Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, December 31, 1872, Image 1
MI VOL. XIX: -14 t! crauggiz: i;,z -"‘ J. gators. *4-,,e4ltt RAZES -o Ali r,....; lin 2 in 7 • 9 in. tin. iMCoI.140:1114 ticl. •-1 ...4... ...—...:- ...--- .. r ....... ..:.......1...........• _ .............. - w ee k 1,51 00 $2 00 8800 sik PO $BOO It.fitiO $14,t0 , \ alas 150 300 400 600 7001/ 00 le , 00 w„k& 2CO 800 600 600 80 0 1S 00 16 00 wit 1 2 50 ' 4 OCc 6 0 1 7 00 1 8/00 WOO '2OOO „, t 1,1 5 , 4 00 6 00! - 9,00 10 00 12,00 20 00 28 00 ' ot .tka i 6 00 '3 C51;12 00 15 00 15 00 25 00 '35 00 , ou tr ! 5 CO 12 00 1 18.00 20,00 22,00 35 00 'ASO 00 1 Hiiit. $ ll 2 00 18 00125 00 28 00 8 , 6 oo 00 00 100 00 , „,-----. , arertatinente are calculated hy the incb: in length - ; .. uga s, and any leas apace it rated as aftM inch. .. ' !g i g s advertisements lutist he paid Or before tat. _ , t l o . l ,,excapt on yearly cordracts b .' +Out braf.yearir , yilt.its ir. advance will birrequired. • , --, now Noncss in , the Editorial cOlOStica, on the 'lad page, 16 cents per' line each iniardon., I.,lotit . iajej tad for leis than,ill t -„: - ' '' ' • _-__' wit, Norm nein LOg.il'vointon, J.Oicante par une if so than .Lye lines rtnd'6o cents for t. notice of five Disc; less. issgitscralans,os Idassuasatiaildtzavisinsarte.d. Si. . but all obituary notices will be cbarged I q cents . d ot. ' run s6O per cent above regular rates. •' eOos Canoe plineabr loss, $5.00 per year. 7 ..' '' . • -.•••-- -,-- . . —. . . BAl , oll2l.lart. ' Batchelder 4 ,Johnson, _ ' , a3 ,.,. turea of monumeitti, :Torabiliaiel, Table Zaps, Counters, &c. Call and see: :Shop, %Art at., ,pposite 'foundry, Wellsboro, Pa.--.-I,ly 3, 1872. ' • Redfield - ~•• • •• • " - -- ;iOENtY AND COI7NSELLOR LAW.:.'4;-0011ect p;proAstly attended t0. , --10..sillittrg, Tiosib.couri. Poon'il.. AD?. I, 1872-9 m. • C. H. $e - ORNKr AT LAW. %logs Pa. 411 business' ta 1014 to big cue vitll reoetvo pp:llzipt sittentloti. 18T2. . - ' - _ . ' Geo. 'W. aterriek, • ._, . . , 10aNk'Y "AT LAW.—Ottlon•Ma , ./orran & Oonotes 0,• across ball from Aeftapai-. ,Offies 2fl floor. _ labitioro, Pa.—Jan. 1. 101.. - . • Mitchell *,•Cauteron, ITORNEYEI a LAW, Qtatui Ana /statusnce agent.. ia Il Convokao - & Willianui brick , oer 02good's store, , Weald:tom Pa.—Jan. v 1. . William A. Stowe, ',RNEy AT LAW. orei 3 O. B. Kelley's Dry clooti rye, Wrigbt & Bailey's Block on Main street. Wore, Jam 1. 1872: • , . . . 1a . . - 11 - :',Taylkor . , . , 1 . 1 . .• RUES, LaQ1:101t8 AND BEGARB at Wholesale M 3 tall, lio. a Cane Hunio Block. Wellaboro, lin. Dm S. 1872. Josiah Emeiry, tINEY AT LA.W.—Ofßoa opposite Court House, giPardY'A Block, Williams Port, Pa.. All burliness oi t tntly attended to.—Jan. 1,1872. St - rang, ~jRIEY AT LAW DISTRIOT ATTORNEY.— " Egg ewithi...l WeUsboroirs.-Jan.1,'7.7, • - C. N. Dartt, itT.—Taat b made whit Vl* t•lStse saticnovalumx. Tat give bettor satisfaction thin any thing Vi els lis - e ne. Moe Wrigtit Bailey's Block. o ts, Oct. 15,1818. J. B. ASIT AT LAW.-Will attend promptly to bus :en et:hinted to his care in the collates of Tioga El Pettey. Office on the Avenue.--Wellaboro, 41,1812. Jiko.l;lg. - : Adams :' , fa 1,41;V r Ntansfiala, Moss county . , fa. 01?!!prompVAtter t atte4 1 tro. , ;...Taxr. . - 811:- , 1_ C. L. Peck, ENIVZ AT L. All (grams promptly colleotod .let with W. B. drolth E Arjmirillo, Tiop Ps. • sr in Cl:pal:mi. Chilean : 3.6l.mm Vara, trahl!!o Cab and Platxt \Veto. Mao -Table dud Howie Fur thing G oods . —Wells ors., re., ervt. 17,1872. Jno. W. Guernsey, ' owity AT Lett7.—.lll business entrtudaa to him . be ProxurlY *Mended to.—. Office lest door month Maim= .4 'err'e rotors, Tipp, Tiogs county, Pe. 1, 1872. , Armstrong & Linn, 11INEYSIAT LAW, Williw-nspipt, Pa. , t 8. Aissraoso. • • 41 1 . 1 •LNI.: I Tan. 1, 872. Win. B. Smith, EON ATTORNEY, Bounty sad Insuranceagimt. tamonications Dent-to the *bore silting' will re ire prompt attention. Terns taodaesta.—Knox.- _ Pa. AUL 1, . : • - B. C. Willie - ler irompay attagt td , the k.olleciion of ili claims in 'on co Office with Henry Sherwood Son, et ado och e public square, Wellsboru• P. - " • 15,1872. Barnes kb:Ss - a-to; isriiitini &neon 1.1t1ne.00 3 and in the but manner. Office in BOW- Cone's Block, 2d Eloor.--,Ten. 1, 1872. W. D. Terbell & Co., LULLS DRUGGIST, and d ealers In 128111 Ayer, Innne Lampa,Wludow Glan, Per talon, ti , ie.—Corning, N.Y . Jan. 1, 1872 D. Bacon, M.. D., MN AND SURGEON—May be found at Lie its let door East alibis Todd's—Main atreet. !alittead promptly to all calls.—Wellsboro, Pa., 1►1,1872. A. M. bighorn, M. D., 4 1 PATHIST, Office at WA residence caa the Am tt—Wellaboro, Pa., Jan. 1,1874. . Seeley, Coats & Co., litiosyllls, Tiota Cu., nictitai dificonut miss, Anti e.Y.Y N iq City. collections itrospily made. NEELET, Osceola. VINE Casupoz, ti.l6i2. 11.1.vin Caws, Knozvi J. Parkhurst at Co., Eliasna. Tiogit - Ca.. Pa. . 3cur.r. POuntintilit Joan PAsmatriutt 4. L. P4sa'raQar. . . Yale House, Oa PA. A. Yale, Proprietor. Thu ood condltton to accommodate Metrevel• a a timer! or guituaer,-...Jan. 1, 1872. trOlit l / 4 }IOUS% Close, Preprietor.--Clood pa ean WI, beast =' Clarges rea lm given to guests. EMI Mrs.'Afary E. La*b. , XY.—Wishes to Inform her, friends and the :enerally that she has engaged Itt-thd Millin- Fanoy Goods business in this boro, and that, be found at her store, next door to the block terse tr Willistos.—Miss. E. E. SIII33ALL has of the making and trimming department wad re her attention exclusively to it.-Nov 12, ellsboro Hotel, COP,, 'Bum ST. 4 THE AVEIiXTR, Wellsboro, Pa. Prafr. Popular Ertel lately kept by B. B. tetor will spare no pains tO makb, it 'a first. All the sages arrive and depart trinn this 4od hostler in attendance. figjeLivery at -812, I M. Yale is!ib Co.' ,; eleven /. bas of *Otos OMs rneeees that cannot bat please W none but the best Connect= .411 Y Tobaccos. Warmth, our olitt tar that *scat= tivient thank Ws and asent of OW Mewing Ma- Tallo n ooll, Snuffle; Vines torn thy fo the tetichsuro, Tobacoo Rolicheit. 1,12." THE_ 94) ki HOUSE"- uitt. by b. D,,Rolgot; tit} bii iota fitialood)4 : - R. O'CON'I3ORi lopptt.mouun om u ks +1401.,00“;,z ES < Ptj‘ ;‘, =I iitiyiit.:l•lii - '"i: 7 -,:iiiiii*.i.'_;:-. : , :‘ , -. - - - :',',l'-'41( 1 /01 11 4 411 411alliPW:. , ;_:;.:"• 'v .r:.' { . ~, , ..1.4ku1001t0.d65,0 0 31 / 4 L 3412;,.:. ~. i• ;,ofikuuii T e-. , --, , , , , -,,.-; :-Golt, o9 ,:iiii.J ,, - •12 -2 . .4 i. , '... - fitatiotil. :- =' " ' 1-= -', 3:l' ,‘1 :1 . , . . - , , . . . . , P.Tuli.p.iii. ' a.m. , . - ' .' - :arra, p.m.. a.in:! :1 ZO. 693 10 00''Ar: Corning, Cep; , El OW - 1135 ' 600 19 23 480` so ~ , -.-: vrine =-, i. 900 . 641• 618 - -1213. 428 - 8 44'Vey.:1)unising .:' - - ';- WU_ 340 028' 1.2 Os Sk 19 343 '. '. - tathrop' - --- ' 916. sQQ , . 6-83 t i 1126, ' : •io Village'. (3 (14 63 11 2W 3 62., 312 ' '- H a mmond -' - ." 94$ 91$ ': 7,13 .11.13.- 3 . 49 :3.03 ':" . ;ffill'a Crest,' ' '.9 52,: - 9 27 2-7,211 11 07 -3 40 .8 - 00 . ,. -- Holliday ,- ' 967 -960 , T 29 10157: 8 82 .7 62 _ Middlebury --,10 08 9'39 - .7 33 1 10 49 , 21. -I'47: NileaTalley , :10Qs :. 43.'' 747 ' II 10 36 '3 19 739 ' .9tokeidale 0- ' 10 16- in_ 769 1025 310 732 De. Wellsbord, 4#, 10 261 OW 310 - , 243 " . Charleston, - , - ',' 1069 ...'i , " - ,- . . 203• . • 1 - , eurcunit,-' , -.' - ' 11 19 i , f. - -130 , -.. , • Antrim, . ''- * 11 46 , :': - , --- ' , .-; • • - -; -.; - - A. A. aoRT011; iliiii: tiossblirgi Orli* 6 Tioga R.R. 'Pine'rage' Xii. 82. : ‘,,:,,-, -,,..- '1,"• Takes Effect - BP:44y Jute. 32, isp... vir.p.iJlT 811 . 024 CORTprini. 1.82e8, AT 111,01i$8480 " : ,0: 1 800 a. m: 170.'1.- ...... .. :10.45 a..m. Is 3 7.35 p. m; " 3 ... -. .. ....10 20 I!, m. .-"_15.... 2 20p. ra, "15 .6_ 25 D. m. mess TOOL 8L0i981788. A.B.BM 3A' 008.81210. 110 .-24 G p. m. No. 2.........; —5,35 p. n. ~ ~...; ..... 7 03 1)04 . . .. AV:, . .„,-.... :12 004. Fa. • I :so.:6!; ; it. k _ . ~. - , 7 20.a..' *q; - . 3:...- - .., . ; ;31:45 3. M y !, ''' ' ', l: `; I': --,, t• ,•', L .-_.