. . ° - . . ... . . - .. . VOL. X ~-,- 32 1. ---No,. .- -; . . . . . el)e c Aoitator.',: eusuramsii a - varre TrlssaiT ire' . T ' 13 2N. - rtNiniE3 itib tak.cs-sri, - - .. rp' , " 74 ". -A. 11. ROT ir n t H u, :—:52,00 par annum Cu adtviincis.lii --- . _.--_°.7 -1111 . 11110111 . 11111111111111111.111111111111 . 11111 . 1101 r ----- ' — _ " n..-116•4' OF ADVERTISING. ^__,-- Nue. i / /0/ 2 In. ' a in. 4 in. ,Co)ii liCol 1 Cal. t0 ,,,,g sl ko S 2 00 $3OO 9,1 . 004600 1900 814' 00 1 9 rete 1 Sil 3 01$ 3 0.1 5. 001 10011 00 'l6 00 .v..vut, 2W 300 Sint 600 60018 00 18 00 • ,'' i ,f.,,,th 2 , - ,e), 108 8 z, 1 7 00 9 00 15 00 20 00 7 \ i„ n tligi 4 001 11 00 ! ~ 10 00112 00 20 00 28 00 X „,„,„iBroor 0.1112 00 00 95 00 ~ a,.,,u , A Bqo uOO In 00 20 00 22 00 86 00 '6O 00 1 4 ~ , ,t r, 12 tlii IS 04/ ;15 00 28 00 36 00 60 00 100 00 _ - - i.tiortvacutenteareealottlated bycthe 'nob in length or olitnin, and any less space is retail as a f a mi ne -1 1 , foreign tavertiaeraeuts mast be patfleot *storabl e,: twit, except on yearly contracts, when tiail l yeatly ply mania 1 u advance mill be required. -, Posnekt. Norics.c, coats per itne each insertion. Novuog inserted for less then It. desinsain Ilcuessin the Editorial colniuna, on the wand page, 15eente per line each insertion. ltoth log inserted for leafs than tt. tionsu NoTICRB 111 Luca) column, 10 cents per lino if in-Te than five !Wee and 50 cards toll a notice ot (Ws hoes or less. itTNOUNCI.3IgIfre of MAR/ MOSS and Dieruslnserted ; but all obituary notices Will be charged 10 cents p.,r line. r Ecis NOVO:P.SO pee cent above regular rates. i;u,tv see CAIIDEI lines or less, $15,00 pa year. Business Cards. R. VlaeligLDra. V. &. .101115$0Ii. Batchelder & Johnson, ki ,,,, f ,Aurpos of Monuments; Tombstones, Table poi, i,:oitatere, Sze. Call awl lee. Shop, Wall, et., 01 , k , , ,,11e rantirY. Wellaboro, Ya.--July 8; 18'{9. , C. It. Seymour, ,vr LAW, Tioga Pa. tll I.llleilleßß erk t,,t to Ims ,lice Will receive 1872. Geo. W. :Herrick, 10E1 Ai' I...M.—Wellabor°, Pa. Office to 13r1t,2 .610.:u, Mali) street: secoud Bell 140111 Office. 3litchell & Cameron, , i( N.Eys AT LAW, 1)1alia and Insurance Agents. in Cenvorse S Williatun brick block, over 1 .6e..§.. Osgood's storo, Wellaboro, Pa.—Jan. 1. • William A. Stone, dtSEY ATIAN, over C. B. Kelley's Dry Clopd e, Wright & Bailey's Block on Main street. Bbole. Jan. 1, 102, ah Emery, my - SEY AT LAW.—Of ice oppoAtte Court Holum, 1 Purdy 8 Block, Wilburn aport, Pa. All bualuese run way atteraled to.--lau. 1, 11112. J. C. Strang, 011 FEN AT LAW & DISTRICT ATTORNEY— ate JH. Niles. Esq., Wellaboro, Pa.-Jan. 1, '72 C. N. Dartt, 11‘3T —Teeth made with the NEW iStPnOTESIEZII". 1,,01 give better datteraction than any thing else me. Office in Wright st Galley's klieek. Od. 15,167'2. J. B. Niles,. ATTOItNEY AT LAW.—Will attend p: omptly bus- Webs clitruited to his cure in the counties o p Tioga rod Oihi o en the Avenue.—Welleboro, den. 1,1 s;/. Juo. Adions, etronar AT LAW, blautiflela, 'Boo county, Pa 01k ttutte vointy attended to,—Jan. 1, 11172. C. L. Peck, fotiNEV AL' LAW. Alit:Lam:4 proutpay collected 0111:A...bah W b. Swab, Kuosvillo, Tioga (Jo., Yu. C. B. Kelly. „ ~. Nikr ID Croel.ory. Chula and Glaass ware, 1 ble Cut hly lad Plib.,l Ware. Also Table and Ho se Far Eubutug Hoods.—Wellsbere. Va., Sept. Li, WM 3 po. NV. Guernsey, ATTORNEY AT business entrusted to hiut 401 be proitivtly wooded to.—Oilico /ISt door south ilsl‘liatu 4t: F'srr's store, T. iogs, Tioes. county, Pa. Jill 1, 157/ Armstreng & Linn, ITPIItNEYS AT LAW, Wtllimusport, rr. H. AIINtSTRONG. Sauer L Win. D. Smith, PENSION ATIORNEY, Bounty and Insurance Agent enumunteatfona eclat 'to the above address Will re Lure prompt attention. Tenzin moderato.—Enoz vine, Pa. Jan. 1. 1872. Barnes dt Roy, 108 PRENTERS.—AII kinds of Job Printing done on ihort notice, and in the best manner. Ofileoin Bow en Cone's Block, 2 dan. 1,1872. abinsvillei Rouse. SVEINiTILLY, Tloga CO., Pa.—Benn Pro's. Proprietors ru Sous. has been thorongitly renovated and is mw is good condition to accumulate the traveling ithtir tirs superior manner.--San. 1, 1873. D. Bacon, M. D., IHNICI IN AND sunar.ox—lklay bo found at hie ytoe, 13%. fluor East of Miss Todd's—Ntam street- Attollll promptly to all oalle.—Wollaboro, l'o., Wa 1 , 1512.‘ Seeley, Coats & Co., ev;hF.l - t.i, Knoxville, Tloga Co., Pa.—Receive:, mouey cll4cuent motet), fled 0.-,11 drafts WI Now tint tatty. Oulleutlotuv promptly made. %I.AtoAN 3Extra, Osceola. VIIOVCRANDALL, lath t, 1572. PAYirt . Obers, Knoxville Petroleum House, i ttllFir.LD, PA.., Geo. Close, Proprietor.—Good ac „ ,,, tnnln(intlon for both than and beast. Charges rea and good attention given to guests. Jan. 1, 1871 W. W. Burley, ' I ANUFACTURER OF ail styles of light and heavy carriages, . Carriages {rept eo .stantly on baud All s,,rlc warranted. Confer Cans and Ennio Streets, 11 .iiiellsville, IL' Y. Orders left with C. B. Kelley, tvell,horn, or E. It. Burley, Chatham, will romlise prempt atteution.---Juno 3, 1373*-6 mos. M. L. Sticklin, l'!ALEit in Cabinet Ware of all kinds which will be lower than the lowest, He invites all to take ro,,k at hfa goods before purchasing elaewhero.- I(narinber the plaee—oppoalte Dutra' Wagon Shop. west Slabs Street, Wellebore. Feb. 25, 11.813-13% Airs. Mary E. Lamb. lIILLINERY.—Wishett to inform her friends and the , hlte generally that she has a large stock of hlllllm. and F.Hey hoods suitable for the season. which sehl at reasonable prises. Mrs. H. E. Kim -1,01.w ...barge of the making mid trimming du- Alni,nt, mid will give her attention exclusively to Next gosr to the Conroe & Williams Block.— Yale 86.Yan Holm R• tn stionfacturing several brands of cliolce Cigars we will sell at prices that cammtbut please .!•lt , t ,, alcre. We use Inoue but the best Connect ' at, Ile\ auti. and Tara Tobaccos. We make nor own sod fur that reason can warrant them. We "T , a geueral assortment of good Chewing and ? ""A.l.r Tobaccos, snuffs. Pipes from clay to the " Hee; rneltautz, Tobacco Pouches, ,kc whole *Cu and retail.-Dee. 24. 1572. John It. Anderson, Agt. w ot , t.sNi.v, & ILEUM DFALLI: IN lIARDWARE, 4 : , Tei, iron, Steel, Nails, 'tulle° 'l'rlinnituga, Me ',rllics"roolA, Agricultural Implemeuta, Carriage ./5. 3 L i ,, S, Sprknog r Atium. co., Pocket and 'Table ( ! 111, ry,111 WA Ware, ti atutmud Ammunition, Whigs, l ' i '"ll^—w od and Won—the beat le use. Manulac t!.,t aul It.aler iii Tin, Copper, and Bheot-Iron ..m 1' , ....e.,..; in "iu and [rum All won: Warrant tul--Jhu. 1, 143. WKLLSOOIIO HOTEL, COR. MAIN - ST. & TUE AVENUE, WELLSBOR.O, PA. B. B. HOLIDAY, Proprietor /his hotel k the travelind locateg, audpublic. iu T good he prOprieto n coud tio r Uei IN, I re no Paine to make it a drat-class house. -All r 1 ,111,) a nve and depart from this house. Free and [nun all trains. tix,ber and industri ons host -2abtass in attendatmii: Ittrek 19. 1873.-tf, JUST RECEIVED, A V kiri LARGE STUCK OF BEAVER, BROAD c s,E,simtnE, vEgTuitig, AND TRI4.- which I will sell very cheap FOR 0A.1311. .1u , f i r. the best assortment of Gooda ever bronght.to tilsboro, of various styles. Pluiso call l au d look I kern over. Nstlog stilts', Overcoats, and Repairing done with 6/ ifeach sod as Cheap as the cheapest. GEGROK WAGNER, Grafton Street, Wellaboro. Pa. 