Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, January 21, 1873, Image 2

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the Nitator.
A. 1r: lIAILNEOc Ittkrron:
TITEiDLY, JitthAßY 21, 1878.
Anittar * Tao : don. Jost Friday, made a very
strong sbee:ch - in - favot: oe amending the
Chnstitution As :to enable'tke Ivor?'" to elect
the Presiddit* a cilieet • ote:-
The House Post •Q' e , .Committqe, let'
F riday, unanimously _ autl oriied the' Chsir l
man to prepare a bill to reduce letter post
age to ty,o cet49, This - is a move . in the
right dtrection. Let us have this; together
with anc•entire abolition of the franking
Last itO6lt the- Senate passed 'the bill in
cre'sing,t-lie"Governor's salary, after amend
ing it grab to make it $lO,OOO per annum,,
and theiffnuse concurred iii the - amendmeitt
and paili n ed the bill the same day. Wv are
glad to vote .that bc!th the representatives
Iron) thiS district voted in favorof this bill
gives the Eitecutive of this great
Corrittoilislth a fair coMpenSation.
noWe httve received an argument for the di
v.lsioo ofAuS lourity in the ,Shape of a yd•
low bantibill:which is without imprint or
Signature': It" seas , printed -at the office of
the Elmlia'Adrerliser, and no, doubt was the
trispirinicalise of a decePtlve ParigraPh in
the locaLoalurans of that paper last Friday.
It is not-Surprising that nobody cared to
fatherlhe v jaundiced bantling, for its false
' statemenis,_its sophistry, its limping logic,
and its bid grammar Would do diScredit to
I any brigltt" twelVe-yeavold school boy. We
have smallspate to devote to it this week - ,
but - may refer to it hereafter.
The standing committees of both houses
of the• Legislature wets 'announced last
lathe Senate, Mr Strang is Chair
man of theeommitteeod Constitutional-Refa* eza tnember of those op Congress
ional,Apportionment, Financi, Canals and
l.nittud Navigation, Election - Districts, and
'New - Coinfles' yud County Seats. Repre
sentativelfitAell, in the Rouse, holds the
ehaitmanship.of. tare Ways and Means, and
is also on the committees on Judiciary Gen:"
eral,ludiciary Local, Counties and Town
and.gdatts and Escheats..olf the hi
cal IntereStif - of Tioga cOunty are not Well
attended to, it will not be becaUse her - rep!
resentativo are not in favorable positions to
look after them..
The uniform statement of decrease of the
public debt with which the country has
been cheered for the past forty-five months
has 'et last been varied by an entry on 'the
other side,Of the -ledger showing an increase
'timing the month of December of $1,684,-
807 80. Tilts is explained by the fact that
the receiptS for December were tke smallest
Of any month for years, while the payments
on account of The any and navy were unu
sually large.
,By the reduction of taxation,
,which lannOw being felt to a considerable
degree both' in 'the tariff and the internal
revenue receipts, the surplus income of the
Goverzvent will soon be reduced to about
'..fifty- millions per annum, which is the
Amount Congress designed should be set
apart for the extinction of the debt.
Diviaioa and Taxation.
We spoke last week of the effect the divi.
sion of the county would have in increas
ing tesation, referring more particularly to
that portion of territory which it is pro.
posed to set off oh the west. It is evident
to any person who will reflect a moment
that the burden of taxation • will be much
increased in thoie townships if they are
formed into. a new county. Even if the
public buildings should be Erected at pri
vate.expense, the people would find that the
aggregate of their county expenses would
be vastly - eider than the sum they are now
called upon.to contribute to the treasury of
the present county. -
• Bat; this hratich of the subject,
we ntlrlicrattoday tO Consider the effect the
proposed division would have upon the tax
ationtf thet part of tJe old county which
would_ be left after th creation of the new
one.. .The present proposition of the Behan.'
era is--to divide the county on a north and
south hied tanning just east of Shippen
towns p. -That line would cut off Brook
field, Westfield; Clymer, Gaines; Elk, about
two-thirdi 4..Deerfteld; including Knox
tFo-thirde of Chatham, all of Shippen,
part. of Dekaar, 'and about one-third of
Morris. '
The territOry thus proposed to bp, given
away- to the new county comprises 8811-
square zulieS e cr 2/9,0 1 00 SenaA
of /and. c
cordingto the moat careful estimate, It con
,a Of about 8,160. The
seated tax of this territory west of the pro.
posed dividbrs line, 1870, was a little over
sB,oooi the 'unseated land tax, the same
year, Was $9;1159 98. In 1871, the unseated
10dtax of that territory , was $2,184 95.
'will be seen, the entire tax derived from
the territory-of the projected new county,
in 1870, was over $B,OOO.
• The'entire tax of the county as now con , -
diluted la. ikbOut $40,000 per year. Of this
tax about $ . 915,000 go to pay the current ex
penses of the county, such as- court even
ses, \ the payment of jurors and witnesses,
and the maintenance of county bridges—
this last item 'absorbing qrdte a large amount
each year The' remainder of the annual tax,
about $15,00 0
, is applied to the payment of
the interest and the reductiOn of the princi
parof the War - debt Of the county. -
From these figures it is, very easy to esti
mate the effect of the proposed OlYbdon•—
If carried out4t Will cut off about one.tbird
of the territory of the county; it will reduce
the mulation nearly.oae-fifth; and it will
turn away from the county treasury about
one-fifth of its revenue. But while the re.
*flees of the county are thus reduced, its
expenses will be but slightly, if at all, di-
rainished. The _cost of the courts will be
ti about the same es before the division. The
maintenance' of the public buildings. wil
requtre just as much outlay es now. Nearly .
• all the expensive bridges will still bo in the
eld county, and it will cost no less to keep
them up than it does at present. So that
the result of the division will be an increase
of taxation by, about twenty per cent. In
other words, every matt who now , pays five
dollars tax will, If the county should be di.;
vided, be :called upon to pay six: On this
basis, every taxpayer in the county can fig
ure out, at his leisure, just :what the
slott will cost him. I But he must remember
that,this increase of i
. taxation - will not be for
ono year only ; nor even for a term of years,
but d uring his whole life, and for all the fu
ture the property he may hold and transmit,
to his heirs will be burdened with - this addl.
bona' tax imposed to enhance the wealth of
.9tte large landowner and benefit a few hold
ers.of viliage lots near. the New York line.
