Rare liistibe. . A crab and a pirtio lived under a myrtle, Just In the pond at the fobt of tho hill, The oralAiriUl the hick—sharp, anappy, and black; The turtle wan muter—fat, poky, and • - Tho turtle gavo orders from off tbei pond's. bgrcloil; Tho crab did the marketing all by himself, - • And w,orms fat - as butter And ansibt full of sp bengla for his master . to put on the shelf.latter, They lived there together through all the lino weather. And then came the autumn with whirittind and gale; The pond grew en ocean, and the commotion Tho turtle intaglnod his victuals were stale. "I've pains in my liver I" said be with a shiver; The worm 9 are like shavings, Liu; stalls h av e n , meat, I'm meager and Iollow; I'vas an Apollo; (lo quickly and got the some food I can eat." • They argued together. The crab Bald:the weather Was much too severe for hie delicate frame. .0 The wind," said his master; "will blow you the fast ' er ? Thou kicked the crab out vvitlinut scruple or shame Ten scraWlS,l is landed. well 'watered and sanded (Inc groan and be starts for the Inn just ahead. 110 . 15 nobody's chicken, to mind for a kicking; He'll have his revenge on the turtle instead. A splendid old turtlo lives under the myrtle," lie cried to the landlord, who came to the door. Get him for dinner, before be geta thinner, (lo quick! I will show you the way to the shore." The crab Went the faster, and reached lila old master In time to inform him of what he had done. "Ohl whipperty-whep, sir, you'll make a flue soup. sir; I'll watch while Mein: you. ' Ohl that will be fun." The landlord looked gently, but very intently All Over the crab who had acted as guide; Then wild: d. You are tender and dainty and slender You'll do for my supper, welt buttered and Pried.' The crab cried In terror. perceiving his error; ' The landlord walked off with both master and man They boiled the fat turtle from under the myrtle, And fried the false crab in a hot buttered pan. ALL SORTS. , Sir. John G .. Saxe hai purchased a house in Brooklyn. .. ' Wagner, the composer, was 60 years old on the 22d of May. Mi. Anthony Trollope's next novel will be called "Phineas Redux." 4111 r. Bailey, • Of Danbury, says:, "I do not lecture, myself; I am married." ,_, . 34 . 31r/A.tigust Belmont has been - eleCted a i ; Illeln er of the London Jockey' Club. 3f out left in manuscript a History of the Pe o 4 of the Reign of Terror in France. Dr. Charles F. Mac Lean has accepted the chair of International Law in Columbia Col lege. ' The late Louis Napoleon's villa, at Vichy, was recently _soli at auction for 50,000 %franca; • Mt Colfax will deliver a Fourth-of4hty ,Oration at Cincinnati, before the Odd Fel ., 'lows. Adam Black, the famous Edinburgh pub- Maher, has retired from business, at the age ' of 90. " . Somebody has turned up in Scotland with . "a bugle-horn that' was used . by William Wallace." The widowed Eugenie has given her late husband's sleeve-buttons to Sir William Gull, the physician. Mr. Robert Buchanan, the ScOtch poet, is reported to be recovering from his recent Severe illness. A monument to Living§tone is talked of at Edinburgh—where, apparently, they do not believe LA Stanley. The house formerly owned'and occupied by Alice and Pbcebe Cary haabcen purchas ed by Or. Emily Blackwell. A Chicago debating society have come to the conelusion that money has moreLinflu; ence on mankind than education The autograph of Sir Joshua Reynold's lectures on Painting has