0 11 Litiestaki ,s y Lofts - .., .. , VT a 634310x7rna0z rpukor. .—......, \ To thee, were I a humble bee, \ - . rd hourly wing my honeyed eight; --- To thee, were I'a ehip . itt sea. , • rd eau tho' land were Le my sight; To thee, werejj, puny pit, ' \ ''• " IsPr./Pg' M I # lO. et V r 4l " MA / 11 " r • c' ' -• t. ~ " , . \ .:' To thee," , weA T gitfold r iliaetr,," , ' - \ - Pa swim as fast aa tins could morel . ' To thee, were I a Waiter's hack. • I'd gallop on the hoofs of lows .- .. 1... , Batas I'm but a simple man, ..% =mos by train, loves-St I aunt • .1111. SOWS; Odd fellow's rich wife. A,trying bnairieaS--Sonp boiling. Florida's green peas are covered with show. Can a dark. woman be considered..ona of • thefair sez.„ • i I . Books for Thanksglving—those that i'bound in full turkey. ' ' ;.. A Maine judge has decl. ed that egg-nog is ,iiot a beverage. , lowa has a town named Shoo Ply with a ;gold mine in it. Why is the fire a dissipated character? Because itgoes out every night. CouucilAlleffs Spiritualists exclude red haired people fromtheir circle. Mrs. General Robert Anderson is at Flo. rence, where she will reside. "Bnlio” is a new gaming invention of * Chicago, and is said to be a substitute for "keno." z The grass crop at the West must be very scant. They are letting it grow in the streets of Peoria. Mariewitscb, a Russian with a magnifi -... oat tenor voice, is the latest musical sensa tion in Paris. Darwin is-to publish anew work on "The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Lower The liquor law in Indiana consists of fe /isle vigilance committees, which shut up 'tile liquor saloons. Detroit horticillturists carry stoves in their market wagons to keep the "garden *ass" warm. Kentucky distilleries consume 6,306 bush els of grain daily, and turn out 26,884 gal lons of spirits. Why is it not good to beat children hard and often? Because you may. lest oft and ii den. What is the difference between the top of it Monument and a song for one voice?- One Is so high, the other is solo. An Indiana woman threw a burglar down Hairs and broke his neck under the impres illtin that it was her husband. LThe original "Texas Ranger" Major 0. F. „flays, exials in Calufornia on the-wiserable .pittance of $200,000 a year. A horticultural gentleman gives as his reason fati..W.s.#.leigh red, "that he alwayaled amain runners." Wily does a retired confectioner resemble faithless lover? Because be leaves his kceet'art to another. '" Luther Lamb; of Wibslow, Me., lately Celebrated his, golden wedding with his third Wife. He has raised a flock of fifteen lambs. Wild cats are so plenty at West Hickory, Pa., that a young lady who has not a full of "catamount" furs is ashamed to go to urch. Tk i : Maine people don't step for trifles in esti tang the cold weather; but say that _ the mercury fell on one or two "clapbeards," case may be. A floating hotel is said to be building on Allegheny. The first order of the cap ' tain of the craft Will , be, "Prepare to re oeive boarders. Pilkins, thinking that an exhibition of conjugal affection might increase the quality of his dinner,, called his wife "my sweet est." She merely asked him who the oth w - s were. . • Mrs. Lubin has been installed as pastor of a western pulpit. Sweet is the savor of her Dame, - and sweet her sanctity. No dbubt there will