Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, August 05, 1873, Image 3

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Viko's toothache dropteure in 1 minutd.
Spalding's Glue men
Bare bargains can be had at Mrs. Sodald's
i n Slimmer Suits, and feedy made white
the entire stock being offered it' New.
y„ r k eau.
Nov is the time to secure a cheap outfit.
IN F,VV.RYBPDY'S .111otilit-=-TaAnsi and
&o pium—Greatest luxury of modern times
—beautifies and preserves the teeth. The
repulsive breath is rendered ' fragrant its; a
rme, and coldness by friends, or in business,
will now be no longer noticed.
A little girl of Mr. J. M.
rt M Wilsou..resid
ing o ain etreet, swallowed .a breast-pin;"
( t h e sizo of a quarter of a dollar,tyosterday
Afternoon, from which she suliorod greatly,
vom iting blood from the injury sustained.
Dr. untleGratf was summoned itnd removed
the ()trending article. —Elmira Advertisci%
port COUNTY Commiestoliza.,—To perform
the duties of this office in a creditable man
lier requires experience as well, as ability - and
i n tegiity. Jon Rwono, Esq., the ont-go
i,,g c„„,„,i, b io n er, is well known to the peo
ple of the county as an economical and safe
Intootgcr of the affairs of the 'county. W e
vr ,,p4ele his name again to the people, sub
le, t to the,ileristou of the Republican) Con,
~tttin, and hope lie will allow his 'name to
br ;I,ed once inure. MANY.CITIZENB
uly 15-a.
vRIVINCI L - ARIC.—By an ad
vertisement in tow4er part of this 'paper 'it
will be seen that there are to be three day's
races at the Driving Park in this village on
the 11th, 12th, and 13th of September next.
The premiums otlbred for the races aggre
gate the sum of $2,500, the highest purse of
fered being for $BOO on Friday, the 12th, for
kor-ei that have never trotted better than
•:;.2. The managers intend to doleverything
10 [mike the races successful. There is a
go.l track, an they will be well attended.
Frye CA - ERIA.OE WORIC.—We recently
ha d t h e pleasure of inspecting some carriages
built by Messrs. COMPTON it LILLEY, Of
Troy Pa., anti were highly pleased with.
then Many of our citizens are now using
vehicle.; turned out by ./that firm, and they
all peak in the best terms of their wares as
'wards material, workmanship; and price.
11 00 4. KETCIIAM & COLItS, of this_ village,
col tilr. A. A. ilur,LocK, of East Charles
on, have l i ven appointed agents for the firm
in their respective localities, and anybody in
aunt of Imulsome and substantial buggies or
n trrilges• at reasonable rates will do 'well to
Oil on Out. of those agents.
MAN Lowr. —On the 25th of Merck- 18 2,
Itv.lsase Sylvia, of Wellsboro, lefthis home,
ind has never returned. •He was five feet
tke inches higl4 thick set, light complexion,
tali ntee and very rod cheeks, brown hair, in
11, twenty-ninth year. When he left he had
ai a suit of brown clothes, and wore a mous-
Ate and full beard. He was supposed to
Riasane at the time ho left. Any informa-
MI concerning him will be thankfully re
ceived by his wife. All communications
Ely be directed to the AGITATOR, Well3bo-
Our exchanges, especially those of ithic
Cate of New York, will confer a favor on
n elbeted wonour by copying the abovano-
Home Affairs.
Me .14rerlisemettle this tocet.
Salne—E. A Fz,h, eheriff.
IIIVII/11101 . Curl 8410--30.111 Itnglimb. Guardian.
.I•thwrnr,tNaio of Real Eatate --J. GniTiaon, Adrn'r
-Mr. J. Dearman is building a now store
0 1.
-The Ne;\ Postmaster n 'Mansfield is fit
v up - a new .ftice hear tl e old one.
-That emblem of itin cence; the joyops
tb, i , a great favorite now, in connection
:a green peas.
—The adjourned term of ccurt got through
Saturday forenoon after disposing of ov
;-caru of motion:l.
Ite.,rs. W. C. Kress & Co., of this
3re manufacturing an iron front Mr the.
Par.. Zatthers tit MimsHeld.
-The AdttrtiBer'snys that Mart King has
enter) the Young Men's Literary Cottn
',ni,Thin.ll4l, with nearlj 4 fnrty valuable
-It is ;aid business was never better than
-L rat At the WellAoro Hotel. We are
'to I‘.trn it. As a host, Holiday is a host
:mo irreverent thief at, lititne acid stole
oflioncy from Rev. J. S. Palmer the
q• night Thn Advertiser thinks such n
nild chcvt the printer.
Mr. }high Young, of this village, has
‘Nnlirvoetl es Senntorial aelegnte to the
Convention by all the Republican
.ty Cum in ittees of the districts.
rt: .1. C'. Doane, who has been Prin
.of one of the:Williamsport schools, for
tsNir., goes to Mansfield, as ono of the
:" , s- , ‘ri in the State Normal School.
Prof. F. A. Allen, of IlAnsfield, '1)113'4
''ao Maine, for a sixteen weeks' absence,
;ding Teachers' Institutes. lie is very
that at that business wherever he goes.
Sliss Lizzie B. Ames, of niinsburg, who
natal, at the State Normal School at
404' noStSG, to tfead , the poem at the
(annual meeting ol'ithe Alumni Associ
Our flf the best farmers in the •coun(y
'rk) , 0 , that in his opinion hay is fully a
-tlrkl, crop this year. Ile also says corn
NAy picking up and promises a fair
rho Ib mocrat says the car arrive daily
Well , boro from the east and west. We
Jelly it; hut bow the sun has got turn
wand I The old machine must be out
. r'ritlay week tr 3 mail train for Fall
4, ran otli Or track near Somersville, be
lf the spreading of the rails. A serious
, nt wets prevented by the breaking of
8.0 Daggett,of the Daggett !Louse,
- roncerille, intends. to give a Harvest
on Ther,day evening, the 4th of, next
lb lie knows how to do those things
,mss Shaw, Eq., formerly of this
bat now of Elizabeth City, N.
resent in this region, visiting friiends.
