tAy Agifator. A. T. BARNES, EDITOR TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1873 1 Last Tuesday the Rouse took up and pass eilthe Senate bill supplementary td- the ao. k to - incorporate the Wellsboro and State Line \V -Judge Davis has granted t st i lly of pro ceedings in the case of Strikes, and that con vict feels better under his increased chances for escape. ;The New State Senate has Just be- On to move inithe investigation of "Boss" Tweed's qualifications to hold a seat in that august ,body. ' The Rouse of-Representatives last Tues. Tato: passed a supplement to the act estab lishing an academy at this place, continuing former trustees in oflice until their success- Om shall be elected. The reports from The new Republic of Spain, are of the most encouraging ebarar teto, the conntry continuing tranquil, the ebronie Carlist warfare in the north being regarded as a matter of course. . •The Legislature last week paged a bill t • atithoriziog the Gdvernor to appoint as many additl l i mal notaries public as he may deem 41 . 0pstr, the officers so appointed to pay a fee ' of lt,is into the State treasury for the use of the commonwealth. We are pleased to see thin the Governor l!titt week vetoed a local act relating ,to , the election, of town councilmen for the reason ;dint it provided for the cumulative-system , of VQ21341.. This indicates that the Execu tive Lag concluded to put his foot.upon that trend Ilkinablig of the day. '• •Ic is' reported from Washingt•n that no ttxtra session of the new pongrtss will be tela, as it is expected that all the necessary • • appropriation, bills will be completed before thigith of March. There will be a called session of the Senate immediately after the inauguration to consider the new appoint ments, as usual. , There was a decided sensation in the touse of Repreientatives at Washington • last Thursday,,eaused ai lly a itr,a_oltdop offered by Te.rnqndo WoodWdiniing to the im peaehment of Vice Pr'esldent Colfax.— While the yeas and nays were being called alitirried consultation" wits held on the Re pulliican side- of the House, and it was agreed to defeat Mr. Wood's resolution, if Ani4l - 11ile,,and then .to pass another to the ' sanie:general effect, without mentioning the -bmie' of the Victr President. There was ,giertt excitement as the vole progressed, and the close it was found to stand--yeas 105, 4naysl,o9. The Democrats all voted for it,, , !together with six Republicans—Butler and ,-Varns , ,vOith among the number s After the ;defeat of lhis resolution Mr. Tyner, of Incil „pna, offered one, which was adopted, refer _ ring the testimony relative to the Credit Mo „liilier to the Judiciary Committee, With in -*ructions to inquire whether / anything in such testimony warrants articles of im peaehment of ,any officer of the 'United States not a member of the House, or makes - it proper-that further investigation shhuld tio had. nerdic's Minnequa county bill was re ' Of*c favorably to thellouse last Wednes day. The committee are reported to have • Stood pine in favor to five against - the bill. Prom's published synopsis of the bill it is evidently open to very serious objections on ' general grounds, to say nothing of the local :opposition• it will encounter in the several gauntlets affected by it. It provides, for in- Stance, for the appointment of three com missioners, who are named in the bill, and :Who are authorized "to issue bonds to pay indebtedness contracted by trustees.or com missioners herein before provided, which bonds shall be payable in not less than twen ty, years, at 7.8 percent. interest." This is in effect bestowing upon three men selected by Peter Herdic) unlimited power to,:issue bonds for an unlimited amount,' it may be 8100,000, or $1,000,080, or, even a greater sum... And these bonds, tolbe issued at any time, so far as appears from the bill, are to become a perpetual mortgage upon the prop eity ci the people of the new county until paid on by them. In all the history of Pennsylvania legislation" we believe there was never ,a more barefaced scheme con. coctedfOr defrauding the - people than is dis ci-aid by this bill. It is ,claitabd by some -of the Bradford county papers that the .bOundoriesvf the new county as laid down • innate bill will include an area of only about 280 square miles. If this estimate is cor rect; the bill-is clearly unconstitutional, the Constitution providing that no .new county shall be established containing less than 400 square Mick But it seems hardly possible that the movers of this precious scheme could • have miscalculated la so vital a point. It is evident from the tone of the local press that there is bitter opposition to Peter's scheme In Bradford,county, and that its en. envies are increasing in number in I,ycom. • fag, where it has been claimed thatit would entounter no opponents. We have faith that it can never become a law in its pres ent form, at least. The Nredit Mobilier 'Report. On the first day of the present session: of Congress Speaker Blaine moved the appoint: meat of a committee toinvestigate whether any member of the House had been bribed by Oakei Ameit or any other person or cur poration in - any matter relating to his legis. latividuty. The Members of the commit tee then appointed, and whose duties were thus broadly defined,' have Wen diligently engaged . until within the last few days in taking testimony touching the matter sub• pitted to them. Their labors have at last ended, and their conclusions have been em bodied Ina lengthy report which was sub. initted to.the Rouse East Tuesday. • Iti was hardly to be expected that the judg meat of arifeommittee, however able, MI• partial, or judiciai hi tone, would be acqui esced in, with any approach to unanimity, • by the whole country. During the progress Of the investigation the testimony has, froni day to day, been- spread before the public; political writers have ' formed opinions upon ix'erte statements, and have not been slow in expreising them; the evidence,'' s ad duced, has been the absorbing theme 4f -dis cussion in all political circles, and there has been hardly any of that suspension of pub lic opinion which is so necessary in fortrung a just judgment in all investigations a.,f u semiludiCial nature, as this has been. It is, 'therefore, not to be wondered at law many men' honestly di4ent. froth the conclusions reached by the committee; and lit Course It, was to be , expected that the partisan press would labor to wrest the facts proven to the.ittlury of political : opponents. It