Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, April 29, 1873, Image 1

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i - -
VOL.. .
XX ---NO. 17.
• v .
vcraweasa sway rozeitav Ht
33.9.:1 2 1,-1VX1126 13fipr5r,
A. Y. DAftrilie,
:—52,00 . per annum in advan4l.
4 .
RATES Or lAD YEE T 1512942 .
Mae. iin 21n. 31n. 41n. Y,,Colriecd ICa
-- --- -
i week sl'oo $2OO $3OO $4OO $8 00 88 00 $l4OO
2 Weeks 1450 300 400 , J 5 00 40 0 11'00 16 00
3 Weeks 200 300 500 600 '8 00 18 00 18 00
1 Mouth 2 5 400 6001 400 9 00 145 001 20 00 •
!,,loutlis 40 0 60 0 000 10 00 12 00 20 00 28 00
9 Mouths 50 0 80 0 12 00 19 00 15 00 25 00 35 00
6 3louths 80 0 12 00 13 CO 20 00 22 00 35 00 642 00
I year. 12 00 18 GO 25 00 28 00 35 00 60 - 00 100 017-
Advertisements are calculated by the inch in length
of column, and any less space is rated as a frill inch. •
Foreign advertisements must ho paid for before
ie r,tion, except on yearly contracts , when halfyearly
p aymenta in advance will be required.
Ilustay.ss Nortcsain the Editorial columns, on the
a econd page.l6conta per line each insertion. Noth
t ng inserted for leas than $l.
LOCAL NOTICES ire Cal column, 10 cents pep line if
In ore than Ave linen; and 50 cents fora notice of five
I I nes or less.
Xxii-ouncriamtra of illannunEs and DEATlleineeried
coo ; but all obituary nOticell *ill be charged 10 Cents
. ,
p er line.
irscrAn Norrossso per cent aboveregular rate*.
Unstsv.ss Canna 5 tines or less, $5,00 per year. ,
Business Cards.
J. n, Bar orittor.v. • . Y. J t . sorskaoar.
Batchelder 8k Johniaton; -
matiaractulev, 9f onuments, .Tombatone, Table;
To, coolotes, & o .
• Call aria Bee. Shop, Wan
opposite Fou9dry, Wollaboro, 1872.
A, Redfield,
; tly attended to.--.llloaaburg, Tioga noun-
Are., I, 1972-9 a.
143114 pro
ty, Peun'a
S. Seymour,
ATTORN,EY AT LAW, Tioga Pa. All .buslAcas •
tcusted to Ws care will twelve prompt attention.
Jon. 1, 1872.
Geo. U. Merrick,
AT DANES AT LAW.—Viroltaboro, Yu. _ Office
liawou'A Dock BIOUIC, Mtn otroet; nomad ttoo
ACIVdJ f twin AGITATOII Write. . ~ •
ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Chins and Insiirance Agent
Mies in Converse Si Williams brick' block, .ot ,
Conyurde & Osgood's store, Wollaboro,
A. Stone, •
ATTORNEY AT LAW, over 0. B. Helley'a Dry Goo
Store, Wright & Bailey's Block on /lain street.
Wellaboro, Jan. 1, 1872.
Josiah Emery,
ATTORNEY AT LAW.-001co opposite Court lions•
No. 1 Purdy's Block, Williamsport, Pa. All busine=
promptly attended t0..--Jan. 1. 1872.
J. C. Strang,
office with J. 13. Niles, Esq., Wellsboro, Pa.—Jan. 'l,' 7
C. N. Dartt,
EgnsT.—Toeth made with the NEW IMPILOVEISEIE
Which give hotter satisfaction than, any thing eh
to uao. <Moe' in Wright I % liailey's Block. Weill
born, Oct. 15. 1872.
J. B. Niles,
.TTORNEY AT LAW.—Will attend promptly to btu
mess entrusted to his tare to the counties of Ttof
and Potter. Office on the Arenue.—Welisboro,p
Jan. 1,1872.
Jno. W. Adams,
01INET AT LAW, Mansfield, Tioga county, P,
Collections promnty attended to.—Jan. 1,1872.
c. L. Peck,
TTORN EY AT Ltt promptly' collect°
Office with W. B. Smith, Knosvillo,Tioga Co., Pa.,
C. B. Kelly.
Duler iu Crockery, China and Maass ware. Table Cu
k and Plated Wall.. Alan Table and House
matilug Gooda.—Wellaboro, Pa., Sept...l7, 1872.
Jno. W. Guernsey,
TTORNEY AT LAVT.—Ah briefness entrusted to hl
Rill bo promptly attended to.--Oftlee Ist door son
ul Wield:Lam at Farr's store, Tioga, Ttogs county,
Jan: 1, 1872.
Armstrong So Linn,
TTOICNEYS AT LAW, Williamsport, ra.
Win. B. Smith,
ENSION ATTORNEY, Bounty and &mutation Agen
Commuuleatfous sent to the ahoy° addfeas will r
awe prompt attention. Terms nioilortita.—Eno
vine. Pa. Jau. 1, 1872.
Barnes & Roy,
OB pRINTERS,—An kinds of Job Printing done
%Lott 'notice, cold to the WA haltuner. 011leeiu Bo
en ,t; cone's Block, 2d door.—Jan. 1, 1872.
Sabiusvitte ifou4e.
ADINnVILLI4 Toga Co., Pa.—Reran Brcea. Proprieto
This bonne has beet' thoroughly reuovated and
now in good condition to aceotnidate the travel'
pu bite iu a superior wanner.—Jun. 1, UM
. D. Bacon, M. D., ,
, ikiiiclAN AND SURGEON—May be !found at b
.11:0 Ist door Cast of AIM Totld'si—Maiu etre(
attend promptly to all calls.—Wellsboro, Pi
ha i, 1672.
Seeley, Coats & Co:,
KERS, Knoxville, , Tioca mo,
us deposit, discount notes, Euul sell drafts on - N.
Yoh City. Collections promptly - mulc t ;
D. H. Belcher,
.O.O:TACT - USER and Dealer in Tin, Stovea, Copper
4,,1 Sheet Iron Wort,. Job work promptly - atteado
t 9. First door below A. Sl. Eastinau,--March 11,
PetroleUm House,
't . ...9IfIELD, PA., Oeo. Close. Proprletor.-- 1 0ood ho
c , niroudaticna for both matt and beast. Charges rea
tunable, and good attention given to guests.
Jan. 1, 1872.
DI, L. Sticklin, Ag't.,
E., , k1,1.'R in Cabinet Ware of all kinds which will be
sold lower than the lowest. Ile itnitCß all to take
a look at hie goods before purchasing elsewhere:—
Remember the place—opposito Dartt's Wagon Shop.
West Main Street. Wellsburg): Feb. 25, 187549.
M. Yillo . & Co.
'e ar e manufacturing siiveral brands of choice Cigars
%uida wo will sell at prices that cannot but -please
our rustOuleri. WO none but the best Connect
icut, Havana and Yara Tobaccos. We make our owu
Cigara, and for that reason can warrant them. We
have a general assortment of good Chewing and
Scaukuig Tobaccos, Snuffs, Pipes from ,clay to the
tstat Meerschaum, Tobacco Pouches, &c., cthola
tale sad rotail.-Dec. 24, 1872.
John It Anderson, Agt.
Stores, Iron, Steel Yana. Howie Titannlnge Me•
0, t 4.1872-tt
Olossbarg & Contijig & 'Naga R. 11.
