- -'0141ho:, - Ditet606 -,_ • r-f etenlimaltisled ; • Street jol ty halli Vatalnislaea g et mistreatment/to. Ong, allyettue birds! sing to - mese Valiant words: _ • -• • •Pi a l ft ra P la i n A 4" • • lambs I—ln every tail , . Let jollity - _ My traitress smiles. ABA Aftlel . 4l4efaxl;OhaPP. - • 'rbp emnmanmyetizep • - -My mistress smiles:. • ' • - Mow. 0 truity bees,: •-‘ , in snob 'trorils as 'these: - -• ' ••" My mistress smiles. - shall then no more Boast of its peerless store = - ' _*. *y• -EA s tres s rls' E 9 I= gyp. _every shadowed leaf I ;Toy's trimnphs'lLre so briet-=. niiatress .14.4)4 robra Mtge— - • d.y.t.sttf:lls 4ughi• • - :"Ire,little • ' - (ot imitlite your Qune • • - mistress langlis. 4 !ei. - Lill more wise th ey be - thousand *lmes Alum we 1) -- birmititress laugbe. VSOUrn; bee% keen' . . • as if you'd lost your queen— " My mlitress And should on lack a sting, - - AlSok I hetein's the thing: . My mistress laughs. no I) • SORTa - •-•_ 'Which* theireptileS is %mathematician? :The 'adder. " • , L, . New book:— "Ebenezer Divorced," a se quel-to "Ebb-Tide." ' • The name of the man who sent the first postal-card IsAeglon. • Artemis Ward said of Chaucer, "He has talent: but. he 'can't spelL" •"- Ate one hundred - gOod - things in this life,' ninety-nine are health. "•: "A - to:lfni:4" said twlrishman,,"is the house a maxi afte is dead: 4 ! - Pei:Tie:Who are aways wishing,for some ihifignew should tryy neuralgia; - INtetuurnt exploded on a fruit-stand. in -llielamond, - Va., a day or two ago. • , • general shouldn't be too sttaight. He -:ought to.leati s little upon his stag. -- To correspondents:—Postmaster-Generals a regenerally buried in a post-crypt . T ere -is nothing sad in growing old to tho whose lives are pure, and hens. ..kyouth- following his own bent is apt to get. into strtihilitened circumstances. - ' .Why is a lovely young ladylike'a hinge? —Because she is something to a.dore. A. hestiej in Lancaster, has been fined $lO and col* Or wantonly torturing a rat. Gen. Joseph Johnston has given the Ss ftninah: Sahutezen Club a silver tureen. An arch young lady. should be an archer, for she can bend, her bow as she pleases. Caution.,-Never marry a woman till you know where her dress en& and her soul be gins- Melancholy suicide.--A little on be ing threitened with a whipping, hung his head. A criminal lawyer in lowa is credited with securing the acquittal of sixty-five mur derers. I A well-built woman is probably she of the alabaster neck, marble brow, and arch expression. 1 A street( apple-peddler in Auburn has fall en heir to $85,000 by the death of a Balti more physician. - The Coroner of Chicago had ten bodies demanding his immediate attention on Thursday week. A rising artist is painting for next year's Royal Academy exhibition a ipicture of Death as large as life. The Louisville Courier-Journal remarks that the State of Georgia has always made a feature of woman hanging. Chicago invites all the Western Goiernors to come to her jubilee in June, promising them a week of music, excursions and balls. The Cincinnati Board of Trade has under taken the raising of a fund for the relief of the widow and children of Captain C. F. 1101 Gibson county, Tenn., reports quite a sen sible shock of earthquake on the afteroon of the 8d inst. It was felt for a distance of ten 'miles. Galveston is boasting of sending tor . En gland direct some $57,000 of Mexican silver, received from Chihuahua via San Antonio and Austin, ' Williamantie, Conn. • will exempt from taxation for five years the property of any person who establishes there a business of $lO,OOO or over. wELisßoko Doo; Sash 8; Blind actor y, la) /01,1AMIN AUSTIN, is prepared to furnish drat -1., class work from the best lumber, at his new fac tory which is now in full operation. 