Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, August 19, 1873, Image 1

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---NO 33 . '
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el.lje . ‘ s- Aettilltitt - i -
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11181.11111 ND EVERY TUESDAY UT., ' '
13.016.E11.1VE15E1 t 1 rtittir,.
x. e BkrozEtl. - - -,- •••=. :. A. M. nov
• . -
sirTnene :--$2,00 per annum in advance. - VA •
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fi to p. , I ~ _ till • 2 in. sin. 410. ,:‘,l,'Col h'col. I Col.
_ •
1 Week $1 0 0 1$ 2 op $3OO t 4. 00 $6OO $9OO taeoo .
i Weeks 1 50, 300 400 500 70011 00 •16. 00 '
3 w o usl 2
001 3 00 500 600 8 00 la 00 . 18` 01)
1 Nlouth ; 2 50 400 . 600 7,00 900 /5 011 , 20,00
2 1,1.-Intlie , 4 00 000' 900 10 00 12 00 20'00 28 09
1 iloutha 500 -8 00 12 00 13 00 15'00 25 00 35'00
s louth (V.l
a 8 2 00 1 18 00 20 00 22 00 35 00 60 00
0 35 00 60 09 100.00 -
-------- . .
Advertisements arecalculated by theinoh i n, length
of column, and any less apace Its rated as a fAlllncli,
Foreign advertisements must be pald rot• before in
sart,,,,,,icert, on yearly °entracte, When half-yearly
tymentain advance willbe 'required. , - ~, ,
POLITIC 0. NOTICEs, 20 cents per line each insertion.
Nothi.ll inserted for lees than $l,
Ituatessa Notices I n the Editorial °Onions; on ,the,
ascend page, 15eents per line each insertion. 'Seth
i:lg inserted tor 'meatball $l.
Loco. Nona-sin 1.0( al column, 10 ciente per lino It
More than &alines ; aud' 50 cents for a notice of five
Ii age or less. 1 i
ANXOI.III,TMEItri of liAnta4,oEA and Dn.s. - rnet needed.
free; 184.01 obituary notices willhe charged 10 Cents
I,•r line.
gesuutr. NOTIO Es 50 per centaboveregiilar rates.
Strriilll:44 CA.II.DB 5 lines or lean, $5,00 per year.
----- - - - ,
Business Cards.
. .
na. e aostut.paft. , . Y. - A. 40112413014,, ,
Batchelder it., Johnson,
ni,irvtursos of Monuments, Tombstones,- Table
ropi, Counters, &c.. Call and eon. Shop, Waln et.,
evosite Foundry, Wellehoro, .1 , 4.-July 3, 1872.
A. Redfield,
k r ru ics ET -AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW:-Collect
,a,; promptly attended to.-Blossburg, '1 toga cone. -
ty, nun's., Apr. 1,142-9 m.
C. R. Seymour, '
it letli:all . AT LAW, Taiga l'a. All utteritees 0n
(..r,t•1l to bee . are will receive' prompt attention.-
2 .0 1, 1872.
Geo. W. Merrick,
Af IeIIII7F.T AT LAW.-Wellsbore, Pa. Office iitt
4 , ~ , ,u , Brent Week, Main street; second fluor,
~cress hall Win AfilTATOlt Office.
3/ 1 t.OllOll Sc Cameron,
1 l' CORAL:IS AT LAW, Claim and Lasuraneo Agents.'
~ ace in Converse Az' Anthems brick block; over
looveree lt Oagee.ra store, 117cllaboro. I'a.-Jan. , l.
V '''
._ _______,L.
William - A. Stone,
ITioltSgY AT LA ', over O. B. Kelley's Dry Goodstore,
, 1,
store, Wright &If tley's Block on atntstreet.
Will:)l , .te, lan. I, 872.
- •
Josiah 1?•111ery,
• allOttNl'.l . AI LAW-Office opposite Court House,
4,,. 1 Purdy a Blck, Williamsport, Pa. Ad btmlnees
vemptly attended to.--Jau. 1, 1872. _
J. C. Strang,
mile e anti .1. B. Niles, Es.)., Wellsboro, Pa.-Jan. 1, '72
-- - ----- -
C. N. Dartt,
DEN fliT -Teeth made with the NSW 110'110VENIEFL-
Much gee bett..r satisfaction than any thing else
in nee OniNt to Wright Si: Bailey's Block. Wells
born, 0;1 11, 1071.
J. B. Niles,
• _
IT I'OIINV.,,UT LtW.-Will attend promptly to bus
iness entm, tut, t., his care in the continue of Vega
and Potter. When cm the Avenue.-Wellebero, Pa.,
' Jan. 1,1571.
eillOe W. Adams,
. . 1
ArrousiA AT LAW, Mansfield, Tioga county, Pa.
Culleetluus prompty attended to.--Jan. I. 1872.
C. L. Peck,
il (02.N1.1” AI LAW. All adult , promptly collected
once V. It h W . B. Smith, Knoxville, 'flogs On., Pa.
-- ----- _
C. B. Kelly.
11,i, in Crocltery, China and Glaaiss war Table Cut
bl. Wd.
, trt end Ple , .ore. Mao Table an louee Fur
telanlig 1;, , ,,,1i. -11 ellsburo, Va., Sept. 1 1
. 00'2.
_ -------.
- JllO. W. Guernsey,
iIIOHNEY Al LA.w.—All liamer , s entrusted to hint
Kill Le pi umptly attended to.-Ofilre let door south
io McMinn in Farr's atore, Tioga, Ilona county,_Pa.
hu. 1, 1871.
Arnistrong B.r. Linn,
ArrURNEYB Al L.sw, Aiwa, ra
Win. B. Smith,
PEN:•ION A'rIORNEY, Bounty and Insurance Agent
e“banutneatloini 13011 t to the above addreea rill re
prompt attention. Terms moderate.—linos
Jan. 1, 1872.
Barnes -Roy,
JOB HIINTERS.—AIII(Indacif Job Printing done oit
thort notice, and in the beat mithrter. (Miceli] liow
en Cone's Itloeit, 2d floor.—Jen. 1, 1872.
S abiusvillo House.
SvoNsuLLE, Tioga Co., Pa.—Dean inn's. Proprietors
'nos house bna been thorongbly renovated and is
n" In good condition to accotnidate the traveling
pablic in a auperior manner.—Jan. 1, 18 , 73. •
D. Bacon, M. D.,
preu:si AND SURGEON—May bo found at his
,hoo lit doo . East of Miss Todd's—Main street.
VIII attend pro..untly to all 0:1115.—Wellsboro, Pa.,
111 1 . Is7l.
Seeley, Coats at Co.,
I'll YRS, Knorr illo, Tiogn. Co., Pa.—Rams a money
, t,..qit,,llsoonnt notes, and yell dratte ou New
'a ty. Oullec.tious pConoptly
q.ae.r.tri 3E I,ILLIC, Osceola. VINE Crutan.trA.,
dJ I, 1.872. DtVID COATS, Kllol%llll*
Petroleum House,
• i i I ;:I,1), PA.. aeo. Close, PrOprietor.—Oood ae
lifiliodat.l.4l for both man an beast. Cbargea tea
and good attention gi gni to (meats.