'm 1 .11872, 17 General Insurance Agency, ENOXV/LIA TIM M 04.. PA- Fire, and Accidental. Alonisida, of Cleveland. Ohio 4 . 36,060.41 Now York Lite and Fire ins. Co ...... . —.21.000,000 Royal Ins. Co., of, Liverpool 10,516,601 Lancashire, of Afaneheker, Capital,.. 10,000.000 Lae. 00, of North America, Pa.., $3,060,836 HO FrankUn Tiro lea. Co. of Phila. ka.; 2,067,452 25 Republic: Ins. Co. of N. Y., Capital, 8750,000 Niagara 'Fire In Fire Inns. Co. of N. T • 1 00(1,000 Farmers Net, . Co. York Pa .909,889 16 Plicenla Mitt. Idfo ins. Co. of Hartford Ct. :6,081,070 60 Perm'a Cattle Rm. Co. 047 Pottsville 600,000 00 .. , Total $66,431.46194 gnearance promptly effected by than' or otherwine, on all binds of Property. Alt leSsts promptly adjusted A nd pai at ni Wee.. Alt con d untu d y e ° atioa promptly attended to—Office on 'AIM street 2a Jour from Alain at., Knoxville pa. SSW, B. SMITH Agent Jan. I. 1878-K. General Insurance Age J. 11. CA lIIIPBELL A RR issuing policies in ths following ComPaulta counties against fife and lightning in nog. and Potter QUEEN, ----Assets, $10,000,000.00 CONTINENTAL of Nei York, ..2,609.520.27 HANOVER, of Now York 983,981.00 GERMAN AMERICAN, New York... ....1,232,009.1X) WYOMING, of Wilkesbarre, Pa -219,098.{2 WILLIAMSPORT, of Wm'sport 118,000.00 All business promptly attended to by mail or other Wife. Losses adjusted and paid at our office. Nelsip, Dec. 10, 1872-IY. LOOK I HASTINGS .& COLES DRUGS,MEDICINES, Paints, Oils„ Glass, Putty, Brushes, Trusses, Supporters, and Surgi- HORSE t CATTLE POWDE.RS, Llqtlofe, Scotch Ales, Cigars, Tolfacco, Snuff. &c., &c., PHYROLtMe PRESCMTIONB CAEVFIILLY COUPOUNDUD Groceries, Sugars, Teas, CANNED AND DRIED FR UIT, Shot, Load, POwder and Caps, Lamps, Chimneys, Whips, Lashasi &u. BLANK BL. MISCELLANEOUS MOCZAD All Scboot Books in use. Envelopes, Stationery, Bill and Cap Paper, Initial paper, Itletuoraudurns, large and small Dictionaries, Legal paper, School Cards and Priniera, Ink, SWUM t Fluid, Chess and Backgammon Boards,' Picture Frames, Curds and Tassels, 'Mirrors, Albuml; Paper Collars and Cuffs, Croquetts, Bass Balls, parlor games, at wholesale and retail. 'WA'Reid, port monies, .combs, pins and needles, scissors, shears, knives, violin strings, bird cages. A great variety of pipes, dells, inkstands, measure tapes, rules, Fishing Tackle, hest trout flies, lines, hooks, _ Special attention paid to this line iu the neason. TOILET AND :FANCY ARTICLES AGENTS FOR AMERICAN STESMSAFES, VILLAGE LOTS for tfale in the central 'part of the Boro 11are1115, '73-tf. 1 07' Sale or Rent: HOUSE AND LOT corner of Pearl Street and Av enue. Also for nate, aeveu village lota near the Academy. Apply to ELLIOTT Ai DOSAU , i Wellaboro, Pa. Oct. 29,1872-tf Jan. 1, 1872 MRS. C. P. SMITH, HAS just return front Now Yolk with the largest assortment of MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS ever brought into Welisboro, and will give her custom ere reduced prices.. She has a splendid assortment of Ladies suits, Parasols, Gloves, Pans, veal and Imi tation hair goods, and a full nue of ready made white gbods. Prices to suit alt, - - - GO AND SEE INA BALL TVELLSBORO, PA. Surveyor's Notice. EDWARD BRYDEN offers his service to the public as a Surveyor. He will be ready to attend prompt ly t> all calls. Ile may be' found at the law office of E. -Sherwood & Son, in Wellaboro, or at his real dence nn East Avenue. Wellsboro, Pa., May 18, /873—tf. CHINA HALL,WellsbOro. • LIVERY STABLE. IcETCIIAM & ROLES proprietors. Fitst-claso rigs furnished at reasonable. rates. Pearl street, op posite Wheeler's wagon shop. A PUBLIC-MACK will bo on the street at all feilsonable bonrs. Pams• engem to and from the depot to any part of the town will be charged twenty-five cents. For families or small parties for pleasure, one dollar per hour. Wellsberi), July 15, 1873. KETCHAM & COLES. THE NEW ccict &;'`Ctititsoi Sewing, Machine ! The Great _Munilly Sewing Machine of the 700,000 Wheelorit Wilson Family Sewing Machines now in Use. TUE improvements lately added to this Celebrated Machine have maths it by far the most desirable Family l'ifachino in thil market and have given an im petus to the sale of it, never before equaled in the history of Sowing 'Machines. Examine for yourself; consult your own interests in buying a Sewing Afacnine; and DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF by that too common illusion, that all Loci-Stitch Sewing Machines are 'goods enough, or that any Ma chine will answer your purpose If it makes the stitch alike on both aides of the fabric, - EXAMINE WELL THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE MACHINE YOU BUY, and not pay your money for a heavy-running, slow motioned, noisy, complicated Machine, thrown to gether in such a manner as to last Just long enough wear out both your body and patience. Therrils a great distinctive difference -between the WheeleS & 'Wilson and all other Machines that make thoLoek.Eititch. Audit is td this differenee that we wish to especially call your attention. It Makes the Lock, (or Shuttle Stitek,) bi Thereby dispensing with the. shuttle and all machinery requirtd to run a shuttle; also doing away with the take-up that is to be found In all shuttle Machines; and owing to the peculiarity of its construction, ONLY ONE TENSION IS REQUIRED, , while ell other luck-stitch Iftiehlnee require two March 25,'78-Iy. ,' , . . „ • . ~, . . - . • 't . • , . , •• - • - -, ' . •-:,...fA•:.. - ,' .! - • .- . , if* , . ... . ... . - I-, ii. -,,,,,-,-:', r-,., --..-.,--...-. - -.-_ ~.--• -: -•-•,,, _ ,-,, ..., . ~,. „,, _„ „_._•, __ - !:,-.'... -_.,.-. --- -; N. 001,1. . ~ , ... ... . . ~ .- .. . . • . . .., ....... ‘.4... . 40 ,„,•,,...„.„. ~...5„. - ..:.)• . , .. • . , . :- ,. - t ‘C 'i . i iiim. ;: :, (4 .''''-'l / 4 2 .- :,...:, vt . # l , t_11 ,7, 1 . ~ .. . I, ' 1 i,::::: - -: "..,..: .I.' • . • :Ai% " ' t'ji., -- - - ~ 1 1 • • 7 . .. -. . : . , ••••i 0 ' .• .. . . .. . . . ~., „ , .... 44:54,_ ~,... t _t ~,,,, t . ,:,lor , Ac e. • ..-,.. . - .•t•l' '...._ ..4-1..... - t. , ,_. ~ ( ... 1 , ! ‘ •• _ .•,. , ~. , . -, ,-......... s - '( -- 1 , 2.1-" , <,',.‘• )••XVI , , - ~- ' • . • , • , . ~ ... , ~. - • . • , . , ~_ l ' - `, - :_•t„, ••• ' ..4 .* 14 iati °34 %&.- 4. 2trcirobil?C ''' - ' , , , . .. . . .....- • - - . 