The Truth about liie ilottnlY, \- r . A. C A:ce .—A 1...,:, ... t .- li , ¶ mg, peen put in' ia ciliation that thv Coutuy Conxatis&lonera ;ntend to erect anew Court ,Hanse,. the un jetaignesl take thi:=, means , of aSsuring the 1)e ople of Tioga county that there is riot one panicle of truth in any seeh rumor. On the contrary, !.re are, now engaged in ...bniring the old Court Ilimge, - and tind that ;t : 2fin he put in good c ondition at an expense ~,: Iwt more than three or tour hundred d01i... i... When there repairs are ,effected, which' 4111 I•fl in a few days, the Wilding will -be ~,,,l ti ,vr te•next generation. Itie ,cher county buildings are in good re pui; . \.nd •are ample to accommodate thepub , • .v. bitt4i of the county. Jou ltExronn, T. 0. flows, E. 'HART, • Co. Oonnera. .Idtkuary 10. 3873 LOCAL NOTICES. Pike's toothache drops care in 1 minute '4/Llding's Glue; ui.) to the sticking Foi,SALE.—A new-milch cow, by Jan. 14-2 w. FELLows Yrs. Sofield offers the balance of her cloaks, fats. shawls, nubias, and Germantown wools at cost. Germantown wools at cents per Mal Mr. _ Charles Magee, at the Wellsbpro Virarehouse, sells Antriin Coarse-Screened Coal at $3,50 per ton at the yard, or $4 de livered. He also has Plaster for sale cheap. The A.thenman Society of .the 5: N. S. will give an entertainmentconsisting of dramas, tableaUx, recitations, Ocal Riad in- - strumental music, January 24th, 178, in Union Hall, Mansfield, Pa. The ladies of the Good Templars,Lodge of Wellsboro, will give an oyster supper at - 11 r. T. D. Elliott's hotel on Friday eve., Jan 24. The proceeds to be used in furnish- Ing the lodge room. ELECTION - TlG*,ETS.—We'are prepared to print tickets for the local elections to be held pelt Friday., We have full facilities for do .cg the work quickly,•accurately and cheap ly Bring along your copy_i The School Directors .of the county will Agalie take' notice that Mr. E. Horton, the County Superintendent, will be at his office .n this village during the first week of Court, or the purpose of distributing school repoits, Janke, &c. JOIN THE PROCESSION If you have a ough ora cold join the crowds that arerhur ing to the drug store for Hale' s Honey of •vr *hound of Tar. It is agreeable, quick to ure, and absolutely infallible. Sold by all eggi9t3. 202oDoNT.—This word, which has been taring everybody in the face for the past sw•years, and is now getting into nearly ev *body' s mouth, is a preparation for cleans. .v.beautifying and preserving the teeth, ad arresting the progress of decay. LosT.—A ladies dark etch fur collar, on he road between Vhitneyville and Mans eld. Thee finder Will be rewarded on ra ttling it to the owner. Mrs. A. A. BULLOCK, East Charleston. One of the placed to buy groceries, provis ns, flour, bolts: and- shoes, crockery, &c., c., is at Irv. flignion Block, corner of Main id Crofton streets, Wellsboro, Also one gOod young horse for sale. Jan. 14,1878-4t* L. B. REYNOLDS. HERI I / 4 [46 LECTI7II3.—Josh Billings says othing shallprevent his being in Wellsboro, arilaary He writes the lecture ,eom:. tt e ee thusly :-- "Dear One :—En Klosed please And Ten • ollars—if yu kin. My price is 80 dollars .d 40 cents. I may discount the 80 dollars, •ut shall insist on the 40 sents. / Yures afficitshion'ately, JOSE ,Brieralloser: Josh evidently luves figgc All those engaged on ~ 'ther 'side of the emperance campaign," ,hpxvever passively, i •II be intereste4 in apiece which is to be ved at Bowe l ies H. I this evening and .s i t Thursday eveni g. " Ten Nights in a /. -r-rcom" is a piec which' is already well own and thorou hly . appreciated by the •ople of c:tro. The amateurs who ()pose to play _t next week are fully corn tent to rend 1. its scenes naturally and viv y If yo want a good seat, select it ear , i 1 -- . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . - - - - The 7 ..lsboro Dramatic Association are give public entertainment at the Opera ease ne week from this evening, the 28th stapt, which will prove highly interesting 1 , 1 who attend. The play selected for the .6ning is "Our Atherican Cousin,"—a com fy which is a general favorite with all lov- of OLe i lighter drama. The character of ord Dundretury alone is one which would sake the fortune of any writer ; or any actor ho could conceive or embody it. It is well 'sown as the favorite• role' of Sothern, and se which he has rendered proverbial for Alums imbecility. The whole piece is well st, and has been in rehearsal for some time. ' a have no doubt it will be excellently eyed. Let us give the boys a bumper t James G.Clatk the renowned Lyric Poet,, •raposer and Balladist, will held one of his Yenings of Song," at Boweitzs , Hall, on iday evening, January 81st. Mr.Olark has een before the public sixteen years, and is •e only Original Ballad - Singer in America. : e is the author of "The Monntains of Life." The Beautiful Hills," "The Old Mountain ree,"- "Moonlight find Starlight," "The ;oattaan's Dream," and other lyric poems nd musical compositions which have made is name familiar to lovers of poetry and ong from Maine lo California. He has the rare gift of wedding his poetry ) most beautiful music, and als , c., of giving expression in song. Ae-a.poet, he is noted ,): the beauty and perfection of. imagery and rhythm; ai a-cOrnpOser, for the wonder l adaption of the music to the sentiment, d as a balladist hek t as. probably no super. [ )1 The Utica Herald says : " His pen and :is voice have done good service against i;.very and intemperance. At - the close of as of his songs before the State Temper- Zee Convention, in Albany, a few weeks iLce, - 1 , 4e. Rev. Theodore Cuyler, of Brook -7r,, retharked that he 'wished -there were ten &'.xisand such men singing truths ifi to the .ts of the people.' " \ - tia.'"rol:7NEV REAL ESTATE A,GEITCt offer the folloWing for sale: ii story frame dwelling on Nieliols-st., i finished, containing 8 rooms ; lot 'one in size, with a never failing spring,gooci en, good .barn and come ftuit tree= $8,50.0. This prvi.,?.rty for' rent at $269. The large frame and grounds, of Queen and Main streets. dwelling (new aril yet unfinished) 2 lots 60x200 feet each, corner of Win street and Fellows Avenue. Price, new, well finished.]l story frarn.4 elling on West Avenue. Lot , 30x250 feet. ice, $2OOO. A 1± story frame dwelling with 12 rooms, Main street, below Lincoln 'street, with well, cistern, horse barn, and gOod en. Lot 60x250 feet. Price, 52,600. property for rent at $175. listory frame dwelling on State street, Avenue) with lot 61/x250 feet. House iy new. Price, $l6OO. frame boarding hoUse, on Main street, opposite_ the Cone _House. Lot 60 .et, known as the "hart Property.