Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, July 01, 1873, Image 3
... • . r• '› '- • • . Fike:, t.notttacli,, drops cure in I 'thinute, , . Spalding's Glue; handy, mends everything, MAORI OF TIII4 MOUTEL — OdOkiferoll9 SO ZODONT renders the mouth enchanting. Com posed of rare antiseptic herbs, It imparts, i whiteness to the teeth, a-delicious ewer-like aroma fo the' breath, and preser es intact; from yotith to age, the teeth. .. NeTulE.—All persons indebted' to Derby & Fislii , r either, by note or _bOok aebount, will ha e thirty days ..td call and pay the same to the undersigned, after 'which time the amount will be lef t fur - collection. July 1,4 w. ,* (ho. 0. Disti!Y. alit Nita or. TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1873 1:-Io Affairs. OCcto ..Ictrerffeenarrait this week. Notre to Bilko Commissioners WM:lames uentmu Bittets. 13 Ft 1 Ts; s —Next Friday is the Glorious Fourth. Hon. John I. Mitchell is to deliver the o ration ut \VestUeld on the Fourth. —The "Active" 13. B. C. of this placehave c hallenged the Tioga and Elmira Clubs to ploy nt Corning on Friday. —Hon. John I. Mitchell delivered-a liter ary addres•, at Mansfield last Tuesday even ing on Bacon. We hear it very highly ;Token of. —Mr. M. Yale has removed 116 Tobacco Stord to the building formerly occupied by Belcher 4 Co., one door ; below "Eastman' dental rooms. —Many of our exchanges will publish to papers this week because of the "Glorious Fourth." Our subscribers will receive the AuITATOR as usual. ..- —Jake Williams has put down a stone walk in front of his residence, and the ma terials are on the ground for ono in front of the Presbyterian church. —The bridge across the creel: near the de pot in this village is completet and will be 'mind very convenient 1,19 so o As the new Cone street is opened and graded from East Avenue north. . —Prof. Verrill assures us that he intends to retain his residence at Mansfield, and en gage hereafter in the instruction of Teach ers' Institutes. Good judges pronounce him very successful in that work. —A considerable improvement has recent ly been made at the depot at Lawrenceville. The track has been moved, a broad platform built nearly as low as the track and the de pot lowered to the same level. —The. saw mill of C. F. Miller & Co, at Ado Island on Pine Crock was destroyed by tire last %6ek Monday. The amount of two hundred thousand feet of hemlock lumber was also burned. Los:. , about $8,000; insu rance, $4,000. t —We suppose the..ditor 4f the Mansfield AdrectiseP is neither a`Mason nor a politi cian. lie wants to knw what a "Goode nough Morgan" is. W -refer our jolly friend to the oldest political , I:\orker he knows —say Thurlow Weed. —The track is in - splendid conqtion for the horse fair advertised to come off On Friday • and Saturday of this week. There ill un doAtedly be a large crowd to witn the rave,, as no pains have been spared to \ rake it comfortable for spectators. --The Soldiers' Orphan `School at Mitm, field shelters, feeds, clothes 'and ediwates 210 children at the present dine. It is a huffy little world within itself; a noble charity, and a credit to the workers who administer it and to the State that supports it. —l' Rif. Allen is erecting a new wood build ing i n the re a r of the Orphan School build tng, at Mansfield. It is `..).8x70 feet on the ground and two stories high, the ground door being designed for a dining room and •At.elic.vri and tWe stt,ry stbof e Gr school rooms. And now /Int i k has 40110 bila: D;nc,- ha/akin withont, Stlymg, good bye to Tien comity And the county didn't eVell kin s hr had gone I "Ho packed his valise Arab, Mid silently stele away," or words to that effect, as the poet. Faith. P...0,-bye Ber ths ---M r. H. V. Forgoion,' the new editor of thu Deinocrat, 6', We eleterstAtlCl, the Sell of Rev. "M r. Fergib , on, late of Corning, and h ow o f Le Hoy, IN. V. De ipori.at says ho is known to be a lir:t-olao: joornali , zt. Wi' WIACOMe hint heartily lo Well,boro, and the now !Ifni long life and pro=per- , SuLurday 1:1:4 the reildunc., of Mr. .Antbh liar& in thi , . wq Artick by inyhtning. The bolt -track the ridge, tin ning down lice end of the reef, thenve 'along the water trough to the oppo-ite lint and then into the ground. Mr. \Vbitney w.o: the ~tdy pet-on in dm 10.11 , ; %Va.. utiiiijiirfitd. —Mr. Jenkins, tho late publisher of the Demucent, made his final bow to the reklets 01 that juarnai last week. We are sorry to lose our tHeitd (ruin the local journalistic world, but trust he will find more renmner ative work elsewhere, tie is a right good, fellow, and deserves success wherever he goes. 'May he always find it I —Twenty drops of camphorated spirits on ft lump of sugar is said to be a very excellent prophylactic for cholera, to be. taken every morning . during the prevalence of the dis ease. The cholera is not here and is not ex pected, but the specific nosy be as handy to have in the house as wasthe Thompson door plate in' the dwelling ofaMrs. Toadies. --There are signs of thrift on every sile at Mansfield. The addition to the State NM trd school is rapidly going up, the walls be ing already laid as high.ns the second story; a tine, brick block is to be erected on the corner 'dpposite Ross i k; Williams's Block, and there is earnest talk of anew hotel build ing. This last institution is needed, and if built of reasonable proportions, should prove a profitable investment. driving from this village across the country to Mansfield last week we observed that the crops wqro looking reasonably well for this time of year. Corn seems to be a little backward, and the yield of bay will probably be quite light. One farmer informs us that he has determined to plow his mead ows and sow corn for fodder. But the re cent warm ruins have brightened tho agri cultural prospects considerably, and we con clude that the proniiso of "seed time and harvest" still holds good. The Democrat of last week announces that Mr. IL V. Ferguson, of Leßoy, and 3fr. H. Sehlick, of Dansvillo N. Y., are hereafter to be the publishers of that journal. It also says