Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, August 12, 1873, Image 3

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    I 3
pike's toothache drops cure in 1 minute.
Spaldinis Glue, up to the sticking point.
We are prepared to print caucus tickets in
py desired quantities, neatly, quickly, and
it t h e usual rates. Orders by mail will re
ceive prompt attention. Wee/14 & Roy.
Th e person who took my -whip tho night of
the j b e nco up back of Otipenick's, will save
. tell' trouble by returning it. wafi'a
v y nice malacca whip. J.a.mrs M. BOW EN.
We want Firkins, Tubs, and Pails of
glitter, fur which wo wilt pay tho highest
niarket price in cash.
lA r Cash paitl Are eggs
Aug. 12 4t,
J. C. & M. l Bicsywr.s.
A, it very soon be the season of the
year when the tooth-ache is all the rage,,and
ititwitig that the only reliahlo proventative
a nd cure is at the hands of a.good DEN+IST,
those interested should read the new adver,
weitient of Dr. H. E. Van Horne.
S o zono-vr.—This word which has been
Ag ing everybody in the face for the past
f t w years, and is now -getting into nearly
everybody's mouth,
_is a preparation for
cleansing, beautifying and preserving the
teeth, sweetening the breath, and arresting
ress of decay.
Lost —A , memorandum book c ntaining
f,cs dollar bill and:some other papers of
value to nobody but the owner was lost in
tile village of Wellsboro last Saturday. If
the tinder will return the book and papers to
the undersigned, he is -welcome to keep the
looney. J. B. POTTER.
Peter Fisher, a brakeman on, the Northern
Central "Railway, met with a serious accident
at the shops, in the Fifth Ward, yesterday
morning. In coupling cars his right• hand
was so fearfully crushed as to endanger it to
aloputation. Dr. UpDeGraff has the case in
charge and expects to save the
nr .I(ivertiser.
(Meg RELIZV.—We saw Dr. T. S. Upde
gre on Friduy last, give quick relief to an
iii d i vidual wilt) Mid long Buffered from atop-
page of the head, by extracting from the
nose some fourteen polypi. The Doctor is
Eki llfa 1 and•succeasful in his operations, and
Kill long be remembered by tisose'who have
b een greatly relieved tit his hands.—ffmita
To M PATRONS.—I have engaged Mr. 3.
L. Keeler, of New York city as cutter. Mr.
L Scott having resigned. Mr. Keeler
has been employed in New York city for
the last fifteen years in the finest trade, and
cones highly recommended as master of his
int& I will guarantee perfect-fitting gar
ments, and 'of the latest improved style.
With thanks fur past patronage, we hope to
'till reeciv.o it. H. C. PERity,
Merchant Tailor.
22 East Market St., Corning, N.. Y., Au
net 1,1873.
MAN toari—On the 26th of Mara. 1872,
lb...ltalie Sylvia, of We'labor°, left ht borne,
and has never returned. He was rfl e feet
dye inches high, thick set, light cogorllexion,
full face and very red cheeks, brown 4:kair, in
Lie twenty-ninth year. When he left,he had
oo a suit of brown clothes!, and wore a mous
tache and full beard, Ho was supposed• to
be insane at the time be loft. Any informa
tion concerning him will be thankfully re
ceived by his wife. All communications
may be lirocted to the AQITATOIt o Wellsbo
re, PA.
Oar exchanges, especially those of the
State of New York, will confer a favor on
in atilieted woman by copying thenhove no-
A CARD.—having tt7is day sold and as
aro] all my interest. in the accounts of the
late don of Van (it;ltikr & Barnes, and also
all my interest m my individual accounts of
every nature connected with the AGITATOR
egal•lishment, to A. F. Barnes, all persons
indebted to the rnid firm, or Co me individu
ally, ere required to pay the same to said
B.aneF, who has full authority to collect, set
tle awl receipt for the same, in ray name or
otherwiL , e„ii fully as I might do if said 4-
conN had not been so a.isigned.
3larch v , 1873, P. C. VAN GELDER.
All persons indebted to the Into firm of
Vun Gelder Barnes, or to P. C. Van Gel
der on the books of the AGITATOR establisll
mem, are requested to settle with the undek
sigued at the AGITATOR oftee,at
tly Agitator.
Home .Affairs.
New “Idrertlbehtents this week.
lu SMarch of the Cat.taa•uyn—J. IS. Lippincott S: Co
Pr d 1 Guict •— lt. P & Co.
&%cr •, liar Vtgur—.3. C. Ayer . Co.
Wl' 0 Cathartic Pill,--J. C. Ay or & Co.-
li E. Vau Ilurue.
13 13, 1 V., IA" S .
-14 e tomatoes are now in order
—Cool nightk hare come, and "tired na-
no' rrjoices
—Strange, perhaps, but every bard drink
may make his own bier.
—The huckleberries in Olio region are very
.4rgY , tuft/ very plentiful chid year.
—The Troy District Conference of the
Church was to meet at Mansfield yester
—The AGITATOR contains more reading
matter than any other paper printed in On
—We are indebted to some unknown friend
or copies of some ancient and intoresting
.—Mr. Charles Martin, of Westfield, had
n hand badly injured a few days ago while
aerating a circular saw
—D. 11. Narnmoro, of this village, attend
ed the recent session of the National, Photo
graphic Association at Buffalo.
--Mr. J. Emery, for many years a resident
this borough, but now of Williamsport,
tokt been in town for a few days past.
—Prof. R. J. Hamilton, who taught school
1! this village many years ago, has be9n
trre on a short visit during the past week,
—Mr. J. Guile, of Lawrenceville, l6t
Seek sent us a hen's egg measuring ± t inches
by 64. That wilt do pretty well for this hot
—The work of grading the Cowanesque
Valley Railroad was completed about a week
Igo. Tho road will soon be in running or
der to Elkland.
—The Advertiser sAys that Mr. E. B
Young, of this village, has presented the
l'aing Men's Literary Council, of Mans
tleld, with some books for their library.