'Perk the Tioga county Dien lit his
, ern bo n ne well anti prosperous.
n't forget the Davenport's readings at
?tchklony of Mm.ic to-morrow evening,
! niQift fail to attend. The programme is
`""Pk and thotie who are present will
'worth of their money and 'morn the.
notice that some of our citizens have
weedi in front of their premises"
Pa•kt week. This is a go - oti begin
. la plenty remains to be done in that
the village fathers set a'good
)1 e by Cleaning up the public square.
tha, is tlie seaion at iwhich "hay rev
aore less prevails, it may interest per
'4o tttl'er from it to know that an En
`4.4kkkl authority states it can ba re
by balking- the nostrils,, and closed
l 'o'ath spirits of camphor and warm
le A ,, hlkon Advertiser says that a boy
riarn e of Britannic went into the sash
ut Elk hind the other day, and made
tf unusually free with the circular saws.
%%Id several times to keep away,ut I
not satisfied to leave till he left tree
611 gers,
ex.ettange bays: If you don't Want_
4 gauze over the gilt frames of yetir
tl o , lsurnmer, and don't want flito
them, boil three or four 011,i0116e . ,,trut
A Water , then with a clean painttrush
litr your frames, and the-8 es will not
1 .4V6 understane:-thet
_:rattlesnalreli - aro_
Ate . ty plenty In different - pirl..l6'nf the county
; this year. gym was,:killea iti tlie:stre4.-at
,Tloga a-days aftritsana ft; ia'satd sif.qo-it u t
the people on Tine'o44( er,:lnlbelhabie cif
eearehing-theii-lietisee for Onreptilei ' berme
retiring for the nigh -
broken toys, :ado.
—There was a ,iMasit.up'..tif light - coal
.dumps and a eabinisti..iii;;Old.,Stotion, two
miles below 'begs yititik:tatit:WadnasdaY.
k train had stopped fei:repatrei and just be
fore starting up an extra; tan ;Into the bind
,end of it, badly dernotittiiingthe train apt
the old depot buiking,-,bitt - burting 'lobo:
_Dentoctirt- says-there itztui:.l iv it.b.
wind north of :this on the niciin'tig of
the 26th tiltitne:, • The wind .4eieende • ' be
tween du!, i
•BlititNr.lvaie're it "aitight. Up. 'anti din.
two fehee - s, whirling the -stiles the.
air, and ' 4 a6tuniebing the natives", 'there
abouts. , „ • ,
—The concert of the Tremont° Brothers at
the Opera House in.this vilinge ie Tuesday
evening; drew. together a large Radiance.
Of course the entertainment was a odd one,
though we theitgittjt_wonldhavabeen..antne;.
what improved by mo re music endless "car.;
tiring on." The troupe arti erg:table ,oi,pro
dueitig good music, and they Would do theinf,
selves' better justice by indulging in more of
it. ,
—An ample number of ballots have been
sent to the Vigilance, Committee of each
'Wet, s(c that every voter in the county will
have a chance, on the 16th instant, to vote
for the present Crawford County System or
the proposer', Delegate System_ of,nerninat
ing:candidntes.' This ,qoestion is really more
important than' the nomination of any Per-
Heider candidate, and we trust there will . be
a full vote upon
- —The Bl ossburg Regiatersays that!'whoth
er ale is'a healthy, invigorating beverage or
not is a matter of opinion." Perhaps it - is;
but it is "4 matter of fact" that. a writer in ,
the,Register says ale is a very Healthful and
invigorating beverage;' and recommends
some manufactured at Blossburg, jut we
said. "Do you see?" is 'also ` a matter
effect" that "the young lady'! was prepared
for allege by Prof,. 'Winters, in this village,
just as we said. We didn't attribute the
Rcgisfe,r's unfounded growl at that fact to
"a desire to gain the favor of the public" at
our eirponse." We iiipposed ,it proceeded
from another and a more invincible - . dense.:
However that may be, the Register is wel
come to 'make as much as possible out of both
these facts. Do you see?
BASE BALL. -1 The Eure k a of this place
,went to Efolidaytown on Thursday of last
week, to play their third and final game of
the series with_the Stars, Jr. of Tiogii, with
the following result * •
Stars sent to the bat and Were retiredlvith
la blank ; Eurokas made two scores with ap
parentßase. Second inning, another "ionse
egg" for the Stars, and one score for the En
rekas. On the third inning, the Stars made
seven runs,and the Eurekas received a Wind
er. Stars made.three on the fourth ; Euro
kas at the bat; striker reaches the first in
safety, and was so declared by the umpire;
but the Stars, 'evidently wanting to quit while
ahead, attempted; to reverse the decision. - Of.
the umpire, and finding it "no go"—stole the
ban and quit. If,they think the ba4l is the
game, we refer them to "DeWitt's Base Ball
Guide, Rule V. Sec. 3, which reads'
"Under no circumstances shall a game be
considered as played, or a ball be claimed or
delivered as the trophy of victory, unless
five innings on each side shall havebeen
played to a close. And should dnrknes or
rain intervene before the third hand is ',put
out in the closing part of the fifth innings of
a game, the:urnpir4shall declare `no,lgime."'
We wish to state that neither the Captain
of the Stars nor his brother had anything to
do with the stealing, but on the contrary
tried to recover the ball, and returned to the
Eurekus saying, "Seymour has the ball and
won't give it up.'' Stealing from boys as
small as the Eurekas is rather low business,
and, if indulged in at all, should be by boys
considerably smaller than the Stars, ' i fThrow
the ball to Charlie, send off for Phil and
waltz to the Actives I" Com,
BASE BALL—The thlid match game or
Base Ball was played between the Westfield
and Osceola -Clubs, Wednesday, July 3011,
on the Westfy3ld grounds. The following is
the score:
Witainilith): 0. 1t.05 , CF:01..A. 0. R
Flanders, 4 1 E. McPhee, 2 6
ROM 5 1 0. McPhee, 3 4
Spicer, 3 3 Tubbs, 3 5
Manton, 5 oBosard, 4 5
D. Phillipir, - . 1 3 IF. McPhee, 3 6
Bruce. 3 2 Duley, , 2 6
Verrullyea„, 1 4 Derby, , 4 8
O. Phillips, I 3 tisintenzl, 2 7
Derusur, 4 0 Humphrey, 4 4
LIBERTY ITEMS.—ThO hay crop has been
gathered into the barns and the farmers have
found themselves very happily disappointed
in the' yield. Instead of getting, as they ex
pected, but half of a crop,...they have secured
an average one. Since theThite„rains, the
oats, corn 'and buch wheat, arc grOiVing—so
finely and are looktng so well that the far
mers expect, without a doubt, to harvest an
average crop. The potato crop looks very,
promising, notwithAanding the ravages of
the Colorado potato bug. The togs had
grown too large already at the time of the
advent of the hugs to be injured much by
We have had for the pat , t, six weeks very
warm weather in our eeetion, the thermome' r
ter ranging in the shadeon themi,ddle of thi)
day, from 80 to 90 degrees. We have had
less thunder and lightning, notwithstanding
the intense heat, than' for a number of years
past. We have been very fortunate indeed
in eftaping all 111211111C1' of damage from the
Y? 17
lunthg= =1 2. 3 4 . 6 0 7 8 9 Total
Westfield, 0 2 1 2 4 1' 1 6 0 17
Osceola, 4 13 3 3 ' 7 0 6 4 6 .40
Flys caught: Westfield, 6. Osceola, 8.
