2 • I - John Jenkinie Sermon. The 'minister 'said last night, says he. ' "Don't be afraid of giviti'•. ryour life what's uothin' other folks, . :Why what's the use o' liche ?" And that's what I say to wife. says I. There's BTOWD, the mis'rable sinner, He'd sooner a beggar would/801mo than glva A cent towards built' a dinner. Itoll you our minister ts prime, ho Is, nnt I couldn't quite determine, When I heard him a-givite it right and left AtE t who was hit by his sermon. Of coarse there couldn't be no mistake - When ho talked of the long-winded prayin', For Peters and Johngon they sot and scowled, • At every word he wee sayite. land the minister he went on to say, 'Theta's various kinds - o' chentin', And religion's as good for every day As it is to bring to meetin'. I don't think much of the man that gives The loud amens at my preachln'; And spends his time the following week, In elfeatin" , 'and overreachin'." I guess that drAe was hitter enough Fora nuin'lsko Tones to au allow; Ina' I noticed be didn't open his mouth Not once after that to holler; Hurrah. says I. for the minister— Olcourse I said It quiet-- Give us some more of this open talk, It's a very refreshin' diet. ' The minister hit 'em every time, And when be spoke of fashltm, . Anil riggin' out in bows and thiongS, As woman's rulin' passion, A,Pd condi]: to church to see the'stylus, I couldn't help a-winkiu . And a-nudgin' my wife, says I. "That's you," And I guess g sot her a.thinkin', Says I to myself, that aermou'a pa ; But a man is a queer creation; Awl lam much afraid that most o the folks Won't take lite application. Now, it he,had said a word about Pgrsonal mode n' I'd have gono to work to right myself, And not set there a grinnin'. • Just'then the ruinister4ays, says lie, "And now I've come to the fellers Who've lost this shower by nein' their friends As sort o' moral umbrellas. .:Go home," says he, "aritilud your faults, ' Inisteadiot huntin' t yourhrothers'; Go home," says he, Land wear the coats You'vo tried to fitful' ,ethers." Aly wife, she nudged, Anti Brown he wink,id, And there was lots o' , And lots lookin' at our-pow; - it sot my blood a-biliu• Bays I to myself, our minister. Is gettin' a little bitter; I'll tell Min, when meson's out, that 1 I Ain't at all that kind of a critter. SALAD FOR THE SERIOUS. A. certain Pronely baron, whose scie tifle tastes had led him to collect the skulls of celebrated persons, one day received_a visit from a plan with whom lie was accustomed to deal. "What do you bring me here ?" asked the. Baron, as the man slowly un wrapped a carefully-enveloped package. "The skull of Shakespeare." "Impossible !" "I speak the truth, Monsieur le Baron. Here is proof of what I say," said the deal- or, producing some pagers. "But," said the Baron, drawing aside,the drapery which concealed his own singular collection, "I already possess that sit tillr "He must have been- a rogue who . sold You that," said the • "Who was it monsieur honest dealer. "Your father," said the Baron, in a mild tone; "he sold it to me about twenty-nine years ago." The broker was,•for a moment, disconcerted, then exclaimed with vivacity, "I comprehend. Be good enough to observe the small dimensions of the skull on ,Your shelf. Remark the narrow occiput, the un developed forehead, where intelligence is still mute. It is of Shakespeare, certainly, but-of Shakespeare as a child about twelve or foupteen years old; whereas this is that of Shakespeare when he had attained a cer tain age and had become the great genius of wVch England is so justly proud." ThC Baro bought the second skull. The Pall Mall Gazette says that among the .many useful inventions of modern days, no'pe deserves to rank higher-than an ingen -ions little machine just invented by au • Anierican