Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, January 07, 1873, Image 4

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    An Vnappredatea Poem.
'A Silo was llama man named
,Doter, and ho had a
lovely daughter.
Atid a•llshing he dig:based to ge upon %engine see;
And all the shrimps and auks he caught ha- took, is
• he had cughtor,
And put Main in a paper bag. and fetob*l them
home.to she.
NOW Sallie was thisinside? Tame. her Stye were and
as radishes. ,
Her cheeks were pink. or oyes ware green, her
hair was jetty black, '', . •
33iat sho had an asfrui temper. `andywhenenar she got
mad. dishes , ,..
Wont dying about,tho room, in, a rogular hunts-
Them lived a dashing inicoanner. whosa _Christian:.
N name wan Samuel.
And a fashionable, peanut eland his aged mother
-, LK, ..
And y tug Sallieei wishes (which , this festive , gay
you g clarcrletnew well), ' •'• -
Ho gained Ler yoisthint heart, and into her afftctions
crept. ''', ' , • .
But her father did not . finey Sara, and bade bim leave.
the edifice, -,
And withdraw his \ ugly visage from his eight tor.
evermore: , _ _ . .
And he swore a mighty oath that he ,would surely
punch bin head, if We .
Blamed countenance was over 'seen vrotZuding in
the door.
One night Pete feltetramendotu} blue, his head was
rather achy,
And hie jaws throlted until ho inately thought he'd
get the scarletL umps;
Trade, too, had been quits doll of late, the oyster bin
was shaky,
And pondering o'er, his woos he caught a chronic At
of dumps.
Just then-Samuel came along. a trolling Yankee :
As a aign for Sallie to oome out and meet him the
And Peter ha got tlp and vowed he'd send that bloody
To where he'd ne'er annoy his sight or cross his
... . o ,oepath again.
So he took an old umbrella, which was standing in
the corner,
And Jest got up and lit on gentle Sammy as he
came; •
lie then drew off and let him have, right on. his go
--21.reata.1111red lick, which Showed the soornaoy of his
, • .
sem, he never breathed again; that bright dream
was a Anal one, •
ror Peter got ferocious wad pulled out a carving!
And hunting round until be found the cord they otal
the epinal one,
Ile chopped It np in fourteen stripe awl took poor
I Sammy's
'.l I
'When Bulb caw her love .was deed, bier brain began
, to stagger,
So she went and bnyod Sue, bolted down a arsenic
I a pound;
In her angel sh.laden bosom neat she plunged a four
foot dagger, - -
'And laid down beside h Scanuel!with hie neck bat
awns around.
Then anguish filled Pa Peter . ° soul; he -eta a keg of
powder, •
Drunk& quart of nitro•glycerino, and then to crown
it all,
Swallowed down a red•hot ,puler, wad went off four
teen timca louder
Than the largest cannon that can throw a twenty
• i•Jur inch balL - •
They burled all they found of him *.7lthin a graveyard
."1"4 paoilms guisreal"on hia tonabetnne 07103maY aualt:
For the nurubar they were forced - to use ..vas certainly
the plarra, -
Por if ever marif in_pirect rested. Peter was that
man. - • ' —itsreari Adrocate.
Rosa Bonhenr thinks of visiting the Unit
ed Staten within a yes?.
Gov.Let , :lie,of Zentucky,is Superintendent
of a Baptist Sunday School, at Frankfort.
Joe Pentland, the circus -clown, is •an ini
t, 9:43 A; the 1,132..r.tic .A.eylgtxt on
aedand.' • •
• '• .
4 ,
,ecne -e.- granalson o
en an.u., trAr_ ,n, rec Nat y died Bt, Pale-
Y.l" r 'I
•• •
-2ro-7 - .,;.;..2zryzatXßdraawill;shortly- relie-ve
f:,l,- John Peter -Grant, as Governor of Jr-
r i.- „*-• ~.1. '-r , - , -•- ' '
:gr. D. Home, the "spiritist medium,"
is hi Pa Ho intsids.to come to America
very soo .
The E lof Shaftesbury is building a new
town for workingmen, a short dietanco out
of London.
The Slaltan of TtirE;o3. has conferred the
• PVcr °MeQtl,7ket-11;Tosi the mussian orEnd
71 u' 1`.11611 . 61e.13. - •
Dr. Butler, for 801 1 yezra Superintendent
of the Insane 2ulll# et Zartford, has ro•
;,•hed his os.ce.
o &lighter ofTanaberill...t" booome
Dr. Ge.leszoshi. tho
ezill restored ye.r eye-iightl
The Grand Duke - Alexis will visit the
United States again, hi 1.67 a, to be present
ct the NationarCer.tennial.
Leula•Tapolson will go to kafieira in the
piing, eeif o. from Ragland is the royal
yacht - Victoria and Albert.
_A native of Danbury, Conn., being asked
saw Eubinre.-... .when New-Yorli,
vacantly relponde'd, "Why, no; MS he lock
ing for me?"
Mr. ,Grantly F. 7_ , !er'zkloy, who is an' au
thority on dogs,-avus that 'for hydrophobia
tiler° is no cure, and s:non the memory of
, :nra 'ileve.7 VICE."
i. f...a.ambett.:l 2 , ..a3 =Edo and announced
Che interesting dlseovery that the history of
,lirance is "made uo of sacrifices made for
tho advantage other."
tikado of japan Ir j .trposes to visit
SqEtreland next •.,ramer. It le eal.d thet he
• VE4% to marry, and will therefore have his
,royalpyao.o the girj,s.
.. Prof. Apell.z 'Liza been eiected•to mom.
II bershtp of the Trench Academy of Sciences,
to.fili the vacancy •caused by tho death of
Sir-Roderick Murchison.
Elihu Burriq,-the' "Learnsd Blacksmith,"
ancl - tileAtirk Niles; 'Secretary of the
Atnirican Peac© Society, will attend - the
National Peace Congress in England next
c• May.
The on. Jobn E 3. Soribom,o2Sherbroo%e,
Canada, has been e:ppointed 2, Judge of the
E'llvnylar Couit of Canada. Judge Sanborn
It brother of P;:of. eezboraot Dr.s-to:math
Prof. Elliott of the Bmithsonian Institute,
:.1 WashingtoU,.:::l:ll been traveling In Alas
-1.;,ft., 1.1 . 13 marria.-, - .4 with the daughter of the
xrAtotan ex-C-c - -.c' ... - .'•v-r,.7 , J.T. , ..z.(7.-,eigl,ie allltoUl/0-
Ani6ng the tea fashioi articles written
inJPeris, we are t kl, are t
u ose of the "Vis
cemts de Bury, ' who is, in fact, M. Re
cortte, 7 • chief clerlitt the office of the chief
of police. . I .
~I,..Bornan Catholic clergymen of the Cathe
rat Itit ' Dtiblin . have presented Mlle. Tietjens
& addrees. written on vellum, in the best
:style of (he art, in recognition of her services
i..) the Churell.
cross 103 beet( oroottcl in the
Jrytt. - .(3:i of 9:Lr Percy Shelly, oon of the_poet
Boscompe-••Z „ oL:, county, Eng
land, to mark the" uiteuded burial-ground of
:.he -
.„ . .I)cnn Ramsay,-=w - ho wrote the we11 ...,.:u0wn
...,.:uown and pleasing "gteminittences of Scot
tAalt 'Ale and Charactet" which by the way,
tas passed through 111 editions,—is now up
rirds.of En yar.rs old.
"Filtterson of :tier Hampshire has
of tho Ohio
-:a1A:,E11 tind :115:ez1T15 , _742,2.1 Colle c ze i n wlnall en.-
*g rle. - .47. of the f.3e.n.P.".n::-
zze. young Amet - 77-
1•,, - -.. , , - .1"3 - ar- 7 - •":: - 10 - r...s '7<z:2.Ll L . :LI
L:ze iyz:o stf:ge.- - .lLvs
;s:.l Lind JC.ed. b.ozv:e.so.
end E1r,,,-c-nf„.V:e.ly.:
Mrs. Cu:min7,htv2i, of Davenport, 10 - Na,
Ilas recovered %,.ta.e."o from Sir. P. Cziae. for
I,re..ic.-.0f.• pr. :m,.ise of marriage Col_ C.