9 hash, 2BILIETN9 WZCIMMIND AND MOULDINGS constantly on hand, or raanafsetured to order. Planing and lillatching done promptly, and in the beet manner. The best workmen employed, and none but the best seasoned lumber used. Enoonrage home Industry. Factory near the foot of Main Street. Jan. 1, 1872-U. JPltiesie it MUSIC MigH. W. TODD has removed her Mimic Store to e late residence of Lauer Bache. opposite Tan Horn's Hotel. Steinway and other 3FIDILIStaIaCOSSI fOr sale very cheap. Also, MASON .4 HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. OLD INSTRVMENTS TANEN IN EXCHANGE. A Urge stook of NEW 741141djust received. LIMON'S even on the Piano. Organ, end in Bing lag. Au opportanitr for pasties , elfortled to those Jan. I. 1812-th who way deldre D. IL W. TODD. New Jewelry Store. MUndersigned would respectfully say to the IM of Wellsboro and rtrinlty. that he Das opened Jelmrehir Store In the bundisig namely oceny*l by 0. L. Wow- Els stock onaprbiese a fall assortmeaS of Clocks, Watches. , Jewelry, Silver arid Plated-Ware. • ,P.D.watufammt, one of th e best workmen in Horn* , era Penanivanis, will attenit to the Ilepairine of Wate4es, , -• Mao, 4o v *lO ths ADM doing of which his aenrestaaa years pracitaalaiperience is aullehratfaanisea. WARM:NEB. Walabotoe4BBM. G. W. PRESTON IRON Circular, Gang and Micky 'Saw Ma/chin/cry for Tanneries, .Shafting, Gecuring and Castings of . every description in Iron, and Brass. Corning, August 22, 1872.-ly THE SPRING CAIIIPAIGN IS OPEN WITH THE LARGEST, AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF It has got to be pretty generally known that we keep the largest stock , the best goods and sell them as low u any house in the trade in la section; and we neap very many, articles not kept at any other store in town. In addition to our general stock, ut darpettoritsomprises aboxtt atm rolist DRRSS GO 113,SIIAWLS ANIYHOMESTIC 1100115 enough fora jobbing t e. The citizens of Tioga county aro respectfully invited to call and examine our stock f ri l 11, BEM' AI7STII 11141,731 *IV Iffp/112) Lit,ell0 1 2 sTzwz r - IPILSOdis Has gone to New York to buy a stock of Spring and Sit,m 3- m,er Goods. He intends to buy from, the best Mai.kets at bottom, prices, and he will have some splendid bargains , . , to offer his customers when, heretu,rns. • . He has NOW on hand a quantity of Clothing and .Dress Goods which, he Wants out of the way, and he takes this meth& of informing you„confidentikally,that he will sell them CHEdlP—if you don't believe it, ,call and see. I PRESTON & HEERMANS (FOUNDERS & LIACHINISTS, C,ol . 3:Wag . ;' - IrT. :4 Sro, STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, ANPAraehlneoy of idl kinds repaired promptly and at reasonable rates.-ii. New Spring Good s . 1 AND THE PEOPLE'S STORE IS THE Staple a Fancy Dry:Goods • and every variety. Oar Oloth Stock exceeds any within fifty miles, in quantity and variety. t; I AU ~ia~:ai~~:~w:~~y~~r~~11 EVER OFFERED IN CORNING a 11 - tog roondry - -Tillaoltb*e-Shop BE .. . . . . . .. .. ,acl , Manutuvirscof StitionarY'audßortable ilnginas ud Boilers'. Gearing. Shafting and stitelitnory rt.quire.l for Saw Mlle, Grist Tails and Tanneries Ovens an rates, for.buioning 'ran: Screws furiiieving unleacliol and leached bark..ow3tings, Bolts, Railroad Froga, ire. and Repairing dune at shoi L nolice. .Wo have 1n , cilities fur Shipping by Candor Railroads to all points , can , furnish Illaeliinery cheater thin rasters 111 Western builders of the best quality. - - f i ' .-.-.. - • ‘ '-• .