Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, August 12, 1873, Image 2

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    .1 ..AN - NourreEnExirs.
The following named rieriinns offer thswelves as
candidates for tho offices named below, saiject to the
decision of the Iteinahlh•an County Convention:
?on ItErr.F.BI.I3TATIYE,
AUGUSTUS ALBA, larozvasx.
L.D. SHELVE, JAcKaort.
L. D.' BEELY. Bnoosviu.n.
CIiARLF- 4 3 IL. VERRILL. AferionEr..n
o' ' .
it , the Bailor of the Agitator:
Witlidraw my name as candidate , for Steriff.
Auguat . ll,lB7:L . H. O. BAILEE
o r Agitator.
Iv L.L.14 - 13011.0: VIDN
The publishers will pay Ma postage on a
copies of the LOZTATOR taken within the county
of Toga, where the subscription is paid up to
the first day of January, 1874, or beyond that
&its. The printed address-label on the paper
teill show each subscriber the exact date to which
his subsoriptki is paid.
eeting`'Of the Tioga County Repubh
i can Committee. -
In purtOuce of notice given, the Republican Conn
tylComwilttee met June 2(1, 1872, at the BTlllnel Rookie,
and appointed the following Committees
of 'Vigilance for the several townships and boroughs
In thd county of Tioga, who shad compose the Boards
of„FlectiOia for the several districts In which they re
Bles.r.—()gorge Leo, William Board, Hobert Brown.
illosiburg --A. T. James, J. L. Belden. ,David'Olem-
BrookAria,=:John W. Field. A. J. diunnous, E. W.
Charleston.—Birem Brooke, A. W. Potter, Roswell
Clathans.—J: S. klowroy, Iliram ?Jettison,
Van Bluely.
Clymer.—C. G. Ackley, Serene! Goodell, Bartle
Gerington Borough.—A. M. Bennett, Otis clerould
Mlles Lee.
CoriagMa Township.—Marvin Butler, William Var.
Darld plemens. z-
Deentieki.—M. V. Purple, George Bonham, J. S. Ing
Detniar.—George Green, John Ram Israel S ono.
Elk.—J. C. Farley, John Shaambacher, - Lor n Wet-
Moro. -,
BOland—fienj. Dorrance, W. B. Meade, E. Cady..
Fall Brook.—.D. W, Knight, Robert Dick,' William`
McNeish. • ,
Parinington.—A. J. Du no, WM. M. Hoyt, William
Gaines.-0. A. Smith, H. C. Vermilyca, J. D. Strait.
Hamilton.-13. H. Walker, T. J. Hallman, T. J. Ed
wards. -
Jackson.—John finch°, Sen., Levi Shelves, dames
Doty. .
linozoille.,L. Case, Giles Roberts, N. G. Ray.
Lawrence.—Natban Grinnell, Lucius Sulitll,, Joseph
Laiorvicerine,—E. F. Branch, ( 1 . 5. Mather, J. H.
Mather. , •
Liberty.—Wm. Narbor, J. W. Childs, Win. Kimball.
Afainsburg.—Peleg Bond, B. Parkhurst, Jesse D.
Smith. '• •
Ham/tad—H. Ripley, A. Shuart, B. C. Mann.
Atidtliebury.=V. W. Lewis, 0. W. Potter, Alonzo
Morris.—Job Deane, Enoch Blackwell. Job Link.
iVelion.—Sarnuel Hazlett, G. H. Baxter, us . Phelps.
Osceola..—Charlaa Tubbs, Henry Seeley, Norman
Thcheiond.-0. M. Patchin, Hem) . Franck, klorrison
Rullana.—B. S. Horton, Selt Frost, Rollaway
Wood. .
Wtippen.-11oraeo Broughton, JUin Schoonover, Eli
jah Phillip.
,Su/Bran.—P. P. Smith, A. T. Smith, Lafayette Gray.
Tioga Boretegh.—T. L. Baldwin, E. J. Bentley, Rich
ard Mitchell. '
Tioga Township.—J. H. Westbrook, D. L. Aiken, 13n
-63 Baldwin.
Union.-17. B. Irwin, George . Gibbons, diaries Rail
dal!. .
Ward.—Wallace C 11430, William Thomas, Solomon
iVellAoro.—Cleo. W. 3ferrlcit, A. B. Horton, Joseph
Wegficid Burough.--i. Crustl, A. Close, S. D. Phil
if",sefielil Township.,—ll. p;. Aldrich, E. B. Buckley,
Joel Calkins. •
On motion, it was resolved by said Committee that
the Republican voters in each township and borough
inset on Saturday, the 16th day . of August next, at
their respective places of holding elections, fur the
purpose of voting for one person for Representative,
IMO person for Sheriff, ono person for Commissioner,
and one person for Auditor; that the polls be opened
at two O'clock p. rii., and closed at seven o'clock.
Resolved, That the voting shall be by ballot, WHO( ii
or printed, and the name of' each person voting shall
be written ou it list at , jute time of voting; and all
tickets shall be single .tic k ets, containing only one
name for any one office or candidate; and each voter
shall bo entitled to vote one ticket for ono candidate
for each o'ffice to be tilled, the same as was formeily
Practiced tithe State and county elections.
Resolved, That in pursuance of the resolution p ss
ed by the Republican County,Conveutiou at its ass ion
on the 23d day of August, 1872, the question of hol
billing the Crawford County System and introducing
i a proportionate representation of delegates (at fifty
Republican voters ur part thereof for ono delegate,
and each additional fifty to be entitled to au additional
delegate) he submitted to the liepUblican voters of
Tloga county At said primary electio i ns to be held Au
gust 18, 1878; end that said voters at said elections
shall by ballot determine whether they will retain the
system known as the " Crawford County System" or
return to the old delegate system in practice hereto
. .
On motion, said Committee appointed Tuesday, Au
gust 19, 16173, at ten o'clock a, tu., as the time of hold
ing the Republican County Convention at lilossburg,
the place appointed by the County Convention at its
session last year.
T. CIISNDLEII., Clucirhic
I.IB.NEY ALLEN. Secretary.
The 'primary election 'takes place nex
Let everY'Republican vote mkt Saturday
for the c
The St
~ Ilarrisburg. We shall give a full report o
the proceedings next week. '
No Repu s ican in Tioga county should
fail to vote next Saturday for the Crawford
County System, or for the_p'roposed Dele
gate System.
The Ohio Constitutional C r onvention has
foliovh - d the exampl63f our own, and ad
journed over the hot weather. It. Win meet
again next December.
Some of the Democratic papers are un
reasonabli:bitter on their late comrades in
( misfortune. Here is the Boston Putt assert
hag tartly that " the Democracy would quite
as lief be defeated by these professed allies
at the polls as to surrender to them nithout
The Stenheu county journals announce
about sixteen candidates for Sheriff, more
or less, this year, more than half of them
being RepUblicans. And yet in , that county
the delegate system of making nominations
has been in full force from tine immemo
rial. This don't look as though the Craw
ford County System was especially prolific
olcandidates; does it?,
A terrible steamboat disaster occurred
near Chatterton's Point on the Potomac riv
er last Friday afternoon. The Wawasset, a
passenger boat, took fire-in the bold while
going down the river, and was rapidly and
completely burned. The passengers were
thrown into an intnse panic, and although
c boat was driven near the shore, about
seventy persons are believed to have been
A correspondent who writes from Mt.
Vernon - , the little town in ndiana which has
been so sorely stricken , by he cholera, says
that one of thkeauses assi ned for the fatal
previdencel Of t the disease is the presence of
a body of tagn an t water within a few miles
• of the town covering about a square mile of
I timbered land to the depth of a foot. The
first case originated in this vicinity, and
fourteen deaths occurred in the immediate
neighborhood. This is a hint worthy of
attention. ( '
The Democ at of last week reads the de
moralized emocracy of this region a short
lecture in which it says, " The mental cir
cuit 'of the, reformer must be co-extensive
with the 'work he undertakes; 'his mind
must perceive, his heart must feel, closing
sternly against the oppressor and expanding
towards the oppressed."' This is all very
pretty, anti no doubt the Democracy will
feel much encouraged by it; but can't. you
come down to . questions in which men still
on earth are interested? What do you think,
for instance, ) of the back-pay salary grab
bers, all and singular?
It is reported that the "liberal" and Dem
ocratic politicians of New York city, just
after the late "People's" Convention in
Ohio, held a conference to consider the ex
pediency of a public meeting to ratify the
new-party movement. After a general in
terchange of views, they concluded that it
was prudent to wait and ape what the Ohio
Democracy proposed to do about it. They
have seen by this time, and we don't hear
any more of " ratification meetings,
The receipt of good news when only bad
news was looked for is always somewluft
exhilarating, and we may therefore be ex
cused a little self-congratulation on the fact
that our country bas,carried off all the hon
ors at the great fair at Vienna, so far as
farming implements are concerned. But
after . all this is nothing to brag of, for Amer
ican machinists have so long been in ad
vance of the whole world in ingenuity and
workmanship, that little additional glory is
to be gained from this latest triumph of
their craft. To have failed would have
been - disgraceful, and to succeed is, ,r there•
fore,l satisfactory.. The truth is that the
American farmer has the most efficient, the
lightest, and the handsomest tools to work .
with that the "wit of man has Yet devised,
and all the world has conic to.k now the fact.