-- , The Corning Journal says that Byron
Tuttle, the mail agent between Antrim and
etlning has been promoted to a railway
I~4tnl clerkship, and that William IL Free
%au, 'of Corning, has been designated to
tal e his place. L
—An extra train was run from Corning to
tills village last Wednesday evening to ena
ll' People along the road to attend the Da
venport reading. Tho visitors seemed well
lvii3.e<l with the entertainment. They start-
Ell on their way homeabout half vast eleven.
, —The Democrat says our power press occa-
Notally "flops." It does more than that,
teighbor! Its "flops" habitually every week,
when it "flops" out both 'sides of Our large
`'lliion in right lively style. There is tiotli
l'g "patent" about - that "Hop," and you
would do wall to eibulate it.
7-Mr. Peter Herdic, the indomitable, of
l lS :iliattsport and Minnegua, was in town
',,tt Wednesday, in company wt h Mr. i and
1.6 . E. L. Davenport. Mr. H !die informs
that his Minnequa hotel hiS about five
'''irqguesti at present. Its owner is the
' . -peennen of a human steamboat that we
aot. ,
in,uzc3 are pntlin;„l - down nil ex
ilag walk in front of the county build
0A Main street. The 4ob is to be tally
• •
eomplefed befomtho next ternilof court, and
when.it IS done there Quill be airnest one con.
Outwits strethh of.sinootti-thigging froih the'
King street corner, to the Prothonotary's
office, Of course hininsbutit furnishes' the
stone for this best of with». •
, Tioga Baptist Assiieiatilm_vilf meet
-forits thirty-first
_annual meetong:witit. the
Welishoro Baptist Church, ad thh 20th in-
slant at 144,e'elock The opening ser
mon wilt be delivered by--fiev., G. Et
rotis;and:ThialviintiibilthYns wilt ba for 'the
MiSsionary Union.: There will be half fare
on the 'Blossburg and on the Welisboro Bail.'
road -for the moining train of 'the first day
and for the afternoon train of the second:
trust'our farmers feel amount
of interest in'the coniing County Faii-rtheir
Pair. erythihg likik's well for a first - -class
shoW next month. All that is neeessaryii
for each to do what he can to make a good
exhibition. There are" very feW farmers ~n
the county who have n'ot to show
`worthy of attention. - The premiumsotrqed.
this ',y6ir are unusually large. Lot every
farmer, come to" the Fair and eonipeto for
some a them.
—The Westfield Index says of the crops in.
that regifn : "The crops in this section are,
as a general thing, good. Corn, ' although
planted late, is looking fine, and - in some
fields we have seen has already, reached an
enormous growth. One field in particular,
,that has nal. eted our attention,—a man can
sit onn I?or,s 's back and . hen can'treach the
top of the 1 alks, and the taller the horse,
the more di eulty he would have in reach
ing the corn.'
• -We are informed that a little three-year
old son of Mr. Charles Hulslander, of. Sull
ivan township, was - ' dreadfully mutilated by
a' *wing machine on the 3d instant. It
see that the boy went to the field and hid
himself in the grass. His father was operat
ing the machine, and was not aware of the
boy's presence until the machine came in
contact with, the child. One hand of thelad
was Aridly cut, and one leg, was so terribly
mangled that it was found necessary to am
putate it.r
=-The public reading, last Wednesday
evening, at the Academy of 'Music, in this
village, by Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Davenport,
was attended by a very - appreciative audi
ence. As we have recently expressed our
opinion of the entertainment, is is hardly
necessary to repeat our criticism. We would
simply say that these "Parlor Entertain-
rents" are thoroughly - enjoyable, and we
would advise those of ourseaders who may
have a chance to attend one of themto em
brace the opportunity. .
—We are inforrned that Messrs. Andrew
and Clark Sherwood, of Mansfield, have
charge of the field work of the New York
State Geological Survey. They have already
sent sixty-five boxes of specimens to Albany,
weighing not less than five tons, and con
sisting wholly - of the fossil remains of ani
mala and plants, many of which are new to
science. Theso specimens represent pearly
every county in Southern New York and
Northern Pennsylvania from Lake_ Erie to
the Hudson River, and are valued at sever=
al , thousand dollar.S. In this case the work
and the workmen aro worthy of each other.
notice is published saying it IS Order
ed by the chairman of the convention that
the Democratic Committee of this county
will be continued with'out any changes. Isn't
this just a little bit impolite toward the late
"liberals" 7 We thought the chairman - of
the Democratic convention rather "played
it" on the liberal gentlemen last summer,
when Victor's heart was broken ; and now
he has cut them dead 1 " Can ,suCh things
be," as Sweet - William S. inquires, "without
our special wonder ?" Well it's none of our
funeral. This re-appointed pinion-pure
committee is made up as follows: John W.
Bailey, Chairman ; Chas. Ryon, R. P. Mc-
Canister, John Hinman, John Murdaugh,
H. S. Hastings, Jefl Prutstnan, Jerome Cud
worth and Chas. Rexford.
THE if.ERMAIC.—The managers of the Her
male Society met on Thursday evening last,
and organizedfor the coining year by elect
ing the followin; officers of the Board :
President—Jerome B. Potter.
Corresponding Secretary—Hugh Young.
Recording Secretary—J. W. Mather.
Financial Secretary—W. A. Stone.
• I Treasurer—Walter Sherwood.
We understand that the Society is in debt,
the course of lectures of the past winter hay
ing proved afailure, financially. The new
Board of management havetitken measures
to liquidate the debt. We hope they will
be successful, a this society has always been
a.falloiite with ur people.