5 ... ft _ . •, . ~ . . • . , .... . . . , A99L - 113 OVER 566,000,000. AlitiETA OP COMPANIEtt Nsx.aolf, Trooe Co., Ps, LOOK I' FOR_ PATENT MEDICINES, cal Instruments, Artist's Goods in Great Variety NOTIONS. baskets and rods HASTINGS & COLEB ROTARY MOTION Civilized Tirorld TO BE BLINDED does it without a Shuttle ! GEO. ROBINSON, Agent, IVELIABINIO. PA. Y.. k , . TIVII/lAN ~. -IIi_UMANA-P07::': New Firm, New Goods, NEW STORE, BOTTOM PRICES. PRING&SUMMEn 1 4 ) 6 - 001)S n FOREIGN & DOMESTIC, OE Nabies' Prtss 6,eatts, MI styles, colors and patterns, ALAPAGAS, POPLINS, CAM BRIGS, FRENCH JACON ETS, ORGANDIES, PEQUAS, VB.R SAILES, . BLAG'K bOLORED SILKS, Beautiful. Summer Shawls, YANKEE NOTIONS, BOOTS &SllOlll, Ready-Made Clothing, and plenty of cloth to wake more Trash Groceries, Best White A Sugar, .1.2 i cents. A large and choice stock of 117TTTTTTITTTTTTT at very low prices. We keep the best 60 cent Tea in - - , A large stctok or Crockery. Call rend see us. Opera House Block. May 6, 1879 We have She4.the Shanty ! L.BALIR1118(GO And Dow have but time to say o our friends and enatoroore that we have good BARGAINS Our Etegani New Slore DESIRABLE GOODS at the lowest palms to be toiled Cali and you 7111 know how It In yourselves Oot 15+1872. WELLSBORO, TIOGA CO., PA., TUESDAY, AUGUST 1873 PAN +iiimotrumato A latrui stock of Conflicting or -ALSO HATS CAPS, WELLSDOBO TAVAIAN & CO TIOG.A., PA volt Ititni Is tilled l'lll of T. L. IiALDWIN & CO The' eriplile's Story, bY tstautms. PINIV. MAYO, Wag not born here. i it lutist be bard To he a poor lame child In anch a place; Who'd wonder at his pinched and wearied face. When he is from God's own grabs and trees debarred? But Just beer:rise I pity him. I guess • , The God who made him does not pity less Lincoln 'a my 'place. I hoar they Call it flat; The country thereabouts; butto my rumd It's just the tif we/a te t Rent you'll ever And. But then the Nana one's holm In 'et always that, I know etr, but i often Rif, Rear parson talk 13f Kcaveu, and think of it. ,They were as kind at home as kind can be. It father carried Irate or little Joe, The rest would fret, and want a turn, you know, But never minded how he mrried me. I've /revered over many a mile like that. (God help the folk who call that country 110,4,1 If you've 8. trouble any OM can Sebs I think you'll always find them very kind. It's when you go selimplog to your mlud, You get pushed over, or let coldly be. Do t knew auglitot that Well. sty, I do. We cripplee have our hearts, sir, just like you I could not play with urchins rough and strong, But played among the girls; and there was ono Would leave her comrades to their dance and fun Beside my halting crutch to move along; Lent me her books, and gave herself no rest To dud the flowers she knew I liked the bdst. And at the old church steps she'd Mans wait And give a friendly hand to help me down, Till prouder of my crutch than of a crown I grew. Out of such threads God weaves our Cato: • And St wont on, and I grew up with her, And was bsWitched to ask—you guess it, sir? We two were walking in a long green lane; Why, Jim," she said, •• I never thought you'd care You seemed so different from the rest—but there; Forget it. Let us he ourselves again." She pitied we, and yet with half a smile,— I should have understood it all the while. I was so foolish that I couldn't bear Tlle fields with all their dear old pollard trees. There always seemed a voice upon the breern Baying, Why, Jim, I never thought you'd caro." So now, the old folks dead, I came away, And•fouutl this Court—a change of scene you'll say When I went back again she was not there. (I'd thought to Bud her wed and wish her Joy.) lint she had gone. sir, with a babpboy And'wbere she'd gone the people didn't care; They gave her bitter names end fon) alograce. Oh, sir,.l only'saw the sweet, good, childish facet Pre never found her, sir. I've gone about Over thia city when my work was done. But, air, they're many, and she's only one; And now I think that I mind die without. ' Hhn'e dead, I fear, in some black efts , ' nod. I loved her, sir, and so, I hope, did God! I've helped a few poor girls for her dear aake. I do not fear their paint or evil tongue; Homebody knew them, eir, when they were young They've told me steiies tlt one's heart to break; And if I am kind to them, It helps my faith Ood sent her comfort, somehow, ere her death. I've had a hard life / Did you say so. sir? No, no; you see I often ponder thus: . The very Bible seems express for us. Christ healed the lame, and Spoke to girls like her No, sir, I think my sort of life's the best— Just makes one tired enough to like one's rest. It's sixty years I've bobbled ou my way, She must be dead, and I—l can't last long. I'll know her voice in all the burst of song When 'leaven's gates open. If she's there, d'ye say? We mayn't condemn our foes, says God above, Barely he lets us hope for those we love. The Hare and the Hedgehog. FROM 7'R LOW GERMAN OF SCITROpER This is a tough story to tell, youngster, but true it is for all that, fur my grandfather, from whom I have it, used always . to say when he told it, "True it mtist be, lily son, otherwise one could not tell it so at Olt" And this is the way the story ran. 'Twits on a pleasant Sunday morning to ward barvest time, just as the buckwheat' blossomed. The sun had gone brightly up into the heavens, the morning wind swept warm over the stubble, the lark sang in the air, the bees hummed in the buckwheat, the good folk went in their Sunday gear to church, and all creatures were happy, and the hedgehog al:so_ _ The hedgehog stOeicrlielo — re - the his arms folded, - peeped out into the morn ing air, and chirruped a little song to him self, just asogood and just as bad as a hedge hog is wont to sing on a pleasant Sunday morning. And as he was singing to him self in a cheery little voice, all at once it came into his head that lie might just as well, while: his wife was washing and dress ing the children, take a little walk into the field to See how the turnips were standing. Now the turnips were close to the house, -and he used to eat them withjiis,family, so that he looked upon them as his own.— No sooner said than done. The hedgehog shut the house door after him, and took his way to the field. He had not gone very far from the house, and was about to turn just by the thorn bush which stands there before the field, near the turnip patch, when he met a hare who had gone on a similar busi ness, namely, to look after his cabbages.— When the hedgehog caught sight of the hare be bade.him a friendly " good-morn ing!" But the hare, who in his own way was a mighty fine gentleman, and held his head very high, answered nothing to the hedgehog's greeting, but said to ,the hedge ! hog, putting on thereby a' most scornful mien, "Howhappens it then that thou art strolling about here in the field so early -in, the morning?" . • " I'm taking a walk," said the hedgehog. " Taking a walk!" laughed the hare, " methinks thou mightest have used those legs of thine for better things." - This answer vexed the hedgehog hugely; he could stand almost anything, but his legs he didn't like to have spoken about, because they were crooked by nature. ".Thou thinkest, perhaps," said the hedge hog to the hare, " thou couldat do more with thine own legs?" "That's what I do think," said the bare. "That depends upon the trial," quoth the hedgehog. bet that if we run a race to gether I beat thee hollow." " That's quite laughable; " thou with th crookedlegs!" said the bare; "but I e nothing 'against it if thou art so bent upon it. What's the bet?" " A golden louis d'or and a bottle of bee brandy!" said the hedgehog. " Done," said the hare; then it may come at once." "Nay, there's no such hurry," said the hedgehog; "I'm still quite hungry; I'll go home and get a bit of breakfast first; with in half an hour I'll be here again on the spot." With this the hedgehog went his way, for the hare was also content. On the way the hedgehog thought to him self: " The hare trusts to his long legs, but I'll fetch him for all that; he's a fine gen tleman, to be sure, but still he's only a stn• phi fellow, and pay he shall!? Now when the hedgehog came to his house he said to his wife: Wife, dress thyself in My gear quickly, thou must go with me to the field." " What's all this about?" said the wife. " I've bet the hare a golden lords d'or and a bottle of brandy that I beat him in a race, and thou must be by." "0 my God! husband," began the wife of the hedgehog to cry; " art thou foolish? hast thou quite lost thine understanding?