was to be expe'Cted . that the New York Woridr,would:characterlie a rePortywhich woes not sweeping/3 , condemn everir Rep* *can wlacmio -67 MEI Oakes Ames as a white-washing report, and declare that the verdict of the committee goes by favor; that the report is a mockery of justice and a disgrace to the men who drew it. All this is matter of course, and will puss for what it is worth—and that is little enough. But whoever hag watched the COIIVBC of e committee and read their report :With the sole purpose of learning the I rirthoutist admit that they have discharged the diffl cult and delicate duly imposed upon them iorotlghly and hapari They have ex hientlysonght to obtain all the light, possi ble II ) up en t e Matter, and have Oen to ev eryl mA i n a eased the greatest latitude in proving hisinnorenee. There kris been ap parent no effort to shield any man or to.un• justly prejudice any man during the inves• tigation, rind now that the conclusion has been reached the testimony in each case is fairly summed up and spread before the country. if the committee have erred in judgment in any cure, it must be admitted that they have furnished'the amplest means for detecting their - error and correcting their conclusions. After Nil consideration they conclude that those members of the House who accepted stock in the Credit, Mobilier did so without any corrupt motive or un derstanding, except James Brooks, and they I recommend that he 'and Oakes Ames be ex= pelled the House. They arc of the opinion that Mr. Ames deliberately attempted to bribe his fellow members. The fact that he sold them stock at par when he welt knew it to be worth twice us which,. and his letter to WComb in which he said they needed more friends in Congress, and thrkk lie intended to place the stock "where it Would• do most igood," are adduced as proof of his guilty intention.— ' ft would seem that there could be hardly two opinions on that point. As to Mr. Brooks, it will be retilet , ' vied that he was a governinent din" ill the Pacific road, and that 'as such li..ector was exii l ressly prohibited by law fro:. hold ing stock. In spite of this, lie- received much more of the stock which he was abso lutely prohibited front holding than any other member as to whom no such prohibi tion existed. The conclusion of the report —that he acted with an entire disregard of Ids official duty and *obligations; and that,. while appointed to guard the public inter ests in, the road, he kilned With the promo ters of a scheme whereby the Government was defrauded, and shared in the 'spoils— will hardly be controverted-11 any man: •- lii fact, so far as we 'have notitedoto:nian nor journal has under i takeil to question the justice of the committ4es - conclusions) re specting Slessrs. Ames sail Brooks. The main complaint is that vtery other member who can be shown tolhaVe received,stock is not included in a like condemnation. And Gen. Butter is reported as saying if Ames Is to be turned out 1 for bribing members, then the members bribed should go with him. But Mr. Ames is not condemned for bribing, but for 'atte mpting to bribe mem• begs—a matter of quite a different nature.— It is evident thee thediscusssion of the re• port by the House, w l hich is to begin to:day - , - will "be full, thorough, and independent, and the couniry is tO be congratulated on the fact that tliN great national 'scald is to be thoroughly cojsidered from every pos: sible point u 1 _JETTER. WASIIIGTON, Feb. 18, 1878. OUR W I INVESTIGATION ENDED. One of our morning papers under the head'of "Pacts, SpeCulations, and Rumors," states that the Poland committee of investi gation in regard to the, Credit Mobilier, which is now completing its report, "feel very deeply the gravity Of the duty imposed upon them, and fire, particularly sensitive to the demands of pUblic opinion as it finds expression through the press, but they are determined to do hill justice to the accused parties regardless of any fleeting desire that may prevail for summary punishment." It appears to your correspondent singular that a newspaper should assert that the commit tee are sensitive to the opinions of the press. .What have they to do with anything but the facts, the laiv as applied to them? A large part of the press, upon a hearing of one side only, have repeatedly condemned the accused, and clamored for their convic tion, and condign punishment before any opportunity was given for reply or defense. Most of the editors who assume dictation Lu regard to pending trials of any kind reverse the common-law maxim which presumes in nocence, and write against accused persons, especially if they be political opponents, as though the law presumed every man guilty until he proved himself innocent. It is said that Wm. M. Everts and Caleb Cushing have prepared opinions from the testimony that no proof of bribery has been obtained. If these opinions have been pre pared by them as counsel for accused mem bers, they are entitled to no special weight, as the committee and the House of Repre sentatives are sole judges of the law and the facts. The white heat into which pop ular prejudice has been wrought is at least no verysuittible atmosphere for the breath ing olf- a qpolar assembly like the House, but it is to be hoped that justice, and that alone, will he the 'standard of its judgment in regard to the guilt or innocence of mem bers in regard to this business. 2.111. COLFAX CORROBORATED The - New York Evening Mad has lust re•. ported an interview with a son of Mr. Zies bitt who sent Mr. Colfax the $l,OOO bill for election purposes, as stated by Mr. Colfax. The son says what Mr. Colfax says is true, for his mother remembers that Mr. Nesbitt told her of sending hint the Money at the t i ult.. - This is corroborative evidence which will close the mouths of Many who are dis posed to doullt the statements of Mr. Col fax and ft4lly. The disposition in the minds of the public to doubt regarding these tale statements comes naturally enough from . the . mi4ake made last fall on-the eve of the campaign, wilen public men fettredto state 'all they knew about Credit Nobilier. - This WEIS characteristipally illustrated a few days since in this city, where ex-Senator Ben Wade daily walks the Avenue.. Meeting his old friend Senator Chandler, he was ask ed by him his opinid of the Credit Mobil icr fiasco. In' reply he pa 1d : "If at any dime upon entering your home you found me in your parlor sitting on your Sofa con irsing with your wife, you. would be glad to ,see me." ' "Certainly," responded Mr. Chandler. "But if, when you entered yOur 'parlor, instead of quietly conversing with your wife, 'you should Lind me trying toton ceal myself under the sofa, you would be likely to think there was a loose screw sortie wheret" . - , -:, CAPITAL 21 M 5. Secretary Boutweli now statesthat there is uo "hitch " in . regard to the syndicate as reported, but that everything is working Smoothly, - andlf by the first of March $lOO,- 006,000 of the new bonds are taken he will be perfectly satisfied A is rumored here that the committee of investigation as to bribery in the election of genator Czd.dwell, of Kansas, will report a resolution expelling that Senator from his seat. The majority report, whatever it may be, will be adopted ;without doubt. • The gravid inaugUration : ho _room. ap proaching coMpletion. Jt is abort ,400, teet, long and 160 feet wide clear -of retiring rooms, cloak roams, tit . 