ely Agitator- A. R. BATAI.ES, EDITOB TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1873 During, the. put week there have been conflicting rumors as to the imminence of the death of the Pope, but at fast accounts he was reported as somewhat better. t Last Friday very interesting services in memory of the late Governor Seward were held in Albany under the.auspices of the Legislature of NeW York. An eliiquent oration was delivered by Charles Francis Adams. The bill passed by the State Senate giv' ng half-pay to those Judges who retire- when over sixty years of age after twenty years' service on the bench failed in the House.— A proposition of nearly the 4me nature will probably be embodied in the new Con stitution, so that the voters will hate a ebance.to pass directly on the question. We notice that certain New York jour nals are charging on our State legislators the stealing of $5OO back 'pay for effeh man. This is a mistake. There were some mighty mean men at Harrisburg last Ivinter, but as a body the Legislature was not mean en ough to follow the thievish example of the late Congres§. We beg our neighbors over the border not to paint the evil one any blacker than necessary. The New York State Senate doesn't pro pose to be bribed by free railroad passes any longel; ;but some of the members propose to pass a law to compel the railroads to car ry their precious persons " without money and without price." These worthieS should have been in Congress when the salary-grab was on the carpet. They would have voted most cheerfully for that steal. The act,passed by the Legislature extend ing the term of the present State - Treasurer was one of the most objectionable ones in troduced into that body. It simply oyer rides and ignores the will of the people as emphatically expressed last October, and directly viol6 , ole spirit if not the letter of the Constitution. In this connection Mr. Maelley'slitness to hold the office does not come in gripation at all. Grant that he is the only llerson. in the whole State com petent to - discharge its duties,,and it is still evident that the Legislature in extending his term for a year assumed a power which the people had just said they should no longer exercise. _s. • Late dispatches from the lava beds, the strongholds of the, Slodocs, tell of two days' severe fighting botween the troops and the • Savages last week: The reports are rather misty as fo the exact result, one statement being to the effect that eight red-skins were killed, arid the remainder were fleeing be fore our cavalry, -while another, furnished by the inevitable " reliable gentleman," states that the enemy' had succeeded in reaching a position still' more difficult of assault than the one from which the.y had just been driven. On the other hand, it is officially reported that five of the troops were 'killed and ten wounded in the two days' fight. Last Wednesday morning the Corititu tional Convention reached a vote upon the report of the Committee on Counties, when the report of the committee was rejected, and the proposition of lion. J. B. Niles was adopted by a large majority in the shape published by us last week, except as to the number of inhabitants necessary to the cre ation of a new county, which was increased to 20,000. We trust this article will finally pass the Convention, and be submitted to a separate vote of the people of the State, so that we can see just what the whole body of voters, as distinguished from the corner lot politicians, think of cutting up old coun ties for private benefit. Mr. George William Curtis and Mayor Medill having resigned as members of the Civil Service Advisory Board, the President has appointed Mr. Dorman B. Eaton, of New York, and Mr. Samuel Shellabarger, of Ohio, to fill the nieces so made vacant. We are pleased to note this evidence that President Grant doesn't intend to allow civil service reform to die from neglect; but we should feel a good deal Anore confidence in its final success -V a kW , appointments like Collector Casey' hi had not been made. It is very well to favor reform in the abstract; but what the country .needs is the practice of reform in particulars. When every in competent, dishonest, or disreputable officer is turned out immediately on tieing detect ed, the civil service will be reformed. A few days since the city of San Salva dor, the. ekpital of the. Central American State of that name, was destroyed by an earthquake. The telegraph reports eight hundred persons killed, and $12,000,000 of property destroyed. The place contained upward of 15,000 inhabitants, and was situ ated near the base of the volcano of San Sal vt dor. It was almost entirely destroyed in A. ril, 1854, when many lives were ,lost, but the inhabitants rebuilt their ruined houses, and now, after nineteen years, a ca tastrophe more terrible than the preceding one htis overtagen them. The city is over three hundred years old; but it is believed that this last terrible disaster will induce the surviving inhabitants to put a greater dis tance between the new capital and the old ,Volcano. .We notice that a few country journals are pitching into Congress for abolishing the free transmission of newspapers in the coun ty 4ere pnblished. This is a 'very :mull piece of business, and the sootier such weak brethren " dry.up" the less discredit they will bring upon themselves. We can't see why anybody should claim the privilege of" using the mails without paying a fair price for the' service performed. Our common Uncle Samuel is under, no more obligation to carry newspapers free than lie is to fur nish free transportation for anything else, sue bhows his good sense in declining to wok any longer for nothing' and find him self. So far as actual hardship is concerned, we believe there are very few payiny sub scribers to any weekly journal who cannot afford. to ):ay the very reasonable rate of postage—twenty cents per annum—assessed on such papers. And as for the journals themselves, those that are in danger of death from this source must be in a very bad way indeed. A. paperl. which is worth taking and reading is worth Paying postage on., Whoever reads the dreadful story of vip• lenco and death in Louisiana, which we publish in another column, must be satisfied that events in that unhappy State have al ready reached a point where the prompt nd vigorous interference of the, Federal povernment is called for. With n people •diatx.tteted by rival and conflicting State ' offi cers—with the embers of rebellion being ; fanned into flames by the breath of faction, and With a war of races apparently about to breakout, it 'bolts now as if anarchy was about to be inaugurated in that region.— Much as intervention by Site General Gov eminent in loct4 affairs is to bo deprecate 4 the dearest interests of the whole country • 1111•111111•111111 ft, , • ''''l) ."' X ' require thil n ...,--.ti re on of mob ~._.