,:an 1, 11372.
W. W. tirley;
OF all styles of light and Leavy
- , rages. Carriages ltept rn.stautly on hand. All'
warranted, Corner CafSU and Buffalo Streets,
!I rnellsvillo, N. Ordern loft with C. D. Kelley,
W , ll.born, or H. It. Itorley, Chatham, will reeeivti
Immldt attention.—Jl nue 3, 1813*-6 11163.
1 . 1.41,'Eft in Cabinet Ware of all kinds which will be
• 'ld lower th‘iii the lowest. 110 invites all to hike
• i al at his goods hnfore purchasing elsewhere.—
tuber the place--opliiisite Dartt's Wagon Shop,
Alum Street, 1% ellsboro. Feb. 25, 1575-Iy.
Mrs. Mary E. Lamb.
‘: , E.I.tNEFLY.—Wtshes to inform her friends and the
indlt• gonerally that she Lnv n ialge Ave): of
,ft F t lcy Hoods suitable tor the acasoll. WILMA
"ti be. ettlid at rilasottable prices, hire. E. E. Kim
,4l:l has charge of the waking and trimming do
-1 A , tai..lll, and will give her attention exchteivelAto
Nwtt door to the Convere..l; Wfllintne Block.—
Yale & Van Horn.
uu manufacturing several brands or choke Cigars
' . " , zh we will sell :at prices that cannot but please
nstoux•rs. We use none but tho beat Connect
',lt. Havana and Yara Tobaccos. Wu make our own
Lizir,, and for that reason can warrant them. We
Garr e general assortment of good Chewing and
hawking Tobaccos, Snuffs, Pipes from clay to the
, -gt Meerschaum, Tobacco Pouches, .5.7 c , whole
'4iP wag retail.-Dee. 21, 'Md.
John R. Anderson, Agt.
11011 NO Trimmings. Mc
, betrei' Toole, Agricultural Implements, Carriage
Axles, Springs, Elms. kc., Pocket and Table
Plated Ware, Guns and Ammunition, Whips,
'Mira—wood and iron—the best in use. Manniic
!9r,-r allot (baler lu Tin, Copper, and Sheet-iron
""• Rooting in Till and iron. All work warrant
--.la,a. I, 1873.
\yr:lissom, PA.
B • B. HOLIDAY, Proprietor
Thls butel Is well located, and is in good condition
',.,3,,..7.wriedate the traveling public. The proprietor
e no min, to make It a dr3t-class house. All
9 1 4 es arrive and depart from this house. Free
Vt.) atid from all trains. Bober and industrious host
ilwaSa in attendance.
',,r(l/18, 1873.-tf.
t 3 / 4. 1. ;%. Which I lip sell vericheap FOR CASH. In
lc the best as+ rtment or Goods ever brought to
ea sbore, of sa opa styles. Please call and look'
ttqa over.
;lis t 1.111,4 Suite, OrGtcoata. and Repairing done with
15ateb and as cheap la the cheapest.
f Grafton Street.
Wellsborch Pa.
Jan. 1 1872-1 y
General Insurttnoe Agency,
Life, Eire, and Arcidentgl.
A lernaula, of Cleveland, Ohio ' 436,033,44
New York Life and Fire Ins. Co 21.000.000'
Royal The. Cp., of Liverpool 10,1115,601
Lancashire. of Manchester, Capital,.: 10,000,000
Ile. CO., of North Muerlea, Pa fl 050,635 GO
Franklin Fire Ins. Co. of Phila. Pa. ,2,0k7,4b2 . 20
Republic Ins: Co, of R. Y., Capital, $7110,000
Niagara Fire Ins. Co. of N. Y..... 1 000,000
Farmers Idut. Fire Ins. Co. York . Pa 000,880 16
Phceiaix Mut. Life Ins. Co. of Ilarfford C4..5,081,070 50
Penn'a Cattle his. Co. of Pottsville 000,000 00
insurance promptly effected by mail or. otherwise,
on all kiwis of Property. All losses promptly adjusted
and psitrat my °nice.
All comrmr ' WPM. B. SMITH , tions promptly attended to--0 - filee on
Mill Street 2 dcior from Main at., Krioxville Pa.
Jan. 1. 1873-tf. - Agent.
General Insurance Agency,
1: F: issuing ,
policies Compa nies
following CoPatneit
agithist the and llgh,tutug la Tiog: and Potter
comities :
QUEEN, ........ , Assets, $10,000,000.00
CONTINENTAL, of New York; _2,509,826.27
ErANOVETI, of New Yurk - 083,981.00,
GERMAN AMERICAN, New York.. 1,972,000.00
wiommo, of Williesbarro, 1 n 2.19,695.f2
WILLIAIIIBPOI2T, of Win 'spurt ' 113,066.00
; All business promptly aituuded to by Mai/ or other
wise. LiAtien adjoetecl and paid M our
NOIBOII, Den. 10. 1874-Iy.
Paints, , Oils, Glass, Putty,
Brushes, 7 - 5 - uses 4 SupporArs, and ,Surgi--
Liquors, Scotch Mei', Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff, &c., &c..
PLlEBerarriins's CnitEi - OLLY COMPOIRMED
Groceries, Sugars, Teas,
S iot, Lead. Powder and ('app, 'Lamps, Chimneys,
hips, Lashes, ke.
All School Books in nary, Envelopes, Stationery, Bill
and Cap Paper, Initial paper, Memorandums, large
and small Dictionaries. Legal paper, School Cards and
'rimers, Ink, \Wain Fluid, Chess and Backgammon
Boards, Picture Frames, Cords and Tassels, Mirrors,
Albums, Paper Collars and Cuffs, Croquetts, Base
Balls, parlor games, at wholesale and retail.
Wallets, port loonies, combs, pins and needles,
scissors, shears, link es, violin slrilig. bird rages.
•A great variety of pipes, dells, inkstands, measure
tapes, rules,
Fishing Tackle., best twin/file:l, liars, h„nßs,
Sveehil attention paid to this line in the season
VI LLAGP LOTS for Kilo in the central part of the Boro
March2s. '73-tt
OUSE AND LOT corner of Pearl street and Av
enue. Also for sale, seven village lots near the
. A,cadetuy. Apply to ELLIOTT k BosARD,
Wellsboro, Pa.
Oct. 39,1873-U
Jau. I, 11372
MRS. C. P. S
Ties Just return from New lock 'with, the largest
II assortment of
ever brought. into Wellsboro, and wl!l give her custom,
era reduced prices. fifie has a splendid assortment
of indios suits, Parnsels, Gloves, Fans, real and imi
tation hair goods, anti a full lino of ready made white
goods! Prices to snit, all.
1\ 11
Surveyor's Notice.
TODWARD DRYDEN off el r his service to filo public
JL!.I as a Snrvoyor. He will borealis to attend prompt
ly 0 all calls. Ho may ho fonnd at the law office of
H. Sherwood & Son, in Wellsboro, or at his rest
donee on East Avenue.
