Jim's Atuney: Untisppy jun cited for the Moot.— Such a tune t stretched out his wee rosy bind, To make all the folks understand That he'd have tt whether or no, • That's so. s . kgairritta pitting ibat war, , op% tar.• Simi heard 016 spoilt babri _ b004m." Ana tool( him, without more ado, Ono very hum long porno)°, indeed, With Epee& • - • 17p, up, 'mid the eters, pee a pith. ' • -Bid they dash. . ' The g , Little Buie *tattered and gratilag, The "Big Bea , " protested end heeled; 7410,itapa *pa Dippar"io . Bright stun waited around theta like bee* • "'One of these I tbluk - Pd prefer, Fairy good. Instead Of the Moen, if you tecnald, rWstoPl'lltake horns to Mamma That *tar.'-' r . • tatny t for the good,Satz7 4teutl - , Not it word.- - • ' Then to I 'mid the bright, blinding glare. 'While the &tau in the Moon gage eters, They stepped-on the keen Buyer rim: - Poor Jim!' ' • - • - - • ' They itamilered e'er valley end hill,, rah arid still: . . But all !was BO lonely, in spite Of mountains and rivers of light. "/ think I'd 'choose, doll Earth instead," Jim said. "There's no home, there's ho zeothez hem Deer, oli I dear. Ohl please Wm bock, Mr, sweet ,Kne; tt mrthe gar% we should meet. VII Rey you when I am a man ."I.lad'cen.", 0 TT jnet cirieh you Caere In s wink Arias blink," The fairy said. 15 preadOg her wings. "Don't cry for innocelble things— rngs piece of advice I give you, • •- iatosit" ALL SORTS A maiden speech--" Ash papa." 'George Beabody is a Bal4m policeman. A "frank" statement—"M. 0." on a Con gressman's letter. At a church fair in Brooklyn a man paid $llB for a pen-wiper. Brigham Young's one hundrld and seven teenth child has . arisett tonsil him blessed." - A Magnanimons witness In lowa pia poned his wedding twenty-two hours to ac commodate the court. Why did not George Washington's slater go with him to cut the chey tree? Because she had hot got her little ha et..; The report that the Modoc Indians had been engaged to put war-whoops on barrels of army, stores has been contradicted. In - 1862 Texas had but twenty-one con victs in her State prison. In 1872 there _j ore, nine hundred and forty-four. A newspaper has just made its appear. ance• in, Wheeling, W. Va., which bears the title of "Greased Lightning:" A cock fight took place in a Paris, Ga., church-yard the other day, a complacent deacon acting as umpire. A colored woman has recovered S2OQ from a steamboat company at Keokuk, for ,ieject ing her from the cabin of one of'its boats. Thep have egg-sucking matches in Parla. The other night one fool swallowed the con tents of eighteen shells, and another twenty- An lowa paper proclaims itself an "hon est newspaper," and in another paragraph says: "When a man professes honesty now adays keep your eye peeled for a thief." Ladies' head-dresses have become such structures now that the hair-dressers have to petitieu the city government . for "per mission to build" before they can go ahead. A Philadelphia .woman, hating married off her ninth and last daughter, meekly fold ed her hands and died. "My life work is done," were her last words. Real water, live horses, genuine trees, and shrubs of natural growth are to be In troduced into a melo-drama to be perform ed at Drury Lane, London, next month. Michigan has Just discovered the value for tanning purposes of an inexhaustibk3 wild growth of sweet fern, which it has 'ie. carded hitherto as gooa-fern-nothing. A La Crosse (Wis.) girl rubbed her cheek against her sister's husband's hand to get up a healthy glow for a ball, 'and she has been turned out of the house for it. A merchant of Topeka recently lost WO in cash. As his wife and one of his clerks have not been aeon since he is apprehensive that they were murdered for his money. The troubles of the Tennessee doctors are greater than they can bear. If the patient recovers, he never pays his doctor's 14111. and, if he dies, his relatives kiillthe doctor: A lady abopt to marry as warned that her intended, although a good man, was very eccentric. "Well, " she said, "if he is very unlike other men, ,he is more like 4 to be a good husband." . A nervous gentleman, residing in a thor- I A on hfare for vehicles, says he will give $5O for a mocking-bird that can imitate the ere lng of a cart•wheol. He wants to wring the creature's head off. Georgia has a hale and hearty citizen who has been struck by thirty-two ittinle rifle balls, one mortar shell, one shrapnel, one three-inch conical shot, struok by lightning, bitten by &rattlesnake, and chased by a mad dog. "I don't know where that boy gothia bad temper—not from me, I'm sure," said a slightly irritated father one day. "No," said his-sarcastic wife, "You've certainly not lost yours." The head of the family subsided. A French statistician who vouches for the facts states that Paris contains 1,450 hunch backs, 1,224 individuals whp have but one arm, 1,145 with but one leg, t )110 cripples, 17 without noses, and 8 without either legs or arms. An Oregon woman, who slipped and eat down in the street, didn't faint or scream, but the way she used cues words set two members