The New York Sun is a very rabid anti
Grant paper, but nevertheless it is alile to
see the folly of all the sally twaddle about
" Cresarism" that a few sensational sheets
have been amusing themselves with recent-,
ly. It also justly appreciates.the full force
of the " new-party" movements in Ohio
and elsewhere. Here is what it , has to say
on both these subjects:
"It is rather foolish for people who have•
not got any baby to be quarreline , about a
name for one; and it seems to us altogether
idle for politicians who haven't any party
to work themselves into excitement about
party names. Call them the Liberal De
mocracy,' says one; call them the Liberal
Republicans, says another. Call whom by
these names?, Why, the rising Opposition
which is going to overthrow Grant. But
there is no Grant to be overthrown. There
is a Grant, to be sure; but no overthrowing
of him will be required. He i 9 already
elected for his second term, and if he lives
is likely to serve it out."
It is to be hoped that every memb - er
the Vigilance Committees for the several
districts will be promptly at his post next
Saturday, and stay there until his duty h
fully discharged. The work of a man hold
ing this position is simply that of a judge
of election, and the fact that he is not sub
ject to thp pains and penalties of the law
should.render him none the less scrupulous
in executing the work confided to him. He
should see to it that every man entitled to
vote has a fair chance to do so, and that no
man who is not entitled to vote is suffered
to pollute the ballot-box. It is hardly nec
essary to say that every man holding the po
sition of return judge should carefully ab
stain from any attempt to electioneer for
any particular candidate or cause. The
place calls for the exercise of absolute im
partiality and qfilexible, integrity, and any
man who cannot curb his partisan feelings
for the time being has no business lb hold
the position:
It is evident that the men who engineered
the coalition campaign last year are not
highly pleased with the present political
outlook. The day after the Democratic
conventions In Ohio and 'Virg"min the New
York Trilfrune emitted the following dismal
"If the reactionary Democrats of Ohio
wanted to sign and seal a bond against fur
ther Allen county heresies or new depart
ures, or anything newer than the Resolutions
of '9B, they Could not have done better than
they have in %their nomination of William
Allen for Governor. Ex-Senator Allen is
the typical war-horse of the Democracy in
Ohio. Before Thurman, or Pugh, or Pen
dleton were, he was. In forty years he has
hardly known a change. He has always en
joyed a reasonable, popularity, and will,
doubtless, make as good a run as anybody
in his circumstances could. The rest of the
ticket is made up on the pattern suggested
by its head. (The resolutions, too, are in
strict harmony with the nominations, though
the pitiless logic of events has forced some
expression of opinion on accomplished facts.
In short, the platform, glittering and gene—
ral as it is, does not materially differ from
those which have been given to the world
within the year. Not more wise than the
Ohio Democrats have the Virginia ConSerak,
athes proved themselves. So Or ns they
have gone in their Convention, they Labe
shown enthusiasm only at the utterance of
the old rallying cry of " A white man's
government for white men." This ancient
slogan and some vulgar abuse of their op
ponents, the Republicans, seemed toi indi
4-..ate high water mark in the Richmond Con
vention yesterday. Perhaps a better spirit
may overtake the Virginia Democrats before
they adjourn; but, so far, their echoes sound
like echoes of a very aged past."
morrow a
The . Question of the Day.
Next Saturday afternoon the Republicans
of the county are to vote for candidates for
several county offices. -No doubt every vo
ter iu the county is well aware what places
are to be tilled by thd popular choice this
fall, and well acquainted with the names of
the candidates who present theniselves for
those places. if any man is in doubt upon
either of these points, a glance at the head
of our first editorial column will enlighten
him fully. We have nothing more to say
upon this point, except to urge each voter
to go to the polls next Saturday and vote
for the candidate whom he prefers for each
of those °likes. In a certain sense the pop
ular mode of nominating candidates is on
trial this year. Let us have a full and fair
vote, and we hav4 an abiding faith that the
present system will be vindicated by the
nomination of a ticket which every candid
man will acknowledge to be an excellent
one, and which will receive the full party
support in October.
Bitt while the nomination of ticket is Of
absorbing personal interest to the candidates
and their friends, there is a question to be
decided next Saturday of more lasting im
portance to the people at large. We refer,
of course, to the mode of nominating can
didates. To this question we have already
devoted considerable time and space, pub
lishing all that we have received from cor
respondents upon the subject. We have de
sired that the question should be considered
from every stand-point and be viewed in
very possible light, and we have therefore
taken pains to print the objections to the
Present system as stated by its opponents,
and to show as far as possible the actual
Timeliest workings of the proposed delegate
system. We have done all this because we
wished to have the question understandingly
as well as definitely and decisively settled.•
We do not propose now to waste the read
er's time or our own crowded space by re
tracing the ground already passed over; but
we wish to state one or two points as briefly
as possible, and so leave the question with
the voters.
The proposed delegate system is in fact
the application to the county of the plan
which has long been in operation on the na
tional field in selecting the President and ,
Vice President. It is well known to every
st dent of our political history - that it .wits
th expectation of the statesmen who estrib=
li ed the , present mode of electing thoin
officers that the electoral college - would be
made_ up of the beat men in the several
States, who would be left Ire :to choose the
persons whom ' they considered best quail
tied to Jill those high positions. poi , quick
ly and how thoroughly - this expectation.was
disappointed, is well known
~ Everybody
now agrees that the electoral college is- a
useless compliCation of our political system
—a sort of hfth wheel to the State . Coach—
while in many quarters grave apprehensions
are felt that it may sometime prove a source
of 'danger. Tne great defect, of it is felt to
bo that it deprives the people of that direct
(patrol of their own political affairs upon
which_the safety of the State depends. One
great danger of it is that it renders possible
the defeat of the candidate for whom a ma
jority of the people may have voted. As
we have already said, more than one Presi
dent has been elected who did not receive a
majority of the votes of the country at large;
and it is easy enough to see that the time
may come when the regular operation of the
present electoral system will defeat a man
who has received an absolute majority of
those votes. Even now a committee of the
upper house of Congress his under delibe
ration an amendment of ilite Constitution
calculated to sweep away this useless and
dangerous piece of statecraft. That the
country will heartily favor its destruction
there is no question.
And yet the very system which has been
found so cumbersome, so useless, and so
dangerous on a large scale is the one which
it is proposed to set up here in the county.
It is hard to see what argument can be ad
• anced for the one which is not equally as
strong when urged in support of the other.
Certain it is that they are both open to the
same strong objections—objections to which
we have yet to see even sylausible answer.
At a time when the whole country is desir
of establishing a Literal " Crawford
County System" in electing the Preside ,
lit would seem hot a little queer to see ny
portion of the people voluntarily retur ing
to the old electoral system in selecting can
didates. 1 .
In the table which we published last week
We pointed out the gross inequalities of the
proposed delegate plan—inequalities which
are inseparable from any such plan. We
ask those of our readers who did not observe
that table Carefully to take another look at
it, and to vote for that system which they
believe to be the fairest.
But however their opinions, their inte
rests, or their fegings may incline them, we
hope all Republicans will vote upon this
I question. Don't let judgment be taken
t , against you by default, whatever you do.
is ....
Lands Capes of Pennsylvania.
The topography of a country depends in
a great measure upon the nature and posi
tion of the underlying rocks. Thus it is
that the folding of the strata, in ages long
gone by, has rendered Pennsylvania classic
ground to the poet and the painter. Other
States may excel in wide and fertile plains,
but Pennsylvania surpasses them in the quiet
beauty of her landscapes. In her rock-rib
bed mountains, which have witnessed the
storms and heard the thunder of a million
years, we have a picture of the sublime in
nature. In her peaceful glens and long
withdrawing glades, where a thousand hap
py rills wander through the silent woods,
theie is a dreamy loveliness which we may
in vain seek to express. In her pastoral
valleys, where luxuriant orchards bend With
delicious fruitage, and the green grain whis
pers in the tidal wave of 'Simmer, there is
lowing of contented herds, and there
" Peace and Plenty walk amid the glow
And perfume of full garners,"
Gold closed in New fork on Nunrony at
115 a.
The San i`raneiseo Taxpayers' Conven
tion has not yet found a candidate for the
Mayoralty. . .
Hon. H. C. Campbell, Warden of the
Stale Penitentiary, died at Lincoln, Nebras
kh, last Tuesday night.
Joseph 0. Bert was killed last Wednesday
while digging a well at Matapan ley falling
head foremost into it.
The celebrated trotting horse Fearnaught,
owned by Col. Russell of the Home Farm,
Milton, Mass., died on Thursday.