.. - Time Table No. 82.
Takes Erect _Monday Juno ,941,• 1872. •
NO. 1 • . 'BOO a. in. No. 1 10.45 'a. in.
~ 3 795 p. in. " 9 10 20p. m.
"15 , 220 p. m, "15 625 p. m.
No .22 45 p. m. No. 2..... 5 85p. In.
•• 105 P, m• " 4 10 00 a.m.
.. 720 a. m. No. 8... 11 45 a. in.
A. H. GORTON, Supl.B. & 0. R. 112
L. 11. SIMITUOIC, Sup't Tiogaß.R.
So. 8...
N. SAII,A lk 84 CO.,
1 / 4
UTOIiLD reepectrally inform the people of Welk
,' V b ro and vicinity that they have opened a stare
next door to 0., W. Ream's Bookend Shoe store. - Where
they_intend tolieep on 'hand 6'Brd-class stock of
•r DDDPD R R 7 - yr It • 11 - IiTY '
'DD DD Ititt nu' YY FY
DI) Da. 1 . RR ry •
• . ant li ". '" •
DI) DI) p
- -DD . RR • pax - 5 ,
'DD 'DD -RE ' ' - "' - "Yr"
D PPPY - Winn TIM;;; ,
U- 0 0 I).S,
Which - U . loy will sell Ohearifoitiehc‘,
We call Sony 44,1:4011.W our line of Gsoceries, ua
to_ ya tills our utickpal,care
SUGAR, Coffee A.
- Es. C.
" Medium,
Best M. Prints
Best Japan Tea, ,
" Gun Powder Tea . . 1.25
" Young Dyson " from 50t01.00
Black Tea . . 1.00
that we Intend to let NO PERSON OR PERSONS UN
DERSELL us on the above and many other articles
s nomerouti to - mention.
1-1. - 1 , 0 - e. us; sa. Call.
April 22, 1873-Bmos. N. M. OLASSMIRE &CO
General Insurance Agency,
Life, faire, a,nd Accidental.
Alemania, of Cleveland, Ohio 436,039.44
Nev York Life and Fire Ins, Co 21,000,000
Royal has. Co., of Liverpool 10,5/5,501
Lancashire; of Illanehester,..Capital,„ 10,000,000
Ins. 1 0o:, of North Anaeriek Pa - $3,050,635 ito
Franklin Fire ht. Co- of Phila. Pa....4......2,087,452 2p
Republic Ins. Co. of fL , Y., Capital $750,000 -
Niagara Fire Ins. Co. of N. Y . .1,000,000
Farmers Mut. Fire Ins.. Co. York Pa —909,889 15
Pharnix ?Aut. Lifo Jns. CO. of Harfford Ct.'.6,081,970 60
Faure Cattle Ins. Co. of Pottsville 600,000 00
Insurance promptly eifectid by Mail or otherwise,
on all kinds of Property. All losses primiptly adjusted
and paid at my ofilco.
All communications promptly attended to—Office on
Mill Street 2d door from Main at., Knoxville P.
AVM. IT. ik.arruir
aau. 1. 11171-tr. -- Agent.
Mrs. A. J. - SOFIELD
N iro= respectfhlivinnotince to tho public that
oho has now a
dwl. 1, 1912
Millinery 'and Fancy Goods!
• •
of °Very description, for Ole , ladies. eQnslating of
Hats, Bonnets, Caps, Gloves, hosiery, NublaS, Shawls,
Suits, Merino and Muslin Underwear, Germantown
Wools, Zephyrs and Fees. 'Thai:WO' for the gener
ous Oatronage of the past, she hopes to merit a con
tinuance of the seine. Jan 1872.
General Insurance Agency,
j. , 11. - &-J. D. CAMPBELL
ARE Issuing policies in 'ale - allO - Zsing Companies
against tiro and lightning in Tiog. and Potter
counties -
- QUEEN, ... Asseps, $10,000,000.00
CONTINENTAL of New York, ...... .....2,609,628.27
HANOVER, of New York 983,381.00
GERMAN AMERICAN, New York... —1,272,600.00
WYOMING, of Wilkesluirre, Pa 219,698.42
WILLIAMSPORT.'oL,Wm'sport:....= • '...trama.uo
All business promptly attended to by mail or other
wino., Losses adjusted and paid at our °dice.
Nelson, Dec. 10, 1872-Iy.
4R1165 - ifliplONFSj
Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty,
Brushes, Trusses, Supporters, and Surgi
Artiste Goods lu Oreat. Variety.
Liquors, Scotch Alea, Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff, Stc., kc
Grocenes 7 Stigal's, Teas ,
• ; ' 4.• •
Shut. Lead. Povider and Caps, Lamps, Chital3o - 3
Whips, I.B,shes..te.
30331:16 )1 •
All School Books in use, Envelopes. ,Statioilery, Bill
and, Cap Paper, Initial paper, Memorandums, large
and-small Dictionaries: legal paper, School Cards and
Primers, Ink, Writ:biz Fluid, Chess and Backgammon
Boards,. Picture Frames, Cords and Tassels, Mirrors,
Albums ? Paper Collars and Cues, Croquetts, Base
Balls, parlor games, at wholesale and retail.
Wallets, port Monies, :comae; pins and „needles,
scissors, shear's, knives, violin strings, bird cages.
A great variety of pipes, dells, inkstands, measure
tape's, rides,
- Asking Tackle, best trout flies, lines, kooks,
Special attention paid tq this line tq the season.
VILLAGE LOTS for 8010 in the central part of tbeitoro
lifarch.26, _ , HASTINGS. dr.-COLIFS
fralF, aubacriber otters for sale his tam in Middle
/ bury, Co of 155 acres; 90 acres improved.
Xifere is e g... dwelling, barns and out houses, en the
preiniees; sin6 7 iwo good orchards. The property will
bele all together elyit.YrilLbei: (Raided and sold in
t a rts, one of 65 the other of 90 acres.
T .:—.51,0490 down.; the balance 10 five flitlUs
pa ems. A. B, A. BlitOrGO.
• ddiebary, Feb. 18. 1878-tf.
Wellsbcrro, Pa
- • V' ..•-;
, . , • ' " '
-.., "•'/OF;A: , .
- • ' It •1 7 s ; IPF " - • „ •••
, .
'' 1 2 , t • t . . - -;
I Li '.t •' 4
• -
trViii tt •
- •1015)C E . , •
Wood'al Willow
. . 12io,
. . 12
. . 11
. . 121
from 10 to 15
As.srrs OVER $66,000,000.
Mo3m oP CoarPmaes.
...,.. f 55,431,4,91 94
<_. -4
cal Instruments,
baskets and rods
.Farm for Sale.
011TER0Y BIIO'S SART' 1:1,
BLOSOURG, Tiogi Coiukty, Penn'a.
1314 jiTES . ki3Kii"
olutst Bides V 7. tairrii, -
Troy,./t. B,lorkatoFg, Pa.
Throat Lungs.
- -
ji grailfying to , .us to Inforin the public hat Dr.
L.' Q. C. Vial:tart% Pine Tice Tar Cordiatfor Throatind
Lung" Diaeebea, haa gained an enviable reintation.
from ih ' e Atlantlo totho Pacific eoaet , and from thence
to:admis,:etthe tltet laaiilies Gf ,Europo, not tArodah
this prase alone, but by persons throughout the States
-actually benalltted and 'cured' it hie office:, While be
less,,so say our reporters, he is unable to
fJ% b.; »;
supply the demand. It galas_ and holds its repute
,Not , by stopping
. c?u#4. but by , loosening
and assisting nature to throw off the unhealthy mat
ter collected. about. the throat .and, bronchial' tubes,
which &Mae: trntalson.