All this increasedtaxe.tion will necessarily
result from the mere' division of the county
_on the west. lint if that division is accom
panied by the cutting 'Off of several town
ships on aontheast corner for the benefit
of Mr,; Peter ,Herdles Bumpier .Hote/, the
resources of the county lOU be still farther
dizzitubbed szul, tirtt of PesMild tale
Lion correspondingly increased, And if, to
crown this work of folly; the county'Sent
should. be removed and uewsounty build
ings erected, the additional taxeso be im
posed on the people of the old county's enld
undoubtedly be gristly swollen for years.to
come.. But these three schemes are all
linked together: the projectOr Of each of
them hopes for success only by enlisting the
selfish interest and influence of the prome
terslof the others. There is a triple alli
ance to effect the dismemberment of the
county e.nd. increase the public burdens of
every taxpayer within, its borders. The
schemers have plenty of money and an un-
limited amount of cheek at command; but
they can be defeated by the substantial vo
ters yho,haven vital interest in preserving
intact the territory and resources of the
county--who havQ much to lose and noth
ing to gain bydisititegration.
What Mansfield Thinks About It
Pursuant to'public notice, the citizens -of
Mansfield assembled on the evening of Jan.
16, 1873, to take into consideration the pro
posed division of 'flogs county and the re
moval of the county seat. The meetifig or
ganized by electing A. M. Spencer Presi
dent, P. M. Clark and X. A. Elliott Vice
Presidents, and J. S. Murdaugh and Andrew
Sherwood Secretaries.
After some remarks by different gentle
men upon the subject under consideration,
a committee was appointed to draft resolu
flans expres,sing the - sense. of the meeting.—
The following resolutions were reported,
and unanimously, adopted: •
" R,eiolred, That we are opposed to any
division of this county.
" Iksoired That we will unite with the
Wellsboro their efforts to de.
feat the proposed division of this county
and to retain the county seat at Wellsboro.
"Resolved, That we are in favor of a law
Constituting Mansfield a half-shire town.
" Readre, That our petition asking for
the passage of -the said law shall accompany
the remenstrantb against the divbion of the
"J. 3f. ROSE,
• " A. J. WEBSTER,
" Qom. on Rodutions."
The following committees were then ap
ifolifted.: To circulate petitions and) :eon
st*turceti-4erotne Cudwith, E. 'il'. Phelps,
john Rohn, John'Holden, and J. Madison
ROW.; to take ,cliarge of vetitions and re
monstrances when they shr,ll have been cir
culated, and to confer with the eitiz6a of
.Wellsboro-3. W. Adams, W. G. Lutz, and
P. M. Cie*: The meeting then adjourned.
The meeting was well attended, the audi
encel) being mainly made up of voters, and, as
will be noticed from the list of officers and
committeemen, the leading citizens and
most active business wen of the place
shaped its action. The most harmonious
- spirit prevailed, and the feeling against cut
ting up the county and removing the county
seat to Tioga was a ,i , ong and unanimous.—
It may be safely concluded that the people
of Mansfield are, as their first resolulton ex
presses it, opposed to any envision of the
Common Sense from Tioga.
An old and respected citi*n of the county
and a citizen of <flogs writes us a business
letter, dated Tioga, January lsth,.and winds
up With these remarks:
"I was urged very strongly yesterday to
sigU a petition for the division of our coun
ty, or, in other words, to have the county
seat at Tioga village. I declined.
" Why not? Ain't you in - favor of that?'
" no, air; it will raise our texas nearly
" 'O, no; I will guarantee it won't raise
your taxes five dollars more.'
1' How flo?, You say it will double the
valuation pf my house and lot it,we c
have the county seat here. Now, just take
your owiestory: / The assessor should assess
property at a certain percentage on the val
uation. So along he comes, and says tome,
Your property is worth so much.' I ask
him why. `‘ o,' he says,
.` the county seat
being here has increased it so much, so you
nave got to submit."
"I was much pleased in reading an arti
cle in the AorraTon this week, for ,I was
surprised to hear reports in circulation in
our village that Wellsboro was calling for a
hundred thousand, and tome said a hundred
and fifty thousand dollars to build a new
Court House,Ac. Persons are sent out to
different townships to get signers by repeat
ing this foolish story or others more foolish
still. '
" I hope the good people Tioga will
not sanction any division of B id county.—
They tell us our member, Jo 1., is in fa
vor of this move. I hope not, It is wry
strange that some people are never satined
when doing well, but must be always run
ning in debt and keeping themselves and
sometimes their friends also wider the ,har
row. :At the close of the Rebellion we.
were half a million in debt, and now Ihope
to see in the next report of our Auditors but
a small debt, if any, against us. And I
hope we are soon to see an end of such era
barrassments, and will try to keep out of
them for a little time at least.
" I am pleased to bear that ollr State fi
nances are in so good a condition, and much
pleased with Governor Geary's message and
his remarks on his successor in• office; and
now farewell."
There are, no doubt, hundredsof taxpay
ers in the county who find it as hard as our
friend does to understand how property in
'a particular township can be doubled in val
ue without increasing the taxes upon it.—
And they find it equally hard to compre
hend. how one-third of the area, one-fifth of
the population, andsme-fifth of the assessed
valuation of the county can be given away
and the county expenses yet be paid without
increasing the burden upon the remaining
four-fifths (4 the property and population:
It would require somebody sharper than a
Philadelphia—or Tioga—lawyer to solve
the problem, and so 'our County Dividers
are forced to invent some sort of'taxation
bugaboo to delude the people. Hence this
"foolish story" about the $lOO,OOO Court
House at Wellaboro, which is as false as it
is foolish. Probably this stupid yarn will
&olio a gelid . many people; but when they
see the COmMissioners' card, which we re
pub* irt4inother column, they will learn
whatiiitlege to give hereafter to the gen
stry Yititi*i's- thus attempted to gull them.