in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. It is' called "the business man's bore abat er," and its action is simple and effectual. It consists of a button torpedo. with patent nitro-glycerine back-action at tack went, that can be worn on the coat, like an ordi nary button, which, indeed, it resembles in appearance. When the bore seizes the "abater" ;t instantly explodes, shivering his hand into a million pieces, and blowing him around the corner into the next street. , The inventor, it is stated, has already received orders for all he can manufacture fidr two years to come. A. machine on the name principle: so constructed as to present the appearance of ,a door handle would be very useful to ministers of State when about to receive deputations, and for domestic pur poses, such as receiving applicants for char itable donations, rate collectors, and other visitors of this description. A "household er's bore abater" fixed on the front door would be an immense success. - nerve, the composer, was very unsuccess ful in a provincial town where he was giv mg representations. On the second night there was scarcely a dozen liersons present. The next day an announcement was posted that an amateur of the town would make his debut in the piece of • that evening; a crowded house was the result. The piece Don Quixote, was played amidst great inat tention; the audience were thinking of the native amateur. About the last scene San cho made his entrance on the proverbial donkey. The audience, thinking they were to be taken in, shouted loudly for the ama teur. nerve came forward with dignity, pointed to the beast, and said, "You were promised the debut of an amateur. of the town. Behold hhnt" The curtain.fell, and the back (lour was used by the performers, A certain marble dealer, residing not a hundred miles from this village, says the Ision pelier sTottrna/, recently received an ir, voict of gravestones, upon some of which were inscribed touching sentiments of sym pathy and eulogy ready-made for the Sort unate person whose tomb they were intend ed to designate. Among them was one with an index finger pointing heavenward, and under it the motto "No graves there." On e evc ( ning the dealer' received an order for . a grvestone, the style and decoratior, o f which were- left pretty much to I , ' js own judgement, the price only being fi' Jal. As Its had to leav the hurr%- - ':J the city the next Inocilin ,, , . , -.ally selected the one hearing the t t.uove motto. The intliFnatio, n „ f the sur viving relatives of Mr. Orr Aves, for whose cemetery lot this gravestr.me was intended, when it wasrecejfied can be better imagined than described. tt A deal of laughter was done on the sly, during the eating of a shore dinner at • Riv erside, the other day, and a deal el 'hearty laughing has been done since, at a woman who evidently was bound to get ail she paid for. She was accompanied by a sou of five or six years, who having gone through bak ed clams and chowder once, to his stomach's eoutent, and commenced over again on the (laths, drank heartily of water, and passed his cop for more. _At this the mother,. with a smart sprinkling of asperity in her tone,_ and N‘ith a manner that showed her to be oblivious to the fact that anyone else was within hearing, said, "Look ahere! I've paid for a clam dinner for you, and now 1 ain't going to have you tilling up with wat er." The little fellow paid strict attention to clams after that. A blushing insiden of forty summers en ,- tered the town clerk's office, in Wheeling, J West Virginia, recently, and asked, in a voice trembling w ith agitation, for a license. The clerk took (t %a the name and address of the visitor. "Name and address of the other -party?" a.siied the clerk. "Faithful, and he lives