The kOnna and the NMI DI 010P*8 61A.CDOttliD. 61.14 the Witaato tlla lalixm. "I Rill blow you eat Yon stare In the air • Like a ghost in a olasir:' Always looking what I am about: T bate to bo watched; I will blow Tort out." Via Wind blaw hard, and out went the Moon. So, deep On a beap Of clouds, to sleep Down lsy the Wind, and slumbered soon— Xnttering lox, "I've done for that Moon." " lila *traded in bed; ebe was there again On high" • In the sky; With her one ghost aye. It* Moon thane white and alive and plain. Said the Wind, l Iwilt blow you out again." n. Wind blew hard and the Moon grew dim. ..With my sledge • And my wedge I hav e ocleeoff It may ?blew right deice k e nd grdim her odgs I The mature wilt soon be dimmer than dim." Ea Maw, and he blew, and she thinned to a thread "Ono puff More'B enoupb To brow her to sunlit Chu good puff more whire the list was bred, Ahd glimmer, glimmer, glom will go the thread!" Ile blew a great blast, mid the thread was gone; In ill air Nowhere Was the moonbeam barn; Moff and harmless the shy stars shone; e and oertinn the Moon was gone! The Mad ho took to his revels once more; On down In town, Like a merry-mad olowm He leaped and holloacd, with whfelle and roar. "What's that!' - The glimmering thread once more He flew into a rage—he danced and blew; Ent in vein Was the pain Of his bursting brain; For still the broader the moomecrap grew, The broader he swelled his big oheeks and blew 9lowly sh• grew--tlll she filled the ifglit, ..knd shone On her throne, 1011 e sty alone, -- • • A matchless. wott4qTrul, silvery light, Radiant and lbrely—the queen of the night. Etalel the Wind, "What a marvel of power am I I • With my brs-atb, Good faith' I I blew her to death— first blew her away right out of the sky— 'rhea blew her in; what a strength run II" Sit the Moon, she knew nothing about the affair For high In the sky, With her one white eye, Motlordesa, miles above the air, She had never heard thq great Wind blare. -GOOD THOUGHTS All visible greatness of mind grows by contemplating an invisible greater. Advice is like snow, the softer it falls - the longer it remains and dwells in'the mind. It is dangerous dressing for, another world before the looking-glass of this world. God promises you all you want and in• vites you to come and receive it as you Want. Those days are lost in which we do no good: those worse than lost in which we do evil. ',lHannah Moro said: "If I wished to pun ish an enemy I should make him hate some- . body." • Perfect virtue is to do unwitneesed what we should be capable of doing before all the World. ' Be the man never so good, his moral pow er loses its effect w h en cumbered with of feetation. Sir Thomas . .rotvne said: "Sleep is death's younger brother, and so like him that I never dare trust him without my prayers." The rife of a Christian is an habitual Cod* of calling upon God. To live with out prayer is the surest mark of a Christless souk One eason that the aTorld is not reform ed is, b ause everybody would have others make e beginning, and thinks not of him self., Let the simple soul extend unimpeded its fiery energy . . The immortal heart should be the leader, but let your eyes look up ward. Men live half the year by deceit and by art; by art and deceit men live the other part. Who gives this bad character of man kindl Man. A Chinaman, on his examinationfor mem bership, in response to the question, "How he fourul Jesus?" answered, "I no find Je sus-at all; he find me." He whose wishes respecting the posses sions of this world are the most reasonable and bounded, is likely to lead the safest and, for that reason, the most desirable life. The frowns of the world are among the blessings of the Christian. The prosperity of fools shall destroy them. "Him whom I kiss." said Judas, "take him.," so when the World kisseth, it often betrays. Many an honest, good „man impairs his usefulness by going out to do battle with great evils with an equipment entirely un-. suited either to his own capacity or to the effect he seeks to accomplish, or both. The longer poison stays in the stomach; so much the more dangerous are its .effects. God prim a young flriend, but punishes an old enemy. Old sin nerd are like old serpents, the fullest of poison. _ Many a man's days deceive him, they pass away like a shadow by moonshine, which appears longest when the moon is lowest. You may not have half a day to live, when you think that you have not lived out half your .days. God looks most when he looks least. 'My son, give me thine heart. We cannot trust God with too much, or ourselves with too little. The first is our merciful keeper, the last is our. barbarouS traitor. Here you have the dignity with which a believer is invest ed, and the duty to which he is Invited. It Is '56 safe to trust Jesus. When we have no power to save ourselves, to let him save us: When we have no strength with which tb labor efficiently, to let him work It is Jesus working in us—Je sus working for us--Jesus working through us, and all we have to do is to let him work. Woe to those parents who strive, for filthy lucre's %lite, to' prevent their sons from em bracing a call to preach Jesus to their per tc ishin countrymen , or to the heathen, be cans they see that the life of a true evangel. ist is life of comparative poverty, and they had r then he should