And wM-&they reflect a little they will see
that counties cannot be C i lit up, new county
seats established, and new sets of county offi
cers supported without increased taxation
in the immediate future and for all time to
• " Etenumemico, ;Tan. 14,1878
.Editor of the Agitator :—This place has en
toyed a run of sleighing such as it had not
seen for man years. The usual "January
thaw" has no 'come yet, and still the bells
Jingle all the day and evening long. The
bells princip lly in use here are the old-style
large ones--1 enough for sheep bells.
Nearly everY ing else in this old town is in
keeping with the bells—about one genera
tion behind the times. .
There are but two or three decent store
buildings in town. Some one describing
Albany a half-century ago said: , " Albany
is a place of houses mostly built of brick,
of twenity thousand inhabitants, with their
gable ends generally to the street." Here
most of the stores are antiquated thiellings
with shingle roofs to the street.
There is not a decent hall in this town;
your new Opera Rouse would'be a king to
those here. lam happy to say, however,
that the Masonic fraternity are now erect
ing a fine building, plain brick, at the cor
ner next the capitol grounds on Third street,
in which I mu told a large ball is provided
for. At present all lectures, dtc., are held
in the Court House, which seats about 1,000
people comfortably enough. , Braut'a Ball
IS'y pg. Oz . Um** igitatalan
most of which may be ,approprietely styled
"shows." Occasionally a good troupe visits
Harrisburge - generally they are only,tit for
entertainment of the rabhle." The Arnett - -
can Theater 'is a place where what are
known as " Varieties" are nightly preeeuted
tba.,crowd of • men and 1)1134-some - drunk,
some "so-so," and others " how 'come ye
so,"' with others who don't care.- It is a
public nuisance which should be abated out
of respect to the name.
' Harrisburg is 4 wealthy city, for all this.
She counts her tens of millionaires, who live
in state on Front. street • bordering the ma.
jestic Susquehanna: Here is a great and
growing iron-making and; iiitinufacturiog
center—furnaces, - rolling -mills, nail- facto
ries, steel works, cotton mills, Ltc. Harris
burg has not 30,000 inhabitants, Much of
the way to Camp Curtin, which was open
country ; twelve years ago, when some .of its
came here and marched out,to -Camp .to be
soldiers, is now built up of solid brick, and
one scarcely recognizes the place. The old
capitol stands; the pretty grounds about it,
where many a tired soldier has rested in •the
goodly shade, and Many another slept to
dream of home, of friends, or boyhood, are
now covered , deep with snow. At night,
gas lights the shadowy avenues, and in the
gray morning, through my window, I see
the forms of the toilers: passing to' their
work. Some woman's form goes by, and I
ask mybelf,` "Does she have a happy home?
or is she evrecke'd and wretched, .withont
the light of hope in the world?" And then
„itthink of the girded palaces on Front street
whether those who dwell in them
appy, or whether they only have e out
ard garb of happiness. ,
' Tour readers know the Legiehtture is ox
' nize,d, ready fol . work. Mr. Elliott; of
Philadelphia, was re-elected Speaker of the
House; Mr. Anderson chosen to preside
over the- Senate.' Gen, Selfridge is again
Clerk of the House. He is a kindly gentle
man, and an excellent officer. Jelm A.
Smull is Resident Clerk--:an -office . he has
held over twenty years. , With :the skill
which only years of el - patience can give,
it would be difficult to fill his place. He Is
author of "Smull's Hand Book," which is
now by' law a State manual, for compiling
which he receives barely enough pay to meet
the expense of the work. Zeigler's Legis
-1 lative Manual is alio ptiblished yearly, and
compares well with the best works on par
liamentary law, as modified by custom, in
' this country. A. J. M'Cleary report's the
proceedings, and has the contract for print
ing them nt Xl4 a page, which Is only a liv
ing price. lie employs several iirskylass
phonographers, w horn he pays a high price
—some as high as $6O per week. He is
himself a newspaper man, well versed in all
the ways of newsmen—a correspondent of
several Philadelphia papers,- and, withal a
.very companionable gentleman.
The standing, committees are .'zto yet a - 1
nounced in either house; wbat their co .
plexion xvill be lam unable to say. Phil • 1
delphia and Allegheny will undoubtedly t 1
their full share; the country can take care
of its if whether it does or not. Those
two s tions form the greatest nucleus of
Repub lean strength, and very naturally con
trol such matters when.they unite.
There will probably be five cases of con
tested seats; one from Philadelphia„ and
four from Luzerne. Aquestion of some in
terest to lawyers is involved in the Luzerne
cases—whether the contests shall be joint
or several. The opinion is that they must
tie several, and so I think the House will
d6cide if the question is raised. The peti
eons will be drawn this week, otherwise
the right to contest will be limited by law.
The allegations the Luzerne cases are
that extensive frauds were committed in
certain wards of Scranton city. The ques
tions' have been before the courts of that
county. If the frauds alleged are proven,
'probably the votes of the wards' contested
will be thrown out, and the sitting members
ousted from their Seats. ' The Philadelphia
case is something like the.l2'Clure-Grey
case in the Senate last year:
Cal. M'Clure had his liberal caucus all to
himself. He voted for Senator Strang for
Speaker. The sole -"Reformer" of the
House voted for the jolly, honest Hancock,
of Philadelphia. Hancock is the humor
ous chafacter of the House. He is a master
builder in, that city, who works between
sessions to the last hour, drops his tools ;
and runs to the train at the last moment.—
He is always on hand, and is a good worker
in the House.
The renomination of Senator Cameron for
United States Senator without any organized
opposition, is certainly complimentary to
him in a high. degree. He was made a tar-
get for all the slander of Democrats and
Liberals in the late canvass, but there never
.was a doubt of his re-election, if a. candi-
date. He will be elected next Wednesday,
the 22c1. instant.
The new Governor will be inaugurated
next Tuesday. Of course a great parade is
expected. Several military organizations
will be on hand. Committees on the orders
of the day have been appointed by both
houses.. .
To-day both houses met in joint conven
tion and counted the votes on the amend
ment to the Constitution providing' for an
election of State Treasurer by the people.
It is generally thought that Mr. Mackey will
hold over until his auccesaor shall be elected
by the people.
