Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, December 24, 1872, Image 4
II Our Chriatinas Turkey. • . " 11, 7 4 f ihrqati b ultilletetValt n ne e ! r. era tray Bat a part of the welcome that greets yon today; I, and herein the centre, enthroned on a plate., Nn in , c 0 41 Atro-Ulina scowl? u‘ 'Wool""'"" - . fretleaM foal. ' Folk can him a Turkey—the name is absurd:, _ ,. .......,Thia few 118 a , .0.„.,,- ittarjalltat to ii- e, y'countryman there. - • But no J he's a coward—ah I well. that depends! . ' Ho can light for his hen and his chicks and his friends; , . And in one tlittlglippttolve an American soul lon never can fOrce him to crawl through a bole. There's an edge to the carving-Indle polished and • • I • :"4,4rferVlisles aretiliVarrn;rtind llteitipklis all white: Before us the celery gleams through its vase, - And the crtuborry-Jelly Is set in its place. ' Thrust the sharp fork as raddle epr beauty's breast ' bone; - httAil known, " . Brom blaside•coit thin Bikes,' e'er tholahles. ot4 b/elettiv'Ml.bnl my %ruder sense ''''" 7 "TstOs - thellitgti;and the last pap. that gets o'er • the • A tk e-white•rciealerhroctu ineAt; f.Tia u4t,e_Aergmat plesogoot our a egiiig; nor touch; And with either for &u, lit. were not at a less, . -,:ii.f,t.ltz•eye'isaelffiiitiliiity and meths - 14y sauce; = • - 1 - i Fc 't the ''0,11.41 flask gßed:Binleslu3istei Wine, , cemfortki_dine; thlirsitoMniandi - Who:Cnot i lio a.patriot. proud.othia. They had Aga in Judea, and &Wage an demi' - Young kids dreesed with olives, and what they called wine;.:, "••• " They pad palm-trees and date-trees, and odors as rare :•;• t 44 AS the' sWeetesl of noses could fllfig on_ the air. - ;Z . :2 L'ithattheir „fruits and their flowirs to' these' cranbor rico red. Add their palm and their date-trees j.ltle celery in stead 2 ' ' their kids and .their lambs and their One ,••• turkey—let's eat, for comparison Oaths. • —Appletons' Journal. INS • . . 4 f -'- ,,, 'Th'e rieif - Preskieht (4 - Ateileo i 5.45 Years .._ -.:.-45-iold.k• * 4 - • ' 2 ' .--- ' • - -' • •; , :`:=•:r.fiattri*,•-tiab-ttaress; - :qua ..cliester;..-Euglahtl, and is - enjoyinggooti. ...-Xprut.lialstead is suggested for Governor • ,- Grtiu pays Rubinstein f,t10,000 and Wield awskt $5,000 ptir month. k. C. Bitrirand i 3 adapting for the stave a recent novel bi- 'Airs. Henry W.,00t1. Bismarck is a member of 141 German sc defies hi ditlerat _parts of the world. t - t The pey,ert pone of the lace Theopilite (Jan ( ',.- ) :; , llil;rjirf, ttatkr i jbufithlistS in : "Park. Garibaldi is president of a Society,in Italy for the prevention of cruelty to animals ; Btriti.i&br Lord Holland has been Ed up • at Holland Park,'Kensing,ton, near London. In st. Louis theni - fs a policeman 'mined Heavens; in Chicago there isone inuned',ll. Atr;::SVPiizei,a swiss tnissio ary has translated the,l3ible into San- Scrit.• - • 'Robert Lytton (Circa Meredith) has • - 2 ;been.aPpointdd iecret ary to the British .Em bassy `at Paris- Wfiss Heron, it is' stated, has settled her dillitillees,with4espect to the Byrne estate ritto 1,'0601.15. - • • • -I Peter Saxe, brother of John G. Sure, the humorist, is driving.cattle across the Plains tor San PranelesO. • It is stated that Thiers was a dramatic .critic GO years ago. 'With some ineu the misetleSibi-life begin early.• Alexis kept a Diary, it appears, and the reading public is,to be favored with h book of travels_ based thereon.. killed'at the Boston lire, of E. H. Dater,ettie - -auther of 'TWO Yeare Befpre the 11L:4;W:- 21: C, lauft _Gortion-;commissioneeoflll ternal Revenue, is dread, in England. He was the son of the famous Lucy Austin. The deailc of Mr: I:Iowa Lewis is recorded —the father of Ida Lewis the Newport .her .oine. - ' -4,, x•-Tfis'‘Drivecipert Ifrotherri=exhihiiors of phenomena—hare turned their attention to forming. , - " •:iiSt... 4 aiahitm,'lll - Louisville, has pr'esented Daniel Bopne's rifle to the Public Library of that c4y. - -. • • An Illinois editor bean the name-of Dou -,.)o.ole.wer,.._while..California,--vontains one named Bushyhead. _ Mr. M.-,Carleton, author Of many do mestie bit* current- is pving readings-in , It is stated that the two daughters-pf the I , the late Charles Lever inherit froth ,Itheir - father about $5,000 each. - The latest current newspaper allusion to . Darwin mentions him as the author of "The Decent Man." v A bust of John Iloware Payne will be det, :up in... Prospect Park, Brooklyn, by the "!ayist'oettib pat city., , '.- ; .: ,ti An her 1 r ' old 44—Airs. Mar y 84der Vof, Xe Ole, crawfo*Tro.; PaHis denti,in z-,‘•',• thr IVys of heikt,a e. •,--; ; :- ,-, 11 , •;;', ' • ' ' ' . Geo. Catlin, the welknown delinea tor Of Indian character, has been, for some ,time,, seriously ill in Jersey Cit.. Bierstadt, the artist, sent to 'the Arrioia Relief Committee, California, in response to their request - for a sketch, a check for fifty dollars. General Joe Illoker is recovering his health very rapidly, and will soon be as god,d as new. . , Dr. Franklin Taylor, ,a brother of Bay ard, is profesSor of literature in a Pennsyl vania normal school. The actual revenues of young James Gor don Bennett froin= his -newspaper property are-now between $600,000 and $700,000,a year. . . . . . , • Saiitsbery is the name of a hero (I.` Lex ington, Ky., who dared enter a burning house and bear therefrom in safety a negro woman sick of small-pox. - . The St Louis Globe says: '"The Michigan - Blair was elected a Republican, and has turned "Liberal;" the Missourian in ques tion was elected a Liberal and turned Dem ocrat, and Frank was elected • as a modern Democrat and turned fossil Bourbon. - =Tlia4F,Mprps Augustalid,s , given 5;000 thaleiii;''to establish,:hi - the forthcoming Vienna exhibition, a department ,showing the implements and" accessories of military surgery and hygiene which were used in the German army, in the late war. - The Princess of Wales, on her liusband'a birthday, Nov. 9, presented to Sandringham Church abrassmemorial, in the form of au eagle with outstretched wingS, bearing on the breast a red cross, and, beneath, the in scription, "To the glory of God. A thank offering, December ...14, : 1871. Alexandria. 