gain money than save souls. , There is no greater every-day virtue than cheerfulness. This quality in man among men is like sunshine to the day, or gentle, renewing moisture to perched herbs. The light of a cheerful) face diffuses itself. and communicates theliappy spirit that inspires it. The sourest temper must sweeten in the atmosphere of continuous good humor. When our sins are before God, we are held by them; no matter how careless and forget 'l,ll abol4 them we may be. But on repent znee. tout rest in Christ, they are blotted out awl remembered no more. Can you say, with fle;:eitiah, "Th - e3 bait cast all sins 'z , etaind !by back?" Tue. fountain is open. and healing and cleansing are oilemi now. tioiv dangerous to defer th9se inonteh tons reformatttels which the conscience is F . O l emnly preachinz to the heart. If they ate neglected. the difficulty, and indisposition' are increasing every month. The mind is receding,. degree after degree, fr.7ei the warm and hopeful zone; till at Igo, it will enter the arctic circle, and becomcxed in relentless and eternal ice. Should any man say, "I asked fore bless ing that - was plainly promised, but did not obtain it," I should then say, are you equal ly clear that the obtaining of it would be for your good; "Yes," say you, "it would mike me comfortable." Just so; but is it for your good to be comfortable? "And it would get me out of my difficulty." But may it nf , t be for your lasting good to be in the diffi culty; and may there not be something in the world a great deal higher for you and for me than merely to bo comfortable and to get out of difficulties? "Not as I will, but as thou wilt." was the prayer of the man who bad more power in prayer than all of us put together—" Not as I will, but as thou - SYe must always put that in. I bad rather as a forgiven child, with all the prospects of the fdture opened unto me, wear the crown purchased by the redeem ing love of Christ than that which is worn by the unfalleh angels, because the blessings of ' a divine atonement, through a divine incarnation, secured to the soil in harmony with the conditions of the Gospel, reveal the character of God in a Way impossible to be made known to those who have complied with all the'law demands; and this places the sinner, penitent and forgiven, op a •plat form of experience and personal re)htionship to God, of a nature so peculiar and so extra ordinary as d to throw all other Mara glittering never so brightly in the heavenly firmament, into comparative obscurity, contrasted with the exceptional brilliancy of that state which involves the strange anomaly of Justice and Mercy together, the law sustained and the atimer saved. 20 THE PUBLIC. I have a large stock of Dry Goods; Groceries, Boots, ,Shoes, Ready-Made Ciothing, Hats and Caps, Yankee Xotions, &c., which I will sell at cost for the next thir- I will sell good prints for ten cents per yard. I will sell sheetings, yard • wide, for Hs cents. I will sell all my goods so choir thay you cannot help buying; ;lea„ if you will call at my. store in floc OPERA BLOCK. - L. F. TRUMAN: Deerfield Woolen Mills DEERFIELp, PA , TNGIII,II =OS, Proprietors of the above Mitts will men al usual to order, to suit customers OUR CASSIMERES are warranted. Particular aitentlon given to Roll Carding & Cloth Dressing We manufacture to order, and do all kinds of Roll Carding and Cloth Dressing, and defy compotition. We have as good an assortment of " .Full Cloths,- Cassimeres, and give more for wool in exchange than any other establishment. Try them and eatisfy yourselves. We wholesale and retail at the Cowaneagne mills, 2 miles below Knozville. Tan. 1, 1672. LY4IIASI )3r.OTHERS. J. H. Griswold's Water Wheel. HE. undersigned, are agents for the above Wstek T ,Wheel, and can cheerfully recommend itas sups riot to all others in use. Persons wishing to pur• chose should see this wheel in operation, before bay ing other Wheels. Di GRAM 'BROS. Deerfield, lifay 15, 1872. Read the following : 1 - WzarrrEria, Alessz. 24, 1872, We the undersigned, purchased one of J. H, Orin• wold's 30 inch Water Wheels using 68 inches of water to run three run of atone under a 30 foot head; andnre well pleased with the wheel'. We have ground sixty bushels per hour with the three run and can average that amount per hour all day. E. D. PHILLIPS. CHARLTON PIILLUPS. WALKER & LATHROP. DEALEBB Ai HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, STOVES, TM-WARE, BELTING, SAWS, CUTLERY, WATER, LLME, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEILENTS, Carriage and Harness Trimmings, umt.xFssEs, SADDLES, Ate Corwug, N. Y.. Jan 1, 1572 LIVERY IF:, ETOHA.M. A: COLES RESPECT fuIIy inform -uillfe that they 4, o4iimit m- -4 1...6' have established a , I Livery for IM At their Stable on Pearl St. ,opposite - . wagon chop. Single or double rigs furnished t.c - • They alai to keep good horses and wagons, at. • •:•d to please. Prices reasonable. KETCHAN • . -u. Aug. 21, Isn. New sevelry lStoro ritHE Undersigned would respectfully say to the el t• a ens of Wellaboro and vicinity, that ho has opened a Jewelry Sto in the building recently occupied by 0. L. Willcox His stock comprises a full assortment of Clocks, Watches. Jewelry, Silver and Plated-Ware. S. D. WAR=ER, one of the best workmen in North eru Peuusylvania, will attend to the