Wellaboro, Pa., May 13, 1873—tr.
CHINA HALL,Wellsboro.
ICETCIIAM v P.OLES proprietors. First-class rigs
fgrnialted at reasonable rates. Pearl street, op
posite Wheeler's wagon filinp.
will be on the street at all reasouablo hours. Pass
engers to null from the depot to any part of the town
will bo charged twentyiise tents. For fatuities or
small parties for pleasure, one dollar per hour.
Wellaboro, July 15, 1873: KETCH AM & OOLES.
Sewing Machine II
The great Iflinitly Stoning 11 - ochine of the
700,000 Wheeler& Wilson Family Sewing .
• Machines now in Use.
FOIE improvements lately ailded to this Celebrated
Nl:whine have made it bylfar the most desirable
Family Aladdin, in the market and have given an int.
petits to the sale of it, never before equaled In the
history of Sevring Meebinea.
Ecainino for yourself; consult your own Interests
in buying a Sewing Macnino, and
by that too common illusion, that all I,ock•Stitoit
Se wing Machines are good enough, or that any Ma
chine will answer your
,purpose if it nuthes the
stitch alike on both sides of the fabric.
and not pay your money for a heavy-running, slow
motioned, noisy. complicated Machine, thrown to
gether In such a manneras to last JuSt_ long enough
to wear out both yeur body and patience.
There is a great distinctive difference between the
Wheeler & Wilson and all other Machines that make
the Lock• Stitch. And It is to this difference that we
wish to especially call your attention.
It Makes the Lock, top Sl,ttdde Stitch;) - bu
does it withold d 'Shuffle
Thereby dispensing with the ebuttlS and all machinery
required to run a shuttle; ale° doing' away with the
take-up that is to be found in-All shuttle Machines;
and owing to the - peculiarity Of its construction,
while all other lock-stitch Machines require two.
March 25, '7B-1y
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ASSI , :,TS OVER las,fmnoo.
AT t
cat Instrum
Artist's Cioods In Great Val iety
bgsl•c/s and rods
For Sale or Rent.
C pill zed TVorld
.J.iN. vAxvomaismninzo
New Firm, New' Goods,
155,431,461 94
Nakes' Press eoas,
, AU styles, colors and patterns,
Beautiful Summer Shawls,
I'. 1 . 1 1 Klaj A 0270
Ready-Made Clothing,
and plenty of cliali to make more
Fresh Groi`deries,
Be White A Sugar, 12:1 cell's
at very ❑,w prices. We keep thu beat 50 cent Tea in
A large stock of Crockery.
Call and MCC tea.
Opera House Block.
May 6, 1873.
Are have Shed the Shanty !
An t i now have but tine to aay 0 oar f Hen& and
Our Elegant New Store
Call and you will know how It Is yourselves.
Oat 16,1873.
~ EL - L5.1,300D, .T.lOOA' , CO:,-.PA.;' ;_TI7 ; ESIDAT,, , AUGUST i 1. 94
A large at9ck of
COnslatfug of
A laige and choice stock of
customers that w 1 bale sooll
lB filled 11111 ol
at the lowest prices to be tumid
T. Xo. BALD 1N Ss CO.
ii .
The Promise.'
hnlnit ill:, O. In.
The voice of Hod snake softly,
Back through the lapse of time
A silver thread of whiteness
In a history of crime—
A ray of peace and comfort
In His lightning 11 . 0 . 11 l above,
In His prophecies.of vengeance •
• - 11! Paused to•whiSper 10ve..,
" Woo, woe, unto my oath-it,"
The Lord of Hosts cloth say,
" Uor stay of bread and water
Shall . be taken quite away—
Her counsellors and prophets,
With her mighty men of war; •
And the sins she !Rath committed
Her notes of wailing are,
Behold, the kingly scepter
Of her days of pomp and pride,
And the throne that stood beneath her
In her beihty as a. bride,
Shall fall to little children, • •
With the glory of, her namo;
And the base that throng the nation -
Shall go trampling on her fame.
"Ent say ye to the 'righteous,
The holy in Ms
The blies in his garden,
Who have kept their garments white—
Say yo'unto the righteous. ' •
- Those spotless ones and tree.
The God of &WM) liveth -
It shall be well with you."
This whisper flealeth downward,'
Through the tumult and the dread,
Like a smile of benediction .
Upon an infant's head.
A promise of protection,
And a surety of defence
A shelter for Dia chosen,
Until lie bear them hence; ' -
Jerusalem is desolate,
And Judah Is cast down;
Departed are her warriors •
And stalled in bar crown;
Bit tho righteous still may glory,
And go shouting on their way;
The Lord o Mosta bath spolten,
And his promisee stand for aye.
The Fountain of St. Claire.
In the little village of Beauce, in France,
lived the family of Jerome Estival, a sol
dier of the Imperial Guard, who had been
obliged by loss of health 'to retire from act
ive service. His wife, formerly the waiting
maid of a lady of high rank, was a most
worthy, industrious woman; and from her
little Mau, then nine years old, had inherit
ed her bright face and gentle, refined man
ners, while Tommy, their son, a boy of ten,
and an active, handsome, dashing looking
fellow, was the very countepart -of his fath
er in a certain straightforward, honest truth
fulness that won the respect of everybody.
Jerome himself, with_his six feet of bight,
bis erect bearing, determined tread, andim
mense moustache, made every one think he
must be a perfect terror to his wife and
children; and yet a more devoted husband
or affectionate father could not be found—
that is, if his family did nothing contrary
to his ideas of right, for he had lived s,)
long in field and camp that he thought it
the first duty to obey orders. Thus it hap
pened that the little Estivals were brought
up with-the strictness of young conscripts,
and would as soon have thought of flying
as of disobeying.
Now, beautiful and fertile as was the
neighborhood of Beauce, unfortunately
there was a great lack of wider. There was
plenty of it, such as it was, but none fit for
drinking, and so the supplies for all families,
high and low, had to be brought from a
pure and beautiful spring at some distance
from the town, and known as " The Eoun
tuin of "St. Claire."
Every morning' the -Old soldier went him
self with a couple of pails suspended to a
yoke about his neck, iind 'bought home the
supply for the dav ; but wishing to accus
tom his children to it, so that if he was in
capacitated they might be safely trusted, he
got for each a little jug, and in, the evening
sent them for the little more that was want
ed. Tommy liked this above all things, for
on his way he met some children of his
neighborhood with whom he seldom failed
to stop and play. The trounie - was - tum, ne
somet Imes forgot all but the play, and stay.
ed so long that lie had to run all the way
home, and get there so red in the face and
so dripping with sweat that his poor mother
was greatly disturbed, and distressed herself
by thinking how her husband was injuring
the boy by giving him work for which he
was not strong enough.