— Boarding House is now for rent at he three story frame building known es 's Block, containing 2 stores, divided in upper stories by , a common hall way. iecond story rooms suitable for dwell the third floor occupiednOodge rooms ; property is in 'ilia centerll of busines, is owned by two parties, who will sell whole together, or the-half interest of to suit purC s haters. Price $lO,OOO. "ile town /Oa for residences or man s PlaVoki l iitititirtiiike /Who extension, ,on East. Avenue: Price accord ing to the size and Situation. Two lots 60 z. 200 feet—one On the corner of COne Street and East .4venue,Aho other adjoining.' Price for corner lot $OOO, for ad joining lot $5OO, both togetheT $1,000.- - Desirable town loti for resiAinces Or for manufacturing purposes, situate on the Fel lows extension near the, Depot. Price va ries with size of lot, and sitimtion. Twenty lots of one acre - each fronting on street, situate near the extension of Central 'Avenue, on the farm of Robert Austin. - .Price, $3OO nlot, or the whole for $2,000. Several good lots on Pearl street, south the Academy: Price accordirigio size. A farm- in Delmar, township, 75 acres, 30 acres cleared, a good double log house, and a good, .30x42, frame barn, and small orchard. Price, $1,500. A ;good farm• of tabout 106 acres, well timbered, with hemlock, eta, about a mile from the Court House. 40 acres eleared,with . about 20 acres of meadow, well Watered by a smallereek. No buildings. Price, $6O an acre. If not sold,.the clearing will be rent ed for pasture at. $l5O. A wood lot of 21.4 acres, within 60 rods of the Borough line, on Pine _Creek Road.— Suitable for a pasture when cleared. Is well watered. Price, $7lO. • , A wood lot of 83 acres, timbered, good soil, and suitable for pasture when cleared. Is within half mile of Court House. Price, $2500. For terms of sale, and for fluther infer= mation consierning the above, apply person ally orby mail to Huon Yorrso, Real ,state and Insurance Agent, -.No. 1, )3owen's 810 k. Cy ' Aoitator. TUESDAY, JANUARY ,21, 1873 Home...A.-feairs,, New A.dvertisements. Prospectus—New York Times. List of Letterr.--G. W. Merrick. GrocerTfor Bale—W. M. Inge= & Co. Diesolution--Lutz k Kohler. Administrator's Notice—E. G. Koib and J „ man, Administrators. Et R 1 3T. V' S. —Don't forget Josh Billing's le Lure nett Friday night. —The official majority against license in Clearfield county was 480, / —Now they think- they s have gas-coal in Keating township, Clinton county. —A late number of the Bradford Reporter contained thirty-one marriage notices. —Rev. Sidney Mills, of Lawrenceville,. has gone to Virginia t i o spend - the winter. —Mush and milluarties are the latest nov elties in the social line. They had one in El mira the other day. —A meeting/of the State Editorial Cox i.- vention is ca4ed for tomorrow. Place, Sen ate Chamber; Raraisburg. • —The township election in Charleston next Friday will be held at the Youngs School House instead of Dartt settlement. —An escha.nge says there was some relig ious interest in a congregation at Big Flats during the week of prayer: That's queer. Lliany of our exchanges z eome to us with a6counts of falls and broken",hones, -resulting from the slippery pavements all over this region ' —The Bev. Dr. Brack is ont of town, and will be absent for a couple of weeks probably. Service will continue usual at St. Paul's church, —Josh Billings is to lecture at the OperF, House in this village nest Friday night o.n "What I know Elbout Hotels.", If you want to know all about hotels, go . and hear hi n 2. —The Count - Board of 'l.lnderwri'ters were to meet at Tioga yesterday, Since the late great fires inenrance rates have been ad vanced all over the county, we understand. —We have receiv_ed severstl letters too late ipr insertion or consideration this week. They will receive due attention here after. All copy intended for publication should be mailed so as to reach us by Friday, if possible. —Mrs. Deering, of Lawrenceville, slipped from the door-step a few nights since falling upon the ice, where she remained insensible for half an hour Vefore being discovered,and did not. become conscious for more than twenty-four hours. —Dr. Brown, late of the Bellefonte Repub lican, is out with a manifesto declaring th.o Republican, in the hands of other men, a, frattd. He claims to publish the true Repal.-. Titan. •It is bard to tell which is which be tween ' em. Things are pretty badly =Wed down there. —lf you loose a watch, or udOg, or a child, or if you desire people not to trust your wife, you rush to your local paper, knowing that every one will read the advertisement. But you will plod along in Imsiness, year Eider year, without calculating how much you are losing by not Eratlertising. —There has been a change of proprietors and of itame-in the Williamsport Epitomist establishment. The paper is now called the Register, and Messrs. ,Galbraith & Bierly are announced as editBrs and proprietors. These gentlemen propose to make the Reg - ister an independent newspaper. • • —An exchange says that horses are now shod for roadwork with the heel-corks set lengthwise of the shoe on the fore feet, in stead of crosswise, as formerly. The new fashion prevents the horse from &lipping side wise, and is highly in'favor wit'a owners of valuable horses who have tried. the change. —The Potter Journal and "'News Item, of Coudersport, comes to us this week enlarged to seven Columns to the par . ;e and handsome ' ly printed. It shows good taste, ability and ,--enterprise in everything but its name, which is,too long for the biggest kind of a news paper We wish the improved paper abund an success —A correspondent at Blossburg inform , us that 9. man by the name of Welcome Ric* . , was killed, the 16th instszt, by the falling of a tree, on the lumber job of Peleg Doud, some three miles soutl, dr that place. MI Rice was a middle aged man, and lived 'in the town of Sullivan in this county. Re leaves a wife and five chill.iren —We have received no Galaxy for Febri.l.- ary, and. find it, as usual, full of lively, en tertaining and instructive reading. The ar ticle by Carl Benson on "The Unmorality of the Scientifi.c. Dispensation" is especialt7 no:ewer:by, relating - o.s it does to the con troversy now boing waged between the thf..