been secured by the • Library of the Royal Academy, London. Mrs. L. D. Bancroft, who: died on the4th : inst., at Milton Hill, .Mass; ' was a daughter in-law of the Hon. George Bancroft. In olden times there was no punctuation in literary works. Stops were first intro . , i-dueed in the year 1520; the colon in 1599. A Renton,'Ry., - widow, aged forty-five, • lately tried her third matrimonial venture in the person of a bridegroom -.of nineteen. There is a farm in Easex county, Massa ' chusetts, which has been in possession of the same family for two hundred and thifty „years. . • • • '„ ... i • 'tO Permission has been givendeposit the remains of the late John Stuart Mill in Weatminister Abbey. Mr. Mill left an au tobiography.. . • "The Cavour monument has been unveiled ' nt Turin. It is 00 feet high, and made of marble. It is the work of Giovanni Dupri, • of Florence., : ' It is affirmed that Miss M. E. Braddon and Mrs. Henry Wood, the novel-writers. '-, are coming to the United States—rto lecture. ;. Sad, if tryte. , ' - Dr. Holmes, on being asked by a young physiciani what sign he had better put on his door, replied, 'The smallest fevers grate fully received." , Mrs. Mary Hutchins, of Embden, Maine, is eighty-seven. years .old, has forty-seven • • "great grandchildren, and never saw a-steam . boat nor a railcar. ' • • Ralulu, the little African • boy that Stan ley brought back after he diScovered Liv . ingstond, has entered, a barber shop in Mil , waukie to learn the trade. This record ola hotel arrival .is .is -In the Western style: "The - Econ. 'C. E. Gorham, - a,distinguished Hoosier, is making havoc aMong the tooth-picks. at the Gault House.", [ ti. mpaument is. to -be ;erected - over .the Breve Id n. the late Bon: 'John,la t antifield . Mc- - ' Donald near Cornwall, :Canada. -- tlt Will Cost tra, and will be paid fe' by his 1 00 . friends filontreal. The most superb furniture in Washington ISSaid to be that in the - house of Senator Stewart, selected by Mrs. Stewart during her live years' sojourn in Europe, and valued at two hundred thousand dollars. - i. - On the coast of Maine there are forty , 'eight light-houses and lighted beacons, eight fog signals operated by steam' or hot-air en gines, fifty-one day or unlighted beacons, three hundred Sad fifty-one buoys3' actually in position. , . . .. The backwardness' f China is Strikingly indicated by the simple fact that, although • her coal fields cover 400,400 square _miles, she mines no coal;,and although, slie - has all inexhaustible supply, of iron ore, she melts very little. , \ , , ,• 1 Judge Poland's reaLname, or, the mime of, his grandfather, a Polish refugee, was so - contorted with consonants, that - the Ameri can tongue gave up the contest and called him Poland "for short," and , his descend ants gretv up by that name. \ .1 The first mule ever taken into\ the Iloosac tunnel was- brought up recently attar a three years' residence in the bowels of t `'earth: He began to kick 'vigorously as onus he re ached the'surfacea thing he \ ks never si e? known to do before. '' The Hon. Alexander Temple Fitztnaurice, , eon of the Earl of Orkney, is scion to be married to a Mrs. Riddell. The gentleman is twenty-eight, while the bride-elect is fifty two years,old,• The lady _being the ,ry rieb, , the'gentlemia can't be expected to give that Riddell up, , t - ,It 30.1 . 1 be recollected that.at the: lose of tut O. 