact dote to whit h
les subs:Tl:ptionia
1-611 tiVitinlf COURT,
ISAAC CL (1012CoN; et Jefferson County.
ItODP.IZT W. mAcriEV, of Allegheny flaunty
The Denweriit is mum_ as to its present po
sAion on tkm bail pay steal of the last Con
press. Tlc " practical and educated farm
er," whose "sojourn here has been shot
doesn't seem to know his own mind on Ma
_ . . .. .
point, or he is afraid to express it: ITo last.
week put on Mrs. Caudle's nightcap, and
very sagely - observed as to the edito - i of the
Aorr i i.Ton.: "In company with his compa
triots; we suppose he defends the ' grab.' "
There•is no doubt tluit we are in accord
:with the people on this ques'ion, for an
o'verwhehnina majority of our " compatri
ots" condemn the grab absolut dy. So far
- as we know, 'there are but t*o journals that
defend that gigantic swindle, find both of
them are Democratic sheets, the Harrisburg
Patriot being at the head and the Welisboro
Democrat at,the tail. Here is the latest tit
' tcrance of our local exponent of " correct
English" on that subject:
"The Slabtown Index, the Mtulhill -4//f-
gator, and a legion of other newspapers ari
mad because President Orgitt, his Cabinet,
: the Vawrong Court Judges, the heads of
Depattments, and Congressmen have had
' their salaries increased so that they may live
in t lece . nt style. All their blowing does not
amount. to anytfiing. A committee of the
and llomze reported the appropria
tion hill, it itts,..4l. Sonic people oh
jei to it. I,ce,ith:. , tUe, congressme» did not
r-hilw out 11w item :Is to Mir increase. •="
Tht• salaries are not too hi h; not half en
ough. " Very many of the Congress-
Dien do not receive enough to pay their ex
penses while in Washington. As it costs a
large SUM to live in that city, ten thousand
dollarz; a year is little enough for their serv
ices. We hope in four years from hence,
when a Democratic President will be inau
gurated, that the Executive will receive a
hundred thousand dollars a year, anti the
other officials in proportion. A rich and
populous people cannot afford to be stingy."
Both as to sentiment and style, this is
worthy of the present Professor of " cor
rect English" himself. Of course it must
- be accepted as defining the Democrat's posi
tion on! the "grab."
The State Ticket.
In another part of this sheet - will be found
the Proceedings of the State Convention.—
The body seems to have been composed of
practieal workers. There was no buncombe
or twaddle indulged in, and no time wasted.
The delegates knew what they 'wanteC. and
went the shortest way to work to seen *c it.
- Nct believe the result of their labors will
o.ittisfy, the voters of the whole State. The
platform is an excellent one. We would es
pecially commend the fourth resolution—
that in regard to the submission of the pro
posed new Constitution.
As fur the ticket, it seems to have been
i,artial surprise to many political prophets,
but it is conceded on all sides to be : a good
one. The re-nomination to Mr. - Mackey fylr
State Treasurer was made alinost without
an organized opposition. Ile has filled the
office for thi'ee yearn, runi outing an that
time has been a faithful and efficiOt public
officer. The fact that since he entered up-
on his duties 0,000,000 of the State debt
have been paid MK and that it is now being
reduced at the rate of about $200,000 per
month sufficienily demonstrates the integrity
and •the administrative capacity of
The candidate for Supreme Judge is Ito
Isaac U. Gordon, of Jefferson county.
As spoken Of 1.. s a man of superior talc
land of personal integrity which is above
v suspicion Ile has had experience on the
Bench, and has enjoyed a large practice as
a lawyer, especially in land titles and ques
tions arising out of oil operations. His
nomination gives great satisfaction in the
western part of the State.
The ticket and the platform arc both em
inently sati4ae,tory. That they will be
he;ar i ply indorsed by the party in October
rher4 is no doubt.
In anotter part of this week's AGITATOR
we give i ,ice to " a growl from the ranks,"
which n ill be found decidedly spicy read
ing for all sort:: of pcoPie. It was received
sonic time ~ o , but has)l )een crowded out of
our columns front week to week by matter
of mote seeming impoitanee. - Most people
will, we Leiieve, agree with the writer of
this " growl" in deprecating the evil which
he so pointedly condemns. Probably every
"office-seeker" who ever engaged'in a per
sonal canvass of the county m ill join " Eras
tus" in heartily condemning the practice,
for such a canvass must involve an expends
iture of money, of time, and of self-respect
which many can hardly afford to make.—
We know that some of the candidates who
have heretofore engaged in this practice
have felt impelled to do so by'what seemed
to be the established custom and popular
en)ectation. Our correspondent fecognizes
this fact, and he will probably agree with us
that the " office seekers" are not alone to
blame for this disagree Ode mode of elec
tioneering. The people thenvielvds have
had not a little to do in fozntering it, and
when the great body of Ihimm grow thor
oughly and sincerely sicl of it, a.: :,ttine of
them already aro, this style Of burm" . will
be quickly dropped, because it will he found
politically unprofitable. \\'; brlieve it is of
ess real value even now thtiii Many politi-
elaus suppose, and we tru4t. the time is nea
tt liana when it will be tlionglititaleeent,
i l
it is certainly indelicate, for in y man to asl:
another personally to vote for inn.
There is considerable liumbug in the talk
about the offices,secking the man, and all
that sort of thing. We have known a few
cases where men have been elected to office
in that way; but such instances are very
rare indeed. Ordinarily the people have
very little time, opportunity, or inclination
to seek ,out candidates upon whom to be
stow their favors. As we read history, iu
every age of the world since the patriarchal
men have been advanced in social and m-
litieal position because, primarily, they de
sired and„labacd for their own advance
ment. " Seek and ye shall find" is a rule
that applies to the concerns of another and
a better life, but even during this one it \,is
generally the. case that those who seek are
the only ones who do find.
But there tire various ways of seeking of
fice, and that we arc considering is certainly
not the best, and it is high time that it gave
place to some custom that would be more
agreeabld topic hotly of electors and more
conduCive to 8 e meet ;iti the elected.—
The present wide diflusion of the public
prep's prefents a ready means of Presenting
the " du' rib*" of every would-he candidate
--- - • .
r:-• ,
in a manner at Once eilecitial, respectful,
and unobtrusive, and future, candidates
may, if they appreciate the popular feeling,
save self-respec i t and shoe-leather by the
more lavish use of printers' ink. ,
k,:-1 •
•. .
The tienen, Seenaal. C , M - I
Au interesting Mstrnetriit the r4 - Ort or
the gentlemen appointed h. the State Dti-
NTtinent to investigate the'ehtq4,es made
aAttinst the American On utniSsionet4tO the
Vienna Exhibition was given to lite public
List - weelt. While it is evident from the
onr, of the correspondence with the Seer
tart' that the gentlemen to 'whom the hives
Ligation was intrusted—John Jay tind Thos
MeElrath—were front• lie•-•fira-- souniwim
prejudiced against Chief Commissioner Van
duren,.. and thal _their: diSlike was heartily
repaid in kind, _it must, be, _admitted that&
[heir condemnation 'of that - officer seems
fully borne out by the testimony. ' • .,
The Special, ComißissiotiOsArePort that
the evidence - shows no talsjng of 'money by
any members 'of the commissicin' l exceptimi
Gen. Van Buren and Mr. Mayer' his first iis
sistant. ' The Chief Comthissimier icceived•
what hßealled a loan of $5OO from one man
to whom he gave permission ' to Open a bar
in the American department, and he also re-,
eeived, as. it appears, $l,OOO from another
source for the stone consideration . . Mayer
admitted that he had received - inoncy for
concessions ter bars, and charged that, his
chief had shared in the spoils. This confi
dential assistant claims to have acted with
the knowledge and, tinder the orders of his .
chief—a claim which is flatly contradicted
by Van Buren. The Commissioners do not
undertake to decide this question of veracity
between Mayer and Van Buren; thongh their
opioions are not entirely hidden.' They are
sufficiently explicit, however, in 'condemn
ing Oen. Van-Buren for " having permitted,
through a period of months, from a want of
clear-sighted intelligence and clue vigilance,
the loose. management, market! fly irregu
larities, which have arrested the suceesi Of
the commission and brought dishonor on
the 'Republic." It must be admitted that
thisis•drawmg it quite mild in regard to a
man who wrote to the Secret ar. state
after the suspension of the cor,r,qo Slayer.
that " a great wrong had been done In a
worthy man."
