MS El II el) c Agitator* =I A ,p 4 •, ,, pAlt mut t - ED:7911.:„- TuEsii.vr; Dk.,dEivri*4 187 s. , . . :C01:::10n .'.wastlipigloipony, -,- , tins IMerr'sirit*ai,l4lOcitti**bg*ii" Distiict OU-this StOiijnplteeof turcloqlii Col : - ;Hail; t 'been Chitl fmsl,- ‘lllsiaelibbothoo4 and, integrity, and lltcrouglily , foing*Avith -fht• duties ol))0,9111i.e. • ‘`" '''• . . Contrary ti33liFitiii4iii . 'eitatoriy t il 01444' iie'isstn'4 pie.:493l4's . a enstoin ';4ll#;,,lmr,tOre4;ltt •, the ;breach than the eh weekpresent: , . gslir friends siith, 'the' tifty:tbird naniber -of the A.Ger:A.TOlt kor,‘Alt3W considerablo3netlnveniente andreost to 6nr .riatvoi,,- atz , '4lll.),iffit's.t . of'oufinteo9ii to give , tn our stibseribti:rherfall worth of their men- ' ad, goetiiing( more. -' The -- AorraTou inat,N.weelt, rtfft4:;*c..lis; for the pitst peer eon= taintli more, rrtltling matter ; believe, than any 'i4thek, paper ever printed. in the' minty. OttrAitideftvel has been; not tOseo - Ito* . witire s 3.tre eoild 'do_ 'without reren tang ti insat iftleilan„fint how _mach we . could tlu intjufztiteteoaraelves and the pormit• Itiltt.-itttereStsiif,,t' r We,tWe seta= 'siintras any ofte,eanbe of the shorteotnings tint] joarnal during- --ill* - tioritll9 that,nrii past,' audlve ' hope and in-, tend that ltyrA shalt 'Witness ita improver:hank in - more ways Than one. 'And so, vvith„ el,Te thanhs array of leaders and supportei,l_WhOM we are glad to:count, 113 friends of "-OM : AOLTATOnlitild its mans-, gers, we tu e n.frotit the past "-labors and 'le-, wlAraq, trials' and ktrilt ophs - of 1872; • and wek.ctne with. , ligi4 hearts, renewed hopes -told strengthend4Oolnt)on't the, adititt - of the 3.CeW Year.: , . May each prove' 'a prosperous and a happy one to each, and all of ue t _ A "Mc* of Disaster. The record of the past week is lurid Oh tl,tute, flood, ,antl:latal disaster in many ptatv of tile. cpuntry.. I:* space 'not penult us to . give the details of these scenes of sufferitig , and'd'enthi can only make brief mention of the most notable ones.' 'The week was ushered in by the destruc; tion by fire of the iron chorbh of the Rev. Ti DeWitt Talmadge; of broOklyn. The ,building was knoWn's,s.the Tabernacle. It was built about two •years-, ago; :having a wooden frathe sheathed within and - Without with corrugated iron, end' portions filled in with brick. The,tira caught in one, of the flues from the furnace, and in less than an hour the largo' building, capable of seating t I lice thousand persons ; was a heap of ruins. - The organ was the one - built fOr the : first 'Boston Jubilee, costing originally $25,000; though it was purchased for the church for about $7,000. The total . loss is estimated at $75,004 • On, Mond4vthere was a large fire in Port land, Oregon,'sdestroying three blocks and svriously injuring'several- firemen; another in - Helena, Ark., burning out fifteen tiler __kbants; another in Mansfield; Ohio, burning a large liotc“in, the night, many of the guests nialdng 'a narrow escape; another in Canaan, N. H., destroying . $50,000 ~1•111 of business property; several of aces tint in Chicago; one in Patterson, .T., n • ariy consuming ihlarge rolling mill, and , one in Boston burning up $75,000 worth ( prop • riy.„ - Nest ay was illuminated by the burning. of Barn im's Museum, Grape Chapel, a large ivory faCtory, intid u printing establishment,' in New York, sweeping away nearly a mill ion and a half dollars.. Most of .Barnum's animals were burned up. But a more terri ble di;sa.ster Wes that which befell a railway trnia on the Buffalo, Corry and Pittsburg roadear Prospect Station. While running at a 1 w rate 4,,apeed'on a down grade, the train was throWn from, a trestle bridge about thirty feet high, by the breaking of a wheel of the tender. : • The passenger coalh was crushed by the fall, and immediately took fire , from the overturned. stoves. Before help could be afforded, nineteen of the suf ferers .were either crushed or burned to. death, while a laige number were wounded, and seven are set down as missing. , The det7ila of the affair were simply heart-rend ing The sameidaY a car was thrown from the track by a;bruken rail on the Indiattarr 010, Peru and Chicago Railroad, and twenty parsons were injured, three of them fatally. 'On Wedneslay, - a trail 'on the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, while stuck In a snow bank, was run Into by a freight train,. and had two cars telescoped. 'Two men were killed, ,and four or five wounded. This, with. the Williamsport disaster detail ed in our local-columns, , raade up the hor- • tors of Christmas day: . • . The next day . q. large marble warehouse in New York took fills, and wa s damaged to the amount of $156,000; a large tobacco factory in St. ,eouis Was burned, causing a heavy loss on the building and sleek; prop erty valued at .475,000 was consumed itt Carbondale, IIL, and the Boston small pox hospital was destroyed by an - incendiary tire at Pine Isltind. A collision on the Erie Railway near &Cents resulted in the wreck of two Cars and the fatal injury of a pas senger. The paVere storm •of the day re sulted in the losls of the Ship Peruvian on the coast of MaSsachusetts, _with twenty live persons and a valuable cargeOuboard. The t li, , hofe ereil;•,"perlsi!ed, and the wreck • waq cunnplete, the property &stroyed being \ v tied ht $1.000,1)00; ':,:rhb'szi'nul night' the bark li . adosh w ,wreeked'iielOw Om port of Boston, involying. loss .of fives and $250,000 wortb - og propeity t Numerous other marine . ',diStiSt.ers resulting fiorn the, *same storm are' reported.. Early Friday morning anice-gorge in the 3lississippi