>: 41 ;: 1 1.ra M ai lttet alliet.B4 -11 1 4111,1 Li:: , , , , , • :rt. rt. SECAI`TITCX,-E3PqVic4o- X _, Mail dep. Williamsport - 9.00 a. m. Accomodation 'dep. Williamsport; -600 p. m. , ?Sail arrive it Williamsport , • - ' ~..0.1,0 Accommodaticin arrive at WWianisport....;..p.2s a m. additionaltrain leaves Depot at 'Prato nose. W'aisport, at' 9.05 Milton; - Philadelphho, York. Bgtdon and' intermediate pante: Returning. di connection is made at Williamsport with trains, for the west. - , . Na change - Grace between Philadelphia. New- Writ and Williamsport: , GEO. 'WEBB. Supt. ... „ 'rum Testa ADOPTED, JUNE 3ii, 11170'. ;taw and improved , Drawing Room and Bleeping Cuauhea, combining all modernproventente, are run tiwougla °Wall trains between ew York. Roches ter, Bufialo. - ',4lagara Faile,, BRap ion Bridge. Cleve. land and Cincinnati. • ! • - „ . . , . • Weetwird• . ' - : - - STATIONB. No. 1. , N... 5. :'lio 2.t, % No. B.* N. York , Lve 900 am 10 Oata 580 pm 7 00Pm Bing3n, " 444. pm 935 pta\ 3 00s‘mi 840 sta 'Elmira. " - 035 " 1280 ..., 15 20 • 636 11 Corning, " ' 70T" . 1 20am 5 58' 4 ! .1 , 6 17." Pi'd Post. " .. ' . 120 ... ', r • i ~ ~. ..- .. Rashest% Arr 10 37 " . . ..... lO 82 " 1 1082" Il atit'Ale. •• 8 30 gap 2 . 60 " 726 Bit.' 7 24113 ft Bagel% - s. - 120601 810 am 1145 am 1245 pm Nis Falls Falls ss 12 55am 19 60 " 112 30pm 1 "486 pm Thintirk, . " 160 ii 800 i ! 115 .ii s . 115., , Ammo] 6 a. excel Mlle and Way. , 515 a. m., oxcepj Sunday's; froth Slisquehanna for . Ifornellaville and Way. 5 30 a. m., daily from flusquigumna for,HornellSville and Way. • _ ,* 110 p. except Sundays, from Elmiri Tor Avon, to Buffalo and Way. 220 p. m., except Sundays, from Binfhatntoit for WonpUsville and Way. ' Eastward. • STATIONS. Dnntirk. Lye - NIB& FOB," Buffalo, .•• Itornqgire. Epchester, Corning. Elmira, Bitig'mtn, New Tbrk, 605 a. m., except ermaaye, Prom nornelleville for Owego ancri7ity. • , • - , • • 500 a. - m., daily from Hornellevil)efor Suequelomna sad Way. 720 a. m:, excep t Sur/days, from Hornelleville for Binghamton and Way. • • ' 7 00 a. ra. -- ezeopt Sundays, from Owego for Suave . 200 p. m., except Sruidays,lfrop Painted Post ;for Elmira and wax, • 1 50,p,r1W; 8 }t1 2 .144Zi1t1#1,:1_f9..; 11 , 215- f °r OtOrtiapi excepted, between Suaiplehammi atoll Port Through Tickets to al Points West at the very Low est Bates, for sale in the Company's office at the Corn ing Depot • - Ibls is the only authorizeCt AgermeAfthe Bate Bail= - way Company tor the satire Wester,u Ttchets in OQrll lug. • I , Baggage will be ohecked only on Tickets purchased at the Company's (dice. ' - Jl , lO N. ABBOTT, - ' Gonq Baser Ag't. Northern Central - Hallway. Trains arrive and depart at Troy, since June 8th,1872: VOIDTHWAHD. Sol:rat - weal). il t tara Fspreva, 407 p m I Balt°. Express. 816 l a ? Lu . 916 p m Ptalada Express, 616 p m Clnef” • skti Exp. 10 20 a m Elan 662 a ui _ , -A. 71. MEE, Gaul 13np't. Cyrus D. SAII viztor,vaatt re4Tmitlii Foreign and pomfg3t4:::gquors Buggies, Sulkies, We are prepared to do anything In our line on ebox:i notice and In the beatlaanner.: tiatisfaition guarau. teed. - EIQUGWi:OI4, Orgt, & CO. Wall Paper, , - Window Bbadee, Yankcie Xotiona, . • Baur° Fran:tee and Glass, • ' Pictures, all ports, ' • Pipture Cprd, Law Blanks Inettc, Blicikel w:isr•Vioittt edlcia Books, Religions Boca'. and Oval' article in caw line of trade. New York Dailies at On Dollar a month. ' . Dallies at 76 Cents a month. • 1 —Subscriptions fora week, or montli, or Items. '=Orders for Dooka not in atO4 tikoMPU9 - uttendaiO —gin Express, paclrage received from New York e cry day. —We are Agents of the Anchor Line and the Gigot, Line of 17. S. Mail Ocean Steamers. Passage titltets xc and from any point in Europe at the lowest rates: • --Sight !Drafts aola on any Bank In Europe at cur. tentrates of Vrchengsi.- Jan. 24.1072-Iy. TO THE FARMERS OF ' .L Isuipttio . rairEnt . XILL,' whkapowNi.sse*efeltag advantages Oyer OU other • L. It upon* i7e, cite, rat litter. erLtiflta ow, cockle, haat Idiot.' • - 1- 4.4 t. clesitit t Lti4 out 74 1 , 6 1' 4.4 ‘ . Vthii .1043 414 1 4 1 0 0 4-_ - - = • 8 it cli*9l tigt.9,l2/71514.„ '•• • . „ 4,. •4= i •aPtheille*Whig tiowitigpf 11 4/It, AVirold geliplbr ; !;1 14. lytt at other tolnsitaritumtb4 terznig• UM' it IL NAL (MMpM.' , . . , „ - I ... . , ~_, . ..., ~ '.'',24-1,•";-,:71,‘:.-1•--,'"..4.---:;;-t‘..1•,--re.'.-.;,>.-.2'.-7'''?-,-.4'ib&,4_2::.f.1.„-t...5;4•:,i':,:'',4.1.•••".;"5:1".•''.,••.-:',.:1•.t '."-.''''- ~.7 ; :, -, `,:;4....:;':;; . •-•.•:•- e ...'4': , - . .3 P1••••,;l . : ' '":', --. , : - : :- . •- ; ' ,, ‘•‘''' - ,‘.., - . , •-•'. - if•, - - ,"':'-',' -, '''.'-'."• - ;. ,; r '....' ; '','•'-,''';', : c'.',• s •,.- - . , ?-..-,• 1 ;.e.-. : ;... , -'' L -t' Z- .„; ':' ",,,1;•,, ,, ,,--I?..k . 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':7i.,..;- ,:- : -- - ,- .-:..- - , , —, i , ---_:=_,,— -,&,, r-- , -. .- ..:- ~- ---, --. ,': ~ ..‘,-;_,..!:,,- - ,-, - ,-,,-,;,i:;;.,-, , ,,5 . ,.. , •,'A , ,k1;,,Wi- - (4. -, -;,:;, -- , - '-i," _'.-'i'.. 7 -- ;-',X,7- - ,?.. : ~ : 3„,-„-,::,,-,1., - ,,:g„-'.„ -,%. ,:,:,.Ji i -: ~, - ,1, h - --,1-- - ).i- , '• - - ---,.:' -;,-',.'..-';-%,,,- .;.. -, . :,.--;• ,;,--- . , ''', •-: - --:. -2: -,,!,. ,:...I'-;:f. •--, ME SS OM I - , I • • DaPot, root' of Ping Eitieet, Williamsport, Pa. Erie jtaltwAys . : - . . .;-; NAL ,LOoAr. Tzumm;WEerwAuv; . riltindskYo. from °Wog* for liont-.14. No. 121* 1225 pm 146 " 290 .. 0 06 sup. 4 00 p m A 25 " 503 " 10 10 " 17 00 a in No. 4. ...... 6 50pm 625 sr 10 . 30 ** 630 ,* 12 01 •• 12 loam 2 35 ** 11 10 ** 'Anzwruntit: Vocez: Tui.zias Emmre.an Sp foUQw - Agent for Pine 01410iiiiii es, CORNING, N. Y Jan. 1, 11172 Houghton, Orr dz \ Co., STONY FORK, P.l. Blanufficturers of PLATFORM SPRING, TRITON AND !AMBER WAGONS, Er 4: • SLEIOHS AND . 808 SLEDS. HAWFINOS & COLES, Agents Welloboro Stony Fork, July 1, 1872. E. 'B. Youxo. • Young Oil -' (auccessozi 41Hagb Youngst"Coj• Booksellers and [Stationers, sad Dealere La Window Fixtures, _ Musical Instruments, Blank . Books , all elm, - , ' • Netranapere, klagazturat Writing Desks, Artists Goods, MEDI 1 § S!al I „::: , ; . ::4''-:• , : . -- 5";. , :‘,;.; Fs - ' - :::' , ,,Sf.:* , '-' ”" ( . 1 Is EEL -- - :::'::- ' ' . ;. ' l-:* *':'. ' - f i'll" , " li.',.''ti ' 0 • / :.: 5: ' 'i• -- ''A - . - '" .-1--- - • - ';'•if . ..•'-...,.2 - •, - ` - •' - ::':••-'1 .- ,_(: - K...".40, -- ' , - , .:!_' - gi&'.: , ‘.l4otintlcritkettirikioftinuilii.'siAiT4tr.4:itiegitilf ' .14, - ,1 :09*Pr: ''',-.- ' - t:':,4; ~.` •-•' .r; -',, - , . .... - ''' i _ ele --; [''''' 800 IS I' r f kl i P " , ‘ : ;; S•lloEg : ndik. .. mapp..7••.•‘-- , •• ',•-••-:-•---• - - , $- - ,1••,.* „eiii..l.lpytitht.sii,':*inibcro ;:l 7 • . , • , _ '•.!,' - ' - ..:;.iia4aialf:ii: ' ,lo° . , . -',,, ' - • ‘:" ' - 't: '„ ...- . lietclies'..Wid.iknid . C4otii, ZVI iizi - oraits- and Getf,ter* , z' • .. . • - ' Lcefcli4si M is ses; Chz,lciren . - and - Bet/Ws , Sh i oes, , 4 - .---.',, '-.,z734p . , ~. ,Oeitts'- ~Cloth . Boo t s 4.: sh,oosi : .mince Sibert Cal Boots; . • ‘ls'os'' Cal* Ai Bo Ots :- : -:::-' • -,--rouiti?„s! Boofs, , - • I'4 fact, an *has of Mena' eht4k'iVOin.64nt weal' kept n a flestAissi ',hoe Store. 'The best sewed Women's Shoes eveT offered in We market. We defy the world W .. -- -, •,_ ; . __'.. i.;si._ , ::+"./-1..,,:‘ .;,. :-s-..1.:.- ;M i ta belSeYffi 4 1 ). trZ3tiV: 4o, - aIigNVOS *4: 4, 1 00 2 11.1441, done neatly, and wn . n Leather and r of all kinds coFetpigl , ,• Cash paid for Ilidoi; Do! Pe46 and Fars „ • liavingjrist Ailed up oUr Shelves wi personally selected for ,this Market, solicit a fair share of trade. "limall returns,” we • believe - to be a„gOod b and we bold the best goods, ro bot 1 keep no shoddy.' Ourassortmont is El idl sties and tastes:.. We, invite °lir, j public generally i to - ball end 'examine -trouble to show goods: ,-Always to.bn north.of 0. B. Kelley ' s Store , gain . fli Pa.' May 1, 1872.. PHO°;` , O!GB, AA le er ldnds, styles andsisee of Pi executed inartistinnuminerzat $ ,opposite Clone House, Wells . 