9. It is nearly roofed in, and so Boon aithat is done the worst of the labor je over. It is to bq finished hi a euporary panne; but' idnalrit* • < adapted to the purpose for which it is erect ed. It is proposed to hold n fair in it after inruiguration day for the benefit of the 'ashington Monument Association and other deserving public.movements. The E.tery recently circulated here that Gen. P. I'. Denthas been relieved from duty at the Executive Mansion. and has asked leave -of absence until , next July before joining the army, is authoritatively stated unfounded in fact. 1 The Pomeroy investigating committee of Senn e •ill commence work on Welliies (Thy, the 19th inFtnnt. Most of the KilnKis witnesses ure -Already here. York ist, (1° to have brought the $7.000 with him. His Inntlisbnients.havb not made a favorable impression here, where be is generally re girded as a confessed traitor and black mailer. Ills story about procuring the re nioral of a hind office by tfireetening Mr. Pomeroy with the use of a letter of a lewd woman has intensified our precious, disgust for the man. The contract of MeP.t.rs. fives . Fahey for reporting and printing the Congressiona Globe expiring on:March 4th, 1878, bids fo the work have been put in by W. J. 31ur lath and Ludd & Towers, of Washington and Thomas A. Osborne,. of Leavenworth, Kansas. These bids are all ttm•er than the rates of the present contract, and the paper for the quarto editiou is to be much better than that now used. C. 4 New Republic. Anything may happen in Spain. In that ?nions country the apparent impossibilities of yesterday are always capable of being the accomplished facts of to day. A little while ago the brave- young Xing of Spain seemed firmly seated on his throne. Now he has abdicated, and a Republic has been proclaithed. This news was wholly unexpected, both because it is nt variance with the character of the Ring and unwarranted by the con dition of the country. If Amadeus has proved beyond dispute the possession of any one kingly quality, that quality is his intrepid bravery. On landing in Spain he was met by the ghastly corpse of Prim, the man who made him King. A prince of less courage would have hesitated to assume a crown when the hand that ()tiered it had been struck with the vengeance of his ene mies; but there was no hesitation in the gal lant young Savoyard. He fearlessly under took the tremendous task of governing Spain, and has never faltered in his duty from that day to this. He has carried on constant conflict with arrogant and selfish Ministers. He has suppressed with firmness and wisdom the chronic insurrections to which the country is continually a prey.— lie has shown an utter disdain Of the assas• sins who have constantly dogged him, and has walked unarmed and nnuttended thro' the streets of Madrid, as though assassina• ,lion wag_not the natural sport of the Span :ish patriot.. Whyhe should now suddenly change his determinatinn to bring peace and order to Simin, and should express his anx iety to leave the Spaniards to their own de , vices, is not easily explained. There is the :Usual Carlist insurrection in progress in the northern'provinces, but there is no reason ; En suppose it will prove successful. •.There is a rumor that he is dissatisfied : with the promotion given by the Cabinet to' an obnoxious General, hut he is surely too ,well acquainted with the character of the average Spanish General to make a serious' matter of the undeserved promotion of oncel ruffian more or less. The only theory upo which his abdication can be explained i. tie supposition thnt the impu6ive temp-et went of his race has suddenly made hint - -feel the hopelessness of converting the Spaniards into an orderly and industrious people, and that in a moment of depression he has resolved to wash his hands of the mud of Spanish political and to return to "the_peace and quiet of his Italian home. 'mi. - , present Constitutlon of Spain was the result of the deliberations of a constituent Cortes elected by popular vote in the begin ning of 1800.- One of its sections declare, that " the form of government of the Span ish nation is the monarchy." According to .our notions of constitution-making this pro• vision ought to have been valid until there hail been a fredi appeal to the people on the question of changing it. The Latin races manage these- things differently, however, and the popular branch of the Cortes ap pears to have proceeded to amend the Con stitution in defiance of its own provisions. We say the popular branch, because there is a constitutional provision against any joint deliberation by Congress and the Sen ate—a proceeding which at such a crisis as the present might naturally have been look ed for. The lowei house of the Cortes con sists of over 400 membeis. The proposal to adopt a republican form of government wtis voted on by only 291 members. The vote in its favor-259—constiluies, howev er, a sufficient majority of Congress to prove that Spanish political parties have coalesced on this proposal with a degree of patriotic unanimity which, could we shut our eyes to the lessons of the last few years. would war rant the most cheerful anticipations in re gard* to the future of the new Republic of Spain. -The present Movement is virtually a rev olution, though accomplished by act of Congress. In all Spanish revolutions the first question is, What will the army do?— Amid all the governmental changes of the present century the army has borne the lead ing part. Will it quietly stand by now and see a'ommentous change effected in which it haspnal no hand? Don Alfonso, the son of Queen Isabella, is understood to have. numerous adherents in the Spanish rnenta. 