'rebellion 'a number' of Southerners left - •'-the United States for South Amerie4 in dis gust. It is said their leader, nn. exAnetalter: - of 'Congress', a general in the Confedergte Only, and a "brilliant Southern gentlemtin," ~2., now ,manages a disreputable house )in -14!",,til - kia.ralho. s .. - An Indiana woman is • read becauie 'her husband took her very best sheet to hang himself,:when there was an old clothes line in the cellar which was good enopgh for _that, purpose.- ()She says he always iwes ex-_ travagant and too lazy to go into the cellar ; ' fey anything; i ' Here is a specimen of Westeralmusical criticism:. "3111 e. Ormery had, and we sup . pose still retains; a magnificent' voice for a - • ' fog-whistle. Its compass was perfelrtly sur prising. She would shake the chandelier . with ti wild whoop that made everyman in stinctively feel for his scalp, and follow it up wit,h., a roar that would shame a bassoon. A very patient mathematician has been in the habit of pasting:awn for reference alt item's' relating to vastEnglishi estates w hich have fallen.r to Atne lean heirs. He i footed up four years' • acciimulidiens the other day, and found' the aggregate exceed ed by ono hundred and thirty-nine.llliSiii the appraised - value of Great -.trite n. He i , didn't count irk the Geneva award, ether. made the Years of experience Janie mde th count era of new greenbacks .in the Government employ marvelously expert and aln4ost in fallible their fingers passing from' °tie note to anotuer with,the celerity and regularity, of some wonderful machine. The lady who ' site nearest to the chief of the room, and 'who has cone to be considered vi sort of as aistant to him having sometimes performed - bts duties during his absence, has been en- - gaged In the division ever since its brgant-',. 7 . 414 Q 11 / 1 1,A502, and probably has no iival in 4140a:soy and dexterity In counting. On niany'oecasions she, has counted fifty thous - and notes In one day, between the hours of r nine ind *Teo ostlocit. - , ERID =IN MOE PA—I-AT - Et*: .P--O,SrT:=:,-,1-R1,):-B,s;, A. VlTESt'cirN & GO., PORTABLE AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES& BOILERS. PARTIOTLAR ATTENTION PAID TO 1 GANG SA.W lIILLS,. ENGLISH, .11LULAAT & CIRCULAR NtILLS. • ~ -; . .... t :. ,-, ' 4 , - 4 --_, • , , .--, 1 ' SHINGLE MILLSMILLSAND ENGINES ALVIAIS,,I); , ON RAN =I Water Wheels suited to all beads of water, Tannery Irons, Bridge -Irons, &c. . sin experience by oar . •Mr. It M. Calkins of ovei4 tiaenty . years as a "Machinist and Foreinan,enables!iii, , by . fris personal supervision,- to make :, . , t ,-•-- : . - .' ••• :ft_riftlY,finct , c lo sl l ';f r g e l e . l .!t•L' -`-: -4"- 'l'el Feb. 18. 1873.-I.X. 0. W. PRESTON PRESTON & HEERMANS IRON POUNIERS & I.IACHINISTS STEAM ENGINES AND IEI Cirezarar, , Can't* arid MicleY: Saw 'Mills, Machinery for Tanneries, Shafting, Gearing and Castings of every description,. in Iron and Brass. filrbiachinery of all kinds repaired promptly and at reasonable rates.-Qp Corning. August 28, 1872.-ly New Spring Goods. THE SPRING CAEPAIGK IS OPEN 1 WITH THE LARGEST; AND MOST ‘dOIViPLETE` , STGC . X. OF StaP/P 4kran°,!ll3nt 0P430s . ~. • . . , ... iikka..