Umpire, J. O'Comtott
I have been informed that there is to In 6
Stage line estahThilicd from Antrim via Lib
erty to Il3aring Branch station. Mr. Alieb,
of Antrim. the proprietor of the proposed
stage line, I understand, intends to mako'a
tri-weekly line of it. Ito has employed
Messrs. M. Sheller carriage makers
at Liberty, to construct a splendid platform
spring stage-wagon to put err the route.---,
Occess to Mr. Allen a
We think without
doubt his enterprise will prove to be a prof
itable one.
Messrs. B. F. Werline, and C. M Moore,
of our village, have raised their dwelling
house and the work on them iiigoing for
ward lvery rapidly, and, in the Course of a
couple of months they will be entirely fin
ished up
,and in re alines; for occupancy.
The above two dwellings are situated on lots
in the' suburbs of our village, fronting on
Williamson street, and will' add very much
to the general appearance of the village.
4fr. J. 13. Werline set_terai months ago
bought f lot and newly-erected house from
Mr, Henry Lutz, of our, i village, and has
since made now improvements on the house
and lot which have beautified and increased
the value of the property very much. It is
situated on the street leading to Nauvoo,
and is occupied by Mr. Werline himself, and
makes him a very handsome priVate resi
Mr. Samuel Sheffer is also living in his
newly-finished handsome dwelling house on
Church street. It improves the appearance
( of the localit very much.
The village of Libetty is bound to im
prove and grow, whether we have a railroad
Libertij, Pat , July 30, 1873.
deed strango'how the public generally re
so often deceived.. It has been asserted that
Capt. Jack, together with his btutj.(lind been .
captured and was now awaitieg-sentence.
But. it appears not, flomythe fact that. a
company of , young rine - left Edgecomb on
Friday, and stoppiglit. Knoxville inquired
of some of the quiet inhabitants of the place
where the gr(funda of the Modocks were.
Of ceursOt was a surprise to those quiet
' persoys'of whom' they inquired. But when
tip:l.-war whoop of Capt. Jack sounded from
ome.secluded corner, it caused .quite a Ben=
sation, and nothing would . suffice but an open
field tight, which soon came to pass.
The light was well contested, there being
nine charges, the ettbetual shots together
being 74, the •Modocke putting in, 88, while
, -
wh Of:caused . , them til .- re!rititil - 9avitik the
the betune
ikacitl94, , after:liaving-441:91 was only a
gamt3 of ball, Beoe- "I:.p.lllotirilt
A game cVaa also played July 29, - between
tleltiod,ocks sad =Daisiea of
Itiodoelra, 491 - Daisies, 2Fi, . •
ACu etas e ACtfiiii&i'4. - --The Mans
field 21d vartiser of , lastweek luiSqUite cliaP-:
ter of accidents, as-follows: r - •
. .
Joe Roar& ills - hi - eked the third -- tinier of
his rigbt band catching,ball. ; - "
Samuel Waters, Of;Litnib's Creek, cut his
thumb oif while whetting a scythe.
gorace Odell, of Richmond, was thrown
frqm a load of hay, fracturing his cellar
B. R. Baill - ey, of Mansfield, received a se
vere cut thrc l ugh the scalp, a,large piece of
ice falling fkoin the refrigerator upon his
Berdett Briggs,in the e'en ploy of Mart King,
fractured his collar hone, by hitting against
a stake driven in the ground. •
Wm. McConnell, of Richmond, had his
eye struck by ti l nail -flying from a hammer.
It is feared he will never recover the use of
his eye.
Swede, whose name was not learned,
was thrown from a Wagon near Bailey's mill
and very badly injured, having an arm bro
ken' and severely cut about the head. Ile
in employ of the thrtmee company.
• Miss Miranda Baker, engaged in the house
hold of Mayor, .Murdough, was severely in
hured. by being] thrown from a wagon. The
orses gave a sudden start, and Miss 8., not
being yet seated, fell out, striking- on the
back of her head mid shoulders: -
Addison Advertiser says there has been con
siderable talk in regard to establishing a
stage route from that village to Nelson, by
the way of the "Liberty-pole School House,
in Tuscarora. It is a most fettaiblereute and
one calculate& to 'greatly accommodate the
people in the eastern part of Tuscarora.—
There is a very large settlement in that por
tion of the town that very much needs a
Pesti:dike for their convenience in' - getting
their mail. There is no doubt but Nelson
and Addison would both be greatly benefit
ed by such a route. It is decidedly the shOrt
est and easiest way to reach t,he Cowanesque
Valley and there is no question should a
stage be putppon the road but what it would
greatly increase the travel in that direction.
OFR Jr.RIG,I9.IIORB.'-- , - '
c; —The Clearfield county Times has been
resusciated by R. H. Brainard.
—They are going to have a "bee" to fix up
the village cemetery at Addison to-day.
—A three year old colt, half byothor to
Kilburn Jim, was lately sold in'Woodhull
for pop.
—The National Educational Association
holds its annual session this year at Elmira,
beginning to-day.
—The Bath Advocate states that thya Can
isteo "Factory has just sold 27,564, pounds of
cheese at eleven cents.
--Elmira is asked to bond fur over a third
of a million of dollars to build a railroad to
a point near Lawrenceville.
—Thefall races at Herdic Park, William
sport, will begin August 27th. The prem
iums offered amount to $2,750..
- -The Corning Agricultural Society will
hold their next annual Fair on the 24th, 25th
'and 26th days of September next.
