Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, January 07, 1873, Image 2

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qJ Ile Agitator.
There was 'a great' snow and terrible cold
weather in 'Minnesota last week, many, per
sons being frOzen'to death.' . ,
jtucywas obtained last week in NOW
TWeed, and the
prosecution Wns expected to open, jhat side
ortttie• case yesterday. - •
.Simon Cajiieron has been re-nomlnatett•
by tbe-Republietiu-members of our Lesisiii
,-'oarizi,'snAßosdoe Conklin* . by !,bose: of the
• itew York LeOatural,-;as_stientitort;
~ ,,;heir respective States for tbentattlic ye4t *14..
apo eon own as a
HEE be lin 'Loui Na
poleon "'the nephew of his uncle,'' , -died . at
- Chiseltairst, England, last' Thursday ,after.
actor': His death' was sudden and unexpect
ed, and is • attributed to 'syncope, resulting
ypin seyere surgical operations forlcalcul" oUs.
-The news created a great sensation in France
•;.‘44d 'England.' Aa =a, ruler of the tickle
French - Napoleon was respectable; as. a
I .
- man and as a soldier, he was deserving of
- the.conteMiit - of the_ whole world. us
:,ilOPeihat in his coffin burled the last
'l3iTor of ,that fair• and unhappy laud "whi.ch
case did so much to ruin. ;
agonized -last Tice
' " b 7 the election- of George H. Anderson as
fipeikirof -the•Senate;:and Willialn Elliott,
of Philadelpilia, Speaker of the House.' A.
• 101 l ceniPleinent of minor officers were elect.
edhYsthe Republicans in each house, Bus-
Errett being choien Chief Clerk of the.
Seiletii, and JarwL, Selfridge Chief Clerk
, the Bouse. Among the Assistant Trans
coribing Clerks of the lower house was Jas.
Inghabs, of thikeuonty. • 1 1 / 4 1'o businbes of
intereit was paneacted, except the
lesisage of a bill by the House. on Wednes
•• day inoreasing, the-;GO*toes t ealary , to
96,3t0 .
Dftritlg . the. pOt WO Weeks a -scheme has
trisettßfeveloper ita . bbject the en
` rislimedt . of latidhOldere_and specula
tore at the ebensi of the texpayera 'of the
lin than 'the die
- lieMbertnent,of :thli county aroitberenioval
Of the , county seat ; -- It - is proposed to set off
the ,weeteririciWiishiPefof
Shlppen, Gaines, Elk: and
.p to of Delmar and I.lofris, to
r be Joined
with a few t ( tnships . fromtthe eastern part
,*; Potter - c pty and erectedinto a new
county, witlia county seat at Westfield or
.Gained--it is' not . .yet determined
t'- t fljle3 done, "Welliiboro . will be left
MAW . Ur (14iotx!bered
-aonnty,:sand it le taken for' granted that iri
slin.imiAlittl.dtiokilty' Sea" tWorad-bizi removed
: 76,1 - 6tne point,On the river. 31ansfield, as
bping neareattthe center of what would then
heleft of the county, would seem to stand
_the' best chance of securing the prize, But
• •,
:,that result wouldn't exactly salt the more
"'active - movers of the project, eo they . con•
, elude that another slice must be off
. taken o
tie old county fo Shift the geographicalcen
', fuitiles north. It Is therefore proposed
to le Sir . Peter Herdic have the long-Wish.
ed•lcir townships Of
. lAberty, • UniOU, •and
• • gait .4 . W 4 ard to help maim up the : new
'ooUll(g:Which is to surround his grand hotel
N3xizie4tia, Spring. This little•job sue
"cesiggfVettenided to, it is.belleved by some
that the claime_ut tioga, village to be the
<>Runty Seat would be overwhelming. Bloss
ittkig.seeMk;tO- be counted out entirely in
of honors,. though if the Hex-
die schema should miscarry, that village
would be about es nein. the .center of the
eonanty as' Ti
,y sea sift, pe
1 : 11 Tina, thottgl3,lit le:evident they are rap
-I.7taly coiling- to that point; but they do in
• slat that•it shall not be at Welleboro. It is
' Uzi-that thepublic buildings.are all located
,lient; that they are substantially built, and'
,cvnettenieutly arranged for the transaction
thi t-county business, It is true that a
tf r Nti Aiiedidti . dollars will , put them all •in
' . 7 • It is true that the people of
z.i.trekAdiolitsounty have for•nearly seventy
Yearsiicynd, oro accessible when
thertl 'chi no ridiria here, and that we now
• •
lattve' ,l / 2 0ne road co pleted and another as
sured. No -matter. ` 4l Anything to beat
WellsbcW,',:ii.the cry, even it. it* requires
the erectio4-At two new , counties, the ores.-
: of-two new sets of county officers, and
• the putting uP of three new seta of county
Ttii believe that if these nangilinfr gentle
.. wen could bratty chance succeed- in their
peojeßi; Mretsboro *bizldnot be the princi.
pal .sofferer. ,Those, who would have the
grwitest,catge )7th 'curse. the greed-of the
actoltaira - monkl.be lite people of the . towns,
set pff'.Zq~tle new' donnties, and especially
' those on our western border. Thoie towns
are very thinly populated, and the' burdens
a •anew 'county orpnization would press
heavily upon them, It is true there is talk
o • It'43omn manor men putting up the county
• buildings at their own ( expense. It is cer
tain that such•promiseslnre good for nothing
in : And they have, before now,- been
found 'good for nothing in ,morals. But
whetlter;•lti this case, they are worth much
or little, when our neighbors conclude to
secede they must make up their minds •to
plat thetrlitunb in their-pockets, not once,
butsvary,,year and for all titne, to support
nYtio4ll . l,l; :organization and a full set of
news,:countyrofecers. It will be a very nice
arrangement Sox the new officers, no doubt;
but'afttr'the novelty has worn off, the tax•
payers 4111 probably find they have paid tOo
dearly for the *Walla..
This view of the case is so obvious to ev
erybody, _that Iha movers of the — project
hadt found it necessary to resort to misrep•
resentation to meet it, and the report has
been .lAdustriPPsly: circulated' that a new
Court House has got to; be erected at Wells
biro, and • that the Commissioners were
aboAt tcrleyy Alas for that iNirpose to the
amount if 4100,006; Every man who is at
, nll acquainted with the present; Court. House
knows that the first part of this silly story
is bilk; hiti as to tie second part the COm
-zaissioners speak for themselves in another
column. It is as certain as anything can be,
that So long as-the-'county seat remains
where it now is, this people of Tioga county
will not, for at least this generation, be call
ed nvion to erect a newleourt House. This
being the'case,,it will b' well for the tax
payers to ask themselv whether it is the.
- part 11-non:pion sten to secede from a
countgratritere: the Putr c buildings, are al
reriditierd-Mid- paid for, and where_the
public h*euls , easily : borne by thirty-five
thousand • inbabitanta, ,, , and set up a little
county fo r lhOriaelves:vibere it is certain
that a ',few thousitid; inhabitants will have
to Sul:On...nevi COniiioilicers, courts, &c.,
and . whare it.is. probable they will al so be
• called ; upon in,theeodto pay for new 'county.
btillftg_s:'.::4ho*O.nll;:ii At best to do this '
-- kr:the . .betitelltlif :li-fewWealthy Tandowneis
-leis c itansl* :'ol,llteedy - and greedy Local
Ontl • 'l ,- .'''.:,:: - .." _. - • •
. ,
-.7..„,..% --..-..- • _
_ ..,,, - „ „___. i,,,. .„, ....,„ . - _ I I . ,- - . , -
I gavorg,-uP unt lioga,._ A. T airtount of inisiness donetn 1
l ' t- 0 -- 9 4e c enterr C r oi';'' title-
_ A fCloud haS,sent,tta the folloWitrgrepOrtOP.
of ,a meeting recently held id , 11.1111 - ar i oli• il in I 44.1.?.", ho , '' - "11, 1 1, 1 . n 1 PILItnlP-, :ere et
favor of ,the Tiogliliroject fez. theAtvision..,.. l 2 l ,P f .t.r — , n - 1 " 11)e 'Pg," 1$ ! ) 0.0 lit
a the, county.„`•We print it ait'•-a mate . ~ -, cif,i.',.4 „ ,l lWirslvo 'l ttuhelJ l 4 , . '", ,llll. o„..
. . , - -_ . :-. " wrier , ..operationsthe' pro.
general interest to otre'retiders: - •-•_ - -
. - " town is assured, evenrshould
At a meeting held at the of E: L. , .