The lumbermen of the West Branch will
make an effort again to reduce the 'homage
on the logs boomed at Williamsport. ' They
are already here,,and it is said Mr. Herdic is
setting up forces in his accustomed way to
defeat the bill, - The boomage is now fixed
at $1 25 per th usand, which rate is said to
vested. If su be the fact, no just man
realize over 20 per cent. on the capital in
can hesitate w4' to what ahoukt be done.-- 1
There is nom el . doubt expressed as to thci
power of the Legislature to reduce the boonil
age, on the ground that the right to it is
vested. The original act by which the com
pany was chartered reserved the -power to
alter or amend it; later laws, increasing the
boomage from ninety cents to $1 25, do not.
All the acts being construed`together, there
would seem to be no doubt of : the power to
reduce it. .
Prom what I have learned, it seems likely
that the people will vote do* ri lgense pretty
generally. In. Philadelphia, however, it is
settled the other way in most of the wards.
Stories are rife that the liquor men have
$200,000 to be used for the repeal of the
Local Option la*. Ido not think it can be
repealed, and think this story unfounded.—
Such a sum, however, would be a powerful.
WASEUWGTON, Jan. 14, 1,878.
One of the most important measures now
before Congress is known as the Hubbard
Telegraph bill. It has already been referred
to in this correspondence, but the probabil
ity of its coming up for action in Congress
at an early day gives it special interest at
this time, as the generalpublic, whose in
terest is most at stake, have comparatively
little knowledge of its legitimate objects.—
The present telegraph monopoly has the,
immense influence of all the telegraph lines
and their reporters and other employees to
sustain its side in the controversy, together
with the moneyed interests of thousands
who live in luxury from the present exorbi
tant rates imposed upon the press and the
pUblic. The Hubbard bill has been gene
rally adopted as a substitute for the several
recommendations of the Postmaster Gene
ral fora complete absorption of the tele
graph business by the Post Office Depart
meat:. The • amount of forty million dol
lars,•which it would cost ' the Government
to Ptirehase the present linesi,'seems to have
Steswed the enteric* of the preset
kreis,,and the proposition of the - Thibbard
Company, to make the purchase,and rib the
lines under the supervision of - goie.rtnitent
officials,without cost to the GevernMent,
at greatly reduced rates, is
_esteemed the
safest and best method of securing! present
and future reform in the telegraPhbueinesS.
The aggregate reduction in the rates under
the Hubbard bill will be about .two-thirds
of .presenteharge4 or, in other words,: the
press and public• will be charged but one
third of what they are now required t 6 pay.
This will be a great relief, to- the public, and,
will encourage the application of the tele
graph-to more general use - in business, and
in all manner of intellectual and social com
munications. It bears upon its face the
marks of genuine reform, and is Manifestly
in the right Otrection. Those Who prefer
that'Government should take the re
sponsibility are satisfied with the !suberin
tendence and the ultimate right reserved to
the Government to take charge of.the lines
in case the - restrictions of the bill are not
complied With Thus it, is apparent, to all
reformers in telegraphy that the Hubbard
bill should pass at the present session of
Your correspondent from the first ex
pressed strong doubts of the wisdom mani
fested by the further investigation of the
Credit • Mobilier scandal. A large' amount
of time and thousand's of dollars are already
expended, and now it appears that the whole
trouble is a private quarrel with certain
men of wealth because -another (Mr. Mc-
Comb) could not have his way in securing
the lion's share of the Credit Mobilier stock.
While the investigation was made In secret
it became , magnified into colossal propor
tions of wholesale Congressional . suborna
tion and fraud, but when the doors of the
committee were thrown open and the, pro
ceedings published, the private spite and
personal character of the attack upon men
of standing became apparent. Tile Credit
Mobiller was simply a construction compa
ny, formed with a patriotic object; to wit:
that of securing safety in making !and
filling contracts for the bnilding• of the. Pa
cific railway at a time during the **when,
on account of threatened foreign complica
tion, it was of the utmost importance to the
protection of the Pacific Statesfrom foreign
invasion that the road should be completed
as rapidly as possible.
it is clear that if money was made out of
the construction of the road, it was not
made from the Government, but from the
Pacific Railroad itself, which had received
its franchises from Congress prior to the
subscription of stock charged_ upon Con
gressmen, and that no legislation of ',Con
gress was had after said subscriptions were
made. The motive for subscribing was
that capitalists were fearful, and members
were called on for the purpose of encourag
ing by their example the taking of stock by
capitalists. Cinly 'about 160;lip We're -in.
vested, by Congressmen 'in the enterprise,
which amounts to many millions. Hence
there was no attempt at monopoly.
The question between Mr. McComb tied
other stockholders is simply 'a: private and
a legal contest, in which the Govertuncot
has no interest. Why, ;then, should. thu
sands of dollars be spent by Congress over
this private quarrel?
The proposition to refund the cotton tax
has developed great strength in the Hou'se,
and is gaining in the fairor of the public as
it ,becomes better understood. The only
objection that has so far been urged against
it with any plausibility, is the allegation
that a portion of the tax has changed hands,
and the refunding in such cases will not be
made to the original losers, but to those
viho have bought the claims at a discount.
This; if true, is a most unjustifiable reason
for withholding justice from an entire coins
Munity or industrial class. It only shows
IfOw injuriously the tax has affected the
planters .and others, if they have been
obliged ' l to
,hypothecate or sell outright to
friends or capitalists claims which they
know to be just, but fear will not be paid
in any reasonable time. In consequence of
their necessities, the aid of friends, perhaps,
in most cases has secured the transfer for
their benefit. A memorial signed by all
the Southern members, together with reso
lutions passed by all the Southern States,
has \just been Presented for circulation here,
and it is expected that a test vote will soon
be reached in the House. It is thought here
that the success of the measure willslo more
to secure the support of the Government in
good faith than anything that could be done
in the South at the present time, and that
the money it will cost, because of its, just.
ice, will prove a good investment to the en
tire country. C. I.
Our Relations with Spain.