- .ia mouTsranac•ls unable, from -what ever cause, to preierve peace - within her own borders, some other pow 6 must do it for her. It is simply impossible - for the peo pip of the land to witness quietly a repeti- tion of the scenes of last week in that State. It is sitlsfactOry to know that prompt meas ures have been taken to repress any further disorder of that kind, and it is to be hoped that the perpetrators of this devilish crinie will be bro gbt to justice. The ii o i ors and Our Indian Policy. Last week the country was startled by a story of Indian treachery, and the "Modoc war," which had for months afforded a Stand ing head for the daily press while exciting little real interest among the people at4arge, suddenly became the theme of universal thought Id discussion. The tale of abo riginal pe Ady and bloodshed, as told by the telegtph, is thrilling in its painful in terest. Saturday morning, the 12th instant, Captain Jack, the leaderiof the handful of savages known as Modoes, sent a messenger to Gen. Canby requesting an interview with the Peace Commissioners outside the camp. In compliance With this request, Gen. Can by, Rev. Dr. Thomas, Mr. Meacham, and Mr. Dyer, witlrtirorinte4ireters; started for the place appointed. 'pie Commissioners Were met by the Chiefs of the Modocs, and a; " talk" ensued for ahout half an hour, three of the Commissioners making a speech. After they had concluded, Capt. Jack, the leading spirit of the red-skins, asked that a' certain reservation be assigned there, and Mr. Meaeliani replied that it was impossiblA to give what 1•11 e asked. Imme diately Captain Jack gave the signal, " dll ready," drew his pistol and snapped a cap at Gen. Canby. The savage cocked his pis- . tol again and fired, and Gen. Canby fell dead, the ball striking him under the eye. At the same time the remainder of the party of whites were attaced by the savages, ic and Dr. Thomas wns lain, while Meacham was badly wounded. Following close lii in the heels (4 this 1 story of barbarous pe fidy and s•iiipid cru elty came the report otn,Washington that the Government had ordered the taint vig orous treasures looking toward the prompt. punishment of the murderers. No doubt the whole country was gratified to learn that the Savages who had so treacherously shed the l blood of one of the best and bravest officers in the service were to be brought to a speedy and terrible reckoning for their crimes. .h.nd so far as the miserable au thors of that crime are concerned, it is only a matter of regret that we have as yet re ceived no news of their utter extermination. It is certainly to be hoped that: even the fastnesses of the Lava Beds, which have so ii lo g enabled them to baffle our forces in th t region, may not long prove impregna bl to soldiers anxious to avenge the blood of the gallant Canby. But whatever may be the result of the Modoc war under the new phase which it has so suddenly assumed, it is evident that the event has already sufficed to draW the attention of the country sharply to the con sideration 'of our whole Indian policy.— Writing under the impulse of sudden pas sion and resentment, the conductors of the daily press have already fully expressed the nniversal sentiment of the people ) so far as the few score treacherous Mottoes are con cerned. Btirin jumping to the conclusion, as some of them have done, that the deplo rable massacre calls for the entire change of our altitude toward the Indians, we believe they do not express the judgment of the country, as we arc happy to know that they do not foreshadow the intentions of the Government. The sensational press and the party press are already using the death of Canby to break down what is known as the Peace Policy toward the Indians; but it is hard to see how the fact justifies that end. Those who have alWays been oi posed to that line of policy may find in the event the means of exciting prejudice againSt it; but every candid man, unswayed by passion or prejudice, must see that the crin of the treacherous Modocs, black as it is, does not justify the wholesale condemnation of all other. Indians, or justify the violation of our pledges made to them. It would cer tainly be a novel and not a highly ,edifying spectacle to see the settled policy of a great government, which had been adopted after_ maturefleliberation, suddenly reversed by the lawless outbreak of a few savages on our western border. In spite of a sudden tierce outcry from a few partisans'muchj in need of a grievance, we arc happy•to be assured that the well considered policy of the Government to ward the aborigipes will be steadily follow ed out. Every effort will be put forth to bring the Modocs to signal punishment; but the innocent willnot be called' to account for the sins of the gikty. _justice, sound policy, and humanity Ake require that the offenders shall be punished, and that those who are_guilty only of a tawny skin shall not be made to suffer for the crimes of Cap tain Jack. - • OUR WASHINGTON LETTE • WASHINGTON, Aprit,ls, 18 t 3. The 'War Department is in moment'al: expectation of decisive news from the , lava beds, and as the officers at the seat' of war have instructions based on the first feelings of anger at the treachery of the: Indians, it is altogether likely our troops will not wait for the sober second thought, but will mete out to the Modocs a punishment at least sat isfactory to the nation, if not to Capt. Jack and his cutthroats. No doubt every band of Indians on the borders of our country is anxiously looking for the result of the late atrocious murder of Gen. Canby. It seems that the more hostile bands hold our Government in su preme contempt, and take - bur : peace Policy as ail indication of fearman the part cif the Government to enforce obedience: to its lama. It is a nice point to decide at this juncture just how'far to go in the punish inent of Mr. Lo; but should the, , , present temper of the public mind prevail, the Gov ernment will be compelled to teach the In dians a lesson they and their descendants will never forget, and thus render life on the borders comparatively safe. • Torn Wright, the convicted murderer of a peddler, Rogerski, has failed to get a new trial, and is sentenced to behanged the - 30th of May. It will be remembered that the deceased was found in the early part of the night a few yards from the convicted man's dwell ing, cold in death, with his head and face so fearfully mangled and disfigured. that it was difficult to identify him. Wright has ever since his arrest been seemingly cool and unconcerned, talking and laughOg with any one that would converse with him; but yesterday, when the motion"by his Counsel for it new trial was disallowed, he became low spirited. When, however, the Judge asked him