'2. Kennedy, G: Xte.mont, Ca, has sued a
'77.iiioV. there for Vio.ooo for the same °arise.
I .7.'ompltins of Oakla.nd, Cal.,
has founPar- - ",r,e . , - ••:citair b the 'University
which, in horior of: prof.
Agessiz, named the "Agassiz Professor
siiip of Oribntal Langu l age and Literattre,' ,
Tlis rem'aine of theCOnfetlerate Gen. John
alagruder ale to h removed from their
present resting place, Houston, Texas,
and buried a', Galveston, in that'd State. A
monurnant slit 1245, erected over the grave,
by citizens of Galveston.-
Mario has said his property ' tho ilia
Salvial,neer Florence. • I:, was bought ler
933.000 francs, with the farms belonging to
it and the objects of art it contains, by Baron
Hagerman, ho possesses the splentild . zal•
con Long Arno st
- The peTnn 1 - 7116 first 'usad Oannon
tl6 cal GlateprA. , aa It
who livedF:t. Petersburg. 1.7z3
Te Deam to celebrate tbe
pture of Fort Ocz , :kOr. - by Potemkin, will
braids •-encfeaous socal and intrunier,tf.l
.tuasses;:Eerhad placer' in tne courtyard of
the lbsperlal palme'raexlycvmaen, of various_
oidibresito deepen the - ..Yor..:ta at given times.
Ho produced a resonant elect. Catherine
It ennobled him after this.
T.-13:1e1Ktae.h Read, while in Naples, wrote
.he followinglines, which he intended add
ing, tO bin poem, "Drifting," but his illness
and death presented the execution. of
IQlines. 'red petals and PI - 11 0 3
• • And aces. aloos. atm% QCs 1 sines,
• - •
Barents swings
Qn sweetest wifte.
UNifts UM and lOW
Deerfield ,Woolen k , At t r 4
- ;
r UM BLOTlEES i mttorlthe
as u alit oustoruera
91, , 11t CASSIMERES
ItrO . warratitod. Particular Attention given t;i -
Roll Carding & Cloth Dresshtg
We manufacture to order, and do all I:indent
Carding and Clothirreeein4, and defy competitton;
We have as good au aingulment of
Fla/ Cloths, Cassinieres,
and give more for Woul iu exchange than any , other
bateibli#hmont. Try them and satiety youreelyee.,
We wholezale and retail at tho Coninesqua ' , wills, la
tams 1.)olow Knoxville.
Zan. 1, 102. , INGHAM BROTHERS.
J., , ll._Gris'wold's Water Wheel.
illatxuidersignod. sro agouta fok• the above Water
J. Wheel, aud can ahetriudy reckauxueud it SR sup°•
dor to all others in use. l'oraous wishing to pas
t:Use should sou tWa wheel is kpuratioa - beNto buy-
ing othor wheels.
Doerdekt.2lay 1 . 6. 1872
Head ihe
Wattle underah,:uud. parcharrud onua
weld's 30 inch Watjr Vihaula neiug t) inches of wst4r
to !MI three run of Siolle
well pleated with the whee.l. We have Brouud elzky
, bushela per cur with thu thr.-0 run and elan overage
thi~t arnoturt pc , r luur aU 1.1.3.-.4 • '
%ak & LATHROY,
int7VE.l, TO-WAB4.BELTpIa,
Carriage and Harness Trimmings,
- -
fiAliNfifl,943. SADDLES, .4c.
OorAlnix, 1L y., 4,11. 1. 1872
TC/Wl. 6i COLE 2 Brants.
fully inform the pub lip that they
have entab!iahed a
• • '
, lavery. for
At their Stable on Pearl St. ,oppee.ito IV+l • . .4447,1
chop. Stugle or doable rigs furnielied t ~raer.
aim to keep good banes and wagons, and !,
please. PtiCCZ Ice'tsonabla. Cal All •.• -
Aug. 21. 1872. -
Direvli Jewelry Ifitore.
traUnde.raigned would respectfully say to the cit.
/9 c r ° Wellaharo end vialtilty, that he has opene4 a
o ,
_ .
- jat i rjeaVV - 5t 01126
In the building rowntly occupied' by C. L. 71112 . 0 .T.
Ella stock comprises a full aaaartment of • Iti
Clocks, W atches, t Jewelry,
Szlver - onclFlat-Were.
El. D. WellanM , , one of the hostlworkr.en i 2 Vcab ,
ern PODT.171:2111.11, 1 7 21 attend to the '
--Repairing Watches, •
Clocks, 4c,, 4 4 .0.
- .
For the skilful doing of itdoh his smuts= 7ebre
prectitel wipe:donee le sullielent gaerntee.
S. B. ranszalr.a.
Wellsboivatuff ! "lB7l-tf.- - - • •
ricoxvu.T.,m, TIOGA CO..
Lifo, Fire, Acciideritei
AANZII3 0 . . '3,C?,1"-'•
saszs or C'Y'AV.rM.
Loa. Co., cu" 14=1: 5 ‘ , 41.7, Po 531.250,586 Cl
Fir.rallir. Piro las. Co. of PL'at, a. .2., ( 27,412 ' . 5
11* - 41:110 Zuo.o. a IS. Y., C5.74+.6.1,... $750,000
P..ildeolatt. Co. of CLoo'nned.
, • .. • ...•• 6/.050,00
Nina= Fire Ina Co. '.;..1'. Y .. ..... .. . IC= SW
Tanners lint. aro The. Co. Rork Pa.. ..... .'.'44,FRI) 15
Phoutlx slnt. VI% Ins. Co. of Harffor6. Ot. 03,081,910 LW
Penn't. Cott lo Ira. Co. of Pottsrell.ho , .. 6CD,COO CO
.5cat...... • • $.V.=,21"1,547 64
Um:mance , •cczasltly efkoted by masa or otherwise.
on e.O kinds of ProTexty. ell losses ip=aptly adjusted
end paid Live etc-SI timed agelnet deetn. ss cc
Zcm also agent foe the Andes Mee In aranoe Co. cd
ance,D=4 4 , Cep g1,60Z007.
Al aircanualettione prozngtly stela e/1 ..c;Cgo oa
:au Stott W. dour from 1112' .tn et., Snaz7trie Pa.
WU. B. 62M1,
Jan. 1. 1.1312.11.' hew&
- 17.;1•P.,„ , y W. !q.D.8.2!
(4r7P-7; who tot long be= establlsta
th the devalry la-al / ram la
I , r„ Weller:To:has always or sal%
N - '
various kinds awl prices of
„ r
Gold or sliver, Jewelry. gad Malin.
Keys, Rings, P , Pencils, Cases, Gold end
Stool Pens, , himbles, Spoons, Razors,
Wed Waro,
kg,. &c. &
With moat ell Other articles stsusay lowa Le each es
tablishments, 14bich ere sold lor
X 1 92
lie_g,lc;:a. - Y.l end promptly, lend on ahoz
works. •
AM. 1, 157-1.5'
. „,
TS new rsceving azd..3le . cs.r.; designs in.
and 121v!tes the publin mos.V. sal ext=itle qc•oe..z cad.
prict. - •
4 4roulale to es.b.o7 g9cd a.
\ 0. 2. em.ss.z.
PO?' SCae or Rent.
T: 07. F.' Et:SIS LOT ocrzor of Po ...:1 et:-Js; valf, AY•
oroao. Ala.: for sate, ct , n3r. =se:: the
Ace2e:rl7. . to .7 7 ...L.L1(7.7, - .T. G 73CSAP,),
Ooh, f." 1.1872-11.
-2'3 02 &+1 Agents; want:4l All clan
,llv •• ce of •-tr'ortz t ; people, of el her !Mx,
70'17.:E old, Mftt3 ricne; ticrk for'as in
thee: 131,- , : o mc=ents, the time, thrmitt anything
else. 7 - msic - ziare free. Ad.d.resa atlitaer.. Ce.,
Per..acl. Us:Me. 7.872-Ir.
X 1 7-1 S vsr:4ll7e 174"
• c 4.1. e AA, • ,, ,c4•••• , 1• , , , ,, ,1 0,14 p
• 7... :?!;.* * .ith,
. 7:7 1-7%.77• 7' 4 77 7 7 Pi .. .Fa " ; 57.