Second. It removes the cause of irritation (Which
priduces cough) •,of. the, mucous membrane and
bronchial tubes, assists the lungs to act and throw off
th unhealthy, secretions, and purifies the blood.-
hi 10. It 1e free irrau ipeeliC and
opium, or which moat throat and lung remedies are
coinpoaed, which allay cough only, and diaorgaulze
the stomach. It bas a soothing effect on the stomach,
act* on the liver and kidneys, and lymphatic and
nervous regions, thus reaching to every part of the
ay4tenk, - and in its invigorating and purifying effecta
it has gained:a ropntation which it 'moat hold above
all Othere•in the market - •
Th Pitie.--Tree--TarOordial
('re t 'Ameridan =Dispepeia;Pills;-'
Being under my immediate direction they shall not
lose their curative qualities by the use of t cheap and
impura articles.
Free of Charge.
Dr. L. Q. 0. Wisbart's Office Parlors are open on
all Mondays, Triesdaya and Wednesdays from 9 a. in.
to 6 p. m., for consultation by Dr. Wm. T. Magee.—
With kiln are associated two consulting physicians of
k ..
ac norinmpzu
fared by any.otberinstitution in the city.
'All letters must be addressed to
L.Q.C.Wishart, M.D.,
No, 232 N. Second istreet,
Nov. 19, 18724 m
Door, Sash & Blind Factory.
B.eNJAMIN AUSTIN, is prepare! .to furnish first
class work from tkebeat lumber, at Ida new tin
tory which is now in full operation.
3111Z3Z0 1na11,11%% 6
:::;conatantly on hand, or outnufactired to order.
Planing d Matching
done prOrimtly,- and in th beet manner. The heat
workmen employed, and n ne but the best seasoned
lumber used. Encourage me industry.
Factory near the foot of Main Street
Jan. 1, 1872-tf
rgiHE subscriber offers to the farmers- through the
_IL county the Egyptian Corn, which Upon trial was
Sound to ripen if planted even the last of July. It is
estimated, from its very prolific' qualities, to
yield 150 bushels per acre, and weighs, by measure,
65 pounds to the bushel. This corn was produced
from some procured direct Iron] Mr. Jones, our Con
solar Agent, directly on his return from Egypt. It
needs no different culture from that of other varieties,
and in the South two crops can be raised on the same
,ground in oneyear. Itgrows in the form of a tree, and
31 ears have grown upon one stalk—average from 5 to
16 ears. For domestic use it le unparalleled. When
ground and properly bolted, it is equal in color and
fineness to wheaten. flour. As a forage crop, by sow
ing in drills or broadcast (tor early feed,) there Is no
kind of 'corn so well adapted to mulch cows, and none
that will yield half the value in stalk or corn.
;trail be successfully grown in any State.
Tennis :—ln order that all' may receive seed, we
have reduced the price to one dollar a package. Any
person who wilt get up a club of live, will receive a
package gratis-15 packages for $10; 50 packages for
$2O; 100 for-$30.: One package will contain enough to
plant the fol. , :wing season from 20 to 30 scree; also,
directions for, planting it. Address,
Knoxville. Tioga Co., Pa.
lar AYES& returned to Wellaboro, and having finish
rL ed her trade in the manufacture of
would ioapeetfulli say to her old friends that she
would be glad to see all who would favor her with
their calls. Bhe Put be found at the house of J. M.
Johnson, tho Barber. Feb. 25, 1873-tf.
sMIT -
Isgno o oldvr - ir=vlitv 4 that spring,
wears can bo found in her establishinent. New beta
and bonnets just received; new styles of collars and
ties, which are offered cheaper than over hefore, The
public are cordially invited to call and examine goods
beforeplitchealtut cleetvlaere. • .
weibibere, Apra 1, - 18/3-U. • '
to - c;ogrxiO3n...
Saih, Doors,
Airs. 4eo. CaMpbell
Se You heglor a Story,: my darling—my broya-eyed
Leopol4— - , •
And you. Ali , with face like morning, and curling
locke of g
Then, come, ii you will, and listen—stand 'close be
' • - aide my knee— • -
To a tale oft ' Southern city, proud Charleston by the
. sea. • •
.-• •
-It was /tong ag pmy chidden, ore ever the signal gun '
That blazed above Fort Sumter had wakened the North
- as one;
Long arcs the wondrpue pillar of battle-cloud and fire
Bad marked where the unchained millions marched
on to their heart's desht.
Cu the; roofs aid the glitterlag turrets, that night, as
the Bun ant down, , • •. -
'The mellow gl w df the twilight shOne Mee a jeweled
crown, •
Mid, bathed t the living glory, - as the people 4ted
their eyes,
They ea* the pride of the' city, the spire of St
- churl's, rise '
High over the!/esser steeplos, tipped with a, golden
That hung llke,a radiant planet caught In its earth
- - ward felt;
First glimpse cif home to the sailor who made the bar
. her-round.
And last slow-h
The gently gat
The children 15
the noise of b
- gone, - 1
Ana in•dreams
bereG on
But another 11/
For -•etrept ? , _
a'cry was ?lewd at midnight and the rush of
*trampling feet;
Mien stared in each other's faces through mingled fire
- and smoke. ,
While the frantic bells went clashing clamorous etre*:
•' on stroke,' • • -
By the
.glare o her blazing roof-tree th? houseless
• mother it
With the babe e e pressed to her bosoin shrieking, in
While "the fire-king'ewild battalions scaled wall and
• cap-stonehigh,
And planted thuir flaring banners against an inky sky.
From to death that raged behind them and the crash
- of ruin Mild,
To' the great sgilare of the city, Were driven the 'surg
lug crowd,
Where yet firm in all the tumult, unscathed by the
• fiery flood; -
With its heavenward-pointing finger the church of Si.
Ent e'en•ils•theylgazed -upon it, there rose a sudden
• wail, - .1 • ,
ery of horror blended with the roaring of the 61,e,
On whose scoteliing,ivings updriven, q single flaming
• brand ''
Aloft on the towt ring steep clung like a bloody Mind.
"Will it fade ?" The whir er trembled from a thou
• sand whitening lips:
Far out on the lorid harbor they watched it froth the
ships— I • • - •
A balehul gleam that brighter and ever brighter shone.
Like.a flickering, trembling Will'o'-Witsp to a steady
beacon grown.
~ Uncounted gold shall be given to Bit; man whose
brave right band,
For the love of the periled city, •plucks 'down you
burning brand l'
So cried the Mayor of Charleston, that all the people
beard, l i i 1
But they looked each one at his fellow, and no man
spoke a word.
Who is it leans from the belfry, with face upturned to
the sky?
}Clings to a colninn and measures the dizzy spiro with
; • his eye?
(Will he dare it; the hero und i auntecl, that terrilite,
I; sickening height?
Or will the Lot Illood of his courage freeze in his
reins at the sight? • - -•
But sea I he has stepped on the railing, he climbs
with his feet and his bands,
And Min on a narrow projection with the belfry be
neath him he stands!