There is one phase of this c.tindatous
piece of businesq io which Mt e attention
has been directed, but which ( eser‘es the
severest condenination. The "loans" and
advances receic l ed by the Chief Commis
sioner and his assistant appear to have been
made by men who,were anxious to open
bars-- for the sale of liquor
,under the aus
pices of the Commission. Messrs.' Jay and
McElrath report that fi Rsuch bars hcive
been opened on the grow dg of
,the Exposi•
tion, and three of thei were obtained by
the payment of moneys nd the promise of
an interest in the exp 'Stied profits. The
means employed seem to have been worthy
/of the end in view. Decent Americans who
have visited Vienna recently must have
been highly edified by this set of grogge
ries established 'by - Van Iluren's corrupt
Commission for the dispensation of " Amer
ican drinks" in the name of the nation and
' under the national colors! 'We are glad to
read that the State Department advised the
I seller of liquor licenses that the establish
' moist of a single bar would be of question
able propriety; but it is matter for regret
that the establishment of this particular
American in?litutiou was not absolutely pro
hibited. Seth a prohibition might not have
saved the Commission from falling by its
own eorruption,, but it would have saved
, the American , name from an additional semi-.
dal. It is certainly to be hoped that the
recommendation of the Special Commission
that thOW 11.11, 01011i/1 lxr. .1t 11111.“ di s owned
by the present American Commissioner wiii
' be promptly acted upon. While such a
course would not wipe out the disgrace
brought upon our name in the eyes, of the
world, it would i at least show that we have
the grace to feel ashamed of our humilia
tion. -
e______...;.........____ --
A Growl from the RaiA.s.
To the Editor ol the Agitator
The people of Tioga county are a patient
and long-suffering people, or they would eire
this have stamped with everlasting infamy
and disgrace that class of men who periodi
cally tramp over" . the county in search of of
lice. .I,very year about this time they 'start
ont, " Some in rags," some on foot, and
some in " velvet gowns," and all of them
with that lmngry look which characterizes
the half-fed hound of a poor backwoods
hunter. You can tell one of them as soon
as he lands in your town, by the way he
looks out of his sheepish eyes and by the
anxious shamelessness with which he in
troduces his business to you. If you will
stop to listen to him, he will modestly (?)
putlorth his claims—as if a being so degra
ded as to tramp over the country begging for
office had claims upon decent, hard-,working
people—and ten to one if he don't finally
worm something out of you whirl} he will
construe into a pledge, and so report you
all over the county. But his, first business
when he comes is to look for some noted
politician of the place with whom he can,
intrust the substantial arguments, and from
whom he will receive the assurance that the
town will "go for him." To the farmers
and lesser lights of the party these tramps
have various arguments. One wants the
office because he has been " unfortunate in
business," which in nine cased out of ten
simply means that at one time, when he was
following a legitimate business and one
which he was fit to follow, he had been
prosperous; but that since he hp,forsaken
an honest calling for politics, he has squan
dered and fooled away his property, and is
now one of the party's paulpers, literally
begging bread front door to door. If the
honest working, men of the county would
( 17
arresta fet' of them as vagrants " having
no visible nt ans of support," it would abate
this nuisance. -
But another one says " it belongs to our
part of the county"—as if " our part of the
county" meant anything more than his own
interest. What do you suppose the taxpay
ers of Jackson card whether " our member"
lives in Brookfield or Clymer, if he only
represents their interests in the _Legislature
well - and faithfully? What do you Suppose
the business men of Lawrenceville care
where the Sheriff bails from, if their inte
rests are only safe in his hands and the law
is faithfully executed by hiM?
Another one says, " Let it go around."—
Well, I say let it go around. But if it goes
around to those who - are deserving or only
decently fit for it, the office wouldn't reach
him in a thousand years. And so it goes.
'Every man has his claims—and oh, how - the
people despise them all! But the people
have nothing to say; their interests are not
ckinsulted. All they can do-is to fight the
potato bug, pay the taxes, eke out a scanty
livelihood—and pray.
Offices ate bought andsold in this county
both directly and indirectly. What does a
candidate leave money with ono and anoth
er throughout the county for, if he does not
intend to buy somebody? He may not buy
the voters, but in a majority of'eases be
buys the man he leaves the money with, and
his influence procures the votes. What is
the difference? It will figure up at about so
much a head in the end. Does it require
money to induce the people to vote for a
good man for office? Shall honest people,
who aro heartily disgusted with political in
trigues and snap-games, be, dragged to the
polls, like sheep to the slaughter, by the
hitMlngs of lioMe mad who kdolig A Act
which never did and never will seek him?
"But the people would not know we are
candidates if we did not go and see them." -
So lunch VI? bett,Kfor the people; tholes
they knot y4ilthe better. The lieffto,
If.now Aite nia in this county wholi . cefr'
tolk seefifinmiiiiik ov4riltellilis in teare:h
of office—good, b.onest,' true', men; men of,
ability and integrity, lit fitr oily office the
*people have to Ml:re;
, 12011 they 'would be
sought out by these same peoPle.
I know of some good, - honest., noble
aearted men who have periodically traveled,
over the - county in Sedridi of votes, who
have said to me that they deplored ithisetts- ,
tom and despised it,' and wished it was oth
erwise, but that no.manTcould.get..an office
without so.humiliating himself. To wi t ti„elt,:
I have but, one 4 answer:'then stay in your
office, }bur store; or, On yottr .faint until lion
are sought after. Don'tbelittle yonrself Or
money or honors. ,And although the great
word ‘.`llonorable" may never be ,written
before your rfa - fne, yet - honor will he indeli
bly stamped , bn your heart and conscience
forever. . .
I have only written the above as a test
upon, which I trust the people of the enmity
will enlarge until our political atmosphere
shall become if little purer—so inneli 'so', nt
least that an,honest man -, can breathe; in it
I without strangulation. . .ERASTUS.
Ju(y 22; 1873. .
The Ticket and the -Platform:
•railatitNAL‘). on.omitzATlOlf•
`The State
„ „
Conyention met at Harrisburg
on We'duesday, August 13th, at noon, and'
was called to order hy the Chairman of the
State Committee.
On motion of Mr:Houston, of Philadel
phia,- Samuel H. Miller, of Mercer, was
made temporary Chairman; .C. L. Magee of
Allegheny, J; W. Sayres of Philadelphia,
A. A. Shissler of Northumberland, N. B.
Riddle of Venango, and E. Moore of Ches
ter, Secretaries. Mr. Miller returned his
thanks in a neat speech, wken committees of
one from each Senatorial district were ap
pointed on permanent organization and res
There being one contested spat from Hun
thi-gdon, Mr. Burr, of Philadelphia, moved
a committee of seven, which reported in fa
vor pf H.-G. Fisher. The Convention then
took a recess till three p. m.
— Oll - re-assembling the Committee on Per
manent Organization reported lion. A. G.
Olmstead, of Potter, for Chairman, with the
usual list of Vice Presidents and Secreta
ries. Mr. Olmstead made a pleasant and
impressive speech. ,
On motion of Mr. Mann, of Philadelphia
the Convention proceeded to ballot for a
candidate for State Treasurer, with the fol
lowing result: Mackey, 115; Henry, 18.—
The nomination, on motion of Gen. Camp
bell, of Cambria, was made' unanimous.
The Convention then proceeded to ballot
for Judge—Gordon, Paxson, and Butler be
ing the only candidates after the first ballot.
Ten ballots were taken, the last resulting in
77 for Gordon, 48 for Paxson, and 5 for
Judge ‘Gordon's nomination was then
made unanimous.
Mr. Mann, of Philadelphia, presented the
The Republicans of Pennsylvania, in con
vention assembled . , renew their expressions
of confidence in and devotion to the princi
ples of Republicanism, and declare,
First, That we heartily indorse and re
adopt the Republican National and State
latforms of 1872.
Second, That the National Aministration
comma ds our continued confidence, and is
entitles by its promotion of the best inte
rests i d prosperity of the Nation, to the
earnest •upport of the people.
Third . , That the Administration of Gov.
Hartranft calls for our wannest approba
lion. During the short time he has been in
the Executive Department he has establish•
ed a State policy which has justly endeared
him to the people of this Commonwealth,
and has amply justified the confidence we
diced in him.
Fourth, That while earnestly in favor of
vonstrionpj ratnrin, and ..f
Rion o our ?Mate Constitution as will make
it an effective instrument in preventing
punishing the corrupt abuses that have
crept in under our present system, we de
mand, emphatically and especially, that
whatever is done or left undone, the main
purpose for which the Constitutional Con
vention was called, the absolute prevention
of special legislation, shall be so place 4 be
fore the people as to secure their seirarate
and decisive expression thereon.
Fifth, That the' reduction of the State
,debt from $41,000,000 to $20,00,000, the
repeal of all State taxes on real estate, the
establishment of schools for the support of
soldiers' orphans, the maintenance of our
excellent and prosperous system of common
schools, the establishment of the policy of
paying of our debt at the rate of two mill
ions a year, and the generally flourishing
condition of our prosperous old Common
wealth, arc evidences that the Republicans,
during their twelve years' control in Penn
sylvania, have faithfully administered her
affairs, and that the reins of government
may be safely left in their hands.
sixth, That there should be rigid econo
my in the State and National Administra
tions, and the taxes should be reduced in
both as rapidly as is consistent with good
government, the maintenance of the public
credit, and the certain extinguishment of
the State and National debts.
Seventh, That the public lands belimg to
the people, and should be sacredly reserved
for homes for actual settlers; and. we pro
nounce against all further grants of these
lands to corporations.
Eighth, That adequate provision should
be made by law for the protection of per
sons engaged in mining and other hazard;
ouilorms of labor.