Opposite Cono.routio. :salt attracted Ilt",..xnt
pain. art:ncial inserted en short, notice, al rid:aced
prices. ..:eaorraton cf the natural s speciality. Call
p.t,4, c specimens. Weilshorn, Sept, IT,
Executor's .7rotiefs.
T BITERS Testzmer_tati on the reatto of Zell
1.4 Gataa of Su ll ivan towna ll i% TIOST , cctintY.
deeezaed, kaving bees 'mated to e 9 'andel - lip:tad by
Lt.a P.salster Of =ea ocanty all yereota I.r.debted. to
1t ro tate are rag:tooted to make payment, awl i1i059
Itsvitg claims agabast gala estate vat gresept,th.e aatas
to a4-at wscattence in raid- totr=tltp, for isettle.
rzor.t.'• . J. fit. 3ZOLLY,
Eollivart. Ps.. Deo. 24 4 1972.417.*
• Sdnzinistrator's Xotic' (3.
T 2:71:45 of Adzoinistraeon Of the estate of Goo.
3,1 Ml:Weer late of Thga township, Tiook
Daunt; Pa., deoestied. baring been granted to tha
undersigned by:the. I:Wester of Toga =Mtn eli Der'
eons indebted to said estate are requeeted to make
Playment: and those baling dams against said osteto
rall•prossat tine en* to Ibis nnitterldjined Pa.
D. u. 833.1 4 . a.
W., . Dm* 111711.00v.*
WHOLES4E=D4ff '. : 13 - TORE:_ PBEthl:s7"
purls- Ditirms• =ls, KEITH'S CONOMITRAMID ,
WiTiLNETT* cocoArsr. pi . ..Avow - NG EX
peTzsier uu:Drenir.e., ItoonEsnai PERPD ,
" Li
' Dow' GI, Ass, . WHITrArASE
rxeirum EltOF,
tlvid wlittlroeale Pric•et'A. BAYer 7 i are rtalctleVad
ealrend get garyts.titla t.atore goiuly IhrthAr.....r.et,
,fait. I. 1872
i l fil
' . .p..J ..' ',.,..,. Y, . ''
0 4 .
, ,
A ZECOB Afiztamattgin, .co23l ars ssilirg goat; et es.
'Bogs. Oct. vs. 18714
Farnitare and Undertaking.
d. Fi OLEX.
LJ A ai:l7; o t n ... e ga b o i r'. attLa" the °.""44
bo fctinti La Northam ,Nnury vaits. cottgettng ol
1301%.% COI:7=SI4.T4TrateTETZ2I,
" 7,1 4.R"1T:' Ara MCA 'ZCI? OM= TABLES,
T1T.... C. a; o. of ea 02:11=011 good' 'scatty itwad to
ft 4 ,pttb.:l42=X:lt. ibtriirgools4 We , 3.11.-se.
17. thst.: own rurttaletare, nab astisesotlca to girCh
t , " c2.7z1.17 szul xicos ? "asic raEl tbs
tlre - trzet ccpv2t.: sprtlis tut Mall alte, itaita2
41 4 r h. 9.3 0:7. L"' trial fs: /7 Timm and gbe
~ z.nivrnuf . : Qua'
is *mined ell atzee of the /y..s:elr: - . *lax. 8
and tgzutful style, of thgother with haw
4 b.12.44 of fc.FTeb3nhorae mannltv re
c?. with titta•
singe=tab. They make undezte'ldng a spec.
lelity in they; blast:tees, a . I.Z any neodlng thou sernode
111 be attended to promptly, eta' at ensfect!".lry char.
gee. Odd Frz - stlrse =41.1„ and Tr.--hte
all =de dons vrttbsszthees r a dispatch.
Jec. 10, 15,712.
To •• - smcs rr W 2 Covcrins j —Zzist4, - coaclnded :bat
Tam eattled to a iittZe rev: alter nearly yes:s close
appliet"—=; 4 42 bradness, i fa se passed over the rttrni.
two Imaniase to uthe Bora" as pr abose.edvertfee.
runt, s_ld take this meta of taking thtun the
same libmsl patronage es bas been txfzincied to me.-
1 , 13 , bra save be rocr.d at the old place for esti e men_ t
• at: I% 1882. " T. vAli E.ORN
A c V am', emaDretit,'AlSTMC ' GS, AI4D E TBa.
which I 1-411 well Ter: cheep FOR cam 11
fact, the beet assortiteat of Goods ever brought
Wellsbu rg o f vulvas wise.' Please cell ar,d. Icisl
them *Ver.
MO tbig Suite, Overcoats, tutd. !topsides' doze vit . b
alszottch sodas aezp se the ohespest -
Jan. 1 lEff2.4 y. G
4,34 Ice tht.. "Ewe" al' 15_erindegaban
beslbliAaa at A. Et. Emlawa's end nap aelattast•
` 4 2117 911014. 8 ! Walkbact, t Te4t,
Opkt N N ,
N .- 0
Unfoie ylne went tc cw tr ot
a:M 4V>"
Van Born & Chandler,
(Buooeasorn to B. T. Van Horn)
V'over, Wire Mattrass
Coifi7;, 1;!oo7n,
'EC ZOB.ti CZA>.-7,X27t.
MY ?ffiJi\OERS
Circiactr, Ga,n . g and Mu/ley Si,
Tanneries, Shafting', Gear
every - description in I
L'ort.£ug. Sugust 2d 1 812,
M 1 (Eil
4 9 1
-Y.. g. 41 J. fo.„.
~i ~
Goodsk6r the Winter T
oogme- rtABA,DII.i,
And propoze to offer to — onr 0111t0Men
any rope& by any other Erna in our lin,
So. all ads, before you make your parobailos. Is to give
it is volley to !gave your moot'.
'BE ELL SDO.E 0 3 . . .
"Women and
Thai egI7FIV hoe roe= to show the bolgoos.
=Au arm= a otala. Q Ito* in MY LArgal,
Qmott 114111 $4l . thaAtitlit . AO' .Wairou noverass
Lefal for nue pi bestolsl4.l4pab Ws_ by the gooll
auto WWI AEI awn lagis vow ba tliKy de •
Gc . 1114131, Sl it al,
1 - 1 . .
0.1 . ” *. A 511 Cr Ell n r f 2. 16
f .ti•
jo-iisciifn ynC ali :dada repervl .tccvAr
oego i03;90 v. 7 call attontlon to his Now sod EIVIII9I
iho nuient
Whio.b. enables him to offer meter trargalas then os—
immense stook
Ottoman , Thibet, Brodie
Mattels of all denctiptions, Woolen Sc
L. complete - 71 th latent °Viet; end fabric!, embracing
Intro, Proanb. :Wins, Llapauts,
Fringe!, Latea. end P.ibbone
rjr , TT ,- 7,177 . 17 , 0 - pvißc" , '
<rill bo fiard"eV atimet; air if inolvitts many
Mtge, 0 ve ll Caoths in all -413tts,
E gEtE 4 SINLM aT 4 F
Mambas an immense Sixes o!.' Kim's, Y
. 1-2.4125 - 025 ..A.Tli.
all elm =4l •
Its lattst isi*KOXI 464 anapest crtoOk
= In= t• %,
plblio- rsd2ec..:—,lsP fltilto to cell sad
Oct. 22, 1872-tf-
A. 6.)
vfl ; 4 !) A:7 LATI) IiT
VAR Lt CF. 113 72X18, s=llo
"Vir ' 1
9 57 . 1- or um
Q-C4l t(;.O,,T•A.
Staple and zit-,zk,-7
:,WMACTr.ITt's7. 3
Boats =II ShOes st greatly
I:l4ieux 4111 q 0, 1
aeG 1.,z
'CU!o=.lfo aor itgre'
rt3sß. TIELRMAN 3
F) 4 , 4 t - ;
iv Mills, - filaoh,inery
'74 'and - dfcr,stings
on, and, Bra4Y.9-_,'
ord, nL reeay.="7.lv vg/33:-.M.
t1;00 . 1 s.
1 -
e Stook oe .ILerthfitlLlllSe, bought elnas
heretofore offered In Ude market. An
nd Paisle* C;hawls,
rfe, Nublee, Bleakete, eta.
