Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, January 07, 1873, Image 3

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    rrhe•Truili Omit the i Comity Buildings.
A CARD.—A report having been_ put in
circulation that the County - Commissioners
intend to, erect a new Coda: Rouge, the un
dersigned take this means of assuring
one people of Tioga•county that there is not one
particle of truth in a y such.rtimer. .
:oh the contrary, are now engaged in
repairing tho . old Co we House, and find that
it can be put in good condition lit an expense
of not more than three or four hundred dol
lars. NV hen these repairs are effeCted, which
will be in a few days; the
_building will be
geed for the next generation._ -
The ether countY,buildings are in good re
pair, and are ample to accommodate the pub
lie business of the county:
T. 0. Rome,
E. HART, • ,-
January 10, 1873
Pike's toothache drops cure in 1 minute
Spalding's Ci.lue 4aende broken. toys, Bio
FOB SALE.-A. new-41a cow, by
Jan. 14-2 w. . N. W. Fsza.owa.
One of the places to buy groceries, provis
ions, Sour, •boots . and shoes, crockery, &c.,
htc,, is at Non,Union Block; Corner of Main
Gnd Crafton streets, Wellsboro, Pa.
Also one gbod young horse for sale.
Jan. 14,1878-4t* - L. B. RE/EVOLDB.
50201301 a. - Greatest luxury of modern
times—beautifies and proserves the teeth.
The repulsive breath is rendered- as fragrant
as a rose, and coldness by friends, or in bus 7
mesa, will noA , be no longer notioed. ,
. ,
of the lungs, the throat, and -the bronchial
tubes is Ha/e'a Honey of Horehound and Tar.
Coughs and colds vanish as if by magic I:al
der its soothing, healing operation. .2old by
all druggist:.
There is to be a donation visit at the house
of Itr% Alexander-Reese, in Catlin Hollow,
next Wednesday evening, the 16th instant,
for the benefit or Rev. J. S. Transue. A
cordial hvita.don is extended to all.
John Q. Saxe will lecture in 'Union Hall,
Mansfield, Pa., Friday, evening, January
17th. Subjeot: "Yankee Land." The St.
Louis Republican Days 4 .` Mr. Saxe was wel
comed by a large, brilliant and appreciative
audience and we do not believe there was
rue person in the great assemblage who did.;
hot feel at once amused and profited by the,
svining's entertainment, The poet handled
tho subject of 'Yankee Land' in a most felic
itous style."
lifmau.sac .122orinz.—Josh Billings says
nothing shall prevent hie being in Wellaboro,
January 24. fle writes the lecture Qom-
Manse thusly
"Dear Ons :-+Bn illosedplease find Ten
I)ollars—if gat han. My price is 80 dollars
and 40 ants. I Inay - disaount , the 130 dollars,
bat shall insist qp 14 40 sante.
Mures afflokshionately,
Joss Brumede."
JestLevidently luves Jiggers,
JanuarY Ist, a scarf belonging
to Geo. Avery. I.l3aid scarf is about seven
feet long and eighteen• inches wide, supposed
to have been lost between Welisboro. and
Gee. Peeilt's, near the Round Top. The find
er will be liberally-rewarded.
Jan, 14, 1878 ( Union Hotel:
• - t
All those engaged on either sii4 of tho
"temperance campaign," however-passively,
:.will be interested in a piece which is to be
played at the Opera House next Tuesday
and Wednesday. evenings. " Tert Nights in
a Barroom" is a piece which is already well
known and thoroughly appreciately by the
people, of Wellsboro. The amateurs who
propose to play it next week are fully com
petent to render its scenes naturally and viv
-idlyr—lf you want a good seat, select, it ear
The Wellsbor2 Dramatic Associat on are
to give a public entertainment at the Opera
roude two weeks. - :.s.surthis evening, the 28th
instant, Which wi::'prove highly interesting
to all who, atten6l. The play selected' for the
evening .is "%our American Cousin,"-:-A
comedy whici; is agenerel favorite with all
loved of - the lithter drama. The character
of-Lote D11%‘ , .7 - eary alone is ono which would
FiaaUlt tike-D4',..4ne of any Writer ' or any actor
sTho could 4hceive or embody It. It is well
knOtittis-the. favorite role. of Bothern and
one which ,he has rendered proverbial for
fitiOus imbecility. The whole piece is well
cast,and has been in rehearsal for wine time..
We have I to doubt it will be excellently
plated. I.ot us give the boys a bumper!
44"joffer the fallowing for EalO•
1i story frame dwelling on Nichols-st.,
wool Anished, containing 8 rooms ; lot one
sore in size, with a.'never failing spring,good
good biirn and some fruit trees.
Price, $B,BOO. This property for rent at $260.
The large frame dwelling and grounds,
corner of Queen and Main streets.
dwelling (new and yet unfinished)
with 2 lots 60i200 feet each, corner of Win.
gate, street ,and Fellows Avenue. Price,
%OK . •
new, well finished, W story frame
dwelling on West Avenue. Lot 60x260 feet.
Price, $2OOO.
4 1 story frame dwelling with 12 mom;
on Main street, - below Lincoln street, with
good well, cistern, horse barn, and good
garden. Lot- 602;250 feet: Price ? , $2,600.
This propery fop rent at $176.
story frame dwelling on State street,
(Bait Avenue) with lot 601.260 feet. House
nearly net:. Price, $l5OO.
A frame boarding house on Main rArcet
nearly opposite the Cone' House. 'Lot 60
Imo feet, known as the "Hart Property.—
We property will be parceled and sold for
business lots, The Boarding House is now
for rent, •
__The three story frame building known, as
Boy's Block,' containing 2 stores, divided in
the upper stories by a common hall way.
The second story rooms suitable for dwell
ing*, the third floor occupied as lodge rooms.
This property is in the center of business,
and is owned :by two parties, who will sell
the whole together, or tho half interest of
each to suit purchasers. Price $10 ; 000.
Desirable town lots for residences) or man
ufacturing purposes, situate on the Bache
extension, on East .Avenue. Price accord
ing to the size and situation.
Two lots Co x 200 feet—one on the corner
of Cone street and East Avenue, the other
adjoining: Price for corner lot $6OO, for ad
joining lot $5OO, both together $l,OOO. •
-Desirable town lots for residences or for
manufacturing purposes, situate on the Fel
lows extension near the Depot. Price va
ries with size of lot and situation.
Twenty lots of one acre each fronting on
street, situate near the extension of Central
Avenue, on the farm_ of Robert Austin.—
Price, $3OO a lot.
Several good lots on Pearl street, south of
the Academy. Price according to size.
A farm in Delmar township, 76 acres,
E 0 acres cleared,"ft good double log house,
and a good, 80a42; frame barn, and. smbil
orchard. Price, $16,000.
A :good farm of about 206 acres, well
timbered, with ) hemlock, etc., about a mile
from the Courd House. 40 acres cleared r with
about 200 acres of meadow, well watered by
a small creek. No buildings: Price, $6O an
'acre. If:not sold, the clearing will be rent
ed for pasture at $l5O.