1 - . Portraits:on Portela I Nothing finer can be offered than the Main Pictures in a velvet Case or ire twits and delicacy are superior to an on Iron or paper. If yod want a • oiyourse,li, go - to tiatainore's.-- - ' If you' snot the 'vt!ty,,bei3t tIAI4 .ca, liaramoree: t .• . - if yott wouteoni4l;lll4,that.loolto ilk • If.youwantanoldDague Ambrotypei or other Pictures copied can' - dp that as reasonable as any ot, wilrbe finished in India Ink, 011 or W: desired -• I - : ' • -. I - Persons wishing Mauro* , of Poo adtlrlmotire especial attention. A Jar& assortment of Frames and constantly on hand. All kinds of Pictures - . Framed ,to. B.t No, 2. 401)Opm . . 1012 pm 7'lo am . 1135 "‘ ,7 45 " 3 15 tun I tao " 487 .5 - 1208 pm 513 " 12 43 " 713 " 235 " 8 30pm 455 " I 7 .t niistakethe ov 2 1.0 3 .. -4) °P Veliw .130072114. A 4, New - 3oot, Shoe, .AND FINDING S New Shop, New Stock, class Work! A tTITFIG from a Band Ca* to a Ladies' Kid and C' morale and Ga Ditto .Childr:, and .llfisse. Gents' Cloth, .2lfor s, Calf Gaiters. 0 and Prince .41 Ties. OVEBBEICOI, an le IJ , ma s sing in re F.e . !!!!;, s 4,c)o t 0 .55,00, 4g:gei and sewed. :". :Vl3B r rag BOOTS from $5,00 to $1.15,00, and worth the Leather and Fi The undersigned having speht tvV , life in Wellsboro—much of the time penitence,Cirawing the cord cf of soles, believes rapier in hamme Wherefore, he will o nly remark to and as many new ones as choose that he may be found at his new she( T. Van Horn's ware rooms, with th est stock in Tioga county. ; Wellaboro, Api11.24; 1872...' Wm. IVErm:-., Has Self Setting Needle SHUTTLE: . . 1111017.4. be put out en , trial tor pa y v - sold on easy. =outlay payeri Sefore purcbasing, call and Ott at L. - r. Trtunatal Mate wous 0 l c Iffactitie Silk . Twlit, Cotton and 7:i" ea of all kir.as emstantly on bend. ,' • - , - , IL 8.-Braohlztes of all klndsrepaL on reaso4 -- /0 Vii._ . NOT. 9,18724 Vin. . E. B. TOII,NG A.7•CO. " -, TIQp, Maxine TgE tuukersigned /* bow prop dera for Womb Stoma said AP Atalicov:or 1 uitlan4 of elateoistAsaturprovvavort • keeps Constway Ina wilt be alga to gait sal vb.°, um) tlisittnblergh °xi siT,ztable 49rxtc the.t3#7 2 ,', , • - OM ~ ;~,~,~ ,~~~.y;r . ~q:7y: _ , ;'''-_'.-e.f, .;',,-- - , .:;. y -‘;:i,i--,-;.:: VgWOR DERB i Good ,Pictu ~w w;, AQ TB2 MELD as MI PINE 800 at the lowest rates, as ,'EVERY MOTION PO5, THE VIC MMK , . -t - • 'll • _ . TELLSBORG - TIOGIti MEI !The Sleet Storm = ihe'ronoWing gem Was published In 1064, it is sup= wed _ti9 3 r€ l2 : . ' 6 ldiftCrbY Zeiratr" P 4l °4 dei' . i . - ",:°1! I k e , 1011 . 2/ ;f..• 474 • ' t'ind r eenv forth; _e t/0 W at'ratteotioWAlry trot:Low the beam reorthi r i•olildib , l4 , insting white, °Witte° is bung fAndditnao44oo.ltetert: slispes, sre imil#llB Actql t k ili r 432 /1(` Each bjeh e 1112 tt ' 6 90 Uittale the,g4stst. brightest t • rou 4 nd Ante; The'elneigld. 44d the auleths 4 tt. Mid here and there a ruby red is The clirreOlite And japer see. and The holy Patmos prophet sitir throne; • • Here all the gold Ophir Shines: And who could 'neer number up „r$ more? - . The - .holly, in its ailsest green , looks gay. • Enchased in *aid Silver too, how r. ,/31 greft Oa gold the, shaggy pie ' With all nun'erideeted light, y The cedar, Ott feilor'd tree,. They laid thee•iii ttie hovie of Eick with goldi._ VAgreStas waslKing,Holomon. he Was dressed iti f iuch , a4s*ce:m t etS disPlarck • lts hrittleberitglikspetidl42eite virus their t*P 7 ; lug head'. And no*axidikon , n'PyOlienitnltt conies Clfiglin:g And showering tiow_o co woridofgerdi'that ; - .sparkle frs ;The -ietiii„'Oak, fhe. 3 hundred *ti!d • trtailus of the trees. - ivlir i BK. 0 47441tati I.ispate4 dings baud. ~eon~,~,h~iis Spwada out ilia pona•roue,loi arai,9, /Mid Cracklingin °And as therouseAllauilhakeli,l4e dewdro ps' iron. his does the Vioodleiti4 . 7donarch_aliare, his;qyattiyko`Cr :211 ti a choice stook, we respectfully Mlts and 4 %nick y liet3g tarifa": C cue4pest.': We othclent tp Meet trona and the our stock: No. ; fonnd, one door ; eet, Wellebtan, ~,.. , , . • ~. . .. . • , . - 'hit time would fall to tell a:411 the brig - lit and tarry host; - Theltorth.ainit,brings to witch, the world - Out :of the ' • . realgut Offrost; -', ', ".. •', ''''''. The meanest thl..the inost deformed, the dry sod sapitiselo4ti, ' - , - ',' The bramble, and - the rugged thorn , are pure slid: ' spotkias ROW; --: ' ' '-, ' " : . - '.. & Ye counselors of earth - egitno forth, yo_ princes, who have gold, • • • • ~ Your Watkins ye kligkbring tiore;the'imieraerciwi'll ye hold, , - - Couto , wornan thy !.irraroarita, In sit"- their ;costly , sheen. 4 - 44 let Ricer% be the tevelleit ones that ever graced prrk, lOretstgen And, I 111. Norata-oi(es The grebe that's ;trodden underfOot; thie weed with: branching arms. • • Thos glittering in the morning Sun bath filtkiUld • your clutrami; • • Then cast your baubles vile; away, and bend in solemn thought - • .•• • -- To Rim who bath this gOrgeouti scene from storm and tempest wrought. . - 1 Plates, le beautiful Per me. Their [Oft ; thiug produced .. Yet this fair pageant goon must fade before the breath of noon; .. . „ And by the flat prom on high youtwealth shall facle"as Ohl lay'not worthless 'riches yip which moth and inst. -soul); • - . ~ ~ But those which at the Jud gm ent Day through Christ will thefi avail, ... • • ,- , • =be had; goto you; go to Nar- !otype. . nd enlarge Che ei , man. They ter Colon wllen What I.l r i o li l l; a h n l.h i e ts a yo n so soon_ituiat Melt this frost. : iiroths thee Into , life again, who rides amid the storms; go in the , twinkling of ap eye, his last trumpet dread, Our bodies fashioned gloriously abaft rise up from:the dead. •- a n:fl Fiwpep, raming NateriAl o Ordei • _ _ . . , The est goes np,his destined way; how' !en , do heed my cane! , In Mars the vision melts away, the baseless rebriefells; I too could shed some tears, alas t _that • this sweet seeas to past, - ior scene as sweet it brings to mind; which. Sea away A. B.Bantrnan'a EMI 808 Leather His nimepas ekiver. It was a kind of a singular name, and heves a kind of a sin gular man. He.,Waslat; and he was:short; 'and he had no more hair on his face than a baby, and very little more , -on his head. •. - Our - . b0,..1r-c,aVii-IlittiO4.lo l 4c/SActhm;' , *bakcl:74ut 'toning&cities one day, and says he: "Mrs. Entwistle there's 'a gentleman:" "Where?" Says I: ,• . "In the h ." " Why don' you show him into the a p lor?" says I. • ' - • . . "Why, he on't go; and he sayste must see you for a 'note." "Oh," says I; + 4 a bill, no doubt." So out I walked, and there he stood; and I thought, as I looked at him, "If poor Mrs. Chicory's baby had grown up to -be four feet three, and otherwise stayed just so, he'd been your very image." " Are you the lady . of the house?" said ORE. M'Z'M Z and. first- 1 Kid Gaiter. Best oth Bal ~'ters, ,nis _ "I am," says I; but if it's to subscribe to anything, with butter at the pride it is, don't ask me. I'd like a. Holy Scripture with illustrations, and I'd like the Fashion Magazine,' as well as 'another; but I can't afford it, and that's a fact. I had a literary taste once, but it's all gone. I'm nothing but sugar and butter 'and coals and kindling wood inwardly, -so . don't show 'era to me and aggravate me by 'em; 'don't; I pray.— • Subscriptions to books is for them that don't keep boarders." : • - " says he, - " your words go to my heart, but it ain't narobjeet." - " Whatis your object, then, may I ask, sir?" says L - "Board, murn," says he. • " Well," says I, "I have, a vacancy—but • it's on the top floor." ' ' " Any place will do for me," says he; " a poor,deserted-critter like me." • • " And two tears came into his eyes. - -". Perhaps he really fa a baby," says I to - -myself; " a giant baby," - 'Deserted!" says I. " Yes'm," sayshe. "She went off and left me " a Wednesday bight last without any supper." " Your ma?" says.l. . "No'm," says-he;."A holier tie, if possi-, ble. My ma would never have done such a Ailing. 