— How enlist thou wish to run a race mith the hare?" "I-fold-thy mouth, wife," said the hedge hog; " that's my businesst don't meddle I , with men's affairs! March! Dress thyself in my clothes, and then come along." What could the hedgehog's wife do? She had to follow, whether or no. When they were on the way together the hedgehog said to his wife: " Now listen to what I have to suy geest thou—on the long acre yonder will be run our race. The hare runs in one furrow and I in another, and we begin to run up there. Now thou !last nothing else to do than to take thy place here in the fur row, and when the hare comes up the other side thou must call out to him, 'l'm here already!'" With this they had reached the field. The hedgehog showed his wife her place, and went np the furrow. When he got to the upper end the bare was already there. "Can we start?" said the hare. "" Yes, indeed!" said the hedgehog. "To it, then!" And with that each one pi-teed himself in his furrow, the hare count ed one, two, three, and away he went like a stoup-wind down the field. The hedge hog ran about three steps, and then ducked down in the furrow and sat still. " When the hare, on the full bound, came to the lower end of the field the neighbor& wife called out to hint, " I'm here already I" The hare started, and wondered not a little; he thought not 9therwise than that it was the hedgehog hmself that ran out to meet him, fur, as every one knows, the hedge hos'e wife looks jtiat likeim-husband, But the hare thought there was something wrong-Omit all. this Another racet at It againr..And away he went like a storm wind; ad that lois ears lay flat on his hesd. .Itut the hedgehog's wife staid quietly r ip her place. 'When the hare came to the upper end the hedgehog-called out to him, "I'ni here already." But the hare, beSide him self with rage, cried, "Another race! At it again!" "I'm quite willing," answered the hedge hoe, "just as often as thou likest."t So the hare ran three and seventy times, and the hedehog held out. to the very end With him. E very time the hare came either below or above, the hedgehog or his wife said, "I'm here alreadyl" But the four end seventieth time the hare chine no wore to the end. In the middle of the field he fell to the earth and lay -dead upon the 'spot. Bo the hedgehog took the louis d'or and thibottle of brandy he had won, called his wife out of the furrow, and both went home together; and if they are not dead are living stilt. So it happened that on the- Buxtehude heath the hedgehog ran the hare to death; and since that time no hare has ever dream ed of running a race with a Buxtehudo hedgehog. But the moral of this story is, first, that no one, however high and mighty he may think himself, shall let it happen to him to make merry over an humble man, even if tie be a hedgehog; secondly, that it is advi sable, when one marries, that he take a wife out of, his own condition, and one who looks just -tike himself. Ile, therefore, that is a hedgehog must look to it that his wife is also a hog—and so forth. 'TUE MYRnaty Ulf 41 OLD TWA" [By an Occasional Correspondent of the Tribune.} BAXIATOoA, July 21st.—" Who is `Did Tom?'" asked Mrs. Spriggins. I replied that I did not know, and asked why she asked. " Because," - she said, " When Mr. Sprig gins and I are(sitttng 'on the piazza, every little while Borne of his friends come up and say that ` Old Tom' wants to see him, and he gets up and goes off looking pleased, and comes back with his face shinier than ever and smelting of peppermint." Several of the young ladies have asked me if there is a spring away off on the far • Piazza, for they see the gentlemen wiping' their mouths when they come back from a promenade there. This morning the Sprigginses were down to breakfast later than usivd, and there was a difference in the order of their arrival.— Usually Mr. Spriggins frisks in first, in a sort of I-pay-for-this style, and Mrs. Sprig gins, leading the little S priggins by the I hand, follows with the grace and dignity of a Christian mother conscious of trying to do her duty and satisfied with the way tier back hair's done up. But this morning Mrs. Spriggins led the van with the injured a air of person who pays taxes and if; not allowed to vote, and Mr. Spriggins followed after with his head down on the floor as though hunting for something he had lost; and his hair was thinner than usual—looked as though the moths, had got in it during the night. And he:didn't* seem to want anything for breakfi-ist but pickles; and when MN.. Spriggins got through she didn't wait for him as usual, but just clawed hold of the little Spriggins and sailed out of the loom like a seraph sliding down a Riverdale hill on a shingle—you'd have thought she was getting away from something catching. "The fact-of it is, my boy,", (this is what Mr. Spriggins said to me after breakfast, confidentially,) " there's no manner of use in those newspapers agoiug on and discuss ing whether Old Tom Gin will intoxicate, rve 410_0, I never ceuld drink : more than omit-or any - ruing Iv LLD t it, and yOu needn't tell me that Old Toni won't set a fellow up if lie takes enough 'of it, even if it does mix better with Congress water than some other drinks. - You see a good nis t a.), of the boys got around yester day and kept looking toward me, and I got so confused after awhile that one of them went home with me, and when we got about where I thought the room was, he put in his heat! to ask if Mrs. Spriggins lived there, and the rest of him disappeared kind o' sud-- dint, as though something took hold of it. And when he•came out lie said he thought there must be a mistake somewhere, that he'd accidentally stirred up the nest of a fe male threshing machine, disturbed the old bird while she was busy hatching, or some.' thing. She's little, but she's amazing pow erful, Mrs. Spriggins is, and she tho,ught it was me she was yanking. I didnrt sleep much last night, for stie'd a good deal to say that she thought'd be interesting to me; ;and you mayn't have noticed it much, but she's got a way of fixing a fellow's atten tion when she sets out that'ssurprising, and she gives you nothing but facts either. She —Lon do t is great on facts, Mrs. ,SpTiggins is." Passing the barber's shUp just now I saw Spriggins in there having his head sham pooed; it's the third time he has gone Lino' that today, and I guess he'll feel better by . and by. You see the trouble with Sprig gins is, that he can't hold much anyway, and doesn't know when he's full. Most men are muzzle-loiders, and a good deal like guns; some can burn a good deal of powder comfortablir, and others can't; some take live drams without winking, and others kick up a thundering fuss with one in them. If a man doesn't know when be% got en ough, and will drink, the better way is to carry a " charger" in his pocket and load by that; guessing by "fingers-full" won't do. And then one wouldn't be safe unless he evened the measure