- ' lan. 1;1872-1y. , . SPRING GOODS ' GEO. UEERMANEI SMITH & WAITK. "; ,~ ~-, lEEE - C - .:_ci.:::,MATH.Vi - 10 Staple and Panty PRP GOODS, DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, Shoes, &c., Suitable for the spring Trade. My stock has been procuredfrom the best markets in the.country, and therefore you wilt be satisfied with prices. Ci.A.X4r-ai .E3,IVICI 033E1M. X-I - M r E3rI4QOI7.OI."ELTIEIIII. , I9 FIC:O3EI. SPRINGAND SUMMER • has now on hand a large and conipleto stock of Spring and Summer goods which he offers to the public at THE LOWEST POSE = - the stock Is complete and varied, consisting of Domestic, British and French Fabrics iu all materials. The assortment of colors contain the entire range of the, fashionablo New Shades. . TIDE DONESTIC DEPARTMENT contains a well selected stock of standard Mondial], and Brown Blusllns, Calicoes, Ginghams, Ticks, Colored and Plain Carpet Threadd, Warps, &o. The Housekeeper's Department embraces a full line of Table Linens, Napkins, Nottingham Lace Curtains, Linen and Paper Nhaties Mat- Hemps, Ingrain and Brussels Carpets, Bugs, Mats, he. THE GENTLEMEN'S DEPARTMENT contains an immenso stock of Men's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing,--composed of first-class materials and made up in latest styles,—Boots and Shoes, latest styles of Bats, Caps, Neckties, Collars, /ix. Also a large stock of Trunks and Valises, all sizes and prices, In addition we have a fail Bill:41y of choice Flair, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Timothy and Clover Seed, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, &c., Am.—Liz-Thu public aro respectfully invited to call and examine our stock. THOMAS HARDEN. April 29, 1873—tf. The Largest Establishment in Northern Pa. ! IITC:01 - 11V 3F{... nmgee,soul 11 AVING faci li tie s for buying and handling largo quantities of Goods enables them to offer them as the lowest sobbing prices. In our retail department Goods aro sold at a small advance over Wholesale prices. A largo stock of • STOW . , - 1 GLASii. ALL in2J2,I3INGLE AND_DOUBLE TWOS, PAINTS ALL KINDS AND COLORS, I: VARNISHES AIM VARNISH BRUSHES, A FULL STOOK. - , - Transfer Ornaments, Striping Pencils and Brushes for Carriage and o r . r . Jan. 3.1874 Executor's Notice. LETTER'S teatalnentaiy on the lad will add testa meld of Richard Nidean, late of CoVi n, (Tioga county; Pa., deceased, having be to tho an deratgned, allperscms indebted tor estate of 711:1 decedent, and those haring °lama against the sa 0, are hereby notified to call for setUtzlnent on either ; el the execrators of said Will, at - their' place of redden as given below. 0.8. VIDEAN, Covington, Tioga Co., Pd. RICIPD. VlDEAN,Forkeville,flullivan Co., Pa. April 29,1873.-Gt. - Executors, 0: I_ .0 PLEd3APiT• and Improved rooms ftirafshed with all that can be had to give ono pleasuze Instead of pain, are found at A. B. Eastman's Dental Office, where the new Squid Nitrous Oxide is caillnsuly ad ministered with the happiest results t! also Ether. Chloroform and the Narcotic Spray is mad when pre tarred. • SETIFIOLkI. TEETH, '• from one to an entire set y inserted on aliort notice.— Special attention given to diseases of 4e mouth.— Preservation of the natural teeth a spe<if Work warranted and terms rational* Op}orilte Cone House, Fell,aVogh , Poi. * _ 12 .7 3 -ttr . . - IBM I= Has just received a large stock of 1-0C:03±0E3., THOMAS HARDEN ;IN DRESS GOODS =EI WHOLESALE AND RETAIL UM ISLAND IND Cutter Ornamenting. 41111INITIO..NTRilnkIV-Mq 4 TY. SPRIIC GOODS. ri•JI 0- 1 1 riaCICI WITBR LIMB, THE ADJUSTABLE SPRING BED. Bartlell'.o Patent dune 21, 1870 Spitul - *ring, astir Slat A LUXURIOUS BED! With only a aingla matress. ror durability, comfort, cleanliness, and adifistment it has no equal. A su perior bed for the 'sick=room, as well as for persona in health. Orders solicited by the proprietor for Tioga county. • J. S. PALMER - , April 1, 1R73.