'My wife, mum." " , - "The abandoned critter!" says L "No'm,". sayshe ., " Wirtue itself; a most respectable woman; a lady, When I married her, as supported herself upright and noble With a sewing.machine. • -NO names, mum, if you please." . . "What did she go off, then, for?" says I. "A married woman's plate is ins her bus-, band's home. Had you words?" -- "She bad a few, l mum; a good many, I may say," said the gentleman; "but I c e'? her none back, - She had reasons for leaving: If I may confide in you, mum, she was 'lasi • " Jealous!" sand 1.. No doubt you gave her cause. Men always do." As sure as my name is Skiver," said the gentleman, "I'm as innocent as- the babe unborn. She' would set at the winder,, and her form was fine; btit I did'at so much as mention it to Jane Amelia, and I was only —excuse me for alluding to' it—l' was only a blowing of my nose, no more, and she waved her hankercher, and Jane Amelia 'says, says shd, The edd has come at last,' andleft me." "For blowing yodr nose?" says I. Thought it was flirting, you see," says he. "Oh," says I, " ith the person -with -a , fine figure at the Op osite window!" : " Yes'm;" says h ; "and I'm willing and. able to pay; and an hole I can crawl into will do, for life is e ded with me, and it's all oVer." " Oh, she'll come back," says I. "'Why don't you make her?" "Make Jane Amelia -.do anything!" says be. "You dOn't know her." So he came. And he sat atl mY, „ table wittl, a very "wietched- countexpmee; • "and Mr; Sdrapples, the comic man, that writes for the papers, he did ,ask me, to be sure, *if he'd been _sent there to be weaned,' for he looked-like it." _ -- 'lle eat bread and milk for MS , breakfest, and he never spoke to anybody; but I felt' sorry for him, -for' my part; and I was just• a thinking that it _was - bard for him to be used . so, and that Jane Amelia 'ought to be ashamed of , herself, when Xteard a tapping at-the window yanes. " Dforgot say that it was.eleven o'chick "at "night, and I was mixing my bread 'in;-the front basement,— Tap, tap, tap, it came, shcirt and quick— tap, tap, tap. _ "Gra o iousl".SayS I; • "'what is that?" " It's only me,' says • a voice imtside; _" don't be afraid, Mrs. EntOistle; it's only a poor. lolie,Wobioarclike.yotiteelf.", opened theideotand: peetted 'Out.' The reeon.wai bright, and' there stood a woman ins 'resiartd.tthhieproa and aX. LtioAlia*l44l a sun: bonnets ,• • 'Jr cco, and ford a tall lino of oney every time dings !sual entq yeare of his on the stool of on for the good ,ng than blowing. s old customers give him a call, F. next door to B. best and cheap 'C. W. FMAini. 1'iv.0...6)2 d Improved OR ea wiehing, and o no the V/C10.13, 5 PC. irks, Ito execute ell or- •• elite of either , strthiS , 144 with , lands - et marble favor Ina vith; • :c4enbeabeniall. ;- 11111 , - - ffill BIM ~~ iPtth',preclCg4 !ffEME , • „ s tapues Idizit 42 theca brlghtsaidon • .ortAlle 'Eleatenl7 • th'sil dialecki;dieji oo,untleoit tnifia4s' f!eom*:.alraost*t Ist ScriptuW,it -14 and -caver'4l:thei nor the haueele - Ocru .;hstikt The Deseit(fd Enaljaad. I= • T 5• , :;. - ,y, • - 1 77 - "; ''.• W4l):B ' Y nCEM.I3ER - :-31 , -- , 872-- - n 7. , : .:,i,,-,..-k.,,,,,. ; ..,,. -,..''PA;4'1 4 1C1,, ~:-..:-'!,-,i-t-,.:'•1:-•:-..,,,,,--•' _ , ~, - 7:-, - •_,,,,„- ii;-.. - 1,,, -,- - 4., „,, t .,' - 0 a, 0 0%- , ;,,--',3-,-i-sts'_ ~ - - roiv,,--12614,4i t a livotal , ArAra ww • •-• 1 , 1 bil - litter, legefer9l,4" '-- -... ,ie : .M. ,, tt, ing,ll, off44•''' , - titho ~r. ,,- t' `-;' 4:4 1 1 .. i i,' befeki),ol4 ge* ml e- 11 - 'bit ' ` 4 ,'7 says Tt- ,- , ,, , ,app*stits4l , . al , -- ~, !,, , , _ 4-,... - , - , _y,,,, .; 6„,ate'lliithe-w9r,K r -'-' 4 1,"4-",in'initys.she;' t --- ii,h- fa , tie' itorki c a l ' : ''''' h - viair:odd ; ...,‘ 1 4 '„ ere - --,,..-,1,--z.h, coixteepilern-,:- - ,4-Cook,--vraisk,4l:'ilii-rd ' ourpwri , ragelii' what= oboxt r hin t * c .- 1 1 * • -7 ' , _ ~- ; . ._ '.- -‘ -- 1 "want ilvkiLoratT, - ; ,' 4 l: `, ', -, ,,,,, iierOmigus2- 14 m j n a • iff -110 -sun bonnet, and-stands Wjgolitit:*ll4,o,.ll7%6 . ,--, `- , - sad- Aticigt e • gs''',7 says ihe, ", ,-,- iolou le.* , 414 at P/ f a ' - ` nces. Dow:ll69k then ace if iy - olkmeAtye 7 ~, vespeetable2t;'=',' ,_,,,L;,,„,,;‘4, ,d ro vobe came Shedi4v4444 ini ihilotiy . this; :' t4a ...- , she, t: - pelt nibUltrlig and s_ ay was awe** .She went about inthe big sun -I:tontiet, with-a:liandlterehier abOut her face for the •tobtbacbe4And the deriik gentleman asked me, if- shoWaiiiii somebody in disguise, But fibe worked; she asked , (Motions, too. -- -- - -, Ineaa'in,Xan. you tell - me whothatstnut; bihge n tleratshthet sits,* the bottom of the table ler-alias.. ;:• 4- '4'' .'- - , -. . • • • , - "Mr:i4l4tvin," says I. : 4 , Yolf,iieF! the one With thf,light,Whiskersi" - '.,` ••, . ":ICo'in,,!•!•iiisys she . '" A kind of a,goad bibkinegentleman.With not,-,,ltis kers at • - ail end-pink cliskiks." ' ' ',.--. - ' ' '' • • ~- i nobl"- dasl3;l, "-that'a7:ll.i. Skiver:: He's bevy here- / ' ;T - . • k l- ' ; - - - ' '- -t - .A. , •A1kit4f0,*:011i,"1.644 416, , 2:atit1 - 46?" iqtril*--'-'' ..:,,, ,: , , : ..,, , , , -," ' Ai:o Ow ',don't knoW,P . i3Ays I. .* ( itas• iii 3. gitito , y 6 : l ll2atir •itopndencel , Because , if, he has, - .l4oloetW-= ' -.- - ; ,V-„ , „, .. d'..1:_,., ~ :, :" Nefer *WO 413147. says she; ;",but no doubt he'tilooked enough at• that ft:ay; WI& der with,tlielot of jetlon,' • ! and that - young Miss In hint: tridoubt. of ,:that." ..- , ,; •' -- ..perhatka,yon - knoW something- about kin?4i "-ritsysp• I- ; • •••- ‘, ••••, -..--...,„ L.:- . " - Nti; 2,- .st,yii she; " How' , should I?" ,„-- •;- - • . "He'ilegentleman that's separated, from ' h i s Wife," a ays IJ '' . " ~. - ' ' ' •'' ' ." And ,came and 'talked against her!"says she: -., > ` 2 tl`..' ' - Di •"...," o,", taws I,'' c ' not a word. He'fa the - 1134 ;hired one-..f, thin - He,spoke high• Of her." "Ohl" SuYs she.;'; Then .she she washed away for a-whilk And after a while she .. says: . " SPeki'bigh. did he? - Ah!" She didn't speak again iintil, liener,time, except about the, work, ;Thee, waiting ,on the table-in.her I big. sun bona t, she came lout. with` *Oucer in, her band. 1 - . ,". l'want a little more puddle ," says she. " One.help of .pudding fought to do board • - ers" says'''. •; ~. _. • • , Says die; '" lt 's for Mr . Skive r . nedidn' rash for ' it but I know be's fond of pudding, and he liardlY ee any Poor critter! e t didn't loolint tb: ,widder&n,ce; nb more ,ho didn't at-the gal. .LoOks low-sperited; too: Give hinliey piece, Mrs. ‘ Entwistle, if 'you can't:aftid no More." -4 '. \ .- .- '" Suchmeanness isn't in me, Sally," says I;-•"bilt - don't let the boarders see, it, if you OM help:' -.-= . Thatwes the begiening of it. Alter that ' - it wenti4 rn aigh( on. Sally 4 was as well-be haved ar oat - ',oa ever- I. met,.othervildel ,andabi - ,bept Aer face' covered up in her - sun • bonnet; and most ly her, chin.,tied' pin her - handkerchief, 'too, in a way forward pieces don't=rifien do.-- 'A prettylace she _had; too' ---.pretty , - enough for, a woman of her -...-- -" age. But it : as plain ain pikestatl to me that, shelad - alien in love witiildr: Skiver. • • • :Talk ~ bout pityr,- - _ - I - vitied him—but .I didn"t f ; las itle l ,-tlid.:- ' KW , bougt _things ws out of h f own money, and took m up ,to his door a tray—ale And Pie) and onch- - '-' , , Alm itatae his room windows shine,. and.put clean - PilloWcaseS on four times a. week.—' She blacked his liooti and brushed lila : Coat, and litctilerself out to makehim comforta• ble - .. - ., And the fun was, 'she never - let him , get. a glimpse of; her `face, and she Always . said; =`. 4 _ , :3frsk :: EntNyistln: tient . you this, sir,",,, whew, she,- took bits . up. the trays. Other 1 kind:fit Conduct,. I 'd- have ,yon to under- I. 1.4. 