~ ~ t.. , 4. •..
be ionovett to. pope , otimiT
Boynton, in 31.111ertown, on WTlnestlay eve
ning,..tridt, 8,-1873, the eltliens -.of' Jaeksdn 'crap- attendance - df•ihnYerk.
township, took' eonsid:grat ion - the pr 0...-. Wellsitoro, every S_ltturdaY d
posed division -of-Tioga county so as to i s greater' than the iiitetitt ,
make a new comity front _the • western part the weeks of court' and the
of,,Tiogiy : county.•and t,4; : e_tiatern", intn_of i'. •••.-:•,- • _e' - -.' •: ~ - -
Potter. --.-• , : • -.•- ' on 'thes' Saturdays is., very
Nathaniel Smith was called to, the , chair, - than that of the a : vertigo day
and S. E. Kirkendall was chosen Secretary. Every business men knows 1
_ .Theobjeet of, the _meeting 'was 1 00 1 3.' 1 P4...:.: - .._ - .Butlitlie - . : interest . ittAltit
clearly - stated by the - Chairmen. , •' . - Wellsboro, to preserve - the
'.. S.'E. -- Kirkendall Moved that a coninlittee _
: • of three-be, titppOint,ed by the:Chair to draft cOnnlf- - scitt.,j l l 9 4 , il ll thOi : llo\t
resolutions expreSeive
,of illesenSe of the moo interest of every texpti •
meeting. - The _Chair appointed .S. E. - Kir-. '-ty,'„ Ocept „t be fe‘v alreluli , , 1
Jiendalldl.• , lC. - Retan and :D, ._H; 'ta t ti,-,,,i.,6,tiyi._. tits i f c: , -, tv i• v -4. 1 4,,,, ;
us Such. committee. - . ':,•_. _ ~ .....: - ~•,:- :='.., ~, -i i . i-e, ~.'-, • , 1 -
'. The--corentittee reported the following res . - :-t - ', ° C e , t'.'!. '-' 1 .9 1 .1gf 10* ) I "t_lntl , ,
:cation .of _county Aetti:A, - -
,011.1.04211, which were unanimously - adopted:
- Ritoteei,. I, That way- have beard with 411es:sure_ _nf ' Other strong ._retsmitt tif4l
the move /low being made to divide -Tioga colanty' a 0 remo‘'a r l tnie-ht bt , giv,p) lull
as tO form 4 new county fr:rni the western partion ,of , , ,; • , •=-.,. , i ' , - , ?. ~
Tioga county and- the contiguous elate/if pertion ofr Drlt.ii:V "si MVO 'ts presytte.,,Cit ,
. ,
Potter,: .- ~ , . .. -.- 4 .
ion Of the taxpayers cif--ilia
_,T. Vint we Pledge to the movement our moat hearty, •
indorsement and enpliort. - If . any - title- wiebes to inereit.
8: That We applaud the maguanitaity of the citizens -41..4, ' . A ' h is .. . „
„or Tioga. in their offer ,to give forty thousand dollars Puod.‘ i nit ens on. cq , 71 .2
toviardthe,erection of new county buiidiuga, et their
_bellf4ll.;fif tilo handful of p,
~:011age -' . .
4. That we believe tt:e'ten safely -Ventre every vote sin by -8, triviston he 'inn:v
of Jackson township for tail proposed division of our it, All who would restrain
county, and In no doing we'ouV boefical; the interest. , - - - - ,-
of dVery man in the township. _ - its presentlitnits, or, rather
o.' That wearo Vpttoned to levying tt tax for the Vet, 'duce it asthe, populati on pose of building anew court house at Wellsboror -
On'tnotionthe following • -
d elegate 4 ii-, 0 •:,• .
.the cocounty are increased, w
appointed to, attend a' meeting to beheld at. meastires_withiu reaeh,,opP
btansffehl in this he,talf on Thursday the 'a schenie of ,inisehief teijat
Bth - instant: D. N. 1 41'Intyre,‘ D. B.- Lain.. advantage to 'commend it ,
111. K. 'Retail P. R.-Bryan, J. E. Barites;
Eder Kinner:C; . t , Boynton, C. V. Stowed,
D. ). Cady." I , 4TH.A.MITL 81.11. Th r; Uhl: ' care individual and Selfish
B.E. -Kirkendall, - Seey., ' - ''' any one who does not hop
_. '- Treltaboro, January,.lB7,
-This expression - of - the-people of Jackson ' - ' •
township will Surprise no one who takes the '
trouble to look at the map for a' mothent.,
Situated as it. is at.. the extreme northeast'
corner of the county, within a feW miles of
the proposed new, county seat, it" would- in
,ideasl,b.ise,_ntatter of wonder if many people
of that region did not laver any movement'
to remove the county buildings and pusineis
to Tioga, regardless of
,the inconvenieitiSe.
and expense thereby ooicdsioned 1, - ,, oilier
and more remote sections ofl
t..!.e cittinty.—.
The plain English of these its,tiuti. - 01 - ,, is,
that the movers of them . are in ‘ l‘o, er of
bringing 'the county seat as near their', oval"
doors as possible: : _Jackson human nature
is evidently very 'much like the same article
el f sewhere; it seiekSits own advantage With'
little, earefor otlie,r's; end nobody has any
occasion to groWl•et , thiS , exhibition of it.—
Certainly me have,no desire to complain.
:But. it 'does seen' 'a , little. ungracious in
these , trieri ~'of jackion to . express such an
ardent 'desire to get rid of the " western por:
•tion of Tioga'cbtinty." It is true • that title-,
"western portion," whitse company is so dia.'•.
tasteful-to Jackson, is not blessed with all
the advantages of that r favored township;'
it does not lie next to Tioga, for one thing.
But this is its misfortune,,net its fault, and
it ,
i ,
s, hardly the„proper thing to tell the pece
-pie - of: that'region - to-tramp•because,'of- - -that
misfortune, It is certainly an,,..hoetorlo be
connected with - eh:liens 'of suet; " Magritte
nimity" as to " offer to give forty thousand
dollarli toward tile 'erection of county build.,
Lugs at, theirvill age," even if you don't live
"next door to them. Don't let .us turn ou
old neighbors off inquitepo curt a.manner
"Magnanimity" •is a godd "thiiii; don't le
Tioga monopolize it; let us see a little of 1
in Jackson. • : - •
13ariing.this ona,point, tharesoltitions are
all right fo Jacksf) n. . As to the fifth one,
hat is all right foI the whole county. We
l assure the-people. of Jackson-that - there is,
1 310 danger of a tax being levied to build a
'new Court House at Welisboro. Nine-W . 1141s
of the people of Weileboro, Delmar, Charles.,
ton, and-every other township in the county,
are opposed-to levying any such . tax. .The,
A preseut Court House wee built-to last, and it
bids fair.to last for the next century. We
verdure. to 'say that, accidents asido the
present inhabitants of Jackson will all have
Tingo. county, 'unless the couniff seat 1 7 3 re
moved from Wellgboro. When that happens,
we shall all have to• contribute toward the
new building in epite of " magnanimity."
New Courthea--Division.
The subject of •a division of .Tioga coun•
ty, or of a removal of the county oak, is
agitated periodically, at intervals more or
less frequent. Common rumor states that
at present certain individuals are moving in
the matter with'great activity. Magnificent
projects are being formed which, if 'real
ized, are to put much money in the pockets
of the projectors. A new county on the
east, and another on the west, would make
necessary a multitude of new official; and
two new county seat; These offices, -with
their emoluments, would be very acceptable
to certain of the, movers of the sch6me;
while others who own land which they think
favorably situated and well adapted to the
purposes of the new county seats, would
secure large Profits by their establishment
and location.
The taxpayers of the whole county should
consider this subject carefully before they
commit themselves to a course of action
Which, when too late for remedy, they may
deeply regret.
Tioga, county was formed in 1804. Qeo
graphieally, it is one of the most symmet
rical counties in the State. Nearly equal in
length and breadth, it forms a compact
square, with no natural obstacles dividing
one section from another. Wellsboro, the
county seat, was t in 1800, and incor
porated, I think, in 1880. It is situated
very) nearly at the geographical center of
the county. For more than sixty years
those interested bare attended the courts
here without any feeling of inconvenience.
The facilities for such attendance hare, of
late, been largely increased by the building'
of the railroad, which, by shortening the
time of travel, practically reduces the dis
tance to the county seat fromla very large
portiOn of the county. The building of a:
railroad along the valley. of Pine Creek, air.
oirit , Whielt now seems to be assured, will
stall fuither increase the facilities for reach
ing Welisboro, and make, it in all respects
taore convsniently accessible than any othei
town in the county. Its situation is agree
able .and healthful; epidemics have never
prevailed in it; and the accommodations for
transient visitors are ample
_sitr ineXpetv
sive. In short, not a single valid reason of
a public character can- now be given why
Welisboro should not continue to be the
county seat of an undivided-Tioga county.
The necessary public expenses of a small
county with few inhabitants are relatively
greater than those of a large county with a
numerous population. .Every one knows
this. A division -of Tioga 'county would
add to the individual share of the pub lie
burdens of every taxpayer in it. .This ad
dition would not be temporary itf its•char
acte but permanent and perpetual. Every
taxpayer who favors such division, or who
fails by alllawful measures to try to prevent
it, voluntarily ladds to 'the tax on his own
property for all-time: - Whn" are 'benefited
by this addition? Only they whpse real es•
tete is enhanced in value by the location of
the new county seats, and the few, who se
cure the offices made necessary by the new
arrangement, =• - • •
The interest of the inhabitants of Wells
boro in this subject is by no means wholly
special or selfish: While it is true that the
holding of the courts here does add some
what to the business of the town, it is also
true that the addition from this source is
Pi..W,jiitteiloU4pieportlon to 'he whole
The Subatexce of tit
GoVernor Geary's'
sent to the Legialattne)LLA
lengthy State pafieri , aud.y
ten- Coltinuni of• the :
type; if- printed at length.
which eve received it prey;
ing it entire; and we ther;
densed abstract oft. .