of the Young Men's Christian As sociation-into a dog -trot after tracts. A German , baker heard that superliet would cure his wife's gout, and forthwith chucked her inthis oven. Her gout doesn't trouble her any more, but it is thought the fire musthave annoyed her a bit before she died. • A woman at Jackson, Miss., interfered with her brother'. courtship and begged him to stay at home evenings. He waited. until the evening when she expected her own lov er and complied, and she says that fxaternal affection is a heartless mockery. It is said that Toole, the English t;omedi an, possesses the power to make the melan choly calf laugh.. It he comes to this city the din that will follow his appearance, pro viding our swell young men go to see him, will be terrific.—Commercial Advertiser. A Polish editor, Dr. Czymaneki, of Posen, has been sentenced to four months' impris onment for publishing an article evidently directed against the anti-clerical Jerre which arc passing through the Prussian Lantag, entitled "Battle with God's Church." Tbs. man in Newport who recently mar ried hie mother-In-law says he did his best to escape, but that she reached the oars just in time to nab him. Since his marriage he has joined the Methodist Church, and now declares that the *man may do her worst, as he is sure of crest in Heaven. The Prussian Government has decreed that the monastic,' 'and conventual institu tloll3 at Poaen be subjected, like private in dividuals, to Ake payment of income tax. The ecclesiastical bodies have protested, but have been warned that on failing to pay they will be proceeded against by distraint. There is n little railroad at Bayou Sara, 1,,a., that runs to Woodville on a very inac curate icheible. A stranger came in the other day and inquired how often the steam car made trips to the country. Tho party interrogated said; "Tri-weekly." "What do you mean by tri-weekly!" The answer was: "It goes up ono week and tries to come down tEe next." A Michigan clergyman wrote to a lottery agent: "I da not approve of lotteries; I re• gard them'' as no better than gambling schemes. My sori bought ticket No. 6 in your drawing, but if it drew anything, don't send the money to him—send it to me." The clergyman probably feels relieved to learn that the ticket did not draw anything. One of the fruit dealers of Portland caught an urchin stealing nuts, and proceeded to execute condign punishment. The boy begged to be released, because ho had just been vaccinated from a fresh cow. "What the—has that to do with it?" shouted the infuriated fruit dealer. "She was a hook ing cot, and it got into my blood," was the w inapering reply. A man whom Dr. Chalmers engaged to_ manage a disorderly Sunday-school kept his eyes wide open during praying, and when one boy, thrust a pin into another he march ed up the aisle, still praying, and cuffed that boy's ears, and went back again, praying all the way. After that he was master of the situation, for the boys thought that a man who could watch and prey like t lthat could not be pat down. I:have a large stook of Dry Goods, Grooeries l , Boots, Sh,oes, Ready-ltilde Clothing,' Hals and Caps, Yankee Notionif,Ac., which I:will sell at cost for the nerd thir- .--Giargra o°Cter ty days, . I will Sell good prints for ten cents per yard. 11 I will sell good sheetings; yard wide, for 11 cents. •` will sell all my goods so cheap thay you cannot help buVng them, if you wily call at my store in the Deerfield Woolen laillel TNGU IMOTICERS, Proprietors of gra above Mlne, raimubcttire rn:alto agar, to silt marts. Ottit OASMIEBES an warranted. Particular attention - glYan to Roll Carding. & Cloth Dressing We manufacture to order, and do all kinds of ROB- Carding and Cloth Dressing, and defy cosopetitian. We Lave as good an assortment of Alin Clothe, Cassi,mie?‘.9B, and Ow more for Wool in exchet other y than any eatabnahmant. Try theta and satis rurnselves. We witalseabs and retail at the Cirwasteaque mill& 2 miles below Suorr23e. Jan. 1. 1872. J. H. Griswold's Water Wheel. agentslor the above Water r i Wheel. ant clan cheerfully reoommend it as 5 11 Po• rior to all others in nse. Pomonato pur chase "should see this wheel in operationn~be re buy. other wheels. ANIGHAIII hiay 150.811. Dead the fblloiiing W=, Ann U., 1872. We the undenignotl, purchased one 01 J. 11. wold's 30 inch Water Wheels using 63 inches of water to run three run of stonrunder a 20 foot head, and are vrell pleased with the wheel. We hart ground sixty bushels per hour with the three run and eatt average that amount par hour aU day. CB D aB . PMILTONLIPS. WALKER & LATMLOP. NABDWASO, MON, STEEL, N6flA STOVES. TINWARE, =M S% SAW% CUTLERYWATER LUX AGBICIATLIBALq EXPLEMENTS, \ i t 01314.11g0 and Hamm Trinuanp, (3000 n1r. N. Y., Jan. L 1812 LIVER'2 STABLE. zirsim & Carus BREIPECT • : Bfully inform tho publia that tap • 7' base established a Livery for Sire, • At their Stable on Pearl St. ,o ppo Wheeler's sr= ebop. Single or double rigs .isbed to older. aim to keep good horses and 'And intend to please. PriCedl tease:lAMß. HAM es COLES. Aug. 21, 1879. •• New store. T7o.7ol='*Tgree' t3ll.i'ittybra the psneaa Jewelry Store in the building recently occupied by O. L. Wilcox. His stook•compaisee a fullwortment 01 Cloct,s, Watches. Jewelry, .Silver° and Platecl-Traro. S. D. WABBIMat, one of the best verbose in North ern Potontylrenis, will attend to the Repairing' of . Watches, Clocks, 40., 4.c. 1 For the skilful doing of which his aerentosn Years preotlaslosperience is etMiluAratec a. - WelLsboro. Aug..28,1871-tf. r now poodving asyr and elegnt design!, in - 31 1 4hat7 . C195?" CerfiZICOSINO; and invitee the pablio to sail and azandne goods and pri me. P. 13.