Tag CouaTit] FAR.—Tho following letter
is of interest to the members of all the com
mittees appointed for the approaching Fair :
To Me IC,likr ur the Agitator':
I wish to say, through your paper, to the
" - limbers of the various committees, of the
County Fair, that any member declining to
serve on a Committee, is earnestly re nested
to give early notice to the Chairman of the
Executive Committee of his or her (Melina
tion. It is Unportant that the committees
should be alive and prompt. It has been the
experience heretofore'that about two-thirds
of the members of committees failedto put
in en appearance. This embarrasi,es the of
ficers of the Fair very much. The success
of a Fair greatly depends upon the prompt
ness and efficiency of its committees. The
names of the members of the committees
are published each week with tho premium
and - those Who compose them will take
notice of their appointment. The managers
are determined to make this the most suc
cessful Fair ever held in the county. To
this end they have offered very liberal pre
mituns—nearly three fold in amount those
over offered before.
It is sincerely hoped that the farmers in
the "region around Wont!' will take a lively
interest in this show, and help to make it a
credit to our county. J, B. POTTER,
ousu."—No doubt "Foley's diamond spec
tacles" are good articles; but if they wd
make "correct and fairly printed English'
of the Democrat's columns, they must be
marvels indeed. Suppose the editor of that
classiCal sheet tries, a pair on this sentence :
"Over work in business, with symptoms of
sickness, render a Anti period of rest neces
sary." Well, we should think it do. When
you have made "correct English" of that,
just take a loolz,at your column of fatherly
counsel to farnuirs.
Our agrieultuial friends are there assured
that "the cost of wintering cows last winter
was on an average as much as the cow could
be sold for in the spring." No farmer will
wonder at this when he'learns from the very
next morsel of "correct English" that "a
cow will usually eat about two tons of bay."
Goodness gracious! - Wsl have road seine
where that an elephant is generally satisfied
with about. four hundred pounds 15f bay; but
if a cow usually eats about two tons; it stands
to reason that "the cost of wintering cows
last winter"—not lust summer, mind youl—
was as much as a cow could bo sold for in
the spring, unless she was very valuable in
Tnere is a welt known poem which has
lung puzzled the commentators:
"There was au old man who said, How
Shalt] escape from this terlible cow?
will sit on this stile, •
Aud continuo to smilc,
And that may soften' the heart of this cow."
The question has id ways been, 4 What made
the cow co terrible to the old nian ? But the
riddle is read. The animal was one of the
cows we read about in the pcmocrat, that
"usually F a about two tonal of hay," and
the old gentle Man couldn't oven give her
away. No wonder he continued his, sickly,
sorrowful, senile
The Democrat lucidly remarks, "We be
lieve that the county is chiefly adopted to
stuck raising, and the manufacture of butter
and cheese, and when this opinion is assert
ed, we Ste told-that but few °limners make
this a speciality." This is too high for us;
we cannot attain unto it; and so we can't
tell whether "this opinion" that the county
is "adopted" is sound or not. But we hope
that even the few farmers who mike this
opinion a "speciality" will beWare of the
Democrat's breed of cows; "for the consor
t ration of forces applh;s as much to mind as
matter," l,?) and—like our neighbor's power
ful pen—"occasionally tops ,
lor orbit," yoU know.out otita sea
OtIR dr.146*111,0111e. • •
ges pipe is to be laid from Watkins to
—The Potter county Pair 18'6 be held Oct.
Bth, 9th, and 19tb. :
• —The Tewan . dti. Papers are complaining of
horrible sidewalks and streetfights.
—E. Stranes wagon:Ottip, at OSYIItES N.
was reesritly'burned - by accident:
— 7 Tbe Standlrd,,littely printed at William,.
sport; by rarefy, 4t;Dillon. has inspende4: .
, The Editor of tho Corning Journal is. en- .
gaged in trapping flies. • Hereports the crop
—Mr. E. W. cook, of Havana, has given
a bell of 1;600 pounds to. the ~..114tist.ohurch
of that village. ti
. .
4+-A man% over in:Hragord county has in
vo►Stted a n(4 . boot-jack. The eatti will please
take notice.
—Thapeople of Corning and Painted Post
aro getting :up 'a company to build a street
railroad between the two places. •
—A. bay 'horse, worth $2OO, was stolen
from the pasture of dacob Mabee, in the
town of Addison, a few days since.
—The Troy Gazette says a vein of first rate
iron ore is reported as_recently discovered in
Dewey Hollow not far froth Sylvania. .
—The Havana Journal says that Ex-Sena
tor Theodore L. Minier is to make a present
of a two thousand dollar organ to the Bap
tist church at Havana.
—Preston & Heerinans have just finished
six huge boilers weighing five tons each, for
the Elmira Rolling Mill. Corning-is the
place to get steam machinery.
—The Elmira Advertiser has done itself
great credit by its - very full reports-of the
sessions of the National Educational Associ
ation, which met in that city last week.
—A young child of Anthony Vanderpool,
of South Towanda, who had token a seat on
the reach of a hay rack, fell off, and the wag
on passed over its body killing it instantly,
--Last Saturday week, a son of John Ly
on, of Addison, 'was killed by the cars in
that village. The boy in getting on the engine
fop u`nder , the wheels and was crushed to
• —A villain calling himself Charles Mc-
Carthy attempted to outrage a young lady
near Addison a few days ago. She finally
got away from the brute, and hie was arrest
ed and sent to jail.
—The store of .5
W. S. Grego 4
at Erwin
Center and the Postoffice foe ted in the
building were destroyed by fire last Sunday
week. The fire is believed to have been the
'work of incendiaries.
—Colonel Dwight, of Binghamton, N. Y.,
is building forty dwellings this year, the en
tire cost of which will be about one hundred
and eighty thousand dollars. He -employs
two hundred men. Such a man is a public
—A man at Corning has invented a coal
stove intended to burn bituminous coal as
freely as anthracite. As we understand it,
'after the coal id coked the loWei part of the
Magazine is enlarged so as to allow the mass
to settle as it burns. -
-Mrs. Warren Little, of Groton, N. Y.,
has been subject to epilepsy. Lately while
washing, she took her nursing babe and put
it into the boiler with the clothes, and push
ed it - down with a clothes-stick. Her son
rescued the babe, but it soon died.