'When I was in trouble I called 'upon the Lord, and lie beard me.'—Psalm exx„. verse 1." . . Statements are current respecting two well-known humorists. One accounts fer the orthography of Josh Billings, saying "that he "did not write a line for publication, until he was 4,5 years of age, when it was too late for him to learn to spell." The other mentions that "many who heard the Rev. Petroleum V. Nasby tell the story of 1 . annah Jane now have an additional horror f Locke-jaw." ' It )s t und4rstood that "Governor• Dix will t dfotate sr epihg reforms in the; State, in I is. tit s g ;which li l t ,-'ll aowlwriting. ,riisdi h tbinge hq.,:ilkauggeit4ho aboi tit s of quite a number of State Oilices,J which will tend to largely reduce the expel). seg. 1. ( ~,_, Slattington, Pi, claims the biggest _girl.; The 'damsel is a datighter of Mr. Joel Nefl, 10 years of-age, measures 4 feet 7 inches in bight, 4 feet 4 inches around her shoulders, and weighs 139 pounds. She is well pro rortioned for one of her size, enjoys perfect health, and is as quick in her movements as any of the girls of her age. . He lives in Kansas and his name is R. D. JOrditii, He is addicted to the use of tobac-_ e c:t • but-he islnatig that and = - as he -grows older he will gait that pernicious habit. Ho is 111 years old, voted for Washington, does all his own farm work, saws and splits the usual number of cords of wood per day,ap • does all the other - ridiculous things whie ' ' form the ordinary pastime of 'the men l - ing who voted for "Washington. " I J • The Rev. Theo. L. Cuyldr, in a - desert tion of a visit to Carlyle, thus sketches s personal appearance: "Presently an old man, apparently over three score and ten, walked slowly into the room. He was attired in a long, 'tate, woolen gown, reachingi, __down to his feet. ' His grey hair was an Mao:lobed ‘mop,', 9p his ,; , gds - cigar; biee eye, was shatiiii44 l: . _ , g..) , t.i.V bight ilinge of red was'oit: his 1; i - cheek, k and • hia. halide trembled mate ~ k our coono :•. . - • : „ . . r - PERSONAL. „ . . • , Deerfield ‘,Woole \ d- -, 1111 itiil-,:: : - ;,- , ---7 , 7-.•:- - 7.-rattititta);_-4 - 4:. • • -, _ . ,--,--.-- ,c TNGRAM =4'' P lni e ri: t h itti 6 : :01 1 6",,1 11 ',' OUR::CASS - WERE : '.- .' -'-., . , are - warranted. Partieulii Midi:AlM/ . ion to 'T,- - , --- • „ . . , ~ - - . Roll Carding & Cloth Drogsing We Manufacture to order, and do ' all ' hindo of ' Roll. Carding and Cloth Dressing , and defy coppetilott. : _. - We have as good au assorbnent. of \. • --- '', Full Cloths, Cassi"»teres, I to., and give more for Wool in exchange than any ,)7r establishment, Try them and tuetisfy yourselves. ' Wo wholesale and retail at the CoWanesque milts 2 miles below Knoxvgle. Jan. I. 1872. . - - .. 4 . ,- INGHANI It 1-10TILERS.' 1 J. H. GrisWold's - WAier. Wheel.- . LIE undersiguetis'are agent. 4 toe•the above Water T , Witelf . l,, and can Cheerfully' recontluend it as all4Po . * rlor to all .others in 'tate. • Peractua•-_ - tflalititg tO, pttr+ v•lnkao should sea this 'Wheel in'oPersition , before buy ing other wheels. - IttlIQK • De6rtleld,,.3lly 10, 1373. '•••-•' / Beailflie,43lllTibq ,••• " • ••• - wr.sanuarno, Arias. We the . riodereigaed,7,porehaeed ori_Jr" Oris wohi's 3D itich 'Water, Wheete using Wfitelfee of water to run three run of atone,undeen 20 footlieati:and are pleased with the vt.eel, 14-(,•groutid buibela per hour with We three tun and •eau ttieeme that atuonut per hour ; ;- , • • EltviTilLTAß9. eIifI.IIGrON.PIIILLIPS. . . , „ Good Arattroryl VrAN VALEENDIFItO N. CO. would to , thetr V friends that they have a good Livery tatabliehed in NyeMawr° for the accommodation of their friends. Good - Horses_ and Carriages always ou hand at moacuato rates. Stable on Water Stect ovphelte Geo. Deibra recd denEc. te. VAN VALKENBIIIIO. C. W. 11.10SIER June 26, 167 V - WALKER & LA.THROP. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON, RTMia,, NUM STUVES, TIN-WARE, BELITNO, SAWS, CUTLERY, WATER LIME. AGRICULTURAL AIYLEMEN.TB, ' Carriage and Harness Trimmings, HARNESSES, SADDLE'S, &c 6orutug:iti. Y.. Jan. 1, 1872 LIVER NT STABLE. NM COLEti RESPECT . • V fully inform the public that they have established a e4C2011111(Li Livery for fire, At their Stable on Pearl St..opposlte,Wheeler's wagon' shop. Single or double rigs furnished to order. They aim to 'keep good:11801es and•%-a golfs and' 'lntend to please. Prices reasonable. (KETCH:VA! & COLL'S. Aug. 21, 1872. New Jewel , Store; TT6 ' n U s 2) o l4: . .92l.l B ll . o 3r : a d ri llr v r ic e i l e t c y t . P t itaw l e ay li to s o t p h e e n e c t it; Jevireirsr Storc in the blinding 4ecently occupied by 0. L. Willoox, Ms stock comprises a full assortmentof Clocks, Watches. Jewelry, Silver and Plated-Ware. 8. 1). NVAliftni ER, ono of the beet workmen Nprth ern Pennsylvania, will attend to the . Repairing of - Watches,' - Clocks, (5.c., For the skilful doing of which his seventeen yeata practicalexperienceis 4ttflictent giiarntee. - IVARRINER, Welleboro, Aug. 23,18.7 NP. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY MEE . • • E r ivu,LV, T 100.4 00., PS. Life - 'Vire - - e - rid Accidental. ASSETS 0 1 7Vit $24,000,000 Assts OP _COIIMANTEB Ina: :0' ' it . - '''''' ' - c-ii.4 '" C.. of otilt AtfArl a t $3,060,505 e 0 Franklin Fire Ina. Co. of Phila. 