Tommy's conscience wicked him, and he
was a hundred times o the point of telling
the cause of his heat, b t dread of his fath
er's displeasure proven ed., He would not
have told a lie for hi right hand, but he
dared not tell her the t 1M
One day when his fat ter was absent Tom
my was very late in getting back, and his
mother and sister watched for him in The
greatest distress. At last, Nisa, with noth
ing but her little red handkerchief tied over
her bead, set off to meet 'him. At last she
saw him sitting sad and silent on a stone
beside the fountain. Supposing him hurt,
or ill; she ran wildly to him. But no, it was
only an accident that had befallen li m.—
"Somehow or another the ridiculous ng,"
he said, "had got broken—and now, how
father would scold!"
Poor Nisa stood confounded. " Yes, in
deed, and a new jug, too."
I "If it was only a scolding," said Tommy,
' '` I could bear it; but perhaps'he will whip
Me, and I assure you his hand strikes very
The discussion lasted some time. Nisn
agreed that papa would be very angry, but
consoled herself with the thought that they
did not often vex him; but Tommy thought
decidedly that he had better not go home
again, but seek his fortune elsewhere. The
only objection to this was the grief it would
cause his mother. At last Nisa Imuounced
with delight that she had a Most excellent
idea, which was that be should take her jug
and pass ofi the broken ono as hers. Papa
would scold her, to be sure, but that was.
tolerable; ho would never undertake to beat
But to this Tommy would by no means
agree. What! he sutra coward as to shrink
from punishment., and then shelter himself
behind his little sister! •` But I tell you,"
persisted Nisa, " that I shall not mind it it
the least, for I shall feel sure all the time
yon know, that I do not deserve it, and i
will be a positive pleasure to the to be scold
ed for you." But no, Tommy would not
listen to it at all. "So come;" said he, "I'll
face the danger at once."
Just ahillis moment they beard themselves
called, and saw over the wall the black eyes
and the pretty brown face of Madame Fre
mont, the wife of the richest farmer in the
district. She had overheard every word,
and now came to their relief, declaring that
Nisa's generosity and Tommy's manline.:4
equally deserved her favor. " Here,",_ said
she, "I have a jug of just the same size as
yours, anti new, too; so take it .and give me
the broken one. Tommy ' s accident will
then be remedied without a falsehood, and
Nisa's kind heart saved the pain of seeing
him punished."
The children gladly accepted the oiler, as
the lady had neither father nor mother to
scold her, but were very curious to know
whtit she wanted of the btohen jug. "I
would not exchange said the kind WO
man, " for a porcelain one; and promise
me, my boy, to be always as much afraid of
telling a lie ns you are now."
" I never told one in my life, Madame
Fremont," said Tommy honestly; " but yon
promise not to tell papapf this?"
Madame Fremont laughed. "Be as dis
creet as I shall be, my sett," said she, " and
you will have no reasoMto repent it." And
gathering up the broken -bits of the jug,
they parted, the children declaring her the
best woman living " except mamma."
Months passed on, 4nd there came a bit
terly cold and hard winter. Estival, whose
little pension had just been reduced, hardly
knew which way to turn for bread, and old
as he was—over sixty—undertook the task
'of a " fagoteur," or wood peddler. Some
times he got a job from the farmers and did
a little better, but not much. ,At last he
told his wife one day that they must give
up, for, work as he would, he could not
earn enough to live on. "No, indeed!"
/said Madame Estival, "we don't give up
yet, for I have still the rich gold chain ,my
lady gave me; we can !urn that to bread for
a little while."
" Sure enough!'.' extimed Jerome, fairly
dancing with joy at , he_ thought. how
came Ito forget? There's that sandal-wood
pipe that Emir gave m from his own -lips
in Egypt when I saved his head from being
laid open by a saber-stroke. Why, the
mouthpiece on it would ransom a prince!" '
"And f," chimed in Nisa; " there ard'iny
CRT rings that you gave me, mulling ; they
lare pure gold!' " Asel"- cried 'rummy,
"and my gold studs!" So it was determin
ed not to die of starvation just yet.
-But the discussion was interrupted by a
great, clemsy farm lad who came staggering
in:under the weight of n. great hisket of
grain, which he pit down, and handed Es-
Livid a, note which ran thus,: "The peiple
of Tout)! cannot. suffer hunger to enter the
home of 'a brave man who his shed' his
blood to defend them, and therefore beg
him to accept this gl'aih, which wit! be re
newed every Saturday."
" Yes, I accept it, and without a blush!"
said the old Man; and he' gave the lad a Cup
of sour wine, and determined t 6 go the next
- day and thank-the magistrate in person.—
So' he , did, and found that the town 'knew
nothing about it; therefore, when, the next
Saturday; the had came again, he positively
refused to take it until he knew Mei sent it..
- "Nonsenste" said the lad; they told me to
mention no names, and now you will go and
get me into trouble for minding orders_"
"You are right," replied Estival,' "but.
tell your employer that it is the last I reeeive
until I know his name."
The next week'ctune a third supply,
plenty of sugar-bread and .cakes' lot -the
children. The old man •was ordering ,the
gifts to be taken back, when the little-tenes ;
aided by their mother, begged so :hard for
the dainties that he was forced to yield as
to them, • but *dared he,would not touch.
the grain unless the lad told him who- sent
it. " Just tell me, old man!"
the boy,
forgetting his politer in anger, "when
you were in servlee c if they had told you to
,break orders would you have done it?"
"I'd like to sea the man that thinks. I
would," replied the old man fiercely. "Well,
then," replied the boy, "why do you think
I'm going to? I won't,l can tell you, once
'for all—but they did say I might, tell the.
young 'uns that the basket grew by the
Fountain' of St. Claire."
"It is Madame Fremont! It is Madame
Fremont!" exclaimed both children'in the
same breath. And Tommy, turning to his
sister and imitating , Madame Fremont's
voice, •repeated her words: "Beas discreet
as I shall be, my non, and you will have no
reason to repent it."
"Yes, that's. just the way she said it,"
cried - Nitta,' clapping her hands; and
then turning to her perplexed father, she
told him for the first time- bf her brother's
misfortune and the proposition that she had
made to save him from punishment.
"And - you didn't accept it boy?" said the
old man sternly.
"Of. course not, air!" replied the boy
glad to hear it," exclaimed the fath
er,,drawing his breath as if relieved. "-Any
thing but a lie; and to act one is as bad as
to speak it! But I might know you could
not have been mean enough for that; so
come here and let me rub hese moustaches
of mine against your cheeks, my noble fel:
low! I - should have beaten you, that's cer
tain I—and then been sorry for it afterward I"
And with the big tears rolling down his
bronzed face, be folded the boy in his arms
and blessed him, •
" Well, well!" said he, as if ashamed of
the feeling he had shown, and trying to
Shake it off; "so it is the .good Madame
14`rement-t bat has been feeding us all this
" Yes,. sir," replied the grinning Messen
ger. "title's kept the pieces ever since, and
had 'cm covered - over with basket-work;
and that's what rve been bringing the
things in. Now I think she'll end by filling
it with her best gooseberry, wine, for you
see it's £Ol made light and unleaky-like; feel
if it ain't!"