be some extracts from her eer- HMS. • A man being about to marry his 'fifth wife, a lady asked his daughter who bras going to perform the ceremony. " I d'on't know," she replied, " but I suppose our minister will, as he usually Marries father." St. Louis people were so badly swindled by the old gas company that they establish ed another, and, now they are worse off than before, ai the two have combined and made Prices higher than ever. : • Captain` Jack is said to have captured * c ora our troops "a goodly store of loot." If he had only captured the galoot who pre ' elpitated that forced reconnoissance" no body Would heVe cared. It is said that the newspapers are the means of a great many ladies "getting their ticks up." The.best conducted papers oft : 4iti make a great bustle among them, and .dearly every pannier is a newspaper waist .- basket. • " The Nusdle %the title of a new monthly Proposed in Nes' York. The . 1 publisher thould have his eye teeth cut„ and be ,sharp • .elsough to establish a firm basis for his en terprise. Thepages should be filled with pointed articles\ An eccentric young lady of Marshalltown, lowa, lately cut her,, throat in twenty-one places and then tried,N4o murder a child. ' She has attempted three times previously to • commit suicide, and is tattooed enough to pass for a South Sea Island Chief. ' Paul Cassagnac says that th Emperor Naroleon had an income of not more than 500,000 francs per annum, which dappelled this Imperial family "to live with extreme modesty, almost parsimony." "Parsimbny" on $60,000 moat have been a curiosity. The pastor of a fashionable New York church gave out last -Sunday that he had married nine ceuples during the year who - had failed to advancl the customary wed ding fee, and he would like to have the new year begin with a little "cash down." The Providence Press announces the tap-, Pearatice In that city 'of •the "Living Chris. , flan." The doubts which have long tieen felt as to whether there Was really a germ ' ine: live Christian in Providence are thus happily settled. • , Syracuse, N. Y., believes in realism on the stage. There is a play now performing there in which an actress stands with an ap ple on her head, which—the apple, not the headesis then shot 'off by an actor with an actual ` rifle, real powder, and . a genuine - A. Kentucky shoemaker has Just finished a pair of bouts for a colored customer that r . are fifteen inches in length,- twelve around the instep, eleven and a half around the too, .‘ and sixteen around the heel. The best part, of a cowskin was used in their nianu tectere. A letter publishedby the Berlin Geograph- Jest Society announces that three African explorers, by the west coast, have arrived at cameroon. Dr. Buckholtz proceeded to &Rae. Dr. Relchneau and). Dr, Lichder hope to find an opportetcuty to penetrate the interior. , A carious_paraslte is found upon the blind fish of the Wyandotte cave. The female is attached, by a pair of altered fote limbs, to She vicinity or, the mouth of the fish, while the male is supposed to be eery small, 'and a free swimmer, as it has notyet been found attached in the TiCiLlitS of the female. The Middletown (Conn.) ancient eptuister is a belligerent animal. The other day one of them, was riding on the railiond under a ,fren pass which the conductor said was worthless. He invited her to paylare and she refused; he threatened to put her off, and she dared him to do It; he wilted, and she remained mistress of the situation and had her ride. Calafornla widow importuned the shot.