—N0 tumble to show goods. Feb. 1111. NIL N:1.0. P. II TB, E SI E 20 T.F.E' PUBIEJO. OPERA BLOCS. . L. F. T.RMUST. DIMXETELA PA. MOLLIE BROTBZES. MM".,T'll'l latatlir.ESSES, SADDLES, dsa Tam C. P. SMITH, ILlCl3lllxiexe3r and E. B; toysa. E. 8. - Young* 06 of Hugh Young* m 6 Booksellers and Stationets, And Dealers In T 1 .1411 Paper - _. --- , - --Wkdosit 8361461 , 1 4 - • - Musket instrutaents, 'Jacket, Notiouv. ~,., Picture inmate and Masi, , Pictures, all scats, -----„..< Picture Cord.. Law Blanks. Justicu ROI% ' • Slunk Boots, 'all she*, • Trocroapers, ' , ' , Artiste Goode. Law Boas, ,ffiedlcaiBooka. ligtous Itocl4, tut a every article in our Line of tniiph. ..-Eew York Dales at One Dollar is month. at 11l Cents a month. —flubscripttorm for a week. or month, or year. ...Orders for Books notin trtock promptly attended to. .4.12 Unreels primp rered from New .vast ea day. • are Agents of the Anchor Line and the Onion Mao of V. 8.31at1 Ocean Steamers. Passage tickets to and from any point in Europa at the lowest rates. sight Drefk sold op Any Bank is Europe at cur Mendes of ExohaugeJ i ! Jan. 24,1872-Iy. E. E. YOUNG & We have She'd the Shanty .1 . . . • . . ..., _.... li FOR FALL AND WINTER. GOODS. II • . . . : wiIIaIEdiIVIBASITARD EN - , • • begs leave to call attentlin to hie lOW and Entatutive Stook of klarabandiee, bought since . watt T ' .... . 1 • • e LBALDw &co . _ GREAT DECLINE ,P R. ICES, . R ,. • 111 addch enables him to . offer greater barga in' thin ere? heretofore offered in this market. An greater of • ' ' • i ' A . - 1 Ottoman , Thibet, Broche aid Paisley Shawl s ,. ) ' 2 . •, u ~ 1 1 . . Flannels of all deitatipticaus, Woolen Boar% Nubia', Blanket:kV.. • I =GA, Pa.. : The Dress Goods Department ,) . is completelatent styles and fabrics. embracing Cashmere D'Ecoosse, Brno illrge. with Satins, Plaids, /Lbws°, Bilks, eta.; also, a full line of Trimmings, Mal" /noes; and Ribbons of every variety. i . • THE HOUSEKEEPERS' DEPARTMENT . , . . - very attractive, as it includes man new and desirableas tyles of Carpets, will be found, .. . Slatting., Oil Cloths in all widths ,latile Linens, Nap ki n s, eta , • ...0--,............ . a . , . . 1 T HE GSN'Ir.PS DEPART NT IMEM , , wa tts= an immense mock of Men's, 'Routine' anti Bugs' Clothing. I • • ' nr...6taMOS ALNEO CAE'S, . . Boots and Elbow at greatly reduced prises. And now have but time to say to our friends and . . .. oustcaners that we have good TRUNKS, VALISES, ROBES SIC., all sites .241, prices. • . • 11) The Iviat:selected and cheapest Chock 01 . • • . ' .. . „ E GROCERIES AI) PROVISIONS i ~,, 1aT.T.5491301t0. . E ost. Th iag e, :9724t ublio we reepeettb.By Unite to calk and examine. No troutis to show gmls. ... N , i ~ : . THOMAS HARDEN. ~.t• BARGAINS Our Elegant New @ter e , Is 111 led tull of DESIRABLE GOODS --- '-f3 ell LoWeit imicwit to b • Anna Oall and you will know !our is le yoursoluto. Oct 16.1979. Furniture and Undertaking. Van Born & Chandler, Q3IICOMOM to B. T. 'ma Eon) • H ag %cow on oz oribitt and t. Wo o l. 4 t16 04 . !?!.4211_ FINE. AND COMMON FURNITUfII to be Mond m Nortkusn Pentuiylvania, =man or FINE PADLOR AND CRAM= 1317 ITEL EWA& 00130/122, TB'EEA,T=I, MASH? AND WOOD Top OERTIDI TALDLES, EST 11A.C1111. FANCY =Ants, =Boas, OVAI. AND. SQUABS Iritahin . Mair, PVBB No. 1 ELM MA. & YOLOELIISOB MAT and a tail sti4ltlitths feud In a drit4ass establishment The •shasjunats ars largo- 17 of thdr own znanneactue, and 1111416411110 n IS gnat* tatted both as ts inallty and plcosi, . myself the oven Tilire:Anzitrass themost spring bed acid; also Urn Tookos Spring Bed that Inka bra on trial tar 17 ram aid IP* en univareal satisfaction- Out • , • ,Coffin Boom, is supplied with all aim *title Excelsior Casket a nen and beautiful style of burial nose, together with other Vas offoreign - and home manufacture, with. trine. mings to match. They, will make tmdertaldng a epee. Wit/ In their bulimia, and any needing their senloes win he attended_ to proniptly, and at satisfactory atm. , ges. . Odd *ow o!ltirnitare made. and Turning all kinds pro .14th tundne pa and dispatch. 40.13.10,14 p. -VAN EOM, OFLANDLIM To' writes IT star (Yonoral.--HavinC °included that 'tun entitled to little mat after nearly 4v years Won application to business, I have passed over the fern'. ture haziness to "the lion" as par above advertise. meat, end take this method' of caking • feellitte the earns liberal Rs o 1 as has been osteuded to me.