Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, April 29, 1873, Image 3
thCkti NOTICES. ISIS= 1 Pike tobttiaohe drops cure in A . Spalding'4 Q 1 lelAir1 e lAir Useful 16 - every h ~1 ....o,use. Whitewash. lime 'at , April 20,-2t. I;E:GLlesist . , , Horton has gone'to New York. • LOok out' for a big stock ( . 4 gonik:wheri he returns: • Pon SALTS.-4Oupe .and• Lot, Wollaboro; end a farm of tiflnniii;Viii.ain idge, Debiar township. Inquire4:F t linironTa, let Ave. A.pril 22,1878.-4 t, • A full line of itlanTt-,VOoks and Stationers goods just received at Young's' bookstore. Kerosene 011'82•cents -per kallen - at • April 29, -2L.' lt.,Gieslissist'A Co'a., , " • SFA(EN' SAFIGITARDS' AGAINST' CONSir.Sli- VOX' are unitCd in Hai' a Honey of Hoie. hokid and Tar. Itnainurthe most violent c ough and cures the worst cold in A few hours, and avoriS sill danger. - 18 old by all Druggists., Canned and Dried Fruits of all kinds at April 29,-2t. N. 14. ci.4.4:ssarint & Co's and Dress Making Rooms 'opi poshe the Runnel House.—Miss Sniit h has the Agetley_for Illme. Demorest's Patterns. Mies' 'Greeh 'bils - charge of the dress 'making department and she will, visit the house If desired. , , . • , Call r on N. 151.,,Glasstairo & Co. and ,locti< at thoir 25 cent Brooms• April - . . . A. 01040/162it!all .144 D - PEARLY Darn' 'Ott easily attained, and' those who' fad to avail themselves of the means, should not complain when accused of gross neglect.: Sozelno - riT will _Speedily eradicate the cause of :a foul,bteilthi beautifying' find pre= serving . the,teeth to the oldest - age. „ - , • , _ Call early mid:get wall choice, from, the immense stock of wa,l and window papor at Young's Booktitore. .; The AorriToZ:oilice bas the-best - 4teiliti4s, for printing Auctionll4l) . 4Piisters Aso., in Ti gacounty. Orders by mail will be carefully executed. Parties living at ix distanee 'can or— der by mail; being Ontaftil to sotto' all Wars, the principal articres they desiremeit— tioned, the day and litaik_of sale and the size and number of bills,'lttiorthair 'orders will bo carefully execated;'reird"toiwatded immedi ately by mail fix oxpts. , , - ••_ Dissor..przpx,..e! "ft.s.aTttisusztre'- - -Notice is here by Ovelt.' (hat the'efie - iiitrtne!ship exist ing between I'hippen&lrarkhurst,pf Law renceville, Pa., is ky,rait.4' tuna consent. pat:ea - 441301 2,-1878. . t - •_ . • PABICHVIIST. NMI , - 4 All persona Indebted to the ; late firth of Phippee C Paikbuyst' aro iecitiested;to.settle with the undersigned at his store at onee.. April 22-Ed. . N. Glassn4re & Co. are s elling goods, cheaper for cash than any other place in town - or aunty. 29,-2t. 13 U (111 Yotn a'a REAL ESTA.Ti AGZHC : Mr. Young has for sale 2 farma and 217ood lots in Delmar, a farm in Middleb ry, farm in Charleston (a bargain at $2,000,) farm in,l:loon,. 8 steres, 0 dwellings, and 90, building lots in Wellsbbro.' Also :for rent 3 dwellings in Wellsboro, and 80 acres of pasture land near the town. , For further particular, prices, terms, &c., apply personally or by mail to 'luau Yourm , Real Estate and Insurance Apint, . ' No.-1, Bowen'itßiock • THE ISTERY SOLVED.—The reason why H. C. Perry—Merchant Tailor, Corning— purchasei Such a llhrge stock of Finalmport ed Cloths, Cassimeres, and Vestings, is, 4. L. Scott, his cutter, gets them up in such stylish-garments, and perfect fits as no &her place in 'Corning can. begin to_do. . _He lc', constintly receiving Invoices of the best tvid most desirable etylea in thetnarket.. N. 13.—The trimming department can ;int be excelled ih any city. • Caltand lOok at the stock at 22 East lilarket'Streot, and 'be convinced that such arc facts. ' Corning, April 29, 1878, Mrs. Sofioa invites the attention of the la dies and citizens of Welfsbero and vicinity to her large assortment ofnew Spring Goods, whi,, , h have been boitglit t and will be sold at the lowest cash prices. She has spent some :ime in the 'city, availing herself of the best tairgains, and feels confident that her ctistom— irs cannot fail to be suited with the quality tnd prices of her stock. Ladies Suits, Hats, Sonnets, Shawls Parasols, and a general stock tf fancy goods kept constantly on hand. Everything new and desirable can • be found at her store and the public are cordially in— vted to look over her stock before purchas— itg Wilcox & Gibbs Sevying Machines fired at cost, and COVeittl kept to rent on mod— erate terms, IvEaNOR SIMARD'S TRAVRLS AROUND 'HE Wont.p.—Mr.• Seward had completed lie record of his journey before his lament nl and unexpected death: The work-is pub lished just as it was left,by him 'and In his own words. It is' edited by his adopted daughter, Olive Risley Seward, who accent.: pulled Mr. Seward on his wonderful journey, and it gives the record of travels, and his po litical, social, moral and philosophical obser-, vations and reflections, in Mr. Seward!s own. Words, together with his interviews and talks with president 4, kings, emperors, sultans, khedives, tycoons, mikados, East Indian potentates, and His Holiness the POpe. CroAng nearly all the mountains, rivers, and oceans of the globe, Mr. Seward Was re ceived in the countries which ho visited ns no'private tourisehas ever before been fe ceived in all histdry, accompanied by the greatAit demonstrations of respect, emperdrs and kings vying with each other in extend mg courtesies due only to the most disting uishe&gueSts, furnishing to his countrymen evidence of the exalted position he occupied , in the world's regard. The work 113 printed on tinted paper, 4nely and profusely illus trated from original designs,. photographs, hnd copies, illustrating the test.of the book, the whole making a - volume of about 800 pages, and sold only by subscription_ Mr. J. A. liill is the authorized agent • for the nook iu thiS regiqn. We advise every per son to prdcure and read it,-as it will be, found mord interesting and infinitely more instructive than 'most novels. . • C • . • .