1 ~„....._g
.- E.,.... , Ampt.4.7.7,v-.;a:74,ent
CAchmere D'Ecooesc, Emprena Poplin's,
. • atac, c. full li ng or 7..71.3../m.b.,Ta,
Id svcry variety, ,
1- 3 ATV. 'frac . 7 4 .7 rn
11 I:.+,
tow ad deramblo 'styles of CraTeo,
wane, lie 3 s, etc.
, utbJs' cr.O. Boys' Clotb:Asr
C.A.l;'°' -5:-,
qz. , .1p
t.-crabla to si.crty Goods.
e Thablie.
,ntt .
St - girl(' V\
k: si•-•
o.de with the firm
.a !TR ;74.;
Off 470ITSZSI.,
etr9qk thbt tSF...D.Rot bs lase:t in
i s e. call, and and uttuz couvinna you whaze
n 8r0..,
_ ~ENI .
r J
r ~~~~^
r"r171 1 ".1
~~ ~~~~
noUne lame bandlee tell be ex ebenW 0* 8
in all DEPearSZSS7B especially
I • :44.1L tu#3:- rzi
~'~~~~ s
I ,i r '
l' '
I . t".l*7 LAppar. the tieew Mirk*
'Eate or .
Tiega =lseq- wa a mato
I t with and satitaotioti
lAt e . .... 0 ft.t.tr.)tcl OM Manner tii'liiints ..,-Tr• ,_ t
, j'fr,•'J,djitilk'
• 01: ' , . ' %. ,, ,,,* l - 0 , 0 7
Xi v, iv. ....) o 'l
:• .', : ', l '. " .* ..n —-'-1r ' -' 1 k0,,7 - ' 4
~,„ _,,,,,,, •1 4 "ViA•t'',s:::iille:-: --- 'i
..,, r• ;%.1 . , id ~ ':.isPlik.- : : • ,
. P .:;-' N' ...„ 1I • ' M - -. l 4',Wit .-- ) :1 -
i 4 / '• , 'Ct 4iil '4",:,:-',,,,, +! , . - -.;.•
r ' 17.-..' . .'.. kt:',:s., ,‘.•:"",-;.;,. •0 ,
. .
...,, , ,,,,,, i , ,p, F , , i 4,, • ,
.. ,7 - - 1 ,-.., 'L.
~. , , ,...; _ i f ,
••• , .., :z oh : •,, • 6 `....2'4 ,- ,: , .'21 . 41 , t'. ,: '
1; ^. • ,_-___,..„,,„_ii
1 / I .l\
Thla ituArarnent is oF 2 e,...inay dce,-,nea for thoper.
.c , e t r.pr.aiva LIGr. cf ~.
1 7 E:4N 6!th P. II tl j.) Y r
It is t ouly fnrrn of ir.ttrona , nt yot
Tlilch thud, raw...scale Cita he ea,ll Loa hi;.•, : 7 :R d
ufeceg tic all pnrta the athict , . , l ts ,
aagoa, the eh . - rcbtra or CP. v itica 'co • -i.„
tlievawith, fo Y. - well pores and ttlecrl ;root:owl
and ftc>u wkiki: the catarrhal dischua go go:Jo:x.11y
protoos, 'went of fr, qatfeg catarrh
heretofore lina arisen frier. y from the Impaauthility
ui aN.tying rot:lattice to ILtr.f3 o.wittea Andel:awl:era
by Any of the et dltscry niethedu. Tate obi:trio:a in
the Yiity of shooting cares le entirely oyyrcoule by
the, invention of the Boa •In using tine inntru•
meat, the ;WA la tailed its own weit-ht (eo snuß,
forrloyT or, pumping' being recuiree ti
r ) t: dine neAril irk a
fall k.iat.y f“)viLug etrot-is to tee hugletit Portion of
the Tll5O. - pwicapa, pitete to unit thoroughly
eicantea all the taboo tat chi:mbar,: tli - .llt2i.)te,tl thy ro•
with, and glows out of IT:03 opposike nostril. Its tio.l La
pleanant and ou aluars'.e, that Is gititia coo hi nu ,, ,le - .P.nd
/Pull and txpaat dirr:etirrne snob
instrument. Whon naad. 'with Vida t, Dr.
Begat: clatarrh lternetly curet: means
"C• 014 lrt T. 114:, , d , r by t'asr-e[•pI:A....IVII. -
1 4 )ariptouts of Cietztri Preq.va,t
dischArao faLlir.k , into thrOa sora, tyrir a --pi efizao,
*rtatory, thick :oleos, Totre.lsint 4,-, In
others n drynesa r oiry,Nrat,:ry, tt or al lier- -, oa eye o,
stopping up ur obutrOctina. of n•tse.i zing.
Lag In earn, deafnen• , , h•lwhina arlil•t9t-gtor:;_: t riser
throat, ulcer:alone, rte.l.},:i from taco; e, 3.-etoo Witomd,
natal twona, offetoiv-i th, oe, ur total e
plvatlon of nonso Dien.
'tal depreastnr., p,cc ••t r ; , r ~ trifl.yeztt9ll,6? - ilnirtv.".l
toncils, tleklu.47 .e Crnty- ^ f,,,s
eymptrocv arc , t; b , ) ce^..-1 at
one Won,
-13 - r. Pc. . Ith
Dr.' Plorpoc ;; a ~z „ 1 •
with the conettir.t.tur:irit cis-•;, t.
mewled In the - pron).10.•:.), apc •1. . •01
the Itemedy, 1/3 a peifeca.tipe,. , ,inr. t 0,,
&cease, and the trropi:ie. , ,r cusp,, sl3ol4 Ir6ward for P• .
itentedy Is mild Ind p10ac,...r., tt• ,:-.• „ , • „
strong . or CalitatlO drug;
Remedy ill Boa a t I.:v r • • „' •
all negro late. or either will Lc
tor on receipt of GO rents:
June 26, 1872, Itov-1y
Successors to .i3ar \ ger. •
' Dei.lero to
11 gni riTii IMIT;)
g• 17j ,V '7 • s
abur...elataoe, and t‘ccelL.
cordtet.7 invite txr can ant:: :hr:ugh
o¢rtame stool; as vie are sonfag 5... t low eqUlcell A .
1ra7.^;.1.).C.:. re:117o
v.u:stant l 7 Lo= rho oity _moo trc,7 avec:tram!: fr.X.
c.uk. compiptc.
TOLE% 13.0=5T.07.0 F CO:.:
L.7 2 '1 7 4. 71 =7'
AVVIL, - 7•o - 41.6, .c my 'hLl fr:ozna that
G :Z
. Esrraca E.210p i 3 c.:. , nr,tiatl7 etc.-2:a•E
1 - 7e6. vv anci Feriesses,.
made in a anbatsustalramnez, c"ad o!retyyl et p!...tem
thet er.nr.otttil to snit. •
7.r..0 best vorer. n=pliapad, End nano but the, bast
mete:lel used.
ner.e.ring done on sb.cr•t .not Sta, and to the beet tarn
ner. Call end 5.. , )e,
;sal'. 1, 1872-17. ' • (1.7(;; "77. •ept,rs,7
New' -' ' S 9
• t -
'F't toza2raLSTaVi has orzsd. a ?ATMit: '11."C) .O =DIA
Z.llWat hls cabin:3f bl2l2.air<3, V;..F..in Bt3l,
Zest') 'Veg.= nhoz., frz ralt
-77 7 • -
•- c.c.
( int'sc.; ,* - " •
LOW4OOB, :67;;:te72,91,071?,
oti%,e7 Ta,iNes,
end many otb..Fr tuttr., sc!.A.
the hrxebt. Lie in - r!ter: to; tt gocc,:e
awneteber the ~, 3 :otec., . —eppeette .1 1 artre IVP.POP. :332!"J
o , t-r,
....r-gr* thontmucli.: to ?hit •
medicine, rater extauutiug their Turrqn "patience
SLt eemeh of liealtti.
of the head, ilnllzieu,k of the z.c.intri, fetid
breath, cceted.l torrie, less cf sprietitA, ',sine awl
weakness in tiao stomach, otilarfrotne:it of the liver,
Tellowm.ze 2f the ell)", ccw,ttrt J‘Yv c-a,lil - trzt with
a total ilterelleli for be4i.liees, plosc,n.re, or l.:1 rind cf
employment.le.ANACE..l, If taken and
percave.red Ir.ler.r a Low will retairze this whole
(ganef sr:opium. The 31111 , .1.3 of the holy became
pure, the mind clear, the stotaaeh etzengtheneti, the
tongue clean, the appetite aria. the whole
systein so bone,fitted that dizel , es, in bail weather, is
lops liable to act yen.