— My books may be found at the old plaeefcd , satt;etaant Jan. 11), • B. T. VIN'IIORIT. RECEYER, Ak Nu nf laijdE sTo R ct (413 4 11 € 714, BROAD : 61DItC1S, Which I will sell very cheap FOR CASH. In fact, the best assortment of Goods ever brought to Welleboro. of venous styles. Ilene call and look them over. 3fattog Snits, Overcoats, and Repairing done with dlipatch and as Cheap as the cheapest. ' GEORGE WAGNER, Orattou Street., lam I 1872-1 y. . Virellebaro, Re. ' jCP IP' Mt X ZT , of any description executed with aciouAss, to' owe the Aerl'ATOU 0117101.,G Corning Foundry Machine Shop. WM. Warrrno, T. L. DALDWW & CO. • Women and, D. TIPPLIII PILE ISEIKIIIMI is wizrantol to cure every dee of Coutipattto azdt nu. Or =mew refunded.. Sal 61 , John B. Voice, WeUsboro; Ps. Oat. 1. 1872.-tho ot. Adniinistrator's Notice; T ETTEIIB of afirni , lißtratlon cm the estate of La. feyette Can, late of Blosaburg, Tioga county, Pa., osceased, have been granted to Harry Ellie, residin s in Mansfield, county and State. aforesaid, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Payment, end- those haring claims or iloutauths , will mate lizowil3he AIMS without delay-. ashaßtiftim, Ataaatlalo. Akialt 1873411P.e .S'l l -A3EILIBELED. 1840. L - . 5 • M. W. V , lgazrues U ct•ips, rt.nieurtui:ai. of Stationar9. l lona Uglaes and licreers. Orating. Shafting and Afachthery requited for Saw MAIL Orjst 'glue end, Tenneries, Ovens and Orate% for burning Tan. Screws for moving ;taker-bed and trached'hark, Castings, Dolts, Railroad Pros Chairs, and Repairing dons at short notice. We have fit. cattle, for ab.ipping by Canal or Rai/node to tp yoints, and out furnish Btachinra - y clever then Enstem or Western builders of tiro best, qvality. Jan. 1. CORNING, BTEENEN COUNTY, N. T. • Card_ to the Public. WE HAVE LAID II A STOCK OF Goods% forthe Trade with the firm \ • i DOING THE LEADING Ar. , IIJOt.NEISS IN ova LII m THIS SNOTIO. Or COITSTRY, . . qek that cannot be beat in And propose to offer to our customers a st any respect lay any other firm in our line. J. 1-lorton &.„\ \ Bro., - PE NINPA. E. pal wo sok, balms yon mako your puzahases, is to give us a Gall, and SE b policy to lam yonrmonoy. WELLSIIOBO, 10 0 0 Men, n MI PEOPLE'S STORE Lan,se Stook cof goods • That roxr hate room 6o War tha bllaaos._NaLl further notice large bundles will &ob anima. for a imall euozooat at club. Oar stook Is VElltn LAUGS in all DEPSYMI:ENTS SaPaalallY Gixac;orm.xxxs, c,ALm:lLm:;,3mirg*s.7 Staple and Fancy Dry Good& And is almost daf y replenishing with the various ooseiriers as they happen Ai the New York Markets Grateful for the patronage bestowed upon nely the good citizens of Tioga cOunty we bespeak • conttn• wince of the sense, ausuringrtherd that they shall'%. fairly d'olat with and satisfsotion guaranteed. Coruthg. Sept. 26. 1872. S'SELTEI & To Sffering Humanity. ISINIM:012 OT wanted at eke n COlrrait, to atm wasp FArt of Met TS hereby given that a speolal . Cmrt of Common I. Pleas -will be held atihe Court House in Vrellsboro, egroznereng on Monday the 29th day of May zubtt, before Hon. Perris- B. Streeter, President Judge of the 18th Judicial Districi r for the trial of ell outsell certified to said court. R. C. COX,' Feb. IS. 1813. Prothonotary. Acirairsietratoros Notice. T EWERS of Administration of the estate of Wm. I j 3. Heyde, late of . BloseburgoTioga county, Pe., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Tioga county, all persona Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those haring claims against said estate will preeent the same to the undersigned in Elossburg, Pa. • 4NNA!..1161,38,... _ ' aBANCIS OLES7I3, lab/ 2s, 181.14 w.• admialsitatam Ell 0 srlll Pool conduce you whao 70.i'ICE ~'~ .111( - W4AtR - 4;/ lkl.T.l;Zer.osu ~~~ 4 ' ‘c. ; • ;7; ' • ;-.§l*/ .----"*"'"• -••••... clilSrS DISEASES Cy Tey ~,,.-.........,,,... HROAT: I III(ISzieriERA BLOOD. -I f 2n the wonderful medicine . to which the tielicted are shove pointed for relief, the dhe coverer behaves be has combined La harmony more of .1.-:;n..e.l.''s Most envereign curative prop erties, will. h 'Cod bee Justified ' into the Pegs table lteli.;om fer healing the nick, than Were ever 'l..etee co-ebined in ono =calcine. The t i evidence of We fact is found in the 'groat variety of zees obstinate diseases which it has been found re' cooquer. pa . the cure of lbtron• tall" , t"i' v ero 4-vughg, and the early stages Of Consruuspil N., it •.bas astonished the medi cal faoulti, an eminent physiolans pronounce it the greateet me teal discovery of the age . While' it cures the so erest Coughs, it strengthene the system and purities the blood. By its great and thorough blood purifying propertlek'it. cures all Huuners from the worst Scrofula to a common Blorvh,- Pimple or Eruption. Mer• curial disease), Mineral Poisons, and their effects aro eradicated, and vigorous health arid a, sound eon• etitution eatahltred. Erysipelas, gisalt. Rheumy Fever Sores, Sealy or 1 - tough . Okla, in short, all the umerous diseases caused by beef' blood, are oonererod by this powerful, purify. I ing and invigorating medicine. 