‘ Messrs. L. 0.? Bennet a`hd J. C. Strang, of this place, have. been on ti Visit among the trotters in the horse raising 'distrjois,ribent New York and:'.rhiladelphia. We' learn' that, after a careful examination of" the re re;entatives oc tlie"diffilrent fkruilies ittald grains of trotting blood, they-phrehased- of Jame; D. Reif proprietor of.thii )stMiribrino Stock farm near Philadelphia, !pi highbred and fast s young troiting, Pilot, Jr.; formerly Agiator: will seen by 'our advertising column's, the services of this horse are now offered .to the public,. and at a price so low. that every pers o n. rais ing colts may breed from him. We are in iv:llld that he will beheld at the present,alr Most nominal price for this season only, jag now so held fo?,iha purpOse introdii6=. iris his stock in the community as soon as may be. If our farmers andhiedne a gen eral aro prop'erly aliVete:theli 'interests and the interests of the public at largfki :Ott!: ert" terprise that has ,plaeed so fine nibOrit„e/in their midst will not be thrown n'41:3(,: bt , t' on the contrary its value will soon be visi ble _ is the improvement of our road_ and, fiineittl dock horses. Speedy and reliable,snad liOrs'e4 always command , 'high pecee; hordes are selling fox almost febulaii.liains.-. Stock horses of fashionable' streitur of blood: with speed are held very hi h. nition of thishorse the comm Unity 'should ha as general as hls owners are Alierfq-* tendering his aertriCaa.• - • / :We knit the publie(spirit that puts Nyman reach of all our peOle t eo fine a' irecl liloo will lid itiotterlT . rewartiek vie know o'f►o more laiitlablgt - ,effoitAliyiji: . ork!*to,imol:o* fri t •RunTkles.li 40. O4efullict:4B otAtat. most useful : .imal4lovhorse.z,: e ~...,,,.„....,.'.-.,,, :-4 : , :: ' gteltnter 4 ' :, ,_ , g 1 ,, C. , ::- " , "„, ._ _ -, '' ,:-Z,-;.: TYM 3 : 13 . 0 - 1 7;:APP 1. 4(W1. 8 7 .8-,, ' . . . , Ta6me' Alrairs. - • - Allem Jdosillsonetiti! ;Ids Week:. The Ewa Stalter . = 7 :-Join Haikness..!• 7 , sU • •• , Paper ;•- &o.—g. B. Toting.. • Manabrino Pilot, Jr.—Benner& Strat3.• ' • V :erbes-3i. B. Prin.- ' , • • Brick— na Fred Margratt. ce - • ' Rseentor's Notioo-41stato of t ileOdato IL Sisson. Paeontor's Notice—Bsfatoot Richard Vgtean, deo'& Spring & Summer Goods—Thos. Hardee. - _ • Register's Notice—D. L. Deane, Register.. 7111119ery—lIrs. IL B. Limb. ~iRY 13's -Mint adioilis%.therr realizes =We welcome the Hornellsville Herald spicy little Six-C.Cluiaii'shoetto ex- _ change list. . , -+Sixteen persons were initiated 'into the Goad TerriplaA lodge in thisplace last Miiia da3i ovenins. #The :civil-engineer are %leaking 'for' u, 'railroad. •route • froi:OCElinirit.,te Sothers's Lane..t; .--LThq temperance men - pflyelkshoro hgtfo' liic 'Over s l ,o99aMenforce thelocaloptiai t ." I, —Put bAsiness men, are , brushing 'up and; preparing for:the rash- of traddyfidchis Bare: to come with the 3:tett - ling of the roads. • - —The proprietor of the 'Wellebor,o, tibt4"ii malting extensive ;joie; to his Itouse improving the arrangements raateri— ally. —,Our village authorities are- entitlek,to credit for, 1110 .WOrk:alieady doe'sna iu pro- gress on the streets and ;walks.. Maythey' not weary in well-doing) . .Hobe will *canister the rite of confirmation at St: churel in• next Sunday morning, He wlllaboef r ; Relate at tho usual evening services.',', • ' law recently* passed 'by.' Congtess; alli:kvs $2 additional - per mo,rkth for'eackeliild of a soldier, dating from July let; 18643:•'. All minors are also entitled to this amount:-: ' —,The Advertiser says that a, horse Ow,ned. by MopkinS Day dropped Suddenly dead' the traces, at • Mansfield the ether. day. It wasbauling ore, and it is supposed over4lX ertiOn in pulling 'caused the bursting Of a blmid-vessel, or something* that adjourned ternr!oicotiyeintS_held the Court House in this Village' lastTdesduy ,by' Mom iLtW:-Williams - ati.which.considr: erable.routinobusiness'ef ringeiferatzliderest. was transacted. The term was fuither ad journed to the 2d of next month at_ Judge Williams's office. ' . • - ' following are Ilishop Ilowe's ap pointments in this county; April 20th and 80th, St. James's, Mansfield (Convocation); May Ist, St. Luke's, Illossburg ; May Ist, Thotnai's, - Fall Brook; 9 May 2d, even ing,,St. Andiew's, TiOga Masi . an.; - St. John's, Lawrenceville; May 4th, Sun day, a. rrt. and P. m: St. Paul's, Wellsboro. —We have received from the Secretary' of the Sunday School Teachers' Association of this county a programme of theflist anniver sary exercises to be held at the Methodist church in !Lawrenceville: Tuesday . and Wednesday, May 18th and 14th • nit. '.rho occasion promises to be one of grea interest, arid All friends of the cause are cerdiall:f xited to attend. —At the annual meeting or •St.-, James's church, Mansfield,- on ' , Easter MoUdily, following-named gentlemen neritipibeto4;yeS-' tryrnen -and , officers' for Ackitensl,ll4l)l79'l;i:i Vestry—F. A. Allai;:,(7i;,4tiAlll4t4,..:Mart King, J.