- ological anc, scientific schools of thought. -- 7-Everybody who reads the newspapers must have often laughed over the shrewd. and pithy sayings-bk "Ash Billings," whim - 4 under a grotesque exte"ftirsltide many grains :of true wisdom. Those:who - 1111 - v - e so enjoyed the kindly humor of the man will be to see him in the flesh, and they will hav, an opportunity at Alto_ opera House rnrxt Friday evening. —The:residence of J. F. Rusting, at Law renceville, narrowly escaped being destroy ed by fire on Sunday - week. The fire caughti in the roof of one of the wings and follower, the rafters until it reached the roof of th'f main part, of. the house, and had it not for the timely efforts of many men who just returning from the churches.,it must :.:ez tainly have been destroyed. —We are indebted to Mr. A. B. Ee.stirittL, music dealer, of this_ village, for numerous musical publications. Among other good. things -ive find aWaltz,a kolka, and ,a Lnreil by Hinkle, 'a Polka by Pp.cher, a March Skaats and a Waltz by Atuse.. Besides the pieces for the piano, there are numerous sen timental and pathetic songs and new and some of them excellent. —On the:l3th instant the Cowanesql. iey Rail Road Company held an electit.l.: 1 officers and directors, with the f0110wn.4.-, re sult: Joel Parkhurst, President; S. T. Hayt Vice ( President; C. L. Pattison, Semtary and Treasurer; John Parithuht, Rubert Etsramod, E. F. Brutal; Aploaiaii4; A. 121.Gorton, J. A.!Nungcrfoid, 13. tiorrunce,S. T. G. li. BaxterX. 0.8. Nirtilktir, Goff, and Joel Johnson ; Directors. ' It Will pay: yoit,tit the' end of the year to youi neWsp‘aper... No Volume inyour library will afford 'you niore 'pleisuCe„rnore profit, or more lasting'benefit for your busi ness than your - loCay paper. It 'dates of local events which you cannot pro cure elsewhere, ma'rtiet : for the yeat. round, trfarriakes, obituaries, In short your paper is a higtory, of that p'ortion - of the world whichyotiand your family and friends Occupy.. ' —ln another column. will be found the prospectus and terms of the New York Times for 1873. The - Ti2nei is.'a sound Republican journal and a good, newspaper.; It is inde pendent, iigefous, and judicious in its emu, ments upon the curreht topics of the day, and deservesithe support of all good citizens for its bold and effective warfare upon the Tammany clique, js well as for its vigorous support of Republican principles and candi dates during the late campaign., com mend it to the favorable consideration of all our friends. WHAT TIIE - Git.A.VID .11TItY DID RECPM mENI3.---It has beer extensively reported by the gentlemen who are so eager to cut up the county and remove the county seat that the , last Grand Jury made\ a presentment in fa vor of erecting a neiv Court House at Wells boro. We have letters from different parts of the county showing that this story has been repeated by men who'are by :Courtesy ' styled " Honorable," and that it has had its effect in deceivingithe people\and frighten ing them into the support of` the rernoval ' project. No doubt the people Who has been misled by it will be surprised to 14rn that it is as baseless AS the other yarn, which is generally coupled with it,—that the Commis sionerswere, about to levy a tax for the pur pose op replacing the , building which '\t,. is asserted the Grand Jury had so condemned. Yet asset is the fact. The Grand„ Jury made no such report. And, that the people of the thole county may 'understand just how\ uch truth there is in the story, we propose to state what the Grand jury did report. The report begins by stating that thjury have made an examination of the public buildings of the county, and find-the County House for-the Poor in need of some repairs. They .mention the dilapidated condition of the plastering upon the walls, and the bro ken condition of the:furnace. They find the condition and treatment of the inmates satis-, factory. They find most of the rooms in the. large building cleanly to a reasonable degree, and the furniture sufficient. They recom mend that the inmates of the insane depart ment be furnished with some con tant at tendant to look after their necessar wants. They are informed that the Railro d Com ' pany offer to build a sidingefor twenty-five dollars, for the purpose of unloading coal and .other freight, near the County House, and they suggest that this offer be accepted by 1 the authorities. The above is a fair abstrtret of the body of their report. The brief remainder of it we print in the exact words of the original as follows : "It is also evident, from the alight exam ination they were able to give to the Pro thonotary's Office, that the records therein contained have very insufficient protection against tire. They would recommend that • this office be put in a fire-proof condition. "The Jail and surroundings were found in all respects in a satisfactory condition. "They would further recommend that witnesses in attendance upon the Grand Ju ry should be furnished with a comfoltable apartment in the Court House, while await ing their turn to'testify. "All of which is respectfully submitted. Joss DicKissos, Our readers are now, in possession of all the recommendations of this terrible docu ment of which they haVe heard so much. It is a solid foundation-for the $lOO,OOO story, isn't it? The Grand Jury, advised that some broken plastering be patched up and the furnace be fixed at the Poor House ; that the Prothonotary's Office be rendered fire-proof —a thing that can be effected at a slight ex pense—for the better protection of the pub lic records,-and that a room in the Court Nr-caco apart t.3r witnasroz- whao in at tendance upon the Grand Jury. This is ab solutely' all they recommend in regard to the public buildings. But it's awful I Let the paupers shiver over their broken furnace and their damaged plasterj - ng, let the public rec ords burn up ; let the witnesses cool their heels in the Court House hall, while we fall to work like men of sense, and cut up the county, and give away over three hundred square miles of territory, over six thousand inhabitants, over $B,OOO annual income, and build entire new county buildings at Law renceville, or some other border hamlet, to avoid the outrageous extravagance recom mended by this inconsiderate Grand Jury; WWI NOT ?