Ninth, That as retrenchment is required
to" lighten the burden of taxation and to
Continue the reduction of the public debt,
an increase of salaries is unwise, and we
condemn, without reserve the voting for or
receiving increased pay for services already
rendered, whether in State or Nation, and
demand that the provisions of the late act
of Congress by which the salaries were in
creased should be promptly and uncondil
tionally repealed.
Tenth, That we heartily denounce cork
ruption wherever found, and qre sincerely
desirous for honesty, economy, and political
purity in all official administration. To se
cu 'e this is the duty of every ; citizen; and
to this end every goOd man should feel
io,md not only to participate in politics but
ftet'labor actively to see that none but good
men secure party appointments or nomina
tions. •
Eleventh, That the practice of loading
the appropriation bill, essential to the sup
port of the Government, with objectionable
legislation In the shape of amendments to
ward the close of the session is a prolific
source of abuse and a fraud upon the peo
ple, and its reform is urgently demanded.
TAblfth, That lis the country and homek
industry have uniformly prospered under a
tariff so arranged as to afford both revenue
and protection, the present tariff should be
left undisturbed; and as all tariffs are levied
primarily for revenue, it would be a poor
government indeed which could not afford
to arrange its details so as to encourage the
growth of home manufactures, and the cre
ation of a remunerative home market for all
the products Of our soil.
Thirteenth, That order and security in
the States lately in rebellion must come
through the stern enforcement of the laws
enacted to protect life, liberty, and freedom
of thought, and cannot bb secured by ren
dering these just and necessary laws inope
rative through Executive clemency to unre
pentant assassins now undergoing punish
ment in pursuance of law. 1
Fourteenth, That as, during the time the
Republican patty has been in power, it has
had to confront graver difficulties and more
new and perplexing questions of govern
ment than ever were presented to any other
party to solve, and has solved them so judi
ciously and wisely that the country indorses
its decisions and accepts its work, it is the
only 'organization competent to meet the
grave issues that are now constantly arising
so as to secure the just rights of the whole
Fifteenth, That we sympathize with eve
ry movement to secure for agriculture and
labor their due influence, interests, and
rights, and the Republican party will be
their ally in every just effort to attain that
Resolutions were offered highly compli
mentary to Judge Read, together with the
usual resolutions for the appointment of the
Stall tionimitteb, di of .whicliAverd tittojiteit
unanimously, The 'President if the Con
vention and the candidates are to appoint
the Chairman of the. State Committee, and
the delegates from each county will appoint
the members.
st --- 7,_____i - I}ll , - ,-- - - -ii,
The crops within 'a radititt cietWeiity m' Hes
of Washington werii-80?.erely' -damtiged, kit
Wednesday morning-'s ste'rtn. -
... - _
, The United States trian•of,war Canandai
guS has arrived in Kingston; Jamblea,,from
Aspinwall, whit seventy v 1 her, cre,W 'sick,
with yellow fever. •
Ellen Dunn .was burned to _a crisp at
Woodbridge, N J., on Monday week while
lighting a, tire - ts hit kertstene..' She had been
tintrlded Inn on week.' 1 '--= - ': -.,_
- '
There.was acrriblc collision en_the Ohl
Cage end - Alto Railroad hist - Friday night,
'AMA• twenty-tive miles sunlit e Chlcage.
'Eleven liergons Vereliilleil and. thirty.five
wounded. '"Fite ftdeidimt, wtS the — feSillt of
ettintinal.carelessticast ''' ''''..' ' • ''' ' :
• The excursion steamer Favorite, with 150
; fiersons,on boaill, toiLk • fire in 'Boston har
bor . `lyednesday. 'A. panic ensued, but
the li Vas cxtiognish4ct ‘N ithout material
dan ag . Thepassengers were taken ow by
a se Ica ncr which came Alongside..
IYY3S.,PfeSident Wilson has so far recov
erede from Its recent illness as to visit Bos
ton. Absolute rest has recuperated his en
ergies, and he,seem§ in . a fair way of being
able,' to,enter upon his, duties as . presiding
officer of the Senate . by • the time , Congress
ass - males again.,
, .. „ , .
. Iris ratifier a CU rions.faa that East' 'Star
fordshire, England, will now be represented
in Parliament by-two of the largest brewers
in the world—M r.' Bass, of ". Babs's ale,"
and Mr. Allsopp, of " Allsopp's ditto:" . The
constituency cannot be said to be unmind
ful of the claims of 'Beer. . , L
The Boston Pair pithily teniarkft that` the
political faction represented by 'the' New
York Tribune " is on ice to ,prevent putre
faction until buried." This is the way out
spoken Democrats show their gratitude to
traitors and deserters from the ' Republican
ranks. ,
•A - dispatch dated the 13th says .of the
Minnesota wheat crop: "The yield in most
instances turns out better than Was expect.
ed. No field thus far threshed'has yielded
less than 25 bushels to the acre, while many
run far above that figure. The oldest in
habitants have never seen, so uninterrupted
ly favorable a harvest season as this year."
Three escaped Algerian convicts from the
French penal colony of Cayenne, on the
north coast of South America, whither they
had been sentenced for ten years each, one
for robbery,', one for murder, and one for
.assaulting a French officer, have arrived at
Baltimore. They claim to have escaped in
company with 150 fellow convicts, and after
terrible sufferings in swamps and jungles,
reached Demerara.
Waterford, Erie county, has a sensation
in the shape of a lawsuit. A man named
It— forbade his wife to "run a bill" at
any store, and warned the storekeepers not
to sell his family any goods except for cash.
One merchant disobeyed, selling Mrs. 11—
a spool of thread, value eight cents. Quar
ter day came, and so did the bill for that
thread. Payment was refused, and suit en
tered against the defaulting debtor; and the
jury gave a verdict in favor of the plaintiff.
Of the recent murder in Chester county
a correspondent of the - Germantown Tele
graph writes: " There is no longer any
doubt that William T. Goss was the man
murdered. It is true, however, that the
public as yet have no information of the
strength of the defense, and the prisoner
having employed eminent counsel, it will
doubtless be the most exciting trial ever
had at this court. On the part of the Com
monwealth and insurance companies there
have been two hundred witnesses already
docketed for the trial,, which comes off at
the October term of court."
The 'Board of f Directors of the Wellsboro Graded
School tate pleasure in announcing that they have se
enredllin servieea of the following t: - .acluirs for the en
suing year:
P. IF. EDICK. A. 8., Prhicipal.
SUSAN It, HAUT, Precept! e-nss.
Fl :AN K. W 13,
The term will begin on Monday, the ifiTh day of
September, IS7:1.
For further particulars x. :z.
At x. 1.11, Secretary.
State Normal School,
8201 PER YEAR pays for tuition in all the
Übrauches, Including Book It coping, Draw
ing. Penmanship, and Vocal Music; and board, in
cluding furnished room, fuel, oil, and washing.
Tuition without board, $36 per year. Students pre
paring to teach receive special encouragement.
'all Term opens September 3it, 1973.
For further particulars address the principal.
Aug. 19,-21
State Normal Musical Academy,
Prof. D. E. JEWETT, Principal,
Miss LILLIAN ROOT, Preceptress.
This Institution, founded by its principal after a
careful and thorough examination of the best methods
of instruction that have yet been introduced, embraces
all the excellencies and advantages that can bo found
in any Musical Institution, together with many im
portant additions which aro adreirubly adapted to the
wants and requirements of students, mid also In keep
ing with the advanced ideas of the age. Music is
taught here as other sciences are taught in our schools
and colleges. There is a perfect arrangement of the
respective departments, and the studies aro classified
in such a manner as to form four distinct courses of
study, viz:
Each Course includes Two Degrees—Elementary and
The combination of studies that form the different
courses, is one of the most important features of the
institution, as they arc arranged with a view to a sym
metrical dovelopmen of the faculties, nothing short
of which can produce the desired result in an educa
tion of any kind, where a correct judgment, a cultivat
ed taste and a fluent executive ability are concerned.
A. c,ourse, of study that will entitle a student to a di
ploma, will consist of not less than five different
branches, completed to the required standard, al
though students may pursue any musical study separ
ately if they desire it.
The cost of board is $5.5 per term, including, heat,
light, room-rent, and washing.
Full CORMS—am year, 3 terms, 14 weeks each, $OO.OO
•• •• two terms, - - 60.00
ono term, - • . 30.00
Two Studies—one year, - - - 72.00
two terms, - - - - - 48.00
et one term, 24 00
One Study—one year, - - - - 42.00
two terms, - - - • . 28.00
4d one term, 14.00
Students taking a full course, are entitled to the use
of instruments four hours per day, and those taking a
single study two hours, and utherA in proportion, with
out extra charge.
Full course students will also be entitled to an extra
study tree, if their time and strength permit.
A class held in the music hall lot the purpose of
chorus and oratorio practice, is also free to full course
Notation class free to all students.
School year commences Wednesday, 'September Id.
For further particulars address the principal, and
procure a catalogue.
Mansfield, Pa., August 19, 1873.
N 757 .2 5 X. (Or M ES
person old or young, of either Hex, makofroru
$lO to $5O per week, at home or in conhretion with
other ha:sines:4. Wanted by all. Snitablo to either
City or Country, and any season of the year. This is
a ware opportunity for those who are out of work, and
out of money, to make au independout living. No
capital being required. Our pamphlet, ..110W TO
MAKE A.LIVING," giving Dill instructions,' Bent on
receipt of lOcents. Address A. BURTON & CO., lifor
risania, Westchester Co., N. Y.