if he had anything to say why judgment should not lie - pronounced, he took courage and disclaimed knowing any thing about the murder; and . when on his way to the jail, and when at the jail, he boasted of his nerve, assuring his brother prisoners that' he would die game. Notwithstanding Congress has been ad journed more than five weeks, there still re: main scores of office-seekers, 'commonly known here as hangers-on. They have no visible means of support. Hotel and board ing-house mistresses suffer by their stay. It 13 a noticeable fact' that the majority of these people are recognized on our streets by our citizens ex-army Contractors or sutlers, whona our poor soldier boys de nominated land sharks. They claim to have done good service for the Republican party during the past campaign. They went on excursions, to horse races, sang Grant and Wilson songs, : bet on .Grant and Wilson - winning in thn contest, (although not hay ' ing any money did not 'stake anything); in fine, they were the patriotic individuals who made it a point to swell every political meet ing within pie scope of 4heir dend-beat transportation range. Snail are many of the men who are now-worrying the very life out of the President for office. Mark you, if they don't succeed in their untiring ef forts, they will vote the Republican party a • - failure.. It is expected that there wilt be a full meeting of the Transportation Committee op Thursday next. The - . committee will confer with the 'Postmaster General as to the best course to pursue in reference to the postal-car difficulty; and further than that it is thought no definite conclusion will be reached. There seems at the Post Office Department but little doubt of the willing ness of the railroads to continue the run ning of the postal-cars until Congress shall meet and have time to properly consider the report the committee will have made. The April report of the Agricultural De: 1 partment,will b 2 largely devoted to the slis- cases of farm animals. Mr. Dodge, the sta tistician, fixed his face like a flint, and de- termined at all hazards to send his matter to the printer by the 10tb, but the materials have comp in so copious and important that it cannot be rushed through without 'leg-- lecting important points. It will probably be through the press by the 20th. It will show that cattle, sheep, and' hogs during 1871, in all parts of the country, enjoyed a remarkable exemption from disease; and horses, with the exception of the terrible epizooty, also enjoyed a good degree of health. That malady appears, like Aaron's rod swallowing those of the magicians, to have absorbed every ordinary horse ailment. The aggregate losses by this disease, ho•,v ever, are not over three or four per cent. Information has been received by the na tional officers of the order of " Patrons of husbandry," the headquarters of which have been located in this city, of a rapid increase of its membership, and a perfection .of its organization in .States oleic the move ment has hitherto been backward. In Ohio especially the increase has been very great. This order is the backbone, of the ;farmers' movement, so powerful in - Illinois and Wis consin. No special demonstrations are heard of lately in regard to civil service reform. The feeling appears to be gaining ground that the methods of examination adopted in sev eral of the Departments is not such as to honestly test the ability and.qualifications of the applicants. In the War Department espe cially it has been grossly manipulated for the purpose of breaking down parties whom it was intended should not pass, and for bol stering up predestined favorites, relatives of parties high in office, who are to fatten upon the public crib ad inflaittint. The examin ing board of the Treasury is an exception to the above censure, as under the manage ment of its young chief, Mr. Eicholtz, it has commended itself for general fairness. Last week 550 applicants were examined in one batch for about one-ten At that number of positions. Some of them, .of course, are not happy. The latest reperts front Utah confirm the proposed departure of Brigham Young and his saints front the land' of ilh•omise in the wilderness where, in defiance of civiliza tion, they attempted to establish a state up on the infantile exploded idea of polyga my. The law of Congress against this " twin relic of barbarism" is fatal, because the railway has brought - a population of higher moral and intellectu4training who decline to be built up in a centralized and debauched social system. The movement 'for 4.110 cloVllLlom of I, tvt, aLauub to be resisted by a. few fanatic or, reckless schemers who dream of restoring ;'he Asi atic system. The late advises of the Department of Agriculture indicate that the epizooty is just manifesting itself in earnest along the Paiifie coast; but in the mild and -equable air of that region its manifestations are com paratively mild. At several points in Mon tana and Idaho it had just appeared; and its introduction was attributed to the overland ° stage companies, whose horses were the I first attacked. The disease is now passing through Mexico in a general southwestern course. All the indications are that it is but moderately contagious, and that it is mainly propagated by generic or atmospheric influences. A similar affection appeared among the horses of southern Africa in 1854 and-1855. The Agricultural Museum of this city is one of the most interesting places a stranger visits on coming to Washington. On enter ing the museum he will behold an oil paint:- ing of President Grant (when he was a Gen eral) and his staff, each picture being a cor rect delineation of the original. \ The mu seum is full of the natural and industrial products not only of our own country but of others, properly arranged in their re spective order, and generally inclosed in nicely finished cases. In these selections are found hundreds of specimens of wood from every clime. To the woos engraver, the model maker; and others who work in wood, it must be exceedingly interesting, there being almost endless varieties of wood, many kinds not found in out markets, and for ornamental beauty exceling any your correspondent has ever seen out of that De partment. So many are the interesting cu riosities, one would hardly know where to begin and*when to leave off. A contribu tion from Fort Kearney just comes to mind. It is a little tray containing a specimen ; of bread made of some ground crickets mixed with small seeds, which is used as food by the Indians. Another sample of food used by the Cascade Indians it is said is made of eggs of salmon fried in the sun. Also a specimen of bread or pudding made of bark, used both by the Indians and natives of Alaska. - Haxtranft as Governor. anul is well known, the Citizen gave Gen. liar anft a very cold shoulder during the c aign which resulted in his election.