Now once, and once only, they cheer him—a single,
tempestuous breath— '
And there falls on the multitude gazing a hush like
the stillness of death,
Slow, steadily mounting, unheeding aught save the
goal of the fire,
Still higher and higher, an atom, hetoves on the face
of the spire,
lie stops I Will ho fall? Lo I for answer, a gleam like
a meteor's track, ' -
And, hurled on the stones of the pavement, the red
brand lies shattered and blackl
Once more the shouts of the peope have rout the
quivering air,
At the church-doer Mayor and Council wait with their
feet on the'stair—
And the eager thongbehind them press for a touch
of his hand—
The unknown s#ior whose daring could compass a
deed so grand.
_Rut: trit i y e irn z n e llulaa:, f -, Artlrtv• cot. . t•.,--- . • ,•-•
And what mean, that stifled murmur of wonder and
Ile stood in the gate of the temple ho had periled his
life to save,
d the face of the hero, my children, was the amble
face of a slave 1
With folded arm he was speaking, in tones that'wero
clear, not 1 ucl,
And his eyes ab ein their sockets burnt into the
eyes of th crowd;
"You may keep your gold,—l scorn it I—hut answer
Die, ye who can,
If the deed I have done before you be not the deed of
a man ?"
He stepped but a short space backward, and from all
the women and men •
There were only obs for answ. r, and the Mayor called
for a pen ,
And the great se I of the city, that he might read who
And the slave wb, saved Bt. MielmSl's wont ont from
its door, a Man.
"Have you heard the •news?"
"No; wlia is it.now?"
'Lignite ' l unbam is &one; was found
dead in his b d this morning; was carried
off by - a strok of apoplexy."
" He.was V e of our prominent citizens.
He will be wi ely missed:"
" not a all certain about the last re
mark. In m opinion there'll be Very few
mourners at !quire Dunhara's funeral. Ile
was a hard of customer, from first to lest;
and all he thought' of, .cir cared for, was to
make money. He was shrewd enough at al
bargain, and lways got he best of it; but
I think you'd lave to go)a long way to find
the man, woman, or child that's any the
worse off because ',9quire Dunham has fin
ished his days."
" It's a grat
his bank stoe
tell you, my
operation to 1
goes for nothi.
wwat u ditrere
"That's a
ham has learn
The above
city car just
that the pass',
one another
speakers were two plain-talking men, in, the
prime of their years, and the conversation
was suddenly cut short, for the car stopped
at the street c •ossing,, and the friends hur
ried out together.
In the seat behind them sat an old man of
somewhat portly figure and dignified pres
~,He haa hard, cold sort of a face—
a face which o tender sympathies, no high
and noble
,pit poses, no earnest, unselfish
strivings forright and truth bad softened
or spintualize I; and looking into the keen
gray eyes uud r 'shaggy eyebrows, a heart
that had gone to them for pity or for mercy
would have been turned away. Beneath
lay no sweet, gushing springs of human
loin; only th cold, hard rock, where no
flowers blossomed, and from whose bosom
guShed no streams gladdening the waste des
ert of-the mat soul.
But it yras e. 'dent that the old man had
been an intere ted listener to the conversa
tion which ha transpired in the seat before
him: At the rst mention of 'Squire Dun
ham's name he bad leaned forward, and
drank in breathlessly every word which fol
lowed, while quick flushes and a strange
- agitation went over the hard, thin face: He
leaned back snthat the men could not catch
it glimpse .of his features as they left the
ear, and his reflections went on somewhat
after this fashion:
" Well, it's pleasant, that's la fact, for a
man to sit still and have his life held up
after be's laid in his coffin. I never met
either of those men, but it appears that one
of them, at least, is pretty well posted up
about me, and the estimation in which •I
ata held in p lic opinion—though he has
mistaken my ame for that of bias Dun
ham, the old l wyer, who died last night.—
Complimenta , wasn't it, -Stephen Dun
haml* 'Spose here was a little spite and
envy at the b ttota of it ali, just such as
popr folks always have toward those who
have got more Money than they; but then—"
At that monient the car stopped in front
of tlic stately dwelling , in which the old
hanker resided: And that "but then", fol
lowed: him into his house, and sat down
with him at MS solitary supper table; and
after it was through these words werethe
text which" the roused conscience ot 'the
man took and: preached to him after this
wise: , , -
How He Saved St Niohael's.
ding vioton dear to the outwordbonnd.
ering shadows abut oht the waning
yod at their bedsides, as, you will pray
yer and seller from the busiiliart was
a peaceful morrow; the city alum
ht than sunrise aroused the sleeping
—The Aldine fur May
't pity he couldn't take any of
or real etitate with him. 1
I•ieud, after all it's• a losing
lave all one's property in what
ing on the other side. They
Mt kind of coin there."
net. I reckon 'Squire Dun
ed some new truths by this
:onversation took place in a
is the night was filling, so
angers could scarcely tificern
n the dim twilight. The
"tlitn then, Stephen Dunham," it- is
peretl as the rich old Miser walked up and
down : the, gorgeous - parlors of his lonely
home, "Sou know that what that man said
latent yeti was, true. - "There is no use
ting.asitlei it,' for - be hit the.nail straight
on .11-1 0 ' You knew, too,' that ,vour ob 7
jett end In life has been -tO Make mon
ey,. and that there isn't a 'Milian being above
ground Ache would have reason to shed a
tear if :you
,were laid beneath it. You've
got moneY, as that mart Said, You &le
nity get thebest' of ti bargain; but, after
all, your half million thet.you, have delved
your whole life to get together .Won't pass
for anything in that world which you
getting pretty near note ; and as there's rid
body to mourn you here; ii isn't likely, tiii4
you'll have any, Welcome there." JJ
And here 'Squire Dunham sat down in
his velvet. arm-chait, by 'his marble - table,
and- his thoughts Went back through the
long winding- path of theyeats of his yoga'.
Ills boyhood—his glad , careless boyhood—
came back to him. The . gentle, loving
mother, : and the young,, sweet face of, his
sister, arose up before him, and he SAW`the
little brown' cottage-whers , his life came to
him. The old apple tree in front was frost
ed with the blossoms of May; and he.stood
there with , Betty, his little sister, and her
laugh, sweet tis Ilie mountain brook, was in
his eats, and herlittle, round, plump arms
were abOut his neck, 'How she did love
him, that little sister Betty, over whose
sweet face had grown the grass of so many
sunitners; hoW proud she was of
And he could see the little golden
dancing out of the house every night to
meet him when he came home from his
Stephen - Dunham's mother was `a poor
widow, and he had his own way to work in
the World. lie had risen step by step in his
native town, and he saw at last that greed
of money had, taken possession' of 'him; un
til every other wish and purpose of, his life
had been swallowed:np:ln the pursuit of
He was still a young man when he came
to the city, - but he brought with bim.the
title of "'Squire," which he bad borne for
three years. He took to himself a wife, the
daughter of a rich man, and she brought
him a - hundred ' thousand dollars for her
doviry; but in a few years death had sum
moned her away, and she had left no chil
dren, whose soft, sweet voices calling him
"father," should 'melt:the cold heart that
kneW but one love, and AIM w*--money.
Alt this 'SquireDunham thought of as he
sat alone by his table,, with the bright light
of the chandeliers gilding. the .gray head
that rested on his hands;, and he thought,
rich man that he was, that his money didn't
pay; that, after all, the great object of his
life had been., as the man said, a "losing
operation," and he longed to feel that in the
wide world there )vas one human being who
would be sorry to hear that he was dead—
one human being, man, woman, or child,
who would say °, " I ant happier this
because you are on earth."