So it was. "And after the broken jug was
examin&l, it was decided that the whole
family should go the next day to Madame
Fremont's farm and thank ber for her gen
erous and timely help.
"No she won't, sir," answered the lad.
" She 'flint worked off all her notion yet;
and when my Madame eels an idea in her
head, she Bever‘ ,1 ."
101 mighty set, she 'sr
Av.4l, Dlie •-is," replied - ,Te,
xonte coolly; and the next morning, all in
their best clothes, the whole party waited
upon 7vla(hunc Fremont to thank her for all
her kindnesses. ' The old soldier—in his uni
form, of course—made a fornral speech, full
of praises and glatitude, but ending with a
positive assurance that he meant to receive
no more favors.
"I don't menu to ask you to, and .never
did," said the little woman saucily, eyeing
the old man from head to foot. "I sent my
favors to these little darlings of mine, in re
turn for their having afforded me, at the
Foutthritt of St. Claire, some of the most
delightful moments I ever enjoyed in my
life. In spite of your big moustache; Mon
sieur, and your great stern eves,y I mean to
love all my days a boy NOW, like that one,
would'rather take a threshing, even from
you, than tell a lie or take ad Vantage of his
sister's generosity; and a girl 'who, like my
friend Nisa, proposed to take a beating her
,to cave her brother front one. I tell
you what, Monsieur, I made a grand bargain
when I changed my new jug for that broken
one; and I promised then, with the help of
God, to use it for good. And now there is
not a man in the world, not even an old offi
cer in the Imperial Guard, that can. make
me break my promise."
Estival, disconcerted at the strange kind
ness of the merry little woman, followed,
at her command, i#to a pleasant little room
where, on a nicely polished table, was spread
out an abundant feast. Seated around it,
they ate, drank, and were merry; and when
they were satisfied Madame Fremont thus
addressed the old soldier:
" You see, Monsieur, I have not the hap
piness of la.ting a mother. My husband was
killed very soon after we were married.—
But I mean to take your children for mine,
whether you will or not, so you may as well
submit at once, and with a _good grace. I
know, however, that Madame Bstival will
not like to part with them, so I shall keep
her, too. She can fuss about the house,
keep an eye on the milk pans, and so on,
and no doubt be a very usefill body. lint
then it would be almost cruel to send you
back to loneliness and solitude; so you can
manage farm and money affairs for me, and
save me heaps of trouble. As. to nly two
children here—Tommy you must take care
of my hooks, and Nisa you are to feed my
pigeons and poultry. There, now, it's alt
settled, so not another word from any of
And so it was all-settled, and the kind
hearted, generous woman took under herself
the whole grateful family, who strove by
every means in their power to repay her be
ne%,olence. 'Whew the old soldier died, she
laid him in his grave and consoled his be
reaved partner, who soon followed him.—
And never did the orphans find the least
'enson to think her other thim she (labile(
o be—their second mother.
"I'll tell you what," said Tommy one day
tv bis sister, " what our father said once is
true: `a fault confessed with sorrow may
bring punishment, but it brings respect, too;
and falsehood and &Celt, while they draw
down contempt, bring the two-fold punish
ment of constant fear of detectioh and pun
ishment for the fault, after all—for murder
will out.' "--77ie Methodist.
larsu 'Wm—Those who frequented the
theaters in the old country some forty or
fifty years ago must know to what inconve
nience actors* were put by deficiencies of
stage properties, which is evidenced by - the
following amusing anecdote: When the re
nowned Mrs. Siddoris was playing in,pub
lin In the well known- tragedy of Macbeth
she, as Lady Macbeth, came to the part
where a drum sounds and she exclaims, "A
drum! a drum! Macbeth cloth come." There
was some difficulty or neglect in obtaining
the necessary instrument, and to her amaze
ment a trumpet sounded. She immediately
saw how absurd it would be to say, " drum"
while the well known sound of the other
met alte ears of the vast audience, so she
said, "A trumpet! a trumpet!" and stopped
short amid breathless silence, not knowing
how to rhyme it, -when a voice from the gal
lery cried out, " Macbeth (loth stump it!"
at which the house broke out into one peal
of laughter and applause, and the tragedi
cnne advanced to the footlights and bowed
her acknowledgment for, the relief. She
afterward tried to find out who it was, and
failed to do so„hut never forgot what she
considered the most genuine piece of wit
she had ever rhet with in nil her expurreuce.
Lully, the composer, was dangerously ill.
A confessor .01 , 1 him there was only one
way by which he could obtain absolution,
aml that %vas by burning all 'he had coin
posed of au unpublished opera. Lully burnt
his mu c . On his recovery a nobleman
said, "You have burnt your opera; and you
arc really Buell a blockhead." " StOp, nay
friend, stop","-said Lully, whispering irt his
ear, "I know very. well what. I was about;
I have• another copy."
Fine Poem.
• The following poem was read by Emily
Huntington Miller before the Illinois Press
Association, ' at the recent, annual meeting of
that body. It is replete with sterling patri
otism and tender pathos:
They say there is trouble a-brewing;
I read in the papers today
That brave men are staining their honor,
And good men are going astray;
That right in the teeth of the breakers
'The country-is thriving to wreck,
The.cruel rocks, grinding-beneath her,
And - treacherous foes on her deck.
My father—just eighty last harvest,
His hair is as white as the snow— -
Said, " God must have swiftly forgotten
His children, if that could be so,"
ei ,
H old es, full of trouble,
His weary
, - ~ •
''Looked out t rough the doorway afar,
Where the vane ou the top of the steeple .
Shone red him a wonderful star. . • '
And all through the village the windoW . s
Blazed out in the sunset; as when
They said that the 'country was ransomed—
Bought back with the blood: of her men;
And both of us sighed to remember
Our share of the terrible Bost;
Could it be that thdtreasure which beggared
. Our lives in the giving was 10.91!
The robin sang high In the maple
To his, mate brooding close on her nest;
And slowly, the red of the sunset
Burned out of the glimmering west;t
I called home the cows to the milking '
Thro' the orchard bars, down by the lane,
And tied up the stalks of the roses
Beat down by the wind and"the rain.
Like sweets from , a
garden of spices, _
The breath of the lilies stole out,
Where all through the blossoming garden
The night -moths were flitting about.
j seemed as if Qod must be caring,
And loving, his creatures; and yet
I pondered it over and over,
And wondered if Be could forget !
There sat my old f tber—life's burdens
Press heavy and and on hi -form— -
With only a weak- earted wotnan
To staraThetwee him and the storm.
Three boys, full of lusty young manhood,
Marched forth fro the homestead one day;
He would not keep one from his'country,
But blessed them and sent them away.
When tidings were darkest he trusted, .
And never gave way to despair,
For he thought, in the credulous fashion,
The Lord really listened to prayer.
There's a lock of bright hair in the Bible,
A cap hanging there •n the wall,
Three graves on the sid of a mountain—
And that was the end of it alll
Can you say to this des late father
He lavished his treasure in vain,
Since traitors can bartei the honor
He bought with his heart-break in pain?