1%, , ' 2,087,452 25 Republic Ina. Co. of N. Y., Capital,... $750,000 Andes Ina. Co. of Cincinnati, ~ .. 11 0 000,000 Niagara Fire Ina. Co. df N. Y' 1;o0b,00! , Farmers Mut. Piro Ins. Co. York Pa... .. ~:.9,8891 V lo •Pbcantx Mut . Life Ins. Co. of HartfortCt..s,oBl,27o 60 Penu'a Cattle Ins. Co. of Pottsville COO,OOO 00 Total Insurance promptly effected by mail or etherlids°, on 4.llltiuds,lof ..Vroperty. , =losses pronipti adjusted and paid. :Lire stock insured against death, tiro or theft. I am aleo agent for the A42des Fire Insurance Co. of Cincinnati. Capital, $1,6 . 00.000. Alt communications promptly attended to—Ortice on Mill Street 2d door from Me,in et., Knoxville Pa. Jan. 1.,.. 1872—tt JEWELRY , STORE WELLSBORO, PA. ~..... s p. .. ANDREW FOLEY % ci--::. Alkwhobsslmwbeen established ~... ' 41.-Ty .I ) ._ 1 . \:'.., ; l•E in the Jewelry business. in r r C (k-2A.,'• P -*;:" Wellsboro, has always for sale, ..kx,i , 1 `,..- . " .._.7.'":1.- v9rions kinds and prices of AM64.616 WATCHES, Gold or Silver, Clocks, Jew.eliy, Gold Chalon, Keys, IttWa, Pius, Pencils, Cases, Gold and ,Steel Peas, Thimbles, Spoons, 'Razors, Plated Ware, .SEWS iNG MACHINES., ,k 9.. &c., acc With most all other articles usually keit ldauch ea tabilolunenta, which aro aord low for C A S lifarktring dona neally,and promptly, and OU gorier. ' a Jam. - 1,, 1872-11. liirs. - t p. P. I S now receiving new and elegant deolgais in AdC4l.l-ziez3r 4~j. - i s' x . ...a.re - crlr 01-cocortsis,' and Invites the public to call and :examine gouda and prices. P. S.--No trouble to 81tow, goode 7 .5 5 5 For Bale or Ren,t. HOUSE AND LOT-pornor of Pearl striet ,ana. At; mane. Also - for 'Matte - lag near the Academy. Apply to ELLIOTT & BOWLED. Wellaboro, Pa. Oct. 29, 1872-If. A9ENTS7ANTO 64,EN4tobt4 700 pages : upwards of 700 cuts ; 21 fullpagsni__,gralLngil "Just the , Book for intelligent rgra P° 1 17'..17 - "" u drawinga are faithful representationabf linsec Asa. Plant." Sena for Circular. Address anode* BROOKS, North Seventh St:. Philtulelphla..4fay. 42 117247- . . , 14'441 1 820'P 40 To es of vrotaikliloph,ofieitb t isr sax, young or old, make more money it' wiiik:4o,o2s . their spare momenta, or *lithe time,thalsitSlMs4=4 _, else. Particulars free: - Addreis G; .Btlitiott ~. Portland, Maine. Sept. di, 1£17.24y.- AroDMINIETR&TOES' WYTIOL-Lettere of adrelniel tration of the estate of Frank parker ' late or okAeld, Tiogs County, Pa., deemed, bng been granted to tbe'undertdgned by the Itegisterit Mega% c_9.u47,p ia i kkirl4riutiebted tp.usid OWN) are muss. tun to ' b ent, ind ttiossihteingelairoa against said estate present the lame to the undersigned in Brookfield. Ps. Drc. , okiteli, ilea 9,1872-031 r;; ,„ „_ _ , kintraiAlipj_l4#lClNES.PADltgANl.l466.S. 2 / 6 1).; -.DEUIVI/As' MKS, 0.1.1111.% CONCENTRATED MEDIEMMET. TIMMINS FLUID,'- t..X.T.RACTN. }3I:IIIPIETT'I9 cocain B. FLayolTal , s- :1: • TIUCTizi, / - • nostil.€ LAMPS. PAWNTAtEGICI - NES, HocHEIITES 11 - ERY AND - FLAVORING L'xt... - V ; _ TRACTS, WALL PAPER. WIN DOW GLASS, WurrEviAsil , \ ' LIMP & DRY COLORS, • AGENTS -FOR MARVIN \ - - \ Z: CO'S REFLNED OIL. - f3tild at 4olealtle Prices, - Buyers are refine:Med calrand liei \ quotations before going nut l tier Eatit. - . , . . . ._ . . . . , ~.. - .tau. 1, 1872\ ' W. B. TERi3Eu. A: CV ..,- TIN AND COPPER WARE, . , MING% )6UNS_AND AMMUNITION, $24,229,647 64 Vat. B. SMITH Agent. the beet light in theitiqu, and every article connected the • Boy's Block, south ride of Main street, next door to O. Calathers, Apr 113,1872. J. R. ANDRA:WON, AGENT 11-AVE now ol exhibition and Bale at the old place, the largest rut most complete stock of FINE AND, COMMON FURNITURE toba found 1v Noribern Peuubylvania t consisting o I. and a full stock of the cOmmou goods usually found 10 a Arst-class establtahfnent. The.above goods are taiga ly df their own manufactuka, and satlstactioia is guar anteed-both 1$ to quality and price. nay sell'ths A. FOLEY. the most popular spring bed sold :'also: the .Tucker Spring led that has been on trial for 17 years and ev en universal satisfaction. Our is Supplied with all sizes of the Excelsior Caelcd. a new and beautiful style . of- burial cues, together with other kinds of foreign. and home manufacture, with- trina ming, to match. They willtoate undertaking a spec iality in their buitnese, and any needing their services 'will be attended to promptly, and at satisfactory char ges. odapleos of rilitniturn made, and Tnrning . • all kinds done with neatness and dispatch. • . ,1111, 16, 1872. • TCt wlrost IT alit Boxonarekvin concluded that . am entitled to a little rest after near y 40 years close application to business, I have passed over the fund. , tare tombless to - “the Boys" as per above advertise ment; and take 'this tnethor, of asking for them the SAM liberal patronage as has been extended to me.-- My books may be found at the old place for settlement • Jim 10;18112. B. T. VAN nom, Suffering,-Humanity. DE. TIPPLVB PIL ETECTFICI to warranted to etre every caso of Constipation and Piles, or money refunded. ' . -- _Sold Jolm . R. pierce, Pfellatiop,•Pa:, . „ _ • `'JUST' 11.1C.EIVEW :VERY Tann ELTIMItOF 'itF_AVP,R, bROAD:. 1 - 1 CLOTH; O,:t99IAIritE,NESTENO; 'AND TRIM -111ENGS;'-which cheap - POTt CASH. In tact, the- best !assortment - 43 f Gota.lit brought to Mellaboro, of ' , cult:n:4:- e,qlel7""VlO!s /9 01 ; them over:.• Malin kinite,litttooits rand Itipstring done with Wept% and as cheap as - the kbeapeat. GE(SBGE VTAON-ti-ft, • Czatton Eitgeet, grat24.10724 y - Walltboro, pa. GEORGE A. BOLT, ZWW4II7ABSEit, ARRVni. ,90 4N 1'N(..1- -N ,::'y';:.:- !.. 