-44 to be pretty generally known - that We keep the lergeatatock, the .berg .gadds Wad sell them u lbw an any bonne in the trade in this section; and we keep very many articles not kept at any other store in town. In addition to our general Mock, Ol'ili,.t ioii .1:011s; and every randy: Octr Cloth Stock exceeds soy *Rhin Say mites, In quantity and trarlety. DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS AND DOMESTIC GOODS amough fora jobbtng trade. The citizens of Tioga county we respectfully invited to oall end pv!imine our stock and prices. Apr 111,1873, .IEILT3S VOW 3,11544,110R1110111P1P ITHIVA ? IPILLMM WILSO•i * ; A t - 4 --• ;: . 1 1 1> 5., Was 'awe t&elreze TOPIC tOOTtly a, stoop, of Shri• Aigol, Ru,7n. '~ "~ IRE #4,0.,P0pt4. „4 -- ei,404t0 7i4cirk t ft.s. at • bolloakprioes :$ 414 1400i:41 httpe - 4ont4 ; spfr,dis• baroding to offer , hisoustomixrsilVhelVhOl s iettirp,g/ • • lite &is': Nafrv - ti Val ? eta ... Vtittlitit,Oiiorirtotiiiike and, . . t mess GOOdg e znii; %-- . , ; his Method of infelil4a4 • i ; seUtliexpeCHE4P.l--if yo MIMI - c _ IHNNUFACTIIit'@RS OF - • . Cl or]cllYl ~, 1 , MANTrFiterFUREItEI OF TEE PEOPLE'S . gTdlikis`:l:i. FIRST IN THE FIELD. In EVER OFFERED rit CORNING ? , :.----`, . i • 4, WORKS, - e I= . • ,a‘' ME Ell - 4 OE fir() ~~.°~•~ =I ES t - i , 5 ~ =ti. .~ r ~<: SMITH & WAITE. =I 1,71 81111 SPRING GOODS. y ~ n ~ :, , , : .. 40 „,. , C 111111 Staple and DRE GOODS, WHITE doOD% READY.' 7• MAPE,C4OTH;IO,4 , :: : ,HAT`;,:cA,fI i . )?!O,OIS Shoes; &c., Suitable; for Aho spring Trade. Mg stuck has been proeuredfrom the best - markets in the countrY, and therefore you wilt be satisfied with prices, _awl:, soma. Corning Foundry & ,111`aphfAxe ESTABLISHED 1840. iiiial z. ~ ••_ ' - ------..-,.• l•,: '1";, ' • • :-. Ahlatufactureitipt . EtatiOnary andFortahle Engines and Boilers. " Gearing; Shafting and idachlder7reigulkhd ter Saw Blilhf,•4:lritit "dills and Tanneries, Ovens and Grates, for" burning Tan. Screws for Moving unleached atirachp&hark.'eastlP Hsi. Bcliaillailroad Frogs; Chairs, and Repairing done at short ifoticeq-Mei have fa cil tea for ellipping'by",pailat et - Railroads to all poluteoind can furtdial,MaclOinery cheaper than Eastern or Western builders of the heat: qiifilitr. . . -- Jan.`l, 1872-13, ~ ~, ; t< . 0 , - , ' .__ ' ' VOBtilialp iTEUBBN 13011NTYiA: lr. , • • . .. • • • gk •,` f NM • 11, TS vir advice; becanse we know that after you have - aatm:di:Led our Stock you will bo convinced that .KEGS • _ .., .. : , 500 .. . . .. . , .., ~ , . : ~ '•: S ' . 0 •'• 1 , W. C. W.RESS Sr, CO. NEM darfenter's gaols, altV parpments ME AYeAtiPlik fPliktd - Tin Jelttoging , _ . -- ir -'• -- „ • .. 1 * :i‘ , 0 . ' - ilf '‘. '„, ' .:: ' ' f - . ; : i 7‘` , ' ii A": I ._. MITXASANT, and fmproved, rooms ,-fortial l ea _with -J1 all Matt= be 'had to 'eta nue pleasui`itltdadnt pain, are found at •. , - - - - - A. B. EaOtthaleS Dental,olll.6e, r - s - rhere'the — ne — Srliaidd Nitieas Ode is contininli ad ministered With.: the • happiest results also Ether. Moratoria and the Naraotio_Sprar is used When Pre ferred. - ' • • r ARTIF/OIAVTIZETS4 • • • *Ott One to as erittroiet;husirted on SlOtirt,nothie:•:: 1 - 6poolil - attention given atseasoli of the moulh,---: Preservation of the 'natural teeth a speolaltnt Work warranted , and term' reasonable. Opposite Cone 11 9WIPsYr4101=" , 4 -1•417P-tL, =NOM MaNIIM ME C'',:•;::.A:IATITERS Has just.recsivsti a iar:ol4tack•oj ~ MEE GREAT EXCITEMENT! l'01)0S ROUTED I LAVA BEDS. VA CATED-P: BUY WHERE YOU CAL- BUY THE CHEAPEST'! W.J.Horton &Bra. 9 s STORE Is the place to purchase , Dry Goods, DresS Goods, Hats and Caps, Clothing BoOtn and Shoes, Whito Goods, Groceries, Ocint's Furnishing Goods, &e., a varied stock suitable, for, the Spring and Summer Trade. We cordially invite you ail to examine our stock. JUST- RECEIVED BY A PULL STOOK OP VA ‘l% ~,. }Y. EMI - c• • • •1 :; :k. _ ... •:^7l 1 , 4: .;:i4 :.:T.l' 0. ' .. i op: ~ 4, i'-. MENNE ock Bark _ranee otDarki i3lll4otii at 4411 ad for the next 9; cash on de• 4400.0f' Joint Laid' and LOWELL ac CO. . ~.,,8 --: ..,_...,.; ...,, ~,-,,,,,,,,..r,,,,,,,... • .