I 3 LOCAL ''NOTICES, pike's toothache drops cure in 1 minute. Spaldinis Glue, up to the sticking point. We are prepared to print caucus tickets in py desired quantities, neatly, quickly, and it t h e usual rates. Orders by mail will re ceive prompt attention. Wee/14 & Roy. Th e person who took my -whip tho night of the j b e nco up back of Otipenick's, will save . tell' trouble by returning it. wafi'a v y nice malacca whip. J.a.mrs M. BOW EN. We want Firkins, Tubs, and Pails of glitter, fur which wo wilt pay tho highest niarket price in cash. lA r Cash paitl Are eggs Aug. 12 4t, J. C. & M. l Bicsywr.s. A, it very soon be the season of the year when the tooth-ache is all the rage,,and ititwitig that the only reliahlo proventative a nd cure is at the hands of a.good DEN+IST, those interested should read the new adver, weitient of Dr. H. E. Van Horne. S o zono-vr.—This word which has been Ag ing everybody in the face for the past f t w years, and is now -getting into nearly everybody's mouth, _is a preparation for cleansing, beautifying and preserving the teeth, sweetening the breath, and arresting ress of decay. Lost —A , memorandum book c ntaining f,cs dollar bill and:some other papers of value to nobody but the owner was lost in tile village of Wellsboro last Saturday. If the tinder will return the book and papers to the undersigned, he is -welcome to keep the looney. J. B. POTTER. Peter Fisher, a brakeman on, the Northern Central "Railway, met with a serious accident at the shops, in the Fifth Ward, yesterday morning. In coupling cars his right• hand was so fearfully crushed as to endanger it to aloputation. Dr. UpDeGraff has the case in charge and expects to save the nr .I(ivertiser. (Meg RELIZV.—We saw Dr. T. S. Upde gre on Friduy last, give quick relief to an iii d i vidual wilt) Mid long Buffered from atop- page of the head, by extracting from the nose some fourteen polypi. The Doctor is Eki llfa 1 and•succeasful in his operations, and Kill long be remembered by tisose'who have b een greatly relieved tit his hands.—ffmita To M PATRONS.—I have engaged Mr. 3. L. Keeler, of New York city as cutter. Mr. L Scott having resigned. Mr. Keeler has been employed in New York city for the last fifteen years in the finest trade, and cones highly recommended as master of his int& I will guarantee perfect-fitting gar ments, and 'of the latest improved style. With thanks fur past patronage, we hope to 'till reeciv.o it. H. C. PERity, Merchant Tailor. 22 East Market St., Corning, N.. Y., Au net 1,1873. MAN toari—On the 26th of Mara. 1872, lb...ltalie Sylvia, of We'labor°, left ht borne, and has never returned. He was rfl e feet dye inches high, thick set, light cogorllexion, full face and very red cheeks, brown 4:kair, in Lie twenty-ninth year. When he left,he had oo a suit of brown clothes!, and wore a mous tache and full beard, Ho was supposed• to be insane at the time be loft. Any informa tion concerning him will be thankfully re ceived by his wife. All communications may be lirocted to the AQITATOIt o Wellsbo re, PA. Oar exchanges, especially those of the State of New York, will confer a favor on in atilieted woman by copying thenhove no- A CARD.—having tt7is day sold and as aro] all my interest. in the accounts of the late don of Van (it;ltikr & Barnes, and also all my interest m my individual accounts of every nature connected with the AGITATOR egal•lishment, to A. F. Barnes, all persons indebted to the rnid firm, or Co me individu ally, ere required to pay the same to said B.aneF, who has full authority to collect, set tle awl receipt for the same, in ray name or otherwiL , e„ii fully as I might do if said 4- conN had not been so a.isigned. 3larch v , 1873, P. C. VAN GELDER. All persons indebted to the Into firm of Vun Gelder Barnes, or to P. C. Van Gel der on the books of the AGITATOR establisll mem, are requested to settle with the undek sigued at the AGITATOR oftee,at tly Agitator. TUESDAY AUGUST 12, 1873 Home .Affairs. New “Idrertlbehtents this week. lu SMarch of the Cat.taa•uyn—J. IS. Lippincott S: Co Pr d 1 Guict •— lt. P & Co. &%cr •, liar Vtgur—.3. C. Ayer . Co. Wl' 0 Cathartic Pill,--J. C. Ay or & Co.- li E. Vau Ilurue. Fute,y. 13 13, 1 V., IA" S . -14 e tomatoes are now in order —Cool nightk hare come, and "tired na- no' rrjoices —Strange, perhaps, but every bard drink may make his own bier. —The huckleberries in Olio region are very .4rgY , tuft/ very plentiful chid year. —The Troy District Conference of the Church was to meet at Mansfield yester —The AGITATOR contains more reading matter than any other paper printed in On I= —We are indebted to some unknown friend or copies of some ancient and intoresting ewspapers. .—Mr. Charles Martin, of Westfield, had n hand badly injured a few days ago while aerating a circular saw —D. 11. Narnmoro, of this village, attend ed the recent session of the National, Photo graphic Association at Buffalo. --Mr. J. Emery, for many years a resident this borough, but now of Williamsport, tokt been in town for a few days past. —Prof. R. J. Hamilton, who taught school 1! this village many years ago, has be9n trre on a short visit during the past week, —Mr. J. Guile, of Lawrenceville, l6t Seek sent us a hen's egg measuring ± t inches by 64. That wilt do pretty well for this hot nesther. —The work of grading the Cowanesque Valley Railroad was completed about a week Igo. Tho road will soon be in running or der to Elkland. —The Advertiser sAys that Mr. E. B Young, of this village, has presented the l'aing Men's Literary Council, of Mans tleld, with some books for their library. -- , The Corning Journal says that Byron Tuttle, the mail agent between Antrim and etlning has been promoted to a railway I~4tnl clerkship, and that William IL Free %au, 'of Corning, has been designated to tal e his place. L —An extra train was run from Corning to tills village last Wednesday evening to ena ll' People along the road to attend the Da venport reading. Tho visitors seemed well lvii3.e