I tell you' there's One up above us
Who measures such giving aright;
Don't think you can reckon byingots
The worth of a tear in His sight.
You may heap up your gold and your jewels,
And all that your riches can bring
Will weigh for no more in His balance
Than the dust from the butterfly's wing;
But when, in their weakness and sorrow,
His little ones cry to His throne,
He sees through the seraphim's splendor—
Ile hears and remembers His oWn.
The little bird sits in the sunshine
And sings when the morning is real;
uw rims swttG rruuj zftC 1111;lie •
The blithe littlo.sioger is deed; -
So small, not the tenderest lover
Could miss its glad note at'the day n;
Yet the Father will number His treliSp,res
One less for the sparrow that's got.'
We see when a star in its glory
i Shoots out into darkness profound,
Ho sees when in terror unheeded
ii .
sparrow falls doWn to the ground;
Do y u think I am less than the sparrow,
Th t He should sit still on His throne
With never a thought for my trouble,
And never a thought for my moan!
There was Jeplithah, so eager for conquest,
lie vowed he'would give tothe Lord
Whatever came first from his household;
He triumphed and stood by his word, •
Tho' it cost him his daughter; you laud him
A brave man, a hero divine.
Is a child then so much to a father?
Pray, what was his giving to mine?
If I tell you my story, you'll think it
No wonderful story to tell;
There are thousands and thousands of women
Have sorrowed and suffered as well;
And sometimes in thinking tlietu over,
So many poor souls that are sad,
I wonder the sun ean•keep shining,
And all the green earth is so glad.
We had nothing on earth but the cottage
And the baby that crept on the floor;
But, lacking in lands and in treasures,
We loved one another the more;
And up in the mansions above us,
Whose silver and gold cannot
We trusted the Father was keeping
A home for our spirits with Him.
The roses that grow by the lattice
Now redder than rubies to see;
No king in his pomp and his purple
More proud of his jewels than we;
And oft, as we sat in the twilight,
My husband, wee Nellie, and I,
lie would say, "All the gold in the kingdom
Such riches as ours could not InlY."
hands had grown hard with their labor,
his face it. IV/14 browned by the sun,
But I thought, as he toiled with the reapers,
Ills form was the kingliest one; ,
And kissing my golden-haired baby,
I turned to my work with a song,
For I knew the true heart of my darling
Was loving us all the day long.
The 'reapers go merrily by me,
Their sickles gleam out in the sun,
Anti home, with a song, in the evening
They gd when the reaping is done.
No footstep comes home-to my cottage,
No face in the gloaming I see,
No lips with their burden of kisses
To welcome sweet Nellie and me!
Oh! field, with your verdure untrodden,
So brave in the pence of the morn;
Oh! field, with your long gory furrow..
At evening all trampled and Porn! •
MY heart in the thick of your carnagi
Went down in the sulphurous smo! ,
Where flashed the keen sickles that ga,inered
A harvest of wills at a stroke! •
Did it omfort me, watching and waiting,
To r ad how my soldier had died—
Named first in the roll-call of heroes,
Set high in the annals df pride?
Did it :often the ache when they told us,
Poo heart-broken women at'home,
That tI c future would hold its in honor,
- Like mothers' and wives of old Rome?
The _Maitre . 4 , 'Why, no one remembers
To-day bow. the country was saved—
What perils her children have suffered,
What sorroics 14 women have braved—
But you prate;of corruption and ruin, •
And dare her true beads to defame,
As if a few mischievous plotters
Could blaiten her records with shame.
And you sit at your ease and your pleasure
With only ai.smile or a sneer .
For dastards NOM sully the honor -
•rhat cost our dead heroes so dear.
0, speak with the pen that is mighty,
And peak with a voice that is strong,
0 surely the blood of your brethren
Will cry out against you for wrong.
i, well, it is good to remember
,Who holds in Ilia fatherly hand _
!ie sorrowing heart of of his children
All over this beautiful land.
knows what the country has cost us -
,price paid in anguish, not gold;
fft them plot as they will, He is strongest,
IA nd able in safety to hold.
re shadows crept down from the bill top,
The robin's sweet enrol was o'er,
d Nellie, my daughter, was singing
A song by the moon lighted door•;
, short is the pathway ofi sorrow
That leads to the beautiful gate,—
ei is eternity's morrow,
I take up my burden and wait.
The Paris Woman.
. .
I Heinrich Heine thus wittily catalogues
tind describes the charms of the Paris wo
man: - " I am their greatest adorer, admit.-
ing'them far more because, of their faults
than their virtues. I know.of nothing more
appropriatc-than the Ohl legend which tells
us that the women of Paris are at their birth
endowed with every imaginable Unit, but
that a friendly fairy, taking mercy on them,
lends to every fault a spell which converts
it into a, new c . barni., And this friendly
fairy - is Grace itself. Are the Parisian wo
men beautiful? Who knows?, Who can'
penetrate throng!' all the artillcet of the toi
let? Who can decipher whether that which
tulle suggests be.real, or that which padded
silk liarades be falai? And even when, `the
eye has succeeded in piercing the shell, and
we are about to examine the kernel, it deftly
envehipes itself in a new shell, and then in
a newer one—thus by the incessant change
of fashions mocking man's acuteness. Are
their4aces pretty? This, too, it would be
ditheult\ to determine, for every feature is in
constant 'motitni. - Illvery-Parisienne has a
thousand faces, each one of , whieli - is-morc
laughing, more intelligent, more charming,
than the -) ther—greakly embarrassinw him
who wish to decide which is the. mosl,
- beautiful," r which; in fact, is the real face.
Are their e 'es large? What do I know?—
One,does a t spend much time investigating
the caliber • f a cannon wheirthe ball knocks
his bead off And he who is not struck by
their eyes, sat all events dazzled by their
tire, and is :lad enough safely to remain-be
yond-their an t , ,, e. Is the space between the
nose and in mu' broad or narrow? some
times it is Is oad, as, when they turn up their
lines it is narrow, as when they
proudly cut the lip. Is the mouth large or
small? WI o can tell where the lips end and
the smile b gins? In order to react' a con
met decisio i the investigator as Well as the
object of. investigation should be in a state
of perfect t Met. But who can Veep quiet
when with i Parisienne? and whist
enne is eve quiet? There arc those who
imagine the could closely examine a but
terfly if th , y only had it' pinned to a sheet
of paper. ut that were-both foolish and
cruel. The quiescent, pinioned insect is no
longer a butterfly. A butterfly stiould only
be seen when it Outten among' the flowers:
and the women of Paris should,be seen, not
in their househOlds, where they seem like
so many butterflies fastened by a pin which
pierces the heart, but in the saloon, at balls
and soirees, where, under sParkling crystal
chandeliers, they flutter by with their em
broidered wings of silk and gauze. In Such
Moments they reveal an eager love of life,
a willingness to plunge into sweet stupor, a
thirsting for sensual indulgence, that invest
them with an almost terrible beauty, and a
charm that both delights and shocks the
The frequent occurrence of paralysis in
this country is becoming really alarming, so
much so that eminent physicians are in ev•
try possible way endeavoring to impress
that class of persons most likely to become
subjects or it with the necessity for strict
care against it. The- disease seems to be
making marked progiess, especi4lly in the,
Middle tilates. L'aralysi,s,, apoplexy, and
the various forms of , brahli and nervous dis ,
eases arc carrying off anrOally many of our
best men.