—The :Democracy of ..I,ycoming county
will hold their delegate elections on the 16th
of August, and their convention on the 19th.
—Receptly Mr. B. F. Mead narrowly es
caped losing his hand by a buzz saw at
Walker Sc Lathrop's planing mill, at Corn
There was a fire at - Waverly, N. Y.; last
Saturday evening, destroying a grocery and
seed house, and, involving a loss of about
—An empty house owned by .1. P. Stroud
and a barn belonging to Stephen Beaufort,
were burned by incendiaries, at Woodhull
—Horton ville, Sullivan county, is going,
to have a paper mill. - The ,strii* 'of 'the far
mers thereabout will then be grist as well as
their grain
tien.NV. T. Slterin:
—A son of . ;5. Alan
Conte with a party of friends, hating per
formed the journey. from Washington City
t...) that place on horseback.
—Peter Herdic has got his eye on the Ha
vana Magnetic Springs, belonging to Capt.
Cole, and is reported to have made a liberal
offer for a two-thirds Mteiresk,in them.
—There are about six million feet of lum
ber piled around the mills of the Watson
town Lumber Company, at, Watsontown.—
The company employs over one hundred
27 46
William Johnson, a young- man residing
at English Center, was accidentally killed by
the discharge of a gun which ho was- draw
ing toWards him by the muzzle, last . Friday
—The propi ietor of the Cartieron Herald,
which was destroyed by the great Great Em
porium on the Bth ultimo, announces that he
is preparing to revive the paper, and it will
soon appear.
—The glass cutting. department
,of the
Corning GlassiVorks, has received an order
for several thousand dollarsworth of glass
N6ro for the state dinner service, at the
White House.
—The Elmira paste-board jail seems to be
'an unfortunate concern. Owing to the damp
ness of the weather the starch occasionally
gets out of the valls, the bricks fall out, and
then the prisonhrs fallout." •
—A Hornellsvi/le lady lost her bonnet, and
got twenty rods away without knowing that
the little affair had dropped off, till a gentle
' pan hailed her, and held up the bonnet that
he had picked up in the street.
—The Dundee Re'rol d states Tunis Spears,
an old man living in Tyrone, hanged him
self. -No cause is given. He rose nt four,
and when his wife got tip an hour later he
was suspended in the dm "Way of the wood
house. •
—When theSeranton papers get scarce of
locals they merely send a reporter to: the
nearest woods, where he invariably finds an
old man hanging by the neck. At least we
think so, in the light of periodical items of
that kind.
—The Williamsport Bulletin says : The
shipments of lumber this season amount to
132,550,829 feet; the number rafted out of
booms up to same period is 125,120P4 feet—
showing that the shipments are 7,460,525 in
advance of the boom.
—Nelson E. Wade has been arrested for
killing Mrs. John Mcßride, and mortally
wovntling her husband, near Williamsport,
Pa. lie robbed the house of five thousand
dollars, and murdeited the old people in or
der to get their money.
—The young men of Mauch Chunk pro
pose to organize a military company for ON
Centedial, to be uniformed i n th e o ld Cola
ti tintittal uniform, d drilled for the nox
three years and made perfeet,in all the din
ferent military movements.' -
—A man named Bromley killed tutiter
named Phalan in Horton townshjp, Elk
county, a few qn3.-P ago; ThyCwo men
couldn't agree as to whoaho ( nitr he County
Treasurer, and finally coy e to blows,. with
the deplorable result tt1y0443 stated. ,
—Miss Mettle ttivell, aged 15 .years,
daughter of the aptist clergyman at Hunt's
Hollow, All , any county, and HarrylWhite
were droy led inn mill pond at that place
last Tjarsday.week by the parting of it raft
on Which four young persons were floating.
—George Reese, a young man, while pick
ing berries on the hill 'one-half mile north of
Canisteo, a few day ago, was driven frornthe
woods by a wild-eat. lie described thn
as very savage, compelling him to
make a backward retreat in order to avoid
.an attack.
—"lf you brake on that coal train," said
a Spregueville, Monroe county, girl, to her
ambitious lover, "you will 'at the same time
break my heart." The lover persisted, and
went braking. We don't know it' the young
lady's heart was broken, but the young man's
•head was, the next day.
—lmagine the sadness of same ,Orange
county people who had been drinking with
the Most beneficial results 'the water of a
newly discOvered mineral spring near Pine
Bush, when they discovered that its pungent
ins iintoiloty(eit
itCrin,about '
Marzuret,Xbipple, of, Tina: Run.
bitten 'en the hand,
by' a, rattlesnalie on Tuesday while -giitheri eg
'huekleherriei. It was several, hours before
the aid of a physician could be procUred, by
which time her.arp terribly swollCri,
and her recovery - was ; ,consideiedlfsocnewhat
doubtful. • '•
—A gentleman at Addison is of the opin!
ion that the gospel isn't preached In .that
"41ty," as he calls it. lie wants thiseveral'
clergymen to hold forth "free giatis r noth- ,
ing" at 'Baldwin Hall, and he tolls them sod
inthe village paper. lie says if they don't,
"some unconicerated Sainaritan"
_Capt. JACK,
—The Pennsylvania. Teachers' Assodtation
will hold' its tVyent kith 'anneal session'in the
Opera House at Pittsburgh, Tuesday, Wed-:
nesday and Thursday,) August 12th, 13th; 1
and 14th, 1873. There will be two sessions
each day—one in the morning and one in the
evening. It is hoped that : the: teachers o
the. State will assemble :in such. numbers as
to make the Pittsburgh meeting a success in
every sense of the word.
—Mr, Albert P,eck, living , near
while ',engaged ; with MS mowing machine
laskSaturday week, met with a pad accident.
While driving his machine he had placed an
extra set of knives upon it withotit fastening.
The knives partially slipped off- and as he
reached to pull them.back the horses started
up and at the same time one end,of the knife'
bar caught in one of the drive wheels, fling
ing the other across his face, terribly mang
ling it and nearly sovering his nose.
—Old Skinflint with a speckled hen was
down to O'Brien's circus last Thursday, and
hitched his tearer' to a fence in the rear of our
office. Pulling an old ton 'pound salt sack
from under,the seat he proceeded to feed the
laves. What in the world the hen was for
we could not imagine, until just before hitch
ing pp to return he -tied'- one end of the
string attached to the hen's leg to the hind
wheel of the wagon and the :mystery was
solved : he brought along the hen to Oa up
the last oat „left by his horses that nothing
might be lost !—Hornallsville Herald.