"---On Tuesday evening while several boys
were hunting berries in the woods near the
Lycoming county poor house they discovet
ed the dead body of a young man hanging
to the limb of a tree. From a deep cut in
the abdomen it is supposed he was murderied.
—Mr. Clark Sweet, of Albany township,
Bradford county, was found dead in the road
at New Era, on Friday week. He was pear
ly 72 years of age, and when found he was
apparently in a fit. Restoratives were im
mediately administered, but to no avail. He
had gone 'to his rewalrd.
—Marjimo Taft, Ark old resident of Jas•
per, committed suicre on Friday week, by
taking morphine. le was well off in this
world's goods, but hid •lately conceived the
idea that he was in t ie way of his friends—
in fact that they did not want him, and con
sequently made way with himself:
—The Clinton county Democratic conven
tion met the other day and resolved to "Ar
raign the Radical party 'for theirC:usarism in
aiming at the establishment of a virtual dic
tatorship through the third term movement
in favor of Grant," and then turned around
and nominated W. H. Brown and S. B.
Snook for their fourth terms in the office of
Prothonotary and Regjsterrespectively 1
—Mr. Luther .1. Andras, of Alba, Brad
ford county, is out in a circular letter to the
Republicans of that county announcing
himself as a candidate for Representative in
the next Legislature. He says explicitly
that he runs as the candidate of " Minnequa
county" as opposed to the Troy interest.=
This is fair and square and as it should be.
Now, let us see what the people of Bradford
have to say to it.
• —The Episcopal Convention for the Dio
cese of the Western New York will be held
at Bath this year, commencing SepteMber
16th. The statistics of the Diocese fort the
year ending August, 1878, are: Baptisms 1,-
015; Confirmations 746; Communicants 9,-
210; Marriqges 407 ; Burials 665; Candidates
far, Orders 10; Sunday, School Teachers " I ,
Scholars 7,233; Contributions $270,000. _The
Diocese embraces the territory west of Sen-.
eca Lake. -
—The managers of the Delaware &
son Canal and Railroad Company contem•
plate erecting large furnaces at Green Ridge,
The plans aro made and work, we under•
stand, is to commence this summer. This
company owns large tracts of iron ore lands
at Lake Champlain, through which their
road passes. They have commenced opera
ting these beds, and some of the -ore was
brought to this city, tested, and found to
yield 75 per cent. of iron. They will ship
coat by this, route and return with ore.—
Scranton Republican.
—The Republicans of Cameron counts'
have nominated Victor A. Brooks for Pro
thonotary, J. W. Cochran for County Com
missioner, David Chapman for Auditor, John
Howler for Jury Commissioner, Edward
Vosburg for .Surveyor. The Convention
passed a resolution among others, condemn•
ing the "back-pay steal" and protesting
against its being considered an act of the
Republican party. it pronounced in favor
of Judge Gordon, of Jefferson. county, for
.Judge of the Supreme Court. B. A. Green,
Esq., WAS appointed Chairman of the County
Committee for the ensuing year.
—The editor of the Dundee Record knows
how it is himself. Hoar hiM "We have
been making some effort to collect old bills,
with rather indifferent success. We have
found one thing to be an undisputed fact,
however—that there are men who wish to be
respected, who claim to be rather better than
their neigh bbrs, who are very sanctimonious
and who, we think, sometimes thank God
they are better than other men, who yet
think it no sin to lie to a printer or publisher
of a newspaper, and think they are doing
God service in cheating such out of his hon
est dues. Verily this kind of honest piety
must be considered valuable!"
Ch. Ex. Coin
—The Corning Democrat says that the
Fall _Brook Coal- Co., lost their newest and
largest locomotive at Watkins- last -Wed
nesday night, in a singular mariner. It was
standing on the' trestle-work, waiting fur or
ders, with steam up, when another train
struck it with considerable force, causing the
locomotive to 'start and the throttle of the
steam pipe to open suddenly. On sped the
engine at a fearful rate, defying efforts to
stop it on the part of the engineer, M. S.
Stratton, and ' went oil' the trestle into the
lake, clearing two canal boats which lay at
the end of the works.
.The engineer saved
himself by jumping. No one wits hurt.
—A survey of the route between Towanda
and Canton—a village on the Northern Cen
tral railroad—has been made by William
Morgan, civil engineer. An extremely easy
Igrade, and remarkably free _from curves, was
found. In no place will a grade of over 15i
feet to a mile be required, and there are pla
-1 cos where a line of six miles - can be laid with
out the least curve. The distance from To
wanda to Canton is twenty miles, and the
distance aortk itiara Towanda to the Stet
line at Nichols is 'Antll'bethe
distance of the new road it ie,proposed to
build in Pennsylvania, to complete . the thro*
line' Withthe - Albany & Susquehanna, the
Northern Central and the Pennsylvania
Central railroads.--Elmira, Gazette, -.
laying of the' - 'llecond -track of the
Erie Railway in this yillage, we are told ! was
rather *deport* on 'one' our' leading
citizens. 'lt appears that - the line was crowd
ing pretty, closely Upon his property,- cover
fp& some of it, according to his way of think
ing, and he determined, to serve an„injune
tion when they were7 t all ready to commence
operations.- So
. he bad one prepared, car
ried it in his poCket,'and waited for the track
to be torn up, and then restrain all further
operations till he was "seen," in fait, make
the . Erie come t.) time. But 'in this he was
foiled, for the whole it ork was begun and
Completed on Sunday, and that injunction
was just worthless, as it was not a good day
to serve such poper.s.—Addison Advertiser.