AGENTS everywhere to sell our new and uov
el "Embroidering 'Machine, solid for
WANTE D Illustrated Circular, to the McKee
Manufacturing Company,3oo Broad-
Way. New York
The irm for Companion.
Every Lady wattle one I
Every Mau ought to have one I
Sent on receipt of Ten Ceuta. Addrene, V. HYDE
& CO., 705 Seventh Avenue, New Yolk.
Sent on receipt of 25 cts, _Unique Printing and Putt
Haling House, i 6 Wavy Street, Now York,
The Beckwith $2O Portable Pallidly Sow
ing Machine,_ on Thirty fac Days Trial ;
manyrtdvantagos over all. Satistion gumanteed, or
$2O refunded. Bent complete, with full directions.-
13eckwith Sowing Machine Co. ? 802 Broadway, N. Y.
tion. It retains the HuPture at all times, and under
the hardest exercise or severest strain. It is worn
with comfortond if kept nu night and day, effects a
psrmanent cure' in a few weeks. Sold cheap, and sent
by Mall when requested, circulars free ' when order cd
by letter Ben to The Elastic Truss Co., No., fol 3 Ilr..ad
way, N. T. city. Nobody Uses Metal Spring Tntsses ;
too painful; Imp slip off toOtrequently,
1, May 8, 1873-eouly.
nadiecur rolliqra
• .
ionibeen established in the .3:oWelry business
fn Welltsboro, has ahvays for sale various kinds
and prices of --
- ,
siiietican trlyt
• J.
Gold or
ClQeles,,l:avelry,Go4d Chains,,
Pills, -PerL
Steel-Pens ,
bles, ~,S,poon,s,
Romprs; ,
Plated 'Mere,
&c., &c.
With almost all other articles usually in such
eLtahlishments, which aro sold low for '
Repairing done neatly and prom,A;y, and on shot ,
notice. • A. FOLEY.
Aug El, 1873. • ,
Sheriff's Sales. - •
l) T VIRTUE OF sundry writs of Fieri ?arias, Leva
ri Facies, and Venditiont Eaponas, Issued out of
the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga county, and tto me
directed, I will expose to public sale,• to the higaithit
and best bidder, at the Court Zollse iu Wellsbord, on
Monday the 26th day of August, 1873, et one o'clock p.
in., the following described property, viz .
The following described lots of land sititated in Un
ion township, and bewailed as follows; One bournhid
on the north and east by lands of J. li. Gulick, on
the south by land of Robert Furies's heirs, and on
the west by land of J. B. Orailins's heirs; containing
133 acres and Si) perches, moro or less, with appurte
nances; being lot NQ, 5 of a larger tract in the War
rantee name of Valium Wilson and warrant No. 2in
said county of Tioga.
Acso—Another lot bounded on the north by Thos.
Hurley, east by lands of Robert Furies's heirs, south
by the boundary line of warrant No. 7, and west by
lands formerly owned by Emily Morgan; containing
104 acres, more or less; being the southern part of lot
No. 1 of a larger tract in the warrantee name of Win.
Wilson and warrant No. 7 in said county of Tioga.
At.so—Lot No. 8 of warrant No. 1, William Wilson
warrantee, containing 132 acres and 154 perches. ,
Atso—Lot N o. 2of warrant No. 2, William Wilson
warrantee, containing 133 acres and 55 perches.
At.so—Lot No. 2 of warrant No. 3, William Wilson
warrantee, containing 181 acres and 125 perches.
ALso—Lot No. 6 of warrant No, 4,•Win. Wilson War
rantee, containing 129 acres and 26 perches.
Also—Lot No. 4 of warrant No. 5,lWm. Wilson war
rantee, containing 145 acres and 62 perches.
ALso—Lot No. 2 of warrant No. 6, Wm. Wilson war
rantee, containing 'PH acres and 52 perches. To be
sold as the property of William Hamilton, Adminis
trator do bouts non of William Orafilus, deceased, with
notice to Wm. Graffins and Ellen B. ()radius, inter
married with John Hudson, children and heirs of
Wm. Oraillus, deceased, snit of Hepburn Ili'Clufe.
Administrator do bouts non of Daniel °radius, de
ceased. •
• • .
ALSO—A lot of land in Brookfield township; bound
ed ou the north by lands of the estate of F. Parker,
deceased, west by Potter county line, south by lands
in possession of P. Parker and D. Lewis, and east by
lands of Moses Metcalf; containing 175 acres, 160
acres improved, with three frame houses, two frame
barns. outbuildings, and an apple orchard and other
fruit trees thereon. To bo sold as the property Oft
Morris P. Metcalf, suit of Jesse Gardner for use or
Joel Parkhurst.
ALSO—A lot of land in Tioga township; boutied'
on the north by Mill Creek, west by the Blossburg and
Tioga Railroad, south by lands of A. S. Turner, and
east by the Williamson highway; containing about
one acre, more or less, with_ a frame house, frame
barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the
property of Omer T. IthodeiL'suit of A. S. Reynolds.
ALSO—A lot of land in Blossburg borough; bound
ed on the north by Liberty street, east by lot No, 9,
south by of No. 11, and west by warrant No. 613 in
the name of Jeremiah Ross, commonly known Its the
Patterson tract, and being lot No. 10 in block No. 6
upon map of village of Blossburg made by J. D. Was
burn Dec. 23, 1865; containing one-fourth of an acre,
with a frame" house, outbuildings, and fruit trees
thereon. To be sold as the property of J. W. Ruth
bone, suit of Benjamin Vaughn.
ALSO—A lot of land in Chatham township; bound
ed on the north by lot No. 228. conveyed to Anna
Spencer; east by lot No. 210, conveyed to Austin If.
Roberts; south by the south line of warrant No. 1,-
335; and west by lot No. 321, conveyed to Alvin W.
Davis; containing 55.1 acres, more or less; it being
lot No. 350 of the allotment of Bingham lands in
Chatham township, and part of warrant No. 1,335,
25 acres improved, with a frame house, an apple or
chard, and other fruit trees thereon. To be sold. as
tho property of Robert Cornell, Mary Cornell, Clia les
it. cornett, Moses Cortielltand Charles Fuller, sui or
William Bingham Trustees.
ALSO—A lot of land in Rutland township; bon ed
on the north by lot No. 158 of the allotment of B 1
bam lauds in Rutland township, east by lots NeA) 57
and No. 156, southwest by lot No. 140 conveyedl to
Mary Cons pings, and west by land conveyed to Pj P.
Morris, Administrator of estate of John /Whim, do
ceased; containing 50.2 acres, with the usual allowance
of six per cent. for roads, &c., more or less; 15 acres
improved. To be sold as the propel ty of Mary Cum
icings, suit of William Bingham Trustees.
ALSO—A lot of laud in Charleston townt.hip; bound
ed on the north by lands of Daniel Oweus, west , by
nt••••11.. •14,,
l aallaula Owens, and cast by lauds of Decker Ow
ens; containing 160 acres, 80 improved. with a frame
earn occupied as a house by del endants, a log barn,
milk house, frame steam and water saw mill, two ap
ple °renal/Is, and other fruit trees thereon. To be
sold as the property of IL li. Adamy and Charlotte
Adamy, suit of Ira, Newhall for use of C. & J. L. Rob
bison and Ira Newhall,
ALSO—A lot of land in Chatham township; bound
ed on the north by lands of Jesse Spencer, cast by
Jesse Spencer, south by lands of Aurora Spencer's
estate, and west by the highway; containing 16 acres,
all improved, with a frame house, frame barn, other
outbuildings, a good apple orchard, and other fruit
trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Frank
lin Spencer, suit of John S. Mowery.
ALSO—A lot of land in Blossburg borough; hound
ed on the north by land of L. li. Shattuck, wet by
the Williamson road. south by land of the Trustees of
the M. E. church, and east by the Tioga river; being
100 feet front and about 80 feet deep, with a 'frame
house and outbuildings thereon. To be sold as the
property of the Rector, Church Wardens. and Vestry
men of St. Luke's chore') In Blossburg, suit of Orlan
do F. Taylor.
ALSO—A lot of land in Charleston township; be.
ginning at a post the southwest corner hereof; thence
north, 23 degrees east, 124 perches to a post; thence
south, 8714" degrees east, 56 perches to the west side
of the Catlin road; thence north, 834' degeees west,
59 perches to a bar post; thence north, 50 degrees
east, 11 perches to a post; thence north, 214' degrees
east, 263. perches to a post; thence south, 87,1e,',flegrees
east, 39.6 perches to the line of a lot formerly owned
by John I. Vausice; thence by said lino north, 234'
degrees east, 13 perches to a post, the northwest cor
ner of the said John I. Vanaico lot; thence south, 77j
degrees east, 41.6 perches to a post; thence south, 234'
-degrees west, 85 perches tr a post; thence north, 87;,;
degrees west, 39 perches to a thorn tree about two
rods from the bank of the creek; thence south, Ws'
degrees ea5t,.30.3 perches to a post; thence south, 29
degrees east, 7.8 perches to a post; thence north, 87
degrees west, 21 perches to a post near the east side
of the Catlin road; thence along and across said road
.9ontb, 634 degrees east, 16 perches to a bar post, the
northeast corner of a lot - owned by James L. Reese;
thence by James L. lteesB's Due north, 89 degrees
west, 82 perches to a last; thence south, 3 degrees
west, 35.4 perches to a post in line of - Potter;
thence along the said Potter line north, 8734" degrees
west, 29 perches to the place of beginning; contain
ing 102 acres and 20 perches, more or less, all fin
proved, with a two story frame dwelling house, three
frame barns, sheds, other ontbuildmgs, an apple or
chard, and other fruit trees thereon. To be sold as
the property of Alexander Reese and 0. L. Atherton,
suit of Cyrus Catlin.