A wood IA 45f: 214 acres, within 60 rods of
the Borough' iine, on Pine Creek .Road.-
13ultable fort pasture when cleared. Is well
watered. Pce, $7lO
a wood lot of 33 acres, timbered, „good
soil, and Editable Tor pasture when cleared.
Is within half mile of Court House. Price,
l'or terms of sale, and for further infor
mation concerning the above,pply,perp.cin
iAlly or by IVO: iitrGIE'TQIING,
BaAl*49 and Insurauce Agent,
- 203, 89401 loclt.
Nets .A.d.Terbisomonts.
Prospectutt—liew York Times.
Raster—Z. H. Putnam: & Brother.
Mansfield Iron Paints—Z. El...Putnanzu& Bra
Dissolution—A. P. Hurley. - -
Application for License. -
Vet of Letters—O. W. Iderripe.
Real Estate for Sele—D. An
Term for Ea & Carneron.
—How many times haCn you written 1872
by mistake this year?
_Co. cone rs
—Last Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights
were atingors in this region_
—We are under obligations to Gov. Geary
for an early copy of his message.
—Mr. L. B. Reynolds has opened a new'
store on the corner of Main arid - Crafter)
—Rev. Robert Coliver, of Chicago, lect
ures at - Tioga next Monday evening, the
20th instant. • •
—The "mighty hunters" of Potter county
were - tostart for Pine Creek on a bear hunt
last week.
—lt is given out that Lucy Stone will not
lecture this winter. Her little boy is only
four weeks old.
—Life insurance Claims to the amount of
$Bl,OOO have been paid in Lock Haven in
the past two months.
—The taxes of Hornellsville are the heav
iest that ever have been levied there, with
the exception of the war tax.
--Mr..8. 1 F. Roberts has sold his stock or
groceries to Mr. Charles Irahn, who succeeds
hitt, in the business at the same stand.
—The William:sport, Gazette and Bulletin
prints twenty-three solid columns of matter,
consisting of a review of the business inter
ests of that city.
—Sticklin has opened a now furniture room
in the new Opera House block. He has got
into good quarters and no doubt will do a
good trade.
=-11rs. Livermorels lecture at 'Eioga last
Tuesday evening was the same one she de
livered here last year—" What shall we do
with our daughters?"
—The Demociat has got a new bead, and
now spells its own name correctly. It is
still unique, however, with its twelve inside
and fourteen outside columns.
' —L. P. Truman is now "at home" in ills
middle store of the Opera House block. If
you want to see a handsome store well tilled,.
just drop in-there and look around.
—The price of season tickets' to the Her
maic Lecture Course has been reduced to
two dollars. They will be found at E. B.
Young & Co' s Bookstore. ,
& Co. have got aboutsettled
in their ne'w;store in the Opera,House block,
and their 109stook of hardware and the new
quarters Kt each other off to the best adven
—"The Alhambra" is the name of a new
eating saloon in the Cone House block. Ifyou
yant an excellent meal, Schenck knows how
to .get it up In the best style and'on shoit'no
—Hugh Young has removed his insurance
°Zee to the front room over Horton Broth
er's store, right in front of theitkotTATou
office. He has good neighbors," to say the
—There was a stabbing affray , at Mont
gonlery Station, Lycoming county, last
Wednesday week, resulting in the dan
geOus wounding of Mr. Robert Tilton in
the left breast.
--f William .L.Hayes, , , of the firm of _Hur
ley & Hayes, of Blossburg, died on the - 6th
instant, after a long illness. He was a prom
ising young business .man, and his loss is
deeply regretted. •
—The Meadville Republica . n thinks thats
great deal is said about Credit 51obilier Stock
by Democratic editors who have their doubts
whether it is a breed of French cattle or a
riew brand of barreled ale.
ingstrumTof this village, has
invented an arrangement for coupling or un
coupling cars. The brakeman has only . to
turn a wheel, and the work is done without
danger to life or limb.
--There is nothing like going avay from
home for news. The Havana, N. T., Jour
nal of last week says that the inauguration
of Gov. Eartranft, of Pennsylvania,
• took'
place on Monday the 6th instant!
—The Elmira Advertiser of last .s'.e.turday
announces that P. C. Van Gelder has been e
lected a Trustee of the Advertiser Association
and Treasurer and Zuperintendent, in place
of Col. F. A. De Voe, resigned,
—We have received from the proprietor of
the Public Ledger, of Philadelphia, a copy
of the Ledger Almanac for 1873. It is a val
uable and interesting little annual,which is
presented to each subscriber to the Ledger.
—The Blossburg and Corning, Fall Brook,
Welisboro and Lawrenceville, and Cowan
esque Valley :Railroads have been consoli
dated, and are hereafter to be known as the
Corning, Cowanesque & Antrim Railway;
owned and operated by the Fall Brook Coal'
Co. The length of these roads foot up
respectable figure of 7% miles, besides . the
switches and double track at the principal
—Mrs Livermore opened the II ermaic
'Course last week Monday evening by a lect
ure over two hours long on Queen Elizabeth.
It consisted mainly of an elaborate eulogy of
the "Maiden Queen" and was highly inter
esting,. although rather opposed to received
historical ideas. The discourse was a tempt
ing subject for criticism; but space forbids
any lengthy discussion of it this week. The
next lecture of the course is by Josh Bit-
'ingz, on Friday, the 24th instant. A eharac
eristic note from him will be found among
he local notice
—The papers are calling the:attention of sol
diers to the fact that the time for filing claims
fortheadditional bounty under the act of July
28tki, 1866, giving $lOO to every soldier wbo
enlisted in the armrof the United eitatcs af
ter the 16th• day' of April, 1861, for n a period
of not less than three years, and received his
honoroble discharge, or ,S5O for two years
enlistment after April 14th, 1861, expires on
the 81st of the present month, Congresi hav
dug, on the_22d of April last, passed an act
prolonging th - eitime for filing such claims
until Ja tarry 31st, 1873.
—There were two Or three mistakes in our
article of last week on 32r. Donaldson's of
ficial life, which were of minor importance,
but which it will be well enough to correct.
The third liote . I mentioned in Wellsboro, in
1827, stood On the Tot on the south-east com
er of Main and Crofton streets, where Con.
verse's hardware store now stands. The ho-
tel stood thirty or forty feet back from Main
street. It *as kept at that time by R. B.
Alford. i Mr. Donaldson's Democratic com
petitor in 1839 was Ephraim B. Gvould, 1 - Ea
Gould, as misprinted. The Whig candi
date for Prothonotary in 1851 was Samuel
tile Agitator.
TIMBDii.Y, JANUARY 14, 1878.
Home • A.ffairs.