R ~aif T,. P. FAHRNRY'S
Blood Cleanser or Panneel.
ss a Inediema tor claticiron, Luc kallit3ell IS, In every
wan enlimlatrcl to trio
of drugs which aro annulillv sold for tie. Darren°,
er4 wb..1411 - ore vel y injar l / 2 1,--. A
possee,uau the Qua;:t;e3 of a eatlu.:ti 'yell at a mild
alterative, and is capr:blo rf : , rr, - .-71nEt itlaet:.ae
witZout the ler.et IztAry to the chilli, ix t incalculable
vahie to , :very 'very etre°.
eve, yet it *eel not, if oz.; que.ttheec,
cause naueca ordlstroaa 1 ?11,, 9,to:n - .....2 bow
rm ale.—
dt Ss Kcry picaet tte t o.
:rut feature- s rrao.tnt
iv: of ettautr.,... It /6 11OFT.:::i:CY'..,Z11 - .2,.. ..'. rots eirEctly
tap= trze s.s.F,rs , ttvo arrrrn Sare.c . -
u.loue eie•:rsea it f.. ,::e tot: •
2 , 1‘.1*
cflent.:l to aocl a'• c Tr'sr.
C" -, W 1 :3 1 7 t:11OBO 4171 t": to
c.ret ba Cw tt:r<j:? -.Z..
;:-,•,„ rc '7;a:ramcon,
a" nßyl~z :: - ..r1 .7„%r. .:11.Dcerbora
v 379 •
NSMIT • -en
e 4. 4 t
4,1 s w 3.t.?
=ATM'S e-atto& a trot-d Ala etcco
o:),nostte. 71702., 1+.7.r.12 E'er;: 7E43:320t,V.:0,1 i?2:7l.te f.:".•2:7415 er.a
oral to eq79 t 110221 s ota. Ti:l3 gtlg=t,-D fattliara'aZ
_Y.+ti - a y .a~ai.~
:=TTLEB. I 610Vra DZSAWA - ..BZ;AnS,
....A.a7.74171•71:1 ZW..Z . NATSZE:
20v7E115, 44:1.
giza etuicai iy9 41' Geolz, escar..l. » z.•=a tba
avvzirz, at the b.whelt meh TA-Lms.
May asa tile ants for
ADA 1 - Trq R AC.?.,!! 'yNOVAL, 30BSZ 7" - OB.Z,
7. G. Elm LVIZ Ito=s.
eta Waeint EbottaNiti,
Xt. V.
L. sTicarrsi, doe: t.
!TT-7 1 7 - rh7 1 . 7 7 1- ? •
t.i Cf.
0 ~,,,,G 1 ,1T0pti......,,..- ,
, IIX ,-,..-%. -1
,; ::",11,-,,,3 1
' VO# Iliti tk, „Wg ii 5 ,
t,; v
_ I_:X:.ii.:ti:l 4 ii i;e
loccN3:1:--. 14"V'''-'tt: i.
'';,/-' ,i\.,,_-.17.,.7 .;,'"
.44.. t., •,.44•,.. ,Its, 4 , 44, Iv ,
',4y), -,.
'', ,i:',...>) i; . ' '' c:: ',
. ,
„,,,,A 4,,7',./ii-_,-;?:1\ , .• , -::
,::' .• 41.!.-kF4,4, " '.:,-*.:, - 1.- -
714: ,;•:d...?-,:',Ii::1\i'Ifi.1,',.???;:;i:;*:`:"':-.1;,
7 ,
/4i:?" el' /r/..';?,..::,',\\\-,,:;,,,,
4 • ./' sc-.1.-nf...,"'-..:1:_ .:,
,' -/ 7- - -";, :-..- ...r ~ ... " .
v " " ' ''''''',' " '',...• ‘, 1.41; 4 i * I :"-- ". .4. V
:Si VAe. i• •
••••• A .
• Vinegar nittera t:oz Falk/
made of Ponr Rum,' Whiskey, Woof Spirits and
Ligam's, mr:,..;:tent , l to p!t:
_o,lllo Appstitert," "
. , ,
&c., tlir.t lead :b.: tiyrter tni to tiramconno-.1. -n,
but .0.... a trm: . . , ..i . nr....,eme, med.:: f, oat the :Mtn.,
nnd r:I.A hs of t,alifornia, ft or from All Ale , ,itrAi , Slmi
They a:e 1,:o Groat
.Purilicr roil a Lit,
Priviciol%.n Perfect Renovator and lovi:.:.'m ator
Syatc, carrying off all poisonous matter and red
the bkv3d to t"! dealt.. y Cf.ll'e."tiOil, estiCilii' , " it,' 5 . 1.1
and invigorating both mind and body. I'll+7 - n1
of administration, prompt in their action,ceretin i'
rost , l - tz, say_ atvi rol:,-.111c in c.ll forma of e:: , ,)ic.
zre Pf:r....r...ez, c - .l:a trilto tinez,n Llit.t.tivo : ccord
izT. to dinc.,o/.3, :.:d remain long nal:le - 11 e Itrovideid
their bonne are not destroyed by mit.tral pr:;:rro croilitr
nicarie, and the vital Oi:e•5115 wasted beyond the vof t
.z. , f rtrnir. . ..
I2rylsait!,n)l , . EE'r• Ittell , pcont.to”, ldeac'i±bt , Pa rt
r /
....._ .....43.410?,.....,... ..437Lb , _
in theSim:oam, Cok:l;lls,Tightnees team lie• t, Ditl
ciness, Sour Ei uetatioca of the Stomach,
.Ba Twice
,in the Mouth, Bilious Attache, Palpitation of the
Netni, Iq - lainniaticri of the Lungs, Pain in the re, elms of
, the. r.,:dr,vv:. and a — hundred other painful I ; sy piorw,
tire tile offspriims of Dyspepsia. In these co' plaints'
, it ben no equal, and one bottle will.preve a t r,guarm
antes of its merits than a lengthy advertiser t _
Vor Vottst49 Contsplafesto, m young
=flied or single, at the dawn of womanbOodi
turn of life these Tonic Bitters .display so ilecs
influence that n marked improvement is no
, tible. . • . . .
' For istilimminatory madLehroult lion.
Mattzica mid Goot.ttyspepala or Indigesti ti, Moto,
Remittent and Intermittent Fetiall, Diser te3 of the
Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, those Litt rs have
been most' loccefiArol. Such ;Diseases tro ca sed by
Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced hy trange
ment of the Digestive Organs. 1 .
' 'Pr.;‹ , ..7.7 ttrc. it tlottilo 1 0 m•gativo a 9111 WS
EtTOSIte, possessing riles the peculiar met ,acting
as- ert
powerful ~ ent in' relieving Congestion or Inflam—
mation of the Liver and Visceral Organs,,an i Bilious
Diseases. . .
3'nr Bis.tts ,Discittes, Eruptions, T tt-r, Salt
, Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples/ Pustules)B•ds, Car.
huncles, Ring-Worms
. . - 3eald-ifead, sore li_ly•ct Ery
sipelas., Itch, Sculls, Eitscolorations of the Skin, umors
and Diseases of the Skin; of whatever nanae. o
Are literally dug up and carried out of the ay em in a
alma limo by the use,of *these Bitters. Ohe the is
such cases will convince the most increchalets of their,
curative effects.
Clttainno Cho Iflttated - 3211001l when v cr
. .you
find its impurities bursting through the shin in Inplea,
Eruptiot,s, or Sores; cleanse it when you fit ti it ob. ,
strutted and tittnishin the veins; (lemma it hen it is
foul ; your feelings will tell you When. Keep tro blood
pure, and the health of the system will follow.
Grat4ful thoutaanclsi proclaim Vtstr.G to Sir
'Sass the most Invigorant that ever uatained
the sinking system. -
Pin, Tape, rind other'Worrna,! It
the systetn of so many thousands, are ef fect
stroyed and removed. Says 'a distitagmsicd)
°gift: There is scarcely an Individual upon the •
earth whose body in exempt front the pretence c
It is not upon the healthy elements of the '
worms exist, but upon the diseased hurbors
deposits that breed these living monsters o'
No system of Medicine, no vertnifuges, no a
itics, will flee the system from worms like I
:- Yrienhaniont Mson.nos. "'mons 'ergagid in
Paints-and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Tyis‘settarN
Gold-beaters, and Milers, as they advance t x life, will
bo subiect to paralysis of the Bowels. To gua -d against
this to he a dose of VirAmcma's VINEGAR /31 1 T — rpts once
or twice a week. as a Preventive.