off every time with al straight -edge. The better plan, after all, is to do as 1 do—stick to Congress water, the beverage which neither cheers nor ine briates. Palling this, putting up at a 'Holly tree coffee house strikes me as sensible; and I notice that they are establishing these be neficent institutions in all parts of the coun try. '!'he ladies of Saratoga have not moved in, the matter yet, but of course they'll 'lend a hand to the good work in time, and - When lovely icoman stoope'W"-- Holly " fall in, an( in this vicinity I shall become a patron 0 the house—a permanent boarder. You see a man of my age must sleep oc casionally, and ever since the rheumatism struck my other knee, and extra flannel became necessary, I've mape It mestractiee to retire early; not that nit bashful about showing my prehensile features in the par. lors, but I don't exactly thirst to exhibit my " liniments" miscellaneously. Well, by the time I've got soaked and swathed and pack ed comfortably away like a croton burg in fresh country butter, the band begins to play right under me. It's a good band, a nice band, •but an elderly gentleman, with his interest powerfully excited about sleep, and able to travel, would get up and hire a pair of horses and drive oft a hundred miles or so on the Ballston road, to get away from even Gideon's Band. However, you know that Heaven will bless if mortals - will be kind, and that at some period of his natu ral life the breath of the best bassoon must give put. So you lie /awake and trust to .Providenee and apopleXy. By and by the trombone lets clown a bit, and the fellow on the flute weakens, and you begin to think that school's about out. Then the band across the way begins; my good friend Gil more comes in with his anvil-chorus and tires off a few columbiads on the sidewalk; but you call to mind how lightning struck the Boston Coliseum, and fall back on the fact that it looked black in the west when you came up - to bed. By and by you get softly up, steal quietly to your trunk, un pack. your Ballard rifle from its case, rapid ly, but careful not to break anything, and Aide the muzzle out of the window without any attempt at ostentation. Just as you've got the top of Gilmore's head well covered, and are wondering whether be will be able, to get himself roofed over again without go ing on to Boston for it, his baton falls for the last time, like a benediction, and you go back to-bed, happy in the - thought of hav ing saved a cartridge. Then the young lady in the n,ext, room, who has a piano, comes skipping up tile stairs with the wild grace and gentle footsteps ,of a Texas steer; on e of the airs , the hand played struck her fair and fragile fancy, and she wishes to play it. She plays it on you, so to speak. Until two o'clock in the morning she just claws that ivory and howls like a lunatic under a full moon. But at last even she stops. By the shower of hair pins on the floor it's evident that she's taking down her hail for the night, end you return to its sheath tits scalping Summer SuFerings. -SLEEFLXO UNDER DIFFICULTIES knife whielryon had drawn with a dim idea' of going in to assist her in undressing. - - • Now it's three o'clock, and you think it Won't be. absolutely necessary to,killany - one before daybreak. Ilut just as you get asleep there's a smash and crash on the sidewalk under your window, and , you jump up and look out to see which chimney has fallen down. It's'only the ice -man, who's dumped a load,-tea tons or so of congelation, and, you relire,,satisfied that patient prayer is a powerful purchase. But hark! the heavy sound breaks in once more, and nearer; clean, &tidier than before. Did you not hear i,f No,''twas not the wind,, nor the i . horse-0e rattling o'er the stony street, be cause thdy have no horse-cars in Saratoga; this noise can be nothing short of an earth-, quake; 'you are positive on this point, but feel itjyour duty -to jump up and - look out and sde if anybod's left alive. , It's another lee wan who has just dumped a bigger load under your window. From now until breakfast time more ice-men than you thought could be found in the whole known world seem to have forsaken their wives i and children, neglected their religious du ties, abandoned their morning devotions and drinks, for the sole purpose of doing nothing but dump ice under your window. What wonder that you now give up all thought of sleep, lose your interest in earth ly things, and, with the resigned - expression of a bluefish when he discovers that he has no longer any business in the water and,be comes madly bent on getting into the boat, turn with eager longing to a contemplation of that world. where the provisions of the 1 day are not gotten in quite so . early in the morning, and the weary are not at all dis turbed by the rattling of ice—not -mucht • How they can irse so much ice in such weather it is hank to conceive, for the old est inhabitant tielarea,that he can remem-• ber no such weather as we've had for some days past. ' I had determined that when those excellent but slightly bald gentlemen, the proprietors of this hotel, informed me that a change of room was inevitable, I would suggest to them that the wine room would suit me about as well as any; but of late the engine room has been my fondest aspiration. And there is not the wide dif ference between these rooms that you'd think at the tiest jolt ; for a pretty full heap of Fiteam can be got up in either, and one is quite as instrumental in " elevating" guests as the Other. ' Joirs PAUL • , of Contini the Condition tental Europe. The pieseut position of Imatters'in Europe is not snch as to give much hope of a peace ful future. The questions at issue, both po litical and 'religions, become daily more complicated, and their solution more diffi cult. Old parties are breaking up, and there iiverywhere that confusion that marks a period of transition. Yet, amidst all the tolmoil and tumult, certain great tines of, division begin to be distinctly seen. SloLwly but steadily all Eth rope is gathering little two cutups—that Of the Ultramontanes al d that of the Radicals. Upon the standard o the one is inscribed the supremacy of the Chula, on that of the other the supremacy of the State. It, is not that between Church and State there is any necessary antagonism. Both may ex ercise their true functions in perfect harmo ny. but ; usurpation on one side has been met by usurpation on the other; claims to supreme authority by counter claims, sill peace is no more possible. The liltramon nmes have taken a position from which they cannot recede; and the Radicals will stick at nothing if they can thereby overthrow the Papacy , . It is a war to the death; and this the leaders on. both shies well know. Between the two extre Ines there are now\ many small parties not yet ready to rank themselves with either, hut inclining this way or that, according to their prejudices, or opinions, or fears. To the Church party naturally turn the monarchists, the consa ten inontly tuned awl oonvervetive, the rich, who fear The communims and their theories about properly, the religions, who dread their infidelity, and all who cling to exist- g institutions, or tlre hoond by the 9..stlei actions of the lent. Many of them are not Ultramontanes, nor even Roman