In Chicago, Tuesday, John Hotrert stab
bed William Cottull, who bad usurped Huf
fert's place as the head of his family. Cot
tull will probably die.
A dispatch from Berlinrsays that the chol
era has appeared With great violence in the
_military barracks there.
Gen. Henry M. Whittlesey, for a long
time an attache of Gen. Howard's staff, died
last Friday.
The Brooklyn Trust Company re-organ
ized.last week with a new President, named
Ropes, -- and a new board of directors.
Bate Stoddard has executed a quit-claim
deed freeing all the property of the late
Charles Goodrich from any claims that
might be urged on her behalf.
There have been numerous railway acct
dents in England during the past few days
The loss of life, fortunately, has been light
but many persons have received injuries.
Dr. R T. Dunn, deputy United States
Marshal, was assassinated in his bed last
Friday night at Corinth, Miss. No clue to
the murderer.
Wm. W. Clark, formerly Professor of
Natural Sciences in the State Normal School
at Albany, died in Rochester last Saturday.
He was the author of the law fixing the
State standard of weights and measures.
George Cass died at Dresden, Ohio, last
Wednesday, in his eighty-third year. The
deceased was a resident of Ohio for seven
ti-three years, and was the last of the fami
ly of Maj. Jonathan Cass. He was a broth
er of Gen. Lewis Cass of Michigan.
A Des Moines merchant - offered Mrs. Bar
rett a pair of shoes if
. she would kiss him,
and she went out, borrowed a revolver, and
lodged a bullet in his nose. He hasn't any
more shoes to give away.
A Chicago paper says, " There is prom
ise of a novel sensation for some of the re
porters who will accompany Professor Wise
in his transatlantic balloon voyage. The
sensation will probably be that of taking
. A Pole named Richter puts in a word in
reference to the spelling of Koskiusko's
name. He says Amdricans generally pro
nounce the name wrong, and that it should
sound like " Kostschewshko . " A, eotempo
rary says it don't see how freedom could
help shrieking if she tried to pronounce that
The cholera has reappeared in Chattanoo
ga, sad the Mayor has issued a proclama
tion forbidding the sale or exhibition of all
fruits and vegetables except tomatoes and
tuffire occurred in Portland, Me., last Bat
ay afternoon, which destroyed three
ste,tuneis; a number of freight buildings, au
cleVator, and other property. The total loss
is estimated at $600,000. Three persons
were drowned and others are missing.
A gentleman connected witlrthe Post Of
fice Department, just returned from Chat
tanooga and other Southern cities, reports
that the cholera has nearly ceased its rava
ges in most of the places where it has pre
' Last Tuesday morning while a party of
Pawnee Indians were hunting near the Re
publican river, they wet•e surprised and at
tacked by a large body of Sioux, and a
bloody fight ensued, re...inking in the defeat
of the Pawnees, who lost about one hun
dred, comprising some of 'the best men of
the tribe, and most of their horses, arms
and game.
A new fee alnttle of the 1623 Folio of
Shakespeare's Plays, under the direct su
pervision of Mr. Howard Staunton, will be
shortly issued. 'lie lac simile is a repro.
duction of the splendid copy in the library
of the Earl of Ellesmere at Bridgewater
House, supplemented, where any pages of
that volume are defective; by the line copy
in the Grenville Library of the British Mu
Dr. Jessuri, the Missionary to Syria, is at
work on a book about i:lNomen of 'Syria," '
which is to be published, with fine
Lions from photographs,
The coal miners in Pefinsylviudit are or
ganizing for a grand strike. They " - kayo
commenced operations in the usual way,,by,
intimidating those who wish to work. •: -
The cottage of WilliaM: Penn, ,Hie great
Quaker, .wluch is situated- in the midst of
the great warehouies. of Philadelphia,, and
la now in , a dilapidated condition, is used
for a beer saloon.
The Public library to be erected, in Philo
delphia with the beqUest and under the will
of Dr. Rush will cost $700,000,' and is to-be
the largest library building in Americ a :—
The Rush bequest amontam to *1,200,000,
so that triter finishing the building there
Will be ssoo,ooo.left for the support of the
The new Philadelphia four-cent paper
will shortly appear. Mr. Dick Penisom,
who lately drew half a million in 'Hip Ha
vana lottery, will • put some monex,,Wthe
concern. The sheet'will resemble 1,14 trib
une in the make-up, and will start with the
intention of living. It will be known ns
the Chkoilicle, and will support the Admin
The - great mission Of the " People's" par
ty in Ohio is "reform,," just as it was of
the Liberal Republican party, and yet every
one of the fellows engngid in forming the
new party has, as the Cincinnati Gazette re
marks, " a scab on hislead." Some of the
scabs, too, are very old, antedating the for
mation of the Liberal party by Many years.
Bierstadt has completed another of his
large landscapes representing the southern
'Sierras, and calls it "Autumn in the Sig
ma." It is really a bright view of the south
fork of King river, with Mt. - Brewer in the,
distance, overlooks the narrow valley of the
river winding and foaming-8,000 feet below
the point of view, while beyond' the peak
rises 5,000 feet higher.
A fight took place last WedneSday in
Scott county, Va., between a small force of
revenue officers under Col. Gco. S. Egbert,
United States Deputy Marshal, and a gang
of illicit distillers, in which a man named
Willcox, an assistant of the Marshal, was
killed. •
Information reaChed'Coffeyillie, Kansas,
last Wednesday that the - Cherokee Wiens
were having a bloody war among themselves
at Cady's.Bluff, about thirty miles south of
there. The trouble grew 'out of the elect
tion held - August 4th, in Which 'what Was
known as. the Ross,faction came out ahead.
The other two factions are termed ') Inde
pendents" and " Downings." All the par
ties are determined, and the probability is
there will be a bloody war.
There are two Democratic parties—one
that has departed, and another that won't
depart. Together they don't amount to
much—separated they are certainly of no
consequence—lliteriskry Slate Journal.
The authorities of Leydep intend to com
memorate the three hundredth birtliday:of
their university by publishing a chrenologi
eal list of all the students who have matric
ulated there from 1575, the year of its foun
dation by William the Silent, down to the
present time.
The wealthiest man in Maine is is bache
lor, and just now he is pestered almost to
death. Ile is quite old, and as it has been
reported that he is-in ill-health, he is beset
by crowds of eager men and women en
treating hint to remember this and that be
nevolent religious and educational institu
tion in his will. •
Fancy the feelings of those persoris who
take an interest in statistics: " ThOsilleeov
ery has been made that, owing to a-very un
fortunate oversight, everything relatieg to
the important subject of mortality statistics
is entirely omitted from the new compendi
um of the census."
Eeploratious are going on in a mound
near Vincennes, Ind., which turn out skele
tons said to havii belonged to sundry mem
here of the Toltec nice 3,000 years ago.—
These, now, ere a pretty ancient commodity
of old bones, and few Actions that pride
themselves on. their eotiquity an do better.
These mounds, by the Wayi afford a itch
field for American autiqueriaus, and one
that has been little workel,,
The Chicago Tribune, qu4ling an article
front the Cheyenne Leader on the subject of
the indiscriminate slaughteil lof buffaloes in
the Far West, says: Last year 200,000
were killed for their skins alone. The ex
tension of railroads ibis given the hunters
an opportunity to drive the leiffalpes into
comparatively restricted districts, and thus
they are penned and shot down, and tens of
thousands of carcasses are left rotting on
the ground."
A Boston paper says: # Those who want
the regatta at naratoga metier, to epriliguem
because there are too many bars in the river
and not enough on land,"
Chicago promises to see the biggest kind
of a libel suit, Mr. W. T. Storey having
published a card over his own signature in
which he says: "I am impressed with the
conviction, and have not a particle of doubt,
that the death which occurred in my flintily
six months ago Pattie of the gross reckless
ness, carelessness, and neglect of the at
tending physician, H. A. Johnson."
Laura Fair has at last settled up her ac
.counts, and she finds it cost her VI,OIJO to
shoot her victim.
It. appears that. Mr. John C. Shafer, of
Washington, D. C., did not commit suicide,
as his friends suspected. In a lit of des
pondency, caused by financial embarrass
ments, he recklessly moved to Chicago,
where, poor man, he now is.
An order for machinery was recently re
ceived in Indianapolis which was written
on a postal card, which was thee inclosed
in an envelope with a three-cent stamp on
it, and the package then sent by express at
a cost of twenty-five cents, prepaid.... The
sender was one of your careful melt s and
was determined to have the thing reach 'its
A California gentleman thought himself
justified in sending his cook to a lunatic asys
mum because she persisted in boiling cucum
bers for his breakfast.
Dr. John C. Peters having been sent West
by the New York Board of Health to ex
amine and report on the cholera epidemic
at Memphis and Nashville, pronounces the
disease nothing less than the Asiatic, but
entertains no idea that it' will prove serious
where cleanliness is observed.