111 NM ANDERSON, \ I(3ENT, HARDWARE\ all klzda, Parlor, cook and Office Stoves (tor wood or coal Table and/Pocket Cutlery, FARNING . TOOLS Idf all !dull., Petroleum Fluid, F Hardware J Trade. Furniture and Undertaking. Van Horn & Chandler, (Successors to B. 'l'. Van Horn) FINE PARLOR AND, CHAMBER SUITS, COUCHEE4 TETE-A-TETA% • .• . I.IARDLE AND WOOD . 40P CENTER TABLES, HAT' RACKS, FANOT 'CHAIRS, =ROES, OVAL AND SQUAB FRAVES, 15BACK.• .PURE No. 1 AIR • ...i a IRS .•• ETS, - MATT • EN, =HUSK& .L.. CELSIOR MAT ,. TRASSES, - - Woven Wire Mattrass Coffin, Roo7ll, VAN VORI4 ge CINANT)LEIt ;t PRESTON / =I IRON FOUIDERS STEAVENGINEa*AND - :. BOILERS; aang: an d'illiztley Saze ;11&c.lzi?terif Tanneries, Shaftf,74, , Geo,' adtd,ccisti . n,p's.of every description, in Iron,‘ and- Brqss. t'orning, Augu s t 23, 1872.--1 y • j , ' Lk. 'I; -..! . ; 11_ 1. f• 1, ; 1 - • • • • : :FOR; PALLAS iIIY,WINTI. it :461:0 WM: bele leave to call atteutfon to Lie New nnil.txtenetda ftto4 of atereliatali se, bought Shea i. the kortent which enables biro to offer greater bingaina tbau'ever heretofore offered 3,n thbs marl.•et.. An brauebrie sti - mit of • . , Ottoman, Thibet, Byoche and Paisley T, - e - DretoseiGoods Departmdut • J. compte with latent styles and falrtes,eettoticieg Cashmere D.l3cOlisei FA:kin : eget Veßline, 1 .. if, e, French Witte, Plato, Alapactia, Bilks, et:etc:;alio, a fell itle 6f Trftettittiga, •..• i. • - \ • • Frtagos, VileBs, hal ..inhbOL3 Of aVeig tartety., . THE. HOUSEKEEPTaS .1) ETA. 4.1111.14,N,L1': will be found very attractive, as it includee mail new and `deetrablo kyles' of Caibete, \ Matting% Oil Olotbo in all widtbo, Xable Litiene,lklepliino. etc. ~ VETE' GENTIFS'‘.D=PARTIVIERVE The beet eeketed and cheapest ‘ eniekot 6ROCERIES. AND,';PROVISIONS , • \ LY IVELLi3BORO. • , • • • The potato we respeottully invite to ;call' and examine. NO troubie,ta etoiw goo4a. Oct. 2,1872-.tf. A. Card to `the Public. Goods i for the Winter. Trade with the firm DOING THE LEADING ; - USINESS IN And propose to offer to our customers a stock that cannot- be beat in any respect by any other firm in Our-line. So, aU we ask, before you nudge your purchases, Is to give us a cull, and we will 'soon e 7 cuvluce you where t is policy to leave your money. J. I - Tor - ton& Bro., WELL,BORO, Women a4 - ).d Children PEOPLES STORE That they may have torn ehoi the balance. Uhtil Ihi tber notice large brindles will be exchanged ;for , a • small atiOunt a ,cash. Our stoals :VERY Lutor, in all DEPARTI EIQT9 especially in culaguizaziainies, . . . . .. .. , . , , And in almost daily replenhihint ivith tbe verious t nwWtini as they. happen In the New., York Maikete andena',ior`The petr,onage bestotted linen us by the amt eitiiette of -nags 'odtuttrlro kie r la#:o:o4tin ui,itice;of-thcAing swath* gicia'tbs, they, shell be to ils dial; with and pitllibtototi ~- -I • .::• , '-.. - 00rnirga 13ePtAii ant- " ' -:' '- ' ' - , ' - ' '• - - . --, 14-104n1;-.Y: NEI ::I,sf . gititith - iiyi§ - : . „'7 --- ' s -, ; :! '- .. --: ',' -•-- ‘.'1 , , , , , - ' , : , _. ',..?.,,,:.;;..,., -- ME iC0r33.14 - 1:1.&"4 144'. IruktirjE•3CTUF.l3EtiOF .per-31achineri of all kluda repaired promptly tud.at re/sealable rates.-Ika TEEOWAS lalißDElrff GREAT . DEOLVE: IN, -PRICES, flannels of ell ilefloription4,*noleti scarfs'; .subtae, illtamethr ; etc. 1 cunt Atie an immense stock of Mena, Vouths , and .}3oys' Clothing., • rP@ NBoot* and Shoe° at greatly reduced, prices, TRUNKS, VALISES, WE HAVE LAID IN A\ STOCK OUR LINE fl THIS SECTION OF COUNTRT, 10 0 0 Men, Sn CORNING, to carry away part of their Xmmensf; , Stack of Goad Staool::and, : ,F4pey Dry Gob, MEI pi:,-....:.',.: .::. ..., , , , , ... ... . ~ . - ..--,-.-„'..,; .-r , 4 .:-.. :- :.';'. „. . : a MEI II liall ROBES &C,, all sitlik and prinea.;.,. INTEIN"TION OF wante l t h a et , I ' ll= 004if04 .• , .„ ME EMI ME MEE Shawls k THO'AMifABDEN Ul'4. .iifiiiii - ,oii , .Ci6i.i;i j 6f:,oQ,:-1 1 ,= , ; - . , :. - ;,;..''.:: -, ; , '. - ; , - , '1 . :, - ::'?: 1, ;• :: = :, ,l=, * i :"' -, ;'' 3 ,i 5 *.c,!-*..'- . :iii 4 iii(ii4 : i4iiii:looP;4.li ';? - 1,-: - . , , i.':=1;.(..' , ., , ' , ,•' , ,, - : .- ,,,:,, , ,,,q , :q=ni t ._,. This Instratsent iti espeelalty &Mated fez' the pet. feokappiitafitioA of- , • • OR, -13AGVIS'-,C 4 ATAROII--RERIEDY: . lila the only form of irtarinfaciWyet invented with which fluid - medicine 'can he carried hiuh up and perflttly applied to all parts orthe affected nasal - Vas. rages, and the elmtribers or cavities comninuleattng ;herewith, in re itifh Gored and ulcers frequently exist, '_pd from which Itbe!taterrhat discharge generally. 14roceeds. The, want of intecosvin At:eating catarrh neretoforo laaistithien largely (rein the' imprissiftfloty 4.1 applying remeillit9 to these cavities and Chain bets bvatly of the' ordinary methods.' Thiftelintacio in Le way ofetfecting cares is entirely, o*srconto by the invention of the'Doucho. !using this • instru, men t, In° fluid Is . Ca riledfiy As own, weight; fns sn !ling; forC(ng or pumping being toquiredd_up one nostri a lull gently flowing stienin-to the'higheat , portion of the .nasal passages; pusses into! Juni thoroughly niennses all the tubesand oltamberaconnocttid there. 1 Nrlth, and'ilewS - put' 'of the,opposlto'neetill:' Its'une is Plvaaatit and am :ample that,s.chtld cOultimideretund it.Vuillard expilellt.directions accompany each inetruntent. ' Whon need With'thie instrument., Dr. Edge's Catarrh Remedy mires recent _attacks of f' Cold In the Head"' by a few applications: dSymptoms of Catarrh. Rrequrnt head.itehe, ischargei falling into throri. sOmetinaceprofuse, !watery, thick, mucus, purulent ! , offensive,! &c. In others a dryness, dry, watery, weak or in ttamed oyes, Stopping up or obstruction of nasal paesages,,ring dagyi ears, deafness, hawUingane coughing to clear !throat, ulcerations, scabs from idceri, voice altered, !nasal twang, offensive bruath, impaired or total de. Ovation of souse of smell and taste, dizziness, men- I tal depression, less el itpetite, iiitligestionTonlargial tonsils, ! tickling' cough, el: c. 