just above Memphis broke, and the ice came dcrtVnwitit terrific farce, carry. ing oty the do'clts ? sinking ten barges of coal, and wrecking' river steamers at the wharf. The dotruction of 'property was very great, the less iu coal alone .amounting to about $130,00. -A . flre .on"., the :Long Wharf at Bostotqcst . royed the freight ahede with much valuable propetty ..,;Atnieci. in them, And so the year goes out•in disaster. sot fericg and death. , Let' us hope that 1873 will present a less terrible record. OUR 7411/NOTON LEITT4. Wmiliziirrcea, Dee. 24; , 1872. etIIBISTSUS 11F..I.AXA1102i. • 'COrigress hsa iidjontried, and most of the( members have dated sway from the capi ta]. The DeDenrciente, by this ,eXainple of Congress, have:become inorevi less dealer alized, aad.little work Altuatie. eveetltd front . clerks daring the holiday =SO& - Most of the Depart:me/AA have - igitadi-xguiotuned that Christmas,ind iirew Years dap Ysill be given entire, and;dso ' hall days, coraiaw,ge- Ins on the ere4vof chitstiras. The aoyer'e scold weather, •.clitirksporiateg sor;Ye..4 with .flie season, adds:la the !lentoralizatiou, sad. sa Imo flow of thh moist affections , s will , dohbtleas more :smarl's the coarse sof our civil :than the. usual - detslng .into books, "vvirs, sactotitbiO It is sisal that aelstatio;;420901011117 - ici. - . ENO , .;'-i•'W, ,1,,,. , -,,-k, . i . - - ; '-f.,/, , ,: 'tlip bepiirfriikit,iikatik4Oi iniiiii Of Win 4 •>*",e4. , IFW Jilt:n*ol suffer 04 -I * - , - .qt? 3 A , :: 'oeillifo.:Ok - , , th4 - ,Otniti*dr.4li'= - liiititt 0* ifi 17 entra Pc4PiPand,4 6l il'oPimikitt* titiliorT4' c000 166 9f siheli:' 1 1 440. 1 ettt ' llvi*: ,, ' filie - :=4:4, nwiptiertaft.oll odr:l4rgo , :liOldingklB' *:: erif4e, aiia ilo'pe*,i,a,can eVei pass through ie : tressOri - and opl6i,layge buildings with!, Oikvfeellng In sorise ,oloppressionrnpnu the lungs from-iltelnoment leif-Ontering . , - Teu., - tilStionto tiny; reasonable: extent' seems to be n' impossibility in the,nounthoth edifices wch. PP?Ye-,ind,e.4 .iolijPg.. , .o - ,very many. iSit futworkers for theviilitin Weal. ' ' ciyit. mortri Atillllliitil*til'iLES. Morey, Mr. Morey, of Louislanai has7lintrodtfe,ed. anew civil rights bill, "In ‘ "some of the alleged imeetilatitutlorial clauses ikeSsed ..the 'Seratier''bill,." - : colleges,' private and '.eenaeieries established eielesiyely fOr . white, or colored maltitOtied . - enntributiciris, are tot to ba interfered with. • Itreentains alSo tki* numeity, section,- removing all disabilities retained - hitherto by the four; teentiv.amendment,to the ,Pederal Constitik tion: ..11, ig,ill its civil rights features anizt provement on Mr. Sumner's proposition, - brit - will require •consideratile amendment in sonic of its features before it will be like to pitss Congress. . • Vice Pieitdent Colfax hityipg .. 'deOlined to take the editorial 'elhair of th e New York- Tribune, the whole' arrangement aptieara to have gone beet, like the old woman's soap, to - fir. It is now reported •that Mr. Orton, the mnnager who has had ehayie ot the ne gotiations, bile effected a•sale of one-half the stock, or fifty shares, to Whitelaw Reid, at $500 ; 000. nobody believes in these enor• 'mous•figures actually 'passing hands; and if Whiten* . 'Mid i -who is said to have sold his four shares' at 410;0011 each, has bought this elephant at sna a pilee, he _sadly to be pitied. Right- 'years , ago Mr. -Reid was a poor' young :man scribbling for.esbtence like other,Washington correspondents here; and hence be must buy, if at nil, on Credit. With 480,00 legal• interest er annum to pay, he Would be weicome Wiwi? the nom inal owneribip of theleaks or bulkwhich now threatens to, go doWn the - bleaker% before any storm of the nii i ddic page overtakes it. ; .Snfar as the Reoublican p a rty _ is concerned, it is a matter . of eon• - ; gratulation that Mr:-Colfax was too shrewd to be taken in by the financial trick , whiCh was attempted ,to be 'sprung upon him,— These operators wanted his. spare cash, and still to control a majority' of the stock, or to sell it at five times its true "value. The stain , that hangs • upon the skirts . of the Tribune would always make it, feared and suspected, and the Administration. is much better off without the professed aid of any such - doubtful and unprincipled adjunct.— As niatters noiv:l3tand, the old subscribers will be transferred in great part to 'tile local or provincial press, and to such' metropoli tan sheets as - are sound in principle :and in practice. Good-bye, lost and fallenfriendl " If 'forever, still forever fare thee well!" Akattempt is being made to hitch :Utah to the bill admitting Colorado, in order to secure .friends of the latter in sufficient number to gain the admission...of theformer with a Constitution tolerating n01)701117. The scheme will, probably fail, as. Colcando will knock in vain for admissiodif she has to carry Utah onlier back. • Many of the be ier class of Democratic papera indorse the action bf President Grant in sustaining the action of the Federal Court of Louisiana_ and the pro tem. administra tion of Lieut. Governor Pinchbeck. The bitter-enders, hoWever, continue to howl their partisan feelings, as usual, being inca pable - of reasoning on any question that can be distorted into 'a phase of politics. A Letter from the est. • . ROCK Isl,Alirr, lil., D e. 14, 18'72. Dining the past few week your corres pondent has been , a nomad, although his home and heart have remained in the beau tiful valley of Cowanesque, in whose quiet ihadola linger many of his dearest recol leetionk• When his eyes looked last upon its scenes, the hillsides were putting on their autumn garments of crimson and gold, and the green of the meadows was fading with the early frosts of coming winter.