.131.11-arm, Lionxilittcrat;tifla Istotti:rtltteest
r'eveir.e, which are co prevalent in the vall ys of our
great ,rivers throughout the United States specially
those of the Mississippi Ohio, Missouri 11l Ole Ten
nessee, Cumberland, Arltansaa. Red, Cof l l erao, Vraros,
Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savant alt, Roan
oke, James, and many others, with their va t tributa
ries, throughout our entire country Curing the Summer
and Autumn, and remarkably so during ;patens of
unusual heat turd dryness, are invariably acsonmanied
by extensive derangements of the storarch nu: 'liver, and
other abdominal visecre. There are ahvays more or less
ObattoCtio.as of tile liver, a wealtnees and irritable state
of the stomach, and great torpor of the isCrrt,"dis, being
clogged up with vitiated accumulations. Id heir treat
ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful 'fog Shea upon
these various organs, is essentially necessa There is
rtO cathartic for the purpose equal to Dit..j. ry
pmome 13x7rnax, vis they will speedily, • rove the
dark-colored viscid matter with which the 4wels era
loaded, at the same time stimulating the s ere:ions of
the liver, and generally restoring rite beatsfunction's
of the digestive organs.
Gera:Fre:n. l
as latterr, 9 3 nvf.:, Whit ,wellings,
Ulcers, Egstpelas, Swelled Neel:, Goiter, Se:ofulottS
Inflammations, Indolent Inflanunations,.M retinal Af.
feetiens, ok' Sorer, 'Er:Tiler's of the Sain, Sore Eyes,
etc., ere. In these, r.s in all other constitt.tional .Dis.
oases, VlALlCuat's ViiIIIGAP.IIII-rnas have shown their
great curative powers in the most obstinate and intract
able cases.
ll.l'r. Wer.%osonen.7.:":..s=rt..fo.',7f,mors ofrlite.tOrt3
act On all these.cases lit a similar manner. By purirying
the Blood they , remove the cause, and b./ram:11:n: away
the erects of me inflammation (the tubercular deposit;)
the afreeted parts receive hea:th, and a triii•nr.uent cure
is effected. 1 ,1' ,
Titao p=orm.rnos Of DR. WALK?. - Nrtftttenn
Thrrrarts: are Aperient, Int•poretic and arminative,
Nutritious, Laxative, D:tiretic, Sedative, • ounter../rri•
tant, - Sudo:int:, Alterative, and Anti-Bilious.
Tb.o Aporloest and mild Laxative properties of
Da. IV/mita:l'S V/NaCatt Erre.rms are the hest safe.
guard in all cases of eruptions And malignant fevers,
their balsamic, healior:, and soothing properties pmtect
th• 1,,,,,,,, t ,,,,r 01.. e---- .....”...-i. 0...t....1. v p.,ogerilee
allay pain in the nervous systern, stomach, anti bowels,
cieher frominflainnlat:en, stint, colic, c:otri ‘ m, etc.
Their Counter-Irritant influence extends throughout
tile system. Their DM:stio pronert:es act on 'the Kid
ney', correcting and regulating the flow of urine. Their
Anti•Bilions properties stimulate the liver, in the seere.
!ion of bile, and its discharges through the biliery eluszts,
and are superior to nil remedial agents, for the cure ot
Bilious re'rer, rarer and
the tigne,
te.t. eta
E'e .
r. +Lis's? reot - .;.7 c...,-,a1.....c":"..5te:10 by p; r'•
r F . iti z all its fluids' with Varacart BIT-raise. Igo eta!:
t : ernic can take hold of a system thus forearmed. The'
Itver, the otomach, the bores, the kidneys, and tho
nerves are rendered dire-r. , :rocf by this great ittviv
Dlrent!c:l3.....Ta!te of the Bitters oa gong to bed
at uight from a h-df to ono and one-half wine.glassfull.
.at good nourishing food, such as beef steak, mutton
crop, venison, roast beef, and egetab:e: , , End tZka
out-door exercise. They are composed of purely vcgct•
able ingredients, and contain no spirit
I.WALKER, Prop'r. ZZoLIiar.T.ILT.ta,CCe 7 - .
4..ruzsdstz.. and Gen. Ages., San .I , 'rencisco,
cor. of Wat:tington and Charlton See :, it e:7 York.
51i.4 °'- • . ,
•':>;; 1 / 4 , 1 ,
1 :
712:11,7 .Frig -
,10 P -Al ,'"?. `-1 • t
....;-,z , , 41.,? . . A,..4, p,:-.),
W• . ,‘ , A:10:0e
~ „ q .,,,,,, , -.„ C:737-77V._'• st:3
t o*
1 4. A ; -• • _ -7 -. ~._..., - ,...,- , -..-t...L1 e,..2
, , j,..• .'s -v• -:,...
k tr „, j 4 ,,.# •
4 r, •,' i .
kt-A ~..:-..
" t. 1 .,,,
. 1 . .- 4 ) . '
5e5. 4 2:1C0 4 55 4 h./ZCIT. , i,i2 Con tJ.ptlou,Core„EttttngoY
rlc-od, "Luf,aninartliin of ;ha
7 " - LoorAng Coupe. AStb- 4 12,
.re inn in ar..:. - s?.1:
1.14Zdf19”, •
Loss. of przilt 3, Fever and Ave,
Zaftig? ticn, L tvL.4 Co - iarklut,
r.y.ar/ tj '11??::::::le^ of tiv, a a. •
2iointiqh krldLiTer.
j;l. 7 :+ 4 z t1:+ % ",1 4-•k 2
1 7 ,eholaso.,IP:
$:7:4 dtginti; e,r4 to - ,7llcza all ez:d.er.t. , should 'es tee—dzecE
ai,l;7-13 , 4
Y ..' . •
71 , frze3 3' =go Stow
t!- - ) : = 2'..,.(10. • 09, 10 4. ca VEZ
=• s •
• ,1+
cm% very c:^ 5r:7.
07):3 T $:17:1T
Or , : f 1.1 71 -7 nT, 7. 4..ast,
er.l. la Ms;
VL.g. in
ay.:" LI ea•ett. .•
den. 1.
•": ' 7'l
.1 Z.' 7:1c , . , L t,:.
'l7 r..r.e.'4:l3:7_:ed is so-1 to execute ea
iL • C.ers Zo:-..zo .tones cat;
1tC47.10.71 Va l Bi'litigin Jrarble
or t`.:4 71A ,•• 11:ovvi
sp'4via; - -----
Eto Le ys coz.k.stzmt:7l.. cf Mtecle
ez :rl.ll stle to raft EZ - c.-1 - .0_2m.:17 1 - 1:74*.T 1::tn r;,;.the!: ordem, czt :ea wags! ter:2-4c rio-ca:Lb,s
S 9d
iA tt: cotzutr.7,
7:747 F..
0,12.1.1 M.
'Z 7 'osml for
rtt artbsoriber offers for ccle Ma. fa= aftz.cto-7, fr.
27e:eou Tovrzylrip, ocr.f.tirt.t.g 109 noreo ; •ED irz
pro Ted t turr.:;:a ; ;reared
and fenced; c good etr.to cf ; gaol frarie
ho zeTs ana owtbr,Ld_in;:s; throe good brros ; e 3 or
charO. or •:Q11:!3, f.o.z a cugar:Subh of
about teat. The farm 13 cr.o..ts, 1f f.fcra tha
Tillage of lie son, its atoms, elope, nu , ' chureb.?a.
2 co=m tala-rtt:i caB-tiv - a if .xauto , d "Tho
Tope:A? 'will be acad. cher.4, .0r.e.1 - tlf cubi t
pre balattoo 011 timp. 'Fostoksle:: 370.1 -be. g#er. IT,
*07 1 09 0 t Ify IN*
~_ ,
, OZI 1 1 ,-Xll.oFlii II
? I, O I D
flAuwArs EADi
'CU/US 'TiIt;IIVOR , S.T I.' A )
In from aria to i tivvency 1 - 6? - . 4..•;,...,.