- P.jMorris,, W. Hollands, H._ 1111. Sherwood, J. H. Putnam ; Wardens—F. A. Allen, M. M. Sherwood; Secretary—Wm. HollandS ; Treasurer- - 7 -Mart wing. - , —There was a goodly gathering of the friends of•the school at Miss Stoddard's room htst .F_riday afternoon telisten-to_the usual Friday - exernisei*Mslating, of •declanttions, singing, t.tc, -, Theiugh young - 'the scholars , acquitted themsbliei, admirably; Every visit to any departnient",etthe school but increases the feeling that what is most needed just now is anentire now building, —Last Saturday night Mr. William L. Warririer, residing:about a mile below Ste ny Fork, retired to, bed,-apparently in his usual good health. After lying short time he began choking and got up, and in spite of all efforts to relieve him, in _about .111slf an hour he .choked to death. It is suPpoiedhis death was eittiSed•-1W the. breaking .9 - ,f,Ooine: ulcer or abscess. Mr. Warriner was about sixty-two ,Y . 64ts_QIII : - 2 -Last week:Alie_weather in)this region,was decidedly More : like March ; than the latter' end of April. On Monday there was o' flur ry of snow and on Ntiesday we were visited by a' regular •ol d-fa sh lone a snow-storntcoV 7 ering the'giound Several'-inches deep; • This, fleecy mantle hardly- diSappearaVlMri., it was replaced bYalighter one Friday night:' And so•we go, now . hot now, cold.; but not-- withstanding the, baelcward-spring Fourth - of July, will- fled the crops as far advatteed'as. usual. , 9111 Z MBI6INI7IOBS. , —the Candor Frye Presc is deaa,for ,the ,pr6EGnt. • —There ftreaevorsi 4 . 4 , 6• Pa. of 'sinali4ox, :at Wellsville, N. ,Y„ , 2 `—A cat tw:enfy:-four years old die&repent ly at North , Almond N. Y. 2 - : —The, North' Almond Cheese Ptictoiyp r vs. one cent per poUnA" for milk.: • —Maggie Mitchell is to be in the evening - of„tbe 12th of May. ' _ —Last Sunday most ;of the business por tion of Efaiiitstoj i r , i,N. T., was burned.;—Mr. B. H. Pratt, formerly ofElmint, has become connected with the'•Scranton Daily Timds. - E'cleo is the name 'of a new-Pa-- per- jUst started at Shickshinney, .I.;uorrie counts'. —George li. - Graves, Esq., recently ofbor ning,; N. Y., died at St. - Raul, Minni, last Frid4y morning. - John Weber, the drat !gni:lA:trie r tendent of tlie t i'leas.nnti Valley . Wine., Co.-,' died it Hammondsport a few days age. 110,.. --The Corning Post Office was recently. robbed of two registered leti.crs and several dollars in currency and stamps by some burglar' unknown, - —lhb 'dubs, fi."f ‘ . 4 i ` says that Mr. Rushiord„has lost about one hundred swarms of bees during the'past few , .weeke from a new Aisease. '„/ —Mr. Otis Jenks, ofOuba, N. Y. a ,y,iiiotg, Man who had 'host one leg by a needleSs sur gical 'operation, became despondentaud com mitted suicide; - 'u. fee' days' ago.. '• `-=-A! petition to the-Constitutional Conven tion signed by-,the members of the Berke county, Bar; hiabeen sent forward for the ab-' olitin of the Grand Jury system. —A married ' Woman of Elmira, aged thirty; elope 4 with boarder, aged eighteen„leav in. her son, aged eight; to - the 'cafe of her husband, nga unknown. No,cards. • ~-The Co" lored'citizens of Scranton ere Mak .ing preparations for a celebration in honor of thepassage of the Fifteenth Amendment:" The!day when it shall-take place has no yet ..bien fixed. • • —The Roctissilei-,' Hernellsville • nnd ine Creels Aailroa4,s t re,offering for,. sale : bends issued for-the ciertitructioit of therbitd*gthe towns,' o ,Hernellsville,, Greenwood . and -Wcetlinion, s Bfailien‘ cOuritY. • - t 1.4 Mr. trastus.Dodge, years ago a distiller; and prominent business man .of, Corning,' diefint ,that place last Thursday. For many Years Past he had been. e Oda 'sufferer Acim fheumatisns,.and, for, the last few years 'was entirely helpless. has raceiiectidena-. thins that the magnificentrsunk:',6f, onomillion, hundredand fifty thousand, , inindrad anit 7 elidaV.eiglit dollrs. An )nilittittoliliiitt el/Ore:tend offYstbatebyidd Perth 4l 47:*Oper-'4'4 n 7.5: r: r•?; • vfnihr-vialkitig, on Ithi*kietift:tilFl44 - C6iiiing WYdn'iiiidifi 'fo*lt&in - L:74/61 struck by the o. ltonitoe tut ting tsiiseveie psheielf, hisforpheed ;in& - cmn 4,04 three*ateirloi4 - eirt}l44,fylr'actE , orhia' head jusOiboire , John.,l,lagye;Ykitingest -son of thtti, lale Sohri i4egeo, died tretluit4t, residence atY , Watitinei;'/C..X4 ;jest Friday at tetnoon. His deittb=wis,jviite% sudden` iniA un!mpected ind.Nris44o - sea by 'yongyiti6,ll 611 thy lungs. 01i3 tvi,yuty,; , nine. • —A, eannoli':iValgbi:lig 1,9 , 50,0414.4 ,has , rived at Ne‘ili" froml3erlia; s tia-aliresent" from the Itlmperdito'tlialLattieritii'ehurpfrof Tiiusville - The,eannon;tvas omit urea at : Se-" dank na cl will be dastinto a bell for thaabiirell. But that orn present for an-E, nii)eror byinaye.. , - —Thomas Ohittiok, a young' lad' residing in Prattsburg, N. Y.; recently - left , home' without his father's, .kridwiedge and thaz,Optiooton ,a %ct bridga mass of floating - Ito and Was', drown - edi hod; Waa - afterwarda fdUnd.. • thii;:fult the - Baptist :,OhUich ,building t WilliaMspert, the church_ -goers of that .)lOnrishing :city are rgettleg aboutiether similar-edifices. The trustees of the eceee:4 „tresbiterian:chtireh `theie •Post l ` ,ponietsi guitilairta servieei beCause , the. of thafetiiiiture.are gradualty -, -bulgiiie Out • suggesting the alarming fact s'.tbat the roof is, oo ' ,intorirting. slander suit; -in 'the faneilyi ~t,4the last court - at Bath, Steuben eounty;%thaparties being-both ..froto In-law of the defendant, brought 'an • action for words • sp - okon by defendant itnpugniug heti.chaitity,,aed 'the, eese . was tried under, .the Statute of 1871 to recover, damages.' This jury " I'4Boo' f Zen ere a iver Le or the Law, tiff. .This is tn.s highest aWaid oldamages' ever:made . .in the comity . * eh aetKati'ef that *character. " • -Tie extensive gang mills of Poi, ,Wes ton Bronson,"on• the Tioga river above 'Painted ,PoSt;:werett4 l 4o4'saaa after mid= night last weelt. Sunday.' The lamps had been lighte.4.7p,rtiparatery;lo beginnirig.Werk• when &large one burst l peattering the burn= in g kerosene nn dos in the upp,er Of the The water wheels, foundaficuy were all:- seveV I The loss - was about $10,009 f wity neArkau'iance. Fifty men were thrown out of employment. The, mill; is-to. be at once rebuilt. - - wan(a post i o,oo was toblAd 0e1;. 