that in the yourse of three or four weeks the paper will be enlarged and improved. W are glad to jpitirn that the 'patent out side" is to be disc - an/inland that hereafter the paper will be printed wholly in Tioga noun t'• We see no good retts'on why the Data , oeratie party of the county should . not sup port a creditable organ, here, and we npte these improvements with pleasure. —lf any of our friends -bravo occasion to visit Mansfield dtlriiig this fine weather, we advise them to get a good rig and drive over. In the first place, they will save time by . sp doiug, for a Smart horse will beat( the cars tither way, and in the next place, if they en joy eitbei• the beautiful or the usefiil in na ture, they will be amply repaid for the lit tle extra expense.by a ride through one of the loveliest and most thrifty pieces of coun try that lies outdoor's. As for the smart borso and good rig, if it didn't 'make this item look like a puff,--which it ill i t — We should say go to Messrs.• Kolebam & Colo and be happy: —Last Saturday morning as the freight train was Coming south, when just below tlfe depot at Niles Valley, - a man name John pheluian stepped on the track in from of the i l engine, and was run Oyer and Instant y kill ed, his body being literally - cut in two. We aadarstaad that Mr. Shelmaamho wile 011 out _=MM zzz=v • wenty4 Years' , Othdi the nigh, before, a Oiad . etite to Worlaleap= ing a piece of land near the railroad i 41111; morning: After worb itig: a while be remark *ad that he felt sleepy, and would go and lie down. Se then started and Walked down the bank, seemingly unconscious of the neat' ap proach of the train, and „stepped upon the track, with the fatal result stated above.— Ile had no family. *r 1 ."..- ..i.-' , - •ti 7: ..:_. ..- pt• - -i; - a , •00k314 : eV.2I. !i. *: t ..' z ' - „et - tif Lawrea'4o4iii*Ta. - .%; . , ' . ! ; ,, '-e 4 . -. ;' ,4 - ,!:..;0 1 1041 ' I n k rt w o o r n o l f d n b i e os e t as or y t tde he zi e tiis y e s i ; hematter;and but'fir'doie might seem somewhat ungracious,. and we pass Omni with the general remark that they shoWed a fair average amount of -thought and ctilfure. The diplomas were then presented to the graduates, of whom . there -were eighteen.-- Then followed the closing address of Prot C. 11. Verrill-; Friends of the Class of 1873.—The hour for our separation is at hand, and . in the po sition of an instructor I am in your presence for the last time. , Pleasant indeed it is for meto Meet you to day, to listen to your familiar voices once more, and award you your diplomas after your faithful career with us. - Though the word farewell brings sadness to your hearts and mine, - yet we can. look back upon the course of study compteted,we can recall these years with pleasure. Standing as you do to-day at the end of the career - here, how natural that we should look back and*ry for a brief time to live over again these weeks and years. „ . :. I can truly say that as a are you have been faithful and industrious, you have been eernett workers. In my relations to you as an'instructer . and friend I have doubtless left impressions upon you, and you have each and all 'left impressions upon me; no two persons in -Ilia class, as I , think of you now, present the same character; either in in tellect or moral and religious culture. And' this leads me to the subject of my theme to-day—the subject of this my last lesson. As widely different are the charac ers of people as are Varying the scenes of i ature, or aro various and are changing the natures of the human coentenance as we be t old now - faces from time to time. A cele -4 rated Greek writer says : "The character •f man is known by his speech." Not his oral - character, surely, though some times hen the speech is made up of cursing and winning it can be quite accurately lacer lined. - I. apprehend the writer to whom I efer had another idea in view—the intellee ilia character, and not perhaps the strength i f mind but the culture, the nature of itidis ipline and its training. But Another kind •f character it is my purpose to speak of to. • ay. Ido not mean by this the reputation .ou may have or I may have, for these rep talons may be true or false,but the charac ers are true to themselves. Reputation is easily obtained, .or at least totoriety . Stokes certainly has the latter.-`.usan 13. Anthony has both, and when ;she if late demanded the full punishment (for a lupposed crime) she exhibited considerable :haracter. - .7 Reputation may be made uperebrass, and tinny a man has a 'goad reputation who is a effect humbug, aquitek of 'the first water. i ow unlike this s with,elittracter. A good Tug POTATO Batt.—The following letter haracter cannot be formed in any such way. from a correspondent who has had experi- othing but real with, genuine integrity once in dealing with our farmers' new pest vill produce it. without much effort, one can rt, and consequently there be made will be found interesting and may prove very re many of the latter. To form a good char useful just at this time : cter there Must be it good heart, , a good in- To the Editor of the Agitator.—Stu : In oiled, and' much will. A lack of wilt with the AGITATOR of Juno 10th -you gave notice tech of/the other things mentioned will not of the arrival of " A Dreaded Visitor," the arkk•Vtgood.chttracter. Too much will some= " Potato Bug." Allow me to say that we, iimes produce egotism, as well as teo much in this country, are well acquainted with the : tellect, though I often think egotism thrives rest in ignorance. I say first there must be "varmint" and have been warring against` 1 good heart; a heart - not brim full of self them for-the last seven years, and yet they i• (Mess, a heart not brim full of desire that are with us. Your description of them is ther people should be nothing save some very far below one's self. One must have a correct ; but the "sweeping:v process hug ßart not ready to catch every word and pon e or it for the sake of the gossip; one must them off; arid in a very short tithe all will be I aye a heart not filled with desire to do oth back on the vines with an Merensed force and trs injury, even at the risk of becoming a / t otorlous liar ,• a heart which will not be sharpened appetites. .1 while the lips mechanically pro- By experimenting we have found but ono : I t -l i t t i t . t ' c g o i t il l ( te hindmost lies 1. say the heart way to treat them seeeessfully, and that is, t must be good, it must be true, it must be to give them a dose or two of Paris Green, i are; it is of no use to suppose some one either by sifting it on the - vines, while wet t links it is good; it is of no tlBO to presume with dew, through some thin or open fabric tie people, in E , the friends, are hoodwinked,sop, s Fables with for like book-th 1 ko an animal mentioned uslin, or by applying it in water tle ears are sometimes exposed to view.