• —The .Sheriff of Northumberland county
has served eighteen writs of ejectmonton, the
Philadelphia & Reading Railroad coinpahY,
being the preliminary rnoveinont in Stills Just
commenced by Hon. Francis Jordan, acting
for : parties in New York, to recover 10,800
acres of coal lands of which 8,000 acres are
in Northumberland, and the remainder in
Columbia and Schuylkill counties. • These ]
lands are now held by the Philadelphia
Reading Railroad Company under a tax ti-1
title and what is called the Grant title. The
plaintiffs claim a title direct from the Corn.
rnonwealth. .The property is valued at $ 20 .-,
000,000, 'and some of the most expensive and
important litigation ever known in the State
will be the result of the suits.
—Mr. C. J. Moore, of Waterford,Pa., has
buen , telling in the Germantown Telegraph
what he knows .about the bite of a rattle
snake. In the course of his letter he says:
"The bite of the rattlesnake is at all times
dangerous, of course,, but by no means at all
times fatal. 1 have known several cases ofi
the kind, none of which proved so. • A soul
of the late Mr. Charles Winslow, Benzette,
Elk county, Pa., was twicehitten on the nak
ed foot, liut received no permanent injury,
not evVi calling a physician. I know a Mr.
Ford, of Tioga, Tioga county, Pa., who was
bitten on the hand by a pot snake; it was i'a
very severe case; it did not stop at the elbow,
neither was it confined to one side—and Mr.
Ford knew all about Whisky." How's that ?j
—The Corning Junrna/ says that on Satur
day night; the 20th ult., in the west part of
Caton, the house of a Mr. Chase vas forci
bly entered by several men, led as be de
clares by 0:111/t11 named Taylor, from Law
renfevillo. The men were from Lindley or
Lawrenceville. Mr. Taylor had charged
Chase with taking away his wife and Mak
ing her his own. The woman claims to have
been divorced and legally married to 'Chas'.
iThia latter had been expecting a visit. As
the door was broken in he leaped out. of a
i - r an
for the woods. Tim woman showed
and after denouncing the intrudes ns basel
wretches, She drove the men outof the house,
at the point of the bayonet, or rather of a
pitch-fork, drawing blood on one fellow.!
Efforts have been made to arrest the men
who sought to mob Chase, °but none have
Peen captured as yet.
IMEES—BRICK4S.--At the Runnel Rouse, Wells
bore', Pa., July 15111, 1873, by Rev. W. M. Henry,
Horace W. llytues and Miss LIZZie Briggs, of,Mid
disbars, Pa.
NeITiTYRE~' LAIR .— In Wellsboro, August 2d, by
Rev. N. L. Reynolds, Mr. Cunuilighaan Mclntyre and
; Miss Margaret Blair, both of Antilles, Pa.
WILSON—RICE.—In Wellsboro, August 9d, by Roy.
N. L. Reynolds, Mr. Marion Wilson and Miss Salle
Rice, both of Chatham, Pa.
43hiplion, July letb, 1873, George
H. Beckwith, con of James and lliolvina Bockviith,
agoil,six years, four mouths and Bovontbon days.
N pursuance of au order of the °rubella' Court oi l
Tioga county, the undersigned, guardian of Eugene,
. English, Willis It. Falglitsb, John F. English, Anna
Euglinh, Mary L. English, and denies G. English,
minor children of Letitia English, deceased, will on
Saturday, August 30, 11373,
at 10 o'clock, a.m., expose to saki the interests of satdl
Minors in all that lot of land situate In Oharleaton
township, Tinga county, Pa., bounded on the ndrth
lands of Jame' Bradt and John Jennings, on the east
by lands of lifilhael Moat, on the south by the high.
way, and on the west by lands formerly owned by 8.
J. Rice; containing about 85 acres. Terms cash.
To whom it may, Concern.
bg left my bed and
Nrblovinfr . 34 R wli t hoil li t a futt t* cat v o i . or provocation and
against my will, all persons are hereby cautioned
against harboring or trusting, the said Ruth Hazlett
on my amount, as I shall hereafter pay no bills of
her contracting. JOHN HAZLETT.
Darner, July 22d, 1873-3t#
irt, STRAY TAKEN UP.—Came into the inelosure of
124 the subscriber in Wellabore, , on the 'ad day of
Juno last, 2 brindle and spotted steers, one black
steer, and one red heifer; ail yearlings. The owner
will please prove property, pay charges and tulle them
away. y
0,.1873_3w. WILLIAM DOWNER. , FuLL L a i vi r i (Table Cutlery and Plged Ware
' •
nrEcatiocte TERS.
ir ri
Wolild re:flied-WY call attention to his
Orphans' Court Sale.
tiallf7,llFit 5,1873.-3 t
Now and . Dadra& Stock of ifforeitaudiso,
M The Carpet Department
will be Mond attractive, consisting of many nett , additions of rich, and elegant styles at moderate prices
alol - mtwo avb. Tam
Full and complete stock, consisting of many new and desirable atylea for
MEN, vomits AND /hilt&
The public are lthlted to call and 00 for themselves.
Wo/labor°, June 17. 1878-tf.
, .........-
WttlAlltitill litititErT
_ ..„ ,xentT4rrosp wpittol4-/FX" ''.,- •,- •-...... ' ',' '
-11 - lt., KIMBALL, Retail Grocer.
... ..,,
i ..,
wimumorte r n mitiotie 4, 1873
1141 1., PALS - - - . NAY FOB. „ SELL AT
.. ,
exour„ - pue lAA -• :- `r• . ' .-:—.-lbei $ll to
difekwileatt flour, per wart - 1 Laa -• z . )11
i Wheat.'.white ! , per bushel' 1` HO
. ..
; Wheat, red, •
..„ ..
Wheat, spring, 4. .
Buckwheat, 411 t : 60
corn, shelled,- ~
Oats. - , ~
... ......
thirley. •
stye, ,
Clover seed, • ..
• • -
Timothy seed . ,i ,
••• • -
Corn meal, pet' 'dirt 2 iio
'Feud, per cwt '4' , ' ' — ' 1 76
potatoes, per. liaala , 75 75
A ppl 04 p ,greeli, per, buSb.... , ~. •76 1 - ,76 Colons, per bush' - - •1 50 , 1 ii,
Tornips, per bash 26 So
Pork, per lb 10 . 12
}Lune, per lb 12 , 1 - 1
Should ors, per lb to 125,
Binter.per lb 25 25
Cheese, per lb 12 11;
. .