— Titer were apparent reasons for believing that, whatever his personal character, he would be controlled by influences which were,generally regarded with suspicion.— When he was inaugurated a feling of doubt, if not of positive distrust, as bto his Atten tions prevailed to no inconsiderable extent among those who'had aided in his election. Since that time we have closely observed his course, with no prepossession in his fa vor, and with scarcely a disposition even to giv6 him the benefit of positive doubts. But how, judging him strictly by the rec ord, we must in justice declare that thus far, although subjected to extraordinary pressure, he has acted with independence, and with`an eye single to the best interests of the Commonwealth; that lie has shown himself uncontrolled by rings or cliques; and beyond the reach of unworthy influ ences; that, in short; he has demonstrated the honesty of his purposes with an empha sis which leaves no room for doubt—which banishes distrust, which disarms prejudice, and which wins applause even from his most intolerant political opponents. So far as we can now judge of his policy, he seems justly entitled to the Rontidence of the peo ple. • Evidently in miticipatic A n of changes in the Constitution materially ,curtailing spe cial legislation, the "third house" has shown' remarkable activity during the precept win ter, and the legislative Session has marked by an unusual prevalence of job bery. Seizing what may prove a last oppor tunity, the lobby has never been more ha portunate, the Legislature never more eager or unscrupulous. But the army of corruptionists has been brought to a halt. Rings and roosters have Patina a stumbling block in Gov. Hartranft. His veto, wielded with promptness, vigor, and jUdgment, falls - with stunning Wait on, their best-laid schemes: Day after-day nesses the collapse of some cunningly d&. vised legislative job, transtiked - by the:: searching `.` objections 7. with which' it is re turned to its authors-, the destruCtion of some craftily-hidden "snake,'.' detected and crushed with a veto, 'or in despair abandon ed by its creators to a natural death. Mire§ most adroitly laid are pulled to no purpose. Arts and influences which prevail in the Legislature are at a discount in' the Exee,u-: tive office. The Governor., with Attorney , General Dinunick at his side, stands-lirntly between the people and the tricksters.— Honesciale, Citizen. THE WAR OP RACES. A Horrible Affair. NEARLY THREE ITITNDRED IcEOIIOE4DITRNED TO DEATH BY WHITES [Special Dispatch to the lie* Yoik Vines ] New Orleans, April 15.—Intelligence has just reached this city to the effect that a ter rible and sanguinary riot occurred on Sun day last in Grant parish, in the county of that name. The disturbance grew out of the increasing animosity which has existed between the negroes ,of Grant parish and the :whites of Rapides parish, cut color predominating in their respective localities. All day the two factions quarrreled at the court house in the village of Colfax, and the riot finally culminated int he courthouse being set on lire by the whites and burned to the ground, together with from two to three hundred negroes, who were unableAq, escape from the burning building. The un-' fortunate colored men were literally roasted alive in the sight of their enemies. Of all the whites who were engaged in the fight, there were only two or three who were killed or wounded, owing to 'the fact that very few of the negroes were in pos session of arms or weapons. The details of this sanguinary riot are quite shocking, and the news has created intense excitement throughout the city. It is understood that the United States author ities intend making a thorough. investiga tion into the affair, for the purpose of se curing the punishment of the guilty parties, whoever they may be. The war between the races, so constantly carried on in this distracted State, has sel dom presented such a horrifying instance as this burning of a court house filled with human beings. It is scarcely credible, but the news is unfortunately too true for' the reputation of our people. , [Dispatch to the Associated Press.] Orleans, April! 15.—The ,steamboat Southwestern, which arrived: at about 1:20 p. m. today, brings stirring and important news from Grant parish. The whites have retaken Colfax, and there is not a negro to be found for miles around. Prom passen gers on th Southwestern we glean the fol lowing: The ncgroes had strongly entrenched themselves in the court house and built breastworks three and fakir feet high. There were, it is ibid, about 400 men, armed and equipped thoroughly. On Sunday, at about 12 o'clock, about 150 men, who had gather ed from the surrounding parishes, made an attack on the breastworks, and a brisk fight was kept up until somewhere near 8 o'clock. The breastworks were then stormed and captured, the negroes taking - refuge in the court house, the doors of which were barri caded. After some further fighting , the ne groes threw out a flag of truce, and several detachments of men advanced on it, when they were fired on by the besieged party, wounding several, one of whom was ,Capt. 'llodnot, who was shot in the abdomen, and it is feared fatally wounded. They retreat ed on the outside of the breastworks, and, as the only means of dislodging the negroes, the court house was set on fire, and they were shot as they came from the burning building. - It is reported that between 80 and 100 ne groes were killed, and that there were none afterward to be found for miles around. The captain of the steamboat Southwest ern makes the following statement: "We arrived at Colfax Sunday evening about 8 o'clock, and found that the white people and the Sheriff (at their head, I suppose) had captured the town after having had a con flict with the negroes. It was reported to me that about 100 negrdes had been killed and many wounded. We - saw from our boat about fifteen or twenty lying around on the banks dead. One white man was re ported killed, and two very seriously woun ded. Three or four other white men were slightly wounded. A hotit 101). negroes caged, but it was reported that. the wintea' were still pursuing them. All the leaders of the riot escaped. The negroes ambusoaded themselves in the court house. The whites finding there was no other mode of attack left them, set fire to the building. They numbered in the neighborhood of 150 men. The whites are now in possession of Col-' fax, and when I left late on Sunday night everything was quiet." INTERNAT. REVENUE TA XES-TNTEREST- , INO TO DEALERS IN Ltquon AND TOBACCO• —By an act of Congress passed last winter the mode of collecting the internal revenue taxes imposed on dealers in liquor andlobaceo is to be changed on the first of next month . Circular No. 100 recently 'issued by Com missioner Douglass fully explains the opera tion of the law. We quote below all that por tion of the circular which is of special interest to dealers, and it will be well for all con cerned to cut this out and preserve it, as'a strict compliance with the law may save much vexation and trouble: "-% "The third section of the act of December 24, 1872, provides ' That all special taxes imposed by law, accruing after April 30, 1873, including the tax on stills, or worms, shall be _paid by . stamps denoting' the tax, and the Commissioner of Internal Revenue is hereby authorized and required to procure appropriate stamps for the payment,otauch taxes; and the provisions of . sections' 26 and 101 - of an act entitled 'An act imposing tax es on distilled spirits and tobacco, and for other purposes' approved July 20, 1868, and all other provisions of law relating to the preparation and issue of stamps for distilled spirits, fermented liquors, tobacco, and ci gars, so far as applicable, are hereby extend ed so as to include 'such 'stamps, and the Commissioner of Internal. Revenue shall have authority to make all ne,edfill rules and regulations relative thereto. Every person engaged in any i business, avocation, or em ployment, who s thereby made liable to a special tax, except tobacco . peddlers, shall p . lace and ceep conspicuously in his estab lishment or place of business all stamps de noting the payment of said special tax ; and any person who shall, through negligence, fail to so place and keep said stamps, shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay , a pen alty. equal Ito the special tax for which his business rendered him liable, and the costs of prosecution; but in no case shall said pen alty be less than ten dollars. And where the failure to comply with the foregoing pre vision oflaw shall be through wilfull neglect or refusal, then the penalty shall be double the amount 'above prescribed: Provided, That nothing contained in this section shall change, or in any way affect, the liability of any person for exercising or carrying on any trade, business, 4r profession, or doing any act for the exercising, carrying on, or doing of which a special tax is imposed by law, without the paymentithereof.' " The taxes E *braced witin the provisions of law, above quoted are the following, viz. , ReetlllXB $2OO 00 Dealers, fetaU llgi 0r5....,25 00 Dealers, wholesale liquor - 100 00 Dealers in malt liquors, wholesale 50 00 Dealers in malt moors, retail 20 00 Dealers in leaf tobacco . 25 00 Retail dealers in leaf tobadn o GOO 80 and on sales of over $1,0i,' 4 , 1 ,- Silty cents for every dollar in excess of $1,0019. Dealers in manufactured tobacco.... Manufacturers of stills and for each still manufactured.. and for each worm manufactured Manufacturers of tobacco Manufacturers of cigars Peddlers of tobacco, first class (more than 2 horses) 50 00 Peddlers of tobacco, second class (2 horses)... 25 00 Peddlers of tobacco, third class (1 horse) 15 00 Peddlers of tobacco, fourth class (on foot or public conveyance) Brewers of legs than 500 barrels...... Brewers of 500 barrels or more.. "The special-tax stamps required by. the act are engraved and bound in book term, with twelve coupons attached to eaoh stamp, each coupon representing one month. " A special-tax stamp, with its twelve cou pons, represents the ,tax on the occupation for one year, excepting the $2O stamps for stills or worms; and when,a tax-payer is in business May 1, or commences business du ring the month of May of arty year, the full amount of the tax for one year should be collected, and the stamp and its twelve cou pons should be detached and issued; but where a party commences business at any time subsequent to May 31, he is.only re quired-by law to pay pro rata from the corn mepeement of the month in which ho en gages ig business to May 1 next ensuing, and in t.his case the collector should detach the stamp and all 4e coupons up to and inclu ding the one repres,eq.tmg the month in which the business is commenced. " The coupons issued to the tilt-payer must in no case be detached-fran' the otarapc . . , „Tun liii‘v Counts—AMY Llers.—The fpUoiving are ' filenames of tho traverse jurors drawn for the Special Territ l to be holden the third Blouday,—the 19th aoi —of May nag; - David L. Aiken,, Tioga. 1 . . Julius Bailey, Charleston, 'William Bach°. Wellsboro. - Wilson Burnside, Clymer. ' a. L. Barber, Covington. Nelson llrece, Rutland. • ets& Bullock,-litcharoud. -• . . , Charles Button, Tioga. - - - Wallace' W. Baynes, Richmond. Phillip Close, Chathant. Juhn Case. - lirooktuild. , ~ -, . , ' Jame* Frost, Covington. • Charles Goodwin. Charleston. -- - John Holding, Mansfield, - ..; - "George Hathaway, Tioga. - • -- ' . - -• ' William W. Hall, Rutland. John Kohler; Mansfield. ~- ” . . Edirin Klock, Covington. Horace Riff, Ward. Robert Karr, Delmar. . • Edwin R. Maine, Afaineburg._. Cornelius Mathew, Lawrence. Henry Mowrcy, Farmington. Warren .Phelps, Liberty. _ . .. William Pritchard, Lawrence. • Robert Parsing, tialnes. , . . James Slocum, Jackson. • Allinson Sweet, Rutland. • Octavius Smith, Gaines. • 1 . „ Watson Rushmcire, Clymer , . ,Pembroke Hose, Sullivan. . • Thomas nose, Middlebury. James EL Rose, Richmond, - James Wighton, Arnet. J. Ezra \Vood, Rutland. The trial list for this special term will be found in our advertising columns. The following:are the names ,of the jurors drawn for the regular Term beginning Monday, May 26th., GRAND Josons. Ster ns Ashley, Sullivan. Mason Bennett, Delmar. Peter Bosh, Westfield. George P. tirlppen, Rutland. William Crooks, Union. John B. Dimon, Middlebury. David Docketader, Charleston. Charles Fuller; Chatham. George Frazier, Brookfield. Theodore Hill, Ward. Charles Howland, Covington, D. We Hibbard, Rutland. Samuel Miller, Mathew. James McConnell, Sullivan. Damon Prutsniall, Rutland, • John Potter, Lawrence. Edwin Pratt, Richmond, • Matthew H. Retan, Jackson, Hiram' Swemier,Clymer. George Smith, Rutland. William P. Sbumway. Charleston. ' A. A. Truman, Wellsboro. • Lorenzo Thomas, Union. James Patterson, Fall Brook. TRAVERSE JUEDES, FIEBT WEEK. Augustus Alba, Knoxville. Jerome Bottom, Farmington. William Babb, Morris. John C. Bennett, Covington. Nelson Clause. Charleston. Andrew Crewel, Delmar. Charles Copestick, Delmar. William Chase. Delmar. Anson Close, Chatham. James Cudworth, Sullivan. James Dewey. Tioga. Harris Dort, Shippen. Samuel Evans, Fall Brook. Charles J. French, Ward.. George Green, Delmar. William Harris. Fall Brook, John lloaglin, Covington. Horace Ives,,Mlddlehnry. Alford King, - Clymer. Williard Knight, Fall Brook. L. V. Leach, Westfield. Myles G. Lea. Covington. John Link, Morris: Timothy Longwell, Rutland. Thordas B. Mitchell. Tioga. Albert Marvin, Covington. Henry Miller, Morris.l Charles Mascho, Brookfield. WashingtoniNewberry, Liberty. Hiram Nickerson, Charleston. Horace Peck, Tioga. Mat C. Potter, Middlebury. Joel Palmer, Middlebury. John Pierson, Delmar. Salmon Rowland, Clymer. Archibald Ruggles, Sullivan. Levi Shiemer, Jackson. L. D. Seeley, Sullivan. Job Simons, Delmar, Abitha Swope, Wellsboro. James Smith, - Elk.' Henry Stevens, Middlebury. - George Squares, Sullivan, , William T. Urell, Tioga. Charles Vermilyea, Gaines. Benjamin T. Van Horn. Wellsboro. Albert W. Westbrook, Tioga. Nelson Whitney, Charleston. TRAVERSE JUAOILS, SECOND WEEK.] Andrew J. Bosard, Osceola. Joseph Brooks, Union. William Bliss, Charleston. Wesley V. Bailey, Charleston. Daniel Bixby, Sullivan. Andrew J. boano, Farmington. Vine Crandall, Knoxville. Benjamin Eldridde, Clymer. Norman N. 