—Edifor Agitator, Sir: A great deal is being said about removing the county seat. I have some ,thoughts on the subject, which with your l&ive I would like to present to your readers. It is said that Wellsboro is too far west, giving the eastern townships just cause for complaint. But if Wellsboro is too far west, then sureb! Tioga is too far north. Again, it is argued that Wellsboro is corrupt; that office-seeking, whisky-drinking, theatre-go ing, &c.,are on the increase. Nay, it is even asserted it is not safe for the county to risk its buildings and other property in such a place, lest the whole should in common share the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah.— But is Tioga any safer than Wellsboro in this respect? lam afraid not. But, sir, there is a place, not yet named, Which has all the requisites for a beautiful, convenient, and acceptable county seat. It is not too far west, nor yet too far east. It is not too far south, neither is it too far north. It is just precisely the place. It is beautifully situated in a pleasant valley sur rounded by grand old hills, picturesque groVes, and pretty green fields. It has an abundance of fresh air, and pure, sweet wa ter. It contains grace and beauty, health and comfort, religion and morality. In short the inhabitants are all very good, and some - -of them a gr/at deal better. And, sir, the place of which I speak is Cherry Flats. As to the building of a Court House, &c., suppose it should cost a few thousand to fix things, it will soon be made right by the care and economy with which the business would be attended to in a place where the atmosphere is so honest and true. Depend upon it, sir, if any extravagant of flee-seeking gentry should come to Cherry Flats, they would mend their manners or clear out. And so I hold up both hands for Cherry Flats. What say you, Mr. Editor? Two yoke of oxen will draw you and your traps over here in half a day. Come on! OUR JANUARY MAW.—We came very hear losing our sleighing last week. The weather on Wednesday was quite warm, and the snow settled rapidly. There was ice un derneath, however, and the slipping contin ued good. Brut on Thursday rain fell near ly all day, and Thursday night it came down in torrents. The speedy result was the melt ing,of the . . snow, a rise of water in all the creeks, ice jams, and a sudden overflow.— The high water caused considerable incon venience in this village Thursday night, but didtto serious damage. Pine creek was much swollen and the ice was piled up in the Narrows so that travel was much impeded at that point. 3feii were set to work the next day clearing out the road, and now matters are at rights again in that region. The waters of Crooked creek also rose very rapidly and carried off three or four bridges. On the river considerable damage was done. A bridge was carried away in t'lossburg, and the railroad tracks were obstructed at Cook's and at Dunning's so that no trains ran south Thursday night. The next day, however, the weather turn ed cold again, snow fell, the swollen waters subsided, and our January thaw was over leaving us with excellent sleighing which now bids fair to last for the next month. A SIGNIFICANT RESOLUTION.-- - We re ceived too late for publication last week a resolution adopted 'at a meeting of a few of the citizens 4 of ,MapOtield, held on. the' 9th idstant, to eouslier. the move to divide the , :county. and 4ange tjfe understand the rneetitig .interest- : of Tioga, 'tkhd the nifleant as,showing that ev was, hot -in favor ,:of rem buildings to that - village. luilonas - adopted: ' "Resoked, That •sve are ton ot. the county as protA movel of the county meat the Tioga and„ that mined by a vote of the pet after the division'," We are not not to 1 olutioti did not shit the - al the division scheme, for that' a vote Of the people seat after the division wo 1 their favor. A .subroission . votels just what they dot'. RitrunLboms• Bonomat lowing is the ticket nomi caucus, to be voted for nt t tion next Friday: Let every Republican voter be on hand, next Friday, to vote this - whole ticket. It is worthy of every man's support. THE MEMORY OF HON. WILLIAM GAR irTsoN.—On the 27th ultimo, the Court of Common Pleat. of Tioga county being in session, ,F, E. Smith, Esq., announced the death\of Hon. Wm. Garretson, late a mem ber of the Bar of said county; whereupon the Court appointed F. E. Seth, Henry Sher wood and\ Jno. W. Guern ey, Esqs., a com mittee to prepare and repo t resolutions ex pressive of -the feelings o the Court and members of the Bar upon this melancholy event. The committee reported the follow ing: To the Honorable, the J edges of the sev eral Courts in and\ for the county of Tinge: The committee to\whom ou assigned the duty of presenting to the ourt an express ion of the feelings of the court and bar upon the recent decease of , William Garretson, Esq., for many years a member of this bar, respectfully report that they have attended to the duty, and beg leave to offer the fol lowing resolutions for your l 'apProval: First, That in the death of\ the Eton.Will iam Garretson this bar has lost one of its oldest and most esteemed members.the Court ' one of its safest advisers, and one whose pu rity of life, whose exalted character, and ' honorable practice, have given new lustre to our profession, and afforded an ,example worthy of imitation. Second, That we recognized in man of rare and varied attainments, of a i• ,tho lie spirit, a friend to learning, and one' who was ever ready to sacrifice himself and is own interests to the good of his fellow me; and one who was eminently deserving Of that highest praise, " The noblest work of\ God—an honest man." Third, That we sincerely condole with his family and immediate friends in their grief —softened, however, by the reflections that the friend who has gone before them, car ried with him the esteem of all who knew him, and by the remembrance that the world bad been made better by his living in it. Fourth, That we request the Court to order that these resolutions be entered at large up on the records of the Court, and that the clerk be directed to furnish copies thereof for publication in the county papers, and to such committee as your Honors shall Ap point to conveyithe'same to the family of the deceased, and that- as a mark of respect to the deceased these Courts be now adjourned. •E. SMITE, . W. GUERNSEY, Satravrools, - Committee. Foreman The resolutions were unanimously adopt ed, when appropriate and feeling remarks were made by, F. E. Smith, H. Sherwood, Jno. I. Mitchell, and Henry Allen, Esqs., upon the life and character of the deCeased whereupon the Court appointed C. H. Sey mour, Henry Allen, and M. F. Elliott,,Esqs., a committee to convey to the family of the deceased a copy of the foregoing resolutions. It was then ordered, that out of respect for the memory of the dece'ased, the Court do immediately adjourn. DEDICATION OF THE NE W CHURCH AT ARNOT.