'Only a fe - w•trf these symptoms are ilkoly to be' present in an,p3a6o at one titnl t • C r Dr. s ge's niarrit Retnedy, whin "need 'withDr. Dr. pi resin Nasal . - Donoito,, and acceinparaied with Ithe constitutional treatment which recotn• mended in the pamphlet that wraps each- hot do of the Remedy, is a perfect specitio for this load:sooe disease; and the proprietor offers,, in good coitti, $3OO reword, fora case lei, cannot curt). The Remedy Is mild and pleasant to aio contaitiog no strong .or caustic drugs or, poi Sous. Tito - COtarrit Remedy is sold at 50 conta: Douche at 00 con 't 3. by. alt Drug.gluts. or - either will be mailed by proprib tor on receipt of 60 onto, ' . It.. V. PIERCE,- Pi. D., • Solo Proprietor,' /311.E1 1.1. Q, ' June 243, 1872, Rot-lir TOLES,: ROBINSON & (Snecesoors to J. It. Barker,) pesters in " (Pr 4 :7>CbCll,et of every description.' CHOICE -- GROCERIES - - in in abundance, all kinds and fresh. . The public is cordially invited tolcall and look through our largo stock, as we are soiling at low figures for ready pay. We shall receive NEW GOODg• constantly from the city to keep our assortment fun and complete. - TOLES, ROBINSON /z CQ t 3 July 10, 1872. - - - 1/EfA.H.NES, WHOP !.1 G . N e , L vtE, w his friends op l o ti on ri a t a attly i y n th 'Heavy and Light Harneses, made in a substantial manner, and offered tit prices that cannot fail to suit. The best workmen employed, and none but the best material used. . . - Repairing done on abort notice, and in the pee t mru, nor. Call and see. Jot, .1, .3872-Iy. fIV3 W. NA R New Cabinet Stord .• T H 4L. E :t tl Pltt a tn i O t r building, a ca r ' o lTi n- S t tti o ,e a o s p e- - posite Dartt's Wagon shop, for the sale of Cabinet Vika •,,P • ~,,flll kinds, Bush as Bed. Sets, Bureaus, 136dstea,ds, Chairs, Lownoes, Exteiision and Other Tables, That' Alois, Hat And many other things, which will be sold lower 'than the lowest. Re invites all to take a 100 k at t4B gootle before purchasing elsewhere. ' ,t • Remember the place—opposite Dartt's ii'figdft Shop, West 'Main Street. M. L. STICKLL4, Agent. Ang. 14, 1871. II Invalids Don't. Despair, , • , Thousands- ha - %e found. relief, •' -' • .d thousands will turn to, this ' • • medicine, after exhausting their purses and patience in search of health. Giddiness of the head, dullness of the Mind, feetld breath, coated tongue, lose of-appetite, pains and weakness in the stomach, enlargement of th'e yellowness of the skin„conatanttever and thirdt, with a total disrelish for business, pleasure, or any kind of employment., FAIIRNEY'S P.MACEA', if taken and persevered in for a few days, will remove this whole ;class of symptoms.. MO fluids of the, body become 'pure, the mind clear, the stomach _strengthened; the tongue clean, the 'appetite improved, and the whole system so,benollited that disease, in had weather, is lees liable to afflict you. DR P. FAHRNEY'S Celebrated IlloollCleatmer qr Panacea. As a medicine for children, the panacea is; in every way, calculated to talce the place of the endless variety of drugs which are annually gold for that purpose, and which are often vary injuriouif: A medicine which poSsesses the qualities of a cathartic as well as a mild alterative, and which is" capable of arresting disease 'without the least In to the'ehild, in of incalculable value to every mother. As a cathartic it is very effec tive, , yet it does. net, if give -u - lie ,pri,,"per go/Immo?, cause nausea or distress in the stomach or bowels.— It is very pleasant to the taste; which is every impor tant feature a, a medicine for ehildrifri. AS a prerant ire of disease it is unpraeodentett as it acts directly upon the digestive organs and tlio blood, In all scrof ulous diseases it in tho - moat effective meditima over offered to the public, and - if given regularly and per severingly those eruptive disesies.so common to chit tiTC,llmay he entirely eradicated. • - - Prepared by P. Fabrney's Bros. & Co., Waynesboro, Pennsylvania, and Dr. -P. FeIVANES% "2-lorth Dearborn street, Chicago. Price $1 36 per Fy'.: bottle, for sale by wholesale and .• retail dealers, and by Hastings & Coes eoro, a. Vi i:-; ; . l ' Wllab P 4 : 1- `0440 - - July 24, 1872...6n1. If you Irish. the latea tityles .of HATS & CAPS, If ~-o tL:Nvish a pair4good: BOOTS If you - to buy your Groceriea DRY, GOODS Cheap,: yon wieii the highest pricee for YOUR PRODUQE,' ROUND TOP, T/OGA-CO,,ki: El 'Go to N. M., GLAESIVIRE'S nt Bound Top Go to 11. 111.,GLASSICItEli. Go to TA. GLASSIMILT. Go to IL inikessaytra, -. .4iat. 99,,18~~•1pi :; MEW , Irlottitt r `tsc • 13Itter ris st :n -not a' vile ranry . Drink - , made'of Poor Ritm„ Whiskey, Proof SPirits, and Refuse , LitittoiS, cloraorecl, spiced, and sweetened to please the tatte, ' called_ ~T om'co."4 4 "-Poppettoer.,l' .I' Rertstrero,", tke-,, that lead' the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from:the 'native Note ' and IterbN OfCaliforni k free from all Alcoholic Stimulant!. They are; the Great 'Blood Purifier and 'a Lie-itivitig Princirilet,,f4l"prfcct Renovator andlnifg - orator of -the . System, carrying off ail poisonous matter and restoring • 'the blood to a healthy conettiOn, otirich'tlZ.it, re4silius and invigorating b oth mind and body 1 They art: easy • I I • of adminiatration, primmt in their aetio :certain in their - results, safe aii&-redabie in all fornt of, iseute. ~: , " i'Vo ; Pet:solo onus take thelny, irrer4 acoorst,, , tog to ctections, aril, remain king t tivoill, provided •.o, t i r b 0 ,,,..