'gander, Osceola. George Ferris, Chatham. Henry M. Foot, Gaines. John 8. Hammond, Farmington. Harvey Horton, Rutland. Otis Gerold& Covington. Jacob Kelts, Westfield. Jelin Kerr, Delmar. Valentino Lewis, Clinical John Maxwell, Hamilton. Warren Miller, Charleston. Jacob Miller, Illossburg., William B. Oakley, Jackson.' Peleg Potter, Jr., Charleston. Jerome Prillaman, Bless. Peter Reep, Lawrence. John Rose, MiddleburY. James Ruggles, Sullivan. Lovi L. Smith, Sullivan. .es Soper, Ward.' 1 . 1 03 h &leek, Brookfield. Alberuennta, - Alonzo at Spencer, Richmond. William Thomas, Lawrence. John Yeoman, Richmond. William H. Watrons, Gaines. George R. Wheelaud, Liberty. Joseph Gulle t Lawrence. ELOCUTION—PROF. 3ICAFFEIITY.—ExtTact of a pri vato letter from Mies C. H. Efannum, teacher of elo cution at the Female College, Elmira, N. Y., to Miss H. W. Todd of this place: . e * * I wish to tell you something of our teacher in' Elocution. Prof. McAfferty, from Racine College, Wis., came hero. about two months ago and dye us a rfatling., About thirty of the young ladies formed a class and be gave them one course of lessons. I like his system very much, and,derived ,a great deal of benefit from his drill: Miss S— [a teacher of music) thinks his system of great value to singers, and that she improved very much in the use and somewhat in compass of voice under his instruction. His imita tions are remarkably fine. Bis own voice is remarka ble for compass, (being five octaves), flexibility, power and purity of tone, etc. You must hear him and judge for yourself. A course of lessons you would enjoy and so would your friends. INTERESTING TO SOLDIERS' OarrtANs.—' The following communication will interest the guardians and friends of the children of the dead soldiers and sailors of this State: SOLDIERS' ORPHAN SCHOOL, Mansfield, 'Eva Cbunty, Pa., April 7, 1873. Mr. Editor : The State has made ample provisions for the education and maintenance of the children of the dead soldiers and sail ors of this State. Mothers and guardians who desire,to get children into these schools should make immediate application for their admission. The State authorities are ex tremely anxious that these provisions should extend to, the children of every deserving soldier in the State. To those who know_of children in their localities that ought to be in these schools, let me suggest that you in form those having them in charge that an immediate application will be promptly at tended to. Blank forms for application may be had at our school. This statement is Made in view of the fact, that many applications from this and adjoin ing countics,'a few years since, remained on file for years, awaiting funds to admit therii. 1 F. A. ALLEN. 111. M. GLASrIIRE & CO., WOULD respectfully inform the people of Wells boro and vicinity thAt they have opened a store next door to O. W. Sears's Boot and Shoe store, where they intend to keep on hand a first-class stock of DDDDD RRRRR J YYYYY YYYYY DD DD RR RR YY YY DD DD RR RR FY YY DD DD RR RR YYY DD .• DD RRRR YY DD DD RR RR YY . DD DD TRR RR ' YY DD DD ,RR RR - YY DDDDD RRRR RRRR YYYY GOODS, • BOOTS AND f3HOES, HATSAND CAPS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, G 00 60 00 20 00 4,; 00 ...... /0 00 10 00 Wood and Willow Ware, TI - .7V 1 , 4 ArD . HARDWARE, 10 00 60 00 100 00 Which they will sell &gar for Cash We call your attention to our line of . 414 ° 0/les, as we intend to give this our utmost dare: SUGAR, Coffee A. .; • . 12Ad. . " Ex. C. - . . 12 " Medium, .' . 11 Best M. Prints . ; • 12f Afuslins, . from 10 to 15 ;Best Japan Tea, . 1.10 " Gun Powder Tea . . 1.25 " Young Hyson " from 50t01.00 Black Tea . . 1.00 F 1 WE WILL HERE SAY that we intend to let NO PERSON OR PERSONSVN DERSELL nA on the above and many 'other articles MO numerous to mention. - 1r1.174Z, -- uuwa, Call.' REMEMBER THE PLACE. April 2 2 , /873- - -3 mos. N, at. GIASSXMIE co. EwflnA, N. Y., April 19, 1873 DRUGS, &a CROCRZRY, Vurniture anti Endettaking. Van Horn & Chandieri ißuccessors to B. T. NU Horn) lithe la x Ze r eratt e rm ib o i s t i o c n oZ a le; ll : " 41 01 °la: pac e , FINE AND COOION -- FURNITURE • to be lohnd In , iiserbbera Penuaylvinla, omiaSßi D 8 o 1 141.1 E PAlthol AND - CHAMBER EMITS, sona, COUCHES. TETF,A-TETES, MARBLE AND WOOD TOP CENTER TABLES, BAT -BACKS, FANCY CHAIRS, l!dIRROBS, OVAL AND SQUARE 'FRAMES, /MACK. , ETS, PURE No. 1 RAM MATIRASS. ES, -MUSK & EXCELSIOR MAT . - TRASSES, - and a MI atopit of the comuien goods usually found in a tirst-clusa establishnient. The above goods are large• ly - t)f their own manufacture, and satisfaction is gnar auteed.both as to quality and price. They sell the Woven, Wire .71fattrems the most popular :spring bed sold; also the Tucker Spring Bed that has been on trial for 17 years and giv en universal satisfaction. Our Coffin Room is surplied with all sizes of tho Excelsior Casket, a not• and beautiful style of burial case, together with other kinds of foreign and homd manufacture, with trim mings to match, They will make undertaking a spec.. iality in their business, =daily needing their services will be attended to promptly, and at satisfactorychar ges. Odd pieces of Furniture made, and Turning all kinds done with neatness and dispatch. VAN HORN St CHANDLER Jan. 10. 1872 To WHOM IT nut CoNonnn.—Having concluded that lam entitled to a little rest after nearly 40 years close aPPlieatiOn to business, I lave passed over the turn'. turtueMeas to “the Iloys" , as per- above advertise me and take - this method of asking for them the same liberal patronage as has been extended to me.— My books may bo found at the old place for settlement Jan. 10.1862. , B. T. VAN 110BN. TlikES 'AND 'PLANTS, Pd. Spring Planting--1873.. riliCE more I call the attention of the people of Ti lJ og a county to my splendid stock of GREENHOUSE AND BEDDING PLANTS Also .Vegetable Plants of all varieties, in their Reas on, Asparagus, Rhubarb and Strawberry Plants,\ Apple Trees, Quince 'Bushes, Larches and other ornahaental Trees and Shrubbery. nirSEEDS I3Y MAIL PREPAID:IA Flom pumpkin, per 9.5 etq; P.Tanimoth Russian Sunflower, per 115.,:1.,0r" I. 07.10 ets: Sweet Corn, early or late, per quart 30 els; Onion Sets per quart, 24 cts. I can also furnish very fine Sugar Maples, grown in the open field.