Catholics, but they uphold the Church of Rome be cause they see in it the leading representa tive of law and order and of Christianity, mind the 4 chief bulwark against the demo cratic spirit. To the State party turn as naturallyl all of republican tendencies, the defender free thought and speech, the young add ardent, who t,, sieve the golden age is yet to come, all who halo the Jesuits, the infidels, who see in Rome Clink, chief enemy, the opponents of all spiritual des potism, and Protestants in general, who think anything more tolerable than Papal domination. It is:not to be supposed that all of these several classes have any clear conception of their own position. They probably hope to hold an intermediate place, and successfully to oppose both extremes. They think to uphold the Church, and yet preserve civil liberty; and to uphold the State, and yet leave the Church tree. But the lenders of the two extremes have a clearer understand ing of the real condition of affairs. . They know that in such a strifo it is the bold, the determined, those who enunciate a princi ple without limitation or compromise, that draw the masses of men after them. The common mind does not appreciate nice dis tinctions; it does not like qualifications and refinements. In a popular leader, at great crises, moderation is weakness. ..The wise chiefs of the Church well understand this, 1 and they have taken ground in regard to 1 the relations of Church and State which are intelligible to the dullest intellect. The 1 Pope, as . the head of the spiritual order, and infallible in faith and morals, is the head of all kings and rulers. In all cases 1 of disputed authority they must he obedient to him.. The supremacy of the Church— that is, of the Pope—must be recognized as a first principle by all Christian nations. On the other side, the Radical chiefs enunciate their principles with equal bold tess, simplicity, and`decision. The State is ' supreme; it knows no power above itself.- 1 If there be a Cod, the State is his true rep , resentative. Religion, as a matter affecting the public well-being, is wholly under its control. It is to deleriniue what shall be the rites Of worship, and what doctrines may be kught, and who shall be the teach ers. CWins to Divine authority are essen tially ble, since they' conflict with the civil 1 soverei gilly. These are plain and intelligible principles; 'no man Can mistake them. If received and acted upon, they cue up the ; Church. of Rome and every Christian Church root and branch. No religion can exist which is not divested of its supernatural ci aracter and made sub servient to political 4 iil social ends. Such, in principle, ire the, lines of divi sion. Every year thty. become more clearl drawn. No one can 2 6 :til to . .sce *hat pr - gress the tfliramontanes have made in LI last decade, and how they are lowing all t come into their camp. Their cry is RontA i Cathollei-im or atheism; the supremacy of the Pope or communisin and anarchy. To multi+ tadesthis seems to he the only alter- native; and the fear of one extreme I.lrives them to the other. The same is the case with the - Radicals. Their numbers are aug menting, not so much thDough rational cun• viction as through hatred of ecclesiastical tyranny. Many are nut atheists, but if compelled to choose hetween the slavish submission demanded by Rome and no roll gion at all, they prefer the latter. They choose the absolutism of the State pallet than that of the Church. As regards numbers and organization, the great advantage is on the side,,of the Ultra montanes., This party is a great and coin- pact body, a gigantic army, well officered, acting in unity, and directed by one Alia there is something far more potent than numbers or drill; there is. a religious energy—in some cases we may call it enthu siasm—which shrinks from no obstacles, and hesitates at no sacrifice. - There is also a skill in playing on the superstitious fears and the credulity of. the lower and ignorant classes which no other party possesses,— The intimate knowledge of the prejudices and wishes of their flocks which the parish priests have, and the entice subjection of these priests to their bishops, give the Ul trainonume episcopate gre.st power of pop ular excitement, which it well knows how to use. The Radicals, on the 41ther band, are far fewer in numbers, nor arc they united in principles or action. Their leaders have no official position, and, scattered in different countries, have no center or head. In their councils there is discord, and the proceed ings of the International at its sessions have not indicated much wisdom or prudence' on the part of: its chiefs. A considerable part • -of the people look upon them 'with terror. In almost every point„when compared with the Uttramontanes, they stand at great dis advantage, Yet we should make a capital mistake if we despised the power of- this party:. Its strength lies in this—that, it is the truest representative of' the spirit of the age. Young Europe is mostly in its ranks. It gathers to itself all who are dissatisfied with (the 'present and will not renew the past. There is a widespread feeling . that it is poSsible for men 10 be much happier apt More More prosperous thathey have been, an that this can be effected by a reconstruction, of society, the rebuilding it on new founds': tions. To this class belong many of a phili antluopie and speculative turn of mind; - and to these must be added those who are fond of change, those who love license and hate restraint, the despisers of all religion the vicious and profligate. Very unlike in, character and purpose, nil agree in this— that Christianity,. as repreSented by the Church at Rome, is bringing more of evil than good to Europe, and must be over thrown, and the State, embodying other principles, take its place. There is a type of eivilizatioh better than anything which Christianity has given, and this must be brought in by statesmen, not,by priests. Looking upon Europe as it presents itself to day, we see many signs of an Ultramon tane triumph. Evidently there is a strong reaction going on, the proof of which may be seen. in Spain, in France, and in Germa ny. In Spain the 'Carlists , are gaining ' ground, andithe Republicans, disunited and factions, can neither gain the confidence of the people nor make war with vigor. Un der MaeNtalum, France is turning more and more,biward the Church of Rome. As be t wean the Republicans and Cellists in Spain, it assumes a position of neutrality; but no one can'doubt,that the spirit.of .the Admits- istratioh is decidedly anti-republican. The priests are very busy in arousing the reli gious feeling of the peasantry by means of apparitions and visions and 'tirades, .and by large processions to holy places; and de mocracy is denounced as the chief of sins, and the restoration of legitimate authority ,held up as the only salvation fbr France.