-, are vot, ( 1 91 1iiiyed hy miner. Tidally' pi oilier 'weans, and the %mai organs masted, bSynutt the point - of repair. - DY 4 PelPiiti wrilidigoittirii% Ileadotliel, , Pain-. '-' lit therShould , .N, (..:oustis,Tiglitnesloe the Chei,t - . biz- Zitl , !Vt, Son,. •Srociations of the StOinach, Bad Taste -. in the Month, Biliont A traclre, ' POpitation of the De_oh - I riti.iiiiiwitinnottitri - Imngs„ Pain in the repo t' s of :- tile 1 ,- ,.;1it,p, , ,i., and a.';liiiiidi ed. tither trainfitY symptoms,: are 151e.-,ffipringt of Drsoeptia, In Those ruiniA,tit,l4 it hill A.. rquini,,ind one bottle will prove a lieu ef: gitAr ;twee:sof lie Merits than a lengthy advertisement, - Pon INtistrile Critupiallist a, In :young 'or old, married in single, at the- dawn of:Witinanhood; or the ' turn Millie. these Tonic Bittern - diapiay so decided an inffitence that it nlark.C4,htipri.ivenietit , is Cooniercep .; tittle. , - • - , - • - - - •- FOr - iiiiin'yninintory anti Chronic.,llh4tt... mai ism a-al:Gout; Dyspepsia or -I tidigeAtiOd. Biliaus, , Remittent and Intermittent l's.vers,-.ltiscitse92df the Blood, Liver. Kitliters and Bladder, these Blttera have .berg Lineti miceessful, ' Such ,Diseases art,. caused by Vitiated itlitod; tvlt'ch ii, gencratlyitroilmted by derange -_ , ,_ . , ~_ relit of the ttuttr-I,ve yrgant, '' Is py El ic , a Gnostic 'Parkatilsre: n H well no , , a 7'iiililo,i,poKsepiitir, also the pectsiitt merit of acting at a tarAverfni agent m relieving Congestion or fittlatn ' motion of the, 1., vet and Visccral-Orgatyand iit'Bilions - Disease% , 'Par Shia inacnise4; 'Eruptions, Titter. SAR- T:lmmo, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Paqttles, Boils, Car i,llllcle.,' Ring-worms, - Scald-ficad, Sore Eyes, , Bry- sipelas,.lich, Scurf% Dilseidorathitla pf the Skin, flu, tiori and dfiseases of the Skin, of what4ver name or nature, e literally dug tip and carried ottt of the system in a - short time be the use of these Bitters, Otto bottle in such "wises will convince the Most iuci editions of their curative effects;' ' edeintse.,,llto Vitiated. Blood whenever you - find it., iniptiritie bursting through the skin in Pimples; Sores; cleanse it when-you And it oh,. •structeil mid sluggish in the veins; cleanse it, when it is foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pare. hod the health of the system will follow. Grateful thousands proclaim IVittarisit Btr rnßs the rtiastwoitderful lovigomat that ever Sit-1 shied the sinking system. • , and ather.Worma, hitkieg in the sYstein of so many thousands, are effectually de stroved; and removed., .Says a distinguished physiol ogHt There is scarcely an individual upon the face of thy earth whose body is exempt from the presence of worms. It is ,not upon the healthy elements of the, body that . worms exist, but iipon the diseased hbmOrs and slimy deposits that breed these living' monsters of disehse.. No system of Medicine, no vermifuges, nq atithelinin dies, will free the system front tvortits like these Bit tern. Me - chnsitical Disenneg. Persons enga ed in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-s tters„ - Oold•beaters, amid Miners, as they advance in , will be ,object to paralysisof,tite Bowels: To guard zainst;m .this take a dose:of laixtdcba's Vttufdriti BITTER. once , or twice a week, as a Preventive. - , ' Bilious, Iteritittetats n.rttl. Interns! tent ,Fe Vera, which are so pievalent in thevalleys of our great rivers throughout the United States,. especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio; Missouri, Ithuote, Ten nessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos,' Rio Graaide, Pearl,-Alabama, , Mobile, Savannah; Roan oke, James, and many others, with their vast tributa= ries, throughout our entire countrl dining the Summer and Antimin, 'and remarkably so during seasons of i unusual heat and dryness, amnvariably accompanied by extensive derangements of flfe stomach and liver, and , other abdothinal viscera, Thefts are always more or less • obstructions of the - liver, a weakness and irritable state of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being. clogged up with vitiated accumulations. - In their treat ment, a purgatiie, exerting a 'powerful influence. upon these various organs; is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to DR. J. Wst.Xcitals VINEGAR BITTERS, as they wilt speedily remove the dark-colored viscid 'matter with which the b - owels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, anti generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Beroftila t or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcer!, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, GOiter, .Screfulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflatiamations; Mercurial Af fections, Old Sores, Eruptions. Of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these, as in -all other constitutional Dis eases, WALKER'S VINEGAR BITTERS have shown their,. great curative powers in the most obstinate and'intract - Di-, Walker4s Calit i ornialthiegtir,Ditters act on all these cases in 4 'Similarianner.... ;By puri6ing the Blood they remove the cause,' and by resolving away the effects of the - inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the affected parts receive healthi and. a. permanent cure is effected. . . -r• ' The *poperties of Dn. -W :tuna's :VINEGAR Bit-rues are Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutritious, Laxati e. Diuretic, Sedative; Counter-Itn tans, Sudorific, AI rative, and Anti-Bilious. . 