- of San Francisco to grant her an inter view with the murderer Donnovan the day before that individual's execution, in 'order that she might commission hint to hunt up her deceased husband in the spirit world. "and request him, and if necessary, compel him, to keep away and mind his business." Papas are not romantic it must be con fessed. One of them in Davenport, lowa, with three marriageable daughters, has post ed the 'following notice over the bell-pull " Wood, $G a cord; coal,BO cents a bushel gas, dear and bad. Parties staying after 9 o'clock 'will please settle quarterly. N. B. A reduction made after engagements; and the fall amount added to the rmarrifige , portion." / • We always supposed that the .Tevis were as likely to drop into poetry as othSr folks, but the editor of the Jewish gessdnger af. Arms that "during all the years of his edi torship, perhaps:not more / than a dozen original poems have peen sent to him from Contributors of the Jewish: faith, and during the pastyear he did — not'receive a single po ordeal etfuelon ter inseitiert.", Happy Troia 4 1 . 1 / 04 7ff;* /1 • MI \ \ I 20 THE PUBLIC. I have a large stock of Dry Goods, Groceries,• Boots, Blues, Reddy-Madei l Clotiang, Hats and Caps, Yankel..Arotion,s, &c., wl4h, I will sell at cost for the next thin. • ty days, I will sell good prints for ten cents per yard. . I will sell good sheetings, yard wide, for 1.1. cents. Twill sell all my goods ;0) c.i.2ap thay you cannot help buying if you will call at my store in the OPERA BLOCK L. F. TRUMAN. i Deerfield Woolen Mills: IXEMBZIELD, PA. 131tOIIEEM Prop:dors of the above .1. roanufactu.rs as usual ba order, to suit custo=ars. OUR OASSI3IEBES ' ars warranted. Particular attention iisou to Roll Cardhig & Cloth Dressing Ws manufacture to ardor, and do all kinds of Boil- Carding and Cloth Dressing, and defy amapeUtion. We haw as good an assortment df Full Cloths, Cassimeres, and give more for Wool in frachange than any other establishment. Try them and saWy yOurielvea. We wholeaide and retail at the Com:magus mills, 2 miles below Ent:media Jan. 1. 1872. J. H. Griswold's Water Wheel. THE undersigned, are agents for the above Water Wheel, and can cheerfully recommend it as rior to au others in use. Persons wishing to pur chase !liquid nee this wheel in operation before buy ing other wheels. =GUAM 8808. peerneld, May 16,1874. Read the following • t • Wearrtatu. Artat. 21. 1 872. We the undersigned. pnrohased one of J. rf, Grim• wold's 80 inch Water Wheel, using 88 inches of water to run three run of atone under a 20 foot head, and are well pleased with the wheeL We have ground ilixty bushels per hour with the three run and can average that aznonntlxir hour all day. E. D. PHILLIPS. OHAIILTOII PHILLIPS. \- WALKER& LATHROP, 3 . .sa.zas EOM= IRON, Ea= NAIL% STOVE.% =WARS. BELTKNe. SAWS. CUTLERY. WATER LIME, AGEIctILTIMAL ThEF/ 221 / 7 3 % ° \ Carriage and Harness Tr4auninge, FLABIIESSE/3. a&DDLES. 4 i . •••• In - anY l IS l lP'll..' Li Jc= SO - teClCOVel,lnelpierteoriCar. , o - !ou,Co!