-. ,-,GOODS::::: ~ : ;:, ::: _ 1 ;_: :";;:---, 4‘-• Dit7P,-'G!00:0$:, CS .' -~. ~'t, 6' ,f, • ) 11. o --- N 7 , • 4 . • • THE ADJUSTABLE SPRINDED. Bir 4 tlettiliraisat 401.24, 1870. , prat Spring, efasht Isiat • • :• A,L4XURIOUS BED! With only a }tingle ZWltreae, For durability, comfort, cleanlineaa. and adjustment it has no atrial.' A. 'au, pertor bed for the ale3r-roem, es well as for Famous in nealth. 4 „ Ord +r by the proprietor; for Tioga ratikty: •' - - , J. S. PA IIIER, , Awn i - afaSsi,el4l..Pa. 1 Re'ranidtztCHlNA HALT J. Itlrs4. Geo. Campbell „ TIMING. returned to Wellabors , . and haling ' Aji.".ell her trade ittthe inautilhotutept • • - iniuhrieStiSetitillfaly rd . her Mends that/ she' would be glad to sea all who 'would hitoor her with their crib. She Can be found at the house. of-J: ht. ) 7 °MLI/P. A4 ) .,1 3111. W. /: • Feb. 25i 1878-tt. -42:i -1 MI M!Z= ISE New ; Jewelry Store. . . • T un / e,4 7 iidty , . , to .tee .et -' umo4x2id , =t ne i i "P_"P e 9a ' Jewelry .•' Store in the building. recently occupied by 'a if... Willcox. His stook compxiseii a full assortment of to ;) clocks, If atches.:' Jewelry, Silver' nit Plated-frare. - Li). WABIIINIIII, one of the beet workmen in Noit& ern Pennsylvania, will,attend to the .. . -• -Repairing of ' Watches; • • ' • 01 044 0 ;,40. • • • " ' liar theekilfni doing of which, hie 'Seventeen years practical experience is sufficient guarntee. 8. 134.WARItITIER. . ' • ` ' .Wellalioro, , Ang. 28,•1871-41.1. ' '. ', evrailiD4.Sl,llc NIIPLESALIC DEALER • Foreign and Dontestie Llgunrs W1N163. Ata, Arct. 1 ." , for 'Pine . Old Whiskies; dan. 1, 1872. OORNING: N.' Y. JEWELRY STORE: ,WEALLSBORO, -, ' ' ANDREW FOLEY - 1 •-'; :, - ‘ ~‘ , - I li, who has Long been , etiini24llll9 i, ,. . 0 . ! ili r 4 in the Jewelry bnninese 1.1 3 ~ ,,.4:! Iriiia'nnro, : iiiiir always for We, ,44. .__,J...,,,-.2 •irarinxis ktiulonna prices'ot =A .AI‘tgRIQA=D4'_ 4 7WATQIIIS; Gold or 811vor, ,Olocke, JOvelry, Gold Chains, Hoye, Pings, Pips, 'Pencil's, Cisme, Gold and 04.1 Pens, Thimbles, Spoons, Mandrel. • Plated Ware, 4 . : -SEWNO .: MACHINES,:, With most all otherlirtioles - usually kept in such - es tabll'ohroorito, 11A101,),;ftro ar4dcori for C - A , ,S, - : Repairing douopeatly, an 4 promptly, au op. shin sticintim. • • • • "A. - , }MUM • Yap, 1, 1872-Iy.:. • • •, • • I W tiVßtra & LATEROPI s MEI , HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL NAILS STOVES, TIN-WARE, DELITSH, SAWS CUTLERY, WATER; • LIME; AGRICULTURAL • IMPLENZNT%,.• Carriage and. Harness Trimmings, HARNESSES, sApin,rs, , 1111 Corning, N. fr.; 411. i, 1879 •Tioga Marble Works.. r. . ; im ing undersigned is now prepared to execute all or . J.— &wafer Tomb Stones_ and_Monnments of either • Italtan, or ,Rictlaiicl . , Of the lateitatylk and approved, workuninahip and with dispatch. ; • p IHe keeps constantly on band both kinds of Marble and will be able to snit all who may favpr him with their orders, on as reaeonable terms mean be obtained in the country. . • FRANH ADAMS.: Jan. 1.1872. , . TRUMAN & BOW , NS SANK MlLL'Le u r ic l, i o nfull bleat, aAd orders wl promptnesEi wad dispatob. ' 'Fencing Boards, Bill Timber, ShLogles,Satb, Wodd, &0., constantly on hand. 