will( me," replied the fair one. The clerk looked at her for a moment, and blushingly clompleted - the filling of the doc ument which lie handed Co the lady. He was astonished at her conduct. She gave one glance at the liceniite, hoarsely whisper ed "monster!" and swept majestically out of the office. The clerk had Presented her with a marriage license, when it was a dog license she wanted. The Binghamton Time,3 mentions- - an old lady who came to that city to attend a cir cus, and followed the wagons all about the city, so as to be sure not to lose her way to the grounds, and as she reached the tents she thanked fortune that she was there at last, and did not see why they had the cir cus so far off. It is a little singular how much time a wo man will take up in studying the postmark of a letter to see where it comes from, whew' she can open the letter and find out at once. "Stealing money is a serious business out here," says a Colorado paper, "but you can kill a man, and all they ask is thatyou don't leave him in the way.' A Pianoforte maker says that of all man ufactured things pianos bear the noblest character, since they , are classified as grand, upright and square. You can now use a stamp twice. 'The Ara time it will cost you duct; Cent4—the second time Arty 4.19/lars, PAINTED' POST IRON WORKS, .A. WESTON MANUFACTURERS' OF " PORTABLE AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS • GANG SAW MILLS, ENGLISH, liIU.LAY & CIRCULAR MILLS SHINGLE MILLS AND,R.NODiES ALWAYS ON HAND. • • Water *heels suited to all heads of water, - Tannery Ircius, Bridge Irons, &O. .lar experience by, our Mr. W. .111. Calkins of over twenty years as a slllachinist and ibreinan, enables Us, by his personal supe_rvision, to make stri7y fi rst-class Goods. • Feb. 18. 1873.-ly - G. W. PRESTON. GEO. HEEFO l ANG • PRESTON & HEERMANS . IRON FOUNDERS & ttinINISTS, coxex:s.iiiiiir, N. "Sr., . MANUFACTURERS OF STEAM ENGINES AND .BOILERS • Cireiclar, Gang and Mitley Saw Mills, Machinery for Tanneries, Shafting, Gearing and Castings of every description in Iron and Brass. p3-Maolitnery of all kiuda repaired promptly and at reasonable ratea. - CcO Coriiing,Ailguat 28, 1872..-ly —llarper's Barar • WITIL THE LARGEST, AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF It has got to be pretfj generally known that we keep the largest stook, the beat goods mid sell them as low as any house in the trade in this Election; and we keep very many articles not kept at any other store in town. In addition to our general stock, Our otarpet*tatit comprins about HU rolls, DRESS COODS,-SHAWLS AND DOMESTIC GOODS enough for a Jobbing trade. Tito citizous of Pioga county are respectfully 'invited to aall and ozamino our stock and prices. April 1,1873. SMITH At WAMIX. Has gone to NCI() York to buy a stock of Spring' and Sum mer Goods. He intends to buy from the best mitrkets a bottsin prices, and lie will have soine splendid bargains to off ei his eicstomers when he returns. HO has NOW on hand a wiantity of Clothing and Dress Goods which he ?ants out of the way, and he takes this method of informing poa,confiden,ti ally, that he will sell them CHEdIPI , --if yea don't believe it, call and see. ESTABLISIIHD IN 184 p. N. I`4 .. ew - spring Groods. HE SPRING GLTAIGX IS OPEN I AND THE 'PEOPLE'S STORE 18 THE Staple & Fan©y Dry GOods and every variety. Our Cloth Stock exceeds any within fifty miles, in quantity and variety. 112E4115 7/07 11EILLUD VEIN Elrin TWILLIdM WILS'Oer PARTICTLAR•ATTENTION RAID TO FIRST IN THE FIELD, EVER OFFERED IN CORNING WS El SPRING. GOODS L. C. MATHERS Maple and Taney DIM GOODS, DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOOPS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, Shoes, &c., Suitable for thespring_Trade. My stock has ben procured frozn the best markets in the country, and Therefore you . wilt be sal ititied with prices. 