—Editor Agitator: On the after noon and evening of the last day of the year just closed, though a disagreeable snow storm was raging, our little town was on the move toward having the new and beautifil church which has been in progress of erection .pince August, dedicated te the worship of Almighty God. Several members of the Wellsboro Presbytery were on hand to take an active part in the dedication and services of installation which followed. The sermon was preached by the Rev. J. F. Calkins. The Presbytery finding it,in order to install the Rev. J. Ludlow Kendall, the members of the church having put a call into their hands for his acceptance,and he having con sented to undertake the pastorate, they pro ceeded, after the prayer of dedication by the pastor' elect, to install him over the said church. The Rev. P. Campy Moderator of Presbytery,put the questions both to the wiz tor elect and the members of, and then solemnly charged the newly constitu ted pastor. The Rev. J. L. Landis charged the people. Then followed the installing prayer by the Moderator, who also extended the right hand of fellowship, when - people and pastor congratulated each other by hearty hand-shaking, the choir meanwhile singing a selected piece very appropriate for the occasion. Thus did we dedicate the First Presbyterian Church of Arnot, and consti tute the first pastorate. May the Lord in His mercy and providence bless the union and accept the gift of dedication I In the evening all came together again to enjoy asocial entertainment, being permitted to feast on every manner of good things for the palate, and what was better still, listen to such music conducted by Mr. Peter Cam eron as is rarely found coming from church choirs, showing evidently a vast amount of culture and training. Then the speeches from the Reverend gentlemen present, J. F. Calkins leading off, were most happy and social in their tone, fruitful of the best re sults. Men, ungodly men, were touched, yea, went away convicted and are now re joicing in hope of life everlasting. Among the most commendable productions of the evening was an oration from Mr. John F. Pollock, a promising young man under care of our Presbytery, having nearly completed his theological course at Princeton Seminary: The programme for the evening was not com pleted ere the old year glided into the new, and 1872 was no more. The Rev. J. F. Calk ins led the congregation in thanksgi;ing and prayer, and after uniting in singing Praise God from whom all blessings few, Prate Him, all creatures here below; Praise Mln above, ye heavenly host, Praiso Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, —the pastor pronounced the benediction, and a more happy and harmonious company never sought their homes, We are indebted •to the kindness •of our very kind friend the Rev. J. D. Mitchell, D. D., for the composition of the hymns sung at the dedication. We dared to expect a large delegation from your town, but was disappointed. However, all the parts were well performed, and we could not wish for better sermons, charges, speeches, or music. Yours Respectfully, J. L. K. Arnot, Jany. 7, 1873 AN APPEAL Br ONE WEld 16 NOT ' A;VO TER.—What is the most momentous que'stion which shall decide the moral and intellect ual destiny of the people? This moment 'can decide this question •in a manner which will cause the very-hills - to echo a thatilt3 7 ,giving,=that - ghall resound from . villago to village,:froni stata::?to:itatitiliem shore to shore. ;fat the saes who are gave, who onty sent. • ,We 'as vat in_the ressitatiOri is siel r Cr n such, o meeting lying th • o-,county. Here is the reso- ; favor of a Ichied, and the ,-re to ..,ulne pt) ton •,,oint. to be deter, - pki - of the cdunty tear that this'res"- - tive intinttgeri of here is no 'doubt /ring the county ld - np . t result in of that poipt to 'a t Want. 't' 1L —The f ated nt the 1 ie Borough el For Burgea • Lucius Tim, . For Ct.uncilm l Joseph Ribe Norman T. Ott I William Bat For constab , Elisha J. Pu t ole, Indler, he. For Assess° Hugh You 1 1 For Assibtaut Ass John Diekin , i Pharez Houg l For School Dire. • James H. Bo Chester Robi 4 For Audito MIMI lig ton, ard, son. David Came on. For Judge of Elation, John Alexador. For Insisector of ectiou, Andrew- Sturi•ook. have horior l - wholove,their' Scams or their uonntry, ripe in the strength of their might, and ge I-with' manly courage,' we are for teioperant;,_ for her we will labor for her we will live. We will drive the - dark de mon Aum; from - our tiresides,and towns, so far away that it 'shall , find a watery grave in • -- ' ie i.i•irny—i)i•ean Intemperance destroys the intellect, and renders the meral.sensibilities so obtuse that the niostatrocious Crime is smiled upon. It iiiieetiless to depict the horrors and sorrows caused by intemperance; .any.peraon having any kind of intellectual captitty Understands it.. Are persons capable of making laws, of executing them,'of adjusting 'the tights and defending the liberties of ., the people, whose reasoning facilities are rendered dormant by the 'use of ilitoxicatlitg ,beveragei? Is it not huMillating Nought that in many parts of our land, more-Money is spent for turn than for bread or - educatien9 And we'• a civilized people! professedly "even Ch i ristianized When - I hear men say--," There's no use trying to dote "down license; they will get liquor somewhere; we can't stop the, drink ing," it Makes my very blood chill. Do these men, have seals, or are they as sense less as the brute, to talk in this heartless And childish manner? Strong minded men; you forget. Let it be women, weak women,who have not strength of purpose, who indulge in such c.o,wardice. You are the strong; you should 'be• capable Of facing, and con quering the most-formidable foe. I pr4y you do not resort to Such shallow subterfuge, or the women And children will discover your weak paints, and forget to do you reverence. Father, you' have a promising son who you hope. will be the staff of your declining years; , whom you would delight to see a man of influence.. 