— A night's -ride and the lightning express placed me hundreds of miles away ; by the early sunlight of the succeeding morning I was looking out into the busy bustling streets of 'the peat metropolis, In an era .when we transport our bodies by steam and our thoughts by the lightning, and ,are building great cities where are aggregated such masses and variations of htunttnity, a traveler, zigzagging here and there upon the railroads, , rambling in the streets of the town, eating his meat at hotels, and finding lids companionship at public pleas, soon gathers a full portfolio of sketches and fa iiidents that will bear rehersal and suggest pbAsant comments. A few notes' of this kind, that perhaps will be of readable in terest, f mayAcenalonally send for the Ant- TATOR Whilo 4/ D0079 road." If a traveler merely 4414 Along with the natural tide of daily events, bisexpertences, aside from an occasional adventure, w#ll mainly with commonplace incidents ; but if he will peer into the many little nooks and niches that May be found all along the thoroughfares of life,l4l will discover many curious interesting *Adige in art, liter-' MUM and bumanelts.rd6ter. Each of these has its gvnius; but how 'kitten we find tli;Lem in these sequested spots that, the -world knows little of and cures less abqut. Mey. are Jostled aside by the greed of Commeree, and live in an ideal t-phere of their own, peopled with their, awn ,creations. .Many of these obscure 'Souls sra highly 'iifted, and their researches and attainments are often remarkably interesting and instructive, yet ifiey live on unapkreciated by-the money geti ing world, arid their brain-toil is all in vai”. vish that we wore more appreciative of efforts of true genius, whereViir it J0i,.!.,.. - cf,tseett striving to work out its Ideals, r.l; ricer in' music, poetry or art. It is eol , .. on4able enough in its way that our American life id so =practical in its greatest efforts and its highest ambitions culminate in niontunents builded to mark the growth of its business industrie s _; hut if we had a lit tle more thmtinee _in our history, an old eagle now • and, then : upon our domains, more. cherished . isidmaxlm of heroic deeds nod )egendary fame brought down froM the centuries, more mementosof great geniuses 'Nilo have; bequeat . bed us treasura of art and poetry, and more 44eets to stir the' poetic , kelinitti*nd finer sentiments otsnur nature: we could find greateretijOyMenis lu:aearuh ltig out the elltaiic lietdities of our laid, and more' teereatfon and food for higher autl bow culture. 'lVe utey indeed get vatie inspiratlim from Natare, zany of her sublimest.w'orks and lovliest scenery are lwithin our`own - confines ; but she 10 not cklding full dress receptions at this season, nd .her summer trystlurplaces are -bkak itii !the frosty breath of Whiter. Hence e rityActcheSwill bemainly of tldngsvvithin-- hrteruo:4o,44 91 Awn: end mansions; hearts amt hoirtes. —4O 'Ff,ov Itave - come back and ironi'mAMAe, Prs: Ecrit - op. slew' days before the great fire the I 4411' to'do *Nribiltspieseiarvalecti,'Obitiigo;iiid4 TnITIDNE TRICKERY CAPITAL ITEMS ON THE ROAD. ' ;Y. EMS ' , lmka , g 4l frel*.o(4 l l t 4,lY-*4 O , lOl4 A*A r : : 1 3,0 4 4yrtekiiiO4:0 1 i,,Oe<W1140 . 0:040:4; • !ee l 4 8. e 114 # 'energy tiO4±e; of tiio,thoiniand'tiertiOf: rage. end unchecked Inrrehaugeci in ttfeir, hour twentykl.vP t. 11431 4gan4 -11 ::•° 1 4 homes, Y lo44l !fig iIOAS 2 , O4 V, 000,000 of `* . 'ol(k9r4 , :t 7.1 11 00 138- nla B a sinipelesi ati4 sinintideting The,-yri .: ',.y,foli - tit! : ..qty - ;tv'en?, f)0110, ~Tp9l,,isands iv6re, 'made bomelesaanii the 'teiriblnroyn r : ,a. 'dingle,' ciisy., Never hefoie the . ),v iveria's history been "reetiratiii?itteh 'caltitrffityliv lire. -The gtirdql citr'pft# *r4ti tNhuse, !Artt and; 'singW generation - beelt:thei-*qndr t4e ohnnst oblitcia i eft It was . a sad sightthatfits lOoked ont.:twoti' but Ft, little inoie than a yeavago,, while thn . . unsightly ;remnants of • its foriner beauty were still ,stnonlklefing,, - Butthey ,wore not - dismayed: With- 'et rong; Jou - ids, and stout Ileitis the hot embers 'Nyere 13%1.'1.1'4 aside fot the foundations of a ne‘i.,eity. like it bas arisen, .splendid in its new, birth; and to day we see - towering up in magnificient grandeur of architecture,: milesof colossal stracturi‘s, elaborately ornathented with statues; colonnades, and iittegliois , ,of the most modern design,,and unsurpassed in beauty and splendor by the , finest comntercial edifices in the world.- - ' The . oink of tha trowel arid ,hammer is still heard giving the finishing strokes - to some of the larger buildings; but:scarcely a NTS lige Of the ruins in the .;south side" distract remains. The streets are ,still obstructed to some, extent, with the ileirrie end •rnater ial of the workmen ;' bin'this will soon he removed, and an occasional vacant gap.'will be tilled up, when Chicago will become the most beautiful coturnercial city on the n , Among the finest institutions it will p ses,s, is the large Atutnber of magniliet hotels which are being constructed.,On mast- elaborate plans. - the.: new Pal Hotel will be the, finest tipenimen of h , arphitoctpre. America, and will ia3 eqn:j stiperb `inall its ,int , riar Jtppointraeiatb The Pacific, occupying_ an entire block is modern and massive in its grand and beautiful' proportiOns, and will be. capahle of accommodating a, thousand guests.