The fact that so many prominent men
were being stricken down lby paralysis; anfj
the case 01 Vice'President Wilson adding ayir
other to the long 114 illuS presented, whicti
embraced the names,'of Chief Justice Chase, 1
Senator Morton, Mr. Colfax, Senator Brown
low; Walt Whitman Horace Greeley, etc.,
called attention to ttyir subject. The cases
of prominent public' men attract more at
tention, but Utivsicitins say ttou..AtagaVv,sis is
........lay_ott the increase amongst au classes
of the American people, The (pm - Ilion
arises—is it getting to be a national disease°
and if so, iv nit is the cause of it?
Ithr.ranee pi' Pll4B, where paralysis Is
getftfig -to 41 a familiar disease, the cause
hasbeen atttiblited to a life of over-excite
ment, the use of ahsynthe, etc. But it will
be noticed that the larger number of our
paralytics ate of temperate and compara
tively unruffled lives. Mr. Colfax has al-.
ways been of temperate habits, and at the,
time of his attack nothing had happened to
disturb the sunny tenor of ,1113 life, the Mo-,
biller troubles and excitements having conit
upon him later. Senator Wilson is of tem
perate, regular habits, and his appearance
has always indicated high, healthy, and
buoyant spirits. Walt Whitman, a philoso
pher, in mental and physicial habits abste
ntious, slow in speech, gait, and life gene
rally—the picture -of rosy, sturdy health -77-
he, too, is stricken down in a moment from
1 his superb tjatufflood.—E.t.
A Conductor to be Trusted.
One day, before Cornelius Vanderbilt ;ob
tained possession of the - Hudson River llaki
wav, he was traveling, it is said, from Chi
cago to Alb t nny, and considering himself a
privileged character, went into the baggage
car tosmoke. lie had been enjoying his
cigar but two or three minutes, when the
conductor came along and informed him po
litely that he must not smoke there. ' Van
derbilt said it wouldn't make any difference
—that it was all right, etc.; lint, the con
ductor• was of n different opinion—declar
ing that it was contrary to the rules of the
road. '
"You don't know me," said the smoker;
"my name is Vanderbilt; I am sonietime.s
called Commodore. I generally do about
as I please."
I don't. know, nor do I Care ho you
are, Mr. Vanderbilt, .1 intend to obey the
rules. If you were ten times a Commodore
I could not permit you to smoke here; and
you must go elsewhere to finish your cigar."
The loyalty to duty displayed by Ilte con
ductor pleased Ike ancient Cornelius, and.
he went out, though not before he had saiid
to the conductor: You are the right kind
of a man for your place; you don't
'persons:. Lthiuk of buying this road, and
if I do you cau, stay on it as long as you
Vanderbilt did buy the road, and retained
the conductor. Ile frequently remarked
that that man could be trusted; that lie was
never mistaken In
,jodging of character, and
that he knew, ftomi the first, that the
ductor was souud. , s
The conductor st iid on the road for five
years; and in. that II me, as the story goes,
stole hitnself•into a ecuniary independence.
So much for Vanderbilt's knowledge of
character.. Evidently the conductor knew
Vamterbill better than Vanden )M kyd --
knew t.
conductor. , I
.When Ilosseau printed his '" Discourse on
the Inequality of Man," which NV aS an clo•
k quent eulogy of printitiye and savage life
as contrasted with civilization, he sent a
copy to Voltaire. The mocking philosopher
of Verney thus acknowledged 'it: " I litiA.c
received your new book against the, bunion
race, and thank you for it. , Never was such
cleverness ticekl with the design of making
us all stupid. One longs, on reading your
book, to get down on all-fours; but as 1 have
lost that habit for more than sixty years, I
feel, unhappily, the responsibility of resum
ing it. Nor can I embark in search of the
savages of Canada, because the maladies to
which I am condemned render a European
surgeon necessary to me, because war is go
.ing on in those regions, and because the ex
ample of our lctions 11:0 made the savagea
nearly as bad as ourselves; so I content my
self With being peaceful sage _ in the soli-
Rule I have chosen near your native place."
li:4lgs:icy says: you wish to be mis
erable, you must think about yourself—
about what you want, what yopt like, what
respect people ottl4ht to pay you, what peo•
ple-think of you; and then to
,you nothing
will, he pure. rpu N% ill spoil everthing you
toueh; you will :make sin -and misery for
yourself out of everything God sends you;
you will be as wretched as you choose."
' •
The great essential4o - tilkr happinesy is th-!
resolution to perform titir duty - to Goil
well as we are able.
A Danbury saw-filer ailways wears wad-, I
ding in his ems when ft,l. work, .o as not to
disturb his neighbor:4.
A certain cliris •of be - ggars:l the bell
hard enough to break it, yet when you go to
the door they barely have strength to speak
in a whisper. ,L
13ftehe - *:
• i
• t -
1)i. Nichols, in the Journal of Chemistry,
says; The opinion we have always held
upon the question of value of green core
fodder for milch cows has been, that when
raised from broadcast sowing it is neatly
worthless, but when 'sown in hills or in
drills; and cultivated, with access of air and
sunlight, it is of high value.: During the
present season we 'have made some experi
ment to test the correctness of these views.
Stalk were collected from a field where the
seed vas SOWn brPtICICaSt, and also stalks
_in-drills npon the same field, and
they were. dried in a drying elos,ek-,: tp expel
the moisture. Both specimens were plant
ed at the snore time (the 6th of May), and it.
was found that the broadcast sowing'-enn
tabled 92 per cent. of water, these .front
drills 83 per cent. of water. Thus it was
shown that the difference of solid matter in
the two was relatively 'as 8 to 17 per cent.
The solid 'miner was composed of starch,
gum, sugar and woody fiber. There was
almost an entire absence of sugar and gum
in the stalks from the- broadcast sowing,
while the stalks that had grownnuder the
influence - oX - -light held these . nutrient
principles in considerable quantities. The
stalks were collected at the period of growth
just before the oar begins to ferns, a period.
when most farmers commence to cut the
fodder for their cows. Our experiments
upon corn fodder have afforded us import
ant information upon other points. We find
that the stalks cut before they reach a cer
tain stage of growth re deficient i 1
;p ,
cut matter, and the fore it is a waste to
feed them too early. The corn' plant, like
all other vegetable structures, has but one
object or aim in its growth, and that is to
produce seed. It is engaged during its
whole life in storing up- large quantities of
btareli, whiCh is to be . used wheit 'the press
ing occasion arrives ; or the seed vessels ma
ture, to form by sonic subtle, mysterious
changes the rich nutrient principles which
are found in seeds. As soon as this strug
gle is over, the Born plant, like an annuals,-
dies a natural death. It is not necessary
ior frost to strike it ; it dies from simple ex
haustion. The proper time to cut and feed
corn stalks is during the foul-or five weeks
which succeed inflorescence, or in-other
words, they should net be cut - until ' the
flower is fairly deVeloped, and the car com
mences to form ; and any corn that is no
planted that the ear cannot form. and .tna
lure, is practically as worthless as- fodder,—
Faripers may learn from these facts that.
corn designed to be cut for fodder should
be planted at two or three periods during
theseason; some fields quite early, others
som6what later, and still others as late as is
ssfe. In this way, when the hot, dry
months of July and August are reached, and
the pastures falter, a -supply of fodder is
secured at 1 proper stage of growth to af
ford the largest„ amount of nutriment.—Bu
rs/ /Yes r051...5.