— with a,common sprinkler. I have used it I :al culture of the heart is needed as well i successfully both ways, and am convinced it t • that of the intellect. It is not to be sup 'is the cheapest and most effectual when ap- osed that all aro to possess-it without some— plied by sprinkling. One ounce of Paris • yen quite a good deal of cultivation. Edu . , c Lion m its broad sense includes the culture Green to twelve quarts of water is about the f the heart as well as that of the tnind and i I right proportion, and the nose should .be ody,•though it must be admitted that ninny finer than that of a common -Sprinkler so as a called educated whose hearts aro seldom not to waste the solution. Care should be i inclined to exhibit any degree of it. Not all taken not to use too much o' tho Green, as it a called educated men aro good men, not . a 1 of them Ore agreeable or useful to their will stop the growth of the' vines, and the f Bows. A certain kind of education will 1 potatoes will not mature but will bo soft and a ly lead one to become a sharper villain.— Watery. It is not necessary to apply it until I speak of the moral character tirst—it is first o young bugs begin to eat, and generally i,i Importance. ,It. is the last to he mentioned in the argumentative discourse ifi a plea for tw applications' during the season will be clr , aracter. The moralelement must not be stiff 'bent, or, in other-words, one application p stponed in th'ii course of study, however, to each \ erop of young bugs. • ese a character far front the symmetrical The old ones eat but little through the M ill be produced. The boy or girl must have the elements of this instruction given them summer,* to the f 4ll when tflerf3 are no e rty in life 01st 4 i , 4 ii d ifflettlt task in Mier potato tops you may he sure they will make y -ars. As it is troublesonit, for the man fifty a raid upon the tomatoes, eat the hark clean y ars of ago, unaccustomed to sthdy, to sit from the vine and take the ripd fruit for d wn and go through the dry detail of text b dm work, SO it.llidltllell4forkil/(lilan one whit dessert. - Very respectfully yours, n aa ou genuine integrity, who hes not been k J ". VV. shEA""wN• a .customised to be truthful, who has not been Plainfield, Wis., IMO 17, 1873. 9..customed to tell the same story twice alike, Another friend at fort Allegheny details t change. The fact is the heart has been Lis treatment of the btis as follows: - ti led with other seeds, and , now the fruits are I had just e,i a parent. Dishonest boys IfilllCO Credital 0 - I had a Visit from the dpi aro bug about the , . 1 •u er 'nen, provided they have brains samo time yon /lid in Wells ors oug h . received two barrels of Nos tk Sonde quick Students dishonorable in their relations to lime plaster, and took one \ bushel of the cl,ch other are only propaling to no more plaster and one bushel of liard-ple ashes, d -' l l l ) o n o o i rt c r 0 among their ll'soeietes in the inked them and put a handful on C,/101 hill. r Bul v a good character I admit must naive, Three days afterward I made a thorough intellectual qualifications, intellectual cot. search and found only these bugs tvi_T - e the time. Schools and their ..,socintions, books ,plaster eduld not hit them. Try it for kr- and the proper nm, of owl., experience ii. self Tt will _ save;, sour 011)14 , 811 , from e the world, contact with men and flood coin \ black hug, and vines from the yellow bug. '• d m e t s a i i n s d e l l i i t •n n w i t i l i l e L e T t i l yril t , j o u u n t 0 11 1 1 . 1 u t i l e ' v it. e t l l i i i i: ( l , g t s ; limns truly, J i;TERLE. ' \ m),l d he who casts aside any one .of these An exchange says that Prof. Riley, of filings gives poor nay it.‘of acquiring this cul e, 111 issouri, who has given great attention to 2 1 , 1 "-." is no easy way; tivation of the mu-Die:Nal charifcter; peo the ravage; of this post, states that the first , • ple st,IN• '0 for it, but if lever existed it is now year they steep everything ; end if left an- ti lnOng\ the Lost Arts and even Wendell di , turlied, a half dozen hugs will destroy the P iilipsill not delve lor it, at least till some part toes on it thousand acres in a single sea- en 0 (Weevers it anew. It can never be said to be easy save as all -son. Th e second year ap ara.,-ite appears, turd j a b ot i4\ c a sy ly hob 0110 1103 the lqy 0 a anti Itiettl-Mably.clieeks their oboe/dna* in - it: Time,'r' at patitince mid peeveri'co are crease, and from year to year the Parasite ea;ch and allueeded. 'ffia,e4liir d essential tile increases and the bugs decrease. meta in characterj tuntioaed is will. Nut • a Will to be stubbota—that 'sort of a will is Of mitt., ~ ,,wth. Stublibtnnesssis al . 'lli'• li' • • ."Tillt-DoOTOR'Oy ALCANTARA."