ALSO—A lot of land iu Liberty township;' begin
uinu at a stake in the east line of land of Jacob Meoy
er ; thence east by lands of Christian Essie 72 rods to
a post; thence eolith by lands of George Levegood
113 rods to a post - thence west by lands of Benjamin
Brion 72 rods to almost; thence north by lands of Ja
cob Mooyer 113 rode to the place of beginning; con
taining 47n acres, all improved, s'ith a frame barn,
an apple orchard, and other fruit trees thereon. To
be sold as the property of MichaelllPMalion,Sr., suit of
Mary Ann Welty and Philip J. Welty.
ALSO—A lot of land in Westfield borough; bounded
on the north by lands in possesalon of George Close,
west by lands of A. L. S. Leach and the highway,
south by the public highway, and enst by lrnds of it.
R. Parshall, N. P. Close, and Isaac Plank; containing
about live acres, more or less, all improved. with a
few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property
of Edwin Close and George Close, suit of John Park
burst for use of B. B. Strang and others.
ALSO—A lot of land in Blossburg borough; begin
ning at a post the northwest corner of the ,furnace
lot; thence south, 11 degrees east, 130 feet to a post;
thence north, 75 degrees east, 180 feet to a post; thence
Korth, 15 degrees west, 128 feet to a post; thence
south, 7734 degrees west, 171{ feet to the place of be
ginning; Containing bout 85 perches of land, more or
less, excepting_tlicrefrom the railroad privileges, it,
being a part of the furnace lot in the said borough;
with a frame machine shop and blacksmith shop at
tached, one boiler and pattern shop, ono foundry
building, one blacksmith shop, one wagon shop, out
buildings, and appurtenances thereunto belonging. -7-
To be 'sold as the property of 0, F. Taylor and James
Withington, suit of Pomeroy Brothers & Smith.
ALSO-LA lot of land in Middlebury township; boun
ded on the north by the plank road, and west, south
and cast by lands of D. Holiday; being GO feet front
and 100 feet deep, containing 18 square rods, with a
two story frame house, outbuildings, and a few fruit
trees thereon.
ALso—Another lot in Middlebury township; bound
en on the north by tho plank road, west by lauds of
Holiday. and south and east by lauds of John lied.
ington; containing ball nn acre and 16 rods, with a
frame two story dwelling house, a frame two story
hotel house. and a few fruit trees thereon.
Also-4)m other lot in Middlebury township; boon
clod on the south by the plank road, east by lands of
C. B. Spencer, north by lands of George Ilaker, jr,,
and west by lands of E. A. Thomas; being 40 feet front,
150 feet on the east lino, 00 feet on the north, and 137
feet on the west, with a frame barn and a frame black
smith shop thereon. To be sold as the property of
Ira Keeney; suits of C. B. Spencer, 0. F. Miller, Dan
iel White, and John W. Bailey and others.
ALSO—A lot of land in the borough of iihllsboro;
beginning at a post on the south side of Bunnell Ave
nue, at the corner of lots Nos. 2 and 3 of block No. 4;
thence a ong said Bunnell Avenue south. 22 degrees
east, 18714 feet to a post at the intersection of Sher
man street prolonged with Bunnell Avenue on west
side of Sherman street; thence along said street
south, 45 degrees meld. 130 feet to a post on cast side
of Shumway road; thUnce along said road, by true
course, 200 feet to a post; thence north, 45 degrees
cast, 100 feet to the place of beginning; containing
18S17 sonata feet, more or less.
Ar.so— Another lot of land in the borough of Wells
bur(); beginning at a post on the southeast side of
Pearl street, the north corner hereof; thence along
lands of C. L. Willcox south, 45 degrres east, 250 feet
to a post on Walnut street; thence along Walnut street
south, 45 degrees west, 60 feet to a post, the corner of
It. L. Van Horn's lot; thence along said It. L. Van
florn's lot and lot of B. T. Van Horn north, 45 de
grees west, 250 feet to Pearl street; thence along said
Pearl street north, 45 degrees east, 60 feet to the place
of beginning; containing one-third of an acre, more
or 10.43.
.11.FG—A nethi r lot of land in the borough of Wells
brwo; beginning at the northeast corner of land
o f D. P. Roberts; thence south, 45 degrees west, 10814
feet to a street; thence along the line of said stret,
south, 45df•gre(t east, 120 feet to a pest; thence uorthe
46 degrees east, 125 feet to i post; thenco north, 45 de.
green west, 921; feet to a post; thence north, 751; do.
e •
green vvegt:.h2X feat tei lite Wile'
tabling mole or leas. I
ALLA. i lot of In lit Delmar,'
et a limilloel:, the gamble - est emi
min: theeee b.; ftilit ; , Sett( -, •n
p.e.!l tt•en.qt I.y the ttinly tilion
the eorovi .1 dean timiortli
Bean ltnaworth a llipt-fli
Robinson 10 perch o .fti - Inl
den It. ldin
mbikt tb"e 4143 t1 , 14.4
7011eVlies to illniplAita o li
'Otte. ft'being part of 'warrant
son ivarrniitco;.2o aoree impruv
log barn, au apple orehard, mi
on: To be sold as tho prom
finite of-Conner se ft °good Me
ALSO—A lot of land in Midd
ded on the north by the vault
nod west bylatide of-Celia and
the Elam(' morn_ or leas, 1V i th n I
theri:Qn, ~'.l',obnnold._ as the.
:la' fxt:bn - nint - Lo .lo ,r,. - Ar - Laii;
August. 5, 1873.
gStatt of A. P. C
IN pursuance of an order
Ttoga county made the Gt
undersigned, Atinli I/WM.4w
Court House inVellsbors, I
kondaif, the 21st d
at tan o'clock a. m., expos()
g deserlbt-d real estate:
No) 1.—.1 lot of land In
a, bounded on tho not
nortbraml by Widto.r
and southwod by Walt ttrr
2t.reid. and 250 fact on \V:
No 2 —Also a 1,..t of land
the northwest by lands f
northeast by 0. P. Ellis, so
and nuothwest , by other tan'
the 894.e.benir thrteet OW'
3.—Also a lot of land'
the northwest bY Linde f
northeast by other lands of
east by Wuteratreet, and B;
session of R. B. Webb; th,
Water 'Meet; together wit
tug from this lot to the lila
street by. Duriff's tannery,.
N0.4.-:Tlao undivided o
WeDebora, bounded ou the
northeast by 1). P. Robert=
and southwest by Wright •
Main street and '26'o feet de
41; Cone Block' lot.
No, 15. LA lot Of land in
northwest by lands of `Ja
L. Villeox, (formerly L.
street, and south wet b
feet on Math street; know
No. 6.—A lot of land In
northwest by Main street,
bead, southeast by abet
southwest by the Norris 1.1
Main street and 230 feet d
of said decedent.
No. 7.—The undivided
Welleboro, bobndcd on till
northeast by other laud - 1
(No. 6), southeast by oth 1
southwest by Laugher Dal
street and 256 feet deep; It'
No. 8.-Alot of laud in
north by lands of said es
south by East Avenue, an
being 78 feet wide on Has
No. 9.-A lot of land in
north by other lands of a
William Bache, south by
laudi of F. D. Fletcher;
nue and 200 feet deep, au
houses thereon. This lo
parcels, each GO feet wide
No. 10.-A lot of land i
northwest by lands of L
Brerulbead, Nathan Nile
by Joseph Riberolle au
Fellows, east by William
lug on Fast Avenue own.
Cr, Margaret Henry, tCI
Elizitbeth Maxwell, B. T.
Warner, Hugh I oung.
East Avenue; cOntaiiihn
will, be divided and sol
nienco of purchasers.
No. 12 -A lot of land
north by lands formerly
Riberolle, east by lands
south la Austin street,
taining two acres of 1
Austin street and lota 4,
street, according to the
in Wellsboro; excerph.
sold by said A. P. (`one'
the corner of Bache al
each GO feet on Bache at
No. 13.-A lot of land
north by lands sold by
now Walter Sherwood,
Thomas Davis, and wee
No. 9 on Baehe street, r
Met deep.