And in the midst of want and yearning, 'a
sudden determination flashed across the mind
of 'Squire Dunham. He arose and walked
again to and fro, with his hands behind
him, his . ..forehead knit with perplexing
thought, and a variety of emotions floating
over his face.. But suddenly he stopped,
and set down his foot resolutely. "I'll do
it—l will- do it this very night!" And he
went into the hull, took up his cane, and
passed out into the street, contrary to his
usual custom; and the night was dark and
"Did you see Mr. Minor, Henry?" It
was a faint, mournful voice which asked
this question; and the speaker was - a pale,
sad-faced woman, whose sunken eyes - -and
hollow cheeks at once told you she was an
invalid. The chamber where she sat was
very.poorly furnished, but everything was
Heat. A small fire was burning in the grate,
and a solitary candle on the stand.
" No, mother, Mr. Minor won't be at
home for a week," answered the boy slowly,
as though he disliked to communicate the
news. He was a slender, delicatelooking
b `WIRMITHIV n ine t , I "44I - 7a .-- momer, -
looking despairingly on the thin hands
which lay in her lap. "There is no way to
pay the rent, and the agent said if I wasn't
ready when he called to-morrow, we must
go into the street. What will become of
us, my poor children? I'd hung on to Mr.
Minor's getting back, he was so kind to
your father before he died; but.my last hope
is gone now. I could have earned the mon.
ey if it hadn't been for this sickness, bfo't
on by steady sewing; but to-morrow we
must go into the street."
`` Don't cry, mother, I earned a shilling
this afternoon selling papers, and bought
you and Mary each, a nice orange," inter
posed the boy, tryihg to speak in a bright,
hopeful , voice.
And now a small hand was thrust out for
the fruit, and 41 little voice said' earnestly,
"Oh, mother, don't let us feet bad now we
have got the oranges."
At that moment there was a loud rap at
the chamber door, which startled the little
family, but .Harry was not long ushering
into ,the room an old gentleman who in
quired if Mrs. Carpenter lived there.
His glance took, in the room and its three
occupants, and after taking the seat which
harry Carpenter brought him, he said:
" I am 'Squire Dunham, and I called here
to say, Mrs. Carpenter, that I would not
press the matter ltbout the rent; that if you
could not meet it, you might stay here, and
I would not trouble you."
A dash of joy went over the three faces,
but the mother broke down into a sob.-
-" Oh, sir, God in Heaven will bless . you for
this!" and they were the .sweetest words
which Stephen Dunham had heard for many
a day. .
. Btft before he could answer, his gaze was
attracted to a small, wistful, upturned face
in the corner,- and its sweet blue eyes and
the golden gleam in its broWn hair were
like those of that face which shone away
off in the morning of his boyhood, the face
of his sister lletty!
As his gaze met the little girl's she arose
and came toward him.
" You won't scud mamma and Harry and
me into the street, will you?" she said, in
her sweet, pleasing way; "cause we can't
live there when the wind blows, and the
rain comes. The great carriages would go
over us; and mamma's sick, and I'm a little
girl, you know,-and Harry isn't big . enough
to do anything but sell papers."
" My child," said 'Squire Dunham, .4-you
shall never go into the street!" and his voice
was not quite steady, and there was moist
ure about his eyes. He took the little' girl.
on his knees,- and she nestled her bright•
young head on his shoulder, chattering
away to hint, and ,thinking what a good,
kind man 'Squire Dunham was!
The landlord remained some time with
his tenants. Many kind words and prem
ises cheered theta, for that little head rested.
softly against his ;heart, and warmed- and
gladdened it; and before he - left 'Squire
Dunham bent down and kissed the little
girl, and left two ten-dollar gold pieces in
her chubby litintt- ' ,
He went home that - night' a Atappier Man
than he had been for years—eure..that,three
hearts beat lighter because he was in the
And the lesson that Stephen Dunham
'learned that night going home in the cars
took - deep root id his ' teart, and brOught
forth much fruit.
.;f, urtrzn.
When Nes*nan Hall waa in Pltiliidelphia
in 1870 he lectured the 'short time he spent
there constantly, „sometimes on Sundays
preaching four•or five times. Yuur corres
pondent, with a party, .started tro hear him
at an evening - service... He, was announced
at six at.a church frerup town; and for eight
o'clock akSt. Thomas's. Though we- none
of us knew the church by name, its location.
and the hour were. - so- convenient that we
decided upon hearing- hint there. Arriving
an hour before the time, in the hope of thus
securing seats, we found St. Thomas's to be
a colored people's church, and the cervices
already fully under way—Laving their own
services 'beforehand, '
we discovered -upon
getting in. •
We were receivetnit the 'dOor ,by ushers
in dress coats'- and.wh ties_ and gloves,'
and taken to seats in the galleries, the rest
of the church being already packed,' aisles
and all, with 'a.rnixture of white and black:
A moment tkftcr we were seated; and as a,
prayer was eatleci, Brother Newton" -way
IL 4 29, 1873;
announced; and it , is to record some of his
pungent utterances that this is being writ
ten. Among other things Im,said:.•
-" We are going to beg tonight, while we
haven lot of -you of •loth- colors . here, for
some kinds of:mixtures are good and whole
soMe. We're begging lin,the interestsof the
church.. What Interests, do you.say?:Why,
the interests of keeping it good and worm
and' light; goodier than that—comfortable
for all of' ye to comeinto and worship the .
Almighty: We want to raise money for the
the and the lights.- What, do you say we
- oughtn't, because the Bible says salvation's
free? Bo it is,'so it is! Who's going to say
it ain't? Salvation's free, thank the Lord !"
(Then: there was a resPonsiVe Shout all over
the church— , -“Thank the Lord!" • "Yes,•
yesr? " Amen!") 4 So's water free, thank
the,Lord---so's water . free; but ye 'have-,to
pay for the pipes and the buckets that ye
get ft in, Wool., ye? Yell! now don't ye?
Never circumstanced that, 1 suppose!"
- Constantly through his remarks there
would be's surge like a -wave; the effect of
which was very singular, beginning, with•
the leaders around the pulpit, and spread=
ing as 'quick as thought over , the church—
" Amen," "Thank the Lord,," ," Yes, yes,
bress minter', , .
. When be said something; comical, as' lio
constantly. did—little unrepeatable- things—
there would a low guargle of laughter, go
threugh the audience,,,-when, quick as_ a
flesh, be would turn upon 'them sternly:
" Laughin', are ye? Better weep, the lbt
.of yo,a-laughin' in the house of the Lord,
sins and alli sins and all!"
Be gave an account of having the week,
before attended a convention in New Haven.
' 4 ' And I went regulr; and the fuss they
inacle over me was great. It was Brudder
Newton here, and B dder Newton there,
- and - Hrudder Newton e erywhere; and Ibe
gan to believe I was a reat alftrl, you may
bet;• But when that convention was broke
I met them members in the street, and they
Gut me dead. 'So I concluded it was bred
der in the meeting and nigger on the street.l"
SOme one behind him pulled his coat anti
whispered something; then ho announced:
"The brudders tel me I must' 'Stop my
talk, 'cause they mean to tune up in the
chor.' • All right. I can sing, though; and
if ye pay me twenty-rive cents a yard for
the good cause of a-lightin' and a-warmin'.
this burdened church, , I'll" measure ye. as
many yards as ye choose. ' Bud now while
ye listen to the chor' perform, ye will come
forward to the altar and deposit yer money.