Lard, per lb 1214 15
Tallow,- per lb ' ... , HID
Batley. por 111 • • 21 1 31)
Beeswax, por lb 26
Vinegar, per gal - 40
Eggs, per dozen 18 . 18
Dried apples, per lb.. i ' 6 ' fl,
Dried peaches, per,llr, - • ' • —-. , 1•23,;
Dried cherries, per lb ' ',— - 40
Dried blackbe'rries, per lb 15 20
Dried raspberries, black, por 1b.... 25 80
Dried raspberries, red, per lb 20 25
Cranberries per ryt
Hay, per ton
Wood, 18 inches, per cord
Wood, 0 feet, per cord
Coal, hard, per ton
Deal, Hoff
Ground plaster, per ton
Sugar, "A" coffee, per lb
Sugar. yellow, per lb
Sugar, brown, per lb
Tone, green, per lb
Teas, black, per lb
Kerosene, per gal
Wool, per lb
Peas, Canada field,. ..... ....
Black-oyed Marowfat,
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia.
Jaundice, Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising
from a disordered Liver or Stomach; ouch as Consti
pation, Piles, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart
burn, Fullness or Weight in the stomach, Sour Eruc
tations, Sinking or Fluttering at tile Pit of the Stom
ach, Swimming of the Head, - Hurried and Difficult
Dreathing, Flutterlog of the Heart, Choking Sousa
tion when lying down, Dimness of Vision. Dots or
Webs before tho sight, Yellowness of the Skin awl
i.);es. Sudden Flushes of Heat, and Great Depression
of Spirits, aro speedily and permanently cured by
"Hoolland's German Bitters." The old standard
remedy of thirty years experience, whose virtues are
testified to by hundreds of our most respectable citi
zens who have used it and been cured. Ask for "Hoof
land's German Bitters." and take no other. It is not
alcoholic. They are sold by. all Druggists. Proprie
tors, Johnston, Holloway & Co., 002 Arch street Phil
adelphia.-3-June 24, 1873, 7m-Itot.
Is the best remedy In the world for the following coin
plaints, viz.: Cramps in the!Limbs andStomaeh, Pain
in the Stomach, BoWels, or aide Rheumatism ht . ,all
its forms, Billious Collo, -Rowing's, Cholera, Dys'en.
tery, Colds, Fresh 'Wounds, Burns, Bore Throat, Bpi:
nal complaints, Spratnii and Brufses::Chlllo and Fe
ver, • gor Internal and External wet - •
It operation is not only to relieve CIO patient, but
I entirely removes the-cause of the complaint. It pen
etrable and pervades the whole system, restoring
healthy action to all :its , parts, •and quickening the
dlo and All Healing:
reparod by CURTIS Sc BROWN,
NO, 216 Fulton' Street, Now York. -
.'or aalo by all drualsta. July 29, 1873-Iy.
Thirty Years' Vall erienee atm Old Nurse.
PRESCRIPTION OF One of the beat Female Physi
cians and Nurses In the United Mates, and has been
UM d for thitty.years with never tailing safety and
success by millions of lnotbera and oldldrazi, from tbe
feeble infant of one week old to theult. It cor
rects acidity of the stomach, relieves wi id `colic, reg
ulates„the bowels, and gives rest, health arid emnfoi t
to moiler and child. We believe it to b the Bost and
Surest Remedy in the World l in all case of DYSEN
til s
arises from Teething or from any other cause Full
directions for using will accompany each bottle.—
None Genuine unless the fac simile of CURTIS &
PERKINS is on the outside wrapper. Sold by all
Medicine Dealers, July '4; 11M-IY.
Children often look Pole and Siek
ram no baterceuee than tiering worms In the stomach
will destroy Worms without injury to. the child, being
vorfeary WHITE, and frau from all coloring or other
injurious, ingredients ustially used in' worm preps's
, thnis. - MUTTS & 11110Vali Froprintors, '
^ , -
No. 215 Fulton Street, Now 'Stork.
Sold by Druggists and Chemists,and dealers in Aledi-
L ams TwEyri: , Fign Gizmo s'pt, Jul. 219,qa-ly.
To WitOin it may Co4cern.
lIERFd my wife, Maitha Jane, his lett my bed
mid board without just cause or provocation,
tlitirritore forbid any person trusting or harboring her
ou ray act:omit, as Ishaltpay no debts oilier contract-
aft after thiq Mato. • SILAS STAPLES
Middlebury, lea., July,22, 1873.-30'
{ Auditor's Notice.
rrfit undermlgned Auditor Appointed by the Court to
rdistribute Alto money arising front the Sheriff'tr
sale of the personal property of Giles S. Marvin, Wit
attend to the duties of Ills appointment, at the odic
of Elliott & 14sard, in Wellaboro, Pa., on Saturday,
I August 30, 1873, at Ip. 1/1., at which time and place
all eau . a.ppear who are interested. JAS. U.
August 6, 18',I3-4t. Auditor.
TATILE LINENS, Towels, Napkins, at rl
Kelly's Clliaa Hall. t
Wood and Willow Ware at Kelley's.
Boro Orain anceof Well sboro.
- DB it ordained by the Burgess and Council of the
13, borough of Wellsboro:.
SEcritur I. That it shall he'unlawful for any person
or peraons to sweep, place, or throw any paper, rage,
or rubbish of any kind Into any of the streets of said
horo; and any person RJ offending shall be fined in
`the sum of two dollars for each and every such offense.
SECTION 2. That it shall be the duty of every person
occupying real estate fronting on Main street between
I Central Avenue and Queen street, and upon those
parts of Central Avenue, Wain street rind Craton
I street lying between Water street on the northwest,
and Pearl street on the ,southeast, to sweep and clean
said streets from the line of their respective premises
to the center of the street; and all matter so sviept, and
cleaned off may be placed-in piles In the center of said
streets. Such swooping ant cleaning shall be done as
ofteh and at such times as the street commissioner
may require and give notice thereof to the respective
occupants. And it shall be the duty of the street
commissioner to promptly remove nil such piles of
rubbish and sweepings, at the expense of the boro.