—In 4pito of the sweltering weather a good-sized audi-, encegathered At the Academy of Musie last _Friday evening yo witness the performance' of this opera - by the graduating class of the State Normal Musical Academy; of Mans field. But altholigh the heat was npprossive," the reward we's ample. As for onrielves,wo wore dissappointed the performance, and we think the audience showed the same feeling,butothe dissappoint merit was a happy ono. We tiro sure we ex press the general sentiment of the ,people of Wellaboro whoa we'say that they were sur prised by the proficiency shown by a party of young amateurs in rendering'so ambitious a piece. That proficiency showed not only natural aptness, brit careful training at the hands of u competent instructor. Of course wo don't pretend to criticise the musical part of the performance, for, un fortunately, our own musical education has been somewhat limited ; but that ,the listen ers thoroughly enjoyed this - feature of the entertainment was shown by their frequent and hearty Applause. But of the acting and the elocution we do profess' to know some thing, and we'here wish to bear our testimo ny to the fifet that in each of these parts— and a very great deal depends upon each •of them—the company showed superior ability and training. The acting was hearty, natu ral and unembarrassed; the -pronunciation and inflection generally pure, unaffected and not at all "stagey:" As regards the piece itself, it is, almost as a Matter of course, Ili ridiculous and highly diverting exposition of o,no phaskof the "gratid passion." • The scene is laid H'Spain, and its a transcript of human nature it is about as foreign to the ideas of an American edienco and aboutAs unsubstantial as a cas tle in the same land. But whatever the op era is, its plot is amusing enough, and an evening' passed in witnessing its develop ment upon the stage is by no means mis spent. li de worth. Stubl.„irnness is all right when M A INS BU RO IT EMS. —1 t some thne "Since it is shown for the right, but is at least un- I wrote to you. Mainsburg is very quiet. fo innate when it is exhibitett for the wrong Mr. J. M. Clark has beilt a nice addian to It is clear that a strong will is not shown but his house. We are going to build en addi- w sere stubborn men predominate, as it is Lion to our school house for a primary de- u cossarY Will which Will allow one paatinent. Our Street Commissioners are to change his opinion if need be for the right. - N A only a will to do right, lad a will to find improving our 4reets, and we hope they will t what is right is need its the good strong turn their attention to side walks. We have el araeter, And tido will must tie based upon got some as good ones as any village in the hart and head culture. It might with more county and some as bad. Our Sunday school prvriety be called purpose: purpose to do— is:flourishing ; Bev. I. Everett is Superinten: in ention ' An these essentials can be summed up in „lent and a good one, too. oati word—Culture. r Culture of the head— The weather has been very dry ; you may culture of the heart—culture of all, faculties, powers; this is needed to form the chili judge how dry when I you that Mr. Es- of all ter set tire to a fidlow one mile south of here ac er the ideal of V. hick may be imagined and the tire crossed an old road, killed r at maws of thegraduating class, establish from fifty to one hundred maple trees, and f o y ourse l ves g ood (diameters; cultivate all burned over two acres of grass, and they ,had th powers of intellect (Ind has given you; to plow through the meadow to stop the are. CU Livia° all these olcuiclits which Junku up eh trader. You are all intending to teach in The grass and trees belonged to Thomas th keystone State. good work. Let Doed. "We have had a nice rain this week. tit impressions you make on those uieler Messrs. Morton Lt, Adathy a re building a your charge he good—worthy of an example. large darn for their grist mill. We are build- Chapel mei VP", o s tir ing a new parsonage fence. Mr. Peleg Doud yo liter blurs room, our macs exorcises all the raised a new burn last Saturday. I will " v•r.W " win not I. "'g vt ' Ll w ee ni " lin g s a " th se gatherings. You are my last class its write nein soon. O. t.h Normal School, and together with all the 2 1 / a inembury, June 24 1873. eh mni will be kindly remembered by the. Every graduate and every . student of this - an former years will find an mo a lifelong ri lid. There is not one toward whom I en et lain any feelinas salve those of thy Idiplest retire from the school with the best wish zs 'or the Normal and its future prosperity; • the best wishes for its one hundred and e enty graduates, to all of whom I have en instruction, and its twenty-five bun d pupils who have been members during ,ht se last eight years, nearly all vi whom I 'e instructed. I shall not forget those who e min of our present number, either as et :')let's Or pupils. illy aYmputhiPs will tic, vi h them, .and I can only trustthat, though n labors have always Eeelned. of little ae4 nt to a very small and select circle, I may ae remembered by them. If I can feel that tai} work has been appreciated, I shall think II se years of toil have not been lived in COMMENT E:UP:NT AT MANSFIELD.—Last Thursday was "CouilllPncement Day" at t , Mansfield, and no more beautiful day over 4 ., dawned. The flue June weather was im proved by a large crowd of interested well wishers of the State Normal School who sl crowded the 111: E. church to overflowing to- 6 ,, listen to the Italia commencement exercises. 3 The program& litigant with a "Song of b Jubilee" by the Glee eltth-led by Prof. Jew- 11 ett. After a prayer by Bey. pr. Hunting- r t : ton and an anthem, the salutatory was do- l y livered by David T. Brewster of Montrose, n: Pa. His theme _was Theory and Practice, c 4 and his. main point was that the possession of b sound prinCiples and unswerving adherence tl to them was a nceossity-oflivery true life. v ' Although we took notes, want of space forbids oven time briefest outline Of the sever- ° al dissertatiOns. The following is a list of subjects treated by the respective speakers : No One Lives for' Himself Alone,' B. W. Baker, of Mansfield, Pa. Cause arid Beet, J. W. Carpenter, of 12 Wiwdrly. Cross and Crown, Miss S. F. Gray, of Bath, N. Y. 1 s Success, L. J. Fick, of• Liberty, Pa. Opinions Differ, Win. Fuller, of Whites ville, N. Y. .., - , , c Progress, Miss E. B. Hayes, Mansfield, Pa. s incentives of '73 ; C. B. Gardior, of Green , Grove, Pa. Moninnents, - J. 0. Griffin, of Canton, Pa. The Value a a Trifle; Miss 14.1, It. I.low- 1 t land, of Mansfield, Pet. Energy, C. B. McKean, of Zion, Pa. - Trim Heroes, J. K. Ming, of Auburn Cen ter, Pa. . . •. Endosmose and' Eiostuose, 'Miss_ V. K. Wylie, Daggettie'Mills, Pa. '', , 't Independence, M. 0. Webster; of .11eildit: Pa. zmcm • Major John Reynolds, of Robersburg, 1 e tre county, a member of the legislature n i 845, died a few days ago. Mr. Jonathan Slaughter, a soldier of the va of 1812, died in-the town of Erwin, ;Mett le county, a few-days ago. Mrs. 