Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, April 15, 1873, Image 3

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toothache drops eta() ih 1 Initiate
Go To N. 11. Glassmiro & Co., For your
Virbita Sugar at 12} cents.
Literary Sociable at the Baptist Church,
Wednesday evening; Original poem by Mr.
Winters, Original Essay by Miss Kingsley,
R ea ding by Miss Stillwell.
Peaches the best ever opened in this mar
ket at N. M. GLASSMIRIet;
Ur. Abbott's dancing school will close one
weeK from this evening (Tuesday) with a so
cial hop, at the'Academy of Music. The in
vitations are out and those wbo are so fortu
nate us to receive one will miss a good time
if they do not attend.
A SWiSON.A.BI. L WABNINGI.—Don't suffer
cold to accurnuhite on cold 'Until your throat'
and lungs aro in, a state of chronic inffainma
tion. Attack the Ilrst 'syinptons of pulmo
aary irritation with Hale' s Honey of Hore
-I;ound and Tar and achieve an easy victory.
Sold by all Druggists.
Dr. H. E. inn Horne, dentist, of Law
renceville, Pa , is one of the few who by his
skill is ablel to draw custom from a di.4tanco.
People for whom be has worked in years
past freque,itli go from fifteen to twenty-live
miles to secure his services when needed
again. It gives evidence of perfect satisfac
tion. ' ,
COENTY.—ApriI 29th and 80th, St. James',
Mansfield (Convocation). May Ist, St.
Luke's, Blossburg; May Ist, St: Thomas',
Fall Brook ; May 2d, Eiening, St. Andrews',
Tioga; May Bd, p. St. John's, Lawrence;
villa; May 4th, Sunday, a. In'. and p. in.
St. Paul's, Wellsborb. •
Mrs. -Mary E. Lamb is now in Kew York
purchasing a full stock of Spring gobds. In
a few days the new goods will be ready for
inspectionat Mrs, Lamb's store, and the la.-
dies Of Wellsboro and , vicinity in want of
any thing in the shako of millinery or fancy
good's will'do well to call and take a good
look at the latest styles before purchasing
Syrup, Golden Drips at $l, per. Gallon by
tipping into N. M. GLASSMIRVB &CO
Messrs. HASTINGS Si dOLES have a very
full lino of Fishing Tackle of every nature.
They offer the best make of Trout Flies in
great variety, Rods, Lines, Rooks, Bask
ets, Reels, and every other appliance known
to the "gentle, craft.') They are prepared to
supply dealers at-wholesale prices and in
Ally desired quantities. Those wishing any
thing in that lino, whither at vtitoletsale it)r
retail, will do well to give Linens a call a d
take a look at their largo stock. d i 1,
Mr. Yodi,ig has for sale 2 farms and 2 w!od
lots in °into.; ttlfarm in Middlebury, a
farm in barleston (a bargain at $2,000,) a
farm in Jiion, 8 stores, 6 dwellings, and 90
building ldts in Wellsboro. Also for rent
3 dwellings; in Wellsboro, and 80 acres of
pasture land near the town.
For further particulars, .prices, terms, &c.,
it \
a ply personally or by mail to
HvGli Yotrtro,
Rect a l Estate and Insurance Agent,
No. 1, Bowen's Block.
on hand the largest stock of Carpets ever ex
hibited in Steuben 'county, comprising Strip
ed and Printed Hemp ; Striped Venitian and
Wool Dutch ; Single and double cotton chain ;
Medium Super and Extra Super Ingrains;
Three ply lil4llh and American Tapestry, ,
and Body Brussels. We, also - keep a large
:tock of Ottomans and Hassocks, plain and
i. heck Mattings, Oil Cloths, Mats, Rugs,
`ilarpet Lining, Stair Rods, etc., in fact ev
erything hi this line, that the market de
mands. We make this a prominent feature
of our business,- and buying in most cases
direct from the manufacturers, we aro ena
bled to compete successfully, with any deal
er in Southern New York, or Northern
Pennsylvania. In most cases, there is quite
a decline in prices, from last year, and we are
determined not to 1e 'undersold.
& WAITE. -
April 1, 187 ..-4w.
at N. M. Glassmiro & Co's
; go home rejoicing.
Call and 100
stock of Teas an
L G. Hoyt's Music School at Osceola will
enter upon its fourth term of tgn weeks,
April 16, 18'13. Further information may be
obtained by corresponding with I. G. Hoyt.
Please allow me, Mr. Editor, this oppor-.
tunity to say that ray "graduating status"
implies a "fluent execution" at least, and
" something more." Every department of
my graduating course of music is recognised
by the highest authority in the musical pro
fession of America. The manner and
matter of instruction is identical with that of
the Conservatories of our large cities.
In no
. department of education; perhaps,
are the people of this - country mere easily
made the dupes of brass and hunibug than
that of ntivic.
Let me Ay further, that there are students
in attendance - here, living "hundrdd i s of
miles away," besides those from Mansfield,
lilosbung, and other neighboring towns.
' Yours truly,
April 8,1873-2 W.
the Nitator:
Home Affairs.
• Aviv adrettisewsests (Ma week.
Putter Powders--J. A. -Boy.
Executor's Notice—Joseph &clinger Executor.
Administrator's Notice—Estate of Daniel Cowley
Special Court—B. O. Cox. Proth'y.
—The Presbytery of Wellsboro, meets a
Tioga to-day.