No. 11.-A lot of laud
north by Thomas Davit
by the west extension
lands of S. 'l'. Roberts
on Bache street and 181
No. 15.,-A lot of late
north by the west mac
Bache street. and anon
Williams; being 51 fee
back to an angle,
No. 17.-The umbel<
of kind situate in Dein
bounded on the north
the neat linv.,of Chad
rant No. 1,57 1 . and we
a part of warrant No. 1
eepting 10t) am a owue
No. 18.-A lot of 1311
William Downer, east
south and west by A
oii used road and 1. 1 111 1
one acre.
No 21.-A lot of law
northwest by Main Ste
limn, southeast by Jo
Philena Saunders; bet
62,14 feet deep; known
, No. 23.-A lot of lan
north by Henry Shorn
by John Diekinuon an
lands formerly of lace
known as the Winehel
No. 24.-A lot of lan
north by the north
lands called the Johns
and S. S. Packard, sou
seated lands, and wee
53.8 acres, a part of w
S. 13;Warriner lot.
No. 25.-A lot of lan
at the southeast come
lot; thence along a we
along S. S. Packard w<
rifler lot north 26 rod •
rods; thence east 168
log 01 acres; being e 1
No. 26.-A lot of lan
northwest corner of
thence by the same a•
lands of said estato w.
Lucinda Sabin north
east 64 rods, and nor
Palmer east six rods,
rusha Palmer east. 27
iug 65 acres; a part o
No. 27.-A lot of la
noith by the H. E. Si
by the E. R. Allen lot,
by lands formerly of
mono; containing CO
called the Enaley Sim
No. 28.-A lot of rat I
north by Ira F, Butte
lot,' southwest by nit
creeks, and west by tl
lug 17% acres; called
a part of warrant No.
No. 29.-A la of la
northeast by the w
south by warrant No. t
4,218; containing 200
post In said creek; th
lot north, 55 degree.
north 80 rods, east 1 . 0
rods, south 128.0 rods
west 288 rods; thence
Fork creek to the beg'.
No. 30.-A lot of la.
county, surveyed upo
son warrantee, contai
seated lands on said
No. 31.-A lot of 1
warrant No. 4,114, Ja
ing 900 acres, being
No. 32.-A lot of lag
southeast corner of t
6814 rods; thonco eas
Knapp south 1.03 rod:
said warrant line Wes
tabling 75 acres; knot •
No. 33.-The unclit
laud in Delmar, begin
thereof; thence by lot
45;4 degrees east, 27 /
the Kingroad; thenct
greea east, 93 rods; t
road south, 57,14 de,
Hotter Horton north
thence by William Eh
containing 21.4 acres;
No 36.-A lot of la
,county, beginning at
No. 2,335; thence we
rods; thence east 10;
thence by the warrant
320 rods to the begin
of warrant No. 2,335;
Hewit" farm.
No. 37.-The-undit i
bury, bounded on the
merly of Aaron Niles,
south by Philander N
as the Asa Bullock lot
No. 38.-A lot of Ito
bounded north by Ma
S. ,Coates, and east by
I eighth of an acre.
No. 39.-A lot of hat
ou the north by the n
east by David yezfor
warrant, and west by
township; 'containing
of Dent's lands in sal
No. 41.-A lot of Inn
known as the A. C. W
Emmick William Bac
No. 42.-A lot ot in
county, containing 14
291, known as the Hu
west corner of said
thence south 148 rods
north 148 rods to the I
No. 43.-A lot of lot
ning at the southeast
thence north 44! . 4 rod
west 111 rods, north 'I
beginning; containing
rant No. 2,291; knows
No. 44.-The
of land in Blossburg
on warrant survey in
No, 46.-The undivi
in Charleston townshi
east by lands of Marti
and east by Asa Wilki
No. 47.-A lot of tat
on the north by Amy
ed by - Fox, south
Stiles; containing 25
Schoonover lot.
Terms made know'
Wellsboro, June 24
Tho above salo Is a
6! beg Itai
ng: Con'
1 towii 61. tip i beginning
,ier of iterton Matti
; :04' 1,51 -petuhne, to a
ons loiperc a to
thirme . eat mid
nyod O. . 1..
Wk, iii , file .Bel
- Diirn k I ortla.,
1 klug; Obtain fg 65;4
'No': 1,60, James_ Win
.l3, witii ;it lo
ee g , ,llouse,
'other frnittrn there
!..x of h,fillfr,(lcotuabr.
others. o. -' ~ - .
ebury township; boun
. oat], anti east, Henri),
Prolly Reilington, be
panic blacicsuiitlt shop
,ropP r riy: Alanebri U.
nit of Ira Eeeney,
A. PISS', Sheriff.
, et,eased.
the Orphaen' Witt
day of date., iret.t. the
,f oak/ osllsiv.N4 ID at the
aaid.ce.toty, Of/
). of July, 1873,
o sale and sell the follow
ellsboro, Tioga county,
hweet Iq• Water street,
titheast by Main street,
•t; being 1.20 feet lni Main
er street; known as the
1 u 'Wellsboro, boultdcd on
rmerly of 1.. 1. Nichols,
theast by Water street,
is of said estate, (No. 2);
on Waferfitrhet.! i .
inlVelisboro,,boYzuded on
innerly of L. I. Nichols:
said estate. (No. 2), south
: uthvrest by lands in no's
same being ,69ji" feet On
F an alley 12 feet wide lead-
Itway leading from Watef ,
o Nichols street.
I .
I e•half of a lot of bud in
(northwest by Water street,
southeast by Alain street,
' Ballet'; being Co feet on
1 p; known as the .. Doweu
11' ellaboro, bounded on the'
ies Kelley, northeast by C.
Deane,) southeast by Main
i/Brae] Richards; being 60
. as the Stevens lot.
ellsboro. bounded (m-the
( ortheast by Jacob Broad
lauds ofsaid estate, and
1; (No: 7); being 1.27 feet on
: en; kuoverCas the residence
imr.fifthit of a lot of land in
. northwest by Main street,
r• of said decedent's estate,
r lands of said estate, and
he; being 9u feet on Main
own as the •••.tiorris Houses"
Vellsboro, bdunded on the
ate, east by 14. T. Van Horn,
west by 8:" B. Warriner;
Avenue and 200 feet deep.
lVellbboro, bounded on the
id estate, east by lands of
I East Avenue, and west by
being 240 feet on East Ave
having four triune dwelling
will be divided and sold in
lon East Avenue.
Wel;short); hounded on the
, Bache, A P. Cone, Jacob
and Joseph Itiberolle,- north
lands formerly of Erastus
Bache, south by, lots front
d by A. P. Cone, F. D. notch
arles Fisher, C. F. Austin,
' Van Horn, A. P. Cone, S. B.
Mrs. D. 11. Smith, and said
about four acres. This lot
iu parcels to suit the conve-
n Wenet:no, bounded on the
of Erastus Fellows, now Jos.
ornierly of Caroline Austin,
,ud west by Bache,stieet; eon
nud comprising lot 6 on
6. 8. O, Li and 14 on Bache
Mtn tint of said Cone lauds
therefrom lota NOR. 4 and 6,
o Margaret Reese, situate at
it Austin shreds; and being
eet and feet deep.
in Wellsburo, bottudetl on the
said Cone to Lester Butler,
3st by Beebe street, sunth by
by William Bache; being lot
. d hemg 1111 feet wide and 180
iu Wolisboro ' bounded on the
east by Ittllo street, south
,f Austin street, atilt west by
nd Prank Smith; being 79 feet
feet deep.
in Welisboro. bounded on the
ision of Adam street, east by
by lands contracted to P. in.
on Cache street and' running
ed ono-half part of ali that lot
ar township, in sant county,
ly warrant No. 11,518, (quit by
stun township, south by war
t by v. arrant No. 1,539; being
!MI; containing (00 acres;
1 by D. L. Deane. ,
in Delmar, bounded north by
w the Stony Fork road, and
'ery Gleason; being eight rods
ing back rods; containing
In We!Moro; bounded on the
•ct, northeast by' sanund
in N. Bache, and southwest by
g 211 feet ou Main street and
a the Sherwood lot.
in Belmar, bounded ou tbo
od. east by C. F. Butler, south
E. M. Bodine, and west by
Lfilthold; containing 34 acres;
in 'DOrnar, bounded on
ine of warrant No. 4,219 and
ni lot, east by said Johnson lot
h by J. W. Ingerlck and, un
by unseated lands; containing
rrant No. 4,209; known, as the
I situate i;n Delmar, beginning
• of the W. S. and L. S. Butler
rant line south 64 rods: thence
Ist 144 rods; thence by the War-
I . west 30 rods, and north 31.0
ods to the beginning; contain
art of warrant No. 4,219.
1 in Delmar, beginning at the
lle W. 8, and L. S. Butler Jot;
uth 173,14' rods; thence by other
st 93 rods; thence by lands of
4 rods; thence by Darius Ford
hB6 rods; thdice by Leonard
north 131; rods; thence by Je
4ds to the beginning; contain
warrant No. 1,513.