The Governor bEgins lip
the propitious course. of
and National, .during the
to the result of . the late el
zatisfactory, and le hap
lem-makers.tlaat peace ant
been maintained by.the e.
and-equal laws. The crei l
unquestioned abroad,
s he ,
faith has been inyiolol
home. The folloNyjn; ste i
ceipta, expeuditiiTeis,2*.fl
the Commonwealth la an . 1) 1
Baanoe in Tilton* Nov. 80,1:
.Ordinary receipts during fiscal
itta Nov. 80, 1572..,
Total In Trot:sus"' during sear e '
• 80, 1872 %. I
Ordinary .expennea during • ,
Sear ending llov, 1872, $2,.
Loamy,- &a, redeemed. ....:
Interest o n loans 1,
adlancet:ln Treaaury Nov. 80. 1
The public:debt Nor. SO,
1871 was ..........
Add Chamberaborg certift,
Add iigricUltural College
land scrip fund held in
Deduct amount paid by Co
of Muldng fund during yea
' - iiov. ZO, 1672
Public debt Nov. 80, /972
Deduct mete in B. Fund, $9,
Octal. balance In Treasury, 1;
Ain't of atk.V.Ot4 and cash
Balance of debt unprovided
whloh can be extinguiehed in
payment or ono trillion eix hu
During the last eix years
have boon made as follows!
Amount paid iu 1867.... .....
" 1668.... .....
•• 1869 . . „
•• •' 1870 ..... .
•' 1871
• Total pAyzaente
- Being it Idea over tv:e334.flin.
duo Vac. 1, leE6, t; Lich vau th,
Our State debt origina
Linn nf.
87. . The intprsait_ 4 -..--.4
panties that have been pa
80,18 n, aum up $78,845
the entire expenditure
public - works $118,870i6
and railroads were sold i
000 in bonds, on whic
calved $1,700,000 in en.,
remain in the hands of I
of the sinking fund, as I
Bonds of the Pennsylramni
Company, cecnred by nets o
adelphia and Columbia Rail
Thirty-fire bonds of the Altai,
ley Railroad Company, eac
000, guaranteed by the P
Railroad % Company, North''
Railway CsrbPan9, and tho p
and Brio Railroad Comps
$lOO,OOO annually, beginrAn
1870, bearing 6 per cent. int,
January 1, /872 '
Amount of aeoets
The rapid reduction o
the reduction of taxatio
in hand during the e
ministration, end have
ed portion of its; -polio'
same time, the wisdom
and the fidelity of those'
custodians of the public
should be continued
The , ' appropriations d ng the last six
1 8
rs, for - all purposes amount to about
$1 ,000,000. The expe se of the Soldiers'
Or haus' Schools alone, during that time,
18 ,407,548 11.
egislation, during the past six years, has
been steadily in favor of reducing taxation.
Numerous local' and general' laws having
that object in view hav been passed. In
I d
1866 all real estate was xempted from tax
ation for State purposes and since that time
seven general laws relie ng particular class
es of persons or prop rty from taxation
have been passed. In wof these facts,
_practical questions now are, can any
further reductions be roperly made? and
if so, on :what' subjects The taxation of
,raining and improvement
companies, and co-oper tive associations is
discussed, and the remo of all State twat
upon the capital stoc net earnings and
dividends of said comp Wails recommend
ed. This reduction .w
654 23—the sum collect
removal of the " Tax
amounts to $492,407 28,
is believed that with thi,
flow, amounting to $l,l l
qark` still pay all . her c
interest on the debt,,ani
edtletion of at least oni
Bred thousand dollars o
flT.he recommendation,
ago, of a thorough geol
ogical survey of the Sta
der an act passed last A
"Bureau of Labor Stat
culture," the Govern
o.llfacdowell, of Dauph
sioner, who immediat
duties, which were " to
matiie statistics • with I+
ject of labor in its relati
educational, industrial,
lion, wages and treatme
working people, and
our permanent prosberi
dustry."' It is•also the.
to " collect, collate and
luting to the mineral, m
cultural and commercl
Commonwealth." But
prOpriate any money to
exPensea of putting the
. . • i - — 1 ; • '-- . .
nated." tiliA opinion is '- confirmed by elte I i ' Bpdoial, , ElectiOill YroolaratitiOn- ...
:tioyernor's per : splint observation in the nrit,ky,, 1 tv . ift'ri.;o,.ll,3‘ll st , lt. of Mr, f.,-( l .ltErfa ,t(*n,Oftly,"_'or tio
Tiotli - in .Nlexico and this eel; Ilt ry.-- itaol ni • ! c''"' , i . :'.. ,l , w ' . "' t )0' 1 ' 0 , , -" , 9Y , L9 , c „ fllt it to__tL An • 11 t 1 to:,
, I.li'va , :L ow •l-octrre 44 rai.et..-lootest-M41nt„0, ,, ? - 4te 'Om
, -, , . ,
t.qt t'r l'c' ek !In in i i CI , . the - iVISSdo - i. of an Ite I it 'o,,' (Lill, \:t•iirti - oif ',the . ixilesa,le 0 3 fe tA i l iii et ,-`,3.1&,:1ee.,13,0
1 -- ' -.-- ' - - - ' -- '' '-,- " ' ,-, - - —''' - - t 4..4 e.,% - ,le a4l - 10' 1` ', iitiii ',"- • ,-,- ;B?*d. t1i5 7 '00.1..'. -, diit' - 41
N - 111t?k .for etimPulaory"Yttcel nation, . wlth- -' l ,, cari .f,' ; -e ii -n,-;,,. /7 A ',.'4, 1 ,-, k „; ; ,r.:'ati,;,, r t :,;.,,,,, i ,-;,:„.,i , .„i1gj,,:ii,i
I gliqi . pftnialias •as WOra i l insure, ts-tiiith,eta a i 0.,.,-, 0-f : .,,i4 „ t g:„„;.. l ,:tii:tiii...•,,, k, - „ - k.,-. , 4,4..ti5a;1. 1 .41gb,
V '','`'‘. • - I lif,* - •Oa ..‘" , i' Ti,ed./,' - eusudy, ai, ta..l*.tir- , ,1a4e.1.a10wn. end
en, olif.,e tnt.., 9t, Lie (ilsk - t "reerrtrunen 04. ' the ette 0 x ,.;t1,1.,_-..: t edli_t e ':i3,4iji e.te.'lti...ti , 'elereto - r!;:(Stiir_l4;_potyltlr .:
tahltslunent of a State -Board of Ilettith..-:-: timpt 411't•-I(tictoet.loroir. , l. ll 4e,ite - 0 0,5 ,fritinab oire l atti,1
Time expense of snch SA Nl . ' FActil4m'ou.l4l not be 1 1 1 ,:•‘;'f ' o• I r d tfilt'ti;lit:!!--.t..ll)ttailt,,%V7,l',,irrYo'i.'';lu,", i 'l ° '; fi tt •Y-" , . 6 . '' : '" °(l .1 1 t Y - 1
, t a ac,:totte, to , )t. , ,
NVOI_II it thought when contpared with life R a ll4t',l; l : o. l ,. 3 . l t M r tty a . i .,l', 3 "i v . i ' : : , V4l -4 ,/ . , ; ', i t •. tl th -,, a '•';,. 4 , ; `,, 1 .. fi e r gi1!
Yabie,of the benefits . tlutt would,be,eiroferred: rtistriew,m - .111(tu ..(art ceitt..tr.-n2trfelfsi:=4:- - -- , ;'-'-(= • , 4 , -;=-',
by ltn operaildfi. -- It isliik.i . ;asy TO Caiiriutte - E t g: 1 1 ,:, 5 , , , , ‘ - r - g i x,:„S i t ,„ ;- . 4 . ,- d ii 5 i , ,. h ,.,71t 0 " ( i , - .17, - ,„ - ,i, : ,,.., ..__ .
00 value of bunion liVei,hut Dr.-, Ackland, - 11 F 0 . 4 ) 1 illeitL i-ivaiit i l .i9iiii r , elloet aerem.. ,-., 1- 3,'
of England,' sets down every 4 deatlr'b:y' 11' .‘ - t l ,4' B ,.„, r , l4. "; 3° 4l ) l i l a ait i r, e t p.. l "M i nt o scll 93miss .1• 1 ?, ° . t1 " .k. ....:_" E . ,
prevputable disease'as:•. - a loss lin Motley- Of - '-'"- - c
tAta c o . lr4.*rov.aterachasralanie; - . 4 .," -- 1 . '.,---
$5OO arid 1, , :',(30 for loss of time and cu=t, of • :•:•:_vcril,:q,3.,,l:lta,,tej.itt°-11,,Thi,1,9,11in:fC÷/11:ij1,i,V,,,,"4,1‘,; 6,..j.,t, ..'