—Don't fail to hear MeAfferty on the 24t1
a the Opera House.
—The recent warm rains have settled the
roads considerably in this region.
—lf times are hard, pay all the debt's (you
ears and help l to make them easier. -
-The Episcopalians of this village are
build a new Rectory, over $4,000
seen subscribed foif that purpose.
t week being Passron or Holy Week,
were held twicepvery day at St.
'hurch in this village, and were gen
rell attended.
le of the streets and side-walks in
lage are in a disgritceful condition.
about time the Boro officers attended
• spring repairs.
few days ago Mr. Vedder Powers', a
residing a little east of 'Mansfield, cut
thumb so badly with an axe that am
-0 became necessary. .
•. John Fishler l has removed his shoe
the building recently occupied by
-al keOurts cigar store, on the corner
and Craton streets.
s understand a new pajier is- about to
at Westfield with Judgp MeNangh.
I James V. Leach, Esq., as sponsors.
sh the new venture success.
Tioga News of last week says "With
regret we had heard of the severe
Hon. T. L. Baldwin, of our village;
sh pleasure, later, hoax that ho is bet-
erg gentlemen and ladies of this vil
!nt to Corning last Thursday evening
Ole Bull, and were very much dissap-
Pointed and not a - little disgusted by his fail
ure to appear.
— "BillY," the gentleman from Africi‘
mentioned by our Lawrenceville 942XTe-aP°Bl'
dent last week as having nwareprinted an ex
fitp packur of 126, w arrested some daYa_
since; irt Htntlay, by n: T. Caton, a consta
ble of LA w) 4 encev Me, - -
. . . ,
—The Hernaaic Society close their course
of lectures, with select readings by J. K.
74eAfferty, ((pate Professor of. Eloctition in
Racine Coll 'e, 'Wisconsin, Thursday even
ing, April 24 ,* 1, in Opera Hods() Hall. The
! I
papers apevery highly of his Readings.
—We undertook last week to say that the
Railroad bridge over Cory Creek near Mans
field was carried off by the flood of the pre
ceding Saturday, but the compositor knew
better, and said it was on "Long" Creek.—
Very . original notions of geography' that
type-Setter has. , - However, such blunders
will happen in the best 'regulated printers'
families. . . ,
—The Tioga Express amo to hand last
Saturday. It is a sheet atiut the size of the
AGITATOR, Set mainly in tong Primer. It
is a very good looking •journal, and •Tiogn
is to be congratulated upon the successful
birth of so creditable a specimen of newspa
per work. We welcome the new comer to
this wicked world, and wish it abundant suc
cess. "There is always plenty of room in the
upper story."
—The Mansfield Advertiser says that on the
4th instant, Philip, a twelve year old son of
Warren Day, who resides a 'few miles up
Lamb's Creok, while leading a horse to wa
ter was kicked by said horse,•breaking his
skull over the loft eye, tearing away a piece
of the frontal 'bone, and about a half-ounce
of the brain, pieces of which were found on
the ground the next morning. Dr. Brown
was called and dressed the wound. There
was but li(f le hope of the boy's recovery,
—Centro bounty has 208 public schools,
—You can catch trout until the 16th of
August—provided they bite.
—The Bradford Argus says the little Min=
aqua job cost Pete about sl6,ooo—and it
wasn't a paying job either.
—We should like to• become acquainted
with the Man who hasn't yet remarked that
the past was a remarkable winter.
—The ne.t. anniversary meeting of the
Pennsylvania, Reserve Association will be
held at Gettysburg, on Tuesday, thel3th day
of May next. --
1 -Mr. q. O. Thompson - , artist, late of this
village, is creating quite a sensation in El
mira, by his excellent `crayon portraits of
prominent citizens.
—Ten years ago Watkins Glen could have
been purebas - ed - fer.s6,ooo; now it is valued
at $lOO,OOO. What its cash - •value will be ten
years hence it is impossible to tell.
—On Saturday last the lightning struck a
fence within six feet of a street ear contain
ing about forty persons, on the road between
Scranton and Providence. ' .No damage,•but
the passengers were considerably frightened.
—The' Chomung - river bridge at Athens
was washed out by the flood, last Saturday
morning.. A boy named Mitchell went down
with the bridge, and floated nearly a mile on
the rubbish. He was subsequently rescued
by Samuel Northup and Horace Williston.
—Rev. H. A. Duboc announced fronihis
pulpit, last Sunday, that his labors with the
Presbyterian Society of this plebe would
cease on the first of May, owing to a change
of his ecclesiastical views. It is understood
that ho goes to New York to prepare him
self for an Episcopal clergyman.—Cameron
—The Binghamton Timessays the Susque
hanna and the Chenango rivers presented a
phenomenon Monday morning, similar to
the appearance of the Missouri and Mississ
ippi, below their confluence. For some dii
tance, the rivers ran side by side; the clearer
stream of tho Chenango refusing to minglA
with the more turbid waters of the Shsque
WESTFIELD.—MT. Editor: E viir been at
Westfield? i Presuming you have not, I
want to say a word or two of it. It is a
smart little town, lyinquxrd on to Cathead,
in the northwestern part of the county, and
at present. all agog with railroad on the brain.
But, dear sir, don't suppose that yo ican ride
there now on that same R. R. On the con
trary, horse - is the motive power, and mud
roads the way. And the one by Mount Ne
bo, with the bottom 'knocked out, or the top
all afloat, or all adrift, is the one by which
yobr correspondent took his recent devious
way. And if you undertake it, Mr. Editor,
before the mud dries up, be sure to get a
horse with legs long enough to touch bottom,
and make a long journey short.