11„ * ? t, 'h IT, allowed' benear4..tv , - `n ' Seihingi Went on for a spell, and surely Mr,. Skiver was ia proper man. "Never spoke to the ladies," so , Sally. said;- never seemed to know that Silly was alive. The widow called him " Old Sulks," and the. daughter ' called !:him - "Crossness"—that I knew; and Mrs. Heribarier„the married lady that fl irted with all • the boarders, couldn't i get a word from him. And one day Sally sits dow on a • kitchen' • cha,ir, and 'pushes' her sun bonnet WI, arid , says she: • "Mrs. tEntwistle; mum; ' that man is th most paiiicular Ilever see, and a credit t his sex. - Give him shadlor dinner." . IsTow.sliad atAliat season; just conic) in, you know, is toodearlor boarders. "'Says 1,1 " Sally; !IlOVi , Can I afford it?" 1. • - Says she, " Send raejor it—l'm a rar hand to bargain. ' .. Says 1, "Xorta man 'can't bargain down fresh spring shad :' , Says she, "Give me.what you,can afford, and I'll,see.". And I did it. And I know that the crit 7 ter took money of, her own to help it out- - for finer shad were never stuffed and baked on any table.::;, I : i ' When they were all helped,, I saw dally , standing peeping,in at the door, and though I couldn't see,lier fac4 A .did see she was rubbing her , hantli , le% rejoicing .sort of a -way; and Soon she whispered tome: • •" Ain't it nice to see him eat it? I knew that would go down." ' _.- . . ...Mad I knew she meant Mr. Skiver. And I was sort of laug hing to myself, whensild doily up jumps M r. Skiver and• begins to stamp. about thereon:l: "ph, what is it?" saysi. ' • "Bone in his throat,'. said Mr. Dillwin. "That's the wersecif shad." , ". Ow, ,wow, wow," coughs Mr. Skiver." ) " Oh I 'al oh!" !screams Sally. . ... " Take a drink," says 1 " Oh, let we beat you on the back!" cries Sally.. t "He's choking to death, 1 believe," says the wido, v. . • "Let ine get out before, he does," says Mrs. Henbane. • And there was Mr. Skiver .black in the face. " Run,for a doetor,"' said Mr. Dillwin. ; And 'One of ?em started; but before , he 'Was out of the room SallY had Mr. Skiver ion a lounge, and had put her finger , into hiS 'throat, and,was screeching: ' "flag, dear; gag! yotir•tliroat ;Gag, my own blessing, and it will come up. O Lord, X c.ooke4 the shad I 0 giaeloust I bought it. 0 goOdk, goody gramousi I've been the' - death of hinit Gag, ducky dia. mondl gag, and it'll come ' And up,it did come, in 'a minute. And I heard-the comic man roar as be rushed up stairs,. and I saw Sa.lll-mido - tiolts fol. the kitchen, as well she Might: followed her. She was sitting on the floor, all covered up by the big sun-bonnet, as though it had been a tent. t . Oh, Sally!" says "where was your ',sense of moilesty?" Ali she did was to groan. And then there cam d another groan, and there stood Mr. Skiver! ! Mrs. Entwistle, mtun,"• says he, " rve come to say a word.": • " Well, sir," says - • . " 1 must leave, mum," says " Why, !Art" says ' • "It's trying to my feelings to mention it,, but it's the conduct of that person." " Well, lt.was singular," says I, " but she did kerbest for yon. You -was choking." " Mum," says he; " I'd rather be Choked to death than to be -called any female's ducky diamond; an her dear." "I registered a v6w, 'tamp, when I Ives deserted by the feraile,_ 3vhose esteem I val. ued, that her unjuit suspicions should never be madeirue; that a. ithou,t4 live se as when I met, her in lieuven could sa.y,' Jane Amelia, true I was, and true I ' remained.— It was,your . fatal was only blow. ing of my dose.' Ncmy'b'pkold, I am - embracO l i .Ml 4 call ed'duck and. deai, and ducky diamond, be. fore a table', full 'ofgenteel people, to say notbing.of one of a malicious turn of mind• that writes for pa ers. lii. , no offense to you., I'm going ra m. Obli!„ , , - He kinder . ended ff with a howl, and he i i ) was staring at some hing as .if' he'd. seen a thost. 1 - i -. : ' l', I looked around. ' Sally had • her bonne? off; and was standing in ;the -thicifile . of the kitthen,)_ ssylihe'Again. = r!.,Whst,dol see?" Tour own Jane Aniel447 says ske;.:and throws herself into 1:414;(0 , 5. , PAtit!pap*bete•tvi'weWlikii!!, :siva Shl , 4. diVise;:and:-,l*fiAtorei ' MENI t 4 ithoraremddv,w, lexNN4eW*Pr fr e.t.:Ns rAx, OM ' , . 'ed'yoO;'l4,34l. know yoy.(; - ' There utke'on tri3" 8 1 01- I' Prit:Velt assOred:,-- as ti finis`= 'oCstlie hi iiocket,, andvell gi:koro 404 1 11* , ' 14 th 111, ' - def.o`' . ."4oW . ;tow. any joolzi4g ilike;; , ,i' f babiy, than eiceti` 'PO teats runfifog",4ow4 he looked over her shottidor at lite. nutia;" says-he.' says 4; `-`414, , ,a big fool mado'Of • kerself."'i ilidtet say .Anytliing: end they went ; aVaylotetlier; and believe, they've lived liappy,ever 'lf Ahay.'litvenit - it's, her attic; fora- better htisbiud ReYer lived, I fAo beilkye; than poor 31:r,, '' ' - k ' Ilea%ifte - ' PhOimizeriti; . ' 14. following intertsiing , ..o4QQQ4i ,Qf ' O . mirage seen iklitontentthss' been ,received 'eCthe',Signid_9the - e . .frOnanne Of its corres pOndents:.,.- , , . , • Jactro' MALIAN . , , (*.3.,) Nov: ifi, '7.2. gen., lifver, OW - 819#t ellitam •Vr: ,9: ..4: - -r..- trule Sir:—This valley, , :ten " s , long 'by, four wide,. lying At,. the-%wester ' •slope? of, the Xtocky Mountains, in the TeTerritory of ,Mon• tapai tglying a griertir direetion early north .and south, in. about latitude 47 d - roes, and bounded on the.past and vi . e.st 'side \ by lofty , mountain ranges, ': has been 'the_ 'seene of: Sane interesting atmosphertO.. pheriymena .finting-the past feurdays A 'from.,,,s;4s ta•d:80. pf!rti l ..?ciacti:day;-4CONittiesSekbylnYirelf : and QtAets - witlx - the naked eyei• -tU erg: being: , no .field .glass at hand. _ - 'I :, koiiiiringlthat an fcoaunt:Of the same t thoukti , a-Very imperfeet.one, might be in teresling to you, I proceed:to'giVe - it In Plain language; not being. versed' in ..the.technical terms : of 'the scientific. . l'‘ . - , ; . • , Tlie - phenomena, as - witnessed, cannot .better be describefl,thamas,aUelee.tric cloud 'Which, upon its 9peA,Lrap.9Q, Noyczaber 15, gave the prairie in that ,Particular covered at - the time With - show the 'depth of four or five inche.s, all the appearance of being on fire-j,--ilatnes leaping Ironr point to point, leaving, aS:they.swept along,, 'an apt parently charred surface, ; while at the Same time, m the' backgrbund, Might, he - , seen what appeared to the eye a large sheet of Water ready to overwhelm and extinguish the raging fire in front. . • , At tines this cloud or' atmospheric vol -ume was so palpable ot the distance of from two to four miles, _with. an entirely unob structed view between, that it really seemed tangible and to invite us to an inspection by a closer approach, which one , of our party suggested;_ at other times becouiing ,more opaque and active. By a very slight stretch of the imagination, countless herds of hor ses or, buffalo (we, are - hundreds 'of miles went Of AhOl)tiftalo countiyy might be seen coursing down.the valley,•about to precipi tate themselves, as it were,- upon us. . . Again, "; presto," and sheets of water would seem to be rolling toward us, angry as the proud waves of ocean at the. feet of old Canute, and recede again, leavingnoth lug but the seintillatiOns of the atmosphere, best- described by a •stove-side - view 'from' the interior of a thoroughly heated room, with a cold atmosphere on the outside, Upon which the eyesight falling sees in thec:apia nal countless crowding waves of heat d air, which,' by their'vaiying undulations, how the whole. body of - the inner atmosphere to be in active Motion_ at the time. - It could. be distinctly seen pouring into the valley through a gorge in the mountain range 'on the' west, side, ; about four miles from where we stood, in a southwesterly di, rection, thence 'spreading northerly to our right along the western boundary, close to the earth, and following the' direction of a large creek solidly frozen at the, time,' and 'which runs Ile length of the valley from southeast to'northwest; hugging it eltisely, and flniilly disappearing in the deep twilight of it November evening., - The regulility with which these develop-. mentaioitenned on' each afternoon, may.ooa. Sally' bet' tylictid'U'i the fact thatltt-4 p'. ra. the Baia at this season of the year is 'obscured for the day in the valley by , a lofty moan lalupeak'behind