1 A casual eineute in a barrack might, any hour, cast to the four winds the realiza tion of the most sangniAe dreams of Figue ras and Castelar. The Radical leaders who have coalesced to bring about the establish ment of the Republic mayiprore strong en ough to maintain order in tile country which has been called upon with such startling suddenness to exercise the functions of self government; but then their administrative abilities will have merely begun.: There is a strong infusion of socialism in the creed of the Spanish republican, and - a very pro nounced hatred to tire Roman Catholic Church. Whoever assumes the Presidenc . . _ of the new Republic will find hiinself ham pered by influences greatly resembling those which are causing so much trouble lb 31. Thiers. The people, who are really reptib tican in sentiment, will demand changes which will frighten those who 'will expect ' to see the countrygoverned as if the Presi dent was an elective sovereign. Then, the intensely aristocratic prejudices of the terri torial gentry of Spain, and the submissive end superstitious devotion to the Church- of its peasantry, will create innumerable ob. ; stades to anything like Consistent' republi- Can development. The jarring .offold 'and' new,, in fact; will be violent in proportion to the time honored influence of the • one and the eggiessive, uncompromising spirit of the other.- In 'addition to all this will arise the tine*. tin of how to deal with tlieeolonies. The loyal Spaniards of Cuba Will ; hardly be pre ,itared to travel so-fast aS -I heir. bre' llre4 _at 'iium.. .They'luitt difficulty ; enough inst Wa l l, loviing Auutdeuar - Will' they he•Jikely .to firid the - Republic a digestible morsel au all? 'Can a free Spain refuse representation in her republiCan CongreSs to Cuba? or can she coutin ue to hoed by sheer _weight of men and metal a colony which, if its intuit). Rants were fairly polled, would declare in Savor of independence? , These are all questions which must .come up in the immediate ituturc,,Juton the-an swer to them wili.depend the coarse of fu ture history in several piwtien.s of-this hens , ispliere, as well as in a. wide, section .of the other. The abdication of . Amadeus., May t Yet prove the , first step toward -the. closing of the royal reer of his fatuity., For the successful es ablistonent of a Republic in Spain would be a great step toward that federation of the I.4attn races about Which European republicans have . dreamed so long, and which a certain class of states men.believe to he a necessary counierpotte to the great union of Teutonic - 'nations, which has been all but accbmplishati.—N. Y. Times; ' , ' ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. The next State Fair is to be held in Erie, In September. - , Candidates for - ,Rfpublican nominations for the Legisiature are already making their announcements - ha the Philadelphia p apers. • • - • The Philadelphia Star says there ts pore carpet manufactured in'the nineteenth waid of that city than anywhere elsein Ainerieu. The absence of wine and other intoxica ting drinks was a noticeable feature of Gov. tiartranft's recent brilliant' reception of memberanf the Legislature. The Philadelphia papers• Wire gone, back on thelltate Legislature wiltk. 4,7 XeneauSee all because they asked for a million 9X mon. ey, and got a railroad charter that they did not like instead. There is believed to be a prospect that the bill to resume specie payments -which the finance committee substituted for Sena. for Buckingham's will pass the Senate. Congress, it is said, intends taking its re venge for the loss of the frank by cutting down appropriations fur public printing atm for the bureaus of education and agricul ture. ;= • When you see a United State 3 Sent li going ilrOtill begging tei.timonials of ein actor from prominent divines, you may ex claim in the wordi or Shakespeare,`York, you're w ant ed.'—iferaid. The Clerk of the lowa House of Repre sentatives has bee detected in attt u -hing an amendment - to a railroad bill, before sendingit to the Senate, that bad nut - bedu passed by the Rouse. The Lehigh Valley bas become the larg: est iron-producing region in the country, having at the pt:csent time more than fifty furnaces in operation, with an annual capa city of over 50,000 tone. The Butler Cinen says petitions are in circulation praying the Legislature to im mediately pass a law prohibiting the drill ing, pumping, or other work at the oil wells on Sunday in tit it county. The law asked for makes it a misdemeanor, punishable in court by fine, &c. A. correspondent writes from Beaver " Ail ,the snow that fell in this place this winter hasheen carefully Measured as soon.as it stopped falling, and before it had time to settle. So far we have had seven feet five inches of snow." The Senate of Pennsylvania,aan. 80th, adopted a resolution instructing our Sena tors and 'Representatives in Congress to. vote against autlayrizi rig the General Government to employ the telegraph in connect'.on \Vial -the postal system. The resolution is re ported to have been adopted by a vote••of 28 yells to 1 nay. The recent vote in the United 'Statbs House of Representatives on increasing sat lilies showed that the Credit Mobilier 4ietn hers were'in favor of retrenchtnetit.- .Gen. Butler explains this on the ground that they had received their dividends'and were able to live comfortably without at increase of salary. „ Mr. Dawes's friends at Washington regard the postponement of the Senatorial election in Massachusetts to March 11 as favorable to his interests, as they say it will compel Boutwell to withdraw from the Senatorial contest or give up .the Secretaryship Mist) . - hitelybetore the election takes place. Mts. Livermore made a woman's rights speech in Pittsburg the other evening, in which she di:nutmeat Free Love and upheld• the present system •of marriages. Speak ing of the Free Lovers, she said that Luria Woodhull and Theodore Tilton were a pair of beastly Siamese - Twins -whose father• is Beelzebub." • . , Au amendment to,the Option-lace-la 'is_pending 11e ac ject is to provide that itircnies untlaiotuublis shall vole on the license .question on the, third Ft iday of March, f or at the sate time the township elections 'die held, . Tlms,,the entire vote IA ; each county mile: iteerr, mined at once. The . l3ill does not•ffittirfere with the main provisions of the law.' ‘• The post-tnortem examination of the body of Gov. Geary discovered no pathOlogleal, lesion of