>:.,:ipittZt , gof i!ood. /231lamogalon of thh Luzgz, CHko - ;.1„ Lro cbiiis, yei pro,, " , :hoolo:ue, Cough., Zistiltau, LIo.:St. J2un. of .Lo.s.?. of !..pp0...110. tznii Liver Cta.rphout. hOO%. and, nil : or 11,7 4 1 Pr COV grs.- Boles ale Sole .Arent,, anti to who.nt ell oracsro sttould.l.,e address SALE BY ITyrP-1. WeLabor°, re, C . 1' *6 l ',Alt_rV Ere 'bac. 91, 1672, • 4". , • - z , " . 7.lmin-tZr ItriSS H. 11'. TODD hfttsere.oved .22nr Noalc Store to iYi tho late re.sfdefick:: of opposite Van Horn's noel. Steinway and other • 5 4 for mile v , n'ycheap. A.IsQ, MASON izz EUttaio OLD T'TSTrit.T.c.T.KNIG TAKES "IN EXCEEANOE A larro t. , :.6 7 :1 1 of NE.TV DIU:310 juet recalved. LESSU:N.'I, &vet, •ntwdin Sing oln opportunity for practit.o .nfforded to those who tray d, sir it. If. W. TOT W. Jan. 1. IBiz-a. rt 14 . TT log2‘ tWorks, TUE undersigned is t,ow pr , ...par.2;d to extvimtt_ all or della for Tomb Stones and _Monuments of either Italica& or Rutlarid Marble, of the latest style and approved workm nehip and with dispatch, lie keeps c onstantly on haud•both hi.tls of Marble ayl • will be ablo to suit all Who may fa Or him with 9g as reseonablo terms 2 . 1 b 1.1 be obtained their 0r,..'.`" in We country. - FRAN ADAMS. Jan. 1,1879. FOR SALE: A u,ood house, with fruit and shade trete, °O.bufld inys, wae balf-N , ro tot: nod th-en b i itait,e; , •tu ally l?esrie‘l in the 'rail.' Pa. Alao,a-t, No 1 Iltiry ster , p, -god buildings on , the samn; wit riv T.— ;.ILI per acre. Terms e,,v„ 'XT4...4. - 1,7E1 Addloae ; . )4 ANGIE A , • - Jell. 1438714 - • 114MAV 1119 i^:retysegatell6 ltriti r c-sym ;••` f.'74rcr cs n L,' L. A f Vr.V. r ..es ; N Ct:Rr e roll MEM iS~AR TiIICF. ;'1.9f.1 =EI i ORGANS. r r n .; , DAY'S . BEADY 1 3,ELlr s cpmEs Wart 'WORST P.14.1.Vri in from One to Twenty hinnutes 4 - NOT oNg HOUR . aft"..,."'Ll4lll"VfArrATir.`!"?.'" • netvirai. s READY RELIEF LS A. Mut litn.. • ~ EVERY PAIN. u 44 It was the drat and Ir ' The on3l-g ; / 3 1:41n, itenteKty that Inatantly stops Shit moat enema:Mini palm a l Inflammation/4 and cares CongeAloms, Weenier of t Lung n s, Stomach, BOWO3, Or other Owls et organ, b y "'Pr u rit i c% ONE TO TIV&ViT IiWiL7TES, no matter how ilolent •or exerudaUng thf vain tb . , Ma E n U de M % A o T r I C ro D st e r d- t r d* a ßh In dts m aeo 'C osy p stlaed. .Napo„ RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. WILL 'AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF TILE RIONEAS. INFLAMMATION' OF TILL 13LADDEI; ni'FLAmarATIoN OF TRH BOWELS. • CONGESTION OP THit4LllNstki SORE THROAT, DIFFICIIIif B4gAl -0, - -PALPITATION Or nt Mari LITSTEZICS, CROUP, DIPHTHERIA. CATARRH. LNFLUE=I. ILEA.DACHE, TOOTHACHE EAt.OI. extEtrauttet COLD CHILLS, AGU E' C It HILLS.' The opplicAlon of the neatly neller,Palatsatt, an-5 where th e pain et • oiraculty USA* Ula MAI tS3. i - Ulla Coll3fOrt. Twenty drop/ In half a tumt.l4 Of WI .i.Oni in i it moments Me CRAMPS, bPASMS, 60 syromm l ILEAFtTEHRtr, SICK. HEADAQIJE M), , LAJRR.g./ i h , DYSENT COLIC, 'W AN T DOVE& ..and WI INTER Y__, NAL PAINS. • , Travelers should sways carry a bottle Of rtplwar It Relief with•thern. A. few drop, far ii t, 4a * prevent alckness or_palns from change cr welz.t. It,, Lotter than French Mundy or Blum 43 it tailliajll.t. - FEVER AND AGM: EzvEtt, AND AGUE oared for tfty cents., lig4 v . not aremethal agent In thlswarld tbet wIII Our? Far and Ague,ana all other itltdsrlous, BlllonaLSofelet,'t phoid, — Yellow, and other Feeera(uidcd bYRAPYIAS PILLS) en (Melt ns DADIiVArt3 READY-RELD:. .nity cents per bottle. Sold by Dragriste. HEALTH--I -BEAUrti STRONG AND PURE RICE T E AMTA . :: OF FLESH' AND WEIGIIT-C , BEAUTIF COUPLEXION S ED T DR. RADWATE SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAti MADE THE MOST A.ST9NISHINOt CfjP.Tt THEEUICK BO RAPID APSE THE Clietn_Ll,. BOIIk.I 2 7,NDEROOES. UEll_tig.. L FLIIENtiE OF THIS TRULY ~ I i 4CL.W.L.MitiI:. 