'Betsey Calkins, one of the most re pe ted residents of yid-wed Post, died last u sduy in the 80th year of her age, There is a doctor in one Ctf the central' m Mies whose name is McKillum. He 'aid petition the legislature to change it to Curoum. - • The Roman Catholics of Erie are' build nsi a cathedral 200 loot long, 11'2 foot across', trauseept and 78 feet across the nave and 'is os. The spire will be. 225 feet high. -• • • -Hon. M. C. Trout, ex-member of Con :r,-s, dropped dead in Mauch Chunk, Pa.; •h le accompanying the Pennsylvania mil er al excursion party last WeduesdaY. ; • young lady at a wedding in Rlinira ' other night s frActored her ankle by tomb , Eng lug Or the.hae of a Ott, a gotkViifew'of the MI- Oat partireliorie this will prove a Wara ine , CtrOicat gymnastic belles. —Henry bempbell; who was arrested for robbing the post aloe at Towanda, some time ago, has just had his trial at William sport. He was found guilty and sentenced to undergo an imprisonment of S Ypir4.in the State Penitentiary and pay a flrii9f§2oo. —The 'Elmira Advertiier is engaged in a very warm debate with several of the clergy. men of that city on the Sunday quation, in which the paper seems to be getting decided ly worsted. As a neighbor says, the Adver- Gar's "best hold seems to be the attempt to vindicate indefensible 'theories." , —The annual meeting of the National Ea ucticignal Association occurs at Theirs, N: Y., on" the 6th, 6th and 7th of Augdt t. Among other things, the disscussion of 'She question, "Hew much culture shall ho im parted in Our free schools?" will be opened bigon. J. P. 'Wickersham, State Superin tendent of Common SchoOls of Pennsylva nia. • —A4ioy fell out of a second story window in Erik, the other day, and would have been killed by the fall, but fortnnOcly he. atruek on the bead of one candidate for Sheriff, , roll. ed off into the arms of another, and ho hand col the little fellow alive and kicking over to a third, while a fourth, without waiting to see whether the boy was hurt or not, started for a physician; seeing which a fifth, tletei mined not to be behind his competitr4 in showing interest in the boy's welfare'imme• diately wont to the nearest candy.aop and bought him five cents' worth oFsinim diops. And after all this interest; the tumbling brat's father wasn't a votei.—Titusville Cou rier, • JERSEY Sllolllt RAILROAD.—TiIe Will iamsport Gazette and Bulletin of last week contained Alio following in relation to this road : / - • • The'' ropacsition of the President of the Jersey Shore and Pine"Oreek Railroad Com pany to reduce the grade, in order to bring the road closer to the borough l of Jersey Shore, has been rejected by the people of that town. In consideration of doing this the company asked a bonus of $25,000, ten acres of kind for depot purposes, and the, right of way for six miles. • As the road has been surveyed and loca ted, it will pass within one mile of the town on an embankment some fifteen or eighteen feet in flight. This is necessary in order - to maintain a uniform grade' of fifteen feet ta, the mile, a distance of eighty-two miles, from Williamsport to the summit of the 4.110-1 gliony mountains. To reduce this gradient, in order to come nearer the borough of Jer sey Shore, would require a break in, the grade, as now fixed, of from fifteen to fifty-two and eight-tenths feet to the mite, and the point o intersection from whore the grade 'breaks; until it reaelies the original ronto again, is about six miles. One engine will draw forty-two cars a dis tance of eighty-two miles, but with this break in the road the motive power would be re duced to seventeen ears to the sumo engine; and if the break in the grade were made it would compel the company to keep one or two `4lushers," or assisting engines, at that Otte°, at an expense of not lose than $5,000 per annum, and to build n round hinir, two . turn tables, double tracks, , all of which ould oust not less than $37,000, with an an nual outlay of $5,000 or $lO,OOO more for ex penses. Besides this, it would cost the com pany twelve feet additional excavation in the now thirty feet out through the land of Mrs. Pfouts, a distanco'of over 1,1300 feet, much other hard work uu the line and the tearing' up of public highways, which they would have to meet at their own expense. The. whole expense of this proposed change of grade would, as far as we are able to learn, be net less than $150,000, and as the people have decided not to accept the proposition, we presume the company is just as well sat isfied. We are anxious to see Ng ruacl built as soon as possiblo. It will greatly benefit all the country on that side of the river, and materially assist the people of Larry's Creek, Jersey Shore and Pine Crook. It will open' new fields of trade and dovelep now indus tries in a large district entirely cut off from the outer world. It will also, on account of its shortness, become an important thorough hi re and a great competing line for travel. Lot it ho pushed through at as early a mo ment as possible. WELLSBORO MARKET COMIZeTIO4 , WIAIZIC4V R H. KIMBALL, Rd ail Grocer Wt.a.uatiouo, JUNE 'SO, 1t57.3 DEALER:3 PAY FUR SELL AT Flour, per bbl —lllO $ll 011 Buckwhent floor. per evil 3 25 3 76 Wheat, white, per bushel 1 tit) Wheat, rid, Wheat, Hpritig. " --.