'April 22.4 f. • TRUMAN & 40.W,EN. g bh : 0 1211 0?1 , •* lZe, •••• DR' • tt' PE = • fa:o Voisneutrat d I Hoot and , Herbal, , 7.51110 e, , 41mill-13111one .Grannies. TUE fF LITTLE • OATIRAMTIC, or . - 111nlitunk , Piartio Physic. ' The novelty Of mod ern4edica, Chemical tind i phar i icaceutical Science.. No use of any longer UM p the largo, repulsive and , nauseous pills, composed of cheap, crude, and bulky ingredients, when we can by Lticarethl application ,or chemical et:de/ice, extract all e"cathart c and other medicinal properties from the st valuable roots and herbs, and concentrate them into a minute Granule, scarcely larger thann - a mustard seed, that can be readily swallowed by those,of the most Ivenative stomachs. and fastidious tastes. Each little Purgative.rellet represents, • in a moat concentrated form, as much cathartic power is is einbodied in any of the large pills found for Bale hi the drug shops. • Front' their wonderfhl cathartic powerpower; in proportion tci their size, people who hay ; tried them are apt to suppose that, they are harsh . "or drastlC in effect, but Such is not at all the case, the different active medicinal principles of which they are composed being eo harmonized and modified, one by the others, as to produce a moat searching - and thorough, yet gently and kindly opera:, ling cathartic. , . . „ *6OO Reward is heleby offered bi the preprie., tor of these Pellets, to any . chetulat 'w d, upon 'an ; al ate, *IA And in them' any Calomel or other forma of mercury or any other mineral poison: '_ „ • • • tieing. entirely , vetotable, , ' partko - - cake- ivreenired while g them. They operate; without disturbance to the constitution, Met e :pro°. cupat,kin. ' For Jaundice, Headache, Uon., stipatiott, ' Impure Blood Painvin tho 'Shoulders,. Tightness Of t he Chegt, 'ziness, Sottr .IE - iractations of the Stow- Aelt, , ,• Batt taste in month, i Bilious Attacks,' pain in region of, Kidneys, Internal' Fever, Bloated feeling about ' Stomach, Rush of Blood to Head, high ;colored • -Urine,. •Unsociability „ and Gloomy •Forebodings, take Dr.Plerceos, ,pleasant purgative, Pellets. hen of'the remedial power "of thy lye .Pellets, over so great a variety of diseases, I wish to Say that their action• upon the , animal - etromi , 4 any Ismniversal, nor a - gland or:l4*mm , escaping , their sanative Oppress. .Age dees net impair them; illoir.spgar-topting and being enclosed in' glass bottles, preserve their virtues unim. paired - for any length of time, iti any climate , so that they ate etyma freak and reliable; which is not the -Me withoe pills' found in the drug stores, put up tri . cheap Niroo panto-board bOxes. Recollect that for all 'diseases where a IdoeatlVO, Alterative or rtirgutivo le 'indicated, these little Pellets 'give, the moat 'perfect batlefaction total Whi t e use them. "sizirber -fife sotd • •by all , tiirteritOsiAi l / 4 ; g' , •Drtiligistit at 24 cents shelties • 1 ' - /Do not- allowlany drng,gis tars -hi duce • yon ta , taket anything 'else that ho may sayisjust as good,la my Pellets because ho makes a larger profit on that Wen r'econiniende." If Year druggist cannot supply the enClose 25 cents and receive . them by return. mall item J A. Y. PIERCE, M. D.,Propyr, • . • r. .. , .!tirte 26, 1872, Bot-ly • • ill r MILLINERY. his 9 a (s lery a n n 6' d ' sdasita 'to bl ' a ( t ' ct