The correspondence between the' State
Department and the Spanish Ministry rela
tive to the failure° of that Government to
carry out certain reforms in Cuba has been
published. The letters of Mr. Fish are ire
teresting, loht, as written, are too lengthy
for our columns. They are strong and
manly protests against the policy of Spain
in the West Indies, its maintenance of sla
very, and faithlessness in its promises of re
form. It seems that the United States has
been suggesting to Spain for several years
the melioration of het colonial system, and
that thet country has pretended to accept
the suggestions and toact upon them. • Up
to this date she has done nothing. The
emancipation acts of the Parliament, as in
terpreted and enforced by the Ministry, 'are
wholly inadequate, and will have no praeti.- -
cal result whatever. Mr. Fish calls atten
tion to these facts, shows our concern in
Cuba, the cruelties practiced In the war,
the vigilance with which the United States
has maintained neutrality, and very . plainly
points out the proper course for Spain.—
The tone of his communications is 'always
courteous, but .occasionally his indignation
reveals, itself ii r i some such pointed passage
as this: "The \ repeated assurances of the
intentions- of the Government to abolish
slavery, and to grant liberal reforms in the
administration of the island, are adniissions
by Spain of the wrong of slavery, and' of
the existence of evils which need reform,
but are still allowed orr the illogical-and in-'
defensible ground that concession cannot be
Made while resistance continues." There
is nothing in the dispatches, •as 'their ail;
'titers intended there should not be,-by which
the existing relatlons of the two nations
will be disturbed, although they sometimes
touch the national honor of Spain keenly.
Whatever may be the result of the war
in Cuba, and there is a
i growing confidence
in the bravery and patriotism of -the-revolu
tionists, who have n four yeard made/their
struggle cost Spain 100,000 lives, it is des
tined sooner or later for union with the Mid
ted States. A natural member , of the Re
public, and separated from-it only by a nar
ro* passage, having the closest commercial
relations, and knitting social ones 'every
day, the course of events are • certain in the
next few years to add the Gem of the An
tilles to the long list of American Common
wealths. The emancipation of slavery will
hasten this consummation immensely, and
those who desire annexation from .s.eifiaft
purposes can do nothing better to help their
cause than support and encourage Mr. Fish
in his humane crusade.—Phil Press.
Z. at., or c 39 - " s,
ELI mitnis.
' , Defense of the Heathen,"
"Loco, or Yankee Land,"
"Ik Day and a Night 'in Congess.' , '
"Gossip, Causes tr. 4 OM"
o;and Concert.
w. G. Lu.7z,
=a. Vir..Bp.o•tn,
A. M. Pita's,
1 S. B. Coorauc..N.
L. B.Tzczra:
- -
- good muslo will be in attupdanci to) at - •
autUance lotorelectaxes•
it, -410 ; Semi- Weekly, - $3
inekly, $2: - • -•
krUilL-1 - 02iN
Nevi-Tetk Weekly 'Times
rper for the Farnieri ' •
Paper for the, Mechanic.
A raper for the People. .
for the Weekly Times for ,1873:
PY, 01 , 7 E Y.EAR„.. ... : . ' -. :$2
All to one Pool O f fice Address.
PIES ......
• CorrEs
r.. 11
AND ONE EXTRA COPY To ascii Cz.v.B,,
or Every Club of Fifty, oev Copy of
en the names of Subscribers aro reqUired to
ten upon each paper of the , lub at one Post.
ddress, ten cents for each copy additional to
ye rates. .
:cordance with our last prospectus, the special.
iced rates for 1872, viz :
A', per year i $1 00
, zuzi.a. per year • 2 10
'iataineci for all new subscribers; aid all old
-enewing prior to the 15th day 9 1 Jun'Y',
above Club rates will take effect.
ledcd Editorials from the Daily Times;
Dminestc and 'Forehm ; the Proceed.
ess and the State Legislatures; the
:y Selections; while the most pronals
. be a '
:tides from Practical Farmers; Full re-
American Institute Farmers' Club;
cly Market Reports, Financial, Domes
ive Stock, Dry (ice& and General. i
have no superior; it will be free from
vulgar and impure tastes, and. may be
i, to every domestic circle,
be,devoted, as in the past, toita . intent
itipport of the Republican . Its
vile*: to the Tammany Ring , at time
Cher daily papers inliew.Tork o trust,.
:aged its efforts, attests its eine rity in
reform. The Trofss stood alone In de
mi from 1869 to the close of 18 1, and
;ere and honest proposal for form,
of the (government, which will of be
)rted, by the Turns. but it will not
dating ambitious politicians or damn
a power under false pretenses. It will
refection from the Republican Party,
le party of progress, security and tut-
be wri
the ab
In fu
ly redl
with aU the force and influence at its
principlea and policy which have rend
,so justly famous in our history, It
lose ineaaures by which the honor, the
probparity of the nation can be best
"rotuoted, and will constantly study
Le people rather than the wishes or the
Is p blished every Tuesday and Friday, and'containe
all • e agricultural and literary matter of the Weekly
editibn, and a full and careful compilation of editorial
and ewe features of the Daily.
T s. of tho Snatz-WnEszx Trams; Ono copy, one
year $3 .: two copies, one year, $5; ten copies, ono
year $2- _ and one extra copy freo.
Su scriptiolas to either of our editions received for
a les length of time than one year at the yearly rate.
- .. .. .
esti prices are Invariable . . -Remit iridreits on
York or Yost Office Money Orders, if possible,
there neither of these can he procured, send the
New ,
:y in Ix registered letter. All Post-masters are
ed to register letters 'when requested to do 11,C),
tie system is an absolute protection ageitist
by mail. Address
liew-York City.
and I
• e Hon. H. W. Williams, President Judge for the
udicialDiatrict of Pennsylvania, and W. D. Smith
I. ItioNaughton Bag's, Associate Judges Tioga
coutty, have issued their precept, bearing date the
sth ;day of Jan, 1873, and to me directed, for the
holding of Orphan's Court, Court of Common Pleas,
General Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, at
Wellsboro, for the County of Vega, on the 4th Monday
of Jan., (being the 27th day,) 1873; and to'continue two
Y tics is therefore hereby given to the Coroner,
Zus ces of the Peace, and Constables in and for the
con ty of Tioga, to appear in their own properpersous,'
wi their records, inquisitions , examinations and re
me brauces, to do *lose things which of their offices
d lti.
;in their behalf appertain to be done, and all wit
neez a and other persons prosecuting in behalf of the
Co onwealth against any person or persons, are re
eled to be then and there attending, and not to de.
par attheir peril. Jurors are requested to be punct
nail° their attendances at the appointed - time, agree
ably to notice.