And as the people in the galleries can't get
down because of the crowd on the stairs,
the bredren will'-pass {lie, baskets around to
the reserved ' corpses' up`" there. And you
amen-sisters down yer, you've been a-shout
ing and a-groaning; let us see if you know
as well about giving." -
Thep the "Black Swan,," who was in the
" chor t " sang dil i inely and Mr. Hall, haV
ing arrived, " sp ki3 his little piece."—liar
pees Magazine. ,3
The extraordith ry paintings, as well as
the sculptures in the Wiertz Gallery are all
the work of one c hand—that of Antoine.
Wiertz, son of a tailor in the Ardennes.—
The tailor 'had been a soldier, and entertain-
ed- a dream of glory. Fle transmitted the
fire of his ambition to the son, where It be
canto a steady and consuming flarne l burn:
ing with clear, pure light;, and filling the
boy's soul with a spirit, which would have
been appreciated grandly among the Qreek
Stoics, but which seemed QuiXotic, in this
practical nineteenth century: He Might
have lived in luxury by his art, hut he pre
ferred to live in abject .poverty for his art.
His thirst for fame was insatiable—his con
tempt for forttine incredible. The story of
his life is as - Curious and pathetic as the
works of his genius are fantastic and un
Wiertz was born in 1800, in the old town
of Dinant on the banks of the river Muse.
At an age when other children play this
child occupied himself with the toys of art.
He made drawings almost before he could
run alone, and tried to color them with ber-
UrMi c Satitdi t iiVreilvii i ii i ins
One of the triumphs, of his - babyhood was
a wooden frog whiqh he had cut with his
knife, and which was so marvelous ' an imi
tation of the living creature that visitors to
the tailor's shop tried to kick the counter
feit reptile into the street. A captain of
gensd'arrues, who tried-to pierce the wooden
frog with his sword, jwns so amazed by it
-that he talked aboitt it everywhere he went,
and the hews comingtto the ears of M. Paul
Maibe, an art connoisseur at Dinant, he vis
ited,the boy, and became his patron in a
small way; that is to say, he took him home
and had,him taught music and drawing—
for the boy had an aptituda for, music, too.
The result was that at the age of fourteen
Wiertz could teach his drawing master, not
only, but he l!ad acquired a surprising fac
ulty at engraving, in which latter art he was
entirely.self taught. He made wood cuts
of his own original drawings, and having
made the cuts, lie himself printed from
thorn; besides which he could play on some
half a dozen different musical instruments,
but of this art lip made 'little or no use in
after life.
At so early an age as this the boy's soul
bechme fired with a passion for Milieus,
and his patron Dhally took him to Antwerp.
There' the hind-hearted _man did what he
could for his little friendL4ound him eXcel-:
lent masters, and got him -a pension of
about fifty-six dollars from the . Kidg—and
left him to make his way. On this paltry
sum the boy lived, practicing the most' rig
id economies. He had no pleasures, no oc
cupations, - outside his nrt- In one of his
letters to his mother, to whom he was ten
derly devoted all his life, he wrote, "Ex
cept for food, I hardly spend two farthings."
His lodging was his studio; and that-studio
was 'a miserable corner in. a' granary, with . -
out fire, and_without lights at evening, the
roof so low that as his stature increased he
leouhl not stand upright in it, but went
'about stooping. Here he wrought all day
long on the paintings which he already de
signed'to open the door of fame, and in the
darkness of night either. ent out and stud
ied-or remained in his den and solaced his
loneliness with wild, weird Music. In win, ,
ter, in the intensest -cold; 'he Worked still,
almost 'without ceasing, in a sort of ecstasy,
as wretched in his externals,as a beggar, as
happy in his sublime pasSion for art as any
king, or, better, as 'any lover. For 'Six years
he so dwelt and so lived, and in his scorn of
physical comforts:—not to speak Of luXuries,
or pleasures—was as stoical as Diogenes.—
If he could have painted 'in a tub, he would
have.lived in a tub.
Tempting oftbrs were made Lim to paint
for money, but he would not.' To one con
noisseur who offered him a large sum for
one of Lis studies, 'Mertz rhade a reply
worthy to live among the celebrated speech
es of genius. " Keep your gold," he said;
"it is the murderer of , art." This sentence
strikes the. key note -of this remarkable
man's anthem of life. He-would never sell
his works. Hencel the gallery in 'Brussels is
to-day crowded with the efforts of his fan
ciful and grotesolui genius; while out in the
world you should seek in' vain' for 'one of
his pictures. Portraits form the only ex
ception to -this statement, for portraits he
painted-now and then throughout his life as
" pot.boilers.." -To the day of his death he
adhered firmly to the programme which he
laid down when ho was twenty as the only
noble ono for -artists—for Wiertz - wrote al
so, much and well, about the art he loved
so passionately, "In an epoch when mech
anism is preferred to expression," he said,
'`'one must have courage enough to imitate
the great Poussin, and paint for posterity;
and, struggling( always against bad 'taste,
know'how to remain poor, in order to re
main a great artist."—Harpees 11i1gazine.
Yoko Ad4uts to His Grandson.
The Albany Ereniny Journal publishes the
subjoined copy' of, a letter, never before in,
print, with the remark:
The diplomatic life into which the grand
son of an ex-President and son of a future
,Chief 'Magistrate, was peeping at the Court
of Russia, in 131.4, culminated a half-cen
tury later at fit. James in , the grand diplo
macy of our civil mar:.
" Qcr cr , N0y.,18, 1814.
"• [y Dear Cliarlie , :-4 haVe read that the
handwriting is nn emblem of tlhe mind. If
this observation is well foundeti, your letter
of the 17th of January is a gOod proof of '1
clear head and sound heart; for I- 'hate nol.
peep. a stronger original character in the
writing of any youth of =your age. Though
ine Wiertz.
you have no remembrance of nte,l recol
lecte you with lively einotions: - ,. I tame into
the room and found-none but you. I asked
you jocularly, " Charles, can you show
me the chamber Where your Mother iS?"--L--
She was then - sick; 'up - twoitair of - stairs. I
'had no suspicion that you could do It; but
"you answered as,pertos a robin„ Yca,sir.".
and away . you Wittlillea into the entry, and
with both bands upon one stair to help votir.l
feet up to•iinothcr, yoiLaSeended like a little I
hero, and I after you with great delight;, to
the chamber door. I said this little felicity
will one day be a man. 'All that lliaYe seeii
and heard of you cbnlirms that
-You have , reason- to exidt:that you a
free-born Atocridan;' and I. wish you may
never ;be ashamed -,to boast of it.. In all
cases remember that' birth with Out igdolll
- a reproach 'and disgrace. do indeed
hope,that:ymi will be eminent in mathemat
ics and classica, as well as in French and
' German and Russian, Your brothers are
growing up tabu men. C4t..6rge is a' tall as
I am. You 'have- an inexpressible advan
tage over them in the care or your-father
and mother. Illy love and blessing toßietn,
your uncle and aunt Smith; and to my
great- g randd au g ht er. lam in a proMising
way to have a plontiful crop of great-grand
.phildren, for your cousins Abigail and Car
oline are lately married. I cannot - express
to you, my dear boy, nor to any one else,
the ardor, of, the desire to;see
,you which
glows in the bosom of your grandfather,
ifitsfer (gum. leratids Adame,yetersburg,"
!1 1 46. dctbr's Fame.