313. S .
Three fourths of all the pauperism
crime in our county 13 the result, either di
reetly or indirectly, 0 f the liquor traffic.--
And all this under the sanction of law. Is
it not most wicked fur a State to maintain a
eystetyi of trade, which wastes the manhood
of its people, corrupts their morals, destroys
their lives,beggars their families, and saddles
every department of useful and legitimate
industry with taxation, that a few may be
supported by their ill-gotten gain? Is it not
high time that this great plague—this great
abomination, of wickedness was stayed? We
have to day in the United States, an army of
ARDS. Eighty thousand die annually. We
have an army of more than one hundred
thousand "moderate drinkers."(?), eighty
thousand Of whom are annually drafted to
fill the depleted rank'S - of tire drunkards.—
We also have an army of two hundred thou
sand cadets of intemperance about one
-hundred thousandof these areannually trans
fered to the array of moderate drinkers.—
And all this under the sanction of law.
By its blighting influence, souse of the no
blest intellects of the State have been strick
en down. We are continually losing ele
ments of worth,wealth, greatness and power,
REPAIRING THE COURT HOUSE.—Every- of more value to our country than all the
body who,has attended the_ courts here-re- harvests of our fields, timber of - our-forests,
cently knows that the court room has been 'or the coal from our mines.
in a condition which, to say the least, did no The smitten ones go out from stately man
credit to the county. It was dirty, dingy sion., as well as from poor ones, to waste and
and very shabby. But by the time the rust die. They, go from pulpit and bar, froni ,
term of--COurt, assembles, on the 27th instaut, counting-rooms, field andtforge. By all th 6
a great change will have been wrought in t sad memories of the dead, and uur love for
the room. The work of repair and deeera- the living,] let tie now ors/rue:se and labor and
tin is already
_well advanced, end when vote that this terible withering,
completed we venture to say that no better blighting Curse may no longer continue to'
looking or pleasanter public room will have the sanction of law.
found in the county. This wicked traffic is noir sanctioned by
The plaster has been knocked off the ceil- law; and yet, a blacker falsehood never had
ing, and a new and - smooth coat put 051. a place in bur history. As a means of rais-
The walls and ceiling have been kalsornined ing a revenue, restraining intemperance, or
or "deaorated," as the workmen call . in punishing illicit dealers, it is a falshood,
handsome and harmonious tints and panels, .; Its record has no chapter to redeem it from
with. a very. fine -center-piece. - The wood 'the curse Of God, or the execration of man.
work is to be thoroughly cleaned and grain- ItragedieS are all 'the time 'being. 'written
ed in imitation of chestnut. The old, tables ;in tears and blood. Row' many have been.
and desks are i to be re-covered and Made r,e . its victims in our own) county I Since the
good, as new.' The unsightly-old steveT and days at the liberation of our fathers front
Rim aro to be noderOratber more itmeat• 1 4ritis10#0127, we 41w-beim tallier 419
- •
able. When this is dope, and the ffoor
again carpeted] the court. - room will be one
into which no citizen of the county need . feel
ashamed to take a :
Besides - this - inside renovation, it _is the in
tbntion Of; the, Coramissioners,,.as soon as the
Weathernaoderatei Sufficiently, to put new,
skingles on', the entire - roof of
,the Court
House, and as soon - as this is done the
building will, ho in, good repair. The
are of solid cut stono, iknd are evidently as
sound to -lay as they were in 1535--the -year
they were put !up., We see no- 'good reas o bn
why it should not stand for the next hundred
years; and with the slight internal repairs
needed- front time- to thine it will for that
length of time,aceOmmodato alr the Courts
of- the county. If entirely devoted to the
purposes for which it was erected, it, is am
ple in size-and conveniontlYarranged for the
transaction of the public - I;usiness of the
The repairs now in progres;s it is estimated
will coat not more than four hundred dollars
and those people of the county who attend
the next term of court will we believe agree
with'us that the commissitwers are entitled
to commendation for expending that sum in
a most judicious manner.
_TELE Benouort CAuctra—Parsuant to the
notice published last. week, the Republican
voters of the borough assembled ,Bowen's
- He.ll, Tuesday eyening, to nominate borough
officers to be voted for at the election to be
held on the 24th instant. ,It wan nearly eight
o'clock before the meeting was called to or
der, and a goodly number of the active Re
publicans of the village were present. Maj.
Geo. VT. Micrick was elected President,
Geo. 0. Derby, Vice President, and N.. T.
Chandler and J. B. Potter, Secretaries.
moved and carried that the caucus
proceed to nominate a Constable by ballot.
After considerable talk and several motions
and amendments, the motion was finally re
considered and so amended as to provide for
the nomination of Burgess, withotit desk?...
Eating the mode.
Lucius Truman and L. A. Gardner' were
named as candidates,' and on taking a rising
vote Mr. Truman rebeived a majority, and
was declared the candidate nominated for
For Councilmen Joseph Riberole, - /g. T.
Chandler and William Bache were unani
mously nominated, no other candidates be
ing named.
It was moved and carried "that no candi
date be nominated for the offioe of 'Justice of
the Peace.
On motion the nomination ot - Censtable,
was postponed until all - the( mina;
tions had been made.
Hugh Young received a large majority of
votes as the candidate for Assessor and was.
declared duly nominated. John Dickinson
and Pharez Houghton were put in nomina
tion as Assistant Assessors.
Five gentlemen were mentioned for School
Directors. On voting for candidates JAL
Bosard, and Chester Robinson received a
majority of votes and were nominated. Da
vid Cameron was nominated as Auditor by
a strong majority. John Alexander was
unanimously named for Judge of Election,
and Andrew Sturrock was ; nominated bp a
majority vote for Inspector)
Then came "the tug of war" in the nom
ination of a candidate for the office of Con
stable—the most valuable one in the gift of
the Borough. A. M. Ingham, E. J. Purple,
Job Wetmore, and William B. Van Horn
were named by their respective backers for
the plice. It was moved and carried that
the nomination be made by ballot, and that
the person having the highest number of
votes be declared nominated. The Secreta
ries then passed around the bats and collect
ed the ballots of the voters present.. On
counting the tickets the vote was found to
stand: Ingham, 12; Ptirpie, "87; Wefiriore,
81; Van Horn, 28. Bohr. E. J. Purple
was•declared the Republican nominee for
Constable, and the caucus adjourned in the
.be&t of humor, after a few r'emarla from the
Chairman and others heartily indorsing the
ticket put innomination.
It is unnecessary to urge upon the electors
of Wellsboro the duty of supporting this
ticket, for every voter knows that, from top
to bottom, it is an excellent one. We believe
that every candidate - naiad; ifVected, -- Will,
dis - charge the duties of his office with
discretion, and integrity. And there need
be no doubt of the election of the whole
ticket if Republicans will only turn out and
vote next weelz Friday.
—The Rouse of Representatives passed Dec.