'The Louie 4 of A: H: kings 4 -' Deputy U. S. Mar shal, was entered the same night,` and while two of the Phrti held pistols to the heads of Mr. and Mrs. Kingsbury a third rifled the house. Henry_ dam pbe.W; vgt : stArrAsfpcl,:a fe*clo,lB - ince.for. the !robbery of the posi4nce,Amd, was exam ined before U. S.!Coinin6ibrier ,Join W. Mix on Wednesday. In" defkult of $6,000 bail, he was committed to await t he , action ,of the U. S. Grand:Jury at Williamsiort;' in June next. The examination showed that Campbell was connected with the Kingsbury robbery. Elmira Advertise-I-says that Mrs, Margaret Terwilleger and -her, 'vied:lll;r, resi= dents of Lawrencexille, were thrown from, a 'democrat wagon while in that city hot yhUrs day afternoon, the old lady' beinequite seri ously injured, Mrs.. Terwilleger ' escaping with but a slight shock. The wagon in which they were'ridiiig contained four peisons, two men occupying the.front seatand the indict the backseat, - and was proceeding along ;fay street towards the depot, where it'was the purPose of the elder lady to take the ears for her home, inMcrinsylvania. The.driver bit .tingi the horses with the whip, caused them to jump forward suddeely, thrdwing b.othla diesiout of the wagon backwards. As soon as the conditiOn of the injured lady permit ted, she was conveyed,back to, the residence of Mrs. Terwilleger on East Hill. THE CLOBLF, OF THEE HER4A_T.O COURSE:— Last . Thursday evening the ‘Hermaic course of entertainments for the past season was brought to a close by- Prof. MeAfferty's readines, from_ the poets. __The :netitlethen. was heralded as Professor of. Elotutiott at Racine,grollete; Wis . .;,alhd may judge from, his general outward make-np . it -intik. be admitted that the faculty of that seat of learning are just the least bit " loud" in their notions of gentlemen's dress. We Nerd sorry in this instance that the. Professor -did of tone down his wild western idea of troaWrs and watch-chain somewhat,' for the exuberance . of fancy in that line rather traded from the effebt of the really fineex amples of elocution with which he favor- .ed AS a reader the Professor is entitled 'to great though not - Unqualified commenda tion.• The programme for the evening_con sisteil - entirely of, Selections,: of poetry, and: consequently the test of his powers wits not so varied as"was desirable; bUt: so . far as it .went it showed that the reader generally ap preciated the sentiment of the author, an 4 possred sufficient compass and control of 1 voice to express it. His best rendered pieces were " The Fainine" . fiorn Longfellow's Hiawatha,—a' very hard - passage'-, Co read well,—and "Darius Green "and, hi Flying Itiacliine; The half-idiotic Dayins was in imitably bodied forth. " Langley Lane," one Of the sVmetest , and tenderest minor po-, ems of the language, was read with fine taste.and feeling, ,but, was hardly received 'v;ith:the 'favor iedeserVed. 4to the " Ra veni";—" thing.of evil,!'—we beg the-public readers, to drop is entirely: It is a hard piece to read, is rarely read well, and was 'lever worth the reading.; We are ,glad" to believe that AmeriCan literature has Out - - grown the puerile taste which hailed that morbid piece of jingling rhyme-making as a specimen of the art of poetry. It is, in ,deed! stair sample'of Poe'S art—that is to say, of the mechanical art H of stringing 'to gether certain words of Peculiar construc tion with the avowed purpose of producing an abnormal effect upon unthinking read ens. 'With , poets of the pureat taste; the inost.! elevated sentiments, and the most cathdlic "sympathies—with Bryant,.-Emer son,, Whittier, Lowell, and Longfellow to sing to us it is high` tinie - :-ve turnesl:_from - tuese , sick; and morbid. fancies ,of Poe, , and, • gave prirselves up , to : the healthful' and nate,_ ii 1 influences ".of Our .more niatiire Aind / • manly writers. Out principal critici4twcfr Piofessik lif'• Aff Orly's reading is that it has one qvult in . beinnion 'inch • Ppe's , verse-t-thct, tyerOis 6, certaip `trick about -it which is not l pure art,, but more,"ip ,the nature ,e(l'mimicry.• For itistarice, , n rendering the second selection '4 Inqhlry""--:•where the Wirid, - tle ociall;atti; the moon are supposed to answer iii'iliiii the lither silly questkms of pomit .dyspep ,tic rhymester, the reader .• undertook ,to imi tate the, supposed • voices , of' ',the' •aa,v0.41: speakers.,: Where he found • - fils,imittority for the delefOl;,(Be•PW,PY telieg,o:,',:::4 lo Inaii J in the;rnoon'•': pro don't. know; but 4e illli= tated the moist and windy, speakers well enough—in fact, tpe well, 13,46, w..11,0,05ig n0r Blitz glyes,us a touch of his illpetic,, skill, r a never suppose, aro aralistem i ng tea - , specimetif : iiPflecutiOne and' "Yet We 4LO, know Ay.fitia.;SiglioeS,,distres:ied..ogund ;. the gacii - Viquite aclper feet,4 work of '.,nitk, as the',Prefelstbr i s sentimeetat" Moiping cir the tide." • I' Butiin spite of - elf this; the - T!ibles - ebr isn tinneioeutioniMAdWkvetlinCttilt s pA - ! Poets was highly enjoyed try 11 . 