— 11114,1; wife:4f , 4:4) Corn, shelled, ‘• 744 9O Oats, GO Balle), Rye. Clover seed, lIIIIGOS'.AELEVANTOR Is comprised of Ammo ,la ; Chloroforni, Spirits of Camphor, Tint.ture 01 Lupti lin, Oil of Juniper, and Alcohol. This compound is itheipialleil In Gra aimuls of medicine fur the cure in ,WrViilik4 Sirk lived Ache, Neuralgia, Troubling 'or Twiteitilq; of the Nerves, and all Norrous Diseases. It will conoterart 01 poisons, banish pitutilisi, cure Healey el uptions, itching, humors, Av. ; it equalizes the Orculstion, ales the HyBll4ll, 11701 , 1451,4, the Action of the heart, w Murat exeiting the Main, cures Heartburn, Palpitation loci kilittevurti of tie I leari. Dyspepsia, A.c. Ilriggs' A enter absolutely poescii.s p.m. curative properties than any other prepara tion. Physioutis, ells mists, mid len , r,, are I. quested to exalitillo and 1118 t 11111 remedy, and ' woo will WI paid if found ,71itrereut Dom representidion. C 1- 11 ;rah has been wri 1111(11y r01.1111A1109 11;11'0 brow of tor the rola f and cure 01 throat and lung iliflCllSCh; hut nothing has been so emitteutly success ful, or obtained rap h a wide celebrity, as Briggs' 'throat and hug Healer, Let them nr Loots, COl 4 llllSa, curse thou make up your Mind that you can endure their torments as iollg as they Call tOl.llOVIlt you, but take the advice, of uo old oral) who has tried it, but got wended by the corals.— They are worse than a coon in a barrel 4. tier r sur i render, but light It out on that line sialilluer Wa and„ winter. Bunions, ingrowing nails. and other siteli, pleasant little pets, art: gothered into the relief kitelk. by neillf 1111.111W5' C1‘11.111111(1 Bunion Remedies, ' Alickit,tor Curative. - Di have been a terror to mankind for cola tunics, and almost every attempt to cure them has been battled. lly uneetudzig study and ex. pertmentillg, Dr. lik•iggs. has discovered an absolute mire for internal, bleeding, external, and itching pllcs . Briggs' Pile Remedies are 11111 d, sate and sure. Hold by the following Druggists 4-llastlin.W.A Coles, 'lQllslioz - o; Benj. Doi lance ' Elitism]; 0. I'. Leonard, Lae reticulate; 1). Orcutt A Son, Painted Post; Ver 'Alyea A Warren, Westfield; H. IL Borden A Son, sad 0. Thayer A: Co., Nelson. StAltl by the following Otitioral Dealers:- P. J. Presho and Wm, S. Gregory, Erwin Centro; Seidy k Crandall, Nelson; J. O. Parkhurst, Liklund• l_ttentlaß Bro's Co., Clark 101)411, N, 81tra t tut Co., And It. A: F. M. tiks ! ,ol:4; Wood At Seovoll, ElltrX.Villo; D. W. e , i)Walle}:(1110 Valley; E. It. Stebbins Oee, Satanic:illy; E. W. tracker. lattle Marsli4' N. O. Potter, Knoxville; A. W. Potter, Middieintry Centre; Joseph /1/1W1.0101,V1110; Di)(Ille, JUMPS k Stokes, Stokes. dalo ; Dodge, 'James A Stokes, Wellsts)ro; Jesse Locke,. Gaines. Ci, ra „ Bunions, B M Bad Neils. and other a /VP ell, P. 4 eases of the ft et, Scrofulous and Cancerolis honors. Piles, etc., skillfully. treated at the great central Chiropolleal and Healing ItratitUtei No. 07 Itroadway, New York. DR. J. BRIO OS 8 Co. Velf. 11, y. . . ..... iftwarloquitiatiTEßs. •' Cut•u meal, l u •r c•ct L „ Fo , a, 0.‘5'1 P 014 1 ,1 peen per Inwil Oginna,lwr bllsh. Ttirusps, t,l•r Pork, prr Imo. lwr 81m1(1 prr lb iSuflr+,p+•r lb Cheese, per lb Lard. per lb Tallow, per lb Honey, per lb Beeswax, luir Vinegar, per gal. per 4biiifdi apidea, per lb Dried peaches, per lb Dried cherries, per lb Dried blackberries, per lb Dried raspberries, black, per lb. . Dried raspberries, red, per eranberrlea per fit flay, per ton Wood, 18 Inches, per curd., Wood, 9 !vet, i.co "ir9. Ofkal , bard,;uY Coik Cum, heft Oronnd plaster, per ton Hagar, "A" L.olfee, Per lb finffar, yellow, per 1, ............. orL.wd, Per lb Teas, green, per lb Teas, black, par lb.", Keroseno, par gal Wool, per Ili Puns, Canada field •• Itlaek-eyed Starowfat.. ... ~. I IST OF LVE11:11:3 reintilning 111 tlif: L4l Oil at Alien Anillcy. Hatlia Abrams. Charley lienimon, hinggiv Fay. William A. Nemo Nell itobituom In ealling•for any of the above please give name and date of advertiminont. FUI I Lim a 'table CnUery and Ilatc.d Waro J at Bullp'a. New and Desirable Stock of Merchandise, GREAT DECLINE IN PRICES will bo town' attractive, consisting of ninny new additions of rich and elegantetyles ti,mcdertita prices -01torvimiami tutio7,l4tiaTag,c,,(s2! , . Poll aull coinpluto atocle;cenaletlug„of =any now and dentrable 8 fyles for - bleN, YOUTHS - ANA BOYS. The POW) are Wilted to call and ace for thennic-lvea, . i Wellebora, Iwo 17.18178-14. 6 60 2 ( 1 9 2(0 ho tkl C:k, l 15 s 0 II 7507 25 3 40 3 50 8 40 12% CIT.O. W. 11111ItitICE, P. M Thomas hiarden Would tvanectrully call attention to 1314 whictk enables him to offer greater bargattin than ever The Carpet Department g== cizAivEL-Atatvitzi.-:-At the bonne et U 00 111 6 21 fattier, iu ,Parnittigton.:june 0!L , 1879, by nek: 41 K. Butunil. Mr. Oliver °hope!. of Chatham), 'and bliss Marlette Mourrey, of Farmington. r BOST—PRENOO.—Ety Rov. D. A. Booth In Chat ham, atareu 1, teak Mr. A. Bost mid Wait Jane Preach, both of Chatham, Pa. WALKEIR-OAIIO/INP..—At the residence of the 'brides varoots, June 21, 1873, by Bev. W. H. Burn• 1 43', Mr. Uoiuee R. \stalker. orUisier, Pa.. and Was Jennie E. Osborn. Of SVoiihsquin, Pa. JoyiNSON—IiELLINGEIL—At the residence of the hrhie's father, Jane 29(h. /873, by Elder p. P. Alder auto, Mr. Theodore Jobnaon, and Wes Alice E.Bellia. ger. all of Obarleston, Pa. - - I, S- s9l2ooietil Notioe. Datcher!s Dead Shot for Ded .Bugs. 'ORTINAIN DEATH TO THE VERI4IN," Rills on toucb, destroys eggs and nests, roots ..tiadal out, Ilse it and sleep in peace. 26, and .60 eeirts.— Large bottles the . cheapest . Juno 10.-4 t. 17 -4 2 - I€43PIEM TX CI Sal ah6lld not tri fle with their livaltirby resorting to now and untried remedies. often drastic and injuricais, while the great cure, Hoe/baud's °email ilitters,,can be had. The testimony in favor of this standard remedy is Ina- Meuse, anti each day adding twit from the most res pectable climes of society./ • Read the testimong,rf the Supreme!. Court : Fortner 'Chief Justiee,Ceorge IV.' Woodward": I dud "lioefland's Germedyfiltters" is a good tonic. useful in the diseases of the digestive organs, and of great benefit in casesdebility and want of nervous action the sys, , eni.! lion. Chic,' Juelice J'antes Thompson : I ooneldlor Elorunut Bitters" a valluiblo inoilicino, in case of attacks of indigestion or dyspep ; sta. t eau certify this from my experignee of it, lion. Juslid George SA4irswoott : I have found by expert once- that " Ifoofland's Oorinan Bitters" lo a very good tonic, relieving dyspeptic symptoms almost directly. They are not alcoholic. They aro sold by all Drug gists.