'dk.lVl3 o Corning Foundry & Machine Shop. ESTABLISHED 1840. . ) Mt. "VV. 3E=Pcs,3nri.e• de Manus, klanwfaclureca of Stationary and Portable Engines and Eudora. I Gearing, Slating and Machinery required for Saw Mills, SW Mille and Tanneries, Owns and Oratea, for Mulling Tan. Sarewa fbr moving unleachod and 'cached bark. Castings, Botha, Railroad Frogs, Claire, and Rtil l ring douo at ;short notice. We have &- ditties for shipping by Canal or Railroads to all points, and can Dish Machinery cheaper than EaStOrat or Western builders of the beet quality, Jan. 1, 1812-Iy, 4,000 Cords of Hemlock Bait IbIi7.IILIVTUELX). CONTRACTS will be made for the purchase of Bark peeled and delivered the ensuing season, at $4.50 per cord of 2,200 lba; cash on delivery. Bark peeled last year will be received for the next ninety days at $4 per cord Of 2,200 lbe; cash ou de livery.- We will make contracts for peeling 4,000 cords of bark on lands of the Pennsylvania Joint Ladd and Lumber Co. BAILEY, LO-WELL .k CO. Wellsboro, May 19, 1873-tf. PODTEROY BRO'S & BANKERS, ELOSSBURG, Tioga County, psnu'a• BUSINESS PAPER XEGIOTTATr.r) fi ' P.a.ukaiux Dauer U•HHYSS, W. H. SEdrita. Troy, Pa. Feb. 4. I.ZIS-ry. . , Has just received a large stock of GREAT EXCITEMENT ! MODOC,S ROUTED LAVA )3EDS VACATEIIII BUY WHERE YOU CAN BUY THE CIIIE4PEST : : is our advice, because we know that after . you have examined onr Stock you will be convinced that AV.J.lforton & Bro's STORE ls the place to purchase Dry Goode, Drees Goods, Hats and Cape, Clothing Boots, and Shoes, White Goods, Groceries, Gent's Furnishing Goods, &c., a varied stock suitable for the Spring and Summer Trade. We cordially invite you all to examine our stock. liE Blosaburg, Pa. SPRING GOES CORNING, STEUBEN COUNTY, N. V. FIE THE ADJUSTABLE SPRING BED. /3artlett'i Pitent June 21, 1870. .Spira!'#,Rring, (Elastic 510. A LUXURIOUS SEW With only . a single ntatresa. For durability. comfort, cleariliuess, and adjustment it has no equal. A au perthr bed for the sick-room, as 'well as for persona in health. Orders solicited by the proprietor for Tioga county. J. S. PALMER, April 1. IPIB.-tf. Mansfield, Pa. ECRO ' CKERYst '"'n CHNA HALL Mrs. Geo. Campbell la.VING returned to Welleboro, and baying finish. ad her trade in the manufacture of ARTIFICIAL HAIR WORK. I would respectfully say to her old friends that abe would be glad to eee all who would favor her with their calla. She can be found at the house of J. If. Jobnecra, the Barber. ' Fob. 25, lowtt, MMI=I ==Er= Cyr us D. Sill, WHOLKS.I.I.E DEALER IN. Foreign and Domestic Liquors WINES, &0., Sio, ' Agent for Fine Old Whiskies, Jan. 1, 1a72. CORNINO, N. V. NEW DRUG FIRM NEW GOODS! TAYLOR & SPALDING, WI/Picasle and Retail Dealers in DRUGS, CHEMICALS, 'PAINTS, OILS, P A TENT MED JUIN ES KEROSENE, LAMPS, . .r.E -STUFFS, PERFUMERY, Haying made special arrangements with the liloss burg Glass Company, wo can furnish Glase at lowan rates: to parties wishing to buy, in large quantities ebipped direct from the factory. - 'Physicians' Prescriptions and Family Recipes Accurate 40-3lr. Spalding has had several years experience in the drug business, and is thoroughly posted in all Its branches. TAYLOR . & SPALDING Wellsbow, Pa., Juno 24,1873-tf. WALKER & LATHROP. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, STOVES, TIN-WARE, BELTING, SAWS, CUTLERY, WATER 13, AGRICULTURAL • PLEMENTS, Carriage an Harness Trimmings, HARNESSES, SADDLES, .Sto. , • Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1: 1872. Tioga Marble,' Works, THE undersigned is now prepared io execute all or dere for Tomb Stones and Monuments of either Italian or Rutland Marble, oi Moistest style and approved workmanship and with d spatoh. -.lle keeps constantly on band both kinds of Marble and will be able to suit an who may favor him with their orders, on as reasonable terms as can be obtained M I the country. FRANK ADAM& Jan. 1.1872. TRUMAN & BOWEN'S SAW MILI is now in full blast, and j they BTO ready to MI all orders with promptness and dispatch. Eenoing Boards, Bill Timber, Shingles, Lath, Wood, dre.. constantly on hand. April 22.