1. The Aperiet t and mild Laxative properties of Dn. WALKER'S VINEGAR BITTERS are the bat safe- . guard in all cases of eruptions and malignant fevers,- , their balsamic, hea,ing, and soothing properties protect the humors of the Canoes. Their Sedative properties allay pain in the nervous system, stomach, and bowels, _ either from inflammation, wind, colic, cramps, etc. - Their Counter-Irritant influence - extends throughout i the system, Their Diuretic properties act on theSid neys, correcting and regulating the flow of urine. Their Anti-Bilious properties stimulate the liver, in the secre tion of bile, and its discharges through the biliary ducts, and are superior to all remedial agents, for the cure of Bilious Fever, Fever'and - Ague, etc. F'ortity the body against disease by Puri• fiwlm?: all its fluids with VINEGAR BITTERS. No eV, ma excite:cc bold of a System thus forearmed. 'l' e liver, the stomach, the bowels, the kidneys, and, the nerves are, rendered disease -proof, by this great invig 7 orant. . . Directions.—Take of the Bitters on going to bed at night from a half to ono and one-half wine-glassfull. Eat good nourishing food, - such as beef steak, mutton chop. venison. roast beef, and vegetables, and take out-door exercise. They art composed of purely veget able ingieditntS, and contain no spirit. J. WALKER, Prop'r. It. I-1. BIeTIONALD & De., Dru gg ists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Cal.. and cor. of Washington and Chariton Sts., NliwYotk. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. NOV. 25, 1872-Tm.„ , , , A CERTAIN CURE FOR BeatedCough,lnetpientConaumption, Cohls,Spitting of . Dalimn motion of the Lungs, - Catarrh, Bron- Cron-14 Whopping, Cough, Asthma; Pains in Breast or Side, B.Yapepsia, Jaun . dice, Dizziness, Losa of-Appetite, 3. , es'er and Ague, ' Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Diarr bon, and - till Diseases of the Lunge, `Stomach and Liver. Grogp ci,; TV7iolescile Druaists, T., soh: Aa i ;L,, until to4born of ders should add l .; e.T.3 eft.—.43 >Fort SALE Er Yiritcr. F: E£., Wellfilioro; ka PR/CE;-51.00 Jane V 4, 31372-Iro tiOlr4Ysie IVrisSll. TOLI1) 1,413 trtcr:ett hor Stern to 1. 1.,L. the late residai re or r.....0er "Bache, tpresito Vat) liorp'es note'. Steiuttay fl other „ for rr.lo very cheap. Also: MASON' .i mum= CABINET_, ORGANS. OW METRE - MEWS TAKEN EN tkouisiot A kirge stock of IZE)V IMMO just received , . . . . . LE29ONS ici - en en the, Piano, Organ, and is Mpg ing. An , opportunit' for :vertigo 4orded to those Nebo may desire it. - , 'JR. W. TOAD.. Jan. 1.'1F71:41% Grocery and Restaurant! fi'll-iE undernigned has opened a new GROCERY and ' A. - EATING' ROUSE in the store lately - occupied by George Muttlage, the first door below liniment hotel. • Re has a full and'freeh stock of - tine I • Oroperies & .Vanfeetioneries, which will be sold ()zeal' , for cash'.. ''. ; Particular attention will be tied lo . the wants of the "inner men.'} . WARM MEALS - will be turtilehed et All hbuie. - Emery dolleltcy - will' be supplied In Its Ben eon. Five Oysters, Mama., Zebstere. - Sardinar,,, Frith rithi'efc" efo.,- will , . be :furnished , l'fo - this nible in the beet style at44ett the ehorteet riptide. iCantrutikanitei - Welyibon, dug. 7, 311724tsti' " D Jr: xOSVITIV =NE I=iiiMiil e World's Tonic Purely vegetable end 'BEE PROM 'ALCOHOL ,P, LOI,IITM'S - UVINIIIKMI AR BI7ERS MEI BADWAY ;-,,puttswiza*-:-..;wons T ;PAIN irk tft:/fll OrlD,lo , 4.iVefity 4011 4 ' 4 __' - ‘ , ;' , 1401 1, ',0071C- 1, 1•1 1 3()* 4 ! mar, reading tnts vitoJ,semen any nn t ,, _ skiff% PAL:, RADWAT'S READA. -11ELIEP arN. yi a. CURE F.) , - . - yoa.4 the fir-t Mil . alio; `Pala teat Installtly.ateps Intrrnotit everuohnin 4 I ta u mth igl at , e , gbd,,curto quorettiob -, . attim. 4tti 'opa ligatSbanarla t Roweleihr _other or tnt':" PRO, •ONE 'TO'TWENTY AIINCTF4, no -mattraterart&or ralraermiry Mt 4, 4 ti, }IMA& ID; -.ridden, Julian, (111, lad, 3 Nearalsletioe-Prostreltd,with 011esat :nay RADWAY'S frttADY Nvi4L AFFORD INSTANT iLitsE, INPLAII TION oP, TRH_ PLAAIIIAT/OR OF TIM 13LADDri INPLAMMATIO24 , 4OIP THE- DWI El„i CONPEST/Wc . OF ThE iti"*( pout- /110,4_1!1)olryaeo.tic •' mrATioN - or Tim- RgA ? ,RTSTERICS.DRAIDP. - DLPILTIIPI3ta. Tr • , caustit4r,L , Lrz e , t =MIAOW% TObTRACII ' NEURALGIAt'REWIJCIT ^ COLD CMILS, ACME _ , X. The (fellation Of the Ready 'Reiter , %the parlay ere the pmt, otianknity - talati mlll 4.1024 IQ ; and derafort.' ' ' 7 Twenty drop s lirftelf a: toothier of tvetnz r pm momenta cure CRAINIPd, bPASSIf , , Si) Clt 0.1(A t„' SIVE. I:MAI/ACHE, DlAltßil-r itYI3ENTXRY: COL,III WEID and all INTERNAL Travelers should, always ca:-* hotline( Rat Ready Heller with thew- A i "'" °r4+/ ;'''tio prevent, & m ahe OrAlabts from thonyc ttatt „ 1, pilfer thaqi.Presich,orantly or Bitter. . . Firfattg 4 4 1.1ti'D (111'„,.... FEVER AND 'ARTIE eurell t,r eft, ct.lll - not &remedial. agent- la Rai worut,tpoi en t , • 4, t • • and Ague , and all other 7.lalutleua r.atntv pinld amlother reveratalOctt 'PILLS) eo delta as RAD WAYS IMAL flay cente - per bottle.. gold by Droggl.tri, ' HEALTH , ' BEAUTY ll' i31tp,01403 AMl'll BITER RIC 4 B,LOOS--INCE . T.Arr: (W F:t•ESti..ANO WElojil-4.f.,LAft sErn A:I D BEttuTIKITIsCOMPLEXIOIt r.h.1.. L ERB TO sa DR. :RADINAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS,MADE TITV MOST ASTONISHING VUEE I .. • SOH.. EQ U .13IC1KT, ' SCV N D ;A E P GIDO.E A IS - ITs E E E CREAEN A/41.!' FLTJENOE • Or ThUS 'lEnlYDWOlarlii - MEDEMNE, TLIA:T. , Every Day an Increase :in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. - THE' GREAT. BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop orthts`,SARSABAIIILLIAH UESOV. ENT murnnuniebtes through the Bleed, Sweet, E r t,,, and other fluids and juices ()trim system the vigerof life: for it re the wastes of the body - with uew and wat t mnt• Serail* rldio,, r;onsureptioe, Oland - disease, Ulcers In Oro hroat, Itionth, Tumors Nods= it, ' the Glands aad other puts a t -the tiptoe; hue. r.,,.. atrumou a D4ChaTgeflfromilia EWA, IMO; the V.. 4.1 form of Skin dlseralea, Etupolunt. Fever Sm-es. s_s',l ' Head, Ring Worm, Salt /Simon; Erysipelas, Acne:lv,, r Spots, Worms in the Flesh, Tremors, Cancers in to o Womb, and all weakening and valsful Mulattos, Suit - Sweats, Loss of Sperm, and all wastes ef the nte y t t , ',. pie, arwithin the curative, rasge of this wstalcr el N!