SECTION 1. That if 'any Occupant of premises on
main ,Fltreet, Wain street and Crafton streets as afore
said, shall neglect or refuse to clean the same upon
due notice given by the street commissioner us afore
said, then such cleaning shall be done by the said
street commissioner; the eXpenso thereof shall be
paid by the respdetlie occupants, with the addition of
Ofty percent., to be collected from the person or per
sons lu default.
SECT/ON 4. Tffat it shall not be lawful for anyhersdh
to play at pitching omits or to play with a all by
throwing, or driving with a club, in - ally of e streets
of said bore, under a penalty of two del s for leach
and every offense.
Cie . burgess.
July 22d, 1873-2 t.
Barigbt since tbo
which enables him to offer greater bargains thau ever
and •
t -
• .
ATAfil,Ail .
7 to
6 60
2 00
Polka Spot-Prints, Detains and Alpacas
2 00
6 76 @7 25
360 9 60
- 8 50
- 124
60c41 00
- 80c@i 26
C- , IItII3IZIEZICS Ccir Spring a h-0 Su.mmer,
MI Agt SA 11 - 4 ES for Ladies' a!kti Children's
that the ladies cannot do tvitltiAlt. in abi Intance.
311 1 0? M M IZoggz.Q.IL ILUMM VU'INF
CROCKER V of the best Ironstone China.
An Eiratiro Stock of NEW iGOODS
Guittnint, ittweititttitta to.
Dry Goods,Notions, oaf ley Goods.
; •
Hats, Caps, Gents Finiconislaiing Goods,
E h r , e v r j r
a ct n f t y 1 4 1 La i nn: v u o nLe ri t u o g ite pe e
nppluealc a
gl o sab li o n T
j ‘ i .ve o. ia t4 ;e ri o i rw o i,l o l . r, c c o o ri re ßf. it t l i l o it f
Napkins, Towels, Lace. Curtains, Ofitpcinet,
in large quantities, Kld Gloves, Ladies Ties, tares and Embroideries:Velours, Velvets and Fringe, Hoop
Skirts nud Corsets in great variety, in fact everything belonging to a first-clans Dry Goods store.
SHIRTS, dze all. of the latef.t st3les.
An immense stock of Men's, Youth's, and Boy's Snits. We mani}facture
otir ow•n goods, and CAM easily save buyers fiona ten to fifteen per cent,
would call especial attention to our
We keep thebest of Ameriea» '& Imported Oassimefes, Broadel .tbs, Doeskins,
Tricots, Dingonuls, Pique Cloth, and Scotch Suitings, and do Custom Work on
short, notice.
. , ,
. •
We guarantee all work done by us as regards fit anti style,
We invite the people to call and inspect our goods before purchasing else
where; as W - 0:131 eanto do a strict -
WA have ,narked our goods at such low figuxes as , to be a temptation to every
CASH buyer: • - 1
Wholesale Story..
. .
. .
• .
: M. BEUNKOPF, Managing Partner.
ter' Branch stores-158 Water street, 2 Union Block, Elmira,) Susquehanna
Depot, and Montrose, Pa.
Ail 8, 1.813-tf. - 1
. \ ,
rq 40 CI .IEIII§Z XIV Gr.,
black and eornred--of superior quality, and as CHEAP as ran be found west of Now York City
Ih•esses, in tinge quantities.
In fact all kinds of Goods can be found at the Regulato?
3110725g6oUNICAM 3 znamm.
( Groceries of all kinds.
13 CD CD 'l' S' ANY)S' 1-11.0%11: Pi
rctici urmarews—at pelectitla clit3ap ELS MO elleapea
.461. I r a ICA C:3O "W"
Wholesale Clothiers and Merchant Tailors.
Custom liailoring. • Department.
CASK 13 - p - SIN lf-410,
.. b unrivaled in quality and price)
s ' lie(frister)d: Artititie4-.
NMICR la herobi , Weer/ that tb3 Adtulthydritore
and Guardia= DaThi'd be.loW;b2Vti filed their ael.
counts in the Registers CUllee r.r. Mtge et:minty:P..4
and that main aocounto 11111 b 1 presented to_ the Or-
Plume' Court of soda county, stave/Wel said Court
to be hold at Wellshero, In said county, Mt Monday
'the 25th day of August '187,7, at '2 o'el p. m. for
allowance and cordsrmatlont .
Account of.Jose.ph Ounm'Administra Vf the Es.
tato of Abner 121.,,u00tte11, late of Lawron o township,.
deceased. -
Account of. Cyrus Webster.' Otuardt :a Gee.
Wood. et al, minor children of Ramitel T Wood> tate
of Covington township, &teased.-
Account of John W. Chamberlin,, Administrator of
the liatste of Job Chamberlin, late of, Lawrettoo
tmenshiv. demoted. - •
, ••••
Account of hjarvi,. Ajmer; Adminfstratrlx of the
Et,tate of Clive WO 01 Delmar -township, •
Account of Th . lifilit Kt 'lnsley, (Inertlien or Charlotte
Moeller, el al. :Elinor children of Nathan frostier. de
At tount of Catharine :Wain 'and Norman Ashton,
blmluistesUaa of the Estate of Hamm I Matn, late of
['Latham toe nship, deceased.
° of Horace flea; Administrator of tho
tote of Elvinh , itostwlctt, lute oti Lawrence township,
Welliiboro, July 23. 1,87:1-41v
Carding doe on short notice at reasonable rates.'
Eat , t Chart( sten, Pa., July 22,187 a-tr.
, llforn/ the public that I am now ready to
Ldo all w rlc in my lino at reasonable rates, and, ta
beat manner..
Wllabor°, Juno 17. 1873. S. A. 111LTDOLD.
Cabinet Warerooms,
over Campbell Bros. Store, in Nelson, P 4
All kinds of
eons+autly on band. A choice and extensive stock of
Parlor and Chamber
Just received. Now is your chance to select from a largo
!refill stock of a variety of styles and at prices as cheap
as the cheapest. Special attention paid to UNDER
Caskets and Coffins
of every size, etylo and desarlptlon:constantly on hand.
July 15, 1573-I,y
Ono of the largest Boarding Schools for both ouzel in
the United States. Six courses of study. Military
lactice, Commercial 00110g0 Course and Telegraphing.
Terme_low. Fell term opens September 3d. Send for
a Catalogue to Roy. D. COPELAND, A. M., or L. L.
sPRAO 11E, K I ugston, In.