which it drops. The rare faction produced by its presence, during the day then subsiding, these exhalations, or -whatever they may be, manifest themselves in ten thousand-fantastic forms of which I have endeavored to -give you a faint idea,' only regretting that some American scien tist or poet was not at baiad to enjoy, and at the same time immortalize the weird scene. The cold during those four days was ex cessive, the thermometer at or-below zero nearly all the time, though no accurate ob servations were taken. With the modera tion of temperature which occurred to-day, the surrounding elements seem to beim re sumed their usual quietude, and all-indica thins of the phenomena are at an end; I have the honor to be your obedient ser vant, • C. S. Joicik 11 , 14. Indian Agent. WC witnessed . the phenomena' as above described. JAMES HousE, P. M. Eikors of the Educated. To exposathe errors of contented igno rance is hoPeless. There is no cure for these but a general impiovement in edUca-- tion: There are howevek errors which welt instructed persons sometimes fallinto from mere habit or thoughtlessness. Such errors, like the "fears of the - brave and the follie of the wise," have only - to be brought home to the consciousness of those who commit the& to be discarded at once. , A very common mistake, 'even for good writers and speakers, isAhe substitution of had for, would, before the adverbs rather,, sooner, better, lie f,. and some others. "I-had rather stay t h an go," instead .of " I would rather." `lhad as lief take one as the oth er " instead of " I would as lief." The ori gin of the error is evident enough. The two Words had and would have the same con tracted form when combined with a pro noun. "I'd rather" may be a contraction of either " I would rather" ,or " I had rath er.". .This 'contracted form that which we almost always, use in common speech. - "Even when we are inclined 'to lengthen it we rarely give the full pronunciation. -We say " l'ud rather," leaving the verb dmibt ful to the listener's ear, andperhaps 0.-Our selves:. When driven to write it, we: feel naturally inclined to take the shorter, word; without much regard to the strict grammat ical meaning of the phrase. That the ex pressions B 'l' had rather" , and' " I had as lief" are incorrect, will lid made evident by simply converting rather into itSsynonym, more vall/infdp, and iflf into the eorrespond ing Yet it must , be admitted that these incorrect forms are warrtatted by such, high authorities—from, Shakespeare to some of the best writers of or day—that they' are entitled to be regarded, if, not as - s estab lished idioms; at least as tolerated soledigms. The confusion of lay with And, of 'set with sit, is anicit*the most ,Combion errors of speech; though well-edinatedilersons tire usually'able,l9 avoid it ,in ,writing. Every one who', is familiar with the' idioms of our languagi knews, or ought - ter know, that lay and feg ate what are called transitive -verbs, and thatlie and ml are . intransitive. In Oth er wordi, the two former can - take a noun after them in' theubjective :Case, and the two lattei cannot We say, "Lay the book down," "Set the post tip. To say "-Lie; ,the book," or " Sit t,,h,e post," would be if: diculous: The errors- usually committed ,i 6 in the opposite': direotion-r-the transitive verbs being used itt l ati intransitive; sense.-+ Many .persons, ,not deficieht in ; education, would say, " Sbuie of, the children; ;are-lay ing on the grass, and ;others are setting in the ,parlor.' That thkerror prevails in the very highest Circles of 'society and of 'schopi arship cannot:be doUbted, when -we 'anti-it allowed to mar the 'effect of ; one of theilnest verses in Ilyrdn's'Vell-known apbstOrpho to tbC'oceatf; • •, • - • .. hiseit steps ore riot upon 67 patlui; th) fields' _,, - • - Ara not a spoil for hitti; ; thoci doot arise - % ,'• - •:. - nellthzkto him from thee; tie vile Mi'ength'ho*iohis -rtii.V.tirth'e Ltleotructlon thou float at deo*, , .' Spurning him, front thy ; bosom to the okteo, ,-. , And send'st him ;Wilting - hi - in* ployfol-spray,-.; -:4l.uff. howling to hiotods,'srliete lialllYjleo ' :':'- ‘ Ilis wity bopeiin '3°lne l:tett port or - bay, ~' An d ditaltett hitn, again to valt h; - -:theit. let tdiallts , :' , " - . I ~.- . ZT4i '..letiiii 'riatiee - - lho:peksjit,e,n - cy * lyitlt„ - *14'0'4 , 1:6103y' ell:(l!Jqtket), - 4,0*e11. its:-Opst, i , upOduct4ed; eteops ti,*_the - T - objedtiye,' pto:, nouns via, he .; -IziA theih,,ridter t4lyarious 'tegi§es„Ot_t • tkr tzb - stitiiii:iierb4o.bewfin spitii, :Of ti. 1.1 4; , i4pin L Lions . : Orghirittilaiititig;-;•.:,Tlat; 7141 k- Of ', vaving, Y..4V is"ILIC, 4 -!,-;. 'lt lititi" . hit:Nl!, ' 'llisteati-orli. It` is 1 . • qti NVEISIe is go - um ? 6.oigrOilv 11xes4:-guit lOxiiik"rtieKl4;l4-**, :f . '-'-_ - -.'-'" -, : 01-. -2‘;'-';':; _-,--: - -- • ,',- '_ -.; . ; .... _:....,,, = -..„.„ a, ' •,- , ' IM Wm. M. Jost M RE 800 Atiolog,k,h4Yev:Pe;o 6 piJsm:lto regard it diallOwatoW- - ..., PessiblY to" - ties . cOse -'W* , May-• ; a4.-'• Atitlo4ol7lo3 , the. t:ii)jectrvif case -Of- (47/0,:.,,W 13 Lead'ot• `-* the.ilytn 'whom :I met, 4 i • almost everyone Would ea y.`‘! the Mart tliati Ir, more briefly`,,",tbe , 'of these niodes'ef' expivsiOn.efein ance with granimatical rules. 'NO Elo' is the' equally eommen lorm of interrogation,— xwho , did '",you meet?" rt 4 Who were you speaking to?" Rene whom would be correct, :and yet would seem so stiff that-many who knew the right weuld'yet pursue the wrong way delineratetf. , , A little alteration Of lhe ' pbrase in such a. esse - -will often make -it nior • satisfactbrylo everyay; es, for ex am .• , " Who AilB, the p erson you •were, spe, ; ig to?" Kr, giantozetiTwiner. • 'manner of Mr. Stanterenintercourse with the-general public -while he-was , &ere tary Of War, up tit the time of. lee'ssurren..., der,.was repellant.' had so much - work to perforai,.so much reaponSibility constant ly to assumei that -he had nn- time • to think aught'else; and. lie, seemed .to feel that every ~onewho even addressed him occupied a precious moment -of time , that could Ile inore'prafitably `eniployed: l - acted like ;ono out-of huinor math' the incline* , meth. ode =of.6o.*3 2 Ecn C reeetvingfideae...:Al24. /01044 uuder the:constant feeling that he: 'lnaria6t half , the, time he desired to, do, his . 4 ork; . -lie 'fretted tinder the infliction, end „probably found some apparent relief invenV` hag his irritation on these whif came int:ibis presence: He was guava terrible.task-mash tericrhiniself thathe dever thought, of 'the feat& of.'-others.. Eie was - ancceasfulr-, .wlky, should ethers fail? 'wee ,quit' of perception—why should anbe dtill? - 11 e, never wanted relaxation-=*huahm m ild'te plain of ' being overwrought? Durin,g the greater part of. the war he defied the de-. mmids.of- nature • for repose: Through thk s live-long day he would toil in his' office r a nd when the multitude were goile*ould labor on until two and three o'clock in the morn ing; snatching a fei,v Moments for:sleep,' to be:again at:work steady dawn. • ' Commancilkig the ablestassietants the na tion afforded; as Secretaries, these, one after , another, broke'dOWn 'tinder - the' protratted labor demanded by him, and inspired by hie own example.. He turned the library of the • War Department into-a telegraph office; a corps of clerks relieved each other'. every few' houra in recnivireand sending messag-, es. Mr. Stanton read these messages and' dictated their answers—and' they numbered hundreds•&day--as.a mere incident , of the routine of his daily work., •What time had he for the amenities of life? • The real character of, Mr. : Stanton; hovi ,eyer, was exactly the 'reverse Of thatmbleh was presented -to the' outside world.