— Among others;. now either completed: or nearly so, are the new Sherman 'House, upon the site of the old one, always popu lar; the' Tremont, Gardner, Matteson,- and others, all of which are imposing in their dimensions and beautiful in, construction.- While upon tlie'Subject of hotels; I 'esti not resist paying a passing compliment to a. class of officials with whom the traveler utstalwaytihave at least a. quasi-aCqueint ance, namely, hotel clerks. Whether they are.selected on account of their 'extraordi nary personal beauty fcannot say,' but the majority of thefdpossess it td a *markuble degree. I could verify thiS statement by. references, were it not for being personal. When such a handsome, exterior is com bined with the.nattiral instincts of a gentle man :and pleasing urbanity of manner, you liehold.a sPeeimen of the ,genns home that ekeitea in your manly bosom the.high est' admiration. Thetqare exceptions, hoW ever, to this rnle, where the quality of po: liteness is not particularly conspicuous; but as a general, thing it is your burly upstart, with more Moustache than brains, who dis gusts you with, his imperious indifie4ence, and assumed air. of .superiority. Othis kind there are but few, however; , and for a model of personalbeauty, neatness, polite ness, patience, and an easy dignity of ner, take the avera,Oe hotel-clerk--the some Man of the period. 'Alger says in -his "Genius of. Solitude" that the heart of a great city, with its 'mass of moving humanity' surging all atmuncl. C. N you, with no familiar face to greet of ree oguLe you, is a place of oppressive -soli tude. And who has not experienced alsense of- utter loneliness, when finding himself in a strange city, companioniess and unknown? It is a solitude as deep to the ,heart as that which reigns upon the lone mountain top, or upon the boundless expanse , of, the sea. I have often wandered through the crowd ed streets of a strange - City,' feeling more alone than if placed in the silent depths of a forest.: - sojourn in Chicago was ren dered unusually agreeable by-making the. .acquaintance of a former resident and na tive of Tioga. county i Ur.: W. /Et. Daniels. The pleasant hours renjoyed at -his house, *here so much home-like hospitality and cordial friendship were extended to me, will be long remembered as among the most pleasant incidents of my trip. Mir. Daniels is ti man of superior business attainments, tine personal address, with a geniality ; and refinement of manner that wins your esteem atonce, and stamps- him as a true gentle r Man. fe has attained by his own efforts a proininent Position in a large business inter est is the city which , he intends to make his future home, May every success attend him. My letter is already loug, and I em not yet out: of Chicago. I designed to give you a brief description of this place with its surroundings, • but will defer it until my next, wl►ich will include, also, a - peep into an Artist's studio, and an account of the " Here* pf lowa." • iiEITRIQUE. Oxe REAsolt WI-m.774447 gyhange gives one reason why eorrespondenta 0 413 preSs are always requested to write en - only alie side of the leaf, as follows: : To expedite business it is necessary to enx ploy soyprel type-setters on one artlele. Thus each one pad few lines iu type—the fore „wan putS the ?patter in a column:Lquickly, and flip form is gent, to Koss',” Were the papei writt4m, pVer on bettes4es it could.' not Le cut into elips'Or v;l49t,printeN !Ittic'es,+ , without breaking into the run' tbe.iirtiel i for while a type-setter Vanta one side of the paper, no'one - Ci7,14 14 P1L tst K on what was on the other side till he got Sometimes an article must be put in tyke very quickly or it.cannot be printed till 1e next issue of the paper.' The article may be the length - of a colurcin. • If but - one' man was at work to put it In type, several hours would elapse before the work could be done. But if it should be cut up in little pieces, so 'n dozen or more men at their 'different cases could be setting' the ,type at _the same time each en his pert, the work - v(94d be finished in a few -minutes and the:,doop i er out, of the sur correspondents now knowing the rea son why, will hereafter, of annie,write only On one side of the leaf. , - THE WORTH OF A LOCAL NEWSPAPER:— ,Something of the same kind as the following, which we copy, from an exchange, we •have more than once written for ourown readers,, but perhaps - never so forcibly as it is presen.., ted below: "Doeilt ever for an instaptoccur to the business man that it is his solemn duty to:swport the local press of his neighbor. hood r - t-Althat is it but the well-conducted newspaper thatroakes h is city or town known? What constantly gral.gratultiisly advertises it to the world .as a place of interest or im portance? What daily or: weekly makes known to the whole , earth the simple fact that such a place as where he strives to gain, ilvelihood has existence on the atlas? it is a logal newspaper. Now, we venture to say' that not one-teeth part of the,businesspeople of any town in the countrysPerid any money tho way of judicious advertising, True, they take the • paper; but`it is not because they feel any duty devolving upon them to -ward .its support. .Their subsoriptions are measurably ,of no am If ount. advertise ments were not gvven by others, the. paper would cease to )1 . 0 . e despite , the . payment Of subscribers. Show us a localpeper t7ell filled. with advertisements and we will at once take stock in the enterprise and business 'tact of of the people who live *hero the journal is , published. The outside world judges more ofrthe place by the newspaper- - t - publishes than from ant other sign— istherefore a matter of great moment that the loeat , jonr. #.41"0 - 09 clat;Va #ia, village. well sisppi) ' above , , other • contra ;mergers/tarp Zeienaterst. 