Columbia Classical Institute s
A Boariling'Behool for Young Mon and Boys. For
Circulars. address REV. H. 8. ALEX'ANDER,
Ida. Pa.
P.Mizt'MM;'Mr== cm
with the newest and beat trdatinent for all eases. The
only thorough work of the hind in the world. 4
Embraces Small• Pox, Fever, Cholera and all
ohologows. dist:stem. No Fatally liafe Vithoot It. and
ony 2i chromatic tiluatrations. The big
gest chance of the Benson' for agents, Address H. kb
iiOOI3SPEED A:- CO., :37 Park Row, New York.
co $7:5. ' Revolvers, $5 to $25. , Pistols, $1 to $B, dun
^•tutorial. Fishing Tackle, &c. Large discounts to deal
ers or clubs. Army Grins. Revolvers, eto.. bought or
traded for. ,- Goothi sent by express C.C. D. to be ex
eiained before pahl for.
MONEYMade Rapidly Vtith titenoil Key Check
Outfits. Catulogues and full partitnlare
SPENCER, 117 Hanover St.. Boston.
all who will work for UP. upon writing you do
not dud us all squarormo will I .'ve you ono' dollar for
your trouble. Scud atamp for irculars to
O. f1..13 tickleySzpo., • konsh
Csto sloclaeaca of ‘4 l, r7cln li g ts p ' e w o . pte:Of either
Yea,sex, young or old, make more money at wok torus in
their spare moirmkrlte, or nlk the time, than at anything
else. Particulars free. Address G. STINSON, & CO4
Portland, Maine.
The Lit eroik Zffedical Dispensary.
Li the Meg and most successful institution in this
country for the treatment of Chronic and fiexnal Dis
eases. For tams of treatment. call, or address bq
mail, with statement of case, S. 11. lIITISDON.
July Illalden Lane, tabriiiy,l4. V.
IN DIVORCE—To Martin Prise: You are hereby
notified that Mary Prise, by her next friend, Chas.
Rowley. has applied to tho Court of Common Pleas of
Tinge county fora divorce from the bonds of matri
mony, and that the bearing of said applicant In the
prentises Will be had on Monday. Augnat 25,1873,
a hen and where you are required to appear and Make
answer to said Zomplaint, i 1 any you have. it yon
think proper. E. A. FISH, Sheriff.
July '29, uvra.—in.
- -
person old or young, of; either ger, can make trona
$lO to $5O per week, at borne or in Come etlon with
other business. Wanted h all. Suitable to either
City or Country, and any season of the yeaq. This is
a rare oppertunity for these who are out of work, and
out of money. to make au ,Independent firing. No
capital being required. Our pamphlet, et OW TO
31A1:1•1 A LIVING," Riving thtl instructio f, sent on
receipt of It) ceuts. A.ddreas A. BURTON S: 0.. Moe.
risama, Westchester Co , N.. 1( Y.
AGENT S iveryxvhere to sell bur no • and nor
el Embroidering Machine, send for
WANTED '7;l." B !xfaa, terrgirecn•olamrirny th
1' g
way, Now York
The Pat for Companion.
Every Lady wards one!
Every Man ought to havo one
Hoot on receipt of Ten Colds. Address, L. F. HYDE
C0..196 Sevnotli Avenue, Nov York.
Bent on 4 . eceipt of 25 ets. 'Unique Printing and Pub
lishing House, 36 Vesey Street, New York.
Tile lleelOyith s`2o Portable Paulilr Sew.
lug Machine, on Thirty Days Trial;
many advantages over all. Satisfactionguaranteed. or
s2tl refunded. Sent oompleto, with full directiorio:—
l i caultb SCWIng Machin CO, 5132 Broadway, N. Y.
THE NF.W ELASTIC TRTIS4. An Important /nucn-
tion. It r( taint' the Rupture at nil times; and under
the Niftiest exorcise or severest strain. It Is worn
with comfort, and if kept on night and day, effects
psi ;Daiwa cur(' in a few weeks. Sold cheap, and Bent
by Mail when reqnCated, elrenlara tree. when ordered
by letter sent to The );laatie Trues Co., No., 03 Broad
way, N: V. city. Nobody '115P13 Metal Spring Truaaea;
too painful; they slip off too frequently,
Triat List for August Term,
1. Lori Bender vs, T. J. C t aldwellrNo. 149. January
Term, 1860,,
2. F. ( 1 . Sebeiffelin vs. Sol Bennet et al, No. O. Jan
uary Term, 1869.
3. Bingham Trxistees vs. Elijah T. Skinner. No. 09.
May Term, 1870.
4. Jerome B. Potter vs. Henry M. LatUn et al, No.
602, May Term, 1870.
5. Robert Hammond et al vs. Win. T. Fltzgendd,
No. 173, January Term, 1870.
6. Dan Osborne, Adner vs. Mozart M. Converse,
No. 103, August Term, 1870.
7. Same vs. Same, No. 104. August Term, 1870.
8. C. L. Wilcox vs. A. Brauer k Bro., No. 418, Au
gust Term, 1870.
9. Walker & Lathrop I's. Hiram Inseho et al, No. 1,
NoVenibbr Term, 1810.
10. SanumPMorgan vs.W. &L. Bail ROati CO., No. 10,
November Term. 1870. • •
11. James McEvoy vs. James McVoy et ; al, No. 161,
November Term, 1870. •
12. Oeo. Bennett vs: David Colegrove, No. 320. No
vember Term, 1870.
13. I AI. M. Converse et al vs. John F. Donaldson, No.
326, November Term, 1870.
14. , Win. C. Bronson at al vs. Stenben Orcutt, 110 .
au, November Term, 1870. '
15. Orrin Day vs. D. P. Shaw, No. 422. November
Term, 1870.
16. Alex Jones vs. Ilansome Keeney, No. 1.95, Tata-
uary Term, 1871.
17. Alex. Joiws vs. EU JellIIT, No. 199, JAIII.IAI7 Toziu,
18. Helen 11. Gansovoorte vs. Eliza pePul, Ex., No.
- -
258, January Term, mn.
19. Porter D. Parktmut va. Dantel R. Doud, 'No. 800.
January Term. 1871.
20. Gleason & Doodreau Vs. Perry Stell.ll,lto.
Alay Term, 1871.
July 29, 18754 W.
may 41, 1873-eowly