any organ, dad the conclusion ar-' riqd at was tllat he died from syncope eauSed by nervous prostration, the result of uvetiwork and mahwial cachexy; His brain weighed blif ounces, which is - cunsidered re• mat /;ably large, as the largest brain on rec ord weighed d 4 ounces. • The Financier is interested to notice how , the different sections of the country voted on senator Sherman's - bill Tor the resump tion of specie\payments,- New England cast but two yolesfigainst it, Edmunds / and Sprague; the diddle States three ugainstit; the Western States nine against IL to Soren. for it, and the Southern States almost solid against it. / - • ' Senator Pomeroy will get the most thor ough iiiivestigatiou by the Senate,Committee that is possible in the short _time left.for action. The Senators freely say that as be tween Pomeroy and York they will beiieve the former. • Other strong festiniony wilt have to be found corroboratlie of 'York's, or Pomeroy is quite safe from action by the Senate. The National Association which trims to secure an amendment' to the 'Constitution acknowledging God us/" the author of the nation's existence and the ultimate source of its authority, Jesus Christ as its Ruler, and the Bible as the fountain of its laws," has „called a convention at Cooper Institute, New York, on the 26th of this montli.l--- The convention will hold live 'sessions, or= ganizing on Wednesday afternoon and con tinuing through Thursday. Mr. Wm. M...Evarts is distributing a sup plemental brief. among the members of Con gress to establish the claitus of insurance companies to a portkin of the Geneva award. lie strengthens his position by liberal-quo tations from the protocols of the tretityand from the records of the proceedings before the Geneva tribunal, and endeavors to tablish the fact that. the claims of the..coni : . panics were through all the negotiations considered and estimated In computing- the amount of loss for which Englund was Liable. - • " • • - / Recently the Trehsury Board., ,pf, Service Examiners held lin examination , ut the candidates in the Internal ,Itev,,ertue Bil reau fur promotion to the head of) a' divi sion, it place made vacant by the resigna tion of Mr, tVUr. Y. Sii.earman, . the' revenue stamps division. The men who competed for this place as A whole acquitted themselves nobly; the exuinination being pronounced the best yet-made. Mr. E. Shapinan, who was fur two years' assistant a in charge of the stamp division, and who has been in Actual clirge - Sitice MI. uGear man resigned, is the successful candidate, having scored 92.21. , . A. dispatch from Salt Lake .city says the tribulation among the Mormon leaders in view of the probability. of..decisive- Con gressional action against their institutions is oeconlibg daily more manifest. Already _a removal from Utah is. diEciissed. One M their organs says the "strong arm of power is to he invoked to make them move But where shall they go? Where is it, de sired they shall next pitch their tents?" The priesthood is understood to be 'seriously cud- . templating the possible necessity 01 auuthei pioneer expedition, but it" is nut getter:lib:- believed that the saints as It body can evci be induced to abandon theirpresent twines. There is no doubt Brigham Young mict-..tes are .thdeafolitig to ;securit-a - lie* country for the kinghum, sad it ted thavuegotiations have . rentwaltor r eactusive posseysion of one of the Sand . wich Islands. „.. , . REPPAOT7EIVIENTI Of the Receipts and Expenditures at the, Treasury 6.7 ' ' Ttoga County for the Year 1872. Received county tax for 1870, •A .•,' $959 21 " State tax turlB7o. , ' 60 22 County poor tax for'lB7o, , 110 11 • township pour tax fdr 1870, , .. 616 toi • t. .', .co.tuty• taxtbr 1871, , - •'' ,- '9,715 1)1 - n', , bounty tax for 1 871; ' • " • -7,374 25 " ' "State ea for 181. ~ . - ),620 21 county poor tax fur 1871. 3,430 in , " township poor tax for 1871, ' 5,643 43 " militia tax fur 1871, - 435 39 " county tax for 1872, .$.6.614 ll' O State tax for 1872, 181 44 " - totrustilp poor tax for 1872,. „ 1,063 n 0.. militia tax tor 1872, 148 19 " co'ty tax on uns'd land, '7O and '7l, 10,989 23 0 ' bounty tax. • .."-. - " , 7,306_63' " . county poor tax ••• - ' - ' 8 . '• 1.812 02' " county tax sale n -, - •ni 1,166 01 n county tax sale of sealed .. - •139 /6 , ,".- LAO redeemed of eonimiesionerti, - 4i V 7 " county tax ou seated lauds returned," '2:3 LE " - bounty tax oti ',rated lauds returned, - 2: - .4 4.1 " poor tax on seated lauds returned, 55 '29 . State tax on seated lauds returned, • z 7 V - " • Commonwealth costs paid by Sheriff, 146 43 " , county loans, -207• All " cash paid-by R. G. White et al, -. ' - 1,431'15 -on Judstaeutvor 11. Close et al, -- 248- tO EXPEND2.II:IRES. - . - Commissicinere Waits. . .l, • • 4Lount p3!41 P. V. Vali - Ness, ' -' PO 12 - - . ' Job Rexford,. - 331 20 " T. O. Truths,• . '.3/,.1 80 . ' -." .E. Hirt. • . ' &s, GO Commis/amen' CZeik. Amami paid Thomas Atiditort. Amoniat paid Eenry Archer and al., Traverse Jurors, Mnoniit paid Thoutia 'nacho and 01, , Grand Jurors. Autoniat paid Charles Tubbs anti at, Ctfer Amoaht puld T. P. Wingate, • Fon/tablet. Amount paid aichakcl p4olish ;Oat , $ 010 Oi .rat l ici. Amount paid V. R. Gee and et* - Anestore. asaotaatrakd }Tabor posit aztd . = _ mount z4l4lSktior4:Jellkisui AM $l4 OP Amount raid. II; rayon and al!., I , Colanioniiialtri _Costa Amount paid E. ti. Fish and al., District All&rney. amount paid J.J. J.Strr.:ll:, BonNly'cr. Wilt/ Cats Amount paid W. liuctlug . cud al., Bridges and Bridge Vietct, amount rail NV. B. Erni& mitt ta„ Ripairing Amount paid C. B. MatLur al, Damage. to /oprovouna; F.:tune:ly aud Amount paid S Amount paid C Amount pan) Dil Ainotuit paid J Amount paid J Rpairing Jait. Amount paid Tr A. 11,11 and al.. Amount raid Amouut paid .i Amount paid Amount paid I=l2 Aaiaount paia Amount paid Amount paid Amount paid limotuat paid Ai/:Lount paid Amount paid Amount paid -s - County Treasurer. Amount pald,R. C. Cox, State Treasurr —Amount paid, County Bonds r ,Aniount paid. $13,225 8.) Inierest on Connty Bonds—Vaud, $7,429 6e Township Lines—Paid F. a Smith and al.. $74 9t 'Damage to Birsona/ Property—Paid D. Evans, £lO5 0:1 Land Returneirf—l'aid A. F. Stuah and al., 1.12 OL Volunteer Atiatia—Paidll. C. Cux and al., $387 OL The following is an account of the expenses at the CountylfouSe and farm, and of keeping paupers out side the CoOnty tiouso, including the Pennsylvania Lunatic liosnitals at ifarrisb,,rg and Uctuville: • Feb. 8, '72. V Strang. Justice's costs, $3 CO P. V. Van Ness, bill tobacco, 1 to John Minion, Justice's costs, 1 tr. J. N. Putnam, till for relief, Bless, 23 67 J. Newhall. lumber, 34 hh ~,J. C. Wheeler, repairinV, 5 51. 