—Here is an,item from the HOrnellsville
Herald that will interest lovers of the fra
grant weed : As A. B. Manhart was visit
ing his hay field accompanied by two gen
tlemen, he indulged in a smoke. . The smoke
concluded, he knocked the ashes out of his
pipe, - and soon after observed the cushion
was on fire. He extinguished the fire, and
.3n arriving at the field 'the Isoi:sci was, un
harnessed, and the bridle and reins thrown
on the seat. Shortly after this one of the
gentlemen saw smoke issuing from the cush
ion, and he also put out the fire. When at
work in the field, half an hour later, smoke'
was seen rising from the location of the bug
gy, and rushing to the spot, b4ggy and con
tents, including a new rubber coat, were
found entirely consumed.
—A. few days ago a little son.of Samifel
King, a farmer in the town of Osviego, was
killed by a scythe in the hands of his fathiir.
Mr. King was mowing in a meadow wit'' a
scythe, and while he was so at work, his lit
tle son, aged five years, came running out to
him. Mr. King told the lad it was not safel
for him to be there, and to go back to the'
house. The little fellow started, but it ap-'
pears that instead of going home, he laid
down in some tall gra4 and fell asleep.
Subsequently Mr. King went to mow around
a stump, and not seeing the boy thrust the
point of the scythe into his face below the
eye, cutting through the nose and producin:
a horrible wound. Mr. K. pulled thescythe
out with.his own bands, but the child died
within a few moments. Mr. King's grief at
the lamented accident is beyond human pow
er to picture.—Towanda
A. R. Horne, of the Keystone State Normal
School, says in different parts of Eastern
Pennsylvania both women and men are en
gaged in manufacturing cigars. He made it
a point of inquiry, recently, to ascertain how
those engaged in this business made it pay,
and has obtained the following information :
Women, as a rule, work faster but not as
well as men. Thus, in one case, he heard
that a man and his wife were both engaged
in cigar making. The wife made one thou
sand cigars while the husband made only six
hundred, but the husband received as much
for his six hundred as his wife for her thou
sand, from the fact that his were made more
neatly. The comparative earnings of men
and women are thus about alike. An active
hand can realize from $l6 to $lB per week.
Teachers, on an average, realize about $BO
a month and "board round," and it appears
that, financially considered, cigar making is
nearly as profitable again as school teaching.
Besides, to become a good teacher requires
three or four years of active mental toil as a
preliminary consideration, while the myste
ry of rolling tobacco into the requisite form
can be mastered in about three months with
no partienlar outlay of intellectual forces.
Again, the mechanical employment has the
advantage of being permanent—the cigar
Making is busy the year round, while the
teacher,on the nverago,ms employed abouthal
the time. There is a problem for our social
economists to solve. Can our children be
properly educated, while labor with the
hands is so much more pecuniarily profitable
than brain work
TAYLOR—FRENCII.--By Rev. H. Butler, at hi:lime-I
idence In Chatham, July 29, Mr. John Taylor, of Chat-'I
ham, and MISS Addie French, of Farmington.
WILSON—WEA.---At the M. H. Parsonage, in East
Charleston, Aug. 7, 1873, by Roy. 0. 8. Transne Mr.'
Romer F. Wilson, and Miss Limutio M. Ives, built of
- - ,
FIELD.—JuIy t 5, 1873, Frank ti., sou of Delos Lima
Minerva Vied, aged 4 years, 2 months and 18 (Jaye.
CAMPBELL—At Stokesdale, Tioga county, ra. An.
gust oth. 1873, Kira Barbara A., 'wife of Albert aull.
ball, aged 19 years, 10 Months and 14 days.
E. R. KIMI3.A.LL, Retail Grocei
Flour, per bbl
;Buckwheat dour, per cwt
Wheat, white, per bushel.
Wheat, red,
Wheat, spring, "
Corn, shelled, "
Clover seed,
Timothy seed, "
Corn meal, per owt
• Feed, per owt
Potatoes, per bush. .
Apples, green, por bush.
Onions, per bush
Turnips, per bush
ork, per lb
Ha er lb
Should ors, per lb
Buttor,per lb
Cheese, per lb
Lard, per lb
Tallow, per lb
Honey, per lb
Beeswax, per lb
Vinegar, per gal
Eggs, per dozen
Dried apples, per lb
Dried peaches, per lb..
Dried cherries, per ~
Dried blackberries, per lb 15 20
Dried raspberries, black, per 1b.... 25 BO
Dried raspberries, red, per lb 20 25
Cranberries per qt 20
Hay, per ton . . -
Wood, 18 inches, per cord.
Wood. 3 feet, per cord
Coal, bard, per ton
Coal, soft
Ground plaster, per ton...
Sugar, "A" coffee, per lb..
Sugar, yellow, per lb
Sugar, brown, per lb
Teas, green, per lb
Teas, black, per lb
Kerosene, per gal
Wool, per lb
Peas, Canada field .....
- Black-eyed Ilarowfat
Wood and Willow Wire at Kelletts
n r Rai%f tredlitT.EK $ .
Thomas hiarden
New and Desirable Stock of Merchandise,
The Carpet Department
will be found-attractive, consisting Of matiSqloW additions of rich and elegant styles at moderate pries
4 lovraa.l . o i gi,F&ta'al'g i
Fall and eoraVote stoelf si gt t a r? of rizy i l u ew ys. end desirable styles for
The publio are invited to mil and nee for tliegillOrteet
Wellaburo s Junes rk 187$-4.
It is over thirty years since this celebrated reinfldy
was intrediaced to the Axnericen public. 4 111 11 tide
time it has per M
formed hundreds and ot ds of the
moat astonishing • cures. and its •replitettO -110 . 4-8314 -
have now reached a point that fa} trattiaaties any rem,.