12th, 1872, an Act 'giving to all honorably
discharged soldiers who served 90 days or
over in the war of the Rebellion, leo stores
of the Gove - inment landi free of cost. It
prohibits the soldier disposing of his rights
under the Act until he obtains full possess
ion. This excellent measure meets with
fierce opposition from speculators, bobbvists,
and 'parties interested .rin Railroad Land
0-rants. It is claimed that the soldiers will
gobble up 320 million of acre=, or nearly all
the Government lands. This is untrue.. Ac
cording to the Commissioner of the General
Land Office, there remained unsold and un
appropriated June 90, 1538, 1,405,333,478
acres of the public domain. Admitting that
the soldiers will absorb 320 million acres (an
exaggerated estimate), and that 85 millions
of-acres have been sold, granted .to ratroade
or otherwise disposed of since June 80th,
1838, there would still remain to the Govern
ment about one billion of acres. It is to be
hoped that the Senate will promptly pass it
as an act of justice. The - Government owes
its existence to the bravelry and heroism of
our patriot soldiers, and it should willingly
'bestow free homesteads on the true and loyal
defenders of the Republic. - 207.
Liberty, Jan. 7,1673.
A VOTER'S APPEAL.—Editor Agitator.--
Thar Stir : I desire to Etddress, through your
valuable paper, the voters ofTioga county,
and bring to their consideration the necessi
ty of organized, united and ir i umediateaction
in an effort to stay the terrible tide of intern
more cruel despotism,
As Christians and good citizens, ive ought
to bo earnest and laboflous in - -onr efforts to
keep the Young from . . i this ruin,-,to reclaim*
the drunkard from his low degradation and to
do all we can to arouse the public. mind. to
tho dreadful evils of intemperance... . ' - -
• But we must not loose sight of .the fact
that-the great strength of this evil i. 6! that it.
is now supported and upheld bylaw, and
that it is our duty as titers to' outlaw it.—
Let us then take our .tiind on the' side of
right; principle and
ing the blessing of Go
—come out to the pol 1.;!
this month'and vote "
curse may no longer e.
Lion of law, in our eou
bee Iylll bo temperenol
and dines, and by the spOak,
tlalso, flora. Henry 2.2.1
Stony Fork, Col. Aden, (7 I
Welsh Satlement; J
and others.-
Sobinecille, Rev, A. L. Re
Charleston, (Card School
D. Edwards.
TgtrasD2C7 s
Westßeld, Rey. Reynolds
'Cherry 'Flats, J. F. Call;in
tokesdale, Mather, Mut.
Knoxville, Rev. N.L. RE*
East- Charleston, Cols. St.
Delmar (Broughton Scror
Farmington, (House Sch.
Robert Caebser.
Big Meadows, (Church)
Surma's, J
Holliday - town, Reynolds,
X5Ol Judge Wlltla.
Su AT, JA:
Blossburg, Geo. W. Mer clr, and others, evening.
Definer, weit Branoli, Re / P. Reynolds,- p. zo.
rxionnAv, JAihn,tar 20th.
East Lawrence, C. church, Revs. R. P. Bake and 01
If. Gibson.
Catlin Hollow, church, '
Merrick, evening,
Delmar, Osbdrd Sch. If
- J. W Mather.
Grays Vedley, Rev. Mr. E'
Chatham', Starks Corners
Morrie Run, S. B. Elliott
. Fall Brook, S. B. Elliott,
Dlr. Lamkin.
Farmington, Presbyteris
eon, and others.
Lambs Creek, C, iI. Se
Beeneyvillo, G. W. Merri
Wellabor°, Court House,
• and others.
Osceola, J. P. Biles, Rev.
Local committeeo and
quested 10 post the nece.
rangemetits for the above
THE 4.ANUARY COL' ' T.—The next term of
Court will convene t e last Monday of this
month, and continue two weeks. A very
interesting feature of he term will bo the
return of the result of lie election-to be held
on the 24th instant in- he several townships
and boroughs for the e action of local officers,
and to decide the liqu r license question for
the next three years f r" the whole county.
If the temperance mn are successful, and
carry the county against license, the ques
tiont will be removed e tirely from the Court,
and no - license oan be granr they
l d ; but if
do not succeed, and the con ty votes in favor
of license, the Court will be called upon to
decide who shall.and who shall not have a
license for the next year, just as heretofore.
We print below the !times of the Grand and
Traverse Jurors draw for-the terme,an'd also
' " •
the trial list :
Horace Broughton, hippen. '
John.lt Bown, Wel eboro.
Burr R Bailey, Ma . afield.
Boardmaii Brown, lkland.
Gi'ford Burdick, El eland.
Thomas Colegrove, I awrence. '
George Dorrance, J ~ Elkland.
Solomon Day, Mid. lebury._
Byron -13:11oliday; Vellsbore.
Elias Horton, Jr., I eerfield: ' • -
"Jacob Kimble, Libe ty. ..
Austin Lathrop, La irence.
Charles W Loveles, Tioga.
..•- -
Albert M Mop, Ne son.
Orrin '`l'lith,l.reriii! oil.
Aughstueslthinewa , Elk.
Elijah Stebbins, CI • mer.
.Jamel 0 t,,,, iitt, •Lit • e=e - tittfir — --
Asa Sling,erland, Si llivan.
Wilhelm Webster i harlesfon.
Abram. Walker; .6 . rleston.'
K oxville.
Clark L Wilcox . I ellsboro. -
Oliver H Wood,
— ff - trattc'e C-redil;"'lrt'S ei,d7 -
Thomas Allen Del ',tar. .
Daniel Brion. 'Libe ty.
Harrison C• Bailey, Tioga.
Jacob Broadhead, ' ellsboro.
Alvah Baxton, Far. ington.
Enoch Blackwell, i orris.
Wallace W Bentle, Rutland.--
David H Coolidge, Charleston. -
Robert Cumming, all Brook.
Luther Carpenter, armington,
Jerome B Cudwort., Mainsburg.
Il k obert Custard, Morris.
John Cole, Richni.n.d. • .
Miner Carvey, Jae son. •
`Charles H Card S 'Ryan.
Samuel Deane, slO ris. • 1
A H Trurite.n, Gai es.
' Porter C-aylord, , lanstleld. ,
Julius A Hill, We lsboro.
George H Hasting , Delmar.
Baldwin Jackson Delmar.
Joel G Johnson, P noxville.
Edward Keeler,'M.ddlebury
John Ladd, Clym.r.
George McCracki,
Charles Manley, T.
Allen Palmatier, ,
Gilbert Phelps, Ri
Elisha S Rose, Sul
Philander Rockw
Horace Hoff, Law
Emerson Rixford,
Valentine Reep,
Silas Sheperd, Fal
William C Stephe
Norman Strait, 0.
John Staikey, Mi
Levi Stevens, Dee
David Stull, Elkl
Russell Temple, C
Henry Trowbridge
Charles Taylor, 0
Andrew J 'Teeter,
Saiiiuel Tubbs, II
Jehiel H. Wood,
Isaac IVoodborne,
Nathan T West, A
Charles J Wheele
'John Argetsinger,
Lewis L Beaver,
Thomas B Bryde
Charles Buckley,
Ebenezer H. Bri
Elisha J Brown,
David Clement,
Anson Dun, Uni
Silas S Davey, Ri
Geo. 0 Derby, I
Richard English,,'
Victor Gray, Cot 4
Hiram Hodge, S
Horace Herringt.
John Harkness,
Abram M Ingha
Alaxander• Loga .
William Mclnty
Morris Metcalf,
Thomas Putinan,
Stephen L Pack'
Martin V Purple
Daniel Rose, Ch•
David Rexford,
Hubbard Spence
Henry Smith, N
Aaron Squires,
Jhon Schanback
John Spencer,
Isaac Smith, La
Eleazer Segars.
'John Sexton, Fa
- Noah J Wheele
Russell Watson,
;William Woods,
f .l. J Watkins, Cr
1 mond.
n, Shippen.
... Wellsboro.
, 'Illoss:
it rooklyn.
2 rd, Covington
1 DeeffreTd.
1: aines.
i utland.
/1.., Elk:
I logs..
11 Brook.
' Charleston.
Richmond. ~
rq,.JaCkson. .
! vingtob.
G Schieffelin v
Leander Aldricl—
C Bronson VE
PhellWells vs
J I Lewis vs
Wm Smith v
prrin Day
.Ls P.
oiros vs yt
Alex Joifes vs
Alex Jones vs
Alex Jones vs
Helen B Gans
Exe't. „
S H 'Wetmore v
Oolitmbia Fire
Thomas H Baile
George IV Hazl:
Socrates Cornell
Alex Jones vs S
Selah Frost vs :
Beni:Wells vs I
E E Sill vs Bro
Wm Baohe
a Sol Bennett et al. •
'et nl,Ys Bidailey et al.
llen , Searles. _
Step li r Orcutt. •
1V - Reynolds.
Morris Township. •
Daniel Monroe.
I' Shaw,
soni Keeney. •
iletus Smith. - •
M Smith.
voort vs Vine-De Pui's
Jeff Harrison,'Adm'r.
.s Co vs George Hastings.
et al vs F A Allen et al.
tt vs James M Ward et al.
vs A B A Briggs.
arch Benjamin, Adna'xl.
more 'funk.
has :Voorhez.
n & Kohler. • .
i s liljohnson.
vi JIAULtiI Slut
!t' the ntimoter rain,
ueoußnoss, and seek
and his gu►danco,—
on the 24th day of
lieense," that ,this
ist, under the sane
ty. A VOTER. -
ineotinip, at the, plows,
,rs named below: • .
UART 14th.
1. stone, BS.I I / 4 1: Merrick,
F. Calkins, Iltobut Truli
:WARY 15th. . ...
colds and °there.
House) A. C: NSlnters, 'CI
1 .ABY 16th.
nd Ira W. k3ayleg.
and Gen. Cox. -• -. .
.. a, Col. Allen. '
I4IIY, 19th:
c , olde and othere-
ne iderrick, 8. F. Welt
House) Reve. Henry and
gnu ax
1.1 House)Mather. Waiters
erriok and Stone
I. • AMY nth.
and othera.
I s T. H. Bogard and other
, - ctatt 19th
0. Winters and G. W
ev. N. L, ReYnbldi and
erltt and ethers.
W. A. Stone and D. A:
nd Prof. Amerman.
'mar 2lot.
•rot. Amerman, and Rev.
Chuaelt, Rev. Mr. Raw
lour and S, B. Elliott,
Ii and J. SW. Mather.
ANUAIt£ 22d.
I. ev. D. W, C, Huntington
Jr. Cairns, and others.
others interested are re
.nary notice and make. ar
r reetinga.
COUNTT eolnairxe.E.
Ig, Liberty:
I mon.
1 ackson.
:11, Rutland.
I euce.
Westfield. 1
s, Middlebury.
. dlebury.
1, Jackson.
1 ,
, Wellsboro..
e,"SEeOli'D WEEE.
I eerfleld.
!q Middlebury.
• - rxrugt:4)olll).--In Mainsburg, 4th, 1473, by
,hey. 'lsaac Everitt, Mr. Charles EC :Lathy and 'Miss
X; Dona; all of hialrisburg - •
LOVELErtiVE.-4-11y the name, in Mainsbnrg; Jan:
a, 1073, Mr. John F, Love and Idles Julla - 4. Riley.
WELOII-- 31 —M the residence of the bride's
father, In Eulllvan; Deo.. 281 h. by - Rev. M.' Rockwall,
Mr; Leroy :Welch and Miss Mary '3llller. all of buil
.SECORT— T PLEAD.—In Knoxville, Po., at the rest-
Alen"ce of the bride's mother, Deb. iB. 1812, by ROir:
Diodes, 'Mr, Alfred Short and ?liae Ada Mead.. -
MEAD-11ANILEY.—Ily Ito 'oarae; - at' the regitloileo
or ato bride's father. Dec. /8.1872. Air. John 31.4,88
and ..11.1sE. 2.lina Howley, all of, Chatham,
11 .1110—PRIGE.—By the same, at tho Methodist
parsonage. Knoxville, Pa., Deo. 24, 18 . 12,111 r.. W. -
Ring and Miss Polly A. Pride, both,of Westfield,
ANGELL—SMITII.4-By the win o, M the sardeplaeo.
Mr. Edward Anqell, of Grafton, Nebraska, and Mien
Idolinft S. Smith, of Knoxville. , ,
Special N.'otices.
Mann Iffonny fast and honorably, 812 SO per • day
$7, - ,,r,er.3r00k, by at once applying for territorial:U . 4os
(which are given freo to agente,) to sell the best, strong
est; nufbit useful and.rauld selling Sowing Machine, and
Patent Button Role Worker, ever used pr reeemmend.
ed by families, or buy one for your own use; it is only
Sent free everywhere by express. Address for
pextionisro, A. CATELET, Superintendent eor.Cireen
trieh and Courtland eta. N. Y.
Oct. 15. 1872-Otra.
Mansfield Iron Paints.
Mansfield Fire-Proof Metallic
The are tho Cheapeat good paints in the market.—
.They are durable and adhesive, and _the darkerahades,
to a great extent, fire-prciof. They are put up in tin
cons of from flye,(s) to fifty- (SO) pounds, ground in oil,
and in packages of from-flue to ton gallons, mixed for
imtnediate use. •
The attention otpersons• about to paint is reapect•
fully. called to these goods, the base of which is iron.
Addrees JOHN B. pumas & BRO.
Mansfield, Tloga Co., Ps:
TNlSSOLUTlON.—alitifiratof Hurley & Hays have.
1.1 dissolved partnership in consequence of the
death of the junior partner, William J. Hayes:
Itusineoa will be continued as usual un4r tho
name of P.
131cisaburE, Jan. 14; 1878,-3t.
Ai good houoo, with fruit and shade trees, out build
1120s, one balf•acre lot: and three good building
lots, centrally located in the villiage of E..nortille, Pa.
Also, an A, No. 1 Deity -farm of 110 acres. Good
buildings on the dame; lone mile west, on the river.—
Price pso per acre. Terms easy.
Address IX ANGELL,
Jan. 11, 1873,-tf. ' Eno/able, Pa,
Farm for Hale.
IN Covington township, on the road' leading trout
,Marvin Butlers, in Copp Hollow, to the State road,
at the iloagland School Bons°. 87,4 i aeria; SO im
proved. and well watered. Good frame holm and
frame barn. With undergrotind
commencing to bear; all grafted fruit.
, Some good plum, pear, and cherry trees. For fur
ther. particulars, inquire of .OIX,ES S. IdAliV/N,
on the premises, er
Wellabor°, Pa
Jan. 11, 1872 k ;1w
Orphans' Cowl gaU.
laiir virtue of an order of the Orplisrui` Court of Ti-
Millcenutity. I shall expose to public sale, on-the
premises, on the 20th day of January, 1879, at bne
o'cloek p. m., the following described real estate, the
property of Cyrus P. Parker deceaecid:
All: thlit - piece of landj situate in the township of
Brookfield, Tioga county, and bounded on the east by
lands of Adam Loper, north by lands of Edward Baker
.and Wads-of the geese Gardner estate, west by the
tortntylinetetWeen the counties of Tioga and Potter
and lands of Nelson Gill, and south by lands of 310-
seslietealf, bther lands of said decedent, and by lands
of Reuben "Plamtnond; being the lot known as the
homestead of the said decedent, and containing 107
acres, more or lees.. Terms, one-third cash on con
firmation of sale; one-third in one year, and ono-third
in two yearn thereafter," with use. Bonds to be given,
With enrollee to be approved, &c., in the sum of four
thousand dollars. GEORGE A. BOLT,
1,72. 4w
li;;;Asti7o4ll , lc-1;40.1i
}ZANE of Wellaboroug4, Pa.. at tho cloao of bud.
geed, D.Scenabor 27, 1972.
Loans and Discounts ..... . .......
11. B. Bonds to secure circulition
B. Bonds and Securities on hand
Other Stooka, .1.r., , 0nd5; and Mortgages.
Duey from ,Redeemin .and Reserve Agents
Duettrore other National Bsnks -
Current Expenses . .......... .
- Tases "Paid - '
Cull Items, (including Rev. Stamps)
Bills of other National Banks
Fractioral Currcncy. (including Icildcell3).. -- 089 00
'Legal Teriatte • " ' 29,812 00
liturpluti ' 8C 1 ,684 87
Discotuit, Interest and Exchange 12,188 98
Undividedprofits! " ' '- • 6,186 05
National Bank Oireulation•ioutatanding).•. 83,783 00
Individual Deposits •
. 4 ,....."1.422,489 93
tax 4 to 3 , Tatroxitl Bailie " • . 1,00 63
Duni° State Banks and Bankeze 1,076' 77
. .......... • • - =
'TATE OE PE1.311 . A., TIOGA COVIiTT, ec
543. sobineon. Cashier of the First National
Bank of Welleborough, Pa.. do sobbardy swear that the
aboveretateraent Is true to the beet of mg hnowlethle
and belief. E. EL ItOBEsTSON, Cashier
SUbscrlbed and sworn to before me thin 7th day of
January, 1 5 278. ftoanwr C. SOLP80::,
- - - Notary Public.
a Correct. Attest—Jno. L. Robinson, Chester Robim
ion, H. W. Williams, Directors.
orretoakhOldera of the First National Bank of
IVellstOre,Fa. areeter e eby notified that an electicm
directors for said tank, for the ensuing year, will
be held at the banking rooms of said Banh on the sec.
and Tuesday (the nth, clay) of January, 1872, between
the hours of-three and four o'clock P. M.
• E. H. /21011vsolt. Enabler.
Dee, 10, 1.972•61.
-voricEl. hereby given that the Eieentore and Ad.
ministastors named bell? have filed their no
counts in the Ilegistars Office fo Tioga county, Penn'a..
and that said accounts will be presented to the Or
phans' Court for said county, at a session of said Court
to be held at Welleboro. on Monday the 27th day of
January, 1873, at 2 o'clock p. m., for allowance and
Account of Ereetus Cooper, Maria Cooper and Wm.
B. Freeman, Adminletrators of the estate of Jason
Cooper, deceased.
A.c4)oMat of Margaret S.Wilson, Executrix Of the last
Bill and testament of James R. Wilson, late of Utah
mond township, deceased.
Account of Erectus Rose and. Hiram L. Roblyer,
Executors of.the lest will and testament of Hiram
Itoblyer, late of Rutland townehip,teceased.
Wellsboro, Pa.. Dee. 81. 1872
Applications for License.
• - • - f,", OTIOE is hereby given that the following named
,1.11 pereone have made Ipheation for Tavern Ll..
senses andEsting Houeu Ll eneee, and that the name
will be presented to the f Quarter Sessions the
27th day of January, Mat., a 2 o'clock p. tn., when all.
intereetsdmay attend if the think proper.
Bors.t.s. -
Solomon Bunnell, lVellaboro.
c , arnuel H. Thompson; Covington.
Job Marela, Liberty. • -
Robert C. Sehrlng, - Liberty." - - -
John A. Martin, Bloaubnrg.
.. H. C. Vermilyea, Gaines. •
i J. 0. Pine, Covington.
.... / KitiPSY , kriddlebury..
. Lewis. Davgett, Lawrenceville *
Edward Seely, Lawrenceville.*
George Close, Vestftell.*
Elias Al. Smith, Tioga.*
A. , 8. Graves, Vestdeld.
- 'J. A. btall, Welleboro.
~*' • Nathan R. Shappee, %loge, . . _.
- ... .. M. R. - O'Connor, Wyllaboro.*
' , l J. Stoddard, ICaoxville,
John McCarter, Uniou. -
EATrse Hoven
2. Boyden, Welleboro.*
n. 7, 1873.-,.`V,
Orphans' Court Sale.
Bvirtue of an order of the 'Orphans' Court of Ti.
oga county, T ehall expoee to public sale, on the
premises, ou the 20th day of January, 1873, at one
o'clock p, in., the following (If teribed real estate: • :
A piece of linid . eituale in the township of
Tioga county, bounded on the north by lands owned:
by 0. IL Wood and a lot conveyed to Orall
east by lands owned by Maxey PrOnitua, south by
lands Of Tohn Ramp, find west by lands of Tre
insine and lands of William Howland; being lot No.'
833 of the allotment of Bingham lands in Chatham,
end part of warrants:Kos. Lair and 21830. Trine;'
cash on confirmation of sale. • • . ,
Dec. 84, - 1872 4w
Auditor's Notice.
HE undersigned Auditor appointed...by the Or-
M phans' Court of Tioga county to make a distrlbn-
Alen of the indheYs exiling from a eale, of the real Ga
nda-of 'Frederic): Wetty, deceased, in prOceeding in
partition, will attend to the duties of his appoint
ment at the (Coe of Elliott & Bogard, in Wellsboro;
Pa.. on Friday, the 31st day of January, J. D. 1378
at 2 q'cloak p. rn, ,JAMES IL BOSABD,
•Jan. 7, ,1571} 7. 16y. • - , r ; Auditor.
'Trustee's -Sale.
T ursuanaa of an order of the Orphan's Court of
the county of Ttoga, dated the 27th of December; '
/872, The ungefkigi.qd, TrgAloeung.er..thts • last will
of Sohn 1 4, glowe r deceased; , ivIltAni beturday, the let
day of Ect4ruhrY.:l273, at. on'e n'Aqch p. ra., at , the
ConrtElouse in Wellsborc, espose to sale the follow
ing described lands. late the , property of said dace.
dent, viz :Ail that lot of ISnd situate in Wellaboro,'
Tioga county, Pa., bounded-on the nortb by 13erti:
r. EchlAsy; on the east by the highway; on the south
by Charles Mosier and- Gegrge English; and on...the.
west by Beni. F. Kelsey, corlttining bl acres and 100
Also, all that 'other lot of land situate in Delmar
township, Vega. county, Ps.,bounded on - the: north
by lands devised by sail ohn "Fellows to Ergetagr
Yellows, Horace FORMS and lEfuldah A. Heite;loSl4l4 -
eaet by, C. L. 'Wilcox; on the south by, lands in;pos
sesaion of Fitcp*Rueslll; and On the crest by the
highway, conta ;:itre‘.atxrea of land. Terra
rive lanNutLyetld re.at ;pine of sale; the remainder
41,tiv5i:Knol ea** pargstto, with interest. ' '
;an. 71i711.11w.
vr teitAPAC : CO
DA,27 • -• • - "
1.- .MARYL ... . 111:111
nssar ; 2. iosl.l, BlLtploll 69 1
'JAN. 2s, 143731
4. • 'OBREY CONOLIVX - 11;
6. 'ANNA, 4))/ORINSON. NEB. 24. 18111 1
SEASON TICKET, ,It Seat, •eserved $2 00
.• • - -a. w; oupauca; tratuez. -
• •J.I. 8013.68 D,
- 74. 0. - Tointa; tztaett.
pm,. ti
w. w
- u. D. PBCxXII,
102.2.--Oulmg to the continued 111 bealtb :of Ur
MacDonald, tholoto of Ma led(urt . ,otonot st va• • on
A ZlL]my -'ARTICLE. • ,
Agents make glls6o,per Clay, X 76 per week
With the 4pw Patent Bltton :Hole Wo4er.
• '" — Patented Jtme27th,lB7l.
A most wonderful and elegantly constructed BMA.
pill. UMW= for Family Work. Complete in ill its
Parts, Uses the Straight Eye i Pointed Needle, Saar
Want:ADM!, direct_ upright Poor:lnc illorrom, NOW
Tonelon, Self Feed and' Cloth! Guider. Operates as
Wauth and on a TABLE. • Light Running, Smooth mut
noiseless like all good highqprioed machines. Has
Patent Check to prevent the At eel being turned' the
wrong way. Uses the thread rect from the 0001.
Makes the Ex Lou( gar: n, (finest and atrougeat
stitch known;) firm, durable,leloso and rapid. Will
y i
do all kinds of work, fine and course, from Oerariaro to
heavy Cloth or LEATUEU,And Uses all descriptions Of
thread.. This Machine is UFA:VIVI' courritooran to
give it STUENGTU; all the genii of each Machine be
alike ty m a chinery, and beautifully finished !I
ornamented. It is very easy to learn. Ra,pfil, Smooth ,
and Silent in-operation. %Sellable at all times, and a
Pneorrcer, ficarairricro, Mriciratucar, INVAIXTIOn, at
Greatly Reduced Price. _ i
A Good, Cheap, Painily Sewing Machine at last.—
The first and. only success isil producing a valusb.l4
substantial and reliable. low priced SeMng liT"bf '4l.
Its extreme low price reaches allsionditions,.• Its sirn•
plicity and strength adapts it to all (*smolt:leo, while
its many merits make it a universal favorite wherever
used, and creates a rapid demand.
I caucheerfuily and confidently recommend its
use to those who are wanting a really good Sewing Ma
chine, at a low price." Mrs. J. P. Wzmors, Rutherford
Park, Bergen 00., N. J. -
Price or each Machine. "Ulnas " One "..(yrar ,
ranted for five years by, special certificate,) with alb
the fixtures, and everything omplete belonging to it, in
eluding iitxuramp.nnao NEEDLE, packed in a strong
wooden box, and delivered to any part of the country,
by express, ELIDE Of further charges, on receipt of prim),
ONLY Frvu DoxrAns. Safe delivery guaranteed.. With
each Maohine we will send, on receipt of fl scrim, the
new patent
One of .the moat important attd useful inventlone of
the age. So simple and cella that a child can work
the finest button hole with.'" ularlty and ease. Stronii,
and beautiful.
SescrAl. Tglille,.and Extra Inducements to Mame
and Fsiumr. Agents, Store x opera, &c., who will es
tablish agencies through the country and keep out
Nano Blsomitts on Exhaiti and Sae. Ootnrrt
litmus given to smart agents YDZIS. Agent's complete
outfits furnished Withdut any outwit. • Samplea'
of sewing, descriptive circulars containing Tow.
Testimonials, Engravings, Ace., &e., arta rasa. We
also supply -
Latest Patents and Improvements for the Farm and
Garden Movrers,'Reapers. Cultivators, Feed Cutters,
Narrows, Farm Mille, Planters, Harvesters, Thrallbora
and all articles needed for Farm work. Rare Seeds in
large variety. Norway Oate The wonderful ottan•
plymg Foamsa Conzr $1 per • hundred, &04 &0.. All
money sent in Pest Office: ld'Oney„Orders, /Agleam' ,
Lettere, Draftior by Express; will be at our risk, and
is perfectly secure. Safe delizery of all our goods
guaranteed. JJ
•, An old and responsible fir 6.at sell the beat goods
at the lowest price, and can be relied upon by our
readere."—Farmer's Journal, 4*w York.
Address orders,
A. CATELEY, Superintendent.
Corner Greenwich and CoUrtiand.ate,, New York.
Oct. 16, 1872-6 m.
"1 -
en ex a I Insura'neo Agenpy,,
Tno4k Co., PA.
RE leaning policies in the following Compani
A. against fire and lightning
.in Tioga and Petter
QUEEN, '-' ...Aseeta, $10,000, 1
CONTINENTAL of New Y rk ' 2 600.e20.27
HANOVER, of New York. 968,881.00
GERMAN AMERICAN, Net York ..... —1,272,000.00
WYOMING, of Wilkesbar* Pa 210,698.412
WILLIAM§PORT, of Wm' port 118,040.00
All business promptly site ,fled to by mail or o+ar
'wise.. Lome adjusted and aid at our °Shoe.
N,013, Dec. 10, 187249.
$208,078 it()
103,000 00
~ zo,ooo 00
6,000 .00
17,749 08
3.070 49
845 23
711 87
1,101 60
0,260 00
sna.B4l 64
s , ,
,_. 1i..•. .i. ..
L a r s 'i
• ~,,- 4N 9
5.382,841.03 i
To WlO cif tha }Atacama now atoms 112 Opera Biook,
aarillat suioe received a large lAN* of gocla,
.1. S. toON.a.L.DSOY.
• ' Clerk
xx.a.Dras , FIiRS, I
. _
FULTraitWii; •
Cinuoteting qi
DRY 000DS,
U-.l:_t (0 CI 10 It H. *S3 9
Inch IN Si 1; ,Nolllos7o,
2.116 beet awl the eiteaPiei lot Pf
aver brought bath, WelMoro:
- and: Gents! Fur Collars,
?soda ha • •!. Hotter npa Oraid to
Ana it to theiiintereet to give-m . e s'oaU•belEm-0.18
• • . ,
valeeci , here .
14141m:bar tlAa
1 :00,A4 44.i.34.i.!m-IN4cpti4,
at , istiNt. • -
Gorr4ing .
Blanutanturara at Stationary anet 0 Engle.
for Saw Mills, Grtut Mills and Tann Ovens
la 1 e 3 : B
sii4 B 4 4 an
a ' S r e
g a
j : a
intlaiehati bait,,Caatings, Dolts, Vrojr, Cho
otlitios for chipping Ps' Ousel oi S e t o, point
Western tralliners of , the pest wait,. :
.1 -
.Um 1,1872-Iy. - -
11d other wiOttr goada et gr4stly riduced
Wa alien keap an Immensity Large mortal.
f all liiinde, Corsets, Notions, &e.,)
' ' 323 CE ) CANS
Thle et ek we keep tip in our regular An
fore fo winter trade.
an. 14,:1178 -tf. •
0 R
UR. rilln,Wr•
NZ iN7 "t
„. • . . • I
Tho aubmplbers
l'itiOgilig . 43 - COCnag -
_ I •
fiteguiar ID
Js A.
e ha% Shed the Sha,
1200 A., PA.
how have but time to say to our ft-0
ousthmers that we have good
JEle 'rant New St
is tills 4 tall Qt
at Um . igwelt yricou
yOu will know hqw it 1i your
,rA athea.
MM) 1840.
Boilers. Goring: gbiltrig onAtt hischlaisaa
lea, for burning Turt. goal,* fur
d Bowl:nag COSUI gt shun tiot t ineh 4l:Yvi le
and elan fun= Ilinohiturruhesper titta Ematent tit
are now selling
- •
li. *
cuts Kept ,
gam:la:for o r regular Winter tr adii, aunties
4, entire stools et the lowest cash market sets*.
erg of atapl,
and mall th
etiria t5;13.400en.1
, andhav, now a mu& better assortmeat
!, at all time
nty 1
I suraticeißeal EstateiSteamship
. . Iro 3. 80-woe 4 stook.
D ra ft, v eldpayiblo any Ott Or town ill EOM"
.40-oabin, Second Cabin, or EiteeregePiummetielosta
to or itom any town in Europe tram or to Weld:KM
by the Anchor Line, or the WWLama and. OniOn s
.Xail Line of ocean /Reenters. •
,Serßeal Estate bought mid sold on Commluton.
Atz-I desire to call part:Miler littoral= to the Wu:*
atttle facilities afforded by theold end lOU known
I 7iellaboro Insgance
--yrral LS 1800.—
/ETNA, of Hartford,..Cenn.
HOME, of.Neri York.
FRANKLIN, of Philadelp_hia. •
PENNSYLVANIA, of Philadelphia.
PHENIX, of Brooklyn N. Y.
LYCOMING IMS. Co_,. ,Munoy. Pa. '
tar swt,gtirrain any of l ret!botre 101141na iiSIS4 •
ray °Mee, No. 8 Bowen's 8107 /1170fi tl iTGAM. -
Nov. 19. 1872.
CaTh Assets Nov. 30th,11872,13,310,3113.(41.
Franklin Fire_ Iflsurance COMpaily
CAPITAL, - - - - MOAN 90
ili and
ACCRUED EIMPLLIS & PREMIUMS, - 14,9143,1/9 i l
- -
• We have pleasure 4presentlugilie folloartug
oc4, 1872, 8252,7130:
" Nov. 1872, 301,876.
`` A
' _
, - - - $554,857.84
The official advioss from Boston show the Awe
souguit fit risk in the Burned Markt to be UAW/0
Total runonnt on the Outskirts of the same, 119,410Q.09
It • has ,been ascertained tkatiMoo win cove a
oisisce Cu the last-named item.
dalliages already deterzninid indicate that the last
iota on tha amount Involved-will not excaed $40.000.
Yours respettate ' ' I
1 7
ALYEEDG. BAZZB , Prestdent
1 THEO. X.
Secretary. . I
oply for malice to ~ .
HUGH: Y UNG, Ag',, Welloboko,la.
P. E. SEt , Ag't, Tiogai Pa. ,• .1
VATVOILD resgeatiiiiirannonaae oputiiothat
ate has nova
6 nr.V. BALD7/ki do ,Q 0
- .... -F
, ,
a Oa 1940312.1111,
NS & CO.
Pau.sosr.slitA, Ps., Nov. sOth, a
1 Millinery,
i and Fancy U.oods!
1• . .
of -eve* desoilption, for the +ladles, consisting ot
R-le, BOULlets,.Cups, Gloves, Hosiery, NnhisS, Shan%
l'iultn, Merino and Muslin Underwear, fiernsantiosin
• Wools, Zephyrs mad rare.' • Thanknil for the pans
•',.)tis putt ()nage of the past she hopes to mien 0 otin
thicance of the same.len. 1, MIL
.* . .
.Oirephans' , Court Salo.l
ill' virtue of en order of the Orphans' Coust, l l of Ti
-DO oga county, I shall e.4pm- ti to public) side, Oa the
liitutees, on the 20th day of January, nap,. it one
C. loci; p al.. the following deacribed real eats* Wet,
propQrtx of David Stevens, deceased; i '
' 4.llthit piece of lend 'eitnato in -the tottineb*
IN , L ,, , Cioga collt;ty and hounded on the melt
tL<; Nitato :kno, oast b 3 lauds of Dr. Whitaker,.so
!,y thfc Cowannaque river, and west by lands of )-
14 ti," Re thipin and Philip Tubbai containing ationt. , $3
Karns, more or lam with_theappiirlezenoee tberellia.
), tonging.. . .;
'ileo;:all that-pioce of lend Situate in Noison — SQllllr.
*11.11; , . - I n iogis .cconity, and bounded on- the north by
,the -rata line, east by 1)r. J. _C. Whttakeea lends.
'south by lands of .1. 0. Wisitalter, acid we/Irby the los
of lanl, first Above described; eohtitining 9.04' awn.
'retina, oue.third oiteli on oonfirinattOn, of ono
tn.:y(l in oner•year: 'and onsAltfordin .We lconic
date of conflunation.. . BTR munti ON UMW . • -
• INN 1146 18711.• 4W .
.• . .