As to the railroad proposed to connect
Hornellsville and Williamsport via Westfield
and Wellsboro, the charter is secured, the
route an important one,
,the grade easy, the
feeling and interest strong and liberal, and
the prospects of the project feasible and
hopeful],—and may they soon be ale to say
yith Saxe : " Bless MC, this is pleasant rid
ing on a ral) I"
" But Linden saw another sight," and
W e stfield has another project. "The West
field Index" is its name, to be issued weekly,
independent in politics and devoted - to news
and local interests; and since from the very
moment4.f its birth it is supposed to no able
to "speak' for 'itself,'l l , I will not farther an
ticipate that interesting event.
Their school is in'h prosperous' and flour
ishing condition, under the management of
C. C. Ward. About a year since the school
had languished to the' paltry number of
twenty-five scholars. Mr. Ward's good
management under the graded system which
he introduced has brought the attendance up
to one hundred and thirty. There is a deep
interest and a just pride taken in the school's
success;.'and the' enlargement of their large,
new, two story, graded school building has
already become a necessity, and will be car
ried out. •
Calling recently to listen to some literary
exercises, we, found a largo number of the
patrons of the school in attendance. This is
the best proof of a hearty interest. And the
exercises were of an i attractive character, and
showed -careful - training, and application on
the part of the students. One composition
in particular ? by a young boy, on' a Knox
ville horse pot, in which the wager was
"$13,00 ands bull's-eye watch," Was worthy
of Mark '4l *tin ill his bust vein. And the
music too yiiis excellent, calling for a differ
ent deScriplffiti than that of the enthusiastic
western math who said of his daughter's mus
ics) accomplishments : "You bet, she can
just everlastingly paw ivory and howl,"—a
description more novel than genteel.
The school has six grades—three primary
and three-higher, to which will probably be
soon added a seventh grade. Prof. Ward is
the kind of man that Chaser loved, (unlike
the lean Cassius), shinding six feet four in
his stockings, and every inch a man capable
of using any kind of suasion in school-gov
ernment, but adopts that which Cleopatria
so successfully used—the suasion of love.
House on the
tot : Our Bore COuncil is an eaerprising
body and is doing much that is preliminary
to the welfare of the village, but unfortunate
ly there are a few who oppose everything
that affects their pockets in the way of taxes,
and another few who fight all public , enter
prises that they have no officiating hand in.
Shame on such men t They are the terror of
the weaker ones fintincially, and the bane of
the community. Their influence, if submit
ted to, will keep any community at a stand
still as long as they breathe. When every
citizen 'will stand upon his own merits and
cease being governed by some other's opin.
ions, some of the needed improvements will
get underway without the many doubts_ and
hesitations now-prevalent.
The colored gentleman who was supposed
.to have appropriated the s2s—entrusted to
his care by Mr. Bennett, was found at his
`home in Monrocton '- by officer Caton and
came here without resistance with said officer
on Friday. Trial wasappointed for Mondax,
In the mean time the people at large began
to believe his statement that tie had left the
mosey in the pigeon hale tyk the Express of
fice land _talked to agent to that effect.
On Monday eMsidorable excitement was
mardicACA Al! many people not directly in-,
twatvi but who made themselves so by pub=
110 tentiment. But before the set time,it was
rumored that the case was dropped ig fikl•
Qopplainattt because nothitig:SoAliqr7(..
ed aphid. the,defendant, and oldie opinion
is that the , "aarkey" is entirely inno
cent; and that tho'nioney was taken by some
one standing by when left in the pigeon hole,
there being a :lumber present, and yet there
area few medling ones who'are not satisfied
or who have no other business on hand who
persist in, creating a sentiment against the
agent as the party at fault, but all sensible
people and all business men who have bad
deal with him for years, will not consent to
any distrust even in their own minds. It re
mains a mystery who the guilty party is, and
no one should bethought guilty until proved
Mr. Thomas ,Matteson hits purchased the
Polock place, paying about $1,400 for the
r. N. 3. Bennett . has possessed himself
of the bouseand lot recently owned by James
; Purchase price, $l,OOO.
As was predicted, many sales of real estate
have taken place, and it Can safely be said
that many more will be made.
With the sure prospect oftherailroad from
Elmira, has come a new impetus, and we
predict so great a change in the next five
year that our pretty village will scarcely be
knOwn by - the old inhabitants. ON DIT.
Lawrenceville April 9th, 1978.
A .1.1.&5T FAREWELL.—The number of the
Tioga News for the 3d instant completed the
first volume and terminated the existence of
that journal. The paper was founded and
has.been published during the past year by
Mr. S. J. McCulloch, a young man who, we
understand, yet lacks several years of reach
ing his majority. But in spite of his youth
and inexpbrience, the News has reflected no
little credit upon its manager as an editor
and a printer. Indeed, the sheet has always
been a Model of typographical beauty. It
has always been a welcome visitor to our ta
ble, and we shall long miss its bright and
cheerful face and short, crisp paragraphs.