11 tteud ecli should be happy n to,lhim again, if lie would only save a frOni -- titat dismal "ItOren," even thengb:lnstignted !,e pltirige= hisaudienee into 'Ate; -"'by paitictilar request.", LEGAL DOCIThfr.MS. COP I , missioher Mideast hai issued , tho'folloidni; rerninder, to holders of tinstainired [instru ments: 0 10)iere_ parties have'old- deeds, riaertga ,g ~ es; etb., which are not properly - stauped, it =I =I MEI -is - for titotr oprorturiity 'co itretori: in ,1 .pr vent 'vent ;pa Incenvenien, tertiat to improve . the pre4g4t, of having them stamped by,a rger i to rpilderithem.vodAn§, a n titksf-Ilitesuits, 'and' baler :- iextlefattro mimic P.a.autow:-Illeued to up wit the t 1 / 1 !'keenhnes and Oilt_leeni cetera poraries, wo, afire, after a lone,eoirati and at '_groat °alum , secured the services of, a ben-. ii i triutor vho we prendli , pidentna a'-u203. , tor'of the tr poetic atileyt When yoti:read Jud little pie° pentad-below yflln ... oeyen'll erf for more .1 , 3 ,, . - . ! ON BYRYNo, , ; - , , ' I;•''' !. When the iiiring•titne cor n ea, gentle Annie, . ... _ I feel, I l'e4 like a morning st a r. latter Al Q bright rtid sportive, , gay and Icatiye,:6l - Spring! 1 , , pug yol,l iii,i4Atixt•sl 7: . pherical air: posstios.feala,tbe intt*::of-* thy.. spill ; all Oat ris'apSiiiire lealli*Orl their. courses. Th 011: gtni , ox , 4lkilrim:ii" , . , 'Ulia- th 6 4 frolicsome la blaktVa4ittnlkelatfons. ' 1 ',ln the s &young miallt , *iii: - -- '- ' !Lightly t te th 01 445.1r „.„.... , .; Q Spring, - 1.141 loie 011 whir lavii. ':if' woo bro ant Theboilecklown love of Itcannlas for Julia' .i.rin. was tiothitig.tot. -Yciminay stick yours head in 40iight-cap of anew and. your, feet ,in Alt? mug ! hatj will , pierce each 861)161'4eand thin disguise.. , even'' Ai theblira old'Homer pierced' the murk of the .sgean shore and laid bare the 4pep-flyed, heavenly emp,yraan ?; the,paet ic musp.l t li fill likip guiihinOnajeticlistMg— tot hen t! is lay; Iraqiii-lir,, ira-Lallitr I'll sink,fot ,en,j'ill,Phiy lb)* yifal adulicei Melo dYll -, , •J,. tiii.. - - . - , , O fcireefixt' a= ineffable Chatineil ' your Retying robes fleck the fleecy fields; your feet ,arft on the mountain tops and their shadows are in the valley ; your sweet breath is la 'den with the odoriferous , odor of two. dor.en (24) ottar of roses; y'on , :biing the soft i pluih , 'Of the virgin, velvet, grases,rand;,the ra:V :klling, ecstatic perftfine Or it: miriati -diarrp. iituilded flo*ers; 0 radiant nymph-like god ,desi of the golden tresses, you flown upon old{ winter and beckon to the warm graces of isnmmer ; but by my troth, you are fickle and - oayiricious too, or thoughtful, geoiraOleaki Poetical, geological, philosophical or theo logical, just as you happen to fesl; you aro therara aria, the ne plus ultra, sire qua non, stoi, nvii l2l .olrunt r , tker- -- thei yeti ave-00-- 012' tthjkistillz" - ktot', Wit:lane but.' , leureilthet :4, - -• • ' . p 1.0.1 'W a ll 4 9 ho struck'Billy Patterson!" What iNt er-seasonthaa the spring-time to take up ih long and much - mooted question ? ; - It is stil an unanswered conntinilful4ll,oo lo struck, there compel no iiiieltiOn riiii" if Ara ition had not established the fact; the II- Juserated almanacs would. Who struck him=- .that's , theq a dstion. 'Mr. Patterson, for, all we iktiiir WW:iti irtoffiilAtVe; . likvt-4 1 4Pg eitice`n, 'With' no incliriatiOn to "put a head" on any man; hut human nature at the bot- toni is pretty ,beybnd the po "the forbearing So it was wi Intopked dow. . time.(for he 1• tern and a shit. melted with a sonal feelings, tipn: and with male a regi pounds the sta Billy batter " Who ?" And now th lazy . i bullfrog' pickled sardi swim; the gra the persimmp I uch one thing; turn the screw int which produces gout, and man may turn apl,r9il. you.; h ( Mr. Patteisdri attacked; , dragged out, in the night always pictured with a e over one eye) rudely pum entire disregard for his per he shakes himself into posi a look and tone that would ent of devils tremble, pto tling inquiry : " Who struck i on ?" And echo answers little busy . .;bee r is abroad; the 1• ins to time hisplaintive lyre; 'es feel - like wriggling• for a eful 'possum sings sweetlS , in I - corner forifiirs begin i'and•all. nature is happy-end to sgek tho,su- on When the 11. od-tide of recollection pours the incandesce t light of its ignus fatuus over 'the phantasm of youthful reminiscences, and i the times Of wayward fancy, illumina ted with the vild phantasmagoria of una bridged specu atiln which accompany the Vrigfiries of t e youthful mind, ,with the thousand phylacteries that btigtille iti3 eino i tioni and the. intellect, even in the case of the hsinine q ndruped which Balsam be strode as it ejaculated, "Thou art the man ;" thus:showingtat tbe, voices ,of nature have one niiii'o4l i longilage c - :find• in thief ',bird matini and dr thousand-and-ono exhilera= -tinepxhibitions of emotional nature which 'LUUCIyi wan - magic nngers the whole- gamut ,of 64r being fkom Alpha to Omega, showing beyond any pOssibility of successful contra diotibn that t, ,ithe ;etbeFeal and inimitable wastes of 4Ceing,•aS wilL ifilthe - ddid).past isl in the - vast and unSearchable future are typ ified the clarified in'the imagery, the beau ty, the myster r y and the sweet voiced,harmo : nies of lovely 'and gentle Spring. Jukicxs Co justiee . s of the since, the last A. S. Brews D. Paddi 7PSISSIONED, —The, following peace have been cOrninfSsioned ocal elections: ter, Wellsboro, 6ck Gaines, U.rli, - Tioga township, John P. Schanhacker, Elk; Ira S. Stoeu t m, Clymer, Isaac C. T4mpson, Westfield township, U. M. Gee,Aynaeri D. P. Berie'aiet, CharieStim, B. I. flew, J. b. Campbell, 15elson, J. W. PersOneus, Pall Brook, J. D. LongW ell, Rutland. t r44IIRWES HERZOG—HELIZOG.