Repairii of Watches, . Clocks, 4.c., c. For the skilful doing of which his seventeen years practical esperience is sufticient gnarntee. S. B. WARRENER. WeWharf), Aug. 23, 1871-tf. Admiltistitator's Notice. LETTERS of Administration on the estate of Sally Knight,late of Tioga, Pa., deceased, have been granted to E. A. Smead. residing in Tioga, Pa., to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay. Tioja, Pa., March 18, 1873-Bw. Farm, for Sale. TiVstibsoribeioffers for sale his farm in ISliddle• ury, consisting of 165 acres; 90 sores .improved. There is a good dwelling, barns and out houses on the premises;'also two good orobarda. The property will besold all together or it mill be 'divided and sold in two parts, one of 86 the other of 90 acres. Tsrams:—sl,ooo ttowzi; the bAlenee /IVO anus paymeate. • A. D. A. BMA Mldßlebt Mittb. 18# 18f014 E. B. "Zvi7zia E. B.,Young & Co., ',,, Booksellers and Stationers, • Wall Paper, Window Shades, Window Fixtures, Musical Instruments, Yankee Notions, r, Picture Frames and Glass. Pictures, all sorts, Picture Cord. Law Blauka Justice Blanks, Blank Books, all aLres, Newspapers. Sia,gaziros, Writing Desks, Artists Goods, Law Books, • - Medical Books, Belig oes Boots, • andevery article in our ltn of trade —New York Dailies at One Dollar a ruoiAb. —£.lmirs Dailies at 75 Cents a month. —Subscriptions for a week, r .- E mouth, or year. —Orders for Books not in stock promptly attended to. —An Express paokage received from :Sew York ev ery day. —We are Agents of the Anchor Line and the Onion Line of U. S. Mail Ocean Steamers. Passage tickets to and from any point in Europe at the lowest ratos. Sight Drafts sold on any Dank in Europe at cur rent rates of Exchange. Jan. 24.1972-Iy. E. B. YOUNG & CO. Ne have Shed the Shanty' NNEAM TIOOd, PA. ------.... And now have but time to say to our blonde and MGM S Our Elegant New store DESIRABLE GOODS Call and you will lcnow bow it Is yonnialvis. Oat 15, 1872. Furniture and Undertaking. latrArE now on exhibition and sale at the old place, the largest and most complete stock of FINE AND COMMON FURNITURE to be found in Northern Pennsylvania, consisting of FINE PARLOR AND CIUMBER SOFAS. COUCHES, TETE-A-TETES. • MARBLE AND WOOD TOP CENTER TABLES, HAT RACES, FANCY CHAIRS, MIRRORS, OVAL AND SQUARE FRAMES, BRACK ETS, PURE No. 1 HAIR MATT/CASS -0 ES, RUSE A: EXCELSIOR MAT- T/CASSE:3, aul II full stock of the common goods banally found lu a first-class establishment. The above goods are large ly of their own manufacture, and satisfaction is guar auteect both as to quality and price. may sell the TV oven, W i re Mattrass the most, popular spring bed told; alto the Tacker Spring Bed - that bat been on trial for 17 years and giv en universal satisfaction. Our is supplied with all sizes of the Excelsior Casket, a nee and beautiful style of burial =se, together with other kinds of foreign and home manufacture, with trim mings to match. They will make undertaking a spec iality- In their business, and; any needing their services will be attended to promptly, and at satisfactory char ges. Odd pieces of Furniture mule, and Turning all kinds done with neatness and dispatch. Jan. 10, 172 Tb wriest IT max OweEarr.—Having concluded that lam entitled to a little rest after nearly 40 years close appli*ion to business, I have passed over the furni ture btaineas to "the Boys" as per above advertise ment. kridc take this method of asking for them the same liberal petronagests has been extended to me.— hip be found at the old place for settlement Jan. 10.1862. B. T. VAN HORN. AVERY LARGE STOCK OF BEAVER, BROAD. CLOTH, CASSIXERE, VESTINGS, AND TP.114. MING% which I will sell very cheap FOR CASH. In fact, the best assortment of Goods ever brought to Wellsboro, of various styles. Please call an 4 look them over. E. A. MEAD, . &In Malting Suite, Overcoats, and Repairing done with dinatch and as cheap as the cheapest. GEORGE WAGNER, Grafton Street. . We'labor°, Pa. Jan. 1 1872-1 y JCI 113 I" IR,,X 1%7M3C MT of any description executed with accua cy and care at the AGITATOR OZNIOE. • (Successors of Hugh Young & CoA and Dealers in • 1 mato:wars that we have goon FOR THEM. =I is tilled full of at thelowast prim to b. found T. L. BALDWIIi dr CO Van Horn & Chandler, - (Succeesors to B. T. Van Horn) Coffin BooM, VAN HORN & CHANDLER JIM RECEIVED, Corning, Foundry Machine; Shop. Was. NVArrnia V ) Et5 r 31:21. 4 0 CZ' • Col . l. 4 •Ssr . • Mann:hub:mere ofS's.tionsxy and Portable Engines and Boilers. (louring, Shafting and Machinery required for Saw Willa Orist Mills and Tanneries, Ovens and Orates, for burning Tan. Screws for moving nuleached and leached I;arli, Ca:stings. Bolts, Itailmvi Frogs, Chairs, and Repaint% 'dont at short notice. We have fa cilities for shipping by Canal or Bailmods to all points, and can furnish Machinery cheaper than Eazitern or Western builders of the best quality. Jaxt.1,1672-Iy. EMI A. Card to the Public. Goods" forthe Winter Trade with the firm DOING THE LEADING BUSINESS IN And propose to offer to o'er customers a stock that cannot be beat in any respect by any other firm in our line. So, all we ask, before you make your purohaeee,'is to give na a call, and we will soon oonvinoe you r where it is policy to leave your money. W. J. Horton &--, Bro., WELLSBORO, I PAINTEWPOST IRON WOR K S, PORTABLE AND'STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS PARTICTLAR ATTENTION PAID TO GANG SAW MILLS, ENGLISH, MULAY & CIRCULAR MILLS airATER.TTEELS SL7TED TO AL READS OP WATER, TANNERY IROA ,S, BRIDGE , IRONS, C. tin experience by our air. ifitlL Cerdkins of over twenty years as a .7Plachinist and Foreman, enables us, by his personal supervision, to make strictly first-class Goods. Feb. 18, 1878.