A young man named Dunn, who claims
to be, the son of a wealthy physician of
Philadelphia, violated the person of a little
girl named Baker, about ten years old, at
Frederick's (Mill, in Franklin county, a few
days ago. Ie was aided by a quack calling
himself an S' Indian doctor," named Vance.,
The guilty parties were followed to Cham
bersburg, arFested, and after a hearing com
mitted to jail to await s trial at court. •
The Conneautville Courier says: "Mr.
John Cooper, of SuiPmerhill, informs us
that the currant woims, which have by their
ravages destroyed nearly - hit the currant
bushes in this section, have not for two sea
sons molested a row of bushes in his gar
den, around which red clover grows abun
dantly. Another row in the same garden,
kept cultivated, has been entirely stripped
by the worms, and the conclusion naturally
arrived at is that the pests do not like the
clover. If this simple remedy is found ef
fectual, we may expect in a few years to
again see the currant take its old place
among our small fruits."
In the State of New York that fragmen
tary political squad known as "Liberals"
propose to go jointly into a Convention with
the Democrats and divide the State ticket
between them. - But the Democrats are not ,
so green this year 'as last, and fancying that
they have got a better hand than the Libe
rals, propose to go It alone. The Tribune is
informed that before 'any further bargains
are made the Democrats want a census ta
ken at the polls of the "Liberal" vote, so
that they may know the exact political val
ue of that party.
There is a good deal in a name; but the
Columbus Convention of July 30th forgot
to find one for its bantling. The New York
Herald calls it the " Cocktail" Convention;
the Cincinnati Enquirerdubs it the " Home
less"• party and the• " Mound - Builders."—
Others hove christened it the "Nameless,"
"INO Name," " Puou-seyiter " Hybrids,"
and "Mongrel" party; but' none of the
nemes seem to stick. The Chica g o Times
cOmpares the lucubrations of its framers to
the incantation of the witches in Macbeth.
"How now, ye secret, black, and midnight
bags! What r is it ye do?" "A deed lath
-010 a name."
A curious and, fatal accident occurred in
Philadelphia July 27th. Mary Smith, aged
live years, was sitting on the front step of
her residence in the southern part of the
city. Mrs. Cooper, •an occupant of the
house, went to the attic window, and with
a child's flag staff, some three feet long,
with a spear head, was engaged in cleaning
out the water spout, when tle stick slipped
from her hand, and falling erpertdicularly,
entered the child's skull, ausiug instant
AxI4:IrBINT rolcy
who joug boon estailltshed to the Jewelry lattetnesti
in Vellaboro, ham alotttya for sale varieue kiude
and prices of •
American adatclys,
Gold or Ellh,or.
Cloeles,Jewelry,Gold Chains;
Xeys, Rings,- Pins, Pen-. .
oils, Ca/30.9;001d and
Steel Pens, Thim
bles, Spoons,
Plated Ware,
&c.. &c.. &o. -I
With almost all other articles * nenally kept In such
establishmenbi, 'which are sold low fur •
raL. 3EMB
Repairing done neatly and promptly, and on aboE
not e. A. FOLEY.
,ug 12, 1873.
Sheriff's Sales.
10Y VIRTUE OF sundry writs of Ficri Facials, LOVII
- ri Facias, and Venditiont Exponaa, issued out 01
the Court of Comthon Pleas of Tioga county, and tome
directed, I will expose to public sale, to the highest
and best bidder, at the Court House ill Wellishoro, on
Monday the 25th thy of August, 1873, at one o'clock 10.
m., the following described property, viz :
The following described lots of land situated in Un
ion township. and bounded as follows: - One bounded
On the north and eget h lands of J. H. Gulick. LW
the south by land of Mob rt Parka's heirs, and on
the west by land of J. B. radius's heirs; containing
133 acres and 59 perches. ) ore or less, .with appurte
nances; being lot No. 6 o a larger tract in the war
rantee name of William Wileon and warrant No. 2 in
said couuty of Tioga.
At...soAnother lot bounded on the north by Thos.
Hurley, east by lands of HaJbert Fartea's heirs, south
by tire boundary lino of warrant No. 7, and west b)
land's formerly owned by k.:mily Morgan; containlinz
lei eeree.ll - 101:0 or less; being the aoutheru part of lot
No. 1 of a larger tract in the warrantee mono of Wm.
Wilson and warrant No. 7 in said county of Tioga.
ALGO—Lot No. 8 of warrant No. 1, William WilaOu
warrantee, containing 132 acres and 164 perches.
ALsO---Lot No. 2 of warrant No. 2, William Wilson
Witl'llaliCO, containing 133 acres and 55 perches.
aLso—Lot Ito. 2 of warrant No. 3, William Wilson
warrantee, containing 181 acres and 125 perches.
&Lao Lot No. 8 of warrant No, 4, Win. Willson war
rantee, containing 129 acres and 26 perches..
Acso—Lot No. 4 of warrant No. 6, Wm. Wilson War
rantee, containing 145 scree and 62 perches.
ALso—Lot No. 2 of warrant No. 6, Win. Wilson war
rantee, containing 127 acres and 52 perches. To be
sold as the property of William Hamilton, Adminis
trator de bouts non of William (iratfius, deceased, with
notice to Win. Graillus and Ellen B. Grafi:Ms. inter
married with John Hudson. children and heirs of
win. Graffiti% deceased, suit of Hepburn M'Cluro,
Administrator de bolds non, of Daniel Granite, de
ALSO—A lot of land in Brookfield township; bound
ed on the north by lands of tho estate of F. Parker,
deceased, went by Potter county line, south by lauds
in possession of P. Parker and D. Lewis, and east by
lauds of Moses Metcalf; containing 176 acres, 150
acres improved, with three frame houses, two frame
barns. outbuildings, and an apple orchard and other
fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of
Morris P. Metcalf, atilt of Jesse Gardner for use of
. ALSO--A lot of land in Tioga township; bononed
on the north by Mill Creek, west by the Blossburg and
Tioga Railroad. south by lands of A. S. Turner, and
east by the Williamson highway; containing about
Ono acre, more or less, with a frame house, frame
barn, and b for/ frulit trees thereon. To bo sold asTho
property of Omer T. Rhodes, Snit of A. S, Reynolds.
ALSO—A lot of land in Blmsbrirg borough; bound
ed on the north by Liberty street, east by lot No. 9,
south by lot No. 11, and west by warrant No. 613 in
the name of Jeremiah ROHR, commonly known ail the
Patterson tract, and being lot No. 10 in block No.
upon map ot village of Blossbarg made by J. D. Was
burn Dee. 23, DO; containing one-fourth of an acre,
with a frame honse, ontouildings, and fruit trees
thereon. To be sold as the Property gf J. W. Rath
hone suit of Benjamin Yanglifb.
A.ll'o-4 lot of land. in Unit Mao township; bound
ed on tile north by lot No. 20, conveyed to Anna
Spencer; east by lot No. 210. conveyed to Austin H.
Roberts; south by the south line of warrant No. 1,-
335; and west by lot No. 321, co/twist' to Alvin W.
Davis; containing 55.1 acres, More or !eh; it being
lot No. 350 of the allotment of Bingham lands in
Chatham toWnship, and part of warrant No. 1,335,
25 acres iniproved, with a frame house, an apple or.
chard, and other fruit trees thereon. To be sold as
the property of Robert Cornell, Mary Cornell, Charles
It. Cornell, Weep Cornell, end Charles Fuller, suit of
William Bingham Trustees.
ALSO—A lot of laud in Rutland township; hounded
on the north by lot No. 158 of the allotment of Bing
ham lands in Rutland township, east by lots No. 151
and No. 156, coutimeSt hy lot No. 140 conveyed to
Mary Commlnga, and west by laip epuveyed to P. P.
Morris, Administrator of estate of John Adlufn, de
ceased; containing 50.2 acres, with the usual allowance
of six per cont. for roads, &c.,,tnore or less; 15 acres
improved. To be sold as the property of Mary Cum
mings, suit of William Bingham Trustees.
ALSO-4 lot of land in Charleston township; bound
ed on the north by lands of Daniel Owens, west by
lands of the BingliaM eatatti, eolith by lauds of the
said Darilel Owens, and east by lands of Decker Ow
ens; containing 100 acres, 30 improved, with a frame
barn occupied as a house by defendants, a log barn,
mils - nous°, 'frame steam au m water saw mill, two ap
ple oronalds, and other fruit trees thereon. To be
sold as the Komerty of UEr
. , 4.001py and Charlotte
Adanv..duit of tevirimill for use of C. 64 J. L. Rob
inson and Ira Newhall. -
ALSO—A lot of laud in Chatham township; bounti
ful on the north by lauds of Jesse Spencer, east by
Jesse Spencer, sent.h by lands of jAurora Spencer's
estate, and west by the highway; containing 16 acres,
all improved, with a frame house, Iframe barn, other
outbuildings, a geed apple orchard, and other fruit
trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Frank
lin Spencer, suit of John R. 'Mowery.