I d in Belmar, bounded on the
mons lot and F. Butler, east
South by A. P. Cone, and west
'James Coles and H. E. Sim
acres; part of warrant 4,219;
ous lot.
d in Delmar, bounded on the
, east by the Husby Simmons
West Branch . and Stony Fork
e Austin Lawton lot; contain
he 11. E. Simmons lot; being
i d in Delmar, bounded on the
t branch of Stony Fork creek,
,220, and west by warrant No.
cres. Also a lot beginning at a
lice along the Ensley Simmons
east, . 4 21 rods, east 00.5 rods.
rods, -south 99 rods, east 29
east-l/rods, south 50 rods,
by tilt+ -west branch of Stony
I. ping; ntaiuing 200 acres.
d in Morris township, in said
warrant No. 4,220, James Wil
ing 1,000 acres, being the un
Lid in Morris, surveyed upon
es Wilson warrantee, contain
all the unseated lauds on said
la in Delmar, beginning at the
e F. Moyer lot; thence north
169 rods; thence by DaAs and
to a warrant line; then Iti by
169 rods to the beginning; eon
rti as the Sampson Babb lot.
ded three-fourths ofj a lot of
tint; at a beech, trio west corner
de of William Eberentz north,
l ids Via post in the south side of
1 along said road south, 7*". de
juice along the now Stony Fork
j es west, 70, , .i rode; thence by
45"),‘ degrees west, 26 rods;
'‘ entz 41 5 rods to the beginning;
known as the Delmar Cheese
d in Gaines township, in said
ho southeast corner of warrant
t no rods; thence north 160
rods; theuco north 160 rods:
lino eastl6o rods; thence south
ng; containing 400 acres; a part
noun as the "Long Run" or
led one-half of a I in Middle
west and, north by Janda for_
eastby William Dennison, and
les; containing 43 acres; known
!t1 ht Elkland, In said county
n street. west and south Ly T
0. P. Babcock; containing one
in Gaines township, bounded
1111 lino of warrant No. 1,035,
south by the south line of said
of No. 21 of Dent's lands in said
8.5 acres, and being lot No. 22
1 township. r
I In Morris, cohtalffing 56 acres,
Mamie° lot, bounded by Wm.
le and John Williammee.
in Clymer township, in said
acres, part of warrant No.
Clot; beginning at the north
arrant; thence east 1 , 15 rods;
thence west 13,0 rods; thence
eginning. •
1 in Clymer toiritship, begin
orner of the Mika lot, (No. 42);
east at rods, south 207.8 rods.
3 rods, and east 80 rods to the
/27 acres, being part of war
ns the MeNiel lot.
ded three.eighths part of a ,lot
or Blom containing 120 acres,
ho name of Aaron Bless.
Fed one-half part of a lot of land
, , •bounded te the north and
' Bennett, south by J. 0. Daitt,
I. son; coutaini g3O acres:
,d in Clymer t vnab ip, bounded
:oheenover, w tby lands claim
by E. Pier, au east by Stephen
shies; known as the William
at time of sale.
HARRISON, Achniniatrator
'owned to
AUGUST 20TH, - 1873,
o'clook a. m.
TWltt, Counti)
Agiiicutfttrat Soe4ty.
• .
13111 LIST.
Pair:to he held` al itredevro on We<inesdayi
Thitrealh l e tivallY and Baturday,
10, 11, 12 and 13, 1873.
$1,500 Premiums.
All ontries'shonlil lit, tit:t.lc on •tito thifdai: -- Ampt
preparations movie f..r tit , • c of esltibitor-.
Alt articles not nit•ntiout•tt nt ilto lint Will tie referred
to their,proper it., 1,.t1 no suitably rvvrarded,
if worthy of premilittoi.
All oxtril.nttma - nraattotfto t Atilyo4r members.
Annual member-11.1p (Antis , OCO
tkhet dte4t,itliVe:4 ! /SO
Mingle utiminslon
- Con. 1-11ORSES.
i stallion four yard yid ,q. i...ver, it; 16
- it,,e o yo-ir4 old, , C. 3
two years o'd, • a '2
Bast ,
pair matched gel 111,:;,,, . 10, 6
,- • illataled mares, ' 10 5
diaf '
tliorsea . 5 - 3
Mat three ye.tr.old gelding, - 4 2
.•• nil eo year old nem:, ' 4 • 2
•• tingle gelding, • ~4 2
.. o mingle mute; • „ . 4 2
--• L. 0... d ware and colt, ~ "i''' 4 2
! ... tv.., y, az old colt, - 3 1
• 09.• ...,: old cult. - . . • 3 1.
1 , 91.,., ill, colt, . . , . . I' 2 ,';,l.
eul)Atilab, : John Mellow:04 A. Hunt, JiArit Y.
Loth r,
t L.,6s 11—JACKS and MULES
13,0, , -$5 ' $2 -
"lett I ll•C • 6- 2
einintilltve; tteit':v Hutton, 111-11.. rd goon). Alanion
Cars 11I—CA TTLE. 1
12est ii ..itierney 4,1111, sr 13--
• 27., rembire, - 5 3
inil nl , ll, 5 3
" 14% on, ' 6 3"
.. .Ik:itt,ve, 4 2
std•rney cow, 5 8
.. A.)1.::-.Lire,
. 4 lon. loon, 3 13
Devon, 5 2
•• Nati,... - 4'. 2
~• y.)l - 0 nlilkiwg oxen, ' 6 3
.. pair II,: ti y.arold steers, 4 2
" pair two ),.ar old steers, - 3 1
.• pale one :{..hr old steers, 2 1
two y. sr old heifer, • 3 1
•• yearling heifer, 3 1
hull calf, 3 1
" ltelfrr era, . 3 1
o yard or catt:e, not Ines than sixhead, 8 8
Connolltee: Chillies Grinnell, George Er glish, Jer•
°midi Klock
Best flne wool buck, 's4 $2
.. coarse wool buck, 4 2
" floe wool owe, ~ 3 1
" coarse wool owe, 8 1
" three latobx, 4 2
,4 yard of sheep, ten or more, - 6 8
Committee: ltobezt Cuitipbr, L. 11. potter, Charles
Best boar, ~ $5 $3
" sow, 6 3
" sow and pigs, 6 , 3
Committee: D. G. Edwards, W. W. English, Pharez
Best display of poultry, (chickens,) $ 5 $9
variety of fnwls, nut less than ten, 6 3
Cotnnuttee: g. W.Odeats,-'3l. It. Prince,
.. A. lit. Haz
Best firkin of butter,, $5 $3
" tub ofibutter,
j r- , 4 , 1
-1; -
" faetory cheese, - 3- , 1
.. chkitier cheese, . r a 1
" baud-made ch•ese, 3, 2 '
Committee: Charles Toles, Hugh Stewart, Iphralta
Francis. ..
Best acre of wheat,, $5 0
o• acre of corn,6 0
" acre of oats, 2 0
" acre of barley. 2 U
" acre of bucliv,heut, ~ 2 0
potatoes, - 3 0
All contestants mast make entry at the Fatr, and
submit proof of measurement, quality,
( Ind quantity
to J. B. Potter, Chairman of •Executiv Committee,
prior to the Met day of December next.
Beat six heads of cabbage,
' $2 ) $1
4. six beets or more, , 2 1
"" half bushel of potatoes, 2 1
", half bushel of rata bagas, 2 1
half bushel of carrots, 2 1
" half bushel of turnips, i 1
. -
o half bushel of onions, 2 1
o variety of tomatoes, 2 1
o whiter squash,l 0;: o
watermelon, ,1 - 1 03i.
o mnskrnelou, 1 0,1-.
0 punipkin. 1 03.;
ditmlay of garden vegetables, 6 3
Committee: E. J. Brown, B. F. HebeY, John Pier
son. , ,
Beet bushel of winter wheat,
" bushel of spring wheat, . 2 1
" bushel of barley, 2 1
bushel of rye, 1 ' 2 1
bushel of oats, ; 2 1
" bushel of corn in the ear, i., , 2 1
" bushel of buckwheat, i . 2 1
" halt bushel of clover seed, 2 1
" half bushel of timothy seed, 2 1
" half bushel of peas, - 2 • 1
" half bushel of beaus, I 2 41
Committee: Calvin Hammond, L. U. Gillett, Bober
Roland. -
Best variety of aPPlt's.. $5 $3
variety of pears, 4 2
vaiety of peaches,_ 2 1
va 4iety of plums, 2 1
.. ye icty of grapes, 2 1'
ge eral display of fruit, 6 3
COW vittee: John F. Donaldson, L. J. Proble, John
Best plough, $2 $1
aide-hill plough, I 2 1
" cultivator, 2 1 '
'. field 'roller, 1 0 '
" harrow, , 2 0
.• mower and reaper, 3 0
" mower,' 2 0 -
thresher and cleaner, 6 0
" straw cutter, 2 1
horse rake, 1 0
.. hay tedder, 1 0
" horse hay fork, 2 1
..portable fence, 2 0
" tanning mill, ' 3 0
" farm gate, 2 0
washing machine, 1 0
churnlpower, 2, ' 0
Committee: Darwin Thompson, JO) Doane: D. G.