'Converse & Osgood. goods, 5 5, 41. English, newspaper, 1 5h SVriglA a: Bailey, fixtures. &c.,, 4 25 C. K. Thompson, doctoring, 253a, lTolin Gibson, Justbm's costs, ' 18 ta, .George A. Ludlow. k , ......pitig p!auper, 24 Ot„ Gbnl'A. Ludlow, refuoviiiii paurkr, 30; Houghton :Orr. &•Co., eOlllOB, &b.:, 17. Lt, Elizabe h Stratton, keeping pauper, 7 1 ( Jane (ones. keeping pauper, 11 25 'Chas: Vaal Order. remdvtng pauper, 6 so lA. F. Smith. keeping pauper, 40 77 11. 80,. land, .34 salary as chaplain, 12 6(., 'O. CI, Slathers, goods, 103 24 'al/110 Jon.s, keeping pauper. 4 to. C. K. Thompson, doctoring, 25 05 John A. Weir, keept^g insane, 427 0 6 B Itz.Kirnball, groceries, 30 Go J. R. Barker, goods, , , 21 50 L. A; Gardner, groceries, ~ . 45 71 Hastthgs &' Coles: drtit ,s. • 23 5b 'William Roberts. liar ware, . .20 21 .John- Van Order,,whia r Y, ..„ 15 5 • John Hillman coal, 19 10 Van' Rom & Chaud er, cabinet work, 45 to , Matherir& Holliday. groceries, 43 ht Derby & Fishier. shoemaking, 9,57 C C. Slathers; goods, 134 4( B. C. Bailey, hardware, 16 to -E. 11. Kimball, groceries, 31 67 A. S. Brewster. Justice's costa, • 27 ta Joseph Mitchell, coal, ' 118 3 Lyman Beach, keeping pauper, 64 0. 11, Jeffers and ,11.. keeping pauper, 25 to Jane Jones, keeping pauper, 2 21 'W. W. Webb, doctoring, 10 00 John Harris, keeping pauper, 10 01 G. H. Feller, removing pauper, ' 10 0( Asa Merrell, keeping pauper, 10 01, J.JI. Barnes. keeping Pauper. 31 81 Arthur Spencer, keepil•g pauper, 16 ot IVilicos. & Truman, goods. 4 65 L. A. Gardner. groceries, 18 41 Charles Toles, goods. . 2 Of: R. C. Halley. hardware, 2 I',l John R. Pierce, medicines, 1 15 C. C, Slathers, goods. 127 5:: William Roberts. hardware, 16 .P.: P. N Soule, sewing machine, 50 01 T. P. Wit , gate, work on Co. lame, 12 21 Truman & Bowen, lumber, ' 43 6f Hastings & Coke. dings. &c., 0 6: Slathers a: Holliday, groceries, 28 5,- John Griy,'blacissmithing, 21 7: B. R. Kimball; grocer ea, 31 91 Truman & Bowen, lumber, 1 71 Pritchard & Sales, hardware, 68 11 H. Rowland 31 salary as chaplain, 12 51 B. Shrader, flour, - 20 9( John Van Gider, whisky, 16 B`. C. C. Mothers, goods, 31 1; W. W. Webb, doctoring, 6 01 L. A. Gardner, groceries, 44 8' W. C. 'Kress, churn power, 20 01 Derby & F:sider, shoemaking, 12 1 John A. Weir, keeping insane, 822 2 - . S. A. Hays, removing pauper, 2 0 1 T. E. doe, keeping pauper., 25 51 John H. Shalt, keeping pauper. 35 2: A. T. Smith andel., keeping pauper, 30 41 A. J. Cole, doctoring pauper, 10 0 , A. J. Brown, kf•eping pauper, 18 9. L Truman. keeping pauper, 5 61 E. M. Harris, removing pauper, 6 5' Harriet Vincent, keeping pauper, 13 21 O. P. Grinnell, keeping pauper, 6 o'. .1. - E. Barnes, keeping pauper,- 44,54 Polly Smith. keeping pauper, 12 I;( William Knapp, keeplugpauper, 151 4i, A. Morrell, keeping pauper, 3 01 E. A. Fish. removing pauper 14 3 1 8. Rowland, removing pauper, 6 6( 8. Spaulding, removing pauper,- 3 05 A. H. Westbrook. removing pauper, 1 0' I. Van Horn & Chandler, cabinet work, 29 41 13. Shrader, meal, 9 3:1 G.AV.S 3 ears. shoemaking; . 1 8:1 Toles Robinson & Co., goods, 249 17 R. C. ailey, hardware, , 551 C. Rorapaugh, m tktng cider, 10 It Joseph Mitehell,onal. • 39 l'. Hastings & Coles drugs; ke.. 7 4' John A. Weir, keeping insane, 277 21 Jane Jones, &plug pauper, ' 21 7: Enoth Blackwell, keeping pauper, 68: Dr. Webb, doctoring paupers, 3 0, H. Rowland, 3,1 salary as chaplain,. • 12 0 , , Toles & Robinson. goods; , 160 ti' A. J. Cole, doctoring pauper, 14 7: O.F. Robbins, removing pauper, 55( Bailey*. Tipple. buteher.bill, 4 65 Hugh Young, insurance, - 147 04, C. J. Wheeler, repairing, 9 111 Hastings & Coles. drugs, &n., 11 61 Derby & Fishier, shoemaking. 23 71 Webb &Bacon, drugs. &c., 3 8: Vati Horn & Chandler, cabinet work, 22 t ; E. R. Kimball. groceries, , 83' John Van Order, whisky; ' 20 61 John Gray, blaellarnithing, 28 9' L. A. Gardner, grocerieti. 85 2; Charles Magee. coal, I 41 91 G. W. Nave;, harnessms.king, 10 11 N. Packer. doctoring one half year, 60 01 U. Rowland, 31 salary as chaplain, 12 :( John A. Weir, keeping insane, 63 11 T. A. Robinson, labor. &e., 1,173 6 .. - Stiperltitendent, 800 it daughter's work, 100 0. Jane Jones. keeping pauper, 3 0' C. L. Beach, 'keeping pauper. 18 5 V. b. Gee, removing pauper, 2 G Mrs. Dearman, removing pauper, '4 9' Airs. Mosher. removing pauper,, 7.0 S. S. Wilts. keeping insane, ' 468 0* Truman & /AU. lumber, 7 4 VaY i, 12 Jwie 4412 Sei.26, 'I .Zov.2;', =I Dec. 3, MU • - -..,- $BO 397 2 ; Balance in Treasury, 1,449 of . i ..----...... $81.3% -ir , The following property was on hand at the Count ‘Eloues• end farm oh the Ist ,day of Joinery, 1873, si per inventory taken at that time: 1 span horses, $350 01 7 libla cement, 21 Oi - " l'yok4 cattle, . 140 01. 15 women's shirts, 11 2. 1 yoke Steers, 50 01, ~ 1 night dress, '7. 0 treo•i - ear olds, 110 00 ' 7 men's shirts, 7li 3 calves, 21 tk, - 3 yds toweling, , C' 7 yearlings, ' 84' 01 ,21 yds ticking, ~ . 6'2; /4 eolv,' ' • ,• 350'01. I) new tihks, ' 'lBO - rovr i , . 50 00 '3O now sheets, 22 5: 9 sheath, 72 01 1 pair plaits. 21 10 '. 3 pigs,'" 12 Oi 5 men's coats, . 30 la 40•Ouckens, .20 00 • 1 denim dresa, 3 (0' 60 toile of hay, 9011 01 13 yds prihts, •1 11 stra l r, ,GO 01 33 yds book =slits, 4. tu; e 450 bls oats, 'lBO DO 10 hendherchieis, IDi 50 bushels wheat; 10e 01 - 8 pillow ticks, ' 2 4'. 200 bushels corn, - .80 (1. 7 pair men's boots, SO 6i 25 busks oats 4: peas,lB 71 , 5 pair men's shoes,.l.o Ok 3 bushols 17 , :a00, , 451 7do women's do, 11 01. 35f bush's-potatoes, 218 ' 2de do slippers, 2Di '440 bushels turnips, 51; UL 15 prehildr's shoes, 9 0 , 80busifels carrots, 32 OL 11 pr „Misses' shoes, 16 0, 40 bushels beets, ' 10 01 3 men's vests,' ti 01 10 bushels onions, 2'2 61 4 ruct..'s hater • - 4 it: 50 bus - hells apples, 25 Ou 8 bed blankets; " •213 01 300 lbs dried apples,- lB Oir 12 tin cups, 221 •10 tibia cider, 20 Ot, a women's ill skirts,o I(.- - 1 bbl boiled eider, 16 OL • 4 men's ill shirts, 8 0,, 1 tibl %.tnegar,' : •9 Ou 1 luau's knit shirt.. lOi 30 gals molasses, 21,00 3 women's dresses, 0 01: 20 gals oil, . , .8 OD 20 pillow, eases, B,tlt; 2O -lbs tiugar,„ . 25 00 - 4 shawls, , 10 Ot 167 lbs lard, " ..,' 23 00 SO Yds - factory, • A 51 ;.58 BA tallow', i . sOn '....0 yds flannel, 9Ol 76 lbs sausage, 0 935 07 pair stockluge, .40 20 46 lbs Maple sugar, 900 3 shakers, . 