-ly NOTICE LETTERS testamentary on the estate of St,.ut.en llf-fel,y given that a special Court of Common Palmer, late of Sullivan township, Tim: t Plti will be held at the Court Rouse in Wellsboro, Pa,deceased, haying been granted to th.. ur,d,:re , Ltanfei;cirtg ou Monday the 19th flay of May next, by the Be ter of Tioga countall ei 80113 N-I,•re Hon. Parris B. Streeter, President Judge of to the estate are requeetrd to make gis pay-71,01A, en OW Lith Judicial District, for the trial of all causes p those having claims against said estate will prestnt certified to said court. it. 0. COX, the same for settlement: NATHAN PALMER, r"b• 25,1873- Prothonotary. Sullivan, Pa., March 4-6 W Executor. Adrainitstrators' Notice. T ETTERS of Administration of tho estate of Pet , ri N. Dooketader, late of Chbrieston township. Tioga L county, Pa.,deceased , having been granted to the ext-! dorsigned y the Register of Tioga county, all pers ons indebted to said estate are requested to 'maks i payment, and those tiasiNg clams against said eatata will present the e: e to the undersigned at Emit Chialeaton, Pa. March 18, 18 ESTABLISHED 1840. 1 4. w. , • . h [ ,4 FOR FALL AND Ur RAT ER GOODS, TIZOMAS HARDEN begs leave to call attention to his New and Extensive Stock of Merchandise, bought since - the recent GREAT, DECLIA.T-E_IN PRICES, whiob enables him to oiler greater bargains than se stock of ever heretofore offered in this market. An men Ottoman, Thibot, Brodie and Paisley Shawls, Flannels of all descriptions, Woolen Scarfs, Nuldas, Blankets, etc. The Dress Goods Department is complete with latest styles and fabrics, embracing Cashmere D'Ecoosse, Empress Poplins, Sirge,•Fretich iis.tins, Plaids, Alapaeas, Silks, etc.; also, a fall line of Trfininingn, • Fringes, Laces, and Ribbons of every variety. HOUSEKEEPERS' DEPARTMENT will be found very attractive, as it inoludes insny new and desirable styles of Carpets, Mattl43, Oil Cloths widths, Table Linens, Napkins, etc. • TU GENT'S DEPARTMENT contains an immense stook of Men's, Youths' and Boys' •Clothing. • "1-31.A.TS A:NEO CAPS , Boots and Shoes at greatly reduced prlces.3 TIIIINKS,ITALISES, ROBES 81.0 all sires and prices. The hest selected and cheapest stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS 1N WELLSBORO. The public we respectfully invite to call and examine. No trouble to show goods. Oct. 59, 1872-tf. THOMAS HARDEN. WE HAVE LAID IN A STOCK OF OUR LINE fl THIS SEC I2ION OF COUNTRY, IP'.A.INTInat) 'PO Srr N. 'Y. A. 1f57 ESTON itt: 00. 7 • kkNUFACTURERS OF snr.sraLmmixs AND ENGINICS AT I NATS ON HAND Executor's Notice. JEREMIAH DOCUSTADEII, DAVID DOOKETADER, • . Ateira. " 0 •.,Li i..N*-,,,,..,..., 41.,4,1'",,,,1itz,,. ,1;;,:.:1..k1:11;,,..,N fiv.,t ~,i, , ~e . .1.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,;;:,,,,,1e, ~,,,,,,": 4 , ,e ti o & ~ ~, . .,i,t,,,, ~:kt ,4y,. _:‘ ,. .4 4 .....,, .„ , i, , , , ,, ~2-. ,t .ce4, : , v44;';. 1 , . ,;: 4 Altek -,4-!--v,.4: i , ‘;" z . z... 1 ~ t, ~- , A ' sic - • l,fi-'-'-'-,„ ,r..:4;,--: Ldt:iA,.4 ,t4‘,71, --4',..c:,..:til trzm; -,., 1'.:. , „.),4,, ..41/1/4,---3,g4' 64.,r , !:''g -,- ,. -2 , 4‘., , wip , r77 ,,- 7tA i .I,,,,iiitipoo,p,o ~,,,,,„;,,., , r i i 41F1, .:1,,:i % 0, , ,, , • e5t,A,.3 'v ~.,_ _ lifit,l.•V - 'l4:'!"q ' " 4.m ---- 'f44,-,-,.0,- t "' t6 L -c1,6,.---- ._,t, 410RNINO, STEUBEN Mill, N. Y. lIITE7STION. OF ESTABLIEURD IN 1819 Farm for Sale. A17,41.1%. , ..1;LE farm for sale of 133 acres, situated In the b ...rn Nelson, Tioga coiinty, Po., con taining .3•7 2rcs crt ;moll tobacco land, 2 good bearing orchards of viv•ico fruit, and 40 sores of timber - of all kinds. The ;: o first-class wheat land, is fencad in 8 fields, and ha , in every field. There is also a good large howie 0: II romps, and all necessary out buildings, a good new barn, gGo4 tenant house and 13 blacksmith shOp. l'he stock and taming tools will be hold with the place If desired. Vor further parte- Ware inquire of the undersigned on the premisev. N 0,14011, Pa., Mar, 25, '7 1 4-2na.* .1013. N 4~ ~~~~ PE NN'A. i;ts CA 'legit...lel the tettenv et Using :ii' iiL:i:l2sal IDjeCters P 4/ '-. 1 :4?• ._ Dillir'ite . y: - - - - - -5.... • --,....-- ~ . f.: . .... '," ._ 7 : 7 , A •': i -.; - 0 d.'• 'N ; ' . 4•4 -',. , P.: , 3, i ' t c VI i. , 1 ',." 4-1 ':---' 4•. - e14:44 4 ; . .. i ;' , v4. , ; - . , ,.. , , --"""%) k..‘4„.0 4.•-,-4,..---,.3'=:::.--,41:4----- - • '':S: 2,r;. - 4k - , - . - *:. iii... - 5,-- ... ~ , • - : ,- ;4•4 , t)7:1-4 4 - 4-;7-ft., - 4-4. 4 -44444-....;;./.. -0- • •-=-.. 1- ,_ ,,.:' , a r ./ . 1?: ''..... .1.. `'. 1 4 1 . , Y. , ..... i. - •::-. .........___-r-............. r.' 5 oh - o6clally deu!t,rnfi for the per. 1,14. REMEDY. It 1 , it, I . orm. of vet tra merit yet invent-pl. with Ira 1 reeeicous can he carried fooh up acid pcilc,Eiy,::A. , q;•:(l to ali parts of the after:ter( ro.s.i pas. eagee, lira eh ;labors or cavities 00111;91111/41:1Ing Ureter-lin, ii. which Gores and ulcers frequeri tly exist, uud e mak the catarrhal discharge generally proceeds. 