.'Mr. McCulloch does not discontinue the
News because he has grown tired of the bus
iness or is dissatisfied with its rewards, but
solely, because he has been crushed out by a
combination of men •at Tioga, after having
started the News at the urgent request of
leading citizens of that village. Assuming
the truth of the statements recently publish
ed by Mr. McCulloch, it seems that- these
same men, having determined to ruin the
business which lie was building up, have re
fused to purchase the material, of his office
at a fair discount On this point the young
editor says :
" We think it fitting that the public should
know what we lose, in consequence of our
stock not having been purchased. None will
deny that the business is worth something to
us, and yet we not only did not ask anything
for it, but offered, to sell at a reduction, of 10
per cent. from cost, in the city. In addition
to the loss, of business, we lose the use of
$700,--the capital invested. We leave an
intelligent people to decide whether this
treatment is honorable mid just, as we she'd
never have started the paper if we had not
been urged to do so."
We suppose the gentlemen who have thus
succeeded in destroying the hard-earned in
vestment of this struggling young man con
gratulate themselves upon the success of
their efforts in that direction. They need to,
for it is certainly the only scheme of a pub
lic nature in which they lave succeeded for
a long time past, and it isTqutilly certain
that nobody else will congratulate them.—
Indeed it is already evident, from letters
published in the News, that several of Mr.
McCulloch's fellow-townsmen feel a proper
contempt and indignation for the knot of
schemers who have done what they could to
ruin this boy of seventeen. We publish be
low a couple of these letters, which appear
ed in the last News, and which. will be found
decidedly spicy reading:
To 'the Editor cf The ArcHrs.—Sir : "A.
L." in his last communication, caused some
thing more than "a flutter among the ` Inno
cents.' " It has called forth open,. down
right demonstration.' The arrow which sped
from his quiVer has sorely wounded them.
And oh ! what wrath was aroused ! So
amusing was it, to, the lookers-on, as greatly
to endanger the safety of their buttons. We
sincerely advise "A. L." to remain incogni
to, a while longer, or smothered wrath may
burst forth, in demonstrations similar to
those which appeared on a certain snowy
day, which you, and we, and'a few others,'
remember, who do not, claim, however, in
fallibility for those who, knowing the right,
yet the wrong pursue. "A. L.,' he assured,
has touched a tinder box, ready th explode
whenever it, can do so without injury to itself.
Some worthy citizen, of this goodly town,
most honorable gentlemen, too, (in their own
estimation), by some means got the idea in
their heads, that "A. le" in his communi
cation, meant }hem ! and meant, also, to in
sult them. Strange idea, most strange, aye,
passing strange, that such an idea should
have entered even the vestibule of the souls
of these "Innocents," guileless of harm.
But that the idea did enter, yea, found a
lodgment, proves conclusively that they
were the guilty ones. An indignation meet
ing was therefore called, to take into serious
consideration what should be done. They
assembled together in grave deliberation;
champion was selected, well worthy the hon
for had he not, with others of his honor
able brothers, met with indignity ? Who,
then, so worthy as himself, to revenge their
Well was it, for this honorable body, that
a wise head bore rule among its members.
With wisdom, sagacity, and penetration,
quite deficient in his brother members, he
saw that to reply was but to say, "we are
guilty, there's no denying it, try we ever so
hard." With thoughts so wise, so deep, stir
ring the soul within him, he arose, and with
a dignity and grace peculiar to himself, he
thus held forth: " Most honorable gentle
men' of this most honorable body, see you
not that we are hit, though, undoubtedly,
'tis true, that you are more deeply wounded
than myself, but that we are hit, is a fact too
plain to be denied. Your calling this meet
ing, oven, is proof-positive of the fact, a thing
which would never have been done had you
not been something more than a very little
deficient in the 'upper story.' To reply,
however, is acknowledging the fact to the
whole community, and we would be a little
ashamed to do that; moreover, the ACIITA . -
TOR (*Weil is an abomination to us), might
get hold of it, and then what a triumph
among .our enemies! Oh, calamity most
dire! Now take advice, be wise, go about
your business, for, be assured, silence on our
part is wisdom." Yours,
• Editor of The News.—Dear Sir: As this
is to be your last issue, I feel inclined to say
a few "last words," and also a farewell, as
you are so soon to leave town. It is sad to
think of leaving the old home, around which
so many memories cluster—some happy, and
many very sad. May you and those dear to
you be blessed and made happier bq the
change, is the earnest wish of many . 4i,ends.
Your paper has been a pleasant, wile; the
past year, and will be missed, among the
number that come weekly
,ta bring the news
from the different parts: of the - world. I
doubt if the Tioga county Express will he
any more welcome,
By the way, I hear the Tioga press has
been taking a "trip around the world," and
when last heard from, was at some wayside
'port, "awaiting orders." Later, we, hear the
machine has arrived, but the editor, assist
ants, and stock company, are like the man
. who drew the elephant in the lottery—they
don't know what to do with the "dalied
thing„" now they have got it. Uy opinion
is, that the eAmpany will invest 4 before they
get to running, as much as to. have bought
out the News.
I came across a,conple of verses in a lead
ing monthly, 3,ladeb. will bear to be digested
by some of 'lloga's bravo ones :
how shall I help to Vat the things that are go
ing wrong?
Anti what can 1 do to hurry the promised limo of
peace ?
The day of work is short, and the night of sleep to
lung I.
And whether to pray or preach, or who,lher to sing a
To sow in my neighbor's field, or to seek the golden
Or to kit with my hands in my lap, and wish that sin
would cease.