-tf. • TRUMAN At BOWEN. MILLINERY. SOFIELD announces to the public, (hat sh Mhas a very large and desirable stock of Millinery and Ladies' Furnishing and Fancy Goods, which ar e offered at very low rates. • LADIES' SUITS, PARASOLS, IMIAWLS, GLOVES,CORSETS,HOOP-SKIRTt?,,. HOSIERY, LA ES and, Notions; also ready-made whitA goods in every The public are cordially invited to inspect and purchase. Wellsboro, May 13, 1873-om. liliMi WOOL! WOOL! T HE undersigned are prepared to pay the Highest Ifarket Price in for WOOL, at thuir BOOT AND saoE STORE, in Sears'o Brick Block. We will be pleased to have our Mends call and Roots which we propose to sell as low as can be purchased iu any market west of New York. We Defy Competition on our Custom-Made OALI r AMD SEE US C. W. SEAne, 1 I. M. Don m. J WeHeber°, Pa., June 3, 1873.-tt. $5 TO $2O leTrotaJol rk ii i te g n p th e o w y l e n . te o l l e t h il er clr e x s : young or old, make more money at work for ne in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address G. Stinson 8:- Co. Portland, Maine. Sept. 24,1872-Iy. CALASSWARE In endleas variety at CHINA HALL .1-11 CANCER! RIEND I if you are afflicted with CANCER, come 17 immediately to the Cancer Infirmary of Dr. J. M. Wane,raison, N. Y., where you will be promptly treated rut cured, if you come in time. When reach. trig the .R. Depot at this plnce, as direct he Ameri can Hotel minibus; it will take you to the In =4 If you wish for references, send for Mott out de 7 lay. Charges.always reasonable, CM /81}4.1. FANCY ARTICLES, &c ly Compounded CASH! EXAMINE OUR ATOM OF AND jShoes, Work. BEARS & BODINE !ter 30 Years of trial has proved to be - .16i the best healing and pain subdit, ing Liniment in tho World. It is, recommende.l with imboundea assurance 'nail eses of Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Sprains, Rheu matism, Hard Swellings, Bites, Chilblains, Stiff ness of the Joints, Frozen Feet, Ears, &c.. among all persons, and for Sprains Founders, Scratehee,Wind-g cille,lleo tale, Spavitie, Spring-halt, Saddle, Collar and Harness Galls; also diseases of the Eye and Ear in Horses, Mules or Cattle. m IsTING ,_, :: LimmENT. INILL ALI3O - Pore Neuralgi a , alleurnatlem, Gout, e Back, Salt - rheum, °Lemons Bites, External Bone and Muscle Affections, Bore Nipples+, Sao., and may be portly termed the panacea for all • 'EXTERNAL WOUNDS. Itir Remember, this 11,1 1 raiment did not spring upil a day ar i a year, producing s e t lag liton AD D AND LINDATDRAL CDBI2B CLAWED DT Nititt-B0 . ADD Afternoon LinUmerra. But we have the experience of over thirty years of trial, with th 4 moo. substantial results, and by a multitude of tnemee. 0 If the iinimentia not ne recommended, the Money will be Refunded. - Do not '.be imposed upon by using any other Liniment claiming the same properties °eremite. They are a cheat and' a fraud. Lie aura and get nothing but q X° lonn Mudaag Liniment, Mir MOLD HT ALL DRUGGISTS AND COUNTS OTORES AT ; 2Escti' 600. and $1 per Bottle. VOTiou 2;za or Borax, iitTruc, &o LYON MFG. CO. WELLSBORO B or, Sash & Blind Factory! 