0, stretch forth your hand and save him from the disgrace of the r gutter, the terrors of delirium, or a pauper's grave Young men, with arms of kindness shield the tempted. onset" ...Inspire him, with..bope; tell him that indecision ;note will be his ruin. Sisters, to you is given :,the beautifulinissi• ion of elevating the moral standard of so ciety. I With pure and noble purpose and earnest endeavor, you can win the young, the true, the noble, from the path of the drunkard. Though you cannot vote, you have an influence which God' has given you for good. Fathers, brothers, friends, in your hands rest the scales of destiny. The right or wrong shall weigh down, as you will it. 4et the piteous wail of the drunkard's child reach your soul. \Let the idiotic laugh of the ine briate reach your better nature, and rouse you to vigorous action. The inevitable hour has come. Prove yourselves the friends, not the enemies i _of the human familyt C. There will bo tempereuCe meetings, at the - places, and times; and by the speakers named below: TtrzsDAY, 34. - strarr 21. st. Fall Brook, S. B. Elliott, Prof. Amerman, and Rev. Mr. Lamkin, Farmington, Prasbyterlin Chula, Rev, Mr. Raw eon, and others. Lambs Creek.t. S. Seirinenr and S, B. Elliott. iieeneyviEe, G. W. Merrick and J. W. Mather. ' WitarrEanav,.J'antranit 22d. Welleboio",Bowen'a Hall, Rev. D. W. p. Huntington ' and others. Osceola, J. P. Biles, Rev. Mr. Cairns, and others. THURSDAY JANtrABY 23d. Cherry Flatts, Rev. X. F. Calkins, Gen. R. C. Cos. Stoheadale, Prof. Winters, Col. Allen, J. W. Slather. Round Top, (k. W. Merrick, and others. Delmar, Kennedy Seh. House, Rev. N. L. Reynolds, ' and others. Local committees and others interested are re quested to post the necessary not* and make ar rangements for the above meetings. COMM COMMITTEE. MARRIAGES. NVOIXOTT—HAETIIieB.—On the h.of Jan'y.lB73, at the house of the bride's parents;in Welleboro, by Bev. J. F. Cslitins, idr. Theron D. Wolcott, of Williams port, and ?lies Eveline )7 listing% of Welleboro. ' • PETIT—§ - ricrtutc—On the 13th inst., by the Bev. Charles Break, D.D., at the residence of the bride'e father, August Yetit and :Vary, daughter' Of - .Toby J. Stickily. BREWSTER—REDELttD.—Iri Blossburg, the 12th bastaut, by the Rey. Harvey Lamkin, Mr. F.Z.J3revitter of Cherltstou, and Miss Ells Redfield, of Blobs. DEATHS. StARV/N.—lu Covington, Jan. 14th, 3.873, yOungetragughter Ittir IS. ind Lamle3l.arvin, aged three yetu. it and Seven months. Owl looked 4urzong . ilia cherub band, And one was wanting there.' - BOLLINS.—In. Charleston, Jan. 11th. Survive, wife of Charles Lullins, and daughter of Chauncey and Lucinda Hall, aged 26 - years, 9 months and 1 day, 111118 ALL.—In Charleston, January 18th, 1878, Daniel 14naball, aged til years. CRANB.—In Charleston. Nov, 29, 1872, Mrs. Jane Z Crane, aged 41 years, daughter of the above. PLCULEY.—Ir. Delmar, Jan. 9, 1873, larttal Plum ley, aged §7—TeVc.a.. WELLSBORO MARKET COBEECTED WELSLY EY E. R. lIMBALL, Retail Gro'd'er. 1 , --- 1 wr, :Aeon% JA:AVABY 20, 1873_ DEALS S PAY FOR . SELL AT Flour, per bbl.. .. 9 ©sll 00 Buckwheat Sour, per cw- 3 50 4 OU , Wheat, W,44.1 3 per bushel Wbeat, red„ ‘ ” — Wheat, spring, :, - .._ Buckwhhat, 70 Corn, shelled, .. 40 40 Oats, 40 Batley, ~ . -4u • Rye, , ,. .....-.,,, .... eo • Clover seed, - ~ _ . 5 60 Timothy seed. .• 450 Beans, 2 00 Corn meal, per cwt , 2 25 Feed, per owt 2 00 Potatoes, per both 60 75 Apples, green, per bush 60 00 Onions, per push 1 EU 1 75 Turniiri, per bush .26 80 Pork, per lb 6 10 - Hams, per lb 1.1 15 Should ers, per lblo 12g . .- Butter.per lb $0 80 Cheese, por,tb 12X 16 Lard, per lb' —12 i 15_ Tallow, per lb . • 8 - 10 Honey, per lb - - • - 20 20 Beeswax, per lb SO Vinegar, per gal 40 Eggs, per-dozen 25 26 Lried apples, per lb 8 Dried peaches, per lb' Dried cherries, per lb • . • AO ' Dried blackberries, per lb is , 20 Dried raspberries, black, per 1b... '46 60 Dried raspberries, red, per lb 20 25 . CraLberries per qt 20 Hay, per ton - 19 • Wood, IS inches, per cord 2 00 Wood, 3 feet, per cord 3 00 Coal, hard, per ton d 75@7 25 Coal, soft 300, 800 Ground lister, per ton . ' 8 60 Sugar, "A" coffee, per lb —13 g Sugar, ,yellow, per lb - , 12g Sugar, brown, per lb —— . - 11@12 Teas, green, per lb 60c@l 60 I Teas, black,: per lb 80c@1 25 Kerosene, per gal CP ' Wool_ per lb_ , . _ ~ 65 —_ Special Notices. MAHE. Molizy flet and honorably, $l2 50 per day $75 per week, bylt once applying for territorial rights (which are given -free So agentej to sell the best, strong est, most-usefuloind rapid selling Sewing Machine, and Patent Button 'Hole 'Yorker, ever need or recommend ed by families, or buy one for your own use; it is only $5. --Sent free everywhere by express. Address for particulars, CAT - ELM Superintendent cor. Green. with and Courtland ate. Ni Y. Oct. 16.1872-Cm. REGISTER'S NOTICE. TOTICE is hereby given that the Executors and Ad• 1,4; mthistrators named below have filed' their tio counts in the Registers Ofilco for "flogs county, Penn's., and that said accounts - will be presented to. the Or- phans' Court for said county, at a session of said court to be held at Wellsboro. on Monday the 27th daY of January, 1919, at 2 o'clock p. m., for allowance and confirmation. Account of Erastus Cooper, Marla Cooper and Wm. R. Freeman, Administrators oi the estate of Jason Cooper, deceased. - Account ot Margaret S.Wileoii, Executrix of the last will and testament of James R. Wilson, late of Rich• mond township, deceased. AecOunt or Erastus Rose and filfain L: Roblyer, Executors of the last will and testament of Hiram Robb'er, late ,of Rutland township, deceased. D. L. DEANE, Wellabor°, Pa., Dec. 31,1872. - riegistdr Applications for License. NTOTIr.D is herby given that the fel:owing named persons have made application for' Tavern -Li. cenees and Eating House. Licensee, and. that the same wiji be presented to the Court of Quarter Sessions the 27th day of January, inst., at 2 o'clock p. m., When all interested may. attend if they think proper. HOTELS.. . Solomon Bunnell, Wellaborc. _ Samuel H. Thompson, Covington. Job 2,larsh, Liberty. Robert C. Sebring, Liberty. John A. Martin, Blossburg. H. C. Vermilyea, Gaines. J. 0. Pine, Covington. Ira Kinney, Middlebury.* - Lewis 'o4:nett, LaT7reneeville • itiward isely, Lawrenoeville.• George Close, Westfield.* . Vies Nf. e • Tiog ' ' A. B, 4 Gra-es, S. A. Stall,Vellsboro. Nathan R; Shappee, Tioga; M. R. O'Connor, Wellsboro.• J. Stod4ard, - John Mctiarter,. - 417niorr: • • :Sint* Hopas t - • E. 13oyden; Weiiiboro.