-24une Rot. Notice to• Bridge Builders. county bridge aerose the Tioga river. near 1 where the road ercianea the said river near King'e Mills, in Covington township, Will be let for the build ing of the same, by the Conaniasionere of Tiogaeouu ty, (as by plan to be exhibited on the premises) to the lowest and beet bidder on Friday. the 11th day of July next. at 10 ce.oloeir a. ni. JOB ligKronD, T. 0. 1101.418, cones. E. UAW, July 10873-2 w. .7 - Atssolution oi Partnership. MOTIOras hereby given that the partnership lately existing between M. Yale and A. 1.. Bodine, of Welisboro, 1%4 - under the firm o0.1"ne of M. Yale & Co., was dissolved on the 20th day of dune, 1873, by tnUtll• at &want. M. Yale Is authorized to settle all debts due to and by the company, MOHES YALE, , Wellsboro„Jono 24, is-3t. A.' L. 110DINIP. CAN C.Elt if you aro afflicted with CANCER, come .12 immediately to the Causer Infirmary of Dr. J. N. Crane, Addison, N. Y., where you will be promptly treated and cured, if you come in time. When reach ing the lt. R. Depot at this place, ask for the Aineri eau Hotel omnibus; it will take you direct to the In firmary. If you wish for references, send for Circu lar without delay. Charges always reasonable. ' JULIO 24, 1873-Iy. TABLE LIMO'. Towels, Napkins, at Kelly's China flail WELLSBORO WOOG•CARDING WORKS. T insu to inform the public that I am now ready to do nil work in my line at reasonable rates, and in the best manner. BRING ON YOUR WOOL. IVolleboro, Juno 17, 1073. S. A. 111LTEOLD - " 7 k .7 7.. 4. 7 47' W ' ,„ • , - 4 • / • .-„pe-z - `4' - 41- —:Ter,lnds. • er*wiC); • •;:. I A; .„ THE KIR ES 7E' wr? NVlttsel 7411,0wi , STRONGEST SIM.PLESTI LIGIITEST RUNNING AND Most EASILY MANAGED AIACHINF. IN THE WORLD. IX 151 MIL 0 Eticile , 3:;•i 7 4ick - ft AND ItEN'ilti W1 0 .4(1111! UPON the iIORSEAS I ATTC'JCS'I 1143 Mado Wholly of Iron and Steel. Pifrabte, Astro Ja 011r1 Simple. Tub TOMPKINS couxry amore*® 3E=Lietir&AD 2 la the BEST RAKE In tho market. For partlentars apply IAkS. N. BOYDEN, Agent, Wellaboro, Pa. $+I00( EWARD. ,501 1 44 Jh 140 L 1 12 lY 1:4 to 121; 2:1 12 16 121 15 /0 20 2p ID 20 30 •2(1 25 aOO MEI - WWI GO GN.14 . 01 25 2w sOO Bought ayace thQ :` , • ~tARRI THOMAS HARDEN. : • . - AT , „ / OU Wrlfy-FIND THOSE NEW ANL F4BHIONABTJE Polka Spot-Prints, black aladcolored—of superior quality; and as()NEAP as eau be found West of New York City THOSE LA RENE MARGOTT PANNIERS ! CA.lllprtatlCS .for Spring land' Slimmer, MA.RSALES for Ladies' and Children''s Dresses in large quantities. THOSE RUFFLINGS, TUOKINGS & TRIMMINGS In fad all kinds of Goods can be found at the Regulato) 11111' /13Mai Olt IDgg6QA 1441M1.11 ©3 MUM 1M1T1NG4A,211433Z 04 NM= Grooeries — of all lints. CROCKERY of the best Ironstone China. - 3,3()c)irs :Y-ILLS' A large assortment—plea's, Woman's; and Children's—at prices as c o nesp as the elletirest Corning, April 22, 1873. -tf. N I4;W -FIRM. An Entire Stocir, of NEW Gpoup .11.70 LAC:ISW 1:10.3FL. Ottifenttct, Wholesale Clothiers 'and Merchant Tailors,. Dry Goods p Notions, Fancy Goods. Hats, Caps, Gents Furnishing Goods, WE respectfully announce to the people of Welleboro and vicinity, that we have opened a store In this town, and aro now offering to the public a tine and well selected stock of Spring Goods, ronsisting of DRESS GOODS, SIIATVLS 'OF THE NEWEST DESIG-IVSt PRINTS, PERCALES, MUSLINS, TI9KINO9, DEN ims; LINEN TABLE CLOTHS Napkins, rriowels, Ctn•tins, .iracnet, in large qu4ntities, Kl 4 Gloves, Ladies Ties, Lucas and Embroider lds, Velonra, Velvets and Fringe, Hoop Skirts and Corsets In great variety, in fact everything belonging to a first•clase Dry Goods store. We have a choice lot of HATS 'CAPS, TIES, COLLARS, CUFFS, GLOVES, SHIRTS, &c., all of the latest styles. CLOTHING A SPECIALITY. Au Immense stock of Men's, Youth's, and Boy's ,'Suits. We manufacture our own goods, and can easily save buyers from teu to fifteen per cent. We would call especial attention to our . Custom ficailorino. Depaitment. , We keep the best of Amerionp & Imported CasMineres, Broadel >the, Doeskins, Tricots, Diagonals, Pique Clot t, and Scotch Sußings, and do Custom Work on short notice. We guarantee all work done ti l y us as regards fit and style, We Invite the people to call and inspect our good ' s before purchasing else where, as we mean to do a strict CA.SI-1 13ITSTN-lESS, \Volitive marked our goads at such low figures as to he p ) temptatlon to every CASH bbyer. GUT I PENBERG ROSENBAUM & CO. Wholesale Store. 1015 DUANE ST4 NEW YORK. M. BERNIC()PI. Managing Parttr. Aler Branch stores-458 Witter street, 2 Union Block, Soequeli tina Depot, and Montrose, Pa. Awn es law* . GIC:i3FLTVIDTC26, Delains and Alpacas. SILKS I SILKS I TIIAT ALL THE LADIES NVEAfIE. uurivalTft lu quality and price. that the ladiesa cannot do without, in abulnaance thistultaitiu DEALERS IN MULLS, NANSOOES, AND DIARSEILLES 111 1 Lt J. li. - - 3~2.74.0 • PONERQ _ BR,Ort ~&' 1 t , B~d ; - _ BLOSOBITR(}, - Tioga sz)l , BITSIN'prSB PAPER NEG /Ana,: Pomo* Dtto'a - Tray, Pa. Web. 4. 