I think; sometimes; it were bent Just to let the Lord
I think noble people forget Ile was here befom they
It`s a little for Ilia glory, and a good ticiA more for
their own,
That they peddle' their pretty edwoes, and blat and
babble and groan.
I sometimes think it wera )at, and I were leas to
Should I sit with nay hands in my lap—it► my face a
crimson shame.
The young editor makes his farewell bow
to bls readers in the following feeling val
caictory -. ,
.With this number we speak to the ones we
have visited for the pea twelve months, A
farewell—in some respects, we may fiKkity
say, a sad one; for at home — antijvcrA tar
away we have often received 0,4 worsts of
cheer that have made dilyr f , kA 01,1.1` past voca
tion bright and In 4 w i lv,ow ciccouglt to fully
compensate fq? 4 , l Askre.\" %.40 ' haver gathered,
too, -
. 1;c1 tiklog. &owl, frieuds, that by word
ftA 4 O4, ailsl by voice; to the many, that,
iher 4, to;lirl, intetost and sympathy, have so
sent, their gratulation — to these a fond
timpal . i., Locking back, alas! there cm%
the memory of words and unkindness from
those we have never harmed; We can but
ask would they expect of us us kind rernem
bronco But thorn is a magnanimity, what
e'er our other failings be, we still, can culti
vate and cherish, For, innocent of any
mallet), guileless of any bitterness that would
retaliate, reviewing, too, the precept and ex
ample of him who has gone from up and you,
we will cast no sad reflections o'er that gone
beyond recall, nor dwell upon the what
"might have been." - •
Deeply, painfully sensible of all OZO
ings that we see oft repeat themselvea" in oth
ers, we make this our public confessional,
that we have always tried to do ourpart, oft
times in the thee of perploging hindrances,
and its oft from others. or have wo yet ar
rived at the stature of "tho perfect man,"
and as examples near us have been 26 rare,
may we not ask your charity at least to free
its from further penance? For our own sins
(and who among us is without 1) we feel the
weight of responsibility, not .;for yours, not
for those that we know not of, till . others, to
the neglect of their own accountability, offi
ciously assumed. ,
We regret Co learn that • Mr. McCulloch
contemplates retiring from a lino of business
in which he has, so far, met little material
enWtragement 6L and plenty of opposition in
quarters where - lie had a right to look for aid.
Of comic ho will leave Tioga, and seek a
more genial field of labor. Wherever he
goes, and whatever he does, we wish him
abundant prosperity and happiness. We
know he will deserve both.
BRIGGS—RAMMONii—At the residence of the
bride's father, April .10th. by Rev. C. A. Stone, Mr. C.
A. Briggs. of Southport, N. T., and Miss Nettie Hem•
mond, of Middlebury, Pa.
BARNS —SCOW Tel% mull, at the residence
Mr. tc. R. Sherman, March 25th, 1873, by Rev. W. H.
Rurnsey, Mr.lrancis S. Barns, formerly of Maineburg,
Tioga county, and Mies Amanda Scoville, of Towanda,
BUSH—SMITH.—At the reeldeuco of Mr. Irwin W.
Smith, April 9th, 1873, by• Rev, W. H. Rurnscy, Mr
Myron B. Bush, of Elmira, N. Y., and Mies 'Hattie G.
Smith, of Ulster, Pa.
• BOYDIN.—In Delmar, April 3d, 2873, Mrs. Sophia
Boyden, wifo of Addison Boyden, aged fifty-eight years.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Coutt of ties
county of Tioga, the undersigned, Administrators
01 the estate of Win. K. Mitchell, deceased, will ex
pose for sale, at public veodue, on Tuesday, the Isth
day of April next, at one o'clock p. m., ou the prem
ises in the township of Tioga, in said county, aU that
,lot of land in the said township of Tioga,
adjoining, the Win. K. Mitchell farm, beginning in the
south-east line of the same at a post, thence south, 33
degrees east, 112 rods to a pine stump; thence south,
6up: degrees west, '268 rods to a post; thence north,
31)4 degrees west„ll3 rods to a post; thence north, 68
degrees east, 266 rods to the place of beginning; con
taining 184.7 acres, more or less, about 30 acres Lm
proved—the other part timber lands—good for a farm.
Also a lot of land situated in the. said township of
Tioga, beginning at a pine stump in the Jackson road;
thence south, 8U) demes east, 221 rods to a white
oak stump; thence south, 2„% degrees west, 182 rods
to a hemlock; thence north, 874 degrees west, 220.6
rodii to a post; thence, north. 234 degrees east, 209.
rods to the place of beginning; containing 268.7 acres;
more or leas, about thirty acres improved, vritt , . a
tramp barn and two houses thereon, end known re the
steam mill lot-
Also another uyt of land situated in the bald town.
Ship of Tiogs, beginning at the soUthearA corner of
the steam mill lot; thence south, 23.4 de gre e s wes t,
117 rods to a pine stump, and south 1 1 :,4, degrees west,
123.2 rods to a post; thence north, e,B degrees west, 40
rods to a small lynu: thence north, 2,4' degrees cast,
122.4 rods to a post; thence north, 87.4 degrees, west,
164.5 rods to a post; thence north, I,y, degrees east,
116.8 rods to a post; thence south, 874 degrees cast,
208.4 rods to the place of begintiing; containing 189.2
acres, unimproved, and known is the Hl'Dougall lot.