% Correspondence or orders promptly Kttendd to Wellsboro, 'Feb. 25, 1.8714 f. R r a Sk 61: Nal b of Chronic and Acute Rheumatism, Nelmslige, Lum bago, Sciatica, Kidney, and Nervous Diseases, after years of suffering, by taking Dn. FTTLER'S VEGETABLE HREIMATIC Synur-4-the scientific discovery of J. P. Filler, M. D., a regular graduate physician, With whom we are personally acquainted, who has for 39 years treated these diseases exclusively with astonishing re sults. We believe it our christian duty, after delib eration, to conscientiously request sufferers to use it, especially persons in moderate circumstances. who cannot afford to waste money and time on worthless mixtures. As clergymen' we Beriouidy feel the deep responsibility resting on us in publicly endorsing this medicine. But our knowledge and experience df its remarkable merit fully Justifies our action. Rev. C. 11. Ewing, Media, Penn's, suffered sixteen years, be- Came hopeless, Rev. Thomas Murphy, D. D., Frank. ford, Philnd'a. Rev. J. B. Davis, Hightstown, New Jersey. Rev. J. S. Buchanan, Clarence, lowa. Rev. G. G. Smith, Pittsford, New Cork, Rev. Joseph Beggs, Fails Church, Philadelphia. Other testimonials from Senators, Governors, Judges, Congressmen, Physi cians, Sc., forwarded gratis with pamphlet explain ing these diseases. One thousand dollars will be pre. seated to any medicine for same diseases showing equal merit under test, or that can produce one-fourth as many living cures. Any person sending by letter description of affliction will receive,gratia a legally signed guarantee, naming the number of bottles to cure, agreeing to refund money upon sworn statement or Ito Callum L. owl., Afiliotod Invited to write to Dr. Fitler,Philadelphia. His valuable advice costs nothing: WOODS SCOVILLE, Agents, Knoxville. Pa. March 11,'7 3 -1y THE NEW SEWING MACHIN ""CTIC*P4CI)3FL.." Latest Improved, hence THE BEST HAS NO SPIRAL SPRINGS. Z'EVERY MOTION - POSITIVE.,O)I Has Self Setting Nee4le and Improved ' . SHITTTLEiI fIIE VICTOR WILL be put out on trial for parties wishing, and sold on easy, monthly payments, Before purchasing, call and examine tll4 VICTOR at L. F. Truman's store in Wcllsboro. Pa. E. JENNINGS,. Agent. Machine Silk, Twist, Cotton and Needles of all kinds constantly on band. N. B.—Machines Lif all kinds repaired on reasonable terms. Nov. 9, 1872-6 m. • 7.1 $l,OOO REWARD!. A reward of One Thousand Dol. n tars will .be paid to any Physician who will produce a medicine that as wilt supply the wants of the people better th n the article known as Dr. P. Vahrney's r =1 Blood Cleanser or Panacea. It must bo. a better Cathartic, a better Alterative, a better Sudorific, a better Diurectic, a better Tonle, and in every way better than the Pan•a-cowa. No mat ter how long it bee been in use, or how lately diacov end. Above all it must not contain anything Nor mani' VEGETAD E. 500 IfSWARD. A reward of Fi S Hundred Dollars will bo paid for a medicine that n ill permanently cure more cases of Costiveness, Con • tipation, Sick or Nervous Headache, Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorders, Jaundice, Rheum atism, Gout, D - spepsia, Chills and Fever, Tape Worms, Moils. Tumors, Tatters. Incerajiores.Paina in the Loins, Side and Head, and FEMA to Coarmanim, than DR. FADDIsTEr Blood Cleanser or Panacea, wb4 his used more extenairely by practicing physi- cian than any other popular medicine known. ,- Prepared by P. Fahrney's Bros. & Co., Waynes (',4, born, Pa.,land Dr. P. Fatututic, 30 ~,- 1 "-.. North Dearborn Street, Chicago. , • Price, $1.25 perbottle, for sale by „,...0 -- "mlesale and Retail Dealers,and ,-----• ----> u -••14, 8 , W ellaboro, Pa. - by Hastings & Co- Jan. 31; -1873-em WALKER & LATH? DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL. NAILS, STOVES, TIN-WARE, BELTrai• SAWS,. CUTLERY. WATER LIME, AORICULTURATi IMPLEMENTS, Carriage and Harness Trimmings, HARNESSES, SADDLES. &o. Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1872. M. B. PRINCE (IP C~I~~A 20 Tk P BLIc I have a large stock ; of Dry :Goods, Groceries,' roots, ':Shoes,. Ready-Ma* Clothing, Hats and 1 ) Caps; Iran. Notions, &c., which I will sello cost for l the next th,ir kfe ty days, ' 1 . .riai sell. good prints for ten cents p yard. . i' - . L ‘.. 4,2, v II se ll sheetingS,_yctra . t. .. _ wick, or .11 cents. ~ i- .. I will sell all, my goods so cheap duty you cannot help ,buying them if you will call at my store in the OPERA BLOCK . .. L. F. TRUMAN: The Best ' Paint in the World. Any Shade from Pure White to Jet Black A combleation of the purest paint With India Bob ber, forming a smooth, glossy, firm, durable, elastic and beautiful Paint, unaffected by change of temperature; is perfectly water-proof, and adapted to all classes of work, and is in every way a better paint for either in side or outside painting than any other paint In the world, being from one-third to one-fourth cheaperoand lasting at le,ist three times us long as the beet lead and oil paints. He sure that our I.ltanr.' bffirtu (a fee simile of which is given above) is on every paebaye. prepared ready for use and sold by the gallon March 18,1873-3 m IST OF LiTIE LiWaßboro, Apri relna ilig fL tEte "uist, tinieb at 19, 1t373. Laura Adams, Lewis Brill, ➢nary L. Buckley. James G. Carr, Elizabeth Evarts, Juliette Fish, Leroy 'Lloyd, 0. G. Palgett, Burns Rolls, Sarah Rolliny, 11, Robin. son; J. W. Robinson, Liza Scolley, W. E. 'zilinnionda 2, James Scott, John Sinai', Umpsted. In calling for any of the above, please say they- are advertised, and give date of advertisement.. 0. W. DlEltitlr NOTICE. 'VMS Stockholders of the 'State Normal Sehool. at j_ Mansfield will meet on MONDAY, MAY sth, 1873, fur the election of Officers for the coming sear, be. tween the hours of 3 and 6 p. m. '• • April 8,1873-3 t. See'y S. N. 8. TRUMAN & BOWEN'S SAW MILL' now in full - blast, and they a , o ready to flit all orders with promptness and dispatch. Fencing Boards, Bill Timber, ShingleS, Lath. Wood, Sic.. constantly on Laud. April 22,-tf. TBUMAN Sz BOWEN. We have Shed the Shanty N BALDWIN&GfI 'TIOGA, PA. ..4 And now have but time to say to our friends and customers that wo have good BARGAINS FOR THEM. Our Elegant Nen - Store Ifi filled fun of DESIRABLE GOODS at the lowest prices to be tuund can and you will know how it is yournelves. Oct 16,1879. Adntini:trator's Notic e . LETTEgs of A • inistratlow, on the male of fel Cowley late of Union towtmink*dec used. been grantrd to Ca barino Cowley, netting is ti Tioga county, o whom ail ptraona Inds Paid rotate are twi eked to snake paytnrul d auq having claims or d manda will will make hau l , aame without dela?. CONVEgy, 'union, April, lb, A 875.