' 11
c e , /, / 1 1 il er ri a C O c i ‘. U l
‘ il v
4 }/. 1, - C e i i . =: o . 1 4 . , ,
10, ' -, ‘- .: ....,
suaintenunce during the perisrd o f- Sieknes's. -
'1 ~. . .:
-AccOriling 4-0 thiri• standard, ',Pennsylvania Enoitatt burangh, wilily Fittwog. ~ . '', - --, .._
ii)gl, i.iiirlDre'llle 321 St. two years ;1)y stnall lint :1•pi( l':,) l ntiit Ycliots ll l"cey , e, - ;"L': '.--, :: ... ' "
e ail Is -Loh berttigh, ,- trettolv Rama - lioune..., • -'
alone, more than 1; 7 ; 45,000,000j ' - Tint health Farelloetou. C-kei.• tschool beue..r. -,' ' ~ ', ,
1m•,..' Of time nit* tills - Port, iit: Pitil(idel - 3hia ;'l','', 1 , 1 ,r- if; L' : Vei"iir r i•". / '"ivi - ..' • . •
iaou toymnae, '.10.1:11S /t1.11.t.31 , 01. . •:--• ' ---
are It a tery• cc fused- ConditiOn, :Anti bey•• Ja.d:gun, hew.), of 0. 1ia1e.111.0u.... -
~ . : -..
1 ,
s:. .o .l e ; l :i istic : ti i lilit il etk : l :l )ifs,l l l:ll 7l ic l i,i l y) : ( l l
,t e_ C I :
1: ( 1 11 1 1 ,11,,:t t
t il ‘ i ts l: .l( e ti
t) b i, : tu. :l ::: . mt a :
.nii i. ),ei l , ' ti : t.litti.
if i li :
, : t„, : i lb,tei.
. 11.11 1 , t : Ilci i ,i ' ije t cji l jel e egni ' (). ,
it t ‘ -' il .
,i ' ,
)la i : rsi : , . , :::,
" .1 m 11 : 1 1: 3„
Lot e ‘ , : ti l ' il : ' ,.
iii, : i i ,
~: 1 11: 3 : b ys t ::, 1 , : iil b te : er ilsgo: i l.s
~,,:t.4 borough,i.
eLo i l i_ io c r c e l l ;i: '
~,, : i:1 1 : , , 1 0) :;::: 15 ,
j 7 : ..l.os ci i.
1 11 ., :
, I ,.. ::_i ec is D it ,.)l : 6 l - t eei l i t: ; e: l4 :: :
i e l t h,
: :: :; ; t3t c :
.1.. : 13 '. ",
).,1 ' ; u. : ,
3 .
7 : ~:
: .
.:' -
_. i
.ass slight improventente iii
- - - ,
1 0.,,, , 04, If., ..„,•-,- .1. Tulthe'e block.. ..' ' . -
_. -I''6.'''',l' i'ci l6 '- - - of Chorus o t , o d r i t oi. -,. ,• • '
itiebuiond, "Xtetbodint church. • :. ':, . '
1.1 uttend, lion%) of :Elmer _Banker. • - . _- .
2,:r0 ads are advisfal.
~ ' tiaetvari, te.ooatrt. notra.
tvoiKeoro Cou-f, Ilene--
ii.tqf .-.1.zi.'" . . 1::',..' 1111.1.'s lietet.. , '
. r: ~-:• . : ' ' .
.. - Ward, Douce or. William, it: Thrones, ,-
•'. "11;tion, hoe•tp'iif Yobn Trriii...: - " . ' ''• ' •:' '
I• le recommende . d that the Governor's ; , I , h v i ,. .L.t/I t. . ot tlz i. i.vt i e;( l .(l;pl:(” t i ti laotne.. ... - ..
sal , ry be increased to tell
-, tl:ouSand 'deilinta '
,110-iat I,Kmangh, hotel of Elias in. 4 :reitit'.' :•• -. ' '
per annum, to take etlect on the g.otl l instant 7 ~*
NVII n the term. of 'the Governor-elect ,-will. _ ••‘%Yeati - 141a.tairoaira, a. ta, mars iur.;) to .. ' 7
eg 4,. _.
.4 e 'deaths" of lion. Win. P. Johnston, -a eft sa,:a?b(3•the d'tty ottits IrtOusetora and Judges.
, • °tat' , • ''O . ' ' a' r
1 °riper Governer a the ~ - L, .ind x .7h. jo wi ,„,, a ,
of-sacteetc.lttons to recatti rfelieti.4, eithor tnitten 01!
;tom rho ;egad - v(3:6ra of raid eiti3s r. , d. eoun.
, eti. ,51eade are tittipgly-comMented upon. u : ...;51 . 1 . 1 :0,ezcf - para.,:( outskte...ncen• and on the' inside
During the.last year the applicaticms- for . tto c ift(t4 c ,iii(i!v.. c, l't * ,‘ .a r t o ' '' , l l : t d. l lor 1.t!:; p a t a n. , ll,o <l t c s' '' T i ti'd ° lll 4 -
' rdous numbered 1457; •Qf these 69 were , c ,, , liti,'c't!:"A!).- .1 ,.!-%,1` , 1 Judaea p.,' ' t l.3 . - eciutr*.ci rti- law fe.' , ,e , ,srt,st•
g anted less than five per cent, of the num; ee t t V . e. - PA :4 I . (t e t e l e tr . m eO
ort a B. Xt'`; a e al tr • ,° e 2 j,a'''T-: 1 ,, e , t .V 1 07:11 3 e'
bk tipplied for, and altereging about one t ols too ; ,.., t e 1 e h: e c t i , e ,,, ..,3%0 r f pr r c c o o tt :r4 t t tst i. a.tc ., : e • A ll : a m e -1 ! .. I ) , f ,
each county. „ The system of Commutation required by is.v.--;'-wi tj A ctirtifirftle shall be laid, before
continues to work. well in all the prisone.—. t c / 4 1, i t i t l , d ,ig t r r °,, i l i y - l i tti t o t T a t a lr b t .rtg et a tth nti g, a t t ,l i t tl a i
.The death Penalty hae'been twice' inflicted filed with the eater records of.eeid Cotirt" " , ''.; .--•
And the 1ai...• of I...9l'direet3:-
in the State dAring the ;year. • " The ' Tutdited, votere of 'llia several cfor.uties .62,
importancethis Corareenves.altit at all generfd,_ t0we.51.442f.rai ber•
- r
,- . . ,
Total expenditures Irma 18E7 to 4882 $42,03,16 11' • Ile , of the improvement of
. leugh'er.d- er...ofel - electiono - era - hereby - required to
Total expenditures from 1561w - 450s .19.590,14 5t th. 01310 river and "its navigable tributartea voto, by tie:2sta writti.n 01 . prixtted, or partly written
• •' '' ' ----- t. is set forth, and'en,appiopriation of e 3,000 a• P.:iltir Prtutect, eAvenny.clz.,64,lll tie-nearuowe.:_:..
• inercrans.•.,(. - ......,...- •, -.T. - . ~. $28,851,02 va , - Ons•tteltet- shall embrace- es of an
.- -•- , • '- .* • recommended having that-object in'yie W. tovuoitp oilleera voted for, cud bolabeled ‘tovorilalpt .
,• The State has no schoolfttuti•• The le - '
g i l
lir tie e ,•a. Pp r OPT . ' ati 0 n a amount' - tc;',asn'-q.!:ibi' oi t p."l.l4tpaq:elmeerffea(t;tir)inrigi9rri)teriet:.l2lnaCe.bpurleiladifnogilit7it Fr. : it tr s 4 r t at c' i t i e ti b f ri a l eillt il t e c it tl i?; e e r' ,ltia ctra rit l e p ti ol i ) .3:l; l t h6 i:: p o r : uu-n e:,. q l' ' ')-cfic ' l'l
$600,00 . 9 annually,: but :the . people, in th? Philadelphia, foi• holding the denieuuial E:-:• to l a s r os fs in o slru ie c e t e T t i o e r , , s , ili 4e rege i t i t e d o LO w t m ito or egar a dietla i r ., o 9 f
several districts,, .-voluntarily vote all -pilaf: hith t i„,,, i n 1776, ten d the • whole I.luujec.t is 3 9•DlPillot,r4ge 219, Rua ale , prariphlet laws 0fi£169,3/:
Dioneyl nee:e9saiy :to support the sclicii.ds.l; dciVnriletilied to the thoughtful awl zealous 9 :ll, ll 4: 2 7l l l% i f t i g: T h ; c 2 l l e i tt e n N : r t
‘ fr3 e p i Pt 9 t..l VP ig ' o t it o 12 " e c i
:flowerer, there is Still trinch etitninal tier betwe9 the boors of eta end. coven, a, m.,,end closed
sit poll of all good citi;en,-.i . , Who have e.t.
:eet .of the privileges offered •by our vol. he'irt the 11011o r r, perpetuity,' :...nd. happine-56 at (1.1. ,' ,.,7 ,': ;&'tr rtes Lead at Wellebota. thin ''ltl3. day of
„, :.rauu9r.y, i r p , ,g. ;:i 4-, I. It , rral, f3:Le,riff.
11 - 191) ectl9o. sy. , 3te - iii,, .1.11( number Of rail - ' of our crounnpu-Conntry. . , . .
_Urea ill the State who do filar. attend schot fret expressing lii-.1 ,continue:,
,neli f .1
' _..e. 'n --'------------.........._______.
exceeds seventy-live thonson(.l. - In . - Philti, ,
.delphia t - weive per; ceitt.{ r , f those betv,•eepl tr-
tit rwise policy ot pro t ection t o homdinclus
,:-.), and rernarithet; up , ..el. the pe.d e et ie,r.
the ages of
,five wad fiftels do - not att.-414,1 till ny o,l,..';f;t : ina„ between.Pen . / r )..7 . lv.ania tied tel l
and of those registered asattendants fei fj t e 4 . j le7:or-ri'pterorcSet':citslo3
reruns,,lt l
u l p 1, ::; (1 : 1 1 ti l l I e l e si : 1 :- ; . ._it
six per Cent. are absent from the • .daily. its 333 fOll.O W 2 : •
gloat./ 'ln the State at lnrgethC unregisterel .
The recent elections prove, by unprece
nntount to six per cent:,, and the absente4 de led majorities, that the country' rel 3 °.'"- )
to thirty-three per cent. The resulting i : - e - raordinary Confidence in the patriotism.,
norance from this neglect has•l‘pf,eyed ea ta t city i and s , integrity of the - Repnblican
fruitful , souree of crime. Sixteen per cent:i j), :nee to this Sentiment, that
•t ) ; sho n uld Ll charge its sacred trust ' by , 4.
of the inmates of State prisons . ..are unabl, w se, honest, econonntal, and patriotic: . a..l-'
to read. In view of the necessity..
of mij. m nistration of the Government; a thorough
fe rm of the civil service; the coutinew
versa). intelligence in our system . pf goVern4 i i. ° ... ' , •
. u or such dines upon fOrettP imports .tee
went, and after afixiothr 11 secure a
t 'deliberation upon
all the facts and their,consemteneo;,:.•the, I,v and enhance tat' prosperity of
o-r domestic manufactures, the reduction
Governor recommends _the-: adoption .of a- P the - scale of internal taxes to .the loweFt .
compulsory system of edUeati,,jri. 01
: 11 43','
' , ;-, 7 %T,. - . '
f- d - gfee that souls be adequate to the main-
Inal - ice of the public credit and the gradual
Sweden, and Prussia firat . ; attoPtedlbis . ,sys-, ie tinction of the national debt; the restorte
tem, and co salutary heYe been its effects 41.1104 our foreign commerce; the_ exon3-
' that :the.) European Goviciuments '-' nof ample tinanciel facilities lot the re
/I.atelj4' irementsof. bueln es ' s; 'the' eitconragement ,
tneda haste to follow their example, Ans.' i i e d regulation of immigration; the inct•ease
tria, France, and England have decreed that ;o the means of cheap - laud 'and water tranc
.all their children shall be taught to.read and .P
station, with n• view tr-' the largest ai'd
w rite, influenced by a conviction that know- most rapid development of the nattonal- re
e•urces; and such enforcement of the pro
ledge gives increard prcrivess in war, -as 'sions of the amended Constitution as will
well as capacity and integrity for the peace. „reserve peace in n the States, and rie.szuro,.l.l,e
-' ful pursuits of life. It is a fact of stiiiiing t i ond the touch'o in s insitice and opt:a:ees - (on,
significtlnce that none of the States_ that e rights of all citizens." i - ,
The message closes with, a hiif;f review
; have passed such statutes have abandoned .4 ncl defense. of - the G-017e5.110T'd : - tal - i - liniCtfli•
or - repealed them.
.., , ' ',...1 ion, and this complimentary paraerapli re
The Soldiers' Orphans' ?Schools were nei- latinix to his succeSsor:, •
lerin a more flourishing I condition. • E-ery "It affords nvi per.uliar satisfaction to
child legally eligible, who leas made applica-; eel that my official laiSAors.amt responaibil
pon, is now a..thrtitted to theta schools. 11110 ties are shortly to be transferred into the
ends of a dentlirein, NYlni will sacred y
whole number of ad fissions since - 1835 . is ; uard the one end fr.ithfully - clkci. - .:r;..f,e. V, e.
13,429 i -the dischargesliem all 'causes 2,..?.0, titer_ s.lajor- C-;ene?.‘l , .l John I'. Itlartran 't
asstg - ..lFdly illu., , tr-teci his ' couragE.. and e ,
leaving in attendance a,i;i2i., It may conft- ... 1 i„, on iii ,..,„'fi e _ - . n .i v ~
, ra. ,-. ,. .,,..-3 .. ,fit..- .i f
dently be expected thr,t,t_lll , ie-rn^.ll3l - ITC - 17-(,t atetion fe: a ' , oldier 13.c.v . ?. llt , en nole.:,s coil-
Leil...bik , :trlT - 7 - n - . 1 7 - sie.ra EI:e1.1 beer( e ce cewa lf,l„, .piceons io, th? I.,,ursi:,!llP :Si ci":il lit',... 17.: , .--• 1::-.
ed its ri.thion. The •
entire e4Oeuze of these . '11.11,1f.1-pbx1,:113:1(15.1:--:11.1.11,-B.,1.5.,.:21,.,.,:lilf-,:‘',_'
,`:,' , l 1 . -.12. l ' , . -q l7 !-:-, - ::' It 1. ,, f-e ,f i 1', 11 "„17 . ,,. .
f_Thoola to the z;tf , ,te since they . went iv.. to or_)- '.l.ge'a - ..,e'rit -- c - ,:.:' '1.11.1.. " 1.. j -d-„ - 2 ;: l .':' ' . --....::.-;' ;,-,..,. ft - I ‘...,41 -e ibt,, ' ' ' . l2 3::, "..;','. - .',.., ° : ' 1 : , ,7 ) 3 1 ' . .,.. - : I ..„
ere s ti . on., -,?: 13;35,
.i. z .. e?, , 46•? , e .. , ,1.-3 11, • • 7,: , ,b,i, , tno7m 'of 11.0. autecedclit - : ravt-t be regel:(1:-:cl. -Ail'j.i . :-- 7 + - ', - _ , l; - . i , -. - 1 - 0 ,
dOst: d.t.trita: Tia 4: la - . , t year -.7a-..-. .:2,(q13,2,14 Ae, c'. s a 0 1 . 9 .:'''Itt - ; ,- for 1.17.?. 1 .,C.0nr:i.'C - I'Ce C - ': tht.-:r_esr V . :5;',.. 12 ,-. 1 ". rr " :2 „ .: ''', 7 1 2 ,., :1 , 1f ?'-
pie v, - ho 1 - e - _ , . - (3a•-leste - t 1,,,:.31 - .1 to t,',,:t. (3-t.1..'0c-vv::- - .7.5 31 1;;`, - -:,, , ,t'f,'...?- 7 2 -- ,: -.. !.. - -,'.1 ., ,..-' - '''
It 1 7$ eStitnratttd that ths future e,..naense to torial cbeir b-e z ..-.., lie.„, , , „ . .,„., f i ji , iv -„, , ~,, i,,, 1 ,--A „f.-.:. - - -
tat -2 -
' ------- P ---
le plact., itl.-
. grieuitura re.
cc cif .supply
t !let 'ttiantifttei
ic4iity — et-vthe ;
lie County seat=
see. : The 4r
aid sellers in
firing the year
ndanee during
blwinPss :done
inuell greaten.
i t. of court, sieek.
i is.- , ..
order, and liberal appropran i tons aro le
mended for ibut purp , ose, ,T4e grout it
tanee of the info - ran - 0,5n jo,bo planted
resources of,
vritlirneite e . 0411.11 1820.vti131*16'tqpi,' - jn
it ruched the' en'tifin9o'ki nniimot, tlsf
,i 9,
4135; tons, and It is eStittinte4 , .that :the
22;090,000 toils; ' .- Ttie•iiiodltet 61,-441:
ill) 14, 1
4.05 t6vis; lyitjk4l4 aggioptopf
Oso.;t\ris of Coal mined ,State
Thf,,P.Voduption.of ,oil is riot-legq
- Fioin Igti9, 711 - en Dr
wanly. amid the
are,' ia the
'er in tite . noun
leferred wbq
~ qtt °mo
g:eta, o'n'to
!le*, e new la=
stink tite'rirat_Nsell; to tbe cloSe , Of ' . 1884; he I
proilnefionwea 221,t100,Q(1ti ,:gdlons, yi ii- 1
IPg „the:sum of 420,826,000' i . • in 1864, atent ,
6000,690 gallon s - w ere ye fito4, typrilt lib et:
2E4, ,, i40ip0,c1 - ....T1it entire : production ,u 1 to
1868-iviie 3'2.40 ( 42,0VA otllon4, ectUall,to 8:4 8,-
U 39 barrdie - - of ,crude 'oii. iOn i t :: ingtai i;rc-,
duction: is being rapidly inereaii.ed untieribe!
Present re ttaeratiVe priCe , ,,li , Arid:ithe ttittt
- ber of lir4,-class, furnace:4.T is steadily gkm
ing larger:. • - - " i ~:, • - ~
• . ~ .. ~
The Govrtior did-not sign the apportiot
merit, bill pilssed laSt fjCi4loll, Alld_it - will b
the duty of the :Legislature, -at, 'its prezeut
session, to 'enact -anOther•bill ditiding the
state into . Congressional .districts:. The at
tention Of -thg.Legislature' 'IS -balled-to the
n .-
ecessity of 'nore_ stringent= enactments to
guard the purityOf the : ballot-box and - the
rights of eittetors. .1 ' _ •:•••-,::
,The continued growth and piorierity of_
our public schOols: are indicated by corupar-
Jug the:expentlittires of the lest *ix' years
with : tboae: of the six years prior,' to 1867,
inst rir
the. .e
ffse :Oita
r. the considera
whole ; cOupty;
the pep - nit - lea
~' ner?y -- lor . the
arsons rho NVO'd
lopially favOr
taxation 'within
wltti.:would iy•
• nd property
11, by alllawful
.'s - p - , it dit4dou )p3.
1 •
• puttlicolvith no
the - favor of;
1- \ thereby ,to 'Se
' •. . .. . -..- '
.Vii: - I.
- , -
Totalcoat of * tuition from 1807 1872..6 I
. $21.678,208 8 1
Total oat of taition from • 1861 6 1886.. - 12!4Z,Cel
1 • --
214A:GE. 1
YI tl al 'lll6ss-ag-t+,
.. itii, , ,: is . . - 'a very
ou d illlrilue o r_
...AT it - Avid,: solid
-T §-lateliOur iit;
Ints \out, plablish-
Ifore'-glye:a con-
. „
I x•eutarlz,ing Ivo).
'ento, both State
past year, refers
ettona •as
is inforai the
good order hare
'forcemeat of Ink
ft•of the-State is
anise her public
y maintained
ement of the re
itidebtednes of
j. ear end- -' • •
7446,0,7 46
ding NOv.
1 5 1 e 25. OS
!emu 64.,
70,820 OD - -
08,,082 88
. --87412,810'42
"T 1,4€2,435 61
E 0,07173
'99,749 91
oa.yoo GO
$2.9,170.64 el
I ending • ,
2,470,821 00
Z27,Z09,491, Eti
moo° co
amiss 81
510,782,466 01
'for 516,621,039 03
cu ears by the atiaraul
t dred' thousat d dollars.
!payments on the debt
11;794,644 D.
2,416,816 64
472,408 18
.. ~. 2,1n,590 17
.., ... -.. . 2,47020 00
.....—...510,95 , '2,080 01
per cent. on the debt
, 1, - , ;7 4 37,70.4,109 77. •
ed in the construe
- ....., - -...- ,`,...
i/111.11D ,i'l .r2.4_,,.....,-
10- ' ,...--„lisr other ex•
t d up to November
i 744 89, and Mahe
on account of the
36. The canals
1867 for $11',000,-
the State lase re.
h, and f. 3 9,8 1 )0,000
the Commiesionere
Railroad • '
thgt Phil.
ad 5e,5.00,000 00
- SICO 3 -
• CentrAl
Y. payable
r: Jantial7,
'east from
...... fI,COO,C:O CO
. $4,E00,000 CO
the State debt end ,
. have gone hand
i v - armee entire aCH
onstituted a Inririt-',
• , attesting, at the
of the Legislature
•ho halve, been the
' nds. This pOlicy
The rewrding of valuable public docu-
ments in the office of the Secretary of the
Commonwealth, and the binding of flue
statute laws-a - the State are recommended.
The wont of the Board of Public Chari-
ties is commended, and the manageraent of
the State penitentiaries favorably noticed.--
The' managers of - the "Pennsylvania Re
form School" propose to change their loca
tion from Allegheny City-to a farm of 503
acres in Washington county, and adopt for.
its government the best features of what:'.,
known as the "family system" of jnvenil I
reformation. Walla, bolts,' and bars for
confining the children will be abalificih erj ,
and an earnest effort made to govern • tilcit
through sympathy and kindness, and 1..33 e.-
pare them for useful occupations.
In discussing sanitary regulations, the
Governor saks that the deaths from sto , .‘ll
pa; during the first ball of the past ye: r,
among the unvaccinated, amounted .to tblr,
ty-three per cent., and the •recent death-rnze
in Philadelphia amounted to nearly:forty:
seven per cent. He is convinced - - that
deplorable result might havelnen urevent,,,,i
by legislation. "The testimony-of the roc , ,t
scientific schools is to the effect that vacci
nation, properly a - chninistered,'ls a Sovereign
antidote. .2rbe highest, medical atutboriti- .3
ußqualifiedly-affirm sulall pox to+e a di,
grace to any - civilized land; that there is bo . .
necessity for it 4 presence, and that if -every I
person was prOperly vaccinated every, seven .
yeare h .the disease might-be utt4rV I,eztermi.
d amott to $649,-
-d last rear. The
*a Loa r," which
is also urged. It
se proposed reduc•
1 1 ,961 61, the State
rrent expenses, the
make an annual ;
million five hun.
tile principal.
made two years
igical and mineral
is repeated. Uri.
fril, establishingt
sties and of .A. 4-
appointed Thom
I a county, CominiB
- entered upon 'his
collect and syste
t••ference to the flab
,.ins to the social; ,
and general condi
i t of all classes of
ow the same affect
v and proactive in- ,
city of the Bureau
lassify statistics re- i
t : : ufacturimr, agri.
productions of this
be act did not att. 1
.1 efray the necessary I
it ureaq in working
172Cred , 143.,
perick ther final extinction, will not
exceee, ri;'1,600,000. , The l health. of the chil
dren has been excellent, end their conduct
after their diseharge e.zetnplary. • '
The Ztate has antlioriXed the purchase of
three experimental. farmc, and • the eT,tab
lishment of an Agricultural College, all of
which are now iu successful e.psiatioL.;—
The number of students , adieus is
now 150, exceeding that 0. - 2 ?ay previous
year. Any one of three coureeiis optional
with the student—the atrricult:::ral, the
entific,- or the plassical, l to all of whic. , l3.
added a general ecurse of m.illtery
tion. The ,a.dmissioa femslas - Was' first
permitted sixteen months ego; anti a:treacly
thirty young women 'as,ve availed themselves
of this opportunity to obtain alrt;cleSeed•
neation. The rules of ; the clllege require
ten hours' manual labor Per yeah, It pre.,
paratory department receives students at-a
low grade, as well as those more advanced..
The school is "cheap erioug,la for the pcor- ,
est, and good enough for the richest,7either
in mind or estate, mid affords healthful ex
ercise, instruction in useful labor, and free
tuition in every branch of-.its ample courses
of study.
The National Guard con iyt 02 liftmen
re4iments and eix. battalions, PnropriSizti , ,an
aggregate of 13,566 eollated man, and 1,12
commiesionecl officers. I Convinced by pact
experience of the neceity of such a forc'e,
the Governor recomatEnd2 such action u
will maintain it in a well-equipped, disci
plined and reliable condition.
P. P. Rothernaers painting of the battle ,
of Gettysburg, for lack of a proper place to
exhibit it at Itarrisburg, has been turned
over to, the Park Commissioners. of •Phila
delphia, subject to the order of the Legisla
N. '
for aim li'avrty 460 i ii
cu( I in7clze noi
oez-t ul)c - .) the per.,•••:: . ., 2e73.::9yl
venin—tliat Coati , d2.noe r.v.t7 ily - 7,7,r by
clibainieh ilOuv . re'd
InF,y 2hiue in the gtiaz - 7 og the Aniezion
Union Itere9:.s r in 7. .90elidor fore—ef."-
:~.., V.
cratt:V.:".lre. -, e pncart,
c: Sfx:, J 7:: r'.'•
1 - d A
r,: - GI ;
z.nt".tc t•-o
::ctfes -
-cat?:att , tLa
-.... ptiractrt'.
with tle.fAt attatr.tart'ta
7)eLe`f et - ii art ntt
r.o:nee rtc,t , t•tn , ttaz7.
eny y2re.)l4 r . arl. 0
Taire4it :V.:. Va.:P. v.i.`,,-.T.;111:z•, ,
:n;trtp 177: p111Ct•
17.F11:1t1relr alter 'l?ne , . - . c.t t:tis tarot c rtee
ably to
Given under my 1321:1 end C`0.1 , 1 t!t. office,
Velifibolo, tl.c , 7th ire'aal., t ll3 cio-.r
Lord one inousi7.l - 41e1 ; 71Et
A. .413.ernf.
ur..,:•l:_a D lan,ving !til; And
3_4 vaalout or nrravoca: 4 on, I he.celay fort L(
Pa penct:.l.,:.borin, i1.;IP1 - 11 - 1 , 7 hel• 4:11
all" Elan ;K. CE1:1 - ;,. Gf fn-r , ;;;Jatra:tit,g ni;a:, Oats
date D U WOODAf:D.
Cavtha ton. _`Ell. lb rj.-Cdc.•
i,17373116a1 fa ) ( , . Y7 / 2 , a b
Lo - o !Qt chCrie, , , of ine:. , ry.o,:t. , 1 ,- .1 bate beau Elea
0.1.,0c, st:ri r, ill bo r,retenct: to the Court of
11Eri 'Bole. count,F, Zdoinlay, - .,Ttuunry
27, 1273:
Applicstica 1). i:M.Lay,
ding and otherc, for hitt6e of Inc:cqpoiartcyl for ,IJa
ton Cemetery °Marton," in TtEttlillobur - i tormslap.
, TISZIELD, 1 1 A.
- I_4ECTUT - i,E COURLiik,
ELI ...... J.. . ...
"Defense of the Heathen,
Ydnlia? Land,"
COIT TrLE."..? ..
"A. Day, a `l , : i a .tiigt-t in Cfnie,:a.
C:4119: 3 ataTCrit a."
Grand Coacar-..
Ci 0,33 maw,: 1.11 V; in f1tt4;53.1.-r-CS C7.1:11"t1171
, ateL , :e I;cfc,:el ,, ,:tnr C
AUllifi'oll' i,ZOTIAIE,
Di the matter of James Man, qeeeasea, tile auditor
appointed:by the Court to distribute the Rinds in the
hands of Daniel D. Doan; Administrator of the said
dev-dtmt, will moat the parties interested, for the
puii,oe. , of he appointment, on Tuesday, January 21,
111:3 at 2 o'clock p. nt., at his office in nellsboro, Pc,
I.:Er. 31, 1872.-Iv - , i J. 0. bIiaIANCI,
• - • , ' -Auditor.
1 ,
Executor's Sate.
VIRILE of az; order of tho Orphan'
cora.tc, tvo will expose to publi
the drrx of,Tansary, 1573, Et
norongli ,of Wilinhoro,c,aid
r.s the following 4'encribed
eirg cf , e of David Ilart,.late of Ea I
ti.tat ct4blui lot of lartd lying in the
sontt.wett aide of Tv:l
Vieinut at: cote, befog ab
Q.)) 1-et tr...z.t. m Walo. street, e.nd running
- rOl uuttred,Nt7 - 7,1 rcrt toward Orafto.o etre
tnerkon one two-story fr
7.'erme; , hree-fourtla of tho amount of
.base Loonay, payable at time of sale, and t
• nine months L44 , 4'4;1421.
_ Dec. 81, 1872.-W, B. 9
-L7 T 2? l' i C; 0 ,
~?$ c2=~.
IV, ti. Luvz. i 1
-1.. M.. 1-.';i• 73, ;--
5 L. Coca-__=A:,,
Court a
rain ca
'-et Court
"MY, et
d cal=
aid btr)'
• • ot es.,
•ut eighty
t in 13 •,13,
'4 e dwel•
•the pur
e ba/ance
E4RT.. •
"3tierif?l's t4ale,
I:3Y VIRTUE OF euudry trite of rieri l'aciee, Lew.-
1.3 rt Dmete. and Venditioni - Eznonae, Maned out 0
the Court' of,Common Pleaa of Vega county, and to raa;
dtractert, 1 .i.,-ill expose to p - ablic rel.?„ to the highest,
and Kest t'd.fxor, c.t the go - art 11°11264a i.Ver..aboro, on,
7,i.ondey the Tali day a-1u...w.: -. 1, ‘ 1173, eV. cue o'clock
p. m., the l'elto7,lilB described property, r:21:
A. lot of lout loth'irraington and :iliddlehury tor7n.
chins; bound , ..( on,tho north by I.l.enry ilm,,- , ,yer., wee.t.
by A. J. i'l..legrove yid Ut.nly fi'.i.wyer, 141:141,. by S. H. 1
PrutSmen, and eaeti by Lorene 'l:PElalley; cont!.l.Mng
GI oore4„ il9,neroll ithpro'red, with a frame house, eta,
bra, en apple °roll? d arid other fruit trees thereon. To
be told es the pro arty of A. J. H'ifinney, A. 'Hum..
Phrey and C. F. Mt ler, fruit of Robert Lo;7,an.
ALSO—A lot cf I.nd in Rutland - to , ,vnalrip; begin
ning at the southw :',.t., corner of lot :To. 317 et', the ay
lOtment - of Einehana lauds in 7.tattendtownehip efotar
eaid, conveyed to :,ire. Hannah Sizbeel' thence along
the north line of lot N0,1Z5 conveyed to V,r.L.tme.T. L.
Eenyon ndrtle, fi33`,l' deftrore west, 117.4 rods.; thence
along linee of lot 1. le9 convoyed to S. S. aud a, C.
Jolly/ north 78.0 rc s; thence north, 45 leg race west,
19 rode; thence north 40 rode; thence Along the south
line orlet No. 113 - conce'yed to - Hiram Wilmont east
170.5 rods; thence along the weel line of part of lot -
No. 135 atid weet line of lot - ,:•io. 111 r.loreeaid contli,
one fie,r,rQo wart, 3.4.?..1.1 roar, to the niece a; L,:ginnint.";
conteinieg Via acre, rare or less; with the ortlal al
lmmuce of el% per taut. or rcade„, 4.m.,- it, Vilin, L ,o lot
:to: 193 or the rilletraeut . of Elnul%. -- =.ll , unle in ,Rnt'and.
tawmhip; with tire fr ,,,,, 1141M3, it '(mane barn, an
r.uci nth?". ,_nit IXEPti 15.2e:r0r0,-and'abou
f,oacyeo lynpro - red. To bl 2'ld t., tht:,„t•T,' of F-::m
ford Ei..Job Zia 11311 JanesC. .101:112, - unit. C
Johns for u.?..) of A. Zloyabouoc.
.ALSO-4. lot of land in° towhnhip; bour.a•
ad on tho north, by the T 2 Üblie Insllvs:,•, west 2h.d. south
by lands of 11.7,2 tin amea east by la.nris of Na
thanla coritair.ing ;bout no res, mo:a o:
!ors, all inzpi - ovetl, f. - ...4.me barn,
outbv,lldinEo., ^u alr . plo orchara ttn:l c`..111.; fruit tr:7,95
Azeo—A.n , ..ther lot in tha totyr, , A - Ap; bour.dad
on the r_or , l2 by ler.cla of rutlna:t rest by
1.411 - 1 ,- .1 of chsrLer, Dr. 151,31. L'Lna3z, couth
by Zonal of )3?.. , . - ;.,1 ITatt.Lte4l E.t.a t',3
by .1_1•44:13 of Itobert
Unfit; c:llittln.ll.l2; witli r.
irate.° houze, ottibpilativa I:;Ct'9 the.ircort,—
To ba nolfl es t io prointty of C. i. Thmm. , , of
for ut.-,)
ALCO—A lot of lwitl in Tic , 3, botcio,: 1 1;; boon"lerl on
no north by Coweiletqr.o .atre2t, ert Wilnui;
wret bl
\7 , i);.1.11 , 3 fee?. siraat end J
fettos f:trest, with :7, fr;zrza,tou.:.e., frame
barn, ontbzilditrz:. Cl 4 To b 5...
pi-!.1 2'4 t ala`LCal mit aF. T..
- t 1;144...
"v"-er:•'. t 1. 1 ,3 7. , ezt by 11 , 11.3 of pzvta
TP.71 , 1: cud, CLe.b ua htp, cr.:l amiva , atiie79t
17 1 . 3 stcroz.
i , -a1a:c . !.70. nn bara,
b .
‘2.2! ctz,32 Aialt tres.3
17.:0 jrc,Db :atm,
1t75 .T. ;.;..:127.
A:r;'?:—i laat ! ,- 11f.t. F-.:11 - ,•ira boutd
ed on 1 1 21 - -• by 211 f 1. , 117 . 7 - 27 . C1*.. ,-- 7:.-11t.'d and
.74.11221 m on .2,1 r: .7 , 1: 7.72 d rt. , :eg,
Zolla litrreY b- L. r. 41,1
Loud, -.-,_ t b,:•• '." in of V• 7 orcoino
0.7 E. ` 7 , l 'e r z - .1.1; reve3, =aro
or lee:, 20 lr-s-af house, fie.:ll3
bun, out)uit:',-2. , --a, gal orch7v.:dna other frait
ivies thlva , :l4. lo r prolvalty of DrtytOu .
au:: of C. L.
P.J.JYA.).....:1 t: " . ..71 7 .11r.tiana to , ,meblp; invand•
ea on 'lb.'s, north by lunes:. cl .- ("1. Sopor
of sTohn Llenton, ,Tr., cE ' Crohr-BeL5o::,
Sen., nne. , icst by tho hlr:hre.y; c ar-thtning 33 acreS,
v.cfe7, Impr67e:l. .T.s be tfla 7 fiN rrOpert7 of
Wilmot co.lit .lope_ ±or 11.f.' , 9 of Cohn
Ben9on. vontl
bo , :inded
on Ity "I:tty:. , • t 7.1/1 - .ly 1 linEt Co
llett, Gaorsco weat by
Goorz,l7:-.CA:clte: Ellen
Web%ter, rtnti. elst 1tt72., I* , 1 afacti.
^ 3f.: 1 ) - o c:eo, ••.:k trii:.r.o7t.ii. To be
prc'r/• 7 :.7 c- zT. , Dll.-Z-C3 C.
.i...L' .tat o f d 1..
f lan fn. ”..,...,i battr:4 l .ed
on .:e -z::.• by lan.'..! cf 17-at:1 . ..1 rz , .. , ...12., ' , .....3iahael
.I.'er,:_nr , l, ei:. - _ - .: by .71:. Gctent,z, - !_-:,•.:th, Ly C--'n:.r. , ,r,s .7.- . . ant
P.P ., '7: , :;..rta1. - ;i7:q. , :tcr.; i. -.. .:avr•tct L -- .: , ....tc0..: - Lt11 , :,:o.:1-,;
cont. 17-16'.5.7....% or .. - ..:' ~ : zta impro7ad,
with fret =o Prca 10E I:11mo. Lt . ; 1 :.r.7.2, fLtnae'bo.,,,'r , r.nd
tool izo , q, •'‘,12(.. , : . 41.1.:'.7;19 - ,1113.7., :•:. ;.... -- ;: , 1: , crellEs.r.d. end
other fr " , ;t. t1 . r,,...3 th..0::,20n. 'la be cald ? 3 1..113 yropezt-7
of P. R: ~ i ell., cult c: .7. -- ,rt•nry 2. - .. - ic:: re!: vao of John
Lfzfe..• ea , .1 - i.d., 7Zaze.:=."., . .
ALSO .:. ?at of 1.7.7 d In - ... , :?orrburs bnrough; lotind.
ea on Va. north by
cf PI tri.cl: Coa , ".allowrnd Win.
Willi,-rna,''Yntl. by ?rod,: of .1. co - P.am L'. Co., +:euth
by the public I:L:42.s:say. itnd e.ast by Thomae Farr;
being CO feet front., 1O feet on the back end of the lot,
and 1.91. feet deep, rt , rith one fratr.el4ol3S::: thereon. To
be cold as the prollorty of jchnßor.ncer, suit of Theft.
Martin. _
ALSO—,.Io? of,l4nd'lu Union townshln;-hollndeet
on the north cf Juo. deceased. and
Jacob .leaner, ea , :t by {: - .fidn of the 7_, coming Valley
Iron Cornpany, erlyih by landl Sechriet, arid
mast by of oeOzT,e I:cli:er;.contetaing tO acre*,
10 acrP-,3 vhl.l two fzani.e of tj4 fraitno
barn, a frame ratty. powe!.. ca null, h•alt trees
thisreon. aold ac 1110 pro;lsrtY a 1 I'.
chor, t , uit Wiht-tm
ALFIo--. to. t .tictiu I . s.rookileld toy:meld!? ; baur.d.-
ed op. the noctit t y of :;;lion Dozy, vicethYJnOl
Pnrk.lnrnt, eoshta by Adel:*-enzt by L.
Si:inner; c0z.1. , 2.1/12nr: ILA ocrec. urea LaPrc'ved,
'With fill:AM:3 v,,tbuh:linge, an an.
pie orchard crht..t , p. 110 cold
a. 9 the 1 , , - o,p , ,rty Noll;ftrA 1;', 0. Dug
al' Joel
lot or 1 . 41n1 W, bound
ed on the 11 ,, -ti and e4:.t by LAc.l Jamas Deigns,
south by L. Guild, gnd NrerK tl,f, vablfe highway;
containing, one acre, mere or iple, all improved, with
a frame house, frame term °litho thling, alld.friLt
trees thereon. To lie cold as the property of D. D.
Cook, cult of I. M. Et/goon:Lb et. eh
ALSO-.A lot of land in Charleston township; bound
ed on the north by lands of do :n Sii rlcic, weat by L.
Johnson, south by the publlle highway, and east
by Albert Tipple; eontatuinz cix aorta, more or lean,
all improved,, g.ith a frame - hour:4 frame barn, out
buildings, and a few fruit treco thereon. To be cold
as the pr.:pert - 7 of".Terente Scott, edit of Ross F.,: Will
ALSO—A lot of laud in Covington I lot - sough; bound
ed on tho'nortia andWtiet by lauds of S. S. Packard,
south by E'vitvin Dyer, and east by the "Williamson
road; containing about ltalf-an acre, mote or lees,
all improved, with a two stow, inlet house, frame
barn, ontbui!dinga; efltryfeit iTee:i -Clereon. To be
sold ta the propeity of A. V. Saneil, 1.). C.-. tict mild, and.
P. L. Clerk, start of Pomeroy firethpra et. al.
ALSO—A lo: of lead in Clymer township; bounded
on the north by Linde of Ah a Tborarzon, Posey' Rey
nolds and Wilson Hurni - ide, :rest b..: I.l7rrisort Ring,
south by Ashley Gull 1, 11 - intre (3 uild'arai .f. O. Thomp
son, and east by Frele oh Vfccrlocoh; containing ~ 1 .-.,
acres, 10 acres itarzoTed, with a Immo bonze, lo ghouse, log barn, an apple orchard end other fruit 'erase
thereon. To be sold es the pn.cnestv of W. S. Weeks,
cult of •Thompzen and Phillips et. al.
ALSO=A iotcf land' in Tinton township; bounded
on the north by Jai: de of W.,Cellins; cast by Lycctn
tag crecl:, •-_-:-..• lb Iby rubric, highway leading from
Roarina French to Ogdelm-burg, cod vest by ‘public
highway lerding from ), - .lmira to T rrilitarnsport; be:az
Villilet by 73 f•Jst. with. a trO P tory frnnie building cc
pied as a arozery store, a ra.ZOll shop, and dwelling
h tive thercon. ',Co be sold tia the property of F. NV.
It nseber, suit of 'William Dlatr,a, •
~ .Li3o,--a lot of land in IVillaboro; hint , tied on the
ndribeast by laude formulY•ewme, by F...llol3unnell,
northwest by lauti.a of c;,,arlcs S.
,Witeslar, southwest
by Avenue, and Sonths , ,asi.. by lends of Harriet f3te
vens; containing about ono cr•re. v• - i'.11••••, frame house,
frame hates, oti!bbildiugs, an apD2C orchard and-other
fruit trees thereon. - To be gold as the property of A.
.71. Tr - barn so:l V. El ‘ oclr.t. cut; cf il.. I.V._ Williams-felt
Ilse of t. L. Bridine: • '•- •' F.: A. ris.ar, p.b.exig._
‘Tr.nnety 7, I e:::E. • - - . •• . ,
JftLl. 8
Jia 1 ?
r•_ti. ;.
L'eb zi
..422t,a1:t0 - Hr v "s- 2Toti()e.
the .t.natt€ . : of the eBtrlte F."..inaball,
w,:4 , tl,.the a42lz9r tlppobl'_-?.4 by 'ale Com-t-to cot•
tie the t0z.10'.12119 Of ar,t2 l',P,preadagai,
- .D.i - oz,liton3 or .tbl 4 - . 13z9•.10.1t, will vest
the ir:rt;or; forlin P - ,:apozza cf btfi?ppolnt...
net,. ell 7rif:"S, ,Talutu.7 r 2 IS' /3, at ex*ClOc.i p.
et hio at a ;
clalara ;1:7 cub.
ilzezli - b, , ,f0-zo thev. - ad:tor', yr lz , i . llitrzeil. fr,om
cornint,f-10 - :e care of 15mnr_r:''""0:17. 'LI. -- -taltaLn • .
•, ,Atlltor. '
- On bond et tho depot at Mansaild, Toga
and at is , the time td got it.
Jazi. Pi; anAt. • JOHN Lis ptirgaz 4 BRO.
_, , •
•• - ,
-"'fl . 7.` , :•" , ' , 'S>;::. - 2 ..
, • ' ( , :i: ":' '-',.':•:',.
• = .;,. 1 ..., 1 .,,,.. • ;it.
• :::, '.`::::-.,‘,--,,.: =,,, , .. 1 : ,- '. - ;\
. ~ ~ „ _ „
: T ~',,,,'....,....,14.-t:;„.-7.;;;:... , '.-. .
._ _ .
.% %
1 vail
1 kgal
i 0.
,t,..i .
'' 1 00M0'"
.f p c ' '..: = e
the Largest Est
Ria 11112.1(3 facilities for tniyi.4,3 cud
IA lowest bbbing QUT
'4 44, -6.l4tVi atocir c 3 - .
ecAt‘e', AT G 9IZEI, *.fig
g -;
- 0 0!.
1, full liliq or vat C
..!.. n. 1 1_
1 - 72_41
, r 17 7 i
1 1 t ll 1 1
• , au
ti l
• /
=Mg= Moak, w
quey if rrit le=
cititillis cif% 47, IW4ia.
~.. -
!s. ,
blishntont in
M=. l t.-
Or-Or IS'T
azallug large quasttittwatlivadri.ettlae thaw to -
:tad daortmarkt Goaia aft. EO, a *pall atraa
• • '
ISIAND--,--ANJI-,..Wi11iii,1 4 1116,.
&LID pou,o4g THICK. eATNIIII: E.r.d.oiiOiOß
F.VD. - 2TIsH gEte.WEsita:4l.: -• G "
" 4° '
tat 'men , Strittittio
rinefact4 For.A.,'•arilage and
avaes of apperis:fniiii7c; — 617 61Viti!
is tiko ;lie, to buy yoUr
. •
• i- -
1 1, .
: F ' '-, . .
1 I
f F 1
I , x
:_', I
too to:tnaerous to mention
. ceitalkuriii6
In goe i dronalrani st7/se,
, ,
1 ,
Ith igloos not to be beate. Do ttotfail to aotaoimi
- -
* '
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