-tf. Mansfield, Pa. E'ifiLY2=acHlNA HALL. Bale flrifflC subscriber offers for 4* his farm in Middle- I bury, near Hee/Jennie, containing 100 acres, 90 acres improved, and is In mod state of cultivation. There are two orchards, a good house, two barns, a store building, and wagon shop on the premises. Any one wishing to purchase can learn an particulars by calling on the subscriber on the premise/7. - March.l9, 1875-3111, a. m.=Wm - - . 1 . 1 :-.'.: 1 '""",.. - ' o:,:P4t:'liiitft444 1 14 , - *lner of 11, 11 . 4 1 * : ''' 1: : ' •: . ',;-'.'..,T_;l ' zi • - , ‘`,.--, -:'.' , ', , -, , , , ' , .';'''.= - ;.'4 '-', '-:-,--.' --: -:3:4 h:.:!.- - ; ,- r ! ..lull tii.i . iil,'Niiriat SllgebtOrs li . :1 ,,, 1 . ' f .11 1 I ._. _,.... - 1, , 10im.e.! H'iliti , jl4 -', MEE BM DO ME I ' tt / 1. t , .'k4.l''. This instrnmentin espoChiliy;dcaigned fur-W . o;l)er, feet. utxrlie.ll.lllll of SAr.:lt.S CAVAgraHI -REiVIEDV. It is thiienlYferrit Of instrument y_l4 1111'011ii-4 tt ith w bleb; hind .teitaninie' Min be earned t, , 114 Ocr/laly 000 to all parts of thohtrenteil sages, and the charnbera or cavities &mini theroWith, in ii•liichaoreSaudulcers frequoililyexist, and from Which, the catarrhal -discharge giawrall I y rtiCeeds. Tito want of ancoesatreating 'catarrh heretofore has orison largely - from the impassibility 'of applying remmlies to those cavities and chambers • by any of the ordinary nietbode, This °beta:l6,ln -the way of effecting cures -to entirely overcome by. the invention of the Douche. .4 milug this insirm' moot, the Fluid Is carried* its own weight (no snuffing, forcing,,or pumping being required,i up ono hostril In a fa gently hewing strcani- to the:tugboat pertionlot the -nasal passages, petunia into ark' Liao onghly 'cleanses All the tubers and chambers con piloted there. 'with, and flows out of the 'opposite' nostril. Its, net', is pleasant arid so -simple that a child could understad it. Full Sind szitilcit directions accompany each instrument. When need with this instritio.int,q,e, Sage's Catarrh Reitualy coma rreviat MLR: kW of 64 ' Vold in the Dead “ by a, few aj.vlteatitnet. • tlysispionts' of Caton - h. Frequent - bi;atl echo. , discharge -falling into throa atarle 13 . prefileet, Watery, thick - mucus, purulent ,offensive, offensive, &o. le • others a dryneeo l dry, watery, weak or inflamed eves, stopping, up or obstruction of nasal passages, ring• ing taro, w int , cony ..; .1 c. .I.tar throat, Meerut it is, sieubl from' it i 1 1 4 ,1 r , 1 Vl.l , ex nasal twang, oireosivo luitethed, or- u.lnio tvotiou of sse of t 4011.t;trtte, /;,13 I deprefialon, - lotw 't.l )1411'1,4i:it mitogeti • tonsils, tickling et... It Only a fee. of these symptoms are likely . to, be in-cepa - In any t•ace t at One Limo. . • ...Dr. bagel's Catarh Remedy, olvin wind with Di. Pierre's_ Nuael touurhu, , and acca.upa ul ula with the eettatitatlonal treatiuent whet,s i ri•cani, mended in the ptunphlut that trratm ,•ad r : i.l the-Remedy, is a perfect upscale for this t Lao na disease, and the proprietor often+, in geed faith, eoofor a case eatmit. tat s. .I.lle medy is mild and pleasant to tiso,, containing is,- strong. or caustic> drugs or polo."'. The Remedy is sold at 50 conta. Donclie st flu ci eta. all Druggists. or either s ill be mailed liy mails tor on receipt of 60 centa.. iii. ' Solo ri•0ia11.1...% • .1311FFALO, N. Y. June 20, 187 p, Itot-ly, aka New Boot, Shoe; Leather New Shoi),. New stock, and first- ANYTHING from a Rand Cock to a Hid Cotter. Best line of Ladies' Kid and Cloth, Bal morals and Gaiters, Ditto Children's and Misses. . Gents' Cloth, MO7'oooo, and Calf Gaiters. Oxford and Prince .filbert • Ties. , A good Una of OVERSHOES, and a full line of ranging in price from $4,00 to $7,00, pegged and sewed CUSTOM .BOOTS from $6,00 to $_15,00, and worth the money every tim The undersigned having spent twenty years of his life in VielMoro—much of the time on tho stool of penitence, drawing the cord cf affliction for the good of soles, !believes rather in hammering than blowing. Wherefore, ho will only remark to his old ,customere and as many new ones as choose to give hini a call, that he may be found at his new shop, next door to 13. T. Van liorn!s ware rooms, with the_best and cheap. est stock in Tioga county.. C. W. fiptlifi, Wellsboro, April 24, , Cyrus D. SUB, WHOLES ALE DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Liquors WINES, &c., Agent for Fine OM Whiskies, 441,1,1872. CORNING, N. Y. JEWELRY STORE' • WELLSBORO, PA. i . ikl: ANDREW FOLEY „%-0 - 2.-- - - ; :,• , , who lois long been, established '' -•'o ' -• In the Jewelry bnelneas in °' 4, . 4 C ,%__ 1; 4 ; • ' c- , Wellsboro, has always for sale, (to \\ls) 4.,:W'4- -.,,;- various kinds and prices of . .. • ._..--,...: :- . AMERICAN WATCHES, .. .r., Gold or Silzor, Clocks, Jewelry, Gold Chains, Kok Rings, Pins, Pencils, Cases, Gold and Steel Pens, Thimbles, Spoons, Razors, Plated Ware, .• ' . , . S.EWING' ittACIIINES,--..; . &c., &0.,.&e.* :_• . 1 ,- „,, q, With most all other articles tisnally.kept In ouch' as tabliahments, which are sold low for C lA ' S U. Repahingdone neatly, and promely, and on oho? HOTICIE. ' A. FOLEY. Jan. 1,1/372-Iy. , . Owning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1872 Deerfield Woolen Miffs THOH6II MOTHERS, Proprietors of the above Mills, will manufacture as usual to order, ft, suit customers. CASSIMERES Roll Carding* Cloth Dressing JOHN IL PIEIII,OI/. -We manufacture to order. and do all kinds of Roll- Carding and Cloth Dressing, and defy competition. We have as good an assortment of - ' Full Cloths, Cassimeres, 40., and give more for Wool in exchange than any other establishment: Try them and "satisfy youraelves. - We wholesale and retail at the Cowaneaqiie mills. 2 miles below Knoryilte. . . ... Jan. 1. lai2.: , - - . INGHAM BROTHERS. , . J. H. Griswold's Water Wheel. THE undersigned, aro 'agents for the above Water Wheel, and can cheerfully recommendit as supe rior to all others in' use, Persons wishing to pur. chase should see this wheel in operation before buy ing other wheels. . - INGHAM BIIOS. • Deerfield, May 15, 1872. Read the following WESTFIELD, Amin, 2J, 1872. " We the undersigned, purchased One of J. 11, • Eiris- Wold's 20 Inch Water Wheels using 68 inebes'ot water to run three run of stone under a 20 foot bend, and are well pleased with the wheel. Wo have ground sixty buihels per hour with the three run and can average that amount per hour all day. - • $5 - -$2O grgitr Agents do ss - Tof people; of either sex, young or olikmake more money at work for us in their Pare momenta, or all the time, thou at anything else.. Particulars free. Address 0, iitinson 4 49. Portland, Maine. Sept: 241, /1372-4. . AND FINDING STORE: C. "VV. lstaarss IN THE ETELD class Work! FINE BOOTS, Leather and Findings at the lowest rates, as usual. • WALKER & LATHROP. ' DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON, STEPL, NAILS, STOVES, TIN-WARE, BELTING. SAWS, CUTLERY, WATER I I LIME, AGRICULTURAL 1 0 0 IMPLEMENTS, Carriage and Harness Trimmings; HARNESSES, SADDLE' • , &c. DEERMLA, PA are Warranted. Particular attention given to E. D. PHILLIPS. CHARLTORKILILIPS. MEE IEI , DM OEM M 413 LE of well-known II( HERBS. and FRUITS, ombinetl propertlee, which in their rAture aro C Aporient, intrltione, Diuretic, Alteratives .Bilione.•. - The whole le preserved - In a / I quaellty of eptrit from the SUGAR, keep them in any oiling°, which:makes MI 1112LANTATI BITT 'ine of the moist desirable TOnlea and it' ties irq the world: • They are intended 14 Domestic Ton only t ote heed as a medicine, and airre , 4 to directions. - They are the sitteet-tmehoi of ihe' f.... V , bilitated. They act upon a di.;etn,.. i ; stimulate to each a degree, that a Ilea. II 1 at once brought about 'Ast a- 1'cr...:1;-: Women liara especial/ entbiect„il i..;i1.: 7every other 8 ulant. s a Spi i a , 11; 1,. gl xner 'onlc, they ha - o no Kiln]. '.. ! mild and gen e Port* one well as To, Purify the blood. The , ore a spiendi 1 They. make the week at Mg. - They PO) , 1 vigerate. They cure ,PysTcpsits. Cor.Atii ! Headache. They act E.,1 a spectae l a ail l', l disorders which underside the 14,411.1,y Ki 1; breakdown the anima t evil ;Lt. , Depots to 3 Pallt Pt.lf.. 7 - _ - „. 1 ..„:„, , L . YON ~,,, ~„..„... 1 4 ---ot-I.N-, ads ii 1a li -,- 1 .c• s Pik- - 0 d - 1, t—,...„, .:Iz. t-,—. ...1 ." Onl ei : nts per B Yt pronl-• I: , ::23.01VT11, 01.1,1 t, n lucre Mt; UT 6o f the (kilt I'MSt:"V "S - 1'...,1:11 &COI Trir •••:1•• etldtl , l 41 • • lilt' 4 4. 4 1:1.4 E. '11..4107,11 c.. 'rho wirilu lito2/2 'Lt.. 4 i 0 ow:. rirnfiv, )•• -•-, 91N.16 favor rre.• .• 1 th • .) p oirtaintd. to tzar ; . crensa-: the Ct. • of the' a do34;1,11.1 - ;tea (.1 vet.th the ••• tr: 1.. ay. head cool, tin t A ti :t t .4 h. nnf peat mace. t , , v an it WI/43 Cte , a ' • , • 4., 6a;(1 by all Cents per . Pli t ot I CO 6 ' - tyON, PA' • E g i 1 . , gAi , • 2., May 13, 1873.-Itot.-ly of rcpair. -• Dyspepsia or Indigestion. I in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of t ziness,' Sour Eructations of the Stoma , in the Month, Bilious Attacks, Pal Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain: of the Kidneys, and a hundred other pail! are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. In th , it has no equal, and one bottle will prove: antee of its merits than a lengthy advert For Female Complaints, in married or single, at the dawn of wom turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display . influence that a marked improvement 1. 1 tible. For Intlaninuttorrand inuothirn and Gout, Bilious, Remitt• rnittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, and Bladder, these Bitters have no equ eases are caused by Vitiated Blood, whi , produced by derangement of the Digesti, They are a Gentle Purgotiv • a Tonle, possessing also the'peculiar as a powerful agent in relieving Conges mation of the laver and Visceral Organs Diseases. I • For Skin Dlfitenyies t Eruption Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustu boucles, Ring-worms, Scald-Head s So ' sipelas, Itch, Scuds, Discolorations of th and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever arc literally dug up and carried out of th, short time by the use of these. Bitters Grateful Thousands proclaim , 'nuts th e most wonderful Invigoraut that t, ) the sinking system. - - ' J.WALKER, Prop'r. It. lI.IIIcDON, Druggists and Gen. Agts., San Franci and cor. of Washington and Charlton S SOLD BY ALL DR.IJOGISTB AN pi 11T6ch 4,1873-13 w. A CERTAIN CURB FO Seated Cough, InciplentConaumption, C Blood, Inflammation of the Lungs, C , chitin, - Croup, Whooping Cough,, Patna in Breast or Side, Dyspep• dleo, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Fever and • 'lndigestion, Liver Complaint, hoea, and all Diseases of the, Stomach and Liver. Gregg -• frlio4esciAJDru43: . - Ehnira, - Sole Agents, and to whom all orders alt 4 HALE ov Pianos. & It.ramg! June 12, 1.872713,4 Tioga Marble W ' F ITE undorslgned le now prepared to Here for Tomb Statics and hrouum Italian, or Rutland • of the latest style and approved work in dispatch. He keeps constantly on hand both Id and will bo able to snit all who may f their orders, on as reasonable terms as In the country. 