, . ... l
, Most peopte would _like to ive in -the, fu.-
tare,. but it wits the desire Of. Ilazlitt: that he
might live aver again that portion of the
past upon Which the names of the great
artists of tragedy and comedy had 'been re
corded, f rout Atm Rettert.on, the Arsit Juliet,
.to Mrs. Siddons,,the last.th,at he saiv: We
can imagine no nobler company, ;Most of
whom won honorable graves in WestmiM
ster Abbey, side by 'side with the authors
whose lines; they interpreted,.with the kings
and warriors and statesmen before whom
.they played. We know so Litt e. about them;
and so much less regarding t e manner of
their art, for they alone of artists could
leave no copy behind.' " They om6dowii t 6
us now only as.so many names laden with
.an anectlote;or so.- Yet after alb ve aro not
certain that the actor's fame is not the most
sarsfaetory. It comes to Wm, quick upon
his earning of it, and not, like the author's
or painter's, after:lie is dead. The actor
leaps to,his reward' in a single night; he
,may have.to wait, toil, and hunger for that
night for years together, Wills moments of
triumph are supreme oncS,.. When Charles
Macklin walked' oft the stage after playing
Shylock for the first time, he exclaimed in
the fullness of his success, • "I am not worth
fifty pounds in the world; nevertheless,v on
this night ant I Charles the Great." When
Kean came home tgbiswife after his debut
as Sir Giles, she asked hini'how that dread
ed Critic, Lord' Esse, had liked the per,
formanee. His jubilant reply, '" Damn
,Lord Essex—the pit AROSE at nie," is sug
gestive ,still of his great_ victory; but what
must have )been to hiima.yet liner triumph
was when the " pit arose; at'.' him to drive
hint from the stage, 'notliccause Im'did not
play well, but because he- loved his neigh
bor's wife better than his own.. For one in
stant be Savagely confronted is audience,
then flung at it, to its entire 'discomiltUre,
speech from the part of Richard that helves
playing: , "tinmannered dogs! stand 3Y when
I command." • -
Among the Men of the dramatic period
to which we.have referred there was Better
lon, on seeing whose 'Hamlet old Pepys ex
claimed, to the annoy:ince of his neighbors,
"Torn God! it-is the-best acted part I ever
saw." Macklin, whom-Pope declared to be
the " ',rely , Jew that, Shakespeare drew,"
and w 'o walked upon the stage with, good
-Miss P pe as Portia, to play-Shyloek, after
his one hundredth year, and the play
ed it no more forever. A few days later he
was standing at the grave of an old-time
comrade of the theatar;.he stood so wrap
pfdthat a Erie rd touelied his arni t3i arouse
"I am at my rehearsal." 13 - iitg 11 Itv‘i - Zl - 14's
more and his mourning associates were at
his grave.—Galaxy.
The Sensation , of Starving.
For the first two days through which a
strong and healthy man is doomed to exist
upon nething, his sufferings are, perhaps,
more acute than tin the remaining states.
He feels an inordinate, unspeakable craving
at the stomach night and day. The mind
runs upon beef, bread, and other substan
tints, but still, in a great measure, the hotly
retains its strength. On the third and fourth
days, burespeemlly on the fourth, this in
cessant craving gives place to a sinking and
weakness of , the stomach, accompanied by
a nausea. The unfortunate sufferer still de
sires food, but with loss of strengthlic loses
that eager craving which is fell, in 'the ear
lier stages. Should he chagee to obtain a
morsellor two of food, he swallows it with
a wolffill avidity, but live minutes afterward
his sufferings are more intense than ever.—
He feels as if lie _had swallowed a living
lobster, which is clawing and feeding upon
the very foundation of his existence: On
the fifth day his - cheeks suddenly appear
holly.v and sunken; ;his body , attenuated; his
,color is ashy pale, and bis eye wild, glassy,
cannibalish. The lifferent parts of the sys•
tem now War with each 'other. The stow-.
ach calls upon the legs to go with it in quest
of. food; the legs, from very weakness, re
fuse. The sixth day brings with it increased
suffering, although the pangs of hunger are
lost iii au overpowering , languor sa d s i c k.
-nes% • The heinibeeomes giddy—tbeghos.ts
of well'-remembered dinners Bass in hideous
processions - ihrotigh the mind: Tile - sev
enth day- wines, -bringing_ increased lassi
tude and tither prostration of .strength.
The ihms hang lifelesSly, the legs dreg
- heavily. The desire for food is still left, to
a degree, but it must be brought, not sought.
The miserable remnant of life which still
hangs to the sufferer-is a burden almost too
grievous to be borne; yet his inherent. love
of existence indudeS a desire still to pre
serve it, if it can be saved •Wfthout a, tax
upon bodily exertion. The mind 'wanders.
At one moment he thinks•liiS weary limbs
cannot sustain him a mile, the next he is
endowed with unnatural strength, sad if
there be a certainty of relief before him,
daslcs bravely and strongly forward, won:
tiering Whence prOceeds his new, and sudden
impulse. ,
SACI2EDNESS op Tema.—There is a sa
credness in tears. ' They are not the mark
of weakne‘s, but, of power. ' They speak
more eloquently than ten thousand tongues.
They are the messengers of 'oybrwhelming
grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeaka
blef love: .ob, speak not ha ' - hly of the
stricken one—weeping in sil eel Break
not the deep solemnity by rude ;laughter or
intrusive footsteps. Seoff not, iif-ute stern
heart of mimbood is sometitob, melted by
sympathy; It/is what helps to Vibrate him
above the brute. 'We love to .qee tears of
affection. They are painful to :ens, but'still
most holy; There is a pleasure in tears—an
aliful pleasure.
Whatever men in their short-sighted phi
losophy may say to the contrary, sorrow is
one of tiie chief purifiers of the human
heart. the other omotions - draW us'cles
er to the objects of_ this World. Love, joy,
envy, revenge, by turns - sway the heart of
Man, and bind him with golden cords of af
fection or with iron bands of malice to, the
objectS'by which he is surrenuded. Grief
alone weans him from this life, and with a
finger .raised toward another, higher And
better, shows .that, when • the delights of
earth are faded; the joys .of Heaven will
bloom with unfading beauty in the " fields
of light" above.
RESPECT TPZE BODY.—Give it what it re
(Mires, and no more. :Don't pierce its ears,
strain its eyes, or pinch its loin; don't roast
it by ahot Jiro all day ; and smother it under
heavy bed-covering all night; dOn't put it in
scold draft on slight occasions, and dOn't pet
or nuise it to death; don't dose it with doe=
tors' iltafts, And, aboye alt , don't. turn- it into
a Wide cask or a Chimney. .Respect the body;
don't pverwcirk;; Oyer-mat, or oyer-love- j!,
and never debase - it, but he 'able - to kik it
down; when yott , are done with' it a well-
Worn but not a misused thing.
. , -
_ The petrified body of Mazzipi is'exhibited
At 64313,94, 1/11d it . is said tO, be a "hideous spee
tttiatf: . , - ,
_ .
New Nethod of Naking-Beef Tea:-
' Ti/ke a thin rump Steak of beef, lay It up- •
'n &board, a Id with' a case-knife serape it.
if this way 1 red pulp will be obtained,
whi.4l% contact - s, pretty much everything ittir
the Steak, ex() ding the fibrous tissue.
this ,lied pulp ' °roughly with' three times
its-llulk of ,cod , water, stirring until the
pulpis comple ely diffused. Put the whole,
upon a modern e fire, and . allow it to come
slowly to a boil, stirring all the time top re
vent • the "ca,king" of the pulp. In using
this do not allow the patient to strain it, but stir,the settlings thoroughly - into the fluid.