The Art of Making Ices.
There me two quite different ways of
making these most welcome of all summer
refreshments—Shat practiced by the Paris
ian and Nett p,ditan "glaciers" and tht t of
our Philadelphia confectioners. The for
mer yields au ice as solid, rich and firm in
body and line in grain as "gilt edged" Ches
ter county butter; the latter a light and
snov.y cream, i tues very dry and thirst
provoking, with which we of the goally
city of,Penn, who fondly imagine we have Ulu
hest in the world, are all familiar. jk. lbag
'and friendly acquaintance with the delicious
ices of Tortini and the Cafe de la Pp' ix' in
Paris, and of the Calla; d'Europee iu Na
ples, comples me, thorourh American as I
nun, to prefer the foreign e 'isle decidedly.
Por_the enlighteument, n only of Mrs.
Williams, who inquires in your paper of
the 16th inst., but ot, thousands of other
lovers of these coolim.., refreshing • and
whole s ome lwoiric:4„ I give you the two
modes of preparing them—the best first
,Nr.terthrrAN t:
Ifith well together 12 eggs and• pbunds
of white silted sugar, turd two quarts of
perfectly fresh and pure, cream, flavor as
below named, and cook in a farina boiler,
to thin ve-t el FCI into ti l laro . er one contain- •
ing hot water:, sting Constantly . till it
thickens, but it mu-1 not curdle. Strain
'through a due si•We and put on ice to cool.
As there is "reason in the cooking of eggs,"
frce7.ing'of ice•cream demandslcare
and shill; it , May be as readily underdone
or overeloaeos a beefsteak gran oyster stew.
I will suppose you use Tingley's frecteil,
which I fintlsuperior to any other.
Pour the' (Team into the freezing.,-can, putt
in the dasher, cover and fasten; then break .
up your ice wait wooden mallet, in any
heavy, ebai,e clbth, an-old coffee sack, or
the like, to the size of walnuts, and pack
tiratly around the can, adding coarse . /
groinlil sail, until the tub is entirely . fulLl ,
t o ur quat't rc , auires 25 pounds of ice and
i one quart of salt. Cover and fasten the
tub and freezer according to the directions
accompanying' each freezer; obsttriclhat the
iffo!rty (1w work is thine the Armor and
sinnotherwi;l 1 2e the product. Ii a.large
of li!!itt, s:nowy cream iolesired, turn the •
dahor as rapidl3r as possible; what is gained
in \olume, however, is lost in quality. If
beaten rapidly at fird, or if '•heaten at all be
fore the cream is entirely chilled, small
grains of butter will appear di9sed through
the mass.
When the freezing is completed open the
can, remove the dasher, (pack the cream
firmly down, replace the elver, draw off the
water, fill the tub with salt and ice in the
proportions above given, cover with a wool
en blanket and let stand Several hours to
harden and lipen.
-4solve one pound of white sifted sugar
in s tv0 , r1..; of fresh, pure ci•cant, flavor
nod pweet•cl :dove directed in all re-
Ail the al tempts to cheapen by the
us ,. of olot, cornstarch, and the like
impair the finality of the cream, and every
drop of mill: you aed " - spoils the punch,"
Insides the. Cl'olllll to melt quite rap
limilla--One tablespoonful of extract of
homqi--Ont. tablespoonful_ each of cx
inlet au(l•,jui(e of lemon.
(1)1(1 cdll2r Frtrit4-0 tie pint 'of
finely straincd juice :ma four ounces of su.
(710,.”1,11,, , _,Thrv0 ounces of 13alier's eitce•
alto ui t four onneei Of t,ngar melted in
fdur outul l Of water find 'lndy vtrainert.
U.To one finart of. finely strained juice of
orangei,.lemons, peaches, cherries, straw
berrit;sk tie.pberries, or any juicy fruits, ttad
two (pert 5 or 'water and three, pound:o of
sugar, and , freeze like ice•cream. For or•
:mg? or Strawberry ice add. the juice of one
lent/09 c. — erma tutrit Te?egraph .
Keeping Butter.
While a \veil io ft:i3 vicinity w:••1 being
elettned ttleently. 'a half-pony of buttec
was found in the bottom as )mutt and sweet,
as \\ hen ilrst mtule. How long it h ii.l be•_•n.
there no tine knows. The present occup,iat
of the premises: Inez keen I'd teen year 3 ot i • ti , e
place, and the pump heinti•• in constant use
there had been l ii., occasion before' , to hiv
it clean: qt. "l'iw t‘sitier must have lath tit , .:r
an nth , 1 / 1 /1 , , : , !,•i 110 W 'tong be.folejt rJ y
kniAri ) . ' I:11. • ..ill'101:' WIIS of a paler col-a
than that witilla, I.iti otherwi,e tlicro ,v..ts
no change.. t
It is no! tiniAloo. a 3., pa m i d a iry foil:at:tat
butter Nvill t.-t' •o -,‘ ell' in- cool, pure spring
water, timi so•o•• ic•ce taken advantage of
the fact to ,iirt:.,•rt t• ;miter in close yes:ids
under the fan f,“ 0. lint we think it' 13 not
gem-11 4 111y known 11),,L ,it. wi mid Reel) solon,g
and in ileum! contact \yak the water, it
milt' 11, be wortil considering whethil: this
Ihint about pre: Crying, butter might tint he la
ken a dvantage 31 . , so :is to initiate ti regular
' p l an Of preserving. butter sweet. and fresh,
. until maikett; o' ocher circumstance,: i'.;vor
good prices. Li. is one of the wcalznesse.4
id the low t. i -. business that some, J , :asons
I lAiec B , l 4o ruin nisly low, and the titt.tl rent
' etly of Pottinli 14 not a very good cure.
The water if course must, ha cool and
pane. At hi: It temperature, such as most
i vai'er ne.tr t 0 sutface reaches, vegetable
organisms gro e that would soon comninni
-1 cane Ili ray' to any orgbattie 'matter in the wa-
I ter; hut therthare many places where a la
' goon of the proper:Condition of pure wal
-1 water could readily be constructed.—Gept
1 mantown, 7'e!egraph,
WHOLE NO. 1,021:
Value of Corn Fodder.