04 1 Y of• qui bruerlit'or,paak*s.' It bee thla
greatrepiitittien. riot • by a system but' by ,
the actual merit of , , the article Molt : If you
dieted WittintLY of the disfieses for which die' reeorr,"
mended; such an Drapispais, Liver Complalot..ltervnua
Debility, or disorder of the -Digestive Organs, it will
not fail to sustain its repitUtiou to your ease. It is
not im alooliello drink, but a pure Medicinal Bitters
that Lott good. For oak , by all Druggists. Be
sure you get .klloolland'a German Bitters." John ,
ston. Holloway & Lo., Proprietors, 002 Arch St., Pliihr
'dolphin. 4-dime 24, 7m4tot. •
Is the best remedy in tie world fur the following corn
plainte. vir t .: Cramps in thelLimba and Stomach. Pain
in the StoniaCh„ltoweis, or Side; Rheumatism lu alt
its forms:Billitins Colic, Neuralgia, Onelern, Dyson
, tory, Colds, Fibgli Wounds, Burns, Sore Throat, Bpi..
nal Complaints, hprains sod Bruises, Oldile and lee
r von. 1 0 01.1:items) and kli,ernul usu.
Its operation is not only to relieve the patient, but
entirely removes the cause of the complaint. lt pen
etratea and pervades the whole system, restoring
bealklry action tO all its parts, ‘ and quickening the
die anti All Heehaw.
Puparod by UktllB az BROWN,
No. 215 Fulton Street, N
For sale by .11 druggists. my 9, 181.3-Iy.ew York.
Thirty Years' Experle - •
n of au Old Nurse.
PRESCRIPTION OF one of the best Female Phyal
clans end Nurses In the United States, and bas been
used for thirty years with never falling safety and
success by millions of mothers and children, from the
feeble infant of one week old to the adult, It cor
rects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regr
et/des the bowels, and gives rest, health and comfort
to mother and child. We believe it to be the Beat and
Surest Remedy in the World In all cases of DYSEN
arises from Teething or from 'any other cause Full
directions for using will accompany each bottle.—
None Genuine , unless the fee simile of CURTIS az
PERKINS is on the outside wrapper. Sold by all
Medicine Donlan). July '29, /873-I.y.
from no other CAIIIIO than having i►orma ih tho stomach
will destroy Worms without - injury to the child, being
perfectly WHIM and free from all coloring or other
injurious ingiedients Usually used in worm prepara
tions. • -CURTIS Ss BROWN, Proprietors,
• •• No. 215 Fulton Street, New York.
Sold by Druggists and Chemists, and dealers in Medi
'tines at TWENTY-RIVE CENTS A Box. July 29,13-1
• •
SE °ARENDT —ln these days, when tight bats, of
sir, so sedentary occupations, cause the hair to fall
I out, It is a matter of no little importance to know
which of the hair, preparations are of any value, The
majority, as hal been frequently proved by the first
dermatologists, or hair.doctors, possess little or no
merit. Such being the fact, it is consoling to those.
I who are afflicted to know that there is really one good ar.
tick, which Gs, recommended and need by the first
medical authority, and baa stood every test, many
years. This preparation Is Nairn MUTABLE
SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER,--a truly acieutific com
pound, which is unquestionably the best preparation
of the kind now before the American public. It will
restore to gray hair its original color, cleanse the
head thoroughly, cure all the eruptions of the scalp;
and will always restore the hair so long as any germs
remain, as they almost invariably do, until extreme
old age-has destroyed the roots. The original article
is made by R. P. Hail* Ce., Nashua, N. 11.—Poriley'8
Press,' Jan. 25, 1868.
Orphant; l l Court Sate.
N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Tioga county, the undersigned, guardian of Eugene,
S. English, Willis B. English, John F. English, Anna
0. English. Mary L. English, and James Ct. English,
minor children of Letitia English, deceased, will on
Saturday, August 80, 1878,
at 10 o'clock, a.m., expose to sale the interests of said
minors in all that lot of land situate In Charleston
township, Tiogasoputy, Pa., bounded on the north by
lauds of *Tamed ilreat and John Jennings, on the east
by lands of Michael Stoat, on the smith by the high.
way, and on the west by lands formerly owned by 8,
L Rice; containing about 86 acres._Terms cash.
August 5, 1873.-3 t
Audit° 0 .? Notice.
IRE undersigned Au ;appointed by the Court to
distribute the mon rising from the Sheriff's
sale of the personal pro ty of (glee S. 7ifan - in, will
attend to the duties of aPpolutment, at the office
of Elliott bßoaard, In Wellsboro, Pa., on Saturday,
August 30, 1873, at 1 p. rn„lat which time and place
all can appear - whom interested. JAS. H. HOSARD,
.August 5,1873-4 t, Auditor.
A. Romantic. Narrative of the Doe's 'of Captain grant
of the Brig'. Britannia," and of the Adventures
. of his Children and Friends in his Discovery
and Beset's. Frabrueing the . I le , ieril , tion
of a Ve}age Bound the World.
Author of Twenty Thousand Leagues tinder the gee,'
170 nnt - INI3RATINO3 - ;'.020 - FAM. i'mcE ss,s o .
.14: eta* Wanted. For descriptive circulars, terms
territory, etc., addreFig
•J. B. LIPPINCOTT & C 0..;
Aug. 12-2. t. Publishers, .P/4 iiatteirAto
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
T For all the purposes of a Family Physic,
-10 $ll 00
... 8-26 8 75
1 80
T 50
5 60
Biliousness, Liver Com—
ps ..~, _ spay, later, morn and Salt Ebenm,
Worm, Gent i Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, and Puri.
Eying the Blood, are the most congenial purgative yet
perfected. Their effects abundantly show how much
they excel all other Pills. They are safe and pleasant
to take, but powerful to cure. They. purge out the
foul humors of fhb blood; they stimulate the slug
gish or disordered organ into ectiou; andilaey impart
health and tone to the Whole being. They cure not
only the every day Complaints of everybody, but
formidable and dangerous diatoms, Most skilful
physicians, most eminent clergymen, and our beat
citizens, send certificates of cures performed and of
great beneiltit they have derived from these Pills.—
They are the safest and best physic for childrelf,be.
cause mild as well as effectual. Being sugar coated,
they-are easy to take; and being purely vegetable,
they are entirely bare less.