— Germany is full of internal strife, "and Bis marck, who has offended all the-Roman Catholics, has by no means carried all the Protestants with him. He has found that the power of Rome is still very great, and that its stubborn opposition tst his ecclesias tical measures ,catinot be overcome. Ile scents to be aware himself of his partial failure, and to seek dismission from office. Without speaking of Italy and Austria, sin which signs of the same reaction maybe noted, though less conspicuous, we conclude that the Ultiamonotnes have some reason for their hope of speedily becoming the masters of Europe. But their triumph, if they win it, will he illusive and short-lived. The attempt to Make the Church of Rome supreme must end by making her the slave of the State. The tendency to democracy is too strong to be overcome, and, sooner or lter, it may be tate' a bloody religious war, the supremacy of the people must be recog nized as absolute. Rome is strong. in her .organization; but this is no defense against the undermining influences of unbelief, and when the day of final contest comes, her high walls and battlements may stand, but her soldiers w 111 have [Val.—Mt rtfoM pel t man, • The New Par y. There is nothing like the courage of pure stupidity !wiped by vanity and greed. The little knot, of Republicans at. Columbus yes terday have learned nothing from the wreck_ of laFt year. They are ready for another voyage. - I.:ailing a sligl2lly dillbrent flag ati the masthead, they evidently believe they will have, better, litek next. time. Do they suppose the memory of the people is so short? Do Ilky think that the empty pre 'ewe? of a " new wily" wilt net•AlF their fa miliar faces or ind , tce melt to give them Con fidence which was izo scornfully j refused a r Thee gentlemen have valiantly resolved to labile with " all who t house to partici pate in t be• formation of a ne'' party to deal with living issues " As to what [the issues are they are as mute as fish. ° 7b e plelen tious generalities in NV filet). these putative parents of a ~hypothetical party embody what they are pleased to call their princi ples interest and instruct nobody. What is good in them is not new; what is new in them 15 not good. They are a sort of mixed currency; the part, that is worth anything is stolen; the remainder is counterfeit. Do the Liberal Republicans of. Ohio suppose the public like false tretenses any the bet ter for hying made over =clover again after they inkve been exposed? Beside their essential duplicity, one other eature marks the proceedings of the Co umbns Liberals. It is the cool assumption bat the country is wild with a desire to throw over the Republican party, and is only, ,restrained by a fear that the Demo crane patty may come into power. They seem to , think that the enormous majority given to Gen, Grant last year was the result of a blind helplessness, and not of a posi tive couvietion. We do not pretend that every man who supports the Republican party believes that it is perfection, and that no other party can ever be its superior.- - Political action is always, to a great extent, a tatter of expediency. Most men who up hold the Republican party do so only be cause it -is,' on the whole, the better party. But then the preference is a very strong one, and rests on important facts. P. , ,was not it mere wavering of the balance that gave the Republican party three-quarters of a mill ion majority and all the States hi the Union but six. The gentlemen who get together in back parlors and resolve that the country is l tired of the Republican party, and that therelote a new party is needed, are bnild ing ( n nothing., as they might have learned lo i ng ago if they were not hopelessly incapa ble learning anything. Al this applies to the new party move- 1 meat supposing it to be sincere; but it. is not. The politicians engaged in it are not, making a desperate stand for a fanatical, idea. l'here is nothing so respectable as this in the atrair. They are simply playing 'a very old and ~ , h alloty pale for their pri vate advancement. ." Citizens!" says Raba, gas in Sardou's clever satire, "Ours is a great cause for which we are ready to sueri 7 lice life—f yours. and you mine:" it is in this fpirit that the mouthing reformers of Columbus recite the cynical pretensions-of Cincinnati. Their professions are all for purity and progress; their plans are for the gratilleation of weed at any cost. In the coalition of lust year both parties to it for a whilC agreed to smotl o edeli other with praises in order to deceive thepublie. Hav ing found out that the people are not to ha deceived, they have fallcti to abusing each r i he bwvalle.r, and Sather the more contemptible, of the two factions is now crying Out that the comitry needs a new party. Why? Because no oil on`e serves the personal ends of their managers. That is all. Last year the coalition was just what the country Arantt . O. The Democracy, in entering it, had become path - led as by fire. The Liberals who belonged to it were alrea dy celestial. The cominnation TVIVS) simply perfection. Why is it not perfection now? Beeause`the hack politicians have 'discover ed that it will nut cheat the people. They now acknOwleilge that it is an illusion ; or worse. So it, is, and alw :Vs was. Andstlie new party k nothing better or different.— FOrk fri7l2o, chill 31. MEN AND Novi.—On one occasion, When the hero of Trafalgar was engaged in an ex citing stern chase of some Frenchmen, he roared out to his quartermaster, who had the helm, " Thice!" (put the helm bard tip.) " Thice it is, my lord," said he. " No, it isn't," said Nelson—" nothing of the sort." `, Yes It is, my lord." " Then I suppose I lie," said Nelson. "Yes, you do, my lord," said the matter-of-fact man. Now, if it was possible that such a thing could happen to a post-captain of the present day, he would the , ,quariermailer in irons at once. - 7 - Not so Nelson. He, held on until he caught the Frenehman, 411 he t!five him—aS he always did (-very euemy—the most tremen dous beating that the mind of man can con ' (wive, and in the excitement of victory for got all about the quartermaster. A. Massachusetts postmistress has resigned her office, as a matter of honesty, becansi,l she cannot find time to read all the postal cards and attend to her other dudeabesides. !I What is known ris 'We fled BpiAr is a very small insect, so small as to be abnost without the aid of n pocket leas. Itis not really a spider, thutigp ao•called by - gardeners, but is One of the metes—ere-4pm— about the doings or various species of which we often read. • .A...s a rule cultivators are not aware of the existence of this little fellow until the dam. age has actually been done. The leaves lose their healthy green, get yellowish or brownish, ant: unless the insect is destroyed, soon fall oil: Every one knows by this time that when a tree loses its leaves before the wood is mature it never properly ma tures, and hence it is liable to all sorts of injuries, ns the weak and the humanlike in either the vegetable or anilnal World always are. '• In the 'old world" they do not seem to have much trouble with this little pest in the open air. It is chiefly In 'greenhouses, or on, window-plan fs that the inseCt in found. But it seems to enjoy open air life in Amer ica, and our hardy trees are angering from its ravages to an extent scarcely erecflble by those who have not made the personal ac quaintance of the little thing. Last . year we called attention to its prevalence on young apple trees in Germantown, and rec ommended thatt herever found\ the trees should he well shed with a syringe or hand engine, in r hich