Given under my hand and seal at the Sheriff's Offkce,
in Welisborcr, the 7th day of Jan., in the year of our
Lor one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three.
E. A. MI, Sheriff.
itipplicatiorts fqr Charter.
aricEl. hereby given that the following applica
tlona for charter of incorporation have been tied
3 ,
office, and will bo presented to the Court of
Co hapion Pleas of Tioga county, Monday, January
• pplieation of G. D. Riney, J. 11. Roe, John Span].
di. g and others, for charter of incorporation for "Un
to • Cemetery Association," in Middlebury toy/11011P.
I Prothonotary.
To be Divided.
an. 21,-1=
xecutor's Sale.
1101 X VIETUE of en order of the Orphan's Court of
Tiogs county, we will expose to public sale on
2sturdxy, the '2sth., day of January * 1.17.1, st the Court
House, in the borough of Vielluboro, said county, at
one o'clock, p. in., the following described property,
being of the estate of David Siert. late of said county,
MI that certain lot of land lying in the said bore'
of WellabdroZou tbelsouth-weet side of Wain street,
be tweet:Mitt lama Wahmtatreete, being about elghty
(80) ffetfrOntrou Wain street, and running beet about
two hundred (2 , 0) toward Crofton at, eat in said
borough, cony g thereon one two-story frame d web.
ling house, •`
Terms: three-fourths of the amount of the pur
chase money, payable at time of sale, and the I:elates
in nine montbs' therefrom. T. liAltT
Dec. 31,
HE subscribers offer fir sale their stock of. Grocer•
ies and Provisions, together with the lease and
fixtures of the store now occupied by them on the
east side of
Ala the gooaAilll of the estahliebleeht.
The reason for selling is that Mr. William 14.. Ing.
strum desires hereafter to Gtevotelais' time and atten•
ton exclusively tobis patent car•coupling device.
VI- T tz toneorn is now dqing a flourishing CA$
basiness, and this is a firm ovortunity for any per.
ton wiahing to engage in title trade,
WM. N. MIER= .t CO
Weliabore, dtin'y 21, 18T1-377.
Seal IA
iTtHE firm cf Lutz & Kohler, Mansfield, Pa., Is this
clay dissolved by mutual, consent. The accounts
o; the Oid firm will remain with tits new firra of Lutz
2.; Kohler. at the old place of - business, and they alone
'are authoriced to setae the cane. '
ninelql,l, Doc 2s, 1872
rrIFIE tuadereigned have thie day entered iatopartaer
1. ship, for the transaction of a general hardware bus=
Leese at Mansfield, Fa., wider the: firm tome ,aud
style pf
- - - • Ltrrz.
Yri0.0.4 ! Peg. 1872.* 804411 4
~$1 50
- 1 25
.. 110
. 100
Stack cf
&C &C.,
Special . Election Pronlantation. ,
Wheressi by an, utl: of the ,Gett,o44l Asi;.l niblY - of the
loo t n iao l n y,mo, 6f tti
peroot the voterk of tidst:onnoballteaho'to vote eVery
threes yeare pie tl.l question , ;,ot glrautlogrilt•onttes 10.
t+eliintoxitatthil Thieure.7 ;approved t 1 , :i7th day of
Ilarch,ls72, iK fwehteitted' oil toe to ,givo .01 1 3110 Act*
lice ot Kaid eh.etion; therefore A/ 1 8h:
tinerift of Tioga, county, do !lolly imewn and
give thiB Amish(' notice to tii4 clectom of laid county
that a special olootion for the purpose above
be held. tor oughout the county. uu the day fixed by
laW for tho township and borough eloettolo • to wit;
on the:Priday preceding the last MondMonday to JantlarY.
(being the 24tb.,daY Of January, 1.573,1 at the sevetal
said county, namely:
Bless township. Artiot - school house. •
Blossburg horougli,,UntOrt selidol house. , -
DrOokfteld. South hoed school house. •
Charleston, Youngs school home,
Clymer. Sabirtaville school house, -
Chatham, Chatham Center - school house,
Covingtoo,hotel of Thomas Graves.
Coylogtou borough, hotel of Thomas Graves
Delmar, Court House.
Deerfield, Cowanesque House.
Endand borough, Sandy Stinson
REnlth school house).
Vali Brook borongh,Bow school house
rinAnington, GUI 601001. 1101190.
Gaines, H. C. VerroilSces hotel.
Hamilton, township, Morris RIM mall.
Jackson, _house of U. Eat:W.lton,
li - noxvilio borough, ragio lioubo.
Lawrence, Was son's Hotel.
Lawrene,sville, Siosson's Motel,
Lilwrty, 'total.
illansfield borough, Model school house.
Malusburg borough, P.Doutrs Hotel.
school house.
Morris, house of Georgo Grist,
eleou, houlze of Charles Goodrich.
Osceola, LE. J. Tubbs's block.
liicluuond, : ,, ,Ectliodist. church.
Rutland, house of Eimer Bucker.
SulLivan, P. Doutra Lfotch
.9hippeb, Tara.:low school house.
Tloga, hotel 4f Witte M.tßmith.
'Eloga borough, hotel of Elias M. Brolth.
Welisboro, !Wart Rouse.
Vieettleitl, E. G. Hare gate).
Westaeld borough, E. G. Rae Hotel
Ward, hdtse William L. Thomas.
/louse of Joizu
"It shall be the duty of the Inspectors and Judges
of such elections to rec.ave tickets, either written or
printed, from the legal voters, of said cities and coun
ties labeled on the outside • license' and on the!inside
for license' or • against license,' and to deposit said
tickets in a box provided for that purpose by said In
specters and Judges as is required by law in ease of
other tickets received at said election; and the tickets
so received shall be counted, and a return made of-the
same to the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of
the Peace of the proper county, duly certified as is
required by law; which certificate shall be laid/before
the Judges of said Court at the first meeting of said
Court after said election shall be held, and shall. be
filed with the other records of said Court." - -
Aud the law of ine directs:
",The qualified voters of the several counties of
this Commonwealth at all general; township and bor.
ough and special elections are hereby required to
vote, by tickets written or printed, or partly written
and partly printed, severally classified as ninon:—
* * * One ticket eball embrace the names of all
township officers voted - for, and be _labeled 'township:'
one ticket shall embrace the names of all borough ()fa
cers voted for, and be labeled • borough; and each
class shall be deposited In separate ballot poxes."