• 'He was a man; by matt - ire -of the finest sensibil ities where he could indulge them, without sacrificing his_sense of. justice. In this last quality he tAVIIB literally of Roman firm The few 'who knew him intimately were attached to 'him by ties of the warm. est friendship and admiration. .The simpli city of his natural manner made ' hint - fond of children, and he *mild relax In their, presence, and charm them by his freedom. After Gen. Grant-was President elect Mr. Stanton, with others, made an excursion to _Fortress -Monroe, ' On the steamer he sat apart-from the gay throng of excursionlets, absorbed in his own - thoughts, - this tempora ry relief from - care probably only forcing upon him a keener sense of his ill-health.— Presently he-made the acquaintance of _a :bright little girl, some four years old,. and so charmed the child, by his efforts to please her, .that the. little innocent was content •with no ether ocornpany. The reault -was that this demonstrative friendship • brought , the father of the child and Mr. Stanton into.' conversation. The result was that the most powerful journalist of , the opposition Press, god the severest toward Mr. Stanton thro'- out..the war, becante ik . PersPOtit frio o 47o • the great Secretary: The only relaxation Mr. Stanton - indulged. in while Secretary was characteristic of the natural. amiability of his nature. -Every morning he appeared in the street with a basket on his arm, intent upon doing his own marketing. On this important occa sionhe was wont to throw aside the cares of his official position. He' walkedslowly, and if ever, When out of doors, he indulged in a moment - of gossip, or gave expression' to the language of courtesy, it was 'on this journey to an from the market. Having selected his dealer, he gave the man his pa tronage, and this person was probably the only roan in Washington who had •no hesi tation in saying what he pleased to Mr. Stanton, with the certainty_ of- being pa tiently listened to and getting a kind, an swer in return. Very little examination into the under currepts of Mr. Stanton's life Will 'show how- little he was really un• derstood, not only by his enemies, but by the majority of his personal friends.—llar per's lfizgazne. • , - A Heathen. Festival., .n: , It is generally knowthat a large number of Chinamen are employed at Belleville,. it 1 in the washing of. Caucasian linen. On, Wednesday tlatisebenighted heathens ,cele ,brated a Chinesefelitival known througliont the• Celestial Empire as the feast of !Monks.' Who' Monks' . was, or whether the name points to a legend of the Darwinian origin. of the Chinese, are questions 'with which we have 'no concern. The feature which renders the festival 6f *interest to - the Amer ican people, is the evidence Which its-re cent celebration gives of the degraded' and' ignorant' nature of the Chinese pagan. - • • A holiday having been conceded tii the Chinamen, they, began to celebrate their fes tival, not by drinking whisky, buthy a tem- perate indulgence in' tea. , Having begun the daY in a manner so preposterous' and contemptible, these wretched heathen natu rally went on to prove their infinite inferior: ity to civilized people. They indulged in the effeminate folly of a dance, the' music _for which was furnished, by au absurd Chi nese'violin. They played . a few games— doubtless of an extremely ridicialous na ture-H-with cards, andl not one of the play-' ,ers had the spirit to engage in the least ap prOach to 'a quarrel With any .of his com panions. • 'They occasionally twitched. each, .6thert.s pig-tails in a way so obviously good terniaered as to excite the disgust of :every civilized spectator who saw such admirable, Opportunities for an enlivening riot 'so Ut terly thrown away, ' Toward theend of the afternoon• they sat down to a dinner of which we may assume that the.toothsouie puppy, the • gainey'rat, and• tbe indigeati ble bird's nest—upon which viatids the en-' tire population of China. notoriously sub sists—formed the' principal part. , .Incredi ble as it may appear, these barbarians drank nothifag at dinner, stronger than tea, and even during the evening, when the blazing Of fireworks excited their childish natures, they still refrained from whisky;_ivith a stu pid indifference to rational enjoyment which - conclusively proved the depths of ignorance .and degradation , in which they are sunk.— Finally, AlleY all • went to: bed '.soon' after dark, and not a single Chinamaethought of doing honor to the mysterious;`,..':: Monks by stabbing a fellow heathen. - -.. ~.!:-..;,.: This is indeed a melancholy Pieliiip;And yet it Wouldhe unjUst to blame o'o l *i:rely' these, miserable,pagans.. ,The.,Varebora and bred in a , heatheia: land, and had no-op portunity of learning the rational Method in which civilized nations ' celebrate 'their holidays.. They are an imitative people, and it not impOssible that in ,tinae they may • adolit . our habits.. 'Perhapi,. - afier a few years have panted; 'and the Belleville• Chinamen have learned 'to prize ourfeivilik Mien above - the barbarism ot OW. natiye, lead; the festival of , "Monks'? *ill be tole-; hrated in,Newjer - sey in a Waymere Worthy': of rational and immortal l * We Shan, th'en enjoy the inspiriting speetacle of the; ;drunken Olthiarinna celebrating his, holiday by. perpetual libations 'Pf , whisky, Varied ',with_.'free._ fight.T of - .a -. really , Preditable Character ;. and when we,iend,,ta ,thetews-, papers ' 0 ,- th4. following ; day, of, Chinese -wives. knocked ''d wn and' trampled tipoti, - 1 .and,„'perhaps::q ' two or three vigorous Chinese Stabbing latches . , ,we-can feel that the' eiample ,Of ' ivliiztittori , has tot been Wholly brvain,end that even,the Chinainaii, 'lniiht . lOse;'*ith Prolonged residence - in Mir WO land ,the=' benighted-prejudices and preposterous habits of his 'barbarian . birth place.r., 2 1 i.lize& • '-' - ' ' . fit 041131913Yt - tTy. • - 1,-, ice'!:` (e— ~4 .'' `~}: ~'~ ~ i\t', ~ ~ ~~.~.ra~~ ! I ~ . ~,~ ~,,~`. :i,i'; , i2.:!!.- •'.-:NYI'.V!-I'fij:--,i = KM MINI ME ;' . MEE •;: -, i. - , , , , ,,i - ,,';‘,,,,,- - ,,4,: . ,- - :,;.t. -..,.:::::',.=_;,,,;•::, MBII ME SMI ERNI Nam = r,t ry r • V:21.V1 , - " •S - • .• ME EMI MEER ME NE :~'. ~~: ~~: tt ''_';',. ::-;!'," , -',.:1_• ,, ... ~ , , , t : s..- ..--. -- ' j,;:-i';,,k.-,,,..• MESEES " ' —:-' -,- s.` ; 5 , 4''' , ' ,( 4 1- la 4- . , !•' , -, , .... 4 -•%;'',12.:-..1......t.!,;„,- ,, ,.. , ;..,-:,-,,. --, -:':-zowliiiiiticolii-7. , ; , .•---- 7 4 ,' ,, A*4llo#ll.v:lll4o64.;:fictStitht '- - - 1 00ryhed been,llitk4t4t*Ark,.. ... ,-= .! Inxi!'-f7A theughtgen4W , =generay;*4 ,, •:;--:. t'••4 - tinitrtloleOV=fed"- : , hisi . : t0',")..": - ;,:*--,,' ,•-•-:,', *aught elieutle - thange:-*4.lda'y':•' , • 4:4:•: - / - :c t il Yet It is-still true thattliethif* - !; '-• ,; • 4) - #. „S z fJ'' , ' • theieriin=stallteprodireedAa,,r" , t!.. -- 4cii. z ,2,,:i . =1 4 1 0 (1 4 3 5 pro pees 4re . .'titili - -",-- ',ki' t''.:•: 1 1 0'0 3, EAltigkort - 'Prletteeto'. tAretriolit . '---''-.' thn'h llir4r - liti t. 1.1 0 - OsittUka, 440 _titt: ` ,4-, . atitlka. ometimee','not • eveW , nithoUndi . ","•,-- allotir_thetntd. - eat What they ' 84,4",,- • v. 4, 44 n the-•reet; • .Inlhel fighting) 4114::Mm • '• • '''.-"- ' done :by Cattle!linder. saw:- i;', - ... ,'' - •-•,;V , 'the Ygreater.! part - Of, .the :4140* '• ; .4.•:- .. - = : sinned; and becomes tramps dpWri' - **_.) : s - ; mire or • snow, ; f_t. i:taneS V i 6' 2, M unbroken stalks. '' l There * thet • '-' t.' !-".'. it is, neeessarkin the' spring - %ol' - 61'40 - fu - ' u ti . thelui mit.to the field* or.to ,t ::: • .."•• , :t• !-- ••••••!:. in lie.ePdett*Or'te, get thank* . :,-, r, , ji i„ , ~: one; case, they are uselo44B4A " 41 .4 0; - :- , tl l tV•-•• very - great impediment te , " - the' OW 'or , row; and even:to the tritrsing . &Mao, ." ••:, ,-:;-:. ttips. afen remain "(MAI:Le - nurfaeti - , ..iind,-...-'• • - 1...-' nosed:Midi Iheley CrOP:Oimieekonridaitiiii.;, In the ' other teeeinanech laber.Pl i n ialV. f: to get them tottedottid-the.tearink..thkrilitss:.;: ; ', of'...thentana*t 014=turning tben*-It'.-44.01*.amAi'l 1 7.0,6 nos se. Orli _„ l " . 4.kP f t#;##..T' , ,-6 nporitOip,espn~ l l . - : -.-. - ' - • , ::::!,,i4;..-2, - '•;: , ."