11EDIO.M. THAT , .. Every Day an Inerenee infical. ' ) and Weight is aeon anti Fejf.. 'VIE CREAT BLOOD PUtairgE:: Every drop of the SABSAPARILLIAIt Et1.' , 4,11,. , ENT communicates through the Blood, Sweet, i 5 , ,,, 1, and ether fluids and Jules, of theystem the vigor c. is ' for it repairs the wastes of the body with new con ser material. Scrofula, SjPhilis; cnsumptlour ( I."aleal- disease, Uleers In the Throat, 'ldouttt, luteors. :tw: the Glands and other parts of the system; E,r , s gi,,, Strati:ions DlsehargAs 1 from- the. Ears, sad Sp. gb': forme of Shin disuses Eruptions, revor B.srt•s, ..4.,,,, Head, Ring Worm, Salt Rheutn, Eryslaclas., Aene, ?,-,,,,:. Slot; Worms IL the Flesh, 9..umors„,cisacers le o k, Womb, and all weakening and painful cleanl,' o , Snots, Loss of Sperm. and all wastes of the lice r, , :k...,,,' pie, are within the curative range of this wonder af Zl4l. ern Chemistry, and a few data use' vrlil. pea to a z person using It for either Of theta font* of Claus 4 potent power to cure View. ,- If the patient. daily' becoming reduced by eA.. aw— e) 1 and decompo.ition that is continnell rogrecolag, s-, 1 coeds in attesting these wastes, and re re tilt pave V. nose materiel made froth healthy ood—una ch..' w SARSAPARILLIAN will and does tic&r. Not Only does tko Snnannenrst,Lus F...or..ritsT UPI. a',l known rear.ealal agents in the cur* of Chronic, Peofi, loos, Conatltntional, and Skin amulet i but It is UK, 041 positive cure for • -' • ' . - ~. Eildney & Eladtter Complanai,, I tirinnr7, lied Womb dic e tee, Gtlll‘ n tkVlAlATVastorop.9 • Stomps of Water, Incontinence of Urine.; Bright' s D v , 7 nru.a., Albumlnuria, and in all cases where tilerebe Mrs dust deposits, or the wsOtv to thick. - cloudy, 111--t -r substances lute the white Of en egk or threads le • milk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious ,tmoserew white bone-dn.!, deposits, and when there lih tuft, bur.ne s:esirou when pactinz cater, end pain la t:nn-1 of tie 2. rink so:3;110:4 t.... 0 LOl4-i. :erg:v.44s, 1. - V 0 r2.g.r.t .s.—The only- haotett d stuv-Aez, for ' Wm:. or—rin, 7(1,24 din. .7 . 11711201 of 121Tire.nrs , Gm %%, C3.r.reet byT.l.a: - .1.7... - ay's.- ef;aiveo;, - tr.,- , :,...L.,....r. , ,, . 4.4 ii, ..p. tn. .11 , ., , 47 .-11;n: - . he i 0, ne,... Teo.rr t.' Il.i , : -, ..1,;:, 7,1,i/. jell the . .P.,c.W . z. . .t..'atn„ne , r.t I - tty Nitt.' , zt, thtn,.; ' - - ,:..f. va...,.....-..::.. , '.i; I vt ned, se tqliod co: men y ou it,o;l:ts , .v.--; r , , ::-.r."-t I sroaldrrritil„k,k,hzok„. In 4. er. ~ .. ..1.4 e I Its 3 f. - .T..n . •.,i ire ..-,,. -. • ;s.F. I 1..„..,.:...Kc law 4. r the tholes' ,rm t,: 0 . 7 t , e.. , :n...."1 ,P , .1,c f.i.,1 ow '' t t i t l g ,, ~.; _year r..ra,.137 lie.:ef ; sad Cis-re is n. 4 .4 e7aq ' .Ol 144/ 1,1 seen or felt, sea I list bettor, anucrisl, 0.14 biNia• lb . foe twelve rktro. The word ismer NM to tho left a towels, over the groin. 