—On Thursday, 24th that, by Her. Charles Breck, D. D. John R. Herzog, and Hattie M. daughter of Mr. Samuel Herzog, all of Wellsboro. -. ' ,Sal in . j)artition . .' . BY Virtue of a order of the Orphans' Court, of the county of Toga, theundersigued Administrators, or theiestato of tiYm. K. Mitchell, deceased, will 'sell at public sale or•veudue, on the premises of the es tate at, Mitchel Creek, on Tuesday, the 16th day of April, next, at 1 'clock in the afternoon, the following lots ofiland—purp orts of said estate—to wit: Purport No. 3, bounded and described as follows: beginning at the southeast corner of the steam mill lot, thence south'', 2,%; degrees west, 177 rods to a pine stump, and south, 31.1 degrees west, 123.2 rods to a post; thence north, es degrees west, AO rods to a small lynn; thence north, 2,4* degrees east, 122.4 , ?tide to a post; thence north, 87 , ' ,1 degrees we5t,164.5 rods to. a post; thence uor h, ly, degrees east, 116.8 rods to a post; thence south, 873 , ,,' degrees east, 208.4 reds to the pined of beginning. Containing 183.2 acres—unim proved; and known as the McDougall lot. Purport No. 5, beginning at a post in the southeast line of:the Win. • , Mitchell farm, thence south 83 de grees east, ; lar • • to a pine stump; thence smith. 683, degrees west;.l.4 ,12 rods to .it post; thence north,' 2 2 % dogreca west. 11 rods to a post; thence north, 68 de grees %set, 121.6 ods to the place of beginning. Con taining 92 35 acr s, more or less; about 80 acres im prove 4 eiyil I , A ; '-. • ~, IT, :,!, ; • ..,, -po rt No. 6, bil 'ddi fit t. ttil lonthweit corner f , ivavin* No. sln a, owest eof the Cadwallader l ot,:. thetleesouth, 22 4 ' degrees east, 112 rods to a pdst; thermelsouth, 68 ,degrees west, 120.88 rods to a post; thencernorth, 31 • degrees west, Aid rods to a posti, thencenorth, 68 degrees east, 144.4 rode to this 'place of beginning. ontaining 92.85 acres, more or less. Purpirt No. 7 beginning at a pine stump, thence south, asi ' d'e :• eels east; 441.6 rode to,;aptft; thence south, )1' dbgre sifest; 195.5 roda'to oh oik" ettinap in the noith line o the McDougall lot; thence north, 87M, degrees wet, 210.3 rods to a post; thence north , r2)l degrees east , 205 rods b:; the vacer,..o! pegivapits. 3 oniaining 188. acres, more or less; TO acres fin vroiedl and hon e and barn thereon, and being the west part of the team mill 10t... beginning at the northeast cornet of a Post, thence south., 8)3 4Pgreet CI a white oak stump in the west line ; • PArpbrt No. 8. piltpoxt No. 7. a 0=1413,0.5 rods land; thence by the same south, 2Y, rods to it hemlock ;- thole°. north., ,110.3 rods' td' white` obit' Stninp;' • t line of purport No. 7 north, 23 3 de rods ,to the place of beginning. Con ' h:tritSre or less, and being the east mill lot; all the above lots being in loge, ig eald county of flogs. beginning at the northwest coinei; ontracted ..i1C1.',,,EP.1 - Clabotn, at a post, degrees east: 139 'fedi to a post; ' ' , macs efart,.,lo:6 rods , a p0,.9t; , .tes,west„926.l I , ols to it post;. :ea went, 47.6 rods, .fe a pest; Neitqwest,l3.7 - rOs'ttvtipost-; , , coop west, 99 rods loin' post -at ,Containing 95.56acres; , morej rest part of tip Loyal Sock kit; tloga and part in the toirnship of 0001 Hughes degree* west, 18 87, 1 i degrees wea thence py the erects chat, 195.5 'lsining, 180.'2 a part of stew Ythelos‘nahlpof 0- 'I'UTPOrt No. 9, -al, lob, of land 01041 Korth. 2.1 the'...*Cesf - thence fit thence thence i i thence Ice :the pia& ler leas, . ,‘•f - .tgagic lin. ;thi 411 Am-he tdwnsidps of Tiogn aud Law ',nogtheast ;eprner degrees east, no.° rodi to a SOuth - ,14.14 de - grecs, east;d7.lt. once sputh,lX, degrees' weisti, 64 north. £8 d!gree6, west.l49 sod s rods,to rodS to ,to a polit, _ _!, 2M'ciegtets east; 126.1 rids to :the place , .44.4 Containing 100.84 acres:mote br less, All timbe rlands; ~c the east taut of - the waid.Loyal deck: lot. All ttmberdandereicept the improvements sare.a4. Coned. but valuable for farms. .1 , !... . ..., -. ,-. . . , . Tramp Or Bats.l.- T lsosuueliCti.lot at the time of Jude. ' 1 and endugtruiere. , toonahlt onc.baLt , of the pnrchrwe =Devon confirmation of the sale -by the Court wad' deed executed, swathe reinaindar in two'equat annu al pas - numbs-At the time of sale, with interest on all sums unpaid at the time of each payment, to bo se . t. cured by Judgment bond itutinertgagrion'the premi ises, at the i llinelthe sl L eed is - delivered. ' ' . t , 1 .. '.... _ ' ~,,' J ANE E. liiifoillilt;* ri' ~• 04- X . figMo l 4 l k. - ''. APrild; - 11178 '' .- '" ' 1 • • Admii. _ The ahorWesi ill . postpoited tO-T/lIIRSDAY,IIIO lit' day of re* nes -at 1 Irdlocki - pC m. - ;- , ...--• ,!' ~ : f-. ~. ,s . ' ', :J011'8: MITOKULL'.. , c. ..-2....' . ." It). ELSEITITO in lJll, AdmistratOri. dial/ 7J.-9t. - . - ' •:. -.-'-', 1F f'k',( - . „" " . . . W , . -," - r 0-• '! -. _ ' --' . . , .1' „. C - ,-.- : - . , ',' ' 2 -•,r . ‘' ' ; --'' . ~-. 7 e -. ~.' ' 1 , 4 _ ',„,',i,'-'' ; , - .., 1 C 4, An Eniira -Stook ' ' • 1 ; -'r - --Gut : t i ..:. i l i .;: t •, ~ ,, ' t ' ,;-, -16. s'.: -- e# . ' . ~.. :-ati..:- ~,_•:-;:":_ ,:.i, ,-,. , -- :- ... ,:•: -;•:.-,-.,- ' .•, .:;11 , ,,,,:::;::.,.,,,,,,,,......,., :.:.. - wiiolesale Clothiers and Merchant Tailom. EMEI Dry eroodsiNationplArancrpoods# ) -f . - • Hats,ica l pxf y t Ottnts 'urnishing Goods - , . 11 - 2 • C 4 'ATE reaPeC suliatilts4o Pc, tf l tind vicinity, that wo have opened a store in this y y town, any 4 noW o e ato thew toict4sln , freu.&eAstp444o . s* F 07,81010 kflictda,,,onsl44l4lg of DRESS'6OODS SHAWLS' I :THE NEWEST DESIGNS-, ; PRINTS. PERCALES. MUSLIN% 'PICKINGS:, pENWS.A.ANMI,'PARLP. CLOTHS., ..- . .' l ';)'_,',l' ' , ; ,,. ...e.'-';'' - '• 1. N'apir.ins); :rrcoov io . is, - i....ae0 Clirtizi.o,,4,4eibmtet v . ij in large quantities, Sid Gloves, Ladles Ties, Laces and Embroideries, Velours, Velvets and PrOgo,itooA t Skirts and Corsets in great variety, in fact everything belonging to a first-class Pry Goods store. . , Wo IftiVo"ii choice lot of HATS, CAPS, TICS, COLLARS, CIIPFS,. GLOVES, SHIRTS, &e., all of the latest styles— - • ti 0 1 ~-; ... . , ~ , ~ , , CI, II f „ill g A spEr r IALITI, ' •`.