One to three fluid ounces of thin May be
given at a time, and will be found to be very
nourishing. ' - • ,
'Another and easier - method is to take a" '
fdw pounds of lean fresh beef (rump . steak
is; the best), chop it fine as you, would sad
shge meat. 'Fill an open-monthed . "bottle
two-thirds full of the chopped 'meat, cork
tightly and put'. the . bottle into a kettle of -
water., Boil fr,orn one to two hem. This
will coOk the meat and give 'the pure ex
tract of beef. - Add' no water to the meat,
the juice therein being sufficient for the tea.
Pour off from the• pulp * , season to taste, and
and eat with crackers or clear. This ts the
best kihd of beef tea tliat . can be made, and
the most nourishing.lllitne gill' of it 'will
give a person; sick or Well, more strength
than three pounds of ordinary food,l as it
goes right to the spot, is taken 'up quickly
by the stomach and distributed throughout
the system withinott hour. 'For conftrmed
invalids,or women recovering from the ef
fects of child birth, beef tea made in. this
way is invaluable, as it is delicious.
, .
iso Lwrrucr..—if my experience and
success last summer, in raising !Mace and
( causing it to head, can be of any benefit to
the readers of the -Ploughman, I trust yon
well publish these lines. I arrived in the ,
country the 16th oft June, and the firs com
plaints-were: ' .We'shall have no h let-
Luce; as usual it will all run to seed." I re
quested to have the lettuce bed conslved to
my special care. The plants looked tine and
healthy; "but already indicated the' ing
up symptoms. I thinned it out, then care
fully slipped a &Atoll twine under th 4 10 -
rtT ai
est leaves of each plant, and gently sed°' l
theirs ' a few inches from the ground , and I
tied them - loosely, then 1 placed a • e
4 ,124
upon each plant, and a small stone to keep
it lirin. Every evening I removed thcoy
erings,.watered each head, and replac d the
i zi
proteCtive covers in themorning, as I ound
the sun's rays had a tendency to Cans the
lettuce to run up to, seed, and removing the
cover ,at night allowed it a sufficiency of
fresh air, so that neither mould nor ilecay
made their appearance. I was rewed by
large solid heads of superior qutdit , and
1 3
.the hearts were white, sweet_ and c sp.—
Not a single plant failed of headin , and
none decayed or bore seed.—C. a ~ in
Massachusetts Ploughman.,
A Mr. Hunt has patented an iniprov • d I,in
euhator or apparatus. of simple and inex
pensive construction for hatching eg::, and
also for rearing the young when hatched.
The incubator is composed of two boxes
placed one within another, A clear " pace
being left at every part between them (say
about one inch), which is filled with t.mott
conductor of heat.iThe inner box, says
the English Mechanic; contains a meta ves
sel, winch is filled with heated liquid very ,
twelve yours, and above this is pia ed a .
tray to contain the .eggs for incubati n.--
The heat is graduated and air admitte by a
perforated Rd at tl l e top of the oute box.
The part of the in pntion relating. the
younj when hatched, which the in entor
calls "the mother '
': i, constructed as above
described, save that the vessel for the heat
ed liquid is placed at the upper part of the,
box, so as to leave a sufficient space to ad-' i
mit the young to warmth. The liquid is
admitted to and drawn from the app: atus
by pipes and cocks Suitably arrange' for
I t
such purpose. . _
Corai Poopmi.—Persons who con\
corn fodder as " innutritious," are 1I
by Paschall Morris to consider the wall
a prominent dairymen, "whose butter
celled by no other in the Philadelphia:
ket," and who "pretty much sustained
eight cows on sowed corn from the
of last July to the ahiiddle of- October
that, too, from the tpreduce of three ae
s t
Ile estimates that l e took ninety to
this " innutritious" bstance from the s
indicated, and he k ows that his cow:
not fall off in th it milk during t
-months of drought, ut that some incre
the flow, and that the butter was fullyi
the standard. There is nothing better
wintering cattle or young horses, ant
pechdly milch cows, than good, bright
fodder, and where forageys scarce it
great value to the farmer.
creel many years ago that wood. coal
made to last Much longer than iron in
ground, but thought the process so a
that it was not worth while to makes ;
about it. I would as soon have poplar, b
wood or quaking 'ash as any other kind
timber for fence_posts, -I have taken
basswood posts, after having been set se
yea , that were as sound when taken u
whe they were first put in the groun
Til and weather seethed to' have no e
on 1 tem. ' The posts can be prepared
less ]tan, two cents apiece. For the ben
j p
of others I, will . give the recip : "Ti
boiled linseed oil and stir in it ulveril
charcoal to the consistency of aint. ]
a coat-of 'this over -the timber, and then
not a man who will live to see it rot." --C
Western Rural.
CURE . -FOR THE Oprou lthirr i —ln a re
cent report on the condition of the English
il t
hospital, Pekin, China, the attending ph al
chins gives a formula for "anti-opium . p 5.,"
This remedy is composed of extract of 11 no-
bane, extrac; of gentian,- camphor, ,- cayerine
'pepper, ginger and cimaamon,4lth eastile
soap and syrup to form the coating. The
efficacy of ,these pills in overcoming the
opium habit, and in preventing the suffer
ing- on giving up the use of that poisor4 is
stated to have ,been proved -in numerous
case's. The native remedies, it is said, con
tain opium in some form, and most frequent
ly the ashes of opium already smoked, and
con4equently are _ineifiCacious---it being as
difficult to discontinue the use of the med
icine as of the drug itself. Rural New
Yorker. I A
periments made in England have shown
that,- where fertilizers rich in phosphatic
substances have been used, the potato crop
has been sound. It was early found in the
United States that the use of rich barn yard
urinure aggravated the disease. It is also
known that good sandy soils are better
adapted to this crop than the richer ,loams
and . clays of the prairie, even - when the lat
ter arc thoroughly subdued by tillage.. On
sod, and sod of the second . year of break
ing, the crop is usually sound. The appli
cation of super-phosphate of lime and other
phosphatic manures have always been found
useful in the cultivation of the potato crop.
To FASTEN A, Hottar..—When there is no
-hitching post - handy, a horse may be safely
tic( in the following manner, namely: Take
the reins and pass them round underneath
the hub, outside of the wheel, and give them,
a hitch Mt - te , one of the spokes. If the',
horsp starts the reins are drawn up, instant
ly eheeking liiin,"`ttnti .as soon as he coin-
Inences to back they are instantly loosened:
if in addition to this when there are a pair
of horses, one of the . traces are loosened,
and the team will Seldom move 'far enough
forward tostart the wagon without being
checked by the bits. .1%..10 team, however,
should be left without tying, if it can possi
bly be avoided.— Weitern R rtral.,
1, , ,..,' fie 9: , ,.A . ..::.,. _ll4 n7,lf
AVILOLE NO. 1,065,
usEnrr, AR]) suconerrn
• ,
SET , AnA.TzoN STOCK.—HensI ought nev
er to be kept in Big same,quarters - with fowls
of certain other species, us the turkey, pea
fowl, or 'oUlnea - hen, heeause' they 'worry
; them,_ and' dfive-thenc - abotit. ' Ducks, also,
ought to have. a separate sitting "placel, be
cause they get dirty with the droppings if
they: sit on the ground in the ordinary hen
coop. 'Birds of a feather
,should flock to
1130 ni ck tiirterrintatit,
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