'c. -~~" -keaVO `fan;- 06.1.1 * $g were jabed +6 1 140, baelt shel' and the nil she 307 The • ' 'hem 1 i pan and ME EMU -*LIG* stores :; outlet„ tuor:aul !Ward; -,„ sud -4ttitttel4 14 : 4 5rki j ell e it. bier !Au; tkittper, ; : d tat4., tteWeitiittld tr'im= Mt**, • citionsfor- VitatatOr t .:* i,y 40 a t rtok intorporutioiititivkWep twit 411 w tiUtio , otesetttett t ttat„emypso uY Voga Otiuty, is 43. • Po;eoVou4Wlta.. Itl44rpotation Of,: Nikettitiop;'! -- e a Mid att. 18.17 WZlJtip " , Pickh9 l .i o t 4 43 ' ?cr: . . N( 429 "- in ins: Won. nil Connann YiF ,97, • %apt)licnitiott aAllt arta:ntsi(ei, iuu Ceuipt • ~ . /.,,•* - , :,, , ,7 , .: : -.',..;: . -: . 4...,i4;; tiISIIIeI4..NOTICE;'7--;,-;!:1 M.! Nl\ N atlcaiii, oithigon.thia the Eiiisiniors and :edl. intnistre an. named: below bids, Med ,tbeir.'.aitil,- comas In ebb egistersOdicbfor,Tiogasoinity,gClitiN',.. j . and tbat said cants' will .? tie 'presented 40, tttn'Ot. pliant' G 4 (ntrt f r said vitilitt, at a sasilettiof said Conti; to tic Itel 4 it '4llsboro. - on, t ilionday,lb6• With 4.10 Of ,taultsr , r, - Iwo at -.1 'o'clock I: bl.:". ter " 51101 YelicvAti4. •conlirroathrti. • • ‘ --. ' .. • Account of aatits Cooper'. Maris;"Cixspar a • nct:Wirt.: It. Precuunr: dioinistratork of this estate 'ot .Jadorr, I va eooffor,, dew ed ~. . " •. . , ': ~--."- ", ,-", --1". .' : . 1 ., 1 Account of targai-tt 11:Wttecu, lizeniiiirin of "tbi bet" will and testa eat of James E. 'Wilson, lido -of Ilieli,;; mond towns , deceased, " ' ~ - ''''‘ - . " -"'' --- .:, - Account of 7 stun :Basel. anti Rif* , L.. Itobl,q0: Executors of a last will Ind testament .of Efirayk , - - - - - - .ablyer , lete f Ruilt . ud L.*. Dec. 31,102.' AVellsboto, NOV. 30th,11672;53,3104,14:Ci11; Cash Asset Fire= 111311 lance Company Franklin PHTL - `- • - 400,0 , 34,06, • ff e llt3 & PlithrE/3113; - O AIXTRUED $ kitszspnits., PA-, Nov. 80th, 1874. TO OUR AGENTS sure in preventing the folloiving 8; 1872, . $252,780.10 Nov., 1872, 8Q1,870.641 W•havey' P;Aenziuv! IEI Total, The (Metal, advice* from ;13liston show.-.the .Total amount at rtlrk In the Burned District to be $458, , 198M0 Total anoint on the Outskirts of the sianeill9,oo:o It has. been aicertalnett that $2,000 cover ;411 claims on the lsetonatned itez. Salvages "rarastly determined ludleate s - that the net loss on the amount involved will not er-ceett • $400,000,,, Yours tegpectally r ' • • ALFRE.DAI. BAKES; President THEO. AL:RWER, _6e4rothiy APO' fit inaurahSs IP - HU6/1 YOUNG, AO; Weliebol4o ° D.), F. t WITH, Ag'f, Tioga, • , • Deo. 81, wi2:- `A Complete Pictorial History oftlieTtnies' - "The best, cheapest, and most stieeess• ,filpandly Paper Italie "(Taloa." Hariper's Weekly* Prelim of the Press. The Weekly is the ablest and most poWertul trated periodicalpablisked in, this country.r.'ltii itorlals are scholarly and convincing, end earrymttoli weight. Its illustrations of current 'events are' fug and fresh. endure prepared by our best llealgrierik. , -L., With a circulation of 160,000, the Weekly is reiab.l! at least half a million persons, and its InduenCe ail km' organ of opinion is simply tremendous. The , Weekly maintains a positive position, and 'expresses (Minded views on political and social problems,-4osisvate Courier-Journal, , SIIPSCRIPTIONS...--1874, • triastavis HARPRI6 WESEVZ one year,.. • . „, An Orin{ , COPY Of tan er ZOO MAGAZINE, WEEKLY OP BAZAR Indite supplied gratisfoi'vvery Club of Fret titGIMONIB- Eno at $4,00 egch, in one- remittance; or p Sisaeopicsfor 120 00,tvitheta extra copy. i4uhtcription Co . ifaussa's lilaoaaiLUE, iVlt6arit, and BAZAR, tO 0716 'address for one year, $lO 90; or two of garper's Periodicals, to one addressfor ane year,l7oo. 'Bad; nutnhers can be supplied at- any Tha Annual Volumes of Xlarper'e Wesa,,L7, in (*egg cloth binding, will be sent by ozpress. free'pf exitsatae, . for. $7 00 !eeeh. d compote 4 - 01, ecimprlstag slate'en yolumee, 'sent on receipt of useh at the rate , 1 . 5 25 pet vol., iret.alo at &pease df - • The poetage on 11.4.xvEe's Wtrictir is 20 mints* ear, which must be paid at the aubscri6eespoat•othee. .itldMas H HMI BROT.WERS, New York:, - "The' Living Ago, lino no Equal in any Cauntrs."—Ehild.‘ PreM. • ~ • ; • Litt6ll' s Living Age A weekly Magazine, of slaty-kW: pages,giVes more thin Three and a - Quarter Thaisand double.coirrtan octavo rakes of To -ditig matter Teari.Y7 forming four large voluMes, It present's in en' iut pensive form, considering its greet =Vint of matter, with freshness, owing tolls . weekly !sme, and with e. Sa,/eracatrar. Corrtztzrzrrnre attempted by no . other publication, the best- Essays. Reviews, (hitioisuis Tales, Poetry, Betel:alto, Biographical, aistorical, exj. Political Information, from the entire body of Foreign Periodical Literature. Ta6A"t'SLAT/Q2iS. it addition to the productions of the leading British authors.'aritt In pursue/fee of its plan of Including the best tralislatione, TILE lavaio AGE will publish aerial ly. beginning about aari. I, 1073, Oise of the lirteat pre , - &Wayne, translated expressly for it, of that oluormang Platt-Dent:elk novelist and humorist, ritrrzawm, "the most popular German author of the last half-oeni wry." His writings , says Bayard Taylor In the .b•ifile" "arc tit uksuitr and, ddight Cfceetany."— This pekal will be preceded by a Oherrahn Chrisbnai• story by the same author. • . • ~ - THE IMPORTAIIOP, OP THE untleia ti te , 1 13 American reader as the only, thoronit I . g .o compilation of a generally inacceas le b sable current literature,--indlopeneable beetage It em braces the productions of..the ablest lirtht *keit in all dePartments of Literature, science, am bud ;You ties—la suificientiy indicated by the/1 - 011°710g =than FROM NOTICES. y ; "It tit; beyond all question, the best compendantof the best current literature In no other alialbeib- Ucation can. there be found so much of sterlttig Itter dry eicelleuce.".-N.P. Even*, Port - "We know of SO WV in which. one CPU so easily keep well info lied in the boat, English thought of our time as through this Journal . "—Christian Union, "for: thinking people, the best of all Tttia. eutectic publications, and the cheapest, ...It is a monthly that conies every week."—The Actrance, Chicago. "The ablest essays, the most entertaining stories, the first poetry, or the English language, ar4i here gathered togethar."—lllizano State Journal. • "Were I; in view. af all the competitors that 'now In the field, to choose, I should , certainly Otiose 'Tar Lrmo'Aos."-,Rev, Henry Word ,Beecher. 'ld still merits the moot unqualified praise we can heetow s "—X. Y. Times. I 4 The bag; ozeriodicol America."—Rfv. The. L. Cuyter„ .•.it gives to its readers ragpo , then tbeie thousand double.colunra octave pages a est , ', of the tuost 'valu able, Instructive, and entertaining reidifig of the thy, 'History; biography, fiction, poetry; Wit,, deka* 1,13;t! Hos, critioistn, art,—what is not here?' It is the only compilation that presenta with a satishictoryooniplete nose, al well as freshness, the best literature of the firmest Innumerable and generally inacceilible Europe: , • du oertsrites, monthlies, knd woelatert,— i lature C4/A PiikiliptioAB Pt sgTOW ghttlaPn .1 1• 1 e, theretnte ldlipenes lre fuiry who in t egral! a fherotigh conviandutro of All l tPilt is tultillrlible and 1 4 e net?1 4? , '„*44 tlt e ret)' "LanViiisfisifyt; Os!, I‘ , • •, • 411104ty tit VI Pegi.ftti Rfl/0/1111/i. The :Publisto- ••••• neyt fklitiWrWrA Peo l l*Pi volume begins • au. - Aligitifel;pl4ort 4 1 41 , 49ut then will receive Ileatet _ • 'SAL charge,: Address LITWELL`a ,• I - • TUE BEST HOME AND PoREION LITERATURE AT CLUB MOE& ("Posses/sad of Tom LIVING ADE and one or other of our vivacious American monthlies, a subscriber will find himself in 'corimand of Me whole situation.— Rata. Bvening Bulletin.] , 'Per ten dollars, Ties Lrvnici Ana and either one of the American four•doltar monthly Idagastines (or Harper's Weekly or Baser, or Appleton's journal, weeldyj will be sent for a Tear ; or, for 141 iSU, Tar TA'VING Ann and Our Young lbtks, Address as 'above P::* YOUNG. • rm. Warirt3e. E. B. Young & =ao 'I '(Successors oriota; Younkii: Co.) Booksellers and -i-_Stattomirs, , ' and lienlora in • " Wan Paper. =. , Wfixdow Strades, Winfloty Fixturea„: • • • s AldedCalitlittpg' Tankeiti Not ! = • • ' •ni IPictino Rumen • • ' ' Victurda, all *torte, •'. • • - . /nature COrd, .'; , :• • • - - Blank/3°ow, Wishes,. ' t • Nam:ll:opera, Diagaata. Wrt Maki; Law /Woke, •- - • • " • •x ffiegont/39011. • *°°JR; • rnddye srttoleia , our line of trade. —New York Dates at Om Dollar a month. —Elmira Dallies at 76 Cants a mouth. • —Subscriptions far i %Tackier zacarth. or Tear., -.Drafts for Boats tutin stbdcpromptly stteteted —An XFprofts package rcocirea from; NireeTurk Cy '.7o are Aias deka - 443,4a Zang 144 the irin ana Lirie of l-ram :tr. 8. Dtearceptereeaeri. ,-Pasiragt if t 5 auk" poittita Emma Irt the 7.ojma4 ' ih —OO4 DrieAla attcc,:r :i...;xparclit r:ArsOekot Agiiwpsika ; op' ...-- -:-,%.„: ,i,;,* ~...---, 7- t-4‘,,., ;',,g`4,r''' ?...'ls"f,t, '41:5."-;'''' - " 27107,fie‘9,?...k ‘ 'l - ''4--....,`'7#4'4,4,.:!';=1-44;t1--4`.`,'`.4-._ f fr;i4-7'1r4. 4 '44.•4•4:;W.-•=, ~. • • vi'. 4''',..b4-11 ,:q.'..V-4t1.4-4,:,:i '44.reigi4ll4"iit'W..„4"ill.4'-`'-'4Ala "4, f'a..l4-44* -44--..4-44)!lea ri , 41 ja, ... .4,1-,' .4,.A.;' .1--e4,-c,"1404`3447(,:j., ~,,,, ~- . 44 -;4, 0, &,r, ..,,,,,.7:04,,,. v 37 ), ' --. i.,j,,,..,r,.,`',-.,i,,,.„..irAtir,';',-„;1-z-, ',Z-411..,..•.'`?:4 157x.. 77f. ~ ;:t.'.':2-',;',':.--i-f1..-.: 1. -‘ , ' „ i i..;;, . !..- ; :,,,, % 4G0 V i a - , : y tv..NEE-4,n,,:itio zit ~rIIIJ9- ~„„‘ Alariiile;• ';•"ti.ewL": OAXMI A'vel-or Ira'"r.„,4 ".4=1'41';:4--;::::-41 'j, .--,,,',,,mr.0.--.. 4i.i..- 4' - V0'ii,104€.3?.,".= " - ..4 -4 i 4i ti o wr‘'---a!ict44#4, ---- ~:'..`1914,...,,,,: 4#4,, .401 , 04,‘•;- ; lii - -.. ,' ,•_' ... ' iiit t V C 4 '"-. 0 4 "a, --, ----.,Ativi-.....-t- :,•-•::, - , ~ , Trra ,ELT.BI. tomnit4)l34°-.1.. 1V:13:: I:irs2, , • Ito. iao: it Lutoyrs,' , ,-'-- Cali: , iO r t•Fxl;nniain,lifii bd . in sititiqiciinisti. Iti ; ititiiiits4i:?Oi -r e sl i Oco berP1 1 4 100 taiesi ' _ " -- 7-'-' ."''.": q ,1 4 , ,,... -..,!•-, z 'r • -,- fi:,,,' ~....:,;-...4:—..:.--1,,,.-..,:-..,..._._i......-;-.-, , : ' : : .IAVDITOR ' S -7 1 ., N0T1C .. . .. '.--,- 4nrtbo'lustterPP4aiiirk Doan; doo.496:trtbiAtita .41i0hited by sthfCtutri•to fuit4e, -.tbit - bando,vf-punlo-j P kmn,. 