1 It you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have aallevr color of skin, or yellowish brown . °pots on face 'or body,it i i l luent headache or dizzi ness, badl taste in th; internal heat or chilli , alternated wit4 i ) t i re 'flushes, low opirita and gloomy forebod , irregular appetite, and longue coated, you are , " e ring from WorPid Liver or egl3llleuertess.?• 'ln many eases of ‘4 , -Liveg Complainer only part of these symptoms are experienced. As .a, remedy for all suuli eases Dr. Plume's Gulden Medical Discovery has no equal, as it effects perfect cures, leaving the liver strengthened and. healthy. For the cure of 11.bitak..1 Conettpatiaa of the Bowels it is a never falling remedy, and those who have need' it . forthii purpose are loud in its praise. The proprietim offers 41,000 reward for a med icine that 'will I mire it for the curt) of all the diseases' for which it is recommended. • Sold by' druggists at of per bottle. Prepared by R. V. Pierde, M. D., Sole Proprietor, et his 'Chemical Le.b9Mtery, 133 Seneca Street, Buffett% fiend your addrees.for a pamphlet. ' , June 2E5; itris, liot-ly . HARNESS SHOP - • GW. RASTA, would say to his friends that Harness Shop Is constantly stocked with Heayy and Light Harnesses, made in a substantial manner, and offered st prices that cannot ikil tO suit. The beat vrkirkmen employed, and none but the best material used. Repairing done, on abort notice, and in the bast nun tier. Call and see Jan. 1, 1872-Iys JEIyEILRY STORE! WEIAASBORO, PA. I BOLE' 4 , a 771 - 19 who hafOoni been es blishad In the Jewlry but Doss it Wallaboro, hat always for sale, cartons Muds and prices of AMERI AN WATCHES, fold or Silver, , Keys, aings, ate 61 Pens Clocks, Jewelry, Gold Chatg," Pins, Penolle, Casee, Golcl and , Thimbles, Spoons, Moors. Inked Ware, - • B.EWI T M . A OT-JfigEsif &c., &c., &c, With moat Mio tablisbmmite, r sulloles =sally kapt in !mob es eb. are sold low for A S 1131 val.'', and promptly, mad on aliOr Repairing done soncX. San. 1,1.1.472-1 y Mandeld Iron Paints. , [TWELVE SUADES.I Mansfield , Fire-Proof Tetellio IN USE 10,ER TRUITT YEARS. % .1, These are the cheapest good psints in the market.... They are durable and adhesive, and the darker shades. to - a great extent, fire-proof. They are put up in tin cans of from five (6) to fifty (30) pounds, , ground in oil, and in paokages of, from five to ten gallons, mixed for immediate use. The attention oflparsons about to paint is respect fully called to these goods, the baso of which is Von. . ,Address JOHN.U. PUTNAM & 880. Jan. 14,4 m. I tiansfleld, Tloga 00., Pa. ALE inlll6 STORE. WIIQLES NING N. Y. CO IMI DBUGS AND MED DINES, PAINTS AND OILS, 'FEUD. DEUS DAYLDS' INKS, ,KEFFECB CONOMITBATED momms, yTtr.”EI.L'S FLUID, TOLTRACTS, BURNE'TT'I3 COCO/MIL FLAvORINCI TRACTS, E33.438E3 E LAMPS, PA BLEDI.CniES, BOCELCSTKS PEBFD• :4 Y AND FLAvoRTSci =C OTS, WALL PAPER, WEN- . • W OLkSS, WaITEWASII & DRY COLORS, ENT'S FOS 261.13.9ni • 4 CO'S REFMED OIL. . U IS . • -- wd,„&vz.zdr The Best Oaint in the World, Any Shade from Fure White to Jet 331 ack • combination Of the pnreet paint with India Ruh. beri forming a stai)ctli,lgtosrg,firat, durable, elastic and beautifia Paint, unaffected by chatwa of temperature; is perfectly waterproof end adaptrii to all chime of work, end to in every way a better paint for either in side or outside painting than any other paint in the world, being torn ;on &third to one-fourth cheaper, and lastingat least three times as long es tlae bestlead and oil paints. Be truo that our MAD"; isr.A.P.lt (a fee simile of which it /BM tIOMi is on q IoP. Sgeokagh, .Aeltarak. ready for tee =dem by the gauclu only. March lit iaiaJ 1 I t . C ,i ' ' ' ,. f .:ZZ',._4:;.j.'' ' , V • V''' ' '' '7,;.1 . ..*-: . .Z.:::: , .1:-...1.1..:6.:A: f ...:..:;-' :i.4....1. 1 :41 , No Person can take *Merle Blttelil accord ing to directions, and. remain long unwell , provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other - means, and the vital 'organs wasted beyond the-p oint of repair, ' ~. -i. , .• • ' - Dyspepsia, or Indi gestion. Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, lightness of the Chest, Dir. :Mess, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad 'raste in the ninth; - Bilious Attacks, Palpitation'ofthe Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain inlhe regiOns - of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the olTspringa of Dyspepsia. In -these 'complaints it lute no equal,.and ono bottle wilt prove a Letter guard' attire of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. . I For Female Complaints, in _young or old; married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display , so decided on influence that a neTked improvement Is soon' percep tible. For IndamMatorr and Chronic `hem. i ; itststisiaz 'and Giut,. Bilious, Remittent and 'lnter mittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, idneys and Bladder , these illitteo have no equal. Such Dis eases are caused bffitimcd Blood, which is gene27)ly produced by derangemen't of the Digestive Organs. ' They aro a Gentle - Purgative as well as a Tonic, possessing also the peculiar merit of actieg as a powerful agept in redeving Congestion or Inflam mation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, and in EilioPs Diseases: For , Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tether, Salt - Rheum, Blotches, SPOOL Pimples, Pustules , Boils, Car buncles, Ring-worms, slr.ld-llesd, Sore gyes, Ery sipelas? Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration of the Skin s , Humors And Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, :are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters ' Grateful Thousiands proclaim VINZGAR Byrd mato the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. I. WALKER, Prop'r. R. U. NreDONALD it, CO., Druggiste and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Cal., . I and ern., of Washington and Charlton Sts., New York. ,1301.,T1 BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND.DEALERS. • Il'Abr 0 d. • twln-lsw.. 1 --.-------- SisatelCough,lnciiiiientoOnsuraption,Colds,Spliting of Blood, Laiiammation of the Lungs, Catarrh, Croup, Whooping Cough, dstb.ma, in Breast or Side, Dyspepsia, Jar n dice, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Fever and Ague, Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Marx , - hoes, and all Diseases of the Lange Stomach and Liver. Virv.)ffn Gasegg(6-.9 Wholesale Drug . Y. GEO. W. NAVLE 8024 Agent', end to whom all orders should bo address S♦LE 111 t PIERCE &Kara*, Wencher', pc, Juno ll,' 1872-Iyd • t ' • - - '7 - 47:2-7..sie . , eTittsegri I . • - . 1.-t : ; • ~,,,,.,1 2. 7 - -± ;: - Z 1 . ;: . !-:,..::, 1.. - ..,- . , i .. q .. ; , , ~-.14-,,-..m. .v. . " . igikk„,c'ivir&l-•-:•-kix-FT-;,;» , ...,-, - T;; -- : ... : ______, 4 „-.1 , -;:-.41.i..m - ~ • ..- -•:- ":17.--mr - IF-4 - --...,--t• „ zi..7.,..F..-- - -• ~....1i4 . . , ':*-4. - ••• , L 4 :-II 4 ) , 31 - .."1-i 5'..... "•-• :; ' -.. _ ..........4--,,,, .: ; _•.-. ..„:: •-•- ... 7_,.. : ri . Nu rgi ,,, LW e r . e T t g en D ee heaem aue o;= . ll:Ble Itre v g Efern's hotel. Steinway and other for isalo vary olseitp„ Also, ILTAZOIIk EIA ELM I CABINET ORGANS. OLD INSTRUMENTS TAKEN IN EXOH_ANOE A largo stota of NE M' UUSIOJust LISSSOIiki give= on the Plano; Orkpm, oust Sing tag. , An opportunity :or prectielt aro/lied to thou vil.o.nany desire it. IL W. TODD. mai: undersigned le now prop.and to execute all, Or. dens for Tomb Stones and Monuments of either Italian,. 07' ltatlancl Marble of the Latest style and approved workmensh Sp and with dispatch. lie keeps constantly on hand both kinds of Marble and will be able to suit all who may favor him with their ordors, on es recemble toms as can be obtaine4 In the country. Al- FOLEY. ;411.1.1372, SEWING MACHINE ONLY FIVE DOLLARS With the New Patent Button Hole Worker. A most wonderful and elegantly constructed SSW IMF MLOBINE for Family Work. Complete in all its Parts, Gees the Straight Eye Pointed Needle, SELF TLISUCADDICI, direct upright POSITIVE MOTION, New Tension, Self Feed and Cloth Guider. Operates we ViraitEn and on a T.LBLE. Light Running, Smooth en, noiseless lik:p all good high priced machines. Has Patent Cheek to prevent the wheel being turned the wrong way. 'Uses the thread direct from the spool: 'akes the Etrarto Loos arrion, (finest and strongest stitch known;) Arm, durable, close and' rapid. Will do all kinds of work, fine and course; from Oasts= to heavy Cloth or LnaTasn, and uses all descristioas of thread. This Machine is lIZAVILT CONSTIEJ /2.. D to give it STRENGTH', all the parts of each Machine being made alike Gy machinery, and beautifully finished and ornamented. It is very easy to learn. Rapid, Smooth and Silent in operation. Reliable at all times, end a ruacrlcsi, Sormsrm - ici, Mromencat. , Istrwrrrox, at Greatly Reduced &Good y Cheap, Family Sewing Maoldne at last.— Thoilrat awl only success in producing a valuable, substantial and reliable low priced Sewing Machine. Its extreme low prioo reaches all conditions. Its sim plicity and strength adapts it to all capacities, while its many merits make it a universal favorite wherever used, and creates a re.pidolenaand. " I can cheerfully end confidently recommend Its uao tothose who are wanting a really good sawing Ma chine, at a low price." Lim J. P. WlL.abt.i, liutherfOrd Park, Bergen Co., ?l. 3. Price of each Machine. "Cia6B A." t' One," (war ranted for STO years byeapecdal certtileate,) with all the fixtures, and everything complete belonging to it, in cluding BELS-TEIZZAATNG NEEDLE, packed in a strong wooden box, and delivered to any part of the country, by express, riitsz of further charges, on receipt of price, ONLY Fret DoLLer.s. gafo delivery guaranteed. With each Machine we will send, en reoeipt of $1 extra, the new patent . , Legal 'Net One of tho most importaut P. ti nadful inventions of the age. Se simple and certain, that a child atia work the guest button Itch with regularity arr.l eae. sfrong and beautiful. SPECIAL Tunxs, and Ezfre -Inducementi to M 0,7 r, and Fsmatn 4g-ratts, Store -Keepers, :t'ho will es tablish agencies through the country and keep 011/ NEW ZLIACHISES w on Exhibition and Sall. RIGHTS given to smart agents FREE. Agent's complete outfits furnished without any Errue uneaten. Samples of sewing, descriptive circulars containing Terms, Testimonials, Engravings, '&O., LEST FREE. 4a also supply , - • AGRICULTURAL 1111' Latest Patents and Improvements for the Farm and Garden. Mowers, Reapers, Cultivators, Feed Cutters, Harrows, Farm Mills, Planters;narvesters, Threshers and all artiolea needed for Farm work. Bare Seeds I • large variety. Norway Oats. The wonderful is y a i \ plying Ea-in:LA:I CORN $1 per hundred, & c., &c. money sent in Poet Office Money Orders, soist—red Letters, Drafts or by Exprere. will be at our if, and is y01100,1.4' 3ettUre. Safe delivery of ell o goods guaranteed. "An old and responsible firm ;that sell th goods at the lowest price, and can be rolled n On by our readers."—Farmar': Journal, New rot* Address orders, i. A. CATELEY, Sup°, ntendent. on= 4reenwo_olt and Carr` • • sta., raw York. • 16, 1872.6m. ' - " e xi .kr y k 1 ri i'criio t‘)y vt)P.tto 1.1 RrE Fl!fsM L P. LOURIEn • AR BITTERS a CERTAIN CURE FOE PRICE, i' L9O "~.~~~ TToga Marble Work . A F.AMILY ARTICLE. . Agents make $l2 60 per. (15t,7 1 $76 per week, AN ENTIRELY NE*` • FOR D031E61%10 USE, Patented June 27th, 1871 IT IS ALL IT IS lIECO,...M.T.F.2•TbED BUTTON ROLE WORKER ...ta his &rya, altrutted in .wing 100 acrea ; - 80 )nt etumps ; welkwaterpd f cultivation ; good frame good barns ; an or s. and a engar-bush. of one.hait mile • from the res, shops, and churches. farm if %muted. The Terms, one-half cash. isslcin 'rill 'be - given 'in' moriber on the Ventisee. ,A. W. OW. 'RADWAY'S READ't fit Lid COES ;THE , WOROT • OA/NS • in from One to Twenty Niiinutoa.- , t NOT ONE HOUR, - l art;crireadtelthtssairSeert Veld AL V tot+ r SuIeFF.R. r AIN. num Ta READY IS A clam r1 1 .4: 1 EVERY VAIN. •.• • It WM the fast ehLt t 4 • • s e Only Palm lerraetl.se that Instantly elope the than exontelethriA.Le, adh'7s nunatlonk, .cu r es Congoa..tmA, itbittur chf „tommfiltornsalt. mimes, or Gums glr,:;e4 0r.V471,ra; 10 , cote aronlbutl • M raw me TO Twria , rx unirrlari, acr. muter _how Ad.: tent or ',remaining the 1,1, r tißEUßATlU,Red•rtedee 61 Chipp, Beuralglo, or prostrated %%it (11.,-e.%tnays,wl*,. i . . - IRADWAY'S READY - RCLIF,,,': WILL AFFOlD , redidliT EAU. ' as " - AVON . OF Wir 'DINE i'. 34i1 7 " TENF1..1413101: g. r i „ Tuiz-, vi,Anz):,:;.. nil' werioN a i co - 110%a whit Lf.TSCI. -13DItr. 711144..1 4 DIEM LT,:',VVIIIriti. ,PI TIC K , a.l- - .' lig.l.l'.l' HYSTERICS, CIiOUP. DIFEITIfE , ~.- • -.- :. I CA,TAititH, zza - LrEr- - ,zl: _DEADACIIE, TOOXRACIIE, - - ,_,_ - • I , NEURALGIA. DEUED - M422* - , COLD CDILLI3,- AGUE CITILLQ - _,..:- , • , ~,-• I -no niuplicallon of tbe itody Roller to thepart or ports where tbo, pain or alMatilt,r 414510,1YR1 217L'Ai 441 and conifer:. • • i - ' ' c . - • . Twenty drape to half a tumbler et *er will 19 a f. , ... momenta CIITO CSAUM SrAl3ll9, - tin STOLtac 1. HEARTFr,. IaIC-11.DADAO: D,FARarLi_., 4 .. Durtri i r_, oot. , wisp /N. IP DO w.V., , 'i cialtall 'ANAL AD'S. .. - - rave on ahould alwaya carry a, i.o . ttle of -.o.4 l vroili dv Itollegavith cam. .d.linv thel i i V:,...,0 ,:a1 • . e. v a rrit stchneus or also from C..bo/2: vf .., 4 u,, a u tter than, French Brandt or 13Ittele al a el ~ ,. 11..t,t 1 FErkie AND Acreg, -- - rwrsa, AND ADDS cored for 1.147 vents. ruin.; 4 not a remedial agent la tbia vrorld that wtil cam Pr and Ague., and all other 2dalarlotty,„ [Mimi y /. fir,44e:. , phoid, - Yellow, and other ,Fevers_t tided by_ Kolvf„ , ; Til,l,s) 80,quierc as 11A.DWATS 1M.4.D P.e:11,417 Fifty mate per battle, Sold by Drugstats., , -', 11.ALTII 1 BEAUTY 1 1 SmoNe OD r.TRE RIO-11 11._OOD-.:Vgpfo-: 1 OF FLE . Dor. AM> WENNIT- ; .1- 1 , 6}.. , /•• ....Al I DEAUTLeI7LOO3.IPLEXIOA , LC:UEDA.; Y0d.L.1.. ; - I ............ DRD ' RAD-WAY?S SARSAPARILLIAN - RESOLVENT : t ) HAS NE THE M OO S ' ASTONISHINII CO - RF:4"I BO q OK SO A VLF. 'ME_ CDANGF.ti THE ODY Min OF —irfiDE,B. • THE Vs- " riaorman_E OF II r .1161.iy; iyONDERi LI. I aianonm, THAT Evely Pay an Inaraaao 16 Floolv. and eight is Sean and Fejt.' ---' THE GREAT BLOOD 'PURIFIER. BEl:cry diop of the -BARSAPARILLIAA "S.ESOLN rcommunlcardes through the Blood, - Sweat; Utlr., and ether fluids andjuices of the system the tigoilf id, ' for It the wastes of the hotly With newand aorAid t . Screfulaj-Ayphilis,. Con sorption, elabdehtr disease, Clearsln the Threat, Month, ..rumur, rind - a the Glands end other trite of the system; bore . Strumons Discharge& Aunt the. Marts tad, the fcfrmw of Skin diseases; Brupthma, Mee Sorsa Buhl` IfeadjUng Worm. Salt Fthetins,Etripslu, AIDA; thack ots J Worms In the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers In ma' Womii, ad all weakening and Painflit dNharges, PAS Sweats, 'Lon of Sperm, and all wastes or me um pramh pie, are Within thecurative range of thts wonder or Mode, e m Chemistry ; %was ‘ few Asps nee will, Tanote-to.finy. person using Li for either CT these - forms Ordissen Ile potent Power to cure them. . • II the patient, daily beneath% redy.ced by the . nie4,3 4 and composition that to centtnneFw .. , Ilmtetiail, 67C *Ca& n arresting these wastes , and re me s s .e whet new ill_mde lAN healthy b ood—akd Mb the BSA ARIMKN will end does secure. ,- - • - evenly does the Sassaramtran• . f ,,., m , eseel known remedial agents In the cure of. ' *mil, lout, Corustitutional, era Skin din2l43 ; but 43.3 o3ily po r sitiye cure fur , -- .