'no want of success in treating catarrh beretotore Las anion largely from the impossibility of applying 2 eine.dieo to these cavities and chambers by any of the ordinary methods. This obstacle In the I%,iy of eilecting curie ie entirely over come by the invention of the Dunelro. In using this instrm meat, tiro fluid Is carried by its own weight too snuffing, forcing or pumping. being required,' up one nostril In a full gentle Ilownig 5t....:0n to th.s highest portion ol the nasal passages. passes into and tholoUghll Cleanses all the trees and costa hers connected there with and 11 ~s s' out n ti.e opposite nostril. Its nue is pleasant root citoirie that a child could understand rt. 24 . 21/ eap•rett tHireclfons accompany each Instrument When used with this instiumeut, Dr. Sage's Cotar , h liemedy cures recent AVIdUli3 01 Void lit the iieue.."' by . a few appi tenuous. of Cuter. n. Frequeut 11.91 , 14u:he, d:tcharg.e faillog into throw, Bonn times Lammas, wax-tic, InitlCtli, purulent &e. In other e a dry i.eisS,d ry, watery - , weak or inflamed oyes, stopple .1; up or °heti action of • Unftit pitesita,es, ring. log in car s, d•tat..r.t,d3. wkintroi d coug , e, ng to clear throat; ulcerations, scuba-40m ulcers, voice altered, nasal twang. e Impaired or total de pivation of sense of smell art taste, dizziness, men tal depleo,slon bars of indigestion, ontnrged tonsils, ticilnlm t••: u ec. Only a few of these symptoms are likely to Lu present in any ease at one time. Dr. .s.age's Catnrcli ilovatiiy, when need with Dr., Pturcr,a rtr.a.“ -lbuccctie, and ftc , Jutapanied with the constitutional ttaiitment which is tccum. mended in the, painpldot thst wraps , of the Itemeoy, ie n perfect bpcuilis.: fur this diseaie, and the proprietor , offers, gt - f - ... 1 Lath, 8500 reword for a case he cannot oure. The Renio,dy Is mild and pions.,ot to eciztaiiaug 11(. , strong_ or caustic drugs or puhriu.i. The Cat:..zi Remedy is sold at 50 cents. iluuLlia at re.) Gums. by all Drrigy.lAs. ui eitbui will be mall,sl by p‘,prie for on receipt of 60 cents. R. V. PIERCE, ?S. - S.ele Proid & toe, BUI:TALO, N. Y June 26, 1872, Rot-ly HARNESS SHOP W. NATLE, would say to hie friends that G Humus Shop is constantly stocked with Heavy and Light Harneses, made in a substantial manner, and offered at prices that cannot fall to suit. The beat workmen employed, and none but the ben material used. Repairing done on short notice,and in the best mrn ner. Call and see Jan. 1, 1872-Iy, JEWELRY STORE: WELLSBORO, PA. IfICI ) j -- is•: . in the Sewslry business it us 1 I g , ~ '• . Wellsboro, has always for sale, k ... : 6 'k " : c. C '' A various kinds and pride■ of . who has long been established AIIKOCAN WATCHES, Gold or Silver, Clocks, Jewelry, 0-old Chains, Keys, Rings, Pins, Pencils, Cases, Gold and Steel .pens, Thimbles, Spoons, Razors, Ple.ted Ware, SEWING MACHINES, /tic., SC., tte. With nwatlall other articles usually kept in snob es tabliibinen t)), wrela are sold low for A S H. lEE Repatringdoneneatly, and prpmptls,'und on. ehor XOTIOE. 1 .73. n. 1. 1872-ly field Iron Paints. Man [TWELVE SHADES.] hi Fire-Proof Metallic ESE, OVER TRIRTY YEARS. lYlansfi Mete are the cheapest good paints in the market.— They are dul** and adhesive, and the darker shades, to a great extent, tire-proof. They are put up in tin cans of froml five (5) to fifty (50) pounds, ground In oil, and In packages of from five to ten gallons, mixed for immediate use. The attention of persons about to paint le respect fully called r these goods, the base of which is iron Address JOHN H. PUTNAM & BRO. Jen. 14,-em. Mansfield, Tioga CO., Pa OY MO'S & SMITH POIYIE BANKERS, BLOSSB RG, Tioga County, Penn'a SS PAPER NEGOTIATED 1111811 ST Pournox XO'il BANKERS b oy, Ps 3-ti. leb 4, 18 8 AND PLANTS Fietitany-487,3. THE e I call the sttentiort of the people of TI ty to u,c spleudid stool; of • (INCE mu' uy cou .) us 2.; '0 -v,r: ,- nric4 pLANTs G~i7~.i:::Sst. . ot all Ne.r.vtie3, in their eels .t -tr.r.vb-rry Plautt%, Apple ilwrot.Ler ornamental us•; 011, Poil.a: at; TreQq. Quinc Trees and Si MHZ 'I;EBS BY MAIL PREPAID.'Wtk ,pkio. per 113., 25 cts: Mammoth ruaslan er Ib.. i i., or 1 oz. 10 cts; Sweat Corn, I pm: gnurt, cts., Onion Sets per quart, Field Pu Sunflower, early or late) 25 ate. urnl3ll very lice Sugar Maples, grown In • I can also tha open lie! Curresuou duce or orders promptly attended to. WellebJro Feb. 25; 1873. tf. The Eclat Paint in the World. AnySha4e from Pure White to Jet Black It A. combin firm of the purest paint with India Rub ber, formin. u setetAlt, utessy,Jlrm, durable, elastic and beantipa Put it, uutollected b. change of temperature; is perfectly uter-proof , uud adapted to all classes of work, and is to every war R better paint for either in side or maid Je painting thuu any nther paint in the woi Id, being, froth one-third to one-fourtb cheaper, and lasting at least three times as long as the best leact and oil paints. Re sure that our Tuna limit (afue tinvile f, of which it ocean above) is on every package. Prepat f ed ready for us and sold by the gallou.enly. . pg9p, le, 1873-trv. 4 - GEO. W. MAPLE ANDREW FOLEY A. FOLEY. W. ii.. SIIITEf, Itiossburg, Pa M. B. PRINCE ing . to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bonesare not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the, vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. , Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Ileadacht, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Diz ziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful' symptems, are the offsprings of - Dyspepsia. In these complaints it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a Letter gi4r antee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the, turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display . so decided an influence that a marked improvement i s soon percep tible. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheu matism and Gout, 'Bilious, Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Dis eases are caused by Vitiated Blood, witch (is generally produced by derangement Of the Digestive Organs. They are a Gentle fourgative as well as a Tonle, possessing also the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving; Congestion or Inflam mation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, and in Bilious Diseases. For Skin Dlseases,,lEruptions, Teeter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car bunches Ring-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Ery sipelas, Scurfy, Disco'orations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, arejiterally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. Grateful Thousands proclaim VINEGAR BIT. Tan the most wonderful Invigoraht that 'ever sustalited • the sinking system.° ; - ' J.WALK.E ft, Prop'r. R. H. ItieDONALD 4 CO., Druggists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Cal., and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts.,-New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS reh . 1873-Thw. . • MArely Vegeta HEE IRQAT ALC;mm A 9 SISTERS AEA A. CERTAIN 0URF...1 7 01'. Seated Ootigh, Inclpient Consumption, Cold g, BLn hg of Blood, Inflammation-of the Lungs; Catarrh, Bron-.' antis,' 'Croup, Ulhoolnug Cough Asthma, Pains iii Breast or Side, Dyspept l ia, Jana- (UCO, Diazinees, LARS of Appetite, Fever and Ague. Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Diarr hoea, and. all Dieeases or the Lungs Stomach and Liver. lav Gregg EZO 43" Wholesale: Drztgyists, Elmira, N. Irr., Sole Agentg, and to whom all ordereshould be address ed.—mil -FoR SALE BY PIERCE S KP.Eo9, Welisboro, Pa PRICE, $l.OO June 12, 1572-Iv.] ellfers A IS( d'fr4• , 'l` Li; LS t, 11..1 •ti 0 1 ,1 r MISS 11. W. TODD hassernoved her 'Music Store to 11l the late residence of Lauer Bache, opposite Can Horn's Hotel. Steinway and other I: o l..,xlcossee for sale very cheap. Also, MASON & HA-SILTN CABINET ORGANS. OLD INSTRUMENTS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. A largo stock of NEW MUSIC moat received. " I.E.SSI)NS given on the Piano, Organ, and, in Sing ing. An opportunity for practice afforded - to those who may desire it. H. W, TODD. Jan. I. 1972-tf. Tioga Marble Works, TEE undersigned is now prepared to execute all ders for Tomb Stones and Monuments of either , 7 Itatia77 , 07' Rutland Marble, of the latest style and approved.workmanship and with dispatch. Re keeps constantly on hand both kinds of Marble and will ho able to snit all who may favor him with their orders, on as reasonable terms as can be obtained in the country. Jan. 1,1872 A FAMILY ARTICLE Agents make $l2 60 per day, $76 per week. AN ENTIRELY NEW SEWING MACHINE 7OR DOMESTIC USE, ONLY'IVE DOLLARS. With the New Patent Button Hole Worker. Patented ,Jnne 27th, 1871. A most wonderful and olegantlyLeonstructed SEW. nca MAcni.N.E for Family Mirk. Complete in all its Parts, Uses the Straight Eye Pofrito Needle, SELF THREAIHNO, direct upright POSITIVE MOTION, New Tension, Self Feed and Cloth Guider. Operctes Ps WHEEL and on a TABLE. Lipid Running, Smooth an, nOisoless like all good high priced machines. flab Patent Check to prevent the wheel being turned the wrong way. Uses the thread direct from the spool. Makes the ELAi , TIC LOCH STITCH, (finest and strongest stitch known;) firm, durable, doge and rapid. Will do all kinds of wurk. fine and course, from CI.I.IIBRIC to heavy Cloth or LEATHER, and uses all descriptions of thread. This Machine is LIF.AvILY CONqTRLICTED to give it .sTRENOTII; all the parts of each Machine being made alike by machinery, and beautifully finishe'd and ornamented. It is very easy to learn. Rapid, Snoop, and Sdent in , peration, Reliable at all times, and a PaacTicAL, Bcamcrtrze, MECIIA.NTCAL /2:VENTIoN, at Greatly Reduced Price. A 6 ,- )0.1, elmap. Family Sewing' Ma,:hlne at last.— The 113 , 4 and, only SIICie:4B produclng a valnablp, subst4nchd and 1.,..1w.b1e m,,, : 1, 1 „,. Its e x t l ,..;,, f _ 1.11, ' ' ef , lltiltlOlni. RS SLIM , tf kitt;:ith: its it to till kaps.'itti , i 3. whil t it a,Aat tavorits 1,. r.v 4. 1, a ramil Pi 11:3 .4.1 A, Sr b 3 icrecimmENDED vIlLtor111.11) Vtd eco/lideutly rreoLumend itn 1140 k , 1.... , till IL really , g.olSevni,g .4 .1 P. WIT,n6N, 11.10.1 b -I fur , N. J. I , e h :An •. rant" 2“ Ur" lth the ./Tr,:10 . ,:g, Mid VerytAt CFI to it, W. Chilling 51.1.1. NEFI,LE, paabed in a struni wooden box, and ed to aiiy part ni %the corn ti; , by expiTus ' FREE of further charges, on receipt in price. ONLT FIVEDOLLALS. safe delivery guarautiaid. Witt, each Machine we w,ll send, on receipt ef i 1 ..dra, the new patent . BUTTON IfOLE WOBKEit, One of the most impatient and useful Inventions of the age. 5, simple and certain, that a child can work the finest button hole with regularity and ease. Strong and beautiful. SPECIAL Truara, and Eztra Inducements to , MALE and .