11010 ENJAMIN AUSTIN. la prepared to furnish first class work from the beat lumbei, at hit new .fee tory which is now in full operation. Sash, Doors, =Limo. zirtimarro, AND MOULDINGS, constantly on baud, or manufactuyettto order Planing and Matching done promptly, and In the beet manner. The best workmen employed, and none but the beet seasoned lumber used. Encourage home Industry. Factory near the foot of Main Street'. Jan. 1, 1872-tt JOHN FISHLER H AS the largest and best selected stack of pIiBOOTS ANL) SHOES ever brought Into:Wellsboro, consisting of Ladies' Kid and cio a Balmor als and Gaiters, Ladies, Misses, .4' :children and Baby's Shores. Gtents' Cloth,. Boots! and Shoes, Prince Albert Calf /Boots, Boys' Calf & Kip Boots,. Youths' Boots. In fact, all kinds of 'Mena' and Women's wear kept in a first-class Shoe Store. The beet sewed Woman's Shoes ever offered hi this market. I defy the world in CUSTOM WORK. If you don't believe ii;try me. I buy only the best stock, and have ae good Cordwainers as money can hire. REPAIRING done neatly, and with dispatch Leather and Findings of all kinds constantlyon hand CASH PAID FOR HIDES, DEACON SICINS, PELTS AND FURS. Raving just filled up my shelves with a choice stock, personally selected for- this market, I respect fully solicit a fair share of trade. . "Small profits and quick rethrns," I believe to be a good business ; and I hod the best goods to be the cheapest. 1 keep no shoddy. My assortment is sufficient to meet all sizes and tastes. I Invite our patrons and the public generally to call and examine my stock. No trouble to show goods. Always to be found, ono door north of 0. B. Rollers store, Main street. Wollaboro, Pa., JQ lat MILER, Feb. 187841. .. .. V - ME-113 .._nßriA,l atily to cents Out. tv $ I_4 o Vl' dolNi• mat I, NorYibinii iti WU lino Of itinuffs olually cheap at w. , 3lt.xwocrarttil lII►T=g3O U ' Furniture and Undertaking... Van Horn w• Chandler, H AVE. now on exhibition and sale at the (;,I‘.l 1,1 2 , c ,, , i lbw) 'rylila 41.111 151404 eotoplete Mock of I /FINE, NI). COMMON - FURNITUIIk tot. font in Northern Pennsylvania, conalthag. 0 / ItiNN PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS. ' SOMAS. COVORER, TETE.A.TETEti, MARBLE ANDVOuD TOP CENTER TARLES, HAT RACKS, FANCY CHAIRS, MIRRoItB, OVAL AND SQUARE FRAMES, BRAch. ETS PURE No. I HAIR MATTRA:,S. HUSK B*.. EXCELSIoR MAT . tTRASSES, and a full stock orthe cotrimon goeds Newt is a first:A.lex establishment. The above go. - (IN me large. ly of their own manufacture, and sat sfito ion Is guar• anteeilboth as to quality and,price. They sa p the Woven Wire Alattrass the \ most popular spring bed sold: also the Torktr Spriug Bed that has been on trial for 17 years Awe or. en universal satisfaction. Our is eripplled with all sizes of the ii:xcelsfor t'askct a if, 4 SW beautiful style of burial CHEW, together with oils! kinds of foreign and home manufacture, sub turn. rultiga to match. 'They will make mulertaking a so,. iality to their business, and any neeitiug their ser,i, ae will be attended to promptly, and at satigfactory'thar. gee. Odd pieces of Furniture made, and Turning all kinds done with, neatness and dispatch. Jaii[lo, 1872. VAN HORN ft CHANDLEhI 'To WHOM LT HAT °toteEnx.—Tfavjng conciudo,t tlidt (tun entitled to a little rest after nearly 40 year a clew application to bntiuess; I be ve passed Over the fend. tura business to "the Boys" as per above ady„w tt. tnent, and take this mothou of asking for theca the astute liberal patronage as has been extended to rue._ My books may be found at the old place for settlement Jan. 10, lir% B. T. VAN BORN. Victor Carriage Shop. , THE undersigned wish to esti the attention et the public to the faetthat they lire manufact aring from the vheieest selected materiels, the latent and nicht approved style~ of LIGHT & HE AVY CA RIAGES, PLATFORAF-SPRING WAGONS, - and also tho lino 61:TT-UNDER PLATFORM CAI WAGE, so convenient for turnhagabont in a narrow apace. We shall keep always ort hand a good assortment of Buggies and Platform Wagons, and customers irtm. abroad nay rely on tlndiug here just what they 'Nara and at as low a Price as is consistent with FIRSTCLASSWO,RK, Orders pi emptly >Slle& Onr place is at the dl .stand of Bradford Sr Compton, near the Troy ileum, DANIXL COMMON, Tiny, Ea., May 6; 1816-Iy. E. F. !ALLEY, aa. ISOE3E, Doors, Blinds,Ceiling, made at the Elkland Factory and sold (heap at WHOLESALE &RETAIL, Partied will find it for their intereet to call or ante before purchasing, elsewhere, A price hat will be forwarded FREE on npplicatbn W. 11. 