ALSO—A. lot of laud in lilossburg borough; bound
ed on the north by land of L. H. Shattuck, west by
the Williameon road. south by land i mf the Trustees of
the AI. E. church, and east, 1,/y the Tioga river; being
100 feet front and shout 80 feet deep,' with a frame
house and outbuildings thereon. To be cold as the
property of the Rector, Church Wardens, and Vestry
been of tip. Ltiho'e church in lliossburg, suit of Orlan
do P. Taylor,
ALSO—A lot of land in Charleston township; he.
ginning at a post the southwest corner hereof; thence
north, 2, , ,e,: degrees cast, 12i perches to a post; thence
south, 87X degrees east, 50 perches to the west side
of the Catlin road; thole north, 41, 1 1 degeees west,
69 vetches to a bar pus ;I thence north, 50 degrees
east, 11 perches to a post; thence north, 2,!; degrees
Asst, 26,':i" per‘hes to p post; thence south, 87,,!,', degrees
oast, 39.8 perches to the line of a lot formerly owned
by John I. Vansice; tohotiee 144' .. i.mik l#us north, 2.4"
degrees cast, la porches to a post, the nuromest, cor
ner of the said John I. Vansice let; thence south, i 74.;
degrees east, 41.6 perches to a post; thence south. 2,i'
degrees west, 85 perches tr a post; thence north, 87,4
degrees west, 39 perches to a thorn tree about two
rods from the back of the creek; thence south, 38;.
degrees east, 30.0 Perehes to a post; thence, south, 29
degrees east, 7.8 perches to 4, post; thence north, 87
•degrees west, 21 perches to a post near the cant side
of the Catlin road; thence along and acmes said road
south, 6;i degrees east, 10 perches to a bar post, the
northeast corner of a let 'owned by James L. wese;
thence by James L. ltet*o's lino north. 89 t egrees
west, 82 perches to S post ; thence potab, gdegrees
west, 35.4 porches to a poet in line 9f —,-- Potter;
thence along the said Potter line north, 87,l; degrees
west, 29 perches to the place of beglianing; contain
ing 102 acres and 20 perches, more or. less, all im
proved, with a two story frame dwelling house, three
frame barns, sheds, other outbuildings, an apple or
chard, and other fruit trees thereon. To bo sold as
the property of Alexander Bosse and O. L. Atherton,
suit of Cyrus Catlin.
ALSO—A lot of land in J,iberff tOwnship; begin-
Mau at a stake in the east line of laud of Jacob Illeoy
er; thence east by lands of Christian Etude 72 rods to
a post; thence south by Jonas of George Levegood
113 rods to a post; thence West by lands of Benjamin
Brion 72 rode to a post; thane() north by lands of Ja
cob Afeoyer 113 rods to the place of beginning; con
taining 47,1* acres, all improved, with a frame barn,
an apple orchard, and other fruit trees thereon. To
ho sold as the property of Michael Ill'Afahoil,l3r., snit of
Mary Ann Welty and Philip J. Welty.
ALSO—A lot of land in Westfield borough; bounded
on tho north by laMlo in possession of George Close,
west by lauds of A. L. B. Leach and the highway,
south by the public highway, and enet by Innis of It,
It. Parshall, N. P. Close, and Isaac Plank; containing
about five acres, more or less, all improved, with a
few fruit trees thereon. To ho sold as the property
of Edwin Close and George Close, suit of John Park.
burst for use of 'B. B, Strang and others.
ALHO—A. lot. of laud to Bfousburg borough; begin
ning at a post thh northwest corner of the furnace
lot; thence south, 11 degrees east, 1)8 feet to a pest;
theuco north, 75 degrees east, 180 feet to a post; thence
north, 15 degrees west, 128 feet to a post; thence
south, degrees west, 173,i feet to the place of be
ginning; containing about 85 perches of land, more or
less, excepting therefrom the railroad privileges, it
being a part of, the furnace lot in the said borough;
with a frame machine shop and blacksmith shop at
tached, one boiler and pattern shop, one foundry
building, one blacksmith shop, one wagon shop, out
buildings, and appurtenances thorenuto belonging.—
To be sold as the property of 0. F. Taylor and jamp s
Withington, suit of Pomeroy Brothers & Smith.
ALSO—A lot of land In Middlebury township; boun
ded on the north by the plank road, and west, south
and east by lands of D. Holiday; being 50 feet front
and 100 feet deep,‘containing 18 square rods, with a
two story frame house, outbuildings, and a few fruit
trees thereon,
Iwo—Another lot in Middlebury township; bound
en on the north by the plank road, west by lends of
'D. Holiday, and south and east by Lands Of John Red,
ington; containing half an acre and 15 rods, with a
franae two story dwelling house, a frame two story
hotel house, and a few fruit trees thereon.
Also—Ono other lot in Middlebury township; boun
oed on the south by the nlank road, east by lands of
C. B. Spencer, north by landi of George Baker, Jr.,
and west by lands of E. A. Thomas ; being 40 feet front,
150 feet nn the east line, 110 foot on the north, and 137
feet on the west, with ft frame barn and a frame black
smith shop thereon. To be poll as' the property of
Ira Keeney, suits of C. B. Spencer, G. F. Den
lel White, and John W. Bailey and others.
ALSO—A lot of land in the borough of Wellsboro;
beginning at a post on the south side of Bunnell Ave.
nue, at the corner of lots Nos. 2 and 3 of block No. 4;
thence a ong said Bunnell Avenue south, 22 degrees
east, 187,14 feet to a post at the intersection of Sher
man street prolonged with Bunnell Avenue on west
side of Sherman street; thence along said street
south, 45 degrees west. 130 feet to a post on east aide
of Shumway road; thktiee along said road, by true
course, 200 feet to a post; thence north, 45 degrees
east. 100 feat to the place of beginning; containing
18.617 square feet, more or less.
Ats.c.—Another lot of land in the borough of Wells
boro; beginning at a post on the southeast side of
irl street, the nortu corner hereof; thence along
hoods of O. L. Willcox south, 45 degrees mot, 2 5 0-feet
10 a post ou Walnut street; thence along Walnut etreet
south, 45 degrees west, 60 feet to a post, the corner of
It L. Van Horn's lot; thence along said R. L. Van
Horn's lot and lot of B. T. Van Horn north, 45 de-
grverl west, 260 fret to Pearl atroet; thonco along said
Pearl street north, 45 degrees east, 60 feet to the place
of beginning; containing one-third of an aoro, more
or lees, • •
Also—Another lot of len , ' in the borough of Wells
horo beginning .at the northeast corner of land
et D. P. Roberto; thence south, 45 degrees west, 103.94
fact to a street; thence along the line of said etret,
south, 46 degrees east, 120 fest to a post; thence northe
45 degrees east, 125 feet to moat; thence north, 45 de
growl went, 92X feet to a posti thence ttorth, 764, de'
grecs west. 62% feet' talhe place of beginning: Can.,
!sitting more or less.
Aiaat—A lotof land in Delwin. township; I.,..;,inninit
at a hemlock, the southwest corner et Dm ton ' Sloth
-9014 thonco by said Mattison - east 150 porches to a
post; thence by the Knew Sinamone lot 70 perches to
the cornor.of Beau & Ellsworth; thence west by said
Bean & Eusworth and lands surveyed for 0.,& J. L.
. Robinson 160 perches to a hemlock, the corner or Set;
, den B. Dimmick; thence by said Dimmick tot _north_
70 perches to the place of beginning; containing 6634'
acres, it being Part of Warrant No. 1,644, James Wit
jou warrantee.; 20 aorealmproved;sirith• log house,
and barn;ful apple orchard, an other fruit trees there.
On. To be sold -as the property; of Miles Mannar.
.wits of Converse & Osgood and' °there. ' "
ALSO—A lot of land in Middlebury township: term'
fled on the-north by the plank road, and east, south,
stud west by lands of Celia and badly Redlngton. be
tt=ute more or less, With a frame blacksmith shop
n, To be sold as the property of Alanson C.
sELain and Lewis G. Idlctin, suit of Ira Keeney.
August 5. 1873. - - E. A. FISH, Sheriff.
Estate of A. P. Cone, Deena Std.
N pursuance of an miter of the Orphans', Court of
'hop' county made the 6th day of June, 1873, the
undersigned, Administrator of maid estate,will, at the
Court Rouse in Virelhiboro, in said county, on
Monday, the 21st day of July, 1878,
at ten o'clock a, in., expose to sale sud sell the follow
ing described real estate:
No. I.—A lot of land in Millsboro, Tioga county,
Pa.,. bounded on - the northwest by Water street,
northeast by 11. 0. White, southeast by Main street,
and southwest by Waln street; being 120 feet on Main
street, and 250 feet on Water street; known as the,
No 2.—Also a lot of laud iu Wellsboro, pounded on
the northwest by lauds formerly of L. I. Nichols,
northeast by 0. F. Ellis, southeast by Water street,
and southwest by other lands of said estate, (No. 8);
the same being nu feet wide on Water street.