2 OD -
1 75
76 75
75 'l5
1 50 1 75
25 SO
10 12
12 16
10 1236
25 26
12 16
12} 3 ; 16
20 20
18 18
3 00
3 00
- 6 7647 25
3 60 $ 60
8 60
Aug. 12. 1873-18 t.
I 1
50c@.1 50
80cal1 26
9 00
Would respectfully call attention to hie
Bought since tho
- which enables Lim to offer greater bargains than eyer.
„119ofigul!s aerman,Bitt,em
° and
Children often look Pale and Sick
Dr. 3. C. AYER ACCO.,' Lowell, Mass.,
Practical and Analytical Clicmlits;--
AT - Tfill,, - V.4..0-,VI-4-ATOR?
Polka Spot-Prints, Delains .and Alpacas.
CA.NITIMRICIS for spring and Sgru rri ex-,
MARSALES for Ladies' and Children's
utroir muicizuvragGicacaL ILIE it CZWinw e ir GT
CROCKERY of the best Ironstone China.
An Entire Stock of NEW GOODS
Buenas?, Jaundice, Airs
sin, Indigestion, Dye
)ry, Foul Stomach and
,ath, Erysipelas, Road
ie, Piles, Rheumatism,
iptions and Elkin Macao-
X 1 T ]TG,
black and colored—of superior quality, and as CHEAP as can be found west of raw 't.7ork City.
Dresses in large quantities.
In fact all kinds of Goods ean,he found at the Refpttato?
Groceries ‘of all hinds.,
13411009 PS A_NAD
A large attßOtillle3lll—Meu'e, Woman's, *mg Children's—at prices as cheap as the cheapest.,
Corning, April :41, 1.878.-te
11_91 11 1_44C0N2V7 PPLI4CMIE3.
GlateuctlctA, Itosintoutin &Co
Wholesale Clothiers and Merchant TailoFs.
Dry Goods,Notions, 111103/ Goods.
Hats, asps, Gents rurnishing Goods,
WE respectfully announce to the people of Wellabor° and vicinity, that we have opened a store in this
town, and are now offering to the public a fine and wall selected stock of Spring bonds, consisting of
Napkins; 'rowels, Lace Curtains, JaConet,
in largo gnatititlea,ld Moves, Ladies Ties, Laces and Ficabrolderies, Velours, Velvets and 'Fringe, Hoop
skirts std Corsete in great variety, in fact everything belonging to a ilrat-elma Dry.tioods atoro.
We have ci chotee lot of HATS, CAPS, TIES, COLLARS, CUFFS, GLOVES,
SHIRTS, !ice., all of the lateFt styles,
Au immense stock of Men's, Youth'4, and Boy's Suits. We manufacture
our own goods, and can easily save buyers from ten to, fifteen per cent. We
would call especial attention to our
Custom Tailoring Department.
We keep the heSt of American & Imported Cassirne f res, Broadol itbs, Doeskins,
Tricots, Diagonals, Pique Cloth, and Scotch Sultings, and do Custoi Work on
short notice.
We guarantee all work (tone by us as regards fit and style.
We invite the people to call and inspect our goods before purchasing else
where, as we mean to do a strict
'We have marked our goods at such low figures as to be a temptation to every
CASH buyer.
Wholesale Store,
1 BFOTICOPF, Managing partner.
Branch stores-158 Watel street, 2 talon Block, Elmira , Susquehanna
Depot, and Montrose, Pa.
Apt 8,11184 ,
--- 1 .
unrivaled la quality wad price
)k that th 1 , dies cannot do without, in abundance.
NOTICE is hereby ?leen that the .3(ll[W:thinking
and Guardians n rued below, have tiled their so
counts In the BettlatV Office for Wogs county, Ps,.
and that said account will 'be presented to the Or
phans' Court of told c unty; Ma session of end Cowl
to beheld at Went:hot°, in 'said county, on , ids
the 25th day of August, 1872, at 2 o'clock y. 1111., for
:allowance and confirmation: ' .. . , ,
Account of Joseph Guile, Administrator at the II&
tato of Abner G. Goodell. late of Lawrence ttmisobtv.
Account of Cyrus Webster, Onardian of Pod.'
Wood, et sl. valuer ehlidren of fianMei T. Weed, kW
of Covington township, deceased. '
Account of 3ohn W. Chamberlin, Administrator ott
the Estate of John Chamberlin. late Of Lainrossoio
township, decossod, - . -
. .
Arcount or 'Mary L. 11Til1er . Administrsicis of thl . rl
F.slato of Cloys L. billlor , /Ms of De/nnu , foifil#4,
Account of Deimirr RingsleY, Guardian of Cliastuttfr
Mosher, et al. miner children of Natban lifoahar. Cle•
Account. of Catharine Maiu and Norman -AttiatOth
Administrators of the Estate of iituuttel gal% Labia'
Chatham towtdititp, deceased. -
Account of llorace !coif, Adreirdstrett.r ottbe BN I
tate of ,Facing Iluetwiek. lute of „Lawrence toitriaubip,
diceaseci. ,
We,l)lbo ' ro, July 2e, 1873fAw
ALONZO WHITNEY, Proprietor,:
(:ardiug dons on short unties at ierisonsblo rates
East Charleston, ka,, July 22, len_tr,
y WlBll to Inform the public that I am now ready to
Rio all wollein my line at reasonable rates, and la
the best manner.
We!lnborn, June 17, 1873. S. A. H/LTBOLD.
Cabinet ylareroorns,
over Campbell B Store, in Melton. Pa.
AAMuds of
constantly on band. A choice and extant:dim stock of
just received. Now le your chance totaled front aline
fresh stock of a variety of *tiles suet at Woe* all dual*
as the cheapest. special httention paid to UNDUE
Caskets and Coffins
of ovary size, style and desaription;conatantly on Ustid.
July -15, 1813--ly
One of tho largest Boarding Schools for both sexes in
the United States. Six courses of study. Idilltary
tactics, Commercial College Course and TehsgraPhing.'