•,!. ern Chemistry. and a‘ few days', nee will prove to any person fusing It for 'either of Mete lottbs of Miseave as potent power to cure them, • If the-patient dal c ij e becoming reducsti bym... the wastes and debomphalt decomposit i on t at Is couttnuatiy brealog.4.a • :. cecds In arresting th wastes, and repairs the came wan , new material made., from healthy blood_reed this the BAESATABILLIAI sI wilt and does secure. Not Only does• the SattssrAmut.l.lr Rnsouvwsv. , esp.-I all kidown remedial agents in the cure of Ghronlc, ner o k. lot's, Constitutional, and Skin diseases; but it. Is the mar positive cure Or , 1 liildney„dt. •Bladder, Complaint.% Udders', and Wornb , diseases, Gravel, 'Diabetes, Dtopss, Stoppage of Water, Tueoutimenee of Cr Mei Ittigla's Lis. a, t ease, Albuminuri and In all m elt where there are pad,. duet deposits, or t water Is thick, cloudy, mixed w'th 'substances like the bite of an egg, or Utraade use wEts allk, or there tea m i rbld, dark, bilious apparanctorri .. white bonmdtist 'dePostta, and When there Is a brio,h, burning sensation when passing - water, awl, pale ha t.t; Smell of,the Back Mad along the 1., (due, peon, st.a s , WORP&S. — The only-known and cum Eentr.dy for Irorms..r an, Tape, etc. Tumor of= 1.2 Tears' Growth Cured by Midway's Resolvent. - Itzrzste. Mini, July VI, IS: >. TOL Meaux' r—t hauled Ovarian Tumor le the overt. t,t bowela All the Doctors Laid ~ there wed no help Car g.." tisk, van - , Wag that was riconmended; •bat nothfax helped au". 1 , caw your Rentarinaty and thought I wasta try tt t bat had to tch In It became I had se: fetid ter twelve yore. I took tit trim a '. of t he , Retolrect;, and one box of Rakety:a Pith, and te, 64- dee of your Ready Re li ef t and there 11 tt a tip , of tem, tot, wen or felt, Ind I feel better, menu, d happier Om I bre (or tio4re years. The worst darner IVP4 In the WI 111,f ter bowels, e s. e r vir-seta. • I rents ibis to you for the tee,e4 a . canna. ion CLa Van* It if yea thane. . ... HANNAH P. =in. DR--R ADWAY'S . a PERFECT PURGATIVE Plit, perfectly thstoless,, elegantly coated with sr. '. purge, regulate, purify, CICATIBP, ant strenoteri , mt. ware Pll , for the cure of all dleOrders or the Etown, Liver, Dowels, Ridges , Bladder, :Serrous Headache,, Denstipaton,_•, Costiveness. Indtoootee, 3espepele, Billousuess, ESlous Fever, Inffsnanstion the Bowels, Pilmend ill Derangements (Atte Inter-Ad VI , : cars. :Warranted:to effect rkpondire ;ore. Purely Vert bl e,certelning no mercury, _minerals, or deleterious drugs, oar -Qb3erve- the' foBorng symptoms restaing from Disorders of the DigettireDrgans: Constipation, Inward Pike, Fancier, of the Blood is the IT& Acidity of the Stomach. •Nadv.a. ficerthro, Dimutt of Foci. ftinesstrolf7 *ht. fa the StoMach;Sear,Erotlaticas, SIAM; or nattfaingAt the Pita Ohs Sea:etch. Empcmtcy sr: th• HVI-4 Hurried amittfikette Brisoldst, notterfakattlelloctiCheilog or Suffocath4Semeatim whim, im a Lying radar!, Dfiallleo 43/ - Vid1:11, DOS Webrbefore the Sight, rarer and Deli fain Is theliead, Detdeaey if li'maptreem; Talloameecot tits Skin sal Eros, Pall is the Slde,Thest, Little, and evldef. flokee of Jteat.taroing .1: fete doses of RADWAY'S PILLS Will fret the err teen from all the above.mur.ed disonters. PliCal,ls - CW3 per ter., SOLD BY DERGOISTS. READ "PALSE 'AND TRUE." Send one lett,l - damp to RADWAY N 0.87 Maiden Line. New. lark. Information worth thousands' wilt he ebut, you: ,3fay,29, 1872.71 y. 477•00 TO•lat -roil : , • Drugs and Medieitips, (Patent orotlprTtiat)—Also for Lt , PAINTS, 0119, VARNISHES; GLASI3, LINE. AND ALL STYLES. OF BIDJSEEI, Acc. pa - GO TO HEAD QIIIIITEMI,FORVt. 4`),ltoice Livitors, suit 'iOE) . lieu tut, Religious, Histgriesi, Medical; Legal, think or'Eieeool B. A. full ass'orttlent or the latter: ~./616, an ex cellent eseortmont o • ALBUMS, MIRRORS, FICTURN STATIONERY, CORDS AND TASSELS, Sze., &a . , -.3r• C 2? clecr.l.e.s. Ou Teas, Sugars, Coffee; Sprap,•Alol(isses,RlA WV. Soda, 'eta., ice will not be beaten in,priee or qszlityl - will sell choice Teas by the cheat, or seg.sebr ths barrel, at as WV figures as the earns can,be bough it this side of New York, . F. s. Tr.r oat 4 . strizoN(9 TEA LAMPS; CIIANDPTATIRS .tta. Of the newest styles, slut letup abinaneys that will beet& _ Fancy and PERFUMERY, TOI3ET BRDSHES, &c., &b LERY AND 'AND We hold twenty deatratile village lota for aala in tC+ central part of the town ; and wilfaino lean monolat reasonable rates. • N. B. Dr. W. W. Webb has Ida ogles in oar stare, where he may be consulted for advlbe oe treatment. Jan. 1, 1872-tf. .} 11. !TOMB & ,DOLD3. WEL L SHORO Door ) Sash & Blind Factory. EN A' AUSTLN, is prepared to tarultb trat- JUI chum work from the beat lumber, at his ter•t=- tore wkdolt 13 now in full operatiop•', Nash; noor@t InaIININ6 7RO 1_ Meta AND MetitillNlS, cOastuttly o baud, or maraUckargdtok.viir. rl.aindlllS 41 1 4 nocichin& . „ doniproraptly; • and In the, teat %manner. . beet woakmen employed, and none but the beat aaasaael lumber teed. Eicconrage Itorao'industry. • , . i'actory nehr the foot of Main_ attest. „ Jon. A. 1872-tf, , 4 iEtu". AuffiTz. jC) 23 IF S, T. INT r : - i ls. lc 2i4T . ' , G. .. „ I i ti l iro elltti at iAci e d ifilciate frith Ai c:ortni• ' -,, --., .. :'., .. C . FAMIO37/ I C7O . • , A -~ ,4 -~,-4. El ri