Also another lot of land situated in tho said town
ship of Tioga and the township of Lawrence, in said
county, and beginning at the northwest corner of a
lot of land contracted by said decedent to Chester Os
born and Edwin H. Osborn; thence north, 2.1(, degrees
east, 139 rods to a post; thence south, 8831 degrees
east, 221.2 rods to a fallen hemlock; thence south,l4X
degrees east, 67.9 rods to a hemlock; thence south, 2 34
degrees west, 64 rods to a post: thence north, 88 de
grees west. 149 rode to a post; thence south, 2% de
grees west, 16.7 rods to a post, the northeast corner of
the said Osborn lot; thence along the north lino of
the same north, 86% degrees went, 93 rods to the place
of beginning; containing 190.4 acres, unimproved,
and known as the Loyalsock lot.
Those desiring to purchase any of said lands can ex
amine them before the day of sale, or see maps of
them by calling at the office of O. H. Seymour In Tio.
•Trulas or SALE.—Fifty dollars at tho time of pur
chase, and enough more to make one-half the pur
chase money on confirmation of the sale by the Court.
and tho balance of the purchase money, with interest
from the confirmation of the sale by the Coutt, or
possession delivered, if before that time, one year
from the time of sale. JANE E. MITCHELL,
y order of the Orphans' Court of Y tho county' of
Tioga, the administrators of the estate of D. 0.
Holden, deceased, will sell at public vendee on the
premises, near Mansfield, in" tho township of /Mit
mond, county of TiogA, Pa., on Friday the 18th day of
April, 1873, the following described real estate, to
wit: A lot of laud, known as the Holden farm, be
ginning nt the northeast corner, thence south, onexle-;
gree west:sevent:pave rods and nine-tenths to the
southeast corner; thence north, eighty-eight degrees
west, two hundred and ten rods and live-tenths to the
center of the Tioga river; thence down the said river
north, live degrees east, twenty-nine rods and seven
tentus ; and north, two degrees west, forty-nine rods
to the northwest corner; thence south, eighty-seven
degrees and one•fourth east, fifty rods and five-tenths
to the west line of - lot; Bionic along said line
south, fourteen degrees west, ten rods to the eolith
west corner of said lot; thence so th, eighty-six de
grees east, nine rods and five-tots to the public
road; thence along the west side o the road, north,
three degrees west, ten rods; thence south, eighty.
seven degrees and one-fourth east, one hundred atd
fifty-two rods and live-tenths to th place Of begin
ning. Containing one hundred acres mid three-tenths,
more or less, an improved, and with five dwelling
houses, three barns, three sheds, a corn house and
other small buildings, and apple orchard thereon, and
ono of the most desirable farms in flogs county. •
ALso, another lob of land, adjoining the above de
scribed on the south, and beginning at the southeast
corner thereof and the northeast corner hereof, thence
along the west line of the Voorhees lot and land of
D J. Butts, south, one degree west, thirty-six rods
and three-tenths to the southeast corner hereof; thence
north, eighty-eight degrees west, two hundred and
thirteen rods to the center of the Tioga river; thence
down the same north, live degrees east, thirty-six
rods and four-tenths to the southwest corner of the
said Holden farm; thence along the south line of the
same, south, eighty-eiglat degrees east, two hundred
and ten rods mid five , teiaths lathe place of beginning.
Containing ferty , eight acres, more or less, and being
what is known as the Drake farm, and a piece added
to the Wine from the Holden farm, all improved, with
a large brick and frame house, a barn and apple or
chard thereon.
Your friend, A. L
Administrators'- Nate.
Mardi 25, 1873-4 w
Administrators? Sit,le.
Also, another lot of land in said township, caned
the Voorhees lot, beginning in the east line of the
said Holden farm, thence south, eighty-eight degrees
east, seventy-seven rods to Jerrild's land: theerfe
along the same and land of D. J. Butte. south. ono
degree west, eighty-one rods to tho neater of D. twin
creek and ravine; thence down the same, In a north
westerly direction, to the east line of the said Drake
farm, thence along the same era/ east line of the Hol
den farm; north, one degree east, fifty - Ave rods to the
place of beginning, Oontaining thirty-two acres and
seventy-two hundredths, more or less, all improved.
ar.so, another lot of land, iu said township, bounded
on the north awl south b'y the estate of Daniel Lamb,'
deceased, tact by the Williamson . road, and on the
west by the Tioga river. Containing three-fourths of
rut acre, more or less. with frame house, frame barn,
and a few trod trees thereon, end being known as the'
Silas Allis lot, of Lamb's Creek, • •
T}lllllB:—Fifty dollars down at the time of sale, and
enough more on confirmation thereof, and execution
of a deed for the premises purchased, to make one
half the purchase money; and the balance thereof in
One year from the date of sale, with interest, secured
on delivery of the deed, by bond and mortgage in the
usual form,. SARAH HOLDEN,
I, '73,-3w. Adre'ra.
Disaolution of Partnership.
OnCE la hereby given that the co-partnership ex
isting between Vernsilyea& Warren, of Westfield,
to tbie day dissolved by mutual consent. Dated,
March lath, 103. W. H. VRIEMILYEA.
April 14w. O. A. WARDEN.
ruff E Stockholders of the State Normal School at
Mansfield will meet on MONDAY, MAY 6th, 1873,
for the election of Officers for the coming year, be
tween the hours of 3 and 6 p. m.
April 8:1 813-3 i See'y S. N. S.