1 .rite Oa to yea Mr the et, otters. Y2l vie r 4.1211::s if...; :ion ni.nose. • ' .i - IiANNIat P. EV4p, , . . DR. FIAOII --- AY'S ....,1 , .. , :,),,.,, t."P.'177 1 .4 17 plp7loPArvr, put ~,,„,.,7, riclhatthia, cle,Vatii to'nted 'iviii 'wine; 'pe.,. par 'regulate, purity, 'Clesneec Ati . "l,tst , - , 1 , t. , . hen:,,, - .?4 !si-eofe'P . lts, for tee r uro of art rl'lant . ..;:rt .„',1,'‘..,,,t,.. Litntr, r,atri:lF, :.-Zaintly t, ,D`vir‘nr_ NrrrYtttS, alttatt 1:I rtian 2, Constipir ..,,., (.., 5.!:i ";-, : - . e c 7, Iceidgetti; Dyelle, , Lia, Alitous.rtees, Szilau-; Fiet'or leitie • ' S the powehe, Illen,tend ali Derenriratutai f eta ' " tt. A . cers. Warranted' to erectile potlefre ' hie, contelnlng TiO Theron:y . 7 ininetuts,o do eterlemdro ir.-..7 Olegettys the folleit7h,g eynneto raultlag ta. Disorders of the Digestive Orggease ! 1 Conttipatien, Tossed Ales, Fulltteu cf el Agri L.l dIAN 4 cidity cf the Strmattt, ~ t a, : ::n. ftestrat: c, .bl.tslt t7Efti Folthes, or Wutnht in 1. , e Stru:tr.S, Sac: c: tia.vVtkincat Ft:at:ring cc thi f.t f the .!lorrratb, Far, mfL..g_or V Iturrled Pad D!Skult Drer.V.lrg, Muttering thill Cr Suffocating Sanctions whrn he a Lying ftst mar Ntlion, Data cr Webs Won the Melt, iTerer eta ibti, ; the livie, D:Ecltn-r7 cf Fee,-giratco Yellorr. 3 tkSr. 'an,' Lres, P a hl in 11,,1 SLie, etatr:t, LIA-vcr..l.so.tidtgvat It,- t, Lrntrig fa the Fle-s!,. , NA trade:4%s of RADWAY'S PILLS I , lf 4 , l* — tilee 1. , :,: Irv:lad the nhave--- !red d' nettle. Fitch ' ;:e-ho e, SOLD , F.,:y DRUOGISTq i F.2.AD - FAL,: es A.2:D 'tittiEi, ' Sig„.3, cop FrlTllt , to S'ADWAY & qo„\. 8 Malden Laciatao vcriZ. Leforautlea V. , 2:ttithonsurais milt 4NU 134 L'AINTS, OILS, ciLLISS, ?UTZ, trIM AND ALL' S TTT F.„9 OP BRUMES, ht . .. '... $ , ,, , N,-, , , , _! IL.Evaactrol, Cipuli , r:; 7 : ' ,.7.f l YTITrb.O tteligtouN, Pie ton-ttl, Le,6l, Rank or : ;• N. D. A. toll °run of thy, s cell:vat cust.zoitaletlt .1 ' • ; ALBUMS, MTP.ROIIB, FICTITILE FRAMS STATIO:NE.BY, COEDS AND'USSZLIc. EMI LANTS, CHANDRT,Tra h• I•Ft.e.k. t '9aT c11!;n7,,, thin _ill EL'GS , CUT. • ANT • " ':'J.•l L't • •t" r!. t. v; : - .1".• ; wad i 1 w 74aV Li= ra(,)«i:.:1 reasonp.bie rates. N'...131 Dr. VI.W. W.W.Wobb bee Yds dads In e be L in, , be ccuLulted for advice or.trealivi&.<, 1, 1 , 3r?-tr. lUSTLCMS 1t411414. , - Docr. Ai?:;isia a; Blbid Pao , "L.,;:_t.l::d • s Lc, 4[ 4 - AI L% tL Ur :rum i,est lumber. at WS GO I tory whit >• is now in full oporat.ori. = Atli) moulnimss, wastuttly cat band. or Planing and 'MatchlnJ done promptly, ana in the beat .manner. Ttte,„' workmen employed, and none but the best sem' laMber used. Ilecourage Louie it/dust:Y. Rectory tear the pot of Mein ittit 4 j . , _ Jan.;l, 1872-tt For Sale or Renj:--" i rif ME. AND LOT Corner of_Narl street:sl2:, t o os atp t JLI am._ Also for o'er, seven vlllsse lets _! Aoademy. Apply to 1 E.L.LIOTT i I i , ~t Ft it • fa' !ME 3:11 o*, '-*).llo,.3"teZti BEG r rugs and Medielnes, atcw• ~ orherutset••••..,aio for -n4) ot'Aiamis VOitl4 I , A.bao fur 7•Tolbzsed, Elcejfir :,,t I.”z etltert Su ptice.. - ert quit) cheer, ar sugar aarzu czz.Ju Y. a TUY °III/ .1 ain.1.41,12413 lt,°l.t.`, .I',s'.=. T('44.`l kiiiide!,l! 171ELLS110.B:0 by Doors, sto , ,A 44-.7 OM-.04.1f.,q2 L,l ', ~, ,_ MI r:Era iougV's,