- • Kidney & }Madder Caniftilailati, Usineip, arulromb dim... Lies, Grarel,_ l Ttes Dropsy.; Stoppage of W ater . Incontinence-of 'V DAV* Die. ease, Alioumlnurie„ and In all mem where 'ere e War. dust deposltita)r the - water Is thick, cloudy, mind wlth substances lige the white clan egot . ,, or sreads Mrs whlle silk. or there lea morbid, dark, bilioappearepa, rod - white' bone•dust depattits, and when there Is a • albs. berm ,senention when passing Neater, and pap is the Smaller the Book and along the Loins. Ma, sl,osa. ;ICOR 1 1 4t$:• — ,The only known and eisa Handy . for VOTMC-.1111, tape, etc. rguiraor of 12 gears'. Giovrtia ' Ctuled by Egadvoars R,esolvent. 1 1 / Ilzelattr . ,..3fasa, .futy ikfitt: Art. jßauwav e,-I have bad oevarten Tumor, In the mama aid towels, All the Doce.ore said ', then, was nlSry 4." X t ied every biro that wee recommeadei; bat n brdpednet.. a wow your goolreat, seal thought I would try It I . E nt had no tette, fa it, bervite I. bad waned for twelve yen& I took lit eawra' of the :Regoleent, end ono tar of Railway's Pills, ptd • ttp_ ppp ties aye= Ready Relief ; and there Ls nets igloo! ma r to% wen or felt, and i feel hotter, ernarter, and haygler f 041, • art f wilr years. The wont tamer was' In Cle o leit boraU, over the porn. I write Me to you Ibir the tjt el, other Yoe cart palish tt it yen eboove. ®: 1 ELetrilaft P. Itlte.PP,. 11. RADWAY'S PE SECT PUROATIVE PILLS pelffy . tastaitge, olegantly coated with sweet - curl purge, regulate, Trilrift, 'Veltli = 4 O ze u t ren ,, 41°1 ' ways Plus, for th e cure of orders of e Stomach, Ltver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nermus, Diseases, Headache, Constipation, Cwttveness, Indigestion. DYStef;ste, Biliousness, Bilious Fever, inflaxataation 4! Ls3l% 1.14 Bowels, Files,%nd all Derangements of ths Du Vls• cert. I Warranted to effect a positive ours. Tartly feta ble,_contalnlng no mercury, minerals , or deleterious 13E7 Observe th e following nymptoma reaanlag . ' D'.‘sorders of the Digestive Organs: - , Centtipaticn, inward Pllw, rullene of the 'Bleed in tits geld, Acidity er the Stomach, Nausea, toss,liaortDlernet o'' Fiat Fall/fit c.f. Weight in the Stomsch,.&ur rctetloa, kV Fluttering at the PR of the Stance, 5 ' of Ilanded end Dl.Mcalt Bresthlne, nuttFIES: al its ter enfolng Searationa when Ins ay - lac ad Aston{ We or Nobs tafbre the Sighs, Inver endPnteM the Mad, Deficiency of Permeation,. Yellowneatof_ 4tb In ant, end Vets, Pala la the Side, nt, Valle, tad (tam V =lee Bent, bowling In the Hash. , IA few doses of RADWAY'S'PILLS vi o afiel thl - 515- tero from all the above•ncoled titeirderS. nice, 1 - .5 cants per hoz. SID BY DEVFOGIS S. BEAD " AI..SE AND TaTJ " Bend , ca letter starr wAY dc C 0 . ,, NO. Sy /N6%11411 aser y9:l- Lnformaeon Wentla thottrwwis seat I . ' . . May , IVi . 2-Iy. 1 1 . MN El Doo i r B'°, taro No FRANK ADAMS. workmen lumbar Facto Er t" rtt Ladie, . L c u I/ ?: tGev . P? In fee in a fire Mom e An If yon stock a hire, a: nu .1 C,lll/11 Bale. Having jtust filled up my shelves with a choice stock, personally Selected for this market, I reap i t fully s licit a fair ahem of trade. "Small profits and quick. etu" ti believe to be agood business max im ; ti d I hod the beat goods to be the chespest., I keep n -shoddy. 1,1,y assortment ii auffloient to WO all eires and tastes. I invite our patrons and the public/'generally to call and examine my itotk. No trouble -to show goods. elwayst,W•bottAitid; got ifloor"uolih of C. 11. Kelley's store> Min street. Vrelhiboro i Pa. ,JOidi MU& WI lb 3N18044 WELLSBORO Sash & Blind Faotory. =I It r Algnsi AUSTIN, is Iropaie4 te work from the best lcumater. at • , ;e.ll is new in D. 711 op:Vat:ion. tt,Nh 'Doors, 'IINM) g , MOBLIEVC6 P I MP (VICULDINGSv tip on baud, or manufactured toordor. 00U8 filing and Illaiching Mi ..➢tly, and .1.0 the best manner. The Wit 'employed, and none but the but aiuusened ed.. Encourage home neduatt7. I " . near the foot of ritaix" itnet. CEMI Jan. 1, 3 OHN J FISFILER iMMERI! DOTS ANJI SHOES ver brougb.f fat° xvollsboro, oaoslottg of ' Kid and ,Cloth' Balmor, • ala and Gaiters, 's, iiisses,„ Children a Baby's_ Shoes. •Cloth Boots and Shoes, iznce Albert Calf Boots, 'oys' Oak' & Kip Bots, . • Youth& Boots. , all kinds of Mena' and Women's weer kepi -class Shoo Store. The best sewed Wonasn'S er offered in -this market. I defy the 'Maid CUSTOM WORK. on't believe it, try too. I buy only the but .c 1 have as good CordvPidners. 64 model oai • I tics done ritzily, and with dispatch , Leather' and Andiligs oanstant4 on hand. PAID FOB rams, ntAccor szvo, FELTS AND FUR& BENJ