Farriers Powder,
The best Purifier
' "tir AND
) OWy \ a (sondition
- loon cows and horses
r it has long been
!:? ",, • . • considered a superior
jirt.:'": p'.l, , ~,1
j'- , .: ' . ..,r, t - -' 4 ,:, ;,- ...ea, remedy when the ant
,..- ::: 1 ,",...,` it "If - `4i teal looks thin, moves
„ L % ji..z . ,!", ,I4r ? , . languid. has rongh hair.
1 -A t.,:_'''',l.2. tk,,k,, , , , ,„ dell eyes, being iu such
....,,,,......4.- i --"-- "W• 7 1.;- - a (Worded state that it
~... , will not gain. Also for
ho cure of Cough, Heaves, 'Distemper, Running at
the nose, Worms,
' c." ..*: S riddles, Grease,Poll
4 , cr Evil and such dhsord
. , <-x ;?, -it . . era as require a cleans
..-, . .
,: ~, . • 1 ••. • ing and purifying
i...-- , ; _,--io,•i! - ..... ,
-.t 2 7,,, c - ...,..-• :-,& . :...% lt is excellent f0r
_;;.„;,...„ 4 .;-,--:- . ;-• - „-=- ,, . e;i, , - cows 4 the Spring
_ .. :: , ;•S„ -- s_. When they come iu,
_— `.-.T 4nd in the Summer
When they du not give
a full mess of milli,
It will save one nuarr of the feed in making PORK
AND BEEF, whoa fedregular,- to hogs and beef cat
tle for lAkyLo woeka after they aro put up to fatten.
By mixing a spooninl of Par
rter's Powder with each quart of
ben feed for a week or two. and
observing the inereaso in the
number ofeggs the doubtful one
;A,.; - : will be convinced tbatjA i? the
I r .,STlti? beet poultry powdei ever
Nrr'''' ed.
This powder is Madf) eS Os ; bosamateriala, and put
up in large packagnafpr.i4e same price al; other kinds
that are vicacvtinipal papers. being used in doses
of the aYt, Will last twice as long, and is now
EOPIP)MI4IO4 coa.bo the cheapest and best in market.
4,p4110% lentAtt "
s , Administrators
An Entire Stock of - NEW GOODS
-AP 1-aICoN7V rtxcE
OahulittA, thiatillmtm to.
Wholesale Clothiers and Merchant Tailors.
pi ll . Goods,Notion% Fancy goods.
Gaps, Gsnts o riumishing Goods,
I'V E respectfully announce to the people of wellaboro and vicinity, that we have opened a store in this
town, and are now offering to the public a line and well selected stock of Spring Goods, consisting of
Napkins, 'rowels, Lace Curtins, Jacenet,
in large quantities, Kid Gloves, Ladles Ties. Lima and Embroideries, Velours, Velvets and Fringe, Hoop
iiikirts and Corsets in great variety, in fact everything belonging to a first-class Dry Goods store.
We have a.choice lot of HATS, CAPS, TIES, COLLARS, CUFFS, GLOVES,
SHIRTS, olcc,, all of the lateEt styles.
, An immense stock of Men's, Youth's, and Boy's Suits. We manufacture
our own goods, and can easily save buyers from ten to fifteen per cent. •We
would call especial attention to our
Custom Tailoring Dtpartment.
We keep the best of Arderican & Imported CasSimeres, Broadcloths, Doeskint4
Tricots, Diagonals, Pique Cloth, and Scotch Suitings, and do Custom Work on
short notice.
We guarantee all work done by us as regards fit and style,
We invite the people to call and inspect our goods before purchasing else
where, as we mean to do a strict
htive marked our goods at such low figures as to be a temptation to every
CASH buyer. I •
Wholesale Store,
M. BERNKOPF, Managing Partner.
,lam'' Branch stores-168 Water street, 2 Union Block, Elmira, Susquehanna
Depot, and Montrose, Pa.
• April 8, 1873-tf.
Staple and Fancy DRP GOODS,
Shoes, &c., Suitable for the spring Trade
My stock 'has been procured from the best.markets in the country, and Therefore you
wilt be satisfied with prices,
• • No --- Er
Doors, Blinds,Ceiling,
F.LooRING-,&c., •
made at the Elkland Factory and sold cheap at
Parties will find it for their interest to call or write
before purchasing elsewhere,
A price list will be forwarded FREE on application
to - W. 13. MEAD,
April 8, 1873. - -fimo. Elkland, Tioga CO., Pa.
Limited Partnersh4p.
WI:MOE is hereby given that a limited partnership
has been formed under the provisions of the Act
of Assembly of Pennsylvania approved March 21. 1
MS, and its several supplements; that the proper
affidavit has been filed, and certificate duly recorded
in the Recorder's office of Tioga county, Ponnsylvan- 1
is. as required by law, and that in further compliance
therewith notice is given:
First. —That the name of the firm under which said
partnership shall.bo conducted is C, 9. 'Mather.
Second. —The general nature of the business to be
transacted is the buying and selling at retail of general
merchandise, at Lawrenceville, Tioga county, Pa.
Third.—The name of the general partner is Charles
S. blather, and his place of residence is Lawrence
ville' Tioga °minty, Pennsylvania.
Ibttrth.—The aggregate amount of capital contribut
ed by the special partner to the common stock is Five
Thousand Re/Ittrs-
FYlth.—Tbls partnership is to commence on the Ist
day of April, A. D., 1879, and terminate on thelst day
at April. A. H., ]8 75. C. S. MATHER.