No. 3.—Also a lot of land in WelLsboro, bounded on
. . . . .
the northwest by lands formerly of L. L Nichols,
northeast by other lauds of said estate. (No. 2), south
east by Water street, and southwest by lands in pos
session of It. B. Webb; the same being 695 i feet on
Water street; together with an alley 12 feet wide Mad
am from this lot to the highway leading froth. Water
street by Durth'e tannery to Nichols street.
No. 4.—The undivided one-half of a lot of land in
Wellsboro, bounded on the northwest by Water street,
northeast by D. P. Roberts, southeast by Main street,
and southwest by Wright be Bailey; being 60 feet on
Main street and 260 feet deep; known as the Bowen
& Cone Block" lot.
No. 6.—A lot of land In Welleboro, bounded on the
northwest by lands of James 'Kelley,- northeast by-0.
L. Wilcox, (formerly M. L. Deane;) southeast by Main
Street, and southwest by Israel Richards; being Gil
feet on Main street; known as tho Stevens lot.
No. 6. - L
-A lot of land in Wellsboto, bounded on the
northwst by Main street, bortheat,t by Jacob Broad
tiewt, abuthuast by other lauds of said estate, and
southwest by the Norris lot, (No. 7); being 121 feet no
Main street and 260 lest deep; known as the residence
of said decedent.
No. 7.—The undivided four-li(ths of a lot of laud In
We!labor°, bounded on the northwest by Main street,
northeast by other lands of said deeedent's estate.
,No. 6), southeast by other lands of said estate, and
southwest by Laugher Ittichef being 90 feet ou Main
street and 260 feet deep; known as the "Norris [louse"
No. B.—A lot of laud in Wellsboro, , bounded
,on the
'forth by lands of said estate, east by B. T. Van Horn,
south by,Esst Avenue, and west by H. B. Warriner;
being 78 feet wide on East Avenue and 290 feet deep.
No. 9.—A lot of land In Wollaboro, bounded on the
faith by other lands of said estate, east by lands of
William Bache, south by East Avenue, end west by
lands of F. 1). Fletcher; being 240 feet, on East Ave
one and 200 feet deep, and having four frame dwelling
houses thereon, ' This lot will be divided and sold in
parcels, etiebl6o feet wide on East Avenue.
No. 10.—A lot of land in Welleboro, bounded on the
northwest by lands of L. Bache, A. P. Cone, Jacob
Broadhead, Nathan Niles and Joseph Ribero!le, north
by Joseph Riberolle and lands formerly of Brutus
Fellows, cast by William Bache, south by lots front
ing on East Avenue owned by A. P. Cone, F. D. Fletch
er, Margaret Henry, Charles Fisher, C. F. Austin'.
Elizaleth Maxwell, 13. T. Van Horn, A. P. Cone. S. B.
Warriner, Hugh young, Mrs. D. IL Smith, and said
East Avenue; containing about four acres. This lot
will be divided and sold in parcels to suit the conve
nience of purchasers.
No. 12.—A lot of land in Welleboro, bounded on the
north by lands formerly of Entails Fellows, now Jos.
Riberolle, east by lands formerly of Caroline Austin,
south by Austin street, and west by Bache street; con
taieing two pares of land, and comprising lot 5 on
Austin street and lots 4,6, fl, 10, 12 slid 14 OA Bache
street, according to the allotment of said Cone lands
in Welleboro; excepting therefrom _lots Noe: 4 and 6,
sold by -bald A. P. Couo to Margaret Reese, situate at
the corner of Bache and Austin streets; and being
each 60 feet on Bache street and 200 feet deep.
No. 13.—A lot of land in Welleboro, bounded on the
north by lands sold by said Cone to Lister Butler,
now Walter Sherwood, east by Bache street, south by
'Thomas Davis, end west by William Bache; being lot
No. 9 on Bache letreet, end Mang po feet wide end 180
feet deep,
No. 14.—A lot of land In Welleboro, bounded on the
north by Thomas Davis, east by Beebe street, south
by the west extension of Austin street, and west by
lands of S. T. Roberts and Frank Smith; being 79 feet
on Bache street and 180 feet deep.
No; 15.—A lot of land in Welleboro, bounded on the
north by tile west extension 01 Austin street, east by
Bathe street, and south by lands contracted' to P. lt,
Williams; being 51 feet on Bache street and running
back to an angle.
No. 17.—The undivided one-half part of all that lot
of land situate in Delmar township, in tend pounty,
bounded on the north by warrant No. 1,678, east by
the west line of Charleston township; south by war
rant No. 1,582, and west by warrant No. 1,539; being
a part of warrant No. 1.3;11; containing 600 acres; ex
cepting 100 acres owned by D. L. Deana:
No. 18.--A. lot of land In Delmar, bounded north by
William Downer, east by the Stony Fork road, and
south and west by Avery Gleason; being eight rods
on said road and running back 20 rods; containing
One acre.
No. 21.—A lot of land in Welleboro; bounded on the
northwest by Main street, northeast by Samuel Dick
inson, southeast by John N. Bache, and southwest by
Philena Saunders; being 20 feet on Main street and
62% feet deep; known as the Sherwood lot.
No. 93,—A lot of land in Delmar, bounded on the
north by Henry Sherwood, emit by C. F, Butler, South
by John Dickinson and E. M. Bodine, and west by
lands formerly of Jicob Hiltbold; containing 84 acres;
known as the Winchell lot.
No. 24.—A lot of land in Delmar, bounded ou the
north by the north dine of. warrant No. 4,219 and
lands called the Johnson lot, east by said Johnson lot
and S. H. Packard, south by J. W. Ingerick and un
seated lands, and west by unseated lands; containing
63.8 acres, a part of warraut No. 4,209; known as the
S. B. Warriner lot.'
No. 25.—A. lot of laud situate in Delmar, beginning
at the poutheaet corner of the W. S. and L.. 8. Butler
lot; thence along a warrant life south 64 rods; thence
along 8. S. Packard west 144 rods; thence by the War
riner lot north 26 roils, weal 30 rods, and north 31. G
rods;thence etist 168 rods to the beginning; contoun
ing 6 acres; being a part of warrant N 0.4,219,
No. 26.—A lot of land in Delmar, beginning at the
northwest eorner of the W. 13, and L. S. Butler lot;
thence by the same Lama; 173,11 rods; thence by other
lands of said estate west 93 rods; thence by lands of
Lucinda Sabin north 74 rods; thence by Darius Ford
east 64 rolls, and north 86 rods; thence by Leonard
Palmer east six rods, north 1.3,!1" rods; thence by Je
rustia Painter cast 27 rods to the beginning; contain
ing 66 acme; a part of warrant No. 1,643.
lot of laud in Delmar, bounded' on the
!with by the H. E. Slut/pone lot end Butler, east
by the E. R. Allen lot, south by A. P. Cone, and' went
by laude formerly of James Cores and n. E. Sim
mons; containing 50 acres; part of warrant 4,219;
called the Easley Simmons lot.
No. 29.—A lot of land in Delmar, bounded on the
north by Ira F. Butler, east by the Feeley Simmons
lot, sout a rst by the West Branch and Stony Fork
creeks, d west by the Austin Lawton lot; contain.
tug 3”" acres; called the H. E. Simmons lot; being
a part of warrant No. 4,219 i
No. 29.—A lot of land in Delmar, bounded on the
northeast by the west branch .of Stony Fork creek.
smith by warrant No. 4,220, and west by warrant No.
4,218; oontaining 200 acres. Also s. lot beginning at a
post in said creek; thence along the Easley Simmons
lot north, 65 degrees east, 27 rods, east 60.5 rods,
north 80 rods, east 106 rods, south 39 rods, east 29
rods, south 123.6 rods, east 184 rods, south 60 rods,
west 288 rods; thence by the west branch of Stony
Fork creek to the beginning; containing 200 acres.
No. 30.—A lot of land in Morris township, in said
county, surveyed linen warrant No: 4.220, James Wil
son warrantee, containing 1,60 acres, being the un
seated lands on said warrant.
No. 31.—A lot of land In Merritt, surveyed upon
warrant No. 4,414, James Wilson warrantee, contain
,ing 900 acres, being all the unseated lands on said
No. 32.—A lot of land In Delmar, beginning at the
southeast corner of the F. Moyer lot; thence north
68.3,i' rods; thence oast 169 rods; thence by Da‘iii and
Snapp south 6834 rods to a warrant line; theme by
said warrant line west 169 rods to the beginning; con-
Willing 76 acres; known as the Sampson Babb lot.