- i ,i- • ~ ~i - i ' ,c f ,•_‘. ,• . , jt An-imme se'titock of Metes, : X.outh'f, 4Md Boys Suits. We manufacture ,o ur own go dai-andtan pi4jily- F4,Wtri toilyep: from ten to fifteen per cent. We 'would call special attention to our / ' Ss; ..i e . • tomr,,Tailoring Dep a rtment,' . 1 1. ..,..._ , We keep the best of American & Importell Cassimeres, Broadcloths, Doeskins, Tricots, 'Diagonals, Pique Cloth, and Scotch Battings, and do Custom Work on short notice We' guarantee by )by ,• • I gUarantee all worledone us as regards fit and style., , Weinvite the people icicall and inspect:our goods before purchasi I g else where, as We mean to do a strict " • = - • • - - j 4.41 S - 414 CASE[ IMII We have marked our goods at such low figures as to be a temptation to every CASH buyer. GUT'rENBEIiG ROgENBAIMit& CO.. Wholesale Store, 105 DIJANE ST., NEW YORK. - , ; - • N. BERNKOPF, Managing. Partner. iler Branch stores-168 Water street, 2 Union Block, Elmira, Susquehanna Depot, and Montrose, Pa. • April 8. 1.873-tf. L • ; tl, - SIECESI.6I3E-X,' Doors, Blinds,Ceiling, FLOG-C:NJ:a 4300 made at the Elkland Factory and sold ebeanat WiIIOLESALLE & RETAIL. Parties will find it for their interest to call or write before purchasing elsewhere. A price list will be forwarded FREE on application to W. B. MEAD, April 8 , 1873. 7 6 m?. Tioga co., NEOPHYTE Ir~miteii latitnersMtdp. NOTICE is hereby given that, a limited partnership has been formed under the pros talons of the Act of Assembly of Pennsylvania approved March 21, 1830, and its several supplements; that the' proper affidavit has been filed, and certificate duly - recorded in the Recorder's office of Tioga county, Pennsylvarn• la. as required by law, and that in further compliance there ith notice 10 41veuti ttio mime of the firth under wider. id partnership shall be conducted * is C. 13. Mather: ME Second.—The general nature of the business to be transacted is the buying and selling at retail of general merchandise, at Lawrenceville, .Tiogs c county, Ps. • Third.—The name of the genera} pail - nee is •Oharleti S. Mather, and his place of residence is Lawrence. vile, Tiogs county, Pennsylvania. Fourth:- , -The aggregate amount ofcapital contribut ed by the special partner to the common stook is Five Thousand lhallars. ,Fiftl4.z-TlOl partnership 15 to.conlmeni,o.on 4,153 Ist . dity onipril;•A.7.i.; 1878, and tainlinate oft iltelst dui 'of April , A-; D., 1875. - C.V. MATHER. Affidavit and certificate filed in ray office, and pub lication directed in the Agitator and Wei Moro Demo crat. ' D. L. DEANE, April 8,1873-6 t. I • Recorder. THE DJUSTARft 114 Bartlett's Patent June 21, 1870. Spiral Sipring, efastit Slat, A LUXURIOUS BED! "Withonlia single mitres*. duribllity, comfort, cleanliness, and adlinitMent it has rjo equal. A. su perior bed for the sick-room, as wallas for persons in health. • Orders solicited by the proprietor for ,Tloga county. J. S. PALMER, April 1, 1873.-tr. Mansfield, Pa. 111211 Farriers Povirdev, -; Theme her 4r - f fon lon E ITT FOR ALL KINDS OF LIVE STOCK. 4, •-r . li cows and horses ..,••••‘7 3 wrf , it has long been -!•. •-. )• considered a superior remedy when the Elul (' mai looks thin, moves ;\ • • ..s' languid, Las rough Mir, _ ••••• - .dull eyes, being In such ' ••••".-.• AX. 4 ir a disorded state that it . • .• ;twill not gaim Also for the cure of Cough, Reaves, Distemper, Running at the nose, Worms, Scratches, Gresse,Poll Evil and such disord ers as require acleans lug and pull f Ia q c egwa`ha the •Srp Ting ,wherk :in, and - in - Ike -fiumrher • . ' ,whey{ they du not give filllmess: of milk, •. ~ • ) s ,• It will save one Maarter of Alm feed, in.roaldnglPOßK AND DEEr.; when , fed-regulary•to hogs, and beef- cat , tle for three - weeks after they are put up to fatten..: 13/ADlXingli'mp o on f ul of Far - d.. PoWdet each qUart of y v hen feed for a., week Or two; and observing the increase, in the I . ' 7 number of eggs the doubtful ones . "-wwilf he convinced *tat At, is the besttoultrr powder eveginventH -- • - - 'Ede . . ••• Thiserwasy_,ls msde o,4l}ta r besiala, an 4 But liplillargp.papEagcs c for:the,satne pridqu9ptinin kinds 'that aro packed in small papeis, llein3 used ifiLdoses Of the same size it will last twice as laug, and Is now vi v in the, cheßpcst 4!ntlhestizt zraotpt, -" 1011013 kilts} April. 15, 1873-11. • • - • , 7, .......... DissolutiOnFot - Pavtliei•ihiP is hereby ,giveuizthsW,thei 3partnership heretofore existing% betwAon 701• 1 31.- it. -Young, Wider the firm nitreeof 18 , tbin day distielvve4 l ittizttitir ddruialt de b ts owing to the ihtid fir* siellilArkeeena , xi. 1' clan, and All , deinotts listritrtrEip bq tettisentett thicliej forlietiletuent. -W. 13:WRITING'' Wellsboro, Apr, 19 1 -I.lkok-Bt. E. D. YOUNG. El I A.," X' Xaool7li7 MI lIEI DEALEIIS IN I= MULLS, NANSOOKS, AND MARSEILLES EMI :. mila‘ AFIR,W.:'-'01)0DS ~~. PR~C~~~Si. ah:77E11.61.217) 4 ,, WUCt The Best Peintlifthe Any Shade from Pare White to Jet Black A combination of the pureat paint with India Rub ber; forming a smooth, glossy, firm, durable, elastic and beautiful taint, unaffected by change of temperature; is perfectly water-proof, and adapted to all classes of work, ,and: la in every way a better paint for either in side or outside painting than any other paint in the world] being from one-third to onp-foruilt cheaper, and taigng at leastihrestlmes as long as the bestlead and oil ;abatis. ' Be'rutt'ehat oar TiteLDE (afac' of which is given above) is on every package. Prepart4 ready for use and gold by the gallon only. MarbhlB.lB73-41n - • '-.4Wpcitfip!