For instructions iii regard. to the organization Of
boards of election, etc., see lava of 2d July, 1889,
pamphlet page 219, and also pamphlet laws of 1869, p.
49, furnished to the said severateleetton districts,
And in the above elections the polls shall be opened
between the hours of six and seven a in., and closed
at seven p.
Given under my hand at We'Debar° this 7th day of
January, /873. 3w. E. A. FISH. Hherifr.
Sheriff's Sales.
DT VIRTIJE OF sundry writs of Fieri racism. Lem.
ri Facias, and Veuditioni Exponas, leaned out of
the Court of Common .P/eid of Tioga county, and tome
directed, I will expose to public sale, to the highest
and best bidder, at the Court Mouse in Welisboro, ott
:donday the 27th day of January, 1873, at one o'clock
p. in., the following described property, viz :
A lot of land in Farmington and; Middlebury town
ships; bounded op the north by Henry Sawyer, west
by A. J. Colegrove and Henry Sawyer, south by J. .13.
Prutsman, and cast by Lorena ill'itinney; containing
54 acres, 34 acres improved, with a frame house, sta.
ble, an apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon. To
be sold as the property of A. J. IrEinney, A. Hum
phrey and C. F. Miller, suit of Robert Logan.
AL O—A lot of land in Rutland township; begin
ning at the southwest corner of lot, No. 127. of the al
lotment of Bingham lands in Rutland township afore
said, conveyed to Mrs. Hannah Sixbee; thence along
the north line of lot No, 124,conveyed to tiSr. L. and T. L.
KenyonfnOrth, 83')„, degrees rest, 147,4 rods; thenoe
along Lines of lot Ho. conveyed to S. S. and 3. C.
Johns north 78.6 rods; thence north, 45 degrees west,
25 rods; ence north 4.0 rods; thence along the south
lino of 1 t No. 139 conveyed to Hiram Wilmont east
170.5 rods; thence slow the west line of part of lot
No. 136 ind west line of lot No. 127 aforesaid south.
one degee west, 142.8 reds to the place of beginning;
containing 128 acres, more or less, with the usual al
lowance of sir per cent. for roads, hc., it being lot
No. 128 of the allotment of Bingham lands in Ilutiand
township; with two frame houses, a frame barn, an
apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon, and about
as acres improved. To be sold as the property of San
ford S'. Johns and James C. johns, suit of Hiram C.
Johns for use of A. M. Morehouse.
ALSO—A lot of land in Jackson township; bound•
ed on the north by the public highway, west and south
by lands of '.Nlartin Miller, and east by lands of Na•
thaniel Smith; containing,about two acres, more or
less, all improved, with a frame house, frame barn,
outbuildings, an apple orchard and other fruit trees
Arse—Another lot in the said. township; bounded
on the north by lands of Furman Rimier, west by
lands of Charles Tilingitast and Daniel Kinner, south
by lands of Darid Kinner, Nathaniel Smith and the
public highway, and east by lands of Robert Tiling
hest; containing GO acres. .4.5 amp improved, with a
frame house, Outbuildings and fruit trees thereon.—
To be sold as the property of C. H. Miller, suit of
Sever MlI er, for use of H. B. Knapp. '
ALSO—.I lot of land in Tioga borough; bounded. on
the north by Cowanesque street, east by Walnut
street, setttb, by lauds of Abram .F.aortoy, and west by
H. W. Watts; being 80 feat on Walnut street and 90
feet on Cowanesque street, with a frame house, frame
barn, outbuildings and. fruit trees thereon. To be
sold as the property of Guidon C. Many, suit of F. E.
ALSO—A lot of land in Chatham township; bound
ed on the north by the public highway and Constant
Avery, on the west by lands of the heirs of David
Taylor and Chatham township, and south and east
by Jamie of Joseph Knapp; containing 19 acres, 14
acres improved, with a frame house, frame barn, out
buildings, an apple orchard and other fruit trees
thereon. To be sold as the property of Jacob 11am,
suit of A. 11. Roberts 1)r rase of W. W. Burley.
ALSO—A lot of land in Sullivan township; bound
ed on themorth bY lards or' Harvey Cleaveland and
Ephraim M'Connell, ou the east by L, M. and Peleg
Baud and Harvey Cleavelaud, south by L. M. and Pe
leg Dond, and west by lands in possession of Welcome
Rice and lands of IL Welch; 'eouteinieg 50 acres, more
or less, 20 acres improved, with a log house, frame
barn, outbuildings, an apple orchard and other fruit
trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Drayton
Ramsey, suit of C. L. Shaw.
ALSO—A. lot of land in Rutland township; bound
ed on the north by lands of C. W. Soper, east by lands
of John Benson, Jr., south by lands of John Benson,
Sen., cud west by the highway; containing 33 agree,
17 acres improved. Te be sold as the property of
Wilmot Soper, suit of Sarah Soper for use of John
Benson and Elmer Backer.
ALSO—A lot cf land in Sullivan township; bounded
on the north by lands of Emily Dewey and Anna Gil
liott, George Fletcher. and Thomas Reynolds, west by
George Fletcher and David Fletcher, south by Allett
Webster, and east by Bingham lauds and Thos. Rey
nolds; containing 100 acres, 40 acres improved. To be
sold us the property of J. S, Dewey, suit of Amos 0.
Witter, surviving partner of l'oe a: Ritter.
ALSO—A lot of land in Liberty township; bounded
on the north by lands of Thomas Feucht and Michael
Desmond, east by E, Ostrum, south by George Hunt
and William Kilpatrick, and west by Allred Fulkerson;
containing 100 acres, more or less, 95 acres improved,
with frame and log barns. hay barn, frame hog and
tool house; other outbuildings, an applo orchard and
other fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property
of P. R. Field, suit of Henry S. Fick for use of John
Link and Fred. Iluyler.
ALSO—A lot of land in Bloseben borough; -boned
ed on the north by land of Patrick Costellow and Wrn.