*" d. S. mo:44lJecili. Pal. Is ISTS4w, ' . • . 1101140 LECTURE CO, t, MARY A. LIVERMORE - 'TAX. 6 1871. kilmnrot I—..Queort Mitabeth.'!' JOSH unraases,.. aarr.2l, 1873. 111.3011'S STEREOPTICON rm. 7.1:78. OBREP CONCERT • - • 17,2873. *ANA E. DXcEniSON• GIEO. 314,CDONALD..-' • SEASON TICKET, Reserved Seat, $2.00. SINGLEVICKET, • ~. .60. GAS% 1121111ICK, sosAuti. suer. I. D. YOUNG,; xasev. N. W. www. v. D. PACKED. ' liors.—Otring to the continued' ill health of Mr. MacDonald, the date of hie feature cannot at present bo nred. A FAMILY ARTICLE. Agents make $l2 50 per day,'s7s pe;week.! AN ENTIRE 4 NEW SEWING MACHINE FOIL DOMESTIC USE, ONLY FIVE :DOLEARtS. With the New Patent Button Hole Worker. Patented June 27th, 1871. A most wonderful and elegantly constructed Stem ma ISAcmtkr. for 'Family Work. Complete In all its Parts, Uses the Straight Rye Pointed... Needle, SEW? TilltEdlMlCe, direct upright PosrrivE Moms, New ,Tension, Self reed and Cloth Guider. Operates as Wirral, and on a Tsang. Light Running, Smooth am., noiseleaS like ail good high priced machines. Has Patent Check to prevent the wheel being turned the wrong way. Uses the thread direct from the spool. Makes the P.:maam° Lock. sTrron, (finest and strongest stitch known;) Una, durable, close and rapid. Will do all kinds of work, fine and course, from CAMBRIC to heavy Cloth or lawrnEn. and uses all descriptions of thread. This Machine is HEAVILY cottsrattoritn to give it STHENCITIt; all the parts of each Machine being made alike hi/machinery, and beautifully finished and ornamented., -it is very easy to learn. Raiid, - Smooth and Silent in operation. Reliable "stall times, and • a PaACTICaIs, SCTEI42I4/0, 411NOLIAZUVAS. ialitlMON, at Greatiy Reduced Price. A Good,_Chesp, Family Sewing Machine at The first and only success in producing, a Valuable, SUbiltantial and reliable low priced Sewing Machine. Its extreme low price reaches all conditions: Its sim plicity and strength adapts it to all capacities, while its many merits make it a universal favorite wherever need, and creates a kapid demand. IT IS ALL IT IS RECOMMENDED. I can cheerfully and confidently recommend tta tufa to those who are wanting a really good Sewing Ma chine, atalcrwprice." Mra. J. p. Niru.sor,Nneaellonl Park, Co., N. J. - .Price of each Machine. "Claes A." " One," (war ranted for five years by special certificate,) with ail the fixtures, and everything complete belonging to it, in cluding BErar-Tnana.nrso NEEDLE, packed in a strong "Wooden box, and delivered to any part of the country, by express, anzz offurther charges, on receipt of price, oxrY Frvz DoY•T +Pi Safe delivery guaranteed. With each Iffachine we will send, on receipt of $1 =tea, the new patent • BUTTON BOLE WOBEER, One of the most important and ,useful inventions .of the age. So simple and certain, that a child can work the finest button hole with regularity and ease. Strong and beautiful. firitcw. Tawas; and Extra Inducements to Hata and FENALE Agents, Store Beepers, &c., who will es tablish agencies through the country and• keep our Macamas on /exhibition and Sale. COUNTY 'RIGHTS given to smart agents EWA. Agent's complete mad furnished without Any EXTRA. MARGE.' Samples of searing, descriptive circulars contnlning Terms, Testinleniahl, Engravings, &c., &c., SENT. run; We also supply AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. - . il r Latest Patents and Improvements for th I Farm and Garden: Mowers, Reapers, Cultivators, Fed Cutters, Harrows, Farm Mills, Planters, Harvesterii, hreshers and all articles , needed for Farm work. Rae Seeds in 'rage variety. Norway Oate. The wonderful multi plying EorimAN Cons $1 per hundred, tec r ; &c.. All money sent in Post Office Money Orders, Registered Letters, Drafts or by Express, will be at our; risk, and is perfectly secure. Safe , delivery of all Tr goods guaranteed. .. An old and responsible firm that sell the hest goods at the lowest price, and can be relied upon by our readers."—Farmer's Journal, New York. Address orders, . ‘ A. CATELEY, Superintendent. , Corner Greenwich and Courtland eta., New York. Oct. 16, 187243 m. General Insurance, Agency, NEtsca, Tioca Co., PA. J. B. &J. B. C AMPBELL ARE leaning policies in the following Companies against fire and lightning .in Tioga cnd Potter counties : QUEEN, .........Assets, $/0,000,000.00 CONTINENTAL of New York ~..........2,602,6 26.27 HANOVER, of New York 983,381.00 GERMAN AMERICAN, New York 1,272,000.00 WYOMING, of Wilkeabarre, Pa 219,698.,2 WILTramspORT, of Wireeport. ...... .113,068.00 All busineas promptly attended to by mail or other wise. Losses stUnetod and geld ct - our once. Nelson, Dec. 10, 1.872-Iy. 1 NEWSTOR,t GOODS HAS REMOVED To one of the handsome new stores in Opera 'aldolf. =Miss slam reoeived a large stook of goods, A COlthilltir4 11' DRY GOOD, Gr. la it) .1E 7Et. BOOT 6 ,i saogs Ready-Made Citithinsgo HATS 8 CAPS, V431Z11111 scean, ETC:, ETC.. befii sal the lot of F T S ever broustt into Wellaboro LADIES' FURS, and Gents' Fur Collars. . . . . 1 1 People haling Butter ilia Grain to dispoae .of. will ifind it to their interest to give me a call before eating f elsewb.ere. grarszmar. Retadabir tho Macs, coalai soln_ll,-,3240z, ~ I v -~ .: „- J .Y Oct 29. PB7'-it. 1878. IRON =I Circular, ' ang and I .4fule* saw Tartra l 'es, qtarin, every descripti'on in, Iro COrnlng, Silguet 2c, 1872.-1 y The enbscri• • DEVEMeigte-0013S` SllA:l47l.atiit and other winter goods at greatly reduced prices We shall keep an nuitsually large assortmens of ate FLANEL, , PRINTS, GINGH AM TIOXINGS, TABLE LINENS, LACE CIIIIT/NS, of elLklnds, Coreettl, Notions, ,ko., and sell Micuortet a• This etockme keep up iu our regular line, at all before - for ,later trade. Jan. 14, 1873. . We have Shed the Shanlrty, L BALDWIN ail, And 'Matt have but time tc say to' anstamen that we i. 4 ENO lICSIRABLE I OIJS Oct 16, LBD - ~ •-•- rimin un'6.eralgted •Auditor appointed by the Cu- I. plans' Conr of Tioga county to make a distribu tion of the Mime, s ariellot l from a sale a the reel eii - tote of Frederick. %rutty, deceased, in proceeding partition, will attend to the' duties of his , appoint ment at the office of Elliott ,t.-. Bosard, in Wellabore,- Pa. 'AI Friday, the Slat day of Jauusry, A. D. 1873 ta fire‘lock p. tut, • JAMES H. /30.9A"RD, _ , ase..l, 18734 .. w, - - Auditor. 