-13. P. M T. L,DALDWIII do CO It or s I'Totice. lentary, an ibe estate of t'; f Jackson townebtli; tAj oR , lug been granted tlt tI litter of !Legs ~county, Al le i ;state are requested to ring clatena ,egaLust said 1 ter Mr settlement, - J(180Pfl L. IffiDllfing , 115, "MAW,* - - Bxectkc ' Exe fiE.TTEIII3' testa' Catiewld, late I r 1• deeeiteed, ba algae:ail the Ite indebted to the -_ meet, and: these wllt present the, et) • Jackson, Pa., A • i eci . at Covert. I, sea are eerilfaxl to the th,1873 - , before Elon. F. t 1 John Randall ina Wm. !Dame! James. Farrlugton Barealowm F. B folknrik:c I of Court, May 1 John Viacher dames Stokes and John McCiraw 33arealow. John W. Guerra ey vs Collins W. SOpor. 14, 1873.5 t WolLboro,,Apr:l Ad2n,i lETIERS of A Rnight,late grauted to E. A. whom all pOrsous CO make payment will make Ituown tstrator's Notice. ministration oii the estate of f 15oga, Pa., deoestit d, hay Smead, residing in Tiop. Indebted to said estate ar and those Inv& in g claims ol _ the eatae without delay. E. A. Tioge, Pa., Ma cht iS, 1873-6 . w. frilE subscriber 1, bury, consist:l There Is a good 7 premises; ale, t basal all tngeth two parts, one of Irk for , s4te. . Offers foe sale' his farts in ,ing of 1515 acres; 90 acres iml Wellimg barus and out hour I to good orchards. The pro r i or it will be diilded at% S 5 the other of 90 acres. do - ven; the balanea in A , • A:. 13. A. ' . 18. 107$-tf.' ' ' TEahtB:—sl, paVMenta. Middlebury, F' ewelry Stor New I ed,would reapeotfully say to th • can and vicinity, tbat laqtaa opt. frtindend: i fi z;ns of W Jew lry Stop') i • tip Ocouio4 :by .0. • L. r ea a full assortmut of 'atoh,eq, Jewel, In the building His stock comp locks, Silver. n,d, Plcited-Ware. [4: , onOof the beetworbrien , Will attend to the S. D. WAR ern PenzW, • W'atches, , 00ks; • ( 5.' 0., 4-c. icin g of whfnh hie seventeen • t ce is sufficient guarntee. 1 8. B. WAIIRINER. 28 1871-tfl • • Repai - For the ekilthl practical exterie Wellaboro, Au RY:ATABLR riry ETCHAIS & COLES folly inform Um ;public ve established a , - ) Li lery fok Pearl St. ,opposite Wheeler's /, °table rigs furnished to order horses and wagons, nod eonable. SETCIIA3I i, I At th it Stable o .' shop Single or aim keep good pleas . Prices r,, -Au . 21, 1872. d Mil Deertie Dr.ERMELD, IA. INGHAM 13ItOT,' I will manufac tS, Proprietors of the abcs e as usual to order, to suit r OU .9ASSIIirE4ES Particular attention givento are warrante , Roll Card g &Cloth Dr e utaunfactu Candlng awl Clo We hay' as goo Fall Clot and give more to establishment. We wholesale u miles below lino to order, and do all kinds Dressing, and defy competiti4 an assortment of 'is, Casgi7neres, Wool to .exchan g a thatt any ry them and satisfy yourseltei, d retail at the Cowanesque sue. - Jan. 1, IR7I I old's Water Whir , 6d, are agents fdr the above V u cluierfully recommend It (in use. Persons wishing w ; hie' wheel In operation before,' - '47; • INGHAM HBO 15, 1872. J. H. Gris HE undersign, I Wheel, and c nor to all others chase should see Ing other wheels. Deerfield, May Read the follow • ug : WEarrrEme, APR/I, 41, 1612 ned, purehasecLone of ter Wheels using d 8 inches Of • f stone under a 20 foot head, txd ho wheel. We have ground • th the three run and can at- • 4 tour all day. E. D. PHILLIPS/ CHARLTONPHILLIN We the underet wold's 30 inch W: to run three run well pleased with bushels per hour that amount per E. B. YOUNG Young & Co., tr, ors of "Hugh Young Co.) fl E.* B (Suco* Booksell s and Stationev, and Dealers lu Wall Paper, Window hades, • 1-; Window Flatures; Musical Instrust Yankee Notions Picture ramea and Glass, kicturea, all ports, Plcturo Cgrd . - Lvi BI& Justice Blanks, Blank ooks, all Sizes, owitippers, Magazines, Writing Desks, Artists Law Books, Medic Books, It t ollgions Books, and every article u our line of trade —Now York Dal Dagie. —Subscriptibril —Orders for Do, —An Express .1 ea at One Dollar a month. - at 15 Cents a month. for week, or month, or year. ks not in stock promptly atteatil lockage received from New YAW ery ttty : of the Anchor Lino- ind the Ocean Steamore. Passage tickets t in Europe at the lowest rata. .1(1 on any Bank in Europe at 15' g_e. ":—.We aro Agent: Line of Li. B. and from any po Drafts a! r9trates of Bloke in, 24,1872-1 lEME k ! Ainsie wlio ruay &la° it. Jan. 1. 1872-tf. Elkla DE It ordained by • borough or E au by the authority Ordinanco. •he Burgess and Council of ID': and, Pa., and it is horeby outer .1 the same: I :,i shall be required to build c• •': their premises, a good and nit' - iij : . from M a in street on west iti, :', the Depot, and on oust side , ;i4l r otel to liletholist church; ea_ t? 4 reek from east line of Joel 'Mr , i -i• ge Dorrence's residence, and ,0 1 treet from Vagner's hotel to J• l ' v .ni Water street from Jcel PO, - 1 barn ;1,11 said walks shall be c' 1. ed ti l Jailed up with, dirt or an - • • sills, each at least four WO one and one-half Inch hestkr ) spiked with SOd nails, said s 4) ur feet in width, and must ti fences, and be built under P, t commissioner. In case of 4i to build a walk as required . L. nee next, it • will be built by lw tad twenty per cent. addeddo 0 ed. JOEL P4RIII - 11lREIT , --• Olerk. ,Burger' --: 11, 2873.-1004.-at. --- ''.• That all lot owns, , maintain in front of gantlet plank side•w of Buffalo street to Buffalo street from I, north side of Main st hurst's farm to Oeori south side of Minot Ityon's farm•house; hurst's corner to his the same level, and must be laid on tore square, and laid wit plunk crosswis'e, and to be not less than placed one foot from direction of the stre uro of any lot owner fore the find day of J street commissioner c cost, as by law provir C. L. PATTISON, Elkland, Ea., April lit I ' ankruptcy._ IN the District Cqu t of the United States, for 'Western District , f Pennsylvania: In the WO! of Houghton, Orr & so., bankrupts. Western Dien,' of Pennsylvania, es; A warrant in BankruPtOr ,m, been issued by said Court against the estate of Bot 4 ton, Orr A: Co., of the' county of Tioga, and Stale Pennsylvania, in said District, adjudged bs upon petition of their creditors, and the paYm.c sus debts.and the delivery of any property beleW to said baniallPifi , ,tii ' l lleiii, br ::', 2:C:C uhd, foci tr y transfer of any property by them, are forbidder , law. A. -meeting of o creditors_ of said bardosp, w ' to prove their debts a d chqose one or more assr i r 1 fr til l it ep l it ta e. 1 711 , 1 1 1 ) 10 11-1 1 1R fatla t Pr a tt! ; P ot ‘ ltiS;ai 4 ls l:l orarct i ck;a: ixt.; al lila" ~" . 1' • 1 3 :'Sltifl!;ktif1;1 ad f tip iic-Ostertios P4lOl l of Raid District; - JOHN HAI& IOOt-2t. .1 V. s, blitratial for 04.11 . 0 70 ' , . . INGHAM 1313011 M Wm. Warm I E. B. YOUNG & 00, Li. W. TODD.