, 1101* ticiF.' 1.10t41:: ' , . .
after reading tbixodYatiV.‘ , K a t 1, (V nn-,- ~I,
\III.DWATI3 Ii.CAITA , ci ad F.F` I,tl A Cr, Ist ro;: ?.
Evrrif Ivor..
' - - ' it viaa t'r, 1:1 et: :Ina i' , • -
_.. The i.^:y Valn Ft el;ta.e-11 s,-
Mutt luelently,atop the /nod •+•xc•ve.roiJ4- 14,1 , 4, : c l vi
Lallazonuttiora, and attrco 1(7,3.pg: , +. 101, , , ...• •:,.:Gr - •„I , 1 t,,,
uoge, Stomnch, Nowohl, iir oi/1-..e ,F,Jra -.14 i.; cr )0 .„,,,,, ~„
014 ;4111E:at/OKI, • ..
IN FllOll 0 - 1.71+1 TO, TlVtl,;iT. II ilit,-ry,..1 .
no matter how violent. or exeruclaillig t?.., p., • th '
Rlll.lll4lTlo,l3ett.ridden, itqam, Lfripp, , ,.!, .:: ,
liotualgic, or proelvtted With till , : mo rx,..sehotn, 4 "
RADWAY'S AriADY'. rzr• - t_:r.......
WILL Arrouri 'INSTANT PA: :-.....
nsTrLtatztApoN or , qt . p.r-.1 , Rip,Nrm,
IN FLAI,IIIA'N 21- ON 'PUY, 11.4 1. , '; , :: ..
- L acrLA.z.r.m..ialoy cl` T/It: .;19Wk1.0.
CONOICS rlOzv 01. TUT: I..'^ E.;'...
sor.r. TIIIIOAT, DI aTiCULT DitEATI,4% ,, .
IALPITAT/0.1 CV TitEi li i..lit', .
' 1 %Y4 Kant /ZIFIATENZ.i.
NP..Pyi..r/TA,- IVIIII.I
U t.. ..74.;,17;1.:1- .
COLD elnits, AG Cr ICI: LI:
Thu tqu.plicutlon ortho rtr., - .1.:. -, ra3Lief WV:4 p, , rt„ cr
part e where the pain or 44t.G..y. lty•ca....sla Ml'd .t.'",:.1 n.,,i
and eerafort. l -,
• Twenty d. ,
basil' a tam?.-is of uttxtr 4 . 11! frt r. p k ,,
moments core CltAli (3, kir,3s/45,4111R STII3L3:AT
ITEATBIIIIIII, SIC .11..hp.e.t; :,,,.12 . .1.V....,-ti ~ -,
i b
IYYSFITW, COL , 1' 7 2-c- , D J. 1 4. 44 - 4 ', ~...''''. 2l4,
Travelers oneol4 away 4 curry a bottler , : 12.11;,4a1,3, , t,
Feadtt Ulf with !Imp A, f,3,,, d,f,. , -, h, -,,z, ~ 1 '
. - Van!. stc . i.cC ICr pel,o_ ~r.,5., -n e. , z. , ,,,: ^... *;,..t: . 1: 1 4
..I.t.r than Ft "nth In:tidy( • r Ltrttery t, ;0, :,, ;,;,tr,,,-,„ •.
--- - 1 1 .,WVEra .45.Z.ZD I; *l - 477..."2:.'
rEvER Af/D.ACATE (trod for 11 , t, .1,,t - r.••. 'i
not a remedial egent in tll s,world t' ...! •.:-.1. 5...-.,- I ,:. ':
a-td Atm, rzid nu otlie:.! -..1,. ,ral 4, 6, itl..yi •:;.:-Q . „,,: r„, "i
Viatrg`T t i , 7 4 ',.(4tiiriNigN4di...q--...,2)'4 4 17';' , ."'" , 1
..:1-fty cents pg,r'nott.e. e01d ' hiaz , :... ,,,,, ,t5: ' .....
' 7_,
1- 4.4----
a ran gm , -,,, t " F. cm •-• r ‘,---, ,
h Yr t i L i il i t e4 lo/ 1. d 1 i
- 4 144 .i. • to ' 4, '
ETF-o.liB /MD r ti e r _ 1 1, 4 2.00. 1 7. 1 4.z..,:::
0 4 .. ILESIL,ALL 1 E 11— (r..).P. -„, , S :1 4 , - , ' , .;1
1141.8 75.1%DE THE 1,11757'4 , . , 14iTV4 e PcR7-3.i
e 0 Q ICIE,,lia-L_lt4F,Tp 4.1-.
__ rte t .,..t.+.. a
- 'F
- I , llr --
B D I in'PL W°C q4 2 litp,Vl-ei..,-1 , ...
or aus 0 ..,..v_ F,. ,-.............
-Sfaethactv,T.kta:r ; • .
. fiver ®y •an 'ilito.oeats,:-._lo rieen
• - and Weight i9!tian Ants - Feb..
Ti - 1E ORE N? 131.0_010,•Milrilinxi'i,
Every :drop OttheS.,l7.4. ,, Vil l rLii 'l , ,F,AriL'i
tin corn= nicAtys thronls,, , the , lß ood, ..eat, T ; ; : ,,,,,
. •-eno, Moe LI d ondjuloeti te tne it to thevicor tit LA,
!tn. it rpai. he wastg*Of ne hen_ y w nerAt s ti ,a.u , t , f
material,: aerate, typAtule,..:oll9ll4.phon., „ oduira
Mesas% Wools In the 1,11012, ,11.0 , 1.11,4-LO•saio,... ot,.s L.,
he Wands and-otber-parreof - the S tem, - or' , -, 7, - ;.m.
. tripnene pleettergte, froze tho ene thl Wr,..,t
-_ erroezef .2,dis diteasoo., rtur.thlea,' Sores, 0 , .e.1 , 1
t e
ad, Ring-Wman, El-alt .13,.4 , e. , ...tp,_}.4-y ;elan, „.4.onoth,cut
- rots, -Worrell- fr. the -Fl, Gab; *J - dlerz.; . , Cetiqer,i id , ~;,,
omp.,nr,d all weakeninit 1741 1 , 1 Ztzfri. y ht
rrea,e,-Loss of Bportn: and up We-steno trie we 2,ti.
ple, are vitiate theturatille renzm.o.!...r.ils_Yrooller o. ALM
hrn Chemistry, and A fovr Anye vso-wiJ). prove Am tzy
person using -it for either - of these torkas of disese its
potent power to cure them,_
If the patient; dully bey:ilia* . re4Ace4 by the wester
and deconaposition.that 11 vrerAnna,y.;, wit,
eur.-....,11)0. J'Jf.: ,
coeds la. arresting those wasise, and re s. too eue.
new material made Ann', :hoalthy b 0d—...4.,. 1- this. tha
SARISARA_RELLIAN will and does sivare_
Not only clove the fietArAnxtuzam-- rimear,vmrr 0 , 1
all known remedial agents In Ili e ova
,ot Cln-5,1% 3-4,/ , ,.
loon, Coo =Dual,- and skin OW:43es ; leitlt hate ~ , . .ly
positive Fu for -- ,- 1. - ..-. -,. . I: ... .„. - ~. 1
Kido & TillA r dii. er. etaarDlat.r.ll_ ")
trtinern a d_Vomb diseases, Crawl, Dle•x,t, - -,, , Dv„ , „."
star*usfa of 'water, IneoutiAtenueof Urine fitiKitt'S ft,•
esse,alburninurie, and SA all 0.-. , ..srei 01, ere dro•-e 1,....e 1,-I, ; k.
duet dtlpo3it ,c or the water is
- thick , cloudy, n,hrtd 1,-76
suln,tances ilke the white tf n ~..,- -., pi. thr,tlde iv1t...... , ,,it i
silk. or there t3 - a morbld,.dirk„ - o.boes rtpvcw c, , ar - :nu
. white hone-dna!: depositt, r.r.d when thtsl ts, 0 5::. , .,..:- , .,-
hurtling_ sensation when! p,,s-Ling it.-r, and
~ , osa: -. -„ s
Small of the Beek and ater.i, tl..e - LoLoe, ril..e.e, in.: . -n: • .