45 .3 gels.rauple syrup, 450 - leather on hand, 11 4.1 SO lbs tors,, '' •'- . 22 6 12 tau. plates. 225 11 bblapoik, -..- 175 00 „ 2 snits nes elotkea, 23 o '- '9k, hblia beef ? , , • 25 00 - 1 pair rubbers, c , -1 00 It cans fruit, '' . '5 60 2 !be black popper,' , II IVW Ocklee, 800 2oz nutmeg, 20 260 ihs hutter, GO 00 Boz allspice, 20' 100 holds cabbage, 12 50 - 14 bul salt, , 120 • medicine, 503 900 lbs'grease, ' 9 OD, 9 lbs sino'gtebacCo, 350 G tons colt, . 19 00 3 ihs drie'cut do, 195 45 yds dehima, 10 35 ' 1 bbl tipple sauce, - 800 6 :Ni feet lumber, 60 001 4.4 t os moos, . _ ' - 24 . oo Wiie S i rpechltevaent'of the - Cotinty Bones and Farm Mid the County Commissioners make the following report of the account ~ f flogs county with the several tr,,, , isshibs sod boroughs for keeping paupers at the County f,louse. intluding board. clothing, medicine. Zse., fruit the isi oey of Janopy, 1672, to the Ist day of January, 1573; aino bills for temporary relief, and j a for taking i superb to the C unty,tionse, with the ex• poise ati the Lunatic liospt is at Ilarrlsbnrganti Dan ville. and the coat of telfiii, paupers there: ' .. . 131,0853-3 paupers; -2 link es,: I female; ages, 32, 1, 67. I - ... ..• . to paid 7.17. Putnam for tonporary relief : $230 Feld sine Jones for trpr,iorary relief , :42 25. A. - 9.'ißrowster justice's cogs ' - - - 90 , 1.11 •stic Hes - pits:l foriteeping A. Shnhs ...... ....JOS' 09 85 154 lircek.49it,.cpp.tity.- Bcont(o, .4: ... - :.10. 45, . _ $81,839 37 $l,OOO CO $l5l at $2,13'32 2 VW 76 $lB4 GO Ifs ca si,iot ye I: ectio“s $8,805 48 $521 00 Roa,t G. Van ValLeubnrg and al., SG3I G 3 Stationoy. L. Deane and M.; erk of Quarar Sasicrn.t F. Donaldson, l'fahonct(try's Fees F. Donaldson, A. Flub aucl al.; astern, State Penztentictry Shci 1.3"- A.1.1.1i, 41fone2i R..):1144. r. Ditclaburn . auci Postage.l tornas Allen and tat, IPaod...ani Coal. . P. NVlLlsatvr. • Jury Comniissiatte '. A. Visit undal., $7 Teachers' institutes liortou, Inquests. S. Brewster and al., Court llOwe arv2 Okra. . D. Dewing and al., Incidental. • • . V. Vim 'Ness taut Distritnaing Duplicate" 1101118 and al:, Reference of Civil Actions, Jefferson Harrison, • DIIOOIiYIELD-3 Iraupt rs; 2 tulles, 1 female; agi.st . ru, 58, 8. To 115 Ii I %reel:B' board... .. $222 24 Clt 1:111::11-5 paupers; 1 male, 4 females; ages, 92, sa, to, To paid E. A. nab for remOviug pauper $l4 20 arR. Mosher for do . 7 00 .4 S. lirowster Justice's eosht 1 80 T.twstle ifosplttd tor ;welling M. Tottog.. 41 L 0 Do tar kveidug, J. It. Cooper . 4t. ,`Jti 114 . J.7 vielis' board 11t 1 0 01 ,1,2,460 1:1 EMS $ll3 53 CHARLESTON-5 paupers; 1 male, 4 females; aloe, 84, C), 47,11; 1 mkuoun.. To p.thl John (Muni v. 4 others Justica costs, * . .4; 4.0 1691-7 creepy' board :;17 43 $1,103.47 $8',16 DO COVIZiGTON (towteMp)--3 paupers; 2 males, 1 fe male; age, lii, 27, 25. kihit t..Asou and others Justice costs; $2 70 70 beard. 133 02 $227 81 :513 55 CLYTF.P.-3 paupers.; 2 males, 1 female; ages, 57, 81. 82 To paid S. ltowlaml for reworlug pai‘per .... $ 50 V. B. Gee Jos:Gee coats 2. 00 I.mottiu llospltal for I.cepilq; J. klurin 211 10 00 0.7 weeLa' board.... ... lbl 00 Sid 70 $679 CO ;1,250 20 DELMAR-4 paupers; 2 males, 2 females; ages, 57, 'hi, 'A, 111.11UILM To paid Juhn GRi on and others Juile coats, - $8 I 0 lieugliten le Co. for col Tin, 17 50 L. : , .irstron, Lori:wiping pauper . 75U E. Jeffers for keeping pauper 25 67 C, tur 2:etlizz.6; pauper .. 500 Dr. Webb for doetuilsg 3 OU I'.:'4 0.7 we,elf.a' board 211 t 3 £Btht EG $lB7 31 $53 21 .S 3 08 F.I.II:LAND-2. panpbra, nalites; ages, 73, 31 Tut 32 2-7 wtele litiavkl sl.'-'7 73 FALL r,RooK-1 pauper, male, need 73. To 52 board FAWIINGTo:s.7-1 pauper, le 41,1 e, aged 2S To 30 54 weeks' board.... JACIiSOI .4 —.I paupers; 2 male's, 2 females; ages, 00, Ti, 58, 72. To paid A. S. Brewster SuSties costs. Atm, Morrell for keepisr, paupers. J. Battles for keeping paupers. lis 3-7 Nrceks' board $2OO CO $14.1 71 +:, ME pauper, femn!e. ngeil r,9 yearn. To paid Mro. Dearman. An: rouuSillg $i 00 ld 4.7 \vole' b,Qard ... W. 12 $1,499 50 $.20 38 LAWRENCEVILLE-5 paupert; 2. males. 3 ionales; ages, 7, 35. 2 children ages not known. To paid Cl:as. Van Order for reinoving pauper, S 5 50 E.. 51. Harris for removing pauper 5 5U board 175 24 $lO 00 $1,329 33 $5,510 53 LAWRENCE-3 raupc6, 11 males; ages, C 3, 85, 22. To 110 weeks' board. . $271 27 LtnEnry-3 pauv,ia; 2 ruales, l l foroale; ages, 79, T.) paid John Gibson Justice costs A. S. Brewster Justice COStti neSpltral 1Q): ii.copib; M. rare 15l weeks' board 3rortrus-2 paupers, males; agile, To paid John 0 tbsou and others Justice CUSta, 61 80 weeks' board Go 71 • 11 - IDDLEBIMY-5 paupers; 2 males, 3 fenialts; ages. 49, SB, 56, 71 48. Topald A. D. U.ce and others Justice costs • /..)r. Wehtifor •docturlug S. A. I.li..yea toe retrioving;paupcx v. E. hue Jur keeping pauper..., John SLoir Jur keep,ng pauper. 'l7l weeks' board , .11Atisrirn)— To pold A J A;(4 for doctoring pauper ' $lO 00 '.. A J Brown for I.l:oping pauper.... • 18 85 . IsIET9TS-2 paupera;l malo, 1 remald; ages, 76,60 i To paid John ClibsOn and otnoth, Justico:os4l4 4 51 BC, R lin tpp for hotkin paupoc.. ..... 151 4$ Enoch Blaut 411,1"gr.i,eepatp,,patipor.:..,.. 587 621-7 wucts'l2o 41 4 OSCEOLA-1 pauper, wee, aged 85., fa paid G A Ludlow for keeping pauper (I A Lufibuy fur removiug pauper 2.1-i news' Ward .• ' BICITISIOND-5 paupers; 4 males, 1 female; 59 6a, N. :1.5. 5. To paid Jolla Gibson Juspue ..... Lyman Beach for keeping pauper.... Polly Smith for keeping pauper C L }leach for Let ping paupe•' A d Cole for doming Lunatic Hospital for heepinz, T S Walters.. 02 1.7 weeks' bard SIIIPPEN— I'o paid John Gibson Justice costs SULLIVAN-2 paupers, males; ages. If, 45 fo paid A T Salim 1 , 4 keeping paupo. Ci 1 t elter rerauviug pauper O F Robbins tor remoVlng pauper GS 0.1 weeks'• board (township)-IpatipPr, utie, ae not known. To paid Ali Wes tbcool: for removing pauper.. $1 to 5-7 weelea boara ...... 