No. 32.—The undivided three-fourths of a lot of
laud in Dehnar, beginning et a beech, the west corner
thereof; thence by lands of William Eberents north,
45% degrees east, 27 rods to a poet in the south side of
the Ring road; thence along said road south, 7234 de
gre6s east. 93 rode; thence along the new Stony Fork
road south, 5'U,; degrees west, 70Vrods; thence by
Hector Horton north, 45% degrees west; 1 26 rode;
thence by William Eherentz 41.5 rods to the bogipuing;
containing 21.4 acres; known as the Delmar Cheese
No 86.—A lot of land in Gaines township, in said
county, beginning at the southeast corner, of warrant
No. 2.335; thence west 250 rods; thence north 160
rods; thence east 100 rods; thence north 160 rods; I
thence by the warrant line east 150 rods; thence south
320 rods to the beginning; containing 400 acres; apart
of warrant No. 2,333; known as the "Long Run" or
.illewit" farm.
No. 37.—The undivided one-half of a lot in whal e .
bury, bounded on the west and north by lands for
merly of Aaron Niles, east by William Dennison, and
Routh by Philander Niles; containing 43 acres; known
as the Asa Bullock lot.
No: 38.—A lot or land in Elkland, in said county
bounded north by Main streot, west and south by T
B. Coates, and east by (:). P. Babcock; containing one
eighth of an acre. ••
No. S9.—a, lot of land in Gaines township, bounded
on the north 1)y the north line of warrant No, 1,*35,
east by c David l ttexford, south by the south line of Bahl
warrant, and west by lot No. 21 of Dent's lands In said
township; containing 58.5 acres, and being lot No, n
of Dent's lands in said township.
No. 41.—A hit of land in Morris, containing 56 acres,
known as the A. C. Willianimee lot, bounded by Wm.
Emmick, William Bache and John Williammee.
No. 42.—A lot ot land in Clymer townahlp, in said
county, containing 140 acres, part of warrant No. 2,-
291, known as the Hunt lot; beginning at the north
west corner of said warrant; thence east 145 rods;
thence south 148 rods; thence west 145 rods; thence
north 148 1 rods to the beginning. L
No. 49.—A lot of land in Clymer township, begin
ning at the southeast corner of the Hunt lot, (No. 42);
thence north 44,45 rods, east 34 rode, south 207.8 rode.
west 114 rods, north 163 rods, and (met 80 rods to the
beginning; containing 127 acres, being part of war
rant No. 2,294 known as the MeNtel lot.
No. 44.—The undivided three-eighths part of a lot
of land in Blossburg or BloSs, containing 120 acres,
on warrant survey in the name of Aaron Noss.
No. 48.=-The undivided one-half part of a lot of land
In Charleston township, bounded on the north and
east by ]curia cf 'Martin Bennett, south by J. G. Bard.
and east by Asa Wilkinson; containing 30 acres,
No. 47.—A lot of land in Clpner township, bounded
on the north by Amy &boom:wee, west by Pindsclalm
ed by Fox. south by E. Pier, and east by Stephen
Stiles; containing 25 acres; known ae the William
Schoonover lot.
Terms made mown at time of sale.
J. HARRISON. Administrator
Virellsboro, June 24, 1873.
The above ease is adjourned to
at 10 o'clpolt a, La,
Voila C'ounty
1411? to be •.71 . e1d Wighlooro, on IVedinesday,
I'kursdayi Pttdaiand. Saturday, iikvt.
- 10; 14 12 and 18, 1873,
sl•sao fa Proudness*
, •
All ebtrlem should be made 611 the first day. Ample
p repar iti ono f oud o for the convenience of exhihltora.
Alt articles not mentioned to the list will, be referred
to their proper tKPIIIMIttten and be •sultably rewarded,
it worthy of preuiltune.
All ethihttera must become annual men/here,
Annual membership. (adnitta fami1y,?..........52 00
-tllngle ticket during the Fair ' •
Single adinieslen 60
Carriage" i , 26
Best stallion four'years old or over,
three yeara old,
two years old,
Best pair watched geldings,
watched ream,
draft horses,
Beet three year old gelding,
'• three year old ware, ,
single gelding,
single ware,
broodlnare and colt,
" two year old c01t,3 1
• .
ono year old colt, 11 1
bucking colt,- 2 1
Committee: John Dickinson, A, Hunt, John 11
Bret jack, $5 $ 2
Beat pair• males. 6 2
Uummittee: Relay Button, Bt••lrard Moore, Mauston
Ct,xes lII—CATTLE.
'Best Alderney hull,
4 4 A4realdro,
4 4 Ihirlieni,
" Devon, j •
4 4 Native,
" Aid, rucy cow,
44 Apealnre,'
4 4 bid ham, •
44 Devod,
" Native.
4 4
yore wet king oxen,
" pair three year otd eteere.
44 pair two yi ar old steers,
44 pair one y,114 4.1 d eteere,
two yrar dd heifer, -
• parlil.g heifer,
" Dull calf,
44 h.-11,1..4.f, a i
yard or call;g wit leru than bcad, ° 8
Coulnattllh: Chai:lus tieoro ghat, Jer.
exaielt Klock.
Clans IV-51/E.EP.
i3est tine wool buck, $4 $2
n c e nse wool buck, 4 9
" line %%not awe, It 1
coarse wool ex o, 3 1
.. thrro lambs, 4 2
Land nI sheet., ten or worn, 5 3
CoSnuttak. ; Robert catuvliell, L. VI, Pates, °Lades
nest hoar, $5 $2
.Bosr, 5 II
~ sow aud pigs,,, 6 3
Conintittet : It. ti Edwards, W. W. Euitl;sh, Plumes
0138 a VI—FOG-LT/ff.
Beat thnplay of poultry, (clorltens,) 15 $ 3
variety of !owls, nut leas than ten, 5 3
comtnitteu: Ci. W. sear., M. u. Prince, A, 21. Haz
Bea flaw of butter, $5 $3
tub of butter,
4 1
fa , tory ebeepe, 8 1
ebotbler elleette, 2 1 '
laud-rhade ebeeae, - 3 2
Comtuitteo: Charlea Toles, Hugh Stewart, Ephraim
eLiss vrn—psiD 'CROPS
rest acre of wheat,
" acre of corn,
" acre of oats;
" acre of barley
acre of buckwheat,
" potatoes, 4.. 3 ' 0
All coo' Manta must make entry at the Fair, and
submit proof of measurement. quality. and quantity
,to 13. Potter, Chairman of Executivo,Committre,
prior to the first day of Deputing. neat..
Best six heads of cabbage.
#. sir - beets or more,
" half bushel of rs,
" half bushel of ta bassi.
half bushel or carrots,
~ half bushel of turnips,
" half bus el othniuns,
variety fto toe
" winter squad;
" muskmelon, i
" pumplcln,
• • display of garden vegetables. 5 3
Committee: B. J. Brown, B. F. Kelsey, John Pier
Best bushel of winter wheat,
.. bushel of spring wheat,
boatel of barley,
buehel of ryfh
" buehel or ogts,
bushel of corn in the ear,
bushel of buckwheat,
" halt bushel of clover seed,
halt bushel of timothy seed, 2 1
hAlf bushel of peas, 2 1
half bushel of beaus, 2 1
Committee: Calvin Hammond, L. 11. Gillett, Rober,
Roland. ,
reht ariely of apples,
.•variety of pears,
variety of peaches,
" variety of plums,
" variety of grapes,
general display of fruit, 6 3
.Cointriltlec: Jobn P. Donaldson * L. 1,1, Preblo, Jobn
Karr, .
Best plough, f s2 $ 1
- aide-Lill pl+itti, , ; 2 1
cultivator, ,•-- 2 1
" Oat roller, i 1 0
" harrow, f i
mower and i r , eaper,
" mower,
" thresher ant cleaner,
" straw cutter,
" horse rake,
" hay tedder,
" horse hay fork,
" portable tome,
" fanning mill, i 0
" farm 6ale, 2 0
" washing machine, 1 0
" churn power. 9 0
Committed; Darwin Thompson, Job Doaue, D. G
Stereos. I
Best farm wagon,
" single boggy,
" family carriage
" platform spring democrat,
" double heavy harness,
double carriage harness,
" single harness, "'
"f specimen of blackamithing,
" diaplay of cabinet furniture,
" specimen of carpenter work,
sample of pine lumber.
't sample of sawed shingles,
" shaved shingles,
" sample of clay brick,
" display of finished sole lcatber,
display of finished upper leather,
" corn hasket, _
" half-dozen home-made brooms, 2 1
Cominittee: A. Crowl, A. (1. Sturrock, William II
Best ten yards of flannel,
" ten yards of full cloth.
" ten yards of rag carpet,
" ton yards of tow cloth,
" five yards of linen cloth,
" -specimen of wheat Urea& - -
" specimen of graham bread, 2 1
" specimen of 9qorn bread, 2 1
~ epectimeri of Npple butter. 2 , 1
" gallon of soul , 2 1
" Jar of pickles, I 2 , 1
" specimen of catsup,' i 2 1
" specimen of woolen yarn.
._„..-. t 03.