414 m I kikiMuil.t. , Ipoet the , pars,iew,iiitUrAted, forth `lntibopp of Wu ippointment. nu"Ettu-utay,„ Jah!tar y' 21; 11 15.14 2 d'auek-p.. ;u., as - jivetbsbtizo.'silk, " pec: , sl, 1072,w;': krtit - AlOl. ' . • . . . • xecutor?,4 SO(*. • tha ' 43rptifin'a COiart ' Toga coOnty;, - _tve ' savors, In trittala-_aslet on, Saturday. the 24111., day or isoultrt, at the Cottrt 'House; in the boiough,of .WellabOro; said:cptintl. mut _coiook, p. the foltosing deserlbed4rOPet,krit balogLof the otieta or •liatid tUrt. late of Kahl county.' drraparth • „ ll'that certain Jot of ir.sta Of .SYoll9bo e , oit the auuth-toes} - sitlfo - Wahl, attest; tetivetin Feat A awl Widiant ftlxintStittity - JP4(tat front on Wahl ast_ett,, awl tootling tlikek - stastit tT4lawidted ON) teat ik , wartt"C‘raitOn,...attert; in said. borpa,gb,wawitte theison one too-story trams fliarel ';' - - , ; .. • - ' - , , Terms: tlapt-tosiats tir:tbel =aunt of '•ti4i 'purl ,citikso atonc.e, payable sa time Sr,/940, skstil the bidants In slim toonthe,theratrota., ftALli t r. Dee. 131, 1872.441, • • • _ *TROUT. .. ,':•: - 001kans! , Court Sate; . t. vitae of sit order of the, Orphans i bouts of s`k bipt. couLtyl T , own expose to.public sale, on the pretniese,'otithe 20th day of January, 1873, at one o'clock p. In., the follow/rig (towelled real the, property of Cyrus P. Parker deceased; AU, that piece -of huidl situate in, .ttie_townehip of BrOatlelo,;Tio/s4unty, and bounded en the -east by_ lams of Adam r, north by lands of Eduard Adger and lands of the ease Gardner estate, west by the xsuinty bet*een the counties of TWA and Potter end :lauds of 'Nilson and South b ds Of Ho set-Metcalf, otherlanderrf sai,d t an dectolsu and by lands Ofltenben Bardszond; , being 'the, lot. known as the homeatead of the Raid decedent, and containing ICI, wrap, inore Terms; one-third- cash on con- AratlitiOn of sale, one. hard in one year ; and one third in'twpyearsthereafter. with use. „i3onde .te be strew with sureties to be approved, &b., • in the sum 'of four Mound dollars. - GEORGE Ac BOLT; . , Uec 24;1812, Administnitort. ME ~ •: 4 f) rphawe Comet saie. , virtue of an Order_ of the . Orphans' Court of ,Ti: oink couotY, l shall expose to public sale, 'on the go:outset; on the 20th day of lanuary,,,lBl3, atone Telock p, the following described real estate: A piece of ; laud situate , in the township of ()Witham, TiOga County, bounded on tlifitiOrthty lands 'owned byo..n. Wood and ,a lot ,conveyed to Orall, Hallett, eat by lands owned by Mercy Irreirnan, south by lands of John Hemp, and west by lands of 're triable and lande'of William Howland; being lot Bd. 82$ of the allotment of Bingbam. - landa ,in Chatham, awl part of warrants Ilea. 1,315 and 1,330.. Terme, Calf 11 on confirmation of sale. • - ' GILBEBT B. OWI.,ETT Guardian. Deo: 24, 1872. 4w '' - , $550,5t4 - .14•Ialtans!..e.o.,urt Sale. „ 1)11t virtue of an braes of the Orpliatis' Deuri — Of Ti MP, 'Og a I shall expose to public eBle, , bn. the premises, on the 20th day of January, 1878, 'at one o'clock p,m., - the following described real estate, the "property of David Stevens, deceased; All that piece of land situate to the-township of Nelson, Tioga. county, and bounded on the north by the State lino, east' by lands of Dr. Whitaker, south by the Cowanesque river, and west by lands of Ma. riou Rathbun and - Philip Tubbs; containing about 91 acres, more or leas, with theoppiuteinaxices•thereunto belonging. , • Also, all. hat piece of landaltUato in- Nelson town ship, Tioga county, and bounded on the 'north by the State, lino,' east =by Dr. O. Whitaker's lands, south by lands of J. O. Wbitaker, - and west by the' lot .of 444 first above described; containing 9.04 - acres. Terms: one•third cash on confirmation of sale, one third In one year; and one-third In two years from datizi of, confirmation. , BYRON SHAW, Dec: 24;1873. 4w - • Administrator. 'Farm for Sale. subscriber offers for sale 'his farm situated in j_ Nelson Township, containing 100 acres ; SO fur proVed and about -60 clear from stumps; well watered Mild fenced ; irj a good state or cultivation ; good frame house and outbuildings ; three . good barns ; an Or chard of line grafted apples, and a sugar-bush of about-3,00 trees. The farm is one ball mile from the Village of -Nelson, with its stores, shops, and churches.. 12 cowl wilt be sold with the fartrt if • wanted. The property_wlll be' sold cheap. Terms.' one-half cash, the balanoe on time.' Possession will be' , gitren in hiareh,lB7B. to the subscriber on the Premises. ...Nelson, Dec, 24,187-11m.* _ - A; • , . „ • $4OO . ' Ex;e, eittbPs Aroace: T.',.tilatatneptatl', 4m the -Estate of Levi taiitvir r 'ef tovindhip,7l[ l o\ county, • Yay tteeeaerd,rhafing been gralihnl to the andeteigied by the tli , e,i‘iter of. Tioga canuty, all peisand indebted to the astute are tetatieeled tc, mate payment, and these 'having claitria agaitiat said estate will present the same lo me, at my reaidenve in Ayala township. for oath'. snout. - • , • -J. W..IIOLLY; ' • SulliVan, Pa.; Dee. 44, 3872.-6w.* • 32'r- dldni inistrator's Notice. T ETTETIS of.Adininietratim of the estate. of Ueo. LA W. Eingeler, late. of Tioga township, Tiogt. county Pa. ~deceased, having been. granted to the uOdersignea by the Register of 'Bogs county, all per sona indebted to xaid estate are requested to make pay:went, and those having chins against said estate rIII preetpat the same to the uudersigxed in Ticgc. , , Pa. D C. KIN. - GSLEY, Tioga, Pa., Dee. 24, 2872.-Sw.* ,PROSPEOTUS FOR /M.—Sixth Tear Alt ILlA*ArEDlrOis7.7lair Totranz, tnnyzrAszza hA :az= TO - 131. HIXIISOXEST PERZODIWS. Zig MSS WOrtLD.' A gmlars.mriATlVE AND cILLISG , lON Or AlzzaloAti Taer2.l • ,„ • . ii+ot - for salein .IVezvs and 13,00 k Store 6. TEX 01.L.DZAT, Idle issued with all the has none Of the temporary or timely interest charac teristic Of., ordinary pericddcals. It is an elegant -miscellany or 'pare, sad graceful literature ; sage collection of pictures, the =rat sped/inns of 'artistic el;i11,-in black:anti white. although each soc ceeding,titrmber affords a fre.ab pleasure to !till - tends, the real,Value and beauty ur 1:11E ALDINE will be mostappreciated after rt Las boon bound up at the close of the year. 'While other publications_ may • claim superior chespuem. Ca compared with riVald of a similar class. MX ALDINE is a unique 'and origi. nalconceptionr-alone and unapproacbed--absolutely "Who'd competition in price or chans.cter. The pea. eeeor of. complete, volume canno' duplicate the entity of fine paper and engravings in any other sTbape ox number of volumes/or ten time: its cost; and then, then aft tAe clac mos. imr.des litdwithstandfrit; the ,incresse in the price of sub• iteriptiOn letit when 2'Hl ALWITE assumed its present noble proportions and .repre.4entative chorea ter, the itlittou was more than doubled 'during the past year ; provfmrtbat this American paha appreciate, and will support, a eirtm l e effort in the cause of Alit. Th e popular featitre " a copainsl7 illustrated ••Christinas" number will be continued. , : „ YREIIILUM 011 1 1011108 FOR 1873. ' Every `atibecriber to THE , - ALDLIVX, who: pays in advance-for the . year IST% will receive, without ad-: ditionalchargo, pair of beautiful_:Pil: chroinoo, after Kill, the ttratterit English Theplctures, entitled : ”Tlie ''-`..aM" - :-."Crorasing the Woozy' are 14x20 itrchee—pro printed Ohm 25 diftereut platea, rtiquiring impreasiona , aud tints to pc.rfect each picture. . • . TILE L1TER4.1,3 : 3C D.P.PARTAIEIgT . . . wllivontlnuo uxider'the care •of2liir: l ltratafto...Hasur atom/Lao, Sedated by the best wrhOs azd 'poets of tho day. who will atilvOlO have the literature of 'AVE .tti.DIZT.L . always ih 'eepixig' . With ttp artisplo , &that:- • 5 - • - fif Mc A*NTIAt, TY AriVeLllofi, WITH OTh etatiptOd 4LD/N4 will, - horeafter, be Obtainable Doti by #4 l l , torro3i. Tkiere will - be no - reduced or club vets; erah • r pubgartptions must bo' pout to Om MM. 11 .4intlt itr,e(4. n lamieft to load eut. louhou,f rojokomi dityfe putt/la/lira, except; . 11! Caeee where Le olvol.1 3 0. 2 1 1 1 1 )5*?V.1/ 1 0 1 5 , 411 1441 1 4 A941)0170 At cO. '"' ' AWARD) WAIT:TgW • ;- • Vertweiteutly tus A Neel Any peregbilfsbiug to at.. "'"urm b 5 awiliing to e prompt Julortcui... ! JAMES SUTTON dr CO., , PIMLIPNIMS, 68 STAMEN LANE, NEW Unit. Mrs. A. 1. SOFIELD W9autnietl3,:tfulin, - Tl ru ' un/ , 4 to OA publiotttat WI - . STOOK OF' 3 O,iy',atids,F4ne'Y,,Gpods! = Ltt; i`t' EMI , • . or ivory: :lead-Ippon, for the ladle* .conailinig of 11, BELuags) Calrirehrine, goelex7, Na M das, amie, 110/ 1 4. ater 0114 ATUESELI trlientear,GerMalltfAXl . \ . i - 001s,"Zephyri and rule.. - Thankful for' the' gener-, 'ix:rouge of the past, she hopes to merit a cox:- Miro:4:c- of the eatue. ; Jart.,l, 1872. EN . CoKatiesquellalloy I - ,Comp , T., 7, lit'll:lT: ei4ilteslio df4gtfintigi., - . 7 4 - 'lll - I . '.T,ii `4,1;,m.b7 thAt Ann nal ; lie 190' etoryiaeltlete!of d ee ';.egy:Fnepitue 1 1Z - 7. for the eiectiOnW Preside:lr •. , -4 , 43:4 Tear: ataPi th e Vat/ 631 cif El. , 1111. ,, _gs as way properly Oome4" be vre the Iv:et:4-.1 - . 4 41 ueltt at Um °face thetomrotz, .c,+;;L titatT, Pa.; on, Trieoas7.' the inu' 1 - dhl of. r..•*.in...ty, 12 .-o'clooel;. re.; catt-iiie*lls• , .1 , ce . - sird remain optim *ma - - faltd_bottr,llll;; I era tbs7,'`o'r Invt4t. Imager) rtv,Avti: xfotesi.lect -cKoeetlit„ eititei•-t--ttNt JOBLI:410111VM,.- • Fi.!l7 - , , -LlPArrovvi., -80473 , gad Tresi4:,!. tV_Masubtati . q.l, - q--"VtoYrtis:V;- W c ".l:NWfW,P;;ltglX4.4. l f . ,*- . ..fzieiiiv...7ziNc , 2o - • -.. Trovil-iyivmp,f60.;.;4.0,7„:„-0ik',,,:%?.:CP4,47,..`•*:5,k7,:;17'...<-7-.N4, _ MI MEii 'TIE ALDRic atT,,DZIPARTUENT BM,:t.,14,!i1ri1f.,,,.4c;-::710V??4--: 7:1 lv, - -41wiviv.-,. ',.. " ;,.. "1. • ,A,z4: ~,, ,--.5 , ~ .1. , ' l , I . A v,,1,, ~z-44..-,, ./.--_kv , , , • • - 7 ,4 4.-hyPt','22:.,4- ' 1. L4.4" 14 4' '..-4 ' ii"2i:'Z. ar4R 4,-- C,mr , r/4, 1 ' . 44 (4144',,,,h,•:,'4..-"'‘l4.-4' V 'l ' ll-"-'4-t i l y'':4, 44 el'',i6,ll;iil.a-'i,,41.1, 4 1;' -1 I) .44-4.-,,,'^-,:1ic,,;,4A,,,,.'g',..,,,,,,,:,417 Pik4a-,, 1 •„•Vi,, :', ,, ,;:',1V 4 ''"'' , t , ft- .4''' `'.-':-.4,,..1:A'',44`..'•'!-1"_. f4'.tk:'.":4`,ll-4"›.- 4 -*ll+-4',..4''i.r.::c1 t rii- ''-te• Lh1:1"%:7-' _,'''P*.'*,,'''494,l,ll.lT-*•i''41;,......'4'V1E.'4 4;'-4-'?'44.4-'''''''',‘?`-',":" 'l,,94'''''-',"l-,zi.•...._,.'erg'''t4:4--*Z.F-1,;':,(•N'.4.-,-,";,,ij-14:g.,V-, s. •': - '4C'' ' s '' .4. ' J , , f2 . - . :ldq,' 4 .• i "- T . -N,t-'4,c 4 7 'r..,-;":1-i:Y.,:f.:,.i4,:t.,rf,,..•;1,1,,pr::..,--*iz: ! ):: : -., ,5 ; : •„ . :: :::.,„: „: , :„ ', .. , i' , ", ,, r. '; •.! ' ' ,-.11 - %' ,, . 4'.4.'" ' 4 P, '1 ;4% t 4„:::. 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DRUC+O4II7I. . . . . ~ ' • . . . , AI M% fiicilitLes for buying and hanilling Lterge quentlUesof amide eziablea thew to "offer !thlaust eg t• loweetlobblng prices. •In our retail depariment GOodi are: *old it a small advance ~ o re)_i•boi • • /"( AI A large stock of . ~.. ~• • • - I'ITER - 1 . 41116,‘ • - s: GLASS, ALL SIZES, &NOM AND D01114.S TRICK,' PAINTS ALL X.LNIM AND C440/18, . VABNISWES AND VAILNISII BRUSHES. A FULL STOUR. . I STONB, Transfer Ornaments, thtripixtra Pepekis, and Brushes for Carriage. and Cutter Orrhatni 4 full llne of-all clams of Goya mipertalning to otir tgiolute tßiit lan. 1.1849 RG. FALL AND WINTER GO PRY itQlr-QQX). *alma) of sou Esaants GROCERIES :IN ,',A*N.pAwc, CROCKERY NOT 130CWriviSil s*, '''T'-4Mitia:sitoesiciiga:Sit-VXM ,OO . 2 i MO ~~:LL A ME A - • 0 . 4 - , f x - 'oe me tbe =Mg . MESSI r r WHOLESALE ATID'EttTAII, RIIOIIB ISLIND - 1 . 1- . grisim 1./ Li A. rr 0 COME: STING Is the place to buy your to MID:MOUS tG liatlatign. iiii 12121 411 goodivs**l4. litefff I, I= ~~'~= MEE IVISI /. 7 .?..,; - - -g -: ::I;:,'f- ~ . „ -1....) X: 3 'XM.IPLC:S3E , OE Cie 1 ~ 1 l =I II 4.' CM I~<D dal B El RE ME IMBEI v l a:11 al ;013 - N 4'44 , DS, cies. IMENZI "x. ' 11 I= i . _ ;. OEM MEM =I :k or` ; '~-;sue,:~,, } ,~+ ,I 111211 ME ;;, II
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