Allidaeit and certificate filed In my race, and pub
lication directed in the Agitator and We llaboro Dezno
eral. 33. L. DE), E,
. .
April 8,1871-6 t
Trustee's Sate.
PURSUANT to an order of the Court of Common
Pleas of Tioga county, to me directed; I will as
pow to sale on Monday, the altli'llay of April next, at
two o'clock, p. m., at the Court jfonse in Wellsboro,
and sell to the highest and best 'bidder, the following
described real est Ate, to wit:
The store and lot lately occupied by Webb & Bacon
as a drug store,
The at - ore and lot now occupied by Wm. Wi'sows a
do goods store.
Ilk! store paid lot now occupied by B. B. ROYAntd's
1113 a grocery and provision store, corner of Zilnixt and
Crofton streets.
These lots aro each 20 feet wide on, Main street, in
said borough,and have a deokc4 about 140 feet, with
an alig passing acresa ttleineta. distance of 100 feet
from sin street.
Terms made knxitgop &trot Ando, but on two-o,los
of the pUrotiagfiqoanoy time will bo given,
W. WrtUAlida,
for hairs and devisees of L. 1. Nicliblitidoo'd.
a Niktigt lato..ow. •
I . ;x~
Has just received a large stock of
E ecutor's Notice.
LETTERS Testamentary on the estate of Sauna
litarkrarn, late of Knoxville, Tioga county,
deceased, bal l ing been granted to the undersigned by,
the Register of Tioga county, alt persons indebted to
the estate aro requested to make payment, and thosei
having claims against said estate will ! present the same
for settlement to Elliott & Bogard, Wellsboro, Pa.
Is herby given to all persons who may be aggrieved
by the assessment or the enrollinent of the Militia
for the year 1873, that an appeal will be held at the
Commissioner's Oleo In Wellsboro, on Tuesday,
Wednesday and , ThuradaY, April 22, 23 and 24, next, at
11 o'clock of each day for that purpose.
T. 0. ROLLIS, Corn's.
March 18-81 v. • E. HART,
fitHE School Directors of Charleston township will
.JL meet at the Young's School House on Wednesday,
April 30th, 1873, at 10 o'clock, a. m.. to contract kir
wood for the coming year, and at 1 o'clock v. tun, tb
hiro teachers for the schools of the township.
By order of the Board.
oon per day t Agents wanted! All class
ss TO cpp 4A..1 es of working people, of either sea,
young or old, make more money at work for us in
their sparo moments, or all the time, than at anything
else. Particulars free. Address G. Stinson Sr Co.
Portland, Maine. Sept. 24,1872-Iy.
SVECIAL examination, for those desiring to teach
duping the summer nd who have not certificates
will be held at the following places:
Friday, . April 11, i 873.
MANSFIELD,(S. N.),Saturday, " 12. "
ROSEVILLE. Tuesday, " IG, "
LAWRENCEVLLLE, Thursday, " 17, "
WELLSBORO, Saturday, " 19,
.IVESTFIFf.D, Monday, - 21,, ~.,
ItROXYIST.L I .I, Tuesday, " 92'.
Applicants will bring pen, ink and paper, Exami
nation to commence at 9. 1 4 a. in. School Dtreeters are
es,ruestly invited to attend, E. HORTON,
April 1,1878-3 w. Co. Snp't.
April I. 187326 t
School Notice.
AprirB, 1873-3 t
Examination,. of Teachers.
School ;'itice.
SE School Directors of De ar district will meet
at the ahem Ilictory achoo houeo in said district.
on Saturday, the lath day of next, at 10 o'clock,
a. at., to contract with teachers for the ensuing sum ,
'mei schools, and to transact any other business legal.
ly before them. '
By order of the Board,
MU lirts4t, Bearotim
Sap-lituekets, Sap-Pa
Special Attention paid to Tin Roofing
'rettlar, Gang' and Jifulefi' Saw .711 ills, Machin
Tanneries, Shafting, Gearing and Casting,'
every description, in Iron and Brass.
niug, Atignai 28, 1.872.-ly
1 - ,44\73 TOE` EIEM:4S MEM LUZIEr EMS
tirmAcm.v irtilso.4*
mel t
to offer his customers when he returns.
this method of iliforming you,confidentially,thathei
It has got to
low na any hou
town. In addli
Ottf (Arot .. *torktmafrisoali,olit mitt to.
enouli for &jobbing trade. Tito on - trans of Tioga calmly aro respectfully invited to call and nag
stook and pricer).
Aril 1. rra. girta SIT
clg.x•xLixitc i raw- I r.,
ifirMachinery of all kinds repaired promptly and at reasonable rateLleXt
gone to New York to buy a stock of \ S7ing' and
Goods. Ile intends to buy from t4e best markets
- _
priee'S, an,d he will have some 'splendid ballad,
has NOW on, hand a quantity of Clothing ,
Goods which.he wants out of the way, and he t
1 .
on CHEI4P---if ,you don't' believe it, Call and
eve spring 0-oods.
Staple & Fancy Dry Goods
e pretty geneiiilly known that we keep the largest Mock, the beat goods end Sell the
use in the trade in.tbis section; and we keep very many articles not kcpt at any other MI
Won to (air general stock,
and every variety. Chir Cloth Stock exceeds auy within fifty miles, in quantity and variety,
00K OF
L,. a = i g=l . LA . i=A