sulphur had been strewn. i We are reminded of this just nr- _.,,model G. —._., -Jow. by an essay read by M. AlOander — lsfewett, highly intelligent gardener,of this place, b fore the Germantown Horticultural 130010£ . He takes the ground that the winter-kiln of trees, which occurred So extensively th past two seasons, is owing. to the attacks of the red spider. In support of this view he gives his exper'ence with a hedge of hem lock spruce and r his charge. He found a great many pla sin the hedge badly infest ed With red spi ers, and set about disturb-1 big these flocks !rich, uninvited, had taken to green past res, but not before consid erable damage had been done. :In the se vere winter which followed* was these spi der-attacked trees that succumbed, the oth ers not infested getting through without in jury from the severest weather. ' Ho con cludes therefore that it was the red spider, anti net the severe winter, which destroyed the trees. Of course Mr.. - Newett is correct in his conclusion in regard to these trees. Had there been no red spiders on them in the summer,. it is probable they would'nothave died during the winter. On the other hand, it is probably if there had been no severe winter—no frost at all—weak as the trees were from red spiders,they might baveatrug- gled through. • Millions of trees in a thor oughly Wild state, and far awls from gar dens whence red spiders could emigrate, were destroyed in the winter before the last one, and it is scarcely likely all these suf fered precisely as the hemlocks did, arodiyet we believe - with Mr. liewett that If not *WI red spiders, yet with something else many of these trees suffered in the summer before, for it is logical that where two or more trees side by side are more or less Injured and some not, it can only be by those injured being . less vital than those which are saved; and it is chiefly while trees are growing in the season preceding the frost that vital in juries ensue. • Though there are undotibtedipmanyfirst causes of injury before the final cause which ; takes them oil, as well as this one of red spiders, spiders, the essay will be of rest value in I dressing attention to the rave es of red spi ders on outdoor trees. In thi , respect it is one of the most timely produ Lions of the day.—Geentn.ntotou Telegraph. . , AN EASY WAY A,V1711 A VICIOUS HOUSE,— '' A beautiful and' high-spirited horse would never allow n shoe to be put on his feet, I , without a resort to every species of power and means to control him. At onetime he' was nearly crippled by' being put in the -cocks; he was afterward thrown down and fettered; at /mother time one of the most i experienced horseshoer was. unable to • manage him by the aid arias many hinds as could approach. In an attempt to shoe this. horse recently, he resisted all efforts, kicked aside everything but an anvil, anti came near killing hirorAf with that, and finally was brought back to the stable unshod. This was his only defect; in all other respe is he is gentle, and perfectly docile, and es 1111I'il ecial- 1 , ly in eSS. _But this defect was j at on the eve of consigning him to the plow, here he might work barefoot, when; by Me e ac cident, an otlicer in our service,- tato y -re turned from Mexico, was passing, and be ing made acquainted with the difficulty,' Alp-, plied a complete remedy by the following simple process: Ile took a cord about the size of a common hedcord, put it in' the mouth -of the horse like a bit, and tied it tightly on the animal's head, passing his loft ' ear under the string not painfully tight ,_but tight enough to keep the ear down and. the' cord in 'ts place. This done he patted the horse gmtly on the side of the head, and ' couturier 'ded him to follow; and instantly the hori obeyed, perfectly subdued l tuad as 1 gentle a d obedient as a well-trained dog; sufferin his feet to be lifted with entire im punity, acting in all respects like an old stager. That simple string thus tied made him as docile and obedient as any one could desire. The gentleman who thus-furnished this exceedingly simple , means of subduing a very dangerous propensity, intimated that it is practiced in Mexico and South America in the management of Wild horses. Be this as it may,ire deserve the thanks of all owners of such horses, and especially the thanks of allthose whose business it may be to shoe oilgroom ' the animal.—Commer eiat Adeerlise. How To . CLEAN pikuvr.—Provide a ratite with some of the best whiting to be had, and have ready some clean, warm water and a piece of flannel, which dip into the water and squeeze nearly dry, then take as much whiting as will adhere to it, apply it to the painted surface, when a little rubbing wilt instantly remove any dirt or grease. After wide!), wash well with clean water, rubbing it dry with soft flannels, clanging the wa ter as often as necessary. Paint thus cleans ed looks as well as when firsts laid on, witk out any injury to the most delicate colors. It is far better than using soap, and does not require more than half the time and la bor. WRAP is HONEY.—D, L. Adair says:— There no,distinet sub Stance at can be called honey. Bees gather anything that ha:, enough sugar in it to give it a decided swcst taste. Three kinds of sugar aro rec ognized, fruit sugar, grape sugar, and cane sugar. They are all vegetatile secretions and differ but slightly in their constituent elements. They only very in the amount of hydrogen and oxygen (which are the etc.; ments of water) and are convertible into each other. As ordinarily gathered from. flowers, honey is a mixture of sugar and "other secretions of plants, and consequent ly differs widely in its composition, depend ing on the source from which it is obtained. The peculiar scent and flavor of the honey is imparted to it in the hive by the absorb- Bow of the musky particles_ given off by evaporation fitnn the bodies id the bees, a scent that alt bee keepers will recognize wild have opened a hive or walked among them of a; calm evening.—Rund Ydto Yorker. To Pitt;scrtirE Plum , rort Yhartsi—Take wide-montheil Wales and till them with currants, - cherries, gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries, or blueberries. Cover the mouth with thin muslin, and place them in a kettle of warmish water, not-above the necks of the bottles. Piano it over the fire, and boil for twenty minute; after titie Wtt: 7 ter.first.,.hubbles. Now take .them obt and cork tightly putting sealing-wax made of , rosin and tallow (two parts rosin to one part tallow) all over the corks ane necks of the bottles. Stand them in a cool, dry closet in the cellar heads downward, and the fruit will retain its flavor perfectly. When you ope the bottles, sugar tan he added as you des re it. S. 0. J. aia RESTOItIi.• F URN mum —An old cabi net . makpr says, the Lett preparation for cleaning picture frames and restoring furui %up, .especially that somewhat marred - or scratched, is a. mixture of three - parts of T linse d oil and one part spirits of turpen tine.disfiguredonly sur face, but restores the wood to its original . k color, and leaves a luster upon the surface. Put o with a flannel, and when dry, rub with lean soft 'woolen cloth, ' 1. WHOLE NO. 1,020. USEFUL AND suaoßsTrvi Winter-Killed Trees. -T ~ li~ , r~ ~~~~' IM