Williams, west by lands of A. Malmsey' c Co., south
by the public highway, and east by Thomas Farr;
being 00 feet front, 105 feet on the back end of the lot,
and 191 feet deep, With.ene frame house thereon. To
be sold as the propqty of John Bonner, suit of Thos.
ALSO-:A lot f land in Union township; bounded
on the north b, lands of Juo. Rauscher, deceased, and
Jacob Meaner, act by lands of the Lycoming Valley
Iron Company, south by lands of David Sechrist, and
west by lands o f Merge Helper; coutaining 50 acres,
10 acres improt ell, with two frame houses, one frame
barn, a frame water power saw -mill, and fruit Meet;
thereon. To be sole as the property of F. W. Rime.
oher, suit of William Braine.
. ALSO—A :ot of land in Brookfield township; bound
ed on the north by lands of Nelson Doty, west by Joel
Parkhurst, south by Adelia Tubbs, and east by L.
S.ktnner; containing 100 'cores, SO acres Improved,
with a frame house, frame barn, outbuildings, an ap.
pie orchard and other fruit trees thereon. To be sold
as the property of Noble Pride and W. 0,. Pease, suit
of Joel Parkhurst.
ALSO—Alet of Lend In Westfield towr,Silp; bound
ed on the north and-east by Ludo cd james Thrives,
south by L. Gail& and, west be the public highway;
containing one. aere,imore or Pees, all improved, with
a frame 001.13 e, fratne harm outbuilding, and fruit
trees thereon. To he cold as the _preperty of D. D.
Cook, suit of _LPL :Ldgcomli et. al. -
ALSO—A. lot of land in CharlestontoWnship; bound.
od on the north by kinds of John highway, n
Flibrick, we ilu st a by 6a t t .
Id: Johnson, south by the public
by Albert Tipple; containing six acres, more or less,
ail improved, with a frame house, frame barn, out
buildings, and a few fruit trees thereon. To bp sold
as the property of Jerome Scott, suit of Ross
ALSO—A jot of land. in Covington borough; bonnd
od on the ninth and rest by lai.ds df S. :L Packard,
south by Edwin Dyer, and civil by the Williamson
road; containing about. half an acre, more or lees,
all improved, w:th 4 two story brick 'louse, frame
barn, outbuildings, and fruit trees thereon. To be
sold as the property of A. V. Smith, 0. G. Cierould, and
P. L. Clark, suit of Pomeroy , Brothers et. na,
ALSO—A lot of land is Clymer biwnship; bounded
on the north by lands of Alse. Thompson, Resey Rey
rich% and Wilson Burnside, West by Harrison lii g,,
so by Ashley Guild, Squire Guild and 3. 0. Tho p-,
son, and east by Frederick Woodcock; eontainin 4,4
acres, 10 acres improved, With a frame house, og
hotae, log barn, an apple orchard and other fruit es
thereon. To be sold as the property of W. S. Wee s,
snit of Thortipson and Phillips et. al.
ALSO—A lot of land in. Tinfoil township; boon d
on the north by lands of W. Collins, erst by Lycona•
ing creek, south' by public highway leading from
Roaring Branch to Ogdensburg, and west by public
highway leading from Elmira to Williamsport; being
SO feet by 'IV feet, with a two ftory trarrfo building oc
copied as a grocery store, a wagon shop, and dwelling
house thereon. To be sold an the property of P. W.
Reoseher, Butt of William Plains.
ALSO--A lot of land in Wollaboro; bounded on the
northeaskby lands formerly owned by F. D. Ennui!,
northwest by lands of Cbarlus 3. Wheeler- southwest
by Avenue, and southeast by lands of 'Harriet Ste
vens; containing about one acre, with a frame house,
frame barn. outbuildings, ari apple orchard and other
fruit trees thereon. To bo sold as the property of A.
M. ingbant and V. Block, suit of 11. W. Williams for
use of A. L. Bodine. L. A. MI, Sheriff.
Januar . ? 7, 1873.
1":1 the matter of the estate of James Kimball, do•
j. ceased, the auditor appointed by the Court to set
tle the accounts of S. F.lWilson and J. F. Donaldson,
Executors of the estate of said decedent, will meet
the parties interested for the rurpeses of his appoint ,-
raent, on Friday, January 31, 18(3, at 2 o'clock p. m.,
at hie °Mac at Wellsboro, Pa. ; and all persons basing
claims upon :said accounts must present and sub
stantiate theta before the auditor, or be debarred from
Ocrnang for a share of some. G. W. MEItItICK,
1.873.4 17. 41.5410 r.
1 . 7 P Xz l'9", W ,:r. I
♦ qf PAY deecriOton entiatoct with accurst-.
oratta cur 9 at the
Mils OR oisuartl
Emai .„
f ram
11 1 1
CS 6 .4
L 5l
0 '4
The Largest Establishment in No
. - )
a - c - .)zacrkar6 vitxxart.
YRITOrey-IF; 4
A'V facilities ita - buyUAg etsid htellaWit, A: go queutitias vt tivoa* cuittlitni the= CV gOtair
loweitTaobbing pricey Ts our real dq.:*rumeirat Gs.c.de *re *Old at *. 'swan Wiirume
pricey. A /Argo stock ot 1
W . ASS, 2,1,1„ bowl,
,L)11) vKR
riCrantier Oran 11111VeliktiN. Striping 1
and Brruish.e* for 4 1;arriage laud
AWI flee cf e:eogroe of Geed appertaining to our buoinoos kept la otook.
hen, 1., 1872,
:- -- -r eir ll - .LA A_ IT
-DRy- G4Lto
3TIC.7.I=?L.Eit of imvorwtm
• - frigo g633EXC;°II3I
Ithe rb.r4l . ell SE q loc 1. - .:vilth, prices not to be beaten'. '; Da notes!: 90=0 lieieze bvy
Cumin& Oak: 111),110.
=I M
ti✓; .
vairousuz, ezu) astir:,
4.3 UMW!' OrgiAmensing„
Arr rnenE
is the D 1446 to btiy7ol2z
OD 11113:1111MI3 to tattitt3oO2
SEE-- (2,
._ ~
YAM'S 413, ElApti AND C
1.:% WM STOCK,