-ty , mte, Store Keepers, &c., who will' es talgich agencies through the country and keep our N/4W rifhelliNES on Exhibition and Safe. COUNTY SMUTS given to smart agents FuEr. Agent's complete 'emits furnished without any l3all.A.ollArinn. Samples of swing, descriptive circulars containing Terms, Teatitnounis, Engravings, Sze., Se., SENT MEE. We also supply \ GRlcuLfruitAL IMPLEMENTS. Latest I-atents and Improvements for tlio Farm and Garden Mowers, Reapers, Cultivators, Feed Cutters, Hariows, Farm Mills, Planters, Hervest&s. Threshers and all articles needed for Farm work. Rare Seeds in large variety. Norway Oats. The wonderful ipulti plying ECrIPTIAN Con* $1 per hundred, &c., &c.l All money sent in Post °Mee Money Orders, Registered Letters, Drafts* by Express, will be at onr risk; and is perfectly se;ure. Safe delivery of all our gods guaranteed. , •, An old and'fesponsible firm that sell the best goods at the lowest pr ce, and can be relied upon by our readers."—Farmer's Journal; Nee York. ' Address orders, A. CATELEY; Superintendent. • Corner Cireenwich and Courtland ste., New Tork, Oct. 15, 1872-6 m. For Sale 'o7i..Rent. la OUSE AND LOT corner of Pearl rtreot and Av il enue. Also for Salo, seven village lots near the Academy. Apply to ELLIOTT &BOUND, ' Wellsborts, Ps. Oct. 29.1872-tf. For Sale THE subsoriber offors for Bale hie farm in Middle bury, near Heonerille, containing 100 acres, 90 acres improved, and is in good state of cultivation.— There are two orchards, a good house, two banns, a store building, and wagon shop on the premises. Any one wishing to purchase can learn all particulars by calling on the anbsoriber on the premises. Maroh 2,p, 18784 m. R. M. Macey. e Worl , l', , i 'I -.Ac P. 110FarEERl1? FRANK ADAMS R. R. FL NADWAYI READY MO CUBES Two weitsrr 'PAtlcs In from One to= Twenty foirtmcez. NOT ONE HOUR atter mdtrig this anvertlmmeut heed My ont: SIIFFEE,WiTIf FAIZZ, EADWAY'S BEADY RELIEF IS A , CURE FUR EVERY pAI - N. It was the Wt. and Is . The Only 3Pain I t ernedv that Instantly stops the most exe,uolognerams. unapt Inflammations. and cures Congestions. wm.ther of the Lungs, Stomach. Bowels, or other glands or oredus, by one Ese i rEl ti .Ot ONE TO ,I'WEITTY no matter bow violent or escrucistlng the pale tLc RHEUMATIC. Bed-ridden, Inlirtn, Ortpiritd, Neuralgic, or prostrated with may sutitr, RADWAY'S READY RELIE: WILL AFFORD INSTANT EAt;E. • EqFLAMMATION OF"flIE EIVIYIEYS. INFLAMMATION OF BLADDE:I INFLAMMATION OF TILE BOWELS. EON/H.:STICH OP THE SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BR EA PAL.P.ITATION OF HYSTERICS, CROUP, DIPHTHERIA. CATARRH, LNFLUENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, NEURAIOLA, RHEUMATISM. COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS. The application of the itvady lirlief M the p - e.rt cc parts where the pain or difficulty ex4ts a:row car, and comfort. Twenty drolln half a tumbler of water will u fcw moments cure RAMPS. SPASMS, SOGR - STOS: ACE HEARTBUR,. SICK HEADACIIE.,, , DYSENTERY, - COLIC, 'WIND HI THE' DolvEL and all INTERNAL PAINS. - _ . Travelers should always carry a bottle or Rrr ;via yi - Ready Relief with them. A few dro; s prevent sickness or pains from changa of wvt. It r. Letter than French Brandy' or Bitters an it n: FEVER AND AGUE. FEVER AND AGUE crated for y cevt*, not a remedial agent In Ude world that wi4 (.; , A: and Ague and all other Matarlous, Scark:. pbold, Yellow, and other Fevers (aided by 'Rat LAVA FILLS) an quick as TIADWAY'S REd.LY Fitly cents per bottle. Sold by DruguLt;4. HEALTH! BEAUTYIi STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD-INCE EA':: OP FLESH AND WEIGHT-CLEAR SKIN AM) BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALI.. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT': HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING Cur.T.zl ~ SO QUICK, SO RAPID ARE VIE CRANGe. , THE BODY UNDERGOES, UNDER THE I.:, 'TRULY 55"0\L6itt'i it Bl=M _ .. mhbiciiit, ilna • , ~ Every Uay an Increase-In Flesh and Weight is Seen and Fejt.' THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of the SARSAYARILLIAN RESOLV ' . ENT communicates through the Blood, Sweat. 'Clint:, 1 and , other fluids mid Juices of the system th vigor of lifv, for it repairs thee wastes of the body with r uw and sound,' material,._ Scrofula, Syphilis, Conaturipti n, Glandular dt4....e, Clem in the Throat, Mouth. 'I 141134F5,; Nodes ih, the Glands and other parts of the system, Sore Eyed, Strumous Discharges from the Ears, and the wont , forms of Skim diseases, Eruptions, Foyer: Sores, Scald , K, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne Disci; Spo , Worms Id the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers 'ln the W b, and all weakening find painful dischtirges, Night S cati, Loss of Sperm, and all wastes of the lifo peril/. 14 7 , p e, are within the curative rasps of ,this wonder of Mal. ern Chemistry, and a few days' use will prove to any persod using It for either of these forms of disease its potent power to cure them. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the wastes and decomposition that is continually progressing, sec. ceeda in arresting these wastes, and repairs the tame with new material made from healthy blood—And tails, the SARSAPARILLIAN wilt anti does secure. Not only does the SAILSAPARILLIIN ReteotArlt.t exe/ lh known remedial agents In the cure of Chronic', Scrag. ow, Constitutional, and Skin diseases ; tut It is the only positiVa cure fur . , . . ii , Jui ]ii 'cy & Bladder Complaint s; urin , and Womb diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Drop - Ao,. Stopp eof Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright's Div' ease, lbtunlnurla, and Wall cases whore there ere brick. dust d, posits, or the water Is thick, cloudy, enticed with Substances like the white of an egg, or threads ilke white silk, or there Is a morbid, dark, bilious appearance, and white bone:dust deposits, and when there Is a perlang,. burning ,sensation when passing water, and pain hi the Small of the Back and along the Loins. Price, ei,co. WORMs.—The only known and sore Remedy forcorms— in, Tape, etc. } Tumor of 12 Years', Grcrurth Cured by Jadway's Resolvent. • BEVEILY. Mau., July 18, I 88?, Da RADWAY bare had Ovarian Tumor to the ovvl,u and bowels. All the Doctors said "there woe no help for It." I trl4 every Ming that wu recommended ;-but nothing helped me. I saw your ResOlvent, owl thought I would try It ,• Gut had no faith In It, became I hid suffered for twelve yam. I took slx bottles of the Resolient, and one boo of Radihy'a Pills. mod two bot tles of your Ready Relief ; sod there is not Is stip tumorto be seen or felt, and I feel better, smarter, end happier tlwu I buys for twelve years. The worst tumor was In aft left aide 441 the bowels, Ayer the groin. I vrrlte this to you for the boalikit at others. You can publish It if yon choose. H.ANNita P. KNAPP. DR. RADW:httY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE:PILLS 1 perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with Sweet gtup. purge, regulate, purify, cleanse anki stringthen.. Rad way aPills, for the cure of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation, Costiveness. Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Biii011&11C39, Bilious Fever, Indamamtlon of the Bowels, Plles,and all Derarmetoeuts of the Internal Vis cera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely Vegeta ble, __containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs. ar Observe the following symptoms resulUng from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: Constipstien, Inward Piles, Follnesi of the Blood in the Used. Acidity of IS, Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn Disgust of Freed, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eruetationly Sinking or. Flattering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Heil, Harried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at On ift Choking, or Soffondinglerdations when In a Lying Post Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the ,Sight, Fever on Dull Pain he the Head, De cle.y of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyn, Pain In the Side, Chest, j.imbs , and sudden Flu.thesol Fleet, Burning in the Flesh, SITS few doses, RAILWAY'S PILLS will Ste the sys. tern from all the above-named disorders. Price, 25 cents per box. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. READ "FALSE AND TRUE." Send one letter etarnp to RADWAY OD., No. Sy Hoiden Lane, New- York. li/formation worth thtusands will be sect youi • WELLBBORO May 29,1872-1 y ' 1 Door, Sash & Blind Factory, BHNJADIIti AUSTUN, Is prepared to furnish 4rat class work from the best lumber, at his new:fac tory which is now in full operation. • . Sash, Doors, 1 211INZA D ECII.Ergo AND MOULDINGS, constantly on hand, or naanufaotnrodto order. ' Planing and Matching done promptly, and In the best 'manner. The beat workmen employed, and none but the best seasoned lumber used.. encourage home bulustry. • .„ Factory near the foot of Main Street. Jan. 1., 1812-tf N FISHLER H AS the lerceet end beet seleCted eteck of ptaBOOTS AND _SHOES ever brought into Wellehoro, coustetmg, Ladies' KO and Cloth Baly)or als and Gaiters, Ladies ; i Pisses , • Children and ... Bay's Shoo. Gents' Cloth Boots and 41108 S, Prince Albert ,- Ccllf Boots, Boys' Calf & A2p Boots, - Youths'ndots.. .;./ • • In fact, all kinds oil Mena' and Women's wear kept in a first-class Shoe Eltore. The beat sawed Woman's Shoes ever offered in this market. I defy the world in CUSTOM WORK. If you don't believe it, iry.nie. I buy only the best stock, and have as good - Cordwatners as money san hire. REPAIRING done neatly, and with dispatch I Leather and Eindi4B of all kinds constantly on hand CASH PAID FOR HIDES, DEAWN SKINS, PELTS AND FURS. Having just filled up my shelves with ri cholas stock, personally selected for, this market, 1 •respect fully solicit a fair share of" Small profits and quick returns." I believe t bo a good business max im ; and I hold tho beet goods tO lie tho cheapest. I keep no shoddy. My assortment is suillotent to meet all sizes and tastes. I invite our patrons and the Public generally to Call and examine my stock. No trouble to show goods. AlwaYa to be found, one door north of C.; B. Kelley's store. Main street. Welleboro, rta t JOKIt nous N Fob. 6, 1813rtf. I BEND AUSTIN