Miens. i 1
Best farm wagon, l', $5 S 3
single buggy, 5 3
44 family carriage,
.5 3
44 platform spring democrat, 5 3
44 double heavy harness, 4 2
44 double carriage harness, 4 2
44 single harness, 4 2
44 specimen of blacksmithing,
44 disptay of cabinet furniture,
44 specimen of carpenter work,
14 sample of pine lumber,
14 sample of sawed shingles,
4, 4 shaved shingles,
4i4 sample of clay brick,
display of finished sole leather,
44 display of finished upper leather,
4 . corn b*sket, 2 1
half-tlozen home-mada broo s, 2 1
Committee: A. Crowl, A. G. urrock, William Ii
- - - - - -
4 i
$2 gl
2 1
2 1
Best ten yards of flannel,
ten yards of full cloth,
44 ten yards of rag carpet,
" ten yards of tow cloth,
" Svc yards of linen cloth,
" specimen of wheat bread,
. 4 specimen of graham bread,
" specimen of corn bread,
" specimen of apple butter,
gallon of soap,
jar of pickles,
" specimen of catsup.
" specimen of woolen yarn,
'f speclimen of driAll beef,
" bed quilt,
" home-made counterpane,
.. pair knit woolen stockings,
o pair knit woolen mitten,
" plain sewing,
~ hand made shirt bosom and collar, 2 1
~ machine•made shirt bosom and collar, 2 ~ 1
~. ten pounds of maple sugar, , • 2 ' 1
•• gallon syrup, . • 2 1
box of honey; ' ' 2 1
Committee: Dire: Lucy Hotchkiss, Mrs. John M.
Butler and Mrs. Juo Karr. ' •
2 1 .
2 1
2 1
Best parlor baguet,
hand boquet.
dozen dahlias,
display of flowers. 2 1
.. embroidery, (work of ex ibitord 2 I',
" pair of slippers, " . 2 1
oil painting, 2 1
" specimen of penciling, 2 1
crayon drawing, 2 1
" pin cushion, 1 Oki
.. display of hair work, 2 1
.. specino•u of wax flowers, 2 1
.. specimen of feather flowers, 2 1
" ottoman cover, - , . 1, 0,14;
~ suit under clothing, 2 1 1
suit night clothing, 2 1 '
.. display of brad -roll:, , , 2 1
" card basket, 1 0
" knit worsted tidy, - 1 0,.1
.. - knit cotton tidy, 1 o}4
"• sofa pillow, , 1 o!,,i'
.. afghan, 1 . Oyi'
.. ottoman, 1 o,li'
.. lampintit, 1 OR,'
fancy wall basket, 1 Oy.
,' . displapaifilittery, 5 3
Committee , : Mrs. Jams. C. Dryden, Miss H. W.-rodd
and Mrs. 11. M. Sofield.
Mrs. L M. Bodine, Mrs. J. H. Shearer, Mrs. J. B
Potter, Mrs. Abram Walker, and Mrs.W.•P.Shumtivay
Bohn W. Bailey, 11. W. Williams, and W. A. Stone
Best piano (7 octavo or more)
.. ..
melodeon, - 5 9
Committee: W.,W: Webb, Mrs. A. B. Eastman, and
Mrs. C. O. Osgood.
Best Drama Band, $33 $l5
J B. Potter, Chairman, Walter Sherwood. W. P.
Shyruway, W. P. Campbell, J. IL Bowen, D. A. Stow.
and Nelson Claus
7. M. 130DINU.
Wellsboro Driving Park.
There will be trotting as follows on ; the 2d, 3d and
4th days of the COnnty Fair. under this direction of
the Welisboro Driving Park Association. Tickets to
the F ir, whether for perstins or carriages. will admit
the holders to the Driving Park without additional
. , 26
lot. 2d
$2 $1
4 2
5 3 ,
3 1
2 1
2 1
2 1
2 1
2 1i
5 3
' A 3
2 1
2 . 1
2 1
2 1
2 1
2 1
1 OX
1 .
2 1
2 1
1 (L
1 o,i'
$lO $5
, - Presiden
hums *
September, /lib, 12th
PIM' DAY.—No. 1, puree of
never trotted ht. V, et thaw tbrch
first premium.... th...r.f ..... ...
Second premium
Third pionturn
Fourth premium
No. 2, punso of , $4OO. Fur :
better Chun 2: - 40.
First premium....
Second premium
Third premium , ..•.• ...... .•-.•
Fourth premium,...........
' ttncosn Dev.—No. 3. vim
Vint pronitin?
,Second prentiom... .
.. , _
Lita-Virdmiiini -"' " '
Pin. 4, pm BO of $BOO. For
bitter then 2:82..._
FhoittOpremlimt - i -
Second premium._ „. „ ..
Third premium -
Fourth premium
TE9RD'DAY.—No. 6, pars(
ri f
potted better florl:
'Fire premium
Sec d premium
TM premium
Fo h pientinm-- . _...
N .6, puree of $5OO. F
• Fire premium
Scoontl premium)
Third premium.....
Fourth Pitalliam- --
' Ite effecte are as wonderful and natisiactory ae ev ,
It restore s gray or faded hair to ifs youthful a1 ot,
it 'removes all eroi•tions, It Mug, and 412 1 ,d iun .
and the scalp by its use becomes %hae and titan.
By -its joule properties It restor.s- the cipility
glands to their normal vigor, preventiugllthm eto4l4
'walling the hair greir thick and strong.
At a dressing nothing has been found so Om*
or desirable.
Dr.' A. A. Hayes, iatir-Assayer of 31assachttktu,
says of it: I consider it the best, preparation tor k i
lutendL4 purposes."
Buckingham's Dye,
This elegant- preParntien may he relied on to ei llqt
the color of the beard from gray or any other null
'arable shade, to brown, or black et dlecretion. ha
easily applied, being iu one preparation, and Waif
and effectually produces a permanent Color
Win unit er rub nor wrndi off.
. .1
U. P. HALL & CO., Nastuia, N. H,
Aug. 12, 1873-Iy-eow-Rot
Exectilors' Notice.
LETTERS Testamentary on the estate of Arr
Spencer, lute o! Chatham township, TIG#III CU!.
ty, Pa ~deceased,.hasing been granted to the midi?.
signal 'by the Register of Tioga county, ell perm,
indebted to said estate are requested to mate W.
ment, and those having claims againrt t tad retail:4
present the same to the undersigned in ilatham.Pa
Chatham, Pa., July 15, 1873-43 t. - Ereestm
`G roceries and Pro% .l l slons '
W. P. 13161-01 NY
pIAvIN(i purchased the stock of 1d...5i1l k 113.
drat', Would say to his friends and the pciUt
geuvrarly that he will endeavor to merit their puma.
age by keeping constantly on band a bilge' and Moil
selec ed stock of
CIGARS, &c ,
gill be sold at fair prices
CT:no - and buy ONCE and you will 'again.
Tte - ritem, - I;er the i)lace,
Second door below the Wellsbor - 6 Intel
Wellhoro, July 22, 1873 -tf. W. P. IJIGONT.
Ipsurance,Beal EstateiSleamshi
• No 1. Eotren's Bid.
Oa - Drafts soldlpayable in any city or town in Enrols
Air - Cabin, Second Cabin, or Steerage Posiogetici , t
to or from any town in Europe from or to Wenger ,
by the Anchor Line, or the White Star Line of Ozas
air - Beal Estate bought and sold on Conduinium
gir 1 desire to call particular attention to the had
ante facilities afforded by the old and well known
Wellsboro Insurance Agency.
capita: Represented 1:111,0k10.-
/f.TNA, of Hartford, Conn.
1401 , `E. of Ns•w York
FRANKLIN, of Philadelphia
PENNSYLVANIA, of Phil. delphia
ALEMANNIA, of Clevelan , 011ie. •
PHENIX, of Brooklyn, N
•Yolicie& written in ally of the_ above leading con•
panies at stahtlerd rates. i Losses plemptif Paid
tuy cacti, No, 1 Bowen's Block. HUGH SUl',Nii•
9 0 ,
Stoves, Tin and Ilarharei
BG - Go to D. 11. BELOIIER k Co's fur dour Stern
Tin and Sheet Iron.
A064 - Go to D. H. Belcher & Co's for "your Nails id
General Hardware.
LlCirtto to D. U. Belcher & Co's for your Haying axd
Harvestiug Tools.
lla - Go to P. H. Belcher & Co's for your T t blr,
Pocket Cutlery.
7 - Go to 1). U. Belcher &CI for your B°l
-Horse Forks.
to D. U. Belcher d: Co'Er for the beet MettP.:.
Lined Wood Pumps.
la - Do to D. IL Belcher & Co's for the brit Igor 15
this country.
.0;1 - 00 to D. 11. Di:l4er & Co's for your Tin itc , '
ing end Spouting. -
/..a'ao t' D. H. Belcher 6: Co's for your
of all kinds, whioli yr:3 do 04 shunt ucurt °.l
gunrautt antisfuetion.
We lire agents for the D. Dawson TilowiegThie biaa
to which we call your tipec lal l' htteb 4. 4./tal .
Machine miarrantod for two years. Extras of ati kI
for this Machine kept on hand or furnished tool
Any person wishing to buy the best Maine iu
nitrket will do well to give us a call.
First door below the Postoglee, Wella b°r° '
Juno 24, 1873,-3m.
too) on get a color
outfit for housekeeping at Kelly's Clans Ka
• d with ale ghat-