€- - ' -Itliotcl ;With . ,ti.irati nal :moo.. ,- g ~..,,,: therk4nll . olo:: trouhl "and '•• ',. • - • % Cair. --. '-, be , avoided ;: and,their *bele* _. • 10,foth*: "',.- pe„made available . ~ei:firnitt - ttmini : bus . , ~, one horse and tow; he cati'•saini -Oltelibt - '' , 4 ovetirt4lodder.cutteriiidt t. , ,:. and feedings his corn - stalks . - -.."-" ; ..T, , era -.',, stock are kept : . the.:Copperlittipi .• • dirt .„ ~ terf•Of small sae and coating •••••••,•_!1:1*.: ' -- .. -- -I : ',' 'thereabOuta,;fif - "slaillelent With :. Stock, .e,,larger Atuvchinejo- rust : brOitiii., __ ::-::•••-•• Vetter, - and costing„ $BO or $4O VotlLV;bitc„, needed: - Provide d thus; the fatn'ieelp,4o'. cut' up - the *hid of his .stalker' -- .TbAildaile':;, tain,.•when• properly harrested.ankhgu4elk: - i much nutritious matter, - - end - ..1n". our ._ _ -''s lance we have, - fentl"no -.dillexenee in i , . -'. •,- appearance of our stock,,or ; their -p r i l l tine` qualities, better 'fed `• On - ,ifoddir hay: - .Ont.np, etted; and:apriifkleir WI meat of, corn, o Is, or • huckwheat,-..elther - , ..• • singly or•ground -_,together,-41thr wheat: or . - rye ;bran in: equ alproOortione .i,Titirithia: - grain; at therate• of one • quart to tilitf‘liustk; -- . -- " - • el of!fliiilder, with . a- handful "Of: 611 t; lOU t i make a feed 'cap ab le of 'keeping Meat or alt, -: • kinds in good, t *hag condition. : think '- ont the winter :, :The - quantity • deeded' for' . " .one,feed is onebushel • of. thiC ' Ito '"- ' each - 01 grown..aninnd. --- Y ' loon, _,- snipe - onelludf and_younget: CalveWtme•third:,-, of this ' ainounC+Heartit 0 11 4:1 1 04- ' ' ' ' -- '' - , Howl TO SpEE *--we ern ollatilaked-,Pg ,:i a preseription f r , perterna artatussem , persons. ' The•" igh preZsure',' ciPle fi - Act whichl many o our haziness Mitt obk,". their brains and 'abuse their ~bodiekiibegOv• tudrritable con Mon of the, nery and* . fr in 4 , .morbid . Siate; of mind, very antsgo o„ ~ quiet and re lug' sleep. finch I - will °Oen, go' to bed Weary - and either :but cannot sit! ; or•drefunilykhd OM v ; - or lie aWake ,fo hours, linable to sleep ikt • :all. 'lVe have t 'ed many etWh•Oetitii,in „ induce ',slee'ovi h more or lessqo ... , S,:atia ' Witte read many recipes which';'ProVedchlit-,, ter in theory , t it practice:: The ve tr : method we have yet discovered.' is aZ . -- l a conntiag. Bre the deeply. anaiiiowlytiiii out .any . strainin effort) and, every If -• piratiori, count ; one, two, , three, tem,,up , IS , 'a hundred'. Bo e , persons wilt lie.'.6sl ' beforelthey Can count fifty in this metal .- _ ` Others will cou i ten, twentykorthirty, • then forget ,thernselves audvease...countfryi.;. In vett, cases 4ways - commence,' rigt4 st„ once. Very fetV persons can 'ciAat tf,hitl,-, dred and finci l thepaselves tisyti4 ; 14 ' should i this ha pen ' repeat the doss iiintil: Cured. ' 824*.s ff 'Health. : i. CELD+IIIT At'llE . Dielpri.... , TECPCCeinci,D , ' Zie7ROO4C, in its last issue r days Xelerriii• it:Caesar; and it b asserted nt it tint itiii• . ono of the motil tix •pdtent anti - . dies known. . atil recently, ieui7 sa4d , of • , celery` it possessed no .naeclicitial van- .• 1 i t ties, burn writ' r fit a : leading- , pictorial tit ' serts t at he Bs, "linoivn. - mutiny ranit; tr• r' wome , ,too ;w o; for= variou4 - cam* .1,: '. becom so muo 'afreoted with .ntirvnusamis k r_., - thAt wheti - the , stretched out their :hands, : they shook Ilk aspen - leaves .On tr Wl:tidy' day, who .by. , daily Moderate: use -- cte the -.- blanched foot : alks,ur the celturlea+44lB : a salad, beca .. e as strong and ,steady AR. , limb - ai othet . •aple.• I have known otheit so very nervo .s , that the let* . annoyance ‘? put them in ' state of ,nervoils egitatio& who were in'. .. oat; Constant Rai= fear, and who • ere effectually, c ,hYlt, _ daily ttse of ce ery," 'lt is said t4 r iba syeurc ~ for pal sitation .f , the heart alsok ::;-' : • ~ '• ,• j BEP • •• TION lOF ST<XB.;7-Henti ?nev er to be keptinithe eaple quarterOyi pribt. of certain other species, as, the ,turifey, fowl, Or Ge . in'ea lieu, because' they 110li them and drivel them about. = Dtcksought also to!, have• a sePerate -settle: place, bak cause they get 'dirty with" the • .pings, if they st , pri the ground in -the or. - bee coop. Birds It w a,feather ,sb.oula n. .• gether ' • 27:4 Itry Work!. . • ' . ~..,I __, _ , PRESERVING XICAT Al M D TI B Y lIIIIWII. To preserve by sugar, open ;theta std tub the sugar in,' in the same: manner-ea salt, leaving i 4 there for slew days. , If the, 1 fish belintende for long keeping,, keep dry after this,- tar g. care to expose new surf. !tees to the oil fregtiently.' 'Fish Pieserted in this , mann er - ill be fond, *hendressed,, much uperiOr 0 been .ctired r hy salt or smok e. nu of eb pounds weigh 4101 brown rlugarls .. sufficient. Eons IN CAGE . ..)11/LE.—tie- lit: of an egg is said to , be. a specific . -for - bones ticking in the throat. "It' Di, to ba swallod raw, and :will carry downla boats" easily 4nd certainly. There is another feet touching eggs, which will be wellta4eritg4: ber. When, as sometimes ,by accident 'Col; -• rosive sublimate is s w allowed; pie white of one or' two eggs taken .will neutralise, the poison and change the'ellect to that, _of a close of calomel. .• . COFTEE.—Td insure the purity 9t :I)lasVait_ tinqueStionably, the best. way - is. to battbb roasted berry anti grind it tit,ltome i , even t i .3 1 1 , s precaution bus not away. New succe ul. . For some years rigta Amite,* coffee ernes were manufactured frowelay. These were mixed with the genuine berri g ee androasted with them; whealhey &netball some Of the coloring matter and -oil; and se remained a' close imitation. i O „breaking sue imitation 'berries the , color ;would be see "tl.be principally . On 9:00/1104/0r. . ~ e .. .- • . ' icgii. , -A-A, good,. Ox should have' a long,' • ng lea face and, bright haiel eyes, which Show cap bility Of 'receiving instruction and a dis osition to obey it. - Lams nostrils , de- note the capability of the ox to 'work on A hot day. Very large horns at the-base de. note, lazine.ss. ~ Full; liteitst, straight back, Wide ribs—by which is:: rebut the ribs that- round 'out nearly as wide as the hip bones= and 1,1 and wide ambril are eititieiteesnf ;strength. :straight k ees, broad tees Pointing straight forty d;_ ow an ox can travel ; on hand roads Or avement.They should be welt' matched i disposition anti speed:, '''''' - ' 1!o 7 Iln,the.—Rub the-'iurface o the m tal with rotten stone and, sweet oil, then b fr wirli ,t-piece piece of cotton rine, AO p 118 . 1 1 With Aoit leather.., A, 801 don oui 1 oxalic ael fttb heti ovits tdrnished brass 50031- , rediov 5 he 'win igt.., rendering. the metal ' bight, The a - t•;',l tAuAt 1)e. washed ; itith -, water an the brAtia. rubbed mitt' ',Whitl.4 , .and soft, leather.. , A mixture of itituietie. acid d alum diesolved ip - ,water y ,flapartAi*:, - golde ' olor to' brass Articles " !bat ._oss - I ~1 'stcepe i it kn. a rev..,l3thOndS.- - '- , ;-• - - c- •To o Prc - =10.77-ChieNetk of grew to- -, hetitsies liced, o'we.. dezerLieolowiliteet, - , Sprinkle with w salt ; let them stand - 131911 hest da; draie them, then - Ilse :.the tow*: '- ing ap c a :, , One box of ihilstaid;‘oite and' a bait z. Mack - pcipper, -PUVW 4 g:* -141 4054 , cloves, lunge,',of yellOw: it 11104114','SeW: r. °Macao allspice;.pitt , lti.the,,- kettle',t layek; ; ,, of tomqtoes • And ;, spice::, alternately, CQT& I. .03em *alb vineght ;" net the thdiittoltbeirt* iuttiflg I n; then letfthe ivizole k troUllifto' It* I t*Eitl%rixtlgutea: minutes.. .i. ,-:: 7.' 4 P_ 4';, :::: I ' '' ' ' 2-': ;I ' ' ' ';';!- -. `,: st ) Pll: . }'.:: . ( E, t,:"47,1::: V‘l "? ' ;;;% . ;: .:4 !# , -“:'`i i-:::F:i4':i3.i:':e.:',;'l":; BEE WE _ El .. -..-„--)'!' , l' , ';', -. .' . ! ~...:;;;::;':,',.,..;-,., ~,'., . .„,,, , ,, r ,,;, , '-:, : A. ~...=i'L ",,t,t,i,',.e,..t., N,Q: d ." ,_,w;,.,,::,,,•_,4-_,'. 4 ESE ~, ; .;'--., : -,;.-;',,:',1-,4', f,.q- . .f. ,- - , =•-. ,- ..= ~ :?4,;. ,: - ,• -, •,-• - r: - %1: -, , , ': - .,1\-4v--.' , - - - El