Terms low. Fall term opens September 3d. Sendfur
a eatalogua to Rev. D. COPELAND, A. L. or L. L.
SPRAGUE, Kingston, Pa,
Columbia Classical Institute,
A Boarding School for Young Men and trays. For
Circulars, addrems REY. 11. 8, ALBIENDEtt, (Muni.
bia, Pa.
with the newest mud best treatment for all cues. The
only thorough work of the kind in the world.—
F',lnbrAceA Small-PoxYellow Fever, Cholera and all
analogooa diseases. Family Safe Witkout It, tit ad
all boy it. has 2L chromatic illustrations. The big
gest chance of the season for agents. Adctress H. tit
4JOODSPEED & CO., l 7 Park Row, blew Yoirk.
to $75. Revolvers. $5 to $25. Pistols, $1 to $B. Ulm
Material, kishing Tackle, &c. Large disoosutts to dtab
..rrt or clubs. Army Gls. Revolvers, eto., bought or
trailed for. Goods sett by express U. 0. D. to be ex
unlined before paid for.
MONEYMade Rapidly with stencil Sr. Hey eo
Outfits. Catalogues and full particulate
FREE. S. M. SPENCER, 117 Hanover St.. Bolton.
• 3. I, •
fly all who will work for us. It upon wri g you do
not find us all square, we will give you o dollar for
your trouble. Send stamp for circulars to
tO $, Zrif
a n por ..y1 Agen win
classes of working peoPle;ols.....nei
sirr, young or old. make more money at work for ts to
their spare moments, or all the time, than at atoning
else. Particulars free. Address G. /MINION, ft,COAI
Portland, Maine.
The La Croix Medical Dispensary.
Is the oldest and most siccessful institution in this
country for the treatment of Chrome and Bernal Dist
eases. For terms of tr talent, call, or address by
mall, with statement of ease, S. R. IRDISDON,
July 29-0. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany,:N. Y.
N DIVORCE.—T. Martin Frise: Yon are hereby
1. notified that Mary rrise, by her nest trialMts.
lieuuey, has applied-to.tho Court of Com/ of
Tioga county for a divorce from the bond of mate
tnony, and that the hearing of said Epp t to the
premises will be had, on Monday, Atignit 26. 111111,
when and where you are required to appear wall main
'answer to said complaint if any you 'brie. I.l_ you
think proper. r E. A. FISH Sheriff.
July 29, 1879.-3 w.
To the People of the
Tioga and Cowanesque Valleys,
Jackson, Rutland, Farm
iChatham,' Middlebury, 'c.
_Lawrenceville anti Tioga,
HAS all the improved fa
ditties for perfecting
;01106' work in all branches of the
profession, AS to retiabdi•
experieme and skill he Ms
-• •
numerous certificates of
. • it. ..•' AL . ' *. recommendation from
•-•t• chieses of his patrons—Cler
gymen, raerehants,niechant
lea, physicians, &mere, and working people.
Preservation of the natural teeth always NiCOUI4
mended. Iflthose organs are too much wasted by de.
_,.artii3ciar ones Can be substituted at prices rang
ing from_
$lO to $BO,
which resemble the natural teeth so closely that none
but a professional eye can distinguish the difference.
All the ditrerent agents used for producing insensi
bility to pain when deemed advisable.
The Doctor will be pleased to give any information.
or advice free to any who may ask it, either by mail of
otherwise.' Otlice in I.awronceville at his residence,
next north of the Presbyterian church. At 'Pico ev
ery week Monday and Tuesday., Please call.
Aug. 12, 1873-tf. ,
Trial List for August Term,
Register's Notice.
000 ail Pc-:1001
Parlor and Chamber
1. Levi Bender vs. T. J. Caldwell, No. 149, January
Term, 1880.
2. E. O. fichelffelin vs. Sot Rennet et al, No, 44, Jan
3. Biugharu Trustees vs. Elijah T. Skinner, No. SO,
May Term, 1870.
4. Jerome B. Potter vs. Henry M. Lattin et al, No.
602, May Term., 1870. '
5. Robert Hauudiond et al Va. IVro. T. PiLgerald,
No. 173;',1anuary Term, 1870.
6. Dan Osberue Adm'r vs. Mozart M. Converse,
No. 103, August Term, 1870.
7. `,;.4‘110 Vs. Same, No. 104, August Term, 1870.
8, C. - L. IVdcox. vs. A. Bruner & Bro., No. 418, An•
gust Term, 1870.
9, Walker & Lathrop vs. Riram ludcho et al, No. 1,
Nov tuber Term, 1870.
10. Sat uel Morgan vs.W. &L. Rail Road Co., N 0.30,
Nov mber Term, 1870. -
11. James McEvoy vs. James McVey et al, No. 10,
November Term, 1870.
12. (leo. Bennett vs. David Culeg,rove, No. 320. no
- vember Term, 1870.
13. 31. M. Converse et al vs. John P. Donaldson, NO.
3'26, November Term, 1870.
14. Win. 0. Bronson et al vs. Stephen Oreutt, No.
351, Neve/ober Term, 1870.
No. 422, Noveraber
16. Orrin Da vs. D. P. Shaw,
Term, 1870.
16. Alex. Jones vs. Ranson:lo liceney, No. 195, Jan-
nary Term, Is7l.
17. Alex. Joueo vs. Eli JoIRO, No. 199, January Term.
18. Bolen R. aIUEIOVOOO.O NB. Eliza DePot, Ex., No.
958, January Terra, 187/.
19. Porter D. Parthunt Ts. Daniel R. Dona, No. *4
January Term. 1871, 1
20. Gleason & (ioodreau es; Perry Smith, No. Bs4,
aray Term, .1871
July 29, 1873-4 w.
FULL:l:ll; l' ,. able °llUerY
TABLE Lows, Tout% NAPkinie at
a•Dril MA WA
Reg afar