* NOtidde ts . T ETTElidiVitamentaty • on` - theestate of d Samuel L Alarkram, late of Knoxville, Tioga county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned by, the Register of Tioga county, all persona indebted to the estate aro requested,to.raake payment, and•lthose having claims againstsaid'estate will (present the same for settlement to Elliott & Bosard, Wellsboro, Pa. ORPIIA G. ISARKRA.II, Apr 4 1,1873-6 t. s • -• ,•• • - ~Executrix. . , per dayl Agents wanted t All elais. $ O ;I'o .40V es of working people, of either sex, young, or old, make more money at work for us in their spare moments, or. all theidme, than at anything else. rarttenlaril free. Address G. Stinson .Sc Co. Portl#o, b ine. , r , • ..ilj Sept. 24.1872-Iy. JOHN --FISHLER Tir t t ,,,,prgeng beetyelectp Irtsok of 74 -14; pig ,AN i. Ir SHIMS r : OYis 6fitgbi nti; consisting of ,Lcak's' Kid and Cloth, Balmor , als and Gaiters, ' . .tiaclies, Misses, Children and Baby's Shoes. =III Genks' 01,?th,Poots ..(ina Shoo,: • C i alr:-Bobts,' Boys' Calf & Kip Books v • ; Youths' Boots. In fact, alI kinds of Mena' and Women's wtiar kept ins Ilist•olass Shoo Store. The best sewed 'Womin's Shoes ever offered in this market. I defy the world in ! I t I' 7 I i 0U,670.111 - WW?K. It Yon klon't believe it, try me. ' rtitti;i?nrillli3,l4s4llld• gook, and have as goo l, Clordwainerlv es mottetetin" , ' ItSpA.TRURI done neatly, and with dispatch. • ' I I;6ather and Findings •;17 of CA all SH; 4ofsSust4tl3slo34Ood. tili , • CAS PAkto 0; 'MD•• S, DEA' NISItINS; PELTS AND FURS. nidg Just filled up my shelves with a choice stock,Aersonally selected for this market, I respect hilly solicit a fair share of trade. "Small profits and uir returns," I behave to be a good bushes - I=z- And I ho:d the beat goods to be the cheaPist. I keep nd shoddy. lily. assortment is sufficient to reset a,ll , sicei and tastes. I invite our patron-'and 1110. inibliti generally to call and examine my 5t011.,;: , -No, trOttblo' to - show goods. Always to b 0 IOPISIOSC It dootriorth of 0. B. Kelley ' s store, Male : street, Wellaboro, P. JOHN FISIIIXA. Feb. 4. 1873-ti. 3EI ,PoTerr G Nvtai iicoura ciao at thck AGITATOR OSNOR. S=IMI EMIE El , Fr, , . 1 ~,-. ..,. i-, i t. , ... t_-, L, OE =I ",: i ,:;;;;. -.4. , l - •. -ii - - 77-777 -.-- . . .-_,!..- :,1 , •,2,-.: , , •. _ _ ~. . _ A =i...i,,- , . .._ II - _ . ._ , - X Yob ; WILL F. Polka Spot.= =Mg IMNI =GE :-‘ . ', MO ENE Baia black aria ColoroQ•,-Ol Str OE 0 E LA' R , i PAXX. :MiXtIO ~-.1 ME ME t • MALR SALES 4,J Wessei II!1=1 r • ..litfac,(all ki ratitml IFIENCE 2 Gro© 'ciiOcktitit 13Q A large as4ortment—Meni corning. April 'i,2,1873.-tf. 1-130.E36 E) SPRIN El kiE4 - I 'T COW on h 63 n, large tiiitt4omi9 X-13E O• tho stock is complete and varied, assortment of colors captain tho THE Di contains a well selected•stock Of s and Plaingarpq Tlarsilds,,Watps. • The embraces a full line of Table Lin # 1 43 8 4 Hvnups, Lagrabs'aiid "Bras: ,qAIN - 46WE.N•'.$;.1),E,P,ARTMENT " • - I • . , ,_,.. I , ~ , , contains an immense stock of Men's, Youth's and Boy's dlothing,—composed Of fast•class ' materials and made up in latest styles,—Boots and Shoes, latest styles of lists, caps, liecktieS, Collars; Ste. Also. 11 ,Lali;lik stock of Trunks and Valises , all sizes and prices. . . 1 1 ' GERO Timothy and Clover Bead, CRO(3; call and examine our stock. April 29,1873. - ' ..... :s. • • '3 u 'f I= 11HLVIE Taw- "WIL ME Has gone to New =1 mer Goods. .Hei, bottom prices, an eu.s.to k, We: has •i=, Dress Goods which he wants ozciO of the.Wa and he: takeS 4h -- 4hismetho4 of informing se "alcuton ,:te---71 you doielbelieve call and fee cez•plasTxDrQr' ND TIIOSE NEW AND FASHIONABLE., - iirit..s;'6olairis- - iarSt- -- -,Atiito4; _ ICS i SILKS I , [or quality, and as C11.EA..) Ala call bcifottnd Wept 91! Now rOk - • - ; NE MARGOTT PA,.T`NIE AST „ THAI . . T ALL MHE LADIES I VgArlig . • S for Spring. and • Rummer , ,1 unrivaled in quality and price. 'Chil d" And or EadlOs9 in large quantities. ME Ili iiii;l N.B, TUcKING S ThIMMINGS ME that ladies cannot do without, in abundance .J,..;; ; • cis of Goods can be found at the Regulator ME Miii l2 "4 gAikIE E 0 ; t711 0 1FILT- ©lf zigiNvigo#Estua a MIL MM. cries of all kinds. ~....~~. 1 the best Ironstone China.' hifil ).i 1 , , 1 4 ' riPIS - , t E )..:i ‘ - • • - • Womatt's,_and Cialliteres4t ptices asi thap,sas.#ta.cludrjmak;-, liiME in T.T,AI=I,W3O,I:LiaI ,F11C:0X1. AND -SUMMER 4GrC))41:7032015. i OMAS HARDEN Eil ilete stock of Spring and Summer goods ;Ailey he ',xi - to thel at - EST IPOSS-1131-4E-PrIZICIMS-: IN DRESS 000DS I ,•• • - •)• • - • 'onsisting of Domestic , afittsit'and French Fabrics in all unteritthi. Thit 6utire range of the fasbionebiti Now Shatieh. , • ' OMESTIC DEPARTMENT • ndard Bleached and Drawn Mishits, Calicoes, Ginghams, Ticks, Colori4 3 44 , -•,:‘ • • t•- • • - • 1 - Housekeeper ' s (ipatitnl " _ - ns, Napkins, Not r ingbarh ; Lace . Carta! ns,Linizi 'and Paper . Shades, Mat h Garpais, - Bags; Mats, , • , -• M In addition wo hayo a fait inprdy of choke . • 'pERIES, ; . IC, GLASSWARE, &c., public pro tr o ecolll.lfnii t 9 =1 ''.3 , ii; , 1 j . :l : 1 : t i &,m1 mum Lau lize.Sl3l7k, f Lam triLsom • York to bu,,ya stocik of Spring' and , Sum,- , , _f-, , • • • •", I.• • • . ; .1 ,•• '• . i.• 7 • 1 ttemis to bi 9 fr9netii;e' , he will have some cticl';64,rectfin4,, - Zer3 when, he if,rf7t,d f , , . ^'_i`r ' is ' ' ~ y.. ~, ~. ; '.•e,+ ' ~<__ _ „ _ EMI lEEE 1111 EMU c tht• . PM RIM qaanti t Y of Ciothinl and' EllEi El =llll E -I' /1 liEri t..i a . I= ME =EI J. IL - =YELL: Ell 17;:1 IBM r•: