The Ohleken's ny4ncems cum. \I A little click one day Asked legye to goon the water. Where she saw a duck with her brood at play, Ss/Mining and sylsaltin4kboet her; Indn she began, to peep and ct. Whe her mother wouldn't let er: 'Of ducks can swim there, why can't I? Are they any bigger or better 7" Then the old hen answered: " L ' lsten to nie, And hush your foolish taildng; Just look at yorlfeet and you will see They were on) made for walking." 0 1 0 But the ' fatality Dyed the brook, And didn't ha believe her.' , - ' For she seemed say by a knowing look, Snob stories nldn't deceive per. " - And as her mother WWI scratching the ground, She muttered, lower and lower: • "I know I can go there and not be drowned, And so I !Wilk show her;" Then she made a plunge where the stream was deep And saw too late her blunder. For she hadn't hardly time to peep. . - When her foolish head went under. And now I hope her rati3 hill stow , The child my story reading, - That those who are older sometimes know. That you will do well in heeding; That each content in his place should And envy not his brother; , - And. any part that is acted well - 4 Is just OS good as another. For wo all have our proper aphore below, And this lo a truth Worth knowing: Ton will come to grief if you try to go Where you never wore made for going. ' • Things Unseen. WO daticling - grope the land of fear Wtidrink frorn'turbid ttreame, Beholding rivers running clear, In yon high land of dreams. Oh land of dreams I fly te.thee I Thy holy Palm shado flings Its sacred shelter over me, Beside thy purer springs Anditore are'paths no eye hath seen, No mortal foot hath pressed ; And there aro hill tops ever green, `And islands ever blessed. Remote from all the eye bath scanned, Ensphered in calm they lie; No alup with sails bath touched their strand, Or passed those islands by. , And on those paths with soundless tread, Still angels come and go, Or journey softly overhead, ' ' On white wings to and fro ' The hills of green and isles of balm, And troubled spirits bring Unto the refue of their Unto their shadowing. ' In vain to tread those paths unseen We wander far and free— Or view the hill tops ever green, Or islands in the sea.. -As wqndering wind uplifts The 'White 4 moott's cloudy screen, - Her silver arrows clear the rifts, Her silver bow is seen; What time the spirit's breath divides The clouds of sense and care The light of things unseen abides. Upon us unaware. We tread the hights, the dim defiles, The borders of all streams— The holy paths, the beautesius isles, l o longer as in dreams, '' Guilt frames—Prison windows. • Coming to the surface for a blow—dust. For a cold in the head—Blow the organ. The most dfficult gun to keep clean—A fouling piece. When is a young lady very like a whale ? When she's pouting. Why is the letter Y like a young lady ? Because it makes pa pay. ' A Kangaroo is a curious chap; when it's wide awake it's leaping. - Thu latest market report contains the as tonishinginfOrmation that "eggs are a drug." "There was a time when I almost that your wife had no tongue at all." "Yes, but 'Lis very long since." A sailor who has a scar which is th• 3 re sult of a dispute on ghore many-years ago, refers to it as an old landmark. The "last words" of , men are quoted but no one, ever pays • anything about the I 'last words" I d women. Probably uo one ever heard them. A Germantown belle has hair that reach es nearly to, the ground. This flower of fash ion might therefore be appropriately called a hare-bell. When Christina of Sweden came to Paris, and the great ladies of the Court, rushed to kiss- her on her aarival, she exclaimed, "Why, they seem to take me for a gentle man I" A man who bought a thousand Havana cigars recently, on beiug asked what he was carrying, replied that they were tick ets to a course of lectures to be given by his wife. An Oregon youth is accused of dressing up a straw woman, and giving it a sleigh ride through town, after his bashful ap proaches had been rebuffed by the gentdite article among his female acquaintances. Scene in a street car; time, evening; two gentlemen in calling attire. First genile man, briskly, "Well Who is going to be bored to-night ?"—Second gentleman', as ' briskly, "I dim% know; where aro you go ing?" "I wonder whither those clouds are go ing ?" said a poetic contributor to a maga zine editor pensively, as she pointed with her delicate fingers to the heavy mass that floated in - the outside the editor'awin dow. "I think they are going to thunder," said the editor. • "Jennie," said a landlady to her help. the otheitmorninft, "Jennie, was there any fire in the kitchen last night while you were sit ting up ?" "Only just a spark ma'am" was i the reply. The landlady looked sufpcions ly at Jennie; but the Innocent girl Went . on scrubbing. An enterprising soap-maker daubed the rocks all the way up the Hudson with the appeal, "Use Smith's Soap," whereupon hts rival, the still more- enterprising, Jones, after . much cogitation, started his white washer up the river to append to each of Mr. Smitics appeals, "If you can't get Jones. A lazy dyspeptic was bewailing his own misfortunes and speaking with a friend on the latter's hearty appearance. "Mat do you do to make yourself so strong and healthy ?" inquired the dyspeptic. "Live on fruit alone." "What kind of , fruit ?" "The fruit of industry; and I am never troubled with indigestlizo, • , • • A Yankee made a bet Iwith a Dutchman that he could swallow him. The Dutch man lay down upon the table, and the Yant , kee, taking his big toe lulls mouth, nipped it severely. "0, you are biting me," roar ed the Dutchman. "Why, you old fool," said the Yankee, "did you think I was go lig to swallow you 'whole ?" "Show me the man wbo struck O'Dough erty," shouted a pugnacious little Irishman at au election. "Show me the man who struck O'Dougherty and "I'm the man who struck O'Dougherty,"• said a. big brawny fellow, stepping front; "and - what have you got to say about it ?" "Och. - sure," answered the small one suddenly collapsing, "and didn'tyou do It well." A Vallejo (Calafornia) young lady, about to go off in the ears, stepped into the ,dark sitting room of the depot to kiss her friend Sarah good-bye. Owing to the darkness she didn't hit Sarah, but caromed on a Chi naman, and didn't find out her mistake un til John began yelling "Whatee for you so chokeeetie ?_ Hi yah I No squeeze so ranch ee I" One yell, slopping of feminine gar ments, a slammed door, and that girl was gone. An Irish hostler was sent to the stable to bring forth a traveler's horse.; Not know ing which of the two strange horses in the stalls belonged to the traveler, and wishing to avoid the appearance of ignorance in his business, he saddled both animals and brought them to the deer. The traveler pointed out his own horse, saying, "That's my nag." "Certainly, yer honor, I knew that, bin I didn't know which one o'• them was the other gentleman's." l _ The Swiss Times says that a comical sto ry is told of a couple of lavers who,- a few days ago,_attempted to o commit suicide in the Lake- of Zurich; near Ruschilkon, be cause the young lady's parents refused their consent to the marriage. In order not to be separated in death the young lady' tied one of her feet fast , tes 'one of her lover's, and_; they thus threiti therdselves Into the water, But the young man does not seem to have been as courageous or as desirous of leav ing this world as his companion,...and shout ed for help at the top of his.voree: Help was forttturdely" Kati hand,,L'ithd. they were both dragged out of the wider and handed over to thii police, who pvided them with dry clothes and put their under lock and key. ~11• P - A IN TE - D7P - 0 S TfIR:O - 11:, W:9ly,,Fis lIANIIFOTURERS OF PORTABLE AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS PARTIOTi..III ATPENTION PAID TO GANG SAW MILLS, ENGLISH, MULAY & CIRCULAR MILLS. • • " SITINTILE 31:ILLS AND ENGINES ALWAYS ON NAND- • • Water Wheels suited to aTtfeads of water, Tannery Irons, Bridge Irons, &c. 411 experience by,our.lllr. W. IL Calkins of over talent/ = years as a AlraChinist and Foreman, enables.. us e by his personal supervtsionl`to make , - • strictly first-class Goods. Feb. 18, 1878.-ly W.I,IIEBTON.a EO. PRESTON 81.',HEERMAIIS 7 • C0rX1131114 . . M ' s " Sr • MANUFACTURERS OF STEAM ENGINES . AND BOILERS Circular, Gang and Muley Saw Mills, .711achinery f Tanneries, Shafting, Gearing and Castings of every description in Iron and Brass. /Igrbiribm inery of all kinds repaired promptly Mid at reasonable rates. - 641 • , . Corning, August 28;1872.-1y . ( P. Snovz New Spring Goods. THE SPRING CAMPAIGN IS OPEN WITH THE LARGEST, AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF . . . . , It haagot to be pretty generally known that we keep the hirgest stock, the best goOda and sell them" as low as any house in the trade in this section; and wo keep 'dry jnarty articles not kept at any other store in town. In addition to our general stock. ur gaript *tack totigius *out atutulls, and every variety. Our Cloth Stock exceeds any within Any miles, In quantity and *PAY, DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS AND DOMESTIC. GOODS . _ enough for a jobbing trade. The citizens of Tioga county aro respectfullyinvited to call and examine our stook and prices. April 1,1873. EN KEGS OF NAILS W. C. 1-MF,SS Sr, CO. emotteris iiroto t Anitbf Parpens I Special Atcention.Juiid Thi Roolhag. ;- ESTi t /31,18111111 1N:1849. PAINTED► Ootir, N. Y. virEsaroN & CO, AND TUE PEOPLE'S STORE IS TUB FIRST IN THE FIELD, Staple & Fancy Dry Goods, EVER OFFERED IN CORNING JUST RECEIVED BY ME A rtrimi # , STOCK OF .1111,1 " .47 1/001 , t. • „ _ S MEM 4 -, 't r~;_ `"~ Eli Ell woo =Eli SMITH & W&ITE. MI Oensi !. 4- s.c. G.,-lit & iimachino 0111121 „ BIT'S F '1840.; Ocizirtin ~.~~ y stationary and Portable Engines and Boilerti. :Geartheiflhatting and PihiehirterY required Mils and Tanneries, Oveos and Grates, tor Inunirlg Tan— Serena for mowing nuleached !aiding% Bolts, Railroad From chairs, and Repairing done it abort Elaine: We - hare fa:' by Canal or Railroads to 11 Kin% and eau ittrulah SlaA.inetl,cßeaPei tbautastoni Or the beak quality. ..-.. OOMPH:C;(10E18SX poum, H. . Y Ilan unlauiertcot for Flaw Mills, Grist!, and leached bark, Cr caltleajay :Mete& bullclers - :Mtn: I, 1872-IY. Fas GOODS SPE . • and Fa Staple DRESS GO REA) ADE CLO =EI from the best 9narkets in - the couiatry,,and therefore you • • • 191.1• AME 1V.3100 ' My'stock wilt be sittiefied as been procure with prices. a,rd. - to e WE HAVE or the Sp Goods" iGr THE L DOIN se to offer to our' y any other firm And prop any respect fore you mako your pure your money. - So, all we ask, b it le policy to leay J. 11 WELLS ORO, The La gest Esta 1 "Om 4 7 NI b:11 DR Mies for buying and handling large quentltles of Goode enables them to offer them at the : prices. In our retail department GOde are sold at a small advance over wholesale of - _ , , TrAVING ja. lowest .Tob prices.' A Urge STONII , IIIODII SLIND AND I . GLASS, ALL EIZES, SINGLE AND DOUBLE TICK, PAINTS ALL KINDS AND GOLDFUS. VADNISHES AND AMISH BRUSHES. A PULL =WK. Transfer Orna ents, 'Striping Pencils • and Bruses for Carriage l it Cutt r trnamenting. . A full Una of all clams of appertaining to our beelneaa kept ill Wok. , , Jan. 1.1812. AdnifitistratOs" Not ETTERS or dmstration-of ton the iSt4 .1.4 N. Dochstader, late or abarlestovreal county; Pc, deceased, Wang been 'granted 1 dershmed by the ftegister of Ttogs county mut' Indebted to said estate are requested pernent, ind those having claims against wilt piment the same to the •underslgn eaten, Pa. •'• - ' . e • -• , • JERE:KUM DOCKEIM March'ifVlB73-78w n4V11) ‘ D°W="M 0 I =c IDTMEIANT and Improved roams tarn all that can be bad to give onecileasure Pain; are found at - - H , A. B. Eastman ' s Dental 0 Moe, Where the new liquid Nitrous Oxide is con , tally .Ul - • with - the - happleat results ; alko Ether, I I czaoridbnp and.the7funodoeyrarhkuled•_ bon pre ferred: '-•••i• ,_ , - r ARTNICIAL - TRETII. "' '• ' • • I '-• from one tolii deli, inkeited on short mike.— Special attentiOn"gtven to, diseases 'of the prithe,— Preservation of, the &aural Aeeth a apecialtar ' Work grantett and.' Aeries rfulonable, . Oppmete done t % Irepoco4o)l 6 :i ',-,- , - VOA 01731tt. ATHERS eceivecOl yrge stock. of Has ju‘s ey KY GO 0.1 , ,t‘ 2,1 Dg, WiIITE:GOOPpy i HING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, es &a Sul • hie for the spring Trade. AID IN A STO OF \\a, ing Trade with e firm INTENTION OF ADING BUSINESS IN THIS BEOTION OF COUNTILY. OUB LINE 111 customers a stock that cannot be beat in n our -line. sea, is to give us a call, and we will soon convince you where rton ST. Bro., iishnient in Northern Pa.! I= VI. 5 u ~1~ i:y _ ~ WHO) G-Grisrr of Peter tl 3 , /loge the un to m pe ake d estate at East El dnm•rs ea with r • I Of SPRING GOODS. 3P'XMPL4C3EI WITHR LIMB, A r oTICE iS hereby given that a . aped al- Chmrt of Common pleas will he held at the Court House in' Washer% commencing on Monday the 19th day of May next.' hafore Hon. Parris M Streeter, President Judge of the 18th Judicial' District, :for' the trial Of all • eanies certified to - said court. • - " H. 0.130 X, • Fob. 25,1b73., '" - Prothonotary.; , _ j -'gran for, ~6 ate. A1 -VALUABLE farm for sale of 135 acres, situated *in the town , of Weldon, Tioga county, Pti.,.con tabling 30 acres of good tobacco land, 2 good-'bearing orchards of choice fruit. and en acres of Umber of all kinds. ; The balance is first-class wheat land; is fenced is 8 fields: and has water in every field There is also a good large house of 11 rooms, and all necessary out ' buildings, a good new barn, good tenant house and a blacksmith shop. The. stock -and f. farming tools will he sold with the place if desired.. 'For further partic ulars inquire of the undersigned on the premises. Nelson, Pa, Mar. 26;'79-2m:• JOHN STARNER. Siete 7 THE subscriber o ffers , sale his' in litiatilti; pury, near Ifieneyillle, , cipitsining 108 acres, 90 acres, improved; and II good state of ctiltivsgen.— There aro ' 'orcharlle, a' good house, tweliartel; a atom building,. told. wagon sholron the. prinals es; Any one wishing to purchase can learn ail particulars by calling on the subscriber on the premises. larch 18, 1873-am:: - B. M. MM. ~3 ,r. ~. 'rf; =I MEM EIS s, ii '. . =MI •• !".•.u! - .r-,f l i;.l‘) -I),d 6 - i :-!.. - _,7'.4 r.....: 1. , .p. ... - -,,, '•-,, , 4s-:- MEE PE NWA. and - JOHN R. MEWL . ThlasiuStrunientin especially deSignedforthOyes• ,ect applmatiOn of .. • , •=• - DR; StAarti 'CATARRH:. REMEDY: hi theienly ft'ornsof, initroMentryet iii4entediott Which"-fluld Inedmine. - caa bo carriedThf hriep and perfeAfix applied to allpartit of the affected pawl, sages, and thochamberii or cavities ealu. therewith, in which Boren and uleers frequently eilst; and from, which the catarrhal dischatge - , generally proceeds.' -The want of succesi in treating catarrh berbtorotO boa ariaen largely from the impossibility of Applying rwnediea to these cavities and Ohaluliere by any . of Ytie ordinary; methods.' This obstacle in the. way of effecting mares is OntirelY .orereome by the invention of the 4/ouche, In usi? dais inatru• men% the Fluid IS tarried by its own Wel tin° snuffing, forcing or pumping being required,/ up o nontril ie. a full gontly,tiowing ,etrAlLte to the highest portion of _idle; naid a pasingea, whales into and thorougrhly cleanses all the tubes unit chambers cannot/toil there. -with, and flows out of the opposite postai. Its use- is .•pleseant and so simple that a chile could understand explicit directions accompany each instrument. When used With Oki instrument, Dr. Sae's Catarrh Bilinear -cures recent -attacks ?it "-void Li the, geode , ' by %few applications.. sympierna f Cain*. h. .Frequtnt ileadaebe,r , ciisaharge ;failing into - throi - sometirned profuse'' watery,' thick' inuctus, purulent.; offensivei; &e.- others a dry,uess,drymatery, weak or hidamed eyes, ' AtoPping up or obstruction Of Aiwa Poso o lle3,Thig • Irwin rani; deafness. haw king clear .thrOat, ulcerations, scabs from ulcars,.voice altered, -ragal twang, effel)V.:o brffth; impaired or totardo plyatitifinfileitie and taste; tinizineks,;-nieni -tattlePreesion, loss tut e'pfg:ltr', ATOPd to tickling tr,ii-tgli dg,,_Only a few .of ,theee , • elymptotim ate ilitkly b.l Dreamt in AA" CaSe 4 , 0110, Ulnae ) fu. sagela Catarrh Remedy, when naea witt. Dr/ FL:x*os Nrulal .110eia he; and' aceiiinpardell - 'With the eonstitutioual-treatulent, recent mended in the pamphlet that, wraps vacli 'bottle oi the Remody;is a perfect S.pticiflo for this' lOnthsriler - ' disSae'e s , and, the, proprliStor, offers, good; faith , $ 5 _92 "r thrl i . -ScT- a &PK/ be. , Qt/PuPt • 041 . 0..! Tin item yis mild and plehiput , dropicor, tatted° drugs/or:vil l ein/lit Thoi•Alstarr.; Remedy is sold at 50 cents :: knoh,e utp.e colas, .A 1 dirtsggisite: or eitherwill e nallotthypiopiii - • t en receipt of 60 cents... , • SLY.- 4. 3l 3FtitCE: X. p. ' .- • Sole Proprietor, • ' •7 4 . " BIRTA.I.O 4t;ne" 26, 1872; • ; Boot, shoe , -.Loather AND . FINDING Ci. lEile•Etres ni THE MELD AQAIN. , 6" • New Sh o p, N,eNi, Stock au.d`first " class Work] . . . , , NYTKING (row ii Rand caek to a Hid Gaiter. Beet A lino of Ladies' Kid and cloth and Gaiters - • Ditto Cibildreres . and Misses. Gen,te Cloth, . Morocco, acid Calf Gaiters. Oxford _ • and Prince .Filbert Ties. good line of OVERSHOES, and $ full lino of FINE. BOOTS, ranging in price from $4,40 to $7,00, pegged and aewed CUSTOM BOOTS from $5,00 to $15.00, and worth the money every time Leather :and Findings et the lowestrates, as usual Tho undersigned having spent twenty years of his Ufa in Wolloborn of tho time on tho eltaa veullenco; atoning- 0..7...a xor the goon of soles, believes rather in hammering than blowing. Wherefore, ho will only remarkto hilt old customers and as many new-ones se chOUse to give him a call, that he may be found at his new shop, next doer. to B. T. Van Horn's ware rooms, with tbo beet and cheap. est stockinTioga county. ' 0. W. SEARS.' Wellsboro f - April 24, 1872. Cyrus 11. WHOLESALE DEALER IN Foreign' ant) ' ~,Domestic 'Liquors Agent for Fine Old Whiskies, Jan. 1,1872. _ • CORNING, N. R. . JEWELRY. STORE: WELLSBORO,. PA, • . ANDREW FOLEY :11 1 who has long been established oljt in the JeWelry business in WelisbM•o, has always for sale, .6116, ", :4 .;t; various kinclw and prices of A lERICAN: "WATCHES; ;_.: • (101 l or Sllvdr, Clocks, 'Jewelry, Gold CAMS, Keys, Rings; pine , Pencils, 'Cases, Gold and Steel Pens,' , Thimbles, Spoons, - R4ore,' ' , Plated Warp, SEWING MACHINES - • ko., ke„ Ace. , With most all other articles usually kept in inch es tablisMnente, which are cold low for. C - A S. IL Repairing done neatly, and promptly, and on shop atrium A . FOLEY. Jan. 1,1872-17. , • • - - • ' • - Fiz - - - $l,OOO REWARDI - ,-,-,--,, - , • A reward of One Thonsand - Dol- ~-,-„ lars will, be paid to any -Physician \ who will produce a medielno that . will supply the wants of the peoplo better -'t th n the article known as . . g • 13r..1P• ,F`a,hl. - n.ey7. r .. . • . , Blood Cleanser➢ or Panacea. It must bd a better Catbaitic, a better AltetatiVe, a better findorlfle, a bettor Diurectic, a better Tonic, and in every way batter than the Pau-a-cot.a. No mate, Ma how long' it hits been in use, or how 'lately discov ered: Above must not contain anything NOT PuBELt vainteanue. „ , - $5OO REWARD. A reward of Elite Thindied Dollars will be *yid for a medicine that will permanently cure more cases of Costiveneoff, Constipation, Sick or nervous Ileadache. Lirer:Oomplaint, Bilious Disorders, Jaundice; Rheum 'aim; Gout, Dyspepsia, , Chills and Fever; Tape Worms, Boils, Tumors, Tatters, Ylldel6, Sores,Pains in the Loins, Side atidflfead, - and' Fames*. Coarrunrrs.• • ' " - tift.'F,L7EiNEY'EV Blciod Clegnser or Panacea, -1 Which is aired iiitire esEensively by Praorieing Om than any other popular meilleine,ku wn. , • • SirPrepaFed by P. Fahrziey's Bros, & • w • es. ,, Prh, arid:hr. P. FAnaliiT, orth - hearborn Street, Chicaiffi. Price, sl.2ll4)orbottle.•Dar:sale bf blesald'and Retail Dealers,anr by Hastings & Coles, Washer°, Pa:: , ISM 81,1873-Cm. . WALWKR 'LATHROP 'DFAT 'owl IN HARDWARE, TRO% STREL,- NARA GTOVER, 'ITN-WARE, BELTING, BANVIV IDUTLERY.AVATER ' - LIME, AGRICULTURAL MEI Car go nil Haines(' =En W.MIESMa, fiADDTJES, &a. ?FA'Ficil, 4l ',..f , q ,l ..!au. .. . . ~, R ADW . A:,-YR'Si3lll.AlDyl.*, E ,.._ LJE -- F -'l - ':IDtES vim - WORST KrANS, ';...... I, i it'froni -Cone- to irinfontiti Filipuss4 , ..', .. ; , _ ' ROT-ONE HOUR • ::-., ~, 7, .. :: • ',.•terilfirraregnelitjar,W..FPL, ,-.- „iarrarspri IttADY 9LIEF 18 A. CURE FOR,., • 1 - ,' ‘., 1_ Aim _ORS *nit: , I 1 : - • rrhpo 113 ' , AFaukt ii. exit 4 - 41.:si_ ~ ' that Inatantly °tops the . MOst'olteruclathtli t Pallis, tulle ' Inflammations..and cures Congestions ,- whether w ether of t a , Loom StomaeltriloweD, or other. glands or orgatw,•by . -am ONE 'TO TWENTY MIMES: '., 1 1 .. o matter now - violent or etenlelatlng tea •palu" The ' HRIIDATIU,Ded.rIdden, Infirm, Crippled, •Itetvotla„ - - euralgio, or prostrated with disease may suffer, - .;.. ' RADWAY43. READY RELIEF, WILL Arroulf iNsTAriT.NAtig. INFLAMMATION OF THE Klikv BYO, • - . INFLAMMATION OF AE BLADDER. ,INFLAMMATION •OF AVE HOwEL:, • _ CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. ' SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT , lIREATHING • PALPITATION OF , THE HEART. ' • HYSTERICS, CROUP, 11.11 , 11TRERIA. - _. CATARRH, iNkIAJENz,A. , HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, • _ _ • , NEURALGIA, 1111EUMATIsit. COLD entus, .AccuE GRILLE.._ ' The applicOlort of tho,neady- Trotter to the part rr parte 'where tho,palrysr alMoulty ordattivlll•alford elms • • Twenty drops tri alto taMbler of water wilt In a fete •' momenta cure CRAMPS, SPASMS. SOUR STOMACH ' nEARTBUrnii, SICK HEADACHE, -DIARRHEA DYSENTERY, COLIC, WIND IN .'fil,K .DOW EU . • and all INTERNAL PAINS. - , .- s !. .t . t ' i Travelers should •always curya hottle of Ittulwiavo , , . : 'Ready Relief with thgin.L A few arvi•slKwatkr wi hr prevent sicknew or_faine from change of Tauter. It 1 . bettor than Pooch Handl or Hitters to aet irgulm.t, ' 'MYER .AND , AGUE: r,. vgrgß - AND Aattrk,ured for fifty 'eerds. There'l4 not a remedial "agent in title world that will• cure lecvi:: and Ague, and all other Malarlous, 13111015 1 SC3rll.l T)`• - hold, - Yellow, and other -Fever ° (aided by RAI - 110A „5; - ILLS) so quiet . at ICADWAY'S READY LDI.IIIL ; ifty ceete imr_lxolle. ` Sold by Druggists. ','.... 1.. ___ , HEALTH! BEAUJY'II 'STRONG AND •I'lTELretloll, BLpu—F.tOP.EAIIr. OF VLEBII W 11T—o LIAR•• Stir NA r, IsEAUTIFUI: COM' UNION IiEtOURED TOALL. , DR RADWAY'S . SARAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT; ci1m..1 4 . 1 r Tim MOST AsToslsruiva mit= • : - 81:1 Ica', So RAPro AIM' TEE VGA Or. , * THE oDy•UNDEROOF.s. UNDER Tut: FISENuE OF TEUS ' TRULY WONEEItrrL , XE WINE, THAT • • • Every Day an Incroaso in Flea:3 and Weight fa Sean and Felt. • THE 'GREAT' BLOOD PUDIFIER: • Very drop' of the SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLV . BM communicates through the Blood, Sweat, other ride and jisices of the system the vigor of for It re the wastes of the body with new and eowriti , ma 2 Scrofula, flyphlitit, Consumption, - Glandular - .disinordllcers In /he Throat, Month „ Tumors .. Nodes, in the Wend -other- parts of the system, Sore Eye , . CorulOILL Nag bargee .ficAn. the gals. aid •tbe , svor4 nns - or Bain diseases, Eru p tions, - Fever Sires, &hid ead, Ring Worm, Salt Rheuns,'Eryelpelas, Acne, Illacic - Fra. Worms In the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers in" the ntb, and all Wealienhig and painful discharges,Nlght laistif,Sperm,,and all wastes of the life pie, are within the ouraUve range of this wander or Mph. ' m Chemistry. - and a - few days' use will prove to Pl l 4 pensett - using' It (of either pf these 'forms of disease 1e • potent power,to cure them- • ~ ' i If the Patient, daily becoming - reduced by the wast es ' and decomposition that is continually progressing; sue. ceeds In arresting these wastes; and repairs the whin wait new material made from healthy blood,--and this the.. , SARSAPARELLI.AN will andtoca secure. lior.only does the &timer/iv:Ulan Rusoivzirr turd ' all known remedial agents In the cure of Chronic, Sen4U,.. , lolls, Constitutional,' and Skin diseases ; - but it is the only. positlve curtife{ • lildltey, Urinary, and Venal dliettses, Gravel_,_ Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of: Water, incontinence of. Urine, BrighVe - ease, Albuminuria, And in all cases where there are brick. dust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy; !nixed' with' atibetances like the:white of an egg', or threads like white , silk, or there is'a morbid, dark,- appearnece, and white bone-dustdeposits, and when there is a pricking, burning sentation when passing water, and pain in th e ' Small of the Suit eurdslong.thoLoins, Price, elm, , • , ' WORMS.—The only k nown t end sure Reinedi ,far'frp -Tape, etc,. • • Tumor ed . -112- - Yetirsv Gionah Cured.l4 Radway's Resolvent. BIMIRLY, Mau ., July 18, HO. Da. liana, hare had Ovarian Them in the ovaries and bowels. Ali the Doctors odd “there was as help for it!! I trial every thing that was mcommeuded but nothing helped me. I saw your Kaaren', sad thought I would try It hot bed no faith In It, because I had suffered for twelve year. 'I took 'air bottles of the Read_ ' vent and one boa of Itedway's Pills, and two bot tles of your Heady Relief and there Is not a sign of tumor to be seen or felt, and I feel better, smelter, and happier than I hey, for teals, years. The worst tumor was in the left' side of the - bowels, over the groin. I write this to you for the beueet of others. You can publish It If you choose. HANNAH P. DR. -RADWAY'S • PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly *steles:3, elegantly coated with sweet gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and strengthen. Rad way's Pills, for the cure of all disorder, of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Disertnes, Headadifis 0 0 / 13 / I Pauen Costiveness, indigestion. pyspepsle,..l3lllousnens, Anions Fever, - Inflammation of . tlieSowels, Piles,and aU Derangements of tbe Internal Vis cera. .Warranted to effect a positive lure. Purely Vegeta. blntalning no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs. -- containing the following symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs! 'constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood In the Head, Acidity of the Stomech, Nantes, Heartburn, Disgust of Fond, ' Fuldruns or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or plitering at t. 4 Pit Ed the Stomach, Swimming of the Heed anted and Digleult 13tesibing, Fluttering at this Heart, Cbokini. • or Sefkunting Sensations when in a Lying Postnre, Dimness o Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain to' the Mead, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain to the Ids, Chest, Limbs, and sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, • Qg few doses of RADWAY'S - PILLS will free the sys.' tem from all the, above-named disorders. Price, 25 . cents perbor. SOLD' BY DRUGGISTS. I READ "FALSE AND ,TRUE." Send one letter. - stamp to RADWAY. lc CO., No.aiden Lane, New- York. information worth thousands will be sent you. - May 29, 1872 - Iy,' - • - - Vag . to .eniam long prdvided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other riteans,and the vital organs wasted beyond the point bf repair. Dyspepsltt'Or Indltrisation. Headacht, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs; Tightness of the Chest„-Dic- ziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart,- Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, ; and a hundred - other painful symptoms, are the,offspnngs of Dyspepsia. In these complaints if has 46 equal, and one bottle will prove a Letter guar. antee of its merits. than a lengthy advertisement. For Venial° Complaints, in young- or old, married or single,' at the dawn of womanhood, or the tom. of life, these Tonic Bitters display . so, decided . influence that a marked improvement is soon 'percw_ For Inflammatory and Cht-ossic,Rhon. ' motlani and Gout, Bilious, Remittent and Inter. • mittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Ildladder, these Bitters have no equal.' Such Dis, eases are caused by Vitiated Blood t which ls generally produced by derangement of the Dig stiye Organs. . They' area Oeutle Purgative as well as. ' a Tonic, posses Sing also the peculiar merit of acting. . as a powerful agent in relieving Conseytion or Inflam mation of the Liver and Visceral 0 ; and in Bilious Diseases. For Skint Diseases, Eruptio s, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustoles,Boils, Car bunches,Ring-worms, Scald• Head, Sore Eye s _, Ery sipelastch, Scurfs k Discolorations of the Skin, Humors. and Diseases of the Skin, of whatnver. name cr nature , . are,literallY'dug Op and carried out Of the' System in .hort,tirne by the use of these Bitters- ; • . • • Grateful. Thousands proclaim Vinsoem . V Taos the most wonderful Invigorant that ever snstained• the Sinking system.-' • . J.WALKER, Prop'r; l R.H.ItIeDONALD & CO.. i Druggists and Gen. Agts., San. Francisca, ,, CaL, - and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts., New 'Work. " - • -•••-- A CERTAIN CIIIIE FOR ' ,ReatedCongh, inclplentConsumption, Colds,finitUng of • -Blood, Inflammation of the Lungs, Catarrh.'Bron • ; chills, Croup, Whooping Cough,-' Astluns, Pains in Breast or Side, Dyspepsia, ;Tann ,dice; Dizkiness, , ••• •- ' • , • ' Loss pf- Appetite, Fever and Ague, - Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Diarr, • hoes, and all Diseases' of the'-Linger; , , • Stomach and ' • , W.: H t g.l.Preigt,4o: Ci 4, • • ,s- TVizolesale .Druggists, mira Sole'Agents, and to alio= all or4ere ahoild be addresi ed.-10j on BALE DT Ppinoz tfiltnEsa, Welp3boro, Pa , ;. 1 14Cle. 5100. 'lane 12, 18724y.] - Tioga.Marble,.Workfr,. in:41414mA% now prepared dora fat Torobt3tones and Motiaineabi:Otalabor Itctlictit or ciri (lithe hiteat style and approved wo PanAmlah. 'diiapotch. •gHe keeps nonatantly on hand b kinds of kiaible and will be able to snit all who . him .with. their orders. on' an reasonablo t,o, as FfnatkobtitilioCk in the oinnufry. • • • 'PEUELADLIEL . j .'. ci-1211'1E7' 1 2 ~X ';kTill*, J • ; Qt 1414' tliiipiiiption j ois*Aiii with `4,44i . 111,6- '- • ; ay woreptikc'l ~,-;-=, - - --- Av'. - - _ ~ -,:, :f - -.'i• At ,'d` PM • . - . . -~~ ~ _ ii ~', SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. March 4 -7 , 1673-13*. e World's Tonic Purely vegetaple and REP, FROlli ALCOHOL LORIMER'S fJk I`'L~l{l AR BITTERS , ES► g , • 2 1 1 "14X1121L ' ' The sheipeit Linctln Mallet (01'41011 'UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO, 3n.thpe=pat.P4to 3,9oo,ooo"'Aarei in (Nitre). Nebraska Now for sale isitractl or forty acres and upwards on five and fan yeais", credit at d per,. NO advance interestreuired—. •.• Mild arid healthful clhuste, fertile soil, an abundanc e of good "water. , • TORTIRST MAILEET TOR -WEST i The great" mini n g regions of I,Yyopiing, Colorado, Utah and Re vada being supplied' by , the fainter! tu the I , ,x,sTiz ,ltszamit. ; . ,1„ . • _ Soldierp 61011, cd to Homestead, 160 Acres. ; TO IfEWTLDCATIONgI FOR COLONIES: ' FADE t i E 10,449 70ft ALL I niillions of Acres of choice 0 rerOneut Land open for entry under tbo omesteked 4 l.aue, near this cireat Railroad, with good 'markets t,n the ,- conveniences of au old settled country. • • Pros final purehasers of Railroad Land. Sectional ilaps, showing the Land, also new edition of Descript vo Pamphlet with new Maps Kamm. FaE 4 ," , Address - 01 F. DAVIN, ' - Commissioner V, P. R, ; ; . _ Nell • .!w.A.w91 . F41).; 10000PARIVIERS impove 1,700,009 acres /I."'lt. litchi, free frem . mortgage and located in the middle regien,ot Western lowa—the best.corn, wheat and cattle•produelng belt In the West, 15 hours distant troth Chicago. -Climat e , and soil unsurpassed. - ,ildeadoert.and - plow land with pi* ?tinning water evenly distributed. }lo fever and ague. - -dver_age credit Kim , per acre. Send" for a guide. coat 4 nothing, and gives destriptions, prices, termer" ! and how to reach the lanai.- Address • AMIN tiAV ni lIOUNE Laud Conbisaloner lowa nail flciad d Ch., Cedar Itapids, lowa. ' Chico Office, 65 b. ('a M. • , Blair ,Presliyteriall Academy,. BtA - iatiTovN. NEW jELSEt. - 'Eartql. fyivantagoir for Wales_ and females. • Earnest Christian intimeneo, thorough - instruction and careful attebtion to tneeotbfbria and habits of atudente, rend. or thifi one cit the best inetitutions of the-country... - Spring aession opintneneetadarekldttc.". ritndents re, coiviki at anytirge. 'term $2OO a4etir . . ienee: Officers of 'PlibeetOn and Lafayette Colleges.' • fiend kur Catalogue. -,8. 8. fiTMNIEI;,&.; X. Principal. -F02:10N,E , .,00-t LA R. We will send FREE bmelt, Uu receipt of One Dollar, 26 paeltets or eholoa ylower teed, and-our catalogue, Containing upwardeß , qtrieties, with. full .o.lree. thine for culture; to any addresti in - the 1:/41ted States, Eatalogtte free on - apialraitlon. - ,i , • _ DEE & DOYLE, Seedsmenand Florists, • 57 Tremont Marne Boston. ' FARM ERS..tazg 6 Llgnrkf t o a r. • - Wee. Fruit Tiees; Ace. - A Val mule Treatise.; .A.ll tent free. Extra, offer L. .I)..spyrr & CO., Huron,. Ohio ONLY: 10 , 'CENTS. RY , MA ULM 0 PAINTER ; Or, ?A t lNTlii , -+HOW. TOISEIXOT DEE THEM, Pliu,treatise, centatning sfrapletard with 42 dif fermit-fictually" painted shades and tints, with inbtruc- Hone Or exterior and interior House Decoration. 25 copies, bound in cloth, for4s.—Bample eoptcs, paper cover, mailed, postpatd, to any, cu re. eeipt of 10 emitti,hy 41:te Rirblisberi I _ fg.pIitY,CARER , . VNRYtuul.. Box-iux4; mortice, PILUADELIitita. Seetoelaiming valuable:eV-nu* fret ri pits , Notices . very valuable book,and no Jens tritendingto paint should fall to read Tritdise. - "Weldid not knit*. so mrtele - monlltbe said =llls subject of painting lioupourat We read this excellent book of Mr. Baird's"—:-.IP. ' F aid. 't "A want long &Wet last aupplied."—Scientife Am. "NO only a necessity to the painter, but valtlabir, to every occupant of a dwelling,- - N. F. World. ' "Buy 25 copies of tills book and distribute them amongyour friends. it they will heed the nthleathers. in, yott :make no more valuable present4'— Chicago Tribune. - - "In publiShing this-book Mr. 'laird has done 'a real service to the community.—Toledo Blade. I ' "We, hope the publisher will sell 100,000 copies of this bOok during '73."—Boston Advertiser. , have 'just painted our house as advised by the authori: and congratulate ourselves that no dwelling in our netglihorlood excels ours In appearance."--tdar• per's Treaty. ; 1 - ..In selling a '.,samplo copy for 10 cents, Mr. Baird must >cel certainiuti once, for 25 bound in cloth fellow e '—Frank .' • - • "Wci know the town and :Etountry paints therein rec ommended, and., cau , conch for their value Ji.ttel the dicellance,of thei "Harrison" brand of ' White ,lead." Pli/4.1 Ledger. ' "• • • - - GAMY 30 CENTS. • IS fhe BEST IN THE WORLD. ' Agents wanted. Send for circular. Address, ".T/OXIESTIC" SEWING MACHINE Co.. N. Y. USE the Reisinger Sash Lock and Support to FASTEN TOUIWINDOWS! No spring - to break, no cutting of sash;. cheap, dura- Ido, very easily applied; holds sash at "any place de sired,l and a self-fastener when the sash is dowe. Send stautyfor circular. Circular and six. copper-bronzed locks' sent to any addreswin the IL ,S., postpaid, ou re. ceint z0‘..t...- Imiclocravanto to the trade.— Agents wanted, "Address REISINGER SASH LOOK CO., No. 419 Market St., Harrisburg. Pa. • [ESTABLISHED 1830.1 Z l O2 - 01.033.. cats . liaunfaoturera of Sawa.-Superior to all others, EVERY SAW WARR.ANTED, 01 Files,. Belling and Machinery. LI.I33MR.AT, 3Dxsocralsrrs, zarrrice' Meta and arculara free. Z I IVE_Lert &GRIF'FITItS, MOSTON. MASS., & DSTAOIT. Mica. - KITCIIRN'',CRYSTAL. SOAP Edr .;leaning and polishing meialsjor cleanlng and prase 4 .1 yin g Faint,' ibr removing stains trommarbiS, for waslit g hands; GALT for all honsehoh). gleaning, ixsspe rior July oiler article made. lioAtlier snap or ;gash squat it. either in quality or ehesphess. ' Eskv , :to-use and 'perfectly harmless and iileasaut. All racers sell It. lamufacitireti only , by .F.A TMAN dr.o BROOKE, 411 It 'nit d Si, Philailelpllia.- --" . . .. 4 ....ter ...wing . - , , Odt t., $1 to 050, Single Guns, $-3 to .00. Hides, $8 to,e 'l. Itevulvc-rs, $1 to 225. Pistols 11 to $5 Gen ril l: 211 i',. rial, Fishing Tackle, tke. Large Pistols, 11 to &et tr otictidis.! Army Quns, • I:evolvers, rte.,'bouglit or tut eti for. • Goods sea by .eftyres4 C. O,D. to be er a hied be fore paid for. - - .. .- . ' YATENTS,OBTAINE.P. Nosefs unless euccelsful. No fees in advance. 'No charge - rim Preltrillnary search: Send for circulars. thINNOLLY 13.1t0T111:118, 108 S. Fourth St., Phila delp ia, Pa., and Cob Ninth St , , , Washiugtoe f D. C. i i - NE:ltgaigftl i .a.PealiVaov j o t h e a Stencilnd flit particulars Xey Cllli ' I Itp l l'.- S„ M. SPF-NC.m. 117 Hanover St., Boston. I %liaiitifiri Children." A ALLIPEDIA IV . diroiliztorephical Poem , Originally published lu 1605. A reprint of this rare and Siirlous old 'mein now ready. ,Price VW. Alf ' ANTIpLIARIAI4 Pun. Co.. ASS ri. 6th St., Philadelphia. E I'VE INT C ®@Z litilD 'Jr .13 AND IN the coutztry will I eceiroka splendid piece of RAND MliSitl frei., by sruaing a two-cent stamp to ED- WitP,D A. SAMUELS, Pablisler,i3ostoli, Masa. nn 0 1:1- layli_ Agents wanted t Al! $5 Ao $2 classes eV, working people. of either fICX, young or old, make mare money at work for us in their;spare momenta, or all the'time, than at apything eise.l Particulars free. Address G. STINSON,. A: CO., Portland, Blaine. . Gli - 4:171r TICS3I3 LIT?, (4 . I :KA, TALYS I N E -. WATER Is the nearest approach to a specific, ever discovered 'for Dpipepsia, Neuralgia,, Rheumatism, Gout, Gravel, Diabetes, Bidney and Urinary Diseases generally. It resfdres muscular power to the Paralytic: It cures Liver Complaint, Chronic Diarrhces,, piles, c cam:4a- Non. Asthma; Catarrh and Bronchitis: Diseases of the Skin, General Debility and Nervous Prostration froth Mental and Physical Excesses, It is the Oteatea An tidote ever discovered for Es.ensialve Eating or Drink ing. " It corrects UM stomach, promotes Digestion, and Releives the Head almost immediately. Igo household should he without it. For sale by all Druggists. 0-For a history of the Springs, for Medical reports of the power of the 'eater over .thseasee, for Marvel ous cured, and.' for testiMenials from distinguished men; send for pamphlets. - WHITNEY BROW: General Agents. 227 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Gwrrirsnuno SPIIINO CO. , 1 i I REWARD. For any case of, (Blind. Bleeding; =114.1164 or U ~ ::- 11, • Fra pla ff il d -t ,Pulltseso epared ci .f r pat f f/ ails r .pressly_to cure tboXlles, ' - - , and 120414 else, Sold by all Drugiglitte. IPrica;',sl •- • ' ' —1.002-4 w: - .'• '.- ' H,VG I LTI 1 7 071'..N.108 • , - • • , , .• . lostiranceilleal IstateiSteamship , , , . • - ,• ' . , ; • 'No 8. Notoents•Btock. SEW - Drafts sold payable hi - any city or town in Europe. *O - Cabin, pecog4 Cabin; or Steerage Passage tickets to or from any - town in turope from or to Wellaboro, by the 'Anchor Mind,l or the Williame'and' Guion, U. S. Mail Line of (}dean Btem:Dere.l • • , ~. ifirßeat Xatate b ought and ie ` ld:etWennutselee, ' gin dee:law-to-WI, 'particular tittetitiern to the Inge r• antio'faailities afforciedlmtne.oltinlickifeli hanwo -- - :Wellsboro , lnsitanteligency , sint ~ , _r.n.m...,..,, . i 8 _ , '''Fp4E, - I.I:FE ce A CCIDENT ~„ ~'-'• pitil ReproteAted ,$!0,001,009,'! , irttiko'r Hartrord,'COno. - .2 " " Hera,' of Neim,York. ' ' ' -:' •FRANKLIN;fit Philadoikhik ill :INS,TO: OF-NORTH AMERICA ' of bil'a. 'PENNSYLVANIA, or Phlladelphia-: - - ' NORTH BRITISHAVVERCANTILE, Inburg • iPHENIX, or BrOOklyni Pi; Y.l.o';', •., - , --- • ,LYOOMINO,INIS.- . oo., : blunoy.ia., - : • TIR AV ELf. RS. LIFg A. 4ccitoft4T,'Sa - r.tford. . ... - 3 . . . . Paden Yrrittea ilil AUY of- tIIK, above leading co,lai pantea at standard rates. Leases promptly Pahl a my office. No. 3 Bowen% Block, aupwirolliitt. , :? zfax.fikurfat , : - .:, - i• i . • , •.',•,•: 1.- ..!, .., • MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers