Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, January 07, 1873, Image 1

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    N \
VOL XX --NO. 2.
: •tat
.334b...2.ftrezoss cogviaL,calir,
• ' A. M.
gielnuns i-Bv4oo per annum in naval:m..63
.2142742 Or .4.DVEMTZSZNO.
=la Itio iit la. 81r41 41a. 7 )03.110.1.
3w.sk 111100:400000 $4OO $6OO $2OO 11400
1-d0 800 600 600 701 11 00 16 00
200 800 600 600 800 1a 00 18 00
260 400 600 400 90018 00 20 00
400 000 $00100012C02003 26 00
500 800 12 OD 13 00 15 00 23 00 85 DO
3 00 12 00 18 00 20 00 22 00 86G0 6000
12 00 18 GO 25 03 28 00.83 OD 30 00 100 OD
3 Vor.th
a c),n1.138
a Noaths
AdVarttatanents are calculated by the Web In length
*ohmen, and any leas ewe is rated as a tall Inch.
iceelgu advertlaereetate mutt be paid far before lu
g riga, except on yearly °oatmeal. when half-yearly
payments In advance will be requited.
9centste Si:Month the ZdttoAer eolvueue, on the
53Qt yadkeze, leoeute per line ezah halation. tloth •
fng hut .ect for lets t=u , $l. 1
CCU& licences In Low 001=, 10 cents per line lf
mars than hie anal 1 and 60 appla for a notice of fire
'lnes mhos.
Isgableormine 31ezetuora and Dzazatetroierted
f re. but allobitssary rs,Otifaei will be charged 10 , coati
p M MI6
out !tonna 00 peieent *boys ropier rites.
ItaNINUa Oar= 6 1 / 4 Wer less, $6,1;10 pa year.
Business Cards.
a. B. M1M562.131126
Batchelder & Johnson,
tlanufacturars of Itouummts, Tombstones, Table
Ups, Coruitors, dm. Call and see. Eboy,ln et.,
eppostto rouribry, rrallabmo, Sta.-4111Y 8. 3.8/2.
(A. Redfield, - °
tivO/Mlilt 4WD COUINISLLOB /.1" LAW.—Co - •
tour pzOnlytli attended to.-13losiburg, Urn noun.
ty, Pann.a., Apr. 1, 1812-61 m.
'f. H. Seymour,
l kitISN X X A.T LAW. Ticw. Pa. All btioltioza on.
4 4=00 to leis Cose. will ,raaoise -prompt attention.-
an. 1. 1972. . , , -
Geo. W. Merrick,
-AT LAW...4)okt+ in Vow= & Con's
Irma A4itator 'Unica. 2d door.
WelleburcL 1 3 / I .—Jan. L 11172.
Mitchell & Cameron,
aTTOBITEYEI AT LAW, Claim and Insuranoe Agents.
Cale in Converse & WitlJnn brink ovcr
COAVPI33 Osgood's &Up, Wel/sboro, re,—,Tan.
- , Will in A. 2 tone, )
&TUMMY AT LAW, or C. B. Itello's Dry Goon
S *4l re , Weald a; Batley's Mock on 11& street.
Wellsboro, Jan. 1,1279.
- , •
Xi. D. Taylor,
rJBE WUTES t y-r4FUOF4 3V.1) EZGARS at Via:saes
AttaW au. S Oona Evan Wellaboro,
ZVI, 9.1572.
Joule& Emery,
AnagET: IJ-17.-02.ofionggt Cvart Hozza,
110.1 Fin•47 - 's invok, vrisport, Ra. tualoge
MlNarty alfteriAs4 to.—Jan. 1, 1871
j. 0. Strang,
C. IT. Diiett,
...Teeth made with. the ;raw Sir•
ih W2eas better settattatich flea Biw a. :mg
use. Ora* in WAWA Walls
beroi Oet. 18,
Z. 3. Niles,
aux= AT in47...14111 attend prozout:7 to bus
than antrnstei to his oara in to countias of Tioda
sod Potter. Gam nu the Avoons...Walleaoro,l - 0.,
1,1819. . •
Juo. W. AtiFm^.-P,
atm= is LAW, K0z.424. Zags cataty.
°awe= pawl sairase. t0...4T= 1, 1872.
C. L. Peek,
Ara= A 2 LAW. AU olainagrcevar oaliectext
Mt* sse.ith, xusicitLe,
3.11e14a -
Dssisr la Grabs:v. Cbize. and GlLass . bare. Cat
/cry sm4 Plitsd - Waro. Also 'Wale and Itoaso Zur
sisOins Gools....WAllAboro, ?a., Bopt. 1872.
Juo. V 7. Gaernten
ii°lflS~LY Ai 14WW......611"caslatiss er,t - astsi to tarn
r,„^c=2;,l7 ,i
14t. exca• awata
QS labs= tils='s '11aga,_174,3,1,==. 4 q, 7g.
Ar211102.4g Ltrarir .
AST L.E077 WiTaZ
Int S. Aseassmni.
Wr... , B. lamith,
?71Zili2et ATTOBiEY, 20=47 eneelorarenee Agent.
thvOlr r ttfor.s slut to the above to 77ilire•
Ssfe' p:omyt attetton. Tee mcdazte.—..zz.ox.
WA, Pa, Jez. 1, 1672.
B. 0. --Wheeler
Win 5h.„..7:017 aturnd tO oolloction v.! all claim it.
1.1.6ga ooant,y. with Reairy Bharwood & Bon,
sag gide of the public square,Llaboro. ra. •
of /5, 11112.
Baines GS Roy,
JOB PRVIT3IIIB.—AII )5113.181 of Job Printing 41mo on
Oxon 210:1450, and pa the hut manner. Cblicelu Bow.
en & Cone's 'gloat, 2cl floor.—Jan. 1, 1872.
Terbeli & Co.,
WBOLIMALE DB S GGIBT, and dealers In Wall Paper,
Rep:gal:le Lamp • , 'Window Glace, Perfumery, Panel,
&e.—cor • IL Y. area. 1, 1912.
Sab,kusville House.
suomintax. Tiop. Co., Pa.—Berm Jiro's. Troprietci . rs.
This house has bon thoroughly renovated and is
now to good coualtion to ealooraidate the traveling
• public) in a superior manner..-,Tan. 1, 1873.,
D. Bacon, H. D.,
PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON—May be famed at hia
vino Ist &oar East of Mlea Todd's—Man ;street.
Will attend promptly to all oalle.—WelLsboro, Pa.,
Jan. 1, 1e742.
A.. 31. Ingham, Br.l. D., .
1102110E.OPA.THEET, °Moe at his residence on the .t.T.
enue.—Wellsboro. Pa., .7w. 1, 1872.
Seeley, Coats At Co.,
BAXISEELS, Eno 7.104 is '39.1 I's , t-fEit to money
on deposit, ollsocaot , = tie r sad t ar.roa oa
York City. Collections promptly roads.
:C.2. J., 1672- DA.vu) Casts, Eloxvills
J. Parkhurst & Co.,
Wei,23.7,u‘cyzres, , Eno , "" 4 . Ttoge Co., Pr- i
7617..1, Ism Friratatfixtrr, •
C. 1., P.A.:-/-Lto:g
17 :1:tiZr..Z.L.tD, sue , aes, anse,
ev:.2 . l).ncet. C l ....azgas"}c2.-
17"L':e. cr-eg7:7Cict...,,=1;z13170::. t , ..) vest".
Jaz. 1, 181,7, ,
_ .
litre. E. T.Am.b.
auLrorshr.-411-s Worm bar fri.ande lad
permo generally that she has engaged in the Mllia
r-.7 and. Zino) , buaLinsas in this bop*, End tbe.t.
et. 3 nen ba found at her store next noor to the b:v:it
, 0 5.00249:19 ;ev7:llif--r.s.-7.:bis. Z. Z. b.r.%
abarg3 oS the ter.king arid trimming dertricantand.
Orebor attantica esiirlusively 07. /2,71-tf.
DI. Talc a Co.
it. sr Itumnfteuenq semeral hinds of ohoLoto C'..geze
Alrhte.h re win Den E. P7V335 tit! cmr.ot E.at 11:3 , ao
/ auk enetoxers. We use none bit the heft Coonect•
least, lii:ruta er.d:a.ts TO'-'l.O=N2. ` , .:7erna'r.e our otra
Cdginis, audio: thee retson ma werrant taem. We
he9e a general essortzent of of:A Chewlng end
Smoking Tobexce, snub. Pi fro= el*. to the
knee: Meerschaum. Tobacco 2 utteA, .to ...5741.4'
sale and retail.—Dee. 24, 1872.
John E. Anderson, Agt.
D'XITAS. Iron. Etes7.. 14.115, gouge 2: l **mings t
akC2es' Toe.s. Azzicaltslral Implements, carriage
@cols, &Iles, Springs, BirCas. &C., 7. 3 .C.C . 1:e 4
Ottl•MPlsted Were, Sums t=l A..iem.altiot,
Pampa '..e700d Ett tron—Cos best j tee. Draku;so.
trLrar ezd 4etler Ls. Tin, Cci•plv: eged:Ekett-tr=
asolag sal Iroa. lE l l:ark wszremc.
• ted.—jsrt. 187 S. •
Wellsbore Hotel,
aft 003: YAMsT. & TEE AVE: - OZ
.- WeilgbOra; .PIL
Inge a pwrdar ZOO:tate:7 tept by B. D. ZolldaY•
4 °
24 VI Om win Uwe ne Pain.a•62 make ,it n drat !
house.. 7.ll`theatta arrive surd depart from this
goottostlfir ettenamos. Arlan'? Itt•
4 11111
Wellsbore, & Lawrenceville RA R.
'Time Table No. 4.
Takes Wed llondsr Atha 841 . .. - 1812.
ci9ru4 2iOBTB. - 00=0 6013T8.
/51 t 4 1 4 .1.e1055. 1 8 9
p.m. p.M. 842. • a.m. p.m. 3.M.
za 315 1000 Ar. Cursing, Dip. 8 00. 7 .15 500
12 29 430 880 L'yLllo 900 840 618
1218 423 844 Dep. Tanning 9 11- 848 028
12 08 419 830 Lsthrop 916 860 683
11 43 4458 26 Tiogs l 7lolage 999 904 883
11 23 Et 62 812 Remmond 968 918 ir 13
11 13 a 43 803 EL.ll'4 Crook, 962927 7 23
11 07 340 BCO Naga/ 967 080 120
10 67 882 762 Middlebury - 10 08 988 7Ea
10 49 3277 47 Nilo Valley 10 08 '9 43 747
10 36 Sl9 789 - 81°26364a ,10 16 9 61 789
1096 310 780 Do. Wellaboro, Arr. 10 25 10 00 810
2 49 Canslattoa, 10 62
2G3 Bummlt, 11 12 •
• LBO AM:W:4 11 45
A. U. GORTON, 83104.1...-
BlOSEbtarg eGi
Time Tab
Ulu Hired Mon.
!finial/4meg Comma.
0:2 ...... ...; 400 a. Ina
"Pr ID.
" ...... 20 p. 122,
Dzsum rows sLosissuso.
2 48
7 08 u.
So. 8 7 '2O y
0 m
. .
Catawissa Flatiron&
Mot roct of Pins Stxset, Wimp mepart, pa,
Mall dep. Willienviport. ‘" 9.00 a. tn.
Accommodation dep. Williamsport, ..... ...0.00 p.
Alan arrive st Wilitainsport 9 10 p. m.
Accommodation arrive at Wi11iani5p0rt,.....0.25,49.
An additional train leaves Depot at Herdic lEoutie,
W'rnsport, at 9.06 a. in.--for Milton, Philadi4Phia N.
York, Boston and intermediate volute. Beturniu6,
direct connection is made at Williamsport with trains
for the west. .
No change of care between Philadelphia, New York
and Williamsport. Ci CL WEBB. Stip%
Erie Hai "ay.
Hew and improved_ Drawing Room and Sleeping
,Coaohes, combining ell modern improvements. .are
run through on all trains between New York, Roches
ter, Buffslo. - liiagara Salle, hunpemaion Bridge, Cleve.
land and Oinoinniti.
6TATiONB. No. 1.
N. Yorki Lvo I fl 00 aro
Bing'. " 644 p
6 6614 1,
" 1701 "
Buffalo, a
Nizg. Falls s*
5 a. =., izaey r L Sundays, from Owego for ZeraelLa
vin ev.:. Way.
6IS a. Ea., exaapt Bundapa, fro= FZu.sqr.siazuar.a
1. - .1 , 1111.ellsva::: and 19E,7.
6 60 a. tr.., daily from 6uaco. 1-, ..?•ta far EozaellaTillo
and Way.
110 p. m., exo22t Sum.fleys, Voza Ll=l:e. for Atoz,
to Ba.Ulo and WrJ.
2 20p. m., excoot Srazdays, from Blaglmatoti
Zortmllsr7l.ll4. a= Way:
STATIONS.I No. 12.* I 170.4. 1
Duullllla, L 75 1228 p m
251a.5..ie.:13," 16.4 " 860 y = I 71L ezz
BuZzlo, " 282 •• 025 •• 1 7CI ••
liorulrre, " 15 05 Sup. I,C BO " 10 82 "
So:mhos:sr. •• 4CO p Jul 823 •• ..... BCC "
Corning, " 725 " 12 01 . 1 487 •• .288 pr...:
Mruirt, " 303 •• 12 40zaxi 813 " 12 43 •
uir/Qat:l. •" 10 12 " 285••I7 18 •• ,! 236 ••
Saw 'Zara, " , 700 a ra 11 10 0 i 8.32p= 858 "
lizo;ranrcz, 72;1.46.12ra
6 06a. m., excrit &mays, tram Foraeltavillslbr
Owego and Way.
6 CO a. La., daly 24:ma 7..araallayiE.sior gasqueilear.a
r=d Way.
720 - 2 ezorpt - Elindaya, from Zorcetecilla for
Binshaw.ton and Way.
'T. r.A) a. m., =apt Bwidays, from Ore,go for Buktie•
henna and Way.
2CO p. except SUridays.' Aom ?abated Post tie
33aira and Way.
120 p. m. except ausdayri. from Etccneßottle Per
Susquehanna and Way.
Jecv.a eztortzd. 6tweez Szsgek%erna cad Part
to b 'goat at; -
eat Zr.!3a, for sale in theoMeo at the Otnln•
ing Dayat
riga is the only authorised Agency &pie Bail ,
way Company for the sale of Waste.= Tickets is Cc- - 4-
taggage will be ducked only on Tickets pnro)=ed
0:0 V. ABBOTT,
?aster de.
Cez.traa Esarbizz,
S ll5 " 4 " = 1 dePtat Tre:r. sizza Jur.* eti. Lea,
u =Lows :
stcommax.. sovxzw.42:o.
Btu= Faxoss, 407 Exprass, 816 IP
216 plapius, lb p 2l
r.` , lo ,,, iir't Esp. 10 20 ma M 44 662f.r.a
B. B. FISEE, Cran'l
TE=. I, Itt72.
Foragn am.l Domef.,llc,
ITZT.S, &o n &a
Agerst for Fitle QM Whiskies,
zem.l. Ism CORNING, N. Y.
Houghton, Orr 00.,
- bleat:ate:arm Nkf
Buggies, Sulliesy
HTZteIf.9..II.I I ,TD 808 13LBLi5.
We are propiired ilh anything in our Eno on shot t
notice and in the b4t - nicnzer. Sntiafaction gums.
tact!. norGraoisr, ORR da CO.
HAEiTLaGe &,COLZS, Agents Wellaboro.
stony :Tor, July 1.1872.
Tr. l :€ !IST- SEY/111G tIACRIN7
3 5 v°67-c)wc::.mo7F
Latesk,lzigoved, hence T'M BEST,
Evan Varicair POSITIV, L e er I!
Eu 34: Setting mob trA impra.mci,
wax be pat out an trial for .x.rtles wislang s and
ao?Bon ets7, monthly run:Lents.
Before purchasmg, call and examine the 'ROTOR,
at L. S. Truman's storeinViellabero. rat
• • M.2,:f...aze Silk, TrAst, Cotton sad roodled atoll 1:3241
oonstsztly on hand. .
im as of all kladiregioirod oss ro4Onatilo
uss •
9. WM up
~ . .
~. . • ,
. .
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- . . .
Ing Tiega
ity June 841, 1872.
Aztarrs A cr BLOWItinGI.
/ ....... . ....10 4.6 a. al.
8. .... .. ....10 80 p. m.
" 16 ...826 p. LEL
No. 85 p.
No. 0 1 1 1
46 a. GO 0 a. pl M .
ON, Sap't B. & O. 11. B.
' SOK. Sup't Slogs B. IL,
Westrrard. et
Nu. 8. ro. 7.t
I Own i 6 30 pm.
9 aspm 800 am
1289" 6 20 "
120 am 568 "
126 " .......
10 87 0
8 80Sap
'l2 MEI
/2 ME/ I
960 "
8 10 8132
9 80 "
800 "
u =ZZL~rE4:'.7I.'iD.
• - ArrTMI
ec r
t.,4 e %4.1.
E. ',. 1 74):4 ki ISO 5, - .gsztf.i.
,New s Boot.
Now Shop, Stook, And first,
ANY:am ervFx A VALI r.:ltok to a Z. 1.3 Clatter, Rut
„Ladies' Kiel and Cloth Bal
m/orals and Gaiters,
Ditto Children's •
and- Misses,
exits' Vieth, Morocco, and
calf Gaiters. Oxford
and Prince <Albert
good Una at OVEMIONEI, and a tall Una of
m Ail,oo to 815,00, und. worth ate Avaney svery time
Lihtlaer‘ and Findinp
loweit rate% Is; usull.
I he undersigned Leann; orient twenty 'years of hie
only I in WelishOrei—..much of the time on th 3 stool of
twice, drawing the cord et affliction for the good
of soles, bakeries „tallier In harem:lring than blowing,
erefore; he will rewash. to his old customers
a . co; many now ones as choose to give him s call,
th the may be found et hia now shop, next door to B.
T. Van riorn'a ware rooms, with the beet and cheap
as stock. in Tioga. oounty. 0. W. flEdni),
ellaboro, April 24, 1872.
INo. B.*
700 yin
8 JO v.=
5Z5 4
6 /7 0
108 V '"'
726 aft
1146 am
12 807 m
/DS 00
770 BF
12 Olara
4 35paa
115 1,
UitTiLd.Ta'S .sEATi uturtir
krost „ A., ragm,
1 ' is graitlas So r.s to izzlcs= tUs prConc LW: Dr.
. C. Wishart's:?:l2:37.:rea D. , ..z." Trrh.a.''..for _z- - outarzxl
^ D'..suses, bas gain,-. It er.visbls re.7v...t.!alL
. tits Atlittlz to tlo Zacitflo otr.st, 6:26 f ro.thatos
^ - =a of ale lint :74:7:21:el ce Earozn, : of t..%... - vagth
' .za sibus, but by z.z . :lsma tltror,;:uou....2....;fhattsii
aliy belzelltt.Nkard vu . .t.f. f.: .111,2 ..:-.."1.ze. -7 '1119 Ls
- 'c4sa Icas, so a l o our ro7orilz.c. b !a ~ --zabls to
£l.t 140. 2.
1000 pull
1012 Eau
:Fly the dsmarz-t• hole_s its Toutis
-at. Vot by s top Nl. - ig actia, tin: 3 .:‘,locool-.Ei
assist..Nl V.I4IITE) tO t::::::‘ , 7 Or; ''''....:3 74..thEet - C4' IMll*
~21e0r...4 Ccout t?as thz.: ,.. .t tr.l to.--?:=1..."412. tubas,
: t 64:i...ies 4-ribation.
moves tZza u 2.63 L."7:91.?.U.C1. - (Uti.dl
:ZOMS 004:1) ex 4
tottl tr.btris asalift ".2*.r.r.its to se: thror ca'
".12besitlq11040eiC=3, ttd r^UrSßtbs.
-,, *-4. EC Is tee Alp sviZs, lad* irmso =4
r-,4at ...rdelt....--. 6 -' , ...4-..4 , -• :c..Ag tsa0(11-41s21
• - 'orr.. - ramt •.....w,y ir,n s vv- ~---A-r..---7....z---,
tlle liver and ',Liu.' t'
•1.11 regions, thus rec1e.,...8^ ta ernry ,r.xl: vi tr.."
• «, cad. !a its !..17`,its;!0.1:-. =C. Ir. - --Ltex.g liiit-Cts
ge.iLlei c re*r_tflot , . ":"..I.!cht It .tr.v.st b.. , ):.3. wore
1 . 1
EL..3 n t 7 ..) A. Tea lal 1.)(.t.TC.J3
p i leoraila anewea
ends: gey Lizoinettlete direr"boa the'y not
curetivo optEldes by the tae of obeap aoo.
ID IFtlelse.
I. L. Q. O. Wlehart'a OCIt,. 1-iti..l.ors are open co
. 0nd 9, 9% Tuezdayo anti Wodneadayo from 9 P.- m.•
1 1 . la. , for c0n..3..tt0u by Dr. - .'S'o .'T'. Mag.,e.—
biln uro associated tv o t•or,.3z.lif.rg rih:tleir.lls of
... owledEmd abaft - .. 7 . -! opertumt7 :.fl z oi
by any other inutitutt:::: in tht ofty.
!..// tetter..2 rfiusi.: t LI: Iddrts:it: , ...; %.,-.)
Ez 7. 17 1;,""
®s. Tccurs
DeKsei;es anG
4 71 z :.'lo,7er,
ffladcm Male
77:at-ow 71.r.7.-‘64 0
ItlutLQsl. rao.:-.-r-ta,
• • Ifitlerticl's in enz Una e.: tme.s.
1 .
eolr Toris Dates et One Dater a c204:43,
• ' . , - Dallies et 76 Canto a nren".:7-
...a • orlytens fa: r, Trees., •x - mentb, a: year.
, P • wa far 80910$ not In stack Foinlatl7 attended %,.
...-'. • L. - spree" 7,2 r ,4-, ••• -- 3 rat.x. - . - zl. Ik• - =.1 :Fin' 7,•mt irr.
. ' ' . • .
••e -re A.gemto *fins amob.or Line and, tae =on
• of ,u, S. 31.e.1. Ocean S••_r=e.."3. .7:22 NV t ck-J4s to
1 3
•!.. • ^ ant peint in Europe az th e Ic•-w•eat rates..
',!. t Drafts ecld on s,n7 Taank La Ewes at war.
.121 • , 18r/47. r.".. 9. 70'1276t & CO.
I lA' Su ff er i ng q' 7 1 ' 1 ' '," '' ''''
, ..! 1 ..t.7.7. r. ~;, . .t.1,F.,,, , ?L1it -: ,
"Wri l ; , ` 3 ` l'llrt i 1 1 ' V "Ira c- l ad t'?
.. z en. itXt ...43e, .
i...' .:
iilligin 31, Mags• INlOaras Pa.,
lit &I aliageit
Shoe, Leather
~'~ ~
Ciiiv; 'Work
to pilaw froma 04,(30 to S'SZ, pegged tad aimed
01;3 •
.`"s" L iJ
7708 Ta.T.
'Fre et <l.l--
TES 7^,,
beF,pari )711,W
R 2
V,Trt 1 1.7.0 r 2 1 Ji;
-tre , c 4
44- !.•1
(8124cassata at 7 , 1 g. ;, `4"c:.;.sst
=A tiv-7,..-s L-:.
ciot. - 1.-e,'"Tc..mes SIIQ Mast.
"1 4 .ezzres, 4.1 sons,
• Coe.,
I.2=k 1108381. 8:a ging.
XecniXas 2 s,
-7 4ritir.g. 'Degas,
LalistB geo4-1,
" A, Scene for a Study,
White 11 7 the-snow over roof, over wold-:
'And Huddled 'lrlg l e 6 el 2n )t c' hTt in crc t u h :h fr e
d in tho fogd,
Wore the white raiment d ropped trete les
But a little window, rustle anti old.
(gemmed eherrtly red on the wanderers nigh.
A. painter pameett on hie von that night;
"What a scene for a Edney," the relnter_iseta.) '
Tette gli=atirs that .-.by" '
Icicles fringe it front eavee o'er bean;
0 moon thou art glioatlyt 0 world thou art whit./!
/04k in at the so.ndow ail wane an rod."
ao helooked—but whatever his eyes might Dee
His pencil told not, hie lips were dumb.
I might guess, but who would listen to um! „ f
Would thedeot tne ain,er Ttcldthoif Atf:.
you know,
Iliyoursc freo
And you two meet in the world to edam
Bare is the study the platter wrought;
A. little way off that window glows,
And the prints of the calla - en% feet are bro
Up to the doorway, athwart the ?snows;
And the moonbeam falls Us an afterthought
and silVera their pathway who now repose.
Cold shows the world acid the sky round a. • ,
and warm breaks that ruddy light betwee
Of the painter's thought I acted not doubt,
Far longlike his study Lie life had bean;
Ah, long time his teL Wee to walk without,
From the one light apart, in a wintery a
But I hope, whore the white Slakes freeze
I hope, where the winter la over and goof
For the cold of the night that went before ,
Ee almost forgets how Lo made hie tome,
And almost forgets how they had closed the deer.
And doomed him to welt in the world—eloneA
mope k+.
xI 11S131tCC.9. H. DAVID.
Coming home late one eveniurr, Iplat
Doctor t3aul at the door, radiant. "i'vc
done a good stroke of work this Iseek,fLa
throp. Found a good situation forßon
"In town."
"Yes. Why not?" , •1,
" What sane human being would ever
tether Ben Pilley in a town?'
The doctors countenance fell, but h 4 re
covered himself.
"You're hungry, Tom, and cross. Eup
per's waiting.' le'ow"—after he had edited
himself and unfolded hie napkin—" it was
the merest chance of luck! I heard )f a
clerkship vacant in the Pennsylvania jt'en
tral Railroad) office; remembered tha.t the
Pilleys were hard up—" ;
"As usual."
"As esual—and nailed the piaci:l' i ' for
1 n
Ben." •
` You don't mean to say that you witnlci
put Paley in a milroad oMeb?" ,
"It is Pegasus in cart•hernese, surelen
oueb," said my wife, scornfully. " I 'his
own profession my cousin Benjamin r w
e le
as One of the first astronomers in the ole
country; among the young men, of Conte."
"Certainly, certainly," said the doe or,
deprece.tingly. "The position is, I bow,
a miserable make-shift for a man oflitr.
Pilleys learning. But it was a case,of—
well, bread and butter, madam, to stets the
thing plainly. The Pilleys,
,since Ben lost
102 cehool, really have bean is that etndt
tioe, that—" e'inishing the sentence py a ;
solemn draught of coffee and a shake etf the I
head.' re t
" The ouestion is not the fitness a the
°face to Ile; but Ben's fitness for th of
fice," I said. "Railroad work deman , at;
I umelorstancl it, above ea things, tiro •pti
tucle end accuracy."_ 1
" Benjamin will probably fulfill any .e.bli
gation. into which he 'm.ay enter." saidimy
wn, ciiie:ly. "ily family r.sually do." l
?.;'ow the Pilleys hen •oe 'the Very oUter7 i
most branches of Nel cent's family tree,—
But the doctor and I ads no reply. •17e
knew what it was to t uch root or twig of
that sacred growth.
" I only hope he may not lose the chalCe,"
saidl Saul enxiously._ "Ee was daze bee°
two days ago."
"Ben t . 3 dilatory I confees," said. ISsi e
with an awkwardlan h and glance at me.
"But when he lees th necessity of purse
tueity in business =diem he will Empire
it: Anybody can do that."
"I thought you like. Pilley, LatbTOP?"
said the aoctoreeneasil . .
• -
-...:'l4;ejeerel.e_larao.‘;ii!-11l :741:7 1 -- .N.'..e- feee.7.;et i
which I had for lieli cnt here in our ola
days of courtship. 1 1-erned to know him
tolerably well wren we: went eeet fishing to
gether during lett se mar. I never knew
a sweeter morel ratline I never receivcl
from any men ,so man glirenses cf no ble
thought or higli intuit!. n. -is 7 : ' .. 58 fie ad
mire.N.ly suiteu id him, on. Ehe is a fee=
of senehine for enyab: .57 nleee."
": reeley never saw ell tieee in Bee," said
wy wife, turning agelest herself for some
inscrutable reason. " e'e clever eneeghe
2 great, you., rileere's ; tredition in the, fent
ily, though e lhat he we , corn a day tee:
and has never caught 1.1 with the iser. tre.
Ee even put of takir. , ail e1:T.:70.1h d'set , .F.ls
until he was grown. 'Thy, last fall the ab
surd, creeture had the thrush—tea thrush!
And as for his wife of LU the ineepelle,
indolent— I can be,- e:ecything about
that eveman, Dr. Saul, ut, her folded hands
and good humor, and hat drives me fran
tic. [Sunshine!"
" You'll have them i .
as neighbors. I took
said Saul.
' "You can look upon
1 missionary ground, and
Piney lei)! bring them
I suppose." 1
" at least I'll attend
set in order for them."
at that_ moment, and
" There they arel T.
gurgle of a laugh if
children, as usual, all t
- We rose in confusiot
Now,Mel's heart woul;:
be.came as a guest. I
prised when 1 reached
with a swarm of youn
hel, While she lan ailed
ged their mother will
U 012.1 "90 good in
this Susyl" Sp
inkier eye as to where
they were to sleep.
".It was doiri,o,
graphed los him to cc
but he said no; he we
family, cad show sou
with; deci,',%ion 'and pro
with:the natal rennin'
a lat vb.
".I.?ut w - hern is Beni'
"":a:at one of
It:gest tr*Alc, .I believe
he sent us before hint.
Ben, tell and 'Cub r'3
usual ex:earanee of ha
, by led :.._:o
mor.Ler.:2, e in.
" , 17 , cd Wets you, ho e !
doctor's hand and w.
trtt touch. The•:e col
fellow as gentle s•nd
Ir.eLicent, VLZ'II b.e tui•
metlierly hiss. lie:
elree.dy the patches o
Susan end the children,
adil perspiring in their
water ,stood. in her eye:,
nesEi. •
" . .tirow Enythin l :
cried Ile.", finglug
ner.l "ill': here toget .1
no hope of seeing th
tell you, dom.; that 0,
plank to the drowninp
nigh gone under. Au',
p_erl We're always fu'
and Jim, and /11°1'
its enormous slices
We?re ell IT:a-starved
brici, lunch.",
- ,That about the lo
rz ." r, —. v. ci..
"Chi it will tutu U., sometime. I put,
the matter into the haute of a carmen down
there, an honest. retiebleAcoking
couldn't stay all night. What bccerac of
the check is the myst . .s•zy. I did. not put it
into the unlucky pocket, sue."
Els wife lau-had ; E a -i - Ying the baby slump
of sugar. •
"EbY How's that, piney t"
`` A r. Doket of mine out of which rothing
comes at the' right se son. Cost us deer,
though,. lately. You 4:eard of the chance:.
ta A.—Cor.ege? No? Vacant chair
of Astronomy and .I.lat ral Spences. ry hy,
Saul," energetically, their observatory
consider equal to that f any in the corm.-
tl7. They've one lens there which a man
would give years of hi life for the chance
pf - using,"
;$ Was the profer,to utrere4 tO "Tar
"Ti 6 /141 4100 " * Ow Vas
1 -
teusteca wrote to me making the proposi
tion, and of 'c urse I accepted. It was just
after I. closed y school. I put my letter
in , thee pocket No, I did not neglect to
tend it, belt NV en I sent it I forgot to put a
Stamp on ft. t was too bad, too bad!"- 7 e
growing serious . " They waited until their a
patience gave out, and then Boebtn, a 'er
-malt 'Thom- -Bonn, - was pushed in be hie ,
friends. A month afterward myletter came
out of our village post office, quite clean
and fresh."
"The salary was large, I suppose?"
"Yea; 'but one can make/money any
where. But such a lens—" /
"'When will your furniture be here, Su
sy?"..esid llelicent, to liz/e.k the awkward
Ben and his wife glenced at each other
and laughed. "To tell the truth, we : have
none," said Susy. " Ben being out of work
of any sort for so long—you understand.
It's' all gone, somehow."
"Ohl we'll - soon bring a few traps to
ether," said Ben, rising from the table.—
t` Well, boys, I am delighted to be with you
once more. Iye been anxious to fin'd out
whet you thine of Darwin's last step, eh?"
I was obliged to leave home the neat
moaning for,a couple of days, and when I
returned Oa Pilleya were established in
No.; 820. 1
"1 We wilhd op in and look at thetn," - sald
Saul, who bad come to the depot to meet
When wee shed the door the vigorous
sound of a vie in met us. The floors were
earpetless. T e furniture consisted of half
a dozen chairs, a table, and iron bedsteads.
But, the windows were flung wide open to
admit the balmy evening air. And the chil
dren in - thei winter clothes tumbled over
each other in and out while Ben fiddled,
and his wife e seft and sweet as a May rose,
sat placidly beside him.
"But I am' more and more in love every
day with your,' Pontrefact's Woods," said
Ben after the first welcome was over.—
"Stifled? Net a bit of it! There's some
thing vitalizing in the very pressure of ha
man life abou you. • It's a stimulant. Why,
at home you ..now how I used to creep out
of wolfs and be off to the woods half the
time. /I cord [not help it, Lathrop. Na
tare had her rip on me. But here, when a
thousand or dre of us men set off to our
labor in the outing, I feel quite as though
I was rnarchi gin an army. I keep step
with humanity,leh?"
"What about work when
_you reach the
office?" 1
" Ohrit's at
"Plenty of tit
treatise of Tan
Philadelphia. '''
" What do ±du think?" said Saul anxious-
I after we had gone; out.
"As I did at prat. It was a mistake.",
"They would have starved if I had 'not
b ought him be r 'se."
!` .tetter foe l a man to stave than. to at
te pt 'any other work than his own. There
is 20 much force wasted. Either the man
or the work etlds in ruin."
"Very good . i' e a theory. But what About
the starving wife and children? Bea:dee."
coati:shad Saul,; when he found I had natio
ing to say, " the chief of Ben's department
tens tee that tale work is, as he says, a mere
bagatelle to bite PiKey ie no areissaing
hook Svorna, after ail, but a man of sound
ability, and le.age grasp of thought."
I said no =oria, having certainly no right
1.0 interfere. Bait the 'belief was an old. one
with me that every treater workman in the
world is fitted 4 God for an especial task,
and caries it et his oeill fe: any corsideretion
of comfort or even life. Lookng
.. at Ben's
story through the horror that, careened it,
the belief hat deepened into superstitiou,
, I had no oresoatueity of noting how -he
aserfor=en_ Ida rchtlea eeth. a mornh or two
later, when I rent out to a. suburban station
on the road to Meet Yeiieent, who, with the
baby, had bean down in Maryland for a
week, eine had telegraphed me to expect
her on the 9:0 p. w.. express train from
Baltimore, and. I went out an hour before.
Z foend aeen pieing tee end down the little
iag..r..,,': r•,-.t i -: no ot'ney de , y !a L:, , 2., 4i.5.:-N.- -
raisinact fat:dr.-4-1i- :.-, -::- -..,—, .-.! f-e in
,....:...1 - . .1. --'___.
teraher night. ; I
" Yes, tteis is my teaat, tow," after wring
, lag =7 :nc...ne. betr2l7, "32 was sent cat ten
1 days isp—aki7.l of Tr oir.v.'.lon . : telleve.
The:e's more rea ;
ponsil:ty involved. Come
In z:ci leek et My snuggery," watching my
r.i . rprlze with hoykh cleilE,br.
~14e teet lit
tle office -- .7r.stiris .- -:ter..ez, ...y 72:25 and now
era in the tvindf.:4l7s: some z.r.e drawins were
on tee iefs..2.ls, weal rare books on thosaesle
-rho vieha icy near his 'nand.
"Fle,nty o` '"'me re: E7.;2;:y. 1:4. man is
drawn to his raid r.. , ..-.r . 2.., by r. sort of gravita
tion, eh? One can't sell cli of one's
riht for the 'mess of pottege. But "What
'r:;. ,, Ts you here r.i-f... - ..:?”
1 iolri hioi .1.re.1 -,77as corrg, and I could
not help being gretYled by his pleasure.—
He \\ as e.grw.tfcii. affectionate fellow, and
:-.7.el!cent's little iliz.:; - :.e.ss to them had made I
him food of leer.
" I had no Idea she was corning bacl so
200n., 1 Pontecrait's or - l s 1:;43 seems::: ;lull
and lifeless rithout her, especially to Susy.
(.)a the tAO express, eh? That's one of the
heo.viest trains, us...:::tily. I.3rce.t of some
flowl a, I,tithrpp ; t'-'d 1 , =.7e theni. ready for
yo it wife, while I—• . Here, Sam!" to a col
ored boy lounging on the masa," run off to '
the silleee - .h.,,a ecane lee cream. l'iy, ycu '
ITqC9II tie*l - 1 1 1 _e thirs:y v7.ith, the heat and
dust," turning to me.
7.1.11 s -was all 1 ears avo, 1 \ tlt I often tvalsen
still i..t ilip . -Ati .:..itii thir cold sweat of terror
on -- i:i, ) fij2-.: il:in.. C..leilm.ing . that i tin again
ptand'rQ• on i 0 , 2 •,:irrily-147h1,2 - .1 rilr..., crin
breaking the ImP rip.it syringe 'hunches'fFom
the bleak and witcolne Ben with an Trcikiteft
plk.'Y'SG'.d; Mike s...stlaa to auri fro,
" I-Livr you a ~. :ill. Lief"....)mii:g ti.):ti,i me
at the moment Vie tcleicapli cpe.r:Acir p•.2.t. a
tiispatth in hi.- hand, '
" ' Station .I.io. 15. :Fite minuies iate.'—
Well," wi!ii. <l l pr...l:et? look, then crumpling
it up End tlirtitil-, it intet his . .. -- f...r - cot,t
pocret. Diu you say you br e d not it car
riage? ' t .i.ra.rto:i a CabEd:all here that I isnoes
—ra e s' e blighee fdllo--,.. l,'ll !.. 1 '.1.-..t run aacestzel
the corner—" :
"rut your clheiatchl" I said eneesily.
" That'd nothing! I'll look into it in a
rnir c to:" He rill.: off ii'i;e a boy,. was gone
3 a short time aud rett:rnsd, bringing a slov
. I
enly Irishmen cracking his r7nfp. " Here
Is checks :tor theln
i Le is. :1:::g .up,your ct.7iage, Pete, the
and these s'..up 4 e. 1 trai..: , !s c :le ro - w.• .,
take a c:lic. - ..;lty; so ! At `b•t inor_lent the 7.1 7 e.17 Yors.zrets,
Here he comes," as 9' beavi;2l 1.--,-.de.o, went the:de:lng by car its
2 . ,-e - z, sand vath the I way so eaaltinicre. I stood we:clang idly
log lust been blown ho ~-.' the _S. as Oil :i;ore . :l in the windt;:vs made
-, n3 , ..i..,:r.7ii,- E; ,- .. , 5c:. he- I -‘,. - Linz v. - 11C,-; :A color egF.inst the ni.i.„l.;
Pontefract's Woods
No, 20 ifvr theru,"
the whole family as
go' to volt Ia it.—
p in a Week oz. two,
o having the house
The door bell rang
ter face changeo.
tat is Susan Pilrey's
bhe':; alive; and the
lying at once!"
and followed her.
warm t( a Thug if
was not at all aux . -
he hall to find her
g PiHeys clinging tti
and kissed and hug
the .incerestt, ailec4
ou to E:urinise us in
;culation meanwhile
,zi thir: box of :house
'FL. c.,,,ctoz. tele-
Ilp ?£l2t. Ta , :sduy,
21d tr.IT).:- thc
nil the., ne could P.et
pthess—for onca,"
acconaDardment of
V.,..'1i .i., t.V.I ',.. E. ..q.........,..,.,..4....14..h)
1 • .
'6I" rtiZi-12: the old eL( , :t f.:: breath m•-•.'„o ~ , e , -.:•:.:, to - 1 - isn. ... 7 -T.e
ne. Ir. :::.. . c a:.. '.i.e i ..`,,.J.; IG:. di - Ag alter the cars, Iloldie7 the open
t',..inly ne R. ve: Vi 36 ' ~......313%,..!:!:: 1:: C.:3 haat:. L''.'..l , :antlaug in. his 'lace
eutzir..3 -2•:. toll ' rie tlie v•ko:e t: - ...:1'.;. 'let 1 vir , £.s:r Zr.
ed to ner, gavehim t:sl - 2..1y CU? .vll-7a death mc , e's then fsee to
Iteer. , eyes ;Ina EEenface on the hip:lnvey.
his coat, end that " 1 4ilat have you done?" ‘.
, July as it was, were: "1 (.156 cot :ead ell the dispatch.'
pincer clothes. The I tools It. It was from the train -v ... n . 11.113
with all their :keen. m.y Nvize was to come- "Etation No. 15.
Zlve 1 - ... - .1.:11. - - i -- 3 Is:e1 E.ee::: tr,-ck clear:"
c.:,B_, tc: ht..re s'A,, - ,-,::. ',;.;t: lies" "Zo:1:
e;:p:es PI t'. , e e' . .:,ticza h.,...',; - _'!,.. - .18 one.. alley
will Elec.; Oro mi!es :lowa tas read:"
" - 1. - on car. telegraph no:
"',:.ae:a is 2:0 3',Ui.:(..11::
No. 5. "
He. , varr.c. - 3. '.,0 the Z..: - .c',lritenf...c:t, - 7 - ':o
came, cut of his of :ice, ezrzi gave him. the
dis . E, ~,f4. h , 6a: in . g quietly:
" I uf-g1e....1c , :,. to stop the ":6 •*' 7.0 t:: trait.
cu see what ; . I :.a.;c. cic:ne:" LTV.i. ti:e:. ho
fol:ovjed , 2:e clown the road, l :ernera't . er
Low .:.) heard Lenind us a ettdden outcry of
mentsHoices, and then an awful husn, as
the cOmprenension v whet was yet to come
that :onia no; be hoped stack the d.2.mh,
1 rem em' ,. ....c.r C - ." Iv 1......n0 e rs.t sr, c."!: g ; too, that
they - rare sendir - F, to the citz7 tor l st:.:gcor.s
to help. Aetna or the ofEcials ptlsSed us in
a few!iromen - .s. driving furiously.
I Tiallceri on down the road, and Ben fol
lowed. me. 2:-. u:e Is . .bv:ers from. al:ont the
station came up alcmgside of us.
"If it had been daylight," eaid one in a
subdued tone,' "there znight hare been a
chan.ce; but at n." , ght—"
"An' troth exTress, an' goia' a their full
armed' - "
After that the‘y.-ve:-.1 silent, 2iurrying on
beside us. The night we.s dark. We came
at last to where toe road made- a sudden
ber.dlaround 14.1 . 4 . 14 - below' whicit a - creek
glimmered ill.;he 4)6. Qp tio other sid,e 54
bend bend we be a 110444 Or bOraPlitaliq'
--t-,-:,...•, ..4
n . ' . "
1 r • , .
be bettezt:lsn this?"
land valise in one cor
ler once I.T.orel I had
; doctor to-night.
'er of yo a:'? <<£e the
you're just e.t
Iv," ticking them cti
rf bread and
fo - ^o' to
• --
trankr i=terr,osed
4 . .....!'
ere bagatelle," indifferently.
ie for study. I've found a
Shure, by the way, in the
ibrary that I've wanted for
between this end
' - ' - ' " - • - . ..... , , _
• - . I-i - - ./
--I • -
.o.•;°" i' '
. ' f
, . . -
- -.- ' 4 t ;it , . '.: I:7,ct -- • ;
1.. t „ t , ' ' '4:,, ~' ' ' -" '= .
. i , • 1 : r . ..'
,_ . t • t
- . : 11:: t . . F: I U
t-1 ; • - ' ;,".‘ ..,
•) ~1, ! ), k , ,, - ; ,
,' •-. ,- .. -,- . : •:':?., _ _ 4‘ t ,-,
. 1i j
~,V , , - , , ~,
, ,
• .
.•:, ....
, , . i
"I s the buggies of the men as rode
dowa i " said one' t of the Irishnxeo. ".The
trains 'have met beynnt."
./They went on. , I stopped, Ido not kndw
, for how long, holding my face against the
clay of the cut in the hill. I relmber
groping with my band , and thinking bad
a woman's hair In It, or a child's. I crept
tsolluatha hend.,regently, and down the,
There on the side track, laid a long train,
the engine snorting and puffing—drowsy
but composed women's faces peering out of
every window. From one of the first Mel
icent looked, curiously, and Sandy beat on
the glass with hisl hands. Groups of men
were ;standing along the road, all talking at
"Jake Redmund's on the engine this run,"
said a brakeman to a crowd near, "and
that's all that saved us. Jake sees the light
of t'other train turning the hill, and switch
es back. He hadn't an inch to spare, sir!--
Jake's got the best eye and hand on this
road, and he'll be promoted for to•night's
work, or it's an Infernal shame. Both them
trains saved! ' God help us! -here e one man
that seems to be dead!" stooping to lift a
body from off the muddy track. As it was
turned up to the lamplight, I saw Men's thin
face and half-open mouth.
"Piney has been dismissed from the ser
vice of the company," said Saul a day or
two after.
"Of course."
`• Then the company ' were exceedingly
unjust," said Melicent. "Ben never would
have neglected a dispatch again, whoever
might, that is certain. What does the com
pany expect him to do? starve!"
" have good news for you," the doctor
said, his eyes shining. "I3oehm, it seems,
would not leave Bonn to take the profesSor
ship, and It is given to Ben at last."
"There is poetic justidel" Melicent said,
with a triumphant nod to me.
"That Ben should be rewarded for sell
ing his birthright for the mess of pottage!"
Though I was better pleased than she was,
after all.
Ben Piney holds rank nowoin the world of
science, where business !rug or railroad
kings would be looked up as but com
moners or Pariahs..
But he takes as keen de l lig in trout-fish
ing as ever, and is every wh4 he same old
Ben to my mind. Melicent I has just come
home from her usual fall visit to them.
t •
" They have every , comfo t and luxury . ,
of course," she says discont ntedly. . " Cul
tured society outside, and ovely seenery,
and all that. But the elegant house is all
upside down, and :the servants rule, and the
children go tutnbling about'in their summer
clothes these freezing day's, and Eusy sits
smiling with folded hands and Ben fiddles;
and they're as happy as kings and qiieen2.
It's intolerable I"
The Yrozen Wells of Bra, en.
About a mile south of Brandon, Ver•
wont, there is situated a well forty-one feet
deep, the water of which has the peculiarity
of remaining frozen all the year round. in
1859 the owner of the property began the
usual excavations for water. After passing
through four feet of clay and ten feet of
soil, a bed of frozen gravel, sixteen fee; in
thickness, was :encountered, which re.oidly
changed to mud_ when exposed to h.e.at.—
Furt' , . , r digging penetrated another bed of
clay, and iinally,a layer of clean gravel, in
which water V-',! . .3 found. Ao the winter
months approached, Inc began to form in
the ell at the rate r..sf_from tho to four
lathe over night, while during the succeed
ingla:s lit: ,
an cc ...wan: E.T,Im of ice r ctzld c.::!pea: on
the surfar,et
Eventually the well was - abandoned, bat
since it has remained unused it is found that
if the winter ice is not removed when the ,,
weather is quite warm, the water remains
frozen during the hottest months. During
last April ice twenty 'inches in thickness
was taken out, but es the atmosphere at
that time was chilly, freezing again took
place. On July 16th, 1872, the temperature
in the shade was nik,- - .lty-Eve deg:cos; at ts,vo
e.... -,ti /rum - 1!. r , e4 ,-• 7 ,r " „..e .., - „ ..,.., 7,, „„,-
the.. Tnercli ty-L. , ,,..,...._:...,.__,,, A
_,.... e /..-...../" ?....... ~ _I
r.;;::1„\Slat a Ur . 8 h . a l t 5 7 e 3 1 . 2 V. it.a L rA;,trilting
frozen grour. CI. L. tan ez deavorwas mere
successful, b....1t t''..o. ey.l_stiarent was never
conanleted, though weiie l arn it will be or.ce
more undertaken doring'the nest summer.
There-is consideral:;:e 'specurEtion is sci
entific circl:sz az to why !tai; articular lo
cality, possibly tvm hundred feet squtue,
should permit the winter cold to descend
through from twelve to twenty-nine feet of
clay tu:tl trawl,
and. freeze a mass cf mate
rial averagins: fourteen feet thiclt, and Tet
not affect any other spotEcomposect of simi
lar strata. 1-tofesthr Huge: is of opinion
that the plzs:nomenea is clue to Pise:al re
mains. The cans of 0157 - crhicia!ntercept.
the sun's hest, sad bezid,.. &az*, cE suzface
water, together with fav,rorable arrangement
Of the stiata in connection v: it its clip, and
the proximity of the outeropping iiro.‘,,E•Lor...e,
it is believed, have pr ntected the frozen
mass from thawing for t on:sands of years,
while the remainder Of the glAcier has long
since melted away, leaving only its moraines
in the neighborhood. ti..th'. Ularence Ster
na& cf Bridgeport, Connecticut, who ha's
already event some time in the, laveztization
of the subject, proposes next year to cAr;y
down the iiith well to Avg - reader distance.-
-Ecif:r.f,':: Lmrr - can, , ,
The Deaa of 1872.
The death-roll of IS - 13 contains an unusu
ally large' number of eminent names, and
among them some 1. be ,ha-c; in fle he seve
ral positions, hardly leftitliefr peep behind
then. iknic_wg the ruleo who have passed,
assay, the mos.*, con 'f.picv °us iv cre: the Lag
of Sweden and Norway,', lviao, dying in the
prime of manhood, waslmonined for by his
whole peOple as one of the best of_ the Swe
dish kings; President Juarez of ,Mexico,
who, after a 7ong and' troubloris career,
sleeps well; President J:j. Ealt.l. of Peru,
who died by the hand of the aesassin, and
his successor for four days, the usurper Gu
tieme' who paid the forfeit of his rash am
bition by a violent death; Bari Mayo, the
Mvernor General of India, who also fell
by the hand, of a, fanatical 11.521126111; and
that " power behind the throne greater than
the throne," the. ArclAlualiess Sophia of
Austria. Ther; were . also several persons
of noble birth, who haalc. - .erted some influ
ence in European afTairs such as the Prince
of . .bTassau, brother of the tang of Holland,
I and tto PrlncQsa of liohertiolie.l.angenburg,
half-sis:er to Queen 1 ,ri.` , .:i..b.ri...
The death of I-lorace cir.e.?ley, co. short a
time after his defeat as a . candidate for the
P.les'.:•fency, took away one. who had ruled
more hearts than Inca!, el; the pi:inc.:sof Eu
rope, and whose awry was none, the less re
gal ths.: it was neither} by election nor by
the so•cailed divine righ' of kings; but his
morn Ersrol . . , .riate place would perhaps be
amon7 .either statesmen or journalist 3, in
both of which classes li t was specially owl
nent. - ,
Of the 'deceased - rtafhenten and political
leaden, t`.. - ..e first -niece beionze emph , :ticail •
to Will!ana a. F.677.?:rd, i . .nd - flic Lent to X.:, - 1
zini; titer these, but with - a lone: internr. i
we should name Pri.ace,Ga,garin and Coln,
:ill;_ '=, br...th of , R , .-.ssia; Count Hegnen
burg-Dmr., Prgrnier of Bavaria; the Earl of
Lonsth4e, J. B. Th'otbecbe, of Holland,
:::•..areaal v aillant, the I.arquis of Kira:ores;
and, of our own countri'men, the ven.erabis
Ralph I. Ingersoll ; Edw'Are:. Etr..•.nle -,- , G ? zrel:,
Davie,J. P. Grime; Stephen COlwell. A.
W-. Randall, and others'' .1.;:or should tbez,e
be omitted i - rum a }lair place in this Hsi One
who was an anther End Ipublicist as we'd' as
a statesman, the late Dr;iFrancis Lieber.
Of jazurnahat.3 there are several names of
the fast rank among the dead, especially
Hothce Greeley. James Gordon Bennett, and
James P. Spr,dimir, fOUnders of the .1 - cf;-.
sine, thelfcraW, and 77cr.7.0:; and abroap,
Theopliiie Gautier, Adel:she. Ge'roult 14-
ward.• 7Tahrens, end -S. F. Dufour. 'Cot.-
spiesions, also; among the second class of
journalists were such men es Bev. Dr. W.
B. Bond, Rev. Henry FoWler, General W.
'Schouler, John .P. Brace, John T. Walahe,
of the Mobile .I?..lspT:zter,' Rodney .. Adams,
and Isaac Platt.
Of eminent dergpnezi' deceased the list is
long. In the Catholic hierarchy, Archbisii
op Spalding of Baltimore, Bishops 11'0111
of Biel:m.2nel and O'Connor of Fitts'varg,
and Vicar General Cosl, - .ey. of ;Baltimore
were all dlitinguis.bed for` their ability'
While among Protestants, Bishops Ilpfold of
Indiana and - Enstla.uni of Kaypachusetts,
t Ei. 4gf, p.ropo l tinie - ge --J..
• ~,..,, ....;•:_ • ~,.....1,- . 1.4,v `?- 4 . -
• .1 - osi- f! •• i 1.,
~ , ~., ,s , *;.; • , ~
. ,
pal Church; Rev. Drs. G. 'W. Eaton, Sopa
thanjVade, E. Tnrneye and . G. 33: Ids in
the eMptist Church; Rev. Drs. epees, Gur
ley, and Saunders IA the Presbyterian
Church; Rev. Dr. Bond and' Peter Cart
wright in the Methodiat'Eplaeopal; and the
two Bishops Logan and Vanderhorst in the
African Methodist. °Mitch, were all men of
Abroad there are fewer eminent, men than.
last year, though some who could not well - .
be spared. FrederickDenison Maurice this
Bishops of Jamaica and St. Asaph, (Drs.
Spencer and. Short,) and the venerable Dean
of Montreal, Rev. D. Bethune, are the most
consnicuous of the English clergy. Card!-
, nals Quaglia and Amat,and Pere Gratry, of
the Catholic Church, and Dr. Merle d'Au
bigne, eminent alike as clergyman, profess
or end historian, are the names of most dis
tinction on the Continent.
Of philopophers, Fenerbach and Trendel
enburg have passed away. Of ofentiate,
Professor S. F. B. Morse, Professor; Albert
Hopkins, (a Fellow of the Royal Society,)
Gen. Hartman Bache, : ProfesSers , Daniel
Treadwel4 S. H; Dickson, 'J.I - 7. Frazer, E.
B. Dalton,; D. 0. De Leon, S. Jackson,
Drs. H. D. Buckley, C. A. Lee, T. A. Cros
by, and J. D. Wheipley are worthy of no
tice; 'while in Europe, Mrs. Somerville, J.
Babinet, Pictet de la Rive, Dr. F. Wel
witsch, Professor Goldstucker, Sir Andrew
Smith; and William Henry Smith were, all
eminent in their several departments, - I
.dre mourns the loss of several distin
guished names: Thomas Sully, J. F. men
sett, Joseph Ames, and Thomas Bifehanare
Reid. George Catlin, the famous collector - .
of Indian curiosities and painter of Indian
scenes, must-be included in this category.
In the dramao profasion, and connected
with it as dramatists, there have gone Ed-,
win Forrest, Bogumil Dawison, John Poole,
and Franz Grillparzer, as well as a host of
lesser lights. -
Among musical composers, .two names:
both venerable for age and eminent fqr their
compositions in sacred music, have left us:
Thomas Hastings and Lowell Mason, In
other departments of authorship, Professor
James Hadley, Profeseor Thee. C. Upham,
Jesse Olney, the distinguished geographer,
Professor Lieber, -already mentioned, Re
thaniel Morse,-'LL.D., for some years 'Presi
dent of Columbia College, Rev. Henry
Fowler, Henry. Denning, H. H. 'Brown-.
ell, Saleur Tain J. P. Brace, Mrs. Cathe
rine Williams, , nil Mrs. S. P. W, Parton,
(Fanny Fern,) were the most noteworthy of
our losses. Abroad, we note Sir John Bow
ring, Dr. Merle d'Aubigne, Charles Lever,
F. Gerstaecker, Robert Prutz, S. Haber
stiel, E. M. Oettinger, A. Hilfertling i Pere
Gratry; and Karsten Waugh.
The deceased jerk :teen our own country,
though several of them men of fair 'abili
ties, were not, if vee except David: Paul
Brown, of Philadellinia, and Chief Juspice
Weston, of Maine - of national reputation.
The number of our great se-Idlers was
etill'further, diminished by the death of Ma
jor General Halieek enel. neejor Gen. Mead.e,
and the venerable Generale Sylvanus ThaY
er and Hertrrian Bache, while one of the
ablest Cenfeclerate commanders, Gen. R. S.
Ewe:: also died. Brigadier General An
drew 'Porter, of the United States eolun- -
teers, and Gen.. 1. - T r umetrey Marshall, of the,
Confederate army, also naseed away. Th'e'
meet, eminent deeeesed ioldiers e.oeoed : vere
2reeseel'V - eillseete q.p.:-.--:.7.-pi PC,ll:2lfsti:er, and;
in the English navy, AdmeeeleSie James
Am:mg - the. n7tfleefneelenes ru find Lhe
tia — e.s. ce! Isaac Bien, Aoram Beal, John
David Wolfe, Aleeene'er Icesear e 2:nese:l
Stergis, i guincy Tufts, -B. D -- / Eatereon, Rev.
Joe. ::1 - ecuresee Jo.nea.,. and Jogeph Pease.
Other re ines OT: note, z
arcliy susseptible o_
elsecificatiene are those of 4,::::1`.'3 :isle, Jr.,
Ereetue Coning, Ace Whitney, Jct.:Celli:et,
J. -, ni. Sera:ten, John P. Brown, of Con
stantinople, and George P. Putnam., the
we:in-mown pun:ls:ten
We write these sentences near the close of
the year:, what other -eminent names -may
be added to the list, re the last hour is
struck see cannot cur :se, bat assuredly the
harvest ha.. 3. bee= :11. - 11c.:2=.-11.,4' .r war.
ed and the e:-..: , phs vr!tA.,ca fc: the deae,
end me tally wou=ded•of the late political
,570 ce:, - ,ll'3ute ot.r. share below.—
I° zny crin bv'_ezt :e: them send their
contricutions to ;lie ; , ',llberal National CC:::.-
rdittee, v:ho have tlltpwer'a in 1:-!E:nd of may
leg tila t i 0,21 - ctuzes for the departed:
(ckl) !al:dB:077z: (14.2a.. - 40
Net:::=l:3 crat9.7:
•• 11:t "cc:a a - -13
dorth ;-„, has
CC.Z.=, ,
7^^t Ten:, K"!to r" , '^o - ^" , 3
12 id left ttS rurNr ll!r3 T/7.4 ecnl.l I
Ero loyeAin count:,' much, but z.....):o'h,lmnir;
Vraor.;zt.:l - 113 col:L:4ll'nd hint oa t.L.o eb.elf.
Puns not, hind friends, W i t onward pass;
e . t.a.::: to read tto tonatutona of an Os 7
rartnywor.nr: 1
Uers nail (the Lath rightly caught him)
what It b:ought btu
- mr.rge wrz •
r,mari hie caul.
loyett bia toddy-- • •
Alzo, that's till!
• ' DIVA. ,
'A who al.yrnla,lied in - 1110
L.le4 hors, and gr:ps con+..lstrincv its du( , ;
Wets YO say his - truth T:115 Y:110,
.1 1 :exoThe wozld jogs ou Nrithonthim
nsrue!, the on white thiv about 111:11;
Hie ott,ers''vicelvi Vp.o did achic es,
(Be mee ,- , ~Lt. 710 Ivo,.1: olorx 0.0
By otlivte' , 5',-tu.-1 must 1..!.4as reprisco—
(llo ni his own.)
Which ca b.e'ct choo3e no 'wirer conl.l ever toli—
Ana now r.cle /Tel - J.+ n: he's in heaven o hcil.
"Poor 1 - ,3:11'il ma.colti"—or Tms when llvtng here,
But no.vr tie caue f ,is quite reverued, w fear. I ,
Ebro lieu poor Tray, who found, nt solemn oo.rit,
Hoir in bed comptiny good names aro lout. •
and. great 34co's lila Ere; r
9, but sin 11q a lyro.
Hia far:xi Apollo'
1;a orgln. rloyea
. c..CL?C
man of noble 7a,^o:'
rik.o no'or reooivo4 kis Freoe,
hie ra-altu,
Let :Lion co=cl"...=
nzaci:-, j
frczcicrx.• tzur avgl•th.;
fazias away;
tt'coz.f.s of t!2e tzar. I ,
I:a or. V. co e:3lVittelr
To f 7:::: the C:,:i7C
AzA r.g.vr •,:co 2 , ..5 •
77-3,..•.t, c_;.:.c::: to '':E.'
A.:ES, ult.Ll tzecs '
.riair.t. to - . , ,i'.: thy.
A. :low, V.:;.0 .... , 2
2.saka not tir;:r.
tee tbo - :o i 1 btpr,
eznir.g,:.adbaq ze.sr.
—Chic p F e at.
C. 2 at: lar. f
Stqa arc Tres'e a zuti-to
in irs27t, no doubt,
. your
bacco tr , icte, wcr-a
0, Trt:sll - I,` ;El-3:re.!
t_nd trol.lblect
S:nce yt - mr
left 2)
7 Tis Inrd to :ace.:
ame, I hr,0 , 4 -- i - t
e c . '2 a 'ice: er.7e,
zzr.el:s:l2; ce. '
Conro:e yourself!.
ii 2.15 t:',:lrcing_:..;
7:2.71•:, the,y, in 5 pi.
F.:ould tele tn
17 . 1 n t;:e pßzt,
: E,slr:. ~
M now, i 10770.7
be tr:fi
That c' tlic WO7: -
Gazza little lig:
ICitiV,:: 77P.rd; Et itr:i
C7;7 4 } 7..
Ititr? new - California: cde,
Ir. fol . ::: L:any enter into the
1 y c:r.n - 21. - v- c.2c.1.-: - ..ns• itzirm
..1.3 of becolnlng quickly of
Idecicre themselves' Mar
' 81., ..75, " The ramalege of
4eir etattts from &Moll to
.6.c.c.n7ding to
.cts.to '
Es'7s3.; Carr r 3,
-ClrildtTn ambitl
age have only tl
y.or the la - i
ZatIIOrS changes
adults." 1
'ince o Germstly is p. eon•
Ad it is helleveti t:#at his
•c`_(3. es he !5,.. -,`rill Ezrvive
nt of:th:e c.ctth.of. thtlEtn,
~ • tte ,crewz. 7,-611., e.'l7olvp . ,
ipi.ei A..0441e5; VAR is isaid
1 c`,..es9litl i a . * zed * wariii.i:e ' p.tc•
The Crown-p,
fir:ilea invalid,
L.-iperifil father!
In the ev
pezor gnd his so i
upon Prince - Fr ,
to be a man. of
sedoal acoosiimOiatica
. nueo tbe
• tcr
. -
i 1
WHOIX10; 990.
tram A!rn stroormara
Ctittmg Hay or •Strni for 11011M____
• A. correspondent of the- Toronto , Mb
writes as folloWS on; this subject:
'Ono of Ihe most clever and experience'
veterinary surgeons once told me nseVeritti
cut hay or straw for horses shorter titan
Wolf ton,V!. .1 hatlibeen ranged& fool
my horses, and they had been muchlro
led with colic, or griping pains in the Cm&
as h and bowels. I.could not finagles wig,
hdrses that bad always previously-Men u =
from this tendency, should now be so
to its reittra on such small provocation.
~ ~
`I i trivial], aorta aof things es - e. 'remedy
and finely called in the doctor. : Efe inqua
how I fed and oti hearing that /
cut feed, and that I Viltaill the hattit of ciao '
ting it very short—about a, quarterto a
an inch in length- - 1-he at 011oa con
the practice ass causing the evil .celop
of. His theory was, "that horses, whet
hungry . , and being fed:withal:Lode= altygr
straw, on which damped meal - had
swinhied did. not atop to grind "tile eh
thbroughly, end, consequently, it pessed t
to the stomach without being properly Dim
floated, and fa this state" proved very kilts.
tins to the atomaoh and bovnifisil` . P •
I. discontinued- the praetthe'.o2 abort on
ting,, and. the fits of colic 8994 ;imam s
rare occurrence in our 13tible. 'paw in no
doubt whatever of the . soundness of this
theory—and indeed, on any account, eh=
ought not to be sw4lowed,. without being
Tround entirely into a state fit for digesthne.
'This evil is not felt with ruminatintlit
male. ,In their 'ease the food after
ewallowedis returnsd,. b.y. the atoroacit, 7 a,
again undergoes mastication; -end the Hut
it is cut the less work has the oX. Or _ cow to
do in reducing it to a state fit for dlgeWoa.
Any one rho has examined the cud of a'
ruminant just previous to swallowing a'eee
and time, will at once appreciate the arm.
ence, A hungry ox will eat ha twice' as
fast as a horse; in fact, it has o ften been a
source of -wonder to - me, when looking on
and observing how these anineals."ftar la
the hay," end how lit e chewing !tow be
fore swallowing, why they were not often.
choaked with such= anageable mouthfuls;
but I novel' had - one .who oo .suilered, al- .
though, like allfarmera who feed roots to
cattle, I have often, had them choked with
turnips _ \
Green rood for Fowb.
Mr. Wright, in his book on poultry, the N
talks of the to:Torte:se° of green food tO
poultry that is confined: , - •
Tee last requisite In tho-shape of diet is a
regular supply of green food. Hero again,
Jowls - iTept on grees will need no attention ;
but for, birds penned up tho daily provision
of it is an abaci:Xs necessity, though moat
begianers are ignere.nt Of .4, .We well re
mernioez in OUT Only exp,er4ence how oar
fowls died, we could not 'Et first tell why;
and cue ;The Buff Cochin cook„ whose only
faoit va,3 a strong vulture hock, Ins in per
ticuiEr greatly regettech - An experienced
friend let us into the secret, 811 n after that '
7.1 i had no dit.'cultv in keeping fowls, OW
where it is often aeld they cannot be kept La
health, viz: in a 'yard paved with large flag
Etozes.. the best substitute for natural grata
is a large fresh turf, thrown in daily, to ease
four or uvo ::_o_ns, and even in towns it la
even possible to procure this by giving all.
drega few pence evrey week to keep up &reg.
uler supply. Where turf is cot allowed to tat
taken g.;.aa' :nay he cut or pulled, but in
this saes must be cut into green chalk - with
shears or a chaff machine. 'C.lte latter lan
is i_lo7 vs actually c , anegod ,for years e
ye.rci only sizry•zsTau. by torrty-feet, divi ed
1 nto Flx pens, paying ssme child a few p oa
to bring fresh-cut grace daily, crating it ay
and c,istog tI with their soft !Mat.
SW.c.zo--azt =Lo 040.
cozor . ..hy at' frying is to have the fat at a boli•
iv neat befcs.:e nzything is put tato it.
ing tirr=, it penetretes, sad. the
fcca i 3 "grer_sy;" in r% it is parfection of
0r.6 tetep. ,e 4 e...-rtleLe--alk9.o 7l 24iirAtak
of. c - :eareetarte:, one cup of sweet milk, sad
Im - ti :aka enough. ' Than fti
• •
,Yr 6
L,C , „ . 1.41011
iZ3 uz GEN into a eirillet; Tallier up itOuis
bee' sod „at in, turning nearly all the - time r
tin c.cze. the. Laza:. Lc one a:de of - the
'...7111 , 2!, end fz..• a little cream, ow
. r . 7e.t?r for Fiat .. - 7.
..QT s . I.l4'zr3.—Chop s . ,pounii or tiro
01. 7snl Lidtey e,7 • any ether tender meet
fr.e; ::in - 7itb ono cr t,70 eggs ead a -little
butte: e 2- perk; same 1.-ke onion;
season itr. salt and pepner: ' Do %hem up
11.21:s•el:cut tile size of an egg ead tcy
.Z 7 ,-.A.—Teko. air, cupfuls of
cornmer,l. four_cupfuis of . tevheet flOtor, two
c:::•piuie Of molaasee, two tfospoonfollv.of
and a :attic eelt•; . ttivithr
er 7 k:ao - c , .:. into dough; •then maks two
e9kes of it, and Aqt, tow tin or iron „paw,
ana bake ono hour.
"Vera Ore am.—One coffee cup of,
1, - 2.; -a be a gelatine, the juice and=
rcel bf 'One lemon; one-pint and a, half of .
Milk and one coffee - ' cup. of white sugar'
Dissolve the : gelatine in the wine over thi
- Are, grate in the-peel and addthe juice, o
the lemon; after it has dissolved, add -the
auger; let it simmer, strain it and .then add.
the milk; stir till cool and put Ina" mould.
Co7n. Matt 8.-vat—Pour over- a pint of
nicecornrneck.l. one pintof - hot new milk;
beat this well and add, a little salt, lard,
in a large spoonful of nice,- Sweet. lard, beat
.„co eggs very . light and stir in 'also, this
..:cat be well b.2e.ten and of the consistency
of rather thin batter;-add more milk sholald
it bc, ico thicic, then mix in a large spoonful
of yeast; hutterthe pans and set it to rise
in thew:, kv4.en. risen, have the oven of a
moderate 1a , ...at and put them in• i bake two
hour:* anti a half to alight hroWn. Serve
hot. -
iippla .../61,',y.-11alve tart apples and take.
out the cons. 801 l them till very soft' , in a
large pro Portion of water; then let the_ap ,
pies rasa through a jelly-bag, without
squeezing them, Weigh the liquor, and to
cat:b. pint of it put a pound of white - sugar;
then boil it slowly till it becomes a thick
; jelly, which is ascertained in the sairte matt
net as currant jelly. If you wish to bsiveit
oc a red tinge, put in, when taken from the
fiye, alitzlo crancerry or beet juice. If you
wisu to ha .- .7e it a straw CODTA, put in a little
tincture of sairt-on. If green, use the OZ•
2 - )ressef. juice of spinachleayee. Let tt pass
,fa. e jelly-hag again; when*. cool,
tura iv int:) glszcse.. ,
'lv .C:it:- -,- .v:..; .Emed • Bu r.itr...—Rezcidel. bat- ,
ttr taay be gieztly - improved end made
..- - ,es, - . 1.7 tie s - .: - .ol(owing process: lileit the
.'-',.?:_t_::: at a tolerabiy high. terape.4ature, is
fact till :,early hulling. Btrain c1e.6:4 through
clo•::.:, : . .nd thorouvly wash with water s to
wl:ich i:as bee:::acsdea. a little soiutior. of
el::0::::.le of soda, or, as it is commonly cali
,2:l, 7.,a , :r.!rrAque's solution. w inally rash
6cl-a water. Butte': 50 tur.rapnlated
wi.l u o Ts::: a'.r. d gc o•ti. f.or cook! ng purposes;
1..u.'. tt -,, 11l n• - ..rc, have its) uavor. - ot the frame
::::. , ,i9 v.7:::-.C. t k.
.F.-0 .. ;:,:r .Z.;. - z".?.? cf: .T.;:ot:nr.t.::lM:l2 .'~emote
.Z;c:rT.e. ----- Zzpic:-.uous Of. !kerosene Im - ps
are Ifeque:r.ly,preauced in the attempt, to
c - -,.y.. - .:nz,.1... , ...:. ..aez.r. by blowing - down tis
c.....1:,...1zy. T.Y.3 is t\ 721:7 Clf.ngerous prac
, rice, ?...:.-J. s",-,0;:.Y.1 always *ce e: ides, Ile
Lif..F.,:ze:f.:.-oz-..2.t tr,e'.v.; - ce. acconipiished 'much
r.:..ore cerl,.r:y a e•:.:e.1..y by giving a warp
e2,f. :::-.:.:,-,:;: - 1 , - ;:cicai,i- - . r.....5 . :1 - 4:ti; at .right
iurgic...2 to tlt_...• !.,.:-.) of th-,1 chim:; , ..-1.. Tile =aft
thus cr . /it:lcl draws the tz.V=.3. avray from th
wick, when the carbonic acid --immediately
solo w the cfeparting fame also az - tartish/el
t'rte rei..i.-i.i.ot charredsend, of -the wt 0., ,,
cf boiled p•:',ll.itOes,-maabed
with ,threo, busasla of 414.7
rz-zour.A cc= =.sal, make es much port
es -;cuba-, fecl. stns.
13onthend, England, the oths: defy,
,Y , ..";:ng girl about 12 years old vas, bathing,
when elle was solzed.vgitil cramp or faiiktazeiss
ds.sappstrid under , the Waves. • - MO'
, 2 ly Vowel cf tho Theater 'MA
b;vt.'.??.og. 43ame time, I . eyttd.-Jmeciitttel.r
di-led.e ad b:rouf, , bt the iirtmning ta;b4: •
sttfacez. .01. - 4 ur.tii she •Ixad .190:1 three
times Lied down.
X. 4 , Lesseps projects anot4er ebii) 04.4 14 k
f 4 4 011 1 049 4 0 4, 41 0 1 #11 °IAA
Ma Mraailcsysr.