" specimen of dried beef, ' 1 0,,
"- bed quilt. 2 1
" home-made counterpane, ' 2 1 ,
" pair knit woolen stockings, - 1 U 3.j
" pair knit woolen mittens, , I Oyi
" plain aewiug,
" 'hand•made shirt bosom lind collar, 51 1
" inaohluo-made shirt bosom and collar, 9 1
4 . ton ponnds of maple sugar, 9 1
" gallon syrup, 2 1
• box Ur honey, 2- 1
Committee: Ilre. Lucy Hotchkiss, Biro. John 11
Butler and Mrs. Jno Karr.
Best parloi boquet, 2 1
, e hand Coquet, 2 1
dozen dattliaa, „ 2 1
dimpla of flowers, , 2 1
ewbromory, (work of exhibitor,) 2 1
pair of slippers. 2 1
" oil painting, 2 1
'; specimen of penciling, 2 1 ,
" crayon drawing,
•1 pin cushion,
" display of hair work,
" specimen of wax flowers,
" Warn= of feather flowera,
ottomkn cover,
•• snit under clothing,
unit night clothing,
4 display of bead work,
" card basket, •
• " knit Worsted tidy,
" knit cotton tidy,
sofa pillow, ,
" ottoman,
lamp mat, 1 (1),;
" fancy wall basket. 1 • OR;
0 display millinery, is 3
Committee: Mrs. Jas. C. Dryden, Miaa H. W. Todd
and Mrs. IL M. Soneld.l
biro. I. M. Bodine, Mrs. J. B. 'Shearer, Ml 4. J: B
Potter, Mrs. Abram Walker, and Mra.W. P. Bbumway
John W. Bail y. E W. Williams, and W. A. Stone.
Best piano (7 octave or more) I $lO $5
44 organ. 5 3
44 melodeon, S 3
Committee: W. W. Webb, Mrs. A. B. Eastman, and
Mrs. O. O. Osgood.
Best Braga Band, a ' $35 $l5
J. B. Potter, Chairman. 'Walter Sherwood. W. P.
ShullawaY. W. P. Campbell. J. B. Bowen, D. A. Stow
ell. and Nelson Olaua.
I. /1. BODINE,
Wellsboro Driving Park.
There will be trotting as follows on the 2d, 8d and
4th days of the County Fai4 under the direction of
the Wellaboro Driving Park! Association. Tickets to
the Fair, whether for persona or carriages, will admit
the holders to.the Driving IPark without additional
reeteduas, $2)500.
September, 11th, 12th and LZth, NMI
Fon IJAY. , -110. 1, purse of $3OO. Von horse* tbst
never trotted hotter tbsu three minutes.
First premium....
Second premium
Third premium.... ... ......... _ i,u
Fourth premium
No. 2,4,drse $4OO. For bosses that -Hover trotted
better then 2:10.
Fh et premium... S2eo
Second premium 100
Third premium 41 0
Fourth premium.... ..... to
PECtibID DAY.—Fu. 8, purse of $2OO. Running
First premium
Second premium
Third premium
No. 4, putee of $BOO. For horses 'that never trotted
better than 2:82. -
First premium
Second premium '
..... 200
Third premium
Fourth premium..
.... • 151)
TfltflD DAY..-NO: 5, purse of $BOO. i For horses unit
never trotted better than 2:60. •
First premium
Second premluth •
Third premium
Fourth premium
No. 0, purse of 'Free to all
First premium
Second premium... .....
Third premium... ......
Fourth premium
let 24.
55 $5
t 8 2
..10 5
3.0 6
11, 2
4 2
A 2
4 2
4 2
For Restoring Griy air
Warming years',
car e , diaaPPoint•
it, and hereditary
, sposition, all ta r p
lair gray, and eltliPt
AID luclitie it to sled
vvrt's Hdrß Vioes, by
and extrusive nee,
Proven that it atoll
falling of the line
irdiately; often ri.
re ths growth, Cud at.
qt Bluely restoree 14
wovben faded or gray.
Simulates the nutij•
tive organs to healthy activtty, and preserves both the
hair and its beauty r Thus brashy,weak, or sickly hair
becomes glossy, pl i fable and strengthened: lest lair
regrows with lively expression; falling hair is check.
'ea and stablished; thin hair thickens; add faded or
gray hairs resume their original color. Its operati on
is sure and' harmless. It Mires' dandruff, he a l s all
humore,'aud keeps the acai cool. clematid
der which conditions, diseases of the scalp a r p h at ,
$ 6 $8
6 8
6 8
1 8
4 1
6 8
6 8
6 8
I 2
4 2
5 8
4 2
8 1
2 1
8 1
8 1
As a dressing for' ladles' hair, the Irrsort is palled
fur its grateful and agreeable perfume, and valued fur
the soft lustre and richness of tone It !Isparta.
Dr.. 7. C. AVER & CO., Lowell, ➢laos,,
Ang. 12, 1812-Iy-eow. Rot
EIIERS Teatamentary on the estate of Jurors
Spencer, lath of Chatham township, Ties' cows.
y, deceased, having been granted to theuadet.
signed by the Register of Ttoga county, ad persons
indebted to said estate are requested to mak y ps,7.
meta, and those having claims against said esta yip
present the same to the undersigned in Cha ; p i ,.
Chatham, Pa; July 15, 1873-6 t. Stem
$5 0
6 0
2 0
Groceries and Provisions,
2 '1
- a 1
2, 1
2 1
2 1
3 •
1 0)i
1 Ox,
1 0%
AVINO purchased the stock of McNiel t fill
drotn, would say to his friends and the pubile
generally that he will endeavor to merit their latron•
migeby keeping constantly on baud a large and nen
selected stock of
$2 $1
2 1-
2 1
2 1
2 1
2 1
CIGARS, &c.,
so SO
# 2
2 1
2 1
2 1
vbiclt will be sold at fitir prices
2 0
3 0
2 0
6 0
2 1
1 0
1 0
. 2 1
Remember the place,
llaburo, July 22, 1873 -tf.
$ 5 $ 3
K 3
5 3
5 3
4 2
4 2
4 2
Insurance,Real EstateiSteamstiiii
AgLar.lll3l 4 4 CI'S? .
trirDraftu eolil payable to auy city or tou u in Europe.
•Ailreabiu, Secoud Cabin, or Steerage l'aseagt tiara
to or from any town in Europe from or to WelTsbore,
by the Anchor Lino, or the Williams and Eimon„G.ls.
Mail Line of Obeau Steaniern.
4 •2
5 3
3 1
2 1
z 1
2 1
2 1
Estate bought and sold on Cotnansious
/hr . ! desire to call particular attention to the'issus
slice facilities afforded by the old and well knot;
2 - X
6 R
5 3
2 , 1
Wellsboro insuranr Agency.
Capital Represented_ 0,40,01,
'ETNA, of Haitford, Coon. 4
HOPE, of New York.
$2 isl
2 1
a 1
a 1
2 1
2 1
FRANKLIN, of Philadelphia .I
PENNSYLVANIA, of Philadelphia
PHENIX, of Brooklyn, N Y.
Policies Written in any of the ibove leading com
panies at standard rates. Losses promptly paid at
my office. No. 9 Bowen's Block. YOUNtI. -
Nov. 10. i. 512.
41 q - q
Stoves, Tin and Hardware!
WOo to D. IL BIZLCHER..t- Co'a for your Stoves,
Tin and Sheet Iron.
Sit-Go to D. H. Belcher & Co•s for your Mafia sad
Oeueral Hardware.
2 1
1 o;
2 1
2 1
iVerCio to D. H. Belcher • Co's fur your Haying and
Harvesting Toole. ,
2 1
1 O
2 1
2 1
2 1
1 0%
1 0%
1 0
1 0%
/ 03
' thirGo to D. B. Belcher & Co's for your Tab's 0
Pocket Cutlery.
" 46r Go to D. H. Belcher 47 Co's for your Bops and
Horse Forks. -
lla - Clo to D. H. Belcher Co's for the beet Meanie
Lined Wood Purapeo
larGo to D. H. Belcher & Co's for the beat llos in
this country.
• sai- oto D. H. Belcher di Co's for your Tin Roof.
ing and Spouting.
/EP - Go to D. 11, Belcher tt Co's for your RsPall
of all kinds, which ' wo do on abort notice Is
gaunt:deo satisfaction.
We are agents for the D. Dawson Movting Machin*
to which we call your special attention. ET 6I
Machine-warranted for two years. Extras
f f ail kinds
for this Machine kept on band or furnish to order.
Any . person wishing to buy the best Machine tu
market will do Well to give us a call. ,
First door below the Postale°, Wellidore, Iti
June 24, 181'3*-314.
h `I
NEWLY MARRIED r.? OP/X WO via °"`"
outfit for tkonsekeeang at Kally ip 'a cl C e biz an ta g glill 71114111
GO •
I HE , B. HAA'III4O3B, Bec'y.
Y and Color.
PltEpeltFp BY
Pr actical and Aftatutical Chemist.
Executors' Notice.
NvELLariono, r 4
Come and buy ONCI and you will again
Second door below the Wollsboro Hotel
No S. Bowen's Rock