WORFeri—Thalcitly. known mud ware ftenety,
.. for Trorm.r— in, Tar,,,t,,pfm3 - - ' , L y - :
• 'romoli of 12 Yeara' -•itlt,c....lrth
Sn the
( l er3,"
ruht r
tC the
ft.t easy
n their
r old,
o , the
Ided an
Feting In
ally de
co of the
f worms.
oly that
nd slimy
Aso Bit-
. _- ... _
Cured by \ltiridus.. - 4 4 8 vael43l3'g::o t, 1
" 1 urcat.vl.',l...cs., SO7 1.9, ESSc.
Dn. Itaomor t--I lam hod 197101.21 ilizic,r In ti... - Y C , :fel =.2/
qw4.. AU tb.S. Do:tors vg."o.r. "AP? Pfr ( t;"' ; vhi I
vary thtz_pc r.Litt, AVES 14001=rtendchintrA rotsl E roiLvi,l rr,... i
v.. your P.ool.reut, sod..tior.gas ; 1.,V11...- p.. i.,i-.1.:i4.=,:r4-1: -
1.. r. it, brrant 1 I 1m..1 325 , 3ra i rci s.'o , , s• Yta: %,' tick_ kfx bortirs
a +. - .,x 'i1.r.:.:1 , ..na, az& aro '..,c o-:-.4.17.A5v,..y 'd r-r ;.-t, c: :.I 1.1 , 0 , tot
ells of your 8..e. -4,-,y 1:taller; i1.r , 1 tituss '.., rtit.ire ,0; ,1..1,. - tiv fx,
esen of Alt, ut,•3 I f...^4.-4Citeis tz , ..1 ,, ,t=t and Li , =la r kle
for t 721c0 years.. Ti o word: tag: , ras In tdda of ..
t01 , ".,0:3, 0 ,, 4r;th., ET:4I. I Via WI to ;o , its Neale d
vthers. - %%Ivan F:WA it fit y 9 claeor. • At
• . - - ,:. -.,.: • ' , ZuktiVt-R.R.;Mile.io2.
Tit - M--A.,.- P",', VRVA,0 3 . k 0. ;r:f-Z•
a ti'vl, 0.;• , '73."- 44, ..4,''11. 'IA..
V- , -....4-0 ' • ti:'; 4,,
r . .'7llrglT p1i,a,1.4 pat Fil€l4,l.
,cr,„,.„,, . tr.: 4 _olE4 .shnr..r.i. 5.., oe;:toi L'-' - i.t...-,, &i.feet -m; m,
Tour4e,_regulzte t varn jti ,tas e. 1 ectil t• •m,, Fh.o.•
t•ny a ISA for the cure of i• 42:,
7 /
tlveri go - iTeht, - IChteesl, 11- 1 .41 .4 , =lSig:§t:
=tube, Conistiontety. - 'Otevetc.os -- -Az t.
ysee:sta., Ftlier-settr".....nef , r;m 7 i:P 1 1; 1 " ,ed -
the Bowels, llon,lnniY Vorangotiontan:t.l.7llorzT . Is-
C=.. Worrtntod to e.,cot I. podltlve care, Purel4 Ne..i...
his, cOntnlnlng nn'snem.try, solo cm!. s t c r C*lill'ori 5
-C.f.i . 'ol.:rzeza the follortir syr.:;:tomd -roz.:11-n .
Dlsoiders of the .I)lgectly,o.atrpsi_
ccc.r,tle,t9o, rairare, .7.1.4. rci.n7 .,. of the Me xt ea IKANI,
5.cr t ...,
Avid:7 of et SiTe-V2 _ 4Cl:l l .._M v • _r e *fialt4.
.F . lltett Ct Wsiedt In. t.'so 13Ior.roIz,_ .: - 4_ , ^nninisi
nortsrlsg ns 9 , 4 Iqi of, ta•o!ritur,s4a~.,840
Herled mod r....-..: , ,. 2.-.4:1 4 1..tt,....:13 et ?me 1 -
...r• r - .7.z0m . .-.2r, oiumv.oDl ': : 477. Io a .;i4Co m o
3v :
Vatos., Do'n or Was Wo:rn I tb. El's*, awl',
titrklivue., 1)52:4.0r1y o.- 7r;_nlyot_l±,. it' it
r..-4, EA' Z 4 , Psi= to et f....., ,,- .i..e, x 4.-::•, .; ~.-4- i
..t f.
•.;,--.: .......:,: z ., I:. tz..... 7:.,h' .•
'"ii . 'ev tels. 3 of P.....EacI'ETP., I , r4,"2.l t. freft the' MA:
to::, from 011.114 r.b4l-tn.q.:4,4,(lll•Aorit, oxi 4 otr.., •
•-- br.7... a -,
A L A' &WA.
r. , ...=;:1..7.6t"7.7 ; 66z. a. cf.),:1:01tic.014.1.% lif-4 , -
gez:r , -;.1),77.4.2*-et r0....ta t..4=.-.4 Wig bo 4
vat fv , ..,..-
~.. :,_ :;•. - ...---2.-..
1 .',:i
7 , 4 w-ff rittiiitt!
D,77 gg ueld, • Kedkilo6 I
- - 4 -71.
I, -.:- • • • 1 •
• 'E ,- nio.f.. or elm—M.4ll).mo ftc •
;71Z.CIZZ 4,.4M.-IVS, GARR&
" 7 4127D,DL., S.;E CI • ' ;
. 7 :2( .7 Dtf?)1 .17. A S. . • CC'Z &VMS
-... zasi=, Ale* Viz . ° 14: „
, ..,_
j. ,..,_ 1.. . - • •
•- i '''' "i .; --... - ;'"i• :• 17 a.r" .2,;> c '
-'2 , ',el!,Crcur, .7.4stortutl, TZ , :t..o . ' 4 Lir; ligizilloeilitta
/4. .A. foil Eascrtr.=..,'.' of ta..'t , .z.V2re.- 4 J i l eo.
oulleut tssoz"=-sat. of , .., •
. STA'..l7.o4srialr;
. 098.DS V= 7.2=lFik
t'.74 bcl;.r. .. .
..: - .
4 :.
. .
~__?•eets.cl",-•, s l**/*
• • ....-. ..., "..."-,A • -- 1 -"% t •-is. .
on 7 . ... ,, 5e:13‘.::' , , -.).m..0 - 4 1- tf.;:1r.r . .1 i Za .. .4.;2•4', Eit te l*
-131.:ft. r!,, , :i70 . 17 , Lri net ini brttOu in itot or
7:•7..;1 4 ;t e t e i i .... c' ' ; l -, Vu..;3 -4. ;74 el ls' 131. 4s ei rouEltli
aii .
Loos &is of I. 7 frm 'Sok& ' I •
L kiiri 7 B. 035ANDEIZZR. 1
of the terses Files, ezd
. . ••
Mar IT....LEIVZ, TOLL:a ROLM M. 79.1013.•
r.,sEX AND
'We iaold tv:6nt7 devira.Kie valao /ate tOCC MI6 1u the
want:re-1 of els tarn/ ; and will alsolala mow
Fealonstalt; rat.ce. • •
Dr. W. W. Webb bike hli albs fa oar atom:
v.-1.1t.r-3 La far eAlvico or t.
Szn Ifa2—tf. • N.A.ETWaiii . & - •
; I 3,Ree.
' .17, 1 .9L'Z1 ..f:57.71 1 ,
% . -1) eI'AS tatS
ftE7 vh:s4 Ls nor tr. WI •
4 R ,
i 71 1 72,4 7 .7 4 7 -
pf?!.R.igg '
f=ett*om tzas.
, TYR i
tr c ' 7.' :' -MY-T.2.g . FlEek,
elcrapr=rly, 01.%1 Az' tr.' o
verlan.:= erzp:77:4, Vati --
Itzr.bst — 4. - i•cozzige ko,
ncrto-z7 lam ths feet
Jen, 1, 1072-tt
t irl :-..:" Z.P T1t ...** ,•. 1,2 Z 1 5 1 73.1 . rt " '
at , r.* go':3 . cr.:..,oe . iratg. 7 .4ith
' Of MA Otkill lit VA i
' 1
e - ,,zzeNt - to `ek.
4 . It..=*air 4 , at VAT
=tKi a jo I I
s: :,1.
84 •
Avaixt : :