111.4 b, Rikland, Tioga Co., Pa. April 8, 1873.-6unt Deerfield Woolen Mills: DEERFIELD, PA. 1"1.1011131 BROTHERS. Proprleture of the above Ws, W2B manufacture ari uenal to order. to putt custnniets. OUR OASSIMERES arcs warranted. Partienlar.sttontion given to Roll Carding & Cloth Dressing We manntat tern to order, and do all kinds of Roll Carding and Cloth Dressing, and defy competition. We have as good an assortment of Full Cloths, GasSimeres, mil give more for Wool in exchange than any othpr catabitalirnent. Try them and aattafy yourselvas. We wholesale and retail at the Cowancaelie mi 11.% 3 miles bel6w Jan. 1, 1872 J. H. Griswold's Water Wheel. T4E undersigned, are agents for the above Water Wheel, and can cheerfully recommend it as wipe• nor to all others in use. Persons wishing tri pur chase should see this wheel in operation before buy ing other wheels. INfili_%l,l 131108. Deerfield, May 15, 1872. Read the following WRSTPIRLD, APRIL 24, 1872. We the undersigned, purchased one of J. H, Grin• ffol,d's 31) inch Water Wheels using 68 inches of water to fun three run of stone under a 20 foot head, ned as wall pleased with the wheel. We have ground fluty bushels per hour with the three run and can aversge that amount per hour all day. seam of su D. Femmes WC Kr lIILS ttIIEUMATIC STutr--tho scientific disi of ery of J. P. Filler, M. D., a regular graduate physician, with whom we are personally acquainted, who has for 39 larg treated these diseases exclusively with AS tUlliollll • re• sults. We believe it our Christian duty, after it a eration, to conscieatiously request sulferors to ripe especially persona in moderate en etimstances AU' cannot afford to waste money and tano on wottlikls mixtures. A 8 clergymen we serf: icily' feel the. trip eesprnsibility resting on tie lig publicly endorsing this medicine. Rut our knoNviedg7 and experience of its remarkable merit fully justifies our 'semen, Rex. C. H. Ewing, Media, Penn'a, suffered sixteen years, le came hopeless. Rev. Thomas Murphy, D D ford, Plitled'a. Rev. J. B. Rm.'s, tlight3town, !sew Jersey. Rev, J. S. Buchanan, Clarence, lowa. ikV• 4). 0. Sruitlh:Pittsford, Nuw York. ReN J est Fails Church, Philadelphia. Other testimonial. , :rota Senators, Oovernons, Judges, Congressmee, clans, kc., forwarded gratis with pamphlet elpla.u. Int; these diseases. One thousand dollars will L. In tented to any medicine for same diseas, equal merit under test, or that campcochice 01,,feeith as many living cures. Any person - Seuddig h description of affliction will receive gratis a lewdly signed guarantee, naming the number of hunks to cure, agreeing to refund money upon sworn pianism' of its failure to cure. Afflicted invited to write to Pr Fitler,Philadelphia. His valuable advice , costs rioCurg , . WOOD SIISCOyiLLE, Agents. Knoxville. l's. BENJ AUSTIN. March 11,'73-:ly Wall Paper c OrOlillb011) c'll,litbls. TATE ASSOBTAII•NT IS .THE BEST, THE VARIETY OF NEW STYLES THE GREATEST! of any Ethel. ever brought Into Toga county lE. B. YOUNG'S 13001-i Sri' 0 it V, 'FRUIT JARS, Svc., 13a1.1. , ~! (Sartaataota to U. T. Van Horn) Coffin, Roon 1; FLOORINGAC., INGHAM BROTKERS E. D. PHILLIPS. I CHARLTON PIIIIJ.IPS. • -r--- AND THE PRICES ME OFiEAPEST, WELLSB9RO, PA. '. A speciality at !S I