7'', pursuance of an order of the Orphan's C.kmrt of :he county of TWi3s.;; dated the 27th of December. IAT/, The undersigned, Trueteeund er the , last will; of /clan Fellows, deceased. wt/1. - on .Saturday, the leti :ay of February, 1579, -at one o'clock p. us.. at the, Court Bowe Wellaborv, expose to, ea/8 •the follow- fri v 1:4 _describe/llamas. late the property ocsaid dece dent, vl : All,that lot of land eituate Welleboro, ; TAN tioge,county, Ps.. bounded on the north by Ber k ; , 1 1 ,, t F Eeiciey; on the east by the higntray: on the south! w e a' Charles /dealer and. George English; and on the ; t h e " w,:zt by Benj. F. Kele eyi-cont:ining•6l •aeres and if 1), Sfa I..erchte.- [.spa_ .11do, all that other lot 'of land situate in Delintr. - county. Pc.',' bounded the" north.; ' ' befitude devised by sal,T ./;Olin Fellows teErastue:: I'47J:re, Eforece reltowa ant/ litlld k alt l°, Ekes by O. L. WilcOa; on th 6 -south , - by lands in pe: , -• seseion. of Stephen Etiissell; and "on the', weetbs ti,B! , , - contidemg: AVe aerie:of land. Terms ll ...2.l;rl;ll.4lo;tdred doUers: - nt . time trt saleviAlse• • reustaludey fu-ttro *eta atintsiVsyntents, with'lnter6t: " ~""" FLORA.= FELLOWS. ; I '-a jau. 2411114 N. • 'OPT) t • "- „ . ME 11. YI. TOW. , w..k!tywrci. PRESTON & HE FOII.IIIIEIIB tacsTrialzias, STEAM ENGINES, A arqtaglaliary ci =de tepainGt Pro=PUS' GREAT CLOS Regular Depar " J. PAR ME no3A, PL $ENbi r Elegatit New store Is Mitt tall of at theloweet yricet to be found Ca/1*1,..y . 0u. will kuow k.oNi f.:19 yoilz4elve9 ~~ i •r L. 2.ALD7 ?r a co Aitditor'siNotiee. Trustee's Sale. = EMI 44ANUZ A crr NG. WO now $ intent iiiiiic 0 entire et 4*, Nadia. ON; INV - Ca to or fro , bytheA Mail Lin 47.1. 41 i nn !IfccU Vi GU ! shit k _NS. C rENfil MORT : - HENO "Co l I PoHail Dulles a my oak , Nov. 1 sand; e good ~i iTilli of aver! Bats, B Salts, Wools, ; orts pa .1 tinuanc:, 1) at.' death Bnatne 11E0M0 o 1 Moss tA g n.= lots, ce • Also, bgalldin • Prico $; 6 l , Zin r Ma i !a:lh 'prov • '1 itratne 1 ' CCIIIIII. acme T ririap L1=1; May 1 to a g CEIIS o i 'and Sz ':rata_ The!tully Jan 1.4" , , El 'ai r 1 1.4pt0 I , /IA taavel ibtßPil I 1: a. de; ;ea ,the { said aar , ll ' t•tr.w.. ME MI ft ADi ; • 1 51 , /i ' Fey O , BOILERS, Afi115,.410.4101 : 60 and Caethqs-te and Brciasi: tirla ISMII et vesaver.bli retea334 UT SAE.- irarfcifs ELT skuptictos,. Kept Full. ! i • our regular Winter trade. a •.„;,,: an • • tn. r GS. : :if: Ic•r,- . •• -. I • ' ING [ 3.lllSLltt' - Tirgin El 4"' ' k at the lowests:3mb =Sad 1144110:. ' ' I - , . , • :." 7 3131.0.043 ' I l e now a much better aneortmmatikuitaA & Co. CONGEST BLOcg, c oantimi, Capital Represented $40,p00,000. of Hartford ; Conn. f of New York. • LIN, of Philadelphia. t: ,.,, . OF NORTH AMERICA, o r Rldita. YLVANIA, of Philadelphia. - t,t BRITISH& MERCANTILE,EdIabarq , of Brooklyn, N. Y. :NG 1695. CO.. Money. Pa. LEBO LIFE & ACCIDENT, Hartle.* written in any of the above leading eichii standard ratea. Lo;sea proultitly tit al , No, II Bowen ' s 41ook. HUGH TO oa. .1872. . . ri.' A, J. iontras LD. resimtflilly emagIALTI tO the o has now si . • r _ _ "-:- • F R.ESH STOOK OF .1. tiry and Fanfly fitioda lla s.2rlptior., for the ladles, Ja c.;sninti - of net% Moves,Caps, Raillery. terino, and bloaltn Unflerwasr.AntrnagiltrSta ephyra and Pars. Thankful for. t y ttsr onage of the past, she hopes, to tantltrOat of the same, - ; .1 Jaz: 1, 111. . a 34 Is LUTIOI•i.—The firm of Mule tr Hays hiivo soli.ed partnership in cos ec willed- Of •~1~ I•f i the junior , partner , W -I. 7 . be continued as m ass' - undl e t l i - - - ' .D. P., lIIIRISIT % • I.ur , Jan. 14, 1878,-3t., ,", - , • , FOB SAL-E. • .. . . .. . , h;use, with frait'aisd shade trees, oat %WA ne tudt-acrelof: and three good building li. - 'batted in thelllllage of Itnoxville, EA, . .. ?To. . 3. Dairy farm-of . 000 : •tt the dame; one mile west, 'on the env-- •er acre. • Terms easy... .' . , .... -:. . AS.'l 2 lllll CIMIC.AhIiTCOII. Address D. ANGELL/ • .KaoFrillet, 1873.-tf_ • Farm, for ri . tou township, on the road leading lllisSe v,ln Hi:tiers, in Copp Hollow. to the State row. aglaud School House, 81% , etc:res; 8() r!lad well watared. Good frame bottle and ern. with underground stable. 160 APPLE TREES' - 'tug to bear; ail grafted ti aut. . hood plata, pear, and Cherry trees,, or Car , tnzu:Lai u, inquire of OILLtiB . VIII , on the prerialles, i.rr - . 241.TCHELL & C 11021, wenabortp. Pa. nsfield iron Paints. rrwEtvE strAtin I ~. - int eld Fire-Proof filetallio I ' 'PAIL'S - 9r, ,- . - •_:. . . 1 _.L.t , ..; usr. OVER TRIP= "IEALCS,-. , .. , , i‘re th 6 cheapest good pakots to the market.— s eVurabbs and aOlieslve, and the darkershatV r• t extent, fire-proof. They ate put up lit:lW ifrom five (5) to fifty (f 9) pounds, Vaunt/ in. 014 , _ .ackages of from Ave to ten gallons, InLtedfoZ ; ate nee. • "- • • 1 ttentton of pera about to ptilat is resiviat ! fled to these goo d, the base of which is ireo. Address JQIINII. FCT.N.O.I /sl3lta 1 4,--din. Alansfif.dd, %logs Co.; I. I - .1 Or LETTERS Uat7 1 , 91% 915cer Ist I Ilstioro, Pa. Js7l !tea Buck, L.' 8., Brink, M. 3. Lou l, Uto. D. Chas, C. Nioltorton, Lydia Stottis, 4 4i?9".„49 Tenor. for any Of the above, phfuat 4ay they axes If not called for in thixty to the Dead Letter Of , - GE9. W. P; , I ,l ln clitii str,a,tors' . Notice . i ElTEtts of Adtaiastrutioi of., ttia qathte. .f Lewis orb, Ist.s 4.1. Lay.r.‘lte-iyille.. Itag“, county. •Pii . . ed, b..ittr.g Leen 4:-..ut , .: d To ov-. .ladersigned by gtster ~..f.• rogo. ceuati;:- . 11 r i er-t ;as t;:iiebted t. : tste Are rrqttes.ted to re.skr.. - ,.symatit, tura those . cialuiS -rtsaiust setd eststt will !esent the ~ t he uuctersiglud iu Latv - Kz..;,ville, Ps:. . .. , • F.DVV.c.I:O 'tit. KOLB; 31.;DbON•0. BERNAIiv . -"- rtueeville, Yr.., Jp,ley. 21..`1875,.-6w.* Oat • , '1 i )1 .... n JUST. it/Ik (,k, AI -EL - . ~.. ), • , ~ -Ry T. Aft.l24E. STOCK (.).V 1 4 E .#7,ri,it..)3ao 'LOTII, CSBS.IMiIt, VEth V,GS, AND . -, 1 $, which I v:111 sell very cly*, 6 , 1 , Fog oAsa, he beet assortment or 0"00134 aver 'bzola soro, of variowi sty/E 0 ;: ' Resat tall grad' it.. - ;', - Li •,'-. •.t, -: C'.li .... 1./Xlii . f-hlitS, Ov"ze.f."..ta, aud:k.,elarj4 . o4o4 'MK oh and as them; as the clteapa4t. ~ `, ~„ -.-,. . : - '-• - 6ECIEGE WAero4,lV.:' ' oaa W . . • . . sc P:4 .- „ ,„. , . fig: . .. / Pet lt, • i . v • PLAttiT.EII.1 ~d at the...Up:4 at Mams'ilßiti,4l; t ICUs ermk. 3s 'Me titl r rti v to get tt: . . 1 44 /811.4 t. • Raw Jsant Bzw, II El MI .„ . „ IMO I' IBM Mil ffl mship Wen's eahat. Eux4.103. °~~°~: uunbmian io en* El MI MO riCie