1 t TIOG f (boroug11)-1 pauper, male,- aged 15. To p'd L 1.1031. for beeplog Hannah flotelaiss.s2o6 PO 52 weas' b0ard...... 100 77 $307 07 paupers; 1 male, 1 feraalb; one aged 30, other not known. _ To paid A Spencer foAhreping pauper......... $lO 00 Lunatic Hospital for keeping Jos kJ:Darling 225 104 weeks' board - 201 52 NrEsTrirm— To paid F Strang nr.d others Snake costs Harriet Vincent for keeping pauper WELL9I3ORO-4 paupers; 2 males, 2 females; 12, 7ti 35, 20. To paid John Gibson and others Justice costs: Webb Sod Packer for doctoring paupers.. Lunatic Hospital for beeping lliza Veils* 02 weeks' board... $399 4t. TIOGA COlTliTlpauper, male, a• ed, 50 f Co paid A 8 Brews Crer Justice costs '94 91 Locatic Hospital fur Leoping M Burk ' 222 3t 45' 3-7 weblis' board of Sitheou Swartwood, a pauper from Potter county 1 The improvements on the farm this year amount something lihe 8260. -The inventory of persona: ,rJperty at the County—House and farm thieoear ex .ceetis that of lest year' 63. Tho Superinteridem aas paltfluto the .colinty Treasury 3)132 80 reeelvet, !or produce sold. - Tne price charged the Osier-al. to - 4118E4R 'pertteel, +or, beard of paupers is one clullar. ninety-one - cents, 4.i mills and tWo:thirds - of a mill, which fecludes ev irything furnished them—food, clothing, medicine aud, fifty,doltars paid a chapinat for holding relig toustiervlees on Sunday. v • - . There have beou.73 paupers at the County House during the year. averaging over 43 for tho whole time they are mostly aged; infirm, idiotic, and insane, and consequently but tittle help is received from. them out, ou the contrary, the expense of malting ate them I Ito small item. - - The Superintendent is entitled to much _praise fin ate succrss in the inanagem•ut of the Co,nnty ord also the farm, which bids fair to become the Ore. nium farm in the county. The costlof keeping our insane at Harrisburg fin( ')auville .e $3 per week, and the bills are lurid In . once up to June, 1873. The CotenziSsionere Would In. tlatl ,of a discontinuance of the apartite -account: ith the townships.,Making the'poor a county charg, would remove or much misunderstanding. We, the Commissioners of 'frogs county. do certify he foregoing to be a correct statement or the receipti :ud espanditures therein set forth. In teatimes); .vhereof Ave hereunto set our hands and seals of oflict his 2:rth day of January. 1873. • '• / JOU REXFOIIb • T. 0. 110LLIS, C 011213 2 .114 . Tnottss ALt.r.z.r, C 2, Ir., Robert C. Cox, Treasurer of - ...T:yez County, in account with said county from January 13, 1972, to January 0, TEM: axle county in '72 ' 5441 9 1 .'0 Jns'd 70-'7ll 10 93J 2C• .ounty tax '7OOl, 7,309 65 'nor tax = do . 1,1+12 42 • 'o'y taxon sale do, 1,49 f; 01 in land Com'ra, 41 95 . 01 sale N eft' lauds, 11.4.91updinx1699„ - 123 57 liounty tax" 1850. ltll • :ountylmor 1859, 8 11 l'osynaldp p00r , 1662, 5 4 1, , Jounty tax IQ7O, 1,3 8 388 ', Bimnty 1670, • 285 71 ' State 167 J • • 221101 County poor 1970. 377 31 rownaldp poor 1670, 073 4,1,1 County taz, 1871, '13.621 441 Bounty 1871, 11,1.84 tr. i *tato 1874, - 51. County poor 19710 4 095 20 Townehm Poor '7l, 7,460 CO 31tlitla tae 1571, 1,351 ot, county tax. 1872, 40.237 84 state 1872, 2,002 71 Poor 1372. ,0,250 Qt Militia tax 1972; ' 1,531 CO tastes, on seated, • 'antra r'by Corte, 223 50i tsOunty tax do, • 057 42 Poor do, - 63 Ou State do, 07 Comutorm'h costs, 14.0 48 County tonne, 207 64 (}White and al, 1.431 16 N 010501:, R Horse. 233 00 $4,003 70 er The Audltors Illogn.county harlngexanabied and audited the adcounts and voi,/,. O. Cox, Trea• ;surer of said counts , d) allow thew as above stated., Witness our luinds at Wellsbaro Ibis 26141.:4145" btAlazi. naz7, ;871 . ' ISRAEL S`,IONE, - • 'pacuatp,f-`""'"'', • ,• - _ Ellin CR. .I . .Sunty tax of 1569, $93 85 _kb:lb:meats 1869, 20 46 Aottuty tax 1169, . 101 3b County poor 1869, .541 lownsuip poor 1869, 6 41, ...'ounty t, 1870, 171 4. Abutclueuf /870, 253 lb ;.B.,outy tax /870, - 351 78 rAbutcm'c'tio'y 1870, 321 71 :ital.! tux 1870, 72 5. Abatclucrits tat '7O, Ou lb Country poor le7o. 120 /4 townennppoor 1870, 45 6i' Abatelueutti county, 132 68 Ab4tellitutB tuwle,p, 011 31' ;Cblltity tax 1871, 1:641 91 Ruunly 1371, 1,220 77 !StAte tax 1.871, 246 97- bounty poor 1811, 769 44 'rowublup poor '7l, 1,222 03 blibtla.' tut.. 1811, 418 07 - 0.01/ullss/001+ Co'y, 1,'28711 Do bounty 1871, 022 60 llu btate 1671, 114 lo IDo county poor '71,, 212 74 Do town'p poor '7l, - aaa 87 1111 tuAtia 1671, 68 76 A latelneuta co'y '7l, 018 31 [ Do bounty 1871, 2,71,654 Do State /871, . 159 51 Do ounty poor '7l, 252 11: Du tuwl.l poor 1871, 360 14 I Do Inititta 167/, 457 88 I Couuty tax 1672, 18,892 91 Stuto 1872, ;.. 1,648 53 P00r,1872. " ' 4;974 00 Militia 1872, 1,32( 50 Con,ntibbion county, 230 63 130 pitta 1672, 15 20 - Do p00r.1812. • - 32,20' Do tointialBl2 1 81 Annteig's county '72,240 69' Do State 1872„ 25 65 Do poor 1042,. 15 VT' Dci militia 1872, 57 09 Ite0;41 poor or,tore, 043611 Do county Orden, 25,309 - 73 Do county botlB. 34,225 - 52 Interent on boncla, 7,429 63 State-tax; G , GI4 53 Expenso vol:niilljn, as; so Counat'n7lool• orders, 25 54 Do county-indent. • 701 69 Do county bondfn : 342 25 Do on int't on brindtc.74. 29 Da on B.' Treas. rec't. 55'10 11661 11. Itow:und due county, • 1.62912 $134:64ki 48 •', _a. \\ .1 t -- 7 1 • C ) - - rpo , pas i \-‘ ! „1 e 5 • i i l 1 - ' 7 ' • - -",), rip --J: ). \ , Li pT3 , Ad . , I - , _ r i'l r- I V SVIO SG $322. /13 $l2 32 3103 15 $,30.1 90 $l2O 93 $lOO 70 $,.)5 5 4 $0 .0 13 00 80 30 262 82 ;; tom $317 02 Pllll - MEI $lB6 24 The Largest ' Estah4hment in Northern Pa,-! $0 00 210 10 302 23 $520 15 EOM ... $4 BO .... 10 00 'G'3l ... Go ... 35 23 ... 231 35 $412. Gu EEM 1 - TAW:Ia facilities fo'r buying and handling largo quantities of dodB enables tlibm te offer th em et th e la.-lowest.Jpbbing prices. , pa.oui retail department Goods aro "sold at a' small to:I3IWD* over Witelesala prices. A large stock of. STOINH, C 5279 66 t-24 OG 3 00 GLASS, ALL SIZES, SINGLE AND DODDL I , AIN'n ALL KINDS AND COLORS, vARNIsEtEs AND VAI:NI DEDSGES, A FULL STOCK. • • Orlb Maine tfg• Peittells INA Fil2 Transfer $0 90 5 08 12 00 18 3- 14 Vo 8300 12042 $900'5 i . . 1 90 ' $BO 17 10 0( 5 SC, 114 Ots Jan. 4 1872 $205 75 Br R JA. Fr 0 R $4.42 61 I .IS4 So .13 '25 MiEl ages. §7 20 ECE !pi 178 26 PAUL D EKE GOODS, 68 0 Mr 3P;t7P1.19 or all sorted smaci CROCKERY NOT SVASIIED, vans,F Novnowt; arr cam - D -.-...-s, E_Ev MEM ,the IMMENSE Stook; 6 glthr.prloea ttc4 snoney,lf yduipllt• • • 61 - C 9 © ( z ‘ E ''' t..-.,=1 7 arCtol-XIST PL. \ IPIC.M.-40 I . WHOLESALE, ANL RETAIL DE, LIG G-1 r' HO U ISLAND AND WITHR LI 1L and Brushes for Carriage and C utter Ornatueziting. Minim) of all classes offJood apportainizag to our bualuess kept In stoat '• EN COINING DRY GOODS i. I= GB CURB IN ABUNDANCE, cam 330 Cores do saxic in gocdpepairand stuns, , . , • - ~ 'to be lioatoiti 4 —Vo-itotton to oOlita"befOie btslnt.tre Vcil . " 3l o'• . .. ', i' • fl.itatOOF"' - ~ = A.'r THE' Is thoplaos to buy you: .i ~ too numerous to um:talon. EMI IEI IR t: )513 708`i R. MB= lE I 1 1 II II El Ell `1 i ~5 _ .~ w 0 ki & IMI