1.873-tf. Wall Paper AND tiVitintrolti *•aVtls. THE ASSORTAIENT IS THE BEET, TIM VAILIETY OF NEW.STYLFJ3 THE GREATER% TriE PRICES THE OHEAPH3T. of any stock over brought into Tioga county E. B.) YOUNG'S 13 40 COIK S C, Jo, WELLSBORO, PA G LASSWARE all endless variety at I . CHINA HALL. -F- - -- $l,OOO - REWARD A. reward of One- 'Phousand pot ara will bo paid to any Phyaician who, Will produce medicine that 4 , will supply the wants of the people better than the article known as 3P.lEla,hrney's czmtneram Blood Cleanser. or Panacea. It must ba a bolter Cathartic, a better ' Alterative, a bettor Sudorific, a better Dinrectio, a bettor Tonic, and in every way bettei\than the Pan-a-co-a. ria mat ter bow long it Las been nue, or tow lately °red. Above-all it must' not contain„ anything NOV PURELY VEOETAINM, $5OO REWARD. A reward of Five hundred Dollars will bo paid for a medicine that Will permanently cure more cases Of Costiveness, Constipation, Sick or Nervous Headache. Liver Complaint, Bilious Disord Jaundice, Mama atistu, Dyspepsia, Chills andrrever, Tape Worms, Boils,;Tumors, Totters, DI ,pores.PaUris /II the Loins, Side and Head, and Fzitt Cour/Amu, than DR. PAERNEY'S Blood Cleanser or Pana Tit - • which is used more extensively by practiatriePh/al• clans than any other popular medicine knoWn. ccz-Prepared by P. Fahruers Bros. & Co., Waynee hero,N Pa.. and Dr. P.PAnnuar, VW' , North Dearborn Street. Chicago. `‘6, price, $1.25 per bottle,lor Bale by Wholesale and Retail •Deaiers.and by Hastaugs Ar. Coles, Wollsboro, Pa. Jan.:11.1873-6m. THE VERY BEST PLAN IV which Von es,ii obtain Life Insurance is the Low Premium, All cash, Stock Plan. It furnishes the lar gest amount of Insurance fora given sum of mons,. The contract is plain and definito,without complication, mystery, or uncertainty. The policy is always worth Its face, the premium never Increases. It Is the most satisfactory and economical phui for the inattrant.= Tun TRAVELEUA INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford, Conn., grants Life Insurance upon this excellent plan. Its security is unquestioned. Apply to any Agent, or send for a Circular. We WANT - An AGENT In this township to•gncass for the new, valuable and ihat selling book by Dr. JOHN COWAN, HE SCIENCE OF ANEW LIFE Recommended and initor,kicq by piomluent ralth3ters, physicians, religious and hocularipapera. No other book like it publielle4l. .S4O per weel:guaranteed. Addresa. COWAN tv. CO., lad Eighth St., New York. V. w • EPIDEMIC AND CONTAGIOUS DISEASES - with the newest and heat treatment for all cases. The The only thorough work of the kind ln the world.— Embraces Small-rox i _Yellow Fever, Cholera and all analogous elkeases. No Family &do Without It. and all buy it. Has 24 chromatic titustratinne. 'flie big gest chance of the season for agolgli. Adarefla I:3, twoI)SPEL:I3 37 Park ROW. New York. (4001) Ailtil`i' ; ''"" -- _ MOD AOENTS WANTED FOR EV Etviaorits OWN PHYSICIAN, by C. W. Ottm-x.)::, hI. D. 13t11% rapidly. Ono agent 'odd lOti in one week. Apply at onto to 11. N. NEN k CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Vkr IN T TED . (lcueral mid Local Agents, for the liartram Sowing Machine, made at Danbury, Corm. The stillest, firatest and eaebet Lock- Stitch. Straight Needle Macblue In the market. We give better terms than any other company. Address JOHN A. DODGE, Gall Agent, Danbury, Conn. HALE.- fi,lato hotly of Timber and Iron Oro Lands ot Middle( Pennsylvaula; estimated to cut co,lion„rod feet of mind whito oak, veldt° and yellow plot and heinloik,l On and near floating streams. Estenni saw-mill; boom, otc., on, the Susquehanna. AN 13 to P. W. slitAPElt, (10-' ADORN YOUR HOMES with the new f. Chronic,. Awake" and i• Asleep." Sella liko wild-lire. The pair sent for 50 cogs. A largo die could to agents. Addrqss W. E: CARPENTER, poi. Iwo), Mass. $4O l'er IN (,'.1511 to Agents. Eve ything, furnished and expenses paid. A. COUL TER & CO., Charlotte, Mich. $5 to $2O f. Pc_,rsset. l 9a( 3 ,l wo A r e iu n g ti3 pe lv o a p j l i e ti f l elilij sex, young or old, make more money at work for ua in their apart• moments, or all the lime, than at anything else. Particulars frqo. A<lamas O. STINSOU, & CO, Portland, Blaine. WORKING It At! MALE OR FEMALE. $6O a week guaran teed. Respect able einployment at home, day or eve ning: no capital refit full instructions and val-, nal le package of goo s sent free by mall. Address, wl tilx cent return. stamp, M. YOUNG A; CO., 113 Ot leach fit„ N. y I . I , , pia La eraix Medical Dispensary. ESTABLISHED 1837. Is thn oldebt and most Stlecesatut institution in ibis country for the treatment of Chronic and Sexual eases. For terms of treatment, call, or address bY mail. with statement of. ease, S. 11. BUSSEION. ,Ittly 1-Iw. :it Maiden Lano, Albany, N.Y. Thal:est Materials. "THE E ' BOOT MAKER,' AST DOOR BELOW TRE.POST OFFICE (1401; Auclitoi's Notice. IN the Orpheus` Court for the eonuty of TiOga--C4 - latP of David Morris. deceased. The auditor ap pointed by the Court to marshal the assets of the es tate of D.vid Morris, deceased. in the hands of Jef ferson Harrison, Administrator of the estate of A. P. Cone. deceased. Executor of the estate of said David Morris. deceased, will meet the patties tutereated.ler the purposes of his appOluttuellt, cut Thursday, the dity of July, 1873, at his office, in Wollsboro, at 10 o'cluelt a. in.. when and whore all porsollq having claims acc.retrireit to present them, or be debarKcii from coutlim in for a pharc of such assets or fonds- Juno 21. '73.5t. DAM CAMERON, Autrts. AllditOP's Notice._ auditor appointed by tlio Court! of. Common 11 . Pleas to distribute do Wilda in tins panda of FI li . Sberla of Tioga comity, arising from the sale of Ow personalproporty of J. 'W. Itergln at suit of A. M. Spezia/met—pl. will moot Ile persons Interested, for the purr:mica of Ids appointment, on 'Wednesday. thou vr3.ltisy of .1%4, 187 a, at. ton o,clock a, hi., at his coition iiilVoll,sboro. 'IIIVIO CAMERON', Aud'r: Juno Si. 1873—it. Auditor's Notice. rrE undersigned, appointed an Miditor to distill). the funds arlalim from sheriff% sale of tho peopetly of Houghton, Orr az Co., will attend to the duties of tho appoltxtoieut at the °Mee of Miteholl Cameron, in Wellaboro, Ttoga co., Pa.. on Thuras.lay, the 2lth day of July, 1873, at ten o'eloel; a. m., Wbeu and where ail parttra aro required to, present their attraa. or he forever debarred from any share of the feints. JOJIN 7. MITOIIELL, Auditor. June 21, 1873-11'. ' . Mrs. Geo. Campbell, I I AVING returned to WellaborNaud ti 2 04b 3 g lwr trade in the inauuttletturevt• MUFF Win.I.IAIR WORE', would respectfully say to her old friends that she woula bo phut td sco kil who would favor her with their Calls. Bite eau be fouutl at the tioutte;ot 4, AL Jolamop, tho bubo, 1 ,Fe1a,13./r343-ttr . . , ' 1 . . . Me W. ff. Slam rlcsnlouz PS, EST 'WORE E