11a,1111142. MEE Ell 1:)0T S t ,11 other Is thartle. ' I a 0 UB ' a i fatly us a ZEE fl; ;~ ,•+ • a port: =ME t•t,,: IS - ttle. BE= is4l ?EAU:. ! r•. arm r Lit . A R. ,1t Ld.nft:• tiiterkt the „gior...ly pr Z QUA IX ' r l4 .•1 1 1 fa - eadaeht, Pain I e Chest, Dir.- h Bad Taste station of the I, in the regions Ind symptom; se complaints ca Letter gear soment. oung or old, ithood, or the o decided an soon percen- !nio Rheu !nt and Inter wer. Kidneys !,1. Such Disi Ih is generally e Organs. As well as exit of acting 'on or fin'lam ' ni3 in Bilious Tetter, Salt es, Boils, Car. i t Eyes, Err. !Skin, iinmoru me or nature, system in a INEGAR ver sustained LD & • f co, CO . Cal., '; •, New York. 'DEALERS. ;hl9,Spltihlgof tarrh, .on . Astbm • , I a, lam. gne Lung a, Oar, ists, Id bo addrei3s ~117 e llaboro. Pa PRICE, $l.OO. xecute all or , to of eithor arble; rvallip and with di of Alarblo vor him with ail be obtained ANMIN ,:- i, f aint` diF 74 VEZA3II? Thelle iii: in -ilie - World, Atli% Shade froth. ?tire W hite to Jet Black A. combination -of ilia purest paint with India /tub ber„.forming a smooth, glossy, j; Oil, durcebtr, eaAtic and bwohflii,patrit,,unalfectO b., elle i. 13; oi feinpetature; is perfectly ,water-procf. and adapted to all eht'sses of work, and ift in eVery way ft better paint tot either •in. ftitio or ontaide_painting than !illy Ether, paint In the worid;lieing frCall one-tbled to one-fourth elte4per, and lasting atis.aat thren.ilinds no ton% as dm beat tendon; oil paints.. Ije sure wait our Tit %DE MARK (a jiiC Sinti/ of - '. irgef. h± n . N .l ''' bagel, Soisilca, . Kfilurey, and lierrouo Dlecarss, after sehrs' of stilferhig, b? taking Da: Frrr,En's VEOETAIaz RILIKUMAIIO FlClentifie discovery of J, P. Filler, ht. D., A regular graduate} physician, went whom wo ale personall y acquainted; Who hss for 89 y e a r , treated these diseases exclusively with astonialtisgre. sulta. Wo believe it onr christiau duty, after deleb. oration, to conticieutiously reqdest sufferers to use it especially persons in inoderate circumstances who cannot afford to waste money and, time on worthleis Mixtures. As clergymen we, seriously feel the deep responsibility restin„,‘ , on us in publicly endorsing it s medicine. But our kvidtiledgs and' bxperience of fti remarkable merit fully justifies our ,action. Rev, e . If. Ewing, gc(itet„pe,inu'el, suffered sixteen years, be. camaolopeleets: Rev. Thomas Murphy, D. D., Frank. ford, Philatra.' Ilevi J.B. Davis.' Dightstown, Not jefflot , Hey., J. S.! Buchanan, Clarence, lowa. ker. G. G. Smith, Pittsford, hew York, Roy. Joseph hem FailiChtirch, Philadelphia. Other testimonials from Senators, Governors. Judges, - Congressmen, Phys. clans, be., forwarded gratis with pamphlet expis ing these diseases: One thousand dollars will be lg. sented to nny medicine , for same diseases Alessi equal Merit under teat, or that can produce emotes:lm as many living cures.. Any person sending by letter description of affliction will • receive gratis a legally signed guarantee, naming the number of bottles to cure, agreeing to refund money upon sworn sultanas of its failure to cure. Afflicted invited to write to Dr, ritler,Philadelphia. His valuable advice costs Ilona; WOOD &SCOVILLE, Agents, Knoxville, Pa. Mttrch 11,'73-Iy. Victor Carriage Shop. MITE undersigned wish to call the attention of the 1 public to the fact that they are manufacturing Iron the choicest selected materials, the latest and mad approved stylesiof • LIGHT & HEAVY CARRIAGES PLATFORM-SPRING WAGONS, and alp, the line CUT•UNDE PLATFORM CAR: RIAGE, so convenient for turni g about in a Dana space. We shall keep always on hamta good assortment d Buggies and Platform Wagons, and customers fro, abroad may roily on finding here Just what they wat and at as low a price us is consistent with FIRST-CLASS WORK, Orders prteuiptly filled. Our place is at the cli stand of Bradford & Coniptdn, near the Troy Hoax DANIEL COMPTON, Tray, Pa., May 0,°1873-Iy. E. F. LlT.T.viv,. aht, only 10 cents each, 0r41.10 per dozen, aitd everythag in the line of plants equally - cheap at • X2XXX.I\TC3O.9. I - -I. rir - JET_ TJ S IE, Wellsbor i o, April 29, 1873.-ti. TIitM.AN & BOWEN'S SAW mIL T LA it; „,.,, ni lull past, and the \ 11. e !Lady to fia uil orders 1% ittypromptiwas and ‘iiva Fencing Boards, Bill Timbcr, Lath, Wood, Ric. constantly on hand Arit 22.-tf. rtirnituro and lindertahing., Van Hain e. 2 'Chandler, (Successors to B. T. Van Llorti) LT / exhibition and sale at the old plate, A the:lar no g l' ° largest and luost complete stock of I 7VINE AND COMMON FURNITHE 01,1, In Niallierti Pennsylvania. vote-Wits: if FINE pAnt.on AND CHAMBER SEIiT , ; 4 SOPAS, coUOIIIN.TETE-A-TETE,:, • itINP,III.E AN WOOD T , OP VP,NIF.I: 11AT RACKS, FANCY CHAIRS, Afilt1101;s, ;VA!. AND ;:yliAllE FI L 'AI ES. 111:Ai Pfle.l!: No. 1 IlAif: itfAretZl , .s ES, HUSK k EXCELF,JOII MAT- T R ASSES., mitt a Atli stork or the emnlrtou goo di t. , taki tirst-e,lass establishment. 'lite above gOtsle bi,v ly of their own tonnotaettiro, and sallstart !on anteed both as to tittalitv awl price. Thor sell tlit, WOVe/i , rrire ✓llattl'aSS the Inuit poptilm -Ipritig, bed sold; al3o tho Tuetti srolug .11 , ,d I ikut his 1.. m on trial for 17 yi-ur , and pV• i 01:h t•l wit witlsim . tigm. Our Coffin Room Is supplied with all sizes of the 11xcelsieir Casl‘, ;WS and beautiful ntyle of intrial ease, together a ith ethre khuhl ef f.neign and home manufacture, •with trisi• mings to match. - They will make undertaling a iahty in their business, and any needing their ser,, , ts Will be atteled to Prowptly, and at - satisfactory char 'gee. Odd I.l.nes of Furniture made and Turning all kinds done With matneas and disindeh. Jan. 10, 1872. - VAN 110.111 , 1 h CHANDLED , To vinom ri Ms , / Com!En:T.—Rang concluded thd Tam entitled to a little rest after ndarly 40 years eke application to business, I have Passed over the furni. ture business to .'the Boys" as per above advettke. ment, and take this methot, of askiug..for theme the same liberal patronage as has been eaterided to n My books may bo found at the old place for settleu l .ent • Jan. 10, 1872. • B. T. VAN 11911 N. ao , . 9 . . DOW'S ) Blindg - ) Cei i llfi ) gy FLOORING,&C.; , ' I • - made at the Elliland Factory and sold che r ? at WiIOtEgAILE & RETAIL. Parties will find it for their interest to call or write before purchasing, elsewhere, A price list will be forwarded FREE on applicatio to ' W. B. MEAD. April 8, 1873.-Gino..: • Elkland, Tioga Co ,Pa . DE El HUGH YOUNO , AS Insurance,Real Est , to 11y1 Drafts sold payable in any city or town in Europe- Flecond Cabin. or Steetntre Passsgeticirt i to or from nny, town in Europe from - or to well9bota by the Anchor Line, or the Williams and Onion. 5. 3 Mail Line of Ocean Steamers. Aarßeal. Estate bought and sold on CoalratßAnD Wrl desire to call particular attention to tho luenr• ance facllitios afforded by the,old and welt Ltiown Wellsboro Iniurance Agency. —ESTA.III+ ED ni 18G0.— FIRE, LIFE SI ACCIDENT. Capital Represeated $10,000,000. /ETNA, of Hartford, Conn. HOME, of New York. FRANKLIN, of Philadelphia. 'INS. CO. OF;NORTH AMERICA, of Phil'a. PENNSYLINIA, of Philadelphia. NORTH BRI ISH & MERCANTILE.EdinbariI _PHEN IX, of, Brooklyn, N. Y. 'LYCOMING IMS. CO.. Money. Pa. TRAVELERS LIFE & ACCIDENT, Hartford. Pellicles written in any of the above leading CO Pulite at standard rates. Lqses promptly Pald DIY Moe, No, 3 Boweio Blom EfUell YouVo• liov4o. 1873. z:zzi TRUMN 3 BOW F.N 100 3. Mou'nt's Mai